hr amiuM hiiU jr ,,fr lai-emli il rank of la. H family, Uii I4.-.K-.I lUt ,M , , wa i h Itt than kit thai earthly tnwaurc ran bring ! B Ililli.UUf, ItrflKXI IiiiihI, elirf ltd Miu) rijidly trained to end indices! U prrYpia of H' lc Hi Unnn ht wife and prm-or In it ' f nY..r;nii.i. To Iht lOMtritricm urn nfu. 7 Ji foti.nmtmnlrd in , oer-tomve fmir Of iP rtioli, la UK mUmm ImH IumI im yet bad lis ; . . ( Y Vc . nwMl.l II HIMTIIH .I .-ft I4ily, MMl e Wanted tilM I.IMN.hw1 i...-iii ..., ' , ; ""' J "R"i w a tiiiiiiti wrm in w tier, if ma couhlu t ive m liftfirrf ,n iUrf,f,i rotoatil if InirhLilida iKa ll,i,l . , . n . , " " '"".' -""If - I nm wowo, mini m pi. a llll Itwtb on Mi silk), ais v.oinlornv lin t-.i,' ' . i.fl, i. iU.., i.. r. n. . H WNldiii Itl kxiM W l,f 1,'ikJ llMJflM, jV i,' f,H. I I. a. l,'J th tMlJ nil Ctl,V. Ilfirw'il, irnJ nil inrii. uikin li ii. I thid f,ri i.. On w lUi tit I i,ir.l t i aijki(.1. "'' "." wil f tlwfi fonm Krh kwM tin ,4" '"' !" ff riKif itiKii f,u1f mn 11 . : iM-ir in wvirf-14 nyu, r4 tm up C,r IM ofTi j Mr. I tmhnUmg from Ywk Cii wii ii c(tsn.:msn part of u vl"B hvnrxn, In m Kti ut tmi tni Hum, wr4 bfr for i ikm4i lriuii,h, Bi-I him mikI hi rnimno u all IM riHiiD.rta thai (hit Ufa ihrb, bid brb i LartIJt4 like tkrin dfjarrt .VnrVwt k'rnring Htarr" ItiTVY.K mm liAJUR lK)WNI,Vfl.! - , iwif Adprrhtrr. I MipiKMR yjiIl bo alt fairly ai.i-raliiff Wnrk V bii you rtitiw o Iwm rmw I ; and bw H run1 aixaift Er;f artaa i wru vm lh Iu4 tpilr ltw ,1 ftbm4 ll fiiiirral haiiil giv am m, tium Ut Ml w iiHrp, and I huva hwl ,j,h upon tm dull Cwrrn. t . bmt'i'tf In it j fcmf u I hl lh fliinrat . oo Biy aiU;, I didnt rarw f Inn aUjl it. I!ul li. tUr day Dm Unwral h bjan bi nlmko in lli wind lell, and thia waa alxul Uh cauw ,!. II and n waa aeliiu falkinjf vwt itiaiu-n atonn, firein rwt 1h4 tiA at tl (mtion fuiks, and ! uira nid-!, wlwy idN lhe Gi- " r-nJi aaVa I Ciwral, ilt well wif fi.r ua lo talk n limni lolka who coin fo u, fr it ia tlw ni. , lur UfMXipb lo gi on ermtit for htv at V-aat, llwxih h u wrwig, if be ooy anrma warm and de. - i-nmii, but aaya I, my alata doiil WJ (M tM th J'c hl trwiMa alt alit lha rnuiilry ia owin to the Bank cranipiii (lka. And with that I reerll d'yn tny tklc and J aLawad in nxnl aayi 1 1, kre we ww thai tU Bank actually haa bfn fcwlin out more www uim wa luok Iho di-MMiin taray from . than it had km afore thai till.. 1'Yln GiiMtrai b looked r the flra, and euro W Hm il waa. Why, aaya he, Major, how ia thia t . , . '"""i "J" "i are pnopie g nimiiiin imn! br'd ji-rf mm Urn (niA aluart it hn he im k, 1 faiiid btt waa ph kin (ia Umtk ott IkW m.I, and mid h tu afraid il might 4 du, ain ha mum m,w a miMJiilaie for Mayor up there in New i urn, ami im hum gn Willi liia party. Amt wrafttff TWtfxM fcH tins 4-akera"iri rlfr, and ami on Vio waa Jrmt lgini,b lo ajunk a awnid tin, Mr. PrdnU-y aid if Uoojrrwi, fJil aiid IW.k, And caWa, fclt ndi'iJ, h'd I I'ld etit the niailKr altort, be nai'd urn wKaia iMi-k and Mr. Vamkrwad from L ' . 1 1. . I. i f .i . . ' ninorrwam, l won I inouifm WM the one im. imil lAitc h I-fiT to me) be aaid it .It bumbiijr," and b mtotkM the mm. W'Ih thpy ciwie to count orer I he mihm, there waa a ii-, ami (lie r-opaMr bad la antic the butt on'ljand ' 'm V up and nvwte a euiloralle of a nim'li , alw wouiai up oy any m toe t'arrr had w. er Imen eall'd on to docide on a more imn.,fij.i,i Hiit,anl lh.mKh the tWeaU rive MXH) reaiiM nriii i4l. for I lie yote he wi atmut lo jrive, yef ha would rive but one, nod that waa. that th Mi., rould wA have a hod there he kww the Rank and Middle hud a Imnd ia IKlin the Maior then-, mwl (hat waa a enuf f,r him and an Uw t'lrrr drridi-d tliat tlie Major murf latr hia liuiyll rf. W.n tbiuka ), thai wm a purty tijtht Voteanv bow,ai I weul over t the Meuale t handa rr there ih.-v were all at rt lo.j aaaoon aa I wulk'd in, Mr. Van RitMn nllM U ill . ' . ! . -, . ......... miim iinixinu in nki t,id place, and I could ony git a m hiin now and th-n, dodiii about, and no miicr rxild ti ll wlmher be waa tkkl'd or not. Mr. Grundv w,-.i. ed to have the hull mailer rWr'd Ut hi. Cotimiil. lee cm the Poet Ot!ke Mr. Llai wouldn't atrn-e to thai, U that Coiiimiu, wmiM nevr r(..rt in creation, and wb-n thry did, wr. bapa they d find lite Major'e name acnttcbd .ait, and aouie one rU written in llie place on't. Mr. Calhoun aaid he waa elad the Mainr come there; the "cooaervative principle j kivn he, Mr. 01, AY aaidi I (iKratuIat yu, Mr, Pre. i.Si ut, and 1 h"f pm will atwti lite rnoraliila- tlirtf fclth Hm$ iiiih In ar'.f. Il CvfJwJily wilb aliitll I tenrl r it, uii the woe of the late eUn lu in tlm tttf 4 .New ork. I il iij tinte a pa Irirfk glw in your Ihh. enopralulutc ttte H. totu, Hi, rouniry, the r ity i New Vork, tlie frmmki of irftrty every win-re. It waa a great Victory. ii too be aa regard! in every eK t. Frew a nNijority t wore than ail lLouaand, wkick the do iitinant jiarty bNitd a d m nvaitba aifo, if il retain any, it ia Bwgrfl aid mrtnua majority of km man two tMiiaJrM. And the whnra eiaiteooVd lb mn h odili againet tbein. A triple allianrw of Hlalc ptacemen.Cirpiratitai plareinen.aod FekraJ plarM. tm-n, A.MOl TI TO AiMMjT TIIIKTY FI VP, HUKDUED, A N I) DKRIVING, IN Til R FORM OF HALAKIF.X, fX)MPKN.HATIOVH. A l A I.m) w A ( FA OR DIX A tt Y AM) V.. TR A, FROM Pt flUC WlrMrVTin! KNORMOl'H HUM. ANNUALLY. OF M'llt v-y. ntisLHty OF IMJLLARJf! MawtaM, drilW, diw ipliood, rtmitnamkil. The atruggte wa IrfiiK-inlooa but what can withxtaod the irreiai. W piiwurof Ibe votariea of truth, hlmrtv. and lhi-ir country f It waa an immortal triumph a triumph of tle ('ont,iiit.Ki and tlie Lawa. over uauruatiun te-re, and over cluha and bludgeoue and violnae thi-re. V. ' ,, A." ouf u "y. the Giwral, that F'im$ to bn b--(U-r umlor-tKl tnl.-n uowio ia crampin I be people all over creation, an4 d utick to it with rrforence to tlie (I.'oeral bera nowfoa ahow a cletr aa day b'tfht that the nwmment Oountiea to fttate-.Towvhlim lo Uank hainl acrewed at alL And with that tlie Ui- Cooutte FamilirtoTowwhiia umJ ).lividiwU MraJ be began lo count on hi finger, and though ' Fainfllea eo lhat, philuaally Lul mei. be can ao.iirnni flger Ool puHy onaiderihk" phymratty, and, above a!t, p.4.licatly apntkioff, the uiu auw that way, thia puzzJei him ainuwnlyv-! M-'C" had aa ad a right to the am of .Bo tunc hUawve bw-Maioe'wheV-ihefvtertte eifiehnber wf t4imin&-flMftr,nr nnte ami Hi of thta trouble.? Well, aaya I, GineraJ, I -enppoee ( )' , m tlm butt end of my notione of nuWifira ana,, an-rw now purty aoon,, .There ia a cou canon, i purtyaooo. There ia a cou ,' cation, and I b"ne the Maior ami rv m i ,n y .irre, t" i , ana aa me ornate ia over- j "'"j unanana me ai one end qf tlie ave. halin the mill, perhapa theyll find it, and let uaj "y h, ttnnJi tlie white hou., and at the know, And the word wam't nwra than out of ; "Her end IheHemitn chamher. " Conaotiduli'm" tny mouth, when in come Kindle, and Blair lookin 'here " Oon-M-rvMive " here and he wound un - '"v ,,nu inrongn a " -"n " r n pan ne waa rarfy to contri- gimblet hole, arid they telH the Gin-ral lhat the hia chair and clonk for the Mijor to apread hit Wenate bad jeet pa4 nay'a rliitioroi. It wont b'1 Mr. DenUm waa jtiat gjin to beit., and I tbi good to HI what foftowM but the Gwerel 1" mhut awinin hiy pack on my ahoulder, Lr rf he gof lhre alaJlin thinja about. And aa it hn talk'd all flight and ao they eall'd the r..r.-aa about ::fh.e time wbe.folkt.ironJl.taj comi i to'lfM '' U nttw, and be took hi aat. Mr. --mtt 1W Otnmt, I Joat mepd nut W Wit em Iftey" -l . . fH agim for the Gineril waa hard at work in ty Bigb til thitowej onr iww cnntwritm'-wiffwnninfWfiiroor iu"ire : """" J. tM 1(11 itinnrai nrni nil. i , ; ; . ; Go on, noble citv f Go on. natri'tlie whifya 9 It .1. low up your vlorioua romnyncement i wn...r and paime not until yaj have regenerated and di. enthralled yir af.lemlid city, ami plared il at the ifai w American ciliea Unvoted to civil lila-rty, an it now atanda preminentlv lite tirat a ihe ram. nierdal eniiMtriuni of rair comitMm eonntrv p. chanta, merhanira, trader, tahorera, iteter cene to recotlct, .ttut without ficcitaii.yiiu can .have no ure commerce or biaineaa i and that with.mi la you have nn ancuritv tt w-ra-mal lihrtv Pn-irlv. or even eitive f Gmnlrvrncrt of T.m", f Cm. met, fr Macnevcn, and of HamiHuw, if anv t you have been dceivwl, al w,liK-d into tbo mtnn tS a cauae danceru to Anvrii au hhertv. hin to revkw and correct your rourw I Do Dot f..rz. t lljfil you abunJonr-d the grepn futbla f y.air twlive inland to ea.-afj. ht ymi hflfved the'tvniniv of a Ritiih King ! Ihi ', I cwnure v.i. lend vlr. wdva, in thi land ..f y.air aaylum.thia tail rr'trfat of Ihe freedom of man, in the entsbliihnvnt h"re, or you anl lor aa all, ..f that de-ptium which vhi had pr.Hidly bo(ed hid hen b-ft behind you. in F.u. rofx-, f.,rever I There i tnin-b, I .i!d fain he-lo-ve. In flie conMiHitional firma of Covernmcul. Iiit nt laet it w ita parental aad benctkmnt opera. 1 V"i nuNi n ita character. A Uoverniuenl may in form be fr., in practice tyrannil ; aa if mav in form be despotic, and in practice liberal and free. rf iw iVfrrfanf niirf afwaaT fnumrn oTie wfcfo. And thy have aaaumcd lfr t)iem.lve n.l Lit, M their opoonenta, a donominition tecordimr in .11 theawlo'TT of hMorj, ii r"ctly cmrecL Tt dewrvei a emnnff wur'hr tif ir tivitf attln iif Am'ri. n ftwlrt !.iil. ! Ui. iiiii,! of li' Siri riii' t it i U'.ji! r r til ' liip ill, "ftl, ,4 tti iMntr Am, ii'tn ff men ! j1 i " h". if ft'unr. tiui imr au-rcHl Um i In rt ariie utif Ix bivnl f'Mitiif fra all iiti-n,!injf i1ih'i-ix AihI, iiitl ll ffiuraj ninn tint (UikiKM aliwb pni,l,lil u nm tiilua lit iMvwlit un uiirit,iu'iiatiiN Ii,-lit, bwrtv Hi;', ui Ilia caiuw uf lim I'c-ul'-.uf Ut (.'ixwlililln'ii, and ari .,lrty, aaunuu j.j.hjw in mn iiipiii I u igpiMi ii . ii i i ii ii in UU 'Ml ri4T iriTi4 aitr tuu.iM, Western Carolinian. AT U R 6 AYmtsttw A P R I L 2r 1 8 3 4 HOME THINGS TO B& REMEMnKRFJI. Ten year ago there were Hair candidate to wecd PreNlil Monroe....aamely, Mr. CrawLrd, Mr. CUy nr. Aiama, ami Unneral im kmia. Sir, CallKHin hJ U-eo lauiUinird aa one, and hi nietaii were mu lie at fan auccai, uiiUl tim Hut U lMiolnnia,liirii fur a while eeemed to fkvor him. witiairra (ruin linn and Ut-k up Gfixtral Jickmn. It tiien t-n-mra tliat, if the Snuth omtinued divided ) Uiiw tWaittiera candidata, Uiev would be ifefrated. to r. i 'allwun waa accordmi'ly withUrawn,and bia friend wv it uver, mm to Mr, Ciawfimi, a few to Mr. Aiiama, but the grxat m to Org. imckmrn. ilr. Crawfcrd bad been namuatpd by a Cauro of iinnii.fiori onrai..bia fneuu. were tealou, nume rou, ntl powerful, embodying much of tJie Uleul and moral wnrth of the emmrryr Af that tme GuCJictwa w uiilr.ed in politic; but tlie laurel of victory wre freali upn lua brow, be wna known every where a a brvc and tucceWul wldirr, and bi mt miUe frud f ruJ thai, although n unpractMexl politician, thia, u lr bein an objection, waa a recommendation, u arfnf(i he would, if elected, go into office frevh from tlie I'niplc, gntrnfliuielled by put cotoiMnaUuna, and that hi ilrong clear juJgment would tumble htm, and hi twn ml.j.T.ty and ptriot n would iniarm tim, to elte! the w:mt nd most honeit Matewnen for hi council, whicn would obviate any initod waul of po litical tbihty in hiniwMf a the head. it wu iwo toiukl out lhat LUa c,jnlct,at leant in the Suutii, ttiitot be Uitwin theOanoial nxj Mr.Crawlbrd. Tu of bota,of courwi, became animated, and omiWt violent The fcend of ill Um nthw r.,!L rient. But b Jrien tUm Omu b,m '' lb'7 mJi ""W Ue ilm.4 uimiiu,,, of Ue eotniiimiiiiet in Whati iW , 1t a rUie ft,m, Apnl XA to Afni t--j, , I ambrtaai rfrt,.ci i (f, ud benqe lern Uml m ' ; jiirit wU'b mm h'mmn la adihfrt fi.lw,J " , ntiwt be an ingulfed atHa Uy u b aj ? ' ; il enweb lo despot mm. , i C" Our readwi will Cud ia our eluL. .,. t I otW iM,gioMt,i fV,aa WMlml ' h. CaroliM.n," nd tl, will rejoiee, a. we do, i, r"i njuch .Mind doctrine acknowledge k, M Fed.ialt, Ami here we Villi n-maiL u 7 1 Unit, wlien we am th Urm FedwmhA- n l. 7 . i nded to eiaitey iwlwrnmnaU rrpmack, but a t w t to diftinguit Un who bold eertaia onmln.,. . f lu-, rVotn wl,wh neither party, called JUpuUr' I fw-aa tending, ia their nkm. to a mttl m I power III Ui Uetiunil UofernmeiiL W . U.. . "i doubted that Ui Fe-leralmta, aa a partv. wn .. i i and patraitic, in Uieir motmi ,4 initntim. .. I " r" '' " wenmre lliem u be riierui. I , ly and Five Government i but, at toe aama . nmaidi-r wane of th-ir dorfrinea, and e.oecut'? .. ui- uermrai ,vermm nt thn right to r-auiiriie the (UmrtUulion, a one wkick ki rectly dangerou. W the rmved rigbu of tlie feiH ikI, cnie niiiilly, to the Jtep,d.icaa and Cc i n.r ii i.-r oi iMir idivernmenL SVe know mir Corr.n.aident f be an honorf . nd a patriot :e Citiaen 5 b wa in Uie vimir uf l a U, and a tealou advocate of the Federal dfUia nd.iltlKaigh w.. have not been told m direatlk. elf,w have heanl. fr.n pond aulhoriiv. Uiti U demtamla the diclrine of Ktute R v!,t,, a, advert! k Ihe Nullifies of tlie prewnt day, pociwly aa aYai both fmrl,t$. m M, un h mtutl tlie doctrinea Brwk . ad by the Virginia and Kentucky Rwhitiuna . . I:J?Tn'inn W" a an evidence of the lam tau-nry cm wo wiw po4eM m be RepuM mo af It effenajo aclaiol, wbda the dnnounce tlie ver w. promulgated tin by ilmt venerable vtatcwitaa. hich bncame and continued tlie tcil-buok of LmL ican generally unt! wino uf tbetu uLnmA n.t tiie l'ortavrio Iimil Rut to tlie ubj,t. There are now but lew wit, of difference between our venerable CorreponJeat ua u ; but aw. of them are imporUnt.'and wa aUl) deavor to recof.f He them. He y : - The hieheat aource f power in a Pfiit the leopK who may delegate it (llie power) It tbt Govornmeut which tl.y may eaubl.ali, and by (Let mem ovki U .Somnrtf-n." A part of Una pattion i. fectly correct, to wit: that " (he hinbeat aource u puwer in a Suu ia At trvple." h fidlowv, of eouree, that the Peoole at A. Suta are Wre.a 1 it aim fiillowa, m like manor Oau,. ttiaoe a rreat "hanrile" nf th lilUAUl A at aita at. tenpt, by a am.U party, to dicUt to the People ; the r?" lh tkneW V delegate power to wboai t frien l of the Caucun canJidnui. on ih. ml-., k., P'; wit it by no aoena follow tliat the mm aaaod tba parUaaeef Ur. Calknvm and Oew. leekabft I SvytrtILfW the -contrary, we lioak thai ataa H ot rormme a coalition : a nJ thu. u m,.A . mno wrwe naatiiy, wilL upon more triea, "" impiawmie r ttlrgett4 power fe be aoeereta power. Roveeeignfy m inherent; i I not de(ro) ed by imparting eome of it power to otbrn it agenta : if it were, thou there ia ao Sovereigat; iwate a etnmg cae, which watte wordy warfare. In Apnl, the finwdJuriea nf Rowan and D. vidaonCountiea, reapecUvely, received from the Repre- 1 on earth. We w i How aaya I. Ginerat. wn better keen an eva nn aikni wa any in prnf, f ,r we have froufdo W with 1vat aaybere to Lrtf 'W go To a1a lb Batata, and pot ft in print too, the people Tnayraav atawi agia ua and ptrale nahereafler -tooat plajrilyrf jlAi with that the Gineral gni bia taara up in a miuit and he teld rn if that waa iny Botwit I Bofter pack up and quit, for th,e time Jud come now for every man to take hia own aido, and if I thought the Senate bad more wilom than bo had, I mu4 clear out. Well, aaya 1 Gineral, bn lal wo beet tall the bull Cabinet tognther mi thi buiiirtM. Cabinet t aaya the Gineral, what hs re do I want t and with that he turned and 0i.1t. - ai U KWte4 BbvwYejrrrTr av thtlrHferv Well, sayi I, that'a enuf; and aa I , l i l kept my bundle ready for a move fur aome dava aervative not iotte4)t be bn'rorie uv wi un wnco aiw eein iwwa eottin id be wtHtM not Taku tin IhcotiiitjtuUonalTwca'j Hhe-rmeWtOfl-foF ff he aW. Waf ei tht hTmf 9 - ft - - -a - - - - a- Uffl W am the hUJi prmcipla of conaulidtUion and c.m..r. Ul in vanve notiona, the Major might loee hia nipbtV Judgmat and ao be moved that the application, llotnr with the Major, hia ar arKTWrndle, fie laidon to be eaten.M Jhrourrhont the whole eejntry. What ' nrito, w S 'W BBCtt"U' ?Jt ! nUt,v' rf a-ooal D.atnct a letter decry. L." J I.., Wln P(rtn of IJntue in. Gen. Jackm and eitiillinir Mr CmmtA l'..,k SriP nM" US 10 " r t0d . by "A Niatb Orob. mm I : a . . r I -i....., . i . .. s I nin. ' W lia, the, eapra-d gZt 2 PH 'ment 1 cua d.c .nd rebuked, with wvarity. dkr Zu Z tv e"hX? ch.Vi(eof tranaferringthe People from one candidate T.t.?? ?" ? h,0r1 In the eucreding F.I1. tbe Jackaoo Ticket triumph. , iMrt,'!".W tHiIigbteiiawJ ad-ocat .mw iTL.mJT" . .... 7- Libert Will aaeert. m the JWa. r;,;-i ""' v.iw '!'"! .najuwrarwnermmg XJ. b III V. ' V " rity. Il will be remombared lhat there wa. no almee . ,hM,,th B:l!,, ntmmt be not aoveref "77 r"' ywWi wlieae iimiUare Bawk- nn - j . ma . . ... .-,,,.-, Bna, non-re, nee. I ne iuir w... the champion of liberty, the frmnda of the people. nJ the defend r of the power of their Representative in th Hnme of Common. - normy em- rewlfinonirr war, the torier Witt ajifea witn Executive pnwer and preroTatlve, uid wi'h the Kihjr.ajrftinH liberty and Jni!epviVMfc AiW lb whiga, to weir prmt'ptea, ctenled aamt roval axeco. dve power, and flvr freedom and imleneB'lencn. r Wtieir he T wn,t 'fVewt but the aame erwnet in n in late Lt"ttr,m? rTb 'r' preW''l.xrTntite" the fable for that flight, and if the table wariTt big em.f hn pn-h bla'o along side mit j than come a joerw awoltoiaeelraiid party ni-fi the Kttfl W em bad eimfethinrtoiam When Mr. (lav . cbmicc be ia a miwtfer hand vou know in on.etfin inatfc'iw whn they cit in a aim rl lie thee- waa no dmibt a kree mntoritv of the s..nai fivor of givin tlie ef avr a place to lay his head, but the great difficulty wu, to decide whether it would be an act mrowin out uf th e,,.:.,i !l5Uini.n;PQWrun the moat bniindleMi 1 xtnnl ni eJeinv hr h;w all eveemnre iiithonty: The'f "rbuke hi ole wjtl the foveminp power. Kverrnmrpr rnniwn. ed in Uta Ailminiatration, from live Wtwat to the- W. I-Aii Adaina waa elected W-Gmsmm; br the aid of Air mada by tbf aoplaTaf lb wheJetrV... nelthernf n"'rr the condjuato. bad a maionty of Um, electoral vote- ".V,. n-t.tution, camwt be sovereign. R(lt lpt M" coma bximLand -a liuiii IT OT OTT: I :T T . . . . TT . " (::.,v ,.Hi.r.; t. i . . . JSUil-JBPa ui juvea-afcat. tajaacawMte rrl-mnl luryth,U,e verted mreM 'lkWVMft e-trot-Tae .Win of he pre,nt rfny re oZ-mg '3 Ademaiad Mr.-Clay.and u MK;PEn,en,ei a mo?t nfnrmmg etlen!on 1 ' """" " "ie raunr genueman, were en- pnnc pic, or tne pnneiHe ,r Ccewrdrimtion. eo riMvj 'JV Sf nafe inlamkiftiL-.: 'r'T'' "- 'a : . .. ?T??T-v f0- ?n- Wl!"' re Arreting ntif, .the. abuaua and eompt hmv tif an Admimrtntion, under a Chief Jfagietrnte who i endeavor to con centrate in hi own ner-on the wliole power of Govern ment nicy are ronfen.linjr lor the riehts of the neo.1 vl .. i - .:! III - " l pi-. ior civil uoeny, lor rree inst'tiiticn, fiir the mpre macy of tbe Conntitiif wn ami Ihe Is wa. The ennfp-rf .. a arduous one ; but. although ihe trucL-le my he yet awhile prolomred. b the M..; nf il.J -n i .1,. or our ancestor, the iue emnot be donhtful. pint i1 raiiuuTT5riJin : l.OonaUtutioa. and In re!iy ldD A,.tm-. ..f ,k -...i. ami aa regarded the eoiwtitutionality of the W wiut the eoneurfenee of another bpuieh ofCon- "c oosiCMia to near tlio gentwnwn from I e wiKn m"ut h" '0 yield it, the Senate w m-'rj eiriu no aci or H"iflliiUon, UrrtKleu, It no pngitive good ; but it ha vaat nreventive oowar. WA ' V 'at .1 a ' rreni evil, ir u cmnot relmRe ilnnrps piit, all 1 had to Aa wu VJ'ktmyiimmiiit M-tbiHett at art early bminb nexldHyTand T1 puke my a handlajhrew fhf upper. inot, and I !?J4. M A)Atetwemn.wvM:ablf. ailing the hull conwrn ever my ahoulder, and waa P""T"t "1 1hat be for one waa wire he aliould tinn " " "5 " lue vaonicv atore yoH: couhl any Jack ilo'llllKOft, Now aava I. Gineral. f n,l vmi im e,u l but afre I go I ahoutd like to tell you a etory anu uie pear ti t ja, it aint a long one, eaya I. And 1 Girwral that nfjjrotiHAearn me iii u m iw 1 waa waiKw in a field down there to DowningviUe, and heariti a clatter, and aeeia no one, tait to right fmdm that it all conw from a big - Hack mto-wrfw-thtirr rjuarim with tbe head about taking the load, and nying the head had fed long enuf, and the tail toubt to "try ita turn 1 aw ll end ao the head mive p and leJjwre foiayend I fuHoar'd nu' la 'wiTiow" llaliM"i1a4 w"v end eo after Jan esiti llie acaies a anelt. and niakio iki ....'I. I .1 . ' . I . ' a. " riHwweraoiottne tan irwd to go tnrew a atone fence, and eittin jam'd, riggled and twiated and acrewd J - .1 l. a . . .. a W ja.a P hm-i t'uju ru go on, aim lae na 01 tD mvtkd waiit- Vi1! (fl Jtll. whrtt Was lhA rnutfor nnrf u.Ktr h .K.iV - po threw, and that he bd gone ihrew tb .eame rfttrtft lU'JXlt., ll.A... '. .,1,1 4nt . I:il. .L.l . f .... iiiikt mo hiu M iiiiio rauij, ana it li'tle asham'd, and did'nt like to tell.,. . . . -M'he,i J got go in my atory, the Gineral, who v i 11 a,,, iiiv wiio nruoi pihi iiajmo nglll at . the fire, turn'd r'Uirid and fin me a plnjrv inouirin nik, a-M 1 aii'j'jiu t:i ti ".1 well, any no, what waa the eend on't t Why, ssiys I, (Jini'ml, I hninl gt time now to tell yort, but, ttay I, the next time -e meet I'll fi'iih the atory, and with that ! made the Giwrvf a rate cabinet b -w, end I walked wrait 't.Tffmlhe'Vhite"bin,-ft fn-uw yujty nwh I like a good nunv f ". Rfre me who hi-e bad 4heir say th"r,nd then cb-'arad out. A 8fn as 1 g t outsidn, I whs a lrt" slump'd to know v. hkh way t sifi'ir ? hai eocna. bre:cd Riid cliievi t pic!t, bit ! wanted a place yo to f r tlie ni'r'if a.i J thre as ao many committee f.Jk in Wa-n. ii, every tavern wai cnucK u!i but jut then a .. a. . ... .. .J V in) o .... , . '. .. . .e" noUiflaaja-Uh Ki1JttK..c u. , "' """ ,H- ateaitily hy the .Copatrta. . bevi wnd if. 'EI'JTC 7. ri"l.UT.er5' f"w for, eaya he, olTur the fullowing re,luti,Ki : Whoreae ceuaotidation ia known to exiat at one end of Penney bany avenue, and the " conservative P"il,!,'l.0im' eall'd, and anjuatly eall'd, nullification, at the other end . Tk(, 0...ll on .. . . TIOI ;uSv7T, T mm " U,n,Wu,100 Mthority of theWtTtntien and lew ia fhlly re ahall be dmtinctlv and clear v ettyiunoVI. it i. fri atoMd I iii .... .. :. "T , fc4lMi ..majf. to, take p ht nightll lodging juat llow eapaMe of bcinf mflueneed by the pniepect of mre itbv I'nonm uioBo i wo exiremea. 1 w""- or promotion 5 1 would Be the last to make 1 lie Iteaolution waa then put and carried, 28 to! f"f ? u1smURtton bl,t "spicion ia abroad, and it A commi'Uee waa then appointed to meira tb? ,i.m!" f tI?H,We ind revolution, to defenit . . mi mreimia ni o opooee, to alt encroachments and to all enrmniinn a tnanly, reaolute, and uncompromiain? reetetjince ; let 11s adopt two mine from which we will never deviate, in deliberating npon all nomination In the firrt nlaee, to proeerve unternihed and unaufipected the, pnrfeof v."'u:-1 twi. in un nemirive nnmmeiMi ni oumw . I L.. e.. ..... . ... . J . e-r ioi but oiiica. mpn or low. aireum or Hnmti. nn. feJJf the iwiluara akiry af.Cea. Jacaaoa:, tey were execrated u corrujH intr-guera, while he waa exuNMHi to Mve akiea a the only man who could cleanse Wie Cjovernment of pollution, retrench iU extravagance, and restore the long-lod Republican principle. IJuder an amiable .nd hone, but fatal delusion, the People every where flocked to hi atandard Rowi and Davidaon furnishing their full quoU ; and mark the resu.t ;--- lMmMUitiaiMhm- ini.MB emerajipon maoince under a aolemn plodse roiina, -me nighest arairce of piwer in tlie StH" bate delegated to their StiUe Wernnient eertanipef' era. Whatever law thi Government may euaet ptrrnrear eW ria atUirney, mum be the minreme law of the State. 1M da it tbllow tliat thi O.rmmtnt i thcrefiae awe reign? By no meana The People 0f the' 8tale can. by tiieir delegate in Convention, leit only repeal of I mil the laws of the Legmlature, but they have tlie right to alter of entirely new-model the Constitution iu.) which i alwe the lg'j', , .. , overcignty, tliertforc, the supreme power f puanau way, nut that area full. . -.- heratelv avoar e, agtut t : Tlie " Senate" then "iilkaimed T'Me. f'iuv riHUid and tell d me that aa hia ReanlntinH h.i vJ aanwa. in thia dimcultv. he couldn't do la than ma . bed fy me in hia own todgins, right ia a Um with Gadsby'ai and I mi-rht sleen there In we!eom ;n i. r.. .... .... .or v;n'imuoiKu puna was au scitcd, and aa here I lie now at Mr. Clnv'a honae ' J hi. .1 . -. ...., pnuva niaiui throuqrh the day aa well aa I can, and moat of the time in the Senate Camber, where I flndy upon the hut!. I've trot trmtH thumnin malf.rif- afore Conreaa goea home, I calculate the ante I find ahakin In their ehoea almnrlv ! a. .. thev aea your electiona and the Virginnv electione eo aa I hone thev will. I calrnlata third vote 00 evVy pint agin the folka who have it . af .... I a got me uuienu in aeepin now. , oura to, J. DOWNING, Major, -Downingville Militia, 2d Brigade. . - .- 7 ...... ...a williriT TTTH JTT a aeat in una Uumber, to act to conformity to that rule In Ooraoinir it we but m m rnmnunM ii. proclaimed by the preaent Chief Magistrate bimaelf -in-H power. . oui, aiaa; now tittle DM he re- Dec led it in Wnwnr I tfnw litila k.. h. K (brmed to any of the principle which he announced when out of iioic.'-? And, in the next place, let oa approve of tbe oriyihal wiiiinauuuia no nqioriooa orawimg partimn and elec tioneerer ; but, eapeciaUy, of tbe re-apnointment of no uiin ri picoeniCTj lo a woo anau nave prostituted the influence hia nfnVn tn narfimn .r,A 1..; eiae the elective franchise. I would be the last to con trovert or deny it. Rut he haa no riffht to enmlov the influence of hia office, to exerciw an agency which he botdl Itt Imat (nt fha nannta tn nMmAl.'k;. . .t.L. -. v" f"'', w yixnmws Ufa VWII acjiien (or party pornoeea. Here, also, we have the authority of ' ."-."-i ".i wiw ium , um niiuio rirv of Mr. JefTeraon, The Senator from Tertoeasee, (Mr. Garaov.) metita butting praiae for hia open and manly comiemnata of theee practiceaof oflbiiai incutn- kanla 11a m... ...V. ... L- J ..I I 1' ' - and distroat of the purity of the motiveeo? any officer whom be law baaily mter&ring ia tbe leetiutw of the r-"i'" aolemn nledirel ha Htt Tj.'m; , -1 . , . .-, . to retbrm all daw; and bow .. the . 1 Jv ' w He commenqedbjadininiklration fey toramoot of .--Jht geibapa wo Have miaconeWv -Je eaef oflic long-tried aervanfa, merely fiir a diilerence of opi- " correspondent He pfolmldy in -nut Cat (hetVv aioo,...he ued, and continne to uws, the' patronage en- "mment might exercise the power of ihe SovereS trubied with him for public purpose, a private uroner- "h the Soereilr' consent and. fron, a reei.rrenc ry ior nu own 6enefiL.;.he banwhed ftom hi council W PiiU.'nce preening the one we have cooted. at all kij rtl.l A.,.. I. 1 a I. a . I 7 .1 .... - . .... um menus, ano uwa into favor those who oono- mier mat such ta hi mcamnp : fi.r t,e tr. .!,.,. !d him until they discovered that he would have re- H? that "the JVple are the owner, (of the -ai irerrf at hi dipowt....he tried to disgrace and outlaw Rf!?. i'Wer,) and the Government the triu.tee''' Weagreerthe'n, entirely, an the foi lowing point: ' I.J hat, hefi)rp the adoption of the preaent ContitO- ton, the State were each entirely and tbsoiute'j; sovereign, - .-.rt-.:.-.-.: . .'. Iremify (m the Seminole atHur) atrained everv nerve ti ave the GenerVl' honor, and who waa, ai we have hown, in im accused of tranaferring bi own influ ence to secure the General's election....he hai denied the doctrine of 1T0S, and tlireatenod war against 'A Tht the Const itntion waa not adopterf tsnhe Pe Sovereign State for asscirting Uwir truth and her right pie of the United State aa one cmMmitf M to act upon them....he haa treated Congre w.nh'con- by the People of the respectiv e State a jritb aontewiptfHve - Weprefe ar-nwantrfar' ""-""" y. wCUecitio0in?--wnn contempt jhP we ikmk that "A Nprft famlininn" jgwaajwaa Tiaa afcuiuod the entire control of the Treasury, which ua on eome other point; but of thia wa are not cef the Constitution nhieed nnJ., 1. !.: .1 - 1 ... . , . ... r , empress..,. wn, as mere is a nnie ammguity m some of h pn and, in fine, he acknowledges, or at anv rate m nbsitiona. owino iwUn ... .....L. umntire. no retmoit r,C !,;.. . ..;! I . : . ., . u """"""" ""iiiu! manning 10 ine same pnrHMeology. ......,.,-.., Such ia but a part of the lawless conduct of one who He ay : The People have declared the General waa once an almoat universal favorite. In sonic cases Government an preme a fer aa theT'drnvv-'eVidegatet iiiuuwi ay me suwesi preposevaaMNUi, and in other by Ti-T T ,'u,ua:e mtmM&mf, the influence of self-deceived or wilfully deceiving Re. tttbl"iW;&nd s Government are rel.uvij preaentativea, many etill clinir to the Item nf flrfe,,,. ""'F" . .. . a if one great military exploit were .uffkient to make 77 T TT to "7 to vmce mend, fhr . J . , n""!e I "V .( man (and such our c,jrreo,m,lent hw sluiwJ rlBcvTIMaeU i! -a i Vjr Bsy ant but W e Vie?t Mli CALHOUN'S SPEECH. il up large apaea ta our eokimna nf thte nioinwig to the masterly effort of Mr. Calhoun, in niuaon to toe force ifiii. ft ia aArf k t ; xrould be paid iUTkiUiklphH luu-rrs in f ency7iM a corrm'ited "Iwverninent. Among other honorable graiitied, we afe proud, to find the People of our nauve vounty and ita -otrapring Davidson They lJm.B-M,-wmaSf a any, to General Jackson; but their parUality was not a blind idolatrv, impervicus to patriotism and to reason : it u.. . ,Ul' twn to prtnaple; anoV findmg principle deaertiMl by ibeir fkvw:lft not deserted onlv. but den.lti,- have chosen the ri."ht enuno. hv guide. - . "'a,..V'E B"OH The tnembera of the Grand-Juriea who have hoe). - aenatora t we have a highlr reeponsible and anlnon, , ,-JUnea wno have btefr R,vhu ; , lltv lina elaarlv w-.rVi KC,, ... I l. I liKa instan nrnrn i.,..l.. . . . I 0 ' " . -i n cm. reign, unless it be by the old exploded doctrine of "fi nite right" We therefore suppose that, when b peaj ot tne ftvovCreipity of either the General or Hit Stite Government, he spisaka figuratively meaninf that they are the agens of &i'oreignty.'Andw'wQl here remark, that tliere is no clause in thcConsiitufioa declaring the Grnrral Gnmmment supreme but ther t a clanae declkring all iU tonntUulional art the Re prcme law( The distinction may to wane at rm tt&$t but a one of much imeortancR. as w ahall lake camn to allow before we quit thi subject of St' Riyhta, - - tirTTrTeliiTtrelf- mran that tn Slate, aa fUtcal ammuiiU'u, arc wjual SoverciJ' ' o I t! a a a n b. si ir ai th a ly of pe ft M ir an Ur los