wr M raf af 3Ct M W- s 'rf U to- but iih him: but, d" "r,m N''- ,f U'J" rt llwv tni-tif ,4 n !i,r, u.nr librrtji and n.,, baJiilHr mrtf W rfrww to the pr.wlil iVu. jahie It M rmwiitrrnil by man t r-a to tx : .. n... .J.i '....v.,...... ii. ' i. -I r. . -r . u , .... w4 ,4 If r-t, W tin" JVi.u rel if l WW ln-tia. rl GuveniioetU i i" Serny W , but merely Ui inatrument of lhoa "J'1 Horrrvifirtie tlx Hutea. (tor (trnjwnl-iil ciu-a Um Iih rvl 1 the 4ib article lb t '- ilulo, to slw lh sbaurdity uf til (Mrtwril Uurwttt nSiaulaJaliiig Hi whole p-rt rt of Um rkato i!uf onumniU into 00," It Ajf in. Vad JwW, too4 clearly, that such U attempt wuuld - kf itxWttJ r Bod It pTrt, Uh equal fitfC Bltdcleaf. aeas, tbat fit men uf tlie CoMiIuImm, and thua whe adopted iit ver eitiiiplid Uul th whol should be uMwlrilatml kilo mm Hovereigniy, which Bovereitrniy huld bit kIfd in ti (JeneiaJ (Jtnm moC TW tery jrfifsjtory, " 10 "7 Jt a Republican firm of (inverniimit," i full 4 Kiiakja of ttt toterrigHly of mek Htnl 1 (if can , itut CutCfitf 1 lumi of firturtlnwfil bArMld fit tJmc, our nn wj cwk'i of tiuu ftua hum t jtAtmiwirt. No nuiur, tlKrr(!re, wlit (h ia fornin"iil mj m, tti having (L urrrniuen( niMt Im tiuttTryn. "Tlx G!WrJ (ornnMil" irnplixt Hit Mulnm of aiKiMr iiuto or Hiauw jr, it mi)liwi tiM-luaitrly Ihc tiuUiice of HtU, 1 u Ut tfn-nl or CHiuuon liutrnniK-ul : 6r, Util it cm citlMrr U pro ten, jo ipjKitki Luth to rrwuin arid furU, tint ifiiaGa nrtl (MMcrnutfiit w Hmi-rin, or tiuil it W On g'it uf onlf m Surotiity, tlx l'fw)ile uf II U. Huut U MX) RiM, It ' b CKtCmlrd thlt It 1 lbs Jlllt- igmt uf rrTui riuvrrciiii, tuil tiiat Umm borigiMi r lit fbu, it nut Miruriain that the frjr nrtmn litfh our fr-r.iii'li'iil cilf, r ppijmfly, to Jmw Ui auwni ii v uf Jl(ty mi lw rilila Guvrruitiftuij, ilmuM br ijii iiwl by uUn'M lu ruv tUt Uic IjUuri ( riuve tniru I .'IV flu"J' lrtj-htf b th jjr find injli jirmuitilc Ui Uk ConotitutKin, la rutnutctrljr nutliri by th o Iftun iiinii(v iu tliv 4Ui t!(4i of liie 4tb trticla. Hrre i n " W tlii- IVIc uf iV UdiUkI Kuu," but, "Tun l'Ml.O fTTI fcwll (flUMllliv lo fvprj tTTi in Utv 1'nHXi K'-puuiii Fufto uf liuwru- Tliui fur we hivr pon" InprttKT, with a mJ drtil uf litiiiHHiy iiiu'h rriiirc tlun we pxprrtiid ; but we frr we iiiuot ikw part ciiipn), fur we unin trev with our correrpi'iiiluiit tlil lite Supiiiue Court ie liie Ut lribuiiL Ui diTHle uuivtiutui uf policy, 'l'lin putiil we (htll dLn- herrrter. We cheerfully hear Uftimony tc liie ttlniirtble ttrtic tur of thf Oenenil Government. ..w would im4 mijMir iu jnt priioirthi. ..hut, excellent a it in theory, m it mkiM.' tint our friend Kill think that "any nifrwc lion p tlu cuiupai:!, by uy uuu Wnch vS Uiw Go vumineMl ran he eweted by another !" lUi he not aeen it bu-ly broken by tbr Kiecuuve, wltb iiopuoily ? The Henate waa inlerxlflii aa a check upun liie Preat "3f ;nt ; 1biiinranyc&H.Tlinin Cliaf! MtiMrale ! The Cuietiiul on Kivea him no puwor Iu appoint a high oliirer w iIImhiI lite " advice anil cuiwnt , of tlm t-nate.'' but, re kl of all "check," ha dia mirwd an bnnet Secretary of the Treatury 6w refu mf to do ait unlaw Ail act, and, wilkni the "advice and ronnent nf the Kcnate," hiia appointed one w ho hey ki$ uiaialate! And to Mich a I'mideut, what check would the Siinreuia Court oppia I Tould be not, if be needed -vuch ajfent appoint a avt of Judge wtthout tlie "aduc aod rcnat of tin Wwwter Wbure llien wuuld m security from thia ultimata tri buntl roniptord, aa it uiiyht be, of nurd id iiiurreiio 't ijeirer tmirtupifloua apimria,f " " -"j--- We eiiUTUiu a high rcapucl fr4ha judieial rharae- pjtwlljj, fi thXiianfird, ftindLfiX:ed.iaiiil honured by 3UrahajLbut, AmtUtttg tica now om ... P'wnj .tba.bui.loJMtaii .uprnjUl iwiMwaaw ilu jmA douht Uiem to bf, atill the fijist doe nnt rhinje the .... Jiiixe u that, by hut: or-liy emoki metrumi-nurin 'tc ..bad toduanv ortafdir worlu -' - Who would bave believed, in the priny r fH, c lbt uMhe t4Wiro-fl( iHnlwror NntK fich.in,'iui the livi(lor of the. State Riht Party were cnl led, would be invited to join the pond People of Hii ladelphia in CMlebraling the birth-day of I he great foun der uf hi ductrino 1 t'onfi.lrnt in the irrenirtible power of Trnib, and in the intt'llijfptice of the A Tier pan People, we did not d-Miht Ihe ultimn'e eatnh'hiiient pfcrcCi.ao,awr tiiT to the prrrvatii)ii of Liberty , but we cnifes we are aereeaWy aurprwd to find thenr W mhih triumphing over the miwt atiiliNirn piejuilica. ... TmvejtrU wliM:h will be fwinH in inother part of tn'' piper, taken from two of the Philadelphia journal, will nxpHin our allii.wsri, and afford frmtification to all who esteem Liberty and theConrt:tution mora biehly tii!in Uie temporary Hiircete of a parly at the coot of all ttet i valinble to Kreemen. Indeed t K if i no tme for dbtruM and" diaae.nliori among Uie rt-al friend of Freedom. The clwrtor of their rights ha been ivized end violated by a turlion bound topelher by no common tie but a Invjeh devo tion to one man, who ha awtmed the whole power ' theGovemnieut a combination formidable for iu num bera; formidable for rt oTranimtirm, and rtill more tn be dreaded aa potwMaiio,? the meaiiF, and the dirporition to use tlu'io, to promote it luwlen purpitkCK, hv niinw- terinj to the Invest pa.-pioiiK of huinun nature, -We- pereeiv4hat-the4to aloofaow-m-e4M Vr v. and even in tlw tnTf, inont and reliyioii old fitwt of Counecticut, (decidedly the best educated People in Uie Union,) the friend of the Const ittttion rallied under the old name of Wr, while they iiiieuM the advocate of law lew power by the equally ancient end( appropriate appellation of Tori. To every reeling man it is diwgrwshle to use harsh and ofleiinive epithets ; but, u it ta impossible to ueig' iwte parttet wruNow" meme8, we believg it KiuW be best t once to adopt those which are most etpree- ve, and whose meaning is well defined by long usajje in this as well an in Other countries. , Whiinqr.diflferBa ItTtttriilManib'toHi mean and mfofxre of reuitance ; but thi ought not to keep them asunder when the crii baa arrived At them to act witb Unity and decision. . ly in the Virginia Lgilature, in 17(15, of the tyranny of the King, the cry of (reason wa raucd : all preewnt perhaps disapproved the measure of the King and hi' Parliament, ut Mr. Henry wa supposed to go. bat fbr to be" premature and precipitate. The King and bte Mihller priiftedr'In " theIr"oppreriive Hie!urc.in 1775 hia hired soldiers ehed the blood of Amorican : nd by the Torie.1, it terror and ndioume were ba is ties greater' drcau uf siv.iy. The raoij soon ting1 Ueo e-raima in itUUtu. , Wt eiitur to prolirl tlwt l, dty it nut &f diatant win lb BiuchaU-v) N.,U,fWn will be rtiikl .itli ll ft Wbii-t wbB.fmuleJ lb UUm ur lit Dntuaj t'rowa. llaj they becfl aupjiurlix!, but weh avviUal ajo, by lh numbera tin) bar bee dritea Is helr aMUac ky.fi'eeiit act uf aurpUfl, t preaeut dMitnulKiMi ml UiaUraan Would bv b an preteuteJ,aiMl llwCuo atituUaj bar beaa rawKired. Cut triwt it k M yet t laU, W'hatevac ininur dilfefwticea ay a mat nwrif tbara, let til lh ft.end of 'n&n, ba4 liie tiemiea uf IVrufaOva, rally under U r"i oU anna of Wawt et thefa unfurl tc luur Ua broad baa iter uf lit Cunatitution, A BMnAdly to the tvacoc," od Tone and Toryiam antaf be ruuted I NEW YORK HJUTICS.' Tha frirnd uf tbi) Cottatituitun bav abumlant rauae li r-jiiir at llat brightnmf pmpect la Na Vork lu trua Jarkaua-Van-Dareinnaa baa been aUcted Mayor by a amall rnjrrty 170 out of 8ltt vote but, out the 15 AMenneq elected, 9 are opo-a! lo Urn AdiumiairalHia ; tml, of lite 15 Aoiatanl Akk-r-men, S are in the otwitiuii. Tbew eotnpia the Cily Courwil ao that in tliat initiorUiil municipal bwly tliere will be, in joint ballot, a rua:ily of tuur ojijJjaoJ totha rvlmg pr(y. Ju'kiirn Van Bureniam have (Might Uieir but battle in the great Emporium ! To allow what a WMidrrful change baa taken place there against the obc unbounded popularity of Gen'l. Jac kauri, we auhyoin a atateweut of the (our Uat alec Uoiia, held every two year. From tkr Vomrier and Enipnrt, Cocnparwua of Vutea, ahnwmg the rapid lucre of Wlfuan: wU.a. Autl-Jackaoa. 1"2H, . . . 15,473 . H.fM.'i in.l.'4 112. . 1J0 it' 1SH, . . 7.17 . 17;m In 1S.U lawrnwe waa elected loCmareaa,over Mr. Ogilen, liie bight on our ticket, by a majority of uV lliuiiaand right hurulrod and umely.fie! .Now, lit ante, mdlvklual, with the aid uf un ported vote (Voui .Sew Jeraer, Lmr lalaixl. and all the river town, be- inlt the illegal vote of the city, I nominally elected by a majority of one hundred and aeventy ! ! I la not Una oiual lo a defeat? Can be, a an kmuH man, lake the ufnee, knowing, a he doee, that be m mM alec tad by Lla fellowitien! DJr We publ'ah to-day uSe cnoclnding part of Hpeech lately delivered by Mr. Clay, on the occaaiua of hi pmrntuig to the Henate certain reeulutiuua p- ed by the Young Men of Troy, N.Y., and a memorial aiftiej by a large number of Die inhabitant uf lit aauie plac. It m a beautiful MMrimen nf thlt diinijuirlxxl Oralur haipteat atyle ; and were it lite tint, the butt, tint only eflbrt, uf that highly -gifted man, it would be .ufficii'Qt to place buu by ibe aula uf l!Ui tm firuiMa and vigilance, and Cictiru elmjuunce, in defence of liberty. 'IV threatening iKpert of affair bai amuaed eeveral of our great men to exlraurdinary exertion, air. Ale- Dultie aa lately delivered a ttpsern, aurpaaaing, in (ome raapecla, any that ha ever briiire utterexL It It tun long (ur inaeriion entire at tbi time ; and, if wr luvld aUuinpt hi aalurl paaaagna m alajuU n tmttf- ptuxlH than a ktly in a aplendaJ at ore of jewellery W e ahall therrfiire nuerve it, witli Mr. Calhoun' 14, end wiiw oihrravaa a di1i"itfrt itcllwtlKl fOpud lu our reader w hen tlieir aiipHite aiiall be bv a auccvaMofl of Mkh luxurH-.' ' le cloyed ' 1 1 t CO W e Jwrnrby the Raleigh wrifT?. 1 ht.l.lluL ur'.l- -r-. -X.3,-i, l i i v ? -.y. cit'iii auiouiii im oua a 01 iue new nana 01 uie .Male hi already been ubec nbed lo liwure tlie guintr into eymjmy e hwt 1 tu tmi t,i,'H.gjjiu a 1ii.vgboVi -ta-kia in tbi Towitaud we bear tliat probably UH jiit more will be dii-toeed" of ot'ltr"ili Viok arttluauL FOB Tilt WKIKRN i ABOUU. r,.RorT1ri the Wnomt Kmark hi iroor iwner of the ftth irwiiint, upon the Esvy of "A North Caro linian," i contained ao much tnund rerunning on the uiject til' the relative power nf the General and Htale (iovernnient, (n.i wlnrh, upun strict examination, will mainly concur with Uie opuiioii and naaoniug uf A Nortli Carulinian,") that 1 must acknowledge that such a candid expoaitton uf the doctrine uf Mate RilIiU Loit.t1)' to W--a lnnllnapy4a.aNktlwrwMtftirtia;t opinion of parties npon ttm ennjert ; (n't I must ran dnily admit my concurrence with moat of tlie principles bud down m thoM remark: r- ..... -" A .North Carolinian " alb-gee that the General Go rernment is only suprenie a tar a the power i granl od to it by the Peoide, in the Constitution, to attain tlie object for which it wa ailopied, tml no other, and thua tkr i paramount to any autlwritv oTUie State Gmern eftt"t btttaw to all other power nut Tested hi thetie ueral Government by the Constitution, Ihey are inhe rent in the People oil' the several State, or delegated by thein, in their Condi tut kuia, to their State tiovern inenU; and in thi retprct tlie Slate are relative Sove reignties. Under tlie present Constitution or tlie United State there could be no coiuwliilatkm of powrri in the (Jeneral Governmunliiiwuiy tlir purpoee than tlion which are declared to be Uie oojeel Tor which )l wa dnpted 111 w hich the iowir given to each co-ordinate hraneh of the Gonvroment are particularly perifiod unless Uie People in the avvera' Stater, by the nwde laid down in trie ftth article or me tjoiitituiifin, alionlu alter the same ; in which alteration three-fimrtli of all the State nnn4 concur; not three-fourth of the people mUeetirely, W-a- irmjortty- of -the- Peeplern"1hrpei fourth of the-"rttel'e.Ttaken by Stiitfn,yby their l-egi. laturc or Conventiona; tml in tins reepect the People of each State, wiUiin iu territorial limit, may be said to be relative Sovereignty, for the purpose of exeu i in the power reserved by Uiem,of altering the com pact entered into by thein with the People 0? the otlier i'tates, fbundinjr the General Government. Before the entering into it, the Uien Utirteen Stale were each an Independent Sovereignty, which could 'not have been bowid .by tnyJtoifi contained in id.,Cm4i til each of them adopted it fbr rteelf. I entirely concur m the doctrine a laid down by Jn nius, to wit: that "the pawer of King, Lord,and Con mons, is not an arbjtmy power ,.they are the trui.tees, not tlie owners, of the etetfttel-lie-that--iR-the United States the People are the owner, and the Go vernment the trustee, who bave no power to d input of the estate otherwise than according to the Jeea of iruM....o &r they have power, but any act done, not autJjerixed by Ihe deed, i void.; The highest isoaree of StaisTe'i ment which themay estoblwh, aid by that power in a the Government means make it Sovereign. Tha powers of the General and State Govern menu are wiselv balanced, fend tlie People have declared the General Government supreme a far s they have delegated power to it to attain the object for whicli it wa ef abfialiedj shdlhe Btaui 4Tnv vemment are relatively Sovereign, to fer aa the Peo ple ban Tested then! with power "by their several eariTttrti the Constitution of the United StatoEi I will illustrate Om case, by the follow ing example, to wit 1 Uie. ljf lalurea or t!i ever pnwer pai 'l law r.x.-.iy u pr.atrtM of l(lrl, and prof.Hr, .4 L'if e.l.imm, with a tW teinlieu l luiiila, wIm a nny M b tnnmvtUni miH the Cm,.!;. lia qf the t'miad Hia'e but U.' y h rw ..wM to p b at "In rejnM cmwik i. wiUi iitn mi.a, noig lite eevatal bulea, aod WiUi lh! Indian triu.-," bxaua tha l'.e hate ftitI thia btrr pnwer to fj UHteral Ueetmnent, wh h they bave al rViVe rein wtUnn n b-r 1011 aulwxaL The 4h " on of the 4lti article of tli r.tu4,h,t jm uT lite Uuild MUta aayt, 71, (r., huie ahall ruiiitu Id avrrv Hlala la lliia I form uf Govertiftwol, and bU pf aXH ewr , tlM-m mun invyaa- e. iiiHi einarly a.w tit iluUiir or III (leiwaf Uonernment tonanlnlaUiujf the wlnde powm uf the Hute (iivet nmente Into one, Tli turn pact entered into by the People uf the eeveral Bute, epocial, by wha all are bound tuit.l the may ehange N arconlmr In tha ftth in r , tiiat 'jMt'u awnl. All thai liie KaderaliaU enrilrod U h, tliat Uirt Government M taatad WKJi (UU few to attain the ob jecw m WUM.H It wa tMWj and tlmt, the Ur, it a) paramoar to Uie Mate (uernmeifia,tbal any r IrartMi uf tbi rompact, by tny on branch, af th ( wwment,caji be eurrerUid by anothef.end which now. T at granUaJ by the People of the Hiat in their Sove reign capacity, ant iei.d in the tnraw ro-ocjinate bra or he of fcbe General Govvrnntenl 1 but Utet dene that tny 8tat ha the power uf judging ht Maelf m cam 01 ailegeu uiirartam n line eranpan. In an other way than by aubmittuig urh raae l lli Judicial Tribunal which the People of Ui Htatee bave raUldiah d fur tliat porpuaa. The Cujatititv W article hi, eertion 'id, y I "The Judicial power aball eitend to all raae ui bar and equity ariatng under IhiaConatitir torn, the law of the railed Ht.lea, and treatie mad or which aliall be made nnd-r Uieir eulhoniy,' 1 1. I an suable to find, either 1 the mail or b-tter 1 tbi cuuipart, any otlier Uibunal to which ((oration uf Uw and equity CU fftffflli. April IU, l-fll A NORTl! CAROUMAX 8TATE KIGHTkl IXMT1VAL Tha cebbralini of the birth-da of ihe immor tal JeiJereun, by lite aupnortera of hi pruK-iple ui Philadelphia, will b one nf the bmhI intereeling m4 beilUuet ailaire f -the knJ which our city In witneaaml. It m cotdibially anrt4 thai Meaar. PrfNdon, PiJiMleter, McDulfie, pilali, Dnvia, Cage, IM-aa, ami uthrm, will be urvaHtt. Thia iiiCimav turn may be relied) uru The Keettval will take place at the Northern Ccwuigu Commercial Jntrlligt r. OUR VIMITCBJL The reeetitiiio given to Meaar. Poinrlexter, Pre- tun, Mclhiihe, ami Green, on thir vimt to Ihe Ci- change ynatwrilav, nmal have prumd gratifying to tler lenlmga. It wa uwlratonri tliat they Wiajld vuut I lie Ki bange at twelve o'ebarb, and king bo- torn that hour an immenae eKicoure 01 cUimm milled to give tbero welcirm. m lleir ap- pewrnnr thrty were g reeled with nine hearty riaind uf applauae, and a I hey paaaed hnnmi the cirri that had been formed, and were vve rally intro duced to the rouipuny, I he applauaw waa aginn rhrillingry rrpemfed.TTw' Etchnnjje ' rnnm '' thruiged ui everv pert newer I thnuannd citiisei. being prew-nt. H dena waa the crowd, that 'it waa Mind ininei)ik) ir cwie-letilh of the rrmnv preneiii to catch a Himpae of the diittingunhl vir- Uira, and at tie atiire4ion of enme of the t'ommit te1, who ar4tmpanHMl Ihcin from lhiir bxlirinjr, tliey made their ajrjxuinuKe on tli balcony frtrting Third irtreet. " ThMiid of citiisena immediately runlied to Third atruet, and again rent tbo air ilh ahoul oil A general ran 4iilii4ile, find f.c Phii drxtor, then for Prentnet, MelKilfie, wul Greeru Euch gentleman carun (Lr ward, f nd.ia (lurflMint mm! appropriate term, expred hia deep era jtifVcaliop at lh? ninmier jn, whkh Ibry had Uu rw lefi.YfJ in thip city pNrd hirrwfdf plaint by 1 'lie inmiKiieii nu 1111:11m 1 uea 01 1110 cuuuiry 11 - luu,j4 - - - - . - . - itm "rniw - wiranjiMniu , i'e-,,-v t hit iiiiii liliilinril r.L. - L! v V. -I. 1 a ' t . - a m A I 1 . t l - a. i --.. la I nnlunH t-rf thn vaatt mnnitniw: TnfV nalnrfw! tial ai iterueauuciuxuia, iwi man m-i uMMji u pr eesxiim, two and two. On arriving at Mrs. Sword, Senator PiandrxtBrngnm mvnm thMM Fwllie high coiniliiueiit that bad bnrn jiaid hiniarlf and colloirue r tbrc enwiw Tree myrm 1rTb-CiBh stitutHin and the laws, and the crowd difperand in decwiev and order. - Yertemaf wm r-pmnnd rlaf fur the champion of State tUghls, Thy will long remember tln ir vUil to the Philadelphia Kx-change.--i'Ailaa'rpAi4 Inquirer. " We tmdenrtanJ that the Youruj 3Ieu of tl city f Piiiladelpliia, rntertaining a hi'h aense if raii tiioV fiir the rnnnner" in which Cokmol ProMon re. ceived their repreMmitstiveii, the b-itati(n lo the ' city ol n aiiliingtion, and admiratitm hr tin nuuily character and diirtinpni'died amliflt, liave Invited him to a puljic. diiuier to take place during the pre aJStLVl P.l'Ia?ni it?iilri lis invi tation ha bceu acccptou. . The enttiuwiiaHc manner in w hich Mer. Poiit dextrr, Precton, mid M'Duffie, wer received yea renley at tlie Exchalige, w indicative. (uTthe good ft-eluijf wlnck prevail now, among the Whigs every where. The North and South have been too long separated. They Jhave. no dwtiuct juter- et now that need interfere with the mnet Tiarmov iimhm) action. - VVby hiuld the atv orate of Hlr ty l divided by any diftorence tA opinion that may be enteiminrd conceniing a rrtain policy t Let wich tnirgtiotii be" KiTtted ii jioh prihripl of JuhIIc, Heeoibim nun ail whw have the stability and purity of our repuldican govcmirmnt at ba rt, unite a Land of brothers to protect the country from tyranny, corruption, and misrule rktladrlphia Commercial wclhgenetr. - Z7FERSONiAN PEMOCRACY. ., . We are rejoiced to see; by tne Bucks Conmy Pe. ineeraivthat tttcetinf will bA.lw:M mSkmUim on the 14th inst., to organize a Jefle.rsonian Demo cratic Association, io sustain the principles of ihe Virginia and Kentucky Rmliitior.--J?A idrfet . i i i ... y " -BANKING AND Tllft CURRENCY. If is known to tlie read ra"bT tliia Journal, that thmii'h not among them who have admired or an. ,,ev1Pr P""1 ni. claim to talents of a high order. aiiu wr are now new in auiiiu mm, miicn a lino been recently said upon the subject of Banking, arul its eflccts tipon the currency of our country, we bavf ttiflwilh nothitig tt wifc&ctory to owrwind, a the views taken upon these aubjecta by Mr. Calhoun, in his recent epeech in the Senate, a part I m ir next papen ; H - 7 Mh Calhoun Tukes a stateman like view of the Mf----;.--.v.;-.-' "' ' '..i '""- -:' i tidject, hwinj rl ar!y tK ei!i of the preamil Vrm, a'xl ttin brmting 11, in mm whul be cut. wder reiiH .ly. A lUnk (li p,.-ne,, JUi.k b prefc ri) retririM fnnn ihe miu m le Ihau 110 tfifl f!r4 an tear, end k'' I.uih ik'O (lie Ut Ml yer of tlw Iwlve fir wl.e h lh tharler i lu be given Ihe paper of rei Hlule lUuk iaum n-Mr. if b a) uVrnMiuitHlKaM Ium (In t ahn h liie United Htale' I'-.uk i Ihu limili d, . U fra-rtted in payment C,r d.-bl to M (ioteriimeul, or lu he lain n in any way bv lie l-nii.! Hiaie Pu,k. Pi llMe miM Mr. t'alhcmii ttiu.ka Ihe Hut Bank' may he dail rolled, aix, with an allerain. in the lamlard value f our gdd rniim, the rurirnry may We brought into proper atale, ami iheti, of nj aiwne fulur periij prrhvu,!, if eeperiearc aha II bwtify liie ne-r, which be doubt, the Naflnnal flank may br ih(iivl with nvaiaVr ( .) Jnol, lKPARTr:iJ Till UPK. h JUlmm t'v, mn M 174 tot, Mrrl.t V(' El. J H O.-4JA T '.W4I erwa. h WtlmiHgiim, en la 10th mil., mxJ auVawl 45 ra, niLUAV ll II ALU L 1 , Ijtf., VtmiurUm r lm. A 'at mrnrrn, ml kit rriJmrt a r Jr prf, MAU TIM i'lCKET, F . ,ti mfmuJ 65 eer. , rae,u mmf frmt, ttrl nf I A ftvpeeiur f Jewrt e 4aa eewny, m awe u; Mr 4 mtM naper. mk mmmnti in Ik Him". -Im Waaaiarimi, mi lk$ pk intltU tl. LIT Ti.F.TO.S I1, OEM MS, ,Acr rrMi ryW . rMlaiHaairy (htr tnlmm (ka turn irw lk rmhlrmt 0 mownf tC mow 0 avwrlta eieroei Jot Ik ktot9 k. rruwmunl tkiek mmr ramaiy ij ntlntmi m lA tk Ihm. RliKFIlT ft T.4 YI.OR, Jmtg Ik fkawirry i'ret (mH,or tkt; tk Jtrtt CV mil f Ikfjh Putrid FirriaU. dieW im Ik KVa year of kit mg, ml kn rrraaVne in Cmtkorim MrrW, ml $ eVfur on gcterdey (Stmmf) namiar,- Atlrutlon, Uowan Trteoprr! oV art ordered u PARADK, w"fb TomroTT!?: iiabuiy, ee I aurauay In ictia nay of My next, al lOa'ckck.lbrDr.IL ' ' , . By Order of the Captain 1 ' . - j.uita owlns. a & rhlaJwry, April 28, VOL H 8iuvai, i'tth April, 131. THE OmCEOS compoainr tlie 3d Re gnneni of ROWAN W II XI'I .V, are order ed to PABM'P, in Die Town of tkliaba. ry, 6m prly IH! SJi day uf May next, al 11 o'clock, with muakeui, fur Drill By Ordor nf - H. IJ.MLY.Cd.(Wdt B. OIUlGIi, Aliiiunt fclMbnry, April J, lm ll Large Sale of Dry-Goods, AT AUCTION, i On Tuesday, the Clh dajr'of May, ' Al 'ihVAWtwo Hiore i.Wdlkiussd Cew, in Fay- ettovilbv WILL.' EE OLJJ, aa axtsu. -T"ai Assortment of -'--"f "-'-- 1 . BriUnb, French, Mnd Anirrtcan ': . wv-e ; a , .WMiHyM U -40" '' ? -r m .L- a..a!-..t- . j u 1 n. V tan 1 1, miuirrii. v uMlluVAIIITtU lirTrrfllM. i i4Hvi mMm"fi 111 iirjj . irwsn rnary llWrVfa. ' I'rZ'lSlL Plain nod figured Jaonict, Plaid Mnalin, J -t Jetton . MnUw lfci -UUraw Bull,'" Palinetia Hat, Hook Miialin, Irish Linen, V Pearl Ikinntui, 0-al4od Vet JTttoan, v bilk and Cotton I'mltrellaa, Fur Hals, Jllcached dhiniiit, Uaruituir Ribbons, - Sarxnet Silk, Hinchew Col'd OiiMle-Nap, Black Satin Levantine, Black Levantine, Levantine Iltdkercbief, foulard Silk Hdkf. Cmiw ShawU and HaiMlkethiofs. Li4.1affwTit Sheadings 4 ditrmhttg; iUXt Kujra, i ijyjj artkiC - Carpeting, &. j " TT;, "TT With .many nther rtkk too tdioua to enurne rate. This being an exlermiv sale uf new and d- airablii.Goodsv Wt .think 31. wil"be. aa oct Li Mrchaau from tr.e interior In miUstxL - - -Torin liberal and made kwiwu at tatle. THai. 8ANDFPED 6t OX ) . . ,. WI LK I NGS d CO. X April 26, 1&34, . 2w KTowtho Timol C asVv 6t YrbAuto 3 - MURPIIXrti-rlllOSS ARE JUST RFKIVINO.ftioxi NEW.YORK AND PHIUDELPIILI, A .... . , (aciirrni iid jnnliwje Spring and Summer Goods, Which have been selected with great care and at tentinn,and bought from the Intent styles for the . " SPRING OF lSM,-CONSrSTLa Of PANcrAn70Macl)'KY;6QJD8( , . HATS, SHOES; AND BONNETS, BRUOSCOMBDDLl BOOKS and PAPER, COTTON CARDS, - HARDWARE -A ND-CUTLERY, QUEENS WAKE AND UROCERljSSr (ttr Tr5r-would invite theirfriends and the Pub- . lie lo call and see for tlifBlves. ? N. R... .Recollect, and be mire to call where the t3.B:wiSv-jgS MVS WJwr-i 0A03 D?OM.i . Al. & M. feoVgratcfu! f-r pt patrmiape, unr) hope, by their attention to biiHinens,to merit tbem by their cnelomera lerotorebBtiwed uimui and CrieiidH, Salisbury, April 1 9, 1634. 4t . - lV-oiI(Mf tlicUnikd Htads, tohu rvsvuv, or )-ur Li- For aoiiMt liuir iritat we have ilirrd rertuiil Wu4Nul ao aii i no t:0al Kennel, at Wa.hiiifc. Ion, aim h emitiiM-rd ua lUt UU BIAJLi'J Y pn iwi mg fur m bunt. - I b cry if ha bea berd, the - do i f war are hi bae," m4 tie M.NAlUKS uf THE I'MTKD bTATI, llm lul vuardiatui of tU H.iMgnly af tlm Hale,, id h Freed-rtn , IveVpWarwto biuitrd dowa into ta in jbini." iuu to Ihe uirj-r,l r aacrifired In hi vengeance Failing In auUtue thear) rtrrn oVfeoder ef tU Constitution, Andrew J lua b at length r4 d dual iney hall Do touger roatraia.luju in the nxerctot uf power.' He baa annt lo the ftnaie a en uuHuainu, vuriMHuig HlDa rKU t, B I again! reaaduliuti of thai body, impltcaliilg Iti" oniciai enrviurt in removing im l plee UjI.ui Cel.. KIANlFtSTO OF 1118 KIGIIT 1K AM) HI INTENTION lo EALKt IKIIL'N. LIMITED CONTKOL 0 Kit-ALL THE PRUPLUTY OF THE UNITED BTATri-y "w boikertl be nxxiey, land, buildmi:, merchaw. die, uawl Hyre, aruw, and iiMnuiiut of war," ur an v other sort, rewl, penanial, or Biixedllll . in on parayiapfi of to bm1 andnrtoiai " Pre. ' leat," he aawri that Ihe WHOLE EXECUTIVE IDWEtt IS VFHTED IN THE PRESIDENT. and that HE has a RIGHT lo enml-v imdi of HIS OWN CHOICE, and to DiailARGE ' THEM AT PLKIM'KEIII ,..; Ami, to autwUnrUie 1114 claims lu this power. bow. think ve. doe be reaaon t H referrtn. ..r prereui lH, IO IIhI praCUCC I IM 5l J JM OtJ. v LK.N.MLNTI-raaertinji fJU GiwrraavM to be, in thi and amne other particulars, tha MODEL uf - ours::: . Here is a REPUBLICAN TRESIDENT.witli a vongrauice!! euch an one aa would have du h.Hir lo France in Ihe day of that fno, Robe. pie rre", Dsnton, and Mural, when the streets of Pa ns flowed with the blood of human victims. We have now imbW arrived at ike la at mM mt an veitlful drama! The check and guard which hw linMl Y mi ... i. I.. I .! I I . I 'm T,,t iiii . , iuii-ivj si rvaai iim nruizraaaXdi. uaurpatloo, bave proven as powerless u, reetrwin General JatkwKi, as a not f grNramer to conliue Ihe hungry Imnw , " Our. is NO. IAJNCER RLTCHLICAN Go vernment IIt is, in fact, a MONARCHY. ( ONE MAN ipiterear A'Wwrch of 4I1 wort. Llnd..oxh a aWroyed anuappy Poland, and ex- PeJ Her orave xm to Iue duapwtja 'l Jt viii 1 uiuuutu a, ; - - People of the United BUtet. are von reaUlf for thia f lUe you so soon fi-rot th leaaoo Ibat y oil loan ted from wmtolied France, ben,drurdi w,ib "GL02Y,"abfl Cilloved UER REPUBLICAN General drou-h aeaa of Wdod. flnf to ihe CONSULATE next to the DICTA TORSIUP and then to the 1.1111: 11 1 A la Til ICO. M: f . Can you auil be deceived by hollow 4rvf'Hnu. patrf itiaui 1 And will . yu ... protratu yjuiwclve at lies FEET of ie-iioar nana U nisea 10 scourge you T - ' We einYesl yoi. if vou still love LI PERT?.' and wih lo transmit it to your chiklrem liynr'n do - I r'"aT " niaj.Tvvcar j natwryi saj no, -werrayea, oy . rli deceitjid tH!,.ijil0 It Xilnl Mpatbv l-bul fue up, aoo, wan ware s yw some nope 01 r?sfui" 1 a'l I m jvyr:FrTnTT -munvu -4e temiutitr t- urrnni-T 1''. 'j 1. ..:..( ui A.. -. 1 .1 i. 1. . utni in civu sinrc.ici rmr-HnHna sua ueirrmi7f"I er nemtM ana UELitu oy your lre.iuie.. .GH!rJJula-i : : r ; 1V. I ,k. -.W..H.1- .,r r....:i.i r..... wfMoviarehT isiw chinktu tndr.flITcurruiiiiu 1: wA n m.m m j t . .. mm ncaq vn u ot uutenoneia, wane enr M,l,t. l - ED t "! SMDENT 1 exeruuniiir more ariutrarv power thaa thetr UtKrJli AKV-KING f-Ymr - -4hKIM of Engknd birnelTcxilil raily carr' a pon lab measure by the rxervwe of a Corwititu. tional prerogative, fcn the creation nf nrV Prcr j but our PKrIDLNT m determined to carry hia VftPupirLAB ineaaures bv tlie umvuMtitu'i . il exercise of power wrenrluxl frurh tlie Reun 1,1. Blive tif W.nr.jjrij1)1' -M , ""reUiw (tauitryioen, let n maintain our riir'tH as Kypuhlirana; aud. if .we ahuuld uo1ipjm!v im Itered tnrbooae belwren iheae altemutiveii, u hw the world that UV had rmlktr d like frttmtm, ikmn tolif tilt Wdre." Second Postscript! ' vj lire mtm -wtj rm, iran inn waiilinpir-ri papers, that ir M ON ARCH'S u V produced-there an excifruvrit unprecedt iit(;d. It underwent t warm debate in the Senate, in which, Mr. Lfiirh, of Viruinia, in dcluuce of tiio Cumtitulion, gathered froah laurels. The aulitoct baa likewise boen token im in the llouae, and we hope that body will now roth em its character. . '-,ro,,:,,- Mrw Wise, of Virginia, oflerwd resolutions denv. iiur tlie MONARCH'S clJin. , , By rule of the limn, majority of twn-ihjHa was neceawary to grant Utive to consider the reo. Ilillitlia. 1VTr.''"MTU.Iu-rriifiioreA'1'" T?..ur.1. 1. xnllar-man, npprtsea TTifnnohou to rosoiiid the rul, tnd callod tor the . yen and nay t whemujion, 103 voted for, and aguinxt rescimlinjr no that tha Plwn ... : . li -i.l . .. ninu o jwny ngmu iriiiiiijinctij aimougQ IQ Ihd. liiiuoritv. Mrv Ieyton, a tmiiar-mm froni Tennessee, then offered a remdution in support of the M Protest." la order Jo make the in II co down, he endued it in another resolution o ffir mi nr ho power of Cons roast. over the piitrnVni'iiieyH, Imf it eeems that even tiio stronfr stomach of the IIi!e:rJ at thedo,'id it Was laid on Ihe shdf ta allow time for re-action. .'i iii; ij-iui-r nviu inii 'uuo, no oereio forewent with the KING, two voled f.r the Lilxr. fyof the country, (M-ssrx. Connor and rynum,) alio ine oiner iur, yu t kin,) supported li I i seulHtivi-n, it -ii r1'y "i to their conn!ituerits. " 0:"T Thi! l-.ist HiJnii. II, "ii.lt, McKay, IIjw I. 'I lii t"X of our Repre, - ' lyX'i s:iy, were truo rti.f A"liir contuins a li.t of f'iiil;f-i fir D-'l rmn.lii", of whom '2 an o .Kisi-d to v, Tt.o if A.'riiiiii-trHtion, Id fr it, end 4, dmil.tfiil,. n lu n is ciiftic in lint slow ly. J . i t H jilt linvo lari.iy taken jtlaefl in severr.l i,f .!.!i!L!.ll':r rei.'i!ted cltange tive been el!( Ctcl (Imi. ,!.,,,;;. in, and his pack. will hardly have a foot off:..-;.: to hland upon. Will done, Freenirn! !

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