I FannerH M'ME S .i'iv -ri'i-r, being pratifJ f.rtlie fl i't ring it! t."iii.i; jfi,'m""r I rf'4" '"' f , J, ..!'irrti !ila euittiiwrt awl lit public ,t (rfrml i aeromnvntal them AH W S.LI., .! ir.V C II C A I E R Ihui any Ulrr Tarn 1:1 llm njW-, Tahla n ! BUblci Hall at til tiiuM rup;Hv1 ry bet the market afF-rd. 4 ll ha tvpenefiwl awl atti-Miv 0tef, ml will mmn im p-utu lum If lo render their iy gre,.M. ' I , , JOHN JON I. Sudbury, April 18, 13. , if .... Confectionary and Grocery Y IFARY W. WATSON reprtoillT inform ' friend twl th putilie thai M hat fi4 received a NEW SUPPLY OF ARTICLED in hi hue, Ukb.bt .'Arvt fa tale 00 tr,to"Jtit!gTi(t, at kit oM aland. Among hM Ataortttittil will be (mod tlx folhrwing i , . CANDID til tort.,- RAISIN; ALMONDS; , Cmu tin) () NUTS I FILBERT 1 irjst rni-s.NUTs $ apples- . . V fellCiAJl.H. Urfh Spaiiih and Common CROCKERY WARE, of different kind.' . CANDLE 1 CFTTER CR U'KERS ; . TOBACCO, both Chewing tiid Smokiiig; PIPE l bNUFF, by the ounce 1 - Wh!key, Brandy, twl Ctdertozetrier with 1 rrtt many tlier article, not enumerateil. . ftilubary, April II, lS34.,8t The Third Srition of tht ahote Institution ... t Wltt fxtflgrxt R off .-TII.FIRSTDAY.D.JliAr pIK fiuWriM, thtnkful fr pntr Mtrnoirr il btxi mockmi villa fir fa vl P. J. 1PAHROW, Tr W, SPARROW. RalUbu, April 12,1 ML . If I'.pitcopal t'oiiTrrttioit. rpiIF. Pi -hl'iHi Annutl ConviNllhm of Ibe Pro- I2''!l-r'l,!?r1mJ t'lMirrh, in the Dior"W of AfrtHttrlifit, will be held in w. Prlrr (mirch it Jm ihtl rwing lb" "In Hiv of Iht nvnUh .- .: - Xl)W M.LBIS .WILLOW,. Th AaliUAl Portrait Cinllrry OF .PltlnlheJ Antericaux. . millS WOKK it tow it t court of publirttnn, ind thoM parte tlrvt.lj iwuod umj be ruatVkuUy ap- pwltd bUW klenrc of tu cltinit upua public hvuf, TIm taivou tpiiMUtA whiet lU xetutiO In licil td, it tulKoMiit Uiwl wlttltnw 4ttrM mty Imv Mq raaxinttrr-l br Uh ariiniMi pruviirctiia. Thf dtum of thit Work n, to ptmt'Dt PortrtiU, mrtTM 00 bttel, in um hilil tvla r4 Uit trt, with feitiCM but tuCurftbt lWntiMiioti oL-U wtol'llie iimmi Laiuout CiUtuiil of W cuuaUy. Tkt Milcotiuo will t it be limited br any Mwidonluicuuf pi-rty tehngut kctl itUirtat ; uui wtu iiopvriiiuiy eiiibfMt vm iiiaoi ri tivl PortrtrUof ah individijilt, thrwgkout th kt? t)tMMi;:j Mtmfiil Nhwbr, ire tdmitttxi to par 1 i inUuwt it.tiit lulttlauf (Ittir Mbiwiiiim ' tr their rcputilioo rrnnw, trniiiivOiMi, nttn- Will inaritlilf bt ImJ lo the nxt tuthontic ninW-rml. - ' Tht Value of rich publication cannot (kit to be kp- . lf tht mutt 4wtntai Birrtdittt in the hwUirjr of their Icoantry. Tast? tiw pttnotwo in; rqnailjf injiioJ to rr.y-twUia U Miter pr lit wlwch tiuit lu auppljr Iks fuiurt -jr-bufciriat-Witft titua unlnriaU Utt hkuout if wkwt m tu oAn rtgrtttai in rvutiinif to tkt wuMla oTbui taf- her tmiea. 1 : ,,r h it mlJxW, m tlit. conrof jwhliijot, lo ftyti lVmiU of all the I'tommJimiU, aa well as otlittra who r.. lurt fillwl tkt imunrtant ortkea of Sbtr, diuw and tubwHiuent to Uit Ktvolutioii, includinjr Um vlliiary 'id Naval pnwNina, and Umm whunt attainment tn feritmot twi lilt AfU May Ut tdtntitM hm with ; , petrnilie rtcoi TiMina. Iu iTii WrwiiioiiiuMf of Porti!taT Ctho? Uio paM ami 'po'iMnt timet, Uit general tone of pulilaaoiitunuul w til , U cuucuiUiu iu tlio iliA'tiuu, a Uivjru intunaU-J, wilii- out referooct to the but or anttpttliie of the divumnt VThtVorkwrill bt conducted by JAMES B. I.ONG- ACRE of the City of Piidanelphit, and J A 'Jd IUIK- L ki.VU of tb Cil of iww -lvcK, JimltT "T-werfKI trn4net lA" ifoari 0 Vunxturi 0 lh Ammcm Ai mkmyof Fine Ail. 0Jr it will bt liwuod In nionthly part, etrh contain llifc. lWWTO willrM"ta ttinn twonty-four pae of History, Twelvo iNmuberji, or Partji, wiil make One Volume. Ail nutMcnptmu will bo pnyaUt in advance, and witl be put at Uie ful lowinif modoruta ratet lor tht reapoctive editkuit pub . lihed ; In Royal Quarto, at (10 per aiitmhH-111 luipe tul Octavo, at ffl pet annum in Royal Octave, at to, ' OT An Agency ii tlw tliove Work hut been " r-talihIi'Mttn Balisburtrt tTit QfircoTiTTIIE WESTERN CAROLINIAN, where Spwimens of tluWork can bo teen, and where tulisicriptioiis will be thankfully received. - CO Ten Ptrlt hav..ltaly weied from the pr pss, t3 ",,', aw trwsrtittrt wtBej ran: taininjf I'ortraita and BiogMphiral yketche of Uip fol lowmu duititisruwlied pernoni?iS Part L Ctiarlet Carroll of OtrnJlton; Thomw Jtao. d(oMifh, U.A.V.; Samuel U MiUtell, M.IX I.LU -2 I 'or) I. Mjor-t Jerael I'utnsm, U. d. A. ( An. orew Jjckarin, PrShleht of the United Statea; iim . G M. Setlsrwit k, tlit Autlioreet, -r - Port III John Marshall, Chii-r-Jnstice of the United . v. . . . IX - t'!o: of the United State ? Henry Clay ; Maja'lea, Wft.' " Iwn, Moultrie, U. 8. A. - ir -Part V. Msjor-Gn. Alexander aluconih, U. 8. A. ; - J(.r K. -ppinsetrr J1 toatow?" l"' ' " Part 17. Mar-Genl Anfiiony Wsye TJ. S. A, J Edwurd livinitston i CoL John Trumlmll, P.A.A.F.A. The irtbcotnin No, will Coiit.un, among ma. ny others, the f 'llowin?: -" All the Prcsidi'ntf; Hon. W. 0itftO. Jo?ii'Stnly, Eq., and Gen. W. R. Ivie, of North Carolina ; Ro lnrt Y. llayne, and Jolm C Calhwin, of .South Caroli i, 1 (tiienil Brown, Cominodoro-Chauncey, Do Witt Clinton, J. Fenninwre Cooper, WWiincrton Irvin-j, Ge nerd Greene! Hon. J. S. Jofinson, Gen'L Knox, I nut Mr 1-ane, Bcnl7VValkiiM Leisrh, Gen. Morgan. Liin!!ey Murniv, Com. Perry. Gov. Shelby, Chif-Ju.stic 1 Shi. : .nr Stuart. Air. eortre WashmsTton, Daniel "t V. 1 ' .-rTtTWltefrSidnrf W hTtrT?1" Webster. " GSZiiiSI-JG OFF At Cost!... - 1.VV.1A' At HON, - HAVING DKTKRVINED toCMSK THEIR BU M.NEM IN Till l'U( T; With tbo view of removing lo the Slat of Mni- r-.irlv in l!it PtMjinf I beg rave la fijfiii the PuM generally lh4 they - Hate llonrludrtl U Hi-1 1 Off , TJIEIIt riTOCK OF COODi, roicnTM or fc . imv-ciooDH. iiauimvaui; jCl "ALLcSYkt ART(CLFjj NtirclMiiU in (hit part of im country, Jit Co for Cath h Ttieir Sock LArce. Complete, at New, (lie wlv-le" btvin bMn pu rebated wiltuo tue Um w-lv Pwiniiia. CO" 'JVy retprctfully Imiie thmr frirwk and c uHiomrm, m wi ll at tht pih!i m tfirml, lo rati arwt ttainiiw flit f!, aa ihrj are d;trrriiiiKl 10 give bargaint tucli aa they Sr ronftMtt will i MiidEiriKti lo tu who wmh lo mirthaae. WHICH bOMEROHY WIIJ.nGUU TO WVC, IS WANTilD! VIIOIT ten yean ago thcrt lived in tkt Trnta tVitrreioutl DittrKt a REVOLUTION A R Y POLUIKR, Vy the rwmt of f'awrrt, or for- afL ot tuaUMuf of tht fcmd. if nt Mt tnv heir livinff. tbtv rntv prohtlilv te nut in wev In rt wmart torn of monry; trt- jitinrttH fH lorof Till. nr.MLRN LAKOIJMAN. ftlialairy. Marrh 15. H34. if Land to lie Sold, VOUTWKH. THE fdlowiiifr TrarHf LAND, or to murVnf earh 1 will NttUfy tht Tax (kn tberet,WILL BK SOLI), at the Couxtluiu in &Uturyf - Oa Moudaj the 10th of May next Ntan v 700 Arret belonging lo lh Kt,te of John F. Phfrr. . ... .. 2) Lola in I be Town of Salinoury, given in by . bamui'l 11. l'etnxio. 1 Ixit iu tli Town of ttliabury, (riven in by 8urth YaHirongh. ' ?93 Mm H'K'ftf lit Um Estate o the wUo Cmtott, " iwireiuied. 33:1 Ki'ir givn in by Allen Piowell. 11MJ Arret helon)rn to tht Eet of EhmrH yhepttrl, A-reaned. 1(MM) Acrf" H'lMjina, l tbe.IiJate of Ilubaiu' Parker, diKeaeed. 5flll Arret I'iveu 111 by Nirh'Jaa Rymer. 10 Acn-a ivlimging tu TViu Cib-t, givrn in .by lKinn-l F'lbft. . 87 ArrM lelmjjing to Rebecca Cook, given in by Thowaii t'tiok. -: - ---- - - - - 100 Arre hf-longin lo tho Eofate of Eliztlieth . - Irimtmn oNviwli ' ; -lit Ace -ht4-ogiij fJroh Bm r Iredell Citmlv i. . 100 Acro4 U4 iftrHig lo 4lie Kttali of J'lhn Dir. . jr 4wtwL . ;;.ir!f?.v.-:'-""""-'-" -123 Acre bv Munrhexter JohuMton.- 234 Acivn iven in bv Dhm4 Mtinvh. 2'i Acre tvloiiging the heir of J110. Swmk. 22 Acron (ivrAinby John llcta. " - &M Acrea givon in bv Klrhitnit, tlotwTian nf the, heir of John Etchiini,' Wead ' TbuiTract oT-Ltitl liea ttt tlu: Forkt of the Yadkin, nd juljoiua . tbe, UikVuf ' nnM-l Smith aiil other. ' F. SLATER. SiSf. FUluburr, April 3, 131. 7t (.HVJ . - A LID? CP L3T72?.a KM A rt -TM RPt WFnCTTAr Ltnroliiton, O. .) triwAY01HRttl3t . - A...M A heron thy, Daniel Acre, Frederick W. AdoVrholJt. . " ";" B. K'k.irlei Bettt (2,) TlMimas R Billmi John Rnma or Johf Hat David Baity, Randolph Harnett, Jo. Ba ker, lUbocoa Bradley. l,. ' . ' .. , C. ...ilr. Connor, ljvid Clhe TV Col. of the7llli Rgnnent, The Clerk of l'ie (ort, j.ine- Car,enter Si. firottier, Glinlia Calloway, Thoiua Craft. ' ltTiThoiifs Pav i, John Dellinex. F. -.J. G. Fnttliey. . G. ... Henry Gardner, WiI14 Go Aon, Abner Good on, Jeremiah Gooilnon, Sarah Grider. , - J - n..William Mickey, James U. Mull, Samuel (2.) John llowaor, Janie P. lleo,lertn2.l Jdin A. ilerron, Philip I IdftVr, Pli.li) llarttuge. Win. .Mmio or Oliver Huiiand, Giorgo.llovia. - J J. David laaliorio, 0rj?e Jarrel, TL I Johnton. Sana Jiinea, Bonjaiuin Jen kins laiiiiel Jitufc iny Ilcury Jonea, J. M. Jonc. K Andrew Killian. L.Jaiiie M. Ionard, John lit Long', Daniel LuU, Charlea lvumrd. -' '"' .MJolui .MichHl42., SallrJIiuJiell, Maxwaduk M'JJfllMj llSl4irMJ Mlll'"Y t.i.n I Mn. aee. v P..Rthef II. Porter. Q...J. B. Qmnby. IL..,Roiiert Ranwev, Catharine Rohinenn, Jenw Rev- noWf RefW Hi-Rey toWn,- Mfhael Ril..y, Ami Ran kin, UTad Bernhardt, M. K. Kemhanit . ,. S..Trecedia Smyer, Itaniel Shutitrd, John Scronre, Kwkiel Sullavin ("A) David Shell, Henry Samraerw. .iJ tr. ,!:tr tr. ii'J:'K;5i'r;."fci. T....Jaino Taylor. AV.Jamet Wier.'Jamtt Wilson. " " ; "" C. C, HEN DERSON, P. M. I.inmlnton, April 1?, lSXl .... REMAINING IN THE POST-OFFICE AT - l&ins1on, (.. .) ON THE 1 DAY- Or APRlUi " Ssw David Conner, Benjamin Cooper, John Crave Wm. V. Dunn Philip EveriiajWGeorge IVite-Doctnr B. F. Hillvard, David Hoffman Janwe Kennedy, John Kennedy Dnir! loflm?, Meewa. Turner Ley bum & Co. JorenwD. . Cjrilordan Parriph, Jario L;Peo. plpJ.iph Srwnre, Lovey Spence, Chaa. V. Srai'th ( Minsey Wall, George Weave!, Daniel Wflliatus, John C V ten, Nancy ward, Isaw William. Uliaro I WiawV TLLi; P. iL Lesirnton, Ajwillt, 1S3V v pi J 1 . ls a ' Iti&tli WrXKl.Y-::rv":u.-JO!1.1 BEARD, JR. . Tttiit or rrtiwaTtiw. . .. ' I. TbeWTrtaCaouiUt" la wiUwbed every Mliv. at Two laJlara !f atntti if md w a.1 pr Two U4Ur and Ffy Ceu if nut pud ustjl aftrf we exmraiMti 01 uret munuta. So mm will U diTootmuod tnfil an amarafta art paid, UBkm at lot imcnt of urn Uiior. -X Ko tMhavrtatat will kt rwtivtd JuV a m Dim tot year tad a fiilurt to wfy tlit 'At of ma lo wmntinoe, at ont mootn tetirt tne tip rata of a year tulncriptaM, will bt cutMdered at new etfaremanL i. Any wtan vbi will nmrwre wtjc niWrihert to Tbt Cafotmian. and take llit tnxiM of conrtinjr and truunuttmg Uit MHxftptam-pnrt to the Rditur, hall Wtvt um pper mrmf uit comuioaoct a utoir wie tcriptiun, wittwut ehargt. Ttttt or rvrtTTia L'Adver'iaeineiiUi will be conp',uM1v and eorrert. ly bwrted at .V) crnl per wpitre Jl the fird maertMi. and Z3 tent rw h mntitiiMnce : but where aa ad- veft'irtBeal M orderH lo to in only twice, lit Cta, will bt charred f tarh irwrtwa Z Alerchanta, Uerhanra, and PmCwmnal gentle- ntrn, who may dMre eowUntlf In imxr bfiore thr pvUic, in our advertiamy mlunuw, will be rxemved a yearly edvertjarra, and a dduetma of 13 p r cetiL will be ntile Iraai the ahuve charge To rotaraeoKbrTrt. 1. Tt jmore prompt attrntixi V ltfra t!ilrepH to the Kil.liv, the pnatage iliouM in all raxe bt paid STORE JfLlJitcsvillc, THE BuUrnlier reefwrtfully indimMi hi friendu tod' the p-iUk- thai he HAS REMOVED hi vaUeMw tWk wf DOOKB fr m t'hnrl'tf TO HTATESVILLE. H evr-t tn n-rrfve, 111 the rour.1 of threw or Mir week, a Ure "J1!y f new and interesting Dooks, lr.m I'hiln (Hohia. ll Will be bit ooierl l kp nemlnii'lv i hann a pax i ajMortinem i n m e. aim . 1 ... 1 ... 1 1 i 1 STATIONERY ariicU-a aa are in iJi'iimumI iu tlut aertion nf our State. IMn-vin that a wellimdnrted B. k Stre pro. mieea to be higUlv u tul to tlei rau- patriot lin, of h anmis, and of Rei;m, a'xl bring will' ing to H kit Bioki mt lorn print for Cta. if o aiort ertttit, bt natter hint U that lie Bball re eerva eurouragemeM frit tit MiliglitHie ronumi. nitv. He iuvilet all who V an ioU'rr-4 in hi en. tabloduiioiit tu call and examine for I h-mr !. : DANIEL t;oi'LD. " Btatenille, Marrh 2, I r3l. tit C oacv anil Carriage MaViYAg AND REPAIRING - Ctari unrf Vnrriat-Mukrrt, Reapeclfolly inf.rra the Public grtrwHjvtfiHt. .tliey ur cuicrco uno VO-i arweruip lor um pur pre.of earn inji ok the abov buiiieM m .all it tahMii , aiU Ihnl they hW, !nT4a1J.!?PJ?kfUhii..aaj)p "FORMERLY OCCU PIED BY PlHfJP J ACOBS, P tA-VH reet,.tjponrf th oM Jd. BCjnoy halt W bawd a jod myTvf th C04.icaiiiHy tt'tanlod tod leelleaMawd uttkvr. and woJ alwayt keep oa band, for wile, CARRIAGES, Carrya!Is,Gigfl in rni er tion of country fir otutoer, durability, and rbwp ft For br benefit of Travellers and Slug IWin, thrv will alwaya keen on hand CARRI AGE-SPRINGS and all other fixture neceary lo nut thon vehicle inihe niont conipleteortlt'r.; twd wJdof.tipt) of REF AIRING wUiJ die at the abortest wire and on the lowest po- Moie term. ---- s Tc lat.SYnvAu risuc-s The Suhecribert have attaclied to their Ctrri. -Manufactory, BLACKSVITH-SIIOP, iu which they' employ none but nrat-rate workmen and tht very beat material which enables them to a-tulre their friend ami the public thai all w"ork Juue, by tbeuvin thia line aLio wdl be of superior quality, and at low-priced aa any other executed iu tlu k uon ot country The Suorirr deem it hardly were snary to' wyihat lheyit!t ha thntf.X t,i ..fHf the puUic favor ; and they h-pe, by at net atten tion to btiiiiea arid "ImKlenite clmrjjr, to wrrif the pnlronaee of all who loay wish to purchase articlet kept for tale by them r jobs done in their line, JOHN W. RA1NEY. , rillUPX F. SHAVER. "Salisbury, February ! IHM. - tf statr fiorth CanNi1tli"1Kwan Covmy. Court of Pkata$i Qwrler Sessioiis, February Tetm, IS31. John Gibaon, ) Jacob PacheL V TT poearing, to tht taiwdkrtioo of the Court, that the Defenihint i not aa inhabitant of thia State : Or?i r rt. by theCoart, that publication bo owde for ix week. the Wrein Carolmiad, that the Ifcnknt appear at our next Court of PI and Qnarter Sesnona to be held fcf he County of Rowan, at the Courtboiwe it Salisbury.oa the third Monday in May Dext...tben and there to plead, answer, or demur or nidrmerSt will be t HV 1111' I IX V Ita ana BjH I Ml. Jjlf!?"!! tccorrlin to the PUintifl" dcnjanL, AV itneii, John Gile, CJerk of our taid Court, at.Of fiee. the third Monday of February, ISM, and in the ftth tear of oor Independence. " 1 iii hit ''"4Tmr'r4.'jr ' SalkAury, Ayril 12. 1R34 . . - ' . . 6t E'ravollcrfl .,. . UY TAKING ' 'tch SfmUforT$ Stage, AT HAIJNllfKYf (NtCt) (17 nubw S. of Islington,) WiH nmr arrive in Fre.kricWiurg, (Va.) tt 9 kt M.t ll FOtRTH DAY frrn Iyiingtim, in tinm U ibe Steamboat to Washington eJ.-puig.USAMi; MGHT.w IlALTlMUUC making ' ro'utt nVH o!it From lilnjlou,(-) t llaltiiurc. ftr Cotnpart thit with ibt apoed of any other I.ii w luititer. . PECKS k WELLFORD, Priirictort of the old 8.W. or Middle Kmtre liine ot Magr. FreuVrkkaburg, Marrh 27, 13L N.B. Travclle'rt fnn anv point Bimth of Hali. bury, wishing lo lake tin Line, ahould be rartful to tnlrr It tYuAbrt oa't. r. W. a Stage leave ralixbury immediately after the arrival of tin Piedmont Stage from (lit feaith, vix. every SI N DAY, TUESDAY, and FRIDAY eveouig. fry Fare a low a by any ollmr route. PAW AprilS. 1-31. 2ut" Travollors' Inn, n-ea um m si Sl I EA1 ED SOUTHWEST or THE COURT HOUSE, IN THE TOWN OF LtI.(JT.V,(.. C AKOLI.A.) 'PHE SuWnber tokea thi method of infornMng a Trnvi'llfra thai he been HoUHfl of Kilter. tainiiM-iit iii Le(iiig(Mi, (X. C.) on Main Streot, Soiitliwmt of the Uourthoot. Hi Table will alwava ! minntied with (he beat Cure ihat a plentiful neighborhood ran atlord. II Hooe boig raimciixi, and uttemled by nervanli who are iiidutriia ami sealoua lo pleaw, 1 ravrl ler ran almav !' arcuniiiHidated with d OO D I! E D S in room with fire place. And Ink!, tail not the kat uniortaiil coiiuVratnii, lll'K.r" tn'f rrtyr"rf crier toirl reiot, in thr Siablr vf the Subxribrr, tbat tiny may lente it with in creaard ability to do the temce of the road. rtJ-An eirellfiit Line of P&ZZ AccommodaUon EUgca Lvei the Iloue of the Subm ribor, FOR SA LISUI'RY, on the evening of Mmufoy, Thun Jay, and Saturday, and return tu Lexington on the urceeiliiig evening. (ttr Pattenger going from PoufH to North, b entering their namei a far a Salisbury only, and there taking the Accommodutioii Line to living Ion, can have rheir choice, t she latter plnre, be tween the Piedmont Line and the one which run by wav of Frederic kaburg. '- JOHN P. MAKRY. Ivington, Mnrch 13L . . ly . Subscriber inform his old customer and e piiblic m general, that he has REMOVED ;4Tt trtltR re;wrre1ir1iarnpemif aSti..TTr whK'h the TAIH'KI.Mi 151 in it va- r.Hi brai he will be executed in the nioet fash ionullt , ueul, and duraUt maiuier., He flatter hirnonlt that hi akill in the hoeine, and hit con aiiint peraonal attention in hit establishment, will enable hi in to redeem all pledge made to thone who may' favor him willf their ttorr7"'",'T " (gr lie receiveVtbe liitest "'FASliiOXS" regoT Inrlv both from N'ew York and l'hiln(lelihm,-and work by Hhe-tnott approved aTBTemai Ciilliu;r out, and Order front i distance, will be promptly attem'led to ; and la-it, but not leatfj Air terms will tr rcry accommodating, THOMAS 8. HENDERSON. N.TJ. lie it drier mt He J to do vork in a ttyh su perior to any done in ihit part of the eountry, ana" ALWAV Att ANTfB TOUT wSMj Vioe.d, March S;-l3ir" , 6m I EN JAM IN FRALEY, having received the - latest Philaileluliia, New York, London, and having in hi eio- hloy a iiuiiilxsfol Workmen who an:tirst-rate, i prepared to cut and make work in a etyle tuperior to 4iiy diine in this part of (lie country, and alwara warranted to lit. Orders for Work in hi line, from a distance.wi!! be punctnally attended to. according to order ; and all kind "pf loial cuutom-work wilKlie done at the shortest notice and on re.-wii.nable. ternu, rdT)lnnnit'iH,"all tirnea,1rt hi old stand, a few door above Mr. Slaughter's Hotel, dud nearly oppotiite Mr. John Mufphy't store. TO TAILOl P-einj Agent for some of the most Fahionnble Tailors in New York, the Subscriber 1s prepared to teach or, give iiwtructki lo anylif the.Trarte wh may oWt to fe net und, from hi belief that be it fully capable of giving .ariifaction, he respectfully reiuf all w ho demre instrucfiort to cull ori hFrn. - Salibury,1834-ly rT v B. FRALEY. -n rpilE ih 3ft:eJLi?Lyul A Wmn ooinir tn Fnvotta vinTcan get or t0l pouads of loading bv apply tngat thi. Office. . ' 'Mvch li .. I . r..--;.. . rfuron WooJicoi'th, , VTaUVanA Clock MaVcr, HEGH l-tvt to itiCrt-m the Citbn of HtliaU.rv, a well at ihow rd Rowan and the mrrnui. ing (Vtifitie, tlial ht Ut Itr motfil Ma ilataiiiuiinirni TO TDK SOUTH SIDK or THU COL'RTHOttT. . m. m . I - , t ll. U.' II Ul A a V" J ir'a II l, oo Uit Mam Strert, Wlmrt lit ttill Rontinue. aa bcrr Mom, to einruh) ALL KIMW OF WORK in tht line of In pndeion, at tliort ftotict, And on tht m-t rranmablt Urtnt. WATCHES dt CUX'KH REPAIRED ar II2X .. WIH..IR aib cu Warranted for 12 Months! And th dcpo"d lo pot row ze him, are mw thai no ptma will U n)red lo give tit mot ' geiK-rul and tntirt atliKldclioo lu Ihciu. OT F.N( RAVING of every derrijln, iliiiling Toinline,) will I t:iTuu-d with omt. IU'm ami ai riii.iry , at 'lent n te u. StiliLirv, J.hi. il", l:U, tf , 0Hniii9 of thr rpiM-opnl Hi hool DEFERRED. IN ronaequeiice of the unumiul imb-niency of ll pail muter, the prog rem of the Building de. igned to arrve aa a Dormitory for the pupil 1 thi I 1 1 1 it n hi, ho bi-eu ri'lardiil moi h beyond ll eMtcla!i4M of tint Ex'-, iilie Coiiiioiiti', unlet aliotae diwliiMia it u coiim iwed in I enjuj la it. And a tlie iiinteind of llu tnitiirv i Ifie pr of wortin in viftirli U iK-ccwurilv lw im grcHtly depeiidi-nl on the writ! In-r, there nn-f no liopu of ii rttitHtnn bvihe tiun In-r-'tili5 jKH-iii-d flr coiiiiiH-iM'ing the Sclnl. llii cin iiiiiftMiK-e, to.Fi ilicr iih tV- (Iifficuky likelv to 1 rvja-rii sired m pfiH iinii" in linur from the North rertnin article of furniture iie!i br to the eMtabliitliiiH'iit, ami tin1 nrenllv eirea. iil oini hi of the Rector, that, illicit tlio accont inialatiou lo lie orf'irdi J by the new lmiMin;, be would be un.ihle to carry into icce..f,, iritti'ia the iti in Hiloitti-d, hnroiiHtr.iimil the committee, however reiictnntlv, t' -,i.iie for a few k the time for opening tlie Schotd. - " Ilie PuMic, then'f ire, are nw,ctful!v infririnrd that the EPIMYrPU. SCHOL ,WLL" PR OPENED, (not on the lirM .f April a tr - sir vertied, Inn) on Monday, the 2nd day of June-next; al-.ludLXuiiLjuay U coiifUaUlr. i I .1.-. .1... ..ll i.. . i: ' rvuni in i'ih it'-f i tin win iir- in n nin'H m. By order of the Executive Committee, GEORGE W. FREEM AN, SecY. Riileigh, March , H rotate or AYUIiam Tom an. rPIIE SoliHcrilier, havi.ig obtaiuc) Ietter of Ad- niinwtruion on the Estate of William Cuwm, dneaw-d, at February Sciwon of Koivau Cuuiil Court for 1"34, lierebv give notice to all pe-aoo having pliiin"i'of nhv tn'nom1naliirHniri-d tlieeit-" tnte of id de intent, Vr yrrscnT"thr;in a itliin fh iiimi pretmneo: ny iaw,-ony-tmneinicBTefr,Tir mis notn e will be plead in tr of their recovery. . - ; . N, FLEMING, Adnffrr: R-wnn 'onntT,MRrch JSl. . t" 7.'. fpiIE undriTicnrd him thia'dav qualiueil as Ev" . editor .of the last Will and 'lVUnH-iil ofA dern Elli. decenseif, and herrhy n'qumia all pt!tuit having einiuia agatuel auid rm(e, to pre sent I lie in for paviucm witluu lli time oee4rild by Low-f-and-nll -thote-tmicbtrd are'hoirby re" ejuewed W make pavment.1- -' --- JAMES ELLIS, Executor. , November 2.1, 1 S;i;l. ' tf hunt i:ti; c iitni vt.i: ""F0R""?At;i1 CHEAP. riIIE Suheriber Im juif completed all thrrV puira neceawirylo a aecoml hainl Carriaj which har for mime time put lieen in hit po wsfiioit for that ptirMKe, and now OFFERS If FOR SALE, iu pu i mmnre of instruct iuti8 friin Ihe owiiej who has no uac.f r iu - ..... : . . - The Carriage is now an good a when new, and run be aoeu at rny ahop by thouc aeairou ( purchase."" JOHN I. SHAVER tl Dwember 2. C'bnrleston .and C heratt THE STEA .NT-KuAT MACON Cirr. J. C. Grawaw, MAYING beei. engaged, last Summer, in run ' miiir betwenn ('lnir legion and Cheraw, calling at George-Town on her. way up and down,will re uiiBi har 1 . iii in liiii iioin'oo nf n ) uayin 'T IS intended to be continued in the trade the eiuM nig seiiaou. Her exceeding light draft of -water, (drawinft when loaded, only about four and a half feet) iH enable her to reach Cheraw at all timet, except on an .uncommonly low xiurrwuen.hr.CJTgol be lightered, at the expense of the boat. Charleston, Sept. 20, 1831. tf i N,.B. She has comfortable aceomnwdat kmafof a few passengers. J. I. C.v NEW BOOK BINDERY. ITflTH a view tn the more efficent prosecntioo V of Afteir buMOAM,.the tnhscribert Uw tf tabiished a" LOOK BINDERY. Having procu red the beat materials from the. North, and ployed a workman who come well recommended they are prepared to execute on moderate terffl all orders in this line. . '. Axomnt Rnoki, Kecortl,At rule4 and fiaJf to order: and every kind of . Binding prorupij executed in the beat and neatest manner onre JOSEPH GALES & SON- Raleigh, August, 132. ' tf .-V 0,'