V It bs u. t ft- 1 rat Ot' m At. i'V riot , f on, a "N lit if. nt cu UCk. rr rev Lk, 31 at- 5I ecf ia lit d' a 1: '. Me Ji bat SIT ind ;ful I Si el' 3 ive ird. tli loft 1 !.ir are heard end '. ' " 4t pt-r r..nitii Uis fdU.wifls, annuiicaton: Jl la I" i nffiniir f f 111 pMlTUHW Ul9 lOS "M pri'r- ...iH.-eV.ho obly !" Ins j .k- ii.tU and the miltary b.U. seal rnpiuiiu" llaring already publJied lhi tjrrnirl l-nth,'' J,, iul.mui.ii! mm till it, our renders nd nut be told tUt its pr.rviaemj are jul liks Uup-i W uve ith of office in Carolina M m f the l),rt Htatce. If U wiwiirtiwu L'nin Party, in Hnntb Caroline Ud Uh-b triumphant arid rcrf ibrd in oath of ailegi. anc to tha "Tennessee CUUain, in the true fudal Urn, wo should have b-fd nothing but praUe, from U,t quarter at Wt But the R. publicans, Uiell , fire have eVancs sllcjiatire to U.e " Mili- ur Clwrftii, srsi f'tfthwuh their f;nTTiiil3rjTo lflc now, aa turn upon ar to be 1tirl man wn, w grni-o, e "'n to thaw who will be bumble to tl rrcntttt Cl.i-f! An4 tlw l to be Prm iinl fiovinmrnt in Ha fjnlin, Uiw! We worker Lo will U the lur ky I'roroii.ul tkiji rich -mmr I Will it be eume Vrrm, ia tlte pron uf Willuin D. lywie er Aim KrmUU I A I '",IIM, m"ro d.w.wfb an lift? Cti yluin ilie Saim tJ llrrmilagt, em u!nH-iuiiitljf uwh Urn Mime in (hh- f l!w wry rjfi"" 're t rti1 I'McommU of id "MirffM "f Ui World" were wtct to upkup scU fap'l I " u- MORB IDOLATRY! Tb1 mc ;i,,r ffm wliwh we fil th lv intcl-lyii-', C"'ii' Ue f"llwinf wKre f Dunk we wvit i"1!!, ml m we n-vrr dial w.u Uie fwriiiM'n h-f (fivfii of il i rofKijjIi U di(rw4 tu with iK i'uIamii? and iiiiiumi (Uttj-ry tf t freil old nwn ! lrV'trzm nfrtie lW.-Wit harn tvn pv liK lv lavor's w ith rify tliui wurk ; eiwl lllxai'b iiitiiMii, frcmi want of limn, to jfie it I fTUl, jrt die lii-.'lily nfnilim"Viiry tvAim laki e of it by &liUrt in Vis ftn" end Mnhnmii, fully wifto e in rwpfntiny it U) UiC niilil' of rimlTi'le hiAufml in- 1. mi l mf amotion It I a tale of battle, murder, Mid of Ui.lv di-th, intfrnM-rred with wtm of Une i.nd iirttninonv, which r'-ndeT it h'thly inirritine tu nil ivr iif dip romantic, m hitiiry iw in ml life. T!if fdlowtn? xtnct from the dtslirlKm, lnWi that if. mClior in p-rfi-clly mlKmior in hu pnlittcml an wrll ii- hi rlijwMi ntmi'-'iU : ' NiitliManlinj the ofc ttwiwl nMxtl and (J.Ik-1 error m tlm Umg end ry n.'iitl'iil lfi' of Awlrw Jack,hrMiu'hie)be,and will .. ,li rl an evtra.d.nyy prr-ea one ra.pl tin by the A imirhty Ruler oQlie Linvi-rw, lo oe a tile - , 1,1 the Ainrri, an Pf,M,le. And we are proud local iff bun TJrothr-r. The rrtieratmnR tn come shall call him Ami when he lb nil retire tn the bmih,and hia li w ul ahall have be.-n idiel in th ' Bbnal of Uie Umb,' and wMumiMl. ehail aee wo la w glory. ': jlllil'l a. uie eiara, mren-r ami rwvi. B- uij " a tile of battle, murder, and of bloody death. icnr auprcpnatc-lv di-tlicated toGea Jacknon. But lit cm tJX delitlitful to Uie Reviewer of t'ic "Talf," i the prtkoJory of Uie author, by which ' m of couree moant dr M inn ti Ik lUi nf Ikr day. Can any of our cotemporariee tell ua who the author rr ! iwigms frira the morality of the dedicatsn, and tV quarter whence the book cornea, we would gnoe it tn bo the prraluction of Uie mtiirioua Gwynn, who waa tl.rx-i' nomuialcd to an ollice by Uie Dictator, and who eitowatl Uia dvvotion by comparing Li patron with the .l. That (nernl JeHtaMi haj been -ratsed opto be ldcaiin; to the American People," may putwbly be lievcd by Uwee wlw bave fcttend.upon .Uip .office?. lu dp.i;ut we are inclined lo Uitnlc Uiat Hie groati thepinrerof tiid. And althimgb, like Plureoh. be ia "nllowcJ to pursue hi mad career for Jnscrg table. pur- rryr5l''WXSWliC55 W.bilitx. SiMim'tan yr aifrn'Pr - t il of Virjnr.a, wbo foretold UiatjGfn. JaknW!ibcca.J iun ftni4' w.,K eweae o iM-eoamry.'Vji ine predicfTCCare attenuoiir to ourltest' tioii ha baeu' literally fulfilled ; but, wonderful to re l;i'o, the aiUte prophet' i now one of the high-prieNt ..njiWaJ oilor.pp ,the .inoeaoe of praiae A thw r. - When and bow will thia InoLAiav terminate 1 r OT-A North Carolina liUtot, devoted to Jackaua nnd Van Buren, find much Ciult with Uie conduct of the Ihividuon Grand-Jury, in presenting Gea Jackson. Ho calls it i "ridiculous, futile measure." . That it will be futile to put an immediate stop to Uie ewer of Executive UKurpitiou, we have not the leaat tfoubt; nor do'we douUthat it may afford amusement tu Uia KitcJiea Cabinet, and tbi whole party, who are in the habit of laughing at Uie calami tie of Uie Peo ple, and treaUng Uicir remonslrancca and pctitiou with cuiitcuiptuoua ruliculur Tris Tolati37of the most remorseless and deepicable of Romarl tyranU, that, from aheer wantonness, he cau- Knl thu cilv tn he firnl at unl nrinB .;.,.t..... Iv. anrt, durin? U.e conflratiofi. t m . B.Mu5H t-Miit ng at the acene, and playing upon hia harp! Our "old Ronwn," oa hi lofty eminence, hear the cries of the People from all quarter, but persists in hie itt.d.irimenVi'tt;h :;-jirtt Worthy of Nero, Bot 'Hut We might be charged with niira lreaxon.ve would J'.'BBi .aut..op(ireiior of Uh ignoiiiiiiiotiriiOaffinfliLicR" tlie injured Romans prepared for Uicir tyrant, and which ne only escaped by takilij his own life. oio'htT they will mn h J(terred, either by Tidicnle or tiiieeu, from expreasiiiir Uieir .opinions: and. what i ni -re, if they deserve to remain 'ree, they will speak in a voice not to be misunderstood. Wi suppose the Juries of Rowan and Cabarrus will come in for a share of RnwJ ridicule and be consign. ..fcdlathaJiteoLUiJrkrmeni 1'S e trust they "wUl all survive' long enough lo see the hijh places of Uie country filled by men; yes, we by .MEN' " ' " " ' " ' "for aW arrwof f; feWbm tia atoWUtit or'aa.' I OTT Wiat can keep such men as Loui Skiing and LfVig Casi abuul tTie person of the Kinir ! The former first attracted ouryouUiful admiration b : tie b!e and gallrfiit defence he' made of Uie Right of the fctatea, and especially of the Southron tlie great Missouri Question, Ever since Uien we have enter tained a high' regard . for him s end, thoojrh differing with him on some occasions, we have never yet doubt 1 hia integrity of purpose, . ! . . .- f too'Ttesi,1 a? teTBeen not so immediately and so long before the public eye: But be as yet enjoys a spotless cliaraoter. If these gentlemen could be of anv serviee in the Cabinet, by restraining II Majesty, it would be a duty they owe tl.tir country to remain tlcre. But it hai W -'-n ka"ntW tf.Mf fftomrU ire 4nr:t: -t u!a f .r tJi.ua of Kn l! 4 A Uf f run:. I rrt tliir f.wtilry, tha, n l.'i if jirr nl pu.,ii.n, Jo Uy m4 own l la llii ir ve (Urn i-r () nitMraw, inl a gie time tu be iwptruiif trti'ijting' e Ci m4 council wlith ire (racij'atiiijj the country tit ruin! i "tt'ATi tirtfrnaili, ni klUt t'f iirrfy, "Thi f"HJ kunar is ffttmlt l4tfhun AN UNKIND CUT I " Tlte I.ym lbur Virginian," U ftotirinf Uie dtmoo. trelimM in Uita Hute ifainat the AdrairnHntiuq cthe GnrJ tiffrempwnt, aomewhat eaeenng-ly rvmarka, OIJ Rip ie wikinf up." , lie ie rifht )IJ Rip U wikinf up j ind we ahouU out be tarpriexd ;rt lo find him thred of Uie "(Id V ntioion," in Uie nrwnt eonlnl lur principle. We fori confllmt tUt, if the elnrtinna in North Caroline were lhe Aduinutntian, wd iruuld ehow etet a omre Uwroafb rrdrmttkin Unu Virfini will eihilX" PlIU we Imh that Uie VTrjinUn," the Whig," end Uie of her ible frtt paprre of that Bute, nave beet) (uoceae ful i;iiual Uie old eptMiate of Richmond. We think it rather impolitic end enkind in Uie Vir ginin,' rruicitlly at thii'lime, to taunt "Old Rip" with hk efTorU to Uirow off lethargy. It will be tune enmifh in Uie pyid People of the "Ancient Cominuo-Wi-illhH toUlk bi(f, when Jey tlalll Ue Ncyefed from Uie iiifliieDce of Uie anpnrifte drug ediniauRored by Uie Magician of Kindflrlwok. May they apcedily have eucb ciuw to exult ! Tare w will cheerfully join in eacribing to them Uie greiae due to victor io to mAle etrupgle. ', MORE BROKEN BANKS I The Inter froin our Vehinftan Correapondeni, putv '.iJind brbiw, conUm! the report of the fiulure i four Rank in Uie little tcn-nule-aquare Dmtxict of Colum. Thin hai the Clly end wickednew of the KINCH political experiment upoo Uie credit of Uie country been de motrtUaled under Iimi ery eye I One at Uie bro ke Bank i a H" a depoailory of the public mo j ney, and Uie Government ha lost, it at (aid, X),0OQ by it failure! V Will Uie men wbo were cent io Weaking-ton aa Ro. prewntative of Uie Peopl, end guaHierni of the Pew. pl rijrliU, peri in Uieir idolalry untd Uiey aha II haie aacrifict-d tiTj luing dear to Freewien, to gratify Uie initiate embilKei and rerenie or a IVpot f We Uv m much reum ia believe Uiev WilL Our Aato- j hu dwrM nwt) jW i i l .u i i . I to U- P1" b? ,h f" "''" A to be deoraiited ;'and hi truaty aubjocU loll hint, T)nai, O Kini. haM made a decree etick to il. and We will , ahcre to face, though commerce, credit, and the Can- ,1, it.lf, alioeld be the victim! BANK OP THE STATE lion ia called, to be held ia Raleigb oa the 23d emtaat, ( Uie pirpoae of enterinf into the neceaaary prelimi nary arrangementa (ir commencing Uie oporatione of the Bank. Tbi i cheering infinnatiort frj- The " Pine kney Whir," piiMurhed at Yorkritm, & C, and hTftnf. ire conducted by N M. Poulkea,Er., will in future be under Uie Editorial charge of Nclaon H. Muner, Eq. .. We heee veeeieed the firat No. of ffir eal ed !he"- IJViUeOlwe"pubIuAJ at DenViHr'.Vt. ay Meia. 7ackaoH ill Richardaon. It ia" aTerfrect be-i RWP l,kiftgr, ind-W Irl wrrj the " Wioretvow a;;, jt, tJie -rnrvert t'tetiafffiitt Di mmi ttmtchet thnee power hare made. ; BuUefe rfMtinn of ibe.flene1ftCTnattetit.r j: 1 wvir-- ' . (Sir. Two Communication on thembjject of Temper micrwOat M 'aiiaTtiuTavt LETTER FROM WASinNGTO.V. - - WaaiaiNnroM, April 10th, PGt To Ike EJilor e Ike Wealern Ccmlihian. I)aaB ba I The i)ebata) nv bntA Heaaavof ewafeaav' upon the deposit queatun, haa eeaaed, M Uie preaent at lea4. In Uie House of Representative, it baa been cut off by enforcing, a second, time, the Gag Law, now as familiar to the Regency party in the Hotwe of Re nmaenlativea, aa any other word in their political voca bulary. Jt has become .a eornmoa houwhold word, which Uiey uwlerftand the force of much better than Uhey do toe principle of aoond lopcirk-ditical erio- my. ua una occasion, uie rrretoM wurttwn iwveo ed a double purpose. It Mippreesed (he freedom of de bate, aJwaya odious to the advocates ofpower, ami it preeenk a -fhiarbwuetote dec'sJet Th true issue before Uie Country and Uie House was. the sufficienrr of the reaaftn of Uie Secretary of the Treasury for re moruig uie pumic money rrom uie nana or the United Sf,wV0' rt Uw' Bv Uie Pre- wiout Qnettion, the majority, who were determined to sustain Uie Executive Will, whatever it miflit be, care tuny and aoroiuy avoided that question. But it m a mere technical evasion. In aiibstance, Uiey have Sanc tioned and approved Uiia improper aeiiure of the publie money, by which the power of Uie purse and Uie eword .have beea-coweentwtediB' the ranni OT tiig Executive Department a union -which, if acquiesced in by the peopte, must, at some future day, prove fatal to Uie li berties of this country. . f . nut we need nor, apeag or ruture or remote cohse- e are rearr nwrtfis isaHtroua effects of this ruinous exueriment'uDon the carrencv of the country. The evil is at hand, and i seen and felt all around ua For some time, we heard of its ravages like, the roaring of distant thunder. Cries of distress reached ua from every quarter of the Union,, imploring Consreas to avert the approaching; storm, by retracing the steps of the Ciovernment,and vj restore me country io ua lormer unexampled nappt neas and prosperity. Tlie Representatives of Uie Peo ple were deaf to Uie voice of warning and comnlaint At length the' threatedtorm haa ImM wpon thetrfr; I md ' Oii Vtikj the Bank of Washington fail- ed. On Saturday Uie Farmers and Mechanira Rnnk "f-,P?gpl'jgaJikewiflJWent-by..the board. The Hnna ot Alexandria tnllowed suit. And on yesterday (Tuesday) the Patriotic -Bank of this city sunk under the feneral distrust and ntof6dene which baa been created by tins fatal experiment I have never witnessed so pinoiny a picture as Is now exhibited in this District These disaster tread so close upon Uie heelsof etch other, that 'people of all classe are as tounded and dismayed. No one can any that the mo ney which he hold in fiis pocket totov, will be worth MtMawtg twnwrtuw. Erjenthenienjwto fatrveadvi'' aed, and now wipw rt, the meaeurea which have prorlu 1 1 a. a- .i ..a' - . ceo inn saa axate or mines ine authors of una traffic scene .-have-lost confidence in Uheir o-n Pet Binks to which tuey have confided Uie public money.. If member- of Congress who have supported thia measure were compelled to receive their Day in Uie denrnriated currency which their own fully has produced, it woulj 1 'le Kit rirtjfti.'nt to !ie-f ewri Vpi tlifl fvi r'.al c if niinh tlfjr lui mule oi'.'-r ilrmk ti irty irrj. I tu U!y HirffrMHijf to W lnrai h er.mj Unl urriniiHlrd lite duira of l!irfl bmnrfl UnLa I'nr pi of ail e laawa hl flknl Uieie Ui irrrlain Um ir ia Merchant, fanner, rri" li'u , omiivn Uvf. era, wiuVm, aul t.fJnn, nunle ep Ihia m Uinletly fTixipof mivty and i.U'rm. One of l!e Bank JVpoaite Vint, in J b'-'I t Uri' tirewnt i Uie puM o mnoev, Theae are Ih Aral fruit of removing Ihe puM ttiney fruta the Rank of Uie lniU4 Maui, wbre it we known to be er.v wadi I ceuid believe it would be Uie only fruit, la my otHoion, thai M only the beginnuig ie evik Vau will pwaire ihe Ri'fiiey party la UiO eif of New York have received a IrfwcwUiu ahtck. ii!ed it may be comiJred a d. fuaL . Ia4 (all they had a nttjority of more than ii tnouaand vntee , they now hare Im4 Die city council, and were aide to carry Uie tlectiiei of Mayor by a mity of ra Uian two bitn dred t . Bucb another victorv would rum them. Oa M'w!r,jn JJif tVniLe Chamber. MrClar -hai-lL cruelty lo cnliinent Mr. Van Buran npoe the rult of thia clecttun. k wa a very eanry Uiinr, but Aa UJr friee. The elect im t Menibera of Cuoirro k'pfne on in the fall. The opinwet hr in, that the van Humj party are dettn4 to complete overthrow io that Hute. If bra Ira at home, Urv cinat be beetea every where. RfCnt Intelligence from Virgin i very cheering. That Comnr wealth will undouMed ly euataia Ui patriot x atand take by ber IfiUlure lint winter, againat the aqrpatiwof Kuncative power. Much a he oppumd t the Rank of Uie U. ffcatee, aha will not eonaent to ae Uie Cunetitutioe and the Lawa tmnptd m til duat, that It may be prematurely cruahed. All the Datrooage of Una fjovernment, and Uie immense popularity of Gent Jaekaon, have been brotrcht to beer upon ber electiona ia vain. Hh will nut eonaent to be hitched to the car of New York. In II purtmn of Uie Union, the ehaogee againat Uie Ad miniatratioa are very great 1 am not mttormed at Uwwe c banana, but I marvel vert much that the Admi- nartralionceing thera, doee not change the meeaoree wiiicn nave produced Uiem. 1 be rreeideni, under vie influence of deaigning anew and baa rreopluuita, aeenia to bo lutein led. He dec lame hi determioatioa to pemerere, if every Bank iq the,Union A l'eri"h erwlil, periali" commerce,'' rathor Uiad reatora tie pub lie money to it legal enatody I ..,xm tbi ! wasTia caoun. CABARRUS COUNTY KUPERIOR COURT, Area Kensioa, 1U. We, the underaigned, Memberaof the Grand-Jnrj ofj la ha rr il bounty, baving dMCbargod the dutua.devul vnl upon ua, cannot, in justice to ourselves, separate Without exjireaaing our optniona upon Uie preaent state of PuUir Aifair. We bciieve that Uie present cooditioo of our country, and ha pecuniary eiularmwnenta, have been produced by (be uawarranted art of Uie Executive, in reiiMivmg the publie fund from Uie Bank of Uie U. Ktat. 1 . We believe UmI, in doing an, be baa acted in deroga tion of Uie Coorfitutjoq and of Law : and. tnluriaiuing aorh ownMma. we foarleaalr rXDrea UienL We disapprove, in decided terms, of the eon luct of the Executive in rehtfjua lo the removal nf he rmblic funis: and We likewise duapprove of the oandott of such of our public man a have been and still ire up porting bun in bis lawless and peroxmua war aiauut lias llanli ev Vo tanees) TWalevc We reepactfully reiiiet Uie Editor m rHI fbury ind Cliarlotte to insert the fureifuing ia their respective pa- ren, and rorward Uie same o our Re)reeiitative Uie Ion. IL W. Conner, and to our rVnator. SAMUEL MORRISON, fWM ; GEORGE MILIJ-R, ROBT. It'RVIA.NCE, MUUUF.I. HTOIJGII, JOHN LYTAKER, NATHAN PHILIPS, -CHAa IIAGI.ER, W. 8. McCLELLAN. WALTER BELU -WILlJA Vf wniTa KOIXIMON WIST, Al.KX. McLAkTY. JAMES H. WHITE. ". (rVOrr Jrirmtt ia Cabarrus will enaruas xwfffrj. puMUfiln ll' ltnNng iart When they "are h firmed Uiat we were no fitrnukrd tr.it k cyy. Thia j Ibf aaqond tune, Within fJiree mouth, tlmt Uie print mail Imh yiairrus- aa rnaararrreoy aa to ewr fmt ol mTaiVi'ii' 'ifartlnti tal"" . ft .1 Atetxactwf CongreSiional rroceedjigi Tm asDAT, Aran 17,1834. f gR!ATE. A TtwasaaB arrocch'GifrSuiTlig PrwiuVipt of the' United 8uto, Uihler lira title of a Prof eat against the adojMion of Mr. OJayV resoht. tion on hia usurpation of power, dVxkiring the niea sure of intredueiiig,'c(Mntidring, and adptina thai fewdirtihn; wlKdlf toiconsffturfonal' f nWrrfitjr !f ni be the inoypcTidVnt and unconditional riht of the President, vented in him by the Conetitution, to laws, from ,nflkf..all oflkeravjubiitt..ba axacuttva appoiiitineat, except judges ; and atMerting bw in-ik-pendout and unlimited cuabaJy over the the pub lic money, to.be iianAged and controlled at hia Will beyond the concurrence or the rencn ot Lou gress, f xcept when expresJ appropriatioiuj,, are. niaile ; which power over (lie public, pure he claim ed as nSiwtly and TOTt?serv cWved from 1tie Cuti. trtilution. To these power he adtlod, ia meet ex plicit terms, the right of the Presideut to act aa a orcASEK cnhtlaw pad LomtiUitnau The message wad read, and occupied an hour j . i i: ' ' cuiu a uuoricr 111 rauune. f Mr. Poindextef moved that this paper, signed by Andrew Jackson, be not received A vigoioua and animated debate ensued, in Which Messrs. Poindexter, Spragne, Frelinghuyeeri, Ben- a 1 1 wr ' - .,i ... ton, ooumara, ana iting oi AUioama, uioa part, and which continued till near five o'clock. : "t Mr. Leigh said he; fctt that the 'ftcrjtfirii Ion Laofema WnirrHg- veutuie, with-thetttljgnaOTT- tngs which the extraordinary document had aroua enVonJts diacuaaion. . lie wished to treat it with llmt calm eolcmiuty which the occasion oonmmled 'which bocaine tlie dignity of (lie wtation he oc- cupitd as a tHtiuiior ot one ot tlie sovereign lut'in bera of the confederacy ; and which he felt it would be dilhcult to observe nnqer tne exasperated m01' nation which such a proceeding hod excited in hi breast. lie therefore moved that the wiaate should adjourn, that these feelings might be calmed. . raiDAY, Arifi 18, l?Ji. - SENATE The Senate resumed the considera- MistinRsa of yeitoday hflint the motion not to receive the message of the Pre sident of the United States on the subject of he roeokitioa -of the Senate of the 88thtm t wherr - Mr. Leigh jddressed Ihe Senate" fof about two hours. He had (in reply to Mr. 'King of Alabama, mo had eiairneri m the rrcameht tiirmerrt orM. fusting the Tariff" cjticstion) just mcidontsilly fiaid a compliment to Mr, Clay and Mr Letcher, for the agency Uiey had in compromising the Tariff rjtics. tion at the last sension, when he was interrupted by loua piauoiis in tne jrauery. ... . . - . r"TherViw Prudent' suspended "ther dLtfusslon, and oftterd the Mneries to lie cli sreil. While the c;rgeant-at-Arm wa in tlie' niLv) clearinif the galleries, the nii wererepeated." Mr. Benton move that flic Ssr"eant-at-Amis be directed to take into tietody tlie purs&i! who dis turhed the Senate This tunm-A m inx V Uie i o i .rrieiy;anl before Ihe qoeMmn roolj I atlili d, ihe gt.fli iir wera ch ared, and the in tti.ni i(li.iau. .Mr. Lrigb then rcuiiHd and c um lo.L d hi ro liiark. Mr. Laing tlien oUained the flxr, Hii, f hIk r. ing lo proceed with tho lirnoin si Llo an hiair, yu l.led llel fl. Ar tliel preaeill, end Mr. Wilkiu miivi (Ut lU Hmiale prw'rtd to the cooai'le ration of llxectitive Isomim's. Thia nva'ion was reitH by Mr. Clayton, on llm gnaind that it did M become tlte rVuate In Irnna act any other Executive Iswinca until tlie present dclte should have terminated, ami tlie e4niiiuni cation of the rreanirnt be iln.jxcd t. Mr, CsJlKHtn and Mr. Pprague Cdlowed on tlie same aide, and Mr. Wtlkina explained UmI hi only cdiject was lo rorpoder treaty which would r qoira ratirVation in a f-w daya4 Jlfl sjiusctiut-ntl. withdrew hi motion. The rVnata then summed to M.inJoy. T H0US&-Mr. Wise, of Virginia, Mked leave lo introduce the following reaolutiona, in n-kitioa to the powers claimed in Ihe Protest t Retailed. That ti custody and control of the tnonera of tlie Uaried rtutea, A appvopriatad by law, are, by Ui Constitution, pUeed unJ.-r Um order and direction of the Congress of the UnitH fttatee. RrtolotJ, That no cbaaet of the CorKituUna of Uie Uaitsd Huie is necessary to authorise Uie Oamrress of IM UaUed Blata to entrust u cuatuly ef tb pwUic money, not appropriaisd try law, whenever or howsoe ver obtained, lo other agency Uiaa Uwt of the Eaeca- Uve Department, and that Uie caatiaty of Uie public money tut wot a a, aeceMsnly, under Uie Constilv Uan, entrusted lo the Executive, Department fOmlfd, That Coniriraa can Uka out of Uie hands of Uie Exec olive Department Uie euabafy of Um pub lic propertr, witaout ao aaaumptio of raecubie pow er, or a suUenuon of the trst principle of the Consti tution, by Um repeal and enactment of well laws a may be necessary to Uiat end. , . Umoctbsji being mailo, Mr. W ise moved to sua- pend Uie Rulei of (li Il0ue7rid aaked tho y eaa and itayat Aflsr much outory cooreraation, and an urv. Buccesaful attempt to adjourn, (lust by fair votes,) (lie yeas and nays were taken on suspending the Rule of the House, and trera aa (Mows, via i Yeas 103 Nays 93. , Tvo-fhinla jiot .having anted ui IU smrmatire, he Rules were not mHpended. -j ..-. Mr. Vie tlieo gave nutire thai he should renew the same motion every day until leave should be givn lo fntrodiiee ihe dnli'Kra. .. 4. Mr. Pevton. of Teniiesaee. then asked for a sua. pension of the Rule, to enable him to offer the rollowuig rottdutHins! I Rtmtmd, Thai the Pfwwletjlw'diaUnM Aatea, m Ju. lau auiua muamJimm i Uium t ik Pma.1. lie Revenue, has not aaaumed "upon biuiself authority ic Revenue, has not aaauined " upr biuawlf authority ind power bx coo fer red by the ConatitutKm and Laws, and but that he ha arted In eoof iruuty lo both. RtmJvJ, That Uie Senate of the United Butee. in a late reaolulMin ptssed by that body, in the Worda (l-l I . .... ri f . .i . ..iwisj H TT1 inn in in wil ; - inaaias, a aaa lis i n iinnrr, in uie late Executive pruceedintr in relation to Uie Public Rovaausv haa asauaied aemt sxaaaelf aHihnrrty and pow ef not conferred by the Constitution and Jaw, but in ilerogatioa of both," have, by Uiat readution, m4 with a view to laudative act Kin, bnt as a aJemn eenaure on Uie Preaident infringed upon thd tightful and . legiti uute power and prerogativos of. the House of Jteprn senUtive. . . . . ' S- RtmheJ, Tliat Conirresa have Uie power, is law. to select the plftceeof depositing Uie public money and providing a iu ssJe aeeping.. . J he rrvulutiotis having been read, a vert strong sensation aaiii4 ihevn- wee evioeed hj ffpfpff' tion of tho 'aJovMTwfirarsr ?''' Mr. Peyton withdrew themj but gavn notice that he aliiHild continue to odor them whorjevef I)cwj utJ Mr. Wwe-were oliered Ui the) House-- Wmi-XU Via f-SaMsaai" " I3T1 D iTjraiJ, HTutyti- - 1I0CSE- Ir. Wise askod the consent nf Ihe I sxseio offir, Ia a AhhIuW (Uu Uiav ru4ioia ha jiad deairod to olTur yeatnrday, f . Objootion bemff made, vote waa jaken te) sua- lTvtttw KahTrrnnrJitwta dmrJd ia thegatw, Yeas 00, Nay 01r to ntmduca the roeohit oris ofl1rd bv him on the K prevloudday, 11m vote was, Yeas 60, Nays. 00. -MeioMY,- Ann. 1,- i9iL:7"T ENATEA message waa' received from the Ujfiflrillv H Wh Ionel!ri, his frefarv, callin itseu expianabiry ot the r rroteat ol 1 liunalay lust which supplementary message was read, and proved to be a concession that Congress might de- siznara trier' the Executive should keep the trea- Uf of the country. ; ". , r, '-?" . :. . . . Mr. Poindexter said; he would make the same motion' in Tegsird fohis stJiprrientiir'Mege', thiit he had made in regard to the original Mea ge, that U should not be received by the jsenate. He afterwards moved- to lor this rwtion mr the table, whkh was done, and he presented the fid-; lowing resohiltiins .1 J ,"..' . Resolved, That the President m transmitting Ute paper which he did to the Senate on Um 17th uutant, Which be requested to be placed oa its journal as an executive protest against Uie resolution passed by Uie Senate, made a communication not authorised by the Constitution, nor warranted by Uiat mutual interchange of communication which' Uie 4icharga of official duCes renders eeessry wne proper between the Legwattv wad the Eaeestive Departmentyqf thetluvt'tliiiwiit.1 ' Resolved, That the President in the paper above re-1 forred to, assumes powers m relation to Uie Senate not f authorised by the Omstitiition, and calculated, In it conseouencea. to destroy Uiat h&rinoriy which buifhf to exist between the eordiruite depsrtmeTitse 'the, .fieri?; rai iiovernnieni to uourierv wiui un bciu ui wn discharge of its duties to degrade it in the public opi nion : and. finally, to destroy its "Indewndence. bf slib- jeoitnir us rictus ana uuues io me uuieriuuiavion suu eonttJ of the Chief Maffiatrate.'f'-'- l?'-f ''" Resol ml; .That Uie communication of a paper of such a character, with the declaration Uiat accompanied it ia plain aef breacri e-tb"ensrrtrrtionar tigbtr and privileges of the Senate ; and that it cannot be re ceived by Um body, without e'P'ryrehdoroftlie just pow ers confided to it by the Constitution, in trust to secure the TibertyTaml promote Um prosiwrity.of these States' kand which tne memners are nouua to mainuun unuer Uie sacred obliiration of an oath. - O ' '. RrsiHrrd, tUrefore. That the papers be not received Jjy the Senate..', w ' Mr. roirKW'tter moved, alter the rosoiiitions were 'rcio"11ilKe'aitibijld h6 pruited for Am use of the -A long ami. intermrtirirr discttsMoh took place upon this motion,4 tmd the Sonnf eventually ad. jou'rned without coming to" any decision tirxm the subject. "... ' " v IMr-'Hwinir ftddresfled I'lt f'erntp fir n Coti-t'l able time in relation to t'u; Pre-id ntN M.i-iii' . liIK ForsytVtivived.to nintid the reiluti'iiiy,is'i M t i introduce iriM tlielxidy of them, the original Protest of tlie President, nnd lj tlio Supplement ary Mes-isiri, and a-ikod f t tlw j ean and nuys on the iifrfion. "Ttllr; . . tc ! to, oil !, rr.Mlf.d tlml a It uie id 1 ho S'luito n'i r-d lliai every iin.ii.iti lo anwiMl a written jiroHiliiiii, alioul. bo aulnuit. tel m writinij. Mr. Forsyth then aenl to the Chair Ihe uriiiula of the d iiiiH'iit ; winch tho Chair (Mr. Kii ?, of Ak.) dH tdd l" lie a contpltair attti tl.t' rule. Mr. Cnlli'sm lt.k an appal s;itumt I hi d.vi. sion l but before tlie qneati.4i cookl be brought to a trat, (lie Henale adj-ajnitd. In the IIOl'M. the resolution tdl red by Mr. Wise ami Mr. (V) tort were received and Loth id tfrnae getitbjnien advira'i d their rejective n Ju lust, al corwHoVralde lenjjih. A motion wa finally made to lay (Im nadulhsi on tlie table, which prevailed and so they rest for the presmil, so far a Uie I loose is concerned.. The Cejitral C-ooiniifloe iaT Internal tmprov.- -mcnta, will lu-ld an adjourned meuting, in Ihw City, -on the rid uf May, ajut will be fratifled to mceiva - . CVumntMiK-ations from the County Comsutte Kaltigk Kegittcr. t . EXCEUHYTI The New York Evem'ng 8ur say at ... , M Preston and McIXiffie, by ihe (rce and power of eloouence, are making tlie Philadelphia!! nulli. fiors. How strange things work in this forld I Cot. Drsrron ran away from tlie Char leaf. nulli- fiers, and look refuga in PhiUdt Ipbia. To escape . contagion, he will probably move td New York I and here be may fuJ the Bute Right disorder ' quite the go." , ; . llr Frldajr iTlorniua mil The Richmond Whig, of the ? Otk of April, con tain recapitulation of the votes olficially recei. red from aixtyine Count tea of Virginia, whicbj " W Ihw reauh of the recent election, thus tar, to be as follows! Opposed to the Administration, 49 la favur of the Administration, 24. The Cuun. . li'f Jtrt (ft Jba. kard from are couaidcrcd decidodly 4 notMd lo the M power that he j" so that Ihe Old IXuninion may be set down aa completely disen thralled." Hurra fur Freedom I " fa Pliilalelptiia, ig tlotimnd Free men attcn dd the celebratim gol up In honor of Ihe ficlor" of the Whig in New York. ' In Boston, a salute of cite kkhdrtd gunmt fired on the receipt of the same intelligence from New York. - In the Ciry of -New York, aa immense Dumber attended a fote tu I yen In honor of tlie same event. Alas for Dosuut I tl a -v ara aa. ism! Ilurm for Our Counirvll .. .' . '" "." . J iwimoiT, a I uuuCJUeetuur baa cen bold. .fonaistintf of (rtiro 7 lo 10,000 Freemen, who passod very strong resolutions denving the recent extrMftlinary chums of our PROTECTOR to un- limited power. ' & goes ,h E'y'yJK-L "TTirruiranl Baulk of rh.la.lolimia has voluntari ly relnsej to receive, any mure dpoaib of the li: - j" ' t. . .i. i , . tr r punrc moiR-y i, i uia ia crounauie lo tim slocanot. . , dors in that iturtittition, and worthy the) name of the able ftiiancierw iffasj oame it bears. . . . ; The nomination of John II. Eaton, at Governor of FlorioU, has been 'confirmed by Ihe rVtuile. : KT The Mall perw r r-ak of the IWUm Co. -Presentment in lerms of high commendatH. ;-. : " r 1 1 UNTTEO IN WEDLOCK, ' T . .in Ssknvoa. lU 8Wi IUi RivTn fV ftbW, Mr. IAWB r. rJlEWERiSwrriTMATILr-r' rt-it h-sNaaNPW a . t ;.VME A. .KKNNADY.W the 33r4 year uf - in wecaionDurf Cumity.Qn UM QUI uiL, UUiAMt MtiUiu; aged yeera v iNKAVS ARJUVED AT WILMINGTON t. Washington. N. C. . 7 zrz: ----''-, ,, April 17-. :.Scwv tioUa.Jtiy, frouv ChaikHton. -n 'Mi Rrig Pavo, Reod, from Norfolk. 2L Brig Cumberland, Darling, from N. York ', Sehr. A mania, Babcock, from N. York ; Brig Opulence, St John, from N. York : Schr: Eatell L Son. Bavniore. from Philadplrut ; Schr. Wan Arkina, from Charles - tOO. :..:.. ; ARRIVED Al4 FA YETTEmiE: , April 11 Summer tlenrietta, with Pry Good. Ac, flr Duseti berry at McRurie, McRorie St DuauuUirr)-, Foster St Cowan, J, B. Troy, of Uie interior. . .. April JiO. . ISl8auii iW)etta, .anJ Steamer Julia - walkor, with Vrt Uooda, tc, tir . K tpv, It a Smith, Underwood, Marsh, & Co., i. M. & 1. Allen, - Allen &, .Kendall. H. Strong, E. B. Htedman, Ga - VHV-ilogg,:TlKupyn at I Una, sV b. Hrnen, of thej interior. . - ; . . , ....... rrlfesj (Jurmit. . V. LIVERIHX)L COTTON .MARKIIT. - Marek 14. Sine nut renort Lint iterk.the. ('otto A - - - - j . ' market hatjontinueidejiresiitd, nnd the jmcts M- then OMo'fe see ae longer oottnnahte tee rriluee tnrm dperUkOH ZWed, Alabama, and OrU mna ; uhmit l OH Brtils, snd'ld M hUind. Speculators hm ' take JW0 Atricai;4uf 3M Sural, and f n jrtrr Vm ttmmt. 1r imjiori this -iteek-i, 4 i 110 See bland 11 jd to 20.-JO HntW do. 11) .!,- olV ihmau v m t o, iou irrttms c js io vi. SALISBURY. M.iy 3,1 1. , 10 ! Butter. 10 a (K; Cotton in aeed, 21; da ciran, 0 a 00: Coftee. 17 a 1 : Corn, 1 -'t aOi l e liliiers, .M; nour,fscaroe)f'ia6Jj r lx; MoinMsea,;mii; Nails, 8 10 ; OaU, ;Vi a a; J ; Ryu, 4J ; ixi jnr, brown, r m a 121 r do. loar, it a w. Suit st.iv i a J ; i ui- low, 9 a 10; Tobacco, $ a 20; W'kuat, (bu-hel) 60 a ',.1IY1uis - - --v - ; ; r CIltRAW, & C : fApnl 22. ISM. Bacon, 10 a 101 : Butter, V a '20; Iwwax, 16 a 17l aSaafcejWwISrWxwriltJI scarce j) Haxseed, 1 (H) a 1 Si.".; Flour, (H) a 7 f0; Mackerel, m W a 9 W ; Iron, 4 J a 3; lard, ID a US , Molawea, 40 a 50;-Siiinr, prime, 11 S I'll, do, common, 9 a 10, da loaf and lumji, 15 a H; Salt, m fwrks .(, bnshel, 75; Tallow, (warce) 10 a li; W'heat.'fO a . ; FAIXTTliVILLR.' Apr.I2,l:)l. Brandv,: peach, ."t5a t;,(; do. apple. a l'ie..n, 8a9; Bw wax, 17 a 1; G;!He, VZS 14 J Cotton, It a V ; (Vim, -'i,t 00; ri:,x-e.'d, jjkl (HI a $1 10: Flour, !. a "7; Fea:ti"rs, Ul a .T); Iron, 4 a f). Mol,- i, SI a 33; NiU. (rt) 66; Knrnr. brown, a til- do. lnmn. 1 i ! da lout". Ida IM: Salt. Rft a (;." : V heat a gt (M; Wlii-kcy, :u a W; 'WW, Hi a 1 .Youth of ifteody and imliittrioiis habiU,of m ponition, and pose?!S!nf a-trood ediirntinri, v , be desirous of learntur the l'iiniiii' Duiui'1 taken aa an Apprentice at tliis Oiu-''', Mibbury, May 3, Isdl, In Mecklenbttra countV.' on the lflih ultimn. Ifr: ' ..'"1" :. !- .'