t - - 4 Y 'S'ravolloro' Snn, El TUATED KOLTIIWKHT or THE COLKT IlOlKE, IN THE TOWN UP , LCXMCiTOX, (.V CAItOLI.Yt) fPIIE Subscriber takes thia method of iiiforitiing Traveller ttf he kee p Ho of Enter tainmetil iu Leimgloo, (N.C.) on-Main Street, Bouthwest of ihe C'ourtbje. Hi Table will alway Ut supplied with the l"t far lhat plentiful nuighborhuod can lErd. Hi Houae being capaciou, and attended by servant """who are twloolrioui and eIou lo phrsaTravd. 7"lr cart always" t accommodated with it ,( D 0 E L8 la roon with fireplace. And U(, but not the least imtrtanl conidrtiKi, HORSEM rW alrayi rtrtitt tuck attention, in the Stable vftke Subtrrihtr, that they may leave it with in- ... crtoed ability to do the service of tbe road. jfZtfjZmfi An eicellcnt Line of LL Accommodation Stages the IlirtiM of lha bub-rnUr, FOR HA LlSEl'RY, oa the evening of Monday, Tkurt- k day, aod Saturday, and return to Islington oD .' the succeeding evening. .. CT Passengers going from 8nith to North, by entering their nimea aa fcr aa SaluUiry only, awl lhar taki.ig the Accommodation Lina lo Leung- ton, can have .beir choice, at the latter place, be tweeo the Piedmont Lib aod the one which ruu by wav of Frederickaburg. JOHN P. MABRV. ' Lington. March 8, lit.'U. I f a. o e . aa (fl u 2" o ft O o o 1 ? ft C3 4 TUB Subscriber Informs bit old cutiiHr and ti publie in general, lhat be baa REMOVED TO CONCORD, where he baa opened a Shop, in "which th-TAlLORING BUSINESS in it. va- hvrtJi b'ranche will be executed in the niuat fuh- : Lt. . 1 A LU ll d.... . . ix . l i 1 1 i , . 1 hill?" If the ww mm we ww aanni n.ww4 ntm enn- atant peraonal attention in his eatabluhnient, will enable hi in to redeem all pledges 'mude to I hone who inav favor nun with their ciiRtom. (Kr He receivea the latent FASHIONS repu hrlr bnh frmn New York amf Philadelphia, and work by the mt approved aytenia. Culling out, and Order from a dmtance, will be promptly attended to ; and lat, but not least, Ail terms mil be vttm aixvrnmoJating, TH0VIA8 8. HENDERSON. Z$JB lft li.ifitrninti to do vork ln ii stylm.! pertor to any dm n thu part of the country, and AlWAV WAtatKTfD TO riT WILL. Concord, V-rel, 5i,l'834. " 6m ' TrayQllers ooxO: :tc?.ts.cr. BY-TAKING "AT S AMSIUIIIY, (X. V.) SAC?, J1 "" (IT mile Hi. of Lexington,) ' : - " - 'Will WW arrive in Fnderickburg, I Va.) at 9 A. M. on the FOURTH DAY from Uxinijton, in time fur the Steamboat to Waihington : Imping, the S k M E MG HT, in UA LTI MORE h-oiakmg TOVU 1AH ONlaV, Trofu Leinjftoii,3i.c.) to llaltinioir. . OCT-Compare this witfci the epeod of any other Im4 whatever. Prop rfet onof the old H.W. or Middle Route Line of Stages. Fjedcrjckiibiirg, LMarch 7, 134. k.B. Traveller from any point South of Sali. , burf, wishing to take thi Line, should be carrful 'totntatalSulUburyonl. " P. V WY Stage Unvin Salisbury immediately after the arrival of the. Piedmont Stiiije from 'the wth, ixcery SU.N DA.Y, TU K H D A Y, and FRIDAY evening .April 5, ls31. 2m ISSUED WEEKLY.:::s::b:::::::J01IN BEARD, JR. .1. The WKMrsRT"UAaoi.tNiAa" w putuisnrrt every M.miiav. at Two Dollar per annum if paid in BiKauce. or Two Dollar and Fifty Cents if nut paid until atU r tine expiration of three months. J No ptrper will be" weontintted until all am:arafes ' f ixelid, unlciTfttt J, . l7 - ... . : a ' . t A t a.:. , 3. No aubucription will oe rueetvea ior a ies ume than one year ; and a fkiluie o notity the Rtitor or n wish to diKioutiDue. at leas one month b.?fire the exni- ' ration of a year aubeoription, will bo considered a ;! new wngagemena-rrrrf -f - 4 Any nrn who ill procure aix uWribers to "'hiT&Volw - ' tranflniitting the auWription-price to the Editor, hii!l have the paper dnrinjf the continuance of their sub- , scnption, witlwut cnarge. TERMS pr iOVBBTISIHO. 1. Adveiemento will be eonnpicuoudy and oorfee.t ly iiinerled at 50 cent per aquare for the first insertioJi, and 334 cent fi each contmiiance : but where aa ad vfrtisement ia ordered to ro in only twice, 50 eta. wil be charsred lach insertion. J . . 8. Alerchant". echauiev and Proftvwional pentle "men, who may deaire conntantlyto aoneai beforee public, in our advertising; column, will te received as yearly advertiRers, and a deduction of 15 per cent, will U made from theabtniethargr." " " to coiRe!DE?rr. , . T tnir prompt attention to letters lddrejsed Editor, the poi-tag shJ4 U caaea be (id. V. llratMt nailer, - i Emt,V4ih AjtiI, 1934. j the officers eiir tu mi n- fulfill of K'JW AN MUnlA.tf .!.!. d U I'AH AUH. in Town f riili J.o ry.wa Friday lh Kb day of May Mat, at II o'clock, with muiki-u, DniL Jy Order of ' H. IJ.MI.V, OA. CWdt B. CUAlUi; A'ViajiL V 1 Wibury. April Srt, KM. 4t Itfow's tho Timo! Casi or VrodutcW ARE JOT RFX EIVINO, re.. NEVV.VORK AND I'lllUDKIJ'IIIA. A d'riirral and Diitlrrrw Htotli or Spring and Summer Good, Whit h havu bt-cn M-locted with jr-t care and at timnxn.and btmjrht frmn lh Ut ty U- lor ihe HHRISiO OF lWL-CO.NiiI.mNU OK FANCY AND DOMKHTIC DUYJOODS, HATH, FIIOE.M, AM) JJONNETH, DRIGH. COMBH, 8 ADDLE, ROOKH ai PAPER, COTTON CARD.S, IIAROWARK AND CUTLERY, QLEENHWARE and grochriix OT Tli y wiHild invite their friend and the I'uU t Im. Iu call and aee tut tlfnwilxa. N. B....RecJkct, and be aure to call where the Higo my a V WUadMt M. A M. fi-el grateful Cr p-rt trma(r, and hef by tlK'ir Min-ntii.n lo biwiirMi, to nnnt a r-tuiuanc- d lhi favor heretir tln iii by tlx'ir c ustomer anl fru il-.. RliiUiry, April 19, l.'M. 4t SELLING OPP At Cost! H liimL.V Ac SON, HAVING UhTKKMINKl to CI.OSK TIIUR BU SINFXS IN THIH PLAtT, ith the view or reniuviiii; tit the Sinte of .Mmis- a .-r- ..a.... . , .... ,-. Miipi i-iiriv in tn ensuuiji rail, uvg H-uve u iiifiirm the Public Htnlly thnt they Have Concludrd to Krll Off THEIR STOCK OF GOOD.S, imY-(a)ois HAi!i).v!i; airriar.T, or.cazsr.r, AMU -1- JiLu other-AK I U-l.r.n m generally krpt'on Imnil by Merchant in llu Jart of the country, It Conty for Cathl : the w lii Jo having U en purtliad within the luM 4 ' twelve inoiitti. OT Tltoy npiTtfiillv invite their, friends and cojdomer, M wH tut the- j14M inil, eH mid evnmrnc tlie mh, n thny are tteteninnnt t-tl a the phuIm, n they are fteteninnrd ttt TJT,ioy :cj;c,:,feia to rill who wih to pnrelKoa.. .giye-Jtargauia atifnctinn ..ikOUbury, Miirth 15,131. tf Land to he Sold, VOtt TAXES. 'T'HE followinjr Trnrts of I. IM), or o much of a. Hni-h ii will atirtt- ihe'r.nt illlo thereon. I I.T. BE M)L1, at the (iourtliotue iu h-uhsburv, On Monday ihe 19tb'or May next " IfAJIItT 'ih Lota in the Towii of Salisbury, given iu by J&HUUl'l ILPcaMoiu " 1 Lot in the Town of Salisbury, given in by Saruli Varbniui'h. 2!3 Acre betMiiti; to the E.-rtnte of the widow- t rewm, doeea'd. SritI Acn given in by Allen Ciowell. 100 Acne bcli!iiig to the Ilstatu of Edward HieppMrd, ilTen-'d. 1000 Aen-! bi loiiirin to the E.-tate of Richard ....... ..,,,,.. -Parlat?r4leniHaiL..--. .... . 5B0 Acrea uiveti in hy Nicholn Rvmer. 10 Ac , tebmctttjc B.Thotntw Brieji, given in by lknnd Uilex. . t7 Acre belHij.'ihsr to Rebecca Cook, given in by Thomas t'ook. 100 Acre belonging to tho Estate of Elizabeth .' Foster, tlecea-icd.. ..... ...1 HtTAcrtti t-loi&iii(j Uj'JacitrCostin"orffCir'II County. 100 Acrtw Indonning to the Ewtato of John Dic key, docead. 125 Aero given in by Manchester Johnston. Jib J .Acre ven in br -Dsiitird Murph. llitf AeWiveiriiii by WtlTIhni Rain 22 Aeros belonging to tho heirs of Jun. Swink 3t0 Acres given in by John Etchi.xon Guardian of the heir ot John htohison, deceased Thi Tract of Jnd lie in the Forks of ' the Yadkin, and. adjoin tin; lands of Sa- ' mwr'siitiTh 'iwnwieri: ."-J- F. SLATER, Shrrif. Salisbury, April 5, lU 7t pftV WinCH S0MEBtnYCwiLI, aa GLAD TO GIVE, IS WANTED! A ROTTT ten veara a to there lived in the Tenth AcimffresaomlI)irfrktaREVOLL7TIOXARY SOLDIER, by the name of Favt fCt. or I'or- iet, or someUiing of the kind. If he ha any heir livingilheyrrray probably be put in away to get a email sunr of monev, bv applying to the Edi tor of THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. 7 galislmry, Maxck 13, i $U. t ' i 1 'PIIK IiWnlier.U in? grnff"! ffth" HHrnn aJnl inert-lng tf.uige t,it ha heretfre re. ct-ivnd, iidWrin hi cHrfiiera ami tho iulhc that hi i prt-Mred In aeejiiiiinodiile th'm AS V hLL, and a Unit CHEAPER tlmu any otln r Tavern HI tli J.lai e. Hi Tablt and Btablf ahall at all time be iplli-d with tl very bft tli market aff.nl. lie" ,h' evjifrieriiefl and attentive (Mler, end will iirf no pttiu Imiwlf to rwubt tbeir etay air-aWe. JOHN J()Ma. h;wliry, April 12, l34. , t( PROSPECTUS orTaa JYorth Carolinu Republican I N a Oovemrociit like our. tl prmrmt'n of Libr ty liepciuia, iiMiiilv.ui a nerJ diduaion of ctirrrcl infufiiitiHi aui tlie pti)iTe, If Um fevyv b irno. rant " ll-ir ri'hta, mm out Um' g uard tiwin f(uuit piicnauituiH-tit ! 4Jar funlktliera acluevrd fret-dotn t tJ.e price of una li bluuil and U-urr, and we.tlieir aons ran prrerv it only by enlightened watclifulnewi. A inb-nipetice ami vigilance are our grvaU-at aufrgnanl, o iiaiM and Uiy are tlie aouree of tlte wt dan'rr, " I'nwcr n alway itealuij front llr many to tlte few," i iid Ui rAin ia, tliat Uie uiauy alumder while U.e U w are wlently at Work. No fr.-" pl ever yrt nt Uieir litx-rtie by oprn BjaaulU, but many have lost Uieiu hy net-ret eneruarliluenl. ( Ignoranre aiming U.e people begeta another evil, wiitrli, ab all olliera, the bane of Uie Ancient 1U-iiWic ; tUt evil i MA.N-V URSllll. , lliartrfry tavcii'Vus iiia wherever mn-woritiip lake toot, tlite political virtue dies, and anrdid fiction pruif up it corrupt Uie principle of Liberty, a JJUutry doc pure Ulltf MM v n. ri iMir forefather ftablihedthe preaent fcrm of bow-nun. t, tiit-y ln!ly Imy tiiat we would eacape the tale of former Kepublx, ancl, under the we thii Iu awl (fiMrda of written Constitution, enjov, Uirough all tuiH) to eotne, the inclinable blewing of Freedom. Hut now, at tbe end of tie at tort pyiod of forty-l yeans wnal it, our cornlition ! We have already reached an auMi.fiJ crui in oir politx-at aJtair, Uie very prin ripli of tils Coiistitiit.iin arc in imminent peril. We are in the inLt of revolution, mlent, and a yet blond-li-w, but atiil rapid in iu prorcao, Ua- barrier of the Conatitiition are bniken l,wn and trumpled in tlte dunl, all the powers, whether of Uie a word or of the pone, are concentrating in the Federal Kxerutive ; nd even t'otir.mi Uayll' ia. oulalriaid m the rava of inurrwUnn. It i tiint- fur the iwoplt; to awake from their apatliv, aa.l to look to then nht if they alum Le; much longer. lny WiU awalut loo UU Uiuir bok erumiul will be clwnpii, and their LiU rtirs jrone. , For the purpiM' of uMmj; oln.-r paperv in the State in dirTiMin.' ern-d inliirmalirtn anions the Moplt and U arou.H' tin-in to a wnr of tneir 'iaiier, it . propoicd to lulil.nli, at the Dlliee of the " Woirterii Carolinian," Pht uti'ler the l.tli- wtixh stilldi at the h'-al of til in rroKiMKiioi 1 be itniilmi tin a lar?e aiae Kl-et,in or is Vu t'aiiii, uf ai.xkt ii puua, airrtuoiidin in kixe w jlli liie " r oiiiuefi l e.iled ,ui i htlWIphia, by Cottdy uaguei. . - 1. The .YoflA Carolina K'puhlican will alvrjcW1hf .doctruio of Uie oUi Kepu'dK-nn pnrty, as taught by u ferwjti and hi compatriots of li!V I ' :". ': I -wdaHvoeate-lhe- prineiple of Frve-'1'fade, and oppow all sy.Hteins, or ineasi'ifri's, which haic a triiilonry lurUa. Um tftaii v lot. Uttr- beW-'lu. ut-luejt: w. fl. 'It willropporta'liberal ndtiry Iti'ouflStute Govern ment, and atlvoi'ttte all reawnuhle plrvi Jiir Uie i(ivovi- nicnt ut uie lulunu and iunil condition ol iorut -aro- linn ; and, wiln a view of enliirhlcninc and ('ncviiraK'ini' jour owm ciUwnt. by toe ewuupkv of then, pauia-.wittr " ."f a.w UMBU " " "e uoo aou 6rrh?a?t3 cnlluraCommercaUnd Mineral, will be procured Snd pumrahM m the Kepomiean-' 4. A portion ot each number will be occupied wilh ini))ortanl Congrcswonar-and Lcgrclattvc protccdmr; during Uie-time thorn.- bodies may be ia w-won ; also with Ihe Intent itnd nwtit intereetintr news of tlie day, foreign an. I domestic, ami witli such nimcellaneoua mat ter as may prove interesting to the general reader. 5. The question of Convtnlion, or relbrm of the Con stitution, ha for thirty yearn divided the people, and ar rayed one action of the State agnmst the other; and, as a auceatsaxy kwejuencel prevented the ui;cei of ninny mensurea vitally uiiportant to the honot and proa peritv of North Carolina ; and, until settled, it will con tinue to dom It i not doubted that both partitu arc nncrra inttinnrst in tlieir views; -and the reaaoa why Uiey have so long dillered, is, tliat neither party has ever yet been made fully acquainted with the junt pretensions of tho oihwr v tdaft-liii dii.LnuJintf question would, er now, have been amicably adjusted. With the view, therefore, of giving to all tlie opportunity of " hearing both nide," it ia agreed to lay before tlie public; in the pnijcs of the Republican, the argument for and agaim-t tlie measure ; and, that this shall be done impartially, it will be o providod, that tlie argument on one fie aJwll U .preminted,. bytVejfm- wnl -WV 4he-thor-))y Extern men. Nothing more effectually prevent libe rl legislation, Oian eetKnal divisions aim local jeHltHK sies they distracr the public mind;- and drutrrty-thnt cotnimmity of feeling, and unity of action, so eential to tlut uee of all chme of improvtsrnent, w hether physical or moral. Every real friend of North Carolina must therefore wish to see all caue of such division laud jeatoiuoa .removed, anil M hail thE day-yhich-shall. and prosperity of tlie State. fl. In tlie proper season, correct table of the'Prices Current will be regularly given. TERMS: The North Carolina Republican will be published Mtiinontlityi?rat 'm m lw &ri and third Monday w each month, during the period of one year bnly, unless its patronage may be such a to demand its continuance. Each number wdl contain lfi pages, carefully put up, so that at the end of a year each subscriber will have a volume of 348 page filled with interesting and useful matter; . "Tho price bfnsc)ltiOfl'tBfvr"Doxia'ii;iv'alhvssi to be paid in advance. The 1st No. will appear on the 2d Monday in MAY, should the subscription list justify tlie pubhcaiSw. t A the object of .tlie. publicatiou is not to iuoke mo ney, but to support the rights of the people, an appeal is now made to the friend of Constitutional Liberty.to interest themselves in procuring suhecribers. All who may be good enough to procure enrwerihers, will, by the first day of May, communicate to the Pub Ksher'the" MmeT"Tfrocrtredrretataing the money w their hand until notified that the paper will certainly, be published, ftr All Letters and Communitions.mnst be address ed (post paid) to the " North Carolina Republican," Sa LwMrj, N-C; where they will be promptly attended to. lauuary lota, ' , - f tan .. i r , l " V.S'a HFAUUOW Proposes tafPubUih, In Saliibary.Ci A Honlhl) .TlaRailnr, ' ii"iuf raB-Ttnea - ' -- PROSPECTUS. mUli FAMILY AMSIHTANT aliall bf di-dieatod to Kmiuioa, Fow no. and (iKtai. IjTcatTt aa. t!ivuilJy it i intemlH toamiat I'arenU in the difficult and Hi:f.iy Intporuiiitt ui of Hucatmir their ramilie. Die Witor lia two very mtentitiiitf wriiMi unuer Ina chafo a ll.hlv Cltm, and linem !-KikiW ledge Cla jt erh of wlnHi he prepare written ipi.-utt. and, Ci hi own wtuilkcttun, written anwer. hhould (lie propiaN-d ntagaillMI go inUi opi-rtHi, tllm (liet and aiiwem will be publiahcd Ul It. It will be tlie en deavor of tli Alitor to make the proooWtl puhlicatmn a uiU-teating a he puwibly tan to nil it paga with mtli aiUrlea a hal be wurtli readm? i and. a it will appear! only oe a month, each one who take it, inay find i to read it. 7 w trficUl $hall, fit grnrrl, br tkurt. v rWh iiiu i Foreign and Vimtic Intelli gence eular aa Well aa relitf lOuaaa aliall be deem ed llltereatillg,'w ill be llliwrti'd. In fllie. It I riiten.ied to make The Family AatUnt miniater profit and amuw-im nt for tlte loilj Winter night and aultry une mer noona. TKRMS: 1. It will be nmied on the 'JtHh of every month and will contain auteen Imperial tV-tavo I'agevi, in double column, printed on a new and legible type, and Ui ve ry aupwrvul 'pa.- 'i. The aulairriptHan price will be One IVIlnr ami Fifty Cc-ttta if paid in advance, and Two iVdUr if not pa af until the ei pi ration of tfiree niontha 3 No aubucription cn be received for a alxirter ( riod than one year ; a ltd no paper diacontmul until all arrrarre are paid, rveept at lite ftdiU ' dttcri-lMm. 4- JTJ" The publicaiioa will cuumvaire on the 'JtH.li of Aiwil, provided a conieterit numU-r of ufcrritr ran be obtained ; anJ our friernl who may hold luh cription I t, are requnU-d to forward tliem on by Uie 1st of that month. February l. 1KU. P. J SPARROW. AND REPAIRING. J. XV. Italnry A I. J. I Mt.ncr, C'oacJ and Curriai;t-Maltm, ResM--fully infirm lh' Puldic generally, that the) have entered into Co-Partnership lor the pur- poHO of carrying oo tlto uU.vm UiMnewt in all its variolic, and that they have, for that purpoi,taken tbe ahop FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY PHILIP. JACOBS, On tht frin 8rtrl, oppvitle 'tht old Jad. (& TJiey have on hund a biksJ supply of the Let carutufly'rwikicted 'uiid'!WeI(He'iiieJ Tiinber, and will alway keep on ljand, for sale, STACJItCOAtllES CARRIAGES feULKIEi' ::"C4fJ- Which shaTI' rior be 'surjiassed by any In this sec tion of country for neatness, durability, aiid cheap ness. 4 ftCr Fur the benefit of Traveller and Si"- Driven, they will always keep on hand CA itRl- Atibi'KlNlf and all other fixture. n"ces.sury lo wit thow vehicle in the nnt coiuple'e . nler ; and every description of REPAIRING will l done at the. shortest notice and on the lowest pos Hible tcrin. - T1)l Subscribers have attached to tltetr CMrrt-age-Mamiiuctory, a BLACKSMrTlI-SiTOP,' ui which they employ none but first-rate workmen and the very best materials which Bftble them to assure their friends and the public that all work done by them, in this line also, will lie of superior quality, and a low-priced &s auy other executed in this section of country. L.JtllieFihers-disr)) -rf-lwrrflv eeenry- to say that they will be thauktul tor a portion ol tho public favor ; and they hope, by strict atten u6ii to" bQ.4fies9, and Tno the patronage of all who hiay wish to purchase article kept for sale by them or jobs done in their line. - JOHN W. RAINEY, ..-PllILIP.J.Ju.SllAVR. Salisbury, February 15, 134T TT TAlEOttlU. 11ENJAMIN FRALEY, having received the ..M latent Philadelphia, New York, London, and Paria" tylt-of FASHKX,and having in bin en ploy nuiiibir of Workmen who arefirst-rate, is pnpnred to cut and make work, in Ja style superior to any done in this part of the country, and always warranted to fit. Orders tor Work in his line, from a distance.will be puuctuiUlv.atteiuUl fet.acxurdiaij lo ord fiit all kinds of local custom-work will be done ut the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. ', lie can lie found, at all time, at his old stand, a few door above Mr. Slaughter's IfoTel7 and noarly opposite Mr; ' John MurphyV ore; ' r TO TAILORS. Being Airent for some of tlie most Fashionable Ta i lor jg Ne w York ihejhribc j is. prepared to teach or give instruction to anyof the Trade who may desire to be more perfect w tnit busi ness ; and, from his belief that he is fully capable of giving satLsfaction, he reectfully reqnests all who deire instruction to call on him. SalistMiry,l3Lly- B. FRALEY. aa.UM w A a a. M AEE ACAmn, The Third Sntiun of Ih above tnititutn ' - mt.t coeiratt os , . THE flKHT DAY OP MAY. rpiIE FuUeriVr, thankful for pat patra 1 iledge iheniaelrea lo enter upon the Hercit .41 licit acaaioo witu renewed teal. P. J. 8PARR0W, T. W. SPARROW, Paliljry, April 12, tf laron lVoohcorth, 'altAi an A CotV IMaVct, IIFjS leave to inform the Citizen of rsiturlajr, a well aa tltonu ul Rowan and the Mrrooui tug Counties!, that ho luU Kriiiovftl liU llwtaliUalimriit TO THE HOlTII HllH:orTHK COCRTIIOVw A fow da.r above Mr. Wm. II. hlaiiglf ) OV j ti r1, ll.,ll, ou tlie Mun tStris i, aCj Wlx-p- Im still citiiun H, ms herel diirr, to rirrya ALL KINDS OF WORK -in the hue of lii prohsMiiHi, at ahort notice, And on tht moil rtawnublt ttrmi, WATCHES A, CLtK KS REPAIRED it U wm ii an c aha hc Warranted for 12 Months! And thine dispowsl to patruu' him, are anair that ih pnuis will he sjwre.l to give the luuat geiH-ral ami entire Mitisfuctioii to them. CrtT ENGK A VI (! of every drcnption, (b, eluding Tolnb-SliMH's.) will b- evecutrd withau, tii'i aul nrrunrj, ut shurf nitice. Sali'lsirv. Jjii'. 27, ff OiH-iiin ol' the rpiM-npal H( hoe DETERRLD. IN cuiwqii im e of I lie iiiiiimuJ uiclennncy oflLe pnt winter, tin- progn-k of the Ruiiding sr. signed lo V rve.u. u Dormitory for tlie pupil ia this Institution, lijs b's'ii rcturded iiiih.Ii yoiaitht e.as lutiis of tie- Executive Committee, atakr w ho!1 direriiiiiw it was eomnietM'ed in DreBibtf lii-.t. Amtastlie ma'cri.t! i.fthis strinlun; udnv, the Jirocess id wotl.i ' in which . n' earilv A nnd trrratly depei. .-ni m the weather, there pi v n. i hope .4' itk . ..mpkli'Mi bv tlie tune tnH't.f. ss'cilisl fur -..inne'iH-iiig the S-hs!. Tin eirciiinslaiK-e, foneOwr wph the diftVnltv I hki'lv to he exw-neiK-el ill procuring in time froo, uie .s.rui ren.iiu Hrin ics 01 iiiniuuie inui-fsiij. ble lo the es'aMi-.hmeiii, and the recently expre). d opiuiii of the Rector, thai, without the accom modations to l' atK rded by the m-w huilihng, Ik wiaild I- uiuihl" to carry into Kitceersfiil oK-ratk the system ail"ilnl, has runst rained the conimitM. however reluctantly, to postpone for a few week, the tune for oienini; (he School. The Iuhltc, theref re, nre resprctnillv infnrmisi tlml tlie EPISCOPAL K HOOL U lLL FF OPENED, (w.t on the first f April a brn.riai vertised, but) on Monday, the 2nd dayufi June next; at which time it may be eotifidenlh relied on thit cwtt tfunjr will 4 in readine v Bv order of the Executive Committee, GEORGE W; FREEM AN, fccVT Raleiitk, Man fi 1 i5'3 L ZV. ,S-2-& IC Male of'Aorlli ('Hroliua..RwHiiCouutv Coitrf of Plerts nir'i Quattrr Srssioni,' Fehruan-Term. I:i4. . . " .' ' Jnrob I'schH. Attc!rment levied on Ud T auuearinc, lo the saticf-u-tion of the Court, that A 1 lefLndttnt. is not an mhab.tant of. this itfife.: QtJr fit, by thcC.iiirf, tliat puM.cation be msde for rix ti m III Ws4e ( ftrrti j ' our next Court. of Pleas and .Quarter Sessions to, Id tor tlie f'nuntv of Rowan, at the Courthouse r! Sh?btiry.ou the t!iir! Monday iu May next...thca it 'j ther" to n , ,v.r ir drlmr....or jndginent WiOH tk 'ii hy UeihO'l, aeor-op! to the I laintltt denB U'ltnc .. John Gili s. Cl.-rk of Cnnrt at 0 fli-e, Ui - third M.milay of February, ISM, and kt oHh ear cf our Jndejjcndcnce. Salisbury, April l'i I:t. joiiNCtfis: fit otici 'r'HE undersigned fin's this diiv qtiali fk-5 iiti ecutur of the last ill and Testament of k dersou Elli, deccasedT.and hereby requcsBj persons having claims agitinst said Estate, to f sent them fir pavment within the time prescribe by Law ; und all those indebted are hereby quested to make payment. i JAMES ELLIS, Executor. 1 . JSo'vembexLI, l.Saa. riKMT rati; i:iti .i; FOR SALE CHEAP. rTMIE. Subscriber han just complete-d "all ikeJfH pairs necessary to a second hand Carnifi which has for some time past been in hi Pj session for that nurnose. and now OFFERS l' FOR-A LFnifwaneTrfwtfHi the owner, who has no use for it. The Carriage is now as eood as when tii and can lie seen at my shop by those ciosiroua 4 purchase. JOHN t. SHAVER n i.. o u Cliarlfftton and Clicrav. T 1 1 E STEAM-BOAT. MACON, Cait. J. C. Graham, HAVING been engaged, last Summer, in H nipg between Charleston and Chcraw, call at Georee-Town on her way up and down.wul aume her Trips in the- course of a few dav,w . :. ij 1 I .1. ...xA iet Mi' is niieiiueu to uo coiiiiiiucu in utu iiauu - f ing season. " Her exceeding light draft of water, (drawis when loaded, only about four and a half feet)- enable, her ta..ttacft teraw-at aILliai?5i!ft on an uncommonly low river, when her cargo s be ligntered, at the' expense of tbe boatU -1 J. JJ. CLOCG0 Charleston, Sept. 28, 1931. , f I N.B. She has comfortable aceooinwlani a few passcugers.. . j ir b. ft tr fi Hi le at U Ja m 'bi be na er lei c W re far rai w shi lo su of till JOH nai A. hr Kir firs dra wo vin am no in i . 1 to i dc few by up the I-