I . ". THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. ' SALISnUItY....SATUUI)AY, MAY 17, 1834. ml ut ( ool iU iMltk siakr nibrt trV, ) 4" war i tn IIXOB- 'rati iiittif. Wffl' Lj FF jrtn& kVnth "ixjllt) 9 Laftl I hit tlx flnr "weA- hcaml win nasi m "tit i of h csftj scriw utr. I "1 lia H n wl iroul . r in ri will ie en .j, f ti"! W' iaind the tallowing linti in lit American re. print ut an English peraxlical cIl-d the H Metropoli tan," nd thry spjxtar so appropriate to lead Ihe fUtr from the acomnplished dnuphtt r nf U Ut lamented r. Wi so the lal illi- "f Iff filhcr, that we can fn,t do otherwise than m- rl Ihrm here :) TDK I .AND OP TIIK Hli'rtT. " Ik-ar nrntht-r, I t-k for iny father in vain )ls (m wultt mm IaT country, ttw health tr rep iilr Hi' In- I rt our mid rliinan- ot 1'iM and of mk, J or aunr asm xgimy laisl, w lit re the mI brim-a blow I" Yes, yes. pentl biy. thy loved father h gisie To t liumtP w hefe 'xot row and pain are unknown ; apir.t m ( ut-uVn'd. lii' tVunw m at rrt, T fieri- ti licnlt.'i, liii ri' is ptwi-c, in the IjiimI of tin; West " U that land, my Hear usttber, nsire lot el; than our. I Are Uw run ox ire citur, aisl mote Wkhii.iivj um ix r, 1 Miiiuiirr cliinr in it il all tli yntr liir, U it rhi'fnil by tin' kIiuI mxui'iai liiii'ii' aixl none'" V-,Ui llvw'ri rirprnil not by winter or Bybl, Tbi i-ll-i(Miii;'of'l,li' art -linut!"' ami bni'lit, Ari'l by riuiite voii i r! hymn urn mIiIh-mi'i., To (Imp lufl who fcip'our (rn I ami of tl- Bit-wl ! Yrt tliat lam! to m) ftilur Will Imii-ly a(-r. He alinirik fmm th paz' of a utrargi r w li.!o U-rt ; Fnifn hia fifrrtrn ron-piinn'na I know bf will fli, Aivl aili. ilnir- inotli'T, fir you aiwl fur nil." My iliirl.iif, tbj' fcilii r iinw n-yna-n to gve On tin- lum'4t rpl rVntnla nf lii mrliit iay; Hm pan nta bavr tin it fnunl a niaiimon of rnt, Ami lln-y wi ln.ini' tii f non to tli? laiul of the ltl''4." M llow I Ion j to parttikn of hikIi nifi'tina of bliwi, Tltat lanil itmat U; MiP'ly. nun lnpi'V Iban tlliKi Oo yoti, my kiml BMitlirr, tl' yiMirnry dwnili Lt't i in (? to my fnttii r, hm knulreO anil frii-iMl!i.M " Not on in''. loc ; I Uu4 I may nwcli thai bright cIiiim But m parirnc f rtartill thr Ird'a rhoprn timr, And muat atrnc. w!nle await'im !!; prnt'NHi l lnntj -Tor fuinntiT-ynuTir irtrpf trrtfrr limtof tTw Bli'.I' u Thou mu! toil tliroiih world full of dancm, my boy- Thy poace it niav bl'jht, anil thr virtue destroy ; Nor w ilt thou, ala! be w lliliclii from ita Hiianx By lathir'a k.iw! coiinwlm a fathfr'a fimd prayora. Vet fear not the (iod nuM direcUm we crave. In nullity to Klr'iitlKn, to alneld, and to anvr ; Am! Hn baud may )et lead llnT, a (flonfil iruot, To the hontc of thy father, the Law! of Um BW." -mrmt - THE LATE VML1.1AM VMRT. In their tranait throUfrh lifb, many havf ahown wrth more aplfndor. but few have ahl a more' steady and benign Itgbl tlun the bte William Wirt.- It w aa not 1U. W.irt'a. faituaee-it ia.the lot of .rc7 ffu" ti t avtun.! I ho hruiiwlftriAa tif inriA Kill 1m rut. ttvatcd with rntbugmiirnaftd the wide doinairu of acienoe and litrr itun-, brinsmir to ht beautiea which wraped the oWrvatron of intrl IrcU more eomprxienaive, probubly, in tlifir gr but I1 winute-m-tlirir invertii,'tiun.--'HecrTtarnjT"Wir endowed with an wfllTt of' wbigh ortWj btit, ItJio' il may with Uutii,! aaid of-Jua tltat "ha touched no Jhing w hich ne did uot Lforn," still the attribtitoaof his mind were hardly aa prominent a the ainuiblc aflt tiona of li UhtC - Par one btty fiftedTa ht ao"JiiiilIy afsUBputcTieir, k wwa in a remarkable dfjrroe exempt ftxnn the ordi nary crwxes and vexationa of gunuia. It ran itcarrely be auppoHed that he liad no rnomiea: ftir no man, who poMFSHra the tak'nUi to excite envy or joalouKy, eta ex ert his capacity without incuniup the animosity of aoipe but malignity waa eitlicr cvuctliatfd by hia mililncms lOKa character, turned away from (he attack, with a con aobuanrsa that every attempt to inflict a wound upou Wm would recoil with violence upon iteIC He b nb no iWoVeT Biit he lias left' bi-hTnS him a repotition equally distinguished for UlonU, for patriot wm, for glowing bcuevQlcnce, and. aputleaa integrity.. Fascinating aa be waa in the palmy days of hii lite rary and forensic distinction, the taut aocne of hia life was, of all, .the mont interesting and affecting. We shall give it u it ia beautifully represented in the fol lowing Letter from one of hia daughters, to his survi ving mter . Tbone wlio am convotnant with the style of Mr. Wirt, w ill discover in this letter of the daughter the genuine imprest of the Cither's feelings and talent 'itH.X-4 nd'r'ed only by tbedolicacy of tbe-iJi.- We shall not, by apologizing for its insertion, do in- joxtice to the tante of our readers, to the incidents it narratea, or to tlie unaffected patlietic simphcity of a ir&4 tfiffift dniightcr. " Poor wanderers of a Mnrmv dav. From wve to wave we're driven And fancy'$ Jlash, and r&uon't ray, Serve but to light the troubled way : There' nothing calm but Heaven!" Addressed to Mrs. Eliza Clarton, of Augusta, Georgia. Washington, February 82, 1834. i Saturday Afternoon. My Dear Aunt : This u? the first time my pen heverJjTarynWhiseBile!),rl"g nppellytjtiri n, re- tiirencc to yourself, but, believe me, t is not the first time, by very many, that my heart has felt drawn towards you, with the yearning which it would naturally feel towards the only near survi ing. relative of mypreciqua and sainted father; and now there is a Hacredness in this feeling, which no other tie can give, and which will be enshrined in my heart until it shall cease to beat. Your dear son, Judge C, who has indeed been .MJb. fciwfeatiiKaid.in; thia mmm.4t-u oeep affliction, interested us all very much, some few weeks ago, in an eviing"isir Joiriy father, by narrating with ,how much care you treasured up every thing relating to vour much loved bro. ther, patticijlarly every, thing whjch threw. Jight no liia rvligimn rirwstiid muIium-mI and il ia in ltn Itopfl nf airrfiiij( )ihj gruliiit hImhi aati eotirt, .!!!i!j;?.i'.,.'jj.ff!'JN,n,w J 1 Jw gi jou as iiiliHitrwid tk-tttikcd ail accotml of the but til.-, mm! Ucwilt of ir Ji-ar aiu Jepnrii Jfouf,,fa the in-Mnl cina'uai'il and CoJliie'j atuUi uf my igiml will (x-rinit. ! caiimrf, tln rvil, dwell on tins ) which hil ftiu.ilv haa MorfaiiM-d in lln ir lleiid, IlubnJ, Fa llier, and Hiium Itobl I'rH-M ) ir wln n iiiy lh.iKlii revert lo iIiih axMet f tlw ra', fw aa if my l.eart would brrntk j ,mM n)y haml on it n still ita n Ix lliiHi tiing, urn! tmimi my eye ami miI tothr-llillswheiKe Cometh u tr Ip j and m-iUn-A, my iH-ar aunt, flu help hua Utm exi-iMj l to tia nIiikmI luirai uIkwIv, l'..r had I Im told, lwr klmrt wnka ago, that he who waa ilie d'iir"-l add fiMmt alwirbing olij. ct of air earthly nlf. i tmna, w a aoini, an very on, to la- luken from u, nie lliinKx llie Miilib n kii;k waild have made ua quit lair Imld of xir Alimchly Hi-lue, and iln n u into WHiling ami thaur. AikI yel, when llo fiat HtiH', hii'I we knew it lo he iiM vitubli: ami irn vo. ruble, (tml held u tip, and dried our team, and liiihln il Mir lauient.itiiitia, and eiuibb'd us lo stand nnmiwt llie dn mg la-d, lo ipeuk uitd to receive the word of cotiw iliil ion. U'- wli 'in we ..i-d, ttnd whom the Lord lorrd, (preMu tUielil) wa-i puttirr of' rrrmTatrtl limllli n the morning of Sunday fhc t'tlt-iiisl. no nun li m,, ihut lfir mother, ut the hriiikfinU UWe, nniil to him pin) fully " Vtai or looking no rnueh iin-f like Yourx-lf, mj in-ar huolmiKl, than I have m-oii you fi.r eiint, that I really think you opyht to hnve your picture tiikeri." (n tit prt viiniaeveii inj, Siturdiiy, he hud been pn rwiruig him-lf fir an urguns-iil .n the following Mmnluy, in a very importunl ra-, Ur H had been in the CapiM lihru- rv, enniniiiiiig nuilii nties, in lulditi'si to iIkmc of Ins own otocc; uud ultogellier expre il hiniMlf Ix tter Kiti-fn-d with his pn-p.irittiiHw, limn he had ifti for a bms time ; for tn tJua, aa u evrr y thirty il-', Iiin humility ollefi nutde him uihm rvalue Inin aM'tr to as to distrtsaa us. Directly after bn-akfiitt, SuMmih nvorning, Otli int., he ateinlJod us as u-suat. in his chuuuVr, at Ataal' lrni'qrji auii ucvtx. dull kaj;. a. jhocu. so li'inn and Icrvent outxinnj( of the mail at the f -xi'xil of the Merry ak at. Ho pr.ive,! " for the ev. UuuttMi of lite RWmer'ft kin-rdom, with a holy cnriMwtiir-m ; fiir his iliililren pn-xent and aWnt ; tor liiti enemies if m Itatl any j ami fir hi friends every where; mpt-cially llume who had not yet Uteri hrotight to know and love llie Saviour ; finally, he praved, that hia own soul and that of thiwe no dour lo him, might he sprinkled afresh with par doninjs Wood, and that the Mcrniled Xaviour foutd,1 (brottgh the iruituttre of his Holy Spirit, koep bim and all of ua in Ilia fnar, and enable us to walk ia hi omrnrtndmprrts through life ; sustain and cher us in the hour of death; and at hut receive lu to' himself, a re-united and blceard fbmily, lo worship forever around hia throne, to Ibe glory of God llie uT heart fc-Tng thus attuned lo worship fJod'Tn his public ordinances, ha walked with my sifter . F.llen, Alex'r. Randall of Annapolis, (the brother UL my hmther.in-lsnf, JnHrt g aitdall, f I loeHMt and mytHvlf lo tbe.Capiud,-lo hear the Qfaplain, Mr: Stockton, preach. ' It wa not actunlly join ing; but so ejieeedingly damp,7 that some jrsons' had their umbrellas up, lo turn the drizzling rnnis. turev,,J? Jo, lhi?.wtlk.tiat the cold, which tenni iiatcd in bis deatli, is attrilmted. 'YcJ he had Sonus; limes walked in as bad and even worse weather be fore, without serious injury ; and the physicians had urged upon dear mother the nhs.dute neceswi ty of his taking exercise in all weather, except lutt-falling j especially after breakfasting upon meats, iiu-tead of his usual diet of rice and milk, which was tlie case that morning. Then-fire, al though it was damp, yet, as tl cxeicis aeeoied lv I adviwalile, and he was anxious to go to church, (the very inclement wea'her having prevented him from doing an mf three previous Biiiiday that we had" been here,) irv?aS nVeirled'fhST WTrright tto-I tore. And, tlrough bitter nanus of self-reproach for having been accessary tojiw Jftal eolq,'gaye my IstToved mother one oj" th most violent and ago nizing nervous paroxysms I ever witnessed, vet she and all of us have, I trust, been brought lo feci that this could not have happened without .the spe cial dottign and interposition of God, who accom plishes the most mighty ends by the instrumentau. ty means i apparently totally inadequate to their fulfilment. ..;J1 Mr. Stockton s text that' morning was 1st Cor. 1st ehapfer, '24tyyirawPW preach Chritt crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling-block, and un to the Greeks fooliHhness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Csi-f the power of . deed, prove most convincingly, that it was the trw don of God, in falling upon the only plan which could, at the same time, satisfy and be concordant w ith his equal attributes of justice and mercy. And tho poirrr of God, in accomplishing, by the instrumentality of One who- waesspise-ttnti te-jt-efed 'oTihen, and of his few obscure and followers, the salvation of a world, a work which no earthly monarch, however universal his empire, could ever accomplish. The subject was a sub lime one ; and it was treated with a force of argu- nW-aj a- piilkifc.4elo rarely if ever heard equalled. My dear father sat immediately behind my chair, so as occasionally to rest himself upon it, and I heard him more than once sob, in a sort of convulsed lotto toce, as was bis habit when deeply aflected :-b ejaculated se veral times, too, his approbation and admiration of parts of the discourse ; and on rising, when the service was closed, said to the gentleman next him " A most capital preacher, sir one of Nature's orators ho i a- great favorite of mine and goes strfKght to my heart.'!LlkirtoprKdandhnok hands with Mr. Stockton as we came out, making aoroe kind inquires about his health,- which were recipro; cated. He and Ellen walked fast,' and got home before me j aud I found, when I went to jj'uj cham- U r, liutl Ita bud Ukea UT hut c-ottt, sod tt on hi wrBjx r, not fivlmg well, Ily Mr. Hsixlull'a ile. fire, bowetrr, be rarito rlflwrrto tin1 purloV, nod altook bands wttb bun,aa bo waa to kave luwn tit twit dayj and said "God hleaaymt, wr farwelit" Thia aa tlte List flttw be ever t fj Itt ruutu." ' Dtl rctiiniing from chun h, be ak-d mother to N look if Lb hd cut lua ear in bavmg, as it t It pninfut." Mother eiaininej it, and CkiimI ito such mark, but Urd lin4 in the pland of the thnt, jut below the right ear swelling, as aU prr. sumed, from cold and atlvixej hiwi lo lie down and cover himwlf up warm, hoinn thtat he would bf relieved by perxpirutiiu This wt bHweeH two and ihn e n'chnk, and wa Ok n rA tfown to din ner. A tittV bef.'re threw v'tU , I Can bp, with my boniM-l cu, lo go o (h jrtb again, biased him. He aid, " Tvll your omtlM r, my dear, tftat I fiel very chilly, aa If I were gomg to have an ague." Hie immediately onbnd hot bricka to a is f H, and aduitu.nul coveruig, and sent for Dr. II. When I came home he had a fever, but lalkad clufrfiill) j when I gave hnn a dtmrpiiion of Mr. Siik kt'Si s evening dixroorM'. After renaming ai lent a few monx-iita, he said" Wife, it will not do for me to epx niyxrlf in thurrb aa I do j I am a mere buby in the conunuiwl of my aenmbili lies ami ts-rves; I lan mar rely refrain aometimea from tears, aiid iiKlMtl, f have fremieiilly been olJiged lo relieve myM-lfby giving way h them " and, aa he xjx.ke, the name fi-rling nwnted to over MHsf him. I nnitl, what I think true, that M no Chrixtian Might to be ashamed of iiitftixe filling at llie renew of his own unwnrthiiiean, aixi of the v vid riiKitiori sf grHiitudv ami lows to the Sitviour, w hich cauel ti-ur." H Put it is so unmanly, and petjile around don'l know what to make of it." Ilis fever continued to be highfr and hotter, and m-enx-d to be aggravated rather than relieve! by tlie wrm applicati'itia which wtre prexenhed, in the hope of forcing a persfitratiaoMeaniinf; his fare, and killing hia ftrt in IhI water, and, aa a gtiiuine vaKtrbnth could rmt bfl Bronnrd, laving hot bnckaall along on both aides of hira in hia bed, fr ni hi fi-et upwards. His fever raftd oil night wuii. aa-utUiutm v w lwohf mother my a, she haw -ne ver known with him ; certainly hr f ftrrn yrort, if ever. iNext day, the whole right aide of hia face was much swollen. On Thursday night I ant up with him : he roar twice in the night, with the asnistance of dear mo ther and a servant, thinking it would make him feel more comfortable to change hia posture a little while, and bave bis bej made i in doing so, be ex preened hia surprise at hi extreme weakness. which waa greater, lie said, after those frw day' Illness, than after his long and exltausting attack at the springs last summer. The last lime be ne, as he sal in the easy chair, he asked mother if she would rreadThe EiWtolum 7"" She "did in and it was the 6.1th Psalm. : n reading this, she oroih teil all those pajagp which relate more parttcu- w bic h you know, waa partrcuTariy applicable lo himself; he seemed to fret h dcf-ply ahd after she had fiiiialird reading, she saw his lips mo vino in prayer i Tbia-war the- tast-time tie Tra able To ( listen. tolbi prrcrous Tnlmre, or to nso from bim- wa. lowarns morning he became siiirlitlv dulirt-J m . ...... ...-.. . Otis; and it waa oVemed advisable to call in another physician ; and Dr. II, a young physician here, who has ,grea reputation Air. skill and talent ia his profession, waa aaut fir Fat her, himself, said at first it was n4 worth while In consult another phy siciat, but at last consented. That nsirning (Fri day uioruiug) lie cnlled mother lo hia bed-side, and, in. the presence of mv sister Ellen, gave certain directions " in esse of iiig sutiden death." He then seemed to speak with tome difficulty, and in the course of that day, and throughout the next, talk ed wildly at internls."' HU'roi to dwell on his law cases, fie would call us to JressFng the Judges of the Supreme Court, carry. fog'W a contimibtis' argmeht for several sentences together. TheJwo PhysiciarsjfonwiUe4.iogctheralfi o'clock Mondav morning, and decided to blister him around vh is right ear, which Ihey did ; after wards, on both wrists and both lifnbe, from the an cles upwards ; and finally bis head was shaved and blistered. Forty leeches, also, were applied, two or three different-times, to-the left temple, and be hind the left ear ; yet these and all other remedies, were of no avail, Oa Sunday . p4 Monday lie lay in av kirjd of lethargy, from ay h wa it was dimcuU 4 arouse him to swallow his medicine and food. . Both eyes, too, were cloned from the inflammation, and the right eye covered with a blister i but we continued bath tag tin' left with TtarinmrB that it might possibly open. When asked if be would swallow any thing, he always answered, " Yes, IU try" though it was with difficulty that he swallowed, towards the last, from the swelling and soreness of the mouth, tongue, and mucous membrane. His sense of hearing, however, never lost its acutcucss until Monday evening. . Dr. Hi , thinking it must have done to, spoke to him in a loud tone.of voice, and was gent ly rebuked by his saying, Doctor, :ypn are not sneaking to a regiment of soldiers." He dUtin closed, and when one of his jrtached young friends and students, James C , asked him, "Mr. Wirt, do you know James V , He replied, "To be mire I do." - . -; Ellen's Iwin-siifterVRosai now Tilra. Dr. Ilobin. son, of Baltimore, came down with her husband on Saturday, having been informed by lettera from us of his alarming illness. When the first kissed him. he said" Whv. mv dear, how came von here rUigh, high f But at thaTro"TOaV no other remarkr--Theiiejrt dajrihowevcr7 fSutiday, the 16th,) he asked, with some difficulty, tor " ait Kose. And when she came to bun, said, My darling, uod bless you 1 0V Monday jioniin, we tlpitghi Mm dking , and drwr rmither, nimble any bni to t!tititr4 Im-i'i pen! up ficliiigYMirul to aisther rHii ajnljve I hon, io kti arterwads, how .bo ltltL..Jlajiitly -veiiltt litem. TTtelK-JTii lliuTji' waa irnliaxl lo anil,'" ii4 weli.H die witbuul looking Ut hut Ctinily any nnire, nkmgf have is; llM-m, aitd eiprMiig but own n-aigtuittuft, as inuirtttUygoiti'jiig, " Hut, a if lo sltow lite power of (!!, whiln slsr waa thus abaiiiltaiiiut bt.rm4f Ut yrief, lit m lltttl had been mi lotig rbaMnl, nut imhI MiOiK nlv, ax I Iiiuil' over him, ami fixed il If txi with a kimlliug uili-lligence which I hi.l is4 seen since bis riml waudennga. "My Cuis;, do vou km.w your ('a-1 thannr r u u Do ou (runt in od P (raining my own eye lo flenven, In nuike the qiiextiiai pmre signincaut) u Yes," with sok inni- ty, atJ raising, bis own eye in the sarnie dif tnm. I new itfUr ibe next nnmi to romUiumCBte ibe in lulligenre lo dear tin - her, and ahe calmed lie me If and returned with. roe.. Site approached the bed- si.le lie looked at ber, and said, M Il ic aaa gr ing hrfurt you " I fiwred 'his Would overpower her ; but God upheld Iter, and she answered meek- ly, u Yea, my beloved, you art going bePir me, and yixj will are our dear angel in Heaven, sooner I than I shull. liters are five of our children in Heaven now, waiting lo receive you.aial you leave five more oti earth umler my care il will only be fur a little while, and we, too, shall come and tin srw n - m -- a-- a' a you. IM nl fr-ar nr us who are lett uenirvo j Uid will Isle ram of ytsir wiiknaeJ sV.-l fc-l IberlesjicbiWrenr lVrewaasiriggh)inhisrrame and heart, but he sought strrtigth where be had never failed lo find if. and it waa erven him. Ilia rye net! lighted on me I kitmrd him, and asked " Sly beloved Cither, w your soul at peace, now, stayed on Jesus H w Yea." Do you now feel the truth of the promise, "When thou walkest through the valley of the shadow of death, (ear not Cod will be with thee. Hi rod and his stair they aliall comfort thee !" " Yea, oh yes !" rai- sing his eyes lo Heaven, with mingled exprasaitin of btith, gratitmle, and submission. His eye then fiJI ou Euae Slie kuM-d.lua hand, and bade " God hlrta yoti; my brktved futlver.? Tiien on F.llen ; and le did the nan, lie hxJied alternately once more on each of ua as we stood annmd his bed, ftheo -retwM k4-hwnd and eyes to Heaven, a if n voking a farewell blessing. During this solrmn arul afSrting scene, all had left tlie rwm, except bU own immtnliale family. At this crisis, however, our former Pastor, when we livod here, Mr. Poet, (a meek and holy man, lo whom father alwaya bore a strong attachment, soil for whom I had diHlched a burrind messen ger, at the first sign of returning irrtelligerre,) ar rived ; and with him tUra entered several of fa Iber's friends, old and VMing, Ut the minilter of fif teen, including the family.' Mr. Prnrt took bis hand, and asked him, " if he waa reetgned ldioj ed. m.he-i.atinrv: nfrt Tlmn? W,d nvother". rtttim vou, my God He will lake care ire of u. in your absence, ami rjndLtJa4wiil tt,unlt.u. iVvem IU TruTgled ban! aw.a SHwdlVaw m eatt lt lUliri yn iu Vftajii . jir.iT"r't-.1Ui ir...a,.tn il N.t.t.u ll-mil t uubu iu iivsjtviM iiv m i ugi; rxru imni ta speak, but Ihe utterance wa. denied. Mr. Poet then asked him several other questions, as to " tho ctniiprawd -and happy atareuf hi antrf 1" Hi views rf the jdaiktsf fiJawimtioit through- thesw . air: r 'iLr:".!. . . ' . . p i viour i iiui muu ui iiw aiowng jvjm sua for the pardou of all his sir-, and fur his salva. tion ! lo all of which he replied in the ahrma. live,. Mr, PtKt then asked bim,. "if it would be agrHeable- to him, that we shoo Id nmite m oflertngl a praver for him r lie replKtd, with great vivaci-1 ty t Yes, and nodded hia head affirmatively, three timea in quick succeaion ; tliereby signifying the great pleasure the proposition atltrded him. W e all instantly kuult down, aa with one in puise, wftue tne eoien... a(ipei asceoiied e j tne Throne of Grace. It was a spectacle so sublime, I .( . I It... that Angela iiughl contemplate A with dehgH and saw u iaui aa srw, w in' ieisau w with the prayersAt one . time Mr. Post prayed . f' , tentione ofl that, " If f it was con mi stent with Ihe ui jhp Almighty, his sick rf,j,rlng aervaut might bo raises up jrorn mat ix 01 languwtimg, in tne enj irtv-ment of hcllhlno a. fitrthte- InVsnimrn 1 L i jr - j t v . Z- I s Htinilv nnn friends and an hoiutr in hia rntiiit ru I bis and to the cause of God on earth.' . 7 7.'. ' , t,' . r: . . .- j- . I Immediately the eye was withdrawn from its imploring gaze upards, shudder passed over hi. frame, anJ he I 1 ,u . ? r i. ,j Tf cosed with the prayer, that, "if Godshould tak hira now, he might to received mto,themanwOTs Zr7L Sf UIZ Jfr. J r "V ilghthe au-twiwd and comforted in h depart,' fUrther then, as the result of that Interview was perfectly autisfqetory to him ( but would see bim again. - - m.. . It did seem as if God had, at that very moment, time on eartn, upon hia assembled nunily to witt ness theif resignation, and to cheer them by b f own; and that the pressure upon the brain waa, during thia blest halflioiir, removed for Ihe aatne i . t-L - : t. : k! r. rr. .7 ii::: : .7::"rZj r": ipm im poirciwa, where h ure MaM tilling w mw3tYvs . ut .1..", ," 1 Ifu.1 7 fatwll WI hit htU '" l-m,A '" ' '" less and at rest. Mrj Post pressed his hand' in 1 TvVi! erwt- Set a watrh. 0 Id. takmg leave, saying be would not Bttigue hiralmouUi. i.benevole,tit rnjrpose. The expression rJhslnMrf llwevewttrtrtn-paSr' e wa not dim and wandering i but clear, hnn, Intel ligent, beaming, heavenly. Tho voice, too, dis- tinct and full of feeling, and tlie jnotion of the head and of the hand, as it was raieed with an eflbrt from Uie bed, and then drcfped,tKTifelessly, but reverentially, spoke in a rnn.nr.ef not to be fnista. ken by those who witnessed it "Thy will, Oh God, thy holy will be tone-loti Jesus into Thy hands I commend my spirit. Throirghoutthis lingering and rinfulcnff, unaimrortiiTde a wrioi: llM'Sieasei' iwHi the severe rifmedies, (for all the blisters drew,) he .never uttered a repining word. Once, when his feet were immersed in hot poulticoe, he aaid, " Is thia not enough to drive a man mad ; to be between two Los, ujiti at lis Lead pod Ibe otlit r at hia fl!" Yrt, Ua 1 axkej. ftm-h tlnbl-like wibmisio(l I never wititbtamj. b.mj such iiiimunnurmg sttim e. ,slo Slotstajr im.fttliig ibo'ITlh, Dr. H allt f aotna tflltrta, -MrwM in btaking him understand Ibat be wiab. W huu lo luke atxitlier doae of trmdieust. Ilia rw ply wus, rJllrf, Vott M 4 Wu ttraal wi'a aw." Hut Ibe Last lime ihry teased tint to Iswrillow some nirihmetil, Ixr gently, and alnx4 inmshl.ly, whimpered, "W atr ir," My mother aj) a site haa often beard him ripreaj lb opimne) tlml "dying perstsm otighl tA lu be disturbed u their lust tuotncuUt b) iite itupurUiuiliis U tlwit . frs-ixV-Vv bring litem Urk lo hfe ft that rmsat probaMhe aila aura perwmw were lUo IN arirbrd in Ik tJeniplaliism of ttcreiiy, and bold ing eommtuiioti with ibe uihabitauta of Heaven.9 e know not but bis half eiiAnrisited soul as at thai moment thus engaged, and II ae-nsd alaxmt cruel lo awaken bis wrapt spirit lo cnicbMies, When, with Ibe reatlewanewe of mm, be would throw the rover from bra bands, and make an ef- tort to reach rr kwrk with tlnftn, perhaps lo unit. rale, by this mute gesture, llie seat of paiii, and dear mtstber would say, M For wifti's sake, U'V be kned, do try to keep jouf duar band warm, - b - II . . . ..- 1 wrami pararnuy resign in-m io aw roveren, stmiew . vSr, U'-U, nf a nu U "Wajt mont generally in ailenr. After the fcrtweH interview with ua, and itl Mr. Post, which I have so miinitcily (kwcribed. land which took plane en Monday the Kth, be did not again nnciuwo nis eyes or speaa. Jnce, aner wards, that night, as I sat by him holding hia hand, and moistening hil mouth, with wine and walor, and watching bjs verr regular, but gradually di minishimr breaching, bo VrhUpf rnd, " 71 door i efea." I thought ba might M rrfaHrd, (though tbera were a, at- the time, mora than two otltef peraone besides meself ut the room, which was large, airy, and cool,) and. thitw op&a tb bntet- admit iheir. But I think il highly probable that at thai moment lie bad a glimpse of that Heaven : urn which he waa about to enterr-the thought rmh me-a the aiene, 'bat then he sennrt - When Moses stood. And viewed th landscape o'er; Nor Jorrlaa's tream, nor death's cold Hoed, Could fright bim from the shore." All night we watched, expecting every trerfh " lo he the last; and yet, although hie bandawure c4d and clnmmy, ami hia pulse alnns!, and some times qsi'e, imperceibkf J yet ibe hot bricks seemed to keep hit fret wann la the last, al hie iMrenthing was aa tranmiil as that of a alerphif ehll-l- - , , There was a favorite bird of dear mother's ia his room,-(a Voung; mockinj bird,) which the had : ft1.? "4,i "F cease singing all winter , V V!?? WW ; : J.mMMM once ."T M ffk, a a a i a . BBd hLP fh.n.ber in which. the bird s caee htme. wis aJo dark. No aoeaiee biuLMd rortoncTuded hia atiunn frayar, tha e were l surprised lo heaf atrakof tint ssreaeet rnrronywarbhxf (yihi little bird and IhT eis . tiftiied, at mtrrvals; lhrthe'jrfic bf an."houN: ft: did, indeed, sound like the music of Heaven, in "n"wer ,,?'U.rfiyrr (.u.raaa: MpUuo u it was, nuvci auu unexptn ton. ; - - It wa not until 11 o'clock, Tuesday morning the 18th, that the last breath wu drawn. We a3 stond around him, and t held hia left hand betweea both of my own. So faint and in interrupted waa . his breathing for the lost five minutes, that it was difficult to know when il did cease, .Qnce I held lhmk; it wu u I.l' t.,,, ,t - l-: - LiJ LT: . ff j:,,,, W .r,,a . ,Lpra wn, J. until Ihe resurrection morn I At that instant, the i. sun, which had "been all the morning tcilcd in i i i, ..ji.S. t.. ,. ,ndo f !he Wnich M T lhl lm miisie nf tliA niww.l!i - 1 "ri-rl-'.r. m -TT f. Hanging siiem and unohseryed m hu cage, strtu k BB. . . i""w I ii m tasarii tulrti niaw au anirwlaaaawl annul m n.. - up a requiem m H w cuiivui efwf wwi wnaatiun 14 SJaViru DV WJU Ultti i, ,i,, n ..:k t- .l c. .u o:' f Anil's wing 1 ? 8Uing? u tnncr9clf ' ouc - luy of misery to usf" . ,M ; . , ; , ! g Mo.Wtw;: Pehrnarw' si Ulnmv fktl.,V kte iHrrrmm hl, , - Pied lhSwJ ,wo rcrsea-,he first in hi. nv7n hand, hU klst m a ,he was lyiiir - before m Keen the dots of mv lioa.n-Iwlm evli S i fcceaV ir-" Follow pimce with all men, and hmoss without which no man shall see the Lprj Ifis pwlie4-hook also 'contains, instead of bank. (vote, many little pieces of papef, on which he had. f red volume, of precejit ag of promise, which he always wore near tiita bosm as kit Irtttmre.; And ' it was to hinv and it ever shall be, r treasurcj laid Up for bin) in heaven, where neither moth nor f j . i i i . i . , " . cI-Tthrough and steal." and tliis treasure mav no nmn i tuke from hm. ' I It was often one of his Snhhath dcliphfs fo put down on pan?r the pious motidn rf his f)iil ' " and these rlFjsinna do not fall very far short of.' those of His prototype.lhe swpet psalmist of Israel, ? These, and all his other .-writings, as well tlioee which have bern Published, as his letters of advice lo his fiimily and friend, his doscriitli Ji tters, (written at. Kiagara .Bu0on,-tho iioiilifaitif ' cf pictorial;) bis asays, ftp. 'CM (a tho purpofO of my dear piother lo colloct togetjiei In some nulu- ring form, which may, jtrrkaps, by an e.t' ii-ivfs circulation, Contribute lo the benefit of )'reeri r ' future generation, atid lht, even j,f!ir i , ? :

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