J I; i -4-; tii.j j. cxifif in ri t iiiii'i.iii", rn,i!'' by if IVi-lnl. lull slnndy beu rii-niH.iii" d (nod II ia hot f .rifitlW lhal lb n-.I itmu if lie M'1 t :n ! ! d xi tny other principle! In it tin H rpUrv f lit" 'iVu-wiry in l!m ouV'r of '" irm, him! uvl iwth!-nl '4 lb" Pn-"i.h id ' th'tl tln 1; iordinalCB f I'mif ftTM. Blrl rMirt1l, wi'ti .U -(mrurmM' of lit Kalinin. Follow "d In it rt-'V4-iM, Una principle, will bo Camd eiVchril y M d'filf'iy Mi iMfdllnilr it-iwrtiiM-M of tin1 lv-riiiiiriilf to fnMiirl il III hNl 11k? , Pn-'-H' iit perils m ! imli U uwlii liaAiMiilmiwrily, A-f Win guUunf Iwl Ui pnfirl, , , ,' , , Tin iinie mtA lh ooUMuai whkh hits cmltrj irtl ti r'luiMio jf tU Hiiuilu, in o in" liprti li wi il!iti(xl i4ir.ni'i mA l ihimi i id iilrnr. Nriy ffty.fiv yni Imiu nnifeiifiJ, wilbW qtrrtiua m tv hi rijM ful iutl6riivr tlw- power ff lt wmwim 4 hw-t bihI wr haJ Mlf nH cur l.iminriil mh it'll I Vtiiiif ibmnwrioa mi tb frt iiiii inunwli mi lb ' Kwuliv, b4 dmtrsctod our fnuiiw U ; fmjo.yi rriiHAnK ir CirrxX rtwrruit u. In irvrrv VIM UiiUhhmiIiI lo it i it i ... i i i... .. ' .. ... . . , i. i..iy . irfni ii4irrriHir in u.H-nfly tvsie Jo fin'.' biin. W'nh bn bih pr.t- iiii"iii.a, I'd f a iiMm-mc- of ui unexampled Wr gr.kii.y Up rH.r, '''2. nTS'&M tjui.. il tWrrUf. U.r, and th Navy, (W U (; , ,,,,, u,B ,1iM(1m. tod i'i VtM-t CJ.ir ml, n-li in u.ee..,..n, wm U wii jaUof I'bi. f l d' tared Hah-oemlm! of lb Pre b Hi, III ! M,-w,ui uf fhw nation, and Wh.aM DuMf J Lutumt nirtoValt, M bwn mwln of II rWrcinry uwl lr ohk it of lh Trtniry j nd yi-l, in no our . .. .pittnrt in H kniwo lh1 wy rnn, w hoi Iwr pt ri ' Oi or br1tin, kl rait Uk ir gif it m i-4atnKi of the ludiluti. Tbfl eipdiMicy and jumir of mm h rluuin, in r-knncti to public orti er of til (rtiK-, haw friMiiily th topi of ili-rtlwion ; Uil Um ciMMliluliiiual riht of llm I'aHti'lfiJ to Bfiooiiit, foolfJ, um! renn.Ve thu hrtnl of fli Trraurv, u well t all otln-r Ji priiiriit, -U4tli-ifwinnBpiw whifhtthr prinriplc - hi trn finrt nftkinlly vmrnd ? IV Hank of (k WtMi Rmt monwmd nmoopuiy , naa fef lntfM t oliUia rfiwvil of iu charter, by ' tHilrJlmi7 tU rkritarm of llie onoolo and llie u j. 1 liffl o IL OoeruiufUt. .The. um uf iu corpo. fi,m ,4 1 o4 it w nW Vwiwo Uth PriuViit , tliat IIm rorporatioa trt mttin( in Irmin tU miif 'tiiirm of MMWoiriM, willi lU VkW of lkin . Ilirr igtirou tlFin, ihruuah u iutrrfeifiic to llif rkvtiiin of llw pmplo, io control public, optnimi tiid Cire tlni (Juvcriuuiint lo yi ld to il dciiianJ. - This, with iti corruption of llwi orw, iu VHiLitimi -- - if ita lmnr, jtii xr!ui.fl of Hk" OovtmimHit , Director drum tU procrlmr, in iH'cl'tt of duty , rr-- -fid urrofM prctoimww, trade it, in th npiniim of Ilia rrKW'iit. incotuiwlibw with the public uiU-rnJ kia MMicty oi our utMuumM, imi nun o' Iu4iin;r iMpluynl m the rWal of thr Trmmi- ,- .-.y -.. m ,1 - tjth ..Hnrn-Ury of.lbe.Treiuury, tpuiiitiiJ iu tii r?cM of th Brnatc, who had ihA hecn cult fi ruied bv that bod.'and whom llw Prmidcnt mi'-ht or might ik4, at hit 4.'urB, nominal to tlii-m, rWWt to Ho what hm tirprrinr in the KkTiitive lpnrlrtVml conaidnrwd th mot impcrativr' of hi Hii, and hcrr in fw t, howcw itinorcut hia tiitiri, the protrtor of tii Bunk. And on thi occi-4on it U"dioVrIf fr,.lb Rrst lirue, ibat tb(i whoTniriind the Omxtitution niinuu'lcrrtoml Itrtharthe-tlrarCiaigrwr-inu1 llrtTI auccnaiT have" heeti nifler delimiim : that the practice of T.arina Secretary oTina freaaury m 1x4 rei. tilde; to .the.! rUiMttMHt; lhirl la -remove bun i a violation of tha CotiNlitutiim and kiwn, fur which g.7 ' llie Trc4.lid dtrvegi lalillKict JIauouurad ? riuIie"3ouruilBor the St-nala. ' - -.. Thero are alto ann other r irruinMnncr-g cot).J - nt-tifn wiin me aiwmatiiott ana pa-Kji' oi tho re dutino, to which I ful it to be not oolv mv ncht. ... a .1.' ' "v.. " wwroiea rr tn rewnuiiua pa iw mm aBe.f biki wim una Bumionea 11 in nuonie, in iu original f rnu. VCrone jufih.8cnainia.'iW Maine, the twtf 9enutorasfrom' "New" Jersey, and once Uw Seaatota from :Uliiow-. lr ahrT apprara, by the aame journal, and the flliv of th 8nate, iimi ine tpuaiurea 01 ineee Btatca ha wverally etprensod their ojiiniouB in reipect to the Eveu- tiva proceeding ariMueat.V WW- ' The two branclicf of th Legwlnturt of theitHatea bad diibrftly approved those very pro State oA Maine, on the 2ftth of January, 1934,'cmlirun, jU cmsistent with the (Aimrtitutiooaiid paased i.. prroaibbr'and aerlea of r3lutiuia 1n:iiiadi'3 bytlie puUic good, .If lhea iuuf jotea tW Mowing words I wbefMaTkf 'iiT'afirly period' after the election of Andrew Jackmn to the l'resiticnr. in acranlutu-H witk -tWe9ntuiiete which kti-badomfomly eSpreH, the : nix for nruairing'tlw President and the uimrwe- Cu.ted SUta Bank i And wbereaa, the Bwk ha Iran ; P1"- MP" J"al of the Semite. . .. tended iU chartered limit in Uie nwnairomeiit of ita1 . Iu "'u,t 'c,frnu ,0 t'1 rewdutimm and inBtruc bumneaa trannacliimH, and haa ibandoni-d thr ohjwt of t ,10"- l tha State w-ishiturea, 1 din:laini and re. fta creation, by engain in polilk al contRiverkiia, by ' pudiate all authority or di-aifin lo interfere with the wieMirtf ita (wer ami influence to emlmrrue the ad miBiBtration of the General Government, and bv briim inf iiwolrency .and diatresa upon tha fcauawrciaf oom i Oiuuity: And whereaa, Ute public aecurity from aiich r.--..am.inalilution eoniU Ui iiitU prweni pecuniary ca-''tpaty-M WvtewM-M&Oim 1hnr in ihe fidelity t- X with wbiclt ther-tf repcm M if hat e bSn executed: And wherena, tha abune and mimpplicaiion of Uw pow--4 era onfemd-,hTg destroyed Tfie Coiifutence of Uie ,,l..,publiiv ittth.o(S Uiat aiich ..pow.erf.diiitliBV4Ubdit Rrtolvei, That in the removal of the Public Derxv aitCMfrom Uie Rink of the United State, tu well an in tae manner of Uieir reniovaL we re2nizein Uie ad ' " minintrmtion an adlieronce to constitutional riirhta.aiid .v - r, 1. :f :- L.tr. jr .... . uie nvriuruiniiio w puuiic amy. RemlvfL Thut this Iffislature entertain the aame jfcanhm. as beretofire Mpressed byrecedinn .X&i tiiroB ot tAK Atate, tnat Uie Bank of Uie United blatea Wsrht not to bt ae-chartered. J - , - t, Ruolveif, Thai. -tba. Jenatora of tbia''tate' it the ConirresB vf the United Statea be instructed, and the ,EepremtaiiYea.! of Uie UepoHites to, and , Uie renewal uf Uie charter of, tlie United 8iatoa Bank." - " On Hie 11th of January, 134, the Hmwe of AiMemhly And Council cotnpomiij the LcgujUtture Of the. State of New Jersey, passed a'preamhla ' tin) a neriea of rwIution in the blowing words: Wiereas, the pfenent crisia Iiibur pibli afiaira tails for a decided exprewion of the voice of Uie peo ple of this State: And Wbereaa, wa conxider it the undoubted right of Uie IgisktureB Of the eeveml Statet tQ instruct those who reprcacht tfieir interest - Ca the eouneila of Uie nation, in all matter which in- - iratcH Vincent tlie jmtdic weal, and ny kffecf Wit happin-a or weU beinff 0 the people t Therefore " L Ik tf tistuihei h tk Cmmi and General A irr.Wy Hjf i A'tefe, l'hat, while we cknoilr!3dj w ft of i)fixit fiiM. J.', i.f i-l' - ' i 0 - frt'ifl tl.eviln nf il.'rfii' KiiiicitM ii, lk M'!if IIjImMH l l'lill(f II.IUMI Iikjii, Who W.J ! ,Biri the lW time of our Unset lhal uitflU J m ,fti,, !. to litiin'.ia our- Ii" in H prwtve, id ml eli-niM iiHitivra lv m nin ttr iw tl mi utiiiliM aim4iiiia of a tjn anrtii of b fr ll'- cititm, "3. RrJt'd, Tint t iw ilb iftiiwin and lrm Um iiniciiea of a r'"l f ubxrii, HijktLUif'uu' to.ffibtritiwift owtiliuiauf-ilttllf tw,t,,,,,l,rT , ttietVnaVatrfanmftftaiiyTtie (ovtrrnimiil. and bt mtnt of Iti uiib-mndH iitdiiw u(w eiirri'iicy of llw country, la ariu-r ditrw nd ruin llirouviMiul tlm nmimuniiy ; and iJiat w. llT.'lifo, iJiiuiiljr W-lwvn I Kit pm ,1 B-nk uf Uw U. rtliiiHfbl ikA Ub ra-charti'trd, ( 4. HtJ4, Tim! our, W rrabir m rnitfmi br in rtmrtrtl, iimJ oar aiiibi nf tha II.mi1 of Kfrwinl alita b tnur4, to oin. by Uioir ind indu nr, tb enurpa ad"fid by Uiai-MUry of IIm Tra ury, Wr. TWy, n-laU t tb Bank of Ui UniM ruatM ind Um di'pwiitiw oT Um Ouirn)iH;iit nfj, to-lwiuuf, a wa ito, UM oairp if IIm IVirrrtarjf loli Uhi oMtuitaiaal, lad tbat tb public gtvi minrd ita adii4um. Rii, Thut tha (litwir k fw,nMl to (if nl t ijy of thi ibo wJuufi Ut A'H ir Hi-nator and KirwnfitatiM Crma Una Ktatc iu t)ia (loufrraaof Um Liul4 KuUt. Urt tlm J4 day of Frbnmry la, tW Ujrwa. tiira o( Um aaiini Hliia rciicratod tha ojhiimiw and inatrurlMaia Mom imi, by Joint rtuluiMaM, M llie (illowintf wonbi 1 RtJd, m tkt fimaWI and tlntrrml 4aWjf o ! n Jtbtw, That uV do a.lbra to Um MiriHimai (ftwij by lHm on niK I iu uiy ia auarr 14, n-kitif to Urn IWdwut of Um! U. B'ti lha ItuHir of the t'niird 8io and tlm f.ir id" Mr. Tawy, ia rt naiviiig Um ((AniiM'iil 4(iU Jtrwi', Tint U Lcfwalurc uf N'w Ji-ry have,A tru an; rvanou lo dprtXMmtrk tmna mire the njft UiMori and M M tbr wwh tUl iliy ahouid r-ia fnan or K'nalun and Rrpre MintaiikM tn lli Cooyrwa i Iba I nitad HtJ, tint tUu'iun and obwiumca lm b am due to the oitmnfl. of a Sirtwign tiuit, opnaly erwd m iU li guil Uv opacity. . (VllL?'lJimry,l!534.tl Scnatu and Ihw of Repreauntativea, cHixjifijftlin lgMiitur "f Dhi'i, panned a preambla ami rcMoliitiorw, in the fJ lowiai worda-r " hon tWe in trmmm to W-lieva that the Bunk Um faitori Hiaten Will itteiiit In olii'iiu a rem Ual iif tin cUrter at the prewnl wka "f Crmtrmm : Am) wlinrMKit m aliumUiitl) etwli-nt that mni Bank haaex ttn:m4 puwtra ilityaUy lo Um apirit f "Ur ttr in alTliilwww, aiui d.ini.'i'MU to Um liburtia of Uic-' L'niUsI MUiIm : And Wiierea Umtu U jiia! reaaim lo douU tlie mutitntimul power of Cnnprew w mnr arti of tiirar purUimi I'm IWmkin; pnrjiop oiti of Uie Dutrictof Co- lotfiWi-Attd.idirjB'ai, sr.H'ri? ?!? 3"K3f of the piMic lands to be tl ilii u'liu'iid uhporUnca to the pnifili' uf lit- TnitH .sun, mid tht boir ami gt fcitb require th ir equitable dntfribotaai : Tkere Cire " Ri M Ay tkr. Urwrul Aneinlily iht !ttt of Ohio, Tliat we conaulcr the r-uanal iif lh piiLllf cle pmileii frnrn tliB Rnlk of the United HUlei U reuir"d by Um bet inlerlii (if our emntry. im! 1'iat t iimpr ai'n."e of public duty imptr.ni'tily uemandrd thiif thai in. aliluUoo ihiiuM bt liungt uiwd ai I depmrtnry ot the puM (unite. AtmoW, atao, Tlial we iw ;ih decided diajn probaUin, the renrweil attouipU in Ohu reaa Ui rtt.irf j Uie paj 'if the CT1 profidin? U ft pnniic ooiniin uponuM (rnt'-iow petpiwa 7 mr. vmy. m.Yimiuk u u- 2Mr9.tiM jacxi a Biw mnm M Ufte- ftia m ii operation!, and Jinjm in ur--4lu - "fra aim, That we bcartdy appnaia of Um principlii nH Cirth k Uie Uu Uifs'g upua Dial iibWrLaiuL T T J ....... . , . j t ...1 -h ntoiK,- 1 nar our CvtMiora in ticrea l m etruHrd, and oar AeprMntative retiuiwUd. to um liieir uw uuiiho rmofi; fOMisi tio me viin'n 'riiH.n in iIj re- moral of the public depnotrs ; and to oppnue tfie pna vonere-a. . Jt'rdT1lll,th4 CoVenwirKa muenilAiont mit conieii of the ttirevoinif preamble ami nwlulioiui In T- ' ""a ' It U thUI necn thlit f.Mir h-eiuilii Imvn dnr nrnd by their vbtes that Tlie PrenidiMil. in the lute eieeiii ' live pnicef Uingi in relation to Ihe roveiiue, hud wen guilty of Ihe iiiipr-w-haMc olfciae of " ai j u.ing ukmj hininelf authority aud power no! couft iS.b 'h 'i,ri'.titigii mid klutlu.drBti. W wh. hi I -It I he Leifwkluri'B of their reaimct rr- titw m hceu Bivrn in accordance nub the acnluuuooi of "the LcIJatun'H, aa above e-prciwod, there wmiU Lava Iwwt L1.1 iM.ii...t. vtn. , ,.re.j rNpnuiUilitv due fiiim nx-nilH of tlie Senate to tlieir own conciciioea,iheir constituent,- and thoir tnontry. The facts how itutexl o Ihi to tlie bin. tory of these proceeding, and aw. imnortant to tbo juat deopment nf (he- fttfocipte itj$ M&siSik. mrniT in luoui, us wen as io tlie projier vutuira tit of tlie Executive DepurUikeHt j and with that WW; 'rfJ'ajrviejMMB topic 6T re n.ark. m TTiiBWurtmS(e of the doctrine -hh demos to Um rreiicu the power of supervising, directing, end removing the Secretary of the, Tree eury, in like nntnner with the other executive offi. cen, would m.m Ut manifest in practice, were the uocirtiM) to oe cstablisheu. The Pmuilonl ia the direct Ri-pVueiitative of the American People', bit h ecfet8'rra Hre m : - If rtiefeiary ytih Tnu-sury be iudejiemfcut of the President in the ewctttion of laws, then thereto no "dLftFwsriwi. bility of the people of that imnortant branch of ofhe national finances. And it is iii "the piiweroltamTMlHai, wncngray haira and a oWayinir fnime, ih I!u.,l .,f ti. f..:...j c - l .l ' I- . ii.r . . . ,, .., . . i imni oiirn-n, or any inner corpo ratiiw, body of men, or individuals, if a .Sretary shall be found to accord with tboni in opinion, or ean be induced fefwwfjfet to controf, through himv the whole action of the Government, ;(so far an it is exercised bv bis de. partnient,) iq defiance of the .Chief Magistrate elected by the ople and reionsibre to tbein. But the evil tendency of the particular doctrine adverted o, though, iwfeeiiy w be M-jtniir in chifMiriflofrirb-'.the peffiiclous oon woiicrict: which would im;vitably flow from the approbation and allowaiiee bv tlie oeooW. iinif the raeiice by the Senate, of Uie oaconstitutioral poM-. . t . . . .. 1 ,i - . t.. .1 ,.,..,).,. i of ,he i:,,,,,.,., in Ihe ,,.-,r M...Hy purI. K...1.-..; it. .. ...iu ,L..;;il lUun. I i'r ir l.lll" lit.) ici'r j ytr '-mm 1 i . . I ' ' " 7 ' " - " 7 wtlle lli fiKiinJulHiOl M tlMMi'erniie ol J I'Mio hub lli hariiioiinio a tuai of H difl-rent depart inenlaj tm) to brvak down Iherhckl and Ulaocca by wloh tliC wml 'iil of tU fraim:r siaiht ! are lis sthilily sod u".fnln The h'M t dilS rencji of opinion which ncCBy. ionally u Ulween U N naie and the V b'M, in regard lo Biattrra in wlirK both are obli. yr to parlM ijaioi, are siithVieritljr eiiilajrrwyiing. l!ul if the ciairi" recently aibtjrtod by Iha benat" hall bereafter be f(eipieuty pursued, it ia d only obvious thai the barui'dtv taf lha reUlnwia UtwerBi iU 'riKliil and th hWnalawill bcifcwlr'fed.b'it thai uhcr and grater ftf xU will uttiinalcly cti-uo. PreMilciit. the naiMoaca of the p-ilt in hia abili ty and virtue, and Ihe ebaraiiter atd iicfulneas of hi admuiiBtraJiiai, will ann be at an and, and the real power of t Government will tall into tlie biiuda of a .bxly bidding Iheir odicet Cr bai tcrma, m4 ebv-te.l by the Peopbi, and not lo Uicui dirm tly revptmailde. f, on the other band, Uie illeyaJ ccinbiitb of the Henate bImaiUI be reaiatcd by lira Preatdrnt, edliiina and angry oaitrover bo'b miuhl etwue, diacreditald io tlfir progre, and u the end caiiM'lliog tint peophi lo adi)i( ihe carliii.o, eiihcr lhal iheir tlin f Maiff4rate wa unworthy id tlieir reafni-l, or thai tin- rVnale am chargiHilde wilh calumny aixl injiMM'e. Kilin-r of tbc-e riHBiha wimiM iiiimir public caifah-noe in Uie p-rfirtion of llie ayntnn, ami b-ail to - ri'iaa alter-BtH-aa of il frame work, or to tho practical aUu donmrnl of wane of it priviwinni. The iufliieoce of mirli prneiliii((a on llie other fV-prtrncfitB iif tlie (iovcrmnwit, and more'eci. ally on tha ftafu, caild nut fail to be c.tnnnivi ly p rnicioiia. Wen Ihe judna in Ihe la 4 rrrl of mlw ial comlucl, liH-mwlvtHi overleap the txainrM n their a'l'hgrily, aa prc-cnla-d by Uie CiNwtituiioii, luil general diareanl of its provwaia might nit tlieir eamnjdr In- e.ipectcd lo pivduca 1 And wlio dumi imt perceive litat aa b caiteniil of the I'ede. ral Ctawtitutmn, bv one of ita moat irop'irta.rt de. partineuta, would Gokl ait the strouge i-ni'talMi to rewi-laire on Ihe pilrt of llie Stale fvrrijrniKa, whenever ihey ahall a'(w their juat nghl to have bucn iovaeo f Thu all the irk-pcndrnt de. NirtnH'iit the Goverumcnl, and llie Mait hu h cirfiinnw1, our confinleraled t'niiai, iiAtead of atteml uig to llc ir appropnalc dutien, and leaving lli'-e who may oth-nd, lo be reclaimed or pmnlicd in the maimer pmilil not in the Coo-titolKiii, wiaild full to iiiulual criiiiiiiatinn nod recniumation, and five to Uie poode confuMiin ami annrrhy, iimtend of or rtVr and law ; until at length nnr llinn of nri4'- cmtic power would 1 rNiatitisbed on tlie" niiu of Ihe IabmIiIuIioh, or the Matea be broken into acpa rate comiiHiuities. I'ar be it fnun me to charge or iiunnualo that lb pieaenrtiiiaie nf Thf t'rarrtfrlMlea- imvM.'rn tlie nioat diiitant way, In ewiainiL'e wn:h a reult. It in not ot their nhitivea or oVm?ub, but only "T the Inndency of their acta, that H w my duty to H;iik, It m, if piMuhli!, to make Senators them aid vet wiwible of the (Linger which lurks under the preceth'iil 't iu their resolution ; and at any rate to nerf triu ui duty, aa the reninHiHlde Uvu of one of tlie Coipi.il d piirliiH iiis of the (fyweni. iiiuin, iliat I have been compelled lo point on) the conafttpiencea hr VtiM:h Ihe dineowano and paxange of the n- 'uliitHMi may b ail, if the IniuleiM-y of tlte mc.-iMirrf tie rwrf checkeil in it inc liiHi. ' Ir rif Tlik- to flif Iriud trW with .which I have bcrn cliargejj'M thoie who may Iw callod lo cccd ine iu it; lo tlie reprrwnlatiyejj of Jlif;. peo ple, wnow risiMiiuiionai prertiKutut: Uua ticca un- lawfully aMUiru'd ; lo iIm ixiiIi: iiu1 la lue.iuUia; aiT to" il 10 ljuoaitlu"tnai they haie ini-MihIkhI : lh.il I .-hoiild dm permit iIm provouxim to be broken duu..by K;latt ailBAk n the tixtcttmr Depart- nK'it, wiiliHit at least some etiiit "to prewrve, ppiit aiid deloiMl!" them. Vith Una vkw, and wib Uie re.in which have Keen sfatnd. t do here by oLEXLT Tanrcwr agftinsf The amrt-rmTitJimeil proriTdii'l.llia"Simte"BB niaiuthorized by the CiKpitilutnui jcoutiart to ittoiiil and to several of 2i areprorwiooB j wihwrai 'if that detribu tiou of IhC poa W4 oL iUO.Uukerutuout w-bkh tt bnt; ordained and e5t at ill died ; destructive to the checks and safeguard by which thuee powers were intend ed, on the one hand, to be controlled, and on the oilier band lo lie protected and raleulutod, by their uutuodtato and collateral effectg, by their character and tendency, to concentrate iu tlie band of a body not dillvr aiuepjble to the people, a depree (4 influence alfct power dangeroii to their liberties, and fatal to the Count ilulid' their ehttce .JTk jea4utioKif the Senate- amtaina an Impti ration upon my private as well it upon my public character ; and aa it mu Bland forever 0.1 their journals, I cann4 close this BuUlitu(e for lhat de duce w hich I have uo been allowed lo preiit in the ordinary form, without remarking, that I have lived in vain,if ifheheoesaary o enter into a form al viiMlicution of my character and purpose from such an imputation. Iu vain do I bi nr uhi my perMi enduring uleinoriub, of tliutcoutoKt in which Anierican lilierty wa purchased hu vain have I kuh-c penhMl property, tanm.and life, iff deJfl'uce of Uie rights and privileges so dearly bonghtia vain. hofie ot individual advantage, eiH-iMitiTering rcapotw 8ibiliUeH.and dangera, from which, by mere inacti vity ill relation tuaaiugle pointTI tutgbt have been jwcinpteiany aerioua doubt n be f nterteined as lit Ilia, purity of my pnepnees and motile. I had bees ambitious I should have sought an alU - anco with that dowerful institution, which even now a-dree to no .divided empire. If I had been venal, I should have sold myself to U designs bad I preferred personal comfort and oflicial ease lo the prfitnitance o my arduour.-ibityr 1 - abouUi bav ceased lojnolest it. In the history of eonoueroM and usurpers, never, iu tlie fire of youth, nor in the vigor of manhood, could I find an attraction to lure me from the path of duty ( and now, I shall scarce ly find- an- bMlucerneiiijUji cuuiroetiee the-carper of itiHtoad of inviting to toil and battle, call me to the coiitenipbttion of other worlds, whare conquerors ccaiw to be honored, and usurpers expiate,Jbejj The only amhition'J can feel, it to acquit myself to Him to whom 1 must soon render an account of my stev.ard.xhip, to acrve my h llow-men, and live respected and honored in the history of my coun tnv No ;"thfr ambition which leads me on, is an anxitnis dcxire and i fixed oVerrnination to. return fcTlthe people uiiiniiaired7 ibe sacred trust they, have confidi'd to my charge to heal the wounds of the Constitution, and preaerve.it from further violation ; to persuade mj country Dien, so far as I 4 tn'iJ fliwrinn'-iit . . . . , . , ... . jr"""' K P-,', "ur rrr ; ataUi.blnei.ts, that ti;wi!l f;4 '"I "'"- w . . 1..., ... . their liirtia pf.4fti.i iMi! in a p-un .j. Void of fn.pj.r .acting ail, ail rranuog U lo wma dipiM0, ita U-woi-a, Ilka Ihe dcwl ol 11' ami, uri-4u ai-1 ujif II, " H fi;-l'i " tnd beamy tliey fWri!i!e phae. It so b a Covernnmt llil Hie p ant of our pe.y!e re ouiiwb am k one wily Uimh t wbk b our Natea aiay remain, f r agea lo rme, united, pru-prMua, und fr.f the "Almighty. P--iJ who hs.nh-rto suirfained and prutectd will Urt tourbWe lo maka niV tWhle bowm iimlruuicnUl to aut b re- Uiull.I shall tntrijaita wilh pb-urr the pbx-e lobe cuntcuti d rth tba bclK that J bare ririnlaiied. w wwwr aiiwH the value and pnJ.g lis duratKMif Anrra-an lahcrty. . To the end that the rw-Huinia of the Henale may out be hereafter drawa into prereik-nt, with t!a? ao Ibority silent srquieaenre U part d ibe Ee"utiej Ieiartmriil and lo llie en. I, al, that my motives and views in the Kierufn' priceIing denamced ia lhal reaulutKBi, hmv bf known lo mv S lliMv-citiacna, lo lb world, aaJ to all pa.ienly, I reerlfilly rwfe4 lhal thi n and pfirfe may be eiilrnnl at b ngiji on Journal 1 Ihe He uaie. A.NUUCW JACKJN. April IS. 1' . rur imu Btr runra. WcnUtii Cnroliuiuii. 0A'ii'J3isTii'I i . 8ATUnDAV:::::::;:::::MAV 24, 1831. 0 ftliat "itll the jn it) uf corn, Um " reimoal of the d.'juMilC'," a.).! the rt imnal i Iheir pM'rnm .' tins ia ftiHf lib bald !, wc ukhi KJit. m iNurth Carol uta. Wa hate alrc4!y luaud Uie cuu;jUiuta uf auuia if 0,1 r brethren ; ami, as " m.wry kea cuuoni) , we cm U'll litem 'hat we b have Un-ly r- m-0 a ( x rr pithy rpudcB fnan HustmaJter, liiC.rn.'nJ I In I ,wri soWnben, Mr. Snk and Mr. Sir. harr "m.nl of. and yutt liad l-t (top their ii-t."' Aik! Dm- i.r-l 1' it as thes- tidnifa are rec n.it witikHit the cuu.iiat.t acroiiipininieuU of ike mnifu. W'r would not bate it Uioushyldt we are fomenting the luw jjf an many homrrMt and lutui cXuw m , ir r mrrmunt. Il mi fur llie Slate we grievt : I Kdibira have no nv" riMil t" t'toiljuttuf lUw l!r taaia ot Umut pu.rwaa. lOaa Ihr iwx hantc of bor rowed capital hare to blauie the rruxl uf tV depo aitet lor their dinutera. " Ixi thrw h rrnwn breukr asya Uie PreouleuL A.mI, let tl.cw Yd ilom Iim- unou type-f and printera' ink ! saj cmr iiU-ral riuuaay ui M:ribera. ' No ela of white me in socie"- are w eninliatmllv the erveets nf the " Sovereign I'liiyle," aa EdiU of newrpapcra. Tliey have to labor fi all ti of people, and put up with every k nd of aeglrd and alaise. A gr'tt many snhecrihrra at 'm to think tltat Uie re m no reciprirtl eWrgttion bctwees) thfiiwlipa iivt Kdrtora:, J?. !,.tt,,)i.h"IW;"a. iMt we,..?ia arr thaWd- ei U please are-Uiealuwestta aay,.T . tJuppisc.UiC wuule rabwa.t; af JLih4a tbrwbri the tnma should, upna a siginl wbrb ajo;bi mtf MKtai by Aha, aim risss .lta-MyT;lpiy Mti. denly cease frnm their Uhpr.. .Only rji 1 ta awful eclipwcMi'if.CTUieLlaiUf-H-w yone iUut a deaubt Hfl3f:'l, it would derange tha Uol eccnwy of Uie nation. We do not advix tin; tMaVii n.n . t!iil it ii t"t in O adoptKBi 1 o7 th'tB f Itxcma meagffe,.biit uaiotj 'tfp"''' 11 S tntrUiir?.'fr:r prt'id.ieist "a"gn-al "escitene-il lude to a as a Uiina that at pncUahb; in eeaVr lo.n Lhc ey e of lie bUuJ toAlteaiarytuMkAce upoa w ma nufacturers of rooraLIitrbt . -; -HrW .-4hjprwe al )eoiu'airfaive"witb;a: tirnpl? PROTEST ( prutcsUaie the- U.U f bte lay,-ful!y d.'Teruiined, however. UiaL if everv oUier V'wns aliould lad to bnne at the necovorv wjuuhci. we ill Uiea reort to tht b.'iboj ratio uf UiUtrutl noverftuty, by wiUibolding supplies truii) our jmtrvus. EMIGRATION. , Heretofura Uie tale of emigration from thu Siite to the weM andUipBuetbww ha been periodical, but nnwrt h bectime CoWUut, and Bows with coiiVTnu'iHy iocreanrng mapaitiiilo. 7 ' Thu ia probably owing to Uie extreme scarr-ir of gram, which causes a great many to break orf IvCt' the Fall, Um uautl seaaoa tor moviBg. There waa, sume years ago, in this county, a newly married couple, Uie better balf of which was reinarka ably fund of sugar, ahd considered tttrr-lrejunf a., thr ae pi ul'ra'of human respectability and bajipiuesi.- Site said, one d.v, she w idled there was no body ih Uie Stale but her and Davy, fker huband ;) ihey w.xiltl th"n kfp siirr anil eau sagar. Urspainng of realiring Uie wisli bcfc,.tbi;y wenttoTemMw-f, aJiHrml br the uuiu. rccv wisv ii-ere, uir might ny hnw get plenty of maple ugax. V have undcrrfoed Uiat Uiey have not yet reached Uie jrsnd auuo o( Uwur.auuluuary. hltaa; bat, if tWlw t lillle lungr, ad4hiont wiwe to go on 'beje as ttuy ho W ilo, Uie pir liny Mi'li ill X.iTUi CaruSma a clear held il.r 4tore4ieepnur, w itf ut any opposition. But really Uus is no whym to joke ahouL Our pnor old State, our gaid 01a unyrrtrndtnf State, is under- giangw ifepifKat wbuii, uulees checked, will prove fa- tal to the body politic. ftVelioediraeientOTaly believe Uuit there is bnt one course of treatment that can be relied on fur her resto ration, and that is, in Uie first place, an alifrntit. We mnsj, begin by effecting a radical change in UieConti- t uf iDOWejaaiLiiext prosecut an eolijfMene sy- tern of Intemitl lniprovement And last, tbongb not least, we nm.4 eabli.b schools througliout Uie State. These three great objocU of State policy are not na med in( the order of their comparative importance, but tft' Uie order ra which we tbihk they hiiKt, if at all, be accomplisheil As far as practicable, we are willing to see them going forward pari paata ; but it seems to as it Would be best to begin "at Uie stump," clear the way, and take a fair start without the itgopeduaeats of our present Constitution. - "J? !e People 9tJ8ik aruSina autw all instructed suflkienUy to see their m true intereMt, they ceuU amend Uie Constitnlion ; they wmli have gmter faci lities for getting their produce to market ;. ami they wtvUliave scbooU ia abundance for educating their I'Mirii. AretVre e4 eno-igh eplgl.ti t!, i'ui t'l g'lh.e tli. alio are -H ,,,,,) rnii.'l4-i- ? To .M.rr in tlie B.-(;t,, ' j ..j. .... j tl J ......1 ,. ': vi w j wi m' ii'K' im Uf utf I I all, U" n, who know bow hi apjiriHuu, u hiiUi j. .a nhKatioC, Bud of Cnnfninil cUbicI, j. tra, unite ia in ax r.ttic tad rrn r mg t: we shall su t Hat wbole aprt U our ou gri fran thai of poverty and diatreaa, bite alu, cbet'rfuhea, and conlCBtment ' , By a wise change, ia tkt Comituti, 1 con.jj,., sum of money say bt aaitd annually, k api,4.4, 10 W(b of ilitetnsl btlprovetuenL The, Uliing the crt of,trniipa-tBion, wdl t.n,uUt culturuU lo inciraaiid riertioiia, tnUnot thr nm all kinds uf property, add l bwlivkjiwj indja 4,, t .i I t . ..'1 Vl' i"'." r 1 Itwiiu, itw ia tuurae mnimi ttoiouant aaaanaof ing srL4 tliMuuhoot Um rimmmuty. 'lb-y caniHit be loo soon conuiH-nced, or proatrw: with hat much vigor. Our reHJurcee art comui flowing awy, and each revolving year b-aviv Mp er Un Ha pfd.-aa. f)or pupulatioii ia at Uib to d. .wed, prubahly, linn any other in llie l'M Stales, aud ttKtfe so than Uiey havt ever bma) Vuy Tlie wliobi Ktate seerim pa raiyiej deprived, nutiaji eintment, but almo of all excitability, kba enterpriae and en.'y art every where aeguiaaa diwpair: e.Hi.Uniy ann are emif rating nd, f a, prta-rMi cwiiimi.- a f.-w year l.n-r, Um prohtt U hive will U- h-ft lo Uie entire piawBkioa oft patc unaa-ramr uiue a. ' WORK JAfK'SitV IX'O.VOMY. In the A.i.ir.luai li.ll ii,tli haa just paasg, Ibioae . Krpreiiitiliii. lher is one rtria af 'Ml 31 t. py (a- frfr 'l-'il lure fut lh but yara Iter VtMA'ntLv m-pnrtriHiit! In a VMjr abia ;ie,rh 111 opfuitioo tu tins ipprw ui, .nr. uaruin, w i"iiiikv, paui inn nijjlieaea lliin.iili hi, Uie Ulritx aol inL'gniy of Maj. bW 1,. n....-.....i:.J...i 1 .i 1 j- .1 ... . ....mh... i.i, '", 1 - -i 1 11'; li ,MW,r' j 1 the iU.fMjUM-Mi Wv- kmrrrr of tiiCw Vi liavtWt ' p! iri-d a l Hit bun by 'Ihe r-y t.-m of rrw jr.' irs pw u-liiiH-nU." It a) har.l, UuMijk, to recuM ih ibat aaw frts sUhjl by Mr, lUrd.a. -Tor in.-'ir:l. tjil lliat a Mr. Mriw ether, wl.o r' C"iv. MU pt y,-u ch'rb ui the l'o.t- I.Vi- II. parluienl, M art enagrd the wmbr i-mucii in tak.iiu down li igVl m thojllou" .if K'pjyy;tih.li c, f jr tlie tw nvMiif (U tiWi.'," ih. Jfki M.-w-jr.pir at 'e-liiint. , "bb til .', ii.- P.r l';e dis4'W,"r... 1 .hh, rmni tliat IVprV MK-iii iln.ve him (ttn hrs M-at Is it (nierible that airi Ihinart. Ut,-rwll h lll n-A-lmmlintOTn hrk la- wk.'ii th wls'l;' fiijr.r of our lu.iimient by tj (ier-Tii'iotu, of Um B-ink llr rxpi ndiiij.' llie us-it a Che -U I1hi1oi r iu titfi ute of liirir projrrly lad tknr U T Menmr.aN on the suhjeel f Uie (.'urrrucytial of the )Ki-iinuiy einUirrjuii.-iil of the ciHuitry, rw t .0 1 1 j jj-Ulju L'uo i r CT- I !mi i.re-iitjnjfHie fr'i!i.LBi I'm k, oa Dm Slk a Man'. Mr. Sc'l Jen made a abort but very able stwvik a the enm-pey, and conclude! by luuriug tlutt tfa mittce, ruiKistmg 1 one member from earb 5tlts,b) apoiiili'd lo cuiwt.ler and repntl, 111 Qtrm rf I bill, plan Sir a ife ami iiii.fim 1 urrenry, uialer aittharit) of liie Luiied SLito." . , Mr. Bro rn, of New York, moved lay the Bcna ral nikl resoluU'ili ia Uie table. ' lh thi question Um ayes and noes be.hg called titer was a tie H9 voting iW, and 9 aaiiiht, the hmv UL...The Sp.-aker gatt- Um castiug TuU: to Uf ss uw ran XIhimL- gliMmwfingf JiofMv-tlmt-Bnnai thing iiiuy yet be ih'-ic to reliuVBjmhW' dlnt. ,T A.iiii.uiio party, like. tinar ebn-t are.jirfCy iWl kr,l, but, we. irual iii. vjrll ultimately b asslat ick mit" "r- - --.. ' : . .roi h l; .vrnvs.r -The PrMwb Cbiini'n.ftuf Ih jmtiKW lately e'Jused Is puss. ' b!l nukitit; in BHHjiftitHiw fi-srttiing ll Am'Tic ii rUnnit. Kul. :t aiineurs, by the UtH4 K- enstraj Uie bonKauJ ib-4 Um Kin' and Uio 'Ifmav U-y xr1ed liiHirlTeji m Eivor ' the'TspprvrlntWf.'.T A tM cotiti'l.'nriy 'b.'lieipf) tiiit the claim." wiM be'sad ... There, has. Lctoi a c1miu in ie tVcwb Maosti j an uw mil niPinrwr or uie I ainnrl am flifjiii..-e,w,w the exe. pti.m Mnr Inl Swill, IVsideiit of tka C"! e l. ami Mmv-teruf U'tr,- M. Hnmann, ?.tin'V-r "T1, nance ; and'K. I!ii;.. V'.nii-teT of public lUSracfioa, - Me-rin; ttnrfthe MtrWmm'iTTO.lbKf ' viid an army into ('..rtnH) ImwiM Dou 1'cdro gltM epol:mn of ins hnithi r. the t'ourl of riLssia and hv- trig. sdrfiftweifUie rlimer if tietHoa "and Pat iii, fro- "ij! i;Hii n- jirijxi ih, bwi inreaieB 10 wml m anrir hao Sirimrlttiid if jialn Jitiuld prt isl in-iier l vH, Fjijlnml and Friinre, who have been lon, but hr priierly ciinidniiJ, n.'iliiral enemies, am now on tl mt4 frieiully terina. Their (inveninienbs tlnaigh Mu- narehk al, are U free an.1 IiIk mI Sir the safety and re-1 piee of Uieir dcfpotic nciphlioris who ciH'woucHlly ka main Uiein with inkiut.v, . lest their lilieinl principle iihiv irid over Eurone. Th.'V annrove Uie desiirna? 1 . 1. w II Spain ; ami, if it cIkhiIJ be exec ute.1, and Prtwia Antna should fhltow"np their PROTRS'T With tin threatened riavasth'n-of-Swttxerland, itfiTTnori thi faSiBi:hrtS tA . renewnl of hiistilijies is likewise expected betwtf Holland and Belgium. ' Tbis, if it do Ink'' place, wil in all probability produce war with ftm'land and Fran ! TtJheflne, aule. aM-tfrninpetaral liiaaiia 011 hatkjwi i':tn From Ike X. Y. Courur and Emfitirt, It tm article, on W'ednesilay. on the prcsiint pnsitk of alfuirs in France, we were cooimiled, by want of room, to omit all noie of a remarkable mttswire of o nr.ion recently carried through the Legislative bosfy by Uie Governmeiil, and which is not olieof tlrt lea important amongst tne'e'vSiitB'of1 fiie Jay. "We aTTiuft" to the law againrt Associations, which is particularly aimed at th Republican prfy. By the laws emdei urifler .VapoNm, no assemblage exceeding twenty P sons in number was perm it ted. Tlie Republican party have evaikHUIikJaw.dividifffi their djtferetrt Wtaw1 iwHwismto iwcQimaTnoRS tif winch exceed theTnuhi'lMr pres-ribid. The new law prohibit Bsscriiblagei eve of this number. It farther declares that the Chamber of Peers shall alone be Uie judges tit person who sr me,ber of Assjieiatjone charged wiUi fconsjuracie against the. State. A the Chamber of Peer is, fro Uie manner in which it ia constituted, essentially tn narchkal ami aristocratic, Uie poor Republicans, it very evident, will staod but a poor chance when brot before them. . ' .' --r- It appeara, from Uie above paragraph, that, the .frienar of free principle in Franca are ia a link worse et& tiua then Uie rnemies of despotism S TfiM'couhtry? - Here Uie Chief Magistrate baa, a yet, only reni to liear the terM complaint of the Peephx8o I' their puWio meetingB have not been prohiftPdlk, hew long they will cotiUtiue to'enjoy thi privflaj. f a b 111 I