. i Norih-Cnrolina Stale; O1!? 33 El IF ma Tiir. wmT or The .SalUlmry Academy. lit CU i-IIJgh and Low System. 1o be Drawn (it Salisbury, On the lOlh day of Jul. Cai.ial,8,000! 1 IYize of $3,000 is 3,000 5 of 1,000 Js 5,000 of "COO U 2,000 5 10 CO CO 100 250 20,000 ot of of z of of , of , of 300 U COO. N 100 is -GO-hT 1,500 2,000 5,000 3,000 20 i 2,000 10 J. 2,500 70'hai,000 20;i85 Pri2cvii,v$120,00p ; J5t Moro Prizes than Blankj ! ' Whole Ticket. 1 IlaiTes.i 2 1 .Quarter. -.7-4. Slide of Draw Ing x L. This 8chru, lwW'4 Ihe High, arid Low Py!em, bat i'lfiOO Ticket, tNimlred from 1 to . ovkxi, utrhMva. On the day of dAwin. the 40,000 bomber will be put into wheel, ami all lb wiae above the drouuuuatina of ft 70 In & other ! ther will t draw out alternately, tint 4 number arid then a prize, until fQ the prue are drawn. Fpm 1 to 20,000, uiriuiv, are brw ; and 'from 20,001 jo Wc ruif fiihV . bru of ti-iU to be awarded to the hitfb or tow 7. . . .... . a .1 1 . iliriua. will be deterniined bv thai which may draw the cwoilal pru of 13,000. The prize of .$4-3011 WpeyeWe wtiHrets-wiVriett etrrr -t an fFnrf proee feyawe in can uav IU drawtnv. AU raM uliet-t to deduction of fifteen per centum. ... i , . C3- Ticket, Eharea, aiJ Packages, to be had, in the great Yanety of number, at ... SteveiUtjn &, Point a' OlUce -(Whltt Uowj Mansion Hotel,) AB ord:r frpw a aTutoto.f pual petd) enduin t!e (Ja-tli, w til be thankiully receired and protaiptty axtradod to, rf arrewd to - BTEYrNSOX St TT)TXT3. Mi irViJ4;r- - wd Slate of North Carolina -idaTGOiIEttV COtNTY, Court of Plrttt and Quarter Scisioni, 1 Ull VVtiltam tattler, Executor of Joahua IMte devi avtlr vd aatpapaper writ iuf oilLr ed lor Pro bate, purpor ting to be the hutWOlBod . Jooea Muody, Calltarine hie wile, Martin At Poor, Laura M. Poor, fHMonnaa Poor, William Pour, ' John Pior,illtara Bugjr, Fdi. beta ka wife, aurf (Iufei4 tc - ran, Testa lixutof Jiadiuw Holler. IT appt'aring. bt tlte atif tcUon of the Cuurt.thut the altoe bMnted JVCaidunU axe nUiuhabitantB tX tta State : It i therefore OnJeretl, by tlte (Virt, that pobltratioii Mr Biafle, to the Western Caroti- itta, tor ail weeka, lor then to appear at the next Tem of this Court, to be held for the Ctainty of Montgomery, at tlie Courtboune ui Lawrt-nceville, va the first Monday iu July, 1 434, and make thein erlrea parties to theee pnceeiliiign, or the auiue will be beard ei parte aa.to theni. ' Tcef ; c 4 - JOHN B. MARTIX, Cferk. -, May 17v 1914.,,;... ,ow iynluablc:ltcdJ?roc4v - IN IjIXCO IaX 0 1 INT Ya ' '- TLe SoWribef, intendinjr to remove to Alabama, ';:.:,.,4JFemTOIAi y: ' , riicluding, ia one Body, about v , -.- One Thousand Acres V Of Real' GooFaruiiing Iand, " 7- ':;:-S:'Oa'wluh ttXfine'"';v ian net n i jcoostrurtt u ot the Dest ma- ' tenuis, m tiue taste, and good workmanship. -Al-A I1 convenient Otit-!LHiN, CO'lTON ASD .,. TUREiIIG MACHINE fUm-s nldteVe. -ALSO- , Another Tract of Land, Lying oA hcih aidtM of DntclimanCrtH-k, contain- ALL FIRbT BATE FOR ANY riRIVSnS. . . i . CT!eaboye Property will be-aoU oh a credit rf-af two, and three years :. " - Ia my alwciKM, arplicatioa ay le made to my brothtr, J, Forut)-; lUS'IEL M. FORNEY. SU JTIITC IIIXI it. ii. iioh mi i.i; HI VK ,iiIt inl t-rfti-rhip In Urf prf. iM-e of tlx ir rrf '. TVir OiT a U k'-i in ih Lr-tof 4 I- ty I'r. Vl.iri-ii, -litrr'a li.4t.-L 11 im t. Mr. rStliHlntry, May I7, 6t. 3 Cr A CAM). ELL id ail. tor 1 1R. MITCHELL m an. tori h P not If tecum!, and refrt fully reno tr-. per- imh I4l la Itiui to nui el ilc in.x-o 4 1) & Uiui i IUi, and Mtle, by note or Ki'''i tshl.urv. Mv 17. li. MM Oa Tuesday, the 17th day of Jam next, I MILL fcl'LL, At tin Ui niidnii jT w. I'rtcr Tomrj,to,'A., AU Wie YctsouaV Yropctly, NOT OTJIKRWISfc DUPOKEU Of, ovurrrino or- A ttriety of f AJIM1N0 and Mechanical Tot; t A pumlrf i IlOlUCri, Ml LLrt, CATTLE, ' and OX KN ' A ijfuintirT of Ca4 HOLIiW.WARF tng grtht-T nh Pig lr4i Ilndirw(, and a fane- ty of OLD I HON ..J METAL. ... 7 -AL80- About Fifty IVcgrocs, Men, Wuraen. sndXtildfO ramnnj hicb art tarf-rcie lUmitwrrra, lUfiiwra, Uioowua, Forge-otirptMitora, (tLtckMuithti, Ate. .The aula vill cuntiatie frtxn Amy to ay mrti! the wIm4 irt UnmmI ,. .. Cvmdilimu: TwHve rmmth' credit ond and approved aucunty rwjuitxL J. rUK.bl, Kiecutor. 07 Tbe EubarribfT having quahfrd at F,"cu- tornf the hwt wiH and teirtamrnt of htrr Forwr, &mum&i rivea Bt4ice tn all pruna bating d- miutda ai;aim4 the Eale to prewnit thrit, k-gnllv aufkentiCMlnd, within the tin prewrib! by a, itr thin notice will be pb'ad in bar of mfry ; and all pc-rm uakbted are rwjuedttl to make im- tm-iliute arttlnment. tor trie purpo- cVmii the accijunU. 1 will attend at the furg nerv Fri day ami tNturUy,' 4jk1 every Tuealay and Ved- iMMky aI Luc f uxuace. uiilil ilif jak J. FORNEY, Eaeulor. Lincoln C'Ninty, May 10, 1434. 4t NOTICEe . rTlIlE uiidentiirned lias thia day qualified as El- -- tutor of the lat Will and Tenia rnent of An demon Ellis, deeeaaed, and hereby requenta all penmna having claim against said r'.ute, to pre sent thern for paynient within the time prearnljed by Ijiw ; ami all tboae indebted are hcr lj re quested to make pavirmit. JAMES ELLIS, Eseewtor. - Nevernber 8 , I baa.'- - -- - - tf - - w w IIAVCfG jnTRiTINED to CIJOSK THEIR BU . SI.NES3 IN THIS PLACE, With the view of rerbovihjj Id the State of Miana- - -atop early ta the enMuiui ratty beg leave to ini(rSi the Pubfic generally thai they "" Hare Concluded I Sell Ott -.zzx TUEIU 8T0CK X)Y MUDS - : CO.XKIiTi.1G or DRY-GOO DS, IIAKD-WAIlEi ...... Q m3HT . GCCZpZUvTTt AND ALL other ARTICLES generally kept on liand MfirChttnU'tft this part of the country, Cost, for Cash! Their Stock i- Large, Complete, and Netr, the wltoto having iteea purchased within the lust twelve niuulb. - ' ' - - - 07" They respectfully invite their friend anl cioitonierH, a well as the public in gem-ral, to call and examine the good, aa tliey are determined to giveJ)argiiui ouch as they S:l confident will give satiiductioii U all who wish to purchbuo. BaUnbury, March 15, 1834. tf '. . ntnE Silicritief Tt the public in genera!, that he htm REMOVED TO CONCORD, where he haroperwiU Shop, in which the T.IIAJ1U.U ut'SI.MS in iu va rious brant-Jies will be executed in the moat fash iona'ble, neat, and durayeQijn hrniiSTf (Tiiil TiT "Tni In the burnties, and his con strtnt personal attention in his establishment, will enable him to redeem all pledge made to those who mV revur hi in with their custem. . , (ttr lls Kceive the ktcCFASlIJiim.rcgu.J lany both irom New lord and rhilatkjlphm, ami works by the most approved system. Cutting out, and Order IreTa a distance, will he promptly attended to ; and last, but Dot least, Air trmt vill IfKrrdfAtJuiwMnf.'' '' : i, THOMAS ' IJENDEkSON N.B. He i$ dftmtinri to do trork inattylt ru- periar to any done 14 AU pari of (ht roMtty, And 11WAV9 WARK V?TTED TO FIT LIU ' CoiiL-ord, March 5f9, 131. ta JL', 41 p w uninn iiv Proposes to Publish, In Ballbur7,N.C. Ritta tat mta or jfTtc Fain ilij fl$$i$lanl aaaaaaaBa FB08PKCTUS. rrifE FAMILY ASSISTANT afiall be dedttated Jo lUtjuxm, l4)u-4TKa, and Giumai Lrruttnie. fjieeetal'v rt ai uitrtvM to aanat Tamtta in ti diftfult nd b'cUlr important tak of edaratior their nunilwa. The CJjtai bu two rery tnteraaUnr aaaiciatioM DrSt hit charre Bible Chuav and a lievtnl-KoumMgr Clai " ur aarb of wfaire prepvm wrilU-o quetiutM. and. in bia owa eaUa&ct, wrrttea aatwvra. KlmuW tlte pmpnrd nwraiiM into operaUai, thnae qUto ana antweri wm ae pumwa m h. u wui oe we eo avor of the Editor to make the prop-aed publicatioa aa wtrrrinf m he poaiLly can to ill rU patfea with auch articlri u alaail be worth realin( and, aa it will (nncar onlf onre a wmth, earb one whe toara it, Ml rind tune to read H IVarfiriM ikU, in gmrrtU, b kmt. Hutb Kerni of Fretpi and Dunarfie InO-llv fenre eeeular aa well aa rehi'iuu aa alll be deeta d uiterMtine, will be inwrtML -la Dm, it m intemkd to make The Firstly Anaat uiiuater pruflt and aniuamrnt (ut tLe lui winter sight and aulty auuv ner ataaui . TCRMSt I. .It will be iantiidea the IWh U etery month and will contaw aixteen Imptial Otavo Para, in double eoimnna, pnntrd on a new and legible type, and uo te- ry tupf-ner tsrt, 2 The auixriptwa price wilt be One Dollar and Fifty Cent if paid in adranre, and Two Dollar if nut paid until the eiptratam of three month, S. No (urwripUa raa be received t a ahnrtr' p. nod than one year; and no paper aucuntinurxi until all aiifargea ire nam, evroM at (U EJitor dwrvtwn. 4. The fUMm will twiwiniw on the V!Hh of April, prMi-d a cmp-tit number of jbrnr-ni can b ul4autH4 ;-and r frwud who may bold mh-M-riptidn luts, are niuuted to forward thtu on by tJie M i tUt month. February H. V. J. SPARROW. WHITCII WJMKDOOY will HUD TO CIVE, IS WANTED! 4 P.OUT ten ream ago there lived in tlte Tenth Ctrfiereaial Ihxtrkrt a REVttLUTION ARY SOLDIERS bytW 'twin? oT Faw rrt,'oT VOt- hri, or atmietiiing of the kind. -If lie ha any heir hvinif, they nwv probamy be put m a wav to get a small nn of niotKy, hv anphiiu; to tlie Edi ... .t Tilt? Xl-fki-et-o v; ' lll.ll IVI IU lor o, im. " i.ui.n.i vaivou.iii.i. Hl.-Uir, Mjn h l I "34. tf The Third Sratfan of the abort Inttitutiort W it.t roeE!cs; oif .. - THE FIRST !AY OF-JMAY. 'T'FIK SuWriVra, thankful fnr part patronaye ptertee themstetve to enter upon the exercise of the rf f sessma with renewed teetY P.-J. SPARROW, i T. W. fePARROW. SalUitirV, April 12, ;i34. -jf"- Zd JL . . , .-er A P n .i.'i n rvn A riAr re vviatn mm vauia aaiwiiiQ) AND REPAIRING. J, W IMine j & P. JT. r. Sha. cr, . - (Wrkdrnf Curriagt-Makcrs, Reypecttilly inform the Public generally, that they have entered into Co-Partnersliip Cr the our pose of carrying on the kbove DdsineM iu ' . all its variutiea, and that they have, - tor that purpose ,4aken tlie sliop ( r roRMERLY OCCUPIED BY PIIIUP JACOBS, On tkr Mam Strrrt, opposite tht old Jail. They have on hand a good supply of tho best caretiilly-eelected and well-tfeaxoucj Tunbur, ami will always keep on hand, for sale, CARRIAGES, -ci Carrv-alls. Giirs.Yifci Which slmll not be surpassed by any in thi sec turn of country for neatness, durability, and cheap ncss. ' Prtvee! they will elwavs keep on hand CAR RL AGE-SPRINGS and all other fixtures necessary to put those vehicles in the most complete order ; and every description of REPAIRING will be done at the shorted notice and on the lowest poi sjble terms. . The Subscribers have attached to their Carri- agManuftctory, a BLACKSMITH-SHOP, in which thev emnlov none but firrt-rate workmen and tne very bout materials which enables them to assure their friends and the public that all work done by them, in tins line also, will be of superior quality, and as low-priced as any other executed in thi section of country. The Subscribers deem it .hardly necessary to say that they will be thankful tor a portion of the public favor ; and they nope, by strict atten Uon to . business, and .moderate charge, to aerif the rtronage of all who may wish to purchnse articles kept tor sale by tkem or jobs done in their line. - JOHN W. RAINEY, Philip j. f. shaver. SaJisliorv, Fehreary Ik tf Sravcllera' 2nn f in 1 Sl I'VATED fOL'Ti I W E-ST or 1 II T. tm u i IIOreE, IN THE TOWN Ot LLiIUTO., (. CMKOIJ.Vl.) THE Buhaeriber tkea (hit method of iiif'.rrning Trarelltra that be kee(e lloote of Kilter- tainment in LeiinfHon, (N.C) nuu:l Soutbwaal of tle L'oortlMioae. lUTehle wiU -Jw'iya be rnfi with the beaj (are that plentiful beighhorbood can aflrd. Ilia lLaJaaJwifi UfectnM.attl ttended by.eerranta who are tntlulrue ana teaiiaw iq P"1-" ler can alwaya be acfwiuii'idated withTUO D BEDS is roome with ftre-plare. And laet, but im4 the leaat important enrwideretion, IIORSKS trill atreyf rrt-oer ar atttntiom, la i otaoit of Ik Subieribrr, that tbey may leave it with to creeaed ability to do the aervK of the road. Accommodation Stages Leaves the llouae of tba SuUcriber, FOR SA LISBURY, on tlie evemnr of JW, 71r. Jay, and Saturday, and returns to Leiuigtoo on the succeeding evening. (Kr Paswngef going from South to 'orth, b entering llieir names aa fur as 8aIilKiry only, and there lakmg the Acrommodulioii Line to Lxinjf tun, can have their choice, t '.he latter place, be ween the PiedrtKHit Line aud the one which ruus by way of Fredericksburg. JOHN 1. MAIiKI . ftington, March 8, lw34. ly Travellers -OCXITCr lTCr.72 C? Si.CT, - RY TAKING Peek tV mifonr Stage, JLT HM ASllVll Yf (N. C.) (17 miles tf. of Lexington,) Will nmr arrive in Fredcrtcknburg, ( Va.) at 9 A M.ou lite Ht 11 I II DAY from L"smti, m tune for tlie Steamboat to Washington; sleeping, the SAME .NKiHT.iu BALTIMORE inakins VOVU 1aH OMY, From Ieiing;tou,(s-i'.) to Ualtiniorr "tComrixrTWrwillrrtirs ollujr Lute hatever. PECKS 4 WELLF0RD, Proprwtors of tlie old 8.W. or Middh . TlisiieT.ine of Stage. FreA rickHlmrg, Murrh 27, 1S34. . N.B. Travellers from any point South of Suli- Isiiy , w utliing Iu take this Line, hlu.ulJ be canfu to tntrr to Saliibuni only. P. At W.'s Stage bmves SnliMbury immediately aiWr tlte arrival of tlie Piedmont Nsfe from the Ssith, via. every 81! N DAY, TU E 8 DAY, ami r R I DAT evening. f)0" Fare a1ow jut by any otlior'ixiuferPJLTVT Apriryi3i. gm ' f..-t'liarlea tou-aud CltcraH, Cir U C Ga Ar I II A v ING been neved, last Summer, in run i" . .'eifig jrrfweiXaiarleett ealting at Georee-Town on her way up aud down.will re sume her Trips ia the course of a few days, and rs irjterulod to t cwtiiiuci in the tr4e th,ej;n? inir seasoo. ,x iltir,ecediri .lisbt draJVf water, dra wtnff when loaded, only about .four -and a- half foet)-witl euuble her to reach Che raw at all tituea, except on an uncommonly low river, when her cargo will be lightered, at the expense ot the boat. J. B. CLOFG1I. Charleston, Sept. 20, 1531. N.B. "She has comlortable accommodations for a few passengers. J. B. C Aaron Woohcorth, Watdi and CocW MaVer, I! EOS leave to inform the Citizens of Salislsiry as well as lluj' if'Rowan""and the surround rng Counticx, that lie hat ' . Urniove ! hi Eftabli!iliiurjil (u, S A tew ilnore above Mr. Win. II rslaugli- i U-t't Hotel, on tlie Main Street, "3 Where he mill continues, as hen-tolbre, to execute A LL K IN DS- OF" Wt)R K - IiTrtie line oTTiisprtie!nonf nt short nntirf, And on the most reasonable terms. WATCllES Vr CLOCKS REPAIRED by HIM WILL IK ALL CASES BU Warranted for 12 Months! And those, disposed to pahouiae Un iu ajwiired Utat no pains win be spared to give the most general and entire satisfaction to them. 03- ENGRAVING of everv descrintirm. fin eluding Toml4Stones,) will be executed with neat- nesH aim arrnracy,.at abort notieer Salisbury, Jan. 27, 1834. tf HUM KATE CARRIAGE . FOR SALE CHEAP. npUIE Subscriber Las just completed all the re r j - "vuw-Mini vai 1 tn which has forsotne time 'past been in his pos session for that purpose, and now OFFERS IT run HALL, in pursuance of instructions from the owner, who bee no use for it. -The Carriage is now . gcsid as 'when new and can be seen it my shop by those desirous to purchase. t, JOHN 1. SHAVER. December 2 . y . j.TIio Farnu rsV 111 rtml. HuWrilit-r.lii'itif grl ful for the fln, ,; A ami inrrrajuii pntr.tfwn lie ha lu rKi.f, reived, inform hi nuftoiner atid the pu!,!,f ii be I prejiered to a'TotiiiiwKlute I,-m H$ j j and a UtU CHEAPER tlwn any otWT.u,, UI I lie place. . IE Table and Stables shall at an nptiltral with tlie very U-t the mruki-t (f .f !,. le bee eteermred Bud all. ini) (ViU-r, , . will spare no pain hiuw lf to r il.-r lU ir , agreeable. . JoilN JOMji. WttMairy, Aprd 13, 134. ' f T.T 1IjOUI! 11. II ENJAMIN FRALKY, "ning r -i tat Philadelohia. New York. , ' .,j Pari at)letif FAKHION.ajtd usw iu h,. nlov a number of Workmen who an -limt-riut prepared to cut arul make work in a h l anj. ro any oine in 1111 pan of iiw cuuniry, oihi ni , warrainoa 10 m. . Order (Itr Work in Li line, from a rfi -t ....- . 4 be imirtually attended to acoording to oiil. r ui M1J. I I .. J. III I . I an aino or iim ai ruMoin-wora win oe u.ha at IU shortest notice and oti reaofiahlo tr-rm. - Ha can he fmnvl. at all time, at Li old (r..J 1 few donni above Mr. Hhiuhter's llott t, and inth opposite Mr. John Murphy store.' " 1 TO TAILORS. " ' R'-ing Agftit for aome of the most FaxhiomjUi Tailor ia New York, the SuWnher is prruirH to teach or gite in-t ruction to any of theTra.k who may d ire to Im more pt rfc-rt in Uieir bW ik i ami, from hit U'lii-f that ha ia fully capU of giving sntifiction, lie reflect fully remiektj ho rntore tn-niii'Hi to rail on nun. fWi-liry,li34. ly H. FRALET.V Currriil Ll'rkr of Prodtirtr, Jkr AT RAIJSIil'RY... hy 21. Ilo. . . . Iliaii'l), applf. CO 8tia .STUD lfHKi .-'t 112 iLS 9itt l3 Mi hi . 45 lit .Vi toA'n . prseh, -4-1 a i'Miibs Huttiv, . . . HI Rye Suar, bmwn, . ( otli 'll, III "1 L'll'lUt, Cnftif, . . . Corn, . . . 17 a 1-Salt, : . . lltl ITilW. i . , '.) Tolwrcu, . . . 7ri0 Wht-at. (buNiel) Kill MVkey. KruVrs, . . l.JAT.J'AYOTEaLLRuI.y:ii: ltat-on, . . V . P i:rm llnuidy, pmch, . W a tHI(.!oUieii, . . . apple, . 2 a XCNaiU. rat,. . . 41.. 81 1 Si Bi-enwax, . . . 17 a l'.'Suear, brow n, . Coth.n, . . . 11 12? Tf, Corn i Wr;Si!t, . . . . "Wl MIS 0.1111 30 1$ 16 a F!x-e,d, . . .100 a 110, Wheat,. . . . Hour .Vn a 6.Vt,Whikey, . . . Feather. . . . 343HWool. . . . . AT C1IKRAW.(8. r.)...Myl3, Bacon, . . . Kuenwu, . . rhttter, : - . Vittnn, new, . (im, . . . ''.tbiM . FlXM-ed, . . 10 a lOl'Mea), (M-arce.) . 7 40 a 10 a 17 Moli 1.1 a "tNails, ; . :3M - .4"i M 71iTrOntsKrce.y .1M 12,'MHi Hah. m eV, 3iK . tl a 3jL ,-.hurheL-.W-.Sr-.100 1 12.u.ir, prune, . .ill 1"! rTluiir. snperfiue..olir 1 7.T1 CMimiMn, . Vie "Trtr&lumftWiT -Tiiic, t".oto i onrr Maekerel.-. .- .tfcjtt a mtM'hest;; TWflt at ctnrMWA;a;.May. itk- Raci.n.;. . . . II WJllrd, , . .101": Ilnutoy, p h, -r - J.Mtilaisiies, -- 4R. . ":- IpplP, . 40 1 JflHackclcL . :JM& B-eewax, -tj r-t'iL4lt,"iti fl'K '-.22ft 1 llulter,. ... . lrf'ij bushel..... 75' CoSset'''.-' 4fw-17jAii, hrrnenvr !'' tWn, -r . . ftl a mi ' Witump, Mat Cottnn,. . . . a 121Tallow, . . . 10 iK Fkmr; . . . .7W a TSTTea. :"7 t1 ln, .... 4 a .U!Wh.key. . . . 40 S . JkmSTfe (8, Q...Mr.y 7k . . , ; 7 iWru .. i-,9i 9 UW.lX.CaMd 100 7- Iksmly, peach, appple, Dcerwsx, . .. Cjiltisi, . Corn. . . . Feathers, . . 4.1al (Cam.iniIIs).va W txrirrm. Off I 12a l-")lahl, -r -. . - litl 10 a mrrrdtowy . .10 1 Ei 87 a lWAVheat, btrshcl, : eOaSI 30 a 60V'bikey, . . 40 . ' ISSUED WEEKLY.:::r::BT::i:t::.JOHN BEARD,1t TEWts or rrnttCATinn. 1. The "Wkmibrs Caroi.imun" is published era1 Monduy, at Two lXdlars per annum if paid in adviser, or Two Dollar and Fifty (VnU if not id Hiitil aft' the expiratioti wp tltrec mouth ' 2. No'papcr will be ditvoiitiritied rtntil oil mwf" ? jfj;nWj.ivj. '! 'M E;tfe? r3."Jlia uukifipIk:.iLWin'b fnfa lr5s'tif than one year ; and a failure to notify tlie J&llhiroT' liSh to discontinue, at lemt one month before u tif ration of a year's suhscritttioii, v.-ill be considered J new Pnfrftm.rt.pnt the Carolinian, and take the trouWe of collertnrj l transniittinir tlie fiitjcription-prs-e to the Kditor, sh have the paper during the continuance of their fiU scriptioh, wiUHMit charge. TKRMS OF ADVERTISING. . .L Advertkeiuciit will be coirwiewirflvB4 mk ly nwertedaAVeaattvpet aauaie fi the find, insWtK1(4 and cents Sr each continuance : but wliere ul veftisiemcnt is ordered to go in only twice, 50 ct. be elmrged tor ach inseryon, ' ' 2, Merchants. Mechanics, and Professional IF11 men, who may desire constantly to appear before f", publicin enr sJvertanag tumtiih wjll bs r'8!,' yearly advertwrsTania deduction of 15 per centTf5 . " be made from tlie above charge. I to cotRGspoKhferrrs. I 1. To insure prompt attention to tetter nkl't to the Editor, tlie postage sliouli in all t bep; i .WESTERN CAROLINIAN OFFICE, f I Salisbury, May 17. 1S34 Si TCTE are prepered to execute every kind of F-rrrrlK in a very superior style, and our charges wiH ss reasonable a any. Onler from a du - always meet theinast pror.ipt attehtion. k Youth of steady and industrious habits, of mcmJ - portion, and possessins a pood ttr4iorLwl' be desirous of learning .the Printing Business, wui taken as an Apprentice at this Office. ' I 4i 4( t!i nt; ii ill fr. rr !i .ir th rr th a: in tn tr b. t' HI i" t i:i 4 " r .t'E HI h