THE GAROLIMZil' SALISI1UIIY....SATU1U)AY, MAY 31, 1831. - -- 1 5 ST Iff'. 5 M 11 r iYorth'Carolina State & "MERIT, IUB TUB IJKNKHT OK The Salisbury Academy, lit Class High and Low System. 'Vi tVc Drawn at Salisbury, On the 10th Any of July. Capital, $3,000! I Prize 03.00015" "iidod --4- r 10 .r)() 100 20.000 of of of of of of of of 1.000 is 5.000 ..-iiOO.U-iLOOO 300 is 1,500 200 is 2,000 100 i 5.000 50 is 3.000 20 is 2,000 10 is 2,500 A 70 is 9 1,000 20, 1 55 Prize., "amounting to 1 20,000 'TT More Prizes than Blanks! Ticket 8 1 Halve)! fi Quarters 81. MOPE OF DRAWING: This Scheme, fiMirxtnd on the Hijjh and Ijow bvtciu, bis 40,000 Tickets, numbered from I t.i 4u,(MK), iik hisive. On ihe day of the drawing, th 40,000 mi ml- will be put into one wheel, and all IV priz- nlve the of 91 10 is au nt lwr: they will thrn be drawn nut alternately, fir a number and thrn prize, imiil nil the prize arc 1I1 awn. From 1 to 20,000, inclusive, are low ; and from 20,001 to 4,dl0OO,HicTiUlelBre"firjtir"''TTic' prizes ol 64 10, to be awarded to the high or low Uvistwu ill be determined by tliat winch may draw th -Cipilat -priJCpf ? SJHHV The priau of j &4 JO will b payable intk kel in tle next acliAwc nil other prizes navnbm tn cash forty days niter the dawin;y. AH nriie yjbject to ja-dJuctiH yf j nneen per rem. frt ff ttro-tk-keturiU 6e,w Ut-4faJMC.ptac, cnd'MXY DRAW THREE! Tickets, Shares, mid Packages, to be Imdj in the grtwy variety of numbers, at" Htxuison..fcPoix,-01ficc, ( W I kite "R 0 w," 1 0 rT f I o "ito J, )" : a ri rf S " All orders from a distance, (post paid) enclosing the Cash, will be thankfully received and promptly ittmdcd to, if addressed to - . - . STEVENSON iV POINTS, Maaatrt, Salisbury, N.C. May 17, 131. tdd . Spring $ Summer Fashions - 40 IV 1H;V4 HORACE IL BEARD, Tailor, 1) EGS leave to inform his friends, nml the public in general, that orders in his line will always be thankfully rjx-cived by him, and executed in the most Neut, Fashionable, and Durable manner ml t;rms as roasonablo as airv in this section tf xin- try. II. ff. B. hups f"or" his long practice of his busiiioss" (a number of )x-ars of w hich tiiiw lie ri-tided in the city of i'hihtdelnhia.) and from the (MiubrtMU rusjiruUiible and. usluouable custoiuerH, to im rit ami receive a portion ol the patronage ut the j'liblic iu general. , fer ll.i Hatters himself that his CUTTING is rtihlh imn!r to"nnv 3ne iri tin Rtate, n iniiy Df thi Pre$iJtnt of ih Vnilri Statu AmricM., A PROCLAMATION. V'herea, a Ceivnil Convention of Keae, Amity, Coiiiii) r e, ami Navigation, betwreu the l'nltHJ 8tnie America and the Republic of Chil, u rotK-lii.ted aiwl aiffned by their I'lenipoteiiiia net, in tliu rity of Haiitiago, on the nuleeiith day of May, in the year of our Lord on thou amid riptit hundred and thirty two ; and Where, aii an additional and explanatory Convention in roncluded and i(ped in tlte ame city, by tlit I'll nipotentiariea of the two portie, on tho firat day of September, one thouwiMl eight hmulred ami lluriy three, which Convcntimu are, word for word, an fotlowt : Gr'rl Cun inn nf Itarr, 4 miff, 1mmerr 4 mni Iht lltfMtt tif CKilr. In the Hume of God, Author and Legislator ol th t'niwr r 'Die United Siatei of Ahieiiea and tin- Repub lic oft'hik1, clmiriiijj to make firm and lantuig the lVicixl4iii bin) (..kI Undenitandiii lm h luipjiily prevail IHwecn both natioiu, have rrsolved to fix, in 1 uumier clear, distinct, and punitiv, the rule which nhall in future be relijrioojily observed lo t ecu the one and the other, bv mcani of a Trea ty, or General Convention of ttact and Friind ihip, ComnHTre bimI Navigation. For tliu inoHt desirnblc object, the Present of the United Stated t4 America, by and with the ad vxe and coineiit uf I lie Senate tliereof, bae an NMnIcd, and conferred full power on John Hmnm, a ritiwii of Mid State, ana their Cliarife cT Af fairs near the saiJ Republic ; and UT Excelluncy, the IVesidcnt of the Keiublic of thilo, baa ap pointed Si-no iKfaA''' . citizoa wf the aul llepuUlic. . And ilie Kiid rienipftentinriea, after having mu tually prndm ed and exchanged cojiiea of their full powers, in clue und itroper una, have agreed upuu, and concluded the following articles, videhcit ilTK LE I. Tlierc slinll be a perfect, firm, and inviolable peace and sincere fnendsliip between tlie United State of America and tho Republic of Chile, in all llio cktcul.uf Uuiir poMeaionii and territories, and bttwecn their people and .citin.repotliTly, without diaUuclioa of persona and places, Iattctt if. "TtW thliTei tateetif :Amerie and-tbe Reptihlk ofCliiTe'desinilff To" tive'Tiifleal aiiJ'liariiitW' with all tho other nations of the earth, by menu ofji alq?nCculy. rricn.tlc n ith alt, en .ainas n. Whenever tlie citiM.n of either of tb contrart ing parties altall be forcd to atek refuge or ay lum id therivera, baya, porta, or dmiinioni of the other, with (heir vessel, wnetlwrof us-nhanr or of war, public or private, through aireM of we- llmr, uruit of pirti, or rneoiiea, they shall be received and trusted with humanity, giving to them all favor and protection for. repairing their shine, procuring provisions, and placing tliemst lves in itusti'Ki to continue their voyage without obstacle or hindrance oi any kiiMl. a ITH LB VII. ' All I he hips, mr rchandiftc, and effect, belonguig to the cilizniH of one of the contracting parties, which may be captured by pirate, whether within the limits of its jurtsdiriion or j the high seas, and may be carried or found in the men, roads, bays, ports, or dominions of the other, shall be de. nys, nor iverea u Vi tested by the midisputed elegance ol Jit which itionds garments made in his establishment, lie !- in the regular receipt of tho Reports of tho Fa .viiiuui a.s thiy chaugo both iu the largo cities 01 litis cnuntrv and of Europe so that gentlemen itny-be- satisfied Ihnnh'elf orders wittlitoaya be Tireetrnd in f he yerr late-etyle. ...- Ordors frum a distance will be ttttemled to with V". same punctuality utid care as U the customer v ere present in person. Salislmry, -May 17, 1834, ly- piIK SuWribcr wishes to purchase LIKELY N I ' i ROES, from ten'to thirty veatt old, and will pay the most lilrnl prices in Cash. All w ho have such property to sell wanld do wirto'catl He can be' found ut Mr. Slausrhter's Hotel, in ilislmry, and Mr. JoOcs at Dr. Boyd's Hotd,in Chiiriott'e. . .. t 'v..: ' i - He thinks it proper to say, that he is not con .( Ecisxl. i -'loHwieeft-wiitb "Mrr JaiBwTIme W with any other pernn. , . All Ijcttors addressed to him, or Mr. Joneg, will lpunctuall' attended to. ' ; . 1 ROBERT lim Viury, Miv 'ii, IfSfc. ; . .tf . , gaga, niutuulUy nut -to gtul wny fUelvr fcV4r to otlier nnlions tn respect to conunerce ami nayi gat1on; HtHvh TbaU rrot ImmediafeTy become rom imm to (be other party, w ho shall enjoy the same frwry, if the concftwon was "freely made, or on allowKig. tlie aanui coiillUjllsatloi if the Connexion was 'CowhUonaL, " it is nndemood, however, that t he . relations. . mid .conventions... that .flow ctist, or may hereafter exist, brtween the. Uepubhc ijf .Uby Iu auu the Kepubhc ol .tioli via, tlie federation o) the Ccutrcof Arucrk'o, the Republic of Colombia, (he United States of Mexico, the Republic of I'e rti", or the United Provinees of the la Pluta, shall lurin exceptions to this article. SBTKI.K in. Tlie citizens of this United States of America may frequent all the coasts and countries of the Republic of Chile, and reside and trade tliere, id all sorts of pnxluce, manufactures, and merchati disc,uud shall pav no other or greater duties, char- .Jjvs qr fees 5y.ha.t5P.V;rJJiaoi Abe. most . fa vurcd na tion is or Khali be obliged to pay; and they shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, and exemptions, in navigation and commerce, which the most favored nation does or shall enjoy, submitting themselves, nevertheless, to the laws, decrees, and usages there established, and (0 which are submitted tlie cili 2cns and subjects, of tho. juobi iavored nations. - . In like manner, the citizens of the Republic of Chile may frequent alt the coasts of the- Ufti'od Stares of America, and reside and trade there in disc, and shait pay rotothcr or greater duties, char ge?, or tecs, wntsrieveYhaTrthermost favored na tion is br shall bo obliged to pay, and they shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, and exemptions, in eommeree and navigation j-svhieb the most fkvored nation rlnee nr shall enjoy, submitting thctns up to I lie owner, Ihey proving in due and proper form tbir rights before the competent tn bunals; it being well understood, thai tls cbura shesild be made within the term of otie rear by tlie parties themselves, their attorneys, or agents of their respective uovernments. AITICLS fill. Wienaiiv veaaul belonging to the citizens of ei ther of the contracting parties shall be wrecked fismdered, or suHi-r any damage on the coasts, or wMhin.tlrT.diHniruon of t lie other, tm re shall be given to them oil assurance and protection in the same manner w hich is usual and customary with the vei l of the Tuition where the damage hap- petM, permitting them to'unloid the said Venue!, 11 neceairy, of its merchandiMA and efTocts, wilhmil exacting for it any duty, impoiit, or contribution whatever, until they may be exported, uiifuss they be detrtined lor consumption 111 the country. 4STIII.E IX. Tlie citizens of each of the contracting partie shall have power to dirc of tlieir jiencMial gissls within the jurwlictton ol the other, by snle, dona (ion, testamcjiU or otherwise, and llicirje resent atives, bi-ing citisens of the other party, khall sue ceed to their said perssial goods, whether by testu ment or ab xnttitata, and they may take possession Ihcruul, cilhfct-by.iliciiusiUtia ui .otbet acting Li tliein, and diaptMS) of the name al their uuL, pamg such dues only as the inhubitaiits of the country, wherein the said gsU are, Khali be subject to pay in like eawst and if, in the esse of mil estate, the said heirs, would be prevented from entering itil the rsMwsevsion of the inheritance, on nrcotint of their character of aliens, there shall be granted to them the term of lhre years to disjswe of the mme, as they may think proiier, sisl to withdraw tho proceeds without molestation, and exempt from any other charge than those wuicu. iiwv. Iw im pewed Ly the laws of the eoimrryv ' '"?""' -. AtTJCir .'- . ' J . 5 ftfmtiTTv togrve tbeif specittTttcjskidsuii tv'Uw 'mhs sons oik! pnwrty of the ciliwns of eech otlier, of all occufutibiis,' wuo may le." iu.'lbc'trlai ks aub? -llWjri?r('f'rr oT fh ofte of t rtflrotfier, tanstcnt or.dwclhng tUoreinyvavrng open and free to" them "the tribtiindsof jtifice fir fticlr jiidicial recourse, on the same terms which arc usual and eiKomary with thfr natives citizens of the coun try iu- which they niay be ? for which tbey may employ irr dclhico of their rigtrts such adrtsrates, solicitors, notamvH, agents, and fuetors, as they may j wlg properdin alt dieiriwak.tit. kw; and .mm cilizons or agents shall have free opportunity to lie present at thkdcwioiis and sentences, of thc tribu. rials, in all cases wliich may concern them, and likewise at the taking of all examinations and evi dence which may be exhibited iu the said trials. . .'. ., AKTIC'tE xi. It is likewise agreed that the most pcrfect'and entire seurity of eonseienee shall b enjoyed by the citizens of both the contracting the countries subject To the jurisdiction of the ouc and the other, without their being liable to lie disturlstd or molested 011 account of their- ndigwusbolief, so long as they resiect the laws and established usa ges of the country. Moreover, the bodies of the Sitizens of one of tho contracting parties, who my die in the territories of the other, shall be bu ried in tho usual burying grounds, or in other de cent or suitable places, and shall bo protected from violatjon or, disturbance. ---'--" - -. iBTim in. It shall be lawful for the citizens of the United States of America AtitLof the Repubtlo -of Chile nevertheless, to the laws, dec roes, and usages, there established, and to which are submitted the citi zens and subjects of the most favored nations. But it is understood, tliat this article docs not include the coasting trado of either -onntry,-,Uie- igukHhatsotmrrnot only dircrty from the places of tioh oTwliich is reserved by the parties, respect ively, according to their 6vn sejiiu'alo; laws. ARTICLE IV. It is likewise agreed that it shall be equally free for all.merghants, comiflamlers of shijw, and other citizens of both, countries, to manage, themselves PtrrtniDiMrmrmTrhT to the jurisdiction of each other, as welt with re. spect to the consignment and sale of their goods and merchandise, by wholesale and retail, as with respect to the loading, unloading, and sending off ireaiea as citizens 01 mo country m which incy the citizens or subjects of tho most favored nations. ARTICLE y tiesshaH be liable to any embargo, nor bo detain ed with their vessels, cargoes, merchandise, or ef fects, for any military expedition, nor for any pub lic or private purpose whatever, without allowing to thwjiterestedr a sufTiciet,t iridotjinilkatitn. . and scCTirity, no distinction being mado who are tho proprietors of the merchandise laden thereon, from any port to the places of those who how are or hereafter shall be at enmity with either of the traclmg prtiesS-lf a merchandise before mentioned, and to trade with the same liberty and security from the places, ports, and havens, of thoso who' are ertemii's of both or either party, without any opposition or disturbance the enemv, before mentioned, to neutral places, bhTat another place belonging to an enemy, whether tjiey be under the jurisdiction of the one power, or un der several. And it is hereby stipulated ...thnt free ships shall also give freedom to goods, and that eve- mg shati tie deemed to be free-wn-emtr which shall be f wtid on board the ships belonging to the citizens of either of the contracting parties, although the whole lading, or any part thereof, should appertain to the enemies of either, contra band "goods being' always excepted.5" It : w 'also agreed, in liko manner, that the same liberty be ex. priiriple 1 but if either of tha two contracting par ties slusjbl lie at war with llnrd, and tlie din neutral, the flag if tlie neutral iluijl cover the pr perty of enemies wliose uuvefmncut ackiiowlodg this pnnciple, and hot of other. v Atrtcia inf. . It is likewise agreed, that, fat the cse wliere th neutral nag or one ol the extracting parties sitall orotort tlie property of the enemies of the other. by virtue of I be alsive stitiuIatKsi, it shall slway be uinkrtood that the neutral property f smd on UnJ such enemy veswU shall be held ami con sidered as eis-my's property, and as sirh ffmll be liable to de'tcntwjQ and conhscadoti, except srh pro perty as was put cm board such vesael before tle (bTUratioir of war. or even afterward, if it were disie without the knowledge of it t but the contract ing parties grert that,luur months having elspwd after the declaration, their eitifisr shall Dot plead ignorance thereof. On the eontrar', if tlie llajof Im neutral does not protect tne enemy property in that case, the goods and merehandUe of the neu. tral, embarked in such enemy's ship, shall be free AITIILI lITi h This liberty of commerce and navigation shall exteud to nil kiuJ of aftduutdif,ieepitig those only ttbico arr msttngmabea by lb uuua a aou tra band; and under this name of contraband, or pro hibited gwids shall be comprehended Jst.. Cannons, mortars, howitzen. witfl. blnn- derbuiMes, musket, fuzees, rifle, carbines, pistols, pikes, Nworns, aure, mnces, spears, hslls'M arsl grciuuW, botoU, fKMsdrMMlerH balK- wnd-all otlier thine U-loncinir to the use of these srms, lid. HirKlers, helmets, breast-plBles, coat of mail, muntrv belts, and clothes made up tn the form Uht Ux a military use. iM. L avalry belts, and horse with their funu ture 4th. And generally all kiuda uf arms sikI instni- ns-nt of iron, stis-l, brass, and copiier, or of any other materials manufactured, prepured, and form- id, tApicJy lu nuke wurJiy. .Km ot land. . ABTK'LH XV All other merJiaudio and tfiines not eHti beihUd iu the article U cootruUusI explicitly .euu nifyi.'i fnd I'litfrtilivd as above, ihull bs lyld aul cuiisi Jen;d Jia lire, and subjexts uf fjvc and Jawlul commerce, so that tin y may bo carried and tians- M)rted in the frc4st manrs r by both tin: contracting istrlies, even to plnem belonging to an enriny, ex 'cptui" only those places which are at that limo Is-sicgi d or bbs kinlcil ; mid, to avoid all iloubt in tin jiarticular, it is dee lared that those places only are bc-ieeed or l.lockaileil, which are actually at li k(l bv a ls'llierent force capable of nrevnitinff lie entry ol tho neutral. ' ABflCtB Xf I. The'Ttrtu'W of 'cuitra1sA9rh'Iorenumcra'feT and clinmilMuL wbich may bo fsjnd in a vossui borif toim enemy's nort.-shall be sulmi to-i. Iiintioii aud cuiifiicli'tT Joaning fiIis uiL 4i tlie cargo and the ship, that tlie owners may dis- rsi of- theiii as tbfy may r proper. - bio yeaael nfCTflfrttrrgT the litgb sfiu-on axlt ctei of Contraband, whenever the master, captain, or miH!rcargo of that vessel will deliver up the ar ticle of contrubnuid. to tho captor, uulens the quantify of such articles be' so- great," am of so arge a bulk, that tlwy t annotiSB-receired on. board tlx capturing slnp wiilmot greet ineonvenience ; but tu this end ot all otbor coses of just detwiuan, the vessel detained shall be sent to !ie nearest con vcuiunt aud safe port, fur ix'uti and judgment ac cording to law. ARTICLE XVII And whereas it frequently happens that vessels sail for a port or place belonging to an enemy, without knowing thai ihe same is besieged, block sded, or invested, it is agreed, that every vesoel so circuinbtaiiced, iay be turned away from such port or place, but shall not be detained, nor sliull any part of her cargo, if not contraband, be confisca ted, uidoss, after warning of such- blockade or in- viestment, from any officer commanding a vessel of le blockading forces, she shull again attempt to enter; but she shall be permitted to go to any oth er port or place she shull think proper. Nor shall any vessel of citjicr, that may have entered into such port before the same was actually besieged. blockaded, 'or invested, by tlie other, be restrained rrorft quitting such place with her cargo, nor if found therein after the reduction and surrender. shall sucft yog?rt or her cargo bo liable fo confls. mo 11 airy vessel nuving mus entered ilie li fd to go im brd Ilie examining teM f,r tlt purpoe of exhibiting ber paper, or for any otlif r . . ; t purjsifsi w buteyer. ' r;.. - , , , , . - , f,". ! ARTICLS III. , ' , To avoid all kind of sod abtws In tU ,' ' ' examination of tlie pnper ndjting Ui tlniosisT- , ' sliip of I lie ese bt -longing lo the citizens of tho ' ' two contracting parties, tliey have s greed, and do , agree, thut, in case one of llmii thad be engaged, iu war, l lie shisi and vomicIs bcksiging to tho citi tens of the other Ui'isJ be Rirnishcd with aea-kit-- , ter or passMrts, expressing the nsme, prcprrty, and bulk f the hip, as atso tlie nan-e and jiluca of habitation tsf ho nvostrr or coinnuuiikr or said " " . 1 tean-l, in order thai it may thereby appear that tle ship really and truly belongs to tho citizens of -one of the partie j they bare likewi-o agreed tliat " such ahliM. beins ladcti. bemdea the aea-lerter o' passports, hall alw be provbled with certificates ' containing the erve ml particular! of the cargo, and ' the place whciicA the shin sailod. an that 11 ' ' ' , be known whether any furbi.lden or contraband , , ' goods be on brd the same 1 which certificalrs t ". hall bo made out by tlie oflicera of the place from , whence the ship sailisj, in tho fcccustoiiHid f .nn I ' withmit rhkh rtMiiKltec wmcriia v bo" J.. T"""' "! liune.d, tl t djudge.l by lhoiiiiHteiit trilsmnl. and may be declared legar jn, unbsV'tlie'-Kii'f '.TH"""" defect slikll be proved to bo owing to aiTiA-ut, arid '" be satisfied or tunplied by lotftimoajr entirely equi-' ; talcnli"'7"' T-"r7't'"-'-2-r t,'... mm i-' UisiuitbB-rethetHhtvttrrmlatlhr ctpressed, relative to the tisiiing ais'l examination , of res Is, ahaU ppty nnly to thoo which sail Villi- Z out convoy j and when said ycsMcbrnhiill be u idcr I Vv couVoy, tho-vetbsi V laralion if the coromaiKlcr' -j' " - of the convoy, on bis word of hsior, that the ves. , ' sels under bis prs'te'etinn bt kitigjo tho uatits wIhsni flag he carries 1 and when tliey are bound to an enemy's port, that, they have 00 contraband goods ; vn iwni auaikiWjMUKieni---rv ix-r: ;X! ri rstKjr It is further agreed, that, in all cases the esta. K blislicd court fir prizn t m, W the country to- " , which Ilie prizes trioy bo condur-t.xl, shall alow tuko JllfJiu -.iiidjvbuif.vcjod 4 (wuuJ of ei'hej party ibalL prououiice judgiiRnl eain.'t any yeu or goojj, (,r property cuumed ly, tlm . ritizeiM of the otlier party, tho ecnteire or decreo . shall nK-ntkm the reasons or motives on which' tho ! same shall have been founded, and an authenticated copy of Jlie sentence or decree, and of all the pro., ceedings in the case.shaU, if demanded, bo deliver- ed to the commandant or agent of mdil vcol, wilh. out any delay, he paying, tho fcgal fa$ for tho",' same. ' - ;-- :- "' -' AtTirt u ix. '- ----- " Whrheyrr 6t of the canfrarfing NtrticVidiatt''" be engaged in Yrar.Tvith anothrr ftftto. noT.liLa of: JMTiiricr-xriiitKhJiiig parly hull tTtiit a: cnmnifs. aiujvorjuictin tnami.turihe purouaef "!S ,or. f0w!!"SJ,,?'UTljr wjJlt Jhc said wjauy, against tiiosnud party o4wael under -the painpf reside, or at least to be placed on a footing willutended to persons whe are on tsmrd a free ship, wjtli this ctiect, that although tbey be enemies to Tmth or cither, they are not to be taken out of that The- rttff en of nertheof the eonifaetinff pse free sTdp-niiles thw im "oflkww or soldier and in the actuat service oflhe enemies : Provided, how. ever, 'and it is hereby agreed, that the stipulations in. this article contained, declaring that the flag shall cover, the property, shall be understood as apt dying Jo tho; no new only w he rcerfgnisc the icreoi; ana n any vessel nuving port betre-4li bloekade tookri)keei shall take on board a cargo after the blockade be established, she shall be subject to be warned by the hloicka- dlugt&rcitpK ceived tlw said warning, the ressel shall persist in going out with the cargo, she shall be liable to the same cousequcnirs n a-vessel attempting to enter bleckailed port, after being warned oil by the blockading forces. ' -- ARTICXK XVIII. '-' - - ' Inordw toprovwiUiIL JbiudxoOiderin tlie visiting and examination of the ships and cargoes of. both the contracting partics on the high seas, they liave. agreed, muuiuUylliat. whenever.' vc. selofwar, public or private,' shall meet with a rrttis'4hether- If. bv snV fltalilv which eammt kn frrw-tvf kn.1 which God forbid, the two contracting .parties should be engaged in a war with each ollwr. they- have agreed, and doegrWiftow for'lhen.lfiat thrm" - shall be dlowedthe term of six jnonths tlie nrniw elwnts-residtng' ort the 'r-land' eacn otner, aao tne term ot one yea .fcHho who "" - -dwell in the interior, to arrange their business and . transport their effects wkrevet they please, giving,., . ; to them-the safe conduct necessary for it. which. may serve as a sufficient protection untiTthev arT "",TVr rive at tho designated port. The citizens of all other occupations -who may bo established in the territories lof; dominions' of tho" rnitod Slate oT-Tf'- " America, and of the Republic of Chile, shall be re. POfted ,ajnd ; nmiiitaitied in Ihtt . full enjoyment of : their personal liberty and nrooertv. unlnsa particular conduct shall Cause them to forfeit this ' protection, which? in wnsidmtiori r humanity,"" "T" the Contracting purtios ffhgagft Id gi them. , ' . ARTICLE. XXIV... ', . , Neither the debls tluo fim tho individuals ofv the one nation, to the individuaU of the other, nor- . ; shares, not money whkh tbey may have in nublio funds, nor in public or private Banks, shall ever, i,'-..-. any event of warwor of iwUonaldiucxcnco, be so-. . . . qucstratcd or cckifucatcd. " - - - .. . XRTKXr XXV.: -'-:"- -"".' , " Both the contractins oartJc fSwJ'lii H.jairyJa,ltion' to,tiu8i.,wiblifl ,.- coinmui)icatlonii,"ai greed, and doBgreeito grant "lo "their envoys, mi- . nistcrs, and other public agents, the same f; ivnrs, immunitios, and. exemptions which those of (he nersioou tiutt wliatever lavors, immunities, Or in i. ' viicgestno United Nates of America or the Repnh. shall remain at the greatest distance compatible with making the visit, under the circumstances of the sea and wind, and the degree of suspicion at tending the vessel to be visited, and shall send its Bmallesf boat ''Irr ftrder ;1oli&utl "tho' said cxami nation of the papers concerning the ownership and cargo of tlie 'vessel, 'hout causing the least ex tortion, violence, or ii-freatment, for which the commanders of the ari d f hips iihall be responsi-. hie witTt tneir jwrsons arid" property; -tot which purpose the coiiimandcrs of the said private armed vessels slmllv liefore-receiving their commissions, give sufficient security to answer for all damages they. may commit. And it is expressly nnrced, that . the neutral party shall, in no case-, bo requi- Ik of Chile nmyfttid it proper to civo to the mini. stc and public agents of any other power, sludl,- uyauc, sama, act, do oxiomled to those of each ot - 10 contracting parties. --.. ' T" - : ARTICLE XXVI. , " . To make more effectual tho protection which ti nited Staies'orAini'rica'aiiJ the Kcruitillc'off (,!.' Iwll afHml in future to the navinntion and com- mcrce of the citizens of ..'each otlior , they agree lo receive and admit consuls and vice-consuls" in nil (bTstj tlitf pir1 oien to foreign niniu'riiTw'ao slmll en- joy in them all the rights, preroratives. arid inimn. nities, of the consuls and vice-consuls of tlie most favored nations j each cmlracting party, however, remaining at liljcrty lo except . those porta and places in which tho adnii.iMon and ru-idcuco of such consuls may not seem convenkiit. ' ARTK'LK XXVU. ' In order that the con-uls and vicc-eonimls of the two font met ing parties niay enjoy the rights, pre. rogiitives, mid iiintipiiiiie, which belong to tkm, ' by their public cliawcter, they k'iu!!, before" enter ing o?i the exercise of their functions, exhibit their commission or patent, in due. form, to the Govern ment to which they are accredited 5 and, rmvin;r oblaiiwd their exequatur, they hulLly ! ' ! k J

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