- . fi;. lie I M .t ft vli w,r iiy , I pllt b4 U .id h! u.' 7. n On 'bow up tb Pi. iW iwk grooa ad tu lie duty., luain rrcn to aQ of ho er,aot in prut. uV tstoM, STtlaevf it r&- officer; n Le- eattitrf he depo' to pM) the Pre. . light do, man to t puttint. bbatlyT ct At. a-are He " need wa lo onr of cour if kwer m iift". - b na be done! t they ait jon to kt iicc to tb, r dufy-to id, acUog anctkn of ident pe aafy Ut linioo tliat Kituci-lsr.. have seen ts undor a I the very wernment r"8iartW mind tbat ving tried d pfcjtvfc' t be called i impoach- ted to tba tlirf were The "Pitf:ba ile tranawf ng tchf ttet ny 5e madif n of Inquh it that noun n,tfci tht d intoM IVitieh Par. R bmiy may licuW nator fn lore my the injury 4 pproltB celled into ifullibility f nd insiltinf "G, and fir tlie Tight ' On tV l-"th Hi tjiil resolution v.a iiitro.b:f"l inn Ihs llou M'- ft"11 "f 'n,1,u p"!"'"!.' ihrt t$t h of Jui' th ndMmtiiinenl C"ir". Af ter HHI dlKUwrfrfl, thfl ubj-ct km p.f poind to tli nh mutant. " . , m probable tint Congre will adjourn Cr two utoittha yt They have cnoufch to to liuUut tin'W llt luii?. nd tittf ""d better continue wiling till July of neat year, than to adjourn leaving inipurUu.t bii, n, unfinished, and u Treasury at tJie merry of in Irrprpiinwlila ca W. ' Memorial from ysrMi ptrt'of the country, prnying ,,r ntue nieuie ftf r hi t', oimtiliufl to flow Into the Cspibd. 1 1 "r . but psper, Account wwi '1 f"w f ranee, iiiic ouf lost pnper, kruif liitrlliiftw" the tin'",T in UickUii Ute Inw the u;ifitKti of K crct Huciotji- bad been recei ved by thfl IVjjiIh. ' Inthecit;.ofIViiKJ Lyar sru dirturbanre ei a priiiM f J tt interval from'tlie 41 lown tu the 1 1th April the Lwt dy oo which o have account frura rilhcrpbice. The only rtntemcnt we bar teen art those publUh. c4 by t)i t!onf iimiiit, w bj puirri in tliir IntefM io all of h lb tnnifod cititu un U tumJ "iiuur. jfitito" uxl "anarcbMU," an4 are nii'titioit-d with the fnwtiiit contumely. Rut we tLinlc, trotn tLo fct tbat llie obooiiuM iw wu jntruduoed iiwl pmri at tin i.Jicitation uf Hie tuiwua " JMy Alliancp," tint tliiuc movpimiiiU ar tA ao iimi(rnifirnt at Uie ofllria) dr ystcbcf of the (ioTemmmt wonM acmn to liiJicti!, In the, fporta f tli opumUims rr'1 rdit ia rrn o Die National Guard fur thrir bravrry aiul mtr pidity in the rvimw vkirmUlnM with Ui riti.nn ; tnd, a!l)nni((b DO miritkm w made uf tlie numb r uf Jiilliil ani wooifcW at tit irvifal ri-nrontma, it mimt lavf fn jrrwit, if we may be 11kI to jwltfi- frutn the Wlowinif .item, in which (lie kmmg of wvunty-th RimublleaHi U mintiomil Willi a Uiucii ntne ftmd ka if it wrrr a matter of liouily occurrence : "All ii ovrr. Our troM bare ponnnwd. The N ii nml (iuArdp urcimdi'd thitn with tlie fratMrt b-roiiik Thiy lwt diwa 47 Rfjniblitana inpne pluciVjauiliG, Tiraiiitbi,rriivl 'ltn'al liuiiiW lav b"ieu arrrstiil. TIm' two Prrnten remained all day tfl the iiwwt exp"d Hliiatums and were rrcnvi'd by the iii.urtctiU 0lia i!ii-liiiri;i' of Cre-aniw, which iCrtuiiaU-ry did them no uijury." The print ingmfilce of the "Tribune" had bn t tarktnt by order of the Government, and two editiw and twenty uf the workmen arretti-d, ami a ' veto' put itXn the publication of any more pain-r. If tlie Re publican and the Printera are dealt with after tb'i f-.-liion, "I Mle Franc" rnnit noon be in tliat ute of anarchy, in earnent, fnun which the King and hit ml diem pnifewt to be deiroua tb doltver her. It m aaul that tli4ieath ef General Ijiftiyette n ve ry precariou The French papra mnition aovcrnl rumor in Ma lum to nwvetnenla iikxi(( th Continental Power. ttneirtJit'therAnrrbmil 'hf eTiWftrSOT7.rrT.nt another, that the Germanic Confederation have aent troop towanbi tiui frontier of tlie Oepartment dn Nord; and a third, that a revolutionary movement bad taken place at Madrid, tlie Capital uf Hpnin. , GO AHEAD, OLDJUP! U rejoice at the 'm&lfijrerice roirrtainrd in the CJ- lowing extract from tlie Fayetteville Observer. A fact came to our knpwltiljfo a fuw day ago, which unfitly atrengthena our faith in the bi'nrfit of a Rail- Road' from Fayetlavilie to the rnountgtijiAu mtiuli- tfent gentleman paaaod through 8alwoury, from Carter ty,Taancaoe,1i&,viii2' along a load of Bacon which he war taking to Fayettev.illeb .iucliaiige Xr-uroee- rie. He said tbat 3" there wa a Rail-Road onljJ&yVj! umhVVrmJirmim tut trad alikh now goea front Ei4 Tennriee to Atijista and BnlUiiiore. This gentleman pak from actual cxpe- wnte, for be has heretofore trird ill of tjOTrl, and docs wt hwitate to five Fayettevilto the preference. Cape TearrYaAktri, ani Pre Der RaiURoad. I T-h work of tliis "MrterprTsw was brinja 'ootbe tl itb Tnsfat thw plttqe, witlilbo obaerwuicp of the "sual ceremomea on the. cotnmeneeiiM'nt of all treat nnd lrrfTstirta "public weVrm1trrtja,,A,,-''sv ,,,v ne were more than gratified at the dorp into- fHt manirested by the citizea genrrnlly of thia ommnmty. lne atutnattoo whk'h (Iks occasion roduced upon the crowded tnultitiidt;, waa nppa- rent. I-icb countenance bore the glow of joy and ladnem. . . A proccasion, comnoaed "of, the itj.j?na of. the Town and Count rr the Member and Otitccra of )!ie civil autlioritv rtf tho corparntiiin ; the Teach- jrsajklSulwitsifthftllaveiiw-n(Tniid Donftld)n fcadaaaiewe 4hjT-Mitrry fjttt he Presitkmt and Diroctrtrs of the Ruil-Road Com- nv, was formed in Gillospio street in the fore on, and thence in regular order marched to the fruisnated point of coinmenceiiienton the summit the bank of the Cnpe-frenr, a short distnnce f'inw the;Qarendm BrinreKtnei Sea- H flsq., tlie preidcut f the Rail-Rond Cnnv inv, delivered to the audience an address after fiieh th ttpCTatioTft 6T tlie work were commenced v Mr. Fb, whoJ aftft,Rlirt,cxhortfttioir1 renrlinr on his fellow-citizens to followthe example, catf !on the work the first apodR-ofyarth, which was i'ieatfcd with the hurri of satisfaction by all. The g remoftiea weiu cloacd by the -uUachargp-c4;xiMimw if "tu Capt. Mcteran's. Company of Light Artilln . and reertotMled ) 1'V'li'silTutf; frorn t1'" '"'t""" iirii?lia, jCariti Rush,) then lying on the river, We are sorry we have not apace for Mr. Seawell's "cb, which utters, with earnestness and force, whatf Mtifht to V the sentimenta of every true Carolinian, Setiwel) ione of the most zealous pastica! men North Carolina, and. Wtut, we know, an industrious iiibr-r of tlie last Legislature devoiod, heart and Ui!, to all the gfuat interest of the State, unwarned . .., r? rajw-w 'Tgiiny ana geciioraii prejuuiwa. "r Mr Calhoun's Speech t on thj Protest ia. jpatoilJSJSimii Vfrv u iprp. in trmsot unmeaaiircd adtiirstion. P f iHowine is an extract frorn a letter written by and I' Washington Correspondent of .the,. !4 Phikddnhia Pnjnerciai luUlIiircncer: . .. v J A TaaitisoTm,' fhf 6! lk Tknr .Sir; Mr.. Giifliotin' speenlj. against the nV "livitnifitions of the Protest, delivered Uvulr, was ' of 'ho molt splendid effort of that eminent fare the Senate waa Blled with ladies and irentle- i or hour before the Senate met The ladips an- reijnbartwMilarly rtfa'cTieiifo-the gwiftrtillifterjT" 'x cupiea aoout an noar presenten several new ana tin? view in relation to the Protest, and the limits flic Executive power. I le proved that the Presrdent it not exercise anv powers unless srrnntd; by tlie i liinuon or law, thai Longres wa entrusted wili Ji t.ory J.y- r ). I,, lim.l r..4 ttrrti Urn j Ai t The (,I ,, ,., 4 g r,i0 if the ii,. f-,wri,l 1,.,,m. ii.ff ar;..im i.ti f.. rl.f.iii f, that Ihrt I'r.-lml bad f..Hlt pro.trate tlm K-lnlrj tUt be luid no r.k'I.t l.i m-iA the nfM U) tl.i P. -half i ami tl.at It iHnl.t IK t U rerritrd. The to. to power of the rifiil. i,t UUmd Uio dierri-thjiary j-tker i OatgrMM but tin P,trfM!.-d to the v li or joint i.lut JWIi-iii locojitrid lU Mr, or epante pr. rlmKiof H n-rnm, wiHiiq attune rtw pruilf(e and dirny !Ut dauxi of t)m (onl,tulK hirh rrm). rd each llmwe tU julft uf iia mn prftfetmjt Mr, Cattumn poinied to atvrflirr nmiarUlli f. atura in tl.a I'rotcat The I'remli-nt In J nut drawn kia Duwar la aend aurh a paper ffum tlja.('-iiittiKm, and tlrt were rvmaof liw a'ivrte M darw to trr l.ia power to that fcatrre. Tlwi l'rtliiiit Uildlr majle it mhym iJ' July. Bid XmbWUWaaWU lit right In och pow- er, lie ref.-rn-d brnaiM to hi HcretarT. The I'reai. dmt bad furgtit that rilit alway pnveded dubea. Dutiea neer mnJi-r pnwer Ue row pot obedience. In Uie card of U,e 'rei.!.-tit,bi dutieinr plain they were prr-writicd ia the Cunetttutmn and ilia law, and IimiU'd to tlirm. But tU 1'rmuli-iit went brtberhe make it matter of oblifratioa, imped on biro by bw oath of nffiret it wa the relt of dirt vemtlf tlie tyraiil'i pie ; h M a the iiiimiilute HrpntruU ati ut the AmfTifMn 'cme f If the triuU-ury if neb wild, mfutuated, linlirullcl ambition, waa not per eeieJ, then bjtorr bad bn read ia in. Mr. f allfHin drew a parallel between the cnurae of i tie rrMiriit Mt year and the prtit Then he i nied In I'rrirUiiiaiion di'maitding a aovcreifrn Htate to erane an ordinance from it Hutute Buuk, and calliJ npon tlie ptviple to aid him in the arCue ; rfiw we liav hi IVrfi'irt. rti rv.nm-inc tht K nitn f r Irannrendinr Ha duty, and remietinc hi olict tu U rcnW. If the fv iiflU' hIkiiiM rfiiM, it will no doubt be followed bf inuilu'r I'rocUnMlum rallying the peojile to hi tann ard, hi Maud by Jinn in the r be i wiping with tb Hi'iiate. Mr. t'allioun w more aerere on the Preaident than I liad ever binrd bun. lie dincriM him in a aatirv cal atrain, which I never beard him do befiiHt, a an old tactician," w-ho knew bow to awuioe tlie appear ance of defence a hen he wa preparing (or oii'mnv operalione; be enlirted thfl vinptli of tlie people, by expuniig hi emu, reiiooncuig auibrtion and anarice, anil di-clsntiff t)il he wu looking to another world, not to thia. Mr. Calhoun treated thi contemptible by- poerir with peat ev riT. U- ilnrlared Uiat tt all 0" m r M wcuuio rrW4watemgwrVi.nrner,t, u laid dowa id the 5th Article of tlie Con wage wiUi Hraitly ranciir ayaia! thebenate. R WU ivA introduced fir rhetorical efli-t, but to enlint t)e yirtpatliy, whirb, lw aided tjrrhv depnwtee, WoafiT enable llie PreNNlent, a he no diaibt bopid, to externii nale whatever tond brteen bitu ami abwlute power. There ,a an interenimg debate between Mr. For ayth nd Mr Preaton, after Mr. Calhoun ronr.luihid. Mr. F. attempted a replv to Mr. C, and Mr. IVeiitnn rrjoined in hi timml brillinnt and fhC!ntm?eIoniiene. it wa altopnther one of the roo-t interring day ...r -r-n .1, K,m -uir. nr, inwin ifirn m iru of uie gmltur -may be ex pert tent or nthT he read with avidity. It will prove a pillar of lurht wwe, (which are a mutton to b decided bv the lemU. on tbw nnerfiun, and lioiild he in every one' liand'tivf powur of the Government, aceordma to the rule who wiiie to underatand the aubject MR. CAMIOU.N K fiPEFX'IL We exclude ilinoot every thing ela trotn our co lumn tin morning to make room dr thi moat power ful and liiiuinuii rxpoaitiou uf claim t t br the J! reanlutiona of tlie Si'nate. It ia a tx'rfrct aonech- nerfect a whole. and in all iU paruv. No man, U La capacity what it mav, can neruHe it witlaxit feelinp a deep ami immova ble conviction of Uie oncoa4titutionality and tyranny of tnar tnempt at me oe3iroeiian or uie power and Uie dymity of the Senate. Mr. Calhoun u beyond all ueMtKin one of the moat extraordinary nnd highly gift ed men of bia age, is thia country or ia Europe ; and he bi given no more conclomve evidence of the bet tlian that which ia funtihod by the apeech now before the reader. W beg tUt every one into a'hoae hand thia naiutr mav rrulnti11v full, will noriiMi wrrti at. teniMM tbia wat w-trietp.ajidTalnaUa.diciiu It t V rioole mouunieul to the genuia and patxiotuun of it autiugu:slied auUior. Ktchmend Vtmjntrr, CP1J5COPAL CONVENTIONr CmMiimt tb-RfwWnri rmrb1rf thi IhoT!irTnrt irr the Towrof ' Wab!hgton bhlTie 7th instant, and cdiitinucd until Ibe BnnJiy fdllowing,' incluaive. . I Wf wiirfiVa in abitfact of the pTocnijdiii a soon a they ce be had. ' '"7.' ' -'- (Tiie'TlmwiMe Jrrtc .Mjdjaoa w'.ln.i'ila4igi oih atate of aickiie.-',We hope tlie old Pitriqt may yet survive long enough to ace the Constitution vindi- Jcated against toe attacka-wr.ich tire mcditilodly tlicC who ought to be it defender. .CT" "The Government" has reoonaidered bia r ltltion relative to the Bank Director, and ha nomina ted to the Senate the following gentlemen to fill the vacancift now in the Directory, viz : Ilonry Horn, Ro bert Van., Cbarle McAUisteTi.of Pbiuuiclpbia ; Joe. VkatoV of Baittmore and Saul Alley, ef New -York- 5" The Prcmdent baa Tit hut dispensed twb'of the nominated a Minister to England, and Mr. Dickeraon, of New Jersey, a Minuter to Russia. Tbia is the last desperate effort to keep New Jersey and Virginia in mibjectioa.JVVill tliey be cangbi by such bait! -"We feel assured thatthej ..will aVit..-. m m mi j OfT I our pa per, of the Sth ef March, weTuDliehed i.'ltSrJWS airWkitcf.( tbia pkeej Afavy-AteTit at Valparaiso, informing ua of tlie conclusion of a Treaty itif CWinnefcTBBtweM the I'bmipotentiarieaof our tlo- vernment and that of Chill Tbia Treaty has just been confirmed by the United State Senate,' and coptea ex- i changed between Uia two GovemmonW ; it will be Amnd weoreolummi te-day and itappearato tnrtnirii riX.tiie approbaLon of out countryuiea.. LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES. . (KT We are atithorwed to announce Joseph P. Catnwitt, Esq., of Iredell County, a Canftdute for the Senate of the next General Assembly. 0r Jon Bcard, Jiinr., ia a candidate for re election to th'i Senate, and John Clement, and election to the IIou.se of Commons, in the next Ge. , i iri.niso dlatrr, zsq., onenn or ivow- an, is a candidate for re-election. rOB Till Vt KSTKIiH CABOUSIAfl. Ma. Beabd: If yon can Bjiare a little space from that old subject, the removal ef the deposites," I Would thnnk yon to call tlie attention of thenteel nortinn ofTtie community to anotlier tonic, which I think deserve attention. I allude tp the 14 deposit " of Vikicpo-nlice in the new of onr UinutUoaV - - -1 fnrre heard iwcusrf mr tiiai me use or tonaceo i initriott to lealth. freauentJr causinir dyspepsia. Ax. If tint commlcrEtion will not restrain gentlemen in the nseof that narcotic, I hope tliey will, at least, abstain from indulgin? in tbnt stranife luxury at Church, . , I went to Cburrfrcnc' night, with a new jaconet dr- on, riext airfu.nl it u.k.4 u if it lad been uwd for friiiiiig roll, gr.ajixbi. t . It the brM fr.k I bl, and yrm n,.r be n.re I wa littlo liMrfliliiJ,. M, f ymt fUmtr, Mr. B'rd, try to rru. Ue antb-inen to b-ae itT lurk a di. g rt-eabi pra lire, and b)ig ygur unktx.wa fiwnd, . ' MIRA.Mii I .M After I wruta tk lW now tt.inL. I .I ii. . . i.r""r eir, u. um-m i.cf; if lt awl will he My when b rrail UimJ J r-nI it ay Aow, put . anre hint I did tail Mean to ba ernnaL M, S't really thmk our frir eorreepiaident Wa gn.l nam to cemplaia; tt w ourw lvea bava wort titan " tft Cburcli with our portent aoiM ia tit man ner diWubud by Miranda, What aba (anplaina i ii nuiMsr tbat auglrt In ba puniahabl by a temporary UnUJuiient of tba aflltKler fnxn tba aucieir J tba bvtUT prt vl crcatwai. , t Mt. B." ia ata anmewbat addicted o the ua of A wwT tare, but be had resolved to quit it Um er d or b received M iranda'i note; and that, ao kr froca vfliiniling bim, haf ra-erJiiread bb reaoltKmn. Doe "Miranda" ever Uka what the Udiea rail a "dipT Wa (bait flunk U doea, thoui(h freo.ieniU tempted by the beautiful nf-n4nr4 lift" of her companion. Vrriaw aai.A bint, w hope, ia uflr ciei. roa the w carta taaounua. Mr. EJUar i I am well aware of the imnorUnea efl a correct uiuii rauiMinr of Uie tt laUve ttghU and pnw. era of the General and htate Government, on which hang the. principal nwitrovermet between tU two fir mer pfwninent political nartiea aat our Government: and I Irulr reince that tlieir oninwri are an neartv en. incideiit, a appears from your expneilioa of tba doc trine of Htate Right, contained in your KJituriaJ r mark of th VHh ultima "A Nortb Un4inian." wbea (nkuig of the Hovewignty of .State, mean the aigncM coMuuiira auuiority or power in It, and adir it tUt all powar i derived from Uieproele. who mv. in their overaign capacity, eVlegate it to agent, w'hora uiey oonattiuie repreaenutivr of aovereiirnty, vented wait the biebwe pnwer m the Htate rbut tli Peoule. according to tli compart entered into betweee tbeire elve, my bridre or extend tht power it their pie. ure in (be muie laid dowa iri tiieir diftVrent fund, menial principlua of governiuent, ooutaimd iq tluiir atituiion of the United State, which cannot be altered by one atngle SVita. but only by the Uiree-iourtrm of all the Mate. "A Worth Carolinian" dona not bold that the Hnprrma Court of the United Htata can deckle poliitcaj queatiorta, bat only tint "the judicial power aball extend to all caja, in Iw "and Eouity, inning uadm tbia ConUUton and the "law of the I'nitiHl Htate, and Treatiea made, or U L!-l. -I -!l t I . . .1 . a. IdcwUndaueatKiriof policy to mean, whrther certain - wnirn Hiau oe mane, unoer uieir amnority. Ite un laid dowa in Uia CoeMtaution ;) bat whether arU of Con gteaa are lymstilutufiardr not, i a qmntion of Iaw, to be decided, in the 14 reaurt, by the btghcai judicial tnhnnal m the Government When Ijw conflict with each other, the inferior mint rive wy to the Mipemir : tb Crtutiofi ef thc,..Unacd-ttliie is tin fuml, J mental law, eatablialied by Uie highest power in the State, to wit: the I'eo- -end ia therefore paramount toajiy-actef-the liegunaiure." ' If Congrea pa law which aro against tlie general interest of the People, and the Prreidont approvea them, bntrhifh are within Uie letter of tlie Curiatitu. tion, they can only be corrorted tt the ballot-box, by electing wiser and more raitbful repreaentativea Jf the Preatdcnt aasurne arbitrary power, and "we have an bonnet House of Repreaentativea, they will paia Article of Impeachment atrainat him, and a faith ful Senate will dtaraia him from eSicav - - - If anv member of the Judicial ihould act corruptly, If both llousu of CorurreM honld naaa uiexoedient iUiU, the President can refuae to approve, and ynwejit them from becoming law, unlesa paiaed.by tlie concur mut -of. twe-tbirde of both lieeve ; m thia way enr G'jvgrjijtf rtt bita-i(iffiLit bailuajijia taaiii-n nJiuiiTft-' 4:f nsLUie.reople upon the wholev if they will be honest to theifmclven. . , r-.-S--- I adrtiit tlie" Inalienable right in tlie People of revo lutionizing when a majority rf lJbcitt aball determine 'that the" oppreasion of the Government have become ao tntobjrabla UmI revolution, withkll tta cnnanqtisn cs, Would, place thain'in a better wtuaUon; but they nurt arc to JV.lhaf they will be.abl to ajajntaui their Wlepwience; bat; at the same time I bold, that, in ordi nary cases of controversy, an appeal to the judicial power i the rightrul remedy, and the' tribunal, eKt bbahed by the People,' the arbiter of their right. Jlay 10th, mi A NORTH CAROLINIAN. sjwJafc65agfcagiahdbjiaaaaMjh rna MM SWlMal tMtllMMW tl Mar U. Mettri. QaUilf Srnion : On perusing the National Intelligencer of yesterday, I waa (truck with the busi ness-like air, and brevity, of tht letter of resignation of Uie lute distingutaned Ue preventative from Connecticut, the lfcAcable Saapn A. Foots. : It ia in tliese'wnrd: .- - "-""Naw Hayt!; 9th May, 101" Sia : I have thi day resigned mr oat as a member of the 23d Congrea. " -VouTVery rrctfuTlvr"'' cAM'L A. FOOTE. Hon. Spbaieb of the II. of Repa." The Foots, in all countriea, seem to have been re markable for their brevity and precision. 8am. Foot. the celebrated Comedian, and daHinguiahed writer of ilgUl Uimouica, Uaa lranmtrteJ ten a Corrrspondence with hi motlier, quite aa latonie a tbat of our B. A. Kante vrith the RriMtinr Tlut U t'mAu if imu ue rreM por eeet; arm -gne Coinniuntcatud ber niixfortuiHi to her son in the following epistle Mt dbab Bo : I am in jail. ' T ''Your afluctkmato mother," MAmT Foor, " Foot had been arreeted himself the day before tlie letter reached bint, on a enpier ad tdtnacienJum, and be replied in the following term : .. Mr Dcai Mornarn : So am I too, ' ' oat anmiltiyiale snsi. - - - Ri Fnwr.'?. tmatHM In the course of yesterday' Debate, Mr. Clay having denounced, as contrary to the Hpirit of the Constitution, the omission of the President of the United State to nominate to the Senate, for con firmation or rejection, the prCHcnt Secretary of the Treasury and other olHcera, though the Senate has been- now nearly ji montha in etMr?''Wetk ster roeo, for the purpone of uhowinjr the viewi of , this aubject entertained by the great Bmjni maujut tim mt HTntrw, aim prticxiseq upon oy every Adrninistration in thia Government, up to tlie beginning rjf the present. For thia Durnotie. Mr. WJ. quoted from the record the fi)fbirinjf JC:'4 Mcuage from Ike Prevent tif tht United Utatft, to (he Senate qfthd United Slain. UniTD 8TATB8, February 0, 179u Gentlemen of the R'nmte t ' Among tlie person an nciinted, during the last session, to office under the National Government, there -were some whe declined serving. Their names and offices are specified hUh first cpjqrnn iJf the foregoing ltr I aupi'lied trjtst) va cancies, agreeably to tlie Constitution, by temporary appointment which you will find mentioned in the se cond column of the lint These apnointmenu will ex pire wkh your present ionrana indeed ought not In endure longer than until otltTt ran be regularly made. foTjbnl pat-pose, I o wminat to yoq the pcr:t. tumi-d in lb llurj column of the 1 l, in iny iipuiH!, tialifii d to lu.l tlie t l!, . i tin ir namra in l,o fir. . G. U A: lU.Vi TIIF. t.'F..'HH I, A'i'KMKLY ' )f Ilia I'rl,ytt7in Cburrh in lne lnipd Ftatra, met on Um I.VIi uvlant In tlie Frti iifh lretvU run ( linn h in l'li.lJ l.ln, ikI wa ooi ned w ith a wr. r"l by th R. v. Win. A. Mt iHiw. IL 1). O. In the nernui, t)M Rev. ',i p LuMUley, , ,, I'OMb nt kf ontiiet'qirrrity, wt,on mi,ii gf J)r. r.ly, una niiimuily (lnMe Mulcrabir, and Uie Ruv. Jar.Jiiireen, IWfor.1, N. Y, Temiary Ck-rk, Dr. IJy w the Mated Clerk, and Dr.'john Mdarwell 'ertnanctit Clerk, About twe bandied member of lb Armbly are m aUendanre. . V - IttLgln from EgU$lU tlie General A m b!y, yesterday ftrmii. Rev. Awlrew Reeil, t.f In dun, tad lite Rev. it me Miheeon,of Diirliam, Ki Und, were introduced by the HiaU-d tlcrk. Dr. Kly, a IMi galea from Ibe Cong relational Union rf laigUnd and vV'aiaf-y'AiWraJSie V. 8. Uitttte. ; " - TllR LOCUT AOAIN - r - -Tbere k nq long any doubt tbat tlieae uigular bv sect are to make tlteir auaJ nerutdical ajijiearance t)t prewmt ain. 1'hey are already ouily to be found, at the depth ut mm vven inche. ia garden, and e pecially in orchaida, under old tree. By akunming oft the aurlkre of tb earth, thouaaat' ' gf bob) are per teptihle, where they bav beea petwurating to the ur nice, ia order, we prewime, tliat their way may Dot be obstructed on tlieir day of general rewirrectioo. Aa ohl geatietnaa of thi jUc inform u tliat bi Cillvr kept particular of their appearanc In four inUa , and tliat bo huomll bad followed rt ep, and pre rrved observation, aJao, ill four uatance ; and tbat tliey beve imifornily appeared ery seventeen year j but, what i lingularly striking, to all the) eitit in stance they were found to bav a general rewrrectioo diy, which ha regularly oocured on th Sftu May. II fortber aya, that, two er three day previously, a few make their appearaact, a a raconnoiUing party but on the &ftb tba wbol country ia deluged wiib on inierniinabl iwarm. (rrrmeiioiea '.) T'lirafk. GunpovJrr Plot.-A gentletnao in Virginia, wboaa wood bad been frequently itoleq from him, lately bopsd into a log, filb-d the bole with aVf-eriptu;'g"ed it np. The.lu waacirTk-d off at eight, and tlie neat day one of ha neigtibor bad a uorrid expluMuo unJe fn dmner pof, Which played die druse with bw dinner, and tittered Uie mutton and dumplinga in every direction. CO" POSTSCRIPT EXTRAORDINARY -W have some reason for thinking tliat an Embargo baa been hud upon all newspapers opposed to the Ad ministration. For two or three weeks paat, tb (ilob bw beea tlie only paper, north of tbia State, which ka emne to our Town in due course of nvaiL Altar of Hymen mi W aavttaUartaaite(M, ' T Lt. ka 'Wiul Hum win SaM. MmttVli w "f UNITED IN WEDIjOCK. In York District, S. C, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. A. White, Mr. JOHN 11. CRIXR, of Mecklen-bufO-Couui,, Um-UAWA RBTFrttOSS; In Mecklenburg county, an the 15tb inat, by David A. CaWweII..Ean. iAMKA DOUGIIERTV, Eq., to Mi RAC1IAEL McCAULY. Cpurt of Deatb AM pmt Iwkf tl, la aM prlataMmt4i "Tke ftev.twt gay. Mm hmm, m afc pmji. T" rvrk. rtM jsasaf. U Laai.raajl, k -naw T" tiitr4 yrw !. artteaaM ail dmtmtmm taVtk" DEPARTED THIS LIFE, -Iatclv. at his residence in Rurka eountv. tli Hei ROFErtT JOHNSON MILLER, in the fgthjcM of Mr. Miller waa a native of Scotland, and it ia there fore hardly oeewery to aay.thatJuLjaoaivetf-e frond education, although born threa . quarter of a century auira. menccment of or during the Revolutionary wy.and by fpouing, aealouslv, the cause .jJUbe Whiga, he dwtinguiahed hhnaelf from most of hi countrymen in America, who were attached to tlie Royalist. -PubaraiurBt tft'thf .War: he'jnarried Mi Wrkin in Burke county, rended awhi) in Lincoln, but Anallyi ettlce down tn Uia netgtioorriood ot aw wile a friend on John' River in'Hurkc wbera he and bia eonaurt raiara up a urge luininr, ana men sun to rest. Mr. M tiler wu a Mmtater ia tit Escopal Church, and for something like forty year devoted himself to the holy dot of bit office, with 'a teal and irilone of heart, that secured to him the esteem of those W ho even differed from him widely in religious tenets, " This truly venerable old man wa the first Preacher of the Gospel of whom we have any distinct remem brance, and from hi lip we derived our first public in struction in lh ublime truth of Christianity. M I venerate the man whose heart b warm. Wwee hands are pure wbceToocfiine UaTwhuM ' - Comeident, exhibit lurid proof ' ' ' Tbat he hi humeri in the tvrri cense, , " Such a man, we rnot .conicieutAuuly beltvei wa the late venerable Soldier of Uia Croat, Robert J. Miller, lie i gone I But he will be remembered by hi survi ving friends, '' . "Till death atHVtheir hearto' laet emotion." T in Mecklenburg eounty, on the 5th instant, ELIZA BETII, danghter of Mr.-William M. and Sarah II Maxwell; aged aix yearn Z ' In Mecklenburg county, on theljljh instant, Mra, SARAH UAMVi-b3ea audi tneetfc "Jn Mecklenburg county, c the -7th mt, Mr. AG NES SliOAN, aged &! year and 89 daya; . t In RtatesvilK N. C, en the 20th of April, the Re. DANIEL GOULD, aged 44 year and 5 month. Mr. Gould was a native of Nottingham, New-Hampshire, lie studied Theology at Andover Theological Semina ry, and completed tlie course of atndy at that tntitiition in September, 18VJ0. After apendine some time labor- be wu sent to Statesville aa a Miamonary under the direction of the North Carolina Missionary Society, where he became Pastor of the Church in tliat place, Und where he continued to preach until March, 1827. He then continued to preach some month longer at Ta bor, at which place he had labored in conjunction with thi place, ii December, 1828, be wa appointed, by tlie American Bible Society, an Afrent for thia State. In thi apprnntroent, be labored faithfully and ucces full.. Until Mae. l.llearjr !mnt the ver of the Bible cause in thi Slate j and since be left the agency, he hat done much to keep alive aa interest jaminjert, -i A.aietrrgjTrintTn'Bt8 CTiaracter wa tptru of iotng good. When hi health wa too feeble to engage in any very aetive and laborious ser vice, he opened 'a Book Store in Charlotte.' By thi mean; be towtfueed Into thi part of North Carol ma, many very valuable Book, which have done and are now doing, and will still continue to do, la'ich good. But be now rest from hi labors on earth, and ba gone, we trust, to join the company of the redeemed in Heaven. Hia end was full of pwee, and well cal culated to show to all areund the worth of our interest in the merit of the Saviour. To him, death bod lost it terror-- lie ikT9ijp.fe t u,kM thin, but a ttiuri Oiiiti'Tbe thought of deaU), in itsuif, was g, ramef man alarming to him. xl ,r mnw im he had thought and convered much about ck eternity. . - .w.- - ;, To hinv to die wta gain. Oh, that all who hear and read of hi peaceful death may also be ready for the hour that await u all t: Va, r tiBiiiaiiifcnidL ' Ijineolnton Academy. '".' j . WlIE Exaininalioa of the Student of the Lin. folntoo Acaib-iny will conuwtica on (lie lOib day of June, and terminate cat tlie evening of Ibe ensuing day. Parent ami Guardian are partinj karly requited to attend. .. . ,. CT-Tbe Exerci- of llie AeaiTrmy will "be e umed on Uie HKKT DAY of Jl'LY. The price of Tuition, per aesaiim, (in advance,) will Us . For (lie I Alio and C'ntk Languagee, Algebra, and Geemrtry, . tU&O ror Lugliah Grammar, Ceography, and Arithmetic, . A- 8 00 Tof Rcadinf, Writing, Ac. . . 'x " 6 00 C" Board can tie had, in respectable fninilic,' at 17 per muuh . - .IXK(JK W." MORRO W7 ' PJS. The bealtbine f Linrtdnton, and the Dio rul atate of aocrrty, render it a peculiarly affiropri ate location for a Classical SchooL May 24,1 834. Jt , ' . Administrator's Notice THE Subacribcr, having qualified aa Administra tur on the Eaiate of Archibald Crni-e, dre'd., r at tlie May Term of Rowan County Court, hereby roqueata ail penom indiibted to taid Enlute to iitake , permera immediately f and persona having claim against aaid Estate are Bxdified to preaarit tliem.lc- " gully aulhcuticaicJ, within tU lima prcacribed by Uw, or thia notice will be plead in bar of their re- . eovrry. IJLKW4N I RAIGE,. May 81,1 534-Ct , Admiinatrator.' .Kstate of William Cowan. 'HUE Subscriber, having ubtiioed Letter of Ad-. mimatratiun on the Estare of William Cowan, L late of Rowan Couuly, deceased, hereby gim no- C " tice to all perwHi indebted to aaid Cutate to nk payment j and all prraona having claims of any do- , nomination against said Eatate are berel y notified;. .' . to preauiU Uient writ bin the rime ptrwribed Mr Jaw. i . "? "'. or thia notice w ill bo plead in bar of their reeove. ' - rjr -1 'ROBERT TLEMlNO, " May 31,' 1834. 3t Administrator. LApprenticcs Wqntefj MIE Subscriber wiiuld lake two or three Ap. . ptcnticeyo. the Carpculct'ai .TtaJe, if apjdicw ' ii a on inaoe noon. - - , vs I' , WM. A. WEDDINCTON. N.B. Nohfl need apply hut aucb a em euua well recommended tor morality and iraluitry. .' " Cabarrua Co., May Si, 1834. 3t - r. Yetctsbutg CoUoiv-Yatn. -iuar, received, foitflALrit.' fl(R(DD oun',,' Cotton-Yam, from (he Pe-, utersburjLJaxto- Clonlmdsnt from the North." r Apply Id MLKliix - CattticbiCSphngs; TI IE ttoytTpIace ia now open, u bsubJ, (br thfl 'OS. . & Jt : . .. , -- " - 'T1- 17 WM-Mf WWIIHWI - promised, by the I Jloprictor, for the comfort and Vr-ts p4eeure of tooet who may uit himV'-'' W. 8. BIMONTON. . f .ineoln (W Mtw 1 IfiS At ' . . ' J f Valualilo Pxbpcrtv X ... Ottftlitla aasnav - - THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE, . OS&TIIIKD IMIlt , Situated two niilca below Lincolnton. N.C-. at fhev RttlUiuShoabi .4 -Soath fork." Thia ratio- ry ui now in excellent repair, and haa in full ope. ration seven hundred and thirty-nix Spindle, and eight Loom ready to go into deration. : , . also,... i '. a (Rilonging to the same Eetabjishme nO - - Arexcellcnt OiWIill, Blacksmith Stoop, JUAIalulii a . vool-Uardin-af Machine, "'v 'wrrii - ' 560 Acres of Land. Thii nite it Buperior to any in my knowledge f r maniifHCtiiring, having water-power auflicuuit- to ttlrn "two thousand spimlles, and pooieming all (he i?jiyjL?T."graffl inr. citron t,-,ariat i.p,1ffT. try : the aituation is healthy, well watered, end w . U calculated for a store. . ' ' .. ALSO, HE OFFERS FOR SALE, T.i - In the Town of Lincolnton. THE LOT ' l WHEREON he NOW RESIDTA ',' ' being Lot Na. S, frontinc the Main StreetT" IiOt No. 10, fronting the Buck Street in the J,'.J -8cHraref witd town; and, in tiio same o.j ire, ' a 2-acre Farm Lot i ,;.r ... And also, .UfcJ$0kMM,tbi &.& Fjtiare-, f.xr llie Maun Street to Jtoaiiioaf 1 ord ; - ' .. .. with v:-Seventy-Five Acres of L.t'.i.I . LT1NG on MILL-CREEK, one and a half mil. froinrTown. ' ' ' , OCT Tlie Town Property would make a suitable residence for a Lawyer, Physician, or any Gentle., man who would wi,-,ii to spend the Summer in a healthy, pleasant place.' A further ! .ft ion Ji deemed vntioces'oaryj as ' 2 ta "purchiiiie will no doubt hko -s 1m fore doinir so. sny persons ; ' to view the ' Tlie ' " r vi!I sell the alxivcnamed Tro. v i ,.!ara to move to a wanrtr ct mute if bv Liucplnton, M.i JAME3 wvi:i, , 1331. if. " , x ... .