nmt.U'wfro)', i w ...... ' m i lV-y mt to 1o haiif i ;. xu4 ' i' trt ' I . i'i. 1 . c. ;..r of I. f I.. oif of t'.? i.. Jil ill !!. I. I" I ftu'ill l!.lf -f.iq f- thing, whu.ll iriiii. V-J milid, V, rut r"ti r ly l,..ivli n , ,i , A 1 1 v i ",'.) sy ftrforr n Dwt lift ' M t Iks iU wi-armf, and be a;iiu bWrng, and a ehann. ' ' Olt, il ii bwut.fufto see tha light ' Of our ymi? drriSiu break Oitu dark milc'""ni Ami twep U.'iB oiiard, tiit Horn's lemony liura, I I'liiiina-dtitu arvon hi dyuig krt, , . , L. r Vr Ui h'trt I Cummer smiles mve sgain, . A In theyir P 5 W breeaea ft I'fxm my fa 'liinmJ spun, aod lb wings ';'l ; Of tin wti'I n-phyrs satcb sacb aiti( thought - And btar limn to A-awtod f rovw awd hewers, -x Where tin pj Jm stops to carol fijftJi , Urn ioyiiun fcXrhiU die green kves krp time '. Vilb. rmtl fcwtioa and U yaing bud end Dowers " - brrnt lutiniuifr, fa tltcif wkoimCKKM life, ; . ' Cum, MiJnory, ct-aae J No (urtliel jwv purAib , Past mi-ps of bJ"M si notgll : ' ' ,. That U bright pageant loftf Us pass'4 away) ' , - AnJ I tot b-t, m ia titutr WurlJ " Mlxlnj it tiim tmid th Urtnjrr Uironf, 'To fly from UtMflA, ftd wiCa tJtt icgreU .1, . " . Whirb in a.liliula.' ' ', TliTeirmirTM, ' fWn rivid irmwiM c 1,1V. wlitoll W o iW nd tWioJjr frrn Uui mtiwi, t)it jfr miM rUl Uiy a minjrl in Urliil' Inn. ,' r An Inj itVifc- Ob, rt Ury not rni - ' ImJ'cd V tht vwKiftt wily 1 day t ; , f' ' , V, wwild t3irr-)l rjft o'r m rai wur,' t ; . Uh remit I rwU U Vpjr stiU. , f frt th9 pwrr W rxfTnr iry1ieTt,- - - Rit U- tUrt fouiw UtwicliU taemyrf, bornd . , ' . Hoinrtirom upon rundinf t-f ; in4 eft , , ' . , ' I'pcjfl imne !rziU fiowm, which U'll A tl -, - ... ..' A4 Jma tiilg tUilU' anwtJoudM UkouLt Um oa '- - -, yvMi, mxU th lart M Bijflit, and tl (rreo pra -dn? in die wnd 4U weird Wiivk, ' H dm iW nt tfKiid, irid wend & rctio tck- -From thfldix'p, IkJ1u pwi U the totirf , " , ; Of Dm luw mufimiriot mten, wtiich inw in . 'Hie rmU uf Lfif-'i IV jiitwc milli Ujoir owd, T' -"Tiil di W"AiiJ id. -Awywy .- y-- All licre If nt w end J, I Ion, era r lnd I " ' 'h.TH wilU die cjiaiiinf wiM etrivjiif jjplll . , 'J he c..!iliHi trwl tin ()iliy wlilcli eliilU .' The kiaii t Uijr eource 5 f r, no to feel, , '. -.,1 alnxMt Uimk.era Um.. T kiuk on Lib,.. . : ' ' I7i;u wiUi lite tuic fjb-4o eee tLe fow . , . ' .! ""T f )a wlvno m UurW 'moHt, wJ; tunTd uide, nfjfrejwi tti-Ay, tn fiie cn tijrT I'1 ' ' -t Ae in dwir eerfhsewKn diry r ui by, . " . . ' Ami Ute doC I'rienJthip '$ iwmft, -t . ; 1 T j". " " .Surllirodonpe'1 - .i'of i Loin U UU out ili unliful u elaf aim Zm Fur wIkn toe iimrd nff, benealli old prulu, lrryi, hke rctnkrrjworm, trjwft tfw hrff " For wliom do drk remembrance lulluwi itill Tk flylrif etpe; jd cU o'er bovelly. . . . ' j Vlion w eirance reeeral!nc, m bich jflmjr v lw rWwind clwmi end Wine die- m'uk, lonj vein, " Ana jrrt tlte more intrnie bectoee 'tit mn . Cxoe buck. C4Qi Urk ! But, no 1 call ftee not j .. , -Twm but momenurj Uiou jjht tut tliou ' ' Art nodunj now to me. " Tby beartll Uhkd " f To item aud fierce imbitten. (Jo tby wjr. .' Tlie pa alU be I.ik? the rf"tm wem . , Of tlii jrr4t pecan, which brpok on ite breast,1". ' r Mv.d And pparkle fur moment ia uie Hpiit, Thee aungle in the toa leaving dieir place . 'TrU'Q mhvt arfcsdt-jireseonirtH to the fjWrrti ng with prouder aweli u K:a ami sano, .. Jkm-al'j lt la good to have pARa ; " -rCXTritr Dam rScnwM br the Rctrr O. Palfrey, on .It (e well r ie all. tnv frU-ml. to nave w--X Tlten ao one iudeod bJ baa lhf m not, if he ia a.. .- i .. i -r .l .i. .t.:L -tw ch-oeM, tl te nappy h. u)in are inoeo w uitw trill force thomeolroe upwi hie tfentioo.. For ec- wa-tvmxf-WT'Aciai iake (ka-fnind eerioWif luca tout u a groia imxu Tunaui..uiem ii Iccoiuoi light and giddy. There are pereorw, who ' corwtitutionally ef era almost iiicopaUe of being led, - " in UiO waiitonneai of tlicir prosperity, to do or wish ill to any human being t wboee faWns toward 1 cthrn appear to be feeling? ot aupeitiicial, n. --'-rJrrd, bnt, Cirai it a ratline idne but Ar Iwia we ace, that the-wtui which a true fril thip would dictate, would be that they ahould have pawner of tho charrirPS, (or want of which they fear not Cod. They are- the jKiled children ofj pnisperity. There ia nothing aubHUinual in tncir r liiiracter, TVre is nothing deep in any of th cHingk r.Tlie tiunew cfthwr liwa fa ayeah aud capneioua atlf-iadulircncc. . The ecripturea, which i'il)jTt the human character to to ripi an analysia, pro tiiihful in expomng thii UnMlewcy lie gave their rcqi?st end bmtw intq'jhotr .it)1s.i- Wliat ju ae wlt a Mimf pktarw thfa Cf t.'ie condition in which a luxuriance of outward blrssini fa contrasted with that dearth of all that l bc4 in hc mind and Jicart, with whkh we aoiiie times we jt fidlwed. The prosperity of frols shall di-ftroy tlictn,: How many the instance in wiucn tins ciifrnce naa oecu execuico in wdicd ur ..fif .jfnWrn.l.ln-W .l.-sSed " EaTo t'wloxiciuanl- mala" iicrelv I f 'My and frivolous by too much good fortune, as vl.t.lu unit frivnliuui liv inn much tmoA Cirtiine. aa s call it, and seduced away trom every strenuous and honorable application of Uiur powers.-r-' Ia my pro-tpcrity I said, I iball never be moved.' I low natund a boast for a mind inflated by abun dance, and by the deference which it brinjrs, and y the hubit of seeing its own will a law yet a iit how preiaiptujus,an expectation how iilla Liou. a confidence bow wdly ill-adapted iu pre'iiare . . ..C l- L; eJVi ' - f r tl.T rhCT-ffy vidrttrneTwy4rtitg-TlTe very waywardness ani eccentric nurnors wnrcn awn a f.tling gencratfSi are the occasion of wore wants than any prjwpr rity can supply and the affluent circumfUuices, whichjo others WTm'adfiuat'f to obviate every wish, are but experienced by the posscs.wrio mcrea their number, ine itimj is as much at war with Uie spirit cf !Wi.scip!e 'and improvement, as with that of t.irtemv. i ... oot. hi'h-mimlw!, but tear, fays tieapostm, uw; the alf same expreaii with tlu.t iti imr t vf. i ..crnrfj-ing..(l fnlS'T'"". ' f ' ' " ' livall who are inJ"tit"oa cf-v ;". how" little consi'4fi!t wish th'- f;4rit f 4rc i f i .i J which we arc r.v i mi.uls not absolutely 'IB oVrHT facnmblrs"; wdldm-piagem-ral, to fallj ' .' t i i i .; r i' '. :d.l t' hi' V.t .."tml.ilif) : . .. ,1 I1,,, ,1; ii ( , ( . lii a (h ii !iull li e .,i ii U- f .'!, L 5 U rf .-.t f ,r-., tl.e I.i.I. 7i; h t i t ;.. .ii, r. :: 1 f r U wt !l an rrt.ii.'X tfii ' :.' i'- U l.yiii .ii itiirr. J"liU run, l. ii -t l- I, W! reli" and UfitTM laldo 1 ' tin ii be ( r -k C. bo fiw'. bim, and liblly rii nK'd r" f bis ndvitiiofi. ,.Tm were f(.b 4 oud lit" fT ) f nrl wa rnlifd, liisrcfjM have tliry f.rilti'n nV. This be lii-l'iry many n irtvi-1, but uiilii'ivnitri's einrriaoce ; and if it wmld l C"iii7 L) Ut tu if a that tkis kind ofj tiri-H rily w tlier l.re iA to M ncir-J, we we cintHt fin that'll i im4 el try u.inj whw b luts the ulr-'d'-ni t.fl!.r it. ., S i-.TirrditM,, . iL7i.i:c)iciirxLnt UAVE ffilTed into Co-Carfnerabip In -the prac tice of dnir PmfHn. 'Tlieir OlTae fa kriit fa Uie h'Aiae berrUnra oerumVd by Vj. MitchtU, mrfVMilA III Kali!iry,May 17, ' , t , 1C MITCHELL fa aoxW to cloert hisYofnifr aeeuunta. and rwpeclfullr; re onewts lhoai per arms imkbtod ti him to call at I be Office of Mitch- ell eV IWhi'Ue, ami settle, by OoU of olhrwiae. ftiliabiiryi May 17, 1834. - r 3 - Coach and Carriage Making, r r AND REPAIRING. - t r J. IV. Jtalnr y & P. J. P. Kliai r r, IUupxrtfully infonn lU Public generally, that.tbey liuve enu rea pno a- 'anaenmip ir uw pur ptmn of carrying on (he above buniiiewi in all iU raictiof, and that tbey' have, . FOttMERLY OCCUPICD BV PHIIJP JACOD. Oh the Main 8lrtel, eoaia tht utd Jail. ,. CT They ha to od Laud a oil.aupily of the beit carcfully-erl'xrtrd and wII-imixix1 TuiUr, and wdl always keep on hand, for aiilc, TAGHCOACIIC, CARRIAGES, Carry'tilhi Gig$ SULKIES, &c U'hirh altnlt Hot be Mirpamed by any in this sec turn of country fbr ncatiicaa, durubilityt uid cheap MBS --.,.-.-...-.' . " i&" For the" benefit of Travellers and fiiaje Drivers, they will always keep on. hand CARRIAGE-SPRINGS and all other fixtures necewary to put those vehicles in the moid complete order ; and every description of REPAIRING will be &m.M Jihurtcat fiutica aui. oa Uw luet poaJ sible terms. The Pubscribere trare attached 1o thrir ('am age.Manufactory, a BLACKSMITH-SHOP, in wbfah they employ none but first-rate workmen and. (he very best materials which enaldee them to asmire their friends ami the iiuhlic that all work done by them, in this line a Us will ba of superior ipteity, and is Ibw.prked ai any Wi&t executed ia this section of country. The Suoacribert cWav k Iiajruly'Dccessary M.wm el, s r I It 4ut tkAnb"n1 i ea tvwtinn rf irVfpbiie:iSuf)w titaifr&ertoTn ferT (ion-1 buaincis, And moderate charges, to.fci' (ho "patronnne it4 iul who. may wish to purchase articics kept for aafa by them or jobs done in their lino. w " VOILN , KAlAtT, L.rmtlPJrf; SHAVER. - Salfafajry, February 15, 1831. tf : H. IsVillaY tc SON, HAYING DETERMINED to CLOSB THEIR BC- tSLNESS IN THIS PLACE, With fhoWew of removingjo the tate pf. Jtiasu ttippi early In the ensuing Fall, beg leave lo ydoria ilib, Public gcurrairy th,'U thejr.- iia?e Concluded tin Sell Off :THEIIt STOCK OE GOODS, : - r'omisTiN er - i DRY-GOODS IIAKD-WARE, 077127, or.oorsr.r, AMU ALL other ARTICLES riCLES ftLjli hand by irCk: cenertllr k"Pt on JIcrcnanU.in. thfa part of the counlrj;, .-i at cost, i on ctsii; b Their Stock fa Large, Complete, and New, the wholo havuig been purchased WUhui the last twelve mwitha. , ; '.' . (fc5.They respectfully invite thekf friends and gnous, aa mcy are octcrnuncq.iffl E,vc JrgwTrsrwrh wtliey M cuiifiihial aiiiligw satisfaction to i all who wish to purchase Salisbury, March 15, 1834. tf. . New Tailor's Shop in. Concord. THE Subscriber informs his old customers and the public in general, that he has REMOVED TO. CONCORD, where he baa opened a Shop, in which the TAILORING BUSINESS in its va riuua branches will b' executed to tfisTihW'iashV imtabre, neat, and diirabre-tmmnerr He flutters himself that bis skill in the business, and bis con slant personal attrition in bis establishment, will enable bra to redeem all pledges made to those who may favor him With their custom-- KT He rofives the latest FASHIONS rcgir larly both from New York and Philadelphia, and works by the most approved systems.; Cuttin out, and Orders frc-i a ,' will Ii promptly a't.'ndcd'to ; " ' " . .., ,,-J. not K..U,i.j Urma mil ' ' ...i'lf.itil". . - ", , V THOMAS INHFRSON. '.' .i.!!. He U'ddermirutt ( do liork in a 9vjliw r .i o ty done in ihttjHtrt cf tht cmntry,and ALWAYS WABRAXTt.O TO FIT WEIL. ! Co:v.-mi, March S9i-J?31,-; t-n-f: 4 Ylnc4 m Fro;ost 16 rulUsh, in FaIIbury,N.C ... A Jloiithly'Jlasaistf, tmxa TDK TtTiaus . The Fumxtij Jkihtant. : prospIkctuh. . ' rliJIR FAMILY AIHXST aLH bdiiri!d Kruoion. i:i Tio. and Urai, utaaTra r -nails it i."nrtriwll to a.u4 l'if Ilia IS the d.l!.' uil aud b'Milr mifirUira Ul U e.l'Lif tLrf fcrndw The liiib bM tws vry touniunjf MritKi uiW bis cUrje liitils (;Um, and a U-hcrl-ruio flveftr rack uf Iik h be pftJ" writto niinu-n asd. CiS hti own iii.rttnn, wriio-n snawers. hniid tbc propped mai'Mir t" uito yn.ton, dx-i-'Ktjioi SM atUWiTS Will be palitlW-d lOH U Wll uw rn- d"S4 lbs WiU to make d prvpnwd puUialin as uiU-rrrfiif as ba pombly can Ui liU IU pages with uch artidi-. as ihalj bs worth reading j and, aa it will aptr only mem a aumlh, sack one wIm takes It, tnsy fiiul tinia tu rrad iL7V Hulrl tkalL IS gtnrrl. U ikort. Uw.li Uerns foreipa and IVwu; InteuV p uce .i sremar aa wmi as n-ntf ioti a mmi m Bmo ad hitimft will bs UMi-rW, In fine, it is intended to ak. 1'lis Paiiuly Awmtant fiiinufter, profit and auiiwmnr'nt in lbs long winter sights and sultry swu- ' TERMS: 1. It will be kwued on 1 ati (every morith-nd will CSiUin irea Imperial OrUvo I'afrea, in diaibln eolumna, armlod on a mw and legible type, and on ve ry superior paper. . 11i suUcriptocj price wdl be On D!lar and Fifty Cents if paid in advance, and Two Dollars if nut paid untd the expiratioa of dirts months. 3. No suWription be received fat a shorter pe rihd than one year; and no pa pur discontinued until all arrearires are paid, except al die Editor's discn tkm. 4. 03T The- puhlytioa will Commeoce'im the 20th of April, prrrV ulod a competent number of tiUrriU-H can M oouinett j ana our irienns woo may now miu- KTtpuon luts, are rnquestod to forward Ihcm on by Ui 14 of that month. . FrbruarylML P. J. SPARROW. TXILiaUlXCi BENJAMIN FUALKV, having ' received the luteal Philaib'lphia, New York. IxiimIihi, and Paris stylet of I AMII()N,and havmjt m liu em ploy a mrmbrrof Worfcmrn w ho arfirt.ratP, U prepared to cut and make work in a style suprrior I to any done in thin jurtxf the country , ana alwan arrauLul luliU . Orders for Work in liix line.fr m a diManrs.wiil be punctually am ndi-d to according to order ; and all kinds of local cuatoin-work will lm done at the ahortent not ice and on reonablo terms. He can be found, al all timrn, at lm old stand, a few doors above Mr. (Slaughter's Hotel, and u arly oppoailo Mr. John Murphy s store. TO.TAILORS. Being Agent for some of the irmet FaliiormWe Tailors in New York; Uie BiuWribcr Ts prepused to teach or give in.truction to any of the i mde who may desire to bo more perfect in th"ir bum- nee ajid, ieoni bis-beifaf jU ba U fully, capalltt of giving aatp-taction, he reipectlully requests all who desire instruction to call on him. ' Salisbury,! 934. 1 y B. FRALEY. Valuublq Real Property, IN LINCOLN COUNTY, YOU HALE. The Subscriber, intending to remove to Alabama, OFFERS" FOR SALE, niVRcsidcnce inLFncbln County, ' Including, in one body, about -- One Thousand Acres V V i - Oa which fa a fine.., , .' i Brick Building, l Joonstructod of the bM ma- iaaw terialavia-iiait4at!ej:tni.j so, all oonveDiout Out-Houaea, COTTON AND THRESHINGMACHINF ' ."Anothdr Tract of "Land, . Lying on both sides of Dntchmaifs Creek, contain- "CigVit ImArcA iVcTCS," " ALL FIRST BATE FQR ANY PURPOSES. (fir The above Property will be aold on a credit of one7 two, and three years. - In my a Wnce, applicatioa may bo madu to my brotlK'r.'J.'ForiK'y. vr -- " - - PANTEL M. FORNEY"." State of North Carolina: MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pk(i$ and Quarter Sessions, A mil T, I 3 t WflllaTrTBiitleV, Executor of Joshua' fwier3evi a'it vel non. Butler, dec., and others, Jones Moody, Catharine bis wife, writing otter Martin A. foor, Leura. Al. I'oor, Susannah Poor, William Poori John Poor, William Sugg, Eliza , beth his wife, and Jodliua Coch ed for Pro- bate, purpor ting to be the last Will and ran, Testamentofl Joidiua Butler. IT appearing, to the satisfaction of the Court, that me aoove nameaucrcnaams arcTnoi of difa State I It is therefore Ordered, by the Court, that publication Do made, in the Western Caroh. nian, Jbr six weeks, for them to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held for the County of Montiromerv, at the Court rwuse in LjiwreneCTi le. oh the first Monday in July, 1834, and make them selves parties to these proceedings or the same Will be heard ex parte as to them. , ...., .... .. . , . '' ' ". .: JOHN-rARTlNtardp-4 Mar 17, 1834. f . Aw The Third Session of the above Institution TIIE FIRST DAY. OF MAY - THE SubscriVfrs, thankful for past patronage, nlfidfre lhmBlvi lo enter linnn tha eir.iiva r - o - of tfiiWxlaoJlrM'WiieWect liatr -5T ..fe:.f,,.,...P. J. SPARROW, ' -,-1 r. T.-WP ARR01Y , . , Paliury, April im'-C?: f H ryu F.iU r.l. r.U n.g gran Ml l-rine n oo-iMig tvJ iik n iJis paifi.o.,;' i : crived, ii.r..rni Ins cu-toit,. f s ami U. lie fa l'rrprd to arrirtiuiM!,.ie tin W AH "J-''' tnj iVrJr C H E A P E U hw wy t-t 1 ' in lb" pliiee, .. ,, i JI- Table ami EULIci alB t u ,"TJ pipird with the very U ll nwikct ft-rd. ,. . 11 Ut tiwriird and stt nine t"ih r, and will Btwre no cuiua tnm ... I .l.u ,1 to r-ii'irr iiM-i. JOHN JONKA" i .. agm ahUi. , BttJiJmry, April 12, Is S- tf Estato wa OaTucaxiay, the 17th day cf June ncit, I WILL FELL J At the late rewWe of Gen. Pclrr Forni-y, di c'd., iVUUic VctsouaV VPctt" NOT OTlinnWIHE D1SID."D OF, OMITI0 Of V A variily of FARMING and M-vhanicaJ Tools A numkr of HORSIA MILI.H, tAUbt, a.slOXENj A A quantity of Cast HOLLOW.WARE -oe-g-ther with Pig-Inm Banding, and a vane ty of OLD IRON and METAL. ALSO About Fifty IVegroes, Men, Women, ami Wiildri-n mioiig wbuJi aro - - flrst-rutc Hamrrfcwr ftrfiicr nimt- Forgcarpenlen, Blttcksmillm, tVc. The sale will continue from day to day until the whole fadfapusa d uf. ...... . Cvnti'tioHM : Twelve montlis' credit bond and approved iacurily rwjuirwl. J. FORNEY, Executor. Otr T)if SuVcribrr having qualified a Execu tor of the hurt ill and tMtanwut of Piti'r Forney, ibxeasud, gives notko to all ix-minx tuning de mands iinuit the Ftato to pr- iit them, b-gnlly authenlH-atiHl, wilhiii the tiim; prtu riln-d by law, or this notu'4i will be pliaul in bur of n-covcry ; and all persons Indebted are requetd t tneke irn. uiediabs settleinciit. For tho purpa of flowing the accounts, I will attend at the Vfrf vvrry In day aud Saturday, and every Tuewlny and Wed-j ntnaiay at inn l urnace, until mc son'. J. FORNEY, Exerulor. Lincoln County, May 10, 134. 4t TravoUors BY TAKING Pecks i5' mUfortVs Stage, AT SALISBURY, (N, C.) (l7miles.orixmgton, Hill now arrive in r reoencanourg, I va.) at v A. M. on the FOURTH DAY fouu Lxington..in Pr aim Lciiii toii, (?f.c''.) lo IJnlU more. '" OO" Comparo diii with the sjiced of any other Line whatever. " ' PECKS4VFJ.LTX) :rropriotomof thftoldLAW. or Middlr -- - - Route Linaof Stages. N.B. Trave ersfrfmi anv ooint Sooth of Sulia.1. rairy wiahinp lo takelhi LW'reiaM.'twcwrai i to tntcr to Salifburji only. ...ii. P. & W. s Stage buivps Salisbury immediately efta the-wrrivaJ of lit IWinool Stago from tlte S.mth, viai. every SUN DA Y, T U E S I) AY, and i HI D A I evening. lZr fare-as tow as by anv other route. i'.&w. April 5, 1S34. ' 2m Srilvcllertf Inn, .... SITUATED SOUTH WbT or THE COURT- i HOUSE, lN'THE TOWN OF LEXLACTON,TV. CAKOLINA.J' jjrttEjfcwgrjber talies VhS rMthoi oTnrorming Travellors thai be' k'eerT'Hou"e oTEiiTer. tainment in Lexington, (N. C.) on Main Street, Southwest of the Courthouse. ., His Tahlo will always bo supplied with the best fare that a plentiful neighborhood can adord. His Honae, being jjapnp-ifliiamLatli-jKlftil .tty aervants who are industrious and acajous to please, Travel. lers can lWays be accommodated with G OO D BRPSInnrororwiih' ftre-ptacet ArwHastrntn not the least important consideration, HORSES mi alwayt rectitt rich Attention, in the Stable cf the Snbtcribtr, that they may leave it with in creased ability to do the service of the road. Brli - An excellent Line of Accomxaorlatlon Stages Leaves tbeJFciupX.tbeMiiberFOR'SA LISBURY, on tlie evenmirsof Mondav'lhiu-i iftryrSJHt AiitiirdayTanil rotwmto- the surceeding evenings. - i r"; KT Passengers going from South to North, bv entering their names as far as Salisbury only, and there taking the Accommodation Line to Lexing ton, can have their choice, t the latter place, be tween tne nedmont Luis and the one which runs by way of Fredericksburg. -m. -.s ' jtJiii r. AiAtuti.';: Lexington, March 8, 1834. ly ! - Notice to Debtors! I i 4 LL aceou'ntj due the; "of Ivrehe months' x"is(l - ing and Upwards, must bo settled bfiire tb 1st day of June bext. JOHN JON FA Salisbury, May 17, l?el. , tf . K time tor the steamboat to Wasmnzton : ' f 1 f !--: sleeping, the SAME NfGHT,m BALTIMOlfE-t Y. -'iix- Eir's 'J? T nmkfnff " " t-t.tt-: . j "-. ?. - - -100 a 12.r-,Salt, inaacka, ,H0 VOVTlJ.VH 0liY--4r 1:1 ' AV'otch and Ctot-lc MakiT,'. II TM9 k'ave in inform the ('itiwns of rli.in- e Wfll as tli-i of R--nn end Ihe mirroii','!. ing C"ou'i,,,' t'"4' "r lie iiiohm! Ills I 'i-lutirisl ' ' TO TH K i-uUTII MM! or i u ( 'd.UTlJor.':; ft . 4 Afidira.'ii.e Mr. V.'m, H. Hfau; i 03" ut'u 1 1' t ! , in ti. : a Kii. t, -CQ WJn-rrt be aa all eootiiun -a, i Ij n tfure, to rxerui - ALL KINDS OF WORK In the bne of his proliairi, t s i, - JLtd en tke ot rtatonaUv t rsu, WATCHES CLOCK.1! KEPAinm 1( ,; j - . ' ajiit is all ri:s aa Warrantea for 12 Month a! Arxl tlioae diHMfd to jiatronize bim, ar- n J that no pains will be ijmred to give the i... , - geutral and entire satifactioa to 11.' .u. 0-F-NGRAVlNO of tvery dcMrijrfioti, eluding Tomt-i$OJUesJ will U; t-xecuUd With n f itean ami accuracy, at short ik lux. . Winrwry, Jatt. V7, l34. , - If 7"' IFOUIATIO, WHICH SOMEBODY WILL ss GLAD TO C1V, IS WANTED! l!Ol'T tm years ago tlieje lived in the Tenth C.ireioiuil Dutnct a KEYOLL'TIONARY SOLDIER, ly the name id I'awtf t, or I'ef. , ei,-or mirthmf of the? kind." If he has iny1 ih irs living, incy inay prooaoiy oo put in a way tu gf-t a small stirn of mxwy, by applving to the luli. tor of . THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. .. " Fali.lairyT March 13,1 83 L" - if ' T C ttrrfiit Prirra of Produce Ac. ,May31.""r, AT SAIJSBURY, Ricon, . . . iiramly, applf, ne(i, llu'Ur, . . . (Vaton, in kT.I, cban, (irffee, , , . tnu. I . . Ui MoIes, oO ' Paid 37 a 40 a.' a 40. Vaita, ; . . 45 a Whi ; . , 10 iftye, . . . ISugar, brown, ; 10 a 121 17 a lftNslV X . 112 1 1 115 Tallow, . . . all) 30 Tobacco, . . . UfOU 7V) Wfieat, tttiehc!) gO a jm 100 7JWhfa&-y, 7 . . & a U) Corn. F-athi m, Flour, (TarreJ Flaxwed, . . AT FA YETfEVI LLE-May , A Baron. . 0 a Wifron,-r--F"4-t ft-- I - I .. I, r.". (',1 . , , la.H.. ' spple, -. atteVanavcnvrv; IWwax, . . . 17 a ) Sugar, brown, . Collee K'laKUj lump,. . Ban li Coiu. . . .llaljij loaf, .. IflaJI Com, . ... eMa'Jti-AiIt, .. , ... 65 sift r iaxneed, . . .100 a Iirrwhoaf,77 ' v : w i tnrr Hoar iViu a fiWWnnrfker. 3tl a 3T, rPeatliers, . . 34 a W Wool,' . T 7 ; ' 10 a 13 AT CHERAW.ia C.)...May2A"i"" . lOaioi'Meabrjareo,).--- Ihron, i-ewix, . Y a " M( Jairs, .. .n D . Ha2rJNa ls, . Fronr, wrjwfme, . a VSs--eommonrV 8 1 , fine, . .ftjO s OOtH loaf ilump,iaii ; Iron, , . . . ' . 41 a fcTallow. fcarcc'...- IU a M iron, Lar.l." . lOallMTea , , .U-ViW a i'.v Al VVIAIi1Ulllli0.lnk,WTlll , Baenn, rt-.-3S5il afLanlr-slO a t'i i JCrani'ypiiach, Molasses, '. 4 . 4oa.W 40 r)rtrlrlere1,":"S00 a H I.") a OtXSalt. in nrVtL i.1 'IVI rP'B e:.wi'- r- . , , . p - ft Gaifoti T p-nr-4 a 47 Aigar, browrr, rW a If Corn, . . . .maW - - kxvf Almnp, lfl s Cotton 9 a 121 Tallow, . -v Will Hour, . . . .SO0a8tfTea. ... .. 00to0 Iron, . j 4 aftlWhrskey,-7". 40aTiC AT CAMDEN, (S. C.).-May 2t ' ' 4ramiy, pnin, . - a iv lcam.ttulls).iU a las II. 1.1 . t -L '. . BR - Ai .- . aupphw-.. OQa.ttyrev-tv-rjtaW Feeswax, . . .. 1'-' a loHard, . ; ' ?, laa V Cotton, ... -. 10 a rarTallowVTVVV W a I Corn, . . . . b7 a loii Vtieat, buahel,4. (fitlM t omnprn, . . ...din iauv liinKey, tr5) a Tyee1s"S t fljrT,,i it ISSUED WEEKLY.:::s:T-rs.J0ILV BEARD, Jt . tkrxs or rrBUCATto?r. 1. The "Wkkiukji Caroijkias is piiWithed everj Mommy,, at l wo uoimni ppr annum if paid m a!vaii' or Two Dollars and Fifty CcuU if not paid until lV tiie expiration of three months. -J ' 2. No paper will be dbcmitinued until all amri are puidunica at tlw fliriiUaa afibeibt(a 3. A o subscription will be received for a le tim .than one yeari and a jkiln? to, notify, thoditw rf? Bfca.ui nisgirma;ir. at,Uii;,t;iitf! niiuiin in -..rn me rcr ration of a year's subscription, will be considered a j new engagement. . .; , 4 Any porson who will procure six subscriber ,( the Carolinian, and take. dwUroublc of colkvting ';; transmitting the Kubucriptinn-price to the Editor, l" have die paper diu-inir die coutinuancc of dieir scription, wiilwut cliarge. ; ;v ; ? ;',.. , ... tee jts or atvCKTnt7(e J ; 1. Ailvero'ftenKmUi will be connniruouidv and correct ly mwmu v oo ctnrs per tiquaw; lor me nrw inw ami wjf fyiiia toTi'iati eentiimart?e ? nut wliees an . vertisfiivnt is ordered to go in only twice, 60 cts. ' be charged for each trw 2. Jkrchalits Mechanics, and. Trofrwional gcDfi' menwno may dosire conntantlv to nirar before euWiCi hf ser'atbrmkihiV ctfluirmifcrwill be receives yoSrly ailvcrdaera, and a deCoif ; of 15 per cent- be made froai tho above chafi J - TO COBE?HDXST9. 1. To msuM prompt attrntiin' to letters addr' to uie rtuor, the porfajre suj aW in all cacs be p 'WEiSTEfiN CAROLINIAN OFFlC&t XTE are prepared to execute every kind of Prn, :. in vnry superior style, and our charts 'u at reasonable, mi ft Onlerd fiom a iLitance' ) j. g..-.. -always meet the most prompt attention. - . - . . . .x. J. . . ..

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