THE WESTERN -.CAE ' ' - - - J i i i i ... J . 1 "... -- - ,. , , , ...... p(.BlISHED AVEEIvEYOIlN nCAIlD, Jf JJdihr'and Proprietor. .,J 731 : No 1 OF THE XV.h VOLUME, y Salisbury, Rowan County, ' eg - . ' -Saturday.Mornin, June 7, i&U ; r 1 , - - - - - v :" - ' - MM l.l ' Law ot c hWcv SlaW, I'VSStD AT TUB KIKHT HKMNloN t)f TUB .'. ...r(pfBii;NT - m ft I A a..a,L?n A fMlrfrit IfM CaT f t M iMNftiri4 1 .1 ll.A 1 Ann, fa lite year tut iImjumimi eight huudn,J and . iliity-Mir. j- V if l'.ni. h ' Mr! II" nf Hrprr. tt;Ulir of tk V , tr4 .Vrr f Amrtir,in ( 'imf iym ,,umbl'J, 'lift l!w tUloWUif nut be, toil the mum r hereby, arqiropcia.ed, to h pid out 1 any tumtfj ui tit? Tnry not other n appropriated, fa Dm nip 'ut of the army, fa Hi yr ui thou- ad et.'ht Lcu thirty k to wy , Fur py uf Itx army, and auli-wii-tv 1 tWFu-r, on Hut!! uin bundnsl and Mflity-m ,mmn4 Jminhed ii4 n'vi'iit)4o dollar, iijf!iitinj the mm nf 6.iiftv (i'ur I.Vtnd m-ven hundred iU eirhiy-Mx au!!r. arr'-rgi- of mv mJ ul,nem, (4 die year m.. tliou-iu.1 eihl liuiiifrt-d ii4 Qnrij-Hin-. Km drag of ntficrra, lifty-ma lltuauinl iie bn (,i- iml wveftty-miii dollar. I'uf clothing fa M-naiil l.flVer, twenty f'"' tli.iu4iiJ f Hir tmriiirH 'wl fifty iloiiKr. t'nt niljilrnf i1, (cn.ivi of Iti i! of uCci r, iu !- y..l.'rs S mnn ij thr liuiiri'4 iJ ilr-iii ltm- Mu li t'' l.lllill li diiiJ nrt 1 iv'lti) nvril litilMljtiJ ftiui fifl) eislil UiIJi(f. ilwk, LiT UlU )cu utu.' llmll .uibl ftiflit l.u.ii.J ih! 1 .lil hiinilinl tiwl lliirtr-tiiHT i-.i.iuhImI fur by the mj unrUurnt, (iriy-llvr iIuhimiiuI tlullars. rf 'hi? imilx a) ami in).t ii'artiiH'Hlis Hiirlyi-iJi wiirhl kf kuwlrnl 1IU - for vrmu "fii, in tlio (Jiir1crmatpr't drprt iirtnt,ru: I'iii I, C"-!'. imw, sUlmm-ry, blanks iimI pfinlWjf; rI"ii l'l rtdurgmg tarracka, qiiartira, nturv-UpUM., utul Witula at lii varknu ptaU in liiu . Piiimi; T tiiiif tiMnimrsry aiitiriin !it at uch l' a nJiill ! 1 npii'J duriiiif tlM )'-r, iiicluiling hnU fr die tiniKuuu; otakriala fur tb: lutiiuriicd fiiroituiu U Ho (uuuu iniiiwiiuiiaiiouiacit uflictira ajul atJUuiris r lit of quarter, JffaraA atxl Mufp-iMniwn ; purfai 011 ji-ibiMj It-It'; tx'jm- of enarU trurtial ami cmiri r f niriiiiry, iirluiliiiz Hip oKniKiwatkm ol Jiidrf .VI w 1- m, niP'i1'"! awl wir"i utif fwy wnfWra- I'1iimiViI 111 tii'' i iirl.on 14 barrat k auJ quarter, mihI of rrarh, and ithrr-m-4i,i laHur, -wmlf an Art of (.'ifiKi.ix 1 iUt 2ul Mari'h, om- I 1m hi 11 ikI i'tit huiulrnl tlvl tiinctwu ; Xwiii' of rxpri'MW lnmi the friHitu-r ta, iif eat(" t'i wyii.alrra, liirr U lalmn rn, aul the mlcrnioiit of iliniscd non-cmn-triwioiW itii-w awt 4,IWrt MtM'MMitii luuUi i I.tHi 11. kin- ol'V-o "f lim QmirtniiaMi-r i-chI. ami ui Hie oflicea of the Q'lartcnftajiti'rs iiul Aiistiiiiti st thi'st viTul ami i-oiiiiM-iiMitMiu lu tnniunrary aL'i'iilK; lo, f r the hiirr1!! and wWrprmmtH-w hicfi may hi' ro- iiiiirwl to kei-iy Hl PhtaoliHlniirttt.ot !h .n.'iuiviiL .UC iryiiML.t-mitiBfai, Hhw iitii4r4 auJ (-ly-totrt Hhu- lyi'l ilollarit. tSr ilia tra4Jjportttwa iif clotLing tutui tlic Jcpot 'at 'tiuuii'liihn, l pituiiii4''7tt"ipi';'.irf'.iMWit nee Rimii lire ninee ot p am! the nointi of .!e. friMii l!ii piorrs of n irciii-1 ami thi point of iiviTf DttttcX COtilfii'W Wllie ftCtelji' whi te U- aru're-i Hwa4.ta.ix:..B:rorananc f mm tiie limjiiirie anrt rr.iNi.iii.i, i -j,f- m. tint n i nrlti i i iiln IVIII it. ' "HI I I tJJ" I"' I' till I liU I J 1 (, I i;-t.. it. fm...M '..ifLai t.i T....I ; at-, r.;.,t.i. .... .., . - .. . - .! far ihe JnrrUse ..r liire nf hnrsef. oxen, - rnnleTTrTr, -wmvins , htm1 Kmt, t r mnspnmTiwi v$ tiuotw anil MinrilieK, and for inirris'n piirnuw- ; dn.vm.i- aid cruue at tin- it'ioral meti. hire of teiuiihters; the e.vnense of kii ini? a ouhlie trnn.trturt net ween trio veril ost. on tho (Jnlf of .Ml'xioo, eue hundred and f irtv-five tlioos.n;il ilulluii i'i iinu.H'n.iiMt-iui'iii'i-iii'i i. iM i i i r.iii i'. , "TiieTrbairijnye, wln'i travilliiij7 ml du'y . without tmois. n l for the per lem to otheers on loigruiui.aal duty, liny-three thmtnnd HolirK . i'or ruiit.nueucieiiuf tlu) urinv. ten tlioiiMinil dollar, i Fur carrying on Uie wirki in tiie city of tiavannak,' C'orjtiu, twenty-iive tliousninl dollnrs. Fur coiitiuuiiitf the reiwirn aud iillerutinnf of the har- , lark iult'.fU'il lUum iwiiive, iuieiaiui, leu liiou- d ilullBrs.' :- . J'ur eroctuiif ffieeri"' qirten M Kft Severn, Anna- peli, Maryland, tue thuiiMitid dollars. For irfytn tt tli i k (j.rn Py, Muhinn, t'TI thousliuil ilo!l:U. For temponirv rcirs of the harrneks at Fort tiih uli. Arl(,iiii4i.s. luu thousand dollar. l or the pun ha.-' of land inljoming Fort Sullivan, Ila.-f ikH'T,", Ifcree tluHisnirl three hundred dollur-i. . For nntn.-ii.ul iim!n.,,, Uirt-e kuntlrwi and aunty Ujuo .ind ilolliir. For the iinnaiBeiit of ivrtiliciition-!, one hundred thou liuTHolIarV, '"" "' 'or thr f-reirt erperixe of the orrlnanee' wt-vice, S;tv thnnsnnd tour hundred dofl-irc. i'ot arsenals, one Immlred mid tifly thoiimnd dollnrs. For the ars'-ual at St Ixiiii, in addition to the sum etiihruced in tu; tfencral apprnjiriution for arselmU. ?i;dit ihmisaiid five "hundred dollars. - For Hie' pureh!t-a''f,ftrm (?roiifre-im-nts, for the artillery and ie fun try regimenbs funrtven thoutAud. twu.Luiidud-aud dollaH X l-'nr tl.e rrrrnitig een ij-e. in addition, to. tpaslx- tiine tliiiusnnd Uiree huiiilrcil nnd cihty-eiffht dollars 'mrxieniled of a faiuer appropi'iiition, six thousand dol Jru. For continsrent expense of the reeruitin? service, in addition hi ini. fliuusu'liJ and 'Triy-lhroe dollar-), ;Tii expendud of a former appropriation, fourteen thousand dol la rs. For nrrefrar; prior to the first of July, eighteen hundred and fifteen, payable through the oftiee of the Third Audit,. in adititiou to an wnespcadod balauce " .n'the'Tni; To ertithlg the Swornl AildltnmTloWiiig aWi tinder tho Art of the 3rd March, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, allowing three inonlh gratuitou pay to disbanded officers and soldiors, oiio thousand dollars. For the payment of the Genernl and staff otheers, and six eorepanie of Mivuri niHtti, ofrt vicii by fie Governor of tho State, in the year eisfh ten hundred and thirty-two, thirty-five thousand dol lar. - " Fot paying anv balance which may be due for mili tia ei viee in the Tftrritory'oTlffichipn, in the late war ayninst Black Hawk and hia followers, two Uiotv For the.jMii..O(etaJti McOeorjw't,!" Indiana nulitia, toraervteea penuraiea m un? y.f Hiriand enltit hundred ni thirty-two, provided the cretary of War !.ail WtUfied tk.t the aaid rny la euOtji tVrrto, tU Oul.ara. W fmiaJiinf fun n ll atw) tnakiiif witvlow almtk-ra w ui nr-w ar.'(ii, mlwiuipf nmiaJo alr liop win burwlrnd (ui) tftB by lifliq fM, ind ir btnl.lmj a huun ati-ain nj(irw, iru Mini t atore rwij fbt irwi, fifty, two by furty-au fat, at tJm nattmiul grinory, ltm' AiaoM hmri', ttrrlre Hiouanul to hundred dJ lara. Fur dJitirmal Ba loncry an-1 fixtunf at tlio arr niay, Vik : Hire walur wlin-lf f.r gnimir niUfkU barrel, ait wa'rr wlnflu and twirity-tuu fori-a rMin. rn in tin- tfcdtl atrr lMp, bliwi ion lom ry fir el- f A"ulili tirjm, ami iif ilm purrliAM' nf new ami tiiimt btU-Mtmy uiacliiiitry, aftciiiri'ii (JiuumihI tiiflil Immlred ikJ!r. 'of alatinf riof anJ rxLuiLlniK ad-r ln-i l of up-p-r workJioji ; riiifiiij ami repairing d in 11 on tin public itmuimI, tnd ( painting poMu Imililini at thr muim! annul), lbr tlfivaitd ri hundntl dullari. For n-twiriiiPilaiM. fand tiioviiiir oUlnx tion In war of.) auppiying lim taatet U Ui ntln tilory on tlu hln. rmba ritr, at the nationnl armory, Ihujier' I'crry, Vrruiia, two Uinuand dollar. J'of thr cmnpU'tmu of tin machinery in th thrrp Ihmm fa turmnir, borinv arnl atirkinir iinulut; (he tiou 0 Hie rati) furuu,liinf the nU r ' r ; rriTlinjf an aniteulm; alwip and prf Inm-e, eriH liiu ttao aln(3a h tiHnnerih( npniig ami yAftuiig tiarreU , rrik liui in t-nyino hnum-t and trtakuiff aj'.ditmn In Gartttig tV)ir ind tui vrnjfing a carpeii'fi-r" anir'ua rhme rhoji, at l!i! nine artnory, tli.ny-i thoUMnd iW liiinilri-d ml fmirtei n ilollani and eililv-mx nun. For eri-et'nif turehmunn fiir in-u and pilroal; n )uj(, U uuarteriitaktur'a and ch riui' u;U i. tou -trni liif a iiir wall, miikinjf thw well on 'nini lull: iffailfi ihI WHHr (liu iqir K-e tx-luin nlln' piil'br !,.in-, mid tr pauitiiip mm- of tli" jiuld.t huild- iri'! at tiii- nine arnmry, e.Kirt inminiiiii lne iiuixitx! am! et;'tifj:rifir rtnihtnr lmt eTpt'ty.weiimi iu. For lb invnulil of the lac lv tiie Sla1 of Vi'nv!tnia mi the l inlnl Hialen ioennl mi the Sihuvlkill river, five hundred and -leht dollam arc! fifty inne rent. F"r the pun liaae of lliree ai re of land on tlw Ala haina ner, and iiiil.nn a wun iwHie m1 il k n the Mount eruon arsenal, in the S'atc t." ALhjii.i, ou.' tliouind ciglit ImmJrwi dollar and hlly cent. A. STrvK.S), SmaktTlif thr lltnitr nf Kfj'rt r nlnhtn. m Van fKK., Tlcr-TmiJinl f thr UnllrJ Siatrt, ami f'n tali nt nf thr St mil-. Apprmed ; May 1 Itii, Ktl. DEDATE ON THE PROTEST. SI'F.LCII OF .VR. CAUlOl , In the .Seimle of the I'liitid ttules on May tllh, 1.'I. Mr. (' M.lfOrN r.e nnd ald : In on!, r To hare a clear riiiit-eptioir of'the luitun1 of die r..(,T.iv ry in wlnrh the .Senate funis ilself mvulvril uitli I lie rrtsiilent, it will be uoci'Hsaiy to pa 111 review Hie emit of the last it-w iiKitith. whwh 'h.ive it io li, lloVeier fillllTIiur tTieV liMivTii.- t l tie- ln Uti of llns b"dv. '. Their' htolorv innv lo very biiellv "ivn. ' i-s w:.t Known, 10 an, uiai uie uvi ineorp- i.u.114 me wc.l known, tn ail, thnt Hie Qr:t nn orp UTin, Tncr iMiik ''of-lW-Untletl Stnlei, nvvX& iml- xinlilnhon I : it,,, iCJil ol thll LiuUTliliiCia : umJ 1 uwaL onitM il.i mahonluf 41mi (JmuJUiitnui' t?lir,,lrl Itf tn,in -1 1 1 wl m If j rn'ta -'I'lu. cf nr 1 ' " V . ." " ' -'i-i . , , a.L ii.u l n.lua.rt. u. Il i I i ,tMl Ni-ieUtry 44 til i Mwer of withholding lh! d ami, in the'ti event f . tlhfVAltog ltern,-Terjtritri -fiitB tu report hi reason to (. inign-f. I he true S-rn-tary, on the inti'n'erviicc of the IVfcailftit n-fuai-il to with. I .icforv j ri-iisoos could Hot be awaijriu'd lor the act, for whirl; the I'resiilenl removed him. nnd nnix-inted the tire. 1 that he should ix-rtorin the act Ins preleci-ir had refused to do. He nrrordinglv n-moved the ilejm. sites, apd reported hi n-ns,n to Concrets, nml tin whole tnne-netton ww thus brought up tor our ap- tmivnl r disnnnnrvnl, enttrelv-bT-the net of thr llxeeiilive, w iliiout pnrlieiiHtHn or ageney on our pail we wen; ihu jdared in a sitiintioti in whtrb fi .VW.ilpMpJI''4!' ,0 e-spjes?, our. flpj-ndia-lion or di-wpiinihnti'in tif the trnnsactioti, or to shrink from (lie performance of an important duty. We rmiid not hesitate. The aulqect wa arrnrrl inglv r.tkon up, and after months of delil-enition, in wiiich the whole trnnsaction was fully iuveMiguji.-d and considered, and after the opinions of all sides, of the friends as well as the opxnents of the ad- jdiiiuijjat,ltt iiiillir n-wil the """ pwtt-v ed a roaolution disapproving the n-asons o Ihe Nj. cretnrv. Hut they were rompcUmi -to . fit rl her. 'i'hat rewdutimi coven-d mlv jmrt tif tlic lrunsa'r.. lion, am! thnt not tho most important. Tho Se cretary mm but the agent of tile President in the tnuwiartioti. lie bad hern placed in the situation he orrupied expressly with a view of executing the order of the President, w ho hud openly de clare! that lie BssuineJ the respon.sibihty, and his declaration wa reiterated hen; in the dehute by Itose 'lv5 are knowmo ppeal- his aetitiment-ir To Midt'lmilcr TflesffTireiiiiwtniiLPB, nn etpieaMiunif the opinion of llto nate n relation to this trans. action, viewed as the act of the President, would have been, on the part of .the Senate, a manifest dereliction of duty. With thi impression, the second resolution wa adopted. It was drawn up in the most general . .n Hr'fU irMdl fnra with tlm view lo nvoid an expression of opinion aa to tho motive of fhefittecessary to enny into efli et those granted to it EertrtTvey nd I h the fitcf that, in the part action, he had assutned powers neither conferred by the Constitution nor the laws, but in derogation of both. It is this resolution, thus forced upon us, and thus cauTiously expressed, which has so-decply offended the President J which has called firth his protest : in which lie nas unuenahen to jnagc ot ...a a f . - . J the power of the Senate ; to assign Jimrta in their exercise-, to which they may, and beyond which they shall not go ; to deny their right to pas the resolution j tochargtunem wttn umirpatton ami me violation of law and of the Constittttion in adopt- 4n(, 4, j flrid 1rwlW to mUirpotwi between the Senate nnd their corwtitnents. and virtuallv to prohounce cia-jnpoBtl,o Validity of the totes of some of 1(3 racui- bf r on Ilia rratitiij that thry da uA CMiform wjtb tlm wilt of ihrir tmiatiluenia. " - , Thia ia t bwf aUluiirnt'of lU cotitrover', which brcMnla fur inquiry Jhe qtatWi, what w luo real lutture vT Die vmm between tlm urlie qitealiuii ( (ha utriHMt inaguituilfl, and mi the jul n4 fntl coiiij.n h'itm of which, the wiwlora anJ rorifty ofinir courM mint inumlv dVerwl. It would lie a grrnt miolake to Mippoto that rltC inio mvoJvt tlm qumdnxi whether tlx Jy-nata LwJ a riht to pna tiiUt rvaolutimi or irnt : or what ia the luiliue and 1 linrni ler of I ho rewdulimi. or wlic ther it Ix) correct in xint of furl or priiriplo ! or whiihtr it wu 1 xix-ilieiil'to aiJoiK it. All the' an; iiiijNirtuiit ipn aiioiu, hut llwy wur fully ami deliln-rntely toniii ri (l, ami wrro finally tlri(lel by I ho JViuiIh hi I In) adn)tiiHi of Hie rTidutioii finnlly ami inen iildy tr cnlriJ, i that they caiiimt IwripetKii lor rrrnmnrlrrntion, atwi drcidcii on by th will of the body itm lf, iicconliii to tho rul of it jirM eiliiij;, linu'h le on the iIi'iiiaimI of the Pimitiint. No; tho queatioii i not, w hetlier w r had a riflit to jm the rraolntiun. It i one of a ry lill rent rh.irneler, ami of nmrh greater lunjjnituile. it i, whether ikr Vrrudrnl kai a right to ifhitluut our tinision . tin i tit rul jirrsTtnn ; B rpirjoii whi( h gialu Il rmi'ii'tjimiu'f'a lu all the -mer of (he Seimle, aiul which invoe 111 it (h ii'ii the fuel whether it i pHrale ami imleM'ml'iit hraiK'h of tlm (lovenmieiit, or a mere Mtpemh d' th llileriiliv oVrlttttiit. - if li i'remdent him imle- the rij(h( to qvat'tcit our o.iiii.ii , if we uro iu fart w iMiiiUMe to him, IIm ii nil thnt hr ii t ha been rijliirully d nie ; I then he would hae the rihl bi emi lis ln proleit ; 1.1 . ' 1 " 1I1 ri t . . r - ' men ne wooni intve ine riyni in jielye o our kh. l-rn, anil tu llwln liliiltx IdmiihI whieh we hhoulij not p.iis ; then ht- w irukl iwve the nc'it to deny oor unt ti'Tit to '.ij the n'Juti'ii, uih! tiaeru of imifpiiliMii noil the violation of law mill of U 1 t he I ( ni-liliitioo in da iiIiihi. lint if he hm nut liu1 rihl ; if wu am ih4 Bermiiilohkj to linn, tlieu all tiuil he iiiii done hn lii-en wrontullv done; and In hole rour', from heennniij' to end, in n l.ilion to Ttiif iii.'iMit, wmihl he nn oih-ii ami rutlnahle io- Iniion of ll, u coiixtitulKMutl right uxul iinuh "'n of the N imle. roniiniiieiyt iDiivfr in !;. rr,5 fJi-q1 11 11 !f J UlUUJI'l.tX4ttiA:'.itUtLUJ. ur.U .luui au-, h.oi i ihprt a U-ariiiK hi iIhi wry eien. 4 tin' S'liale, hi n deliU n'tlVO 1hIv, i iw'eptibe "f the motit certain and unqnesiitirm'Me anlutinn. " I'luler our m Mem, nil whu eer i- Hi r nn' IhuiiiiI In kIhiu, when que xtioned, hv what aulhoii l it ii etereM'd. I deny lite riiit of Ihe I'reai ueni in ipietinii i'n; prm tt dint of (he S;jatc , otteily deny it i uisd I Call MrHi hi wdt(iritei and liipjhirlei on .thin fl.xir to exfnliil hi niithorily ; to pouil oul Ihe article, the w i lion, uihI the claiii- of the (. oiutitntion, which coiiimnn il ; to hhow, in a woj-,"!, flie" jritriii graiit tTie uuM.'r7,, N uie run full,.! ijiv rt-ijuTt ,.-im'iits of (iu; f T7,ii-tilii(iii:i. I ir-..lwiin it ttr a truiu a an utin'icytionahte tmlli. of the hi"hivst jiuiHirl. tuid hiatuforc iut uniTinniY nnwrsrnoti, nun tire rrewem ne nr J- .1 I I.L ..1 II I .1 njjht to eerci nrry irrpti"d orronitntefire pnw- .... J I ..,..! .,..ul Mt..l.-a iikwitii n "lai. iiri) i-n.i- J ei.u vo-u '.!: k".ii-iu vm. ...l ... t .I.-.. lienr w-fnit the t'onstitir - m mi : t'oi-re t-tiifl have miwer " to make fall fcrxs whi-h nhall be wxesary- and prnrieriar arrvni;; into rr "tition the foiej-oini; piuer,' (tho- .erut-u-dto Cimrt-Hi, ntl dl JotlM- powra vest", it t.'v" hTn'roir-ainnTitiii'lir'tlirt-imTriiiiii'iil1 -tt' tiie I m'ed States, or in any ih partint'iit or oil 1 hereof. I he l.yeculive chiiiioI, nnil I innv mlil, nn ileiiart HK'iit can. exercise any power, irirwf CJ-yirrM i-ru tit by thr t'nnntitiittoH, or by n'-thori'y vf Jaw. A most noble and wise protision, lull of the tnoft important ciatwMi'tiWce..''" Uv if ,"oiihi 1 made ,"ehi- phalieHllv, n cimstituti'Hial ami leij-tl t.oveninM-iil, iysteud of a giiveniim til r''i'roll''J.lij the distrc tvm or rnprrce of thou who nre njipoinlwl- to-mh minister and execute its power". By it, oiir flo-' verninent, instead of consisting of three iii'h-pon. dent4 m paTiiie, couliicluojT and Uotil li-payneiitw, has all its power blended hnrniouiisisly into one, without the danger of conflict, ami without destroy ing tho separate and independent exisfewe of the parts. Let us muse' fur a moment to contemplate thr mlmtrnidr? pnirtsiim, and -thr wtmpte- lmt-efficient contrivance by which these happy result are seeun-il. Jr n frwn'oAen a'TR'al" :iTj is wvtsV Hi ' W the Constitution was unrM-ressary, that it gn-w mt of abundant caution, to remove tho poil)ihly of a doubt aa to the existence of implied or construct ive power-; and thnt they would have -existed, wiihirtit ilaikl to thu full extent that they now tht. They who consider this provision in this light, as mere surplusage, do gn-al injustice to the wisdom of those, who formed the '-tVmstftintc"f 'shall' not Ut'tiy thnt iniilii'tr r tvHHiruTiive imwris1 wtmlil have1 existed, and to the full extent that they now do, without this provision ; but .had it been omit ted, a most iuqioi'tant question would have been left opeu for controversy. Where would they re", side f In each dopai-itfient T Would each have had the right to interpret its own power, and to assume, on its own will and responsibility, all the powers l)f thsthstitirtfofl petual and dangerou conflict between the depart ments would be the necesarv, the inevitable re. suit, and that the strongest 5would ultimately abr sorb all Ihenower of tiie other departruentsT Need I prove that -tiie T..xTntVive,"as tho armed inter. prcter, as I said on another occasion, vested -with the patronage of lUe HJovcrnmcnt, would ulti mnti'lv bocnnie tite sole expounder of the Constitu tion? It was to afoid this dangerous conilic't be. tween tho deartments, and to provide most eflbct ually again! the abuses of discretionary or implied pwrSf-that - thi provituim hi vted U tlw im-' plied power In Congress jF. Put ft runif be askedlarc they not iiuLlv to ttlwr in tm hamUnf Concre f WiU not lit aame prin t iplo of oir bature wlnrh imp am dcnatutetit to enrri It uimu tim oilier, ciualJy imiiel.t'ut' , ... L .. .1 T I. pvw u nn rvni n upon imi i.MUiira iirimn 11111 r 1 now. wim iuiih.J llw tjonxiiiutioa clruly . a . . a. tairoanw tin dunr.'aitJ have iitcamiru Actually to piarii agaiint it. v M lib thia view, tliO Conittiutiiai hna rued iho I'reNid;iit from lt-u.g qiere I'.jeculivo ofrer, to ixtrticittaliou in tha k.'gilatiia futtcUmi of tit Uoicrmm nt JbanJ haa. among other H'gWiAlivtt imwrnt, clotltt-u limtwitii that ul thr Vrl, nwiiily wuh a l--w U proltt hi rili: afunut Ihe rnrroarliiitetit U Longr. In tirtiMi of thia iiiitMiri&nt power, no lull can berotiM) a law till MilHiiittecl fur hi rormideratinrt. If bo Bijirove, it nit'ottM a law, hot if ha liairovea, it t returned la tlm llouwi in which it onirinatHi, and canmd Iktouki a' law untemi rwM by two third of both l!uuf ; trirl in order to guard hi power ajjuiiuit the winwch-w-nt f C'onjrroa, Ihnaigh all tin aveiiiM by wlnrh it coji powildy hn appri hed, tlm Cmintiiutiixi exprewly provide "thai every order, roiitin, or vte, to wlmh tho emir urrence of tho ftnuiie ami IIouum of Re. pirw nlatixt inny be rwe"arv," mxie ollif r ran imu Um limit of their fwetive tmll, "etrerU oti I Vjwirfitiitorailjiininioul, almJILe pmirnlixl i'J the J'reMilent l the LnitrxJ Matr. and before the aOH ahall lake e(fat, hnli U' approved by him ; or, beinj, diwipproVi d by him, uliali bo rriMi'd by luw-toiiM ol ly Nimle mid tin lbwttof Kepr. iiiniive, ncoriliii)( in iImi role and liuiiinliooa iro;ril!l 111 lltH turns of btll." Tlttiae proVUHolm, wilh the mlrnui)j" of tho Mveriittve, give ample prnlei Inm In lh iower of the Trent lent, (;aint ihe f iii nurhiiiefit cfXgrc.'W'ia'stirrioik'irtiai" iilmml.iiilly allow 11. W le-re verv atirBtuin wref nt itself, whli ,Hhen prolH-rlv riMiMiie n-d, lhro a llmd ol hiht till the lui etiiili tintli r tmiwiil mlMHi. It V h the CiMiKtiliition hniil'-d the telu power to bill, and lu the onb-rw, tote, and rrwdiitiona, rvuinii(r Ihe riHiriirrt-iM-e of both Ifio-n Why tiot.nUi ieinl it to their wpiiriile voln, order, or re--olu. tioii ' Hut iHie niiMwer run lie j,ien. The ohjivt l to proleel the iihIi M nil' Mre of the two lliKiae ; to pn ienl' the 11 ( i:livr from 111I1 ri-nntf wilh Ihem, mi nt tollenijited 111 ihw protect ; on lh grenl prineiple wlnrh lie nt the tuuniliitim. ol hbrtty, and without which it rarmr.rbn im rvfJ ; thul ilehln nitive IkmIii -hould In- lell without evtiune oiw coul n iir inlliieiii e, liee tu fvpre their opi nion mid loconiluct their pntf-rodmpi ncctirdin;; to Iheix olu aoiiM) ul firojirn U. Ami we IiimI, wecord i.igly, thai ihe C'imiMiIiiihxi h not only hunted the vein to the ca-tet requiring tho rum ur ring Volt id' Ihe two lluu-se, but hu eprehlv- vested each I loiio with the jMiwer of etuliliKhiiig il own nile of roreehiit Bi-rorilin In it wilijanil "f'anum, w iilniiA liiiniutiou or' chiM'k'.' " WiihTii llii-ie'w afl then, the Skoalu i tho nolo and nlwolute jud- of Ui WU puweu.; and .u. llta..iutJiiu 4 o4utwiit nor btr-tnr-w, ami -in drtrrmtninjj; hnw nnd W'hCD nor opinrim rwjhf To be eifHt.-'. ttWTre 1 t0 UliVr Uithiid-uf riuliLor wraioy'., to whieh n n ptnl- rtHf-uu-"iniwij . wit- thiwniMiFTwl w-.rf r 1:.. . ..... 1 1:. '1 , n.rrTii. , T"r,Tff ryf f.r. .....11 ,i ... .1 il li. l.ant wlnl IT... ,,,,11,... tmi. - vi iu-n. wniitt mini mo i iwiummt tv of the ?lenaie Helf. And aolicitnii i the Constitution to ar-cure to each Ilodse a full control over its 01m proceeding, and tftefrre! .nt fitrfetit expression of opinion 011 all subject, that even Ihe majesty ,U' tlc .kw jx-Uiotk Itotwirc, perCxi frwidrmtif -lrtW-- H -i -wrtUv.if !juiark,-ttia.t tlw provision tf tlm Cxtstilul tot, which I have ci ted, i;i resting in Coun;a the j 1 1 1 j' i oJ .c..c ot itt r t)tc Jt- veiwef iMt to comprclteucl the discretiuniirv power of tlm two House, in deter mining the rules of their proceodtngii, which, of course, place them beyond tho tiitcrlcrCiVe of Congre itselK j Let usnow' "casf our eve back, in onjer tht we may colnpn-hend, at a single glance, tl.e admira-lile-urruiieiiu'iU by which the harmony of the (imcrtunenti in BCCureiaVathciirt imiiurin.jbewh. pahile exmtoiiva and ii!deehleiice of (lie jwrts. In order to prevent the conflicts which would have mftihvdj neeeawwrtlyi if eaclpwrtei.t hwl been lelt tu construe it own power, all the implied or constructive power are vested in Coogre ; that Cmgn- should through its implied powers, encroach upon the Executive department, (I omit ihe Judiciary as -not tHonging to the tniestton.) Ihe PreiiJi;ut is clot lied with the veto power ; and thnt hi veto should not interfere with the right of Ihe t wo irool it is limited to bill or votes that require the con currence of the two House. It i thus that our walls are interposed to protect the rights which "be long to us a a sepamtc constituent mendter of the Goveniinent, fnmtlieenemichmenty6fthe Execu tive power j and it is thus that the power which is placed in hi hands, as a shield to protect him against the implied or constructive powers of Con- liu;, in tiiBwniitl I mn flcwg grmvpn&i fin o n sword to attack the rights which are exclusively vested in the two Houses. Having now established, beyond controversy,' that the President lias no implied or constructive power; that he has no authority to exercise any' right not expressly granted to him by the Consti tution or vested in him by law and that the Con stitution has secured to the Senate the sole right of iTifatinf its- prtf which rests upon the opposite basr prc-snpmwing the right to the fullest and boldest .assumption of discretionary power on Ibe part of the President, fullsirostnue in the dust. T1 : . ' .. : With these views, it will not 1o expected that I should waste the lime of- the Semite in examining its contents ; lmt if additional proof were necessary to confirm the truth of mv remarks, and to dhow bow gtnmg would hove been the' tendency to con flict, and how dangerous it would have been to have lelt the yem department in jjossesuion of Hr8 Tighf exejeise .implied powers t irr plea, sure, this paper would afiord the strongesf. In illu-tration-,of tlm correct ncv 'tf thij ft..'r(jon, I will auleet two or thn) td it leading hmIkii, will ahow ut falde barner reawm or re surd lo jiiJMatuwy w-mild be t prevent eonflkt LvtweoM Im derlinenl, or to protect the legml live frvui Ihe atotntivf bmurh of th eovemiiwut. uv (-1 aiMl bow rL'fJk'i th Fnwiilriil i of cntwateM-T or reaon, where the tdijoct is lite edvanretnent of the powers of hia department. In onler tu prove that the fcuete had no right lo pa (ho resolution in qiK-nlion, the Prnndcnt ruler into lung dtwpiiition on ihe Mture and charac ter of our Government.' He trlla U lltal it connmia of three a,-trate ami iml-enlenl depart. ' tiM-nl Ihe legislative, tecufive, and Ihe judicial. That the first 1 vrnrted in Congree, the second in ihe PreaiiU nt, ami the 11 in Ine rourts, with a ti w exception, which he eniiinemtf . He aW ' inform U that I he we ilewrtnmita are covual, fcnd that neither hai the right to Coerce or cotitn4 lite other j ami then conclude that tlm Senate h ao rig hi lo paa the remdutHSi in nuewtitsi. Il u mt my inlotiliou to impure whdlier the 1 view of Ihe (jovenimenl, which the TrenHfatt It J presvnlrd, be, or "be out correct ; but if it w-ere, it would ml be difficult to ahow Ihaf hi cstceptntn , Irtnl they arr ctirrrual, and thai neither haa a right " j fo cuirtfor "coitoI tha oIlM r. Ul' ft Iit ttijfl 6htii 7' inry acceiUion of these lertna, would d prive the N imle of all it judKWI prwera, and tn'Kh tf t ' legislative. 1 will aMiinte thnt hi views are cot rtw-t and tluil, eiMMhtrt4MMtliijlbf r - the righl lo interfere with lite otla-rj and wiiwl 1-4. loHi ! If tc,iittf.j4o.nhl lo dirtiprwvc of It con duct, he surely ha nottf, on his own pnuriple, to diaeppnive of win. It would wi-iu impoMiiblo lltut o ulivpiti em) itff fmnfj a 'mii qui lae i't!il vi ovcrlook'eil : vet m, UukI i ai'ihilimi in tiruit 0 1 pwer reganlh-vtf reason or ciiranrtrnry, that - the President, whilo lio th-ttr- tn u the right to "' i interfere with litnf, or toquention his at ts,doca not hevitate lo charce the Senate, diwllr and iwent. i-dlv, wilh UMurmI'um n.l kla(H of tiie lawe"" and of the ( tduttitulion. The advocate of tho Prcaideut could not litf M the glariojr inctaiiiistciKy and 'kimtSiitiIJu. ZJL. . cire, ami, in order to reconcile hia condiKi w ith , ' (he principle that he laid down, asserted, in th iu4t, litttl htt. ii4 prtiiu, imt ea Vrtm ilenl of I Ik I'lnted WhIcw, but in lit imlivklutil - character a Amlrew Jm k,tit.slWeiiiay ri any tiling that Hack i while", or llml white i" "" "" black. Every wge every (ine T thia piper, contradict ihe assertion. Hr ihnsigltout ais aki in lui oflicil character as Prckitkit of the I niw-j Sw, ami rvgards the aiipposed Injurj thai ltae , ht tfato litttt, m mt it.Hti j o hiani q4 in. 4jr pri. . vat.-, but in hi ollkutl .hiuarler. Uut the explaij- aliou only rcuiivo ihe JiiLciilly xotC. ah'p luUuil L . . back. 1 woo hi ask, what right hit ihe Prewhsnt j of flit Uijilvr Flute j,) J7vcl liiinai ir.if luaolHiciai . - . cliaWirfer, in "a qii'eTiouCct w'etSUlilni atiit Thia twhrp tiTUehinff hiK itlii'Tat ronduct "t.W henrls hi an- titMUlv U.lut!itd from- hi bipV i)Mioi,-iiidta"' fg 'cittlff tiluiMuTiraC a bar n laiP r'Jn"m'in li jpuhlic cliaractcr .i v S.-. :i -x ':; - Thil Vtf pwrf of this prrThirh i tltr ouvf-""' ; t'risiwi'W-.! fliMt whwh jets 11 into the r'l ' ' I'll' llm f'M fliurm-litr .af lliin, n lUm noitrce from w hich tlio Preidem denve the lit lo interfere with our prcwdiiiL'. He de out J-een- pretend 4:deri Wnn etty puwfr Veiled Vt 3-zrr hmijiy tho Coiihlitution, express it iniplnil. lie ' IlesHjBnd BiTeordinelv. instead tif a quewtmnof nrtit, ' Tun '.;Tii- :i1iT.T:r-.r xi.-rr-r-rt f-h Y--jefg-. : ties, jUiateail of hu duUwa. to jjsiMtreM imytir ting thai rights alway precede dolioti,and are in fuel but the obligations, which lEey impose, and, of course, that they do no confer riw-or, but in. " piiaej rdjiMiebifrire . in hit case, to tlw tm.:..I stitution and the laws in I lie dinchwrpe of hia ofii- " cial dufiea. The oppmiite viewthat rn which he act, and would give t h Prewiih-nt -nywjr:jwj amf to convert such duties iiito powers would, if admittod, render him aa absolute a the Autocrat .' of tll -tlw Huttttia. Titli mf this ern neeus virw rf :- tu (lowers, lie could lie, at little lose to justify hia conduct to justy did I say ? He takes higher, fur " , higher ground ; he makes hi inlerfnrence a met -ler of obligation; of aok-nia obligation, imperioue necef.ity-the tyrant V p1ca.-"IIe tell U lltat M"" " wa duo to his notion, to public opinion, to proper self-respect, to the obligation inqioped by hia ron k execufeil, hjs resimnsibility as Ihe head of the E .ecutive Departmenf, and to. bis obligation to the v American people, aa their 4niniodmte represent,. t'vf.?Jl0.j''terpw!! hjjHboty.agatthe liaurpa, fimis of the Senate., Ibfiituated.tiwii I Uinded b ambition intoxicated by fluttery and Vanity 1 W ho, that is the least acquainted with the iiiuaa... heart who, that 1 conversant with the nape f hlfory,'doew not wf,tindcr nil this, ilie workinijir of a dark, law lone and insatiable ambition, wlmh, . if not arrested, w ill finally inipel him to b ow u or hi country's ruin ? " -- u - - It would be a great mistake to wtprtoee that this " protest i tho if rmiri.ition of his humility againtt the It is but the commencement- it. is the proclamation in which he makes knowi hi will lo the HtiDate. claim their oliwlience, hd aU t iiiuiiii-iii h t iin.-ii oaojjLj , nuouill UH y CCIUMI 4, to- repeal their wdiiiniic.l-iHi, wit nrtlmrrrgihilF resolution. I am hurried away by the recollection of the events of the last session. The hostililic. then and now waged are the Mfoe in their nature character,. and-prujcqite 4 ,liile.ritjg otfy jn objecii andi the parties. . Then, it was direct- against e )vereirn member of litis confedemev now against the-niite Then the Senate wn .' : . soclated with the Executive, aa its ally mw it h the object of Iii attack.'-. I meat. iMjhfih'.'ics be oreamitcd Btminst u unless we renejil t,-, , tuti'Mif, to ellecl which, is the ohiect of thr fetetf (or: disjnnV it ft tro w ill. t,i this pt'rfest and to enter it upon our jos;: . .. oc a TIM.UI rofjal a tn - - .-r of put ?

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