t ii I 't;,. tj (,f hi i nl) I, If. :l t, it ttl l bo it. it-li n il by ttif i iHititry ul I 1 tl by fi pn nil aiei foliire g'-iwi ,Utn. Muni'.'l wi n wnl ogr r-"luti.iM l'Vr"f"i fend enl'Tin Jho prite4 mi tho j.iiiMU, we fej If !, t (. ! ,i Jil r . ! t.j f-- : It (., ..-1 i.t. lit r , 1 i. ' I, tiil it r jTr-J in r - i c, ! fi"ti ( ft out him ; ml, linll f.j'titof by ll'T Vote .i li .i J i,f.i.. i, i4 Uf kind, tilth I" i shout I rr'4 Jl) will P.tlow in dim tin-, if !" b fls ft4r4 rootuuiS tomy ioltfali'iiiS, 4 to be TiiwiiflrrirfiXKl. It U UiipodiU Ire rrv4 ear-Vm "ilrwr , la read tin pir with.jt being wtnn with the trem 4ml ,U l.u.U iho IV-jJ.'la) Uu hiru If in pmll'Mt betscon lieu Hi-iuiI and 1 1 mi people, lit toll u again aiJ agaiii with lb greatest eviphsi -lh4 ha is th immediate r frrwnlaliV of lb American Pei-pl. He I be int tr.uJl reeolJiv of lha Atnerran pepk l- thouglit th FVi b-nt pn,(md to be a filsto Uijbis man, placed at tha bewd if the Klat Ki-hl paly I that be believed Hwt h H'l f t Iwm io were muled Id eortitiiiioiil romf"?!, a -mlgdiificl and werign communit and ittat nu kIi eynurmiuiy , or purple, the A nVri Cmo peopta, taken, in M jr rgrtn,i-"L I had Pippoead Ihal h ll" )'raalcti4 of the t'n.M fctatc,ibe wily ttlie by. which be U togklly and t iHHitiftMiftll known amj tml ll" Aiimriran fiM M rvf rttK'iil,l la i aingta l'uniiil i Dm (iirternirtfiil i no. 4 evn in lH iIit ll'am. wl.irh rnirmmlt tl 1U ( Iki arvnij Ktiic, ItlwMppmdatiuib I tmiur I In Mrtiju that Mcb kadiwijnrl front fb pro(lin IMrir,j(iil)',Mii I ri)lit baa ir i(KiMMi bulirf in !hi CNMilry f illfr or in um pww ueijiaiurrt t l Griktl Hrtlain, i 'f lh lat cnrtory ; by any pnr y whif or lry . Nr ia my inoitiriKtt dimi w)i ly lh di4in:iiNt wiim h ha b"1!! aiifnip(d to U takn bHiwn ilm npmwiim 4 an oj).uin in rrf'TfiK fQ tlm cuitilucV uT pililie odxm, in ImuM to Irrmirtala in xmim kiolativa act, aitd tho") nut an iui'iiJ- a ditirtiin wilhait rvani plfl or pwrn'iif, aid wiifoiut jiriitcipk or rvaxai. Nf tin I I" ifjrtd lha( it h(ii( y grn ly ajNrlf!, aa it haa Iwn in ik'tmle, I but ruwJu ti4i in qiMMin m n4 iiitciMld to iTminatf in liHiU b tak.fl! int.l iUf 'if lift Wf n! ( iiijiff.iKt, illijU(h I B(ff l IM rf-J'l- )i ..f:it, tu f mfl, limy tiw li. ! tlm f I fd l In h WwmJ'IH, (,lr. ciim' nn li ) liitiiM'r, and ii aui, u trja jr.i r 1 1 iim', twd bJ'IiimumI r'luiHMta cxn atfiruii: thai ll l'fMi4' nt h ihi f'J't ( 'fVM agnniMl iwr ireiJius "J Ht rvAwin to rciv Uiii brili-I - H iKr "id wht I Utlfudi-4 in r fi rW(: IV I In: jii't at l-ti l ( u the liiHtta and k W ankiiit i a! will eotw-ltfUi by fuw punark aU div"d r diretily i H rVmaln UiU', Of all lh aurprifMng er"it, aaid .Mr. C, in IIhm ftirprmiif linn , nmm m iKiiumImmI ' itie lixir tliMit that tUw IiimjM m ay divw4i f ojxiiioii, n llo aliglitnat, m In the njr cf tU tKuf to Iim fti(iitMi Wrikrb haa lm) r,inJ on a the pr-tM Pi wml U Uia prutaxC US.f ft mr-rrnl nf tho duruaaiuti, I wjuld o4 l4V0 bo Irnrud llutl iImii" aa a atnula iml jridiul, in our country, tlm ('-Mat caiveraaiil itb Darliaiutaittry prur4Hiiiif, wli ciitrtaiiK-d any dmUi-f lh right if tutj (rr and Jlibfratif body tully "d fiwly to dix-uoi and eiiiroa tMr tytnunt im nil wilijflcta rUiiiii( tu tle public iiitVreau. wbnllier in rfowr li ntii or iinauwroa or wbntbrr in apjimbatioo or ijirtiily dvt4rnumid at tlm my eoininfriiirfil 4 ihn uitinun;inunlir Ina inufwJtt aiiinoril tit Wkbiii(tn hiino-lf. Hiich, I Imd atippmrnd, a ilia 4al)li4im) plilirl rpvvi ' th tmrtf at (Im Irid J( wbirb h protS-aard lo be ; and ) h claim to be n4 otily lb rrjiwiilnii, but tli initiiMliHte rpprrnttirfll of the Anrrican prople. What ciTrmilxry I Whl bollmMi of 4rtioii I Ttie immrtlisH rpraamtalive t .Whf, be never r i"d a '! fnxn ihn Kwrnn pe le. He vat aVctd hf elector IHhI illir by Hi pv. . bvof the fymf-i or hy thnr Iriidatura f arid of tii nianibfir T tbi body, yho rj elted by tnjpalaturea enava by tbe people I anri who, if the .ipitb mu4 bp li4Jflrciily and pfrtaJy. Mil tbe peupk of tfe' Huien than lite elwl'irwl ' r'JW'eaj einee tht r.irahir-tiiwt wtiKfil fonven. I into j-ITtt by fiving it iitt lului of juiut itrl 4 'l'Mma, eomriaed i titFW'e bolere and aafiranU, gir trt Vnet tSr retnovedlrnt ibo p aa linxue iilliuxuc Jrulative. m!rcl ll'i lH. in; prin km inadfi, or CMild b" VPiituml be ei prcwl, I am at a Im to conceive, a it waa ijK n. iy avowudajMi folly uuJr4Mi IImI w ilr watt' ed for llie prjKT iiihiikiI to rarrr tne rHiilim brfh II'Nmk. S u llie allnit to limit our lw tier irh,l nttm the Praidential raiHliduli of jfilaiv fumtiNHi by our judicial, in rfrmre to tin 4e of iImi Kiylii I'arlmiiM-iit would l Uttilv prue that mr jili'nl f'Mwimnii ttnpnee nn rentnctinna on : our Wtfiiilulive. It m kiMmu that thv llixoie of Lord, lik the Mniute, poB Jf:if'tL.Mf, lxwnlT,'no T tt nlur e t'i iikl-iI, llint, the dofin party in aekvie!, and w ho, ifneead of lh reei tteee of th penrbr,- trMer trmr of a ne-MP' ,-nary -rp,ilb brferwN direrthr bnatila tollx m. I . -'- Kit why ail tbi itivi on the part of the I Preaidont to pUr birheelf near the prxiple, iui I to ' ojb ua off to the greateat diataiice t Why this , , - Jxihidc tfliiiaka Juiuat lf-toairili rejinmentitiive, J , thair taily tvenlian and protector, their wdy friend I iuk! aupporter T .The ulijwt cannot lie miitakeii. .Jtia preparatory ta ikrthwr nmdHMia Ho gn ip . ' to tin people j and ia lolnndnd to prepare the a ay in erder to frvimit In thetn hia dtUmlion . I tbeia aa bia allioa in thd war which he cooti ia. ' tb" ,",, c,,UTm ,,f Um in hicn T' flate Wiirinr aguiiint (hi brtntli of tlw (lovera. n hia Kwer, not. a wnk cum turn be. poMid ; --.iwiwjL - If any ok) doubti" hia lnlonriW V lVio Tu'wIirUii we Mieawd thai it j.i.li 1 func CKMt hia eva over llie eotUuiitl of thie pnper, and I wrr" nnnnii-iK-a in any oir.-.! oy ua r?taia mark with whet aniwtr he arwk to plaee hno-ll i 'vu 5 ""I wImmi we tvibx-t ih.it thia (rtn of oui In an attitu.g hoetile to the Hnelj. how he baa j CiiintituiioM w bmrowU fj.uu tiie llniixh, their tottV-rtrf a, aimpW fXnmt of ojiiiiion Into an jeiamplc nmJ b uiiid r-d aa oViire aa to tie I ' arcuaitjon charge of pnlt Ji imiK-.tafinn ofl pmnl.uiHletaiaieiiliiratniM. I u fcuuducl a Inipowhinent, in vhkb lie renre. I1"1 u. rilkiii a iiniim-nl to what evint w V , iMita binvwlf aa having brf trH and condciuifi I rouid -ufjciaauj-ily be iMH'rfl, if we nner admit the -wllboVirhanntf'or InVeefitraiion. The Frwmdenl piimiiile. If the 8'twtn hw no rieht, in couee. . Uaul4 iMtiJiJvw4 vivh wrH the advatF l JZlZ J''iP?'C.t?rryin4t ffl dcffJiaise mar. with WT-ng J ". j.rT lpati'JDa, in which Uia- aeailed aailajit j aw hit otyrrt i lu gum a pneifr w an eom- I if, :iil i '.an. Iff, am) rii'iii.,i.!,iy of t1 the .,i!.trri, I ha tMi.i'W rill I'll if W .H U iny t in l.fhtj IIm rf iriiMiK-e Ihi dull!- f i'tt wh b the pfwU Oiif Mt,Hiif,le Hi all U'i' in, Om pri iw-tl, aa we ba wiIih-mwhI llm i, l ill m' hi amiiml MK wa,;", ami the tiiii.it. iii4 bia Vrtn nn the bioJ hill. Intt,efr. ne r be prmvfii.H r.J fh l uitwl Maie P.u.k t U iiiKiM1iiiiii.rul, aiwl I.M if vmti, e.wro'iiig to In own pfi'H iple, inie.i Ud tlx) con. lot t of W mjjUni and .Viliwat. f rnwrof wlom eiixieid iIm rhnr of the liank, aij tba iitrr of th j.r --t,t,) and aj td (be turjuliara of both II ji 4 i tt who voted fit lb act inrofp..mling llrm. I aw mortiM, (wid Mr. Callvlon,) that in thia Country, UmMWH uf 11a Anjlo-.".4j (J.i nl, any niie of nnp.tnble aiaifluiff, 111O' h more tlo Pre .'k'i,l of tba t ailed fcitai' , ihoold be t4 in eniertiiin priirf-ipk- leading In anrh motartroua r nit 1 and I ran arrcely lirlieva Piyai U to ba breaihing tl air 1 our nmiitry, ami In he within the wall of this rVnite'rhambor, when I Imar anch dirtruiM vindicated. It u lrouf of lb wonderful dripoerecy of llie tiiiaw of a toul .eai of lha true CHui'pti.KH of cohttiful natal nlrt;. fu', in the nndt of thia dxi-nerary, I perceive tiie ayoiptotoa of ,.jejieniiinn. It ia not my wih to toprb the part dmNnalijna that have recently f.lHained, and whi' h have ben iirtrodnwd in the debate, 1 thia nrriiHNi. I, however, rann4 Lot remark, that the revival of tba party nene of lb revolu tion, afler they had ao Img aiumrwred, ia re4 with out a inewiing out wiilnot ua imlicatine of a re. turn to llmae prin iW which lie at the founda turn of our liberty. . f Ucntleiiteo ouylit to reflm l that llie evlfieive and andlen rwivat of theae rmrnrf could nut be without aoma adiiate cauae. Nam1 tre not to be taken urgivn at paMjie : thr nmi be aoioe. thiiif to cauae tln-ir appliration to adle-re. If I rfiternlir nirhtlv, rt waa AuiiHtn, In all the pk-n-itudo of powtr, who aald thai If fianel it inNi I4e to introilure a nrw word. Wbut tln:u, u ll wl miethiiie f M'hl ta thir in tlir ne-ouin of VH'f Pi'l T."Xy liJC.( wjinj jh ihe rhnr JCt'-Md' the tinve. which h.u ranxe) thi ir ul !ii rfvivil, a VfB. V,1, arirt MNa tl.-y w,t f-.. and -y.' ad r !. V t a v (t.n .rt tt S 'ol-julalJlw,-- -en-kaL I want ) Irli ykf ll,((."W I rW,. Vtf VI L Z.7Z frl ., J be l-.kl it .me fr- k. and on him to a 1 1. u.y r. t.i iwl U r.n k. f ,f , I tirf- . te , 1.1 'I 1' 1! . , ,.i,L. LJ a Ilia umna inn an.. I .-1 . 1 f I i . i .1 I.J ..r ft i.l mm Maatl a iui liitT Wtiil" ' " - " rJtfii,i I rbrMXaibiM-lu'i.,!.! out arte; b.ia m b. t,-.-! thiiiktl wdlUI b,;r.n N w ,Uf I . . 1 - I, 1.1-J aiwl 1. I.al.l he I WMitl 0' win "'i m i, iim ii I u;v u u, i-, f. I a 1 ..i .l. I m .n... B ...I I fii.l ..... Ilii.lt tl kj.J airiA, and to HuMa he to ep ' ff'jr ..lint .uJ afc K be waaaa imiim ttm v.,.,,- ... . ,, r 1 : . - . 11 1 I frmn -y aa II il- i- aaf n,.aut 111 lliatta (fefaft laav Mi ta a i ata f.. I- L . H la Al tK,n errtierjaret fc. "7 " L! . . . 7 1 - ' ... L .7 .... vi.i 7. "7 ,. I k.. t uia Li uui Wita 'l. I "II r0 "r iu"i"T. n. , .....".. ...s.i . irn iin.,, II ?mUm4 by rli a raft of ern.flW n . araW . r ir '"'. aUeet. and mm lUt a biy enuf U fa b Aad Willi U-t lrlbud tell ! K4 irf d Uke lotla-l j Y E-e, l J .or ll aU-jt my plana, 1. I .Utj 1 !. .. ... . l j .i- .rir all kia Bama.1 like to In M up. the IM lUnka I rfxl mi H.,n,.. I" 1 1 11. A tild Lli to be aura, but tie be got an ever-; lUi-a tUnk Uat anminer, w Uhout JetUii w know of Ul wtafaU. tfti.i. .Ion,; w,tb bun. And U l.-y Coniin. lour, 4e. Um B-iehbort .h.t aar to tltia diy. that oj the ImU, J. IK M.NQ Mar, , HV f!rra a porty ri.arp H-llow, tiVy u bow Dunk , IVjwningvilla Militia, Vd Bifjl lk.l J j ,1 Imm iJ KI karirtii I bavf lni HI, bet I wont ay aartin iU tree (f. I wail aaywahia ia Una, aow-eJaye wilca I rt.) tiat ttiian tii Uumral rut ImV k.lr, paitainief b aba y, be im! It uf two t three innoa, and owliu't fa-nubo t the notion out . I la bkI be waa aartin thrf. waa wanetbiB ml Im aortant In the fiWraavef," in ha Bevea knrw Die Majf to Uke lb trouble to writ ehmrt a otua willi Hit tbnre beta waiH-liun ial of that nalkr, and p be alald round and ur.lerH Am and lvw and Kehfh. ami Barry, and Ulair, and purW mijh Uie re-t of the Cabuvt to tit UHftlwr and to U-inl bUe a band ia un -jHraOinrl n Una natter. A aoon aa tie.y fU iuu tbe t'abmrt rvan,anil found out alialtbe tinwial waaarter, aivl aJI of 'eta J rad aiy iHt'-r oer tliry aejfiin to wlnapff round among thrneadvea, and to ri?hw on m 'mi O'll'il Hi- i ifra! ih-re ww one Hilipvt aliiv- ae iilitaiit la liw klaaa ' ehrrp etory, and Uiat tiie Ginoral bHirr take tfmt up at wire, and that Hublle lil M'mI lo Irt tie I tanmtttrti, afrit by l'iHiarri ti piaininr into the It-iiiL hake Hi" booka ind paw'ra 1 the Rink, to take ov-r tu Ufir kliiif out of tin Dank to ruimne ih. m tlM-rx. And that be wnublu't U-t tin- Conuiiitty have Ina private Ii'tu r. Uiat he had writtwn iiMi nviird, nor ha wifr'a n hia rhildn-a'i privata Icttfra. Nor would hn lll the Oaninilty now nnWi it .a hue errrytfbiy tn en to niarkrl, ir tin Lii.it U rtralnrl hn pouiiupa ( Uilt euk A a. I whm the t:.niiinitiv a.k-d In in if be wore awig or lit. mn naiunl In r, trll'd "em it wirn't ixai. nt -th-tr- m.inf ; 1mV-tf liy - wnu4 eaaiaioa Hi- It nk, tnH ill I in- iichi-v, and bka, and paper party drau,mali.eia. at thi time ? I take it, thai j mU ftt ( , (, v, ,fy4', jm m the Bink the vary eawpiice ftf tiriiii lliut whirh neiatilutfa a lory, ii n aut4in )rni;ntiV aiinat privilei 4 prt ihf eTTWiTT acaiiwt tiie lnj diaive ditartnint of th ti.i-niio-iit, and to h-an lo thi i.b of power igjinM the aiik of tiU rty ; wliib1 t'H- 1 1 ,. 1 e .1' iliat oiH-.-wlfii Hi.'r- int leiiinuiy wii're ii ' hl ! .l-i Mmtt ewWj.mt -blank frexn, thmjr rtahitlvf JWtrprhprtplj. .-THT are flic f iaduu cUra..U-r- u)k , ,WI ,, ,k, Sq we poa-' ii of t!ic rrap.-cie ,artM , whig a. id tor)', and a R,ltl, . 10 w mlr, -t h,. inark'd it r nrMiib-Imn thn uh tlieir ninlic.iti.nl in ill t'K-are-tv luw n on miwr; ami if it hadn't Inn fur little po trwrtvm, all ffw b'pillive nowere nappv hv llie rin'uiiialancr'i in which they hiiri- b-en aiii'V'.i, ' imia r llml tlm Siu;rf fiiil by kcnIwiI, hn m llmiw id' Rrprearniattvpa, with a amle etreptioti, ' either ia thia country or Uieal Ilntrtin. . Thwi W ,b 'F f A waa at aa i.ci.iVd in tb Cnnafimtinn; " AVr- 'r nn'hb- arisen imrj tiVi a,.p!i. j.tl .11 f IhWiiine wiyht Wamgum in.1 m In tiie R.ifk, and a iU iiupurU to raiwe a r.i.aml dooM e. tlm anbjert, the evam- to u.l.nu.li n.v M friaiel. wuo arc ... on tl.e!"'" T,1 'f VP? of 1 " l'"k m t" l"t'i ,.,,.,,., , . , , 1 , . r . , 1 won t l.'l nuluv IwihiI.. tin without kintn aome one r!wiliitiiMM, Iowa eTlru'irJuuirv. I ban ajii fhwt-ir j'elwwl wrre-m-dThtiw tn wnrVgttiiT film Ii.mm), and ie4 in dtinimitiiai, and that to the full evtmit, without limitation or wih.run thn uh tl.eir ar plication in ill t!ic are-ty !or Vm Ui A. all the work in thiv wnnt.nl j ind that he or nif ollM-r aV' of tlif Ikink wm.ld nil th" while be uruauut lo r-fjUiu 1 . ry uouu:, au.l k"p an vye on wry Hi. 111;. ai.d li w.niM nt let tiujfli buk or paper 10 out U Uk- llank an lung a he Waa Prtnidt-et on't; Ilia l oiH-.- wh'-n t'Mii'rcaa acnt CieiiinUty there if.r trot Sipnrt (hi low-n no per ; ami if it hadn't bin fr little pne of ia r llml tin! Siu;re PmiihI l.y kcnIwiI, be never : rnrTOaniMn'1s proaocution of boatilitiea which he -. rthmmj TT?-??1rT " Itaaiate afienred :lhia ' hrrnorvjiiw'itMaT,'M" he 1 aniMmeel, he next endeavor lo etcite Ihe avmni- ; Vy 0t Jhit iiuW 4e-wa.jl hi . alliea m the cmaeeti lie telle them iT hia -wound . -wourvla rpeeiyod jtt the nay of the Revolution "'-nt hia pilHotini of Jiig di.-do'ercsledueaaL-jd' hia l'ZS(rmiom from avariraj or aaihiliod ( of hia Mvaacwil ae, and himUr of hit ecligi ejtof W IMiffiiJMic. of : rhntr -judiinat"fiiw1tHihj l' ev'ny'iaw'"kh uiiolon, -lav vrfw-or -reaid'iiion-, in yefr rwtre Tn the -ttoealitv or illegnrrfr of thact of pahlic funilioh. i .1 L . . -1 .la A. . - - , : am, mry Tiavii an Tigni 10 ev.ref atwn opinion indiVKhmtljo dttbuie aa ihe olouliou, 4f- ii -.i4a at air, "fnM tii th evpreor or an pinion by in. divihial"aa " wicll aa hv" tho bodyr I le who" had niaibi up an opinion aitd nvowod it in dcbahi, w-iuhl W'aa"nwh"dMt,lai1ffniITowiiOTirin Tii indial fiuiclione aa a jMler ii a trial pf(inipoachnMit, an if lie had etpreaaod by a vote ; and of f-mw what Ctc r restriutiiuu tho juibiual iuitctie of the- 8e,tee uuy ha ijxe. 10 impede, wroold he rrirtTictifiru' .aajbitf.-iy'4 y'&'tiimrptii ling 1 and cwawpiently destroy he fmodoio of Je bato wcurinl lo ua hv ihn CiaHtjtiiti.in. ... .;.i.. ..t .i. - i .u .. .I...... - . .. -..m:u.-..n...n., .... ...... . """' fc, , Mrr ft t,n,t iirj. thm to llie liine .nanhi.i- m the etwtmg lnj , f,, TIk ftineml i,M Vpnin mad at hearin Mtniyh' lietween tM? wrtie, mwl in tho principle i fhianl r-jrxnll vUii thrr tHI'it hrm il wietmpn. atal jk.Uiw Wv'atae hy-thnarr In pirier'rTWltTr.TiJT.Ii. uTimd ay in. flake or error in thu Rink unle haa canned an u.l.; 11 a rcuv.il imi u.:u etuoane u.u Loniunlty luul um attiui alxl iiiixiu all Uiu paper. apphcalLHi uf llie lenoa. I Iwvo not coiHrihuted ,mI u"1" ll"7 u'1 ,h" W!!liv,.H.fi a'f! to their irrtrorhirliofi;-n.r aiii I wi,.aiW d aJ-eiiu" , luJ. C"TM ' im? a them applied but I newl my to lbiw who are "li ff) iltnr of this life, and of bia aolicitiMto about lhal which it to eoTna. 'an wa mitake the nh- Z.'u hnnf aifiira "ia-4a ghtnee tho tVta of the cnae. Tniaconi'i'pti oflho" eiieiiliul pi.wcr of a deli lie flrat actzed npon III public Dkiuny, took it rrom ' tha cuatijf uf the law, ami pfaned it in hie own 1 xataeajiiort, aa mneh i a H" placH in hii own pick. - rt The flenata diepprove rt lh F'fict, nud op. poe the oiil.V vheUOra thai peevont him from he 1 , roming completely mantel of lha public trenaury. lo crush tho reaiatincc wliicu luny 4iierHee to T'vUba will, he awhe, a-jtujrre avith theiq lit eih x ihaf Vi, ari pn the rev.lufion in qiietioii, as ,v ha pretext.' Ha nand nt a protest a-raiiwt it, in ,.hka-ha jreaurU laavecy-aet 40-etilt-t the frehnv .' or the people on hia mud, preparntory to a direct appeal to them, with the view to engage trn-io aa allie in tha war which ha intends to carrv on ajrniiit the Senate till they nubniit to hi authori- L ty,IIa hae procbtitnr'lt'tn afrjiic";"th(it thffTghf ' to Uiterf-r involvea Ihe riht to make that inter. f re rice rftettaL- To make) jt ao, (orca only ia ( wantinj?. ,, flive, "irZFMy -tcrmfimfr fl witl be puttalhc cwitroviMiiv. -: ' gima then hoatilitica are intended, it in timc'flmt a ahoald doli berate how we ouaht to act 5 how -z,hc aHw : . tilejrea taught to ba met. If we eiawujl what ia due to " winloirt and dignity of the JVnftte, there l but one taixlei tmt it at the threlviUUfiii. rroachiucuti are ukj4 easily reMiated at the com UaieiiceorgaU,u a Ina aateeini ihuiii-"iiii llili (rontiotwthat, in, a Oonteel of thia hrriptinn, the aniaila.it ik the wenkeetkand tha aamtied the strong. Ml, r It ia Ihere that the purpnee of the usurper the miet feeble, end the ImMgnatjon. of those whfiee ripit era eneroachao! apod, the alronnet. Per. tnit the frontief of our rifhta to be paised, and let the quettfioti be not resiitance to UHnrtmtion; hut at wha po'nl we har reif and Hie c,oimiie will ; "6(r wrre than hlfrhcftlefl. T, k4, arnd Mr. my ataixl at the 4oor""t, the lionate, if 1 ahould -.'rlanil- tbera alone. ' I deny the rilit of the Preai finl to afind ua hia prolejrtrTt deny hk rihl to c ie-tiod, within this clumber, our npimona, m any . n for in referencn to any whjc w hnteveK " - Hs ?. : ii fiht ta enter here in hostile array.'1 Thesa . " 5 fa'Nintte ua. Jyond thi he .hna hw Veto to oeraiive onuvan'MiKt no urinriaii in iH-nyroa leig. lative ainbly the right to enjiri" its upinioo-. on all ohj.H-ta of a puUic nature, freely, fully and without restriction or limitation. It inhcreutly be lona -n the law-making power tlie Vwer to mnke, repeal, and to modify tha lnw -to th'lilxTHte upou the aluleof the Union to aacertain its actual "CiHidition ihecnHea nf ex luting oWrtlcrs, ta.de. ter'rtilr.e whi'ther tfiey originated in the luw?, or in their execution, and to deviae the proper remodv. WW-anrtaf a-legialfrtive body wthiM if he, that had no right to pronounce an opinion whether a law wan or wn not in conformity to the ConBtitu tin 5 ind whether it had or had not been violated by thoae appointed to administer the law T What toutd" be imagined mora ahfgrd T and yetHf tiie principle contended for be correct, such would he the character of the Senate. We would have no rihl J pwwiu erv tlwt it had Iweo violated, let it hmilif dieniialify ua in no wrionnnig onr juniciai liiiRlionn. iiitereated tluil they ahould noi be lhal 110U11114 Ihi. their reversing lln-ir cMira csui poMjhjy pievenl their applicntion. They owe ii l i theioelve they own it to the Chief .'ilal1rale whom liny opjtorl, (who, lit leoat, ia veneral.!" for hia year,) aa 1 be head of their party, that thev ahould I wilt in their aiipMit of despotic and al.ii'uu Ooctrue;, which wn liear daily advaiicefk. beforea return of the reviving spirit f liberty shall orerwliuliii them with thiwe who' are leading tWin to llieir ruin. I tail riy k wid Mr. La! li ning with ioirrtinl- iiy. - A wf a I am eoncerucd, i ariah 00 change ofl:;paryt'dr3atnjie'I: f 11 content w ith' that r curt tiie Squire tu go to market ev. ry Jay, and whether it nauleu Hia pulau ir not; ainl hmre -peciall) m.thin oimld br done unle tV-y knew whether the Hqu.r-. wore 1 wir or hia own na'nril br. Well, axyi the iiineml, I'm giad uf Uo ami ita jiat whst I exx ct. d ; new aaya he, I'll order the Coiunntr ty tack to VVajiliinirUn, and all on you munt turn tu and lend the toniiuillt a hand in wrrtin 1 report U t'tm?re, lU'iT w'Vi Mnw BMiile a:id ihe link all to aplmtera; it will help In rp, .A foiuiJliiAui Wtujpramiiaa.bMdagnito4, mtmr ma'KTU, worn 11 nrrv7.f"vtiie Mineral, j ne alafw pva the tliTHTii! I "t jot aa'IoMW ia'ae'tW".. iVie dkj, al-old Mwat'-runa'aTavem. Ni.Wwja7 Uej ffuHv ra I, -Jet-as tale un Maine lwniiH't IHter a-nn t and jtU toen anoliier one of Hie CutilueJ hu ipulu!' Ufv,"n.I v ne.-wnieriT, ymi trnnT h"iirn yel ahout Uie j nwii w hicl) deiitiJilw Ihnee with whom I act. Jl w,-1 otUJwiujuJo.p.y-ap K.i. I r-aiy I toln't wa Dent new ae'rec. Uia auulaaof Wtwr Prmce;; but unTucMy admit, an( very popular, but ia at leat an b.cat ! "ft ; "L "e le"Llin I "U'-W JtnUUnui woh . x .: 1. . - . i."1' w-e" t-o.lTO.uitjtw-iy. -JV Gmeral. au.. hnw, did ut cm to Uimk I aa luia an aijiriur ijraaiditriiaatiai w rvtivaa tav.m aa. 1 . ' 14.. 1.1 . t ..-.r...-r- , .....c " iiiucn aixiiii inai tie ui lie alway tiad a amoer no- quarter and under what ahape it may ; wo:lher it , tiun that Kive had uui Fmnce 4 Win liw auon, and b that froni thi-- Government on the risrht of the ! that there waa a plagy diiiljji" tUlIt'enca atviZ iuuHa 8eie, nr the Kxecimva ' the Legifoiiver De: rn to it; honrcr, say the purluxinl. ..-.. .. ,-' . , - . . , . .-.'i .fc...;.! ,uwt'' wifeo.w.aj winy -we aawr-poc wte t .... . .;- I IrmtV. ami flml a 111.,... tli.n Up l.l.inj tr.t tV.m, IliA Fr- iii'hmeru. iml t hjtie Im.I Hir fuil ?hare of glory OUt tlll'l UIV UHV. I I.'ki,u 1 u. ij..-Liui.i(rli. . MV. All lwtiiii!f nglil ..ut 10 the two follies, l..ni with t up tiim Jumper; and aayii lie, tn I kilt ahiMit Major Downing, lel'a take up thiU LiUnr uf hia'eii airm ; and the Oineral he betruii lo bunt i!h- it among a hull pile uf naner- .m V'ni, man lilf v.i l!.r m.. ni.rl. inwui d tllC tjille. anil n.lt HlllliA il ll frid M.n all hllntin Air it . .... 1. iui (.,,, .ti,. i.n, aa bum aa luu . - K ".". git tin k'tierliir I (nie vki must begin to U" ink 1 nl lie begun feelm lor it, aa he did Sir lux apcetaclea - LETTER FROM MAJOR- LXNYNINTJ. ' 7.". " .3. Eaaira CttiuuM VTirrfrirt May iitui, 1- V4. To my old friend Sf'. DAphl nf ihe Am York jVh- y tiwfuiir, beWgr. to tie- i'uat Oilice (otninnty, or' aouie outer ("oininitty in ConresM that dont like to uwkc no mpMt, see in that Juu Ii4inl In-arJ miliiiu froui Me ver .eence I vent ytm alimrt the Outml1! mecuid Prutcsit, anJ teifc (4 .VOU tliat ara-tnry abmK Mt Mile," and the tea on em (town Mat tliere, ut ow MinLmne rav'm. a apeil agn, am) waa tt gittin into the same Uouble, and ,vu telliu wlial duiioullv be inel with in keepm thiiiir m onjer.ever iaiu;! leil biH when another iHiituber of tha Caiuyei, rem Ihe-timeral Wwild'nt give np or fiirgit tliaT "IhVo story, askM him what he thiHiht of that new plan or making whiskey 'that it when thev tried au experiment in wioinv mil tne rhali. ; was one of the iiwwt iiiimirtant Uliilva Uial ewer waa. flMrin-aa'-iifc- Utrt -aif -gnnjr'filf frletMl, TCauif heeii t" ccuT"now : "dial ,l anon ry and Anti-Minonty vu idle sence that time, but I have bt-en knock m aliout P'l'tv much ail one, and goin to vote tiie entire lug I 1 .. ..... . ' 'P ... 1.-. II .!.- . ,,. here every day purty much arier the old lagoon ; and then It niht talkin over ill milters with Mr. (Hay, who hag treated me an kind ever senct I hate ben at hia hoiue that amae JjW. begin -to think he- ts -puttin up witn iiit:,.inalca(l ot my ull.n up with hi m. When the liinonil cou.e to ber where I waa ami Wliat I was Ixiey at, he ha be-n in a peaky..u-ryoMHil, ficliet, all orur tiie counirv. and all the foreigners too; and if aimethin war'ut done to get up another party they were all gone nd seem thai the Temperance iWiwiy waa nowihe bigeyt and strongest in tiie coun try, it was (II important to git that oil the Gineral'i aide.. But Jliat'a impoxiible, says the (imeral, for aooie of our InadMH would JeatiaTiinft go bare fciot as to give There eeoma to be (said Mr. C.) a great ..mi won. I mak-iK-ooeaWt but ae soon m iTtaght I wotit.l eepf ion in rcfi-rence to the real motive and charac ter of tho legislative and executive functions. The former is in its nature deliberative, ami involves. iiecossarjlyifree dLciiiii aiid a fuU etpcjrihm of opinion on all wihiecta of public interest. The . - . : . 1 TS PSMWMttliy Ihe ower f executing, awl has no power or deliberation beyond aacertaminr the ineauiiig of the law and currying ita enactments into execution ; and even within this limited sphere ita constructiona of ita powera are formed under reponibi!ity, not lady to pubhe-npinion, but also to the. legislative department of the Government. But wherever the Executive ia rented with anv portioa inosa iiiiiciiorjsjnKoUiajie figM owilieratiotVj I icnaooo wanimnrB wi miicn RTluirand free expMwoii .fl'iiher" Ma.:'glitK' transfer with thera to the Executive the righf of Wo V1 nM; freely expressing hia opinions (in all subjects con nected w ith auch function Thus the President of the United SHto, who ia Vested, bv tho Con.ti- httiooi'-whh'ltia'Hght'iaf comhiunicating to Con greaa information 00 the state of the Unum of re comnieiHling to-ita consideration auch measurea as, t I i-i rights a jainst agreions from u? but lift hit opinion, the public interest may require ; to nsr autboriiy above- hi interference or approve of ie act and to rjtify treaties which Y have received ties coiwent of the Somite; has, in ' ininj ti"te t i w, t, tt one, (anno! affroe tha perforniance of B theae hish lepislntiye func ' .f (I ' J i ii i 1 X fiC 4 feuus, jl ItjjU Ut ijxurtav b ejjTatoa as 1 3 the Ita- .' ':. i X ': 7ty. ;,:7;-: ww---- 7"F7 - .' 1 -. 4 ( - - . . A "". . ' - ' , :'". , ' . n.4lfmo".ererjriB.Jt LwouU gd -aoma kiedof a eos.xfJf wlMdoy.--What, war tire Gineral; would become in hint, from aruno at hi friend here in Conjess, thit he would like to have me back agin with htm. And Mr. Clay baa tolled me, over and over, that I need nt be better off with Hie Gineral, I omld psck up md go naca agin, and ne would nt rrunk.a bit hard un L Bui I am iletanmiied to let the Gineral see that I haiutfotaa good juopiaiua of the fiilks abont 1iim W he has, and I would ooner boo potatoes all day than lseit agiB'Ui tnix up with idcK a aet of chaps a he has all the while about the Government; and the last time the Gineral sent me a message, and asked me WhYT Would'ot quit tha Senate and Mr. Clay, ami go back to the Whit Houae, 1 sol down and wrote him every word of tlwt are story abnut old Deacon Whit tlesy two sons and the flock of sheep. You remem ber when the old DeaAn''fIieo7about a year afiwo the "em, in his wil they might, have UJjia properly aquaiV W atwixt "ea. ' Era was a purfy sly, cute critter, ami Ichabod wantmnte wi mncbbuLaania1 aatiiaea. never would Cut hit eve in the long run, he hid a purty conidenible aharo of mother wit, bat took his own way of ehowin on't. Well, when they eome to divide otT tha sheep, (fhr the Dacm had one of the birsatt flcW ot'aoeepia all them. parL-sRrra tkoncht he'd try and get tha best of tbe bargain, and he got up early one. morn in, and put all the fine, healthy and clean sheep-in one pen, and alt the ecabby and snniTle nes and tag krka ia another pen, and then he put Old Bill ia with "eawOld Billy yon know was a pet ram, and lohabrd breed him almost as well as ha did any thing in thia world, for ba had taken care of him ever aonee he Was a lamb. J3o Ezra thonghi. Hjabud would ViXi VUnX ahafe, jjoeuilat'titil BJi a as among of, md he was jest min to rive a moA list of his whiskey fijlks, when the other one went on tellin bow it Cuul J be donet that, a lieaTiav cation Was discovered to make whiskey that any man eonld drink, and get drunk op, too, witlssit sliowin on't no more than if he had drunk water all the while; ind the bull trick on't was, in alterin the worm, and instead of Uavja that CTnafini, nr mase u sxraigni, nr tne crooR ot tiie worm was the hull -cause Jrank .TOBd;wtoa they 7. t T t . . 1 . i . wuwuey. bo BOW" bv this diecoverv. anv man could be a good temperance man, and drink as much whiskey as ho pleased, and no one would be tiie wiser on't The Gineral waa no taken with this notion, he stopped lookin ny further Sir mv letter; he tell'd the 1 ... Uibiuet right off lu go to work and git up a Proclama- tion m favor of temperance j and have all the crooked worms altered to strauht ones.- Wliv. aava he. there's- n ..i. . . . t . . ...j. . .ii- . . .. , . . .... ... ' ,- r.mnargo, he ten two none, Eura and Ichsnod, and telrno wwn w wnai a pitcn of glory my government will go. yeti wheaajiy roan. may ilrmk what-heiihwseB'ifnd . I .. It L - 1 T , . , . '. .. .. rv imnui van vcu me uiuereDce: Ana win e Mr. Jet. tJemnerats, 111 say tn tttv next message. B w in all drunk, we are all sober.'' I begun this letter, by tellin you I'd be ia New-York nigh npon a suoo aa Uiis would, and I haint tell'd you vet why I am goin there. Well, vou sea the Henate has been waitin for a long spell u,get a Report from Mr. Taney, of the exact condition of the Banks where the Gineral keeps the mori; ribw-nind as iThe Go vernment" dent choose to tell much about it, 1 have oflerod to go and look into the business myself I ask'd some 0 the Senators if they wanted to give me any directions about it, and how I was to act, but they said 0W " mucB ,,wut any oa 'em ; but, secin that to'.her-Jtousa had test eent-aiinmitiv Smra ILuMle. IW,I best Lliow the sametrack thcyV tLe IWUiuatiua aud the .WC ri4r nairii. ( i - Hat t-OTLta. w -4.-Jl -SALISIJUUY: 8ATURbAY::::::i::::JUNE 7, 1831. t - II JLC. LI 101' X'8 KI'KB :i I. ;Huch ia the saxiHy of a great many lo read this neerh, that we do nut feel at liberty to poatpiaic il u,. luoier.bul have given it s place in our cokiinne today, 11wa who rally wish to have Ihe fkney amused, w, be diiptinled ill the reading of thia, sa 1 all Mr, Calhnun'a spcerhc; but, lo all who are desirous of ara, mg Mind, char, logical reanmg. we do nut kt(aie lo reein)iii-ud Uk'ui aa spigxiujating to iiialheiiariics) dninHiatialHsi. y The speeehi-s'nf this great Slitanman, rem pare.) wilk Ihosauf aoma otbet diuuiaW sr srthr inasay pillars md towrruv arches that give avawa-try-nJ alreugtii to amrio ancient temple, tu the rpleailiii ptcturea tliat merely decorate its waJU, tST On tbe 27th ultimo, a meetinr of the friend of Internal Improvement 111 Orange County, waa held it llill.tNs-ouh. An Address wis read by Ike tte Tir. CaWwen. ind sever reoltitton olTercd by bun w ere i.lojrfeil, reronv uMwdiag Internal InipruveiiM..ut u, the immediate p. tmnaga of tbe Bute. Tba reaerabU Uucfaa? peraeveruig, adtwata of Internal Improvement We ars sorry to say there ia but hula ground 1. -, but wa-aiacarely tew ba may live to sea (),. state pruj.'' pering oader the seconiplishmetil 4 srhcine Sir rhe ptiaiMiuw of-whirh he has tsbored an tVtpRSTZS. OUaiy, ' - - !) (t At the very belt, an Editor has a rw,h mad to reveUaed we. truly prty ihj peer Mrrwrwh6'srs T' at every step, afiaid to gu fiirward without a little lieLl from tha Kit, hen, leal they may rhance lo run foul of " thu UoveniifMut" or anme of h flepv-ndaiila. Thero are such frequent and au.lden chinge tn th partiilrtias ot the old Ifora, Uit iJkm who do not Ins within amell .T the Krtchen touietim"g t into a srrap by praising a discharged Secretary or other temporary.. favorite fire they are awaro that th oiijcct of tbtir IluW. JJUiuy-SreUief. Tjlher -DienTlreaBIsrill It htWIirtrf atitbority,"hsve 'wnmlly rxirnenced, iindeiy Andrew Jaeksrtu, the Cdlj of. putting ymfhleae ia Prmeesjf-Mt: Ih'ano Ofapr JrWWit WCKSs very striting eximpleikr'ney both enjoyed, iq in ftl i-; biai in relation to UfflTuJIiJ giates Ilnnk....aiid it availul lliera nothinir to arres' with him ia avary thing elsevo lon as they refused to join in, iejitroyijig-tlvsitirm.eTr-ey dared to think J MHn-eiv-sf and the Major had Ihe Temerity"-" fosay that the "UjnW? duFnt lurre more scjjsC tktt. the Wlwlii 3.uuite - anil' they wern fwtb with discarded - and proscribed,- unlit advisers of the Greatoat and sxA'jromplaint.aCTT rhed tts IrirpubliKbin'vthRf :. ; . .11. 1 .. .... .. . . jor's inimitable letters, until be feli out with the GW. Lra7; but, as noon is the now of that unfortunate breach : spread abroad, we received the following very Ucoiili : eptKtle: - - -: - " Sir you may stop my paper f!.r tuj part,.! wontTaks - no i-nner war am puUuJ, Jack Downing letters for I dont Thint-ke mucti it the JuaaljJl The writer of thtsiirtter, who is a fitorekeenersnd Postmaster not a hundred miles from the Brushy Mf.tm- uiins, had just been to the .orth to purchase goml ind 1.. hapjeif - be at Washings-r ton ahout the lime of Major Downing a blow-up at the Palace, he probably received instructions "not to take, no paper that will publish" tho Major's lotters. De guthliut non diipurandnM. Tliere is no use in diapuung-about taste. -'Atthe writer of Ine' aa good a right as my body to indulge his oire tato, we shall not Hod fault with himi-mr'mH'we''Hibluir' .W-.ie:baaJkwa But we have received a letter from snoUier Postrnf' terdtmbtless one of tiie improved wluMog breed whose vulgarity and profanity deserve expwiuTe.' Wa 7 only regret that there is no engraver fit" these parts as we should like to give facsimile of the letter of iWis- 41 TAXAHAW, Hr As it is, we can only exhibit his beauties of of thogca?... "Mo 19 the IStU "M-Jo Bearde I can in form you that James Mor ris is gon out oi' the State and you may Stop yourr pa per for it is of no afllxt nor bant bin ever since you coniout States right paper Send them one to Calhoon, one to McDuflee Ilain Hamilton 1 cent and git your living by sending your dam pousence toTaxahaw Send aom good younion Paper and it will be excepted of good attend you all and fall Back in the rear rank it ii bighorn. W-yw --tiNffl 'mW'jfmWiW'fil'I yonr party is not stronir a nouirhn tn Ktamt irrvt m imls " wemuiLgjidei vow the motto of the youn(on" party is " Union . and Suite RighU;" hut, if wo are to judge from this letter, written by one of that party's l a,Ut$! there ii as little ctMopatjlity between IJbwo ind State Righl aa there ia between esole-egiJn and common dcceiK cy. The "yoimion" party have ehamofully neglected to send missionaries, schooVoiasters, and political doc tors into that dark cornel of Lancaster disttict which' seems to! have made but little progress iu morals, lite fcmil keUiJ In j-a -f ri' Trff . m tiall' of r. nl is petit IVni i iirj tiie 1 aal BIhI .Il per. Oi jrol uf W ..Hi fir lry 4'ii I'm it "1 I ft a h th ill c - n I ml of is Tr.-a t.. ll rt. 1,4 tli.-n nllir. lil l.ltui tiL lave on !. MM Kna nj.- WII'll rtilu if It ..aky witli liuUl area gn ii toi cin :M in.) cu n.-g-krv "fl the; Vti t.-r. tiii V Did h inn T Slllt ruin w t,tn ,Uii;.. I.-O, new "'"n oft ti'Tle nn til SI be-n 11 ntture, or politics, since the school-boy days of the ne tl!t..l!.Sefi?t: ak""). thf author .ef the celobrated Din-more letter, and tiie fethcr, in Mi TV Bur terf anJ vers . hav Kill of t JLtbft its 1 the pup owi ter. D'.r lor, fit

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