V V '!'. however, fH"rn a""' H rvi' ly " '"" -v-allnf Mm M Morula r)r pera-m Cr n id tfi " Clerkab'p WaJiinjpmi, where hi iZnn iixiuirwiK-nU auuid be 1 cwiitial acrvu la living tii l "'"" ' d."l'r' Dt 'im It v department. r, if lht shmiUI be ekW lbs "a-piratminof bi "!." wifgMlo t)u I founj,j" parly hi mitMiij and mtyw at auceoia' II 1 tp' Llmnnf tW wa ' M dependent f J.J and raimenl Ufa the "l-md J"""!1 taithawf (fy, n a biit that, if we were, wa alum Id hate bi 'rbu between ,ol beTnatitra of tal,mni 'HUW R 'K p-mT, of calling ttpsi - lb afiM'T " ( vmhI BUlo nauk,; to m'p a jt bmd. ' Wa V bp d! w P"1 Pror,,' 1 ber section, rwcadly ll 1 W friendly to die ancient luwn;riz fanAf, will " neb iWM n prevent u ft ma bring dr.vca W ch oread irejnity. rosniiEssioNAL TRfCKnni VfiHL tn the HoMle, mi the SOtli ohiitwi. Ilia fbllo ing r. truism wee pd, the fri.-iid of Ihtf AdminiatatMsi RMmJ, TWiUUirl(Brfrf H'if H not war ranted la appmiitifig PoiKast-Ar1""' in y Hunt of frrnlory wher" the llank of Ittn I'mlrJ Huu-a pr'n , ,u bnw lira lM bw faUuJM'd ( f tiut l )w ,!! auiliJ y AiUCai(fri. J k'mi, 'llwl IIm A'l of 'mrn" f til rrlM oT rrrUin ttn-fr ami Alwrawf IU K4llM,, a nl i I'Hh uf May, f&, ami Ilia Aif wiwilitm-nU tty in lit Act, (niMrt on llie 7th JiiiKy-lM, ara pro. ((rf!y .uti itovalma CjC (lie jiayitH-iiVof tlm ilihurj "HrmJtJ, That no fnxapf in rtinfiarrd, by any law, .1 ii -.' . .. III'' IHMTIUI" III l inirwi IT-MB'I tin- a(!i'. I"' pavuM-nl (v""""-'. uwl-r tin mkI Ai l uf I'" tlN,'Ktt,lH th1 fuiirl, hmilm, 1tml paper. ciHintcled ith lltat agenty, I iiIm' failed Slates, aiyl Ui appmni iiUm-I fyrw-Jo that tiattk W (!' payment (if MM (in lit t, Mr. Clay introduced the I re-ilui", with an frri speech, ml uaui-i, riHiun ii-u iui uwi j,t-iht( ih uw mhi .. j i. . ...... r . ai 11 . 1. iiIm' L'uiUiI Klati-a, atyl Ui i)imiit nUx-r a jctitji Ui u MU h pfllaKltM. f JUaruitf juint lta coiM'liwion . wlmh wi fire: i mhltil. Tlial ina rnuuiia ctaniuuiucaini oy uie rxicra 1.1 ry f tin- Tn-ajiiiry, lit hi Rrpurt 1" l'imrrm 00 the 4-h of liw-cmrwf Itrt, (r tha rrml r.f tlm iiiiim iXlhi- iikiiicV "Tth ITiUtort WtatW fSiMii Hie Until X Uie I'mtM niMdnatxl it llranchm, are umullicitml aixi ua- U'l-flirliit v : 10 Jrtl. ihrrrfif, Thalall lririilri l!e mmcj 0;-i4iUtuivliKl IM MrfiMiui WaMH4 i and trt. r th lt day uf July, lvH, ahail be uuule th tin- Bank of the United Stat ami tt Rranrlu'S in riHilonnittr with tli" pniviatuna of Uta Act vodtled . . i' - - i t -.1 i - n 'i to inroriwrate Ui auhwribrra lo the lUtik of I'nttni UttA approved IWU AofU, If IU. ,-. -iriorPirCfTniliAl M.Clp Witt be th U diy oTihh' fiii ire y.-r mncfl we havaamj a 8ereiary of the Trc aiirv if th- I'nitd Ktalea ajToMtd in emfwniity to t'i- pni iniiiim jhe C-omrtitutiiio of tlie U. 8ut ';'" tin- Fx'Tutive mHniimttm m to be finiiid in the wAimuMwbiw wUk aaa- aea bmagn U aha He-' i,4!p tlu m.iniiiftr, it will l one year Uwnomw ainca tln-ri- lii Urn a hcil of tliat Deoartiui-ot hUina tlia ixfii-" ami perf inning tlie ihrtiea by ami with the ailvice PiMienf'oTth rViialel conformably tii "tlip rmhtT iMtion. It hue (wen anki, on ruiother nrraxiiai, why thL ?rit anxiety tr the noniinattomi of nervine who (avp been n(pomtfJ during the rtceaa! For ih other ii.n flnn that the Contrtitiltion renuirr the mnnina ti ..in to be itimhf. It had been anknl, if we were anx mil, u rwene the Bcnvnatioat its onlcr that we may n j.-ri them t There la no one who ha a right to put mu ll a qiii'tiffl.,.il ui fluffiricot to auwi'r,tlit the Cm irtitutmu r.Miiiren the nominationa to be made ; and to wij; that thia haa nut beea dunav. And we mivht rrtort, if it yerejihf iiito any 1mjinryiTtithiiliveH, ..tJijE ithw nwin'wml ioTrnfj'c'rct'tjy of tLrTf iSJArj williheWI la tt kept bark berauiM? It M dnci(nrd b) .frjimoitln aa iiuliniliI.li il im.kttumm.wSi-fna uav. TTble to thw bialy 1 : But it ia not -toy piwjiuaa.lo tfi) into tlie roiis'iireratKin'of thene'qii(!itiinH; or, indeed, umr anylhmznn tfteiwhjecl of the reiiolutiuiia.wukli can ituw provoke "yjfcbVfti i..m r''r".irt Mr. rVnlon maitc a ijieoch againut the reantuliona,' ii'l cuucluilcd by moving that the further conaideratiou gfAPITl. ht' purttpniuil f.ir a wm-k ; but tlia UaLiua'Xi'aa. ri' Uacil,AaJ tha-jrauintmn wera then read and or dvred. t a aecowi teaiirn;.-. i.KrrTrv-tt"r;-: r: ''It'iaTTfirerfari'.-Tl.e'S'nat?TIia)hirincjjtVr,of tlie five parauiw noiniiMted by Uie Freaulent aa Direct t. of r Ika -Ua itr -Stater Ba'hkVri r 41attitk Roberta ,.V;3X Jo?rYlrillV&Utiille er. Mr. Henry Horn alone waa rt-jectad. Probably tin- Senate coojfidtjred him a Aoo4t-l lir. Mmiiter to Ruia.Tte maninatinn if Mahlon Dicki'Mon, a Muiintcr to Rtiitua, baa been omfiruied by tltf Senate. " Iti Uie Hone of Representative, nothing of import ance hwbeen done A Some time v- - -"-" '" ' UNITED STATES BANK. ''l?jClnl!?t-??P-P1i!,Md- by. thc. Ihu-?e of Rcprc: s' ntntivPK, to foto Philadelphia ami examine into the ' "ixlilion of the United State Bank, have returned to Washington and made a Report unfavorable to that in t I ut ion. Thia wa expected by all who knew how .Uiu.UoiuiuiUee W Cafmed. U avee a jhwW C-ommiW U selected ami ee'nt expn-iwly 6 the putjione of re in1 wirier charee airauwttha Bank tliat lave repeatedly Iwu (Improved. -u--.r--1 "nrV:a'uiafirm"hSf rn'rhado : h"i'T tliat portion of the Jackson party who favor Mr. Van Buren'a pre ti'imiona to Uie Pirsidency, have. 4iaoovered,.tbat the only way to succeed ia to p"i down the United State Bank, which has refueed obedince to the Regency, and t' sulmtitute a parcel of favorite State Baiika that -i7i bf Wbservieril to tRe"Trty TeaileriT " '. T'ley commenced their attack upon it while Mr. Van Biiren wa Secretary of Stjite, because it declined in tTtV ring in hie behalf aa wicceew to Gen. Jackflon j anj the war lata been kept ap eyer aince with ajtene vcrance worthy of a better cause. A majority of the Committee, or of tlie Irupntilion, liave recommended to the Houee the passage of a reso lution, "That the Speaker do issue hia Warrant to the 4Mputtat3t7 'if the Bank, and Uiirteeu Directora, and bring them to v.akiu, utwr iAittTrhItwiig, tu vomer WtMifMmptm its lawful authority." st Tlie contempt spoken of consisted in the refusal of the President and Directora to give up the book and paper of the- Bank to tha 1niu own cells and there use aa they might see fit' . A minority of Uie Committee bave made an able eoun '"rReport, justifying the conduct of hfl President and l.nctors of the Bank, who acted, in the whole "mat ''T. under the advice of the best legal talent in the City of Philadelphia.' ' ' Wbile 1 the llon. Mpssri Mclufue- and Preston wre iu rbiladlitk at the lata Whig fiiva!, tiicy w, f,fi, f,,,!.,! ,6 , tn, Ul j pvLV-', ,lit. ri'iS.'.'iira. ThK r..ii',I. -Mf , t eirr(,m.(ir, j, m4 I amt!l "ait'niif th I nn" iitramt i aLuk way l! wind blwa." M'li"a rrruli -nt J kaMi fereivd I prewtitia pair of b,.!, or a B.a bo, bie fjf.Mt,u fill-J the lit with kmua f-r the Hen.'a "flora" and -pojUrity." f " ""cb nor value ia tlia prraeut to the iw t "iitWn, a lio p,wm no .,rf t, iu a iid Uatof no uiiliK Hca tut that uf anb-aoinf tita I r ty, jJeuJ4 uleiita, and nfrtmt devotkin to Uia Coa-tiitixi- ,& tkir toanlry. j IJul tU re ara ulnr cucumatancaa wbW b enUnra tit al Me ca tha gift. Hum i w-Ue nllai aincM. tlir-ae ara- t lenien were Conaidrd, ia I'liiladeJvhia, twoiUrinf l.-d- rracaa traiuirrjua tacUm; and if they bad Ux-a aUted Uie beautnl fity of JWnlherly Li,,," B 41J pnOaihilHy th luflui rtca it aub fetea a li.nney and h.rf-n coxiUJ banlly Uva protecUiJ Untn bun etuwa U tm aaaf ftatkrti. IJ.t, atnc tliat luna,.tha fwlinie-d awirpalwia t the Frrwdrnt bare awakened the Pro pie of Philadelphia u true emae of Iha danper tliat tlirealerta the oaintry, and tliey hav maftianimmialy durarded their mgoM arejudirea to do luaior lo tin who have fiarle-ijr thrown thitttnolyea in ilia breach to deft-nd the laat ciUdel 1 Amertcaa liberty. Truth ia powvrful, arid nU prevail. 7 V. 8. Via;' t'ntvmmr arrived in Potii Bay on the and altinm, after a ( raiae titifer and rmw-e ardu ous it If wl, than baa ever been perCained by any oilier Frigate in the Aiturrirao. Navy. Kha baa elrcuio aavifated Uie (ilulie, and enaawd and re-rMaaed Uie Piiator ait tim a ,' yrt, ttotwitliaUmling the many dan fera ehe baa encountered from diflirult navigaiMm, the attack of em-run, and biaaluhrioui rlioiatea, th ahlp baa been eafi-ly tmairud ia bi r native Water, With Uie La of taily twenly-aeviu, not of about Bve humlrtaj ml m haird. W k-ara Uia bnd penant of Cuuiimt ibare Jidio lJuwrp" Our Uiwnaman. CoL Plulo Vliiu, late Navy-Afent on Uie 1'iuflo Kiataw, raiim pajKngef iu the 1'ukauac. Srm Pjr.t Uve received Niav. 1 and 2 of a aavuea p mrteblwiied t rrbirr,Va.verrtrtJpdThethtb thar rw"rbe- part irf-Trter t(nte 1i entilli'-I lo Amwan(Vmtetttion." r ta puMiatw-d bf Maine i Dana, ami 1 deurfml to the aupin (if the prr t,t ,.l niiiii1raiion.Thi' roiK,U-ilaiial inukca t UT fujn.t.t a life appi-artinie, typiyrtipliira)ly ; and aa we know the Editor (Mr. Ilainea) Ui be a grntlenian of high literary attainment, we imit riHif'-i that it will be a valuable acccaaioa.la.iU. party, Ui- av atepKwe. -thatr talent worthy of the bi-at cu-e almuld be dir- t-,l into .. h a channel. Tlie aiper ia iued Uiree UuK-a a c k, at five dollars per annum. FVo" Vtace. Acroun'j bare been received from Prance down to the 'Jf'Ut of April. TramUiliily haJ been entirely rewtore! in Pari ami Lynn. Tbo rietug nt tlie puopla apia-ara to liave been of considerable ex tent in Ui hitter city, and to have been eiippreawxl uo- ly By groat exertion ii3 an iiiuueuae Ium of TiieT A Vklr im Virri'ma The PHerphtirf Contell- U atalaa tint a V heie, emty feet m Ipnglli, a Ule ly at-n in the Juuies Kivcr, above Janentown. 'The en 1111 of a ve-aff-l, w lai iiWived Una exirataHutarv vi- aiU;r, and who hail no lud-jvii uu buard, waa canpelled to rernrt to other mean to five hi Wbnleahip a nuita ble receitiiin, and Uiep'fora duahard into his aide Uie content of a double-loaded nuiidiet. 1-eviatKan a not aaiwhed with Uiis.uiiuim1 treaiincut ul' hat p and immediately put oft" to sna, with a speed that would have cast. jti!otrejfde3he..prarnr jafthe. iaruWt quarler-naf in Uie vUWth .Stata. .... -i ' - A Wlialu waa.alao lately mmm aivl ea4ttred anme w&r?rc 'dqwu taV . v. .'. Jl ia aa ullauuvtoUliuo Huong aaiiurs, Uatt, when aev one of tlie crew is about to die, sharks and other vora cious fiidi Will fiJL;w,a vewtel Sir days, wailing fiir the throwing' out iif Uirpiie'Tan theeV mts -from the YVhalee have ny reR-renee to Uie present uuhealtJiy state of Uie crew of the Ship of aj'ate, or are they at tracted- merely by the fueves Uattt Uie Kitchen I JIitr4Tunfr EtiUonunlio lees than aeaew neww- Jmperr hive cciwej" puliircation in tie'SUte of North Carolina in Uia alwtrt space of 4w4ve montlia, fir the .wajrfcf-uffieti jayewfjr ra erwulieala in the eitnte, and not one ptib- lished oflener llwn opceni-week ! In Uie city of New York alone, with a population of about KMK, tliKfe ara about tixlf-Jhe newspapers, and twelve or fifteen ar published iaity ! It has beon extiinatcd Uia4.ot suWnption to.perx-ra published at Uie North ia three time (he arm writ of that cxU'IuUm to tluwe publiiJiud ki pur own State!! 2 ' (Ri: Cither Rip, fktber Rip, truly Ujuu art aalcept When wilt Ummj anak off thy iethaif y, end ariee and do by Uiy children Uie part of a worthy aire I The Sraafm.' For the la$t fortnight, the Season ha been remarkably fine firi every thing but wheal It U Ha red that Uie crop of Wheat, which has been very promising, will be much injured again, aa it wa U.st year, bv axoeasive ram, There-has been a considera ble freahet in Uie Catawba and Uie Yadkin, from which serious dam? apprehended tn Uie crops in the ex- tonaiva low-grouiula on Uwe two rivmat . " " ' (& The latest information from fhe residence of Mr. Madison, brings ns the cheering newe. that the venera ble Patriot was rnnvaTecerit, wiffi strong- nopea of hi sjieedy entire recovery from hia late severe attack. ..OJTka-liitoiarf--tkWe' Herald- hare moved their press from Dahlohnegai, .tojAthens; ,jQgg,j.. ind www pulilish, at tlie bitter place, au able paper, TJii- der Uie tide of Uie " Southern Whig." (t5 On Friday the 30th ultimo, the notorious Sea born waa hung, at Payetteville, in parsuanceof his sen tence, for aetting fire to Uie city of Raleigh. Previous 40 hia execution, be confessed tliat he waa guilty of the crime for which he waa condemned to mfitr. . "Wo hail ertramrtv heavv rains here on Saturday hut, ajidinUituBaighJborhoQdthe violent wind, which prostrated many trees, fences, and some out-house. The river is rising rapidly. SOB TH WTEa CAKOLWIAST-: Mr, Editors 1 have aeen a paper, called " The New Yorker," devoted to Van Buren, containing some at tempta to ridicule the Grand Jury of Davidson County Sir presenting Andrew Jackson. I am not surprised at this vain effort to atifle Uie public voice I expected Uie whole collared peck would be let loose to yelp and narl at the Jury, and, if possible, to run them down. But I Uianfc the noble nenate tor ui rowing uiemseives between the bounda ami iwctl fcelde game aa a Count Jurv : it lias saved our shins, and 1 bop we shall live - - 1 J m. a I .. A . 1 f-tit Tlia New V.alef aa a. " Tla w!.-l,a r-l'-d on pr-tty nni. li 1( it ,,!, the Jury uf Itaividofl ,., ml iyitaliaeii Uwinwltra." Tin at Una. Il.it lite jury I A rxA aipm-t or ih I" ati.p Uie revoliitnni iff the irmi I they only llilr hUI, I'rrrawa, tn an, la m ta itW trmr In f-r,4-4i-'" a.'t.iM tlia tyraniiH-al riavturl ca a man tliat tliey ouce cki'I'T-4 a pure la t r m 4 and a ertilla rttatiiaaj aid their uiirt waa to lend Uieir bmnMa help to pra vent a rtfJuhrm im yVta ouf (veernmeat. Ay ftnnnf lufrmmum a UtUf fuwrt. It ki b f h bin, ilr. tAiut, It all kt Mwa) to. be Vf!chful their Ihertiea wheal H ha eoma to that pe Uiat, if the gu to Waahihf1 to af ft relief, Uiey are intuited by the man tby elevated and, if U.ey mmaiatrate at bbine, they bar directly to contend w.th park of dirty kirej menial who maka Utetr lt vinf by pnatitulmf what little exmaj they hav to the baa purpnaea ia t mercenary party. The People of DavjJem O-anty went prefly iirianimoualy fa Jarkaon but, aa they were mi (rcd to u-p.rt b'tn then, an U.ey cannot La kept in bw favor by Circa. They have (autd lim wantiaf whert Uiey Uioueht be waa true j and faithful, ;J Uiey have UA him becamaj Uiey love tiielr country tetter thaa bm ne aay eUwar mi ONE Of T1IK tiRANWl'RY. ' 1 a 1 1 11 . , a I Inm a--a m, af Mar a HOiK OF THE BTATc"le NORTH-CAROUNA. A fonrral nieHiim 0 the aulacribt-ra Cm? atocb in Una Uank waa Im W in thia city on Tbunalay ud V rtday buat, for I lie ytnyum uf organitin (lie iiwti luti'm. Juile bottle waa chtaaRn Ctuuruiaa of the iiMt'liiijj, and tliaa. Maidy, BecreUry. Ties t hatter tirovnlea tliat Ilea I'ruriiaU Uank ahail be uuuwged by tm direclura, 4 of whom to be aMaaut eJ ny tim Male, and 0 by iialtvaiuaJa, itrwiKlwtl the whobt aimajnt id atia k aullxiriaod to be IuIum by each lav aubwrilwd ; bill uri la lUnk'a f"g into i.'rlMHi wdh a km aiurajirt tlutn ilea wlede raH tal, imlivtdoal atia-khoblera and I ha Htate aliail ap point (lie dire:tura iu priiMrtMMi to the number uf liarrai Imhl by I hem nwpectively tlwaa- mi I lie part ol' the 8lte to be appaiiled by the Governor, SWrvUry id Kiale, ami Comptroller. Th iimajnl of atoik aw t-rtaiiad In bave beM taken by imlivi IukU autbiria, af repaid) thia proviaiim, the ahuiiiM'i4 uf rif dirertiira 111 tle-ir la-half $ fwo, id whom tin" fuMic' Trea-irer U ex oflVio rnie ; Cvi., 11.-2, V. was arr-!rl a. the .In-r ,-i ..i ,i c 11 .. .1 1 1uj 1 .1 T" Vr eer, cnxinu y uaajtmpnartoM iaprfttWily. and ireal li.pitl.ty an imliVNlual alia khuiibirs, via. lbiiran ( aiiM-mn. 1 i......i.- i, . i. i... j ij . . .1.. ...... 1 William Hilt, William IWc, William Italian, I'h'iiiHta 1 1. R,uiehan, Alfred Jonea, trenrgn W. .M.iroei aij. a.tai Cliaa. Im Llmluiu. ..... r- . At a nieeliiiir of the Jhrrciors on Paturdav. Iiiiiicau Cnnieron,' F., waa uimiuimaialv cImi'ii PreMiiieiit o tu' lUnk ami C. Ilewey, Kq., Ce-h-H-r. The aalary ot" the firmer ia fiaexl at t.'ll.IMM) per aimuin, and thai of the Utter at I40(. Tlie aggregate aimamt 1 eiia-k taken, a report ed lo the meeting, ia tiU.SlK). The fin) hiatal rrvmf raf" " ofl Tach"aliare waa pMiniitl v pwi'l. and Urge nuiiiher of the rWkmdiler raiid the aMai SaWRftRt U( which circiiinatam Ihwr auharnntKirat in adrjrifi!n,ft10,n',r mrn' wried ofT by Berspiratioii. Hu ha-l a . .,11 .1 .. i-t;,.- -u- i ILank to rmnnieDce rMiMinean imuieiliatrlv alter the rrauftf f trte aw1 1 aid tnatalrneint; which will lie lliis tf'dml Aiigiiet, when the slorklMildera will again nwet ; at which huie the laaliai ami irraneuMiul of lira or hea will propnldy be agreed ujvnn. The Pxaird id" Direrlora ff the Priikfipnl Huiik are authoriaed lo open hooka f!ir Ihe renmiodcr of thai atoc.k, wlweh will no diM be taken. JACK HON- MtNEY. ; We were vterduv shown a note for twenlv 4othtr, i - the-1 tfnrjf tta nlLrfttittrnvrm P ey arpeipreie)iie the figure vf a tVAd ilttg? The phrascoluire run lima ; , - j - the nixay'iUNK,-' - - in he City mt Waahmgton, prome to pay twtv mil.tAs1ii fJloa to MarV.ii Va,ii Buri-n, or beartr, oulTT demand. Wa.-diingtMji. January 1. I'f. -.-A.-Krimw, tsh'r. "'-A. JACKiN7'reSV We learn, with mucli aMhinlshineiil, tliaj even tho partiMiuaof the Albany Regency refine lo lake thc5 notes. l'eitrtiylraia I.tyuirrr. - A fwvtlemen of the ntmiSit w1rsxstJlllillt), and vera city wriUw , H'lilev dateof Turkey Creek, Buncombe mmntr, S. C. May fh, "Mr. Joseph WurWt 'iiVhbnr-of htihV KS4 li Urf ick rVrrittv, cilusetf by j the acarbil fever; aud arijiigtlie ia lrtikttghtw; - ai-u iu or n years, wmi was uaen wxn vomiting : the coulents of tiic stouiucb were thrown whure Uiey were devoured try a pig. Th pi, stain grew sick, and in about twunty-Cwir lwrnra tdlu .t Iwh eat Uie filth, it died ; and what if still more remarkable, where the hair waa thuv the ei'W of Hm akm waa nrnkfrfitrt with the fame appearance aa a human being lahoring nmler Uia disease of scarlet fever. . The mother and tkwvir have aince died. " Upward of furty dniths Imve 'imrrrxt in una neighhormvid within a short tune froia the ttontc.'---Ritthrrfnrittnn KprrtaTor." ' ! , 1 au sum l.kfk. THE EXPERIMENT. We have eeen nothinr that more strongly ex hibits Ihe injurious cH!cts of the Etperiinenl upon Ihe JsrairinJ; cIhsmcs, in lhecjtics especially, thaa the aUitcrmmt in- thei following extract from the New . York ComiueremV- Cnn- any- rrmn rrad it and diRibt the exilem;e of fHej.di!itre! jMiiong the. 1Tk siring claasj when mtch are the effect fi tho ISaviiiga Hunk : " I waa informed last evening, by an K-Aldor-1 marv wno it a iirccmr 01 ine aitvuic otuK, uwt t .1 l an 1 . I during the throe months of the Asiatic Cholera, in this city, there waa drawn by the poor and In- boring. iaaa from that iikMtrewj'ttnwanlrtif ' for' ...,..- j j ,, , , , ly mnuwmi niiuHrs nin5 insn w' UPrrlcu 111 Ilia Wi'ilm tiiiia. Thiiro into lanwn drawn frnm the ni. 1 j.i.i i. i. . .1 same Bank, and 00 doubt by tlie aame class of per sons, in 1m than Cmr montha past, the enormmta miui of five hundred and mxty thou sand dullara more (ban haa, lieen dt'oositcd within that time. Thia is trying' tho experiment on the-poor at round rate, 1 And I would call It- the , Jackson Cholera of the moat malignant character, which haa not only spread ruin and devastation through- t1faWrttiK Ftateg." ' '., : The (Kk pLtIiiiuJiii U taulvjCUwi ment and State stocks which ia better lliau bond and mortgages. It cannot break. Estate of "William Cowan. THE Suhiriber,iaviiig obtain tittera tiT AdT inimstration on the rotate of William Cowan, late of Rowan Grouty, deceased, hereby gives no tice Jo all peraona indebted to said Estate to make paytneial ; and all persona having claims of any de nomination against said Extate are he rely nolifiod to present them within the time prescribed by law. or thia notice wilt be pload ia hnr of llieir recovo- ry. KOI5EKT . FLEMING, May3I,lS3l at -: Adimiiiutraion - ,sirv-;, y 67" "TIIK tiUlBK" ta lb only paper rerrHcl front naahiagtiai City by 14 Prulav Hninfa wail Th baa friUiiiiUy hap. mini 1 late Imt we kfioW ipi ImiUmx it ahuuk "tacit oar aprcial wuoder." SPEAKER BTEVENMON. Oa rriday the Xh tiltimu, Mr. Hlovenami, Fpaknr of Ua lluuawof ke)irrwfirativa, gave nx tliat oa tha I4bwirjg Mao.laynt k wUI reijn bis seal i L 1 .1 . - .1 . l.l l. laumgirai, priors uai Ufa, uier"a-T 11 arpnaainie Uial l!i lata rVieaknf baa been chang"d li.to aa Embas sador, and bar chair eax-a Clle.1 by ane utlu-r itoMaf otTicer, rami uia t if bigh awwmMaai. A f mtlemaa hut fkaa Waabinglim infumted n that tha eiarte-t wneld ba bHweea ajeaava. pulk aud IWll, both of Tennwwea. , What will berom J our Njfth Caruliut Candidate, Mr. Jiafpeightl - (50 T)a lLi of Rrprearntativea ka lld oa th .HHh of U11 month aa tna day of adjournment Altar of IIymo. a- w ! !, k Imm L.- h M. Ml Uf lll llM. aa mi aM mmm-" L'Nri KW IN WCUIJDTK, In this CoiintV, on ThurwlflV the !f,lb Hltimn, by Ht- imiei .iiartirt, t.ni , Mr. JAJJta vA IMU. to Maai PKOMDKACK KOIJlii. la TiKsnaai.io, (a-fia. on tU 2-,'ml alliimv Mr JtW.PlI P. HAMPTON, aVmerly of Haliabury, to Mm. MARTHA BROWN. ' - Coort of Death. aV pmm Umt ) wmt 9 - r mm Tt9. I ) , Mav 1 rmm. lb. mmm. i a T atiiayfaij. frtsaaj aa )! a i)EPARTaTiraTjrRr IB m county, 00 t raiay munun tlie tiUi inatant, of "'AVlO MOW N, in the fjHth year of hia age. Mr. Brown waa a citifc-a) ia the nioet un- regrrtted by all wlw knew mm. Hmldenly in this Count r lat Week. Mr. HENAY RLtiMWi KH.-m the-lni Tear oMtti ttgttTltrr. was a native of He Caawt, ia tier uia ay. but tor more tluui half a century resided in Una part of the Country, aii'l waa an honest, repctab!e citizen. Tln-ro were twu striking peculiarities ahout him. Ha never had but mnt ton, and bad no frrtfirmlm a v ea. Tlie ne4 dehVietw y rxenipted him tVorn the trah-ache, and the btter from frenuent catarrhal affje- tions. Btft in very warniJMaUjcr, tba, uuatuliy.tn tavsv, compeiiwi htm to rraurt Ui rmtuent allgji.j cifld walir. jo jirJa W atTi of Ttiaf lieat w Iim Ii. ia irumarably firm conJituliori, and enjoyed an extraordi- OS kt ni;ioviia ' " , pt;nin i - Wait lie, Jewellery, MU rr- Wnrr, Fancf Cttlerjand Purfumery." A VP. TvEWOVED fiajm KXintfe'imu, 14- Htore.- to I he wriirternle nf the'f I ft iC'Iu Uia iouse laiely lavult bvoinT.VtlrjianI uWeMMtkt, (i-t dKr tu Miiara. Mead and Avery .) ' This hiaie being expnnndy built fur that Uiai neaa, Ihey are how prrpnred to eteculn, with neai nem and h'wimtch,ahLWtsvinlhe;tTrrilltiUtl,l flit. w RaJrttr Jeellt-r) ,'mud nil kind if WbIcImm, warranted to bo fuithfullv done. ! i""-r,re",lTa."i .TvDe- "LI'S Werfmnri, kiwi madtfi largo fTpriiigpur. ieva hia a Having purchaaed all Ihe, bew atork ol llic mat a netter supply 01 articles in ttioir line lias never before btn nrkired to Ihe public in North Carolina. Among their aaNortinent will be found the following article 1 ' - U4iM md fritlver Parent Leref Wt fchea, . Assorted Plain ... ditto, Fine short ami long-linknd gold Watch Chains, CtoldCaliie Nerk-liriina, a ew.rlickC . Gold Guards, Chain, and Keys, A yery rich airiiieiiLof iixoaatuiiia, Fiiiger -and Ear-Rings, Miniature Cases, assorted, Gold Hhirt Buttons and Studs, (iold and Silver Pencil Case, evar-poinfod, , " Gold and Silver Sjieclarb-s and, Tliirnbjr,, Gold Bracelols, a new and spleudid artwle, -'- - GiMFak,-aa)trtedt" 7" IWd Work, of various descriptions, , ".Music Boxes, umH(: ---'-' Silver and Steel Chains, Seals, and Key. - AI-SO. :- - About 1 000 oz-of SUvePlate; Cowiiting of Tjihle IS ineuted, . -GniTy; CreirmSaltt'anrf Mitsta ypxbti'sp";"" JLadlos, Sugar Tongs auld Butter knives. LIKEWISE, Plated Candlesticks, Snutier and Trays, Plated Castors, assorted pnlterns, j ; -. - Bributnia CtHibe and Tea Pirfa, , j -i'T..-.'- " Sugar and Cream ditto," Epaulettes, various qualities, Damascus and steel-twiat Percusajno Guns ant -Pistols, and Percusaion Caps, . "ri-rttaia.Modiitett WifokT TC" " Ilodgera' Pen and Pocket Knives, - Lute and Deseert ditto, (balance han dle,) the best assortment ever brought to , this market,- - ; : Rodgers' and Barlier'a Razors, various qualities - .Gold and Stlver.Mounted Canes, with and with out Swords, ;v !, .v-,,; A Complete Assortment of Perfumery, FOR THE TOILET, iie. And, in short, every article in tlwtr line, too tedi. ' offs to enumerate. ' ( ,'. (& Tlie Public generally are resnectfuIIyTnvi. ted to give them a call, u theyvCwl assured that purchaHers at their establishment will not be diW tisl'KMl with their Imrgairis. . Wi J.R.AtCoV Ilah igli, June 7, 1:)L 4t " 1 jVvll . " - r'a., -T-At T Ar?TU.... - .w .. - .- pit i ea rt aV mt iWai aiW Wa,ai awa THE SUMMER HEHSION , Mrs. M; It. UnU Fcmalo Srliool, IN LlNCOLNTON, . Witt coat air ace 04 Moitdiy lit W4 of Jr MRS. HALL, (aawiatrd by Mr. AirtAftosa A. II til, i'riiripal.) will ositioue to U t It th rariiN km sin rtukimlg for m tumplittl'tmttth aratioa). Boanbtif can Ut Laul with roaprctaU Uuul'w at 4lWVu per week." - -' ' ' " " ' Young La' liea, witrnsjl Parents or Guardian, ill res-rive prouipt ttrntiaSk lUlua of Tuili-si will be mad known on ttpb li.-. ALEX K A. IIALU Iia-iJntim, Juimj 7, 1 'il..& PriiM-iL . . . r- vr ma STATE OF NOUTILCAROLINA. '' B0OK3 OP 81'BSC'UirnON f STOCK in the New fltate lUiik caf North Carolina, will be opeiMMi, in lie Tow 6 of Salisbury, on the 15ih of June aeit. Capitalusts who are mumm to nke a pr-ditaUe iiiveatiiM'iil uf Jhc'ir fuiaia, til do well hi attend at au early tiny, aa it i believed that Ibt whole auMWiil will bo afauedily taken up, TllOH. I .COW AN, T .SAM'J, HEE HM. II. IIOKAI1, ( tiosrr.. Sulislmry, Jane 7, Ib.TI. Look at This! EUJi JJF-TilE N. C. State Lotten FOR THE BENEFIT or THE SALISBURY ACADEMY, 1 1 AVE boea engaged in the Management anil lrwrrnj of Lotterira, in Virginia, fr aeveraT . 1 ;.i e . jeers ami, in uie course 01 inetr extensive isimi have had Iho plfaJWre of seHIrig and "paying" - CJrand Cnpital Prizes,"" 20,000 jio.ooo ;w,ooo i?,ooo ;$4.ooo 10,000 Z 8,000 fl.OOO 4,000 8,000 10,000 X 7,000 6,000 4,000 i s.ooo 1 0,000 Z 7,000 Z 8,000 J 4,000 J 40l io.immi; 7,000; a,ooo 4,000 s.ooo 10,000 8,000 . 8,000 J 4,000 8,000 1 n nrm a nrvi a mm t'liuuia n.ui 93,000, M.oflO, s,t)o--ertirs marry of 7,tH)tfp 11,000, Ac, and a multitude of others, not so ta?ge,lul of Miflicient magiutuda) to make 1 J .1 a ii " . gian ine iiearu-OL-iueir purtwvaserar rfi5.S-TC Pi navt DO d(iuU truitTif IFia gotafit Ylioiia f thia Flule will "cxd-nd lo IbcriT tueaaiiW: ' - lihprat raMrMVj tn Ibete North jCarnlina "IV'tlet:,; rme, 'that -tn) People tf Virgrnir did -wtnlo tlwj' were in engaged in buiiietaj in that Slate, ' - WiU pt equtllDfrnnUfulU- The Capital Prite in the First Class of the N -. Camluia. Jtala Irfteiy . U onirretive4y alr- 7 -rail the Mann geri fjl f very toMifcltutce that,aa tn-'--'- leTltwy s so kxuUlHWRbie4jrkr' butldirrt ' tsf M A etidVmV laiitable lo tho wariis bf tlila tow ' Ihe public will afflird aurh encoemrenetit at will r jiiify Jhm.in prretiflg ackeMa with siralile Capital rnzcaanaviuorttiine.- - Tituea-w Wls4 any dtspoailina n- parehaaw Tie:- ? ' " ' kcti need not "hesitate or el the. lee at ppreheit-- -aion lest the drawing ahmild not lake" place at tin , lime appointed s fir the Manajjera are. determined . . to, draw tlie Isttery car, the 10th of, July, without- regard to the amount of sales j and indeerf they have already made cisosiderable. proirre in diapo. '..'- mg of Tickrts fully as much as they expeeii d " lor tne time xney nave una tneir onne ojssn. "lrfiirtwtHiiiirii.oibu fornHid that thejnrawiniljbe rwperiiitoigd.jiyi. Geiiflemeii w.ho have no iuteroat with the Mana. gera whatever. 8. d p, , . Ticket!. Eharei. and Par.karreaL kit ba had. in , 9 , ' 1 - the ga-aUxt variety of nuinliers, at Stevenson & Points' Ortico, (WliiteKow, Mansion Hotel) - AH order fmm n A'tMnnrA. rwW j.twfMTn ... ' 'I f 'S' Hi lrni fhe Cash, will b thsnkfultjr received and promptly attended to, ifatldressed to ...j- STEVF.NSON 61 POINTS, ""TT"Jlfifli'eri. Salimliur. XTi" .-.June 7.-1334. r-; tdd State of North Carolina; ' LINCOLN COUNTY. Court of PIea$'end''QwterSetUontf' " " Afatt, Team, 834. " Samuel P. Siuipsou, V ' Original Attachment. Henry CarvilL 1 ' . - , . ' IT af of tlie Court," that Henry Cnrvill, the defeiulunt. is not an I'nhabrtant bf this State 1 It is tlien-fure Orderrd, that publication be made, for six wookg, in " The Western Carolinian," that tlie said dffoiidant ap. par at the neit Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses. siohs, to be held for the County of Lincoln, at Uie Courthouse in LitiPrilnton, on the third Mondaylti July next...thf-n and there to, replevy the eflbcts le. vied UfMMi.and enter hia pkai; otherwise the plain tiff will be heard expartu, ami judgment, pro dm. feesft, entered tip asrainst hini..'." - s: Witness. Milus'W. AUsmathy, Clerk ( ' I Court, at OiTi e, the 6tU Monday after the 1;!, i 1 r 1 a W t ,t m " . .." luurcii, A.u. . , ' iM, W. Ar.ITvN'ATIIV, June T, 1634. fit V ( i a -7 . . .. m,wmm-vritx-Gmu rwa f e m f

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