I 1 a . - a . 'a ' t I JJAJTUtM of AN INFANT, AT ITS JiOTM.U'H ff.MIUU , jtT Mil. aMjutaatf J Wheat- m that irwfiMmf ut a fkura hand, - Wlw to tt.a in-a of i'J Until bring h babe, A.kintf lb ami (if Christ b-Wh bsh tba ok That ullfrrtb a'rr Kt brow the 1 mini Nuno, Filler villi ympili And, food ca ali..' U li w rtia ntiii lul pnleaul - IV lb UpUMMi Lilt 1 Agxiala-k'd ( t fl It t'.l answer WW tltra f i4lili( tear Wbitb ia.ku krtfli oo weep. F? the- lay Th fcir, yowrif mother, m that riffl.U ' ' , V.oua'4 by Ut fvnriUrm.'-T J rt that Wt " Willi Iretubluif lewlem-, at avcry tutu li (If love or piljr, (biahM tint cheek no of. Tears rr thy Upturn, tJioa utteonafioiM oof, And Nu-row tk Him, at tba pi of hf. Into fci-r nMIMThiN Mjr'il ae-er know 11m -kuni aar.mg-niuibrr'- kiM, Wbea. io Iff wandering tc-Uy, b inarki A thrilling growth of acw att.1iia -prrad FfeWj j -iwuim-- o'tf Hi" mil ... Thou may'st B"t aMre , lief hallow'd teachings, imf anhi' ber fyt Wiib kij, aa Urn nrat gnia of ink at thought I'uCjIiI m Ufpiug aunnd .... . . Vrt lri'4 lhm lk Fen M the walk'd breathing on ill around Tba warmth vt hifb tnWtioi, purified , Ami ullimtJ by UmI Kpiril' pnwrt Which fiiaki Ihr mkiI ftl loinle ( lU (Sl. Hi tltlt tliiNi, in a hrii'liUf Wnflil, Mutll TUl emintrtMiM fthfth tin1 r4l nc did ti ll Tl.u rljf ffun hy i(M, ivt thr flr4 lK , . 1ht(nri t UMitiu rii f rotiuff Ui Uimi Ym wft4 ftmii Dm uiiikctirtujr iA HriL CIIASTEMIl (FROM IIIH I'RIMON) Tp .MAW "ZIQP- oFj:o'm. 1 I rx irJ il ! By tliMn bominf tn, f!y tlm watli'd bkaaaNM (if my bli(tiliij years Jiy til 1 ftM, tiki tot ni 'lw my tin To Uo wIh-ih ks no r'T'injM m tilil win. J U 1 m Wvni b- I AJt lb1 brftiMii Ur, 'I1h brlglil mtt, Iwtinniif tlimi;h Biy priwn; 'r ; l'r thy titva witixWil n iml wnw imlit rt Jl tM.Anpl4i.mAnm Utif md.t Hum - V, 1 ht lovd tin, ml H l llt yt, Tbonifli Ihy lat act miifdl iw h iti In t(- ; tint w irie wlitt Fnrml.liip cmkl i i lift, Ami wrllw it tnvrtlm nwiifl IIm- mtrlyf! jf ,,.,. Lincolnton Academy. "ri-'iiK KtaMiinali'ifi o? the Hiu-b-ot (. t'lC.I.iw lnrvf "A ra rhi . "ailLxoriMnwiw -n -trrrl rh " iTiy of Juno, ami terniinate on tlx cw.-io ijj of (1 iiw,rijj Oa). Purtnta (utu uuari.uiiia an-' oarticu Tfco R-i-n,- -"f tiSfTCTr(rnTyTnit bn re" t- j ;;w..wil . the FIRbT I)AY.uf JtjLY. The price : . -uJ CiHaBiiitryJ- l. .. .. i'i 60 ' v ForEiiuluk Craiuuar. Owigraiiliy, and ; .. Aniouniic, ' v i -v ' J- lWtuigi Wriling, Ve. V"- V - fi 00 . It tTl(L iu)Ulb " . I . - GKOItflE V.-MQPKQW;"; . r 41ie umiumeaa u iiuconuou, aiki me iiki 3 . . ..i-l aUte of auckly, reuderit a paculLuly apjxi- - ai nrnpTT frr-a- I'l iuii nt tdreDh May 81, m l.fK ' - VcvrbA)UTg CoVlon-Y am. .wJUST RECEIVED, FOR SALE, 'P Ti Ti tnm,t f Cflttoo-Yarn, frm thn fV: a---"-;' i.rburg Factory -iriwrmr to any - Ikrtton brought frum I he JSortri. Aiily ti MU RPlir & sross: -E-JiUirr Mar 24, ill Notice to Debtors ! ALL accortiitt due n, of twelve niouthn' ntnnJ tiitf and upwardu, must be -rltlfd before tlx; Ui duv,of June u-t. JOHN JONES. At Cost ! -HaliTaMIAm 86, HAVING Df.TERMlNKD to CLOSB Til KIR BU BINIiid i. THIS PJ-M'; " fl'r tVjhejl4 of kWnitj to "thTStalc (if Miwii .4. IMMIM. "Blp"t Party In thiTTftttiinj Fall, U'ave to inform the PuMk; generally that lhiv tlnrt Cotifludea to Sell OH . THEIR STOCK OF UOODri, PRY-CaOOD.VIIAKD-WARE, - '07ria?ar,.dac3S3aT . axd fl I Cfc Jgfmrallv konf "nj bawl by it-Sn . I " Murchiiius in thia part of ih couijiry, AT COST, FOR CASH. . . Thir Siork Larg, Cornpktp.and iVew the whole hiving bccti purth.iM J withm t!t'last twe!v months, J ' (ft- They nivtfiiJ!y Invite tJi'-ir friends ami c us!fni-Tf, a- wdl as the public m jreiwrul, to cull utxl exaniiiw the good, an thy nr oVnVrmfwd o 'v Inriina such a they toi cmtfulrut ill f ive . ttu t k! 1w wW t' p'iirhii' - - - !. ji y, .March. LlSSI.iC. Caluicla Springs. 'I'M'. i.V,,. U l tt, Uit, f. f tl rm ii'io f.ii.jiiy...ll,ry H'-iiii'W i f'riiit (I, by Ihfl 'l'it' U f, rf tiitoJilt BiiJ i ll Mir ( lli'Kt" ii" i't )"" V. f. KIMOXTCIV. Lipoid May 91,1 3I. 4( AjrciitifC! AVantcd. 'pHE BiiWrjJjrr triwM tnk two or lhrr Af -pmiir t tfw I'tfjwrtcr'i Trad", if tntCT tu-n m uuilti twni. - VM. A. WEDWNCTOX.' S.n. Nn nicf itly lnt mrli a fwi ew,e wMunmybrA Pr mortlily ami iinJiilry. (VUrnia tVi., May 81, 1"3tat Valuable Properly TUB ti'HHC'Rrp.KR OFFERS TOR SALC, orri 1 m 11 imiit or mi Vuroi CuUon YatioTV, FiIiimIikI two imlra Ik I"W Linrfiliilon, N .(.'., at lh Katllinff. HImU of lh Hmilh Fork. Tlii Fa t'. ry ta in in r-i li i.l rrpnir, tnd baa In full niii'io kiifHlnv and lliirlTHiit Hnmll'a, aifl MjHl Ioofiit rra.ijjr t Mit jwrtin. ALHO,. (IH' jin la ttia (Minf frtaMHiifllt,) An cxcflleiit'OikMill, BlftckHinith Shop, a Mnrhiiie Shop, and u Wuul-Curdin Muchiiif, with .'iGO Acretf of Lninl. TLi mi i aiifK'ri. Io fcwjr in my kfKwWiT f"' Uiaiiufurlunii, hinjr alr-jwtr auHi-irnt to (urn l'i lli'MlimrMi aiiiMlrit, bih) jvv--imj all llir Milvaiiiavf-4 4 lir c;ll!rti tnuk.tl ajid tlk nuwcuiu fry 1 lie ii uutiun it bcjllliy, well wahuiMi, uni wli ralcuUlnl fr a alorf.' AIX, UK OFFKHS FOR In IIm Town if l-cc'ilniwi, Till' I OX L UtDdiNi l.. Milt' tlfVinrM Zllm I.J V.. Ill fi-.aii.. llu. ilurb SMt ! Ik . " . .. N.F.. 1 1 . J -mf raa r urin I j.f A.,,1 nl. 1.1 Ni. 10 ,., h- S. r. Pqimro, fronting .1... l .... . IL..M....' V...A JIH ' - . ' - "" "' Pcventv-Five Acres of I .and LUMimi MILL t KI.;-.K,oiHtti,.lah.1 noli " finm Tn. . . . a . ... .. fiiin Town. r-s- -n... 1 1 .....i.i i. :.ix. W 11? H I '"I"- lit ajpaaa" itaaat- a n-ii-ni-pr rU.ULii.a'UW.t..v Ouiifc - liuin ho mmild hi.-Ii Io wil ll Suiuiirer in a hnallhv, t. 4nri! jilncr. r " A furliM-r Jo'riii.Hi i lUnd unrnTPxn. a any r w ikIiu j- to pun h.iw will 110 dmilit likf to View iu pruuuM- u i..i .i.hii) a. The rSubo-nli-r v,ll n- ih bUhoii-iikhI Fr- lrK low, n In- wi In- io iikiVp Io a Wdrunvr ti main if he can wll. J1MF.SB1VIN5 Linrijiitnn, Mav 31, 1 lin rtiur ... 1 1 4,-a 1 "-Trt; TirPTrt"" - -1 iEu ROES, from i.w to thirtv v.ara old. anil - m a a a - a 'iiibbi 1 iiy-r w im u-b ui iHifi'nn-p i.irr.i.i - u-- rrt -f. --.,,.. - "ll' ir-x ion I'm IO-IOI I'l II III l.ar'l. AU alio iiave. aurb iinwrty to Wll would do wtt l..IN'i bHn," Sir. John Jonra, hi Aif'iit.f lie ran be I"oihI rvl Mr. liiuihu;r' llou4. mi n a it prvrr to y. i-t he i, , M. corn.'d in iMHinf .-, illi Mr. Jan HtnV, or nith aLy irfWr pop,. Att latere aiWrmiird to Hih. fir MrJoo.-.. H1 Iw, tttili.f nultv at 1tiAiA ... ' . .i. ;.: . . '.".jf' - rtOTEIT TH'TT! faliidrj-, MnySi, 1?3L t IKIH i.i 1 .IT . .rii.'.-il.l'i'ri' I'm Spring fyJ8uuiMrl'h$hiou FOU 1H1. HORACE II. BEARD, Tailor, I EGd leave tu iitaWui bifiwtivnnflhi-TuMtr in griMriil, that orders in hia linn will ulv)i be lli!HliL'uI! KTcivml by him, and executed io the no :Naf Faaluuiukblr, , tutu Ouruble nmiin m?;r HI terin-a-reamnbleiw aii mlliwwTtioiiof ciH n- try. II. II. li. Iiope-v from hi- oiw Dratjicu, otlii litVM;iUTa'niiiiii',r of years of which luno be trutiW in the nty of' ihnaiU1),tiifi aii'd from tin gwwrHl unlniirtton he tin- hervMirc givrt'i to U numerous respectable ami taidiiomtble ciisIoiihtm, to nn'rit and rv ivc a portion of the patnamge of the public in genera!. .-4t0r.ll-(ktw bim-elf tbnt hi ei"lnN(M eadljf aupprior to any tinne- in- thiir State-, m nwiy be tt'fited by the iui(li.spni elegnnee of lit which attends jgnrjiienta iiuiiKi in bw entabfifhitK'Hf. iTrr in in tho regular receipt of the Roportii of the Fa shions a they chanj-e both jn the Iaro ciliea 01 this country and of Europe. so that fci-ntlemen m-rr tef- aarisfted t hnf f hf ir ontefa will al way n be executed in the very latest stylo. OruVra from .. distance will be attended to with ,tlf JSMSv pttiwtuttlity nd ra a if tbe euMromer wee peew'nt til perain. l- Salisbury, Mav 17, 184 lv New Tailors .Shop in Concord. rTMIE SuW-rilier inform- his old ru-tomera and the puWic in general, that he baa REMOVED TO CONCORD, where he ha- opened a Shop, in which the TAILORING CliSINESSIn its va riotis branches will be executed in the most fash- lonable,-neat antf uuhiMb mannrr lie flatters hl-maBlf ihiALt.akitt- aril. l.aaa-alJKwq-l--W cui-Ma.iravaiu.4a.Miie-t tne- t.i,.t .n.o.iioB . I.i. .ili;.i.... -,;n iia4akilfrfoT,E35eT who may favor bun with their custom. OCT Ha receivea ibe lajeaLFASUIOXS reC- lorlv both from New Y ork' and Pbiludelphia, and Inhia. and worka by the mofct approved systems. Cuttin otit.'and Order from a distance," vitl be promptly attended In ; and lust, lut not, least, Hi term) trill be Dcry accommfitliiting; -r -' ; THOMAS S. HENDERSON. K.B. lie i d' fermined to do irork in a ttvh tu- peritir to atjf dimr in fhi purt of the country, and twr -cn rrtv to t matrx;" , Cconord, March 29, iU. ' 6m IVorth-Carolina Stale The Salisbury Academy. 1st CUt-I!igh and Low Sjstem. ' To be Draun at Salisbury, On the 10th day of July. Capital, 83,000! 1 Trize of 83,000 U 3,000 5,000 2,000 1,500 2,000 5 of 1,000 is of of of of of of of of 500 is 300 is 200 is 10 .00 CO 100 2.10 20.000 100 is 5,000 ;t; is o.uuu r 20 is 2.000 10 i 2,500 1 70 h 01,000 20; lb5 Prizes, a'i.,.in2 u, $ 120,000 J5" Me lr'z,,s luan Blanks! Taktu 8 1 IUc 8i .-Quwtcra 1. MODE OK lillAWINO: Tlii Hcln-nr, fiMiiMli'd 141 tlio lli(h tinl Iw . ... ...... f i . i i i ... j' t4,'"'i 1 1 t' l", iiiiiiiui'Ji ij iriiiu i ui ' Iw.iHhj, hh iive. Un llm lv (lie lraintf,iit' all I ll ..1 a l. .L.. .J Ml 14 an atari ii:n Hlin ttt m'iiiiMiinirni i 7 a " ait Hl. , . , ,. , . . 'h 1 Io rl.i-ie. are low ; .l Inun liO.IMI) I" 4,IHK, inrluvr am h.ah. I h- iiz'auf 1 3PtUUawr.Wwthbl!jrlowt:? . t.-- :il u- J- . i l... .1.1 ......''hat f!iivion, ,iH bo d-rroinM bv thai alikb umyi .Imw lU ramlal i.r..i ol t3.IMH. 'I I,- nri- of I I I " 1 a j m navuMr. m iickcla in ll,f im'-I m-Im-iiio n ...1 ... i.u ... .-i. .i. .n. in i.: . -V.!.' f . 111" UIVUliiUi .! ui lV oJwj a. a aa -a-ii 1 --ta W - iMxeBL - , Aroniia to this mmlt of ilnttring, hold- ' .... .... trt of lira licXri uull he rt tt tirttr otic prttr, MAY I'KAAV TI1RLT1 j i Ticketa, Sliarca, FAckages, I bad, in j tiw gral't vainly U' uuiubcn, at iSf uvoiison &l Iitits' OlHcc, (White Row, .Mansion Hotel.) 1 ... . .. ... ' . . . V?". "V""" iih a wh,-wH t tiMrtkttiHTTecrn-eq ain promptly lly Tccrived mid promptly ttiitiMl.Ji, if a kliwd to . -- . tiifcVKNSON n)INTf; .May 17, f,Siv.T-'--- ValnaMo Ileal Property, IX IjIVCOIiX COl'NTV , ' a w v a v av ri .x ai ait P'' Hubarrtlier, interiilinj-to reniove to Alabama, . OFFERS FtW SALE, 1 H. RerfffeiTce tri timeoTn CouiiU" TneW.bn,-tntme-bndy, ahmit Zl".Qui!TIiousanl-A-CFf?s4 Of Keal (iood Farming Land, 5. On which in a tinfl " MLJeoiWiiicie-i ot llio new nil J teriaiic in line timfe . and mtA wnrtirniitidhm . it. 's,,. l ..Hei,...i.i ( hn.tL.o-.. CiVrroV An TliK EslH.Vii M xCHI NES; ttants Stables, &c." . . , . ALSO Another Tract of Land, Lying on both aide-of Dutchman's Creek, contain ing Hhout .JFiViAWiirpA-sAcvoA, . ALi first rate for Ar rtRra-r.. 5rT1t. WPieiiy:iifftiC''ai!li!' wTa creJlt of one, two, and lhre yearn. lu my ab-iuiee, Hplication may rrt titade to my brotlvT, J. Forney. DANIEL .M. FORNEY. Lincoln Co., May 17, 1H34. 1 TAIUQlUXOa HENJAMIN FRALEY, having received the latest Philadelphia, New Y'ork, London, and Paria atyka of FASHION, and having in his em ploy a uuinlwr of W or k men who arelirst-ratfi, is prepared to cut and make work in a style aupcrior to any done in this part of the country, and always warranted to fit." Ortlera for Work in hia line, from a distanpe.will Jk punctually attendetl to according to order ; and norio nonce ana on reasmiaiae lernw. !S-w d.iors almve Mr. Slaughter's Hotel, and nearly oppoMie Air. John .Murphy a store. TO TAILORS. ' T BetnAlW':ikoTftti-r FiAionaHe Tailors in New York, the Subscriber is prepared U teach cr give instruction to any of the Trade who nmy Amii-j to be more perfect in their busi nen l and, from his belief that he ia fully capable. of givinj mti.4fartirin, he JTffpectfuIly reo.uesta fill wiio octfire iiismK iioii 10 can on nun.. SalwUu-r,ls.!l.-ty B. FRALEY'. ravollcra' Hnn, I a EirUATtlD WOUTIIW F..ST or Till'. COt HI IIOL'SB, IN THK TOWN OP lEXr-WTO, (V CAItOLIAA.) likra lliit mrthod of inflifmins L Tr.nr thai ha a ILwaa of F-ntai. la'mri,ri"aVKlic-CTU ftiutuweat oT lla I ounuow-". . llia.TaUo will alwaya be a.ipp!iJ Hh ba brt f.r that pUuHrflul righborbiK4Tan ftfli'fd. Mi llouaa king capacioiia, and attended by wU art iwloalnooa and emImw W plra t.Trarl. Icra ean alaya ba accommoduled i W 00 U BHDS in roofiia with Rra plare And UM, but uol lit Iraat imporlant cmwiitatioo, IlOKllH viU rtceiu nrk alteiUio, U tke SiahU tflt Hubicribtr, that tb7 iayaa U wiib in creaarxl ability to do tba rric of the road. V2: Ail axfelWt Lint of tM'Z&ZZ Accommodation BUg ei Iavia tha liuaB of I lie HubacriUr, FOR BA-LI-ni'RV, 00 tba aveninica of iViHway, Taara Jif, and Saturday, and returna to Lttiuigtoa ou iba atin wriiin fveningt. (fT Faanti)(ra fing from ftnilh to Nortb, by entering tbmr namra at frr at Baliibory otily.aml ll.rra titkiiix the Accuanuodntiou Lina lu lum Ion, ran haa tbeir choic,at tba lallrr plare, U 1 w , (he Piedmont Line and the one which run by way of Fiedurickuhurg, JOHN T. MAHRV. Linalon, March H, KH. ly . Mtatr of North Carolina: iluNTlAJilllKV Cor.NTV. - Court nf I'frrtg nn'l (Jumft r Smsloni, Ajuil Tlju. 1-XU - . .. Willi.im Hulli-r, Kxit uior of J mhua r. J.hh' f. m mI y . CulhariiH' lii wifi', I.mii devw ftil IKHW an io a xiier nliiitf iKt Mitt 111 A I r.r , Liiuni M. Poor, i d f. Pro. P.if, Wlllllllll I'.-.r lxiii-, mirimr- John P'Hir, W1II111111 Si;;,', Klij,. l.-ili hi, m ttf, u.iJ J.lni4 CinIi- Initio la'ilu.' l.oil Wjll itnd ) TL'.HtaiiKtntuT Jir-hun I'mlrr. IT app-arint'. to III- ilif otion if t la ("oiirl, I Iml 1 In uliovc iihiii,I l)i rpnijinit- an not iiilinl-itiinU ol llii SiaJu ; ll w liir'iui Oixk-ml, by tle i,kniTi, P"""""" J1" ?''. i" H- fro,. r. . " ",r ' " " . . L" I,rM. . f il a . . I... 1. .111 . 1 , ' "'-" " M'ittf'M"-ry. al Hi., (.uorthou IVriu of hlil lor I h County of in LaarcucuvilUi, fir-t Mmalny 111 J. 1 "M 1, 11 in I iimki' lli'-ni- , , , . .."t'? l1? I-. Jhc) prutecUus w u'.il r..M rvt .v. rl &u I. lin Teal : JOHN R. MARTIN, CiVrk. Mv 17, Uw MAlili Al)U!lla The Third Set, on of the above Institution .. Wlll.4iOl;w! Of! THE FIRST DAY OF MAY. : - . . . ..TJ'K- n""kfuI Psl patxmc. 1 iiiije iiilje Hiemselvea In enter upon the exercise of the next fcssiori with renewed -el, - P. J. SPARKOW, T. Wr PA.HR.rYa. --Aiii omh ipttnr.'TTr' tf mm ""'(aen and Tarnage "Making, ANJi RE P A I It I N G t .1. XV. K.iincj X I. J. r. Miaver, CoficA and Carriage-Malm, ' Repe't fully iulWm t!s- Public generally, tliiit ih-'y have entered into Co-Parlnerbip for tin- pur- . ... MMetaf rrytnj-p tlw above Imhukmn m all ita varieties, and that they have, ' for that ptirpose.talsen the nhfrtt ; "TOTlWhilLT OCCXPIEJ) BY PHILIP JACOIJS, I Ihrtnr mam Strut, nppwitr the old Jail. . OCT They have ou baud a good wipplv of the best carefully-selected and well-seasiaied Timber, and will always keep on hand, for sale, TAfaj;-C'OAClli, CARRIAGES . a n 1- . &f VJ' . SI LKIES, ,Vc. Which shall not be surpassed by any in ibis see tiaf of couulry fat uualui,.d4Wt,blHy .nmrThenp ness. (tV For the benefit of Travellers and Stage Driver, they will always keep oif hand CARRI A K-SPKI MIS nd tiifwtlleTf'rareirn Io pMl llioee ai hieles ill thP HViW Complete order ; and every description of REPAIRING will lie done at the shortest notice and on (he lowest pos sible terms. The Subscribers have attached to tlieir Carri- -n.M.inoliietrrv a . KT. IfK'.'JM ITII WI1I j wliich they eiup.loy Uoi(e. Jjut rirst.-aUi workuifin auu iuc vt-ry-u-k( inaieriuis wmcn enables them to assure thei'fanuwl ami -rtiw p.iMw.-ttvM vnry done by them, in this line also, will lie of superior quality, and as low-priced. as any other .executed in this section of country . The Subscribers deem it hardly necessarv to say that they will be thankful for a portum of me puune lavor 5 and tiiey hope, by trict atten tion to business, and moderate charges, to merit tlie patronage of all who may wish to purchase articles kept for sale by them or jobs done in their line. JOIIV W. RAINEV, PHILIP J. F.- SHAVER. aUisbury, February 19, 1 831. ' tf a --- - 1 Administrator's Notice, flMin 8uWrilT, having qunlifu-d as Adininirv 1 bir on the E-tta of AnbiUIJ Ciaij,-, drt'j, at ihe My Term if Rowan Cismiy Csjrt, brnby rein-sU til prr-'SW inb Um Iomi. l',.lal- ) mimmI iinnnitiab ly J Hid (h tw.tn bamg rUmia agaiiMl i'l lUtatn are rwiilM d to pre-rnt lb. in.k-. ((ally aulliclitiraled, WltblO tba tune p-car-ribed ky In, nr lloa lurfu'S will ti" l.lead in bar tbeir ... ...'I,f Jlll...a. I coiery. ijLttiw.x i iiaiut, I May 31, l3l. 1 A'liiiiui-lrtli.r. ft ran T I Vbhcorth, Watch and Clock Maker, EG 3 leave to inform Iba Cli-enof Soli.Uiry, as well as (li-e ol Rowan ajul Ihe aurround! tug ColiuUea, that be l,4 ISriiioird lih I'afatillalitneut TO THE kJlTH SlUEot THK COl'RniOl'hT,, A f doors iU.ve Mr. Win. H. HUugb- i . yt; Jlotrl, 00 U10 Min Hire,-!, -CO Wbera be Mill continues, a liereliiire, to ewui, ALL KIN Ifii OF WORK in tla li,"f bia pnrfeai,m, at sliort notice, Andot mcit rrattmnbU terms, s WATCHES &c fLOCkS REPAIRED av Illy flX IX Al t I OM UK Warranted for 12 Months! nd thnae diMMfl Io pnironi-e bun, are aa-urH that no pain will -wirl lo give the nnrt . geirial ami entire aativflirtion to tlwnu (FT EN(JR WING of every description, (tlh rluduig 'J'oiub-titutica,J.iill Lc4.kMM.iw1 w-rhrrrat: uoas aisl acmracy, at abort m-tice. Solwlsiry, Jnni 7, i4 - - tf ' " " '"" ' " - J Current rrit eaj if rroducc, A.r. AT SALlSBCRrIun i. R-cjn, . , . araiKlVjjjole . - pa!li, It'itu-r, . . . Cotton, in sed, clean, Coffee, . . , -. 1 P.'l MoUk-iC, a-lOaik....- ttn. Ni M a 371.40 75 10 1 121 4 filMnit-, r "." . 10 jRye, . . . 21 jui'tr, brown, lAj j loaf, . . . . 18 a I" Salt, . . . 1 li a IA ill) fit'JQ K)t HiO ii.'iO et'.lWalZjrTalfcwi Featlien, ... .10 Flour, (scartc) , . TV) Tobaren, . . . Wheat, (bu-hel) Whihkev. . . . Flaxseed, . . . K71 Linseed OiL per pllon, 1 p.'J AT . FAYEmVI 1 .1 .F-.Ma j. g Bieon, 0a9;iron. . . . . .Via it.Moluwn, , , .. iWa IttNaikeut,.. . 17 a lSuxtr, brown, .lV'lam! .... luuii,. - II IVjl loaf, . . SaW'lSa!t, . . . .101)1 110'Wlaat,. . . .ton a ffillj Wlii-ke. . . . !Ua3o(Woul, . . . 41 a M 3i aft (it (It M'w Will .V) 1 13 P'i a 1(0 i t :i5 li H Braudy, peach, .. PPK. TV-f-wax, . . (Vff.-e, . . . Cotton, . . . Corn, . . . Flaxseed, , . Fbair, . . . Feathers, . . ' At CIIF.RAW. (S. C.)iuMaf 27. Hwon,. . . . 10 lOi'Metl (scared -$t B'M-sati. . . 15 a MoU.. . . 15 a 41) t :a Ibitter. 4 njir-e,"." Crttim, new, Corn, t'eatbeis. . rlMJCMMtll X" . 14 a l.VtOabs (scarre,) ."id a'!jd!) if 1 - E ivirrj .Halt l-i V 3Ca.Y jtalt, m sarts . SUA " 1 I....I..I . jOftairii Irrtr.tirtweirtfiit- - - common, ' a 10 tine, . .5.VitlJIXH loaf & lump, I'l t 11 Iron, Tir.1. 41a 4-rllu,1'. (jcxca- lOa-W I A I I 'a fa- C.1 lfla 12, Teas, .125 a ISO Mackerel, u .fiTiQji lHjWlitat, 90 a 13 !-.;,-AT4:.0LUMBI M & CMrWtt. liarwi. . . . . 11 alXaraV ..40 ttrKfiitv. iic.-rir. ' il.,l ' lOaM 45M . ... jrt; ""ii'-f) ( f r. ...... . ... ...j. ,. 7v r r- a-TOTMSckemT: . : " .R00 a Ml ll"e-wtx, Hntter, . firteu,":- t'orrr,- . trfUm, , Flmir. . Iron, . l "a m !;,ilt, in sacks, .22i iM . 1 3T . "Via 1; .rj5 lol . lawlii'l. S'lS". bm-vn, Ti ifl a 12 loaf & lump, tHt7J . 0 a 12? Talb.w. . . . 10 a 13 .7,M) a HMk' Pea-, .... 00 1 00 4 a rjvyhibkey. . .t . 40 a 60 AT CAM DKX, (S. C.)...May 3L . Baevn.V. a a2jFlwur,-,.ram.) .00 a 71W loa.Vi tCBin.nulls1.Kj0 a 9t Brandy, p,-arh. appplu. UI a Oll.Iron, IMlilW 4 -1rVITt. " 7' la ISji'Ptllnw; -.---.-7 a KMilWlieat, bushel, aiaoltjVVbiskey, . . 10 aft 125 Hot tO "rn, . . . Feathers, . . ISSUED 't;ra.KlY.ii:sLOIlN BCXRD, JR- TERJIS OF ft HUCATIO-f. - r; . 1. The "Westkhs Cakoumas" is published erery Monday, at Two Oollnrs per ajiimiu if paid in ailvaix'f or Two Dollars and Fitly Cents if. not paid until artr the expiration of three j.ndiit.l.ik. , ... . 2. paper will be discontinued until all arrearagt are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editor. 8. No subscription will be received for a less tini w ish'to 'diiuiitiiitip, at least one rnnnth" hr fcrn the pxy raihai of a year s suostnption, will be considered as new engament. 4. Any person who will procure six subscribers t the Carolinian, and take the trmhte of collecting aiw transmitting tho eulwcription-ia-ice to tlie Rlitor, shall bsve the paper during the cuutinuance of their sufc Bcription, without charge. - -: . . "... . t - TERMS OF ADVEHTIdlXG. 1. Advertisements will be coiisni. uonwlv tnd correct ly insertf d at 50 cents per square (or the fir.st insertion, and riaj cents tut, eai:h coutinuauce: liaiUwhere an a Vert iseinent is ordered to go in only twice, 50 cts. wll ue cuargea lor oa;n insertion. MeTtltamfttM irentlr- men, wlm may desire constantly to apjiear before th public, in our advertising columns, will be received M yearly advertiser, and a deduction of 15 percent, wd' be made from, the above charges. 1. To insure prompt attention to letters sdrlre to the Editor, tlie postage' sliould in all cases be psii WESTERN CAROLINIAN OFFICE, ) Salisbury, May 17, 1P34. .( "XV are prepared to execute every- kfhff of Prin " hi. a very superior style, and our charges will as reasonable u any, OSr.Orde rs fVom a distance " always meet the most prompt attention. 1?