tW it arreted ,a 41 lf rcriil llr ..ii.v, aiwl aim ij nil r h'otm kiao. II (t.Hr1, nI i.f.4ling stlel to the I .4 ipmlirfw-Hrnnff, d-t J"M know that )"U ; Vmhui'ig tl." fiil' t f tlm ! r ' Th J kH HMD pnittd hi IllleiilMSiS 1" . U too rrKitUtwo uJ ak'J In kmi hal ru It It had iolllliged. , There. U ou with L yoy have violated, hkI id KmtocVtan, pooling l lit (in km, and reading- m (iatttkmra ar permitted f ie, (! In rlHr, -',. IV H. thu fc II I" ! II ...l TDK FANATIC. Yvi jmb (aligeU jiirniharica.'wb' pere. verais 10 rtna-al and gtaalraua woold entitle Hum tu greel credit, ar tiiJ ! work laying lb fuumlafioti fur servi!" war, of a di4otiofl 4" this TnHxi. " My dnt-dulion 1 ibis I next, C In all yuimff-it"i tin) fjt rc-ir-i ilK Ibe g'w iWmen lb) Houth, whether Nu.hfe,j I'inW it, Whig or Ti-, we rrcr ne with ho dlMjpriioiuiir,nphiitirlly ik1 iilftil reerve, tliul any attempt, uq lU pari Oncml or V.t Gotroiint, lo tiilerf r itb th rebifiisi bHwreu ut4r atd alav in ll kWb, w.add bad 0 tneerlab separate! With u slavery of I boa lUnirl que!.! which MS H no man' I-'-! of political welfare J btil In tl Haith, il is a ulyr 1 urk Uttl, ""h waiver! iuteresi, thai il rill nut bear to U tamjred with. Idle and property ar w lb " On print'lpa! oa4i ! fpw liK'tia ml , litaIiKii4 iMttwUuitra nK t b llw ib-Wnn t,f lb tobization Hurn-ty, bi h b.U ixil ib wily rtticMial urf pcH al bnUi f briiMg lha eiwuiriiailH Omi bbw ki, nanly, wilb llw Miaul lUir martyr. I'liW lbi iialiiiwia. blw preliminary i .Wain, o b a BMWwf cjhuk b" nryiitiflH'U itlul biii f(4lowrJ 0 jf bl br mwti(' brb w ralenml, himnr lnl riiao ran aiiU il wilhoul liull-ruitf. Tlx- b- jtt of ibif tr ajphinia. f ? iwiibiiiigiii"ii(t " jirwiiuVna"nilaWiiiaiiy lT fir J aialTniM Iimim tbm coiilry, arr in4 ilUliruli t U A t U-d. 'IU fuualM , 111 lb- fir-t fbu. J nnv, iii lit- - Mitm llwf JrK-y, ralfaial grjuijuj f r JlaH. " ihj'0 uI'H-irl wTii 1 l1j iitnttihrnm l i arn.ii b MitiV;iiiK ry iiwi4 t rVKi ami Mtnuu.iiy ) and in lit m tnJ, Ihj k divrt " Ilia CuI. ami rnirilul.a ik.hhiu'd toiliin iiiiiNi- -TSn.-a,, A.Tr.rM..TTm .b7(.Hlll(a, IKNI n"ny n"ir aim w tifj ' ' rl 1 iMe yRiMttiy mnI jwHie twiiufWur- in- in tba polluld cbaiuM-l llwir in ul iiialigiiaiit 4jtl. Il' in tlKir iktiui iulio. nimI - t)tmn, nni nror ibr btlt-T Tlti(4i tu tin milv ralKmaJ aixl raclHl4r pluii ever d'i d ti.f " MMwipalM f f nl1r,,'r"' piaa. wlf, unlike thanim- rf F.iiIhiiiI, ranwii b lljtxU'Al out of theiftmraiitird rijihu, by any bu..vt iuhT beaveu. Il may w4 I ti rally known t"nir rt aW-ra. IW ibw Wa"rttn-in thh MatfTif Hurt a rolW'j, mmKiIUImI mM CrdiM'aliiig yxiis una . aM4iariM to co about liitfc roarijijt iitrull tf fur) aitd ftiwlit (xni, rafliMtB lh nirinn"i ri iiir im liMHltal Ab(4ilHiiiMw TV firot artirP in tlw uii- titutim nf thia Surirty w as f .Ikiwa t. I. Oiitrt. Our Jliocl ia Umi immril'uiU m rifH' f 4 or4 ra- ia fr Vn'iM Btatri t n frmairipatiun u tlt "lava Innn im op- r-l,trt f bia hia4fr; tb emnnripaiiai of iIm - t,tm riJidin-J tuan frttm tkr ottitrtMniim yf ttvblii ; - imitated, unJ ttrlii of itrfa (o a atom and hicu7 tmtmlUt trtih Ac ukitriL : i:xwwrt'i-iTipvvrrH pciLjairniKEs cv JLT1i jrriH"".!! JifcTOUiug imert-jwta with , rair iux attc.Miat UnTiiMia. ty nir threo. h rwiatlv aM?d to th dirtv nlfK-atif Chrml 1aiW"lArdiirgiiirtB dutira" hirh thcj mi Ibir dDti-B. An Chriffiaiw, art ak-miilv rc Jmuiid iu Broawns brtb thtir "pinnul and temporal . yiturwt, by f very 4oaiM sati(ii'4 tts pur own peace and bappturaa. Mow tu tin fmrge our itnty .(.. iu thia rejiert, to ir ftod, our rmiiirry, dtina-hi-a, j v NortWii brrthrfin erw not awar oflhi' "extent tt which tfwy arw Uijurina u. Hut ITie woniid, "ax Iniu'it havp biiftU eilagloL W IlkllK ttMl uiaa IU N ; cro iiitid of lha inaxttir. Ilia civil and ifli.M.m 1 nrivilnuea hr btw'n iircriarUv curuiMt Su-ii "'"tp" VVaS ha vis UVn a walitna-iT, an! prrjudU-w excited, nurliapa lit an unrcamaiatila extwit in niny,airaint 7 irif anuipia t-iirmnaiia i i"on m - -Htm-tioa tj l Mack. .JTft with the Chrisliun, - .. t- ia ' r .. V "" tin Hrtiimiwl of lnd, Co tearb all iwImmw," ja NirnnioTiiit lo au jitbt'ia. It is iat knowM'dwi thnt wohJ rondor oar'WTrrooa S wrvfliit j ami , Wft of all, it it know ledge of religion thnt would . injure eitlier th acrt an) or- the nter. (hit it ia 1 -th firt.lhtit.llif.Y i'Uld luiouuiribrlw kfiow4 Mge than it would be made, bv oHi'r, the nirena of rriHleringthtm dj-a-nfitetitrttaxid inaidKinUnate, If!-! W.V2r,,( fhe.eHly wf baviuf bit expiartwbtte Willi our North'Wit brothren on account of their KKMiterfermic with nbr nVmertK! institntiotia. Ihif Rittiated a we are, and poam'Sxiiitf irresislil.le evi rlnc of the fart, we Fel il inir duty both to re- prove those whu uteiti're;and W iufornt tlie po " tde of the ftmth. lhal wich ia the ea.Viile we ... hold it .ba be Vjnjisl M Ut as Jiitchriat iau to con- tnbute unneeeainlV to the exnnence of aniiioi--lie between diffi'reilt" aertimaof our (treat eife. iVrtyJ-we ::fni HrT i rVe Tr'-Cfj"!" """ . rnl-w a wanuiii! vr arn'.imt ftny coume of eon kte wliirh mav ultiiimtelv not tSrttv ilfMiW the tx-aca rif th ehurrlubut wvef ihe bivudu of thia - . ; T-i i . . . , I'M renr fontL-oeracy, ana rcMiiu iu ine ruin in.m " wind. Bdifving thnt a'nch may be the reault, j it a our ifutv, rar dure we neglect to rai$ a - , Vfirning Voic4 f May thfre noi he aome wha wjll Jiateo to,our just complaint J and m no wut unite w,(h ua in ataying the iJSAM wl(,.iikmi8f n wmww it run on o dew iie the " ' habitation of thmisand-ilBul w.ahaT1 W told by .- - - aome that theae are Wle arre?ietKmw lhat the iiuinbtJkjseWAilerftiw freita of th Stuth, art comparatively frw f tniu . they are contemptible, and no Ir rprobatd W the ffreM bidv of the Northern, than by the South ern people, ',We shii'l be told of the defied of tlie t,lnl.tionita in Kew York, wiiikr,nd perhana Vi.any other fine-faced thirga. If any one thinks Xo-m conidnra'tTons sulTicient to remove all appre-i.enaion-t, we earnesitlv beff that n will giv a a. nfiH'torV answer to the f .lowing question : la it 4 L. tlai ftAtiy iCutiiil t avlivelj f :,,;, ,.-. 1 14 II 14 a U1 )! llnia arn Ufi" aii't .iat it. it ft - k tt !fiiKl r-"i,:.,ly tf 1 xl iUifi r- ifrt 1 lli if i.r. -,., I ( it 14 (mi i that t m aod r tiit i.dliln -l r iir,Uti-, m tin y way Ik-, jiri w'ii 4 tuig-; ainl rb rgynri. ara 0f'i U fxi aiiKaijt I b 111, ami tlx if prxerdiiiga pub. Ii-Ih - ia many 1 lla nv-t re -labia aivl wukly rirtukbd waiia of the N'.rjli f I It tuA a f-1 that pup" m are rtaUialil Imii( f r tln-ir a'd iilrl al-lilii4 or entam iiMliofi f U II i4 a furl llial a louj-'i iy of the poiilu al and liamau ara, and tie flik'KMi papura, wilb f W M'l-p-Ixaia, pnhlidi affiMinla uuirag- c ot.miild by ilrr III 'iba Kailb, Ufm Ha ir mlr t VtmUi iber be any Ufla n-wa elPa tunl in hirepr id iiig the rharartcr of lvrrv ia ih Kajib, tr in r ritnu the iiMtigoalitai of the Northern poojI atraiiM4 Iba rimilm ! hoj-p.- re Hull ybao all the irwIma Mof rrtx ltv prai lid b!imliviiiMa in the Nrth, ilwir taunl-, i"n lietr talr trm Mat ir-rativ'a,ftiid pohli'b iIhmh aa charai trr ialic of Ibe ,orlbrn p-"jK walM H'rnd l pI Hlijiw4 ? Koji", in Ibia wny, i alnatld eiak'atur lo gH up an nritenn'iil ainng ll rVaultern peo. vn aaiiM tire Northern, wmiUl it ia4 bn willed t WM-r ia Ilia eaintiy in whirh iiamy exinplea may ma rolli clr of jnf . rior liring eru Uy IrraU ed by Ibxtr miMrlra -'! of ira ami rlnldmu U ing Urtnuly trealinl by the la ad of lit (aim ly f Jkil waiM ll not be jiriJv dwhjaHt to rtf-bti mm U eaaea, lo rpreviil tb rftararler u( lltn p pi", wilb a H'W in r-mW tbfm (alioua, ami to acite agauett tbrm tin) tudignaliiaf futlumT Ye4 ia a lliia the rouraa puraa-d by a large mnj'.ffly i4 tlx lia4 infliK-iilwl leliitona papera ml.libU-d iii II" North ? U it not a fa t that in many W Iba litera ry iiariiluliona of I he North, aoti-i-ry amM-l are fcinm-tl ? I it not a fact tlyit it Amlovar, aa of lite inoftl rt-apiaiable thnnbtgir j( M-minarw m the Norib, lorra ia one which hi i regular anuier try reb-hmlion (r lit" purf'" of di'majiicing Ihf Uwtiliiliiaaiof lire Hailh r ) Il not a fact thai lb" UM iiilara of ibia alio anmwlly rli. jor-any HimH tee I ;iritrd Hta-a, atnmf pWgM fo one auolher f N it ft-a a f-l that b-nra from the ti-mili, ibrarrilaug tit" latrrora alatery, and oV nmiricing tin) mjieila-e of (he evuiciii, are milihed in lb ,.rh t- Ity wboiu t liy ihUuc I Or In wane of the miwuxiarir m n lo Milihti-n and eai-ti-rt the lamtheiiof I If Booth? Vt bo, with-ut thf Dmp4 piatliva eai-or, could U-liete ibal iitan, li ing omai the UainlH-a if Ibe Kinlh, eiijijngho rf j,.U)W,,M(H)W ml nteiviiig ih" in lit meantime bu ri'pii.'iiluM ua aa imaali-ra f nmpniv, and ex- i diof egiitnal u ibe prjii(lM- aial iimIiiwImio of mir btctbren 1 W eU naiy we rwy with Hm inapinl prMUuui, " FailbAii are lite wamda of a friend ; but the kiw it of an enemy are deTiifu.n l mil the t'oioniaalioft tioriHy a leery fwrwertirt and mfln enliitl mult F Jio tart l' liM-iiibera make the wihk' rvr woihIhiih of nuitery aa m iiaub' by lha altoli tNiita ? J hi tin y mil iUmh4hh c it 111 (lie aame li ruta I Io they iIiIPt from the abiJiluanala in any utluir npv;l Ui Jltt luuuta luurt auila, blf fur the atinniphiiliiiieMt of tl-ir ohar T Khali we m told that all the prm-a priiwtilutitl to the niiboly ewita of peiabiriog an eci-ment amonrr the pitile of tin- North 11 14 in lint thiaieof the Haitb, arc patroouod by pujpla diiafjoriun4'll-ir ai. duel f hliall Wa bu li.ld, ill view of all tln-att Gm Ik. llial our apfiivlwii-iiiNMi r iin(!niMld ? W e dial- birue a di-nial of tla-in. We bold in our hamln M-uiiMn4a ciNiiaiiiing ample evidi-nce to aubeiati tial IIh'Iii. lie who, after reflecting upon all the iiHivt-iia iit" lx-mtive to Ibia wioHfJ, cart eee no cauae of appreheianmi, nmV well be coiiiaired to the iM-t of the la'Alhen, which bave eara but hear not, and wvea bnt weeiwn."t wn effhrtu trrgteaf tiMt SVfief: Ntt;riiiply itauler lkil rlv pektcc .an ..ctdtrmeia which wit pmre incapable of being clieckt-J, even hy iHomp imH Rctiv in PM-aluig it I U'4m tan A v lu Hibai Utopia hmmi will fo imnrllwi bv mit. ihh rnorii 1 aireaoy rr jiiaii'j in iue rroa.yufat . .A. I 1 I . .1 B-v . rhilirh to eirliMM" alavehoI'M-ra lnm it mninin uionf Km not tins oiiii Urn carried in tv.o ollwr cDtrfOf ....... .. , .. . -.tfaice tbrn fbi ilavn1 of tb Koiitli V tirwrd ' bv tbo M(b if I lie Nonii an a lml odiona rniiM', and our la-vr an iniiurt'til willi'irx, mniMd to -ffara mnvmntrTT aiiwr it la netted a nnhimttl "in and lngi.ic? 1 hiwe auuonv m fr trayin th ti ift-riMgpt of lh iiiiKxcnt ih'j;io and I lie harUrity of the ina.ttr, im it im4 to be frarwf that iIm tiiiK" nmv Mn coiite alu'ii aoine nolilit-aj A'jo- lu Khall.-Kiv&mitJu the atrumilm piowoMao lb uiul'.itutlt), and lite lair fubric of the Union be d. molished by . the utonii 1 All tliia is not only pro bkble. but will inevitably be, tlie rewih, if J he pre. aent I'o'irno of thingaemlinue. Permit ua llwn to ask.J hoa? who a r?. interfering with our d niest ic :) J lrrff','y li"il"J ill f cinicenia. a K:w im'i.ii. Has your iutcrttrwa,4lll pl" HtM' ad (r doing gml, not been prodm tive of evil ? " 1 he c Ilea il not ad. led m-ronurilv to the riirnra of alnve ry f Hue it not cmMmed the Southern people to curtart'Mtie pnVIU'L'es of tlieir doua-alica I la it uot Hiihitteriiitf tlie poopie of thi North jmainfel Kae ot 1hn ISiiUth j arMl exasperating lite laMer ajmatttwf '4nef f A few year bark, and South- era men were the adviMaivf ol .Culmination. A ff year ago, and many of air wgmea were taught to rend without any apprckuiie that they would let rendered W(M inalcad of letter. A tew year ago-, and many of them Could write, ami were employed u clerks. A few yearn poM, and those h ibfaieed ir,aetr their iervanfa fi-ee. Jiut you huve lo n w liipermg it iu Ibe chimney Cornera, in the by-pHiha. and. in ths.uuiitluiiiht juwuibliea. Ji4ii m a aloiiuiis iii which, tAwhi and clothe nmu, a glorious state, free from labor and toil, from tare and sorrow, w hh h Commit in la-insr always hntpy. Yraj have bicii teaching them that domtwlie servihttlc is a viokttinii of the law s of God aial man, a etale tf.4mp region, inult,uid hgrada tiom Wher are tha l,tbtrtDg elar-a, that may Uot W rcpealeiT hiisrcpresenfation. be rendered dial contented, and dangerow to the pec and happj - ,,Atgcieiy.tC4l.w 'hw-it"'''b'nlTiMe the latainng rlaaMC in Aew 1 ork, by Iwing pemiaded that they were criK.lly -anjiiatly- Ireatehad atinnot uiiroied the fi.uiiontioiut of ffovernntent. and Had Ihe Soliin been instrumental in pmiluciur this excitemeirt, would we not hnve histlv merited the. iiwignoiion of every inentl to good order, and hap piiies t Fhoubl vou succeml in rtrodiicin?r auffihient exciteinesst in iWntth to induce th toultitud lo overleap the barrier of the Constitution and law of Ike country, what would lie the result 1 HaV ye whu f!.rro pence societies, imd who desire lo ap. Cr foremoet in rhristiun viVtues, Jind acts of pni bropy, eoowiWed tlit -"teB the Eitui wijj ( J. l,. jMi bt aU j bi"i frb 1 tle I10.I1114IU aw.vtn with ll tlctj ami tle dtcCrr Jrf -"ir. J 1U1 j.AiaiU lUe a "l4 I (laiioa iit aia.iiiiiiaiii 'i "p -i" i- Xhwt. la wr emirw. tlten. a ba h II tab ul led Iu pr f lw " tai rsrth paf e ami r ward lorq V If .t. ca It be c"t-wtjnl wuh th d trim t4 Chn4iaitity f Aal if no, can you p t a Ucaifiy l fet 11 p. 44 y.air rltirta 1 W'a copy lha f 4hwiiig aa a pe imo i4wm of iba artaUa lUi-hfd f,f lha purpiaw 1 ling llm pa. 4,4a of the ,N-ih agnnat (h ian U lit rVartlt. Our paper might ba Ulled ttary w-k with plKa of a anoilar cl.ararier. (air I inguage on Una aub. jmcI baa, perliapa, bee tou at roc f. U'd ll U un- paMtMl U any man, tinlea rrterry eaiiua M Celuig, W pent wUt i written am thta aubjetf at th Nih, end rortaidrr tlie emiaequence to whu h it mtM lead, witimut beii. both grieiad and dlleaaod. MrrrtXuo, -Mc flronm. eorjvid'J id th clrr of wvatyhiiv,, and carry .g ay a ne fT'i alava, tlta pn-tiy U h aut of C4. TtyV , of rVrnth f'trijiaa, baa Ura aenutirad to ba butt U k a inly axL Tba Jury bate rrowiiiiralg buu to fcifutie cleun-flry. " la tlm the iMtnrvaiy of oir rt-4rtli Uwpirer lo tl riefhle4lneai of Ute Jewih datute, fji'l. 1 : 11, " JI lW tWOl wtan. and eie1h hmt, of if e W eS kit hmntU ka aball Mirely t- put lo death 'r a n aw ateaiiof Ui -yrofnif n in ew t a. Taylor," litat tlm mna at wntem-ed t" h tmog t H"W rii C4 T) lor by a proTy " of bin fellow eion-Irvnu-a f W abould ho glad In know wha emHiteleii lvr-fcIiii. bv Urn law. . N.aiih imiitM I ir a lif, by Uta U laiher .hcaiM laka hat child awiy fWmi in ti-r. t.fT 1 mini4J( (oilk eb, t (li , UnjiMly aeru-il rt 'r!jB " t J'XhJ alempting tu poAracl dacord lalaeea to .W IV.-nlaia, Wow Id he hV W be hung f ealitig ' " r V t'M...Ll 1 aial lb SraiOl. Was it the futlierof lite child who stole it ? ROYAL I'KKKOtiATlVfc r'rw U from a Fpeerb buulr m the IWitich Pari larnent. 011 the mutual (U ign-emg lo an SMinm to tit King. " Mr. Ilfiry irattan said, il waa iiiipowihle to tft He lW wlle-ws A oolv oil aecvuHl if aha ll aaid, but w hat it had omitted to aav. Tlie re i no lelief prtHniteo there is a very iimIiiIiim-I ami unililelligihla alatement a lo tithes ami tltere are jtorleirtous threats, angry language, ami oinin- taja eipreaamna ot renewe! na-ti hsi. It might lie suppoMi thai flas act nt laal year w.kjki nsvf D-cii .miiim lein J lis vm enre in in, us i-iuure im ljr" '' " e U "iMm ' a t I al . ' 1L.1 1 J a.. ....a .1 .. ' ""niai-ra .n., in m-r .o - a irw uiiiiirii-ra i iiiv w-m v in i iw an-o iiuv ... i f . rV " ., 'OHO rciiiJiknli pend Ibe CiHrtitUtii. IM measure bad nothing i . j. on which too operate; the people became qmet j limm ralwr rmnia. Itia eerwlilimi ff a lilha Karl ranee. and the million bill-thew.. sihI not ibe coerca, bill, atme.ed the rotd. Htill, there was much dimiuiet, miM'h si'itati'tn : and. the minister coim-s forasrd aguili, and in aiKHh' ,et h fulininate from the throne dcniinciationa agfiireal Ibe pe..pc. (Hear.) 1 ask, what nnno-ler dirlnU-d the Word bpl ..Moje-lUy. luu UiM uaad I -- W it, waa awdsetorre eu.Hii;h to MiggeHl litem, ami who weak ciSkiIi lo adviMe their adoption f Who i the junior niini ler, whu, iu the exeeaw of be oiirnlei e, mrjierw. ded tie' Hcuior ami tada-r niemU r invade the oliiuA.if priiow nemtftcr, and firresthe intnliK lio. of lite t in K4iS II. t Imte fiillcn from the Kmg Are I hey aware of what i seid when tla'y make the King declare that his inxh taibjects luite drawn down upon theuix lvca hia ''jiM indifrna lion'' that our roynl mnler is indiuiwul wilh hi people, and thnt In 'anger in not only great but o jul !" Ilia faithful Miljccts m Irelnml have now to dreadthe conacqiM'iices that are altemLnt uxm hi Inch grnttinn, attrl this ftnnt the fnthrrTif hU peoj'K (Ioml cries of' Hear, hcarLhear?MJ lSir in ail lite ryal sptxrjica I Imvu reiul, ihi hm'Ii ex- prdwaons an IIhi& occur. . . W twii hia Maj"wty ia made to spenk of jiihl TaTaMMIjnialloti, ma v I with due tnibuiiHiion, I I . I . 1 ' wh4rrelrI.cn1ngdrKtpll rdtlls Irish mibjccts hflr. excited lijunt imliiriuition I (t'ritiaof bear, hesr.) 1 1 iia the eniiuratiuii ol Iter njuiciiwl imiIh iiv am KWitry, and WreaaH atetetiteejm haa the alu ditnhientttf tlt relaf iooa knit NwralTiillwr wMt ....I .1 ..1 , . . . m. j.. era of-tlieir native (and' hnve th(y" excitrd his MnjcatyV. juet iialiifiialinn hear) or has the complaint of want of employment, want of trade, want of mamimcttirc a state which an Irish ChtUrcellor of the Exchequer dcvliired was that of j a " beggared ffetttry and a mined peaaantrr ha this state of things excited the juet indivuntion of hi .Majesty T . Is the hing neref angry but when the Irih tk. ftir liberty, aud. Ibr . eioploymeet ? ami 1 he to tic satixhcd or mh ut when they starve for want of Itn-ad ? And this, too, from the father ol mniittee state (hot their fellow crea ture are reduced " to the lowest ebb of human NilIr-riiLg, and c" riven tl .fy-dge of A's)finir'-Hnal chmng the lust year they had" relieved about lUvoltU iawiiliea, amounting to 8J,. 000 ja-.rina, - (Ueaj hosw.) -j.Thi is no refined to Dublin alone. Tlie reolutiiHisof the meetiiis in vaiioua parfof lilid'aatr'fhe"'laT tlie weet of Ireland, at a iiMWting where the Bishop of Marmiia presided, the resolutions were of the. same report. The law does not him bishop, but Dr. Mac Hale doe not want that title here, for whether be writes, or Sieak. or acta, he dixplava a auirit of philaiithroov and piety. And charity, united to ancient love and tiie lights BUI lNTil kVJUH IUB. v Dfevae oeiiwvwtw wn"'newTfv"i laTmtirwT.-a nirn i;ireaieiw to wuelin our loolilu- MI:MygaWt.'l Pnce captivate ni 'wilieMf I'Wtl We Vv U-r -eWiewtm Yet hshrnnd (iu hmior ali iko to the iudiviiluei-ami hia sacred culling ; he too uWrilies the deplorulile state of the wet4 of Ireland, and the destitution of the people. Thu resolutions say. that J0.000 per. s s is in his dioceses eat meat but twice a year, and have scarcely potatoe enough to subsist on." i Tlieir resolutions are imoslly coia hed Ia pre per and decom tertmt Tle?y seek by petition i ajk and are trtey to, la prevented T Ito Minister meun lo declare it hich treason to meet and speak upon the Repeal I Th prime twTnisler of tlie count ry stood bv the throne. hoWipg jn Js ihitaword of"state. The speech almoet tells us that it is to be drawn from the ecaliherd. (Hear, hear.) c But Sir, there i another statement in that speech, of a moet unconstitutional nature. Hi Majesty is made to aaythatil is " jbi fixed add unalterable resolution to rpiintainTinviolate the art of Union !" W'hut minister advised thia T or what minister could advise a doctrine more unconstitutionai ? and, coming frohi'lne gentleinen opnoeite, it is most surprising; ' Thef murt jnnw lhat theact of I'moii wlttil au act of parhanieut, aud that it has .im! can U alierwiL Tltey eTM.:!y l" H;- M King U tai figl.1 or .rern;aiia whereby V ran I Oh. d. laiw ki d. teru.o-ti-41 U irf i4 ai.y meaaure. ll i na.trary t' Ute fir pruiple if the f ..oW.iMa, H4 maiiil Li f limpid infrunrea-iil. If Hm King can tbu in tail funrteaas l)i LU.ra of Una body are al an end. (Hear, bear.) W are here, only to pat auch law aa b my in tU flrt lntanrw ip pi.ite of j and, MaiH bta M.HX mtu,TJ pieawre, ll rr-r-ilativeaof lha of.U aut re. rtaui pawiva ajaiatora, and merge Iheir qii .t.'y of legialalora. 'IVy are red to propound h i, but to iiha U & but Majey. If ao, a y al once go heck to our fonatiiueoia, and rean ll.e IruJ fomimtel lo our care. (, bear.") nr iratiTi ait cai.ia. SALISHUUY: fl ATUP D A TrjH:w JUNE 11 .11 13 4 FANATIC I HM. N'.tt unfrej.i'.itly, Mia- the present Edibw of the Ca In h tje-ti ciurye.1 ami mxiiiny in o ,-ioruiem People, tod hi (4"i i4inl aiiiiua4ferlt4M li'NI the f- I imtua liAte bean utrnnely amJ unlkirly perverted inUi ' . . J L...l. t. I. ctwititii n pin. n inBHiir i.i iuir N'labuiii fan be -m iut. If the rVlitof entertain my wejiwlm- at all 111 relutHai tu the l'coe t4 tlw North, tliey are ei-ilaillv ! 4 rfmaUt. Tl4i((h . alre-W Ut Ur )! 4Muuf Uta M VaaiWa mmr j,,, at tluil jn.l of life w hull iajmat anafepl ,,r , g,-i, n and t"finnenl unpreaicai and eai- inr n-rf only a tmuv ami cn.lunne tiartislitv f'f umUy unbuJuaw, Ia4 l.Uwa. m iM mam, a tavorable j p,,un ,4 xm- jfreat rnaM uf -iey there. Vv,!, w, al'lMuh he .-. m ihnr bshiia, tl.eir , clUullUL m,tltutuu sud lW UaiU Ud rharaelrr. ...... I, tl.t 1. worthy of i.ra,- ami of I Bib . ' ' j MflM Jlu, ,, y ,() MjJ(M. i ri ., . , . e r I la y are tlm winlanU f a rare uf at mil .-, ti.r tlu-ir iletnliiai to nvil ll l.'i'-ir laiiulii uiu and li'liirioua UiloW- B- H ' -ld "'' "oanger. at tlm I Premnl to ta 1'K''"d ' 6n tiCMii which Hire a ilurk tint U4i tlieothtfrwiae bright clwintrbir of tue " 1'ilitriui l'ih"r" of New Lnglami, aitd tlieir niiiu.-iliote ili'M.i'ii.lantii. We Suiuit tout there in hu ilnner now thnn there watwoeenlrrieearUT-'nicrP bin. ta-aiia uilglily projre , ainee tlieu ui uhusI ami inli-lU-. liml liupruvniieiiL Itut, notvt it)iolau.uii( all thia, Annum mulure il lh mmt, smt therefore It is n't entirely ac-ure fnsn tlie opera tiouiof caiiM-s wlm u hsC liL'iLiolutTC ituJuccd ao touch iiujfJ.r ia wciety. All history teui hea uh that, ax the sunp.lsat cvnttitu- tn.n or orgiiuiatioo ol the naluial budy is wot proof agiinat diaeaae, no the nnel healthy ami perfect atnte of.A iotT.a a even an a rtUfpoun commu nity, is subject lo mural dixadera, which, tltouffh they ' nisy font m no foe time within a limited upliere, art uot ananl lo heeiatte ettrlcmica. . . . From whatever canac tl originated, it "m4. amt it cuuiiut be conci-shyj haj sycla Uuorder baa briir; iiTwerte direc, epuicmicat at the Morth. To 1 borrow a phraae winch aeeots Jieeuliarly sjiplicsklejtlic W'hVrtVi-.-.".MT!.-..r-'.T1,,,''1. 'm.l 1.. '.,. ... 1 ..! .... and it is tlie port of patriotiiwi and of true CiirietjaD henc-nlimoe US' tnke micft precautionary naaaures as may prevent the enleimioii of s plague that would be iiicuucoivuhly mora tannine than the Asiatic Cholera. - Pr?. .!!XZ S.wft'tord 1 rh'ng the pf"iri;rj of tuis plsguej and ta it not the duly of all, who have Unite' lil.lis, to use llieiii pru dently, but with energy, 111 order lo arrt tiif nri;nsj 1 -...J...i.Ji.jt.1lJt. Y IW ''. "h1 - - v. - 1 tiisi snd our country in "hideous rum !" It is a nb ject (4ai.tly' iiiinrtnnr tlin.ii many sujijhm;, ami il u growing more ami imire uimnontouh. In Uiw per w ill hp found an .extract from a New York paper, giving a snort sketch of tlie' present htuie of tiia diaeaae ; ami immediately after it w ill he m-cii bu "llxpoUlU4l,, taken from a Southern er, wliieh ia conduct by aa able; Minister ot liio I nurcn. Hitherto a most cnljwble sjiathy on this subject ha pervaded lite whale Southern prene, Willi fewexeep lions. Ami, biHaiiM! those few linmH ncd to he, in te neral, opjswd to. aggressions of another kind, it wss .uogt-ueruusly akwrtod Unit they were intenl ti)Nii prr- lucuig 011 unnecessary excitemoiil for a uxt unrigh; uoos puri4e.. - - - But it it time tH-smftffiiberaj Itfnnlu gW place to prudent counsels; and the wise arid the vutuouaof uie laiwj, wiinoui regard lo local Uiviphmis, or political partica, or religksjs wets, must niiite.'sjwdiVy unite, their energies ngaintt Uie uiiieiMling Hanger or Uie day of lhiajiappy Jtejiuhlic j numhered. - . -Fro the X. Y. American, edited y Chan. Kin sr. F.a f Tlie ' Richmond Eininirer' would, we mrsim.. Run pass fiira jom-niil devoted1 to the lu w nd wiljinjj to sea tbe lail- tolfV.;v .t V .i F':-- thp fotirliMt isw trihunsls of thus land. Koeak trie rresiuem woiini cause a snr wrooi to be sued out against Uie Hank of the United States, the Kmjuirer mmym .. . " We doubt much the cmcaey nf a Scire Farm. " would give the Rank a handle fur new clamor and ad "ditional pressure on the People; but of what avail " would be this proceta! The scire fhria ru.l,l i " sued out rif the Oircnit Court for the District of Feim. erfvft'nT",'tfr Ri.;.! ;.,J'.t.." u .u. . " mmnble into by the Supreme Court of the V. States.' " ,fny one rxpecta strict juwiee. in :h a Cat; B from these tribunals, he ha a more sanpuine tempp. MturPl,hw ye happan ta puwi'iaj. The-claV'ought' " to be transferred to tbe ereat tribunal of the Peonle- and thrrt ktitbe decided!" And if instice is not to be expected from such a Cwrrr as ihst in which An (Wrsa presides, does the Richmond .Enquirer honestly believe that it can be haCftwa heated partiren appeal to Uie people 1. If t Court, combining so thoroughly as that of Jhe Supreme Coort of tiie Cmtod State, every element of ihdepen-dpnce-whrise Jmlee. permanent, with salaries ttiat cannot be drmmished, and without any connection !i rr"!"0' tn,s,ed -m Ab atriet leeiit Ttgnt are m ehtroversy where penal clause tu Uie cltartnrwr gat and rich, and therefore ponu-; Ur'r faivriilrrfi I lo b, if . , apftliixlWliat t lobe lu p.J .4h iJiwu,.,, m t, ' I, .fl(, Ma-hiD, Wrjii.lwB, Sll N-ir ,hlr,rf s . f,nl r H "r"Tt th ttiilh, and When ll.e Jw. " tiuilaai MtMiluriMieasra trjUif . ittf amlrf a aoletoa oath J W e ak Hi UkI,ij tjmrer lo Stitacr lh B,uelni, n,4 M a pr1ii, 14, Uil aa aa Iwate! an sn-l L ri.. il. ,H tm ss aura. W ith li.a overt rui.-u.fl ,4 ilMiaat m ,. CiaiUniita tit, the Hupteuia (Ueirtuf Ua I nile f.U fth bited in Uta paragraph we hats s,i. I)e jo) think, Mr. King, that old klr. taawaicni , Rib hi will five ii a tdsin bonrt ai.. .. ' hard quitton 1 If yuu io, yon will bs diai,uW air mn nnrnw w.ram rr ji,a aura 111 aitawrr g awet were a plenty as blackberrto,' aiileta it kiift' I - . .1 . . . I L . urn aa m mirra w urn piny. This sltort psragrapb iVusa th Ricbmiawl Fjxjtnh, ena a new chapter in Iba lnti7 uf tU time. , worthy of a Mile mnr comment Utsatli Kdiua-oft., Amerira It betoed ne It , Ha ll remetnliefed, thst Mr. Ritclii aot nnly pnsV,, eaa did until lately a graal rsspert HiTeierfa, partuteitt of (in ernuielit, but pfetenJed t be M jj,,. cat area uf Wale R.flita. M. .. iHVblkA ll.Jkll ,JA vkit I. a A ' " " '-' w mm u.-rMMIKlli. the frtrn-h of Hlat Rhta, and at th Mine I laa prt,' antg Uta 4atr, Judp t'aher, tit writer lU r gaut b-lti ti signed la ke," called up Mr. kiUh. lo tell linn what he riM-wnl by Htate Rjhta, and hf Were Uia it iitodics fir iM.lal of them. Mr. Uit (i did not think it prudent at thai tm9 venture up an esptaittuu of bi vietts; but a kH it now ia plain terms. tn ti. l. . . . .. ' I lie riatr signia inen roniena in! in all qirtxa of piriiJiciam fceiween a Ktai and the General &, vi-rninent, the pftter tribunal tn dcide, hi lha laat a ort,wuild b a VnventMn of the StaUa. The K, ttiaeU r.wiiend that tlie Supreme four! ia the po- Uiuuiiai. ImiI H aeeflw wnw that ittey sr UrtJl wn "the csae miht lo be t'an-f'-frcd to the great Iribgu of the 1'iT.jile ao says Mr Ritchie, stvl sn, reura w ill all ihr iriy y, nntil th7 din-utur that a ms r.) of the i;i. t trirxjiial of the lle" art iprasi lo Un-rreioilitt ; ami Itw-ii we np.wuc hi- will "atretH Ins arm lia the ViKI,ni)ii men I'roni ibe Wrat" tat--ill an-l d.TMir the dnjl U'ft tealljf Jlr. JUldin) jnw to-bsve rrni strtrv'j mad sim e the levtion jn Virjrmia turned nut (m loa party. ha now sUnoWd the ngbt wf ti Htatca, sad. amon the rt, evt u tLoc of. ih iIImh mi OIJ liiwinion. wh'ch 111. In j p. rulisrly irv ttt hint, and f ivo them up lo lha tcndir n.err.e,, majority of th I'' of fjje Umlad fUntw- e h fiien ap all the clieck upn the ahxihiU- mssa-iiy-vn. the rVnatc and the uptvme Court, which are ti uli'y di partiiMHtta wherein th erjoabty of tlie Stales a preaerved j and baa thus dsifidiiiely enlruMiJ all fa righta Tea, and powers tit to U.e" Preaaivtit, larLt by lite "great tribunal!" ' Thus ha Mr. Ritchie at la come out plaiidy m V voc of tlie Conwdidation d.sriii.-s p the I'pv-Uii-' IVsjafr ha a forced him hi eonCa hs poliicsl rrnt and now wa hope Utat stewilt me. teneefstifftii ri- lead thoHe w bo fotlott ed bun in bs iurultou and tin on political i vtiise. f CO.NGRFHNIONAI. M;MM,rY. On M.4iila, the 2ui inrfant, the lion John Pell, a Tenm-SMe, wai. elected bjw.ikcr ef tlie Ibm U He praarnlative, to aapply Ue vacancy eaued by ibe ri aignataMi of Mr. ttcvcun. .' T'.cre were ten balks ingit before a choice was m.V The contest wa between Mis Bell and Mr L'olk, M from 'J'ewneee; snd on the tenth bsllotiiig, IV Q hi lit. and l'oiliT acaluwing aft,- - ' Meaam rWi and Hnlfc TS btrtb frieiidTy bt flieAn nwliuiion, but the latter ieJisewnTJ .fhciuTof 3ltSu BiiTen. Mr. Itcll trr'.fiire uui Wooct to lW nmcc of that prrrtion of tho Jsck-nn men oppmrd to Yn ttt rrrywrHi tliree who"fc ; ViftpweJ tpyii ilntipM"!" iM-raliy. - ( 'j'-' 7- MrrlMt h'ttof entirely Hi i)iii7-lht "m go the prescut Arai hut, wisiderful to relate, canwit swullow. tllC tuJ! . This would em parttdoxaral tf rt did ,ia4 . know what a pmrcrtul eliwet be magutit hanjifCtlte' fuuciianaiafWh body sud nuud.. ; In the Hcnste, anme rinjpoiniioTis rjfMr." Bibb, ameml the t oneMution in the rtre'rtJu,k TW'of n'esiileht aild A u c-i'r. hidtnL have been refcf- rd lo a Seli-cl Committee cnnKwd of Mewl. Bibb, Ib liUsi, WrbMer, ralhnimi and Forsytli. " Tbe rMliit:nrn .f tr. CJ.iy. ( we piiblitJiei lust we.-k.) in relation ta tin. lit (UMites, have paw tiie iSennte. " ... - t. ir. McKean, of I'er.n-ylvsnii, presented s memori al, winch h m:.iiiiini.ii thrt fidhtwitig remarks Mr. McKeiiu Mini,' emtirfritttr tif thiHy c.tiiieni tbe first i-sm i iuliility, fn.iii inrimis mvIk'ho of I'mir slvaiua, all of whom, he believed, were now in iIk 1 ' !lK'.r,,;'1'!,tiL'. IlillUMSkmal loin hy pttltlnrsW In ciuujifc 1 immwul to he prewnted to thp Stftatf. sij:ned by more than 'ttt) llrlrgat,.,! 'r,,in the.ditiemit counties of that State, whu siacuihled t llsrrirhurr. the Nwl. of i wntmerri, on the'Tnn WiiiiKTo cVinStin as to tlie cause of public distress and mode i f itliii Awl tiiouslt, he said, a dilTerew of olitieal opinwis, b welj ss ou.quesUojui of idtelraal-vxpeiiktH V, extstei between portion of the meimirislisb. and w-r?We -bta dewre to reiHnwTit thenv fiurhr. mid it was no lens his pmlc thnn hut duly to cav. Hoi this foiivenlkin utnyiriwil ns nuicli of re.'pcetablill. talent, and weight of public nix! private characler. tt any Convention nf men tl mi hml ftaw-nihleH any whrrt wttbin-bia-keowleejrev ; wnd 'Whw eypiierce eiit.'t'itl, uieir 04j1.iR.11a in UienaM respmfiil criTmiirf ratxi. lie bad been fornisiied witli a tnteiiient 4iew n( the general as well ss mlitiel cinpli xni nf th Comentinn, snd be took orcss;ou to sUlbcJteffl JTJiSjniltitf liy hia own 1initt' fwl e Ml' lite IllUS W xtated The whole number of Delegate present t at)9: of Uhh number, 75 were original Jiicksoii nun, about 30 pf whom supported lletieral Jackson in 1 Delegates were appointed from IH counties, and Del gstes were in aetun attemlsuee from 44 eminties, in cluding the City of Philadelphia, accidents ha ing pre vented the attendance from the other 4. He hud bee particularly instructed to ray, tlMt the entire proceed ui?s hsd been distinpninheH fi,- harmony, unsnimitr, ?"!. jf?al "n4 tl?t the wJiide ehamctrTf 'tiV Pontm turn furnished the strongest evidence of a great pol'i cal change hi Pennhylvanis, snd a growing oppositios to the recent meanorep of the present '"AdmTi'nrfratN ef the Cieneral Govrrmrt. JSejEncjjuoriulww writ ten with gTeat riirce snrbiritv, and condemns, in the conduct of the Kxecntive bmnch of the (ieverB ment in reference to the Rank in u-hirh rnnse tlicf ascribe all the present dint reuse of the luuntry, w a t-oiigress lor relief. KING WII.IJAM AND KINO ANDREW. In the Britbh par!iameiit.ite!v. Mr. Sh) introdu- ced a petition from many distressed peojilo in Ireland, praying for a repeal f the legislative UnioD betwert England and Irekml. -and'fof thcaDoliiIoh"of (be pressive system of tithe. tt i the ctBttooiTm Great Britain, for the rarliammt

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