r j e i if s ... t twnat i aQtk rrY aiHaa eooiro araT w,rf raj1 aaco rka aether eoark. lwtfk jhnst. itba Pirtr, .aott oa tbt toe. igiiDaL. excite. ituia- oodr uldta regret- be oa:, lading yctng ,'orto Court Jetbe Kd of eliev al aa ed be lojt aeUle lint, !tian;k ! tVnk tha iM , Cut turret, we regtat tl-1 of tha lti ,rty m rW CanJitta have iJ, "(.Uui, too stuck ImUfiu. We J-l rt g,J k,.P, lUl W 'U put w U a at toU lbe the party .dual! prepared, m eea of ddJWtat eV part to the ft fWUamait kettle. tohea-aBifee.- - - " , "" ' : ( - m4 "' aa.-le iLi -aaa and craelttre RxkM thus j U ar l f"r'"t" l-- Waited V.k- h.u aad West, we A yu. treat I ' " ' A .-J that atfW tha '- r that tha reatne i alava-trtda. Ym Aoaaa have m if ivklual eslvaa. wa 1 ( v 4 yoer tmmxtm aa t that w ha raf.. " " ' la sjrle with those aawBiaatiMui M our " , Mu , afetaWede "J, wad M throwy eywry uf w , as. W eanaot suad Hhs; kcetfcrea, M- 1t im if lb Boat U Wet..ww Wtrt ir,;.ed w aay to yoi aJkltdylTaetiia-tely, I f t-thel, fytaUBnlilearWttai astee I -VaaJ tUr4nii Mtnic lusaaaoty will . prfMiM mimIm from Ik tlsat ; hat, if , 1 1 eo Boa i HW ant hn (if AmU, K ' v . , d4w ftoaa paprr UaW k PVJ. !i TTUnimtii Ourtto." - ' T h4 !4p tHW mm, wfki . k. A. t,m -btlaf fruBM-Ur. J U tommtf, f)M Af-.t i f wain n p f" ' 4J 4,- I caawl ia to to T-. r apw ,iy ,'4 tniM-' of ,! , U W Jto" coaairtrwt'wa tW aartoaa vU ' t. EipaatiiUli - - . r 4to aVoi thai iba rualica an inlj iav 'ii 1 1 potaton. toJ ToartRf kuUcr al Bfooatinaj , . j r Ufif Mmil atrrnftk aail Ua inb ..w a-i iU OMfMptiar t&etr dortriBfa ,mr ftwtiaa. :;, ,' f i?4 J iSa fnm i tto In mgf Irma, , . cabi t atoanif minwiiwa or aaua aeea,tiiiaai aa laajamiaaii a, u' J.. a U 1 Nth atvmld but throw their wcifhl I k, tyU whicft ia fa tha haaJa mktoai' " a -r caa , tba iaaaroataw caaaut coa- it-vr, .a- .Tia thai wnM aaeeitebly (Jtow, ? ' thai gu4 aea. w awiara, and 7--v t, ia car ail, aad araat tha priyBaa of a V I ajditaaea a wild crave! egaiaat the white - ' ia Sowtak But ll toho-ce the Hoqtbrra Pao f; a. t- , vparea! fur tha ararst that aa; Uppeej. Tha i ; - ! ; U tlM Naath an aaaibaar at tba pa iiu-a od that rziat aaaoaf a, aad they Calcav ht , v I JjI. that, ia tha aeant af aa faawaaoa by the acat parly fa tba &Mlh vomld yna their r1 1 j! 5a toacb boW to each a kopa ( aweefthebaaa, t.M Ulwre thai erraj tax wbo wield lha "tow U-t s.th toitcber-kaifc" wnmld be (uand tt nT Y)ur heart aan (atrbhtwridaorprwa. (such j-ra ajf their auantryT toaf "w7 ari"iTet ' rrfaaof tVTaiilVtjiaauMhCfa. a each aa a wf.il ertmaur, ba dand ahooW ' OJpfaaaaU pul4al aypuaeBto, ajf ajtrVir.nxriiiJa.jW tW pul . . . , .1 karroo af a aa a Ja arar arageaf wai Bof ' ; aUferaai beJm who waaibl aahaanMr I T! "r: "reil.li.their rapacteua . .V T l-Wnli-fcia hopaaaMt betieawihai - M fctataaai CaMtle" 5 a Tire (Vietiaa. If he . it r ftv readiag the Expoatalatjoa of hia brt riu j Soother ChriaUai UetaU," to par ! VTf whirktl caJcWeJ4oW rim People the .N;tbeni Sutea into aa anjust prejudice, and j 'Tbaaa fata opea aoatildy, agibut their Suuthera -V'JS&liljGuiimmm be ar- y 'Brethrea of tha Sooth aaJ VV'e-t, m mut WHi -f Doe ha aaeaa to threateo a that, if inch ama aa Mr. Stontoa, f id ean rrmtu, cootv culajaaiato , the Gajriauoa, the Tappaaa, tba . aad that homd erwwLU ba fcoodapoa BwaaraaacHagaaaarrectiaaJaaerrLleaar? e woaM aa to kuav aad to all wboeaterteia r Wiaj and near BraUreoW' the North. f5"4 r, - Wa caa aaakat ail naAaaaabto aJVa-. a . a yaw prpnadjcea; tott jvm Maat aottoa aiafl i wa attU a&ir of which roa are irnorant. in lich yoq hTe oo ,41 intcrtVre, and fa which prmtwfpraoce woaU b Cital area totboae Car whoa prufa to fcd aoat demlr. lPa yoa resta not the reefmstulity O the bwagio- vroamier the Afijcu naa al. Hrrm ri ""IW to be free from .aM ojaasteat kaaBakanwai h yoa can lavish roar divaae chantr, w MCmli. FHlt JWi alam iluah rM ahow """ratitnde br aWaar jtWmw aa weU aa ita earn " yog fellow that Divine precept, -Do justice, Irerrr. and I. u l- - n ' J. tatlmw amaw the miamirearntatioM of a FrejuJ.oed mdiridaabi! Do yoa oUerre A by rle- 7wire aato the jodrwnt aeat. aad. whila r00" mMraim of oaJnMlin awn aVli hrtel Uaxktet aWnbeJI the GmrhL tMnk i it,.. .s - . T 1 y are -aor oa afaer nana ore" that ia to ' " have aaW.art ahves. whila at the a " 700 t,, BMder your aathoriry, aerhapa, aarae - who, cooM they be heard, would alter hv won -hamra- the aoo obc aay to you not aa anger, but fa a aeriooa J to prevent much wrath aad eacaJewhbie mav r Jud not, that ye be not judged.- If yoa 3 ""B well to the maMer and afareaor af yoa D.cifine yw good trOl to the tatter yo will beat ' v uj wimiananiaa; asaca pauamnoaa ana TOnr ' 1 1 CLL II" I ? '0ie Xortk aa ara caJcakteal to arrant the I . a i j fVtoai Hn .. , y ; rr ". Sumanr Term rfSoprealOMr !r enwind teat week. L BoBeoteb) Coamty, ha beea aoV cm to tba Bar of i)w r- r- . i w. it . ft. vwmi x wi , i am I . s . u r m f v,.oi Uaca. to Superior Court practKe- 0 5r ll i ifn'siii tu int tU ilitrmte mLmprt. ' H tai (uDpurinf cafUui PtUMMit t(ualniaN tl uty I tUt ft thtuJ BuoiUtfNU IJ J fTCATlOl i Al un muixmi Uwj irt to mucb Wrifl4 tixl tLry J nntvA Mvit prijr(A woimut kutti C4f tw U, Uruhoma, or, tt nk, Uiky, WC ' la bc Umi BrtL Tb tcit mutuent tUy ir hi Ucy tt Um ru!t f unfit IccUaa, of Uw d- j ctM ewut m btmm UKulmU quutt, tnd art to Wtk out IM lU o(iU of oM unj- I iM.MnM4iMkiiM' I Ron Auot wtA to V IhouAt m nr!Um u to i liuife, Mtoolf, tha f or ji4aiitT uf tl (bni. biM akafactora Wit, aima lima, tla ft auttly MVultaf toaaa then awa way to M aactirity.wkkh Mttl 4 BiaWiU4iappDinliaat aa4 trtm U lnrn. Oar itttotlifattoa tot that Null.flcattoa. ia atrry Wa "going abW Trut tt k M Wary alma caUa4 ky tLa mm Mma i rpai bj any o(hT him CI oomD ai twaat," to tba thing ktrtf k ruimAly wirrvmmf. utiet tba aaaf Bttt Rtgt$, JicIum- iaat, Vaa Dunmiam, Tory mm, a4 trary etitar t of aoina aodartbat MN kevt apraaduif oret tba knd, Lka bpt kuWbaa, and oucka ia a aWiabiaf atea oww. hwk at Lha aapara from all point of tba aompaa o4 yoa will ata that 8uta RLt maUlh . Wby, aaa Juba Sarfeant of Philadelphia b a opaa advo cate of Htala Romeifnty tad Suta Right, knd Daai al Wtbatcr m aapKtod abortly to Uluar auit. Tba graat ff, turn, of tbuaa a bo "fo t Ua ipoilt," (and aock tbr ara fa all Wp ftWta) k tl-t tbara will to. oa 0a aay of victory, tuo many cUlotaaU (j a aUra af lka artaaHaoary. (tCrTbaWbcat Hurt, bu commencad hitbi ptrt l'bamontry, tad tba libora of t)ia bobaatinaa anil ia ffon'b CaifllJjJ. hoonliftjl crop. Navtr, probably, ftj toy aa wiO UUm tiJVrJ M "h I. Tba araafat woaid ba a prootUooamik. ducat Iba Naw-EmUad cawUaa uf a tfukf annw. TbMkaanvwr.-Wa aboabt tka to av that lnmVU Iratiral obaarvoal fa North Carolioa, bidapandcnt of it bigbaat objact tba aacriftcwafpraiaa aad thaakifirtnf br tba) fruit uf tba) earth it baa away good affecta jjBoa aneiaty i at a piuaMilm af aucnU fcwbnp and f aafoaia boapttaltry. ; , Wa wuuld aaaa ha BriDinf aa Airtoetilarfatha pow r aaar Bute Eiecutire, aa to aothoriae bini amraally to aeaifnate day, But i caaaaWaary, but wluiiUry Ibaahafrriny. Taia; a aa aaataJaaanl to tLa Cooatitu- Iimi n.M kalir nrurMil Im thM A AinirtA iiu -rr- v If t ba, ba dWnraa to bava hia whole arop of abeat tairaed latocAaat ttrr nvMi tba - Aieuudiat ChrwtNin Nprrtirwt - a ra Lpoua paper publiahed in Richmond, (Va) wr extract the Ulowuif Juat rnaarki oa that apunoua liberality with which naay peraoae deceive tbemeelvaa while they Mppoet they are juatifying what Ikey cooaidar trme Lberality, but what appeara to all other the very efaWaieaWW erryr ' Aa &r aa wa bare witoeated tba etmrae of the Editor af tba Sewtiael, it ha been entirely conalatrnt with Ui pnaciplea ba here laya down. lie ia a derided Metlnd- aa, bwt racwirea and communicate with Cbxiatiaa all other aacta ia CW axwihuI'VCUiaf f g'bif uf ' lie intend, in conducting a religioua prrinrliral, to be gueetaaj by Do party or aectartan motivee and view, but at all time to receive and comrouiucale.wjth Chriat tma eWity and candor, abatereriua promote the m iereata of ma and the cause of God. .tV a ara aut aaha iH neither ara wa afraid, to be fjund among thoae who are denqntiaated MethodiaU; and we have ao kind uf fellowship (a-Xbat pra(a4e4 liberalrty of Christian pruteaauai which aoppnae a man to be the Icaa bigotwd aecxaae he heloftsr to no religi'auA duvmioatitai, and approtea oTaoaia thina in all while be will not unite huaaelf to uy. uaafitiuig bii QjrAUa Lberalitr ia the i grratff bccABiBj he huUa-fellowBhip with norm. ThiiJ bberaiiry with a Vitneea 1 and with a vengeance upon all who think they ought to belong or.be nDited lojuate rengtowa Wbwahip. 1 Liberal aouial how they do hlea theaaaelrea that they have mora af tha charitr of the uuapm oaa au uw rear or ine vnristian loccuier. aiav-l py hecatjaa in tha prkJa of IW beam they haretrrm giauaiaheaaaeleaa abovw their hrelhrtri fiii'poinl 'of reli- rama eieeatioa ana liberal nelinira, and then-lure re fuae to joia with any of them. Lr fear the ahould be. coma aactariaaa aad loaalhetr bi? awd artf-erevafx'd auuta -i)rwi -Tne lrouM- liberal Lhriatiana ara ao illiberal that they conceiva Bone are right but theoMelvea, and they reject ill church aaaociatiuna aad frUowWiipa, not having the apiritof charity, ferChriat iaa chant. Now wa would auk. who ia the most libe ral ia ha feeling aad aenlimenta, he who condemn and rejects ail, and therefore will unite, with Bone, or ba wbo wnitee himeelf with auiue religioua deoooiina- tioa, ana kvea ail of them I LCWCROUS MISTAKE. A newapaprr io tbia State Jately pubuabad anMAd- dreaa to the Freemen of North Carolina," ia behalf of j the PreaideaC In attempting to copy the Address, ano ther paper has, by a queer mistake, inserted into the concluding paragraph a few lima from the itory of the " remarkable mule," thereby producing a eort of lite rary nondescript, as will appear by the following ex tract: - ' But, gentlemen, the great ma cLUtaJkawrica, rmpfe are not wining to give credence to those flying repoctvaad iiihout-Urand haae now before ua ar tetter fteaa tiaaaroprietorof the mole, (John T. Kilby, Eaq.,) fully conornung our statement end giring the fbtlow ias; particulara : The mule waa kept constantly at hard labor, fla minatory newapaper publications, condemning tha course pursued by the Executive. Tliey know. too wen wnax meir iiDemee cost, and now to appreciate the aerricea of the man of their choice, tor them now to Mirreader the Constitution, and all ka orifinat puri- ry, lo graUfy frroujMitjBisap peiiticaj Bsptntnti,1 One might auppoee, from reading the above, that Mr. Kilby'a mule bad been arenata into the service of some Whig Editor, to enable him the more effectually to counteract the mulish obstinacy of the President But, aa the article appeara ia a paper devoted to Geo. Jack- aeeomrrfbr Tti noticing tJie muIe,"unTes it i thought that it will add aome new "glory" to tha already mighty &me of the Hera ANOTHER -GOOD TJX." In the County of -there lives an a ivaricious gen-1 .fenmn fry tint tt-nt-f i -hit hat, fllittjrrtrfT""1 t-nHiwrfTiic1y tad more thoroughly rare thia summer, a crib full of corn. He ia, of course, a good deal troubled with applicatkmc to lend, give, or aell; but be turna a deaf ear to eiery applicant who doe not arga hi necessities with tha accompaniment of 1 40 per bushel , :-r- One poor fellow, wbo could not succeed in beggiri? or borrowing, at length, "hia poverty, but not kia will, emmmtingr made an attack upon the aaid crib between t0 iwn aara, sou camra uu a vag iuu ui curu. iwn a-ty ' , ' .. . 1 ' I.U uij rots i to prtot f:K,tlf lif lud, rt h' H'tff'- MNt)f M Ink) K r!l.r.'. htm. Kimi 4 "t lsu; .U1 f ilow, mwJ to u thn til muffl m, tnd U li it About anJnitil U tlvptx mUf to lh cn fimuit4 t Uf , m onior to ttf to trick Tf, m4 ir it b wm firthfuL ll crrpt la, trtU; unm t ! ; but, u im u U Wpa to til th tof, oU Tuny, bo MU prvtMnUd to bo mUtk pim4 km hj 0 two .tU.rt i4 Wra W thump nn4 tlx f tk er .h. en VtM U. I r4 M fm mMm ,m. mt m rd !, w ealr "Wby. Tuay, Tooy, Wt yon know your RMiUrr crmd aut th aVaMid prwtomM Uiwt Ma know your aira, mawa, and wa tow new but wbo awck to ara yoa ia da dark Kudnigbt coma to ataal yuur owa curar 'Ml"" airWioa ml Jimrtmn. Ob tba 24th of May, tha $7ih Aonivrmry of tit Uadinf of th fallaat CapUia Hiaitb, with iba Aral Cutonwu uf Virgin, at JamMtown, waa crlbrstad on lha rpn( cooperated by tba aveuL It m mui thnra wora atarly 8.000 kwramw Dreamt, from diiTnrant and diiant part of tba rttat& Maara. Tylor. PwrxWiUr, and Tipum, of tba Sanato, attfiidfld : mml othnr VI prober of Ctmfraaa wara ia Vitd by tba Cummittaa of Arrafi(aawot, but wara un abia to aUnL AfUt going thioub tba appropriate CakbraUai of tba day. 18 tba vaaia tba Cuwtmittea aaourtod Ibfir ia4d f aru to WdlaiiMburgn, wbcra tky fePBinatad tba featirttjaa of tU day with aa ela gaol aupprr. , NapJmn, whila lit mg aad rarryir( oa ha) aucenav AjI war ?iiM tba prineipaliUaa and fnwrn of tba world, an ealM a Bsfblwn I Tba lUlpwinf abort aratanra w tba bt couimmlary oa hw politaea that wa bara mrrr mn : TV Emperor of Ru (who nrj My know to ba a RrpiMrmn) ba ardATwi 1(1,UJ fraara to ba aub. I - 1 1 L a.. L. akw. ai anaa '. ..C", 'vlllZL . what aun" ''' no"' a th nmntry raa toll " " --Mean tba Cmparur af Kuaau an Alexaadria. (Va.) aad Ciacuuau. (cLtZl't'S kara lately comiwranoraUiu, ia aa appmpria atyla of aptoador and pa trio nan. tba raemt airnal triumpbaort10 their frwnda ia New York, Connarticat, Viryiaia, and mdaaa laraubout tba wbuw country. . , , t Ejfrcli of lk Slarmt. Our aBchanga paper from Virginia ara filled with an the dratrnrtioa at l ie and property, in earmu parte of the State, by the lata areere aturma which bare been eaperirnced there, What hj" rawed the wind " ao ia the Obi Dominion? - la it the rejoicing of SjJIm at her political regene ratiuo or A owing to the raciuua prulucod by Ge neral Jackaun "aipenment I ftj" Wa ara authorised lo announce Major W( Pom a Candidate tu rrpreanut Iredell County in the IliHiae of CommuiM of the) next Ueoeral Aav aetublv. " CONGREiW. -wur engaged Lr full two boara in ttkWYhA'h4b5 ,,,"r'inT report of Mr. Ew menta made by the committee, ail aatotiiaii lha people. The driklcationa in the Department ex J .11 .L- . t mrm ' au uiai was cxpecieo. i ntnga are worae tbiii mmi bclirvrrf byTboa moat IncluasJ to brieve too worst. It appeara that lt the reporta of the Drnajt. f r. fwo.y-eari pasf, baa Malnoringl7 and ahlfully oWrre--thnt nothing" cunMas from tlte A'partmwit ran be relied rjn.-(tbowf thai me c'rfitracta, or cioaea of them, hare never ben deposited, u directed by law, injhe Tntuairjjkr ptrtmerrrrttduSnrcB perVrrsioo and a change of contract ha been taken away. It alao ahowa that the drpBrtmerif haa borroatd mnney to the extent of four hundred thuuaand donara,ancf r niaioa in debt a hoot ait hundred thuuaaad more.- i n Kepmt also atalea that there ia the aumaif , v iv.uuu goue i ruin ine uepanmeat, in a manner an ann '"ei' 1 i " '. '. ' altogether unexplained it is kwt and no one knows how. ZJl raohpari -that tX iiyJiiSi roetmalerKJenerat reported to Congreaa the good atato of the oVpartmrmt, it was known Jo. be,tn dcU the sum of 840,000 dollar. It shows that such haa been the miserable man ner in which the deportment baa been managed, that while) if waa Firing to Reeside & Co. the aum of 60,000 dollars a year in kEtraa'' it waa obliged lo get the credit of Reeside to burrow mo ney for its use from the Bank. VV. In fine, the Report show a variety of other mat- irrs, wnicn win a&onigit ine people. MR. CAIJIOUN. The correspoodant of the New Bedford (Mrarn chusetts) Mercury, who lately furnished portraits of Senators Leigh and Benton, givee thia-eketcb of the lluo. JStm C. Calhoun : - : : JJa ia.a talLuot aiaikwitk atilT sraa hair braaaW backward. Hi face bear aa many fclda. and corruga- twoi as that of tiinf Brougham. What Would Piuwao- logwu aay io a low, narrow and retreating tbrebead for r remarkable a man! Mr. Wirt somewhere aava of Chief Justice Marshall, while in Congreaa, that with no rrace of manners, aa trick af mkn. hut auJoimir every rule, preacribed fur tba finaaW orator, be waa one of the most eloquent men of the age. Tbia ia em phatically true of Mr. Calhoun. Ifa devote th holeJ power of ht mrad to the argument alone, with earnest. I by no quibble, no vanity to appear witty, by no dec ire io cauer nia aarcaama. lie does not even move alow enough to select tha happiest language, but ases aay that occurs to convey his meaning. Yoa cannot listen to him without a lull conviction of his sincerity. While apeekinjr, bia eye, that unerring index to lha oat, sometime seem to start from (he socket, and it nasnes seem simost aupernatural; - - i His adveraariea call him meUphjaieaL If they mean that he ia ingenkwa, quibbling, aopliistical, he ia not metaphysical i but if they mean that be is alwara lotri. cl. discriminating beyond other men, irreaiatible in hi affliction from the pretnisea he lays down, he ia Bfeta- physical. i ue more or aucb metiphyaicmnt the tamer. Bureau, as a auieaman man any otner tnaa in- the country. lie came into public life ia youth, and none but qtiertiona of national moment hive ever engagad hia attention. MetaDhraician he ntv ha. vet ha aa of the moat practical men of tha age. lie did lor the irar iwparnnem, wnne cecretary, what Hamilton did vii i ue reaaoij necreaieo rtouioi cnana. ll j viewe la .e present cruaa, in relation to the Bank and the Citrr,-ncy, aa unfolded m bat speech, ara acknowle?jrcd h mmt practical and atoteaman-Uke thaa am other mat nave Been Ouereo. Tti WiStn? rliuirt-rU-tu-c of M r!!.-in r y,w4 ij bn. II )"rt m a 'in aa lti l ri U baa a nuL Tun Bni (ulitu -nrta b n4ta. Vaarauf pnUic life ba Im4 uml mo trlijd Urn U utff . ll avr In an mrtn ( hia fcUtmwa. Ila iltit( ara all auUa, wna, - NR. Mtl-tTOJC.' . Mr. Pmrtna i a man of Urea ftuna, well Wilt, and baa haw of bnauUfuJ lil.t twi aula bai araia appoar rather lir but whila apaaking W bia aaual lnffJ awanrr, they aeem to ba wall euitod to tha B-a wbb k tbaa bm ka of than j kia apct la cttiwua Odin. Bad aneaiemace frank aad opew. Ilia eye aaenaitocrey the tdea that ba at Ibnd uf.aad agtaaabla in, Biaapany I and to tha-a to wbnea bia loea and faapact aitofid, waravbearted friend. like true K-ith Carultakn, ha ia the awmra tnamy to uuriUMa, Bad n arar oa tba alert ia aadaarorlng to pratMte tha keajl toleraeta or BM ennatiuteou, ay f furoualy oppoainff aU Bauraa whath to thaaa fa an waa aaay be mjurtoua, while at Ui satM tiato Uia-g-euU to other puruuna of or conicnunKy, IU aurpaann fa aluttteoca, area what wa leera of many of tba aa cieot oratora, and areompaaiaB it With a ferca of arga BMrrt, arbeb anarally proeea thorna to DM antagom', but a amirca uf reacuur to bia Blacal ft tend. Tba teidnea of bia imaf inatioa, tha acurchina aatarrty of bta awcaam, Bn4 tha aittemaa ui Ba ruaa, ara um of bia ttonaturial character, acarcaly BaraJlalad. I ha hia-tAMa il thai eketcb canOul 00 Dua Marice, aui n m atalent to all, that tba combiaattua of Iba abova quala- tiea aa'ial fa fjnuuig a on, wbo, taouf b yet youaf , hula bur La arocura t biraaolf. aad br hia owb merit, a Ik ma Ibr AiliHiae and gratnea which eball ba aa ba-ima aa the reatal flama of liberty ahall oaotuiu bright apua tba alter uf pur tod peiraut, Baana. Pinrking of Ihi fMuM RJouowu We Kara) haord Ibia pruclK-e atnaigiv recominetxlod by a re. ry aucce-jMul gardener. It w muJ to iucrwaaa lha crop both in quantity and quality. Anatofft wuuld enem to aunport llua tbclnne, for all well know that Iba prraiuclion uf lha flower ami eeod conaumes great part of the autuanca) of awry pUiit, during their f irmatjrw: We requeaf our BUoacnDcra to put thia pnnriple to tha teat, and give ua lha redult of thmr expe no nee. ttrmfml ourutr. Plorilnu fStaaa A few years aince, 1b CPtoiB of a militni company m a certain Iowa w New llaaip- -- who Mt all tha Ira port nr or the turn euiioo ' wbicB ha bad beea lately elevated, resolved lo have i. ta added to the drum and Bfe ordinarily uwd PortatsMuth' fcr IhU aMurdiajrly vauted tha towp aa arransetneota, and, wh ML?g th 77 li-j .ri.-. - -L, tlrultr.t banish Wl-VWIOTU am M. " " a Y wwmim wmn - - aooa atruck. But tha Captain waa anruewhat puttied with tba phrase, " I'lwrifau Caiwa," whkh waa ear ned oa the beak of tba Americas Eaa-le, and painted on the drum. Ha demaaJed an eaplanation and araa tnM by the wag, that that waa tba name of tha fjapuin of lha Company to which ll funaerly belonged. - "Tbaa it muat be altered." " Certainly." Tha drum waa ae aordinrlv taken to a painter, and the objectionable word, tivribuM t'aarai, were araaad, and other word eubatitutod in their place. For wiany year Uiw drum waa earned at tha bead of the Com nan r tha Eagle Btuudiy baarmr oa hw beak the arroll, to which wtf attached the name of the brave and yrallHneaBing Jonathan ISltburj 1Dvtttm Mcrtanldt AJpcrliMT. Tk M'gic Dlnc.A ahop keeper. Dot remarka bl Car integrity, or tha honesty of bia weights, lived in a narrow street opposite tha room of a Literary So ciety ia Watorjbrd. A member, who waa aootathui; af uTpaa. toe wire of the efcctrieU macnia (thaa but little known) acroae the way, aad attack it to tha cord by which the acalea were ausuroded. Oa a 8a- mtontay Bight, whea tha abop waa crowded with eoato eta, tha mas' pneeded to weigh boom articles Balled hr, bat the moment be touched the cord to reiee the ecaleevbe received" aoAleB" ahutk. Vbicbieauiad io ttiatocata bia ara; ba kid bia band oa the counter, ind wiped, ba fcrehead; ; "Theaa ara sudJea Uioca," aaW he, and then Cruaains; himself, ba tried again again ba received a aimilar shock, and again desisted tat the aim manner.- The person ia tha ahoo wars now anoriand a tbw e-itiaweVnaryJnVctTarw ru . . 1 1 - .l f, . . r . . - . v.."ya D"' "ttiia na.aaaaa ajwira ume u raiaa the acalea.; Th common people of IraUad at tech much unportenr to tha number threei'and whea ha received the tbird alwck, the whole ajssnib!y,with tha iqan hHBaelf, fell on their kneed and be ran la mi and eonfrai (batr ina, aaasder ac impending ludg-' menl At length, one, more ahrewd and compcaed thaa the reat, observed tb wire, and traced it ecraa to the Society's noma. An inatant eju-ttanumi rl tha iwnU tnokpUaad fiey rushed" ouf tb tear down this neat , or wisarda and magtclana, Tha member preeerit had aweaOy time to aacape, but tlteir machines were da- atroyed py the riantac moa. r Altar of Hymen w Saalaa IW aaalal m ula arMMkl . ... T wmr mt Km aaav- la i. ka .mum an ata aa. w,.i,tkev,i.?iw ... ; VXITED IN WEDLOCK, In thia County, on tha 17th nat. k H U.,iw. ' u. m if 111 vm ci . ,.u ..... . . .TL"'' uu. miiunn K-J l .r. uj m IB atlni JlUtJixU, -"TrXr-th reaidencB of Cot Wm. Park, in Wilkaa aVMillk ty, on the "7th ult, by the Rev. Mr. Adams, M, JOHN N. McCLELIAND. of lmlell county, to Mia MAR. THA PARKS, daughter of Col. Parks. -- At tha ramdeoca of Tandy Matthewa. Eaa . m Rik county, on tne 1st miL, Mr. JOHN L, iUTTCS'O to atra. maki ua huuki i.K. - in Montgomery county, on tha 5th insU by tha JUy, Iaiyid Derrick, Mr. EU SHANKLE to Miai LECTR. On the M inatTCapt. E BARRINGER. rf ftte. ru county, to Mia SAUYJHJEAIIn Memm ' in Mrtcklenburr count v. on tha 20th nil k a. Grier, Em , Mr. WILSON MONTGOMERY, to Mia n a rrt w a a t . a. t -.-. a. v w i nanr In York District. 8.C aa SUtnrJaa aaU.. .1.. 1T.L ultimo, b A. Ilardin. Ean.. Mr. TIIOMaa Msotiiu to Mia LYDIA HARRY, both of Lincoln fV ft! fir lawaflfaviiffU M iT'ii. a.u . . .V- n 1 Wmil On the mm eyenm?. at the aanu. nlaea. t th. R.. Mr. Camobell, Mr. BENJAMIN SADDLER to Miai ELIZABETH WITHErWPOON.. Court of Death. ii' " . lawmiauaaiaiawaa ii am 1 w iW fM, lb. laurut, wmyt - 1 . ...M, Am. Ml bHKiin Dti'Aii I D THIS LIFE, At her faBWeece in I ... .Ia County, on the 8lh insi, Mr. SARAH KjBLatX', widowefter oainful ill! new of aeyer, wek.i. AirHMM-H her afflictkma were gnat, ah aww tltam with Cjg fortitude, and aub- mitted to tha will of I , i !. .4 a parent, ahe wu tender and afffictionate ; -xbbt waa kind and obligmr: ah ha left a hr - c r.-l uf friend and reutiona to bemoan her low.-- :mn .mratd. At hi reaidenee m Davhtann r -it i n m,,, i t inat - Mr. JACOB GRETElt, (fdTJyi.. ' 7 At ner tesioence in lmi 'scn c iii. s, it Y-rt s aince, Mr. SUSAN HAN Ed, aged til j In Caharrua county, on the 7th inst.. M, ' RA SCaiT, ia th 20U, year of her age. In Williwrwon County. Tenneasre, Mr. J0i. HUDSON, ajed 2d year, formerly of Rowan co., i TU ;L,U, of L'.a 1th uataat, aayej "Mr t a o1uImim (rrlaiia Ui iKa drpiantr) rt a'- J ' UtiU uf lit IIv of llrpreaaiiUtlvea by a "M li aiva tot.) Thoa lave tha inaity fa tha II.ua JoJgrJ U,a dift ii"aav Tb aWmg I la If i ' m B 0iat Co.'irii iit RtetlKa) uf gvtllDg I tjouhleaun - rjlu!otituf the way. TW.and lha pretums run Ihm. have auaUad auudry timid gatlana to akulk , but they will anua bare to coma 4 to tire tha Peopl-, Wbara tha BreVKiua auawtioa will ba, WIIUIC I ' TUB J'UJliC MONEY uf tlaa L'NJTKD STATES! Aad who will ba tUa to aaawar that quataai1 - fltr Tha conteated aWtbua batwaaa) Wtoara, LatoW and Moure, of Kesturhy, ia raferrraj again to tbt Tew pt of their dualra-L Oa tha bwIiob that R. P. Utehet entitled to tha aeat, lha rote atoui 113 U and Ui guat tha bxKjob. . . -- - . Land for Hale. 'PIIE BuWnber ofllrd U tab Tract tT Land 1 of 5 0 7 A C k E , lyinf o both aidea) U Grant' Crtk, ail nuiee auuthwest of BaJUbury. Fr HO 15U lu -'W Acrea ara cleared, about so tt wbkb is axcrlUit Meadow ia good order. There imk fa rd V W E L L I N 0.11 0 U i E on tU :?laid, a Bam, awl other out-bouaee. Tartui wiirte Bnada Bocouiuodatin to any Uhinj to purchaae. fcr Any una (Wina lo ae tha Property, wil - ploasa call ua the Bubecnber, bring fire nulo Crwa Salisbury, oa Iba road to Ifeattia'a Ford. - a m A ia aat bm i 0 tt) JuaoSl.lMl. tf TKLST SALCa BY Virtu) of a Deed of Trust to ma executed, " try William McJim-ey, for tha purpose of curing the paymept certain d-Ua the rain ui iKsieJ, I aiiaiU proceaj to aeir, On Friduj tktUlk afyf JtJg , " at tba CutirtbouaB In tba Town of But eat die, tba ioiluwiiif f opttjri-..;. ... j: : A Valuable House and Lot, ia Butearilb', formerly owned by Wealej Reyniuli i J I' irty, Acres of Xaiid-a.---- oear Mount Moume, with a good Blore-Iloust can it, and other Buildinga t : , : " AND " '. ' ! 0 Likely Young Negroes. . . Terms made . TK) tiiei day of -aala. Juna,183t T-,.. I will Btll.rt ti$ mm tiU and fJact, By virtiM of' a Deed of Trust executed to toe, f r bke purpoaea, t r " " V ct j auaAeTtati pi tan A near Mount Mourne, in tba Count j of Iredell, ,' . Containing 700 Acres,' and known as the M White-House Tract.1' . Terms made known on tba day of eeje. - JAMES A. KINO, . TniBtoa of WUlian McJimaer. -fun at, 1984. . 8t-r - SEWING. K3. l0WARD,wbo bM brw in tha h.Ut r"f " doing work fur tailura, hereby gjvea notica that h wteoda, in lutur, to tab ht fUwin ort Woaa -aaXoBflt? aj-J, bavtof an asaiatant Wnoaa work aW- - -Hot beau massed Lr aeoaeaa aaU ate, .ka ik-r. . . -.."j.nj.in r via ounnOeot that aba caa fiva BaliaTaction to tbuaa who ' may ravur ner wub their cuatom. : " : rrriTbg-feHtDgJkia ba bar ebareeaV Vib V " " " ' or making Panlahwoa, from 78 cent to 1 dollar. For making Veata, For Biaking'RoundJa -J5 to 87Tirr acketa, 73 cenls to 1 o41ar. XT SHIRTS, alao. win U made on tha W J- reaaonabjd teruia; bid Mra. H, will nrfT muUrth-: 1 to rtfl M wilKiut patteriria." ; . t r . ttajiabury, Juna 14, 1834-tf - - j.T . wiN TUK SyMMER SESSION -4F- Mrs. M. R. Hall's Female School' IN LINCOLNTON, . -..rTifl iaaicjcr m Monday thtVll JuM,' I IRS. HALL, (as-ed by Mr. AiriA5Da A i , Hatt, Pnncipal) will continue to leech, (ha oofioBd hrm cAc rrjatstf for tompktt ftmalt ' - Boardrng Can"bTwd with reaoectehle f.m.1.a. at SUM per week. ' ., Xouna; Ladies, without ParenU or Guardian, will receive prompt attention. Katea of iuition will be made) known on a appli. tion. ALEJC'JL A. MAI l "Llndolntoiuna 7, 1834..3 .f rnacipal. nrcKivirirs rpnOSETwIio ara aOlicted with IIEADkACIIEfl IIEART.BLTRN8tand other durtrewing lyn torn, pf rdered .tnmach, bowels, and liver, rrJr find relief in Drt BeekwilBV Anti-Dyspeptio Pills, wbkb can be had at this Ofic eents ner bo,.--.--. .. f - J- " . r' "" IflTiteliTaieTbur now lire in Raleigh, has, after a long and exten. y practice, been enabled to compound a most ya. luttbla reniedy for the chronic diseases of the di geettve organa, bo eommoo in Soul hem elim.... . " wm an cony mimer to make out certia eatew tejrrowthat ttm im ara I wyercipn ttS medy for all the ill that fleah ia beir to jH but it ia not pretendd that thev dote. Cfertificato of the most respectable Fhyui. ' -ciana and other genllemeit can be shown to aub- aiantiate itieir eiiioacy jo the particular class of above Spokon oiTlml the Editor 6f tiiia pajx r can testify that he has deriyed.,peedy and permanent rdn:f, u thn use of them, from a dwtiwwinjr. d '"i i" continued bend.aeh. us !niH. triod them, at hia anvoMatS. ' ..a , ., , '. T"-"l)6""iTOiaimk. pern- - i t : same I . ;,mal efiecta. hnii..-. -v, June 14. twai f ' ., -.w. ... .ii ,i- .- inn . .a i aw miiiii waiiaiwaataaiiaiawaaaii ii '' aLUWer'1,w"Bl'--1',:- - ' A tjl livery Mud of Blanks, ami t inrrty; or I T an J Wrapyiln P.ippr - 'A BAUJ AT THI5 0mcE- aaEis:a waaawat tur' -"- t .