c r r "aif-vA ' Lincolnton Academy. THE ntnjlnii of tlt H lU Law cliilna Aeeilemy will eutntnenre m tlie I rub da Juo, and U-rininsie on the evening 0 eiwuing day. l'miU end GumJum era jfttw Utlf reud to elld. - (J" The Kewie of krmkmy will Ve r ind the FIRST DAY Jl LY. TU pc "tif Tuifln,jer aeaaioo, (in advance,) B l I - For 'Jie Latio "d wk Language, Al- and lltxtmniry, , I W Fur English Grammar, Geofmphy, eu4 Arithmetic, - W For Reeding, Writing, Ve. " . 00 fcr Hoard eaa be bed, i pelaUe laatil 't 7 per muitili , v - r (JHOIinK W. MOB ROW. - P.fl. TU Iteall binma of Lincobano, end lb" nl state uf e-ieiy, render It a peculiarly effo ate lorstiott fur CUk1 HrhouL May 24, 134. t , IIItkAl ITII rrinwn who njM iik HKAD-Aainfi, Iim h can t lud t tuU OEte pm bny Tlx Ouct', wK friM n iVii p1r, b" bf in Rakigii, Ar mg mmI nk vc pniclice,lfen enablcJ lo cwpouud a m ri- Iiwblo roiiMMty tt ItM thrmik tln 1- - wUv uriuu, i cuoiiuua ia SajiU ru cLaatt, " " r-"t UIfy wiil ho foul eoYnUr) Jurn. It wouM ba n en imittrr lo male out crttifU i'aH lo jruv thai lhe J'llli fi a "iivrniji rr 1 HKJy " Mali (h ill that fllt M hif F h it H nut pretriK-d thai they are an uiuveril antv (Me. Certirtcatea of th crvwt r-uU Phj ciiina ani other ceatlciucn ran bo ahuwa to auh ' atanliata thir tutctey in tbo prti aUr cUm U .iuat VboV pikeu of j au) ti F-htr thU fapr raa teify that A haa lnrid aprndy and p riiuineiit rclHT, in th ga ttna, nnn a tm4 ' liirfrvwHiiff and kainntinund biJclr. 8ma of hia fViNMla Uid them, at hw' augmrfmii, and . MnnMml tUw aBallavlaafwarlw-," " Eafiabury; Jwm 14, 1834.-f aSatc orVarllvCaroUua, Jl'.NC lita, l'ctitlun for a Koad and Ferrj'. - TaJnhn IVfkjia,Jll!mvWirfefluuv1Vn. dy and wife, th hum of Fphrairo rVrkiiM,aWc hmr 0 Joatph Pwrkina, Jc., kaini of Klha Pcrki va, aVc and tb bnini oT Robert J. Miller a id wife. de (all biira at law of Eli Pi-Hcim, AgVaadJa all Utwn wkuiaiLjuay cutuxnuzi 'PAKE NaTlCli.lhal.Btth nettiWitTlWt I to b hold at Linooirtn on tha thtrii MowoaT In tulir. aw pAtrtiixt vtH Wr 111 1 m nwwt f".if a fuU kt t.i.rnm f ha knda r aaid taint, ami - art arrow tha Cata wt Riw botK f whwa-wur . jitu;Ued ixUwwa' Liiicdatgo. and JSlatmUk. - T - : JACOB &IiUFOIU June 14.1 .U 6, - , JX CiJKCiLll'AATOA f flHB SuhacwUr wtahe to purchiue LlKELT ,.r: A::litilUJI5, frtt ten toilurty ytaxuUraad - nU parthe moat b bora) price mtmm. '..All who bare aurh property to atU would do . Well to call 00 him, or Mr. Joha Jonra, hta AfHt. 1'JIa ca bo tuuud at 3L SuMwlUur'a1 lutel, in Fuliabury, aud Mr. Jomw at Lr. Loyd'a Ilutca, ia 7 Charlotte. flo think f it "proper to toy, thaf he ia w4 cow. eernod in UisiiHts wjh ,Mti iAtnea lluie. wr.w ilk any otheir poraun. r" All Lettera aridreiawd to him, or Mr. Jom, w-iU la ptmclually atteuoed to. - - noaERTjinr- , Falilry, May S4, 1634.' tf - SEIZiHiSEIG OPP At Cost! - " aajaaaaaaaaaaa lippi eany in me "nauing rail, ug iva to " --tnffHrm tha Public generally that they Hare Coqclndea i 9 ntll on THEIR STOCK OF G0OD;V cotTiK0 or DUY-OOD.Sa IIAUIMYAUn, . j, . ALL other ARTICLES generally kept on hand by MfChauti in this part of the country. AT COST, FOR CASH. ' ' Their Stork k Large, Complete, and New, Tie who! hiinng heeu pirchaaed vrtiHtt tfrt t twelve tiHintha. - tCTTIyTFoHpiwfnniy TriVile tlioir irteqda and f itsttniipw, aa well aa the public tit geuwal, ta aH and examine the gooda, aa they are dettrniw m f v bargains such aa they feel coufiuVitt will girt eatislaction to ad who Viah lo pirrhane. ' Siilisbury.rcKtS.lPSl. tf ' Kvery kind of lllanks, . asb a trmtt or Writing1 ant! Wrapping Paptr FOR SALE AT TI11S OFFICE. f-TAii; or Mjirrii-CAnoUNA. pdoxicr n r tT.irnosf.f stock ' iu N llk f Wta (JanJ.ua, will be cpwi, M W T i tU'..Lrf, Ml the K-'b J mm &. t,I.ra ei a ammo lo Bulk j-rxjistli .. lJ fan.', will ill U , al m ej r a at U i t!vi lb TIM I- Utt A.N, MX L itu.w , It M. IL IIOCA1I, l.!.yrT. Jut 7. I'll. r:M TXr 7Xir i Unite tf tie bote tiutltution Tlin IlfcT DAT OF MAT. flrd iwdn w nwr Mi IM IMMM U lW wrU imiiiil (k mswci ft P. i. Sf ARROw, T. W. STARROW. Valuable I teal IVopcrtjv IX IJXCOLX tm'STY, TV FwUcnW, ai'ifcjij; to wiaw to AUUnai, iirrrxs ra silk, IIUKoidcnrc fn Linroln Count). UVUr. ia a iUf. abMrt One Tliousand Acres rming Land, Da L.L at a 1 r4jww4l lUtot aa- toKi toa ttat. Mil pmtL mat Immvuuu -ml. al (wrni Ika-lkawN. OTTO.N AM) TllkCltflSti MAiHINF-. Bwstoba-a,e. ALSO " '" A nofher Tract of I nt!f Lyanf aula m&iU tkckmmm' IWk, cuutain ALL ilSST RATE rOR ANY rTR POSES. 6TW aWw fiiffW iH k U do a rnxUf 4 ewr, fw, af ttiw ir. la aar iWm, iffiioUa aaay m mk j niy Uvtber, J. Frar. " iHNir.L M. FORNEY. LaanJaCaMiT U.li. tf U. J.RA1ISVV& aaia is VI dm. Jra rlrry fwlf r r-lTare ' : I Tkacf Cutlery, and Penamery, f I A VE RkJHM fcl Book' m. . . 1 (iirti 4-r to JaVwa. Mrnal aaJ Ar, wrua, rbry ai aV prrr-l r rrutirwith waf aant lm lt4.aJ M aa ta SihrmMth tttw. j JLaaioa JyatJfaj. aaW all kiaii at .ffitehw, Viman o aar wwn vns :,r ttir ilavsaz aanknaral afi tte arar n k T -thr Ua J-4-to -jaiais ta i ! atA-rja Swtma pux. chawr ISm t-onaaa, lurx a4 arstate m aa mg tiiai a kiarr aufytj f axtatkf n thacir hue b avrrtr kcaara k-w inamtJ to to, auiiut- la. Not lb Car4ia. Imme lki aowxitijml atB Us finiml tke AtHuwaa; aitarir : G-4d aaa Siw Paanat Lnrr Wateoes . . Ak toiPha- : ditto, .. . . Fwe wt ata4 I w--toAd Watoh-Cbaim. Gd CwUe 4iAMas ar rlwl-, IrtJJ wM.lawawal; Keva, .r.-.v:;.f.-r..i;f. ' "'A 'ery- rwai' anafaatai f Hitmifim," Tmir Miaaatoea Oaansi Gold ltrt Hattowa aaai SK Gn4d aad Jyf FViaol I "awe, eT-r-pinrf, Gold aJ JAH-t !ytorlra ajal TfcfttrNs GJd BrarraVto, aarw aaai sefca&J arta CuraK aaanrW. Sit aad 4 CVaiaav Sffcs and Keys. About 1000 ozjl of Silver-riate7 ' Tlie, lVaaftl, aaj Tea Mkiat, plua at orna- " Gratj, Crtaaa. ImA, aaai MuKtarJ Spntma, Ladle, Sagar Toatr asJ Biattet kiuvts. tPaXiaw3e1iav plsed C-wttart. BiweiJ aatSrrna, . Biitaiaaa Sw aval Tta ToU, &fwaa-l Caai J-ttoi, - Epa-t4e, iiimm mHHrnt . Htuaawac asal tr-tv4 IVoro! Guild and val lVf-iiai Caps isiw ami GM-aacaW !!, I -- Rod irW rwi a PajK-vl--v Tat!a'Wal Ileamt-aSrfrii, (Wttnre- tenn- 3Je Ji"iSWW''S3iSMi 'tiii aatrkHi, f'" Rodsf-V asd lUiWa C-oncs, lariom otiJi lien, Gwld aiaxl 'S-wr-Mjaaat 1 Caaett, witlt aal with t SaMiv A CoxBplete AMortraextl of Periomery, , - ; FOX TlfE TOt LET, At. A ad, a atoart, racty artatie aa Iknr hoe, too tedi- fsir TW Psliae reartaSr nt respeetfiillT. invi ted to fw tWw a 'B.a t&ey l iumwd that puwhaet-r at iVr &SsLJiaMtit w?f not be fia titkirkrf. -v W.J.R-SiCo. Uw. ( i 1 JkLla CO. liVortli-Carolina Stato FOR TIIK BRNWIT or ; , , f Tie Salisbury Academy, lat Clatc IlJ.h tad Low System 2fo Ic Draim at Salisbury, On the 10th day of July. Canhal, $3,000! ft 1 Prize of $3,000 is in U in in if if if if 3,000 5,000 2,000 1.500 2,000 5,000 of of of of of of of of of 1,000 500 300 200 100 :o 20 10 4 70 f 10 50 CD 100 230 20,000 3,000 2,000 2,500 is 01.000 20,185 TriZO?, nmunlmjlo $120,000 -fcCjT-Morc rrizes lhan Blanks ! TK.kota II HuKfa ti Quarter St. umnror nitwixor Tbia Fchcine, fi(iii'l'l on the llih and Lw &ywtem, hn 40,(MK 'IVkHa, rinilrwl fnin 1 to 4(,i"J" inr-jiTet Chi the rtny if the drawing the IM.tXiU iHimher will lw put lulu oe a hm-l, ami ull the prr'n above the rtVixiiiiiiuitinn of tt in au- nth-r : thy will then b" ilrawn mil alteniat'ly, firt a iwtmher and then a p-t, nlil nil the im-i are frawn. Frm 1 to ?.IMMI, iirluHi, are low ; nrid from aO.lMU o 40,tM, iwlmive are hih. The prw uf 14 70, t" he awardxl to the high or low dtimwHi. will be oeierinined bv that which luav draw the rapitaj pnne of ,t3,(MM). The prize .if 94 70 will be payable' in ticket in the nct whenic all other prise pay Me in eh drty day al1-r th Hmwine. All prue auhjoct to a deduction of tiiWo per rent. tmArtn?j:hfld th if nttf' tf drttHnf,' tinW m of tiro ttrkris will he tare lo rr.ooe prize, d MAY DRAW THREE! Tkket,Ehmret,Bn(l Tackagra, to 1 had, iu llie greateirt variety nf number, at Stevenson Points Ollice, (White Uov, Mnnsion Hotel,) Aa1 r Att order front a diataneOifpn" poid) eneVieinf-J the Cah, will b thankfully rtceivod anu promiiUy aiienueu 10, u aui recant tr wri'Vfvjiiv j PA1YTO I Managert, Salubury,X. C: -.MaTlMM4- Look nt This ! til AK.-laai--Hgagl"to lw -M.HgiH tttJ LrJ.l'lrlnS f .Lit'ij''": lu Virginia, lor several year; and, in the course ol llieir extciiHive t nest, bare had the pleasure of sullm" and 1 IdUUJ w tolbi.iug Grand Capital Prize's,'""" " vis: ft!n,ooo o,oon $h,ooo j$5,ooo jh.ooo 1 u,ioo . H,wk 1 o,oo. 4410a joq 1MMH 7,tMM 6.(MH) 4,0(M 3,0t0 HmxH) 7,000 ,(H)0 4,0tM) 8,(MI0 ItMMH 7,tMF0 $ 6,(W0 4,0iK 8,1100 l.tHH)-fl.t)00 8,000 4,000 3,)0 3.0M, ft,1,000,"3,M0 U-wde nmny of 2,000, l.lHKt, Ac, and a multitude of others, not o hu)re, but of sullieieiit iiiHuituile to muke glad the heart ol' their purchaser OCT S Ax P. have no douht that, if the good ci- tiTrmi of this State will ettnnd to them the name hbc-rul patronage in their North Carolina Lotto- riew, that the Pwmle of " V'itgitnV did-while thev wrti in riinjjTi in uumiirm in nnt rittirt Will be equally Bountiful 1 The Capital Prize !ri the First CJiws eFlht? N. Cafoiioa- 4ta4e Lottery- isromjra.(ivtly siiialT but the Managers fuel every contidence that,a the ltrery nkm huidnble an object as the building of.aa Acaduwy, suitable to the want of this town, to' ul4o mid, aiioni aooh eneoa rageimnrt as will iumtify them ia presenting schemes with more de intbl Capital Prize in a short time. I hoe who feel any disposition to purchase Tic kets, need not hesitate or foel the least apprehen sion lest the drawing should Dot take place at the lime appointed : tor the Managers are determined lo draw the Lottery on the 10th of July, without regartt to the amount of sale : and indeed they j havft atreaay nwae cijnspterapie progre jn UjsipQ. for the time they have had their office open. (& It is nroner that the oublic should he in. formed thai the Drawing will be superintended by Gentlemen who hare no interest with the Mana- gr .-w-:iLiiw,i.-A S. & P June' 7, lVl. t.ld Jr3 Notice to Debtors! 4 LL accounts due me, of twelve months stand- ing ami upwards, nmsj fe attled before the 1st day of Jane mxU . J01LN JONES, nil, filTUATT.1' fiOUTII WTffT r THK COL UT- lloirsHIM TIIKTOW.n or IJ:'xnTOX,jX.CAKOLIXA.) TIIK gulncriUr Ukca ihi rwihod of WWming TrarelUf thai ba kpa U" ; ",ef tainnttol la Leiii.SloO. (N. C) 08 Wrcct, guulbweat of lha t'ourth.io). , H.aTabU will alwaya U ipp!.d wiib the brat far lhal I pleuliful neighborhood fan ad-.rd. Urn dinar bitin capacioua, and ittrnxW by "' who ara imluratri'Mia and KaUlo l,,?!r" n hiraran elwiyi ba acrnmmodated with 0 00 V B P. D ft' in rwnn with Bra plarf. And lat. hit not tha Iraat important ennaidfraliiMi, HORSES will airaa. rtrein mtt attrntioM, in tkt Slablt of tit .VUarriW, (bal lUy y l creawd ability to do the aertica of lha road. !TV2:a, Anairallrnl Liimof i Accommodation Btaget fyavea tha ILrtjaw id the BuUcriberV FOR 8A LISIU'KY, tm the rrening of MonJap, Tkuri iiiw, aixl Saturday, and returns lo Leimjloo "on 1 1 awweedlitJl eroomga. . ... , fi" (fx n( from 8eith to North, by enieriiiK '' '' '"" aa far aa Kaliahury only, and there tuki.ig the Acriminnxlalloli Line lo Leting t.m, ran hare their rhoire, at the latter place, be tween the Pimluioul Line and the one wbirb rum by iv of Fiedrru kbury. JOHN P. MA1IUY. finct"n. Murrh 8, 11.14. lv State of North Carolina: IJXCOLX t-OL'NTY. Court of I'lrnt and Quarter Sessions, AfBiiTcax, li3L,.. . Hamuel P. Hillipwoll, ) r. Original A tladimeiit. Il.rv CurviD. IT apieaang, to the aalitr.irtioii of the Court, that Henry Can ill, the ib fi inlnnt, it imi( an inhabitant of thw State ; It i therefore OttUml, tThinf MiT.n-VtT n7 Xi-'TiMiiTir 0' r iY w-ta, Tii " Tlie e-liTii Carolinian, " lli.it the xuiil drfeiiiliint np jN'ar ul the iH-xt Court of Plea mul Quarter S-a-moiH, lo lw Iti'I'l lor tll County of Linroln, at the (,'oiullioose in Lim-olutiHi, on (lie I lord Mouiluy in Julv uet...then bihI there to replevy the elli-cN e vh:I iinmi, and enter hi plean ; otlierwiia' the i.Iiiiii- iilf wili .be heard ev.parte,.and iuduieut, pro coii leaxo, euleretl up a.iiui linn. Witncn, M'lle W. Alieniathv, Clc-rk of aniil Court, al Olfii e, the 5th Monday after the till lit Mareh, A.O. lxMl. M. W. ABERNATIIY, - June 7; T?3T: gl" " " ' CTeik. ' Spring .$r Summer Fashions " V O 11 iH'A 1. HORACE II. BEARD, Tailor, KUS leave to inform Mi fi irwU, ami llie puhlir in general, thut order in hi line will always be thankfully receiyed by him, and executed in the moat Neat, Fashionable, and Ihiruble manner on term a reasonable a any in thi aertion of coun try. II. It. B, br. from hi I0112 practice of hia buMiiM', a uunii:r ol. years ol wliKh time fie resided 111 I he city of Philadelphia,) uiid frum tliu tT'e'ral aliiifMCtiA he liaa. hepti4om ijiven ta his pectanleano; tiuhiiniuwo rutonwri, uicrit aiU rucune a porlioM W llie pntmmy of thd public in ueiieral. (tT tie tlaltew himaelf thlt hi CITTI NtTI" reuify Mipcnor tu an) done 111 uua atuu aa uwv be tenitul by tlie nudispuled elegance of "tit Which, attend garment made in hi rstabliahinenW " He in in tlw. rvibr.rveiptJ tinUtfprtrta itf tltc.Fj s'1'.'.!"?. 21 ..'.'.TJ ?,L'l,.'.,rpf).'i'-,b. JO Jue..laxga..ciiicai fins cnuntrr and vi f.nrope-iri that genttprne'ri NMy ba HoKHtUvl that ilxnr order will alwaaye'lie- execntcu m the. very latest style. -lrder t'rom-i KManeijl'jrtfli rhT name punctuality and care as if the coKtonrer were jiresent in person. S.di-.lmrj, May 17, 131. ly . New Tailor s Shop in Concord. tTHE Subscriber inPi'nns'Tri otd fnfrlrrien and the public in general, that he ha REMOVED TO CONCORD, where he has opened a Sho:. in Klicli41TALLQRlJtflJ rious branches will be executed in the most fash ionable, neat, and durable manner. He milters himself that his skill in the busine, aud his con stant personal attention in his establishment, will enable him lo redeem all pledges made to those who may tavor him with their custom. receive the latest FASHIONS regu larly both from New York and Philadelphia, and works by., ike, .most approved, systems. AJnUHig )Ml(Vlrrt'0ixtelT'fiffittv rat'prbmprry attended to ; and last, but not least, Air rem will eg rery vji,eeswmwriwy,.-,,'"w:-----j THOMAS 8. HENDERSON. N.B. He it determined to do irork ia a ttuh tu- KTWJomd(mein.tki.jmrtf the rvvntryTvnd ALWAYS WABKA.XTCD TO FIT WELL. Cconord, March 'Hi, 134. 6m " "T VtliOIVVXC,. 11ENJAMI N FRA" IE Yt havinfr teeelved the latest Philadelphia, New York, London, and Paris styles of FASHION, arid having iu his em ploy a number of Workmen wlio aeetirwl-rale, is prejmred to cut and muke work ill a style superior to anydmie in this jmrt of the country, anJ always warranted to fit. " Orders for Work in his lino, from a diatance.will be , Ptiict"a!k atljiinds 0 local custotn-work will be. done at the jo tun n hhi'hi, ai an nines, at nis 010 stand, a few doors above Mr. Slaughter s Hotel, and nearlv II 1 . r 1 ... . , opposite Mr. John Murphy's store. Being Agent for some f the most Fashionahle Tailors in New York, the Subscriber is prepared iu 1cm.11 orive imnruciiort 10 any ot the Trade who may desire to be more perfect in their busi. ness ; and, from his belief that he is fully capable of giving satisfaction, he respectfully requests all who denire instruction la call oh hinu-.L . . f, 1 Atlminitrnor Koticr rpiIE HuWriUr, having jinilifii-d a AiIh,,,.,,, 1 ..r on tl'i Folate of An luUld Ciaijfa,, it the N iy l rm iJ luian 1 001,1 y tirt(Uru rriiueat ail tM'f.IH ill'!' tilr- u am. I l!lul. 1.. . ,' ' . , . , , , M paymeiil immediately ( ami peraona Unn tiJt gully aiillienlit iile.I, witlun I he lima prtfri!4 u law, or this notice will lm t.lea.1 In bar of iU,r eovery. ULK1U.-N CRAK;p May 31,1 134. fll Adimnurtrttor. - laron Woolzortht Watch nnd Clock Maker, BEGS Irare to Infimn the Citnmis of SnUrr aa well aa thoe i4 Rowan aud the aurrowi! ing Cain(fe, lhal be Us Itrmoird 1th IMaliliHlinirnt TO TIIK OUTII HI UK or THE COURTIIOfS, r. K A few door ihuve Mr. Wm. It. Blanut i ter's Hotel, on the Mam Htrret, Cfl Where he awtaXJ eontinuea, as hereto re, to tuxtif ALL KIMM OF WOUK " in the line of his protiaaion, al abort U'jtice, Ami on Iht moi( rtatonablt term. WATCHES & CLOCKS UEPAIBED tr IUjj . WILL I ALL ('A IKS K Warraatcd for 12 Months! And thoae iIiphi,hI lo atroiuxe him, are jnd, thut no pHiiw will be spared to give lha a geiM-rul ami entire aaiikfaclion to tin-pi, (ft- CXflRAVIXcTrrvery 0 - f v rloding Toinb-Sliiiie.,) a ill he exe-ii,J wl lieto" uiwT arelinre, lit iArT in'tJiV. jrT SiilinlHirv. Ju. v'7, 131. -tf Ttim-nl AT Hbrun, . . llruiuly, apple, p.'io-h, Iluller. . . . Prit ra oi lroiturr Ac. SAUSHCttV... June 25.i , : rrf tfr,hrar. : ,71 P a tV.Vaila. . , ; , ( k, . 4i :s Aits . . .. tii M ,Kye, 3 .. 1J I Uf, . . HiW . Klal.-A.lt, . . , Jjj.is .ll'.'l .TalLiW, . , (a . l fTohareo, "A . 7"x) Wli-a (bulwl) feOslfti . IM Whlhkey, . , . 42 1 00 en Oil, per palion, (it 1I , Cotton, in W'i!, clean. CeCee, . . . Corn, . . . Feather. . . Flour, (ararce) Flax.-rf-vd, . . Lniw AT F AYETTEVH.I.E...June 17. i 1 wiii-'Trrr 4t t . M a (aVMolssaxa, . . .. SiSl . 2m a A!!a.ls rut, . . . ) . 17 a l-'.rfurar. hrnwn. .7i al Hrndy. pach, apple. De-wax, . . Colfee, . . . 1:1 a 1-U lump, . .Il)ill M, . .1111 IS.itt. . . . Co'tim, . . . Corn, . . . F1bavwL . ... .KXU ll!UVWt. iH'Hir. ... rk'SJaa'VViHAejFr-, Fmthern, . . . 311 JlHWgril, AT t Haron, , . . BVinwsx, . . IVrtlew, , , , Cot'rm, new, . Corn...... Kilhert. - -r UERAV,(& CVJune 19. 10 a lOiiMeal, (acaree.) , V4 ... - .WJ lfll if Molawes, . . , 4(1 a 0 15a30lXa lik"-'-r--71al Oats. frearcwA . - aj 14 a HOatM, .10J a ri . J-jO- '."T(la"t fill., .... ,TV,Wl Sail,. in akjrr 3t0 - 1.V"irTwlV --! 13.""". niar.Driinf.H.fi I " Ft)lTpK : Flour, inier(me, m) a 7od common. . v 1 u' jnf0arv .liMfaVlMinll 1, t If'm, ... lar-L,. . , . Mackerel, . . 4 -!Ta?low. rcaxcel .10 1 1 . ,o a , irt. t ewp, ; ; A"0i OOf1! Wheat,. . . .Wl lvJ IA.. 1.1 .'l.. 1- XfXttlJMWAWttWime Mr Brmidyv pturh, . 75 . -jMolawa,-i-.-- W- appWr-.4ft a fM' W;kte4-r--c Beeswax, . . , 15 a OtH.Solt, in sacks, ,hCi0 i M 'efl'ee.v.r.r; 12 a.l7teuaM,bfcrn:'i: 10 1 W Corn, 125 UTVlttinp,liiaS . m i2j paiiowr-1.- t m . . .trtl a NSi Teas, v -. . ; 00 .. . . 4afiJVhuiksy1 40i Cotton,, rlour, . Iron, . B-icon. 10 a 12;noor.fN.Cnv1 00 a Td Brandy, peach 4.i a SO DOa'flO rr.m min turn . v.i a Beewail, Cotton, . Corn, Feathers, na15)lrd, 12 ir 0 a 121 ITallow, . , lOlli -ldU . . :Mla5( Wheat, aesbel, 150 Whiskey. 85 1 40 ISSUED WEEKLYujaivirrxJOILN BEARD, JR -eaus "of irt,T;'"no?fs-' i.'.ThC " WesTCBX ffAROl.lNlis' IS pllbfifllfll fVCTf Monday, at Two Dollars pir annum if paid in advance tlie expiration of three montlia. . 2. No paper will be dLxcnntiniifd until all arrearaff wpaid,imar tl;u? dKifel 3. No subscription will be received for a less timt than one year ; and a ftilnre to' notify the Editor of wish to discontinue. at loaui aim month' hfiiM ilia axf ration of a year's suUcription, will be considered ' ac caigagiuiifiaL--.-.. 4.-Any person who will procure ix snbscriben 4 the Carolinian, and take the trouble of collecting aw transmitting the Buhscrirfion-nrice to the Editor, shH hare the puper during the continuance of their scription, without charge. TERMS OF ADVKBTISIXG. 1. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct ly inserted at .ri0 cents per equare for the first insertioa, ud couU UfcitheoatjoMDCi yertisement is oolered to go.onliWJ.$ti.f. bearweaeli ihscftioh. " 2. Merchants, Mechanics, and Professional gen'M men, who mat desire conMtantlv to anoear before tliel public, in our advertising columns, will be received rearlv advenuwra. anil a rfminetinn nrlA ner cent. be niade from the above charges, " 1. To 'isure. prompt attention to Letters addresse! to the Mitor, the postage should in all eases De psw. I L- ... J j L...JJ I - ' WESTERN CAROLINIAN OFFICE, I Salisbury Ms 17. 1834. ( G are prepared to execute every kind of Printisfl in a very sonerior style, and our charge will Hi MM . Itilll . UiG.1 -, w Jilall . 13 1 It SaliburyAS34yB. FRALEYr isresjioiiiWe asanyftOrJerafromaaktano a meet Lao most prompt attention.. i ' ...

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