TJ TO WESTERN GAR OMNI AB' " - ' ' -" i ' - . I . ! ' - ' 1 , i , i . I I'UBMSIIKD WEEKLY: JOHN DEAKI), Jr, Editor and Proprietor. ZS Xumbcrfrom the it ginning, 735 : Na 5 OF THE XVth VOLUME. Salisbury, Rowan County, N. C. QS- Saturday JlorningJuly.ii, 18JU. , - - . - - . . - -- -- - . -- .- , . . - - ,--' . - -? feiitle re tlie ted it will. AiW 4 ot ttve 3nUcA 8Ulw, PISSED AT THK FIRST BKHHfO.N r THE TWENTV-TIUHD CU.NUIlta ' PUBLIC, No. 0.) AN ACT lo eonali th representation in the Terri tory of Florida, sod Cr other puruw. fle ii Enacted, by ike Smote and llmte of Rrpro. tmirttitl of Ike Vtied Stale of America, i Crmgrttt mumbled, That the Counties of IVambia, Jarkwsi, t.,t)e, Jeffon., i4 W. John', in lb Tef r i'fy of Fkid. shall each bo suthorised to elect two I, rmhrrt tf th l!ali tJouncd of Mid Territory, . ni directed by Uw ; alt other cisinlies in Mid Ter , l,y shsll, resjuftively, be authorised lo elect one i,-mVr iwu, m Ui manner now directed, or wbieb hill hereafter prescribed by Uw; icuJ suh coun Ih m have nt at this tints oiembcr of Mki Council, -dull b aiil(urir.'Hj in elect one before the licxlseion thereof, on the first Mmnlsy of Heptcinber next S. 'A And Ik il further enacted. That It shall not I,, lawful f"i the legislative Council to employ more uii thrse clerk, is-to direct the printing the Lw ,.f uxl Territory in muru than three mwpasrs, at Uie j,.iliic np-osa. Sec. 3. Ami he il furlhrr enarlid. That an nmrb if in Ait entitled "An Act lo provide e the coin- i-iitiHfuf the 4iiri"ff r ih r.miin, ami dr otinT 4ummu.u f.T J8til "m,!''I "ZIH1' ' m- ii,ruit'ivl;n? thf print itijf lFn? Arln, n-vmiut' tin' .ti.-rt, and tlic iIIon, miiiiui'Ii f tlir -"f S-, iw jirTph ntWr- rtiV mwiilni fir 'iii li'!i.' iLiid Act, and till allowance llnrcfor; aad mi l,j' lim Art a iwwukis in ! tiUwtlu Mta'aHs : r cl'Tk Ul th?', ami lim auiiu: ii H'liy, nimU'd. S.i 4 ai1 il furlhrr rniirlr,!, Ttiat if ifiaWb i , luty of th Swrrlary of the Territory to wipcrm-i- 'i'l !li! irintin ami revunonof llic !; and it nimll h- hn duty to pnii i a prmtixi, and nut a iniiiiiiriH, i lu Ilia IV(Mrtnimit of Nlnt aud an.itlicr printed -iv to thi rWri'l:irr of l!i" S'niti and tb Clerk of iii- liiif Rpprrtn'ntntivM of thf I'nitrd Htatin, to iv ml b-re (nigrri4 ; and the amuojil appmpcatui t'flh nail 'Hlit It f"oiincit bnH nut cpcl, annit !iv, thH auRl of wvf n tlhuiJiiid dolUht, in:liiliii(( timir piy. inilenjf", Jirnitin, and inridi'iitai expense. S--C. And tV il fnrlkrr rnnrtrd, Tint an Art, rn t'li-1 "An Act to alter and tlx pernmrientlv the a f riK of ttui Superior (;mrl of Kit J-'lufula," be, J lac Kuna w wtuy, ;(iiurn. Ser. 6.- And it furthrt marttd, Tlwt tlif twenty-iir-it necttonof an Act entitled "An Act in addition tn 1.. Miroral AcU now in (utctt, rutfulatinx juJjcikI uro- 'e.linea. OTitaM r ehruarv tlltpeiiili, olio llKKUnil i''iit liu1rd and tliirty-Riur, W, and the mtno m hereby, . - Sipkr 4k lima f R pr mnthvr$. Mr VAT Til KriTV, Yur-Pf$iirnl of tht Vnurd 8tU, and tt rrrudent of Ike Aoiac. AimrovcJ ; June "lit, lQt. ui ANDREW JACKSON. A?f ACT irwkin'f Anwnnrrttinn fir the Indian Pe- pirtni'Mt fr tlie year oil-' l!iou-"ind cii'lil huinlrod iiil UrfrtJoitrr ? -t -..-.-vr-.---:---.--r.. zHHnnrfed,!) thr Snal' anaiTiHe f K'prr--fntmrim of I hf Vnitrd Stain of Airic,in Omqmt ire Wrebyr apprupruiW, U b ptud out uf any uioney in h" TreWUTXThit oltierWiiie appropriaUid, for th In- ian Uepartin ml Tor tin; year one iitou&iiu ciiii nun dred and LliirtrJLuir. vil ; - For the Mlsrj oMhn Cojmmjojnjlmnjj r i i UteMlaxy of Uia elerka. a tba omce ta uic coia tniwionPT. five thonmnd dolliiw. 'Fonwmwttwrlorffrttm'l irwdred- iilWairriwrw .For office eontinrpneics, ewht hundred dollars. - Fur pay of tho HupctintiiMleiil of lu.liau. Ahira at Nt, Louiand the avpnl AjeiiLi, auUened l; law, twenty-nix tiioiisind (loliiira. ' For clerk in thfl oiR' of tlie Kaeriiit?nJent of In dmn Ainim, one thonsnnd dollars. Fur paymant of aub-aif cnu, an allowed by law, tix liitn llt-njilJ fivA Lun lrAil dollnni- For w of intrpr?!iM and tr inslnnwa employ! at Vm tevenl auperiiitendnnciea. aud ajjencieis. eightoen JluMiiauwLeii'ui.httiidifdUiilUM.----. "..-w-.. ..- FirjT of Wi411tic1t!mith',,snif their asswtnnta; iniiloved witliin tlie several xti'rintemlencieii and asfoucuja wider tie orders of the War Ufparuneiit, aix tiion-und four hundred and eiehtv dolUcii. For preaenLi to In linns, an antliorixed by the Act of ei'Tliteen hnndrert and two, ttneen inonsann miliar. For the purehaxe of iron, iteel, and coal, and ther expense attending the mm and blacksmith ahopM, mi' thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars. Fur pruvwionM ftr ludiann at tho rtintribution of annn- lirmteniTencies and agencies, ant wncn assemuica tin iwihlic buainess. elnien thousand eiirht hundred dollar. 1 the1rwei-1)l ttie"etnri ii'i'ticieg, and repair thereot, two tuousanu uoiiaru. ' For cont ingencies "t'Miiid'iTollarg.' - ' For holdinir a Treaty with the Wyuidot Indiana, one Tliiui.-ii4 dollar. i ,'.,-...ii,CMua-Jt.ii.i- AX ACT to revive tho Aet entitled " An Act to frrant pnwmption rights to settlers on the public lanus, approved May twenty-nine, one thousand eight nun dred and thirtv. lie il Enarled, by th Scnufe and Jfotue of Repre- "htatnrsoflhe Culled State of Amerka,tn CongreM o' t' mhUit 'Tlmt ever aettlar er occunant of the public liii.L mil, t ti,a hmm if tliia Act who is now in T session, and cultivated any part thereof in the oiiu-iiioug&iiu eitfia uuhuiuu ij-w.-., wll be entitled W illth benefitmMf prr?ilee pro Miied by thcct entitled "An Act to grant pre-emption riplits to settlers on the public lands," approved ai-iy twenty-nine, one thousand eigm nunoreo anu tinrtv! nd tho said Act i hereby revived, and shall continue in force two years from the passage of tht Act, and no longer. -iSeer'---)--!. further ewiwfei That where pwwn inhabit one quarter section and cultivates ano tlier, he shall be permitted to enter the one or the other hia discretion: Provided, such occupant shall desig nee, within six months from the passaBeof this Act, ! . .1-1. L -l:- 4l. .rinM ' qunner section oi wmcn ne cuuuia wc yivcuirwu under tka - v - ' See 9 t -J k. it A.wlar nwfed. That all nersons - vr J ' ' ' ' . i rsidinjf on the publid lands, and cultivating the same, !rior to 4he year eignteen-nnmirea ana jwenir-iuiwi nd who were deprived of the advents je of tie Idw paaml on th twenty-ninth May, aijlitoan kundred and thirty, by U cunrtructinna placed oo Mid Uw br lh tferrrtary of the Treasury, be, and livy as hereby, wMiriiru io enuv, ai umi nuniinmn price m umi (to yemmenl, one quarter aertioa of the pubU landa, iti in Mid land dmtrW t Approved: June 10th, lc31 tPL'BUC, No. Ill AM" ACT further to extend the term of eertsin ne.j- aion charfanblo on the I'rivatoer IVnuma Fuml. Itr U r.maHtd, bu tka Hrmalf mad Itnutr nf K prr- trnlalttri of the tmlrd lUatrtof America, tit f .'oaf auemtUrd, That lit penmona of all abia who now are, or have been heretofore, in the rVnp theinof, mi- er tie pruYuiuO or the Act entitled V An Ait mit peruiiona to tlie orphana and widow of pcrai ltni in the public or private armed lex-li uf the Uu Ud Hute," paaeed the Crtirth day of March, one tliouitfilwl eit'ht hundred and fourteen, and the Aet entitled An Art in addition to an Act rivinj penmoni bi the orphana nd widowa of peraona alain in the public or private rinod vetwl of the United Klalea,' paawd Uie aix- teenth day of April, one UimtMnd eijflil hundred and ifliteen, or either of mm Acta, n rur at reirarda per- nm reeeivinir pcnuion fnun Uie fund arwiuir from cap ture and Mlvaire made by the private armed ve.Uof tlie United Mate, be, and tlie Mine are herrby, com Untied, under the reArictiona. Ind rrffUiataxia in Urn Mid Act contained, fiir and dunnjf the additional term of five yeare from and after the period of the expira ion of tlie Mid peneuma, reaoecUvelr : i'rtmard, hniv rrT, That Hie Mid pewmma ehati be payed frent Um n e.'d of the Frivateer Fenaioa I unL and wiUhniI W tlw VtuUtd tfUte C nny defieK-ney whtch iiwy hereafter artM tliereon, iiany anch there tw: Ae f prori'lnl Jurtltrr, 1 hat no lucfi peiunuQ ahiil fM paid . any widow after her intermarriage, had of to be had. Appfutud: June llKh, PL'BIJC. No. X AN ACT to (frajit to the State of Ohio certain land for the upNirt of achoole in the Connecticut " eu em Re-re. Ir 1 F.narlrd, ha thr Srnatr and limine if Rrvrr. irnlaltiftnf ikr Tailed Stalrei Cnnarrii IdrjL That Uie frcMdenloC Urt Unitod KUlrt be. and he la hereby, auUionzed and required to revert e fir Mile, out of any public land tlial-liavo been here tofire orfered at public ile, and that remain unmld in the Stale of Ohio, quantity of land, whirh, toge ther with tho landa heretofore irranted fir the Mipimrt of rlfuula in Uie Cinin. ta at Weatcxu Ikawvc. la aaul State, ehall W eqrtal to one Uilny-aiXUi port ot mid Wenlern Reserve; which mid quantity ot lanl may be rewrved in cetionOr half wet iona, or quarter aee- tirwwrand; when err Teeerved, the anme ha!I vent in fhe anid Wtle of Ohio, for the mipport of aelemla in the said Weiilern Reaerve, and be holden by the wine te nure, and upon the Mm term ami condition, in all reflects, a the Mid State riwfoWiWtl may huloVlht land heretofore KrauleJ "pi"rt of jchooU in Mid Western Reaerve. Approved: June 10th, 18.14. fPURUC.Nal!.' .VN ACT (a extnnd the tiiae "allowed for tha dichar of tlilS iluliml of Uie Corumuion lur caJTjruis intoet fect tks ('onventkm with France. vift-r24FAiji )U &mUmjU. !!.( Ji? enfrtTiect of rfie t'mferf xtntet or , m'Ttrn.jnx.vTu; Tr aim J, That fa inucb of an Act entitled "An Act to carry into efl'ect the Convention between tho United iiUUnmiMHiieMaMy the Kirnfif tbeFTeneH.conrln ded at Pari on the fourth day of Jnly-,Tt?hteen hun dred and rhrrty-me,BriprrrrM Jarythtrteenth,M!rhteen U....l.l n.l ll.ia4v.lwr, td limild the 'dtlMll IfTtl Ol the IIIIIIUIlwl Hill .J " - C-ommwaioO created by the aaid Act to two years, be. and Ujft .iuie is hefobjr. icpcaledi-nad thai pcrnxl of three yeart, eorhmenrinff on the flwi Mnfl'ltiy "of Au- eted, one titouMnd eijfht hundred and thirty-two, be ai- lowed for the discharge of tho duUoa prencnbtd by Uie MIU .11.U . Airprwedf Tune 19?19Sl'" PUBLIC, No. lfi AN ACT supplementary to the Act entitled "An Act to carry into elTeet the Convention between the I nt led Sutea and hi Majesty th King of tlie Two Si eilie. ciwluded at"Naptei on the fourteenth day of Octuber.ooe Uiousand eight hundred and thirty-two." - Bril Enarttd, it the fintalr and Ame of Jlcpre- trltitivr$ ofthrl'iulcd State of Amrru a, in Vnnprt autmMf d. Tliat tliu further time of aix fuuntli. adr. 4twV'tJinViWiifSii' iu Uik Actio ylu&'iii a mipploment, be, and lierebv la, allowed U the Loin iniKNionern, appointed by -Uie fredttU. to execute anil complete the dutiea implied lipnn them by, the provi sions of the aforemid Act, approved on the second day of Murcii, Anno Domini .eighteen hundred and thirty- three. Approved : June 19th, 1S31. PUBLIC, No. lfi. iXACT fcr.flifejriw lance or a wrninr appropriation jor me paymenr oi the ueoriria militia clauu lor the year one Uvoiixiiki tftt'iwndre'fitt'ftfntnyw hundred and ninety-three, and one thousand seven He U Knurled, by the Senate ana limne. or Krpre tentative of I he United Slate of America, in Conre asemlled, ThX the eum of thirty-seven thmiwind six hundred and aixty-nme dollars and tbrty-BCven, jcents, being the unexpended balance of a former appropria tnmirthe psymwtofchmi(f The mrhtis for services performed inUie years one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, one thousand seven hundred snd ninety-three, snd one Uiousand seven hundred and ninetv-four. which Mid unexpended balance lias been carried to Uie account of the surplus fund, lie, and Uie same is hereby, ro-appropriated for the payment of the , . h .1 I!.... f I ..... saiu miuiia ciniuis oi juio rw w w'jc -Approved: June 19th, 114 . A ACT making additional approprHttions for the fa? mory at Harper's-Ferry, for Uie year eighteen hun dred and thirty-four. Re it Enacted, bw the Senate and Home of Repre- tentative of the United State of Amerif,a,n Congre aatemhkd, That, for the purpose of completing the ca n.f from the Dublie dam across Uie Potomac river to the works at. the Aem.M.JkmB!m three thousand three hundred srnj sevenry-eigni ooiiars and twentv-seven cents be, and the same is hereby, ap propriated", to be paid out of any money in the Treasu ry, not otherwise appropriaiou. Approved: Jnne 19th, 18.'! .7 - rPCBUC.No.ia AJS-ACT' for tlie continuation n4 epai of fJie Cma- berland Koad, i : " - ' Be it Enacted, by the Senate and Uutt of Rrpre- niatt9$ of the United Stain of Amrrir, in Oangfru aiMmUed, TMt UiS rum uf two bumlrwl tbouMnd dul- iars be, and 1b same l hereby, tpproprtsied ( iin purpu of continuing the Cumberland iUd n Uie Stale of Ohw ( aim, lliat the mm of dim hundred and fifty thouMud ibdlar be, and the same is hereby, appro priated Ctf continuing the Cumberland Road in the State of I ml una ; and tint the sum of one hundred tlMaamnd dollar be appropriated ( continuing mm) Kosd m th State of Illinois ; hich sum shall be paid out of any money not utherwiMi appropriated, and replaced out of the Tund reM-nrd f r laying out and making roads un der the direction of ConifretM, by the several Acts pa- ed fir the adiiMMion if the Stale of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, into the I'niun, on an equal (siting with tlx original State. See. And ht U furlkar tnacljd, ThttK an officer of the corps uf engineers, to be selected by Uie I)epart nienl of War, sitall be charred with the dutburwiuent of the money apprufiriated for tlie cmstrueU of tlie Liimbrrtand K'Mil thnMi'h the Stales is.lndisna and II liitou; anl that Mid otlirer shall have, under Uie diree- Is of the engmt er dejisrtmeii!, a general control over the oienitHtn of the muI nsid, and over all persons rtn-ulovt-d thenxm : I'rurided, 1'hat no oer rt'iiUee shall be allowed lo snrh ollicer Cr dialiursiug Uioiieys ipro- miated V the tonstructMin of mm nsw. 8.-C. 3. And b il further tnactrd. That for tlie en tire completion of rt'imirs of the Cumberland llusd of tlie Ohio- river, and other neeilisl improvements on raid road, to carry into effect the pmvisiinof an Ail of thelteneral Awwmhly or I'eriruylvinia, entitled "An Act for the prem-rvstioe, and reimir of the Cumberland Knarf," msnetf tfw-fmrHr'day'nf--Aprrt,-rjmr thorn nd eiirbt hundred and thirty -otic ; aiid ot an Actuf -UHttm- neral Aiwembly of the State of Maryland, entitled "An Act fur tlie preservation ami reiwr of that part of Uie I'ntted Htites" Road within the limit nf the Stat oft 'Isrylnit," pam-d the f wenty-tkird dsy of January, one thonind eiht hundred ami thirty-two; aleo, an Act of the (leneral Assembly of Vtrrtnia, entitled "An Art ci'iu'erniii the Ciim's'rland Road," passed February tilt: e-'vcuvlu one Uiounand culit buudrud and titiny- two; the um of three hundred tlmunirtd dollars be, and Uie Mine is hereby, apnroiiriatetl, to be paid out of any m4ney in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to tie etiicndcd under the direction of the rWretary i; War the money to be drawn out of the. Treasury in such sums ami at such times a may be required for Uie performance of the work. S. 4. And be ' further tnarled. That, ss anon as tho ruin by tins Act appropriated, or sn much theretrf ss is neriiwarv, shsll be expended in the repair of Mid rsid, agreeably to the provisions of this Act, the sjuiq shall be surrendered to the Nates riist tively Ihronl which Uie Mid r'wd ps-es; snd the I'nitod Htate sliall not thereafter be subject to any expense Cr ri'airinf mid rmd Approved: June 'JOth, 1U. MISCELLANEOUS. - THE SlTTERN. I niark'd her well. She wore a rap n soiM, il stTiu'd as though it bad bung a nMlh io smoke -And in nngra-jeful manner "twns riispna'd Around lie? Uniplns serving not to adorn - Nor to protect a head which, alt eve mw '" "t rf SUPh ktnd oftic stood ill HthKist neel. Her hair, in matted clusters, from bene th - TtffltMrrrynra' eprapJjT.Tihd, Mvu fxc"" - - . I" wtM'drsonieT, half her fi'Sttim hid." " - Her dress had once been white (when it w as new) But now, alack, conjecture had been pox'd, TT5 jjii&i'ili' pfofvir hiio.' TTw'a's'sUiii'J wi'tK spot TV every die and Vtnrirs'pf every .shapo,:.r.::.-::-'-' '"Shvs Usiee which Fancy, with her hind-maid Art, And suler Taste best plnas'd and bsl eioploy'd When eall'd lo decorate the fair, and then .v4 Uwy tn twMibdl ess is; ae cz. :TT-. ' " lu lier silk Isiee a gnevisis rent appear'd -On ertrrer hrct !estgnTl, I ween to lei. Her feet enjoy the benefit of oir, rSue5fl Ptijvstiod and lsA, with seain-rtit nnsla, and (pps, Were worn, ill-fittinir, on contrary feet. Her children were unwash'd, their hair uneomb'd, Their gRrrmiits patch'd with ill assorted cloth, And "out at ellsiw" was her husband's coat Her house was lopsy turvy : mbweba hung. From tlie snwtk'd ceiling ; tables, desk, and ehairs. With dust were covered ; snd Uie windows Inok'd As tho' they'd not been wah'd since the great flood. With biisy buiie rkigermjrsniiiir, In uettintr thine M rtg?" Sfts sh errtploy'd, -"'W'bileraiiffetmswn; wrvrse ennfliMnded, hinrlt'd "Tier efforts sraiTjumenl for what jef. Perchance, had in its proper station stood. Was by her over-activenem displaced. . Apologies abundunt for the plight In which her person and her house were fr und, Were glibly made; while tho whole blame Of that most dread distrusting filtlnnesn, -Was cant on all, save Uie true cause hereclf. Detennin'd at the moment to be neat, AmHo display her skill in housnwifery, :"At idtiuHliu Siie puve her cap then Seiz'd a broom. And with such force hot dirty carpel ; swept, "TliHt soon a clouil T(lnst the cKaniber fi)M, And, like a mist, its friendly veil spread o'er -The scene tbhorrentiWiy tipd " ' From that loath'd interview : and as I left 'The palace of the queen of dirt, and brealh'd Heaven's purer air airain, I vow'd and mh! I rather wrwM he tted down to stalrrv"" 1 'anj 'thrirV fbyy'd M"rnin"' husband of a lAing like her I cannot call her Hosisa. MSSBMMMMMS THE DANDELION, OR WILD ENDIVE. tnm Ik Bmms Trwiirt. Mr. Editor, I wa pleased to see yesterday, in our excessively dear market, that refreshing aalu tarv herb, the dandelion, so seldom to be met with at thi early svwsoi, Irs escbitaot priei hovre' ver, being above my limited means, 1 vra obliged to dony myself the gratification of a mess of this wholesome plant, from which many persons, for the same potent reason, turn aside to the lough, acescent flatulent, cabbage sprout, which the sto mach of a drayman alone can digest. The dandelion is generally considered among us. without our knowing the why and the wherefore, as unwholesome. For the benefit of those who live to eat, as well as the more useful class, those who eat to live, I will point out a fiw of it virtues, so well established in Europe, that in the shops of the druggists it may "be found at all seasons of the year, irk a dried Jtftte, m.Byfup while ojir scientific apothecaries despise or neglect h, though (hry.are cmlirumlly ..stuffing plants they know link of into btslics id whirli llieir know e heedlcws' in llieir lhirt C f gain, the pfrtii- riuus cooerqisnre wb-h (id low their went of thorough knols!o of I bur prni in wliMh lby rewHilde oir dentins, too half if whoM rare out How many jaw Uhh-s llwy dislucnle, provMlrd I hey can keep i h.-ir, own in ii"ion V mm b lor cliarlatails t M US re turn Id our object. A a infusion of the runt or leaves uf I he damie ion makes a re frcsliina drink in nuinv discs . It is used much In broths f.r the sick, by tlie French, who consider it aperitive iuhI febrifuge. Il is esteemed aUo br them as an cxcclh iit reiuelv in Ih jaundice, snof in idsvfnieliisi of UiO dmi. s well as in inveterate irouts and rlieuinaiisiita. With the juke of its Wives and roots, mixed with rhubarb, they make vermifuge sj run fur children. lu (lertnanr they dry and reduce to puwdt-r tit roofs of the dandtdion. w hit Ii they mix, in propor tion of one-third, with llfir cofli-e. on acrutnit of its cisdiiig projiertics, preferring rnui h Ibis mixture lo mre cofMe or lea, as more nourishing and health ful. In short, duiMlelnm have always been rnni. d4arvd in Franre and Germany as prrtiliarly useful in all visceral obtrurtiims, wlwn eaten a gm-m or sttllsd, or umd in piisaiw. From tlieir stiiiiulant doulsttnieiit powers in jriisling bilious disclisrge I fefiy have from long extiertem-e finind litem highly llRuciou in all biluiry inf. lions of the liver, by TTitif keejitiillie" fcdy"geillTy pfuTluyriut'tft uiureiic anu aiienuating pr.)s.'rtie. In tin) drotmv tlie diindt'lioo luu been known fur aire to be of great utility. I he anrients," says lumen, weio is tier acqiuiiiiteii wun ma pro pcrlies of thi excHI'-nt vi getaMu tlum lliow trt'i- detn prartitiiKM-rs who aptiear tn bo more anxious to iiilnsJuce1 exotics imported from distant rutin IrifS, titan to amrfiin tlie qualities of tlioee nil iiM-rous niedicinul pluut which grow in our own climale, On visiting a hi seat in a neighboring town, who cwwputined of direiii(T fiillnesat of his system, arising from what he called trifling in diligences anl his sedentary hnlnt-., I mentioned to him the virtue of tho dandelion, and recommend ed, ua tho seiiwui lor gathering them was lust np- rruchiu;, a free use of if, with a severe alstliiience. Ie"oWnT(T,'llie'prorurlii and jin'ianii; JiiidV- Iickis was attended with much trouble, l uu must first, said be, scikJ at a dMiuire lu dijt llictu up. bring them home, wali llieui, pick off the decayed leaves, steep them in wuti-r t lko oft' thrir bitter tu-te, then visi nni"l boil tin in in soil water, slraui ..... .. 1 1 .t .. - .; . t. 1 ii up; wlnle a tti TMepigTypliTcs from a pTivsicinn will bring me, from flic apotliccan- s, a dstc of calomel, the sovereign remedy for sll conipbiinl. tive tne, said the lo ver of Madeira nnd grxtd cheer, Dr. CslomeJ-i-He is mv luvorilo -nway to tho Old Nitk with. 'your ibxnlelitSM, youc sorrel and your npuiaew io yem think 1 am a horse lu out gram J -Ciive usi the mineral tnciliciiies, such as niercun', nrsctuc, zinc, stctd, aiiliniiKiy, irou, Mpier and 'lead, throughout nil tlieir pr'puraliotia ) tlieso are thc-'hull dogs and blood houuds""of the pharnHieoiMdist' nml nuslern ftfaoiiliisier, whtcn-tnk Ik1i1 a toner of fhe disease ana aitaiie jijio exwrMiiimit'S,. nmic w your no -" : - --- ,t " " ' . a J steiiiiousnens, your root, herlw, r n-is-li ptisans ami 1 rtnich soups, so thin that one would suppose they were made of fisir leaved clover, for me. Let me hrTf'g. 'j'HUt,.l!1ftUrd fablusfe sprout, tkow rier and shin amip, or calve' Lead, turtle fashion. When the system wants reducing, or w hen the bile IWlliles roe in the snrvig, Jr,, (alomrl .will do. mrn-e fbt trir in" M liour tlmn all ywir Isoututon penntn, gnoses and msttngs, for immlh. Alter this milly, I advised him, as best suited to his state of mind, if not of body, to order for his suptier barbecued torn cat stuffed with tentiennvruuls. - He smiled, and I loft him. I hnve since- heard he laboring under a sever) attack of the lunndice, am. that he hat been forced to have recourse lo that admirable remedy inhir,crffl, thd da idtTion de rortion, which his jaundice physkiun assure him will wnrk i cure,- - ' - ------- My friend is not alone in hi opinions, extra va gnnt as they may appear, and therefore our nu'im ral doctors, who soem to reject all things which rise above the earth, as remedies, tan nevef lack support or partisan, while, like our amuylico-tyn tkelte President, they have such devoted subject: to boar them out in their txprrimtntt on the con. stitution. and in the healing, whicli tog often, as ii hia case, prove Jie killing arUl. iillow many men havf you kilfcrf 'to acquire such i Colossal reputa tion t" said I'rederick the Great to an eminent phy.J plied the son of Esculnpius. r hhjhi ciuK-hs of your readers as may be troubled with repletion or flatulencies, or who are threatened with vertigo, drpy, jaunJica o.. make froe use, of that precious ' future, the daiiiiciiuit. VtLi BIMPLE. r hw lk team1 Bf1to. CfUftLOTTB CotTWTY, (Va.) March 18U4. On SuclcfriHtf Corn. I had Uie pleasure, ai khout four years ago, to spend a day in coinpaay with old Mr. Macon, uf North-Carolina, when our con-sjMtkw,'-OT'iiTOr tirfet, and a tow others, tlitrculnTation of Indian Corn. After huving inquired whether I had the suckers which' grew from the roots of corn pulled o(X a is the common, practice, And received my answer in the affinnitive ; he iniormed me, that be sulfered them t remain, having, from repeated ex periments, ascerlaiucd that they did not injure the corn, but on the contrary, the suckers more fre quently than otherwise produced good ears of corn and that if they failed to do so there waa an in crease of fodder. , 1 kave wince tried the experi ment and witnessed th following result : That after carefully MaMmfig the , ear of the com on producing wickers, j thcyvrero fiHKi t5 be a good a tlie ear on the surrounding stocks not producing tlieiii-r-lha1 a large mnjonty of tlie suck. Tiicm ami uisii 4iiem 111 wnui; a rimmr oruroiUad- aiui bud. M tfcy.-rrrrrrtt IsrslteTrirff lHTlWti ill ers pnaWsxt gss torn, tbigh the ears generally were smaller thaa IIh o the lnotix r stalk, aiul f roursa) there Has an increessj of fodder M ilboul entering into an itHiuirr whether core oo j lit not la to planted so llmk as lo preveul it producing aox k era, (if thick planting will produce it, of hi b I am n4 sure,! or hvtln r lue pulling them otf may not injure the corn, by iidhctuig wounds on i)m stalki 1 1 can now safi ly recommena Mr. Msnxa a practice a saving the luue and Ulr . of pulling off euckers, and, what U of mors) conse quence, as producing an increase of the crop of corn and foiler. I ought lo add, I Ut imkm UiI tbej suckers grvw ing from tlie f ought to be wdlred . lu remain. W. M. WATKINS. . . Horn to eatck froirsvWilson, ia'ut Ameri - can OniilbiJugy, aay that crow have been en. ployed to catch crows by list toUowing stratagem t . A live crow t pituied by nut wings down lo tlie ground on hi ba k,y imn uf two sharp forked sticks. Thus situated, hi cm aro loud and in tenant, particularly if any other crows are within view, lliese, sweeping down about bun, are in stantly grapld and held fat by the pnt rate pri. aiHier, with tlie aam instinctive impulse that urge a drowning man lo catch at every Hung within, lu reach, lit game being disengaged frina hi dutches, (lie trap is again ready (r another expe. siielv, a Butm as taken, in a abort lime yon will prubuLly liava a laxg ttuck scrwuwog about 700, in cuimwI with th uuirssnou prisoners Uiluw. rr: LI FK OF A N EWPA PERBY ITFXr, ... My life is sliortly told. My first impressioa tht Bensatiuo of a treiiicndous squeeco which m stantly awoke uw into life and thought. I we now spread out to light, and a glow of intelligence Com pk-tcly pervaded me. My itk-aa were at first new, multilumai,andronrusei. jSu'ions. niItics,courf'i, ' ... - . . "-e t 1- ---e- 't-''' wars, sistHJiies, iiuniiii, C'usts, niurchaiiJiy), deaths, ditties, cVc. cVc. iiiada up my Ihouglits, Ii which were various and mixed, and I lay in a silent ' state of wonder and tniaxensftd. I soon found flint' I was but one of a largo fniinlv, tlmt wa uahurcJ,-.. ililulliuwwldat the KHI, Hum fruin Vita aine pro- lilic mother. Our w hole littrf was laid in regular order in a pile ; my situation being om of the first bwm, was parirewarlv wpiireaserj, damp and ttncon , fortiible. 1 lad a silent, intuitive, kmging w Uh lo ' get into the world which was at length gratified. Moriung and nighl runs-,- and I waa carrfultyf Jif- " . . P .... 0 . . ' . . . ' . woo was cauea ine carrier, ine sani carrier 1 soon f'sjnd waa an obiect of iirtercst and desire. lie was soon accosted by on uldurty looking man. with threadbare rusty breeches 1 u hnve yu mA a sere paper Ibis morning, my buy V aaid tighUl- string. No-sir," ViTV tno short Itpiyliid be Irugged on, muttering " not a you kuuwav Okl Gripe 4 yow ar -tlie smme c-hap lhat tvrowK- srd me snrnfl: Cflirpor for. a. paper Ihe olhef tuoriJv- - IOC and Jiaijit.iimd umj yet . you are W aingy lv ; take the mi pern, won'ljrejtan'dher from me.t,.,, pieji.wroIy linulireu"wer-isW fast- Jesrring rne, -- being depnHiNt at their prriper tjrstirmtiori rut"- length mv turn came, and I was tucked into fbe ' crevice o a shoo door. Itie first aamnle or UiO kind, was Dot at aU,prepo0uasing.I had not Wiv IrWtsftrrt' WJutttrJpii"--.- iivT-j swinjjrnj ary oil inn iid.uu, wiuuuy cyeu me ; and casting a look about him R lonnsisly. seized UtdJJuuM am hU tus psckcsv-Mr rtrhtfirf owner " by virtue of advance pay, being in eight, haiknl and arrested the pi Ik' re r, and with threats comprlU ed liim to relmquish hi prtre. - He filtered; hi simp and I ssmmj found that I wa the first uliject of interest. After hastily drying Die by tlie tire, in : tbc. pfortbd 1 narrowly, escuped conflagration, h ran over me, and fixed his eye upon talc at auu lion, adveitwemeoJsiAc, 1 was then trior partictn lurly txanunod, andj disuiissed with CosJemimtii)ii. Nothing but fMvin, news, Congress and cabinet ; " kmtrturtes-atid attiduut by nuod and tkldT-wr news paper should be a commercial report otio ' aidu at leant should be devoted lo prici curront." . 1 was then pettishly thrown upon the counter, but wa soon in requisition. A bareheaded boy tnudo hi appearance, with a M please to lend Ma your . f paper a few minute, just to look at the ship news f The request wa reluctantly granted, with Some, thing. about the plague of paper borrowing and V ijejpjrmuitttiatt neighboring house.,The good old woman, w hose -- lui was ifiskpiiuiiitod in iter ee&rchi How ncgli . "'not worj of intelligence of the Wind Bird t they priut of Ptdand poetry, and fill their papers with advertisements, and that seems to be all tliey4tlt. care about, "Mis now t'Kik her turn. She eouelit thn ilnrins, Ilia idfy and the iimuiiiy.i, 1)1" half an hour, "were all desoured with a wonder that they put any thing else in the pajsir. An elilerly lady now took me, w ho adjusting her spectacles, surveyed me a little while, and doclurej roe a " terribly uninteresting pnper, hardly a co lumn of deaths, and not more tlmn fifteen or twenty murders and accidents." In this way I pasNod through all hands of the family, and after being" well soiled, and eomewhnt lorn by the littler ones, wai' sciif lioiiie"For tliroe whule" daysl hud no restv but w ontiremlly borrowed and abused.-i At the end of this period, I was supplanted by a new face, and waa then discarded ana thrown aside like all servant when they become useless.- I wa, however, again resuscitated, and employed as a wrapperxfo some merchandise and sent. into tho cOTntryr There, ngain I tecame an object of in terest, went the rounds of the neighborhood, end was a "( nine days wonder. I am now quietly hanging up' in a shattered condition in & farmer's kitchen, from which I have written this brief mo moir. I have aeen much of the world, and Jiavn i f'.i.. . -rrn it. learwu tnni mnriKina areunreasonauLganLL.i;:u grafefuirnticTthat InTaTworld, of groat variety tasfo and wishes it is impossible to plcae '1.- -Sahm Ohttntr ' - "