remarlii friemlv- UpMXifl.j seH-clioOi ri4ilJ warn 1 UA f'"" 'jU rmj I! J A wi hi I-''1'''' Wrillirt -f.t C n. J i k it lufum" I 'a- Hurtnittd. Murk t J itri,;mie f this LrH" 'V " if'ralr a fnal Kw fxttrrrui swioa thwlit nrrrr imlulr in por- nil?-" Wlul ii HHiitif)i,i cvhiiih ritary i fui't k'l'iiiiiiitnition Usn this truUun nl I (ll Is c7 evident rv.w, Unt, la adviainj Mr, M'mnit to rtiruiiiite Ui monster I'arty-fyint, ti-n.lckj Wily aiJwd bin lo put aa and lo Uia distinction bo. F fdrrlist "J rVptiMirann, This tirn. Jackson bu dn 01 equally. No natter what man's falUifl mjr be, if he U Mil t1mhmii, ba ia sure to bs rif'i1-- ""'"" " "tbodo aW lib la politic. Will ix Aiikn ftvor lU world witli t printed rubru k, eettinf, VUi til U essential pniou! l wrtuU M b rjf kngUiy. Fidelity to the "Hen " nould b tlst U giiininj;, Uie piuUJIc, anJ th end. :J.HV.CaWiiii.J , .'J'V- .'. 1.1 rut jmim Ulkt COXCM. Till CAItOLfiMAiY. SAIJHHUKY: BATUR D A Y:e": JULY 3, 1 8 3 4. WEN. JKiNK! The S-ni have rejected Mr. Ittjer R Tawy, the l'ri-ul'-nt' rccrrtary uf the Tn-awiry, and Mr. Andrew Si, iPrv-Mi, who waa nominated aa Miiiur rioiiiiifi ijjfjr Ui Knfjand. Mr. Taney wm noniirwu-d im tin '.jrvTuliiion, tiki r , ul ..ii th tfith, br vote . '.M in ly! We shall I,. r. after notice pnrt'riii.irljf the nrriitntancc c.ainect- 4U Ui4 p;eiiUett' rw, mhirh were of mirtt Ur -4.j111 Jittklly tiilWoi'.iw f tlw K rfniitutMHuil riitlilto .(eject. . ,AlBrcuuVw I M,,! ili-wM all our nra morn to Mr Hlevemuii, tint i.'r Sj-kruf iht- Him- of Uriin-4'iilfllivrn. Ii u nnr nvire tluin two jrmrn itrc iic II. Hrati l.iw liil a SfluuAi'r l l)ir Court nf Jxvlii. S,iir i r. iiirn uf Mr. Vn Burnt fr.mi(ir. l I'.nUin, our a.Liiri at llul tuutl uu(xjrUMilJll Omri Iibtc I. n U-H to tl nianaiii.'nt of a youn man utiowna, Iv l'in liia fU'blcn to t tint Urc, r.iiiwti'rtH i. mIv iiulij"d to diM'Imrtf tlic inrrlianii-al ilulim uf i ! rkilup it Valinij.'t'n. How can Una fart be ac 1.KJI1U.J Cjt I lLui U? 4'h.I.iI nlwtH, mtrntinn l!v, to nfiiinatc (rune mioTir "tliit iiii.rlaTil miwion, . liir.Hi,,'l,mn' npitc, ln-rsn-p llif Si-nnt- ri'fiil Ui rati t'l flirfir sppomim'-nt w liidi ircul in an iinpro vr inimrtT t-" Wu kwnr wt wwdat mtir jiTxnidtO' lv Jirb a lrikiii(j iI.ti.Ik lion of duly. Tlii-m m but oin' oilier wny in wbK-li we can etplain ii. Tbe miwtion to Knlaml : cciwidcrt-J a Linh pruo, wlirUier we rejniril lli rxfiinittry rofniM-nwt'nn or the hotim attiichoH to it ('oeunit!y, tlu-rf arr iilwiyx a number of ailpiriiijr men who hearta are wt ukni It " .t.rof'tti'.ilil'ciMiM" 7i."jT Ii griililuWr; "iiij'rt wan lTu-rv lum nocciMiry ho to manage Uie t. inptui buit u to mki it witwurve, to Uie ijritint pow ible extent, the pitpoari oTtho I'rMiHcHt, While it waa uupciulctl . b'd'jrtilicit-eaifer uy, wrtb proib;lrry"of their put MMUif it, it tu aiill'.rlcnt to kp in ip'iitla nuliji-clxm wit wily a score of iuul (real men with more ambition -X'ia patritrfinui, ImUU a of puiiUcal' wmattws Ktth morm rauUy " - J.'.nWrU.:j U i..' i;., i.i ' 1 ' J 1 1 ; 1 ' o. U, In. tl of llw C,.t Ui, ill art iit ' .'). " " 1 of oirh a C'Hiltilii hr,.. . w (,bii,un. Ity it,,,,., (n a cm,,.ni,8 ,U rreti, ,,4 be f,,.. ffIn )ul, t,mnn-t'tnn with U.e uti I- fnm.'iit,wliiib,at pnwnt, ip vrytrong ft rwinj of mli tii.m art.) J. .i.y (M U.e part of U. l'plt. Miiih. r, int-ad of Imuif ULIe to be witl drawn fioin l-jfwlatM on lha yra itilen of the pa. bm, ilirmii pr.i of Kiwntiv paiaje, wo iW W nna liW-raily in by theif emUUt!ita,wlol their vnfiUivM ,mU Im U-m Mitrruptsl by parly f.l Uir atnl party eneiteinetita, Cakulatama ficxn iniripi and marwifriiirtit wwiM rail rv would their 4clibei UiHii or Uir litt nMipvtwjci of iiH)ct eonMnn an mut h tun" "But, if tliwibant in UiatWituU ahouUi Mil ba obumed, tntj appwulmenia ahall cnr tltiilfl to duvolv on t.'ia li.prM).iiUliea in Conr, It rt-oiiirra no drpth'of Uwoifht to ba c.Hiviiwed tLat w t upturn tr-itl Ufoini Ik order trf Ike ; and tUt, un-d.-r U11 Ijarbnf riaicKiitKM aacrini-ea In cUbli4i pre cedenU tit the publwj g,4, evil of aeriotia imnorUiira to tli freedom ami .rity of Ue Kepiibl.e may ariwi, tl m thrnunk Ik it thtniwl ikal tht i'tople may tiftrt to bultmktil in lUtit mi ulwmul anaereif a y, and wln rc tyrinnp mojr U U pjrkrnJr4 in ''" tip in m r vim 4am Khmokmy. Againat ucb mnaiJa every ritard imiIiI to ba itrterpiMnl j and none btltet omira than tbat of cloanif tle o-.p-!l tentia wiUi Kiia nrrnmrj roiiftilutMMtal remrirtion." " It la due to myaelf 14 prncticf upon U.e maxima re ruminemKl lo oiliera. - Ileadiir, what do yon tiiink of Ilia above ! Hoea it not contain much rl vnae and umrb amtml ernt-ri uanlAl tMinirt ! Vea," jeai will ay;"it rvally doqa five aume capital hinU about the way Ui prevent Mrtirtion, mni to fitrlk. It mut have bern written by aume one who haa taken a nira view of the way thing have foil on uraW Treatilpnt Jarkaon." We acknowledge the reamiuiblenewof your c.aiciii.m; but you are iniaUk.m, It waa wmI DY (iK.MlK A I. JACKNON IIIMSEU'', to Uie lf ..lalure of Tenik are, alter be waa nominated ai a raiKlklate IU U) Tre anl.-iH'y I ! The (ieneral waa tlxn unrnowkHi'ly pr dicting what would at-Uially take place uruler bia own mipi Vw have aeen ail Uie corruption that be apeak of take place by tba appoiiitiru of imnnbera of Con rreM ; M Uir.Mih thin cUiiim-I, Uie i'eople (aye, and the Kuu lois) lav kern attacked m their eoiKtitiitionaj ovi'tci'iit! and " tyranny " Laa already epriMip p. - - KiipojaA4tfnpl. b been frearnt h.-trtftlieml Jarkm uUcrr.1 tin above juet and palin.C aentiuieiita, aiiJ, aft.-r b.-nriiiK Imn tlmajli, ahould have i-llid bi ftMintrnam-e and wept," Tb0 t'iH-nl Jaclum Would have nihJ uuto him, "Why wih.jx Ui my lord !" And tin- pr..lK'l wouUI have replied, " IV-caiw I know Utt! evil thai thou wilt do uuto 'tha children' if thme L'niUl Huun. Thou wilt corru Uieir Kqireecnta, lives and Uwir S'liaUm, and their Judgra, with the aa. lane and the honor of ollne; nd Umu will jf Una corrujit men Ui unite with thee in deatroymfr the Huiereitfuiy wf Uie Ptiplo and Uia Sovereignly of Ui Ntntea'; anil, 'under the rarbof conacientinua1 karrtfiiea to eHlablwh pnvedenU t the ublic good,' thou wilt cauM? evils of arraiua iijikruiic to Uie racfvon aud fiui'iixir of tliu Rfpuhli,' Tlwu CieiL Jai kHi would have anowered, " What. (a thy aervaut a Jog, Utat be ahould do Una great tlimg !" And tlie jinihct would have, repUiti, tigm.- hrautly, "TIwmi ahalt bo KI.Ni over Una peotilc.' Ra if here'tch(H'U oT politician wire neremary lo the. lYMklenl I t!0-e w Ik cM da nauthjct-cn!KC, TEWiTftolei-anil flicir favf.r, lJprUSr3lTboriS "be ,aliyll!v mcrifx f.1. - But Mr. Andrew- cvrerrnsoir wtt by -fcr tntnlmt importattl rwhw to Tie IcpTiii due "aub- onhration. .Wliy I Dc-caoae-Uie lroauUuil bad jeva jrI irieriivre.,wljib .b wM. anxiww- to rcflbct but Weyemioiv Hpeakerof XM tl.mof HeprMcnt.iU7i. "w ili tfi rlit lo apgoint the ('oinmilLi'tis hn.l it ih hi oy eplertin? uch men aa wmil.l rojiort rTim'ly in te- JrfideBl file TJ'alii;r Jua fXW.iwUliaLjjlBciul duty, it y not now ncco-sary lo nlnle. Tlnwe wtio bave ob rrvej regularly the unireiilinpi of the House esp. ci illy the aulfction of the Coinmitirotmtist have re- -ewrkwt trmiP fjbWlriaJ'W pWfy sulijTon wliich ihePrel" nivnl fult a dep inti-roitt waa nfrprcd to a porkrj 'iinmittec meu wJib had pjrrjii.lwl -the cf, and wlaaw opinions, or fceltujra ratlieT.'weTe knowlt to be JBliJy-SubjUCl-tO tua.-will vf til 1'reftHlenfc 4 iaekwn. ,TiiE iifflcenttsten ne ba thus crniH-mW on wan roriiinimicatetl to I11111 ttrnjiilcnliiiVy, by the Presi- d. nt, mure than fifVucn uinuth ago, in a luruiai note frn the then Secretary if State Mr. Iiviniftton H111 i, Mr. StevenBon, was to be appointnd Miniitrr i F.nfiliind. It waa not mvptsDury fiir Uie President ti) i.'ll Mr. Stevenson thnt . this ippihlincnt dipenJd ii'idin liia loyally : Mr. S. mulerktood, well enough, Uie '"riiia iijion whicU be waa to fecniy the wri--fee Ki'ie'vv tGttl JLea.. Jack!i(n wan in the'-habit of rawardH iii' Ins friends, and puniwhinir hi enemiex:" and if Mr. .'iviugbion had exprelraajMl bjJPjejutanLdaHtei' JfnTtoTn",onjh tryfiti !ih fiJeTTfy witFwiiM7Iiyoii aorve him," it would not have conveyed to the underatatfding of Mr. Steven Aiuufft.4nUUwiWe -lirr thiuiKW;,JfeiTeaV ""f "II the r,irf"'"-'VTW.- Wlicn we first heard that such a note had been tent to 'Mr. Stevenson, w could not credit it; we consi- dcrud it an ill rumor 5 but it is too true. It has been brought out from the President, with much reluctance "n hit part, by a resolution of the Senate ; and Uiat bo dy.ititisidcring it conclusive proof of a bargain between two hirrfi officer of, tho Government, have very proper ly exercised theif Kigh and salutary privilege of reject- in wwiitjg I'roaiuent, 'oinproinising guardian of Ue Constitution. In another part of our paper will be 'found the pro ceedinifs of the Senate in regard to Mr. Stevenson's nomination, and the letter to which we have referred. Then; are many other facts and circumstances connect- with tills gross affair of 'bargain and jjorrupUon," which we shall hereafter give. more at large. .. ' . iif liiin who has shown himself Uie supple Uwl of a w1ro!uVh1CwneBr!Mi nnouU liave been the Un- twren Uie ancient ami the modcru ItaaeUjJet hitn tiirii'fo tlie'lJouITof fvlna. We alumat Uivoluutarily shudder wheu we look (rward. After the above article was put into Um rotnpo aiWaUnnJrt, wwreo fcrtonaW 11 to find, iu UioNv tmnal Iutelligencec4 tit 30th mutant, a list of Mem bers of Coiicre thai Gen. Jackaun has appointed to of fice. The b emris THIRTEEN sS.NA'fOlUJ ajjilTWESTr-nVt Ai&EVTATlVJwrrwnv e tn -6 ve- yntra I : : Tfi IutelitrniariJ Cut thil nnmbcr is i,' be IiiivuJ lu be. .about aiual to the-number- ever appointed byjilllke. IWtiJmtj Ug4kr m lie pret rded- Orwrsl If" I f.I !,.'- St I' J. ra.-,, r.j ,--,f d-l-i'! h " J tii Pf.. 11 of new otl-. IU it be n cutiiy f. iln ('mini rii'.-S to em fbiJT a frJmrt f t, 'r.,.l. nt f Wa ak info ttialxm, wr d.Ki'l r.-iiiriuin rrifr U-flar U have bnl of lurk an fifr enirr nut (Jntrrmi Utrnmrnt. Why sImhiU b Coiirmw niaLa an approtMio ali it t gromn tn take care i the Royal aufa, a rk to niaks turtia-aiHip, and sivh. r 14 ptry t In fiitn, wa can see no reaaon why Congnisa cuuld tA niake an propriatiiai tobira earriafK-dnvrra, fiotmen,ra'ks hrt lara, and man srrvanU and nHuJ-arfvanta of ef 7 er cription,witb Jt ta niu b preprwty aa I garJtiur. But our readors are aaaus in the acmnr. lh're it is: for alterations and r'irs of the PrraiJant's bVavuif Ute Utrrac, and erxliiif stalil., $fl,C70 ForlhaganleHV-r's salary, and lah-airs em- -. ployed upon Uie ground and Walka at Uia I'ra- . dent's I loo., and fir planting, . . For pavinf lout-wayt at Uia North part uf (be PreaNb-nt's llHje, and nuikmga Marailaartaed carraweway v.. - . - 1S.7II , planimj treas and repairing th fWee in (lie Uflyette M-juaru, North of lue I'rrW'nifs ).me, . . . . . IfiOO For iHHiliwing snd improving t'ia grounds !j in U-twix n the Capitol and Uie potisnse, ' 20,000 For pirrrhaaing and planting trees and in the Pmnxylvaaia Avenue and on Uie public grounds, . . . . . 9,000 For kep.nif in repair two public re-enginAs . 'JU0 ' Fr tirtiip'ittiuv Uin wster-works at the i real dent's awl F.eei;tive Buildin, lrW Fur completing Uia funnlnre at Uie President's II.Hie, fj,000 For eseea of eipenditore beyond the appro- friatum iikkIw by the Ute CouMinonif f the 'ulilic IluiUinga duiuig Uie past year, ' Making, in isie year, Uie sum of OT if Pi-rodent Jarkin had inanagnd tit public bii4iiiei an well a to have uprut much lem nnmry Uian hia predrcrrs, Uien fuw would have ftKind Cult with ('laiKreaa for Uia mere mm paid to a pnleiwr, provi- d.-d there waa iMilhiiig unlawful IN Uia prwedcnL ikit Imw Mamla Uie airnuut between Uie prweut and . Uie Ut AdminurfratMHi ! We take the eviiemliture urvlef Mr." A.lsjna lu'cuUraat iiw-itW that trndcrOoa. Jai5i, bucauw (im. Jarkann himaclf cliarjfwl Mr. Atlanta with extravagance 111 epiiding Uie public iryiey. it will be remembered that, in hia very Inaurtuwl AJdn-, an occanii on which tnn men won Id bave had the deli- racy to refrain from aurh iWiv'm), President Jackwai disputed some uf hi ! frieml by the eoarsencae with which he spoke of "sbutea" under Mr. Adam. The following little taMea will abow J at Km in ecomany in a Ktrryf point f view : ?2,0II0 77,110 Lrpfititurrt unJrr J. A4-imi. l4ar,IMi.JW i ' - vtwum M " r2.ftM.iil:i 4ih ia,2urstju .t:y),(toi,9i2 FrprnJilurrt UnJrr A. Jackim. H A rear, tW.afW.W id ' - ZX3Mi& Hd - 1U77.WI 4th " ltxnyxio Thus it apitnars Uiat lite rery Jtrtt yrmr of General Jackaoo'a Adiuinirtratiou cot Uie country more than 4)ilWef lite Meee first -tif Mr. Artuma'a-exfrsTt nf rrign, and alino-4 as murh as Uia last rnart and Uie If anyone wishes to trace fuiturr the paaliul be-i Cjur yuara toxUter eol needy NINE MILLIONS of I!lUAEi5. inure than 4he tx yaaf Mfr Ademef- Jtut the wnr is still buhiftj. The e'xpeiMlitures of the lait year, lKt-'t, aouMuiled we are tub! by Uie I'r' tnUnl't oarn Snrrimrf of tht Treasury, to TW E.N TlVrwa MHJJO.N'a and f warrKa'aVri.frJtfi.'l "rxclutit 0 lip rxprniilnrt ON xomnl of tht pmblie . t nix A.orin.:t siiouMi The Virji ins 'S give an arrHuit n( yet lit' U'.er d(eail:"i.l It lupju'iir I im Hunday ft.'itKl l!.c i'l J'W, sol paw-d mat V(l!i;u!mriih, tlir.Mii h t!i etaintic it I If? of. W lh'tit; NanMiu-aul, ami X.a fuik, into Una Htate. Five or sis itii! fr.Kn Wil!arn)mrfh, on Jhe Ibrin f TImum Cdeinan, l'mt , fvrai b)wat were blown down, la one of wh ch Mr.C bimefntr, aixl aeveral argroea, kaj taken refuge, Jr. ('otcinaa and one ba gro Were kdle.1, snd several uf the l"groi were nijured. Three horaea were killed 011 Die amoe faun. A great d"l of damage was dow 00 tli whole lute of Uie stirm, by the blowing down 1 trers, botMee, fi n cea, erofs etc. Ae, Three small wiiaii'ri were uimH and a brig driven ashore in Jaun-a River. ' IIARJi Tt) HEAD I We noticed, lst werk.tUt, sfrr the Si-rute had rn jrctad a Mr. Gordon as ColU t. at New tlil.-ans the PraMdent nominated Mr.f)jrdWsuft,a be under aje, t the saute office. The Hettale have since rHried a eerUia Mr, Flood, wlwan lite Preaident nomiuatod aa Register of !nd Ortice In Ohio; nberenrae f"ng kimter Flood waa auinhiated tl tlte same ottice. If the old "(iinetal" ahmild uk it into hia bead to begin with the (bUter uf aa many suns as Israel of old ptaneaaed, he might pester the Kunate "purty cutwuler- able" bvajre he got down to little Benjamin. The LUowing, from the New York Courier and En- nuirer, is pretty fund Lit at Uiat rJiciikus propen4ty aiene wiiple have of entering into a grave diaquiaiUai to prove an evident and trifling fact : "A vtlrrrtlinK infrtligmlieit We see tl new pnpers publishing, pretty extenatvely, an imiuiry u Uie r-ain " why a rstUcnk ao called ; aud ' perc.iite (list the wrrter, after a paid deal of ptofmmd rewareh, draws the ronclunKm that the snake la t tin diNManinatod becaui be has rattles in Ills tad. We don't know how tine may strike oUtera w can mily aw tit ourselves, but it dw certainly atnavr to u that Uie solution is satufacUwy, and tbat the writer's mraie or arriving at tlte result ia exreeuuiL'ly i.ra( and tnjensi, we boiie he inar omtinu ma ph!o ptiitiU rcn;Iel J tM-wnrto' Ms i.mi keen tn W dark s to Uie true reaaun why Mack euakea-snf so call ed Perhaps our autlmr Would find. Upon a tlmnaiifh inve'7atuai, Uiat it is merely because Uiey are n4 Wlute," 1 XT Tl.e Rt Rev'd. H. Eland, Roman Cath4ic Dialsipca'Chaxloaton, baa been appointed a t ardiml, by th Pope uf Rome, .. I lie lHlnp nas efnnarked rairojin. He is a niin of hue talents, uf a highly cultivated mind, and ha evinced, both in America and Europe, a great deal of respect and admiration for the civil and political insti lutiuiu the .tinted. (Slate.. iia m an Iritman bf birth, and e aaid tj be Uie firat native of Uiat country on wisan haa been conferred the honor of wearuig a Canlinara hat. - 0 Tlie diarartcruf Urn rtol gtnihma,My John Randnlph, in 1 letter to a young relation, ciiit not in pltte, and eiiipnee, snd ru b living, any nxee than in the diM-asc whicli Uiat mle of life engendera; but iu truth, rourteay, bravery, geneniaity, and learning which lant, though not essential to it, doea very much wauws vmU' ntumranj xne Coaricier 01 Uie iruo gen- Ueman. This was when the public money wss in the United SU3fei,aatjri'iiec. -t least ia aana UotfraC, to tUeontro of Congress; but who cimakUt wliat his Excellency's pocket-motiey,- gnrdco-muncj, stable- innney, racelior-iiiimev, 4c,'4 f. Wy moUJit to now lie has goLihc.-P't'ji'C.purfo iahiaBwn keepiiig-l r-J. f-r. bJL a L . I-...L, .M ttcnvptcd to steer a 1 iiviu vaaa j ww 11 w -vji i' v v 1 uia . . . . . .. .-o- ' - , - . rvivv..l"e, vu vu. CUy ofa-3uigi.s. Op" The Globe, of jhe 25tli June, in a lonj article, prtly'cufoglHiHr'tui partly tchryuii)eeas1ta,'fiy do lh JSoiute rvjeot Mr, Taneyravhen Uwyhnew Uiat Uie4 President will entrust Uie Treasury Department to ifHHe other, unless he be as inflexible (that is to say, as duti ful to him,) aa Mr. Taney ha been! To toll Uie truth, it does seem to us sn useless efTort owtnw rarrrrjr tnerwiiiire to inempt to control in any (ttT Tho Etlltor of the Pee Dee Cliemw. clear of party p'ditiee ; but, firtd- uTilsS' liin.-jj oTiTxwruliv en- nctitrd, be biis coJiie'isit ir!."lej'n.J. entry in fkvor ?f the Constitntirii, in npnofition to' con solidation, and iu defence uf Slate Sovereignty and 4 8UW Rights: M.j.iL'?l!!gUiJiaJhJirrnt. the mmliirlot if j Press rnnot he neutral snd be true to i hii duty, . Je sny'iifng'oT iiiiTtor suhdiviitioiis, Uie whole country is divided between a rty in fkvor of, and another oppo sed to, Executive enenaichnietits. And every accession tehe ranks of those in fkvor nf GmsilruTlorrsI "Liberty, and constitutionaj rttlrmntt too, should be hailed u t of Representatives connive at, or approve, unlawful acts tit fhiiBifl fTi lit ' 1 j ..r.i.)' THE PRFS. Poulaon's A'iKJicatt Daily. Aduertiaer- tbue hrtrffclueee" a fnsn a speech in ti.e BfiUsh Parliament, on Uie importance and wer of a Free Pry-as: At this crisis, it is the Vris lliraf nuil snve the itmtry-Il ii thaPjfsi thai tiiuJtaiiJiip (Im 8e 4 nateaoJ staHijv with tHwrtHin- the arhttrary gets of mragtiiiied and iDfiitiMteJ CIiief WSrwte, Andrew Jackson lias mil "calculu toJ on the intiuence iiCiha J'fessr UwxerteJe: thtosT OTTufrW- ism and Virtue. The fdlowinj paiisage Is from a apth- didiTercd by Sheridan,', in the Eiiluh House of Comment 1 degree the conduct of the; puhl.c agenta, whole the ftf uxilml9 Ummpll rf theiT.piBci plea, and rT ff rtfirrtiarftsaf a. 1 1 irsij r nnn I v m si f rS linn itia aa,Ia Fit I " ' should stimulate them tn increased exertions. The' following short paraimuluv which-wi-xtract Ge,JackfPWilldoubt. ry- who :wiU .ria.bis hidJingJtilithe and of .the wMK-ses4' einn of Congress t the Senate may then, 1 Mfy Aase Ike. ckanc, reject Uie nominee; and, as soon as they adjourn, he way re-appoint Uie same or another Seere tary of equal Jlexibility lo kit will. This, in all pro bability, will be the game until Uie end of Gen. Jack- eon's term of office, unless Ujg People comr4 their ser vants in (lie lower House to co-operate wrUi the Senate m the maintenance of the laws. i: In the nea rime; rf ithe Preeidcnt grr rm'rif licte- tofbre, and the Poat-Qflice Department continues ex difflt'ulftes of the Treasury in the aarne ralto,what will It would be well for the People of Uie United States rmiterrea npnn tinrteen ainnuiHif itm 1 ..nmriv t yM Wo thiuik Uie Globe Crf Uie hint which, whether in dcfuince, or in thoughUesa indiscretion while smarting under rebnke, it has thus clearly expressed. The "Peo ple are now told, by the official organ, that the Presi dent will not have any Secretary who will not do with the public money just what he orders! It remains for the People to decide whether. Uie con stitutional character of Uie Government is to be resto red, or Uie will of one man to be'paramount. t-j,afcwwri'j: " I would impose a provision, rendering any member "f Congress ineligible to office, under Uie General Go vernment, durinir the time for which he was elected. nd for two years thereafter, except in cases of judicial "ffice ; these i would except tT the reason that va- psticies in tin department are not ftefjucut occurred-1 The following tittle items, taken from t Bill report ed in the Hotine of Rcpresehtativos, afltird a loIerabTy fiiir specimen of the effect of the 'searching operation which President Jackson prunised, in bis. Inaugural Address, to introduce into every department It seems .that, in Uie progress of the scare , tlie "TeniMMMie Fanner" found of a good many tinftgi. that had been neglected by bis predecessor. One of th first things that attracted the lienor I a notice was Uie uncomfortable situation of the tlobleil This was exactly in accordance with the expectations oT those who wished hia to cleanse the infra . But it seems that he despaired of bernsr able to render those which had been occupied fonr years by Yankee dray- war "at taVfWie danger and of thearrlt Rocohios him to take in averting it : " We believe that ours is not a Consolidated Govern ment Uiat the Constitution of the United Suites should be construed Btrictly tliat Uie State are sovereign that they have rights, and may apply remedies: snd our strictures on public measures will be controlled, "when Uiey. are applicable, by these opinions., - ;. " We were not s 11 x ions lo enter the list of political flstonow 'lie corruutioiui of Uie time render the duty ininera- tive. The imminent danger in which Liberty herself no honorable alternative, , ' UNiraRSITY OF THE fSTATE. degree of A. M. on six genUemeji, The degree of D. D. waa conferred on the Rev.' Andrew Syme, of Peters burg, Va. 1 and that of 1. 1 D. on Bishop Ives of this State, Judge Ruffin, and George E. Badger, Ei "" The literary exercises of the Students, and tiieir ge neral deportment, are spoken of"in terms of high com mendation by those who were present,' ' The Address tieliverod by GeiL Iredell, before the two literary Societies, is likewise highly and yehay KTIouWju aTpecimen of chast and classical composition, ciislly ciiUiblo, to Jlie Jinart and the head of the imiabte and ttTeit5fd orator;! We are much gratified to learp that, Gea Iredell did not follow, In one particular, Uie example of the two last distinguished gentlemen who addressed the Socio? ties. lie oirtitted entirely all allusions to party politics; very properly considering that ttie practice of discus iug such subject at the chief literary institution in North Carolina, nronld be "more honorod in Uie breach Uian the observance." - - (Kr TheiioTrnflstiorf of Benjamin F. Butlnr.-Esq., as Attomey-General of the United Slate, luia hern con firmed by tho SeiialOk : - a'tiiye me but the Linnnrr r rnr. Pri:, hiii I w ill give to Jhe Minister a venal ll.sjae of Peer I will give him a corrupt and servile IJ ju-.u fJfun; mmra-r it! " Jti Vie' ti i rii' si Ii ilf V wTug lf inu petron. lagn of liia nflira . I will ie iiim the whule timit'nf ministerial itifluene I wiltpyj; Jiim all Iha (tew. er.thnt place can Mitr upon hiin, to purchase sub mimion ami to rrvornwe twi stance and yet, armed with the Liberty of the Pre, I wilt go f trtli to meet htiB undinniivwl f 4 wtiV-aftaeh" wit rr'that mighties ngirevth miffhty fabric he has raised; I will thale U Jimch from it kriekt of eorrup. tion, f nd kurf it htnral tktrtyin if tie a bum it im meant lo Arltrr " '. lAttttrotJIymtn.- - ImU. tli HrM twin krtfM, Ir hM Mint Umf win nU Aa nn hM ,. mlr UNITED IN WEDLOCK, In Charlotte. on Toesday evening the 24th olt., by John Sloan, Esq.,' Mr. THOMAS f. HOLTON, Edi- tor or tbe Miners' amUfarmera Journal, to Mia RA C1IEL R. JONES, of the city tf New York. v lately, in atoutmty, VirwmirMr.- FRFfV r.rut n. JUtt.-M jll, rrmerlv of Wslishury, to Alias fAAUl .aunwt.LAj, ot the hmer place. At1aMtthan.ii Ta fr . hBal,swll. frw -isj r-si, war pear, nr sfrali 'sjp ! 'Tka aWMtraJ jtmms1, rksM u AiatiaM-ltasi Mm-n . t,rr4 f '"DEPARTED Tni.i" I.I f- K. - At liberty Hill, Iredell county, on the 20th June, Mrs. ISABELLA R. FiMii'Elt, wife of Mr. Abner Feimster, in Uie 30th year ef her are, leaving a hus band and five children to bemoan her Ions. Airs. F. WU sick fur six mouths belore her decease, but bore her pain with exemplary fortitude. A little while be fore she died, she had a severe pnroxysm of roughing, which so much exhiuisted her that she seemed to have expired, but after being apparently insensible she open ed her eyes again, spoke with a strong voice, and with coantonsnce 9 tier mercilul mm. MUO'said site bad two, Uie Anrets of Heaven at the Jinltl hand of God piaisiaj him Uim slie was happy, and Jnid her hmtm would not -moan (1 her, befwofild prepar to' follow hot tn&fiut theif (iod. She was a kind and sfftatidnnte wif t, a tender and careful tnoUier, a peaceful and ol.ligiag neighbour, ana wa respecioo ny an who anew ner. Jtr husband and children and other friends nave suf fered a great loss, hut they should derive comfort from the well grounded hope that tiieir wif.i, mother, and friend, has, gone to a better worldwhere she will re ceive the reward promised by, the Son of God to all wno iuve mm. B - : . iommutiicaieat In Concord, Cabarrus county, on the lth nltT. Mrs. EF1EZA MOORE, apni 33 Vears. 1(1 month, and 2 days. . She Imw left bn'shand and three amaH'chiidren to mourn tlie lot of au ailet Uoiiato wife and tender : - .'''' '.' : ' r-s. fx ct Cr NOTIC'i:! .1 - tr V roue l.insiam having uieir vt uwii ill .leal 4 LL per iiiiiiiul.t to forward it as rfi a -..l.le, as tl.e ,Miin will anaaon. I'aUrrus Co., July 8, 131. tf nmiiul'.u tured at fMire alt'a ,M.m liinr,' be cbtatHj hy (he fiwt sf f enda-r, (- thi on. J .4(1)11 hJIULWALT. . 75 J)()llar. Itcwnnl. IBCAl'I'.D from lle StiWriU'r, wbtlo eixamp. rl at the hMje tt A. Waif, in Ruling, ham County, (N. C.) uo tun Slight of the lUth Ma last, a flrro !tl an, named JOII.. f la is ahxiut Ik) jeara i4 l, aUmt ft fet 1 1 im he high I no marks r-ol iet 1 had on a toane-epua j-aiw hsig cf, anJ cuiuiiKai thread and rottos) IMititaloiMis. John Waa ptin hnatid fnun ArrhibaM 'orb-, in rut County, m-ar (rw mille, and it ia pndwhl be will eimVvof Id get Lack to th sauna iiKhbnrliMid. 'list above reward of rventv-Five Holla ra wiO be paid tu any one who a ill rrheiid and lodg the said Nero ia any put, wo thai th ailrribef can gvtt him atain. Lutter addrraard to the tm uVnuKtitid, at Itorjiingham Cuurthouse, (Va.) will rvH-viva imnmdiat attention. JOHN !. MOItRIS. July ft, 1M4. 10 f (KTTIw Editor of the Tarhnrrstgh Free Prea will buldisli the dvertisemenl In tlie anaaaiA -), Mhd a receipted bail Id this ufTic, Sut Nivinent. j Xfwinfiiet.. 'pHB Anwnwl Meeting-1 the Iredell Cwmty- Teuiia-rautf rioriety will take place ia Ftairw Ville, p Ike 'id Tkxrmlaf of Jul nrrl, a 1 1 0'. .hh, A. N. Tha Re. Mrr CHILHM, a tlinj Meilwtit I'ptscn)xl Cfaurrh, if expected torYli. v-r a disrourae 00 Iha occasion, ilia friend ef Temperance are reapectfullv Inviiivd to attend. HTEPIIKN FRONTI? Secfttaryr" Ftateville, June 2, If.1l, , e, -Wri 1 1 jx)si t i vely bo -Drawn JVczt Thursday ti l North-Carolina Stalo vt in Till,' ppvi-i'if ftp FOR THE BENEi'IT OF The SaVbury Academy, Jr ist.CUsii Ilisii and.Low 8 jstcau To ht JDtaicnintSalhbulrijy Capital, $3,000! "1 Prize of $3,000 is 3.000 , 1 4 ---of-Q-isg,00 0f 300 is- 1.500 - Tr lO 50 --to J00 250 of of u -tff ,of TOf JLQQ is 12,000 JOO 15,000 ::::Ois-3,000 20 is 2,00(1 1)0:1312,5001 20, 183 Prizes, moummg to $ 1 20,0.00 13s" More Prizes than RIauLs 1 Ticket $4 Halves f J. -Quarter I. Z 1 OT. DEALING i v IlTiC ton?r JwhJei ia Syalcnv-Jia 40,00 Tickets, nttmlx-red from 1 t 40,000 nujnbcrsji iH Ihb Hie pnzoaIsve the denominntion of $1 70 in an other: tliey will then Ins drawn out alternately, fin-t a number nn l then i a priw1, ..untij sll.the priif jf ju-e flfuwiaTnmi l to ',K!iil!filSjr?Llyvi'i axil ffom ao.uOI to 4fi,0tU, inclusive are high. The prize of 4 70, to be awarded to the high or low division, determined by that which rnftv draw the eapitid prize of S3,(M)0. .Tlie prize if 64 70 will be payable in ticket, in the next bt Ik-ium all other prizes payable in ensh .forty days after the drawing. All prizes subject to a dttluctiun fifleen per cent. " ' 7" Accord n In thi moat of dratnne, o7.. trf of tjrq t'trl.t ! ".' . re UtdtO.-tm- arians, t ami MAY DliAVv ' .iXKKt Tickets, Eli arcs,; , tin' greatest va Stevenson (White, Rou , ? ' r'diaSfCSjtoIehaJ, b "f iiiimlx'ra, at 4. iiits' Ofiicc, unIoh Hotel,) -AH order from a di the Cu-ih, will be tl ai ! ' attended to, if ! y i ; r i , . : May It, 1- 1 .; (po -t paid) fiu!.. i 'v fe--.ivfd and projii; , ( OX & POINTS, .i.?jer, SaUshitrij, X C !