.P7l T T ill WESTERN ' . i T , . , , - I - ' II I . . - f . . .. . .... . - PUBLISHED WKKKLY: JOHN HEARD, Jr, Hditor and Projirhtir. HfZl f Number from ihc Uthuinz, 730 : No.' G ()!' TIl'iT XVthVOUJMK. - : ' , j - . ' ; ... , ' i : : : , Salisbtiiy, Uownn County, N.C, '5ri T ' SatunlnyJIormng, July -12, 183-1. - ami. S3'" fell. M IM I. I, . MaMC 4jM 4f ... MM mwH l fc-twi la ta." -THE LAND.. , , IV been upon tha monntaia dp " Vln-n U wind had died away, Arl, lik in orran-gnd uWp, The hark inajftfie lay ; J!di lovhor is lH" varml srnne, Tli lull, the Uk, lh true, U'Lu UthJ w litftii f suiniflit'i ipicm r The land the land m; I Tin iflauriag fttiM I'v. glided o'rr, Wlii-n (.tiljr Wrw Uir lnwui ; Hut iHir was tho rimiant .hofe Tli H'ilijfr 'rooag (lie trre, Tl. murmur of tit. iwiiiU u rill, Til" bldMatmt Waving fri-e, Tin ng of bird, iin .very tr"e : T )f IuikJ tlr laud liir me ! Tlie liilWa hav. Wn among, Wlii'ii they roll' J m iiHtinUiiM dark. Ami illicit brr lilac it rurUiu tiling Around our lifiwm.' berk;- K'll tfHe rue, when I'm .torui B fwere. My (mile f nil Ltiiudo fims ' Vlt-re wind may hoT, hiH iaiiut piorca : 1'Lc I Mini- lit. U.4 ft tnel ' . - Anl ttlinn roiinil llie lightning flaxhM, l't Iw'i'n om th -. Ami Ui tlie 1,11 1 1 li Im-In-. Ill l'o da.oli'J Ailiwn (lie lnuul Mwp; Illl' II" W tllU 1 IIM Mfu tMt kllUTP, Hit. fver li-l in. he : Tli. IW 1H lilhrrt Wm!rf o'er 'R land tin- mJ fur .if f w Tv'S'tTU WKEKLY::::r iiT::::.JMI.N PI-LVRD, JR. TKIMl Or fl HLICATI0.1. I Tha "Wwrrma fAiounu" piillit.id ei.ry ll.l'lny, at Two lVllir x r annum if paid in advanro, I wo IJuUar. and I illy ti-ntu u uut inul until alter ,.' i ipiralion ol tfiife iixhiIIih. .'1. .No tubrtCr ntHfli will br n-c.ivpii fir.a !? time tf.nn ori jw ; and a (hilnre to notify tin? Fditor of a v. i)i to tiuNHintinii'', nt li-a.it unit uiuiiui Mitff tJic expi- n'Hn.of a J cut' auWriptiua, wili- tw cwmW a. a n'W rnti('nn,nL 4..Anv wrmm who will onctire nix wiri-ril.r to CaitAinian, ami t.kr thr tnonM. of rolliinnjr and tiiinMiiiMinp tli .mt-nirt tn-rti lo the rVlitnr, ahtll lut. the pr during thu cunUnunuce of Uimr tub m ription, willnmt ch'gc. Ttun or AivruTimKu. t. Advtiwpnt wilt bo conMiiicuimiily anil corroct- ly mrtod at 5(1 com iht diuaro fur tJw first irmrtion. - .tjd-WJ-epntji for nrrh cortnntnncPT bntwhrTWTni i vnrtuK'Hic-nt la orilcrnd, to e in only tw k, 00 eta. will ..ba charged, (ui atek iiutctuirb ---:-'-: Mm-rMintn. Altichantrs, tmt f'mfitiional auntie. liiftrW!) 'mtT'ilwiin! omiBbr Jo arncti r. befire the public, ia ouT advnlMii) cnluinnn, will hp rwoivrd an rrtv artr.rtinOrtt inil a duIiM'tion. of 1j im cvuL Hill MW.Hdwroin tlm attovrflJarct't- TO fOKREifiroUBJIT. 1. To inmra proront atlention to lHter. axldreaaed to-taa Jaittor, -vt poKafr ltoukl m alt cjkm m C'umut,PrU'T orrrodiicV. Vc. . AT SAIJSDL'R'..JuIy 0. Wil, . . .rKI Ihamlr, apph',--;-4hr4?narftsr' -t i-nntri..i- " H-ull, 11 ft utr . . Butler 10 ;ye, . . . tot ttiu, in need, . VJ tSojjar, brown, KniaJ.l0i I - W,. ... r,;tn-e IS a.ls,Salt, ?'rn, . . , . IlW ITallow, . . . .VI . 75 . 10 a 121 4Ua M a 10 8 a 20 Father,". . . 30 . fl'-Jha',' lijur, (scare.) fi50 a 700-VVIipat, (lui-hol) 8(1 a 100 Fluked, ,44-a.4XU Iilrwicd n7per gallon, $1 l-'J AT FAyfiTTEi'ILIJLJuJy U . . 0 a OJ. Iron' " . . . I'randv, pt'ivh, ' apple, isi'oswax, . . (ilHw, . . . '""'ton. . . . uru, . . . Fh'.-.-vfil, . . Kb mr, . . ttaiUVja,", ' . . 55 a ttO Molasses, . . . 2S a JCiXaih, cut, . . . 17 a IS Sugar, "brown, .Ula,1.3! lum. . .lljul'i1 Vm(, . .110 Salt. . . . .100 a 110 Wheat, . . . . 33a3TVVonli . XTTfiWAtr; July a Jt.itnu-, . . io a i ji.muu&wa, . . 13 a vjW.ViiilH, . . . 40 a ) tl'ofton, new, . . 10 a 42l JM) , Rice, .450 a 500 . 30 . . Salt,, in sacks, rinxted. . . .100 a ri'wSunrar. urime. 9 a 12 I a 121 0 a 10 Fluur, ininerfinc. .000 a 75IH common, fine, . .550 a 6KH -hwf & lump, 15 a IS Ir'.i, .... 41a 5 Tallow, (scarce) . 10 a 12 Ijinl. . . . Ut a 121 Teas. . . . .125 a 150 Mackerel, . , .050 a OtkWhcat,. . i . 90 a 100 AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.).. uly 3. ""on lit 121'lArd, . . . . . 10 a 121 Brandy, pnacli, J. 73 ' Molae., . . . 45 a 0 amile. 40i5d.ItfckercL. HM.aJSOO liuttlT. , , Iti bnsheL , . i -J txiffee, JumJl.'aLJt I'll (SugwbrQwiu.. 10 a.J2V i-orn. A-. .110 a 123 loat &1UWP, io a 'i (nUon. . 10 a 12 Tallow, . ..... .10 a 12 Flour.- .750 a SOOtTeas, 00 a 00 40 a 60 Iron, " 4 a SilWhUkey, AT CAMDEJf, fS.,)...Jly 4. "con, . . . . 12 a 14Flour,(l.Caro.k .600 a 700 "randy, peach, i 45 a 50 - -(Cam.njillg).900 a 1200 appple, . 00 a 00 Iron, -. r . 00 a 00 Hoeawax. . . . l'2a l5 Urd. . . . 12 a 13 fotton. . . " . fl a 12irrallow. ... 10 a 12 tWn,- . . . .123 a lStiWheat. bushel, .137 150 teatW ; . . 30 a ft). Whisker.! ---US 40 Lincoln Cotton Factory. fpiIE HuUcriW, inlemling lo Vt North ruliiui,'ii(E-rt fr l hi intrrfxt in lliU lu. I1 evtaUwhioeiit. )U Im emicliiiM to diviJo bit intnriH Into Hlure. uTI00, n4 Iim ajipiHiitiHj JOHN PHARI), Jr. lUqr., hi. ig'-nt at Kili.Ui ry Cr rming FulMcrititiuna. . InlumMtttun in n (jarJ to lh Fttwr, b funiUltttd on ippltcn lion to the auUcnbtr at Lincoluton, or, a to llio tcruu of HoUtcriplton, by Mr. Iktrd at KiluliurY JA.MCS MV1N(.8. Linoilnloo, June 39, 1631. If Ni:VINC3. i r ill RS. HOWARD, who Iim bonn in thn Ul.it of d'nii work fr tailor., Iwreliy f ooiice that : uiIi-ikU, in fuiurt, to take in Hewing on her own I account tnd, having ao Mnixtant wIkkv work ran mil l auqiampd for nfuinns and ilrengt h, the fn U riMiftiiunt lluil ah can giva aatinfuctioii to l how w Im nut) f.tor hrr with lhir cuirtom. TV fiJIowing will ba hrr chargfn, m : Fr making I'anlaloona, from 75 end to I lllnr. for making Vn, 75 to7jct. For nuikinz Round-Jackcta, 75 cfnta to 1 dollar. OCT HIllRTH, ali, will bo mJt on the tmrt rnormlilo trrtn lkltMrav JL will autuudcrtak lo ml out with 4it (Mtt.rna. Siili.lMiry, Jural 14, 1934. tf ' IJccvcs Wanted 'I'HK fiulmrrilpr, iirt.mlinr to rarnr on a tfgtilar 1 bniiiiirM at BUTCHERING, in the Town of Salndiury, wiirttca to Uiy a numlier of good Ivnevm, for which tlie bighvM pricea will be giveo,iacisb. CT Ilia ('untomra are notirasl thl Im will be rcwly to wipi'ly thcoi with (1(H) I) BKF.F on TueolaytTliurwdHy, and 8iiirh'v, of tach week, for the rent of the araauo, at the unml rnti'.. JOH. J. SIIAVXR, , Palinliury.June 28,"l$34. tf l)lTISIOXORDi:US! -Il4ad-QHarlfm, . SDl Jiy. 2thh J l C, 4e44.-V- rpiIK7ih, 10ihrand Uth Ilridp cwnpomnj the Foorth Dt rtanB oTute iVlVuri of jSorth Caroliiwi, wiH'beTReviewetf aad tnctcd iii the following order: ' I -TJiej:8tlwJI7th. And .JSth Bcgure4iU,.at4he ownuT llutlrMdloo,-a ediwklay lira JW of I . I--1HI m.i.iB-wrn i nil.. '-' Tlie 70H "and 71rtTegirnen(,1t Linclntohj on Friday the 6th of September. CoJ, Fullena ider'a KwitDenJ ( yaisy,atliw;U ed to the idlh Briirado, at the aame time and ulucu. v The 69th Regiment, at Charlotte, on Tuesday the Bth of September, . . Col. Meana a Regiment of Cavalry attBchcdlo the Ilth RnOTvUh9.W and nlace... The Cttth RegimX at their usual parade-ground, on Thiiniday the 11th of September. The tttd Regiment, at Concord, on Snturday the 1 3Uu f.Kptembip. The Fir ReiHmcnt of Totimlecri, under the command of Cob Coleman, at the aame time and The 00th and 61st Regiments, at Lawrcnceville, on Tuesday the 16th of September. The 87t'b Regiment, at their regimental muster ground, on Friday the 10h of Septemlicr. llie 88th Regiment, at Mpcka, on Saturday the 20th of September. :Tb 63d Regiment, at Moclisvillo, on Tuesilay The 64th RejnmeiJUM.fcaIuuuiyrn.4.iwrly- llio V.)U of Aeptejiibe;, BrigTidier-Onf rnl B 'bTexpectet) 'towUetiJ the Reviewing Olficer thro' a part of each of their respective Drigndes. TJyon3cFof MaJor-UiShcral T. li JOSF.PII A. BREVARD, I . . June 2, 1834. 3t New Tailor's Shop in Concord. rnHE Subscriber inform, his old customera and JL the mihlie in ireneral. that he hat REMOVED TO CON COR D, where he haa opened a Bliop, in which the TAILORING BUSINESS in its rious branchee will be executed in the most fash f r oa.. ionable, neat, and durable manner. He flatters huusdl that iiU akill wJheJttaiuesa and hi corw. stant' personal attention iff hi Wtablishuient," will enable him to redeem all pledgee made to those whrmny fav ftir He receivea the latest FASHIONS iregu larly both from New York and Philadelphia, and work, bv the most approved systems. Cutting out, and Ortjera from a distance, will be promptly attended to ; and lat,lut not lcait,ii iermt ieiU be vera accommodating' : . THOMAS 8. HENDERSON, ,;, -N.B. tie it determined to" do vorlc in a ttyh tu pcriof to any don In tkit parte the country, and UW4TI WAB HASTED TO FIT WKt,i LlCconard, March 29, 1834. Cia A ..J xV'yr? Job Printing, anMit ' WESTERN CAROI1NIAN OmCE, , rkJwbury, iUjr 17, IWL f ar prrparM to mocuu r kuU of i'rintini in vrjf aupfM atjrld, ao4 our cbirfeo wilt b. a rMiuoablo aa any. fTCT Onlrta rhin tfuteaca will aittijra hmn4 lit. rwal prompt tttetitmn. ' or tbi STATE OF KOUTII-CAR0LINA. IHK)K8 OF StTBScluPTION in STOCK In the New ftaio llank of North Carolina, will lie ojtrned, in the Towu of balubu nr, on the lOlh of June l nut. Capitaliula ho are aiuiout to make a p rotitalde inveMinenl t their fumU, will do well to aft-wid at an early diiv, aa it ia believed that tlie w uolo amount will be aivlily tokeu Uj. TIIOS. L. COWAN, ) WM. II. IIUIIAII, )ltoHer9' ime 7,134. ' trJA Pnlinl.irj-, June 7, 1684 Tfo Tkml Smttm vf the ubovc ttut Button ' will coaiEJciTos TI1E FIUbT V OF MAY. f PlIF. BubacriVra, thankful for peat patronage, pleilga theniMilire to cuter upon the eaercitea of the ut-xt acMioo with renewed aral. . IVJkFARROW, T. W. SPARROW, tulubury, April 12, 1S3U - - - tf At Cost! H. liTaMliY Ac HON, HAVING DtfrKRMlNE! to CLOSE THEIR BU- IN THIS PLACE, With the view of removing trtrthe Ptattj.rjf Miwti aippi early in the en..ng Fall, beg leave to . . inform the TuWic generally thai they Have Coiirluilfd to Nrll Ofl TI1L1U tiTOCK OF GOODH, co.ixiartwa or DRY-CJOODS, IIAHD-WARli, AND ALLjt)ierABTlCLEa eenerallv kept on ha and by Ci, . ' Thp.r fltnek iiitArge, Complete, ml New Uic wUoto ;hiiymg 4er- purejaoa.wHmn-iiie'iaat Uwnlve utouitta OOTIiey hSupectruliy invite llieir fnewla and customer, aa will a. the raiWlc ia general, to call am! wmrie flajnVM'tlic.yaWAilermlneXto aaiMtucMon to all wtvo wuui io purcoaae. HaliatHtry, Maruh UV1M4. tf ---- IS LIS COLN COUXTV llio Subscriber, intending W TCmovc to Alabama, "oFFER3'T0R"8A'L"E, """"" His Residence in Lincoln County Including, in one body, about Of Real Good i? a r ut i -it g 4 n d, mHL On which is a fina constructed of the best ma tenuis, hi line taste, and good workmaasiiiu, Al so, all convenient Out-Houses, COTTON AND THRESHING MACHINES, Barus, Stables, die. iwaa-. MjOKJ aaW'r-JiWiM -'- tijdjpXX4ie4i Lying on both sides of Dutchman's Creek, contain tng about"--- - liignt IIutvAred aVeTcs, A-iRSTJtAT& FOR-AN Y-PURPOSESi 45iThahowFrortyw oT one, two, and three yeara. - In my absence, application may be made to my brother, Jv romey. ' DANIEL M. FORNEY. Lincoln Co., May .17, 1834. tf Slate of Aorih Carolina, JUNE 14th, AjINCOLS UOVNTt. " j ) f 104. petition for a Road nnd Ferry. To Juha Fcrkios, Alexandwt PerUniThofc.S! "dyilhd wife, theiie heirs of Joseph Perkins, doc., heirs of Elisha tin:v:c.Tad'lhe"torroritoDe and wife, dec., (all heirs at law of Eli Perkins, dec.) and to all others whom it may concern i rpAKE NOTICE,' that, at tho next Count T CouH .a. to be held at Lincolnton, oq the. third JUnnday n July, k Petition will be presented for a Public Road, to pass over tlie lands of aaid heirs, and for a Public retry, to be established on the stud mad. across the Catawba River both of which will be situated between Lincolnton and Statcsville. . - "JACOB SIIUFORD. L June 14, l2i, 6t-- iu:c laviTii'H T lifter, who aiw a(nWwJ ith IIKAD ACtlrj, llFART-lll nNJ.amJ othpralnwrrWng mp- lotna ol iliM4-rod txiwM h, Iwwt-U, and bier, may find relkf ia Dr. Hirkwith'a Airfi-Iryirptie Tttk, which can be had at this 02k-ttic LAy tenia per box. . . i M Uuctor, wlio one reoiiM ia Una place, but now bvea in Raleigh, ha, after a ionjr ami rttr aiva practice, bena etatbled to rompouiid a tnorf a. hiaule renly for (lie chrocuc dueaaaw af the V geative' organa, ao emrMiala Suuibera rluxiatea, eepecially with tbnen who lead ardentary Uvea. It would U an away acatier to anale uut cxrtifi. calea lo nrove that tln-e 1'iU. are a aomrig re medy " for Mall tlie ilia that fleah m brir to;" but it ia not pretended that they are an univeraaT ami. dole. OrtihVatee ia the nwrt raaatertable Iliyai ciana and other rentlemeo ran be ahown to eub- ataulutle their elUcacy in the particular cloaa U ptaoaar, aUive apoken ol : and the hdOor 4 line paper can eify that he haa derived apeedy awl perinaurnt h ImI, in tlie umi of them, from a direaqog and Vwr-Cootinond brad-arlwi. Hum. of hia frietida tried them, at bia Miggeatigo,ande perirneed the aame beniificiaJ elcta. 'Rli.Iuy,7uin i I47lt5t-- - Land for Sale. rpiIF. Suh-criLer oflera for aate a Tract ut Lend of 5 0 7 AC It K 8, lying An k4h atdca of! 1 1 rant a Creek, U mile anuihweot of Halbrtajn. From' ISO lo 200 Acree are cleared, about 20 of which ui etcelkiit Meaihiw in jp.xl orrh-f. TUrjre twagmj I)WELLING HOUlConllie )'jjLUnd, a Rant, and other oul-bou . Tern wiU ba made acwMuruodating to any one Tndung to purcltaae. DO1" Any one demnne to aae the Property, will pleaae call m (He Snbacriber, living five iuik f;oru Sttlinbur)', on tlie Mad to lleattiea -rL MAHMLW U. LUt KE. June 21, iSS t. tf rpiIE SJUcrilier wi.bes to purchase LIKELY IS l.U KOha, from ten to thirty yean old, and rill oar the moat liberal oricei In Cah. All who have such proiierty to ll would do . j . . ... well to-call on him, or Mr. John Jones, hi- Agent. aw a a. mar a- lie can do ntna at nr. Maushti-rs li4ti, mi Salixliury, and Mr. Junes at Dr. Boyd's Hotel, in Cbarl4t. . - u " He thinks it proper to aay, that be in not con cerned irr biiMiM- with Mr. James Iluie, or with anr. other .person.. All Letters addreawMl to bun, or Mr. Jum. wUl lie rMinctually attended lu... KlUl.ll 1 III I Km . IigaACE IL.BEAR1X Tailor 1 1 EG8 leave lo inform his fneods, and tha public . " genem that orders, in hw line wiU al Jrayt be thankfully received by hitn, and executed in the moat Meat, r Mhiooable, end JhiraWe manner on b-nna aa ee,tiftblfl,aa anv ia lhia ectwu.f try. 11. 11. B. hopes, from hwjong prwclice of hi I resided in the city of Philadelphia,) and from the general jaabdciiin liejiaaereto given to .his numerous resjxvtablc and jailiiooiible owloniers, to merit and receive a portioa of tlte patronage U tue public lif gWierai; - - (ty 1I Utters himself that his CIJTTING reallf supcrk.r to any done in this Suie, aa juay be tested irr thTtaAMiatfid Majtctf of ft whir h attends earments made in hi establishment. He is in the regular receipt of the Report of the Fa anions" as tlwy chaye ti tfi " in the larje cifie jf thia country and ol Europe no tluit gvhtleinen mar be satisfied that their ordora will always be executed in tho cry latest style. - Order from a distance w ul be attenoVxl to with the same punctuality and care as if tha customer were present in person. ' ... Salisbury, MayHj, 193;-";": i ENJ HiIN FR A" LEYrhavm received" hitost Phihvdelphiariaw- Yorkr LiMtdonL and J rans aiyies ui r Aoiiiu.a, auu ua?ui ui uis ciu ploy i -number of Workmen who areflrst-raae, is prepared taewr-and- tmkwrfnr arytewrpt-rfor to any done in thia part of the country, and always warrant! OrJors t " 'i "i"i11" 1 . . ... r v or iu ins una, I row a oimanee.w iu be punctually attended to according to order f and all kinds of local cutftom-work will be d-ioe at the shortest notice and on reaaonablc terms. -1 . " He' ran le found, at all times, at his old ulanJ, a fnw d'Krs aliove Mr. Slaughter's Hotel, and nearly opposite Mr. John Murphy's store. ''vVp'taTlobs.- Being Annt for some of tlie mont Fanhiorrahle "i'ailonr -m-iimm'. York; hbaeriber-i-reiwd to teach or give instruction to any of the Trade ha may desire io ba mora ferfeet- i their Wa nes and, from his belief that he ia fully capable of gtvmg aatiAfaction, he repectrully requests all wlw desire instruction to call on hi in. SaliHbury1l34-ly V i B. FRALEY. ; Eyery kind of Blanks, ana siTtLtor ... , Writing and Wrappki? Pajf r, - - FOR SAIJ& AT THIS OFFICE. - Krr Job rrintiup neatly ciccuted. 7." Dollars Howard. Ii'K'AIT.D fn-m lle Hub nber, while encamp. , ed at Hi hMe of CuL A. WaU. in Uocking. - kam Cow j, (S. C) on the aight U" tU IQili vf - - aj lairt. a . ArRTOJIan, Pejned JOUX . ", UeUaUut30T.arold.ab.jt5(Met Ulnchea ' hifk M auarla recollected bad on a Wome-t'Uil , - jri luog cuet, and ctuim. thread and cotton ruiUluuM. John waa purtba ed from ArvLiUld orbea, in Ftl County, near Creenvilte, and M at . prubabie be will c leavof to get back to the aame) " ariffttburhood. - . The above reward of rVrenfy-Five lMlar wiU be paid to any one who will apprehend and lodg 1 the aaid Negro in any aJ, ao tliai tlie aubaenbrr can get mm again. Lettcra addre rd to Ue un- oct wgnra, u iucauignaa ioorumu, t a.; ww recctte iflicuediatt Attetttton. . ..: J " ' JOHN !.. MORRIS. Jury 5, 1834. 10 VST TW EiUlor of tha Tarborough Free rreee w iU pubiodi the above adverli nwut to the amount of to, and ecod a receipted but to thia otuce, for 2State of-North Carolina : JJN0QL3LC0U.VTY. Court of rUas and quarter Sestiont, ArauTsewj lat.- Samual P. Simpson, rs. lleury CarviU. orii inal AttatLiticnL I T anpeaxuig, to tha aaiatUcf tou of I La Court. L that Henry CmilL luouVjcMii, U Jot : : lulukhiuut of Una Mais i it is tlicntor UrdmJ, lltal laibucatiiaB ba made, for au weeks, ui w11k Untera Cnj4rmart,' that thaT said dV tjUU ap ppar at the next Court ut i'leas and Quarter Sea. . atona, t be b.M ( the Coutily nf Luicohi, at tho "' IVitirthoiwe la'liucolulou, oa tho third Moucky im July uejLU..lben and tbera tu repievy Ue tiiot U 1'- i tod upon, aial cuter au pwaa i MliCi w law Uc tain, bit will ba taewrd etrpaiie-, and judgnient, pro O-O- 7" '"" ' eniered ap mart buuu WrmeaTMir WrAnernatliv; Cloik oT aaid Court, at Otltce, the 6th Monday after thrttb iu March, A.U. 1134. ..... M."W."ACERNAT1IY, . June7,I934-Ct Clerlu .. laron Woohcortht rrYatch, rand -Clock: 5IkciT UFf. leate fa inforM fhe CMtehttf ftlinburrV. 7 ?. . .rsaJI t those brKoW aiid fhe- surrmirhL- - wg CuMMtMWf that h Krraoird hia Eatabliihmf 11 1 - ' - - T&VIK fKHTTlt BIDE or THE COUjiTirOln,"' m; ) A w doors abort Mr, i iu. LL Klauso i -K. 9. J - toralUaLa. ik Mam HtrreL ? r t -Ct toralloULsa Um Mam Htrett. T ( u Where We atuT cuiUnueai as berefofore, to execute 7 - -- ALL' KINDJJ OF' WORK-"" Ut tlie hoe of hi pruhoo, at ahortj jge . , XHTo7ikt stoat rratvnablt trrtei. ' ' WATCHES dt CLOCKS REPAIRED ar IIIM - , au casta aa' " Warranted tor 12 Montha! tad-toim ulspuaed Urpafr.aMie him, aroafwjred T. that ao paiua will ba spared to give the'mort - V- fwral.aaj entire aaiukclH o4hetnr;rr-: r (ttr ENGRAVING rafatwry dcriptionrPni eluding Ti Tr..Ft!in,j will bt! iTHtedwilh acavsr, new aKi ccniy, at a,i ri ntiice. SaJislry, Jan. 27, 134. . . tf .. Sravclloro' Znn, ; SlTUA1TpTJUVI.TUi4- -.Irr HOUfcE, IN THE TOWN OF ! 'piIE Subscriber takes thia method of infiirmin" -1-ttiteri that "he aVp1iT1Ioue of Enter tainment ia Lexington, (N.C.) on Main t-treet His 1 able will always be suimlied with the Lent fiira that a plentiful neighborhood con afford. His House being capacious, and attended by servants who are industrious and aealous tu pleae, Travel, (era can always be accommodated with GOOD B E DS in rooms with fire-place. And last, hut not the least important couMdciation, IlORSEtf irifl aJietry rteeit ncn mtttntim, in the Sluf.Ie of tie Subteriber, that they may leave it with in. creased ability to do the service of tl.e road. An excellent Line of r-?T Acccstinodatlon Ct.i"C3 Leaves the Uouxe of the StiWriUr, FOlt SA. LISDL'RY, on the '.evening of jlJWoy, Thurt. day, and Saturday, and returns to Lexington ou the succeeding evenifur. '""(Cr Pamn-eri going tWm South to N'orO. l v entering their names a fur as Fali,hury oiily,n:i-.l there tabbg the Accommodutioit Lintj to ton, can bave their choire, .t the latter place, l.. tween the Piedmont Line atid the one whW-h -hm- by waa of Frederic k .!.j -'. , .Jjiln r.:jsLm;v.

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