I 1, t r 'f Mii:cnLLANr:oi::v i woman. , , Give r, L i dtiiflii U lu, t.HU iiwUm tum of firmlerw, and b"t lltn pirl .if fjnih i.k ilrop m t?(jr .-rt , lUll U.e cluiiut uir Hi) niuxl .it lutf U lo eU-gaure of ll.y lUiu j and Ihjr WWy. ,k tii r it fr-inblrlli, UU fuUifl il aix tut-M wUn U Un in WiIIm-tihI. WImi W l that Wmnrtk the bear "f mii that ib. fU'tb lixit (A k, kiwi fi(fmHh ill lit " f u J under aim WU M BtKttl wirllmM, with - bjtvrrme ia bcf muni, ami ramie y on br tin" k. .- llut IwuW n'kt wi j.Wj uxMit, mt taut Wift,lwt M w gadding abroad. Hit M Ulwd with neatiw, b ia f"d with letup, km ( humility and roeikm tr m a cry a 4 glory tirclmr hrf bead. On ber tmifun dwalletb mupic, the wectac of fci fecy fbiwa (Tom br bp. . l)iffy i ia kU bar word, k hr anawora i fciud. IK-Mttwl truth. " HutnowMi and obcdrw are list loon of her We, V peac and happim are jt reward., ' - IWfofi her tU-j wlktfi pruuWe," tat virtue at. landcdi si her right band. .'. . Her eya apaakcth ! and love but durMwn WilH aarpjrfr aiHith l br brow. -'' Tlui UigiM 1 U Itcantuu M dumb in br P'" .' senc ; the we of her virtue -path him silent. WUa aaaadal ia buay, ind th (a ry of hf neighbor M faawad fruit tongue la Utigw. if charity tad fowl nature oon out h-r HMHith, (h Uftvt Mki rr-u-tli a hr lip. Her bri( M tho man! uf foulnfwt, kflJ tlifr. I nnfti th do rcil of oOwrn. wr IU UMA Ibkl ftlwuUI mU Uf hi Wife; htfw Umi rluM (tat tltatl call tr uvImy. IU (irnMlHh to Id Hmim, wl Un-r m (c, (tie cwnnianit)i with tljnJotit, and U ubvyi. triwth m Um utotamg. iJ ciwlni hr flkir, ami nHntik t vtrjr mm tticir fxuwf hiMw. Tim nr uf her fainil is h-r l4 HfliifM i tl f tUte fin apfftM lli h-f gtmljr ; kiwi vWgwt W1U4 Crutf ll'ty Hi Mfl M ltr MUAHMt. TU pruiloni-A of hr marirwrit Wkk U Ht biMbkoJ, and htf iiwueth kf,KiiM with a ml4 ! li(rhL inliirmHh tH BiifkU'if bi ttuVlfli Jdll j T Jta"; fiiH'tli llmir mkniwfi fruu) tl liiipU' of iit own (luiimii - TV wnrj of hT mmrth k tb kw nf tl Hh t 1 the tuirfMM nf br eominanHifth Uieir dI'ihiwiC j Hitik-tlmii. tha wirttnt (If ; h pntih, knH I Uw tbinf Mdooa; fcr tbo kwof knr w in lliwr hxasto. . I aal at kwlMM MhIi In proaperity alie ia aot pullM up ; in aveily ahe ImWfi ttwwimn' nf tVtone wrrh ntwm?e. The tniM.i uf her huiamJ are allwvuHfld by hr eonnwla, ami aweetened by kt eniearmetita ; ha put. eih hi heart in her hixxn, and reeeiveh eranBirt. .. Jlipiry the man who hath made bur hia wuui happy I tha child that calleth her mutlM-r. 1' ADDAErifl TO YUUNU LADlF-S. - , i)r Mae. tdootaaaf. " Will you, permit me, doar young friend, to apeak u you rrwly, a to daugblera ? Yihi JohU. ee need no argument to ronvinee you of the etr l letiee of imluMtry. We will iktvule a f'w llnaighta only to ihoMi) hnuicliua of it which lad'Mig Miitiru mjt btrly to oar own "tft.v lit one .of ir. pfivilujta, that we havw aurk a tnrtety of intereatiug cnifilov lliriMai a ill fwwns ovmr nana "lm wii iiaiivin. . . . i .1 1 .. .. .. ,. ' . .. I huuiu uioliiiuua Ui bu llw urouueu of wuiudii, uo -"wrtw haTWTt eontinuallT in our powerto conitMiie;,. , , , , . r, , . , , ' ! lliniff th'it n'latita to it- C'iiiil"rt, or ht, nun IM-.IMIO- auiuaeuftiiit uU utility. Il w kiave any vuoi.av I : . . , , , . ., , .. , , , . . t . . . ' . . , , - j mi-al armnjiMiH'iil. xhoiild la' held ol plight Import, for ennui to rreen in, it until aurely be nur own T. . ,, , , . , . ' f ' I I hut IIm' eoniilM'Hlt.il diiiK-x mnv Im well ami v. 11 1 " ti 1 .1 r e igraeefuliv ierloriiH-d, aoine t'oumlalioii nhould lie . . Needle work, in all it enrtntlena Torma of ue, T . , , . . 1 . ' laid for lhin in viaith. eleBttiie, ami timammit, ha twu th aiMiroonuKj I . . ,, . , . . , ..' , . ' . ., r P 1 . 1 It ho hnvn alli'ueil aa an otiu-etimi to the pre iiceiiiaitou ef wouiemv Front Uio ahaikw, where I . , , , . r e it.- .1 . . w--1 . 'j- . , , . j aerif erpumliwl avatem of femab e hii Htinn, that it . . , "... . tlin itava wnuu. tun iaiait eiuiuuutu txawutaui. . ' ' . 7 July ami tte-ir mamree. ' J lie mo-t delieatn e(Sirtl , ill. mm nn inunaiuuiv uieirmooo. 1 lie iiuiiiitroua XtcijuC-l Itc'im W icJLuutl 0U114 L JZ.Ta keapMuu Uiau xae-BJitw;;...-. wn warurolie pwriectljM'JJ'riiHir, ailiT nr doty. A jua regard 1 , f 1 1 1 1 ,1 i.4;tXiWw nrtai.c.airf fgarJ to economv WLUI V -5 ikwiro to lud in IhajolioL nt. tuft p-xif, ZS-. bv-r,loWnea"pirl in Utoae iiivooiiooa by whick . :. -Vtlw vartuua aruckw of apparel are reiaf red, atter- . . .pd.or rooova te(L A vci auuaiiiie rotiuuai auilUNn-i ,iUUaMay.a--iu'- U ptiwefof iwtfcftijr-iraW ckutua iuuk aiuaial a. ivch'-lui new fc;Lr23CT: j" ' regrijr"tlattno juil cmploymeiil of knitting 1. t nai bnHrtiio art iiearly obmileto. Iii VmSiiy parta oi Europe it continue a favorit. branch of female or cupatnaij It ia an Rimmg he chunie, ahiidea of , -.-(Irvcaj and Russell, in hi tour in tiermnny, - -"tipeakrftg-nt tha Alton ladie, ya7"Tfiey'TroiKr ' ' d'l of industry, whether at hmo or abroad.: knit- - tin j Im) tjeeille work km no interrupti-m. A h- .. 4y, ilAi .MiJuat ,ront,, jou,J.ihiiik, littk-of .iwgou ; ling her fail btil could not apend,lialf an hour .without her impleinetila of imliutryvi-Jkt iradm, irven the theat're i ni proteclbai agninat knitting' , - iteedlo. --1 have aoen a lady gravely lay down her work, wipe away the team which the sorrow of Tuckla or Walateirj'a death bad brought iuto her' ; ... -- ttVa'M' I0"'")! fiHU,,M?--nt'tJl!ti!,',,f Knitting' . 1 R iilapM to tlioao litdle interval ofVtiino when it ' 1 WiMld Imi ;rvly'frwtirit. .ffi .9fllx..rri ntorc.! ,imp'ucteJ apimralu of iiwdl6'worik.JTtillie rnt-nq or twiugiit, miu aw,t awiaoir of relkiction i ao bfltfwlv i-jacfiiajd, by 4 Scotliab, xitct. brief period when ,the ahutllo atanda still before , the biin ia BT)ipArfcnVfw 'pitKliminna-- of the k tittinjjt needle ao valuoloaa aa thoao who Vika mi part in thfm aw dWpea'd Iii pniipmiie-- let, it twew are any wno eoiiinier mnntiio a Wwmrh-ftf-economT- onwortlitf ttteip rrimnl. thev ' my atill bdimlucI,to patrummitfi . . 1 .Hnrrt-it luM4er -unto I Unotir. l dir'iKj owiipaJiona ud limiteil lewnre often pre tlmlo Iheir attmitioii' to thia Employment j and a ' pair of thick atockingr in '...winter Will be uwiatly jiaintl.a .ntoat acceptable gift to their ehndilering little one. Knitting aeem to have a native affinity with aocial feeling i it leave the thotint at liber- . 1 v Xtf.,ettvAwatioovjil:.y 4mprta jrwt miofj the gereiM aiHl acII-satinluxI aniiMatKin tf imluxtry, to promote a gtiod humor, ami pn-piiro for the ' pleasant iritf(Whnnge 'f aympathy. I recollect, in my early day, aomotimea aeeing a number of most reapectabhTTlderiy ladiea, collect- , od for an afternoon visit, all knitting, all hunpy all discussing the various topic of neighborly 'con cern, with friejidly interest and delight. . I "saw b-m-'volciit amilef beaming from their facea, and firmed a Cincted union between knitting and con teiitnwnt, which perchance ia not yet' broken. I observed that the fabric which they wrought, to nrottn't the fiet of their household, we"r often com- pmd of yarn, maMtifVtared hv I heir own hands. A'irTere, per tait Me to advert to (hat alinoat for. - !tci ulenml, Ikb arj ajnnuing whccJ. JF'rom urn i it k'T.r ! tLe I111.U1, Iu4 I lsrtl k'Mi lii'l li'4fl fimirf", II 4 klt(. l!ii r lli W1 rj. u' ( iliiii( li rlil!i''iu""k Inch l,a liiilu rt"! Ikm rf- ti-'l. Il 1 f.ijifi-J U t,m j.ii.!t lli'n, fruiu a tlrnMin of ilorina, 'l 1 Im ar jif nil il from K"iig inUi llm - o kir, ki4 l pi I'M ') imwilikbi 14 U0 lriiiry lifn. J'.jr rlmnji if iiaUl in tlie eiiniiuiiily, ml tlic iiitrikltH-tiiMi ( nuuiuii-rj un lurr araln, llm!l riBnufu turri Jhip bwmi a )" jiroiiii will liramli uf H'vtiy. .Hill nm drgrm 1 atli4w-i P)lwitjl lnwx-fi llimii, .MmI'TIhU if ii. Iff tin km? miglil f'f"litli!(irt imrvil in fjini. Utt . JlurWJ tUium U, mui v4 itiKl4iiiiMt cnrml, have bwti A?a I In pruJm liuta iklii ate limul. Aiikkij a Urgm fniily uf tlw fliacrfil " ritixii nf il HiHiinj whr:I awiiiiM h nlanic Irr 1 tn niiiniH'iit, ik(iM fcud ti annnnhi tHlTX "f irita. j Htr my own m ifn-iU ilimrfn 1 niiiiiilr thf o(Im r, I tiiilU ftjMiik, firt! cfdiliilila clirmW.iiM f r lliin nihmi m.i-i.x of uumia.wyj irwiit tiruiiUIii lil i pr hit W f, alia thib (T hiirh ili'jr'x-, uli'i jlnH.if l il ly Ihrir fMiiifito. , Vet innauwli i r are hut frw laifj antiquarian rkt I hkV M Um iMiK rity to umlirrtHkn bringing an eiulmji itun iiitu (v hKio-l pbmH f'T the fmit aintininf wtil anlnly (!. in ,v- f J, )t aa a Military mode of.etereiae, and not one iuon-jagne intmit withi donratic erwitny. To P'malea who mifcr fi want of inii-ular actioo and there are nmny aneb among I lie higher claawia bhyaiciaii have pmrnlid a variety of aoUtitut'-," aucii M ww-ping, plihiii( furnitiirn, tmpin th rojie, pkyuitf at Utlbxliire, imlifk-alMma jcnfMliMiic, itn.j In ini iX (lioaHlUe elFrt i too violent i in oftir it uiay be carril to evraa, through enato inrnt ore'iiiirH-tition ; but regular einrciae upon Ine aiiiiming wbel ha bc?n known to give Ilia valrtn dinaniui atf(i(;tli, and to reunite iiH"piul U'lakiry (u pulmonary dia!. ! Willi feard to lh culinary art, I ahoulJ be pluad to ieruaibt my yotiiijf Ilim to boconte wmttwhal adqit in il.j N it Dial f U!inJ tolompt lliil wlul! with ujt aeiuHNiud dUlfn, in J induce tixltjitim-and debtlttyam'Wty 'trtHs'1 gilfflS "iiid iWrt frirtifbi, 1 Inie. benevukner, Ih-xih aoinu liriievob'jil .Jadje iiiaj jim-li! it. Iul (l.it ijwr iulmvU of laMu, w hich uialca imwIuu with Comfort, cinumiIi Im-uIiIi, ami prevail' prodigality, ami Ilia power of rHllv auiiiilyiiic it itlt aa- hitarr or elegant prrnirjtiona, it an arciniiinlKli I ,,,,1 or iiHinMigh'kiiowMge of h'ju'wkeepiiig t incotnpeti Id') with iiiti'llertual tail ami attainiiM-nli, There il indeed no uatie a'liuity b:tweeu (hem 1 but ahe will (Jinplay the- greateet uk-iiIhI energy a ha can rwHH'ilo tlw:ir di;repniieK.', dNiipire thc.r ad vaiitue, and liecome aib'pl in each. Tina may bu eilocii-d ; wo .huve Iwilu'pi'aUsd eianipba. . It will aulfK O our preaunt purpuae to cite one. The atcoinpliidie.l editor of thu Juvenile Mineellnny, whime jirnlilK- pen enter alimatl every departmenl of eurrtit lifepiture, to inatruct ami didight, ia olu Ihe author of the ' Frunul Hiaiae-wifi' ;" ami able prnrlically lo illiHrat 114 ninnenaK ami talusble nn.Tepi. i mi wja.iyroUi-y -tmmvmy young 'irtenna, thit tiTl'eiwuy 011 hucIi bomuly and antiipia- ted Mjlijii Ik mi'dit bave Ux-ti i-tarod. Kill while 10 j:i:L. .. ,t... I I.I.. .: .. ..f .1. iviruiw ItinMltr; l, lire IMIIIIUIII ill ,INIM ill uir- no - - r-. 1.-1. -n.- l 1 , liwdfu Mrfiore. II Ikwiiiimm fhni k 1 1 i-iikiv I lie - . . .. ,i , r t - . . , regard to fn'tr interest-amrh j.1!! jgfpy'" "'h- t't -thu .rumur ge u W thereto,, wha ar alronat mady ta l tmwi tun mrtiTT, c(tlmi '( '"il uulliCllK IB, ll't .... ... n y 1 1 1 1 tv lira- j - jtt! ir-r nil tti tt f j - iv iv w- t- jr t1 it Jauglitcr and that Lnr lodge- uoed be nw biutlvnince to duty , U,u-ct 1 Uiickfiaoi Und itaga. tine lor June 1MI J TIMFS PAY-BOOK AND LEMElt "I turmd wiih fear lo my own accouut in the Idger for it waa growing late and began to look over Ihe vartiais- itema, wmilertri j and abaorb-C(f"fii""I!iOu5Tit."- I' oBaerveit that no bulanc-a struck. ' I'ray, Ifunven,' I exej8ind, ' that I may get ril of this dim aa oaHilv aa others.' -' Well.' wcllL.tiJ. biiiiia J ciuut. wal lLtfUiioe4 4t. ftire la-hum me, thmigU I waa not aware of lua appruatdw--L No neererrif yon pha rabt TTa I aw . him' approaching and ahiiking his white head almost m my fictt-'io mian'f ! It wants a qtliuter to four, by my watch T ' It ia ur! I abate have Ihe true titue P mid the fjjfifrc.--' Come, Mr. Snook I I have waited king enough ; let ua wind up our Hlliiir ! I must turn over a new leaf for you jn..rn..b pri'veuir alt presence of miml as U 'ire ; Ituit look him strnight in the flice I dared not. How he muvud,! Juiuw Ja4.p. JjuI Jlwt ha. waa corwtaotlv nnition, thHigh 1 could nt ikiw perceive it,as 1 tnmlijht A TmM pnn -hif flriiitpnrnice', maa certain as of my own existence ; for turn mv eye which way I would, lliey wero sun?' to light ujmiii hia rnonidnruie. imeurilily prnifnu, ,.r m.u. h, aallaffrbronZB tookimr-couttteumice. - If - otvvhvo - t tieirwint.ia.uitiHJua n.'a.aml aolUu yttwti. Milliuna have been aumnvnied to their' laat a. count,' a he, in a solem 1 voiw, siin-e I luid my books- before yoO, I have travelled oVrr the utu veraejaiiice then J and ver, I h.iWB mit been absent from your cha ruber. po'tj tlie power of ubi quity. Millions have been auminumxl away aye, awlimltrnwhw are to be written in my b,Hks,aiid whose accounts this day begirt, " , nes. that, lo an obaerver, Wimld have proved the powr which lie had over uio. Indeed, I felt my interest in the old gentleman increariing each mo ment, and began to desire tlmt our interview might, by wiie jHiwiy my account waa to be aettlini forever, and tbut hia biKtks were to be cioatHt agiiinst me forever, had vanished upon listening to his words and looking into liia Ledger. -I had hot, therefore, at present, that rtread ami tunoFopon me, which I have men tioned s Wing seized nm when the idea fluslied upon friy mind that at (bur I was to be aiimmoned ro"1 Wcri"V' iny ttnadToflifi tta. In U ; ii 1,11 f.,ft f, i.4 l t ' 1; j-- I in iHmn Hi t!,u ry ii !f "f ' s" " a.lt!rin.1 ti.y -it-r a -,, tl14 !'"'" i tu"'l kful wh'ii fnor I Wi J inm f Well, at any iJ ) t a, i ail ' I lH bulk over ymir iul r wiU ). I nl '8i ll.iij!i my yara aw klimiat aiaiiy aar alMf! io rnait ami ymi. ir, mul b tlI May I hi Hl an ad t rwlit'ir will n-4 bf harJ wiib orw jTara aw but a -iiul tn lua f Aa you arw r-i4'ty, I will w4 praa thrtir. OiUra WK0I1I liav rtaaua b' tlik 'il if ibry nnxil.l my liny were fJy wlimi I call. Ull, m11 yuu urn ! Aye, who tlm XUmhty apik ere tii4i into birth, I waa Ihcia. Tlie4 wa 1 born. Mid lb bbioin bikJ verdure of rarwliar, I gaxd Unm Ilia ) mm j wurbi, radian with CbMtiaJ iiuloa. 1 rM um iIhj piiiMta nf tba rlrat mnrn,ad . caiihl tl itH drwHini! aa tby f'H and apnrlibMl im tb bowert of tlw garJoo. Kra tbfl (JH wf man waa beard uuikIiii in thia wibferrraa, I gavt) out ukmi ita tbiuaaii4 rtvera, flajiing in lihl, ami r flu ting the br4 tun like a lb-uaatd jewel ujnm their Uwnim. The calarmrt arnt op lln:ir aiithoina i lly anlilmlra, and ikmm wa b-re to lurfen to the wew.lairn nbi.ly but 1 1 fawt UaMaUd hoter ttm 'kill.' and draitk at tho tiuiDid itrarn,f"r before an arm waa rinel to injure or nwlrn - thorn aJVaiiL For thoumnda of yearn the morning tar roae-in beauty upon tl', uimm-iiiJixI ahorua, and ita Iwin-aiater fluwd in die I'ln-mad of llm iky, with Do ey to adndre lltir ray but mine! Aye, eall me old ! Babvt'm and Ayria, I'almvra aivl Thebea, roae, flooritid, and li ll nrvl I In-. heM idem in tlfir bry and their decline. Hr-e k melancholy ruin mark th plre of ilieir eit enre ; but wha the fin, atom wre laid in I he earth,! wa there ! Mid all their glory, aplembir, and wirkedmma, I wa in tbmr Uiy atn-ela, ami crumbling Iheir fMiriiiftceul tnlea ami tl-ir iori ou palueea In tlie unrtli. My book wilt almw a long ami fi'nrful aceaiul ajain't lliein. I control ihe fate of emoirea I ive their period of glory and iilerwlir : Ixit, nt tlmir lurlij.J tiiiM-aJ iu iImjiu file aee.li of decay and dnth. Iliey inimt go duw 11 lid"bn huilllil'ol in the dntl ilieir prmnl Ih-u.U la- b,wpd dawn Uforp the mutf ;lurWejif.)'iH m liooa, to whoa pronrity lief will U rum a uato and a u iy 01 jm:Iiiiu ! I xne mv win over tkt earth, ami wafrh lh cmro and doinn of it i ifiTiaf MTMhrw. I rail uu tlie iiota nm the hilU. the aa Tit of a biulior piWer, to give Jib a;nl to take it away. I ipreail .iIkpii lrwii up-ai llm brow of the young, and plant grey loir umxi tlc hetd of tlie aud utuu Ilimpb.- and'amiln, at my biddini;, lurk armind the lip of tlie iimx imiI child, and I furrow ihe brow of ae with wrinkb". Old. call ou me I. Aye. but wVn will my itay be numlaired ! When will 1 line end and f.lernity he. irin I V hen will the F.arth ami ita water the umverae b rollod up, ami a new world commence ita rt-vnluiiiMMT .Ni4 till lit, who fin.1 bid me lie. gin mv (Iil'IiI, an order it. When Hi puriioaea, who rjilU'il nie into la-ing, arc arcoinplinlied, then, and not'till tWi,' unJ no'onn can proclaim the hmir I, loo, ahull go In the place of all living.' Ilia maimer am voice were ao diHerent from any thing I hud before; nbaerved while aneuking, llut, lor a moment, I gnxed upon hi veuemlile lorui with wonder ami ailmi ration. Aa he fi'iili(, lui callod mv thought back lo myaelf, by pautuig to the oja'n Ledger, lo the dilP-renl item thiiit mado up my acrount. .M y imnie waa Written In "atari linj chnmctcrs; and aith all my confid-ncx!,. I trembled to add up the debt ami credit aiilea, et thefailiiiKc.sh'.'uJiiu Sjtainst inc. ,AVho ever had a bill preaenled, lli.it be did mil iiitiiph its cor recti i'wa in aoiuu (art t No! I, I bjukfd ovcriho aeeotiiifi .mnktn pbscrratians as 1 proCttidod, fiV f wul4 have tUrn ia.-vm'i ami aakti4 j ju"stkm iriii't'were"priiiiptly anawrreii. There wen thoti aambi of itfiiii for which I waa, iiwde deiitor-ln Ktnptbjf Tqndt Jtn'-Ttrp0 iiicxnniirtiuiity, and 1 waa gil louWrve timt I waa, inmost ru-m-, credited tit improving theui, Wjhof,'"d-f,TMiepe im an 4m Pr wiinA I arn made debtor, nml which bus but little credit aniiiKt it item grry hi(irs f Wrahrtiibymt V';ffm"teT-kii"rep1fr'(!,'!ij; more ihun a ainpte mife of true w isdumT m i 1 JPf" f Hot loa'rmir Irf loWexIS-'of t hTwoTfdT .UitfilX mU. Wruod Jba ;naolowiiir.aa and'-aaim w.uf all worldly things ? Whnt, but Ih'.'wj gny buirs, fir which I am fiiirly yiair d'!Olor, hits gitn iy t h i knowledge, and taught me lo raise my tlioulitu from earth o heaven, the ort'y nKnle of true hip piucsa t lLv I m4 jawn tbJll .and. jriara.of others' and" prt'filej Ly tliem I Have 1 not avoid ed Ihe puthe in which they have been lost ? H ive not their Jo proved my gain ? And ahall I have nu. credit llicairux L- L'-ou--havo-; giveu.-ine prey haTfa"; "TiiiT vVmi Tni've taken from .inn tl aoft locks of innocent onth. If I am grey, I "iuve atftn tn)iihc,-aml ia tlie (cawm I have H'arnml to la- of no use lo me! Hme othera profited a well by their white Im ka aa I hnyt by mine I Are uot mime gre) -lieuded meu old in- ice V 'Every grey hair on your head ahmild have brought you wiadom, instead of only one in a him drod. You- have bad lesemia aet befiire. you but haw'KuIt afwiiyaXo drnw1haYriilriktrii aiid niil pwiveineni from lhm, which alone are Ihe fniuuiii .ifj.W, !'i!:'PUv .j:M uf juut uutb. , Ail locks, but it waa that you might he matured jn iiod.o. Bely ufyowowflv for stipport iKKi the fulling bodies of others.' Ay, but U it no merit in me that I have avoid ed hi; errors inlo whirh nil.-r. Imim Inll,,,, f rf llh'Hif'h niv l'8 ia not their train, individuullv con. lULTL'loLuieuijcxiliValjwio-aoniaHy huvegijue wrigt True, man! in lluit you bave shown wisdom, and for that I have given you ample credit, as you observe. Yet, wisdom is so costly aud orociiaw a jewel, that but a ray sent forth from it outvalue all the concentrated beams of pride and worHh,. it' 'J' . iiiiuuii iruuuiea, auu your spirit has not been broker) down, but, in the is sue, elevate! and exaltedi If every opportunity for wludtey on snd iwkditovd to mtr htiM not been im proved , s it might have been, y?t. you have done well, though others may bave done better. Some have been losf, and you must have been more than mortal not to have sulkred some to pass by unini- P..4,lSBt!?-: I J?f v.-JTtSI. Jt tliis kour thiiltnose i were in your "more juvenile days.' You took fronT me he wife of my boeom O I what can I have gained by that loasj I gave her to thee, and I took her away. So far we are even. But you have been the gainer. Look f, bave I not passed hatcb to your credit on that score! Vere not youf thouglits, before I caUod fof awa cbutrei'oM Vbe arth, and did I with. ih.-vh but M'S" ' " --"'' aill Vou weigh wiluan lulicriiame ( Ua. wlra y.Hjill again o-t )..r i.in. r . I ..h, Iw r from .-Jr it is true j un uta 1 not plant prim .pica llrrw whe b Uv aim P'-"i up and imparted a new t.JeWe lo y.mr -"ul-prim iplr. that wiU truili Il-wn-trtn4 uU-nam. cle of clay that cm I ill Horrow, ban L l. ihi. L. ...eimsil 1 Mil VoU caiiw eio But vou might have aja-resi my ouiy u, bmbling wto 1 on-lim and Irauty. . . . I 1 .1.. .ll .1 (lua MiUni n-4 inyaclMSi! 1 "o i""""'"' " higher Umn ua all. He was cut down em the leimSalioM of the work! lured him astray from Ilia path of virtue- lf Wat 1 iM world had sullied bis pure st-irit. Yon are a gamer by tln-e .. ' .......I. 1 in ititi VanM, ami I ttave jpven you miw. hvi m. ..v I jslni-r no tbrtir aCciatnl. Ymi hava temiilali'ai innumerable gaii4 mo i it ia like lending 10" felao nan.' ) Yea.' he rcohed. 'and you may W innnaiui that you have r-Maid o many of litem, ami ena-bk-d me lo give yai ao much credit therefof , They are no lawo emu, Ui the very lom:lt kenw of the aiad lite teat of Us purity. In reamting tlieae, constat true im rit--iu kuch curbinga of llm Hrlt, 111 auch chocking of lite weak rt of your nature, ymi have come od conquerir many liniea ami oft ; and in tin bave slmwq youpa lf auperior lo ibou nml who bave borne the name of pluli-oplu ra ami aagea. I haVe given you cluince to err, but vou turm-d away from thcip and, intead of yon ia iug my ibsbtiir, I luive lactmte yiajra. tm al ma cmiaiata aa much in aviading errora tliat have ls-rn CiHiimitted aim e the world begun, a iu doing great acliiata.' Ymi look from me all mv fortune the aecu mitlnlml earning of year ol toil, luUir, and suf fering.' SulC-riug ! II sxir mit with tluit imiue tlie nil -I...I, ... , iU C in' un. 1 isi went ruluual from lllmioe-li m-vety wa m. y ir - ail w rapped up in the kive of gam I V not rich' a yiair god your vlolti fid ymi mit often Inko from othitra lliat ymi might enrich Jiairwlf ! I mv vmi ao MMctuoiiv 10 luant a M-.uii ui uiu - deme ami w iailnin ; Is it it -a-awd by unimprovisl. Yiai wi-nl imi, from day lo day, aiklm Ui your al inoat exhiiiiHiliiM stis k ami h wl I not l.tku fmni ymrwhnr-wai- rtea i 'fftf, iTi-ifrTiPpyou w'ounf Iremlib) miwal my hichiiiI armiHt vmi. 'I am content,' I cxrhiiinuif, 'Vai hive dealt fiurly w ilii im1. Strike the lulnnce : if it g as ugai.iHl uio, I aut luukaic tUc tliull bu at luy on 11 door !' It is done!' said lie, I thought it not; I am yiair ilcU.ir to a very anull aimst.a !' '1 am tlioi liie lam M'rav take your own time if you pleUM ; paas the buluncv lo luy cnilil ou the new page.' 'No! I iiiiist begin again wpia re. Her ia my mile, payable in Identity. When prfHe'itml, I will be there to take it up. It ia a small sum ; hut by tho'liiuS it Lceouies do,' when Jrwi,' and the nation of w inch yiu are a irt, are no more, it will l trebled milliona of lime, ami out-value all the pw sesxion of this wurld. So saving, he abut upliis Ihiy-llook ami Iiedger, claspt-d, uliisiUk-ied iIk-hi, and vauiidiod bku a ghost at twilight. We 1.1k the fillowing from that truly liberal and a!ilc RcligiouH pnper, the Southern Christian 1 !.?nlit. It breathes a apirit of genuiue ClirUlkn tburify, wurtliy of all imitation. ' 8HCTARIAX1S1L . It is an opinion which we rreip.ently bear ex prwtT, that tho divisioua existing among iln pro tnsapd !dl.wersj of Crilt'irj4'lnTy''iipr)t Jail w-wn ck-sirable-j and thnttoffftaft'idTiittage scenic to the cause of religion from tins stale of things 1 tips adlwrwita of the tlii&rent tlrtiotninaiiati aniinducRd far in inure oircuuisprtemtv l beiug watchttd of each other, Iho holy 'vracJca uf God ire guarded with more vigijairt attetition i and i-reater sjegreesif yirity preserved in chiw-cli. W itmiiit pretending to deny that l!m may bring good 'out f. evil, aud'llgtifwrt' ord.irltie we feel dteply the injury which Kri-iti'nhify 'aualuii .IsJKA-WCBXaJMi! cnllcred-aiflnKismcav winch t-xist ULtwi;u those who aliouUi l aiml iu dej t b muiw baiiner. loeri VK vnwrirWl WMiwi- oul, thul ClirialiUJu aliould aloii tac.uiUuiil aiM.Hig tlieiiisulves ! Are tliere not Tielda for glorious con quest among those who deny the rjou of God, or who have never heard tho tidings of salvation, Uwl ti'bru-ttaua. AUould c uistumi -m-r -energies iu lutndi and angry arife, ami IhicM asuteler tlm Is a ids of love and teilowship I Thai dillenmcea of oiiii.n should cxiit ia uuavoulablc. iu tlie pwmt csahhiioo mm,;bn .bttl)baKajiit;awa dif i'ereiico inf(x-iiigt!haLlhere ahduki prevail aliena tion of heart, among thitee who havx? latin enjoined to " love- one another," we cannot admit. An imlepemlent, frank, and candid avowal of our fjract tcniimeiUn, where priirtriely rcquir-s it ; a cordial acknowledgment of integrity of heart and purpose iu other ; and a sincere U'iief in our own liability to err ; would do away with much of the heart-burnings and jealousies anion? ( 'hristinnB. Tn'our owii expN-rii'iice iii tlie world, we Ttavo miidc this ohservntiiHi that there is lesa active opi tiotuainl uuuhrisliaucuiUoiiliiju, betwut-a tu wWj lake m-ifiiict aiid-fully ascertained grounds; who ditftrfrvan-ewh otlwr ven widely though twienly and uonestly ; tluin lietwwii fiiose who flittering from each other ever so slightly, yet attempt to names which are delusive ; and hold and proimgate 4ite-denHnimrtion-to whirrh theyr eQilliinia Voliinta' nlv attached. There is moral dishonety in such conduct, which admits of no apology tor extenua tion, and will always be one of the most prolific' source of Btrife among brethren. Christiana, how ever diversified maybe their opinions, if they feel PghU, and .Mt houcatly r cuuscientUaiialy -t xA re sjajctflilly towards each other, will tlwn attain, and not bemre, that stute where the world shall say, behold these Christ ian, how tltey lovo one another. THE FEMAI.F. SWIXDI.ER. rVime years ago (not loo Imig to tell the tale,) a liveried carriage stopped at the door of one of our feshionablo jewellers,in Broadwav, and a genteel rooking1 lady, apparelled in ''.the:xtrrrrm'"cf 'ihe' beau monde, entered it with gay, inquisitive stops, causing her bright eyes to look upon the volumes of silver ware that" were sparkling every where around her, and which (of course we must apeak gallantly of the sex) beamed forth more repleri. dent lustre inconsequence of .the bright orbs that wwtipwgr.iuiUying eoleeted forg portion of plate, with a seeming air of uonchalaiice, In )i Val"!" f' li'linlf'd ili.l -11 r, r!i rr.j , , j the alMipiiwil to bavn il ranfullv I n. knl )h 1 n-aJy f ir b-r to place in b. r t nu by m lll m tlmt alie r lirip"d lii'tn Icr airing en nr. i,. v utl.."d l"rlsr wa of cairae all oUW,r and ttilitf and nniM Hiely eacortrd liertok,, larnagn, ei-unng In r that rry tiling P1jj . rei.'y 1i lli :rupp of t minute. Iiiuil,.,,!. ailrr she bad foun, Imi prrceivad thni she had k n her rriKuK and, aware Ilial ha tnuM kerp j (ij lief return, he liHluaigbl bimkclf that he bad his., ler Ukn wp tvttbiik- it caaemeni, that be 0t.( certain lle naturw of il eurreia-y, and b r. lain that tlie fair purchast r who bad kft u 9u able lo pay fir tin large amount of war .he kd purchaac-l. lie d period (he relirula and perni, llierein MHWv-a on I lie Ikrdt of Amerira, whit b he prmbsntly UJ aianiiuod, and Btrov-j In be gauuine bill. 1 Not lonu after, our Wminimg heroine relumed, apjiermlly ca4 dwn with uneaeinea, and dcaaftlJ. ing wild Miciliing of a tmaiive lone, if he had nut left her rrticule upon tlie counter. Jydge J lier joy w lien lie jinsbe-d it ! Fb tlien opened Ur -reticule ami hamtmi him a 11,000 note, whirh, of coura", 19 pol,H''y 'ngvd fur a 'm hi", wliich he tmait cairtooaly lliankwl ber, jta bow that actually readied lo I lie ciamler-Every articln waa m rusibaisly, xrmoved in a trice lo the rurrn-U U ties Uly, and tbeu amid abowert of Ihanka, ciHiipiiiueuta, and mvitaliooa lo call again, ahn was handed to her ai-at, ikI without aaiaule aipieeze of the hand, and a hoiai thul ahe Would mi f irget the kind store wbkU aim had to gn-atly he. m filed and obliged. -llut a ibe cklliK-et aky i frequeiilly overrloud. ed in an in-tanl b) frowning clouda from I lie ao aaa th iisiiiienutM O of tlie aaleatiian rlue--t into a lema-t of cbugnn, when lie k anted, kfti-f ar mliug be mrfe to the Hank, that il waa a .brpf coonli ifeit ami iln jitcsi, which the adroit kdy iihinI Imvn li.ililv nulim-d off Cir the rurpeirf La ..... . .. ... ... - - .. .... VI w m il tie rail 1'ie a-niciiv 10 aemi m a nroki-rfrf aimmHo. H-gret- " r"M. Ttre-rnreilri- ; turi nal n"wn iin tier carriage, suver ir, j live hundred dn'Lir ni.l. and the alHiwer offr. ,cnaia cooipliiiMMils w Inch had Utn poured ino ibr , uar. RHYMW BY A NDftTHMA.N. Un of Ui- e ,Unt Houtn, Wlire interncveT.eejnejj 1 11 4,'i 1ft hi- ctirretil of rntir afniT 1 Y uir .ii,.)i( il sinuiy iMsne Fit 1! A'l-lhnga ar for chivalry, F"f-hii'h aivl vinomw tmnd. An I tvituir, lov. and valor, ate itltin yrsir henrU enihriucdi Tli"ii my not mtr Yanlp Ur.i (H' (in opkin pi'-s ami truJc, T)i I.uIj mSinJwiii .. - . tM' wlurh out "tjHi f are mad; We'll make yiair rotten into cloth, K i n lo the latent rmp, Ami if we've any llung you want. Why . wnat we alwayt ictia Ttien M ns live lik brctiircn stjU ' '"Within Utia hiii vf lml ; A'fl, I'ku iur t Hiier, it uk he tine finn iuu'ed ham' ; m nerT re w srriT' and ttT Fmm out rar Umnr t.m. Nor may iuw i nncecd na bete A si'Verisl L'iimmi iifauql Waahintoa, May, KM. - - na li IWI.Wrla . " " A 1 waited for tniiiiUiliou. 1 tell in ronlenijilation t'pon the mtuntwn- tn' our puce .happy .patioiu . Which, Irwu an Ti vnliuu f highc4 extlazm" ' ,'.T Z ii IU SWWk.tirft.ail!Uin-iBr-.-r.-. In tlin CiM'w-ratxai '...-" .t And uuboiiiiiled uurpttiua - f-flie piiviitA-rfnTmsttUMoil'j""' I.ATiicli.'iiieaCofj . Can only bring vexation, .. . And mttrh botheratinn, 3itp;J.i4iiJuatt..."-''. 1 Tn w no exaggeration, " , "" " "T.:Fo even the lreidenf ppateatolky- .AlWl.aiypJfaiiaa Ilronght mi alleviation, . -But wwrmtfy-an mdicatioa"' ' Of his ulUtr.4leterUtH).. -!r 1 . . -V3JV x. am wfmmnmammm-i-i'-r .To iilciViiaa tlx irrUaiieW, ' Hv greater indigmition, l(a had yit m resi-rvstion, Ajain.-t tlie Honk of the Nation 1 So 'tws only an aravation,l..- ' lnneaf of palliation, ' . ' ' " .' To produce recoec.liatino, '. ' ' ' ' ' Of which tliere'a little expectation, ' AJllu) Scoata luiw Uewlation xv:?'s".?r?: : owiftprabalw-'T-? , .. Of the WH4ottm1ti ' '- -; - - Of DirDctora. -Thai provocation May increase hia agnation : J ' " Fven to ilepert?on. Then, alaa tiir the nation! With tliis and nulliticatton. And the lull of appropriation. Forming such a concatenation, That men of olfeervatinn 'i May predict a separation. ! rw 4T.i.a tad, wtmutreauutatkui-v; , J-, Ami to here cmla tit) co'itetion. Alexandria, May rj. JU'LNCON'NLTl Lying Puiuhnl.Jhr dsy there happenwl a iii(:iiiIou"Ht(iriuofIiifh1G j L i(,'litoii was going from GLitgovv to Dunbluue. Uf 1 I was ilem-neo when atajiatanr r Iii mil nilffnr I mil not couratre to rob him ; "t wishini' tn full on snm motlml nfoTt.nff mnncf front were dead.-and you stall inEjrin Uio ArcMudiop ttt 1 wa Kineu iv tne lightning, and beg money or nitw bury me." Vhen the Archbishop arrived at tlie p& the wicked wretch told him the lubricated story. B sympathised with the survivor, gave him money, proceeded on his journey. But when the man returne to his companion, he found him really lifeless I Imn" dHtely iiiato,ekkn-aJ'jd,bh' Oh, sir, he ia dead ! On tin, the Archbialiop, disco vering the fraud, left the man, with this impertsnt w flection : " It is a dangerous thing to trifle with tl judgiocuttf of God." - - If it were not for the Bank of the rnitP!,f,tM' the advocates of power would be at a loss -to kite what theme to go umn. The Bank i the unest tbiug for Jhetti ia the world. ; In tlieir patnofic rage against it, they lose sight of the Post Offic l."artiiieiit Retrenchment Reform the C stitutionevery thing. Alexandria GmeUt. Old Hickory any to Parlevoo, Why don't you pay my folks their due l" .. " I cannot tlu" aa vs Parlevoo. W'Jiich of your folks to pay itto, Or whether to yur fM$ or you.''

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