TI I .1. I,. N g1 mTmm'mmm''mm'l?immiiilimimmi' fUDUSIIKD WEEKI.Y. JOHN UKAUD, Jr, Editor ami ProprUloK. -' fpI Xumbtr from the Uzinnin 737: No. 7 01' Till XVlh YOMI.MI:. 3 " . ""-TT"- " ; vv; ' ' -3 ; V.'SaJ. -"---(unlayirormn July 19, 18H . n,i in. Tm ' ' U Uk ..... ll lul Itn. I.ljt.t r. isd rica, rwt4 wmI, band. Lad nk , Srery oil r of 'Kt Mm- I; I. -loud. Ej, Wiyd. .lb? I My it kg ts4r. At, iff. i IK 5rW"f Tfrom Lijf iptht limit e roA . He fM disjo int i- Itntes, kno finest riotk .0IITII CAltOI.INA KTATI3" LOTTERY, FOt TUB BKMfcflT lit ' THE SALISBURY ACADEMY. J ClasHHigh nntl Low Syrtcm. To be Drawn nl I.Inrolnfon, (WOLM C'Ol' MTV,) On Wrdnewlay the 27lh August DT37s::oc:f & rc:TOt M A N AUK KH. ririTAii ntizu I IWof 5.O0O DOLLARS is ."tOX 1 1 ID iif- I" l ' 4.1 ;whi of 3,(M) iX)LLA KM is ,KM) of 2.O00 IMILLIRS i 2.IXK) of J. OOO JfOLLAKS islO.OtM 300 iK)u.ins u 2(m ihm.i:s . 1(H IMIJ,A.S i 5() ItOM.AIlt) t. 20 IK)I,LKH i ..f uf a,Mo 9,NM 1 lnJi.LAUa M(I,IMN iOI'J:i Pn. ,. to 10,000 (O" To Amwn on the Hili mihI Iiw Synim. 1'llU llollll f of lll'k'l, NM! Ill-ll Blld (rfhfr I'jm, ik ci iliiiii lo ilruM' )h ri', bimI iiiuv draw TIIKKK. All lhe j.rin jvl.l tnl'AMI, frty after tl draw ittjj, wJHt lo tfie omI d'tluc- I: Ml llf 1.1 IHT !!- Piu'kago of W liolTi k t in tliiM rV-hiini ill -i ....... Q (N) And uiut druw ui It - 17 CM Those who pr-f:r advcnturiiii; for I ho liyge prize Hily, tan it i lliia wav, for "J.'t, get the Mmntrra' t rlitM-ale lor I en M hole 1 ickct, eiriitlinp the Milt'r U all tlio tii keia nuiy dmw over 617, that Io-mii; th amount uf I he H pri2ea that caib u k Hjt uauttdija. .... Purkae of Kharea in rroHirliiii snv A Ci'rtilicalo for 1!) Whole Ticket, &3 H " lOHiilve, ... u fttt " " 1) tJuartfin, . ,.r -fyT AIK)fdir-frit a ditanref hy mnil (pont pjid).or iiy fu;ivaui-voMvevH4M',4Hpofin the-eait .,hrjiruc4kitet nrrinrprciTiMr Lirfti rjVill iwei .iiiciuualicuiuut altt'Uiion, if (.Irowwd to Tl Jjhkiai i0; ilnt-axtlcii imnicJijiclv iiuir rrlrfcrtt frlHahrt 5eaiaacrtm fp rr" Siev.enson" A:'. Points. - - hMMrv,-Joly 5, -184; - Mlana Manwaairt-rrT- r "t a "v1 "r.ljsa1 l, AJAsi vfr Inciter 3 -REMAJ1 Vtl-IS'TllE ptsT.ornciFAT ineolnton,(.K.r.r"" .. QN .T1IE lat DAV OF JULV.l5;lL..rr. J"tm or Turner AbcrnatJi)7 Mouus ALeriuQiyY Dru ty .MNTiutliy. R David Iiirrinjfcr, Jacob Bikrr, Sarah Eurnf, Re-viu-himI t'twrlrt Betb,) Fritio Hnubhaw, Lrjpon &A , liiitfi'vW illiina- iWdvv Jhi B, -: frH-i)ter, Jiwuti Connor, David Crmit-e, Abram t'up Y't, Rev. John Covincton, I lunry Carpenter, Juuiea Co ly, Olerk of ti fMiperwr Court ValcntTiic Ciw i Geitrgv (tfcr . V- . '-,-.-.. - -!. Adam Uenmjcr.' Ja'cob TiearrJaccV'IXTirs nr, Jan. . . ' F.. Rirliara F. iliim", niriat'Un Eakor. F. Henry Fuleowider, June Fleiiiiniiiv, ;. V ilium (jouJm4I, Aloxaiulur C. Guun, Preston tii.fnrth. ' II. Major Hull, Elizalwth L Havs, EliznbetU Han mI CM William Huikle, Kli llovl, Mo Ilearn, ll'inicsly, Isaic llullnnJ, l'lnlip Hiiiluiun mi Hugh J.ilmsoii; Acy Humphrey. . ... JrBiucliara Jolii)4iu Bkbard I Johnsnit; " fT.''t'TJ , r !stri ,?r Kizer, Jacob Kil'Abrfiln Klstlcr. I.. Sn.saiiiiMli Linlmrdt, Jacob Leivrty. i - - Mi-Mitthew- Mwimttn) Abner McKayj- Wabiaftoa M Hit, A. C. McEirtire. Adam Miller, Aamn McEntire, JJ:ilil CJ,) (more Matiney, ttonelette Aloore. - I.ilm W V..t I, ,1,11 'ttJL..J.J.l. IS'l. J'. Reuben I'erkina, Ethel H. Porter. l Mielial Qnk keL ! .7 -t v iL Ilejuy' lllkidoa, JtJin Seyucdl Stwan Rieey 8ter. K Karasoar. Jo!m Roberta (i) Joim RntWge, ' S. Noah "Sullavin (2.) Rev. TboTOaa C. Smith (2,) Dnniul G. Smith, William Scott, Jumea Smith, Aloaca ;irijle, Wiilinm Slumiuan, George Seita. V. Henry F. Veitch. W. Iiwwt Whiseinant, John Wise (2,) Henry " r C. C HENDERSON, P.M. Lineoliiton, Jut v 12. 1J4. St - r 1 . Kr NOTICE! , 4 I,L persons desirous of having their WOOL ' 1 numifnctured at Stirewalt'a Machine.will please to I'urVarJ it an aoon as 'possible, as the Machiiie W'H be cloned by the firsftof September, for this a,n. JACPB STIUEWALT. L . Cabarrua Co., July 5, 131. r ' tr - - A of licUm REMAINING IS TIIE MMT-OITJCE AT Islington, ON THK 1 DAY OP JCLY, t ' A. Mr. CtmMry ill a. II NVboU IUlteuh, Jonathan Barrett, Iom I ncra. - (-.Mm Calloway, Junes Co. M-ched Cluliyter. IWTbumaa Dam K IVrrhart, HIIm, iiha Crtita, K. Jw Krctw, WilUm FnuL J,wi.(l Urn. Jamrt or Jri Gof!ur. II. ;-.n IbnM, Trier IIwUn, AJta Hedrxk, I. Hrnry IfurJ, Riw Ininj. M. ,M.inwl ilicWl, Mn. 1'uu.y lUknL P.M.n I'tjrMk . , II 4i.lffcjr lUta, RUi Ri!7, J. RtL lli arjr Worluuko. M. ROUXSAVIUT, P.M. Iinjlm, July 14 1-34. TUl'ST SAIJ ) I Y Virtue a Vd 4 Tnr to aw nrifH, if trr inrtAt IVirf, fur the vanxjmroT teeuftttg TV payirw iif of certain di U llrf-rt m omtliuord.l mhall pnirrx) In 'II. on 7Waf IWA Aug mtji, at th Cixirtlmune in SiltJiun', 7 The Tract of iJiud " brron the aaid JjcobO-H trw riiK Cr cali. HENRY mm fW Trui7 Land for Sale. 'HUE FulMrriher fl r fr aale a Tract f Iirwl ( uf 507 ALU l in? uo buth i.k- uf I (iraiil'a Creek, ats milea aouth-. of .ulilurv Fra 150 lo V'W Aerea are ek-ared, about '.it nfj a hn-h eteellefil Makw in pnd unler. -Tliere i -1 ia a pad I)W E L I.I N li-ll O V S E uo the r'ii.lunl, a Barn, and uther out-bai-a-a. Term aill be lunde ttcotuoodating lo any Uie wi-diiiig to lajrrliaM. (fir Any one desiring to aee the Jrcprrty, will p)e-e rail on lite HuhHcrtber, Itting five auka brum Suhshury, ou the road to Ih-atiie a r urd. matjtiew a tocKn, Jinefci;i&34." "" if Valuable Real Property, IX lilNCOIaN C.'OITTv Tlic SuUcrilier,. intending to remove to Abl-ama, rr OFFER FOR SALE, life Resilience in Lincoln COHntrn Inrlwlinj, in ooehxh", abmit Of Real Good Fa rirt 1 11 g lia n tl, 1 rick Building, i const nictcd tt the,be4 niiaaaaa. lurwU, mi tine late, and gno& orkninKnp. Ah nTiveimrnf Out-IIoiwei, COTlti.N AM) f HRJitfllNl MACHI NES, Bri,i.Tfef, A LSQ- . Another Tract of Laml. ., both HL't of ittcViuaatrrNKI ing about lgt Hundred .ctcs, ALL .FIRST. RATE FOR ANY. PURPOSES. 5" The abore Property wiU be iold on 1 credit of one, two, and three years. In my aloce, apjdicatK may be made to antr brotheT.- J. VvmrT. - rfrtz." n.VMEL M.. FORNEY. Inroln Co., May 17, 124 -if- Lincoln Cotton Factory. fpiIE Sulscriber, intending to leave North Ca--- rolina, oders for sale'Lin uiterext in thia valu able establishment, lie hai cuocluded to divide his interact into Shares of $100, and baa appointed JOHN BEARD, JrEaqr bia ageiAM SiUho-. ry for receiving Subscriptionk Iidormatkm in re gard Facoryy will fiHroshed apjdiea- tion to the aubcriber at LincoUiton, or, as lo tbe terras f SiiWnpUon,.by 31. Ihnrd at ialisLury. . JAMbiVMa.tftr--r-f ijincmmon. junB-dT?. io tt 75 Dollars RewawL cd at the house of Col. A. Wratt, in Rocking ham County, (X. C) on tho night of the 10th of May last, a u . IVesro fan, named JO He is about 30 years old, about 5 feet 1 1 inche jeaus kmg cont, and common thread and cotton pantaloon. John was jwrdhaaed Ijro-i LArrnwRia.. Forbe5,"To IirCtwnty, neirlGivUle, and k j MolwUe ho will wiutiior ltd 1 Lact to the aai neichborhood. The above reward of Seventy-I- ive IWlars will be paid to any one w hb'will apprehend and lode the said Negro mi any jail, aw that, the mbacntmr ran get him iairain. Letters addressed to the un derlined, f Buckingham Courthotiaf, Ya.) will, receive immediate attention. . ' JOHN I. MOKK13. July 5, 1834. . 10 - OCrThe Editor of the Tarbornosh Free Trei will publish the above advertisement to tbe amount of $5, and send receipted bill to this oEke, for ptrYtwnt. J "' ;-- ) . ;Ni:WIN(4. ' r - illRS. HOWARD,! ku b in tU habit U aViuig work (jt failura, hereby fivra aVNic thai aha iiilrttif, ia titure, u .U mi Wirjf on br own acrwiat ; ami, havinf an aaxidant mr work caav 4 be aurpa aail mrmlnrn mnd ttmgtk,tha fbela CMiftJpaa that aba fan it aatufoctRin lo Uua who may ro kmi ilk Ibair eiMom. - " - ( Tba Uiim 'tng wiil ba bar charr, ia t For makirif Pantaioooa, fruca 73 ceut to 1 dollar Ft making Veaia; . ?5 ' to 87 1 eta. tut ruakinf RmnJ-Jj, krta, 7i rent to 1 dollar. CO" SIIIKT9, al-o, will ba aM oq tba mart rraawbi irrnH ; but .Mr II. tl out umlcrUka to tt wf without palirrna. ' SaCmrV, Ju 1 1, 1 S3 1. (f liccves Wanted ! 'PI IE SuWrilirr. iiilenitinf lo rarry cm a irauUr laamin. al BUTCIIEHINO, in lSaT.n U ."NiWjur)-, w!ie to buy a nuinbrr uf goal IIopim, tic abkb 1 1 mi bigheft price will U gitca, ia caab. Hat Cuadrtwera ar ontified that be i!I be ready M auJy ibern with tit Ol) HKKF i TueLVVTUiirwlay, and Ftitunlay, o earb aerk, tr the re4 f lha aeaaun, at llie uial rate. JOHN I. SHAVER. Fabbury,Jane ? l!U. .... : f orm - - iT A TK OF- NOIi'l ll-e. ft OLIN A. ; K(M)K.S OF M'BSCRIPTION Sr 8TtK.'K in the New Mate lUiik uf North CanJina, will be opeiard, in the Town uf hahslairv. mi the 10th uf Jue tiiM-'H!hiB a ho are antKMia l make a pnlilal4e itiveMiia-itl uf llieir fuiaw, will do we! In attend at an carlv ilav, as it ia b-lieved thai the hole amount Will be jre!ily taken lip? TIHK l COWAN. J . K AM I. It ELY EH, 1 mmtrt. WM. II. IIORAII. SalUtairv, June 7, 134. tA The Third Sit$jyn vf jht alvtt ln&liluliua will roMarxcE on TIIE FIRST DAY OF MAY. nIIE FubaeriVra, thankful for rant patmnaje, pledge theMatdves to enter upuo lha ajtarcuwa of the msxt aeaaiuu with reitewed seal. ttt: sparrow, t. w. sparrow. f-fhsbrrrrrAwit 1.131.- If I . - - i.i:iKiy.i'jirt- rnilOSIlaho -in -gBCUiSS iith TIEATO CUFA x JIE UtT-BL RNHjaiid other diatrewinij.aj-nipr Nm of dinroret stomarh, bnaTW, and liver, may find K-Gef hi DrTlWkaifh a Anli-Ih sprptic PiHs .v.hjUiJWiibeJ-ad at this Office price My jCeUa pr bux. Tbe Dictur. wU. once idl in this place, but arw wVn 'vtn- srre praet ire;t)eetr malted to"cf4iiitinI a nmcf va kmUe remedy fur tlie chnsiic disraaea uf the di gtwUW -atgaaw. aa --earn iw hwrrhw-fti capecuUy with tk wb kl aedoulary livsi. - ----- It would be an easy nuitter lo make tail certifi cates to prove' thai these Pills are a "sovereign re rnedyw f! "all lite' ilia that fieoh ia heir to;" hoi it ia not pretended- tha4 thoy ara au MMetWl anti dote. Certificate of -Uaaa moat icuptabto I'byw- eians and other rentlemej can be shown to sub alantiate Iheir edirary in ilia particular claas of above aiWeit- Ti- anil the. Frtitni or this paper :oa iertifr that-ae-ia derived "apeedy an3 pennaneiit relief; ia the use of tnem, Irons a moat distressing and 1ongaitifflied head-arhe. Home of his friend tried them, at bis suggestion, and ex perienced the same beneficial e fleet. Salisbury, June 14, 1934. if SBIiSiSTJG OFF At Cost! hAVlNG DETERMLNED to CLOSE THEIR BC- rgfXf3rtJt-'THW FLACK, ilh the view of removing to the State of Missis sippi early in the ensuing r all, beg leave to aifcit ncluara to .Sell-fa fll cossisTiJrs or ' - DRY-GOODS, HARD-WARE, AXO Ml ALL other ARTICLES 4 JEpIKrsnjLkepL.OJtt..Jiand. Jy I- :- Merchant in thia part of "the country, TVir Stock is Large, Complete, and New, the wbule having been pu rebated within tbe last twelve months. 1 " r GO"; They respectfully invite- their friends and c4iem, a welt as the pf blio ia geral, lo ell and eiamine the goods, as they are deternii'ed to give bargains such as t bey feci confident will give fatistctii to ail who wish to purchase. Sali-bury, March 15, l34.4-tf v Blank Scire Facias Iot Primed and fur sale at tbe Carolinian Ollice. Ma.VaiI JlNEIIsh, . Fetition fur a Iloatl ant! Ferry. T I'i Prrlin, AlexaivW Perkiiw, Tin. HnmJ- iy and w tin, lha heiea uf i4iraiia efl ina, oW, Itein f Jart PrrLiiM. dec, kf tra tf I'.WJ Perkina, dr- ami i!m b-ir uf K.Aert J. M Jlrr and de, d.., (all beira It law uf 13 Prrkiua, ae.) and lo au Mberr wbrna it may ecorera : TAKi: NOTICrllial.at tba aett (VrCatrl to ba held at liur4wU, Iba lUirw Ma)ay in July, rattlaat atil ba fMnaJ U a ral4e Rna-I, lo paaa over tba landa uf aatd brira, and in 1 1'uUk i'rrTT, lo be talaUialwxI oa tba amid r arruaa the Calaaba R.ver Uak uf wkirk a ill be atlualej betaeea Iiia-ulutuai aaj FuleiIJ. JACOD tflll'IVRIJ. L JuimH, 131. Ct State of North Carolina: IREDrXL tXKJNTY. Cottrl tf raii Tsaa, lfc3l. William iny and others, i Peiiltisi Cc ante and ra. Vchributtan uf raal c Jaiiir fTrey a uTiera. ) Uhi. ' "' '-"' 1 ' IT, appearing, lo the ntirti of Court, that James (irer, Kichard ILtnnck and I3iza brth lua wife, and Th ) llanrurk aaat Jaa kia wile, the d fritdanta earned ia I He IhN, are imt in habitants of llua Hale 1 ll ia thrref OnltrtA, that julJictHi be made, t ai werk in "IV Western CarIluan,,, pnutrf Xi Salt Jairy, thai tba aid drfi-wkuitado ajs--ar at Ike we txsirl of l!oaj IV lo be held f the (Vaudy 1 Irnk 11, at lUConrt- hsia ia Htat-svdle, on tlte eigbtk Muoday afW llw (sulk Mtaiday in rwj4sJ-r awiU. 4W-W awl there to iim ier ile pnitwai ; ollieratae it will be hcjrd eparie, and the prsver the be granted. JOHN MlSHAT.r.Ai.i. .JuW 12, 193$. . .. . . -Cw-..v,, New Tailor'M Shop in Concord. THE Subscriber iufwrsaa bU 4J cartawiers and the public in general, that be hat REMOVED TO CONCORD, where be baa opened a. Shop, is .Inch the TAILORING BUSINESS in its ta nous L ranches will be etecuied ia the saual Cuh ionable, neat, and durable BMrmer. He fl-irters hiniw'lf that bis Skill 10 tbe buatueaa, and bis con ataet persnnal ailewiios ms bis etWihmeiit, aiU eiutble Lira lo redeem all pledgee made lo I boat- who may favor Ima with their rutnu receives the laical FASHIONS regu larly both fmin NVw Toik and rhiladt Iphia, anal works by the moat approved a) stems. . Cutting out, and Ordera from a distance, will be prutnptlv attended to ; and but, buf not least, hit ferau till tc ta'f aAXvmMiJflifr- - r TW) AS- lltDF,R) N.R.i7 Xs JttermntJ U 4 aWt ia awjrfc mn WAaaajrrcp to rrr wsit ,v-r; -i.. I"CciMiord,"March 23. tS34.'--,.; tm ! Spring t$r Summer Fashions HORACE IL BEARD, Taflor.T- Bnqa kav t iiw tw general, thai ordrra taj biaHmr wilt ahrayf be thankfully received by him, and eteculvd in the usijFsMwMaU(fc auai IWftU aassauii ii len.na as reaawliie as any in tiiis section of coun try. II. II. LL hopes, from bis baig practkWof hi buainesa, (a nuudr of years of which lime be resided h tbe city of Pluhlphiav) and from the gwrral witisfaction be baa herrtof.ice given to bis numerous respectable and bvdtioukUe cuMourrs,lo merit and racssva a portluti of the patruraige uf the public in general. CJIe fbaiees him-rlf ihal his 1 ClTNfl is reo7y aupeiw io any dei n ihi Mate, a 'naiy be tested by the nodiararted egaace of fit which attends garments mailn in bia estaUiahmeiit. IU is in the regular recciiS' of the Keporta of the r a- shiona as they change both in tbe large cities 01 thia country end of Europe so that gentlemen may be satisfied that their orders will always be executed tn the very latest style. Orders from a distance will be attended to with the- same punctuality and rare as if the customer awn. firpof.na in wnhm. Salisbury, May 1,, 1:3U It - BENJJLMXSRALEY, liaviiitweeeiTedBe latest Phihnielphia, New Yort, London, and Pans style of r AM1I0N, and uving in bia em ploy a number of vtorimeei who arenrvl-rate, is prc'ptfid"'to3''nial worK in n alle'auui-rior XixaAj aooa-io ibu fs.n 01 urn wuli-yTaia always warrantoa to nr. Ordera Cr Work in bia lnK,frrm a dktance,will be iMinctuallv aiten.ll lo aerordim? to order : and all kimU or ksitl ctutMia-wurk wui tie dore at t'ie shortest notice and on reasonable teTns. .. llcan be fiaimU aA all timsw, k4d-aawd a fi-w dors ahovf Mr. Klaughter'a Hotel, and nearly oKKiitc -Mr. JuLu Murph 1 a jsturw.. TO X AI LQ R Srr .- ' Beins A sent for wane of the most Fashionable Tailors in New York, tbe Subscribe ia prepared lo teach or give infraction to any of the Trade who may deaire to be ntore perfect in their busi ness ; and, from bis bcJief that he is fully capable af .-jpv:-!sal requests .all no aefire msirucuott 10 ca on mm. Sttlisbnry,l31-ly It. FRALEY. lVrilins ami Wrapping Paper, FR SA1JJ AT THIS OFFICE. Kr Job rriatlns nratlj- rsreuted. Slale nf ,orf U Carolina, ( mm m w W a " . laYH ot o UnWcd SUVc, P.fOI AT THE FIRHT KKNS10N W Tiin tS I-NTV-TH1KD CONUKfXiw Pt'BIJC,Na.23) AN ACT fU'lhe rrh UUminmJ FsyHtevills, in L Territt7 of Arkaiwes. , ,. U'kereaa, the scat of junta uf Wa4iiiiftia canity, ut 0i Trrnts7 of Arkansas, was located and ealM Fivettevilla prsw to lha pnU surveys being made, '' and libra lha kind wre surveyed, the said Iowa , ft 11 oa Bomb r aiitean, whs K, hy taw ia itwened It Ihe aw of school; sod, whersa lha said Iowa M ' sitnsted oa the smith half of ti Dortheast and Ike asik half af lis suuiheast quarter, i the ' srettun aumbrr tirtren, m towaahip amnk r atlw 1, -- -aorth of range number Unrty, ! of lha firth priori . pal merwlsia ; Therefora, IU if I'.mtrirJ, f t .Vs' $mi tif Rrfft. mre mf Uu L'mlrd tttmlt tif Amtricm, in timmrrti aanaAIrd, That the trustees of tl scboui land ia and f InwaaliiB awnber aulren, Bsetb of ran Ihirtr, west t the Efth principal mendaua, in ti Trrtitory of At- iaaaaa, ke, an be ia berehy. sutturttad to srlnet snd bare art apart tit Om ase of srbiwls in said townahip, av ettttr aertss) of an improved land in said low twrfnp m 1 111 of pumher Mtero; and wba tit said Irastee - - fiad atak bis Election, be "Wuilt fit thriainrtii thff-- -orV of lb register of th Fsyettevilla land office, and the Isnd to aalertrd ahall b reserved ftwa sale, sad aet apart ( iba a- of acliud and Ua( anetsst, mine . krr aitlecn, ia tsid bnrn.hip, shall be subject to tal and entry as her publw land now are. " -c 2. AaJ m tlJuUut tauctt av Tbat Uia awith half nf Ihe a.wtheaal misrOT, and th rxsih half of tbe xjtht-aM numiiMl, uf mvciiiuit auuiiUif" atatoun, HI town- '" abip aiunbet siiteen, north of ranee number tiartv, wet ti lha fifth principal aieralian, in the Ternlary of Ar kanias, be. in.! the taine w nerrtiy, grjote4 lo li Erans. lark Newton. SamL Vatiirhan, and Jobn Wund- dr. mmrawiaior s nf asid murrtr. hi trust llie use tt mid ttmnly ; and that the Secretary nf tlie Troaatirr be anthorixed to aue a patent (f Ui stme; and that tbe said cwimiwiir rs shall hate power to Uy oft the aw land in tow a Ms, SnJ Strllsnd dxpuaaof tJiemi : ihd aiake gut J and suiTn'iebt titles to rHireliSu'Ti and tbev shall anomonat tbe nmreeds uf the tnlr of list . ' aid ks tolherreeuaiufa court-house and jail intli " " ' towa af FaysttoviUe, lur Ihe a of said ewiniv. . - itin. i:t:ij. At. 1 A.s liLKr..X, Fi'ce-rrefiJraf f tk jL'ttitrd Utattt, and . r iijrnt of the tkte. .- . - Aiistestd t' JwawWlb, . ..A.-UJU.W JAL.KSUA. r f PUEUC, No. 211 . ' - .' AN -ACT aeaale additional land district hi the States of lllinoow and kliMoun, and in the Terriio. ' 'hj uut 1 , n. ei. 1. in;..: . - "' ir mTin ta um rrukit, ut luuima II it r.rt'&, iy taa Hrnmt mni Jlmm nf Rrpre-' ' ' sralaises ' I s4 Sllr$ nf Amrrte,tn Cotters mnrmilrj. That all that tract of country lym-r north of the diykling hna Jweav towWns attmbar Isrefvw and Utrtren, nnfla of ihe base lins running UinrsiL-Q ti iiltlaif ktioaly UaiK and-Utat twlt&tutanlrj ly as. rng north of the dividing line betaeeii townxhrrn nom kVt lliirtj and Uiirtrr-e, worth of th old base Ima in- 1f rinded tn tbe State of Illinois. et of Iji'.o Mich i'sn. anVf aiih and snutlieaiit of .tlia' Wisroniin and Fut rU"! vert of Oreea fty,Hl thr presrnt Trrntory of Jltf ttt (ran, ha hud off into four ncwJand 'dBTTtCU; lo Lo J;vi" ilWaad dei;aUHl as Cillowi to wit: That tract lyin' , within tlie Sutaof Illinois, B ahmre drrihcl, aluiil be divided: kyt-nnrth and arsnVline, drnan between the ran? of tojvnahips number tliree and Cur, east o!" eie Th 'ti prtac'pattcri'tian.nd ttuit mj rlirf n Qtl tiiTu TXT -f .iwiHl Knehtfanl H.ctHrl the-norlhwcst, arid that iki.JI"; tbetauaVtn aorthsast land dmUmt of the fttal' II -- - hnots; and all that tract north of tho KUta of Illinois, writ of lake Mw-biiran, south and sontfn-4 of tlit -WtseMtSMf enJ Fat Hrers.'tnetu.hid in th ftfWi.t TPr,sv' ntora -of 7 Jiitatean, UU be divided by a-nwrth and smith lifts, drawn Doia the nortnera boundary i.f I Ha Brtat, along the rans of tos n Jup line nm west of Fort V uiim4i s to Ihe eonn river, and be called, the one an the west skhs Ihe Wtacorunn, tnd that en, the aule-thft Creea Bay, land district of Um territory of Micbi a; which two ilMrict sbitll embrace tjie eouhUy north of said rfvers,- when the Indwa titleahaU--- eitinraiNhett, and tlie tren Pay district may be divided so u to Crm two di.trict. alien" tlie Prem- 'dent:aLatf dueutlil brai-i.' ' ' "."- See. A ml ae it further nutrtril. That there alia II he established in earn of the said land district, una land ollice, at such time and place as the President Biay designate, to be removed whenever, he msy deem it ex. pedienl f the public fonvenienre.1 See. 3. AsW Be it further tmmrltd. That the Presi dent, by and with tlie consent af tlie Senate, so aoon as . a suflktent number of towmdiipe are surveyed and re- tarns thereof made to the ocnerul Ijind Uilice to au- tburiaelheeemineneement of tiie saWin either of said dwtnets, be autltorixed to appoint one register and ono ' fymmter Ibr each' hmd erTice M : Wwlied, who ahalt- reside at the pinee designated Sir tlie land office, and fseearityj and dwehargw mli dutUwj jiemining to """ "' acn omce, as present! ny ww. LiA-Jimlhmt fur 4rr e isa'frif.-rtntrrn'eM ' deul adwaH be authorized, so soToi is Uie survey "ahall bo eompleted, to cause to be 'otlbted lor sale, in the man- , ner or escribed bv law. all tbe lamia Ivinir in aaiit lati.t district at the Jand.cffiiea in the rpictive ditri' - . . 1 . .1 1 1 . , 1 1 ut ttoicn uw HtiHis bo oner! m eiiinnM'eOj reiwryip J : Ki.iwM aut-M-iu eaou -uwM 10, but-wwi Mwr- fbrthe viltageisf tfatria, itich other tracts as havo 1 granted to individuals and tba State of Illinois. and such reservations as the President shall deem lie- ' ry to retain Ibr military posts, anv lawof Conrrct hcrctofiire ezu-ting to the contrary notwitbsanding. Sec 5. And As it further enacted. That so much of lb pttWta lMiU ihe United iitstt, in thetitatf Missouri, as lie west of the rane line between ranges ten and eleven ..west of Uie .fifth w iucipal wnr-itlisni and south tif tim iine dividing townsfiiiis numbers forty and f rfy-ne ms-th of .lhebase line, .snail fhrm a new land ..J... , diatrictv to he colled tlie ninth western land district; and, ' Se tlie Sale of the public lands within the district afore- said, there ahall lie a land cilice entalli'Micd at such place wrtliin said dirtriot tt Uie President of Uie United States may designate. ) See. ft. And it further tnaHed, Tbst tliern jsl,al be,a Registfer and Receiver appointed to 'said odlce, to stiperiiitend the sale of public land in said dtarlrt, who '"'" shall reside at the place where said cilice is establish ed, give security in the tame -manner and sums, n, l whore compensation, emoluments, duiicsnnd snth; litis, isfcall in every respect be the same in n lutui larsl t be deposed of at snid oiTice, ss ere, or nmv i-, by law prevuled, in relathsv to the R' s'isters .. . eeivsrs of public money m tho several fil'xvi c'' ' ed fjr tin; sak" of ti;1 nb bit.!-,