1. Xirf fx it furtkit r . 1 :! r... ., r r - . .1 It lt.l rtnljor.d i()i"H I. i. " ' l-'u Act. !.h ahall hat a Imn ! H' I. k'll t-W-c at llm artriml I, i l (.. I.. ,1 "HI, rariktin, )-ile, rl j- ' pf Ins! 1 lli Prwalenl S I I I I.. '. 4 .! , .t.-.l .1 and nl.nh land rrfiJsin iiii,1J at tle this Art, lill be m.hjn-t to br ri.t.T.d M l i sale, lit Ilia pf.H f idl'.rer 1 I ha (! ' Iw-l" lijr 1 '..!, j tli Minn iiiiii-f, nt'jn t tii ih Kii." iiriin,! "t t in rm i"4iiiiri pM' i 1 Hp4i lLr.ilili.m,i ll ! .! UhI 'il,l f b.- lw.bj.il ksia ll i wn4 W-f.l t'K,,"'."; . II 1. .1 I 0 .1I.I III I here in, mf"t1 ik nlKIM.I, had IliJ-r rwit'it "i Ii'd IfK n'MINKI, WI UWf ffilii lo lii asm ; wi wt mnniit lu pf uut V l .tit HnnU'4 W tiftrf-riif I hit (fffotng mihI drts Wi fri-f r4-j-A-itm mil 14 ll" Tfriry 4 Ut Ktlfc v4 ; ut" tfW'i i't AN ACT, wublwii tn Mit4uJ WaJiJTu-t w Ar kaiiM. - IU U tntrlrJ, i Ik Hrmml0 mmj H'Mf f Rifit r.4 tin. HMwaui urn ui.-nJf. --W rf. ..f ll4 Tm uy tJi- rt ia Mitrf-.il fcy M divnl.nf . Jifla taw riiK4 ata ami it, mlJ ilw tiariti, iram Willi mI rMa tiiilUieiiwiiif Ium Mwwii tuwndittia ami 4.--a MKith. Um'Iim to win um Mwi tiiia li tli ditalmif lit U-tw" ran lwl llir iliiiw wirtli with wuH diaia( ln U Uia Uk littM, (1M4IT4 4t kVltJl WBkJ hull IttO 10 .Ill ulUt Jm, brinnan janK4 Iwo and llr' a4. Uk-ik aurtb .ik l.. ilkA Jinkliii hiM Iwla-nrn LmtuJum fv Urn and 4li rvrtK, iWw warf iU mm! drndjin L miflklrwly jrrij ! imUia.iM Kajih l w liw to llwi ditalmy Juki -b-twatm-aangwi m an wn-n ! r-4i. 'I Vy ill nmliiiuf lirir.aHaiit,a irlil tlM iir niirtb Wth wild divkiiii iiiM to tU) nUf buuwo uuii. ta U UuUl, ao4 ()w KuM w am Bfjw(ry wf tl 1-mty t4 AiUn-u, a)U imn j r,,ir fn-) a pMyWi rallmf llriilin UurUra, ft laM divtrirlt lu b r.ll-4 fb Uaw.ivi lalai , rt , C. dirK't ; aad t IW -U, of U- '"' W bv rf?, Jit, b .. ll ftah H at ll- W,a of HrWua, m tU e.iiri; uf IWI.. in tiM) TivnUift a4Maid. Hrr. 2. AaW it furlkrr eiuxHtJ, TUl IIkto aUII ba a rf " aud rwaitrr aiHanlwl In aaid flir, hi nirwfliK'-hd Ilia saU f lb puUic UwU m mmI dwlr n-t, 4lw mmu naM ai uw ioo 14 unrua !,ita 1 a ll 4..-. 4- I I . - ..I . . . 'ncmniiri i arvority ia tin wmm twanwrr and ayiaa, tiid wb-wr c4-1 . . iK'.n-itl.rt, anaduiiii-ula, duliaa, and 4nlaitaa, aliall. m,. M rwy'ra'wi" (IiiTMnifl m rfcrtww tw raaW w..W,",r,,Jr2' ..'"'! dtfiaUad of at iwid ofW, aa are, or aw; b, Ky lnw, "' '" ""I Iikb turn mun, l-r a iutiN-tir, pnisi fpTK". 1 n annrtirp wwmhi tww hwi prnidl Mtvlalaai bl4rrwiAMl i.inmik:iulue fje. ailualioti of Uw jllrtrn Ia? bfr'f As fdpo aa th oruli.r n-jKntrd ihf llfmit until ai'm'-y m Un ar-r(;u .olkt KtiliaiW uf Uia j tua twlwra, lit f-ars bta - dng r U-y wuuld . to. be heard, at oAd was hi ie dniwrnnl try 1 1 a la of Um ImiUn; UikU bauan la 1 411 tin v urywl a n rr Iih h. while it I rraMi4 and I11W4 i-f " iho t IimhwUhhi ami Imi Hi. a, X Al A W aW mii d ,-TU aM twin 11 i-.t. ... i..Jl -,,11..- 11 .l..f...i wi.-i 1.. Mm- hfld-f al any land ilrf in asid Ti-rritiay. jair-1 s.ai.it tn any pur laioati of Um I'rwidcnf of ti. I M Huia,and whirti UikI. rainain im-jld at tHr t. kmf -4ti Uiw AvUaOKll lw MtfTl U U U4d and will at arivata aal br tlif nrii-f otUi tra uf llwl olirf? Iwrtbj rraatad, in th aanw utaiiiK-r, and aolijni I to lira a IB iHr'Ma, IN uniai-lilia riMt.lilHM.4, a Um- mr rf mA Jind rlW 44 bn anhjit to in tin- a id a, fml IvHerttrtrai narrtaSidlrra iwajtiuued, bad tin 7 rr uainnd aUai l-d lo Umi aaaia. j-of.,v4: Jumi VlUi, ISU. ' (PUBLIC, S,k 3U AN Alf aawftnwm rvftairt land rfj'ms In ftii i'. . Utet uf tit. KuipUana, w AUIwm t. n 1, n . 1 1 . i l - Kj. . 1 if. . r fi arafaia A I mlrd XtKttHif tvTi a,Mi Coatru sadaaV-laai lb af twa- Hfir ft-' r., . Inn.) oltica (4 th dirtrirl uf SL Ko- nuti4, in tlia SiaUi iaT AUIauua, aa caiiaiml 111 tlx-ir ri tu.Mri.iif daftjl Ilia M.aillli Vluruli iii.rl.l..ti ln.n. W aad U,f4 a. w-h4. of w An of I laimw s,.pini!J ma xsmi 01 H .rcii, .(fi.i--Mi linn ... aul wad iwuut jr-tuua, aautbtd. 1 4. Act 4uhnHiat fie IUgisirsild Receiver of the laud urikw of th-idia-'...-iMclaaf .lit. tkiu, lu tiM HUus uf Al.iiwiua, atid itf Wiief purpiaaM,' be, and tie mui.j 1 lenul), conliruieii - Approraa:iuir AMh, 1KI1 - fl'UBIJC. No.'71 SrH-AflulVnBf-rt-eWf -Wwh a peaswat wirrntay-m Ihe-towir-otttTirr. tn t'm tttate nf Ahharrwr tnl Vr nrotHi f!ir the fVrini uCccruia p. ri-iMHR-m In sid.fi.u of D.-. aiui. . i" Be Tt -RifltJ. f 141? Iti-ufitf Rrfrt penfui w ijf Ikt I sill Hlittet iif U , 14 f iriirrrt I -Ti. ffui yvnlin-itT U'.l L. ...t'l,. I, aerhf, autlairiaed loerfstilwh a U) ihf? Plat M. Alatauiiav - lion' i-'muklm. Lawoc4, Murra, Bkamt, JeTTarwiwi peoar. of Uh, Uned State relent U, the tV,,,- j jnr-ww,T mwfy o, toe r,, , . haj w.ii, ul f.iMi..lH. Tu.iv.jjjjJ.:i . iL.a u 1 n t' - 1 .. . .- inent of inch iir ner can ba niade arithoul anv rlianre ' a O I BHAUfT- 44 IIK't UI twa II a ail I.T4.T mHMriltlKl IMI, U . 1 a 1 ' I 11 hwc 'i A4 ia at araer faaWra", I hat the Hrre. . . . - nnv rejjrt irh irre?ihiriiies as thnaeat C hatham try of Trw-iry be, and be ia hert'l-y, nUmn- , . -'"TflrCil' nenS li- 'hvnw. in .nimHt it ,w I lo niak tint W-ceaaar arrsnt'enHmUi with the brand. bathaiiwlreet Clwpel, a laiihlme u. partly ' .v.w .hu artMlult! .1...... - of tt ftuik of the AW of f Atatan-iS. MabllcJ in frr th p.rpn of ethibiring tawdy paustinsa, ami TuppnimU taut who prode th. nu -1 . . j. 1. J . .i-- ... . i. J: r I l . . . 1 in" vaid town 01 urcatur, ror uie payineni or uiu pro- kmr heieiiila-fora deOTihil, Afl. 3. 44d h it furlktf tnoelfd, Tliat this Aol aha II not take atrt-et until tha firat day Of AiiUt next AoTOVeil.; iiw U7th. t4. TI IC FANATICS fnm 09 fbM44lhl taaia. tralll IsjIaJlttjeaasiaj, TUH ABOUTIONlSTa Tltcae mi'HiJtd fanatic pursue their mad and destructive design with an aiiiinatad puraKveraiK-e worthy a bailer cause, J hey link their caue with that of reliiriiMi, and umke the pulpit aubATvient to thw miajt daring and uangurulU uoIiticuL uYuijjiw. Tliey owuly preUch treasoo agaiiud the Cawtitu tiorj; iiemaince llie were 4 cluurfer of our country lis a blood-atiiiiKHl iitstruiuuut, and invite their U- ti.' our S-Hitlioni bretliron as roblien ami throve. TngJ thewwd-in hi',;hiinln(!mit'illms'tilaJ victim. Ny, tliey go farther, hnve heard itwiiectahle and even iroeMa meiuoers of the aboli "tiiJa:rty ttrthta ttty advoratfr w omBinf imi ptiysioal result would be "an improvement in the irwd n ' Dr.'Coxe, id Now-York, In a rtcent aer ni4 in that city, !' give the nnwt emphatic ex-pre-t-tiim ti hi reiiiect for tie black, awertej that Jem$ Christ text a meprel" Tiiua frantic, thus fioiKlish, are tlie prinrinl 'ZS&Spavfm of tltew "ntadTrjetiiThe 'cotwtHiife . fhe moat danceroua conapiracy igAinat tlie ublie '- pence anl jiuhlic Imppinctai, against the Constitution a'id tlie country, known in any land, or any age. """Tu'tty niirsaa i "connw fhat tnirst -Trwift 'in tsx pumice which funatiniH.-n alone could contciiiplate withwt horror course that roust arm brother itSainst brother, opm Ihe aluioe of eiril diacord, avl hntlil&our tuir land in a sea of blond. t - - Tliey tell ui thev do ikj! dire this rewtft WhaT monkery f - 'Tf fim'thw trattw but do-'aot diwire the exphwimi ! Are they not doing; all in fieir pwer to produce thiwe cm-piencea t An . Ihey exciting the Noitb againxt tlie Sooth 1 lk'i!,.-y not, by their fooh.ili, m well as guilty in-tetfT-retre, vkilato the Consfitiifiori, oWroy the 1'ai.in, avt the aliiro ayirrwt Lu marten aiiJ lu i I. I 1 (' I ! 'J V 1 1 a 1 , ti il I , 1 j L!. d ; , i 1 I u t!. in I. !,,!. ' i Hi- if I 1 , 11 KJlf .!ili.nHlH fc. AU tin ,i 1 1 I'., m h i. , 'Ik '. rr 14 ' d-i-rrr, , I il if pr-toi-! 4J" f--l, If f r, lhh! J j.h jrf.r- jwixuri I aiiW.r r M,y 11 niiiiy 4. f ir H4lH lm r I ai r p ' j a vt w"' r ' - , ,w w.BJMjrr U !. t.k'- 1 ll Jt-I ll r (1lrinruti to U l).-ly in rrlltt U lrry W Hh i.x Irs IMi l.4 r.n tfl,t rni. i4ilW(J,il4.).U Ctmilfy, kw b kmi 10 I otU fly f . , , .L t - Lift wiWliNnn rail tin f nwMAB 1 i-4i,r, ) pnwit qtirMta In tin kt tf-- '4 afiMnrm i mn iiiuii'., rnwry iii ll ('4iiiH"4. T)u lir t rt i' Hy ami IumhIik1 m f(feir4 by Ita CiH,r4 i liwl nniMrf.- tf-impuLrtrm nf w -w iUUod mw vrr l.i Mapy, in I' Wf4r1 Ww "U j4i u Ik-i fvjt. f km hm'd U uaiiral 'U' X" 'Uf (rn4 m ! nunk bat party It'- ri-miry adaire aiih m h rafwl Mrvaf IV k tm hihI and ll Jrr wctrtir-a and rwrili4s if 144 arid HiwPMtari-, kivl iui!1km of n4nr, af rrnnirwl, to k4p lliia ta4 eiirum in biii4V. Is M m4 ppuiilelh! Id-- mm VJ Irmnij b J Ii.it f rn if thrv ar i4: aide lo rain a irajunit in any rfrfni aMikai'id lb r.jtitr, 117 will ; -7 " 7" ' 7 l'V txertlahlr y 4 la-n, lliry mav ra in aaP-t. IVir bp ia put diiiHil Is rlrt-afh uf tl kuifn id lM rminimriiijf lyjfm. 1 'IV A, 4 far a HurttKxmiil.Mi tru-Mv : and if . rt coiiira tfn-r a ill tyt wilk'f 1 tlMtr nn will m4 ' fraap uf adaiewi, Itmr rhilJrrn . - - tlxi mitm uf uiTunatH Uirlwrilv. twirrtU a-mid. ia fulfnuishl with enn.1 j"- "-"7 , - " - " - ''' - " 1 - ' .-........ , 1...I,.I,.. , .... . . ' m."w iii"" "r inr. r r-" 1 1 .1 1, OK TIIK KAN TI X. Full mmy a rVi lum'd black Utat dar, , f. l'.r4 hia-; In mny annikf? Ihr lilly ky ' Tin' '"Idiirk was lurwnl to brilb. Hwnilii,fil art Iwr -al l;ai IIm- rfM-rkrf rrw ld I'liaiy c.a.l .a yrlfaw frr-f, Aial 1um1i bla oti jrf ---ii '. " Tut Carsirraortit. iv i-ouith .julv4fc",?'', ra,,.",B rrHi"e aaas sisitm aawu vwaaai iaa a m 4a 1 a at ui V itk a 1 t'1 1 I r.xruiuiiM! juoouiW. kuaUainou, tkH46.r'-! ,- K?' "P h" ""'S'.-g ""T'4 nn . ...... ami mir tail a hvmn. a turn waa rliminlpil with 1 l 1 ":maJ Hiia" aa oitMl-iJIv u.a-l. brill aa il waa 141 tin- ilur.i. Mr. IXittU J'aul I'mwu U41 LrniK t.t ll..l:iiL.i,tt. H.iili m Ik.j. in m.. l. ... J l.i .H-.ti .ri in bi im k-t. Ta,4i.i aiaJ Dr. . . i. .1 .- . . . n . Att, a wrll aa lln-ir ui.fa-luiwl.: b llw -cilizrua, ,. , 1 - . ... . 1 , r 1 .1 ' Iih) lali-M and infiiiiiii of tl.Un, liac taioj lln ir: tl .l..,.,K Tl.u jrik. .1- ; t 1. e .i . 1 11 1. 1 Ualliiuorcuur, R-r tm-ir UiII'mmi lainl belur llwy - J r rt riurtr mrt4trU. Ihe fhttafk-Wiia mar-time; , ", . 1 ., 'ami llie Iw UI ui a kw iiiiiiutt'S wrut tuir v t-vu oh. importad Itt tin uccam uu apouared pretty 'wt:U ia ,1 it.:" .i.Vi..' ... . ....1 .'..'.'1 ' Llil.'Iw" Ib-Iwwm two mwf rf 4a44W srav, Mlirll f la-wwai ?gi ilKrmtmUy ..1 :-r::..-....j.:iJ.- ' .. ii:v. r ::. . mun.wwi'i.ii.. 1 ijw.wi . w wrii ptu. aure uf tbe tut-pliitae caaHra.wiliiout llie baj went tMiMt- fi.rf 1 9 IT" 44 as iaaa 4 1 ainri ti an w waj 4 f 1 4 awl Jf .fc1:';ive crwator .M-iat lu tint uuusaiou, twrv in-. L Aiis. . .1. Pi.n..a.Trrr.-T:1 pamy rir ine iiiscwiiuihitiihi (4 it. k.of s a.cmoe I that thfl rr.4ir of the f ..rid was a Llark liwn, I wa choaen Cir tlic aceoe ot the dt-tplay. At tin- pnitter wair oiierali.an etMnim-nrerJ, aial lwta Tmmwuh with k very buniia-a-bLo air lMr4bl alaaii neiiaHHi stretier st Ie- , . . . . f . . , . Mrrh a norm-', wan a iHiherale iiimiIi to the nti- ,l. - t iHiutircp who iiih-x una my 114.1 loa-ie preiairaiMatK .' . , . . . . ... a tba. pay mtuit ofi , . . , , . t4 cW . ifr hv manlter ti m in wim an unponanct: inat wiaiki nave o.w nnryw-touu :"flMf"tha"4terWi shearing. In the antimta dutiea, bowrvrr, per-: and there baruiiguuu the multitude upon tlie eiwr taiikiu to thi augu atiiur, he was. awsaat-d. bv uula-a of slavery,, and k-t off a g'd deal uf hi several sable gwilleuieu, hut fritHak and ib-puty Briti-di iuii'iK-e liaM'hing the cruelties of our milter in the rereimaiiid. The rt4isngalH4i v aaiinem laveldiler. A v.-ral aladiiion uin'stionx diitpiawHi in regular afralat of biark and white, with an evib'nt dtp toward the VHitliea-4. Tlrere ww; tract queir4i id Uie projirwiy of amdi-dnng aluve. maniA'at deaign in the wlnde arrangerueiw. It rv, was earned in ihe affirmative ; the second, re waa intended to be JUuraio work, and it waa so Idling to Ih( 4.4iixatKo iboriety, iiak'ioilely leawllated with the nireHl allesilMai to ahade, or as' p-wtasFd; ami the' third and lat.1, being in ili we. heard a c.aintrv coamaiaieur etprwa) it -'4 a i wnnla, " Is Ibe Anli-alavery Sia-ietv (immttiiute Htreak dfat and a atreak of bn.n That r to roiv. the IkMffMft Mr"Cir"; terestinr progeny of little Crow-, were rda-ed al- died fttijilf of 'M r Iiorwthy ltrtliht bri hap; pene.1 to have white akin nut eteeetjmeiy imli.. uropeu.-jiiien. lu sliort, the wbubicuuctrm was, ve. rf trroch bke' th'M i"h I'lri Culiy niinkufiikite al one end of the w, and tlie amiable Mr. M'Jtherwort ami tlie Miaw-a Mother, wort ( the oi her. lr. Cvc pnrtKn'srly distin guished himaelf by hi attrnti.i to the koLea, both iyory and ebony uan-ining lo be partM-ulariy alive to t ltirnnim.i(Liti , during, '..pagil. "Wiiikiiig iii rliik dl recti. ai.lLT 'IrTiiiliicfjf lii "lrUT uiotiutiiiig de&ter and gesticulating Mui-4r when ever Ihe -fair sex, especially tlie luaho-'niry porthaa jU..h?t,Jlw,c,htiJ!dJaji4v 'Many a rrmtrordy wncH-wtlr bwif - ba-ea4t'ta?nber the temkf atlenti.ais of the IX trior opt Ihi4 excel lent aimireriiry. Ibit we iiiumI. be rareful n4 to give the Doctor all the glory. One Reverend looking individuttl, in black clothe ami white cuti cle, sipiired a cHipb of Uui(dlark virgin to their new! and fllantlv eeted hmwr-lf between tliem ! LewM Ta(Kin sat in fe rtlirtm in front of aorne six or eight ciper oJoml dairwej, and Nairn, the perijWi!e'i flti!i!dier, pressiminf we Mtpfaiee upt4i wy twpathy of Hnphnioit nnd character wiih tlie rewpectauie company prej-iit, exhibited hi UiuiaicrckiirdoJ cowitciuuice by way of treeroo4 1 1! - j ; ' ., in j m i. il- 4 f w ,. t 4 1-4 in U d,'f.!i4r, O.i l! !-', Ih- N-nj a'-nit Ijrf. nmt riclurriti4 ol-Ht IO U'w jjm. I!o sind determined to tfurtl lae n-ji-r aLtrry m bis -rj den. Vrry well we . . . . . brhr-te wa tui i ilH-fimerrpiiirtn linnv I . . lt ... iJ Hi" ll.rr-f.rq l' pi i i" '"K J L r a lit u-tt'a w.ly Iih Oml l MwWi certain t trr i. tiiw immj 44 ir. nmn, - inm- - f? Ilctiii4i i rxl iK-iKitiirr, Ih'Miuh H bn wruiMi by iVbiimf, (r Hm w , pm- M k. Mr. Ui Taifaa han lo nrad tlm n aiC) prf M N hia brulhrr Arthur'' tiop d kmatira at IluLuiiMphia U kit. Hid ilao tM d4V Hitir'i'41 f thi notable bly. I p l thw lima b 4i4Jt UJ uUrnxl lo m'nvwt rWmwi Uit wii linvcraliuaj uf lb ilay impuilriil a jut HtynmAum aa bad Lou jirm In I 1m iWUraiK vf luikcilib-iir, ami Im Irrawawbh) and outmxu d-iiiirul aifmrd ! ba n-at, waa loo rnu-!! fur a Atneriiaa biIk-mt4 lo brar. T4in waa in. It-mifrfmL CoilglNi,' (rtawM, aiierxiai, tiiwra, a 11 fery oilier dVfiiijtjMtnitiiu uf liHiir4atnaj aiwl davnw4, rrVrrd iLf uaaal nwlly of 1 1 irtm c iM-arly iiwm!i, Jl- wfirrn-d ll.rxtiiU il, howr- -jtrr.aiid ir. mtw hrown a4 iutrNlul Ut III': a(. ,ir. titva hi muKtniy pt jrtHi mm- aw wild frml Tr Ixilli in ll 4ii-r ami ima-r iiwn i m 'm-i in -ry j"-rnniw " iiarrk viilnut a riiiL'l ilinrnmp-d, or a rufll' uuailuaiid,auM bak'tl Hie baiid-Uu etcry Uiin blaail lum WW, alrrk, ami of fit fini-.li, fnHn lh jrt Mark Wmt lo llir (bawry satin iwjpn-vubb-a, khiniiiif likr I Ik naitilrraiiirt-a of hia aiHtilorV ?, II" i 7 , "T 1 7 T !r i V Imtn hia farm with a itrwHul rtnh (if arm, U- rtl mir lo in iw pinimiO-iiru inirmT, aiirl riminrhrH hi4 ili-r.Hin" I'iliI hf-rr history lnl U hat Mr. lrn'a Hl-ia ar I4M'Iiiiik I aUili.41. wi frr aa Ukt am I'l-Ml in llial iKi- I . ... . ..." , cuiik-iiI, w nhall m--r kmnr till lc priiits llirm 111 , llf Liln-ratof, allrr lb fa'lii.Ki ( l-mar I X 1 II a nip- It un for a bad bartrain. In the mrarrtiw 1 - -r r"ff,1 ta" "r1 h"1 U 1 1 '' rnn no . w nor mo k i iwiN-at ion i''rt' ""! pfr,wi"n"'',i,'ng by Iho t arow pi4Mal4a and w.l dHpoard 4a at a pnMie merting, a hii.iic nay, -ami in a pihlir plat. The Mivor saw al mae that llif re waa iki r (it ihe eeiri-a d" hi authority, and retired. Oia t-f the pdic otlrrern w ho hud abi b'O raJhMf renairkeil uf llie ailit.ra ihut M they were he na-t ciril ami onlerlv fi-llowa for ri.den that he err aaw." Ir. I'oie and his b.ly of deputre rnadi' aereral Hr'tli'Ctiial altemjita to retnere Ihe (frtmea uf the Air hut it wa a Mrwinf f1. J..h'n .aittir allo'ikttr. . An inrtaileiailde ami (lowiirtl.l Among other " , ... jTPTit ti-rnur a. wHI frafrniiH-y by Mr-adanies the lalif 14 all rfil.aira hut it was ol n use ' TlT T"" " ? ""n MHjn aniNiiiiia'Kaia its arc rvnii; ptu lonu uv incae , , ? ' 1 L fawalrpa. I w ma pal v 4 tn laws wiul tha Conati. , J , . , ,, , , tilth 4i w not lo hr. in-ailtl and trrahHi umltir foot I niaai tlri rrv ntmiTrronr of our nnti mal indrTa-nd- 1 1 .. ;. . , . . . , .iwf. riti-ilfi. IIm l.-iiuatir-d rHll.1 iM tlmir l.irr.M - - Vj" mpyr M : waa;. uts-apweaxiuJC' - .I---. - . tf . . u nil.. AA. .i.M. 1u W.a.l.l li:ll. l..n hu... 1 .. - VeT Uh K lb, kwulnraw and nil t!n ciawdrrallnii mitlpv'W 'f lieiillatle,a'iid"w n 1.1 aenni"i in aetmuaia ronri.iv in mm over a 'wWdiitir of lb l.HioieII haa bieii driven OfTi , , - ' " i rvwri.iv aloc nr. - We leant fiotu a New Hamreitiire pntier'tlmt Mewan, toe ti.i.'li-lioiao laieiv iiniHirletl bv tlie ! Aia4ile4i Sa-w-t lo itinerate llinMMl our fiouutrvl uumi4 t,.miriiie n n'irfjeaj io. iiij auLve j were pot lo the inrt-tutg : Tlie Tirt, beins;.tlre ah- i ah.dHi.4i) leeving tire iMtnaiae and suniNirt of werwbeliuin Diaritv. Mate, which pasm-tl by a majority of more tlian three to oue t i ir if ITin Tiuuii ai InJb i tiiuasiaawaty and inaapadiewt tiiat the doctrine of jmmrJUtt armlitioo, as now ad-.-ated by a few individual in New Kngland, is ira prartaible m Aa nature, and danpenais in its temlency that while it, aerves to engender strife and discord between ditTl-rent sections of the lrnHML, and ini'rin-es J upon the ngbt and properity of the white population Mf. the Naitur It frpinicefi ..uu. pexuuuieut. guud- ta llie b!l'thtwrtr"'''''-i ,-.,, HemJfJ That all further diarwanon of thai sab ject ought to be, and ..herebywi, indefinitely postponed." These dir4urhers id tlie public pence and rjuiet i lUn Axaufctuuiiy, uot ..Aaitiag quite aatuAod, with I his ilecitW cxpre4ion of public opinion, a call waa ma.ie for a geuernl meeting of citizmu-at the town hattV . At the h.4ir appointed a very mime, roue body, eouaUting of pienibe rsof the legislature and otlient, ashiMuWod, and called the Hon. Mr. (Wunan, f ; ilie . Q4Wil,to the thiur.Mr.iiartoii the JSenate acting as Secretary. The Rev. T. FMf then uitriaJuced a aeriea of remJiitiona, which were adopted without a di-i'utiiig voice, Tlie ieei4irli4M are of a ktrong and decided character, and du great honor aa well to the rt-ver-cud gvu4kituan who moved, fa to the highly its a.v . LLa 1. La.a ak..a.L. I,... k.t Ka l. 1- I! th.il i,i.-.J I'.fin willi nh fMir' . . 1 .... 1 1 ' 'ri I 1 iinatiiiiiily. 1 1 y are all id Ht'in ft U'ai, aifi 1. . . 1 ...:-. . , I ..... or.au. a turn w iihh n ini'" - owo fw on Ibu Uiii wilgtt, llil r ry d. ir.4j uf civin th-m 1 ttn- f find rtwtm, f P"1 "f ,,'rm ' " ' Iti-M, That wa d.--j!y i;thia 'lh ir aitl.rra bMiir-n i -ika aula uf ala.ty, Wli hatr kwa maild Ijn-ia nll U.eif kiwwI-igot KtxJfil, "Dial wa f'41-Hl-r Ui prwnl inrrwJry siu-i.nrfa.if certain rwtl-a UMltaluala, in loriiiinjf "an-W-alau'ir wMrtia" t twrti. "'hnra lb d nut aii.i.i) 0-mliiif lo d.ty 4h4) pti 4oedy, dnjrcr.H Ui tlw prprity r tha owinlry, talfttlaled lo Mniit rwu arid in-urrirriuiria, to dwirapt fair fmMw ra.nrita. iwlay our ptiWic adminiiitnitiiaa, and .lunj us mm all tn li.a'roraof civil war. ' Arwvrd, That, m our opinion, lo abulidi alary tt tU 4iUi " immrJmttly," would b to bd tlit e4iiuiunily 1 danrraia band of giriilwHl U'iiif u. iJ ka nf mfu-J With frudlii Sllliplt. but wU would " rule or ruin f tlist t!f arm. I of Uut pe- r.aJ w.Mil't bo wr;l!i-n In A-rA,uA its Ua-ror Uat'l in AittrflB of vfrl4"tinjf dwlitiim. RrJtJ, Tlist W aw ll.r cuvliict of pfi.friwpd miiiiatrm "f tU M J"'" ,i'"",,,a' lt hn braoiU d dirt-ord aiiamf our eilitvna, ss a iji-uurlufc fl'KM tlist h lii-HHi wbiL-h tifMilhf " u.-ac mi rartli and i.l will lo nun;" aud tint it iimtiU tin? waruii-4 diiifl4 Ihhi id" i t'luutun cijimiiiiil) K mihtJ, 'I'liat in tlm doi-lrilH of Ihe immfJialr aU.i't.'.aiiat aa Hirnv. f Uial Miirit of imlilwal ami roll- sum faoalii wiii wliirh has bf.-n utalkmt,' uwt our land Cir .-ara iwt in isrioiui aluiim and iWu l-tvinj; Hillili W ami blltflil Ui (U p-illi ajurlfJif ".t'leataalf Cl sliJ j:Iicj1 Jp"ilirn. K'fltid, That our allai-liinflil to tin- National Ull'um at imJ-k.'M ami muo.ll" tlU w1viuUj ill laluu tl.r all orirn. Ii4h aa It Hatca In iiuii ulunl and col )! ivr mi(Mn llil wi r.HWMl-r ll ll " l'U.liiilil of .Mir u..lilaal mf.-ly awl pr-m-Hlv" tlaaat ll ra tmiiHrfi U uii all Mnimri-iil Ui tair l lirily sa vil 4imIh in ninUiM with tin-lari-Wfll a.lv ito of U Ji- iii'loo, fromi iiiiliifiiaolly upon tl.. att.'iiijita now ins kinir lo uli-intr i4ie purlHili of our itmnlry from lli" rint srwl lo iM.f.fhlr lli-Mtrwl tiuawhuli now link li'.-tliiT ill. puff. POLITICAL. IrvalM IW4 atoln llkl. . .J1ISSJ0N TO ENGLAND. . 11m rnumlnat It4 tfrwd, thnatjrh th?rthr-, hia ImiK-a " iliat the ronntry w ill U' nuti-ti'd Tint hr ui:iiwu iiiaKintf nminur iiniiiiiHuioii (4 niiiiwrr 10 a outraged by llic rfji li.ui of 11 man lm iuiim- iJ.- liM il niakiiit; nimllu r iinininatioii fd' iniiintpr tn mt) I on-'rvM hut 1111' tu ln i k-t tin1 iiroim-" ol the niH-ii.in, ami priwiiiutrd (fir; hif h niiticv of a Hpr-ikcr to ami re tht! nnmioa. The- I'rcsich-nt mihl to linvr t'4H'iil:ili'tl iihhi 11 rvjiiKHi, and la rii nn pan-il wild wnir olln-r iikiiuuuiiI to antiph Ins l;i r. Wo (irxiiinc aui'li un utie c.Milil Imj liiuiiJ. Tlu'i iiHift, lu bti aufii, Ui oiuo 00c mi4y tin; Ja.ks.in irt) who ciaild execute t lie uulii-a of 11 number ; a no if the mlcn-it of thv country re quire a inimikr in Knlaiid, we do tiot ace whv liny elitKild sacrifK-ed to the itoe of the Prei (k'ut. Bui tliiai U iwd tlic caiwo of lliure T i?ni Imi iri-w noimnution. Tlic rej".tiin wm.a deeinibli; tiling, rutlier than otherwise. Hie flittering bait will now be. ihruwu cut. tu. secure 4-iuic Junljlfiil I'ririi.l. nr In -i-l imiI iif llif wav winie irne kmiwn rf , rrirwlu , ,lw r. AikI ulth.Kigli Kuvua lias hcrvlofore hoeu I he 1. 1 offline Hie in rlie L.lli-r jirejicuiociit, in cum of an enter-gt-iM-y the aiuiH! iiae might be inadu id Knland. We were told two yearn ago of the kivu! iiii-KirlMiM-e of hiivinir a imtriwter to F'ni;liiiid, and the injury that would a.-rnie to the intcre! of the cotmiry from baviug uiteraiif4od iImi iomrlaiU ui! gociulious .whuJi .MrJ.;"ttJJurtu.iu.uuia..ao rmiiineiH-e, or had begun. Tfft lo iirovc how fulac thai u. u v f a y cam wure pnruiil toj--io Vda ja Hinl-thmr-B -eer.rwt- cainjfortrpuUjKatf ;:bti jnade.. Tlieu another tale waa toiilVand immiiiiiitorvaa i re.iiired. In' a few tnonthe more, Vre hnd atHither atoryrwxt a tnmwtpr waa rrrtinrpd rand nt.w, It 4 i'iiiat the-- iiilrn'H-of-the r oiuitry wHntatsnffrr; if iho apaHiitineut in dehiyed iiidi'fiiiitcly. Waa ,n'. yrwN.h yacilLjiouf . And .why ia it.w! Simply to operate on trading politician. The ho tuif and int'-nvd of lire country ar furrnA to y it-Ul to thc.tkctiuiu;eriug schemea of au u Iful udrlgucr.' Mr. PoinJertrr.. Y.e G lot rxmrs out its venom n tin ableantt patriiitie Sorwr. 'leiawnisiiie fr.uitic, ami its rage ie wich aa to blind it to lire prui lence of concealing the dm-p mortiik ation which his election ns President of the filiate has excited in all the branches of the Kitchen Cabinet. The lenrhw intrepidity with which he hns on all occa sion demajneeil the corruption of those in power, at the rink of the loa of hia pomlnrily in hia own Stutnt V !MC!i,Mly.' (lie. niotd dciidly lui: tred on the part ot the whole mini nil tihick Hmu id.tlrelmitH, herrtdorea;itrfiita tbe tnenwires stratum, llie Kitchen mny.piHir out its aha-e thnaih the columns of the (ilobe, but that abuse cn avail little which is shared with the iimH ta lented and respected men of the country. How ditlerent would have been the late of Mr. I'oindex- U r, if he had f .llowed the exiunple of M. Foixyth, and been us zealous and iiiilustri.ni in the sen ice of lliooe in power. United Slattt Telegraph. While the Globe was engnged so zealotudy in protecting Ihe dignity of the Semite un account of why did il forgot the preaidenhil dignity on the nature to le(kaed nt irreverently ? trr did not Mrb B. see the PreMident 00 the race "course, and hear him Uwling to tlie rider of his. or Col. Dunel. ..j j,. -J wY"jflllf,))tnojJ j,jm u you sua of n rr-i 1 . -nw wereiy wee aa- xntieeoree.4 rtrnm part of one who at the same time is so distressed on account of the 'dissensions in the Presbyterian church," as it would have been in Mr. Poindexter to visit the race course, or even to see a cock fiht. But why dor the organ of the Presidentexhibit iwch-ymdictiiei4uward4 M rvlWIexte take for granted that M r. filair know "that ir gives pleasure lo the President. Hut persons possessing the feelings of common gratitude, would cxjiect that the important services remlered by Mr. Poin dexter to tiennnil Jackson, in defending htm when attacked and alsised by those whom he now takes to hi bosom, would have caused his organ to Is restrained by at k'nst some sense of decency. But it is probable that tlie recollection of those services renders the hatred the more intense, and it is not 'w4 'r to Mr. Poindexter, in his election as President of the Senate, nor by the satisfaction given to all parties by the side and imnnrtial maimer in which he ex ecutes it duti.s, ft. '. J. J . ..? f ."rfrr" lPres.K greVt improvement in l.il the Hsiiln-m I'r Iks t ilni i,!. ri , r, ,, tlie iiiiuila-r id al.l.t j.Kiricilii, H r a. r, by Ilia fact, that llo '.ple are Ix'iniurij In (,! thai their la-1e4 ttlld tim rights of Ihe fM.I,,,,. al ko, and that I V y limt aw-it and d fi tJ ij, or lltey iiHiat lai lJ. Tim gn-l prim ipb k ue rail forth llie energy and UU-i4 of ihr i,,,, -ami we are proud In m n ttml that ia arrayed i ! rii'lil at.lo. uere il i4 tor llie tuir,-,!,,,. j . (overiiiiteul, mi tliieal having idlire, and ia ikj., m kinjr nrlicf, lng arrayed arwm4t aa, we alau sweep every ining w iore na, nun n ave b P4.t aturiii. Ail ia wo tnind aurreeil, f we aa. A,,, and they lose. Were it md mi, we aluwld 4 a ll.utn nrdured lo the sad neeeaaity of fettin tl Irvaiileiit to I run a wwje4-r prox;tu-a.it Vy arrra are? i'a' fuar. M'a are rr. ing on rapidly io the new rvstrtn crfreCn, m. treiM hm4il, and eoaioiny, i' ortveven new fc-14 biMiaea have been eatalHiahed. Tliia w jViat ' fiairtli d the nunda-r that bave laxa.iuULi . saire the nrt formntiofl of tlie (.ovemment. I 'm true that aouwi little reapiTt waa pnid to pubkt opinirm, ami the S-iutto threw tail Iwetitvbee which were io the lall aa it paaaed the U.a Repreactitntivea. 11m N-iiale caiM 1x4 take fta wlfde at Hr: Tliere waa llie miatake tax mrt of the (l-Mise. If tiny hnd paaaed no btav dred ami twenty, they might have g4 wtv. S'rllila III" wIm.I" aevmily j lail tin ir tm-Jini, in limiting llw nuilila r to le veiitv, ltl. ,4 num) limn a llnnl of tli. ui. 11k-) will be wiwr tin next tinw. . - 74 MmMlrr lMurt (WrufMum .TVre no knowing to what exlHiit ihe Mim4iiern Ht.' lending its r'ornipiiiiu iiimnme. At the bite ok. brati.m of lit.1 4(h of July, in this rity, the "It, roiies" would dine mi where but in a lesi nwsxj bv the Ilniik, ami on talih-s owned by it. Wbrtlat the " nnKi"li-r " rutiusbed tlaj vianda and wine, Ac or md, we do md know, hut ptesume il did it,, from the aionll romM0iv attending. I'reiairatpg,. ere made fur l-Vi, Ud tin- roiupany f II aiioA.sia' (Sily V-1 riaild be collected. We have r4 area tb IiwIh, but of coiir' tliey are id I In-a la 4e k tWdtkr. . Tin: iluiocr aaa got upm.firrjtvav. by two "coloreil jjeuflenieti, wertel by the kj. nagera l0 4lM-iairaue"hlririiliMileNi. Twenty fnor uuiuagera hnd Isnmi appointed lo drum up rerruiit, mumiftd Ut u I uite a piece, iucltldilig "lifrl exceot .an. .ir witflJ. who, aa h riaild n4 ftrnaai tut ni mil, utiiw'il uay tTirigTnil(r(irH'kVN4iK f.Va. ,'rrrn : If. the piiijile (hould exerasle up a-ain, I wi4i yiat w.aikl- preeae trd them that the w-iwioii ol' CiMin- haa emlod and that tin. iim-iiiImtm have giaa1 hoim-, to reeei.e llie emigrant. lutimn of th'-ir eiMiMituriils. Tell tlreiil the tni-. gle ii over ! und all things ure aniKTiUy w-tlkita wit: " The President in to kc-p the public money, ll mail riailnti or ami thrir fri mth are tu kei-p (m hereior.n ) llie J'ikhJ i'ia4 Oti'ice, And, b-ttif thnn all, the people are tn hnre fi their atrsre rf llie "wnjiIH o ihu (J4u4iiutiMU all tht ".lor. lb. '. .Io the. press and shortly to be puldi.shrd, the History id Msrtyra !t. Andrew, and K. Roger, rfml St. li.o Hiniile lata in, bv Aimai Kendal, Uiatu. rioKniplri-r (of ihe Uoal Martyr, that iaawavday lo la.-) and rkff dr eminnt of the same, with a Je remiad by Tlx i nan Itttrhie and the port id lire Tied, "the whoje showing liiw" tlie aaid nurtvis were " victim"-iwd by the ruthless JVnate.wily for their h-votion to the greatest and beat." Ik p"'-- hi V 'X)ftfH"lV-lT, xr"lW" xWH 4ftxffVMt4frtak4twa4 xM1- Seiwle has, at thi feilon.,.in rfgltl.!'i. llr".iuilttct of n np ii nt rnent . dmrr nothm jbur rrjtrt nranmarr sn uuulo bv (liu TrWiueut of the LiiiU-J Fiates." V t htive ralii'ii the truh"e to inouire what Ciuudati thoro is li.r this grave arrusation ; and here are nrrtsT Of the ironiiimtiiMis ma.le by tlie Tialst diiriuglTie Iait eRtoh uTCongreaa, the Eunate as fused tocmcur in sEVENTKK.aiMTiVrirwa'roil Ul U8ICO AM F04I V-MNK. Wtwrt dy in iho Scuali! I National latdligtMiXTaJ "And a it is .the luertyrw in any-ennaef-wksa)-memory ia held mo4 srtrtvd ; ao the vtctteia ta tk gn-at t niggle to Redeem our. jrjxddic, fcont ll corrupting (kitmiiHtioh of a gTcat' w aicved pewit, will be reiue.ioboi.cd aiuL Louorcd. infLropoiiioa their nervices and their sac rilices. " I am, very respectfully ami sincrrcly, yW friend and obedient servant, ANDREW JACKSON'. it .A.tJtA XsaaaMwwaw.i4 wav ''" tr.ii7R;T7Tiii"i:v7 . 'llio above is the concluding sentence of" a Is'tiw wHl';v h? ,u 'g'57 jhejrejwd I v-'V .fTTl T-... .. ........ - ',;:r-Ti-f,., ...... ... ".: ...k I m iwiiiif um .i .nr. -.mj, is tiai auprTrr7 ridiculous, even for this moMt . ridirukaia adiiwais tnilioii. M r. T. was a naiire sc-aree known md af his own State, till called by the President lo Wai4 iiu;t.i. lie will l remembered only as. theca paw of the Kitchen Cabinet, and the arorrhingbekiw received, in doing tlH'ir bidding, will la the Jy endurimt memorial " of niHitvnlom,' be cait ex hihil. F.ven the fiict of tlie I'trtidmt hems " obedient lervant" will make nothing d" huakw a cutsjkiu .V. 1'. Advocate. attfwi cvrrrNejr-ne. have, at lentrrn.iT Jdciion CTrrf ry. We Tie ve, al lengfli, t" rency- A customer left in our-poaaesNioii xms.j day a new coin, of coper, and abmit the si" weight of a cent, having on one aide the figw nenu 01 tlie " grenwt and best ; ' unuer (tie ngari Experiment, My Currency, My Glory,w enctrckd by the declaration, " My Substitute for tie V. A Btmk.n On tlie other aide of the coin, the gureid a well-known domestic animal, tlie nam which is often cmiplcd with the name d JackM Presented as- running "a-raWj-and lifine44i broad-siile. Mn third eof.w A hnre this h2 is, " My -Glory." and underneath it, 4 Per I Mr J7rmJr y the whole encirckMl with the &n'ori f motto of the Tory jiariy-." Peria CnM"? risk Commerce." . Tliis coin ia freli from the of mint, and is a beautiful specimen id the new cur rency. We hope we shall have a chance t tomk a few of the dollars and eagles. Jioston CorMT" A pretty little wicker basket in hand " Do you want any eollart sir ?. w No, my dear next door, the" Eveofl? Post may purchase some," Oh, not thane colii ihirt collars, sir, if votr please." "Ah thai i difU'rent afliiir kt. nie look at them," f Commercial. - - - -----