THE WESTERN CA aOjbillJjli-ulJ.. 1'1'DUSIIEU WEEKLY. -JOHN IJUAlip, imioraudVroyrUlor XuMbtrJrtwlthcLrziniijnrJti: No. 8 OF Till. XVth VOLUMi:. Saturday 'Morning, July 20, 183-1. , I ' ' ... . . . . . , - -- - - " I . I ' f 1 OwVigf", .. 4 in iO It rar rar itt w I'M 2M HAP a4-f will w:'i OHTII CiltOIXY.l 8T.1T1: LOTTERY, roa thi MktriT or i TIIE SALISBUttY ACADEMY. M Clas...High and Low System u. , To to Imn at Lliirolnloii, (LlNcoLS tonjrTV,) )n Wi'dncMby the 27th August c7S7s::dcit rc::7?o, MANAUCKK. 'A PITA I, pitizn 032 I Pri f 5,000 DOLLARS DOLLARS IKJIJ.ARS DOLLARS DOLLARS. Dollar DOLLAR DhLURS DOLLARS DOLLARS HOLLARS IHJLLAIUJ U ,OO0 i-. 3,000 i 2,000 r " i " IH " 1U f 3,00 - of l.OOO of 500 10,1)00 M a.MK) w 3,XX) U ?,(X)0 i". , 3.000 i 2,000 21 HJ 2) lo 1 in 3,000 wdO,(KX) 0k'23 J'jutJk.. ammmiiiuj 4w..4 1 t)U)4MHH CT Ti ! drawn on tbe IIieh and Low Fystetn. k holder of two ticket, wm high mid the other . i certain lu liuw OML' piue, and uiav draw UK IT'.. Mltiw prize payable in C A Hi. fortv B;, iill r Ihfe&aviuf .-aiibjuU to tim wmu1 dedue. II !' i' per fcfnt. Package ol uhufcTKkUialliW&'1iniftw1ll . $40 00 J,iul draw nctt . . . 17 (H) nir In pn-Cr Jv;ituring Tor tb large prttra ',un in t bin way, for 3, id lLa Alaaur' afiilHiUe for Ten W boli-Th ki ln, rnntliiii; the Mt-r to bU lb tii kflu may drawivr 17, lluil iiiK the Hiiioiiirt of I V- 94 prixu that ui b um . inuHl draw. IVkaKin of S'harvt it) pnportioa uny T1i)iralr fur III U'l.Jw''r.l,i,, ! on " 10 Halves, . . . Jl 50 44 1 Jmrtwr, - , r io ij" AH 0Her from a dmiance, by mail (pt id) or by private conveyam-e, rut liming tbe cash priv-lidtcti in our prvvioUi Lotlcry;wiIl receive tirM pmmjit ttcnion, if Titres.n'it ((T?TK- .event.. . . . --r..;; , , . , -i 1..;. .iTU-kcts fi lLilret-i Quartcn ft. riievcn nSf-- Pol nt v is - f (r .NOTICE t LL X'rHia deeiruiM ot' having ibi'ir WOOL Mwatukctarud at Stirwalt'a Machine, ill i.lfase wward it m mmh nniible. "aa i'tlit Machine "Tot! clwa;d iy lb lirw of tl'mber, for Hiik UUrni.Co , July 3, ISM.' tf pni VIMNfl INTJ UK rOST-OFFICE AT Liiit oliilon, OX THK ut DAY OF JULY, ISM. i Tumor Alniafliy, Jr., Nathan AhornHthy, John iiMn or Turuer AbcFiulhy, Muaea Abeniathy, Dru- Aheruathr. - K Davwl ftirrinircr. Jacob Baker. Sarah Burns, Ro- nl t'lmlrs Ifc-ttn () IVido BradiLaw. Leuwo Bui- r. William llindv. John BmtW ' . t witw-g rmnt?r;; iopSr1". f"riv,v Frwn rjn-iitPT, Jnrob ConiH(rrl)avid CroiiserAbram Ttipr r.t 'M'y. Juhn tviiiirtuiu.Uejinr Carpenter.' Jaint i o- ii 'f:r, Oeiirire Cutler. 4' Aaam UoHiinfer, Jacub i)eaU;r, Jacob DcHni- r. J lill. L..T.Btbara Eiikms, Utrictiaa Eakr-r. .' ... , .1 'i. William (inrxlunn. Aliinni1fr fT. finiin. Preston ,.;, ri, .... i j. . . . . . i " .' It. Major HuuYTIiziilMlh L. Uayn; Elnwbeth Hm ' .1 , n-rii in. i i . if milium iiinaie, toll Jloj'l, mwea iiimru, tmik. urirt.-, Lauc liulkiid, I'tiikp Huiliuou aikd Ilugb 'fin, Arv Ifiimplirej. I H..L I I. n' i 1 w I iKniHira juiuiwin, itii'imrn i joiinwm. I n .... . - . . u-r-timiman uatutriit, JaeoD iemiy. M Mathew MoJin Aliur MrK'nf. Wnsliinirton l'lltr. A.C UcHalim. Arlaia MiHrT. Aanio McKntire. liu Mrnnii'V. Jc.rpmih MimuUv. Karali Meinueit Jolin lLtliaJ f2.1 In-ortro N -J"hn W Noel; John Ke'JU Jolto Secly.- H Rrnibm PprtiiiEtbel If. porter. -'.Z Q Michal QuitkH 1 . . R. Henry Rhodeii, John Reynolds, gamn Rice, Rtrr i Rjan-. Richard Rmket, Aaron P. Ric", lnorje Kainmiir. John U,ixrt -U John CL' Rntledire. ' j .. ii'.Tirjrr. eiipn. . ,.1 Wr liAmiftn MMii ill Tnlm Wirt ,Y-1&'Ti-f Jr., John Weaver. ' ' " ; -' " ? : ' ." . ' Lincolntob, July 12, KJL ... - - 21 ' 1 1) " v( JO ' of (.H " ,f :u)'i " uf ,(HH u iV'iwIi Nulkwnta.) Rv. Thomas C, initb(2,) w-l G. .Siiiita, Williiuu Scott,-Jumee SqjiUi,, Akmua irijlp, William Stumman, George JSil. .t. ;., , Lincoln Cotton Factory. 'THE fluWriW, iii'ti!inf to Wki Norlli Cf rJit, offi-rt Cr hi tnienut in (In tutu. M Mtablinhracnt. 11 bu cincludiil (o ditiik hi hitcrfKC ifiiu HI,. re. of 100, uiH bw t.nuini JOIIV HKAIU. Jr. r hi, lr ,( 'i,,!. ry Pr rt)iving yulcriii.i. tiiloriiiatMm in r. rd tWI'arlory, will 1 funiwlnHl on upptn a li lo Ihe MiUnUr l Linrolniffi, or, m thn Irrnn of 8uLcrijiii, by Mr. IWurd at KnliHUiry . IKMIX DIVINC9. ' Lincolntim, Junn 5S, 1 3 1. if TIlfNT WALK. llV yirtoo oTb Di-I of TnMrt louw executed, M" hy JwITfr1, for tli piirpoM of murin tin wyiiNtii of f-ruiii Ma JlK-rrm iiH-niiu m.J.1 Juli rei to I'll, 04 Tuk Ike link if Augytl ri, ii iii i uuniwMMQ in Huintuury, The Tract of Land wlirrroo Ihe mm! Jacob I Vrl now NwiW. f, IIE.NRY HILL, fan., July 4, Iin4-4.U - - - -r J Truirt.. Land for Sale. II n SuUrrilxr otlira C,r aaU a Tmri ,S I of 5 0 7 ACRES.n u.ff no h.4k r flranl'a rrwk, ail nillr aouthwrJ of Haiulairv. i'loxo 160 u 2W) Acre ira camt. sbout VQ of dh- in 'iull'iit .MmkIow id om onlff. TlirrB Mi iToa u eod I) W ELLING-IIOCSEmi iU land, I Urn, tod otbrr cul-bvuwra. Term oe Oiado GCOfuiuodatiiK to anv una wialumr lu wirtlmxf. (O" Any one 6iring to tern tbe Prwrtr, will liltflM rilll on tlie Huhacril-r. liviim fim nnla fn.m Salubury.on tbe rvU to Ik-attie' Fowl. i ttpiiLtir ti fiwi'w June 21", T3L .. if Valuable Real Property, IS LlXVOhX COUXTV, xo jSLiiif& Tbn SnUrriber, inlerxlinjr lo rrao t Alabama, OFFERS FOR BALE, Ills . Residence In Lincoln County, Iurludiiig, in one body, aXout One Thousand Acres or n.i avwa : CT .1 On wbirh i a fin iinij r . t w 1 1 V uric im tiding, ic jcowxtructed of lite wt wa- terinlK. in line laMe; and md wf kioaiwitu. -Al- no,-a II Trrtrirnt tnt-Ilnmrar CWlTtrN AM 'J'iilUaaiLVU MAUU MiS, toons. :.SubJc,v&c.: Another Tract -'of-Land. jf'ing on both iWi'f Tbiir!itnnti rrocVjrTjnta'n- v : wglSit-xr: v TAgliV AluwAvcOi Awc.s A LL 11 '1181'" R ATE FOR ANY Pl'R POSES. " 65 Tlie k!5ovi opcrly ndi m i t wdit of one, two, and three year. In my abiw-nrfj apjdication may be made to my oroiber,JrFoniy-'"sK;:- : DAXIEL-M. rORNEY... - Linroln Cp,, Mny 17, 1M4 tf REMALNLNU. IS TJlEUOSTDFFICE AT tei in j(f Hir t CV -- - O.V TIIE U DAY OF JULY, ISZL ' A. Mr (Wiley Allen. - " K NicbolM Boflabaiuili, JoiMXbaa BacreU, Paniol B.Tk. ... -r. John CHwayo hmcs Cor, Micliael CWfell . !). Thomas IMtw; ' R Jacob Kverhart, John Ellis, Joha Evana. ' F. Jaeob Feeaer, William Fnuik. G. Juwph Gok8, Jamea or Joncph Cording. II. (ieorge iiarria, i'etcr Hudaoii, Adam ilodrick, Jacob Hajjffe. I. Henry Lrdfird, Enos Laning. M.JfcHanmel Michael, Mrs. Fanny MalkrX I'. John Payne. ii. io.lfrev Rati, Rbodiaa Rile?, John Rieard. K. Henrf Shamwell. Tboa. iilicpLerd, Jm. Kinder. ' V-Micbaet Walk, Wm. William, JarreM Wood, ItVnry Workman. - -r'- , JjssagUiaJiir.lSf.X1 .. ., w Mar tor. it IVcgro Man, named JO IIV " He is about 80 years old, about 5 feet 11 incbe bili; mmkljollc jtUri ahg toet; ind commnw- thread and coUom puutalooaiu John wa purchased from Archibald Forbes, in Titt County, Dear Greeuyille, and it U proltable be wUI etideaor to get buck to the skirte uoijfbborbood. --, -, - ;-! Tlie" alMve reward of Sevent JT-Frt Dolltrrn will bepiid tr iy on who Will pprehend and: lodge the Mid Negro in any jail, w that the tubacriber eau get him again.! Lotter-addred t the un derwxned, at Buckingham Courthotwe.Va.) will receive immediate attention. ' ,LS;J0UN I.,MORRI3. , July 5. 1834. . 1 ffc9- The Editor of thfrTrwroMsh Free Tress will putStwFfhe ttoov Hdve,rft,ntent tn-mtnt of$),and acfld receipted i wji" otlice, lor payment. ' r "' ' T - " ' h i ,7i e n i a v.i U..l;., . Stotaa, three tliouaand dollars. . , t . i i- - at .! A . r'WA ForcompensaUon to the clcrU and'mewnger in the bam County, Ch. C.) o iho mgU of 4he iOUi ol . of Trewmrer f tho United Statca, six thou- A7?ror.:T7. , .4,- fJ . fASSTD AT TUB FIRST 0P.T1JE 1 LA rr-THIRO co.Noum fftiiLiax!Mr A.N ACT nnkii.j ap;mritiona In tharinl and eV pHMMiM (p.nwor Mm OoTwinntt ft ttw year uua UjiMand aiirlit amdrad and lurr-i. . t "UJ. Tbal tU JLJIoa iW niiii bn, and tb urn are biTeljy, ippruiruitl , to be pawl out of any imap jmjiated money in Ibe Treawry, ii: fur eoHwaiM4i to Ui Preaident and Vire Prei. duia U IIm. United HiahM, the HeereTary of ate, tbe 8-Ciaiarjr J lU TrMmry, h Hemtary War, the HitmUiry of tb Navy, and Ut FuatntaaUr General, uiy uoum doiiara, ror cli-rlw and meaafnireri in th oftca of Ut H rr7"ry w Hut twenty thouaand Uirea bundrvd dolla. ror eierM, marnioiai, and rnmn?rt, u lite Patent OnV, Are thnnaind flmr hundred dollnra. ' Fi mrtdnntal and ewitin(rent eipenaeaaf the TV ptrtinmil of Mu, NMsliklnif the e(Wwe of puUwblnff and dn4riUilmf U h)wa,and dreanymf into effect Ilia r-iwluUxm of lite Htwatouf U IweotyixUi JV kmarv, enrbteiTt hondred and thirty-threw, and thirty fin March, eivhUwa hundred and thity-uur, in coo mnrtion with tiie atatarfiral inquirxs fi on fA by U late rWMary of Btate, Edward IjvininHoo, and lo r imburM tU eonnnnt fbhd tfe sum jaken thvrefrma in proaMNiiM of the aaa, thirty-one tiiouMnd fl hundred doflara- ' -" :;- ; - f or conuutfMil and roe (dental eirprnaw of th Pa. tent OtTjvc, two tliouaaud one hundred and aevraJy-fiv dollam, ' For the uperiiiten(!ent and wttclinvia of the nortb eart EzecuUie buij.luir, eltil bimdid and fifty dollar For eoutnrant eirnenag of mid buildinf , unlwlinf fuel, labor, oil, repair of the building, tiuta tbouaand .1 1. i . m-. .... wrrm nunure and nny dollar, Fur emnpletinf the niblieation of the diidoniatic eot repomlence of tbe Lulled tState fnn the pec of wf ntem hundred and eighty-three, lo the txtrth of March, avniee hundred and eijfhtr-Dinen UiirUou hundnd and ninety-two doflara and lifly-two cent. For the doeumHitary hiatory of 0it retnJotion, per Act of Warck weond, ivhteen hundred and thirtf-lhrw. twenty thouand dollartj and it ahali be lha duty of Ihe Secretary of rotate to examine the rantmrt entered ix to by Elward livinrston, late of that Department, with Matthew EL Oau.Uarke and PUi Fw Lt tha-cul. Iitkw and ptibliratk of the doeurooutair hator of hw nuvriran nevoiuiion. an1 maae a aiierial rcnort a n i ... ' In the Bert wwina of Conerewi, 4tin? torUi the natare a ad eharartir of the material of which the work w to be rniniioeed, th prnvmm made in the work. the number of volume which will be required to coin, plete it, and an eatiatateof the money wlnrb it may be neceaaary to appropriate tut llie fulfilloicntof Uic eontracL with tliat a'ready encloein tlie (Wr and N'avy build unra. to jftnnplctt tlie enchwire of the northeaat Execu tive builduijr, ixti'en hundred dtillanC" - t or cocniieuaatioa a an additional watchman or the Dorpica. tincuUva builibjur, three humlrcd doljara. . . M Xijt f.Oyil'iifiy tllU filBll Ca tlla f fll lUfi "t1 SKIHIPr iC tliejicfllu-ajitxiTutive buiMin;, incliklin? fuel Uboe, ml, and retains Ar luuck puttt ouL iiTQut tUud tt enrs wali-Tilrti;' ifntmjf the year eighteen hundred ml thirtv-Uiree, tlirwiiuucrtd auC tltiny-eCTeo Oolr larn iind My cenwr-.- :. I Mr e ijinju'oeitmn to tlie clerk awl mwenpr m iloc of the rft"rr.ii-tii.TftMrf. txl tlniuiwud wyi'i) JmO'lr eit duliaxi,' incladmy mm huwlr4 and fiHy dollars additjoual coiujieiiaatMia to the aau tut ninwniT for etlra labor. For conim-asettoh to The Unit Coinpt roller of the Tirawf, thtee tbotwaaiiAiie hundred dullar'rr"T:-' - rw rwnneiiiation to the f jerka kna mesaenger in the office of the Firrt Ctuiptroller, nineteen thoueand three buminil dollar, includinff two handled dollar additional enffipetiwfMMt to tha aadataat ajteavenger fcr ejtra laJxiv'. . Fur.coir)pei&tipn.iQ the .rooiLCuiuptrvller jw. the Treaaory, three lhonand dollars. For eomwnitioo to the clerk' and meeerniri-re in tlie office of thn Second Comptroller, ten thouaand four liun ilmlant Mr dolla. ' 1 -For cgmpentjwr i the Firat Auditor DTtha Trea- aury, three thousand d Mia ra. Fur cuiuiieiiaiUou to liie iWrka and tneMefiffet iav the office of the Frat Auditor, thuleeii UjoUMod an hm- dredWoUars. For eowneneten' lo the Second Auditor ef the T'e- Wr,.1twW'tliaisfflv ,toajt.-t-e--- For cnmpenwition lo the clerka and measenper in the office of the Second Auditor, seventeen thousand nine hnthlmit itollarw i A - . - For cmiiienmtioa to the Third Auditor of the Trea aury, tliree thoumnd dollars.- r . . For compenMtion to the clerk and meawnger in the office of the Third Auditor, twenty-thrae thousand so. ven hundred and fifir dollars. . . For comprneation'w the Fourth AudiMrof theTrea eurv, three thoaaand dollars. - t . Fi4 eumufuuatUuatu Un office of tii Fourth AudUorf seveiau thutiaibd seven hundred mid.fifijt dollam.. ..;-.U v;. , : , For compeiistttion to the Fifth Auditor or tlie Treasu- nr. thr thttotmt " For enmtntMi to tlie clerks and nMrtBeDcr Tu tlicI ofllo or trie f inn Anuitor, twelve moueana eigni nun- dxl;d dollars. sand seven hundred and fiflv dollars;' For corapennation to the Register of the Treaamy, three thousand dollari- . ;' - - .' Forcomoetieation to the clerka and MessenirersTnthe ofHeeof the RfistwertlieTreaMlrf.lwehty-lbCirthct. sand two fca!rea:ii!om For compensation to tlie Cormniwner of the Gene ral Land Officii thfe thousand dollars. . ; " ForcornrKnition to the clerks and miwneer in the office of the Commiesioncr of the General Land Office, twejrtf thousand fi wwdred didlar Foe compensation to the: Solicitor of tlie Treasury, tliree tliouaand five hundred doUar s " " J For enmoenmtion to the clerks and meeeenper in the office of tlie Solicitor of tbe Treasury, three thousand nine hundred and Jmy dollars. ,,... -' t Vpt eimnonHrion u tlte Secretary to the Commii sioners of the Sinking Fund, t wo hundred nd fifty : For the expenses of stationery, printing, and all other incidental and contingent exjteneea of the severs! ofll coT'OTftTiiVy DcpirliJie sums, vii: . -. ... ., . . ..; ' uv i n i as. , .- Fu the offllc of tho Secretary of'thd TreasuryV ia. . . : " 1 i r i i i i n i ,,t rliMhnf tl fiii-nw ineurred M eonwmmre tf the buiBUi; uf tho Treairy boiMmf, t-u lhoand dollra, ; Fur the oAW of IU F1ii t Vnniitrnllet, mrlmlmit the uia je-ry to ki.As and statuwery V-. m me roonagrauotl, one UmjummmI eifht liundnil an4 fifty dollars. , . .. - ' Fur the offke of lU rWoad Cowptroller, ot tW wi nr numiree miliars. For U office of the First Auditor, tip ht hundred dollar. Ut cfllce of the Te Mid Auditor, one thousand dollars. For the oflkt ti the Third Auditor, elgla hundred sonars, . For IIM fflreef the Fifth Audd-ir.ofttlthoujanJ doll " For tlie the Treasurer of the United tSutcu, one lbouod dollars. Fur the ,Jt,ci U tlie Hogiter of the Treasury, three pninmi oniin - -- For the offlrs of Th TXxWdt af he Treasury,' one .1 . X 11 . umnuiu oonara. Fur the office of the Commisoner is lit Or a. Und tXTw e. ItK-luilirif eicit parchments, auJ cwt uf print Inr patents, ek'Titmi Ihouaand dollars. Fur rompi n-wiion to the U-trcJ reprremtativea of the late William Wirt, Fw., io full in proftwonal servieee readrred the United Mtaiee ia suits relative lo Und ly I in Mtssuurt, in Atatauua. and an tloruU. Uis sum of one tlsmtand dollar! 'lor additional clerk Lira, la tin) isiiui( of miliUry lend aerm wtckmr twt nf Mterrts fhr Virrniit militarv surveys, and ft private land elaiint, and in adjustmc the accounu uf the. Kurvrjurs-Gencral, fimr lJiuuaan3 oojura For additional clerk hire In fttin and mmnlin nrd rm than My t'vuMrtd patents, at a price jot riCl'Ur hi? EReen Ctn'ls" ear aia lixm-iaj oolUra, , For enerrprfusitiitf to tia aJJilksuil derkaTone vrar. to aid in rririftiTinf sales of lamia and aditwtinff tlie accouuU uf receiver of p-iUie Mseieys tt dwUicU re- cenuj created, and Kiroienin( IracU Uk,alHl inakinr leeesf end wincUitrBO WhSf trreai; aix tLuuMiiJ dollars. For tranftlatlona. and fir exnensea nf navmorta and sea icuer, uire Hundred Oollara. Fur etatinf and priutinc the public acrennta t the year one tliouaaud eiyht Diuidred and thiriy-tour, uue thousand fire hundred dolturs. For eotiipt.'natiou of supcrintendeot and waicluuen of the buiUJinjra occupied br Ihe Trwauxy Ihpaxtuiait, two t boon td one hundred dollar. For tlie incidental anl eontinpent of id buddjojra-fqf I, Llior, oil, and evpatre he ihoueaud dollars. . ., For compeniatMia to tlie clorks and meaenirura in the . A. ., . .' . i .. ' ' offic W-the. Iiawetoryf Warr tw-it tWamd nunnreo and unj dollars, . Fie eonnnrnt expcimc of tin oCke of tha Secreta ry of War, three thousand duUaaa. .... . ....... Fur booka, maw, and plaius (r the War Department, one thuinl dollar. ' Tor ciNiiM'naatiiMi to the clerk ami niearvnger in tie office of the Pavitiastericnera!. four UiolwuiZ iu hun dred dollars. For contingent expenses of aid office, tliree hundred enrniK'imauiNi u uiw vie a aiwi inumnn i office of Uie CommiiMirv -General of Purchaaea, three IhiHMend two hundred a rut lilly Aillara, . ' Fur contmireut exuciutaiuf aiudollke. cialit hundred Jul I lira. ' " ", Adjiitaut-Gcneral, two tltouHanJ nluu Cuiklrcd and tfljf 1H For- euutl?eii eximoee Tsaii(ltoe, one thound r. dollars. . ... , , F coinjieiiAal amlo flie clerk Tn tte. ciflicV of" l)ie QiwrtiriiuU r-CiiJral, two IuoumimI one Lundrod and ...FuC H'ti'''t expeuiMw of said eiHce, six humlred dollar. " ----rr-x. For comieniion to tlie clerk in the office of tlie CouiuiiMiary -General of ttubauiU.-nc.a, two tlanind nine hundred and fifty -2kir: For eoulingTiit expeiieesof the said office, tnclnding printing, advertweinenta, two. thousand five hundred -Fee oofpcn-eiiou io Qua krkf;tn titfl pSaot of ihe f thief JUigiutl.lhuuiniLi)wu.huti4auJU; dollars. For contingent expense of aaid office, one thousand dollaxa.- - f For the services of a lithnerapher, and the expenses of tbe lithorraphie- prew of Hi Yin Department, b rriunnW snd fiftr doimr. Fur compeiMBtiuu to tlie clerks in the Unlnanea Ul fice, two tliouaand nine hundred and fifty ikdlars. Fur couUngeul eapeuees of said odea, eight hundred dollnra. "-..'" ' . - Fur compensation to the clerk m tlie offkeof lit Sur-jon-GeiierahisJtiiiea. huadred ud.jBftjrjloJjAr...j.J.. For contingent expenses of said uthca, tour hundred dollar. , . ,, . Fur tlie kry of a clerk keTopognphicaJ J)u reau, one tliouaand dollars. . ... . . , , For couttngent expense of th Topographical Bu reau, one tiioumnd three hundred and seven dollars and fifty cent,.:. ... .'. .- , tot tlie salary ef a clerk ia tlie QoUiing Bureau, se ven hundred dollars. ' . . , , , . . , . . For the salary of th Commiseioner of rension, two thoatnd five hundred dollars. . 'ink'aalttrltfofiterlul ' IWurou!ynYiMWeW the Secrotar jjjf War, jfajLtwrijngMJkW dollars.: " . . . - ""Fiir salaTies si ' hjindrcd dtdjars. For "aditiiaTorim Hut u rhteen hundred aud tliirty-fiHir, in order to carry into fat the ftct of tlie "se'veiiili of Jiin, ijdiuHn hmulrwd and iliirty-iwu, gruuluig mululiuimrv pciuloiiii, flv thoiiwind dollar. , , " , ' . . ' For arrearages flr selarie and clerk hire, print inir, stationery, rent, expenses of procuring revolutionary re- corda, and other emitinirencuM, tor ui year eiguuma hundred and thirty-three, five thousand dollars, . , . , ' For print big, stationery, rent, expense of procuring revolutionary records, 'and other contingcncic hi (fie offiwof 'tlte timBTtesioBer of liwie M'theussnd five hundred dollars. . i,,' . -.? -t--i' Fot the salary of the uiperintnndent and watchmen of tfje Tjortiiwcirf. Jxecuuv buildwg, twelve nuaxireo snd fift doilsra. "': -. . i -..' '1, --Ji'or eoMtiiiifeet expetwee of said -miildwgi ineluding fbeli JaUiril, niraiiure, repairs of building, ana itn nroveiiH'iiU of adioining e-round, including arreerages for eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and the sum of one hundred nd tour dollars and seventeen cent lor the rent of rooms occupied by the Bounty Und Bureau, tliree thousand two hundred and four dollar and seven teen cent ".. ,.,",-, WV"-'- ".Tim Mini upThe'ljBment Dwiuing owujmw vj vb .? vepwuncm, uuiwiw dollar. . . ..7Zrr.. : , -. J J. ) T For ompejiiitjon ifTflo "clcrlui "a nd ineiirtngera in the office of uie rtecretsr? of th ,Nvy, twelve tlioti sand eight hundred and fifty uVJlara. ---- Fi rofit indent epiMes of said offce, two UvaiaatU Fr ronntion uf the Commlioneniof tlif I?rr ftrd, ten tlsMisin4 live hoiulred dollars, ' Fur focnpeii'iisi of the Ht-rrotary of tii (nmi sinners of Umi N'.ty ibar.1, two tWiaand dollari. " T Fur ereiipenaalMSI til the tleflia, driligliUnien, I ltd mewnfer, ia Um iffice of the CommMuooer of the Navy Board, eight thouaaod (our hundred and fifty dot tars, , ... , ' For rotitinernt expense ef the rRct ef the Cotijl m'tmumrn at U fiavj Bard, cms UiMMind tliflit hui dred dollar. - For salary nf the euterhteti!ent of tlie southwest Fiers'ive buitdingi and the u.Iuub. e.ijbt hutnlred and fifty d-Jlars. ? 1 . F contingent' rxpntarsof said Duildin(, InriudinJ fuel, Iskor, ml, repirs of buildinf, etn'ine, and the im peat sew -et of lite tmnads, three thnuvnd three bun " dred and Bfty Hirtars. " -" ",""7 ' 7' For oenpenaatiua to the two Aasiant PustmaMora. General, five thonaand eVJlerl'." F fisnnenaatioo to the clerks and mesarngrr f the office of Urn rWmastcr-Grneral. (urtf-oiie thouand one hundred dollar. . . . . .. For eont indent einehsra of said office,' arven hoie sand five hundred dollars. Fur supffrinlendracy of the buildinjs, makinf bp bla ika, and tooipewetaai to to watrluiivn and UiS la bier, siatoen hundred ami lirty dollars, - For addilHWMir eUrk- tore tlie rrmt ef irfifesir linn. " dred and thirty-tiiree, thirty-one lleNuand seven hiu dred and thirty-one dollar nd (irty-four ei-nia, For the repairs of .the building's occupied by tlie On. eral Post tttlicA tlir thouasnd three) hundred and Uiirty-fimr dollar and thirty 44ie rents. u, inii iiaiiu hi uiu ounijoi4uriH;ra4,M Ub Indiana, and AIuliirn, two thousand dollars, u Fie cotopenaatsio to tit clerks in Ihe office of ssmI Uurteyor. two thtanaind one hundnd d.iILar , tor adilitMSial cleik hire in order t.i brio? on tie ar rlSrtllCTtrlTliibelhe relu-ni4e of mil olllif ,t tlie ' - purpose uf bavin? them preserved at tho fteet, of Go vernment, three UinuMind five liiiudri-d dollars i , ror compenaLim of tlie (turvevor ut Illiuois and MiMiuri, two tlKiuwod dollar. ' . .. , . , . v .. , 4 rur compenaatioa to tlie clerks In the office of said Purveyor, fimr thoowid eight huhdfid Ind ltuty dot -lar. " ' '. For I'Mitional rkrk Iiiro In nrW to Lruir un Je av rear ami fr ruftihjn the field-nt'tea of said ohVr, fi the purngee of Lev loir tliem preserved at the Seal of Governiui-nt, one tlsiueand doilars. - - - --- - For fomncruation tothe Hunevor-Grneral inArl.iv. saa, one l)wNind me hundred ASlar. , . " , Jot rwiprflSkUoa t cierks -m eal oIicefonw thou- - . nd eight hundred dollars. .'"T "... ; r For additional ch ;k hire in order fo Vinff nn the at. rears, and l)rtranicriUing the lo Id fite if mhJ office. me purniee o( having Uiein I" "-eroU al tiie beat of (iomnment, rn thim-aml dollars, f r-., -, For ciiienU)u to tii Burveyof ui Luuuina7uo Uioiiind dollar. - For compensation to Ui rlerks in tlie office of tl, aid Sorvevor, fifteen Imrvlrod dVdlar. . For addition Ve'erk hir in onlcr In bring up the fnre, Ii llie .rmrtioii (f having tliem' ttreserved at th"" anil of fioverniiienf, one llimfwnd dnjlars. T .. . Fur cuuipenestiott to lie curvyor ui 3d imijji, two - t)miifii)d dullnra. , Frir eompmuitinn to th clerks In tbe offic af said : - Snrreyrrr, twtv thmnsmd sey kumlred ihdlsr, - For additionsl clcri. hircn order .to-hritut uu ilia L Aiifars, aiML jur. uanacrnnag in lanna ia aa.ii to c nee, lor the purpose ot tuning Uiem preeorved al liie seat of tloverntiifnl, two 'liiind threw homired f "'I "" ! To cotuoiiiuMtion to Die Surveyor u) Alabama, two - thornwnd dnlhrs- ' " Fur ooinpciuaitnio to the cuuk and dranghunmn ia the office rf id irveyoe, one thotmnd dolla rs rat It. - For additional clerk hire in "order to br luff tip tlm arrears, and for transcribing the held note of sa d of- flee, fbr the ntn-pmie nf JwvlflS' thtfitt priwrved" at Ui""T I -r r :'i :. - . -...:r ,t . .?, . 1 t i u eai i niverBH-Hi tww iieHimiMi live iiiilKireo nolle. - For couinnnwtioa to Uiu Surveyor iu FWm, two :-, UiouMOd dollar, Wiwtf l h Wlmiiithe oflUf aaid iflutvcjli mv .vMtwm iujums., For aiklitional clurk Inr in order to bring up tlie arret w, and. ftr.injscribing th field ninif said f- Lfictvfr the.jrurVneenfJi,tvtiig4liein.r'',' rvid rt the seat of twvwnment, on thousaml nv to... . For enabling the reupective Surveyom General lo fur-" m-dvhe several- land- offices, eommencinjr under th credit kvateui, with renewed plats, under tlie direction nf tJie'rVereturyof the Treasury, in caeee here thoo prcvuxuly fcmiilM4 have bveti aofioed, of become o la ter inlly injured by nae, five thousand dollar, ; v. . . For compeosjUio to th secretary appointed by th President. to, JUga.alljsUcnta l4 lands, suld.or g rauW umler th authority or the United tSute, per Act of th 2nd March, eighteen hundred end thirty-three, in cluding arrears of salary not paid fbr eighteen hundred and thirty-throe, th sunt of two tiimjsand seven hun dred and fifty dollar. '4 .,., i For com pern two to th Com mist inner of the Public Building iav Waaliingtoa City, twe thousand dollars. . For purcbas of buoks t the library of Cungrea, five thousand duller.- -t ; i.f v., , -t . ! For salary of the principal and assistant Librarians. ind ( cwtmjient.expenw i of ' tha hbrary and pay of messenger, uiro uiouwina seven uuuureu ami uuy ioi sura, Knr rYimneniwtifitt tolhe.'olEcars. Siid CWk .-lha. j Mint, ten tAOHeaod six hundred d41snk -far emnwemaitton to 9mitents in- the-several- denart menf of Uie Mint, and waire of laborers employed m Hie .yurSW, oprt"!""?. .! ,w,,l,hlinhmont, ineludiiig on thrmwiwd dollar (nr "'"rJ'f so e i-iwet -sh y er, immL.iiii tliuuejid five JuhmTi' d dollar it iu. sr-,. ..... .... vice and expense during A visit to Europe oil behalf of the Mint, in order to examine certain proceewe in thn treatment of the precious metals, twenty tliousand . height hundred and twenty dollar. ' . For incidental and oontiugent expenses and rppnire, -oat.of machinery dr allowance of waxtiisre in gold. .,.. and ifltfcr eouiKjo of the Mint, twenty thousand and . ' HIddkiaKert4 . .. . ,.7." - For compnrueitioa tn th Governor, .Judges, and fie-'''9 cretary of Michigan Territory, sevea tliouaand ei"ht hundred dutlara.' . 4'"ft':. ' ' -, - ' . , For contingent expense tt "Michigan Territory, ; ' Uirtwhiindtwd end fifty dollar. - '- T - For eompnnsation and miler of Uu member nf t!io Igialativ fiBciirejrertlie officers of the ronm-n, fuel, eUlionery, and printing, of tii Territory of Mi chigan, elevoiythousand four hundred and fortyniiglit ! dollars. ' - For arrennigrs fi com pensa lion snd milcnfre of the 1 members ef th IgMative Owned of Michigan Ti r- ritofy, pay of officers" of the Conncil, ftiel; atationery, , and printing, fat the year eighteen hundred and thirty. three, flwir thoosand aevea hundred and twenty-fiyn dil- 'far an3 Uilrly-flve ceiiii" ;- "7 . " " - -For compmieation to th Gofernor, Judges, and crotary of Arkanaaa- Territory, Including addition 1 v .. - V