T. WESTERN . CAKOMMAN. - ; :i.v M U U U itk a J rv, itaL -vtt IV 1? JO ! ltf ,'Hl to 15 111 ' 11 1 (Salisbury, Itowan Counly, N. C. ul , rUDUSIIKD WEEKLY: JOHN BE A R I), J r, Editor and Proprietor dumber from the UglnntngtTlO: Na 10 OF THE XVth VOLUME. - -Saturday. Jforning, August 9, ... nvtl l.T - T V- tv o n i ) i - MM -M l I. rr-m Ml urn tkp t.i..i Mm TlIK HOCK OK LADLKIUKIA It an ancient tradition of Waba, that whoever .iiid iau nit'lit abate on the summit isf Ute inoun- r w i,,n Cilct-ldria, ild bp fisind in tint nmtarng either dfl, in taf i phreuy, or endowed with the high- rai prtKl inpirUi I lay on thai mrk where Ihe ttirmn have tlicir dwell mp, Tbr birthplace uf phantouta, Ute lne uf the tUxst ; AiimimI il oWp miuie i swelling-, IV Kw r nf lb" nvMinUin wind, suh-mn nd bssl. T' tnirliiirht of shsdows, all hi full streaming. Of iil ifUNta mI l'ftil I (ml minrled their nn. (if diinlironded stars, as thro' -nlpti dimly f learning, AnJ niy Wife with d-rn nature was daikmsn and haw. 1 1 there in silence : a spirit came oVr me ; Vit'i lowpue hth k UniMifp tn nn-ak what I ! 7t.l 'krio, unearthly, pa'd dating bi (in me, .tml n,i l..rt a'nt"! fauHrl miiIi rilure and ! I ih lt. ..1 ki iDn anxitxl n l.t br, j'li I'd i ili-l L lltf loud i iikkUIiIv' l-alh ; Tiff f rwt"H nj1! wirtiii ao IwKfl lip nipf " I ... ilhui ti s v ar UI(Iiiik ul nllfaa im liimth. I m tlifni .tlir of IIik Wiih ami llir fW-i-an, I !. tn rffi4UMi 1jiUwm. ave a uicix ok.'- tlotl, I Is ihfir dread priwivc bi't kww not thrir firm. I .j IIk-iii lif niii'li) of age i r1i'l Tt.- anxnid iim! tUl njrli' ou Ur lull ; f'rw.i tli--i r ry, tlii-y paM.a r..t,f nituin rtnftMr Tin r- a l.lil on tn) oul, Uit my li'-fl'a Ui'l wan .l.ilL 1 1 lit nju !ikk on, and ilw! !' hit vnt i' tfnni(f, and trnmiiiautlT Uinh tiiat liour, AihI t ftntn flu- irnm- I awoke, to inherit A tinine all UhUturUl, a vuicm ajl a potv'r. Jtnv liir-t oti i lint Rrk iUi t ! purple rkiud rre4uJ, h:;'d f'ailcr-lilrw fttrfA in thr win : llui uli: liat ww plory all oalurr invrrfnl, . .WliVB tli'.' .TP. ',K'n g'" "" branty won 1 , 1 JLJ MISCELLANEOUS. (trm Ik iMMMb ) TJIT. nJLST I'I-.T BfXKT o TM.ilIS.SISSirPl. A frM'iNl chIIi'H m u a few nviriiins wiitp lo .iiToni:tiiy him lo tti- hlinii if Mr. V. Stiill, fir Hi'- mii mw T h- irif an uti talHi-t, n" i'iilly ca.-rt l ll.uik ami Nil-, of tliu rity . It i to In- ent l H lo llw iM-nHiry of r of llit pntnrr tlte Wert, and w ahould jndf (IihI it will p'riunte in ainw llirouK many aiH. It t vry Kr, i(U larije and deeply unlcnt'-d rcttrr, ami m tlie ftrw -f lito kiixl vvr sttcd ct ot'tltc Alk gLa- liitob " r " ' ' " ' - Tm fi'llowinj islbe'inwnption : . Jra Yonra," 7" Wu born in Hi-arfmp, I'pnnlvania, AWt llth. JiV- lie wuinUcdJQih? ' JIooon.'l'U Rivt r, Pre if ike Immoriatitf f tkt A.. Tl"i w mm carvcia! pruof W IIm immortality .k (h mii, Kwrnvtj on aUaptAUou, and thfHiir ao Ulrrt- lual in ftriia-u-le nb lU aulifvt and main ariru Mrf4 C iw ev, lliat M i(a tatrm:!!. to be our brut ami mo prijrMii (rrmiiwijitn of tliia eyial imtuiry- H ariratriU in Una. IW Mrry dmirf rif ewry fxr1iy, IwtW in man or la im uilnfRir ainmai", IIk t werna coutitrrtwrt ob i. V i .. pri in rxtrniai naiiir. lyt it t mthT an atM tile or a powrr ; and l-t it TKk etrr in nli. mrnt, or in th intrlUrluul, or in tlx? moral rrmav mr atill tlirr t.xvt a nM4lMtur without, thut li alliHrtlirr wiitrd to it, ami which ma rxprrmly provided (r i frralifratMiti. Tlfrw i liiltt fr llxi rye ; I In re ia air ( llif luiic ; tlir-rf w food for tln rver-rurrinj apjiriitn of Imnr ; thrrr ia at r lor llie apin-lite of third J tw re i aM'Hiy for l!r Wrri, wlK'thrr of fam or o fi llohi; lr ta a kouwlkaa fn Id in all I ho ohjii U of all tlie arirtKM ir Iho rxcrt iw of rurtoaity in a word, them ain lot one alli-clion in tlte lining crmture wliM-b u nut uwl by a cou,uUTrt awl a rimj-iiial ohwxt in tlte mirrooiMlini; crvalimi.-- CkaJmtrs' HnJgttvirr Trratist. A Subfrrranran Indian Village luu recently U ii I'imumI hy (he ttrvria (told .Miner in eicava tuix a cawal for the pnyve.i waslung gold. . Il ix in a i4im c rallnl Maroorket Yallrj, and l from t-vru tu jiutt: .i-t ,bt'luw the mirfitre. The lnu- hub Itava Uu dutcurcred, are thirty .four in nutu-U-r, aixl are of llie romtifm Iixli.in coot ruction, lnn f o i from i to ten iirhei diameter, and t'U or twelve x:l long, I lie wliolo iiuhedded to the depth mentiotK, in a rich annferotia gravel, 'lite land hr Death which tUeae iiitrreatin rclica were f mini, wan eoved, It III flrtf ,ttl(,fiirnr tV llw whiter, by heavy timber, denoting great anti (iiirtv to tlie btnldini.ni. Ilie fllowuiB extnictn from a letter to the editor of the iiouthcru Itiinix giva further particular : 'lire bouiw are aituated from 50 to 100 yard from llw principal channel of the crerk ; and a no further ewavalKMat have l-ii niad', it u imire than pniliaUe tliat new and more interest mg deve lopint-iti will be made, when the kind u woric for raid. A reat number of curKma "otvinieim of work manxhiu nave been IouikI tn aituHtion wtncn pre. cloile the nowiltililv of their liavini, been moved lr more tliun a thotiwind vearw. Ounm; inv mi ninjf opi-nitiona lavst year, ! tmd, at one tinie, afmut ue half of a crucible, of the cajtacity ol near miiliin. It wua ten hK't u low the anrlnce, ana un medmtrlv beneath a Urge oak tree, which n tea ml n-d five in diameter, and muM hava been fui? or tie hundred yewra Jd- 11m draoarte was dilu viul, or what tnv be lenitel tnlilo land. I he atra Inm, 4f quartz rravel, io which Ihe vetinel wn im brdt)r4, i bIimH two Ht iu tluckucas, ruding upoa it omixisrd chlorite slate.- If ia itoi'tmcult WacWimT iW trm rjepnmtoof tlioee ttlWnnce in alluvial mhI, fur the hill are generally very bigli and precipitoo and from the inimenre ouaiititv of rain which fall's the at renin ... sr A??gor.;?r. li4Yr'ot ie 3mci SValca, passed at the first hehkion or tile TWENTV-TJIIRI) CO.NURESa mDUC.No.40l AN ACT further to pro via tit luoatiun of certaia land cl.itnn in lit Tenlt nf Arkawaun IU it r.naritA, ty thr SnuUr and I nut of Rrpr trnimum Mr imloj hUUtuf Amtritm, in (Tmnfrr tannUt, That Uie pmiMt to tit Act entitled "An Art to ieod the ttue ft kratmf rrUia donation ia Arktwi, aaproved tli Uiirteenlh day of January, eiifhlet n bumlred ami Uurty, be,il thaaame ia hereby, repmiii, aiKl ill Jurat mkh of aaal clauna majuor t it juatlc, kiiitU u no imi be aflw ted by aaid itrotwo. jf)fi.N di:i.i. .Spulrr of tilt llmtM tf Rtfftmlatitr, m. van mmm. vr-Ptftuirnl of ik I ntirJ .Vr, onJ VrtHintf of tlut'Hrmtt. Approvinl : Juu Uh, 1U. ANDREW JACKHON. AN ACT ia PLBIJt; Na 41 ) reference tn prr-MnUini niflit .1 . - aoutlwatem dirtrtri ot ltutaiana. lite nminisjnoiier duly inoirrti on aAd 17?". ' with th'm, and frequently forming a denonite of al,( behalf of tKc Stale of New Wk, in pin Wert in 170, ami in Mnv, arvernl fcet m thicknesa in a rw ; but some of an Act of the il ihlutiire of mid State, nti iu- i'xn oi civiiiwd man hail not irouncn, in the , . that vr4 daMCooded Uta JkiutuaufU'U . T. lie lamW at Hem Orb-an with a carp) of ' protltMo. flawd Aatit 7.1 S2f at hi fan m I'ppBoertSwiBtfi 4"""TlI:"JC?Ucit.n aWl tieYllere hrtiwd Cajit. Jacob Yialcr wan a highly respectalJe ml wt-althy farther of Fpeiioer couuty, Ky. To hiin 1m'Imii the honor of havin; deicended tne MuNHissippi in tli firrt flat bt. And if no other Jm'ejm.tbai.)iuK tmAjmtixjni atorra, shall assnil it, tliia tablet w ill prmerve tie fiiri "liC - dod upon it thenH-kireeef amiagac8. , .No one who has any preientfiona to the pow-en- Mim ot a wml can contemplate tins tablet w ithout a v;irietv'if cim iSia."J Krittianr 8rrie of as-i- . UltoM leiwMrilt..4IMud td.l "W'H, to it. I hut the man who navigated the first bont that wer deceiKlel the MuKiftiipi, tibould ,li ivc lived to see a nutgiMuvcnt (toanihont plunh niU the name watery track, is a truth whichwdiird ;i suiyect of nmeh oiiinirntKm, hen he launch 'u his iittf bark on the MononiratK'la. what were his auti-iHitiiHi8 ? Such an tiie has prtucd f No, then tlimij-ln of the wrty 8avaije? wUtee covert n wide and iinttltn wij.h'nH'wu - He pro- "l-d m hr preciriom von J uld vinUcer iixifi ts of busy tilw, flonrishum villaijea, and .ktit(ed tarow, which -ttw tUu-oi W-.oyi!Vj eiii'iuimL, he wiw a nuise, of bills unshorn of their vr- 'Uict," 'tis true, "with life," hut it was the life of iim (uresrt dtuijon, the tremblinr &wn, and the my rmd mj;tfcn of the w ild. He reached his des imtion, hut his. safety was a marvel to himself, m'iH lnd!inf;ers, in after recital, wakened up a fcar i ken excitement tn t!j rmnils of ithotw who li t' ned to his tale of perils " by fitld and Jowl." 1 b'hvdto' nee-tlre cemtilry eiwii 4ttata, Jlae. v ildeniesn bhisnras ttie rose; arid MtmaJi energy iil,ic.,e a 'cohiiuesf 'over" a tbowahd ' oliiaJiHrleS.' is ithe dikm'til bind from ten to fifry tVet ahove the rfTeni lerei 0 llie mrenrna. i iirr ue"iiM-ii r bili4 tavoarancea of u great Ottrition a those tv : ' Ther ra resset, or lather a dmilile mortar pHind in Duke's Creek, about live inches in diame ter, Mid the excavation on etj aid W nearly. Jin rtSrh in Jepth, bnin- tkr nl c.rfocuy . pnlJbhcdL W.ITM.riiBili'oXpjinrw bad been se..ii-trtins. parent, but had hucfmie Gained with the iron which abound in all thra country. In the bottom of eacl basin was a iftmll deprewion half an inch in depth and about the same diameter. What its use could havB been, w difficult to ootijecture. Some anp, pr'irira uaeJXr :VriJiiiK"palrif,'Sii, orlh some uT.rVe idiitM or mtuuut, i he biith'fininb, and iu v. . . . enact dimensions, induce me to believe it the pro duction of a more civ ill jed people than tlie preaeut race of Indians.- yetrtptiprrM. There are more, tli aiii 06(1 5jVv paper published in the I'uitsd State ; 50 of these are daily papers, and moot of foe ,'remainder are puttlisliod at least as often as once and some of them twice in a weL vPfiodical phtmplileU are almost as numerous, bewljJJthe endless variety of other work puUkihed aliuajijly. -tn i rZ7, there atipeared 85,0(K),000 of nuiribers of newaiers and periodicals m tiicse Liuied Ptaies. vv nat an OMUiit .of iidbnuatiou. nnl$ Jhr? ..have fiirnisTied concernina; the rarious and important subject p to Am from the inajwii (if uliiliwphers, the hwlhi.f-lwiimTalioii, ur throne of buy men, we Khouhl hint her last retreat with woman at the li reside ; her last altar would be the female heart : her last audiemte wisild be the children gathered around the knees of tlie mother; her last aicrihce.the secret prayer, escaping in si lence from her lips ; and beard, perhaps, only at the throne ifGod- KiwVrf lMrn'r 1icf of Bttrns dW lately at het bouse in Dumfries ri.i is the arouiosi iriumnk that man has- vet I Tlie memorvof this worth V woman will be imtnor thieved. Hirtory record no pmlM.;.Ta;.tlM!4a), .h.liM been .made bo by the poetry of an fwtiire wneriitions of America, it will lie what tlte ' iminortal tawoapd. "" : "lixil'Mis age of, tlie Titans was to the ancient - ti.eeks. HUGE SNAKE Tlie great livintr Anaconda be- - - lonsrin? to Peale Miweum, measuring fourteen feet in . ; , - ; length, was fed oa Monday evening with a living fcwl, Snhhath Sehoh. During nine vears which which it wlloVed whoK feather, and aU;and,not '''' Amerionn Sumlay-School has Ueen in oratioo, inglsatisfted with it. 'he i- W e.al,Ii.4K,d bits own dirert , ,14,559 schools, in .whieh lOO.OOt) tetrjierai judw fc i very eomfoetaMe, femur Uanketed have ialxtred in the instruction of 760,000 pupils. wjtnM1 M weu M witbont This wrll give his digestive Wtitk schools, 239!T,enihrcing 11,11) the mrert (Uf4aalj yt perh.p mt more atranf than selHiiars wei fitfiaVed 4urliig''th paaiHlii digesting the Winers, hair, and bone of tlie tan vi nr. 'otis aiiiukla-be feed oo. .V. I'. .-rc. Ait. lit il Emu-It J, Ay tkt Hrnilt mnJ llimt of Rffft- Ufa, I u-K the pre-efiiptNin right irrentetl bv tlie rr jfHr aad receivnr of the bind Offce at JVew triena. to certain indiVKlnnU rlaimni? the same, m the mhwih- e(tern land district of Imwiiuia, iinJer tlm Act of Cult- gDia.piiroved iiltli AuriL eiclilieo humlrod and thirty two, entitled " Au Act Mippleineutary to Die several law f!ir llie aale if uoblic Umla," and Um Act approved Ijlternlh June, eii' Linen Tiuotlml and tli;rty-tto, eoli tied wAb Act to ml Unite, the iiilmbilauU of the Stale nf lmnrmrt. 1n enter the hark (ami," rot, end lit Mm re herrl.y. confirmed ; awl the reifixler of the land ofliro w hervby dirixled to uuuu paUiit certificate C coriluiifly. St. i. An J ht il furthrr tmu-trJ, That the remirvev made uixler the xiiptTvtkioii of the minever geaeral ut' liiiuiKiana, oi cerium laitu imi um nayou ri. ujceui, in eection d'nipnted a nunjlyr. one hundred ami len and one hiiiiiired ami f siy-thrn, in toDiiiji thirteen of ranire riurten rant, ctuate in the osurealfvn Irict nf Imiiarana, and w liM-h retorvry purpart Iu ui elude the improvement of llie actual ttWu-i wittim its luait. claiming the right of pre-emption thereto ander the Ai t of filth April, euhlocn bumlred and tbr-jrwn, avIiireraiKl, he, ami the same w hereby, conhr ,o ; ami paynient.4 may be uwidt and patent uued in aixordnuie Iherew ith. Apiuoied; June IMh, 114. the tiflh article: and aim civil nroce imied under tlie i authority ut ve State of . New Vurk again! any perwm doniirilml in that Nlate, or aanwt ntprtty taken out or tliat wtate, Iu evaile the law Uifritot, lunr be aerved iii any of tlie aaid water within the exrlUNivc juri-! Uliclksi of the Muta of New Jorwtjr, uuhw mmIi peiMiu or pn)er1y aliall be on bnard a veel atrrnnnd upon or j faNteiMt to llie aliorf of tlie State of iV Jersey, or Mtemd to a wharf adjoining thereto, unlee mu b oermdi iial be under arret, or mk.Ii prnprety hall bej A.N AIT giving the cn-iit of CunirrtMi to an ace- inenl or cmiiimi-t entered ml betwi eu Ute "il ol New York and tlie 8ute of New Ji-ney, renrtecl mg the territorial IiiiiiIk and jurmlictiou of aaid Mute. Where oommmwouer dulr apBuiuted on the part of the iStat of New lurk, and couiiintaiioiier duly p p.4Hod on thu part ufLlanSUte if New Jerm."!,.? tlie purpMeol iFemg upon and aciuinjj uio juruMiciion ami temlurud luuiuLuf the to ftftev, have execu ted certain article, which arq contained in tho wonl fulkiwiiip. Vix;. Atrrei-uieiit, made aad eatcrod into hy nd between diijamin t ISnlor, l'eler Anyiiu Jay, and lknxy on mo part puriannWofl entniiHl "An Ai t concerning the lerritorial lunite: and jurisdiction of i.td Jnnimrv ltiL IHu, ol Utc obi pari: and I Ikm- doro Frchtii'lnivien. Jame Parker, Luciua (1. (!. El mer, tyiraniiwuuuer duly amwiitted Mi the part and he. tan ot Tlie naie new jcrwy, m pursunncp is an Art of the Legislature ol' aid Stale, entitled "An Ait iitr thu Mrftlvuient of the territorial limits and junsdic- .tOTrWrrAheNle-)'f New JereA fcna Jtewiork." pi mod Ftihrtitry 3(Hh IM't, of the other part Ailirt JtTtajrf.The ftnondary line twrweon the two State of New York and New Jersey, from a point in the middle -nf Huihun river, oppiit the point on Ihe t shore Uiercof m tlie forty-first degre of north la titude as heretofore ajreiteinedand marked, to the main Xfc.jhaJl be.Ore yniddl.e.oC Umo iid..pve,r, of Die bay of New lork, of the water between Istaten Island and New Jerscv, and nf Ute Rariua ley, to llie main sea ; except ai hereinafter thrwte perticuiaTly mentioned. Aariiji Smcokd. The Slate of New York shall hve nd enjoy exchu'ree jnnadictinn nf ami over all the water of the' bsv of New York : and of and over ill the -wa tec of limUia liver Jyiwg. Ji-cst ul. AlaiiliaUnn Island attd to tlie south of the mouth of hpuytemluyvel creek : aud of and over tlie land covered by tlie aaid water to tlie low water mark oa the westerly or New Jersey aide thereof ; Mhject to the following rijrhUof property and of jurisdiction of the State of New Jersey, that is lo gay : 1. The State of New Jersey shall have the eaclusive iiflit of property i. and to the land timler water lying west of the middle of the hay of New York, and west of llie middle of that purl of the Hudson river which J,be.t.Hpctt New Jersey. 2. The State of New Jersey shall hsve the exclusive jurisdiction, of and over the wharyeB,docks, and hnprove! 1. The fcutt of New York shall liar the exrlmuva wnJii.trt of tU Viuf ,-r a J wn rW-a) right of proprrty in ami to ihe land under watrr lying mmtuthUd, 1'ut Ok i mm 4 h aaaJy. as Uw feiam-a the anddla of the aaid water and Hiaiea ed!icu'd'ihe anrtf PruUkawaa ti4tnri r Taxi, Ulaad. in luni of aU decMaade araaast Us UsiraaiMl ol tl 2 llie RurtoVf New York alial) have Uh eirlmdwe foiled Mute, tn Uw nut. etmj, aad a tt ti jurualuttoaiiand over the harvea,dock,and unpiove. I uia of tw bui!rr' sad fcCv eVUia nieuta, mad nul lo txi nsuIh ui lite wwire of Stalea Is land, and of and over all twin .gnaind on bbh! alm, ur faatiae-d tu aV suck wharf or dock 1 rjn'ept that the aid mI attall be Mitijett to the uuarantme or beaMa laia, and law in reUtmi to urvngr, of the htu of Iv i-w Jersey, wUvli ttuW exut or Iim.Ii may here Our betiaoid. . a. Tit Htale of Nw York JiaU Uv tlte exclusive right of reguhitMig tlwt 0ilierie betweeiUjUie alir of Matra Inland and Um middle of Uvt mti water J ro rurd, Thai Ihe navigation of the aid water be but obstructed i bindr-rnl. Abtniji Hutu, ('runiaal proeea umlr the authori ty of the Htale of New Jersey against any prrmsj ac cused of an ouetre couittiitted vithin that Sute ; or eiMiimitled on buard ut any vetor! being under tlte ex. cluaive jurudicUin of lluit Htate as .foreeid ; or nsn-initt.-d ajfiuwt tit rrguhilloiis made or to be made hy that Hula in rrUtssj to th fisheries meiitamed in the third artielo and slsneivd pnrw named urnW-r the au-thia-ily of the Htate sf New Jemey actuist any pemsi iliiM-il.-d in that Hlat, or Sranst properly takes is.il of llat Huts to evade the law thereof ; my be served f JU la tfrd Jr of Amtm. aa Vmmr That tbe mm of t y-ta aaj V4 I the sans at ken 4y. ff of lui. la be fwal Ai'ptwcd: J doe auu, ' tmuc; Xea'tti ' r-, . ; AN ACT lo enable the Secretary of Hui la faW tbe paf" d k4 f t n rai W iAi, IU il Imml, Of Ik Seas mmj lUmm of Mffro. vttutif Me I ntfr? rr of Amm, on ( Ur bn, aitd I uul of y ajamef m the Tl ' ommj mi auVilwat pt wiled, lo enable th lrctejy oi Mate a urban l tle iitanaarrual fofrf and a DW prwooi feevia uf (trnenl George lYbjliftW tW aatdjawfarra aa4 Us-ks tu be oVpoMUid and pret i aa tk pVeartaatwt of Htate, ander list Tfval lie ter7 bm f- -scribe, , An-reved ! J-X, I'CH- . . . .-. I (Pl'BIJCN M AN ACT ulV-im th IWaWafUst faHed Ctatf to rauar cnrtaia tuada la be f d a AfUasaa. tU at EomtltJ. ho tkt ttrmottmmd lUmm of Urmr- unoo any of the east water wrthui the eu lii.u e rnrv. I tulmltottof tkt I 'mtltJ Klmtrttf Amtrm.wm 0mt dtriiwn of tlie Htale of New York, utile such per. e-s4Vd, Tliat the na of htm tV.faad eVJ(W be. , or prispnrty shall be imi bard a vesaet aensjitd urtff, or I ami tiw aaote at kerrby, pvr(Maat of if aey Uurtcnnl U",.tlie slss-e of the State of New lurk, nl ia the I reawry anl otberww affiyi V ornAio " tkstened bra wharf adjoin if lJv;i unit's person shall b nmkr arrest, or such ptnperty shall be I npenrd rVs llelera, v Ariiawi Tetmly, H lk tinder aeuuro, by virtue of pruces or auuVirity of the I ntmith of Cache nor; ; ah, a iv-ast Irastef fnmo Jw.V- , nnie or rtew tort. - i aun, m cjumj r jwtkcw ay luiterrr aa riyer.-' Aarini HavKrrn. Criminal nrnce irsued ursh-r ville, ra the eouaiy of IYaatiaas aa ta) aieea-d the auihority of the Htate of New York iim anv Teintory, U I'art HcMui : Asf. ml to, That u- m t person accused of an uflence committed within that I seven thousind dollars be, aad Use mm u Veretw,a- Hlate; ot coiiinntt.xl on Usird of any vest-l bemg amler I peofsnaled, t the purpose of laralaaf ai cuavst-wtui' the exclusive mrisilN-tion or Hint Htate a lrrMl, or 1 nsid tiooi istmne (a fwol ei la wiaaary asf tram euiiMitilled raMst the regulUtun auadii to he utd J Mcwplu. JUl LllUe k) hlJVj44w.Jar.k-ii by tliat Htate in relation to the fisherie iiwwitsiied ta I ty, to Jialest ille, in lite TrtriVary TAinii sler e.re, by virtue of prooes w auiWtty 4, I c)tOTP, OT Apuud : June Kh, 14. IirCUCNsx 47 AN ACT to ensnend the iss-reta if certain Mwvi of " An Act to alter aod asaw-nd Lae everal Art r prstmg duUw tm tanr.," apfsmed tim CssleewLia day tsf July, eigtrtem btiraired aasl lUrty-t. . IU il LoorttJ, ky thr K a mlr mmi Ikmm tf JCrsre orulmltori of tkt I 'muiJ .Vate of Ammrm,im tomgrtro urmMiV, That ties prui istira it the real attd twelfth ertaxa of tar Art to alter aart amend ihe weeral Acta amps g ehjbea eat r-feiv CimvA July f sirtrmth,en;btniai fciaadieal aasl duHy ww. , and sails are berety, auepraxW amid km liiird 4sy of March ncL Aasl ta tbe asraui Uwe, that the HerT tary tlie Treweury be direrird Id asur wbrtixr it be necessary In r at 'anaavrtejfed artBrlssj srossi -. - the uertHj nd h"erl Ihoee ynsiy by reswoN f the dirtwiilty of asreriamuig thw is 1 1 Ism gsait j wfcn ,to ihe Govenasrof thl Hute) t Uie City of I Uie opii-eiitt ofth. wr.l nJLm, , , - Approved : June otRh, l3t Iin;JiUCN..4-ll , - . ;- AN ACT ft the brUer reaa,uoilx el ties VmOml , Msnass Osrps." ....... IU it Cwsrfrd. ay e tVasaas mmi lUmm of JUort. " rjf tne of fas-4'iasW XuHmof A rrW iSUle of New Jersey. Aintti ru rrTM. 1 liwapreemont than uaconenuid- isg im the two Spates hen confirmed hy the lfisl tures theieof. rusnectivelv. and wheu Hlroved br the t.Mi?reMi of the I mted State. Done ia fsir part (twrrnf whtrh re rHairted ky the .otumiwioni rs 4f jew lorh to bn delivereq bi thf Guteriinrol'tlitt Kiutt',aml tlieother twouf which are re- lanuij by llie Convmisssmersof New Jersey, to be dr" New York tlii aixleeulh day of iWOHiib, in lb year of our Ixird oi:c Ihouwnd eight hundred and Uiirty-three, and of the lixkpemieuce uf the Uuitod Hlatea the hfty. eighth. it r. iitrriJ-;R PETER AUGUSTUS JAY -HENRY SEYMOCR THEti FRELI .Vt ill LTSEN IAMRS PARKER l.mUSCJ,C. ELMER ...Ami uliceaijlta amdj ajtf uii.nUiaji.lieai..Cihrined by lhLLi:j(tijllure of the taid SLle of NV York 1 NfW'Jcrsey, reapec lively, " Theredre r- . J, i tkt StjuUt and Jlouxt of Rim. Ytntontfl' tkt Vmtfd-Stolroof Ametiem, L 4U? fX4 otnmUnl, J hat tlie, coms'tit of the CougreMS of the United Hute hcrtdiy givmi to the said agreement. ml to etch and every tsirl aud articl. uorenL rrqti- drd, that liotliinif therein conUHicd ahall he nsistrued lo impair or ig any manner al1'ect any right of jnrisdic tKill uf the I'mled Htate in and over the islands or wa ter which trfin the euhjevt of Uto'suJ reeuieuL Approved :. 4li J urn', . . aeaMed, .Tliat frm and after tbe at caf tils Act. Uta JJ trine Corp ahall catmA of the fUhrir er1Vrr , non-cNiimiiOiel otlicer, s merit, east anvalit, vra. k andij00. ia tt""i' "V y'il7tf txxrftf' tuajora, uiinera capi.-mMs mij rt itniTji, twen ty second lieulewW.ie"tdjMUf aad ie.pBt.-. cam paymaster, one autnstatit ysvrtcnsmtcr. east rrl ti"ikrf,etf etfa?eeTBjieee aereaajt,'eie elreea assvsr, wteT flfrTmajorr etybt r p ji awH aif4- nracri .fjbt y- dremmera, ihtety ikCsea, and exaa lit ant ad pmatrs, . ' 7 -Hee.1t-.4jid I H frnikrr jttOx TWttWe ea4 fwrpa'altall, at'all time,M tal aadtt-tfc law and rerulauiaM vhick mro. vr r beieafer be. . asUblihliMd for the aetter fiytraam at of the awty. ex I -rV detaehed ot- iaiaf tr aeW I'arted ftetea. PUBLIC, Na 43. AN ACT granting pensions to ecru in person, therein I Mined. ments, njadn and to be made on tbeahore'uf Ute aaid Htate : and of and over rll vewls aifround on said shoreJ .r., ,..i,,..r, i,,,.i,...i n,t 11, th,.ui I5n'eu exeejiririiiU doi tavid wiHeia alMiilMi i - - 1 . it It. of New York, w hich now exist ot which may hereafter be passed. 3. The State of New Jersey ahall have tlie exclusive right of regulating Uie JUierie. on the westerly side of the middle of the said waton; Prorided, That the oavi gation be not obstructed or hindered. . AsTici.lt FociTH. TheHUteof New Tork shall have xchrsive jurisdiction of and ever the waters of the Kill rn .Kull between Stu ten Island and New Jersev to the westermost end of Shooter's Island, in respect' to"' irach rpmrantine laws, and. taw reUlut la paweagou., aa now exist or may hereafW be rasaed, ader the a- thnrity of that State, and for executing tbe same : and Uie said uie thai! also have exclusive jnnsnwtion, tor 1 the like purpnee, of and over Uie watiTs of the sisjml from Uie westermost end of Hhoutef Island to Wood- buuodto said State of New Yor bridge creek, as to all vessel 1 any port in Uie Abtk-ib Firm. The Stat of New Jersey lml1 have nd enjoy rixclusive turirdiiion-if and over all the wa- tors of the sound between Htatea Island and New Jer sey lying south of Wood bridge erek, and of and over. II the water of Karitan bay lying westward of a line ra wn from the lig-ht-house ai Krmce's ha to the month of MatUvau creek ; subject to the followirnr righu of property and of jwrwdicUoa ot ihe btate of Jiew lork, that is io wiy; . 1 of the' President of the I l'l-Xiiie Ufwlii'Mtud,TiUlill nonwrMwTaooed oc-cera, asaas; aad pnvatrs, afca J take tlte oatli pi escj ibed by kvr. and that all omiobmxnu shall be Am the term of (r reau. durMsr wtuck aeriud Be it Enarttd. bv tkt .Senare mni Ifrnit nf Rtoro. I marine, aa cltattd, ahall be, aasi ora km by, eerj --lrftfM?iWJtte - atttmbltd. That the Secretary fiT War be, and he i. . fmrtkr, r-arard, Tkoi iW oOtxh hereby, aulisifiied and directed lo pay, out of any rue- of Vhe Varioe Corp faall ke, ia tvUu W ml, rt aey tit TrWwury tiierTBe- arfrefkV to Ihe the aame footing aa jjtcer T ai jr rs.V tw j - - following person,' Mtf (fansions herein granted to Uiem nn t FroiuirJ That oaeraf the sSseniM Coipe " ".T respectively, winmitv-irur tt the time set iraiDst their exercise cxanaussl er aay naiy yard or tcsacl name severally, and! Io continue during their t I of the Inrled Sutae.- ... r uvea, .w.N4 ..-.-s-w-v,-:.... -.:-J.Tf 37- , J"" " ' """ vm Slim Deloach, at the rate of six dollara per aWh,l inftjue Corp ia be WH a al men. tke-atove - commenciiuT on the- first day of Januar. eurhteealmn I tA, eritalucBenta, aad alluj-tjs. a are aw, ar Ml dfod ami thirty-two. hereafter be, allowed ta a&cenU umihr grkw at th a Jjavi Strong, at the rate of six dollar, per month, infantry of the army, esvrpt tJUesijtilaal aad aftur, . commencing on the fourth day of March, eighteen bun- ho shall be enlt& la the aaassr awy, tWota u. rd dred and Unrty-one , " allowaiicee, as are weened ky the ayvamte of aats! John (t'Neil, at the rate of eight dollara per month, corp.; aad the wawmiaao-ed officer, euk-sraust, commencing on Uie first day of January, eighteen fauav privates, ahall keewtilM la tk aaea say.tvrijoa, einl. , ..- dred and thirty-lwo, - mg, hod aJkrwrirea, a they bow recene. Benjamin Goodrich, at the rate of six dollar! per ctee, A Aod be il fmtktr en Hi' t. That theataf of month, cowineucuig mv.tbe find day of January, eigh- asid vja oimS be tsVei frata titecartauc and mMU teen hundred anil Ihirtw.fwn. ' irfA.ajR.''.';';.,''.' .;-........-...... .... ....... ....w,,., teen hundred and thirty -two.; -- ------ - I tern, coroa,' William Warren, at the rate of sixteen dollars Deri eta. 1. Aad k it furller rmmtltJL TLt the nm. - rrth, cr tli4s M k tie,i.,rat-tiar '-.U..., iiu'aiiaiTOmjsBiawJ-tr. laitu.'! .ynch, at the rate of six dollars per month, I United ttat mar. duno; the Morssef the ixn w. f r-t CfiOUncRclng 91 the fimrteenth day of November, eigbJ by peumoliott aoofrdi.f U rank aad uVea br arku v li M rtehel, at the rate of eijht dollara per month, meat ahall be aobmitUsl to le txistle. at liatif nxxX. eommencing 6n Uie fourth day of March, eighteen hun. seesion, forjlieir advice and cM-at. , -dred and thirtydmuv ' Bee, 6. And te it fmnktr ewmrttJ, That tti Prekt. John G. Workman, at the Mte of eight dollars per dent be, and ke i keeeiiy, aatiha-taed W pnwr.he th" month, commencing on Uie eleventh day of Jtme.eigb- miliury regultiuttB Cr the itrifl ao of He 5Tr4 teett hundred and twenty-nine, ' CoTpa, a ht eaay, iai tvia jpSgmaA, deajai ipdietit. ' Sec. 2 Arf be il furikir rnortrS, That the Been. - See. ft And 4 tt W inW, Tit mm-h lary of War be, and he is herehy, aitthonied and d. of the Carta aertioa of aa Art, iwieed t.W uy reeted to nsjr to Benjamin Grover, of Pownal, a the July, M the yvar ene tkawsand etrbt Misl SuteIT'Verm6ht;ihc treimtitAwA'w Gmun,r.tiy . Aijiaased. Uie fourteenth day of July, the army f the United llriy ard Csr ffi ptr-mm " - eighteen huudrud and thirty-two, Uie sanie penmoo ha- or of any other Act a aUr4ileJW-it- toe. ; .- ' ving been intended for said Benjamin Grover, to eom- brevet rank on srh -r,ir mi iL , . mmwatthe i.irtfmiras by mid Iwt jrwtd ts tra tots r-t -: Approved i June 30, 1834. prade, ehall be, and Uje me Is-eeiy is. tjiee4 ; 1 A Mitieh flf t lie e-nnj rtf-n 4 . . I ,i . (PUBLIC, No. 44.) y I : 1 vt.ntli of Anr.l. one l'vmJ eirfct WtJ AN ACT to amend an Act entlitlcd fcAn Act to an-f eijrhtwn, entitled "Aa Act wM.m the m .,l nex . part of the Bute of New Jersey to the col- emolument of brevet t.?.-k,m a tat he ?vi.tlle t.v leetioti district of NeW-York; to remove tlie office of the clause herein a We S3. ha be, and tie colloetor of Niagara to Utrirtnw; to make Cape her.y .is, also epcaled fVsdn NoUbsf krii'-i St, Vincent; ut the dietrKt f Sacketta Harhnr, a il.k!l affitt any r:;-!.t :i-'y sn.r?d it ten years c - port of delivery and ovjd tji diaUiet of Miami pired serrire to hrTi rsi V. and Misiiseippi, tn make two ew districts, to be Hee. 10. Aod bt Hfm-s'ittrom-ttd, Tfat t . -called -tha dwtrMtsf tltu&iukj and Tecbe, and for partsof Actn mccwt'a the ror;u.s .;' ' other piirposes." " be, and the same are h- v-vL - JJe il Enacted, f y the Senate tuii hwwe. Repre- Approved : June l-i'l.

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