HTATII QV NORTILCAUOLINA. 1100KS OP JsriLSCBIlTIOX U BTOCK in ' fha Nw liartk id" iN'ilU Carolina, wtll 1 opened, in the Town Hwlndsiry, on lU ltb id Jm iu4. Capitalists bo are anxious Jo make n4til4 investment of their fuiK will A el .In attend at an early day, as il i Mid thai tlie, boki (iMJi4 will U atsjfhly !ako HP. fAM'L BEEVES, fclisrsimJunaT.lN.U. fiJK 1 Jteeves Wanted ! - - THE ftjbsrriber, intending to carry oq regular 1 bu .1 DPTCUEJtlNO, tu the Town of Fall-bury, wish to buy a tujuiher of food Iwetoe, (Lr which the higlssst prices will t giei, in raJi. 0 Ilu Customers are notified" that U wiil be ,tMi io .Jy tK.m ni (ioou reef , Tue-UyiTliursday, and Saturday, f m li t k, tor lbs n4 of lift m-urnm, at the usual rules. JOHN J. bHAVER. falihury,Jim2, if - Land for Hale. rnilR Subscriber ort-rs Hr sab a Trwl of Land of 501 A C H E a, lying on both ai.les of I t rant 'a Cngt-b, au toilet Mwih"4 d" Salisbury. Frsn to VOO Arm ant cleared, alssrt 20 f which i tr-rtA Msaibiw in gust order. There a gu.Nl DVV ELLINO IJOI rIE.s. the 1 land, a Barn, and other uut-huo-. Terms ill be usok aceouumshitmg to any one wishing to pure haw. for Any ooe dan'riof to Mtho Prope rly, will pleas call OS) I ha Subscriber, living (Ua miU-a from Folnbunr, oq il road to Reatt?' Pord. MATTHEW B. IXKE. J ine Jl, 14. 0" r: IVenty Dollars Ilcvrard ! nAN AWAY from the subscriber, lining nar Thomas' Ferry, York District, Knith Candi I, o M.mdaythw lof Jlv a NKtiilU JJOY OMinfd I'lif), rather y'IK roniiiliri!, toiogh do a mulatto; alxajt thirty yrun.J a ; fai feet Ava or ail iia-bea bixb ; very xt.xit built ; hollow I'eHf Km b-W aye a little airmll-r tnun tl -. - ruhl. Ha run aft mtrm hnllorQ, (about Ihn 1 yearn and aome perai, in atteuipfin to lake luin, ; him 1 and be now carrloa the mark of tlio t ail, whh r-ntered jiat below rigl(t ahaibh-r-Wale, and VidgfI uiider tlie akin, two inrhea Li low tme right breaat, where it waa rot ut. Fed aauk plain and atinaiMi, and haa an ojn roniilcimrv-e, T and two largw frmt twth. Hia Im k j pi-eity vH marked wild tba awitch. I In ia d-ajUlex afivinff to f" to-a frrr ritaiw,otlKT Onit ir mm of the Northern SuIm- He wore, oil' a new ouir i-! cotton piittlooo ih w ahiri, uimI od et ; .- .,(. 4ouk a baf wuh boo, Ut my luKMrinlfHi, lal Mob) a pair of h ami noioe oilier clolhiii ; ami alwi a razor and a dirk. : There alanTanaway with him a NPORO W)Y -naind T II iTI befjugiiig to .Tbu'a. K. Hoover, of Yorkvillo, South Caoln. Mr. Hoover rhaand Tom (nun Janiea CBrothera, a neit;hl.r of rnina, kwt Marrh. Haiaabuut twmity-tive yeara - '- of af, and abrntt five t-mt ten or alevao iiM-hoa 1 Lih ( a trim, wall made, bkrly fellow; rcryWaci; '. waJluand apraka nukki baaar "harp prnHraimj fye, aai frequently makea uae of (Se phnue "aaya :.f :' rfn or f aaya IJlr Jlecaa read a little, but can. iiot writa to my knowled. 2 l1'b'f)9 JMd afXWENTT DOU.ARd )tveo fiir 4ba deiivwrjr of Fed to m, on y. plantaium, if amirenwxfcHl out of lork I)i-triei Z U XtAiM i iiTE IX)LL A RS t the eon- finernent taf tlr, in anv jait,: with indrmation Liliitictod to. nieal YorkviuV, South Candina, rar '-if P. IL Simril or TEN DOLLARS nV. livfjr;rjf aach,if taken D' York Iiie;rirf. TVy -will, prnnpa, underinke to pnaa hy different namea, -aMr wlalajidv-aaeMained frum mm . .... -- - aaMM ttrit 1 tin r .r - I .11 mdiiii ., nenr. York D'wt; S. CAug. 2, 131 3t Xcn Dollar Reward. RUN AWAY froifl the auWrilmr, on Monday robriimg" 1Ti i 5?tfi bit.; ar Mr. Larbtir MiowaVi iai Lne4i w.ty,a N EURO MAN, abajt five foot ciht (nchoa ntgh, of a color betwocn a blnck and a mitlattO atait riwile, about thTrty4hree yciuii okl i whan apoken to be ha rattier a aour look ; he .liaa a ramaraabla arar on hia lell wnat, length. 1 wiw alito one or more arar, from rifting, on hi : Irea. Ilia name ia NED, and be ia well known V Lincoln and Mecklenburg counties in ibia Stale, and n York District, S. C. Any pereon who will lodg. him in jail, in cither ' of the above Countiea or Dixtrict, no I can get Turn, aW'MiTrri'wlra" of Ten D..lfia. " EDWARD KEEN. CliriKtiansvilV, Meilenturg Co. Va AHjyiea 2nd, 184-!H- ' REMAI.M.VO IN Till; POST OFFICE AT Jlotttlf f4'lanon, DA VIDSOX'TTOUXTX, XOUT1I CAItOLl? . . , Un the U da) of July, l&U. T Jamea RnnihilL " ,. ." IL Loc, . ... ft Wt STOUT, P.M. TvlXIii; A.CJB1,IY. aaaaaaaaa a ' m--' .1 .; - "-' WILL JCOMKRKa-R p . THE FIRST IAT OF MAY. pH8 rluriacrrV'rt.'thankfot forirsrminrjfe; pbidge themaclvea to enter upon the ekercjeea d the next aeasioo witt renewed teal, f. J. SPARROW, T. W. SPARROW. RdLsliuty, April I?, 1 934. - tf WESTERN CAROLINIAN OFFIfK, i. . v 'B.uUty, May 17,134. "f TB are pwpnred to owvBBe every kind taf Printing ' in a vury sriperior-atylo,1 aud our eliarp'a wtl! be hiMaiaUe a any. C9 Ordeia rrona,diilauou will ujwttl . ftiHUBt atrcntjim.. , . t nn laviTirn rpjIOFE U ar. aT1v Mh liKAD-AnnX IKAKT.rL KN! ymj Ikii of duirdreJ i..mi li, Uiwp, and lir, omy fwnl rrkf in t. Wknh' Ami l)i iic IMk bn h C40 b ba4 it thl 0,lc rn ,fifly truU per Ui. fKrtor,'lto ri'k J in thin pltre, now livea hi Hat iyli, ban, aflrr a kxig and nh o mve priwlfa, ln t naMj to compound a rii"4 a. Inall) rin"dy f'r lU cbronie ili-ar of IImj ytiTB riryart. rrwnnm w rfcarthrn lmiai,at P" ially in Ih a-ho bad ainViitBry liva. Il would U an eay inattar lo ttmkf out rrrtifi r4 lo Lr that tin IMI" ara "aieri i(tt f tty"fut 'all the ill. th;it rt-h ia heir tot" bu' it i not preirinM l.l tlny arr an uoieril anli lUnf. (Vrtinrtij of the rn4 r (' ill lliy i riaoa and ler remk-rwii an l ahoan to auti tnolnUa lUif Unary in ll (wrtiroiar rlaw of piwuiM !" 'poken tf ; and tho IIlitr of (hi papr can tiirfifv that ke hit fW-d ojiM-dy and (rrtnanrnt relief. In i)m u f tUm, fnn a nvwl dortreiMing ami liy-iiii(iiiiiif lwal.iu lw. Hoiim of hia frMxida ln-l flu-in, at In irip-aton,aiidi-penriirnl lh aaiim U-fwfd ial edecla. rklMlmry, June 14, l" 311. if Valuable Heal Proprrl), vo il H iai: Tli NulMrriher, intmlinK to reiiKiv- to Aluhmnn, OFH:iS J Olt HAI.K, I lis IlcHtlt'iicc in Lincoln County. litrlieloiK, in out IdmIv, ulul One Thousand Acres Of Heal (Jtxxl Farming Laml, IIJPI Ilrirk liuUdina, , J ri4Mni:rl of lb: '.Vlt . JIIIV- teriala, in lute taatc, and rood workninoxiiin, , ao, all roinenieiii Otit lioiiM-x, CtrrrON AND TIIUIwSillNO MAC IIIM-S, tlunH.NalJ.-.f. ALSO Another Tract of f.and, 1 '' '" Urfh ai.b-aof lnrlii.uui'a Cr.-. ALL FIK.ST RATE FOR AN V ITRPOfES. 07" The nl(V' ProHrty will r wild mi a rredit taf mm, two, and tbren yearn. , In my aliwitee, apilicHiiou may lie nmde to my brother, J. Forney. DANIEL M. FORNEY. Llixoln Ok, Mav 17, l-l. If Lincoln Cotton Factory. IllE SuIj j-ilK'r, uiltuiliii lo leave .North Ca- roliim, oll'-r fir ile (im mlrri i in lhi vulii ahh eotiiLlmhiiieiit. Mm hm riHK'loili'd to itivule hia interest into Hhnmi of imi, ijnrt haa appmnterl JOHN liKAKD. Jr. Er., hia ajp-nt nt StilHai ry tor receiving Sulw'riiMaw. Infononiimi in n--Kurd to Ihn Forlory, will W funnelled m nlu h tKKi to the aijlM-nlx r ut LiiM'olnlon, or, aa to the loniMof SubNcriiitHai, by Mr. Hnrd 11 ilmlmry JAMES R1VI.NGS. LiivromtMV, Jiw -H4. " tf 75 Doliarsi.ltewurd. RfiTAPED from the 8,ib-mher, wmrneamw m.. .-lwiwwt" mi a-"" aiaii 1 anaaai n 2. ISftfl ,T a n, rmmeil J0II.V. . He in about HO yar l.l, about 5 fwt 1 1 im lie liuW; no luurka rrcolli ili'J ; had on a., hmm'nim IjFRnrta bmj( owlr and Coumiuii t bread ud viaui MiilMkMiiia. Jonn wan poroliHMi! Iroiu Arcuilmlu Airliea, in Pit! County, neiir tren)ille, und it w r aV.l-J jnibaldn hv7wtU nuW'w Wet UirV Iw tKe tnieTrt Mrrp rirVrfrr VH'frfr7if?rh,: i)iWf&affr teMirnnd Tim above reward of S'nentv-Five Dll;ira will 'w paid lo any one who will apprehend aud lodue ,he wild Noro in anv jail, ao thl Urn mibscriU'r wn git him ayain. lttera n(HreiMl to thp tin ler4igiHd, at IliH kiiitfliiiui Coorllioowi, (Vji.) will wei ve immediate . attuiitiuru ...,. v -.. JOHN I. MORRIS. ' July 5, 1W1. m w (CT. 'J'W Editor of tho Tewrnti(rl Vnn Pirn will publish the above ndverti'iiieiit to (he Hinoont of OA, and aend a receipted bill to thin olfice, for payment. 8i:VI(4, IT IRS. HOWARD, who luia lieon in the habit of doing work for tailor a, hereby gives notice that ulie tttltvda, in,- flit urej-to tako tn- JSewinjf -on-nr own account ; and, having au a4i slant wlwe work can. not lie surpaed for nralnru ami trrngth,hti feels coufiduuttnaXalie can give autialkctiou. to those who a jTnay-fimjr jtcrwrrh; tnY!trfuBffim.','"''''T" 1 1 IirTORfrTnjrwTir TaTnercriargoH, via : For makini; Pantulmam, from 75 ceirts to 1 dollar. For making -Vests, .. . 75 t" " ct.i. rTnakjng Round-Jacket. 75 cent to 1 dollar. riimiinS,tjala'irflL"J)e. renwMiahle terum ; but Mrs. II. will not umlcrtakc to tvt 0nt without ptterna. - " Solinlairy, June 14, 183Wtf Cheap. Kerf, and Good! if ; i-tite iinoriii int.- f.ni4'iis of Suliiibtiryy and the- pnf'fnr in pnerV thwt-thwr -haw tmtn- inriM'rdthe IS11 tr li?riiiT IIuine, land will hornrrer be preiwrod, every MtNlA; iii.u.iii'.ii, ami riii.i nioriiiiip, 10 iur rihih to their cwdoniein and all othera wli are fond oft the article, REEF of the very laist oVscript inn, not aurpaaaed by any in tlue Stale jorlTio qniilitjct that rnlnr it ao ikdigtitfut an article of foml. Thy. resect fully "solicit a trial of their inu, fiel ing natixfied that their aswert ion will prove correct, and be the rocana of securing to them a good share of public pntronae. They will well on the moift rraaunahro terms that can be aiTmlrd. ---- I P. SUATER rCa " SiBirmr,Jutv IP, 1 .!. .tf- I 1 it rMB tj .OKTII C .iltOMNA STATU roa ma aaatiir or TUB BAUSDUAY ACADEMY. Jd CinssIIIgh and Low System 'To he Drawn at Mnrolntoii, On AVfdneHday the t!7Ui Aiiuwt ' aMBBflBB4BBBaaaBBB -""'' cts7s:toc:t & pc:::td. j MANAGERS. CAPITA L ruizi: o o s a i! a i 1 Triw. of 5,000 DOLLARS ia U.OOO 1 - of 3,000 DOLLARS ia a.OX) 1 1 K)LLAB8 U 10 of UXX) DOLLARS ia IO.OOO 10 of 500 DoLLAHS U Jl,CMm 10 of 3Pt) DOLLARS ia 3,(JOO 10 of 200 DOLLARS V.OH) V0 if.( 100 DOLLARS ia V.IMXJ fiO of 50 IK)LLARS i JUXX) 1X) r 20 DOLLARS ia 2.OO0 3iM) of IO (tOLLAKS U 3,)K W,tm "of 4 DOLLARS U 60,000 403 rriz. a, amounting to i0,000 0" To m drawn m tli llih and Low Pyafrm. The hulilrr of two licki'ta, out' hih and IIm- oll r low, ia certain to draw ONE prii, and inav drnw THREE. All lha pnu .abl.- in CASlI, forty after th draiii;, no I get I lo the uual d Juo Id mi of in prr wit A I 'm kag d" WlioleTikrt in thi ft'beme rot IU 00 And niurtt draw m it 17 tH) .' 00 Tlione ho pref r adventurme for the Urft jni' only, can 111 thm wav, fur.'.''', get (he Manner' Certincate (r Ten Whole Tieken, entitling the holder to all tho lieketa may draw over J7, thit heiiig the armaint of I lie (I jiru'H thu cneii puck age nu1 draw. IWkaje of Sliarea in proportion tay A ('rlilWale fur 10 W luile Tii kiil", . j.VtfHt " " ll Halves . II no " 10 Quarii r, . .r 73 tfT AH Onlerafrom a ditiinre, hy mail (post, pnid) or by private cHiveyaiir, nn limine cah or pni'-heketa in mir previiKj lo ttery ,wi n-eive IIm- mot prompt altimtion, if nddrewd to " STK 'ENS4) Ai ItllNTS, Slitiiry ; ami an aetfuint of the rirawuijr will bu irwanlud imioadiateiy JW lit en-iil. Tuk.-t-i l Hilvei . Quarti-M SI. Steen?Hn iV Points. &ihWjry, July li, Manugrr: Travellers' Inn, SI rt'ATED !SOl'TinVE8T or.TUE COL'llT, HOI Sf-LN THE TOWN OF u: iy ;to, v ca i:oli. a.) flHE SuWriher takei thia mrthnd of inforimna Trftvelh ra thnt tie keen a H,mc nf Etitcf. rnmrnrln"ririTonV"(N."C.)"on''SriiiirSlr-T &Ullwejlhir.Cwirje HtaTitbk will alwaya be supplied with the beat fare that a itlehiifi) neietiborhood ran afford. Ilia Jl(Hjat. In'ing caKicioun. and atletMlnd by arrvantir who aru iiidu-lrioua and xouloiw to fdttaa, l'ravi- birecan alwaya be- ceemmodaled wtthttOOD B E 1)6 in rooma with fire-plaee. And laxllait not thu leaHl important coiuideintino, llOKSKS of the Suburribtr, that they may lenve it with in created ability to do the stuico of the road. An excellent Line or Leave the House of the Subacriher, FOR SA LISRl'UY, on tha. escninga of Mtodvit, 7ri duj, and A'uf i rrfay," and . returiia to Laxntoo, ou the mieecediny e,vetitngn. ''-fty Pajwenjer grtlrff front Sotiln To North; by entering thoir namca a far aa Salisbury only, and there takiag the Accommodation Line to Lexing ton, can have their choice, ! ihe latter place, bo iwwn Ihe Piedmont Line and the oue which run by wav of F rederickaburg. JOHN r. MARRY. . Ixington, March 8, XSHi. Iy Slnte of Ndftli Ca na 1REDEI.L COUNTY. irey or sale and r. niKtribution 1 real ei- Jamea (trey and other. ) tale. , - . 1 T "ppearirig, to , the aafisfiicfinn of the fVnrtT that James Orey,- Richard Hencork and EH beth lii. wife, and Thomas Hancock and Jan his wife, the dcfi-ndiuiLi named in the. Dill, arc not in lialutants of thia State : It ia therefore Orderel, that publication be made, for nix weeks, in " 'Hie Western Carolinian," printed in Salisbury, that the naid defendants do appear at the next Court of lvpii ty to be lield t)r the County of Iredell, at the Court. Iumisc in Stateaville, on the eighth . Mondav ajlcr tivi- f ttriiiMiuay 4w- Seotoiubcr nexL..tben and tlifw to ftiwwr-tnw-perHwnrrtTPrwt heard exparte, and the praver tliereof he granted. JOHN Ml'SHAT, c. 61 n. e. Jiilv-ltr. 1F34. T Ow Tltl'T UYirt of a Deed of Tnwt to me executwl, by Jacob Wl, for the puqawe of securing the paynioiit of certain debts therein mentioned,! shall proceed to aell, on 'tvetday ike 10A of A ugutl ntxt, at the Coorthnustt in Salisbiiry, The Tract of Land whereon the aaid Jacob Cod now reside, for cash. HENRY IHLIveVn., July I, l? Trailee, tf Colton-Gin Ianufactory, V St t the ficuscBinntt hah now on hand, -Hiz'JVnc-CoUon-GiMt Mtd on a New and Superior rUn. Tba Sawt are muda of fte.,1 Vlafa the ril aw ,Uo naida of Bterl. CT Tlia materiala and the wotmir ara warnuilod lo be aJ good aa any in lh t'mled Hlatoa, Tba Subscriber will eataiiilr keep on band a uptdy of ilwse artirbw and will wake them to or dr, at abort ikkka, when aorh aa be may bava 00 haikd do not auit tb who wih to airehaaa. HE WILL ALMO FILL ORDERS FOR Spinning Machines, Which will alwaya bo fumi-hed in th beat at)le, and on ahort tmlice. 0r The Bobrnber will REPAIR ell kimlaof Mai bi'm rv, pr.MiiHly and aaliafnclorily. Hia pri ces for all' hi- artM-b-a are reaiJjc, and pa) tm-nta till be Iiwdo ca to pun haw-ra. F P. MITCHELL, 0ni Mr. Hlaughler'a Hotel. fty TIhi HuWnlar w.Mibl 1 glad lo rm-eive Th Airrnlifra to tlm a buim. Ha reueata that they be about 15m I ra obi, boalthy, a:lie, ami rocoiiiinemb-d to br of good HMirabi and diiti'Si. lie would mm h pn ter lo lake such as rvnwe a lurn for mechanical ingrnu. Mv. E. P. M. 'ftilishury, July '.'0. lfc34. 3l - nrri:its. The SuWrila r wihe lo ernplnv two or lhn'4 Jiainw) im-ii llnl! r, li whom Ik' will give ctaiotiiiil i-iii- plov and liberal wai;e, if alii-atiMi ! made -nut to lino, in C'aUriu- CowUv, x iiub mnihwii .J (Word. ' KteW JUTIl'E. N,IL. Nona ne4 pHT btirwoch ai'cnn coiim well n-comim-mled for morality and imliiilry. - July 1. I-H4. Ot Spring Summit I'hshions HORACE II. DEiRD, Tailor, BE'iy b'tve m infirm hit frietHN, and the puMir 411 gem-ral, that ordi rx ill bin line Mill alwu be iDnokfullv re eivi il bv him, ami exit uli d in tin' mofl Neat, Fahiinalih', ami Imrnhle nuiiiiM r on l rm aa r'aaounlle an anv in llua wt'liiai of eia.u try. 11. II- U. bMis, iroui his long prm to e of hia Ihihiim'iw, (a iiniiiU r of yeara of whirli time he rt-Kideil in the city uf I'liilaik lphia,) and from the gum ral aatfiictlon he has heretofore givuu to Inn liiiiiM'rmia rei-pii table aiul ffliixialle riiHtuirn'ra, lo mrnt and nceive a portion of the patronage of (he puhlic in general. OT He flatters himself that ln Cl'TTINO ia renllj superior lo any done in I Inn Stale, as may be lM(d by )m umltoild slrgmnrw of fit whieh nllends garment tnade in hia eKabli"hineiit. He idui tins regular rtteipt uf the Reports of Ihe Fa shiiNia as they change both in the large cities 01 this country ami of Europe ao thai gentlemen may be aaliNneil that their orders will always be executed in the very latest t Ic. Ordora from a distance will ls attended to with Ihe same Hiixitnilily and caie as if (he l usloim r were present in person. " Salisbury, May 17, ISJU-j-ly- T AIIaOUI Or fJENJAMlX FRALEYr Laving received, the A Istest'I'hrlsdepHtsr, New YerlrrLrindrm, and Paris alibis of F-AsilllONjand bnWnin kiajrri. pTT"iiimilicr oflTorkjMin wlio are.tiirsi-ntte; ia preparod to cut and mk work in a style aoperior tu itny done in tills i part of the country, and alwaya warraiiti'd lo lit. br Jura fur W01J1 in Jws. Una, fem a -distanco-.wiU be ptiiK:tLially attended to according tu order ; and all kinds of local custom-work 'will be done ut tlie ahetBTflWlmn'1ii r" lie can he found, al all times, at his old stand, a few door alsive Mr. Slaughter's Hotel, nad nearly opposite Mr.. Johu Murphy's store. ' TO TAILORS, Rein" Agent for some of the most Fashionable Tailors in New York, the Subsrrils?r is rvwiml to teaclt ortve-.instniction Jo any of the Trade who may desire to bt; more perfoct in lln-ir Imsi neaa fand, from tna- brlief that he t ftilty cuMMe of giving satisfaction, he ressct fully requests all aim uesire insininion 10 can on mm. &liHlsiry,l34. Iy. B. FRALEY'. New Tailor's Shop in Concord. 'pilE Subscrilier informs his old customers and I ... the. public in geuaral, thai ba has R EM V ED TO CONCORD, where he has opened a Shop, in which the TAILORING B( '61 NESS in its va I Ui1 'irji'.'i;. 'i ' SAiuiejA Jw.jii! jt Jai hiuwlt thai his ikilt m the business, and his con st aut persona r attention in hia esiaWishment, will enable him to redeem all pledges made tu those who may favor In in Willi their custom. ' receive tin latest FASHION'S regu larly both from New 'York and Philadelphia, and works by tlw most approved systems. Cutting out, aud Orders from a distance1, will be promptly attended to ; and last, but not leust.Ai term will he very uecommolating, THOMAS S. HENDERSON. N.B. He l determined to do work ia a style an InwM anJt done in this pari tf tke romtry,arui ALWAYS WABKANTRO TO FIT WELL. "Cconord, March TJTff147-"-f jtr"-"-7 TAKE NOTICE, HTOIAT, in three months from tliclatPefeof, 1 application will Is; ntade to die President and Directors of the Rank of Ciis.Fear,fir the renew al of Certificates for.iour ijliarea of Stock in the said Bank, in llie name of Francis Iocke.-. Such certifkmtea never having been In my possession, it is doubtful whether they were ever issued: if issu ed, they were lost or nHlajd previous to the han dling of his pajiers by me. JOHN fUTOTT, ' Executor of Francis Licke, dee'd. July 1. 13X?) aft .M (.noi:s iva.ti;il rpill. Hulss rilsr wii-hes to isirthas LlKI.LV M'.liROJH, from l n to thirty yeara UJ, will pay the most bU ral prices in IWi. ' All who have, rich , property to aril Wm.M well to rati 00 him, or, Mr. John Jiss-s, bis Arn. 'He can Le tsmd at Mr. Klaui-hlntV II.j.i ;. Ssli.lsiry, and Mr. Junes at Dr. Doyd'a llutrl, t lis riot ic. , - , lie think it proper to any, t nat ka ia M roa, ceniod in Uisiueaa with Mr. James Huie, or auk any oilier prraun. All Icllera addressed to liim, or Mr, Joirt, ,J be punctually attended to. - - HORERT HUIE. Pttlislsirv, Mar 24, 134. tf : ' S. laron WooUcortL Wati h nnd Clock Maker, EOS b ave to inform the Ciliena of Haliidsin as well us those o RoMati and I lie suiouul! ing ('.SIMM's, I hut bo baa Itrinotril liiw IlalaMialiinrnt TO THE StHTII SIDE or THE COL'RTIIOl'fip, ) A few dor loe Mr. Ym. II, lSlaii;li. J I U t lliti l, to iho Mam SUiil, -44 Where he tdll coiuiiiues, aa lu-retofore, to ev.iun ALL KINDS OF WORK 111 the line of bis pr4ewil, at short notire, .itd on the moat riaiotutble term: WATCHES K ( UH KS REPAIRED ar Illy 111 in am. ( vr aa Warranted for 12 Months! Vitd tlj dlfpisied lo stlrsa bi-Wraee annl - no pnni will Is- vjinri il lo give the nnt generul and ciilue ustl-ilactioii lo them. 0" EN'UR AVIN'O of every description, (in. 1 lu.ling Tolii'i-lones,) ttll In execulwl With heat. rw and iwi-unu y, al liurt m Im c. . Ssitlhlir,'J.uV.'77, I'!l. '"" tf C Urn nt 1'rit ra !' I'rtHlut-c, Ar. AT SAIJ.SBL'ltY-. Aufurf a fVo'tin, . . . Id ami) , P' '. pi arii, Bntfor. . . . Cottui, III i-erd, t'li an, Coffee, . . . Corn, . . . Feather-", . . Flnttr, (srarrr) FluXaUttl, . . 1111.-- I'-'i Mulaskes, . . ecajl. "a 10 7r. 10 ." NiiiU, . . . 45 a , .'sMIhIm, . . . 10 4. !ye, . ; . iSumr, brown, in li ' 1 r.'j ll. Uf, . 10 a iSslt, 11'.' li") 10 Ml, III) 4i 'iii IU) 'TaJlow, . . TlJl(llL , . 30 IWO" Hal Wfusif, "(bushel) W'bihkey, . . ed Oil, pi r giillnii, al l'J AT FATrrTKVIl.l.E...Jlily 'JO . . . 10 101 1., mifon 4' at. Drundy, prarli, upjile, Beeswax, . . Coir.-e, . Cott ui, . . . t'orn, . . . Fluveisl, . . I'liHUr . 1 -r Fratliers, . . . 55 a i MnlHwi-s . . . 'H a HMNitk rut, rut, ... (1 a fit r, brown, . 71 a I S lump, ..It 17 a lv Siigur, . U a l.y luaf, . , 111 a 11 . Otig limsiih-, .... 53 a W .100k IIUUUI,. , , ,100a 110 ft'sl a H'iHVtnri(ey,r-rr-tW -. W 3Tv! W00V ... I.-".-...- 13 a li- . , . i. him . i :.."; ...VLtnauw. gx cwuiy at: Bicon lit a loiMeal, (scarce,) -, 67 a 10 Ifc-eswax, . . . I ft a 171 Molasses. . . . 40 a. VI "orlew -15 a, -; ats, (HcarccJ.. ; 50 -. t om 7T) a H,.SaIl, in sacks, ItOO Keathets, . r I " S2 a BTil bushel, W-c-' Flaxsrrd,-', . . Itltr a rr .Sugar, prime, 7 T V a LT Hour, i-ii'f"., x .-titia 4tmuKsv. 0 1 It) fine.. . ."-7W)a ..:!:;luaf 4Vluinp.l3ali Iron. .... 5 a tiiTiillnw, (scarce). 10 a 11 ImiI: , - : . 1ft a l'UTu:"?-?i':.m S IM . AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.)...July.C3w" Eicon 11 a l-.'J f nrd, jo iel Braudy, p'-sch, apple. Beeswax, . , Butter. . . .' Coiltm, . , , Com, . . . nrt'tnh:.' ' ;'y . I.I i'MIIMKMIK. I.T.-I.. . - 4.a.rt . 4r 0Msekrel,-r-r ,;rf!0aaio, ,!5aSl . 75 ' . 1.) a !Niit, m aacks, . 1 a iTj ' bushel, . ' a lTIHiigar. brown. 10 a 12,-"- .Jtita KM - -teaf&Himi.. IHa'it Vi a I3tfTitow'; . ' . ; Jtf a ' Floor, r 1 5rtW -Wdl'tW ' tx)W Irtfct; AM.-.". 1 I., - i1" 4 a ;j vv luskey, , hiskey, . . . 40 a 60 AT CAMDEN, (,S. C.)...Augurt 2. Baron, . U a 13 Flsir,(N.Ciiro.).0tlfls liTO Ciandy, peach, appple, Beeswaxv- Cotton, . r . 45 s 50 (Cain.ii;ll).lWO RW 35 a 40 Iron (MlaWI l'2a l.'.IJird r.'al'i 9 a l-'li'Tullow, . . . 10 a U Corn, .100 ali'i Wheat, bushel, .1'-i" a 137 Feathers, . ....4MttarftfaWhMilnr-:r-'-..-.-'-'i'Va4A. 7r230a73P.1T CA?.C akai h.t-H'-Vairjt.JI " 1 EI TERMS or PI KLIC.TIO. 1. Tlje "WaaTEBN Carounias" is publwM ''mf Memlay-, a4 Two Isillsrs-prx omnrm if paid hrikaHy or T wo; i)oilar8snd" Fitly "Cents if not pa id unid all4 the expiration of tlirec months, y ' 2. No iaper will be discontinued until all arrcrg4 are paid, unless at the disrretion of the Editor. 3. No subscription will be "'received for a lew tima. tlian one year ; and a failure to notify-the Editor of t wih to discontinue, at least nne month betore the expit ration of a year's subscription, will be considered a new engagemeiit. ... 4-- Any person-who will prrnppfr1 srrVrTfher tlie Carolinian, and talce llin.trnniiln nf rnlliH-linsr '"' flK'l fl have the paper during the continuance ot ' thwr ?f.intu, MUtbout charge,-. ) 1. Advertisements w()l be conspicuously and correct ly inserted at 50 rents per square for the first insertion, and 33$ cents tor each continunnce : but where an ad vertisement is ordered to go in only twice, 50 cU. will be charged for each insertion. 2. Jforchants, Mechanics, and Professional prntle men, who may desire constantly to appear before th public, in our advertising columns, will be received w yearly advertisers, and a deduction of 15 per ceut. iu be made from tho above charges, to coBKF.iPosnitirrs. I. To insure prompt attention' to letters' aATreaa to the Editor, tlte pitafc should in U aev b pauL Mm

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