DISSOLUTION, fPllH fVrrlMr"Mp heretofore rusting hrt-n J- ihe PuWnixr Km U u iWdnd by nsitu&l cwitt. '!" Latinf rkiims ;;"iot th casern will preacof Iheto lo I. J. F. rhver, od p-rm ifwUiUmi lo the lata firm are prorated lo nsike im mediate payment to bim, m it m drirble that the business sblsild be ck"d M mm as practicable. JOII.V VV. RUVKY, phi up J. r. muvix Continuation of limine. fMlP. fluWriber repwtfully i&w the friends A t lis above concern, and Ik public m Ji n. rl, ht be intend la csduiua the i'mg M king IiawMt, ia all it erM bcaurbo, on hi owe BrcoMut, ia a luurt central and Ixmir part of the tug. ', , M'ilit tliM r, Purr H-r4nf Cyrus W. West the whole of hi Tof, sk of Twdr. Ac i . i . i e ... t.. i :.J i... i. vv . ml laaea llie swop wrmeriy wxuinwi y r. . , j itiialiHl Mwom lh CiitirthoiMa and U M vrrn CabUniait H(itiiSaric. where h will k bt1'y Ij tlfnl lo all onkira which may bo cMtA rrwl up oa hiw by kU friU and Ih wjUie." CT Tb alark of TIMBKR oo hand i of tbr HxHt aupvritw deacription, and baa hrn und'rgng llto naaunin prors C thrrf yr ; which full, tllrd U lh aubarnbrr'a intiriwie kmwbdo (if all It taHutia bramlt hi btiMiiMW, and hi d-lcr-miimli'ja to f iv aatHfwiion to alt wIki fnr him with llmir eiitn, will, Im hon, inwirn lo him a rid anrtinn of tb palrNM?e of irrm uVmnnir ! parchaaa fina)-ral j I'nrrisrea. mea-IXifffflii .NnlLlrw. - - ' " . J " Biroacbes, Carry-All, &c &c fr" REPAIRl.NO will .1-. at all li.ir h t. 1 4a adMCMic4 ia x tun aupenur juuuijuj-, at ihn ihcitUr- ptiMtbla mttire. " The luWri'r, rharpn f,r all iWriptHina work will be at mndorale a any in tin. lin f nxiiifry.'and jMyinrnt will bit ihuI lo auit llw CutivtKiiwiK nt MircltiMnrM. JOHN W. RAINKV. fUiabury, Aui-t 9, lll. tf Cheap Ucrf, and Good! Tins HnUrriliern reierlfiilly bef lmv In inCirin I be i-iliwim JC.lTMT,,,!ry 1 lM 10 1 ku.B..l al..a I. .. ainiaa- i ' i . .i ' . . ii .i i t. i of the artKle, HLhF of the very W .k r.pti.-., tlrnl reialer it o oV lihiful an arlirle of food. "rTVyre-ectHjlly aolicU a trial of tlir Rant, le-l- in aatiafttHl that tbir rtHiO will prove cor reel and be (Ims mean of aet-uriug tu IIm-iii a good 4urti pnUie pntraia). , Tl! will "H iba uawi " Teaif rml4 ennii thai com h afliirdeil. - P. SHAVER it CO. SJlXiJit9" - if - BcbvcsWniitcd ! f PIIE Subucrihrr. intctvUnc lo carry W a regular II-.iuiuwai al OUTCIIIUG,ui thTnwnof Ubwry, wialwa ta buy mMiilwroT gnd Reeve, t - inrnrrd tne iiuiriirrinc iiniurm, i . ... ..... . . A m . ... Ik . 1 PUIH HI wiBfHiw-, ll.Uf Bll I'lWTII t.fUllllIIHIIII W. I fu1 mill liMriviftrr Im nn.ik.nvi. nkttrv M(ll)1 . r . . i.ifc-tn '"" Vi-uitiiV . r 'ann iwn inrgi' man iwui. in w m nn iiv WtnMj5DAl, and 1 Kll AY .n..r.u, to fur- w.( ,lmrk,.lllt ,,. wWi d(lU'ule.; I-for which lb kihw prieewwili b jtve,iacaabJ -- 0" Ilia CiitonHtra tm iH5ed that he. will be ' rea.lv to MMirdy tin in with UOOl) BEEF on -Tji TuitaPainl4:aj)iLSatimlay,.T4; radii ,weeky t". :-J: JOHN CfillXtKft. . SnlbUiry,J.me 2H, tf i 'irwSii i MUm VnrtXfv r'IIE SuWriber, intemliiuj to fcn"o North d' fotina, olKra lor ante nia mwrem ui nil vuiu ablo rt.ililishii)Cut. !Io has emchuled to divide hi interext into Sharea of UK), and haa ap)ioinied . JOHN UEAUlVJt-lq'-hui at Wwlwbu. ry for receiving Submri4ioiMH lidnrtimtiMi in re. prird li"llwlnclrtrfrwijf'be flimiihed on npplira tiou to the aaibrict ibir at Liurolutiiu, or, l" llw . term of SWriiiliua, bv Mr. liiaui t jkiWawy , .r.J: JAMES BIYINUS. ' ' Linenlntnn, June 9, IH34. . t tf. Land for Sale. s T'lin SubneriUr ofTore for aale a Tract of Iind of 5 0 7 A O R 15 S , lying on both ide of . Orairf'i Creek, ait milca aouthweirt of Salinbury. Front 10 1 20O Acrea are -cleared, about !J0 of which ia excellent Meidow in good onler. there , iMt suod I)H L I.LI N G-ll 0 U ai: i tlie kind, a Rarn aridbeertJieiMea-3Wiiurt . lr-ti M.iinrn;nrrallhllB?l trirAiif vwe deiritm to re, ihc Property, will " pfc ealf onthe ibwnher,hvinm-eniiloa lroiu Balisbury, oa the road b IViUtie J'nrd. 1 L .... iL- m A Tfll E VV-Bir f iQTTvKr J.ine21,llS34.- tf IULIB3TO7" - yArd ftmivn vf the nbore Institution ' Wll.b COWWBXI-B OM . 'r THE iTRST I1AY 0P 'MAT. " 'PrFE Sul)rri"ter, thankful for pat patronage, olod " tkenWlves lo enter upon llie cxercisea P. J. SPARROW,'. ' T. W. SPARROW. Sulisburr, April 1 J, 134. ' ' tf NOTICE. Ironr.WARN all pemwe x to trmle tu a -NotaTf(iMi by tne to John IL Ms, dated Ju v 22iv!, 1634, due thwo oiotitua aflcr 'date, (br E.Av Ikiltnra, , J g SuJ Note wa otrfained witliont anj eoosttlcra. t: u, and i will not pay it.. DISSOLUTION. ryttV. I irm. MURPHY A M0S.4ia t!,. dy l itiwdw-d, !y Hili4iJ c.i-nl. AH p ai la th anil Flllll re feu'M'J to link imme diate payment, ' i - ' v am murphy. JOHN' IJ. MlHS. Salisbury, July !, S34. JQ"" ;To My Customer. 'FIIK ftirWrilsT, twin puri-hnsed the Kufin rWk of lU MIWof Murphy eV MS-, will con was to w! (JikmI a usual, at ll 4i ataud. II nlle all Hum isklsed to mil end ecttlo, a llw 4d courera luu4 tssMtivtlT I Vl"l N hnrt Unm. Wlf.IJ.IN MURPHY. rWialairy, August , 134 31. " iiiiciaviTir - - iVMUcpUe YiWf. ryiUKKwboum afflku with HRAD AtlU'S, IFART-Bl'UNS,idirH,rdi-Urng ajnii. Utnaof (Umntfrmi rtomarh, U.wrU, arid 1it, tony bml r-M in Dr. Ibckiti'a Anfi-Dyiprfrfw IMU, bn ii can be bad at ibis omce in e ruiy Tl Ir.tr, who Mir reiidnd in Ihia plaf, lut now liw-a in lUbiih, ha, tJir.r a 1ik and eil"ii ivr priK-tiri", lown rnaMrMl li computiiHl a rrvM va luuUi rniinoly fr lliw chrxii din- lh di grativo i'ttui, m axiuiwiu iu boutlicm clini';, Mpxiully with lliwn who k-ad Kl'iilary livt-. It wtiuld I an oy nwtlor to muk out crlift ralra to prove tliat llteai i'illa are a " unvrrrijfTi re. iiHlyM for "nil lltfl ilU that flh ix In ir to;" but it i ikiI im'ti-inlfd flint thry are an tmivrmtl anli tlmu ( rtifmiliK 4" lli iimm n ui-f tuUn l'hyi riuiM and otlxjf giilUiii'fi ran b hown to aub- mnti:in llwir clfwHcy in h xirln iiliir clnm of Ih-i above x'ltfii of; aixl lni Kililor of llii i nenrr ran ti-HifV that If tin dcrivnl hikvcK- ami i,riiiaii,nl n-l'n'f, in lh n1 of tlirni, frmn a nj"t H - uun aim. luui-ojuinuea ju-au-athe. P"in? j. .-i.l .1 l. ........ .... of hi fri'nd4 tried tlx-tii, nf hi tiitioii,"aiid priMwd Um miihm Utl'ia4 tHct. - - Kli.Uiry, June 14, tf Tvv tMiiyI)oIIarMRi'W Hn!! " I IAN AWAY from lle SfflncnlxT, living war 11 Thoiiw' Ferry, Yrk Ditnci, South Car4i. iiu. v i .i ,s j,,iu u.i ki;kii HOY im-il i I' l , mtlH-r veil,. compl.-..!. ! iIdmiuIi im4 a mulatto: about thirty ram of aire fit f w I live or hi! inche Iiil'Ii ; ver' atont Unll hollow f"t l ; hi4 -tk rye a little ainaller than the Ttpht. He run '"tT nnee bePire, (about three yeari, ".) and iiih' KTn, in attempting to lake him, Imi him; and he now rarrin tho murk of tin: hull, oIik Ii etiten.-d jiiHt In-low die rilit lioulW-r- UaJt,. Mu.1 buiaiul wmIcc lftu akiu. iwu uadu bulow i ' ' I ' 1((f , N.rllrn lu a ro.w M)ir ill iitiNl pantiilioM h IR' miirt, aial old v .! ; bo tuuk uu but llli buu, lo in v kuowimlge, tnil lole a pair of sIkx-m and amne ollmr clothing ; and aluo a raaor ami a dirk. ' There ramwav with him a NFC HO ROY named XO fl, belonging to TJio'a. H. Iliiovcr, of I orkville, ponth trolimi. Mr. IImvrr pir- ' rhiunl 'J'imi l'nm Jantt Carat hern, a neitrlitmr ot I mioe.IaVf Minh. He i aNmt twentv-five yenra I of age, and nlmut fiw 6h4 N or eleven im-lien ifci-h trini, wp n.idei'liJ''ly P.'Uinvf vertJ'Vk ; wnlk and ni'.iku tniick i Jia a Kharp pouotrating jsye and fiw)ucritv innkea uo m t ie pit ra "nay lite, or eya J. 4f mm mh1 a luila, but can. - wrihftiy krtiwiedrvt. The abie reward of-TWENTY DOLLARS will he given fir thr delivery of Fed to nie, on my uUntauvU, if awoViaW it -f - Yk DHnt t fund tho e.me for Tom, dehvered to Mr; Hoover. In TortViUi5 r lf.. lan.l.AK.t rr the r-Hi-fiinnent of either, in anv nil, with infornuiiion .i Aa rt ft-. a .- m igaiM m 9- W -h B a w . 1 m t dim'trd to mc at .Yorkvillctfoutb 0an4inn,are P Trrr."Wmnt orTEN-pnrxnis p,r the ,ie. will, pef4wri Hiulertnke to prws bv difterent nnrric or probaldv havi obtaineil free pne. ' J AMES SIMRTL, fVtnr. York Dit., S. C, Au. 2, .It" IVn DollaHKevviTiit: UVS AWA.YJV01B tlio ubiRrilier, Mitmbty wiraitij( llie aSib uU., al Mr-XarTuu i Stowva in-Liucoln xounty. a NEtiRO MAN. about five lo-t oiHht iiMilM'H hih, of a color hetwetm a liliu k uiul a mntHttii.'Htirtit iiiiiib. ahiuit thirtv.thrre veurw ohl ; wVn apoken to he haa rather a amir look ; he j ha a remarkable, wear no bin left wrist, length wio ; alo one or more nrs, from rising, on his breust. Ilia name ia NED, and be ia well known hi Lincoln am) Mw'kknihur counties in tbi State, ami in York District, S. C. Any iwrin who will lodge him in jail, in either of llie above Cimntic or Districtr-so I can wot nun, uliiill rvcviye a reward 01 lien Hollar. SrtwarWillci'Wwklftiilarrrf t'di-V'w" lAugnsI 2ml,ie31 t TSlDbllars Jl cwanl. Wifc XAi""KilvVitlif,s'" "".a" " :-t-- l4rVArr.l IMm inn Mibarnir, while encamr :edif the houe of Col. A. AY alt, in R.x kiug 1.1111 Coniy, (N. C.) on tiic night ty' tho lUiii of Way lust, A He i lilxMit oil year old, alxsit A feut 11 inchc rairt kner coat',, ami coniiuoii throad and cotton motnJooMM. Jolm n porrhuMil front ArchiUiId paid to any one who will apprehend ami Uxlgo lie Mid Nfro iu anv jail,ao thnt the siilirilwr tan got hini agiii. -Ltter addrwssod lo the ui ltrafgnrU. ,at Ruckin;haiti Oouf thouae, (Va.) will Teive immediate attvntioti. JOHN I. MORRIS. : July 5, iti, : ' T. ;r.'liol T&TThu'KJiof of the Tarnorotigh Free frea aril! publish tle aatae advertisement lo the amount of S3, and seud a receipted biN to tbU office, fur t '.!2!L,i,?Jr. 'Wnlli Wjd It IH... i;1)lp,h Mmidav in Sentemlr it...then d . -,rTTT icdTHwe he fTnalnwwlartattriw i'l ::I ,"if- . ."k- 'm uTrht- tteriioual allcnlioa ui LU establishment, will 1 .... , IWITi IV W i- . tll in imni uiiiumtitc II will . .1 i . JO'. . -. H-ijhh,,rh.Rd. - , heai.d eJJMlrtc and the prayer thereof be granted. "lubl? h 10 ?eetn P'?de" mado fhe shove reward of Seventy-Five Dollar wilt . ,,1I1VT .;,lc,.m . who may favor hun with their custom. NOItTII CMItOMNA STATU luu ma aasKCiT of TI IC EALISDUHY ACADOIV. 2il ClawijligU. pnl Low System. To tie Ilrnwn nlIJiiroIno, On Vcdnc?lay the 27tU August 372::cc::&rcnTT0.! JIANA0 K R8r CAPITAL .PllIZJ-S ' 0. 0 S 3 IS S3 1 1 Pri7"c4.flXX)0 DOLLARS ia a.'J.lKM) ... l 1 10 10 10 10 20 00 100 ; of 3,000 DOLLARS 1 3,K)0 of 2,000 DOLLARS i a.ooo of 1,000 DtJLLARS ialO.OOO d" 600 DOLLARS ia ft.OOO of 300 DOLLARS ia 3,000 of 2M IK)LLAKS ia i.iHH) of lOO'DOLLARS ia If.OOO id" SO DOLLARS ia 3.0OO id 20 DOLLARS a.K of lO X)LLARS ia 3,0 of 4 DOLLARS ia o,mm aiifiunting to $ 1 20,0 00 00 To be drawn on the lliirb and Ixw 8vi'ni. Thn hodli-r of two tirketa, ono lilfh aixl the o'Iht low, w rnrtuin lo draw ONK prize, am! limy THREE. AU Ijie prizca payable in CAll, forty day alW the drawing, aulxt to (b uixi.il il' duc- tnn of 15 p'r ci-nt. ' A IVkap of W holeTirketa in tht-i HrhnnewiM Arid uiut draw nrtt 17 00 - r' tt. v": ; - -m Tti'nw wh p-fT ilv nlnring for the large prizi". only, enn m thii ay. fr get the Miiiuig?T" Certifiuitc for Tn W liolo Twki'la, rniitliug lli holder tu all the tu k l.i nwtv drnw over 917, ill it ""H,""t mt' 'u' lM' k" i aire iinim unw Packagea of 'hnn-n lit proportion iay A Oniliit for 10 Wli.4.' Tm I...N, . iJ.'i oo " "10 lldlvi-s . . . - Jl 0 " " 10 Quartern, . . . f ': All Orilerg from a (litunre, by mail (post paid) or by private convpyanee, 'ih'Im-imj iho c;iIi t prizc'-tit kcfs in our ptvviuua Lottery ,w ill rectivo .i I I I . .,'ia I inc. uiom piouipt. auvuuutirU .uuorvu u Vi;.SO. &i ltil.M7,.Sttliabury ; MiMliuiarcotiiil of (lie drawing will bu lurHardud uuim JiU'ly uftcr lU vient. - Ticket fl H.ilve S2 Quarter f 1. ' JStevt'iison iV Points, Snlixlmry, July I'i, 1 h;j t. Munagm. Travellers' Inn. M A 1 tl MiU " f- ' l"'' t-WUl- HOUSE, IN THE TOWN OP XEX1. fiTON,' (.'. I'AKOLIAA.) 'T'lIE Suliirrifier tuke 1I1U method of infitrming Travt tteri Th be keepa a limine-of F.rrtf-r-t'atbnVe'nf ui '".'.tiei Lngf in (N. CT.l'on Min Stii, S'Ulhv.et of the Courthoune. Hi Table will a I way -le anpplied with the bent Ure lliat a, plitriul neiptilxM I1001I ran nllurd. lIoui,U:iuKcapaciKiH. aud atleiided by tenants ) who are unlotnHii and aealftOH lo plt-a-ie. Travel- lera ran alway le ari'ommiMhited with (.00 D B E DS in-mrnM with: fi'rtpliice. " Aud la.t,'htit not the li'unt unportnnt CQiim'dcratiou, HUIlES iri tilwayi rtctirt nek ulUtdiun, in tkt toahlr j of thi Subscriber, lliiit they may leave it with ii, ceabd ability lo do llw atsrvice of the road. I An excellent Line, of 1 isrb-?! Accommodation Etagca Loaves the House of the SubacriLer, FOR SA USUI K Y, on the. evenitutaof MouAay, Tkur. j flay, ami batbrday, and return to Lexington on the auecoeduig eveiiing. (t Paiwcugeri going from South to North, bv entering their name a far an Salisbury only, and ,here ,ak.i,,S Aceonimwlatioh Line to Lexing ton, can have 'heir choice, . Ili latter place, be tween the Piedmont Line and the one which runs by way of Fredericksburg. JOHN P. MAMIY. Lexington, March P, I S3 4. ly ytattL of North Carolina r 'IREDELL QWNTY. Court of fykitySrftute Tea, 1834. William (Jrcy and other, I Petition for sale and -jamew urey ami twnerw. y vnr. 1 IT aprnnirr Wine antrslaS thut Jainea (Jrev, Richiird H;iricock and Eliza- both hi -wife, and tlaiinaa Hancock ami Jan bw w ife, the defendants mimed in the Dill, are not in- habitant of thia -8tate r ltia ftvrefarXs f)Mirit, that piibticdtion be made, for six weeks, iu "Tlio 3o(Mu CroUMai".4tuUe4 iaiJyUiaUUe. nd defeiHlantii do appear at the next Court of Equi ty to be held fir the Ciainty of Iredell, at the Court. houtM in Stiilwillo, on tlw"ei"hih Miinday after JOlliN Mt HHAT, C.Mt. E. Jtd? ilv 13. lf34, w A List of Jitters REMAINIXO W THR POST OFFICE AT TOoiint Lebanon, DAVIDSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, On Ike H day of July, 1834, R Jann ItarnliifiV- L n.lKLec. ... . 5t W. STOFI'.P, M. orrnii - b'fATE OF N0KTJl-CAn0U.NA. UfKJKS OF f L'CSCRIITION U BTlX'K in the New Plata IUiJi North C'anJina, wJI be nnened, in iho Town id" Salisbury, ' of J.mmi in-l. C'iuli-4 who iuiimj to ftmke pr.nM"invt rwid id lhi-if fund, will d wll lo aiient ttati party 4y, . il l ! Itlliile h4 ainuunt will Ui apcdily mkn u. . . P. Jl li VM. 11. IIOKAH. nontrt. gliliury, June 7, 131. , 'A Valuable Heal Property, IN LINCOLN COUNTV, VOU HAIiVi. Tho SuUchbrr, intending; lo remove lo Alabama, OFFERS FOR SALE, Wis Ueridenre in Lincoln County, Including, in one body, about One Tliousand Acres Of .Krai (iood FnrminK Lnnd, On which i a fine 5" IS r irk ISiiihlins:, XjJ HiNtnu'ted of tin h-t ma .ta"' fi'rml. in tine fmto, and e workrnnlii. Al- ... Hll riMivi'iiii'Mt Ont.Hi4.i, CtflTON AND TIIRFIIINt MACHINES, Ikrn, Staid. , A. . A LSO Another Tract of Lninl, l. lug on both atdi'Nof Iliilrliuan'a t'ni'k, Coiituin 111 ubont uurtd Acvis, ALL FIRST RATE FOR ANY I'l RI'O.SI. QTlic aliovc Pr)t;rty will be IJ on a crt-iht of nne, two, rind thrw year. ! .In iny l,n'',,.iijilitatuHi limy Ir, to n. brollier, J. Forney. DAMhl M. 1UH-M.). LTnoorn Co., May" 17, 1 "3 1. if M W W U arfl IIATTKItM. I he NiWrilx'r wihIiih to employ two or three Journeymen Haltera, to whom he will give ronMiuit em. ploy and lila rnl vae, if jlienli'n lie mede noon to lum, in L'almmia County, if nulea northwuat of (Word. ROSS JUSTICE. N.I5. None need apply lit mich ai can comi: w.H rt-eomiiH'odil fur morality aiai induHtfy. Julv 12. isai. 01 Sjtrin X bummer I'axtitm VOW 1 h a 1 . HORACE II. DEARD, Tailor, I EOS eae to inform his fr hth!, and llie iimIiIic in generat, that order in hi line will always be thankfully received by In 111, ami ei-cuted 111 the inoHt .V at, raMliioluible, and Durable manner 011 ti ruw as rensonnlile mi unV in this neclion of coin try. II. H. It. hoK-, from hist long practice of his bu-nno, (a. nunibcrijf .tm. ul m;b .tuue be reHK! tu tlwxity tf l.luluuVlplua,) ih1 ttvm tin; ifiienil safisfiictiiHi he ha heretofore given to hi iiimrerous rcsiiectable aiid f.fhiofi.ilile rustuincra, to ..... Ti-r -i ' r.:j :: ..i ;, , e.r;: . . .' .i HM.'iii mm nT:i u iiruoii oi iirejiiufyiuigVLWiXUO public in generol - OO- Hefkt4-bim)!elf that hi CinTINO-fr; r rnniwiTiwni!T.ii. iiini.iHs iip i i i.iw y miN'rior to anv dono in thiii Krarrr,-a -may sfed" by ,li?. .undisputed elegance of lit which. really attend gmmmt nwdn in hi establishment." ' He is in the regular roooipt (4 the Reports of the Fa idiiului iu llioy tlmiio bolU iu llw lare eilM , tliH-fxaHitry and t r.Hrtie m that gentlemen Itray . be -antlW Jtimt eVdv f ll-. ai way a--la exiK;uttd 111 tbe very Jiitent atvb . .Orders. friau n.dis!am e will bc.pt.tcudt:d to.ttiili ihe-nftHie amv4Hr'y--and -care a if U t'u-tor ! wen- present Til person. Salisbury, May 17, 1831 ly TA1LOU1XU. ! EN JAM IN FUALEY, having received llie 'f'PtHpbiiuJW..Travl4iido pHri fctyle. of FASHION, and having in his em ploy. 4 nunibrr of Warkinenalio arefirst-rato, is preimnsl to cut and make work in a stylo' superior fo ny done in tuia prt uf Iki touuUy.uiiUjiiaay wurrantod lo nt.' . ()rder for Work in his line, from n distnnce,will bt; punctually attenck'd to according to order ; and titt kinds of local CQstiiiii-Work will be done ut the shortost notice and on reasonable term. He can I find, at all times, at his old stand, n few doors above Mr. Slaughter's Hotel, and nearly nppoxite Mr;-Jcrlm Murphy's store. , ;-TOTAjJ..ORS Ti..: t . r.. . c i .. ... .- 1 - -f.tnn inlaw f." wt-,Hi; w IKIIIIV niri-IU or SOHH7 UI 1 r iiiuhi r iisriKHin I l to teach or give tiistmction to any of the-Trade who may uesue to bo'juore pcrfi'ct in their bui. ness j aiid, from hia lx;liof that he ia fully ciimhle twiiii tii'Mirc nisi ruction To C&II on lum. TVrw 'Pnilnr-'u 1 V luliors Shop in Concord. fpiIESuliscritier infifiiia hiold enstomers arid 1 the public in general, that he has REMOV EI) TO CONCORD, where be has opened a Shou.jn wnicrflie TAILORINfJ BUSINESS in Its v: rious branches will be executed in the most fash ionuble, neat, and durable mnnner. He flatters (Krlle receives the latest FASHIONS regn. lurly both from New York and Phnadolphia, and works by .the most approved systems. "Cutting out, and Orders fr,pro a distance, will be promptly attended to j and last, but nut least, hit ttrm will be very accommoJatine. v THOMAS S. HENDERSON, v N.B.e it determined to ie vork a tfyh'tri lerior lo any done in (k it part of Ike country, and ALW A VS WJ.UB ST E l TO f fT WEtt.' 'r--- Cconoid, Murch 29, 1834. 6in 1aron Woolicortft,1 4. Wntrlf and Clock iakcr,-- Kr.nsi'uvo lo Tnfi.rmthe Cttiimf fa,, a well a thM bl Rowaii and the aurnajtd! ing Oxintio, tlial h Un t ( IlrinoTrd hl IMaMInLmr nl TO THE HtJUTH BIDE or THE COURTHOLjfi K A few dir alova Mr. Wnv II. Blsuifh. ) ter'a Hotel, a IU Jdaia ut, -C Wlicre he at ill ciilimie, as berebdore, to ecut ALL KINDS OF WORK ; in ttie line of hi proleaaion, at abort notice, And on the mott reatmablt ttmt. ' WATCHES Ai CM)CKS REPAIRED ir JUjj will 1 Kit CAsr aa ' Warranted for 12 Month! And thowc disposed to (mtnsiir.e him, are aaairrj that no 11111 will be spared t give the most general arsl entire satisfaction lo thrni. (fT ENtiRAVIVO of every dearriptinn, (ia. eluding Tiiib-SlK-s,) will le executed with w. Wsa nisi accunicy, at short in tice. ' Kihslairy, Jan! 7, h;i. if y :u 1 1 o i:sTiiK '. rlHF. SuWrilT wiJie In orrhase LIKF.LY NEURttES, from ten to thirty years old, arsl will piv the miHt liln ral prices in ('ah. All alui have such property tu aell would d w II to call 1 si him, or Mr. J.bn J.sics, his Aeat. lie can be found at .M.r. Suiuuhb r'a HoM,ia Salislriiry, mimI Mr. Joih at Dr. Jtoyd'a 1 lwtel, ia ( 'hiirlotle. .. .. . , lie think i' jiropi-r t.r sny, that be ia not rr. ceris il in btMtii" with Mr. Jiia 1 lluic, or ask unV other person. All Iei!ers a ldi-eed lo lum, or Mr. Jone,iiI Is-inctillilly utelidd 10. ' " ROI5FRT IiriE." Saii-iisirv, Mv -:. i:h. If t'ui'i't'iit irir ol" I'rodurr, Ar. AT S.M.ISIII HV., Angiart 13. Huron, , . . Itruiidy, Jjiple, n:h, Butter, . . . Col loll, III M'rd 4-ll'Btl, CiHct, . . . (WlW' j.. Kmtliem, . . Flour, (Marie) 1 I. ) ..iioiaMw, . , , rrfi t() a t.'i.XaiK .... pjjfj 4.) s WMrtits, a ' 10 4ye 7. U Sti'ur. hrnuu, . 1(1 1 1?1 j kif, . . Ht Kll II. Is Salt, . . I i'i A ; Toticro, ... m .VHI Wheat, fliulieh Ml. If r laAj i-J, . I'HI Whl.key i'i t ;) Uiusxi Oif, (r a'alluu, 1 12 AT FAYKTTEVIM j:...Aii-n.t . Hni-on, . . Itriunly, peru-h, Hiile, ((eswsx, . . Collec, . . . Col ton, . (oru. . Flaxseed,- . - - ; Klour, . . . FeutiiLTa, . . . 10 1 tt Iron, . . . . .r)i Hti'MiilnsM-s, . . . a fti-Xaik cut,: . . 17 1" Sugar, brown, .IlU a lltl lump, . . L'a 13, Um, . .. 0Us.9o.Sb1u - . : . (it 4 : II"1 , Ifl i ll 5565 100 a no tltrWheiit,: ..V flVF Whi.rjcj ,T " . 30 S5 . 33 a 3.Y Wool, . 13 a 14 DacoM,. Ul a Kil 10 a 17 Meal, (ew,)v . e7 a W Molaswea, . 4JWt dsrr-r-r;-?! i H : Bii'swnx, , . Iliitfer, , i Cotllie,. Cotton, new,-. Corn, . . . Feallieia, . Flaxsacd. ..... f'!i'.'i. ""ir-i fine, ' . Iron, . . . Janl.- -r . M.tckcrel,". ": . 1 r lSaai . 1 Lt l-Xlat, acrc,W-r- .111 a 12'jKice, . .. ,4.V !W . V.i a bViSalt, in sack,' . 3St -' ..... a X beiH .KMIm l'vjtemr,prtme, r- 6 a V2 .conauH. . Oa IU .tssis j i.f & . )iioip,i'i u . S rVTallow, (waiici-). 10 s U -.-'10 a Ten -.t!Ti a W .tkjtl a tMslKvheat, ;-r---Hra ( AT COLUMHIA, (S. C.)...Augost X ' ! Bacon, . . . . 10 ttj I ),rd, . . . .TOsHJ Brandy, poach, . 75 - j.Molaes, . . , . 45 a M apple, . 4(f I IWMackerel, Sm t f0 Reeswst, . . . 15 s tHHSoJt, In sacls .?t'J! Unlliu, . .... 4 8n ; bushel.' -: .- 75 Cotfre f.'s 17 Sugar, brown, .10sl VtVU . . . . -.'r?l a liTtl.-.loiTUiOTrvlSear Uon, . ; . - . 0 s lISTallow, . v . tfl a Pi Hour, ... .7(M) a KXTeas, . . . .. .IK)0 Iron; '" 4 1 Wbifkey, -.r 40" AT CAMDEN, Cr)...Auguat Z , .,; a-icon, '. . . . U a 13 FURir.C,-o.).0tO a W& ltrandy, pesch, . 45s fiOl (Cam.iliilU).OOO S OtKW Bfifiple, . a"i t 40-Iroti OOaPO IVeswax, . . . I's l-jjUrd, . . . lit 15 Cottoe I) a ia Tsllow, . . . 10 sU 'ern, . . ; .100a lit Wlieat, busheh .tin alM 1'enthers, . . . 30 a ftOWhifkey", ' . . . 35 II MM.ri.t.1 WMtVMiUuo Trats oi-pi'KMrATioft, -- 1. The "Westskk Casomiib" is published ewf luudav.ttil'AUi.i)oikrs )s-r awmm if ystrf m arivsjyv -fir't'W. f,V!Mr7i Slid FiPy Ceubjif ..nIo,uuliWT the expfrfilioiiVf 'fljfre inoiillis. " " "'H!r . 2. No ptiper will be diciitimied until 11 arrearsg1' are paid, unless at tho ilw;ret ion ortJiet3KoTf 3. No mhecrirition will be received for a less t;M thsnnna yeSF T aitVi I Mure 'to"nrtifry"rteEJirorin"" wish to discontinue, at least one month before the ex ration of a year's subscription, will be considered as new-MgagometiC" ""' " 1 v -"-'''"--'--..v. 4. Anv nerson whn will nmrnr. air anrweribcrS to the Carolinian, and take the trouble of collecting and transmitting the siibyciption-price IdJha IJiljtDr, hare the paper- dnring tlis-Tmrtinuairctr of their wj scnptnni,'iwtilHii(tT;harge; .-' I tt ' fKBMS OF snvtBTISIMl. 1. Advertisempnts will be corisnicnonslv snd corroct- Iv inserted at 50 rent ner aminn. Tor the first insertion, snd 3iJJ cents fiir each oMitinnsni j bnt where a vertiswiient is ordered to eo iu only twice, H cts. ww berbaiged fi each lsertolr''-;,.-;;:;:;;,;' ' ? 2. Merchants, Mechajiit;, and Pwifessiotwl penile men. wlia may desire constantly to appear before the nnblic in our a.lvprlijinir enltimno. will lw received as yearly advertisers, and a deduction of 13 peoeut. wiB be maJii ftow the abow charges. , . -o' f Jv::-- lTo.. coKaEspoxDSSTsV-j1a ., . .. I. To insure prompt attention to letters sddre. to the Editor, the WMtug should in all crwes be paat

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