THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN mm - n - - ; : . " t. " ; . : . ': prilLISHKD WEEKLY: JOHN HEARD, JrJMtoraml Propriclor. -CJ5 Xmher from the It ginning 712: Na 12 OF TIIK XVlli VOLUME. Salisbu0vRowanCoiintIV,G , ..... '-. . NOTICE. VVILL ximm fur ITBLIC HAM, at Mourn I Mourn", Iredell nsnity, on At VJ of . I !...... v ...... .e nm. an mo i crwiwi ivji'iij in" iiuic 01 jit, Sarah Keio, uHiiaj, cutuuatuig Unulv U'fir nit ski on;: MAN, A M OM IN', did FOLK CHILDREN j Household uiul km Un Funiilur f on Mam and oiim ("utile. 'All person indebted to mini Estjtu art r ! eiu make iinnjodiule puyim-m ; mi.) nil those ha ling rluimi against it, ar notified m present them as the law din-els, or this notice will In- jdcml in bar f their recovery. in i i'.s nr.ii, F:-ruir. August VikJ, 134. i Commission ami Forwarding WILMINGTON. f IMIK Sibscnlsr having t 'tuMittlicd Inni-slf m ' ilimiigt-Hi, fur I he jHirpw of (ruinuK Iiiij; Iih- il'' Imihmi'--", r'pviIuU)f toii'lffi Inn wtrvirtfi (i 1 piil'liv. (immIn CDIiHjyiH:il t linn mil I) for k .jr'fc- iMi utmoiU ilrtimU li, himI all im ( K'i- n imrtirulunly olrtiynl, P.irlu ulnr wf t'Miti'Xil uill ! (.nl lo llie mil" if TiJniwi, 1'imir, Luiu tf, Stuift, AiS, IM wl ! ll?-rtTrtm- ut (,.-!.. id- fl.itti-rn luiunilt llml n kn. i ,i 1 1 IjJJII'-'N tllljM-(J ll IIIIM iMIIMll.' Hill LtlMwill m i in'1 linn u ithurt' uf jhiIiIm' iiirniuii'. wm. p. jj:m ki;ys. It lMl. Jlitlll Illlttll, JM. KlUl'f, uiliriaiull K.f.W. S. Itia, ll.'iiry ILni l;iiif ill-,.N.('. W iliniiiL'ti-ii, Au. I'!, 11. III . - . Commuaion Merchant, cQy, r,ri ,', rT? (viRjiixiA,). I kH KK ir :fiM:i'i lo lrnrrn MtcIiuiiIn .mil f' Nmlli Curuhitu, fm 11m- IraiiH ,i. ti.Hi i if iinv in l)i-ir lii. Tlwv kwp ruivtmitlv cm hmid htrrc stitj trrll.-B-W-trj Mink . f f ! KOf.'KRf KiH" tVr pay partkular ai U:iiiini i . ilir .ili ol IYxIik'u, lli! !! v ii uiul I irvviuil- II.' ' i hmi, f. I'liujf AVan:Wi:s are lure ujiiI cnovni fill : tlirir rliirjii'-i liniijurutt: ; ami, Ifina Nnrlli I ' .ruliiiMiix iIk iiivIm s, I lw liojif In Iliic a hl'r ral siii;i irl fruiii llii'ir iiiiiiu Slulf, Plfr'liur(, Aiijiii ii, KH. 41 Land for Sale1; 'piIF. SuWrilvr iitli r fir uil a Jiael of I-nwl Atif 5 0 7 A C it rAyum uu. Uh i'A-h fTiaiiV Cirrlr, nit njt,"Tpnt1iwfot'-Halii"fy Kmiu l-VMi 2iHI Aorc-i uro rltrwl, nUnit .'( of licli I exctDit.3IiiJi iu jjiul .utJf,.Tl L land, n,Tiiid iifhir out-houw . Term will be iiMai cconii)iKnjriii'pri!ft,"BtIfi tfwfung ftfeA tt" wHt! .! rr(wrt J i will plie caU T) Se 8uWn!iir,1iin" five milts (mm rvilisiMiry, on tli'l t- Imuiih'm runl. JHne.2!, H'M;- i'ii.-.,.; i,i Aiij'iu.t 12th; IMi. ) L.M'T. IIFARY VOl jire rWhyi mitiiled to aj"ar io Thar littr ihi Tuoliiv tin; ytb f 8etcinl'rf wilh'ymr .Nibiiltrrn,'andthe Private undor ytir cotnmand, riiiiicit Hcconling to law, for the ptirMt? of Ito Vm aiYtTiiisperfiottVoin Regt 6iA4 ll tVlokMWsiM.i .i-. ... By wthif bT Wjt.'CTMf , Ctd.-OomMt i V,. j. HAKUIlti, Adjotmu. Charhilt, Aug' !, !. '. . Siilinhun', on WedtKiJttliiy the V7th mutant, at iU g'ci, a. M., for Drill, Atywteua may rest ii-sitri-il lh law vvilt fi'.?lrii'''ly,udirtvd. Hv ordtsr of the Captain : A'i. 16. M4.-2 JAS, OWENS, 0. S. N0TKK. 1 -.FaUEWARV-nll mirtons not to Jrailo for a Nolu, irivfin hv nin lo John jiTMo, .diiu;d Ju- lr -m, 1 ftttftm- ihrtiff mvaU after : tratei-ivr t- ilty iXijliira. Slid Ni.te was ohlntnwl without any cotwiilcra ion; aiid I will not nay it, PHILLIP LITAKER. NOTICE, 'i Jit JliBJ!giyw jmtite ' ilmi I h,Ll hia it. which.lie sav. ".was tfivpn without anv consideration.'' nd-4httt: he will not oay it ; I liertjvy give notice that tlifi Raid note a given to me in consideration of my rescinding n trade with him hr a negro and I will make him pav it, and more too. . JOHN B. MOSS. Salisbury , August 1C, . f O' -r f if - ' v ii V iiNii 1. 1 . 4 , 1 from choice to a pace where there is neither noli- N A -it. Ar-mt . . , S'K!t:d, The hroisi.r romeitiM were administered, , . . r rVjiHaiVJi . irj?! . , . '-J r 'it. - i - in? m i, tl tudonoranciety. Sotuothuut bunitui ia there but - .- -' Toetlo til. M .. I, W H rkm IM a I ' W. l 4 m vtatorr m I, 1 1. I U I ft lb Man i,UM t tl lii.l LINKS WRITTEN IN A VOlWi LADY'S AUJL'M. An "Tli Brule' 1 il olT' r lhc thin hmrt of mmtv If I nu!il luu' thco Ivm; ISul ln-rU t Minn, m aift m li.nie, Mi'iuld never know dmtriiM. My fur(nii u too Urd for ll , 'T would chill thy din-l ; i d rtln-f Miah to msu Uae hev, ' 'J'kia win llic, U destroy. I lln-o in thy hnjipin"', A one too ilinr to Ikvi ! A olio I'll tliink of but lo Ilea, WluKt wri'trlii-dly I rove. Hut oh ! w hon aorrow'i cup I drink, All bitter thoiijfti it be, I low imit lu me 't will b Ui tlimk It hold no drop far tlitut Tlinn fiirn thr wi-ll ! n rxilc now, Without i rhrriH qr home, With inguiiih written on my brow, Ahimt the world I'll rutin. Tiifiill my rfrfmm;irTiitt7"rVr . ' Fatti Ud ilium all di'wrt And I will Icivo my native shore, In brokttniteflt of hrartl MISCELLANEOUS, lAr IIOL'IiS OF WASHINGTON'. Fryn tWi Rrcellrvtitms mni PrivtUi Mnnnirt mf tkf lAft mnd Chrracler iff Urn. Wuthmgton. Twenty-eight year have passed airice an itile relin roop were anscmblod in the death rotmi, and witiMMsnl dm last Inwr tif AVashinjton. -,8o kiwii and uiiiriii ha lieen the scythe of linie, Ihnl, of all thine who watched over the putriarch'a couch, on the 13th and Nth of IKxeinht r, 17U0, ImiI MttfUi jmrtiooage isirviv. On the morniiirof the 13ih, iht; General was tlllL-J ill Uiukuig IklUM) ttliproVUIIMUlU IH (Imi ff.Wlt loiiiit ernoii, A wk umiiiI with him, he earned lu own compa, noted his ulMervations, and marked out the ground. Tho dav U'raiiM- rain with aloot. and the improver remaitieJ long cxx-il to the inclen)4R.j m u-n Hhivci u4 to he ciMiih;nihlv wetted heffre his n'turn to the h-sj-. Alyinf 1 o'clock,-he wb seird willi chilUi ne and nntrnea, hut ltavjii) changed hi itolhe, j he jtl down to hi indoor wofkrer betng no' niiefi of time flir whiclj b! had not prorided an aplmiriaTf rmptoyrnovt. vUiiuut, on .jonuus W?jwnily..Wi t lie (one. ral coinulainod vf a tii:ht iiilirxwihoii, aiii u Ai r a tuule ! cun of tea, impaired to hi library, whore he. je.TOitiwI willing until petwoen 1 1 ami I i o olis k. Hfr. Wasfimgtot) retired about the ustiTf faimly hour, but Wuiuiug alaxn)od .at4iat hcjn jj tln aecoitotmyj aound of I lie library ilmr. ,U closed fur the niglit, and gave the signal fot iot in tho well repnrated mansion,' ahe roir?Bmf ani coniiiwcd w-tting up in much anxiety and,HUnenc; "ki Km "iTi I he "well known step wn heard on tlie" stair,' anif upon the GeWcrar "eh'tertlfw Tii elmnr- ber, the lady ehided him for taytn tip so Uto, k;ioin him to he unwell; to which Washington "made this memorable reply: " I canie as sHn u my lsisinena was accomplished. You well, know, that Ihrough a long life it has been an unwearied rrde nerer t pnt rT lilV-tiie- -mjrrowj th-4lie which should k p: rtVnW to-da j , :. Having first covered (he fire with care, the man of mighly niy)l repose j hutit canio not, as if was Ion j wont to do, to eomfort and restore alter tlie mauv and earnest ocnipalions of tte well tenl duy. The night was past m levennh rest- Icisness and pain- "Tired nnture's weel re"t' rer, halmy sloeit," was destined no .More to visit his couch ; vet the manly an Hirer uttend no rum. plaint, wotdd jiermit no iwie to be disturh'-d in their ret, on his aoeount, ana it was only m iav-orenK he would consent that the 'bverttDer iiughl Tie i' called" in, and blo-odina reanrted to. A vein was oem'd, hi.mlwf.jURtdiML cim.wAt,dtrJicd. to Dr. (Iraik, the family, and Drs, Dick and Brown, ot hesitation or remark. The medical eenllemen ared not their skill, anil all the resources of their art were exhausted in unwearied endeavors to pre aerv this n44ost work of uaturet The bight approached tlie lust night of W ash ingtnn ; the weather became severely cold, while the groAip.gatherd,JrpX,,. l!1.0. couch of the suffirer, watching with intense anxiety for" the sliirhfea dawning of hope. He Kike but little. To the re sisjctfut'ojid afleetionate inqtthwoftnW -Amilv ...m . .l,.fnisiThAd ilown li alii kiW. hfiw ne frrr mrnseff, h4wsweml, " I am vejyJlhIL-Jo Dr. Crai. lu earliest comtmnion m arms, longest tried and bosom friend, he observed, " I am dying sir-4iut am not afraid todie." To MraJvash. ington he aid, "Go to my escritoir, and in the private drawer Vott will find two rrre-ring them lo rhe." thev were brought. He continu ed . "These are my wills preserve this one and burn the other," which was accordingly done. Calling to CA. Lear he directed, Let my corpa be kept for the usual period of three day. Here we would begenve to remind our reader, tUt' in a ihtmerriTaf' thfs work," we have "aaid that Washuigtou, was old fa-hionc d m some of Ijw 1 .:r 1 : .i .... ...t.'.t; u n nn- T""1 an r -'-"n.-riiH mt.x,.,M.wM L'llWJL. AHUM. ,UV. iUUOtkT, .--) fUkU. X V. v v,v jt opinion j oor )tt tm U U aJuilred on tln account. Tin cuttn uf kaejiinj lU tkad f,.r Uw criiifiiral, period of Oiiwe da, ia dcrivH fnnu r iwKr niMuh), and aro-r, not &om A r of jiirina. lur inirrinrtii, nj in mrejnotJrrrlfiiiH , but &imd nMitivet of verternliou lotianl lit ditfiwvi, f..r Im b tl r eiMil.lirig ihn rt-lntivn and fruthU o awni. blfl from a duttanra, lo peifirtvllMr funeral nV ; for iIxj piou witichinK of lt rtirpwt, and for mit ny anil, yej eiKl'-flring rrirtrxmipt with whit h we cMijtil lo py our lat duiic lo the rrniain of iIkW we IovkJ, ' Tlie M(knt horr hi afrte aufB rinj with forti Imle nod prrHt'l rtirmtkm Id llie Ihvine will, while, h lltf aichi ,Ihiim, il brrame eviihul ihnl hn wiu niiikin, and he f iin-d fully iware thai hi hourwM nigh." lie inquired the tinw, and w afiawfrod a C-w miiiit in w-lvts lln Nke no nHrn lh hand of iJiniH m upon him, bihI he w foiiw-Mii ffiut "hi hour cimtr." With iirir)inn)r r-lf po-Menioo he nrered lo dxt. ltii(iiiiif hi fitnn al h, and f4lifi hn ami on hiii botKnn, without a wgh, wiihoul a ;ron, Ihe luthrr if hiii ruuiiry died. No pang uor tni2t'li lold wheu the rwillu -iirit look it ;hh Ii.h Ihht while o Irnnnuil appared thu nmnly fmiun i in the riHMe tf iiVaih, that min ni'HiM ntii had nn. hci art mud could bWiee that ih pairwreh a uo iiinrv KEMIN'ISCENC'E OK DISIIOP ASIll'RY. T akrn down from the lip of ihr tttd and rear- ralh IUt. Jamrt Knl, a winiMtr of the Mt- thoJitt KpiAfPHil Ckbrrk in JJaryland. In ll.e earry"iliiyl "?di tliihsui, nislio)i"AlNi. ry was travelling from he irima lo the Haiti, more C'-oiife,eiMw, In cnxonir thr KniiiMloiiitMs-k rjver, at the I rUiiina Kerry, iiLiiloucealur c -unty, ho was in iniuuis-ut (lunjftT the:i out iion the ri ver, A drenilfid storm auiklenly aruee, niel ll:e fi rry-Usit was hmried mIiimwI it into tlie CIhhw. peake Huy. lu ilia mhU of their peril and e lire, mity, it was resolved lo throw the horses which were in the Issil overljonnl. Hih"p A'lsiry, imi tlie uiisile of the inotnohl, reaolvtil to cling to his own liore, beliuving that he would safely bring , liiii) 16 shore, hut the animal rehXieJ to go, aiid, lo avoid being thniwu overlsMril, fell flat isi the toil) of lh,; txtnl iiul in a few minutes the wind ct isel ai.d there was a gnat luJiii, In a short lithe he ri-ncls'il lint shore and sel out on his jiHiriH'v, but had not pr ir.eedoil more than three miles when he prrrrired nn old church, whirh 1 had Ish ii occupied by the R V- Mr. Wadilell, the J celebrated blind preacher, of whom Mr. Wirt has nHikn in his "British Hy;" ami, as lie was wont, c..V!!:phM.u toii'fe'riic mmiM him fir the drli'crnnce he had wmught out fur htm. m-aavw him Crom a'wjt.rr-Ji.. in tin tu t of ilevoliisi, a soh'hm and deep Tnvprca. sion was made ii)on his mind to send a preacher Id llml reuioii, 1 Ai ci.rdingly,' on hi-t'arrival at the llaTiiTtrirriiriferHH', a ftwiuliir was tent tu.lhtv ,.Ntuuru .etlil. iifViriuiiit uiitlor a convitlion that tjisl hud a peiipht there. At this verv riisl n gi'iitleinan of tht rHigh Ihvsl find gisie on to' Bultiimtn'.'biid flien pinvi deiitiaPy fell fn with" a wersbipptng C4Sifrn'gatioli of ,Mcthoiiu,.lukuifl ucvrj.hcnrd of or. Juiowu ihir kMMie,.TWtitttitk?tffaii.haiLU4u Jbr Milium inrh wxiiullv converted to God,.uiid could not, consist. ently, join eniitvgaton. of Christian with wlHim hp, was a'4u..utcd. .Yji la there, he VV eiidently the preHM-e of lle Iord, aud that Cod waif "IhraM re.rvd that thisiipeoji! shsiM bo hi neople, and their G xi hi God. Arler V h-fi Baltimore, he resolved, to aell all that he had and find out that people, and with them five and die. But, to hi astonishment, when ho reached Ids home there wan a Methodist preacher alrendv there, who hd jnst wrriTrd; from Conference; lrotrfrh hia agency, the CiM.rch in which. Mr. Aslsiry bail praved tu obtained; and in tliat church the first wails were converted, ami the fnrt Chinch establish. ed in the Northerii NeeKaof Virgiiiia", of Whichl he was c!a leader. ..-. --j.. gnm l. mitftm latnifMW. TI1F. GRAVE YARD.' "Iow lie tlie head, anil atill's the tonjne, "Ot'-tJiooe whuiought, ad .poke, and sung,' I never shun a. rawJ-yard-r-the thihfUl.JiiOM laticholy which it inspii es, ia grutuful rather than disagreeable to me. It give me no pain to tread m the gWftH 'TiWr'w tnitttmrnrm malevolence "hit Imt Its) prm'cr of hnrming np jietile is witod, anibitronjiea low, and lust is cold r anger h:is done raging, tj dispute have end!, all revelry iuver,tlte feliest animntiity ia deeply buried, and toe; darkest -inar- Jtuuy,ajufiuctl--by , JJie thickly piled clod of the valley vice ia dumb and powerloss7uiid "virtue 1r waiting in silence for the voice of the arcb-tLngwl and the trumpet of God. , A country editor, wlw lwuea had. tDtpatided TnTo more ramiticatiims thkn breeuld fuel tiim to attend to, jhua give notice of a curtajknent of hia operatmn ' - - --' Curtailment. Peculiar circunTstance remhr it ne:esiiary for u wr. the JKliUr to curtail our biwne---Wt have relinmiisbod tlio pedagogical professiiav-rgiven up tending Nojipv;fijrry.. ing forgotten t he art of cleaning clock, and sum dry and diver et ceteraa-and - have "resolved iirmnimon8ly,M in committe of osk, to contino our. SeTyee exclusively to ediliag, netting up, and work ing off the Mercury , practising law, physic and surgery, eiecnting, dcl conveyanoei, ta and cuniAgfroJilfir. W n boneYy-lmVrrangenieHt, io have an occasional ) wurc hoar." ' I nl,.w,,L,ru I vtM.ij miu' aki.n ft tin I itTnn Untiili of e !iuid;Siaicf(y- FAKtsf; AT TIIH J'UIKT HKSfR)iN W TllE . TWE-NTV-TflittD CO.NGUXSd. .:' Ipl'BUC.lfe 6.14 AN Arr to mirk ud tstea a road from CahiMta to L.tlls Id k, m tlie Telvilory of Arkanata, llr H f.nm-IrA, hf Ik firnalt mni I to Rrvtf trntattrrt tf Ikt fmfV iVlttn of Ammr, in 0 grrti mstrmbUJ, 1'hill the amn uf Un tin sis ml dollar b, ami Ui on ia hereby, appropttatnd, osit uf arif mo ney m Ut Treaxtiry not otiirwifi ai-oiriird, Un Ui purpiBHi ofTollklnf and cutting out a road fnn C-olui-bi. ia Chicot cisiuty, to Uttle Kork, in lb Territory of ArkartNia, to be eianilid unjr tlie direction of the PreMleut of Ilia Uiiiiod Ktate. JOHN BKM. - SjH-akrr of lh IliHU mf HrreW)ltl'1 M. VAN IM RE.V, - 1 irt'PmiieHt of thr VuilrJ Slmtrt, $mi VrttHtnt of Ike & JM'. ApMved: Juno aOth, KH. ANDREW JACKSON. IPCBUC.NolWl AN ACT nmking an iimmtiriation fiir the improvement of the nst igatawi lli HimUm river, in Ue blate of cw York. licit LiuiclrJ, bm ii .SemMlt mni.lLiut of Riprc irnlMhtft ikr t'uilrd Slain uf Amtru-m, ! grrti umi-mhhil, Tlmt III sum of M'tenty IImmimiis) 4.llfl, and lttfciirti -m herly, ai)t)eMit) U.wanU (Imi luifmH'fiiient of the navikitSHi of lh JIuJxsi liver, ml the rt-iiHival of ohstrurtiona therein, aeronloig lo tlio plan siihniiltisl to the llisise of Keprnt'lilatives by tbi Dopartioeuluf Waf, undw. data of ilarek thirty. eiyhlrcn liumlnjil and IhirtyHwo; winch hum ahull lie I1 si mil of anv nssit'V in the Traaiirv mit otln-rw iu : apirnprmtisl,aisl shall be rxsfnlel under the din-i'lioni of the pppsideiii f"he United Mute. Approved : Until June, 1M. (PUBLIC, No, C7 AN ACT to lutliorie an Mtra sewun of the J-oghla-li.u C.mjikiI of the Territory of Michigan. B it F.iMctfJ, by ike Srnatr and mise of Rijrr, fnttitm ..()' i,r fdird Slnlr$ uf Autrrn-a, 111 ('mi rrr, nt,mhlrd, Tliat the legilatiteK'suicil of tb- rVmtllTV fll lllii..MM Im. .M.I ta I..Mk b ill I,.m-ImI t. . huU au tulra aisaMon, toa'aiuneiK aiaiich Uiuc,darul''la7,l,r.r,vc,K '""H Ktute a a vouii;ae ,ir the present year, is the Iioveriior of said Territory m f -rs.u?' mniUiiiiiam and who ImW iWHLlU.Jutti.lfl- think proper: of which time it shall he bis duty to give Uu' iii. nilx rt. ol nasi coiini'il line notice. Vm-c. '1. Ami b il fwlki r nuulrd. That ft the pur pur uf dffraviog Ut iis sJiioUl eapenoa,.aad lur pay ing IlK'.nieiiibeM of tlie Lcifwlutive Cmineil for travel, and fur cil'litiism) time employed a afbresaid, the sum oTUiree IIhmiiikI ilollani rw, ami is hereby, p,iropriteil,' mit of any money in tho Trea.ury, uot otherwm appro printed. Approved: Juno 3(Hh, 1V. AN ACT authoring the purchase of live ek frame fbt a l'n.-aU! uud aluup of war, and Lr uUjw naval pur-. ... rswes. , Je ' Fniirfrit'.' hf ikt UrnnlnMd 1hmm tf Rrft, nrntativr nf thr tmttrd Slate uf America,! Vongm nrmbM, Tlmt the rVrretnry of the vy ks-nd b is hereby, uthoriied to direct the procurement in the liwi'irit liuVtj' if a Ins rath IVaiiif. - a fviuata to be. call- cdahe-Paul Jiwt, and; Alive4m.H frSj'l"?fl war to be called Uie vant; anu me sum 01 imy ." naoii dollar la hereby aDBroDrUted. out of any money in the Tresnury not otherwise ippnipriaJed, fur -that porpuk, HvX. And be it further etioctrd. Thai lb district Atlorney of Massachusetts, and UieTSolicibw of the Trea Hiiry of the United StateK, be,-rrdthey ar hereby, , I In 11 izi'il anil retiu ired to defend the suit, iiiHtilriled by the heinruf JiJiri Harris, "for Und! twnwt.'et-wi-wiU) the. navy at Cbar!)towa, iUchiise. in. the court of that district, ami, with tlie aid of tlie Attorney Gene ral of tie-United Kutw, to defend the sni in the Mnpeeiiie Court at Wasluiigton,if brought up oy appeal or writ or error. Kec. a. And te it furlhrr marled, That, fi wn nletinir and furnishing the liosoitabiat the several naval l.liiuiu Ihm mim lit aivfV-flnir ihonsrrnrl dollar V; and the saniH w Jiereby, apxiropm Uie 4 reasury not oUierwise apiifpriieu 10 or rs-uu-ml under the direction of the Beemtli nr of the Nvy. . W And ha if further martrd. That the ant of twenty-fiair Uiotiaand dollar be, and the same is here by aoywtpriated, out of any money in UieJTresWr Dot otlierwwe appropriated, for building two new navl ma gaitne at the navy yard Charteatow-w, Maadkuu, and Bronklvn. New YorL - . Sec. 5. A if fvrl Ker enarteJ, That the sum of forty thousand dollar be, and uie am ia nercoy, propriated, out of any money in tlie Treasury not oUier wise anrjrooriated. fur the buildinf of a naval at or sliip. seyenfj tjioiisnnd AJlar be, the same ia hereby, Bee. 8; Anal a f wtxr enaclea, 1 nai we sum er Dortoriftted. out of ariv moneif 1iTth Treaanry not otlierwis apnronriated, for the building of two small M44t,Ya.a.b rhhe discretion of the Nav Deuartment . four thousand five hundred dollar be, and uie same 1 herebv, airmiiriatml, out of any money in the Treasury hot otherwise appfoprfaterlbf the tepair of rwdam- oeeaioiwd hy the late gale at the navy yard Brooklyn, I 'IT. ' ... Hr-An mm t lutUux tnacitiL. ,1 UM Hie f.W. hiM thousand dollar be, and tlie same ia hereby, ap propriated, out of ny money in the Treasury not oilier- wusu uppropnatei, mr tne repair of tlie marne names, at the different stations, and for errecting an hospital at rtec. . And" be it further enacted. That no part of the balance of the appropriation heretofore made to re build the frhnt Macedonian, and not y et expended, shall be carried to the'aurpTUa uutil bno year alter aaid frigate .1..11 l..,nl,.l nimil w iniimiir-H. . " , See. 10. And be it further enacted, Tliat the sum oft "K" nunureo no Miinywo, and the Act enl,i, 04liwan4ive bettdred and tenloHrand aawearf" A AnMJtfiMim.M the,Ppeiie bridge,? ... two ty'-fiv cent be, and Ihe" same i hereby, appropriated fieVwf eny-tnisvy in th Tfeasury noUjtLerwjee. appro-. nriatiait: tiiwarilii biiihliniT a wharf at Pensacola. Sec, 11. And be it further enacted. That a surri not exceeding six thousand dollar be, and the maae ia here by, appropirated, out of any moneya in tho Treaanry not otherwise appropriated, to purchase a site nvpt the imty yard at Bwiklyn.New York, on which to err( marine Wracks and officer quarters; Prowled, Tliat the pre sent aite or one on feeAwpital gwsinda should not be fiMind so convenient and neeO J fbt that purpose, . - See. 1. And ba it further enacted. That tlie sum of on hundred and twenty-nine ddlr beapprojirisled, out of any money in the Treasury not otfierwix appm TJrtafed, ftirotriftsation to Ijent. Thomi Domm for extra rnce 111 aufvcyibj tlie coast ut eij'.teen Mm Hred and twnty-arven,tbaaMl (inn having been carried t lit (sirplua fund fisn a dmiier approtinatioll. Tppeovedt Juoa 1KH . Vi.v . frvii jlTftvea j AN ACT. to proviiMt fc Ui aayiw-nl of claiina t pro nlt,(Hurt, at deMmye4 by Ui f nemy, whit utiliury jerrir of its I'mtad flute, duruur ' thlate war with ImiMtn on the frontier 0 111- . ttoUamlMuliikHTarritor. 1 it il r.nk tnl, Ikt Snf mmi Ihmt of Rijrt $rMatiw of 14 I mltJ bitlrt of Anrrirm, im tim. g re Brmhl,4, Ut any caflcer, field or aUtf, volua. Ur, ranger; aavalry or otlsf penon, tngtgnd ia th -ervic of th L'niU-d hiate in tfa laui campaiirM painat th Indian on tl fnnlier of Illinois, and Mi , chigan terriUsy. who hat uUined dm without . any fault or negligence Ou their part, rmpectively, by Umj km of a hune, or wxry qtiipar in bailie, r bv the of a liome Uiat was wounded ia balUe, and aUerward M uf aaid wound whil us th service. ur " who W wiained Wn by tiw rraann 1 th lot ef any bora warn, ia eoneDete of Ui tailed Hiaie failing lo aurally sufTirirfit Ibrage, whil engaged ia said aervice, died, or was unvoslbly abandoned and k-4, or who has sustained damage by rrMi of Ui kaw of ey horse, bccaifc lb ruler was dismnunted'and sr pa rat ad fhso hi Imm, and ordered to do military duly on fcot at a station detached fhsn hi horsa, or lis- th loa of ttecery equipage, in ronMwnc of th loss of li lsrw as affeaid. alia II be allowed and rand lit value Ihfr,-; I'nmJrJ, Tht rt ny payment shall rav btfu juade.lo any nflirna, suLlr, m nt p-rf a aSireaaid, fir lb us and radi, or long after tha Heath or aUmdsinM-rU of said bone, and anmnnt ahall . he dedtietfsl from th-value thereof, ante said oflrT ' r isdiher or other person shall hav atirfied th pay. niaster at th" tune he made the pymciit,or shall Iw-re-nr shew, by prms'. that h wai reoiountouVm wh fli , . cie the .deduction shall, only eitrnd to the tune such iHlicer, soldier, or ether nersnnj enl i H Ad vrtii'itir i aim. Tl,t if an imf iiu.nt t.... I - ina ii', in any uftVcr or wddier on accisint of rlulhinir wt s,yn ent ihilL be dedurted from the vtio of hi horse ami ari uiiirenienta ; And froro. funkt, Tliat no claim ahull lie allowed undi-r the ffoyisumatif lhi sectsai until tl.e Isvt e alone which tlie nsurr of the i ae ill admit ut, hall be produced Is Sire the account ing ofliccr. shewing the number of horu kt, in man. , aer aKreMid, tlie time when kwt ; and the name of the owner. Kw. 2. And ( 1 furlhrr raarlrj. T'.mt anr nerMMi who, in ihc Indian wars slbreaa jJ. I,m rui in the uii- with arms and military arcoutreun nia.aikJ l..i Miriam. l damage bv the capture or deatrurtsm ef the same, without any fault or negligence on ,is port, of who l8 ' hs-t Uie same by reason of ,r ben woun hd In Uie wrvii alian b alfowed'arw paid tf'l'aMe Vu-rwC ' Hee, 8. Asa be it fur)h.r enartrd, That m ail In ( tne wbefany miles? ha been ui" ; raj i tlie' tuirb"' U? 'rf ' ,H,r"sM?, during the ,f, . , win ttfj-e-said, and was provided with a, t m uipn ut, or with military aecoutrenM-nta li h. ia. m Kiniim. " . k., ' 1 j ' 1 r doom, in lb manner before iiiestsi.ieil, aavl p"n-iit's suanliaa shall be allowed pay tJiereCr. 01 u.;kir.g . w aAtaay - turai.-tory rms a in other cava, and tfie'tViiifter proof, that he r entitled thereto by bavnig nirmaheo to aire. - Bec.-. As bt-JWthrT rtT?Tti?X 'tnmirfti Auditor of the' Treasury ailjndieale ami uW.uV such claim an may h p'rented against tfie tTn't.t Ptte,! - -under the provision of thw act J'roviild, jluit eiery cla m which exceed th aumof iwa huoilieei jpiart, instead of difding tbeMtno, Jhe. aaij .T.h.T.d'. 'Vl-lor shall report Uie whole of the "nro d" to Coni-r . tt It neat ejsuoa, after takm; and rtosmi 'tich' f "iotVaml be sliall have power, by coiistUating a contf sssift or -" otherw tse, Intake lealmssiy in any cw ale re h atiall think the liitorcst of the C'nited fetate Put: ftirthif testimony to be taken. ' . "' See.' a :. 'A ad be' if further eHc rrif;Th( toy " iitrf fcf money to any amount not exceedmg two-bttiuacd I'oi-5 tar so allowed by attlTfrtrd Andrtorsbali be paid by (beaVereiary of Ut Treasury, out of any. moiay m Lie ; 1 reofiiry run rKiMTWiae apjirojiriaUI. - . -Approv ed : 3Ulh June, lM , . publicTno, m) :- AN ACT granting pension to cert in persira therein " Ik il Enacted, py the Senate mnd r,r? ;. Urpre terimlirfHk -4nr'tt?rnivr Arsrrf.m-m : grtt mtmmUed, 7'hst'th? Hire'a'y ' ' .tt U, unl he ia hereby, iutrori.tJuTii irrc vy 10 r.iv o Uie ae. veral p!rsnus herum cainod, a pnMoa at Uh rate, and coniinencihg al tli time, set to ech petr.n'a name, remcetivetr, and to Contniue duriiig hi osiu'5 l fe ; to Francis Jacobs, at t'i.raiof o i sii i.niloj w.r mi ntii, etshiirtebcin iuv the Up "Uf of Januaryelghroen nun-:" dred and tlurty-twa 1 - , , B.lo Porter, at the nleof eight dollar' is 'ih, commencing on the brat day of January, eighieen hun dred and thirty-Uireft. ' (.",:-.. William Hunt, at the rate of eigh:au!htr per irtonth, commencing on the first day of January, eighteen him dred ailttHf4wv .-., ... . Alfred Baldwin, at the rate of eight dollar per month, eommencing on the first day of January, eighteen litm dred andtjiirfy't",,'A.'' i',-;A' ... :-.. . . oT IIukIi lMk lie placed on the invalid peti:on roll, n' Uie rauj of aix dollar per month, to comriience en th.. :Jl!".!nJ-wd -wetlt)r-)in Ajovedt Jtuie 30th, &L " : 'ii)iliWaSM ..t4,Xv.V AN"ACTtu1hofi2ing'thc"eaatruiiUobofalruTgeac - the- Potomac nd repealing all Acts already mi in relation thereta : . Be it Enacted; by the Senate end. Unite of Revr -tentative of Ike lulled Slate of America, in Con ert mmMri-frtaxttar-Aet entitled An Act providn for the purchase by the United State of th rights', the Washington Bridge Company in Uie District of ( luiuUmud fbt lb erection of public btiilfe 00 t aite thereof,? which paswd tlie fburtcenth-day of , , . . , , . " ' p "kmmmj uy oi iiisicii, eigmccn hundred Uiirty-three, be,and the same are hereby, repf aled, - -,l so much of the ft.rrner as "the phii i ot rjie right of the Wellington Brufge Conijmiiy. ISec. 2. Ami be U further enacted, That the S..,- wr s ua treasury ne, na ne is nereriy, autlioi and rwiu rred to contract for the reconani.- t'Ofl, .:; site of Uie present bridire aerose the river f,.tm, a bridge on the plan of that originally constructed t by the Wa .!iintori Bridge Company ; provided th draw at the southern channel of Uie river be no' than aixty-1rlijet,and at the northern channel thirty-five feet, that space or rpace not exceei all, one Uiotbaiid six hundred otkI sixtv fiet of f, r j or b'hi' ' ' out which the present brtdjje prt , , . tut!.; i, f" s fid id emtaiil-.meut j m part, U'i 1: .7 ' )

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