n'Vi'tS t'i'nA by itfp.l.firt'' to" flv rWmd; A y,r .ru 4 ', That tiw mii " f rmUfik it it, M l awa rtoocMtucwm, till not,onib ' irij mw Viadrerf tod thirty tlvswand rfotlaiw-. wlw h turn trrbjr apsnawa.trf' therein, ""' " any, "") 'it.. 8. And b it vrllrr ' J, "ltt tlw claim of Oomy l. Dil4iU fr I!, i.utet ;, njf other rvpM,. upon Um m4 lir)jr,b a-jtmd by the JWr-Wy u( llw Triry a twar! U' "' r"! be eW.wnd hr hi4 (imrr at iu in-i . . . ... . i . r t .. f ' i f .xaiaminaliua. AM W" n-(r7 w i i i a fcrcby lifcll to pay him In llw fiwa tww " mil n-iu.UiM ti Kim tit actual inrtirr! ly.bitn. in' 'nuking, prrparalsai $ th emtfru-'Um of taJ Ml4 M"'tr: p'f"'" w ammilii ia-iH cw! 1potf tJ-Hinud doJIira, and mid psyiiwnf to Iw uidi out or my nwy m Ui Treaaury wiCUww. appropriated. Approved J JuM ?"th, 131 A ACT U author! tlw U"nf baVia v Iowa f Ht. -.X , Marks, mi ITmTkW. ft, it Terttd. bt lit fltaat m4 ""' W'pr'- U.J Tl..( lit Prmiilrnt of tiw Um.u4 BUtea b". ki, I f i hereby, ahoris-d U direct U, i2tt7 and r-emvr 1 Um Tltal tan anrii;t i" h w bun ith" Hiirfry Grn oTmxI Trr.biry, . is W4f-U- ft'r llU th Art, 0(M gi' tov ijw aw. IM'BIJC. N.i.731 A.1 ACT PiHw'nr " th" Art to mnJ U Kf ' ' rl Act rfirtin oy-rk'li'. t ti..i kit M or mrfrwirtwiU in wrttmff ' th-J eanreyn4i4 of bwl M r-Minir l Uw tu be pn. . M' n tirr i - i I n iil itit ny ilHnmil pufcliiM-r or morim 1 JUh 'i. Aid be it fmihrr rrtr4, Tbot ' 'lk l'i.DltrM3t jirt mM'. Iim wititW t.i irh ft f'r -r . . Wiuu i.lljiiriz':! ID'l ir'I'I'f ho i titkl lrtrm f urn- i'rncrai unur Acpruvl : :Kh Jui, riM'RIJC. N.i. 71.1 A ACT In prtl rrluld:iu( thn fntu''" Tn-MiirT m ftiM.L n.it'iUikilin2 ( ii'iiK-ril pravwion in ny Mil iwi nin mm wiiii B'twn ' A t t'l" KI'l'-I'V. Aprc J'MM!' Vii?ni.n?. 'a 7l AM ACT rntli pan tu efMl pTm tln.r- I It, it r. trlJL hu tkf Stna'r and llm" K'P" m . t " v . ...... ...... i..i.ii ...twil ! nu. mil nf (inv iiMi'iy Hi Uc .J. -,r,-T.r, In ill" Mn'PrtU IK ix:aurw taiioi w ii i'wi wi . ;J . . lift. to-WUf-V ---.-- , inftcl rnr, t t ntifM-4ll-f prr twmi rlr. ..V f II 'l .'I " ' "I lirv HIM w. 4l pmMWt IHW'." ' rtr.ininiinl.ind nil Ihn Hnt limit . .1 I inn.ru DlirllTOt'll ll 1 1 fl - -ft l 'Mf'tl- -- - . 7. .J . J.-jij.U Tninlili' a the rate uf iiirhl (Vill.ini per month " miiteoem; on lH Srt ily nf January, omi UmmiiumiI "Aiir'U narjlHsaiaathinf 4wu. : Jiivf ltruwn. at Um. rU of mtrtit j-illr and tr . jll't tMltJ P"r wnlh, oinintM!iiiff oiv'Im! fimt day uf 4niinry4 i-iiiuj nuiwrwi ni uiirvy-n,. irtm ParkT.at llw ml-or i'ivtii ihiiwra iwr monm fTmrnrtnT-w tw Antdny uf Jannary, ightwcn tuiii- K.Lrr.l and Lti; " - VV- rt.' tWUna. tt th rate ? trht AjVirtt "n-r nvmih,' i , cniuini-ociun un tlw lira day uf January, H(txin Utw-t- -ir ! n'i tliirtv-tlitaa. . , .. 'l .'li'v. ....i L. J ".i it. Mi. MMi.lMrfLIU. .wkpb viMr-?aiw rrr,r,p"-w-'?"j-'a J . Vvi wmtu, c.nn'UiMiiiii on tie first day of January, I ',.iiitMii luttiaWl dllurtj(rtwo. . ..fVaiit IWt?, at- tlw raio f wlit dollar pr ' - ... ...!. A tK.. fir-l it.iir iJ Jmilijirv tiiirli i ttri,,'!, vii,,'U'iii.i! vtiw i.,-" , Uwn hnn ird in1 ttiirty - a - I... . nit.1 1-Ila1 r AN ACT lOtWiitttf the Hi n-tary of tho Xy to ; , iia !( j)p ;riiijii .fiwrii?1. L?'JJf itt.L'.,?,i,.JSl,,V,!iT - g-f n I Ein&rd, by Ihf tirnmr owif of R'-are- , $h(w nflk United S'Mri of Amtriro, til t.'i-t J. - flnmy, "Thiit tlw SH-rMliirv of lli. Navy rifl,u -; tri. iut.vJ aimirirfirj iii mihIkiWitiI ta 'ieiiruriiriti d - t 4 thn t".'ft hariit dfiviw d by Bnuiarain Phillip, of J PJiil il"li'ii. an I to employ m I'lnllip. and wh oth-r t. .-piTiiis fin Iw msy aneiri ppuyv to in.ike Uw i"x;Vrtrttt, ' ri-e ' Aid w it further rnnnfml, Tht diHrrf. J ti'Miiry jwr bp vt'd in thp flccrftary of tlw Nvy, t'i pxvitiiw inj Wt siwli otfior -npnviiniMir in' Ihe ..sj41uura. ttuiy WifW iw prB-jU;J, aqj. Air minui ifv nin ni. iu ainih MMin i ,f nHrfin aa na ifiar iiilb tr furikit tincjfiL TVr, fcr the ptir- fniw of Mrryinf tlii Act into eKWiitiiinj tlw.Mi'n of li.vn vtA'i'V' (vuiAns ny m iwv in tiw i roaan r nut otWriM aopnwiatoil. kn, nd ia IwrpHy, pnv jinutfi and placod t Uw dispoaul of tlw. Secretary of f,i;:ry. -u--.-,zr?. o)n.rti4: Juno Nlu lli - : , ' Vuy ur Tilt Picort. It pjmn.r' fcjr rwiird of th ti!!uo that there wn.re ngnervm pttwiw-"- For peatnration of tb, dV jioi.ita to thai Ikuk of - tJw-.-.lJiitd mt&LL.rA.. j, r tnmtiiin of tbe (k'poaitea aiwr- " ehnrtwrW' lh Baikypiitiw 31,103 ? For tlw reharter of tlw Bank, 1 6,99 1 . f,'jiradoj.ting'uch nmuMretvM will give - Ainit restortntr the. rlepwitea an ! " 1 wtraiiiat -clmrterii thfl gaulti.,,';' '!. Z. lf.ff lAf,3' nfV "' the pnaitea all' I rmoin?' relief, aml.17,07 airairwt liny ac.io 5 atnj thI Ihi ad uinisfmfi-Hi pnfi' to bo goveruud y i?w v.iw of tlw Poop' VH!0"' . !rMvtt rot.rmt nurnaie. cwri hnt writ fri,ir I'm Westisrn Utrict of Ihi S'ala n j !( wV IT tro (tr tlw Pi'driot ! Martin V m lln- II. a 1.....,' Tim lUhni.t.h Wfhlt MllllfWH-r t.UT.. 1 t!i Vi Rurwi teller wtnl eWVapai a tpoi I , , j 11 -mirt hit. f'T thfl Ihstrict. ivm wf 11 2" j.f.j t.f not mrm thmisro. An hmftX- jjt r I'OUTICAL. tras i nrt ' ll 1j uUnml. 1V tlw fvlrnrt b"lw, thrtt iimi uf Ii f-NnJ l"Mn Ji kiHt nwin.f Mi- j, tu U- tle 4 'lin k -m Fuiil,'wlm:h it itl, Will MtUMIlJ Ul MIVJUI fJ-TCQ lUllll'Hl. -Tmi t-lrBi-l m 'niu a fHiiuiiMiriitiin rnmN to J.kU f-W ntnin riC tli H(uir mid fnd it fuUiili' l Ut tl, (il.itif, tH iitlM-r Him', n irtiiiMi, kniw, Ilt.tff if tlfV wimi wii"jo? if inniiiir"-i Tl.ia (,1m knw' K'iiikJ, wbirb H tl Pdiin' uf Mio-wppi fr'i H fvMir inliin-. iiM-iit, u nl tM iJijyI tt V" I nnni iki h i ! tilfiit llml llif ul.ii'-t i4 tl Cinii!M'MC(i'in to llw Omtvolmi i M rit1 fi,'''' in Vmi lliirwii, tln-y emi (P't Jl") iwvi'ii iiihii'HM., wlm li will Ui HiriUilixl, if f"ir', niij( tli'" whit r rtiro in iiHft uf U Vau Uun:n tickrt. A iifr pulfMibln m-I f t Rnip-pil cnrniiii w ncr IiiImIim1. WIh-ii llw I'ni-tonaii UikI of Khiki pot up tlw lini'rnmlwp w il, I.m Ii i.tn in tht cormiit nut, "f i"fi"iy Imn we oe jtyiirMi 'i l-ii,'T,'l-H',lHl,!':i can idR ring to l thi'ir Wain 1 tlw nn M!lf if rolJiiiitf a fi w nii:rtblq imiianii. aim imaw in whom tlw otP r it) liwn rml to rw w-ihikI hi cor ntilioU, attnl to tin; lairgain. Vc my aHit to llw liarifulii. fr ciniikr thn iinlitioii r. pp'ittwd by tlw (ii,miiM'iil otlii iiil, l llw oMiti'nta of llw CiilliriUlllli lltloO, M IIHiHKH'll, exprrMiv, io nuiU known llw nrnwiil of llw hiwutive lo llw Im-w Urler pmpnavi. We hIwII "'ii '"ive a f.ur oiportuniy of a:ir1aiiiing tlw tnilh or frtU'lioral of a dwpaxukni(.n.iiari.madR iu rciatum to. tlw pnoUri) of tlwau Statu, by Knro-aii Mali niiMii, tlnu we -ware rotten l:liro w wrn; riii. Tlw rorniiiliniw" awl I'rnctloJM 'if prinrrpw wo Uv ' . .1 . . .: I ... . 'al. i-n diiriiiK tlw lu4 nv ynar uw aiuny mm wlin ll ojxiii -Tial pluii'kir liui la-'ii x rn lrali.J llw op n unliliiliiiir mi'larity with which lltw infn iikhi iirnliii-itliKi i iiutA', and il f an i pliilK'n t tin- ti.m'iimiHfil .WTh'wI, ie IH iwn l miw tnilh III tlw rnimrk. ThiraH from tlw comimmiation nrndr to thr CoiivisiiIi'mi ; "It wa-1, innn-i'nr, llnni)lit n'lviHuldi', al tlw public ll. lllli I Hlll'llll'-ll, (h it m lll 'UHH houil lm ik ii l t' pmvpnt tlw I'iiiIimI Sliiti ll.iuk froiu ciaitirniug to f iiilwrrttH tlw Sutr- llrnik imI di Iri'Hi'llw periplt" of MiiiipH. If tlw State Knnk inaiw mor ffttH-r lli.it! llwy Iwvc i4ie:w to rmki'in, llwy hawrd tlwir nfi-iy ; U-i Hii-ir tlw 1'. Stilts Mmim. Iuim cua-uii lu put oOt .ill uifl wjHr, but (mtKrrTup th Joo-i-iiauk p.ipr Htnw (l.i.iiiuw; I. an will tub; it to llw lornl lluiks a id dr .in lli'-iii f Hwir ajnT.il-. T hi rialm - t'w imi r.'ir 'of Uw country' livth" wnw ttttn? n kjhtw. It i tin- ilixlrtH mmturr of Mr. Hid llc'n invnii tiiw. 'i'li''iT apw.iM to Iw no inHl' f nmiitr mut iny it, other limn by inviting r;ijtital into tlw Stau:. Nnw York nu foriifwd hvriwll'iiiuimt llw mnnir! by a lo"" "fat iil'H'o'i. Mw-iiiwippi iwi not liorrow. Nolhinx fil nd Iw fkani ihun w cr ate jit-ka fir (wvi'jnilHif 'tliii fund arimnir lw bnaiht iito m.irki;!. tNilpr llw treaty, llwrfl Will bn nliiHil lieven inilliiNut urpln iihmwv lasting in to tlw CiiwkivHW4. - TImh IihIwim liavt; H poitrtod ttw Prwl-'nl bf th I'nitd 5watJ- flwir aifi'iil, ami author!! hint to invn-nl i( in at'xik, iluriutf tillv year, for tlwir beia lii, Tlw Pmi 1,-lM- ,, ,1. wirtiK.niwiuiii luv HUiu ua, i,vi.i,h;. uic, I I 1 Ll. I .... rt I ..I ' ll 1 4 Ll I a 1 1 1.' vi ' : i. : ' :ii k... t . i I I V. ! 'IJI -W Wll lWI 11 HJI IIH1I,. , am( oji'fi itw. 0r to uw. rrwanwtii py creaun trie Mtock, tlwn our State wilt' mii be able In bid de- .1 . .. .r- fiamw ti any ami all lb diirwN rrwa-turr- wlorh Ihe I'mted State' Bank can institute or keep on font." . ' ' , which ihn iib.ivi; extract is made, as "ah ndniirn 1.1.. " .1 Oj .... ..;.... ,1 .... . e- xv .B 1 . J I hr altitude iti ihi Mn a fior : hii.I rul.lmnuiiT views wbieh the cw-titiH-nu" of th oniividont U g.ws on to expr-aa the ih thai the Democrat- Z4i.iJ!t.K--t.i-ttr-i2-?r ' of hn rw-ml in the other Sttn'p.s tniy bp set to wafuritut .ftt'ie. ptiiHjrcl , of loucbing . llw aeveit miilKiiia wTik.h'i'hw gM'J diMiim'.raUtjr Misaisnipra bnvn n-rw ajiiced before thnm.' And fhn political prifliioitex may be net t) work to eontrive annw plan - hr-w-htH rn1r ik i u (i.;.. -V -- v Rut not the leist curi,mn part of ihia poinmtini Cjiitjon is, that the permMi who made it, and who ro coiiiiikiihwT this jjun 6f . ndinvui atal anstaininit the State Bank, ia also a wariao(pMiitt of all Bnnkat and thi very nmnmunicntion g-ives a "low. ing picture nr ine iiapnimm ami and when Iher iwilrl bnianw tri ...-.fcv..v.?:-,. ... rwijhhor, who h wrild rnak 1 tlf i jaiojile 1 id'JVIia aisipH bebeve will loni, tlwir nion'-y on butter tarma than it can ha got fro'm. tho Rmk. "This humbugarery ia a fit counterpart of Ihe corrupt pmwsifiiMi 16 'aell the State for the use of tbe JwMfl,fJ&iwj Tlw efliwU upon the Financial AJiuinistralimiof the (lovemiiwiit of llw l'.xec,nlve usurpntiou ti re nioving the PulJirA Tknjwsitea, a! onjy justihi'sji. timg fo every day, itatil, -uud! t .eir optsptimiii if Uw Ks:. pnrinwnt' bo wrjiovered in, the wheel of tlw (Jo veruirwul will certaiulv-Conw to a aland atill. -.AylTng ji irwTppaowy lai-4viw-iiiwoy in tlw BanltTlir fFw ClMf''hwhnrifchhr tiujis6frr4 as antel, ami oti.tlw t"ivifM Ba'ik-; upon occasion, it waa all anwiitusuilin't F.r the tt. ecutive, tu4 ialr weather' with, iu Pet Dunks. Tliiw baicyon daya, howvvnr, could oiiy hist a cortain term'; after whwh hotb the Preaiilent'a ad vir ami his Pet must if ijioy reasoned at all, have exrweted a rouirh aea and roiii'lwr ".weal Iter. Tlwy who predicted it, w hethor the Administration exjijeI it or not, already aeeuiKfiitg aignt of tlw comin; fnathle, t..-f ? . Voon lhj case of tho Artiariias" Jutl!o, whose 'wn-feSred a draft upon Natclwa in payment f nis anlatrti we hav alirhdv hail occasion to re- murk. A Rttnittir csse rjecurnvt. rwre one,dny last Aint ww.0.1, dnntw. prdrr. timatviig il in nvcka!' 'Trf 1 C VT Ta-- TT ! . . .T n . . . . mifl lniir hrnkirw,. Ifturdiv iiijuiilia Mm. .mi. ..w. I f tU .H.i-h-rn Fiat.', f.r In !irv, ! III pr.4.-lil, Ww tlw I)prtiiiciit W'H'l'i mly py St hy itkk iit t .V'fci'r. of lln ,1. i riiiit.in iro f irv ittV Mrrurrowr. mf Will f -ir imiliiily in pr.NM tlw tw-H7 T fw Tr'iry Ui u llw fgil H di-t A pjwtit Iti'uW iiK r. . Neyrr ICw "'fer will ,l-i to uiMk rlwif;(-' irv't Pt" l,F t iUii. l pV, upo,'mrKl M-iinr, m, , I1HHIK I1UIB& IIB 1 1 n K ' v. - i thm ll. r.lt What can BJ1V IIWU K WW Ml - ------ i - .. . , M'a-liintton, wlwr Iw conwa or m-wU tq sp bil nim y, with a chock no a Bank in Naiclwa, uf in y oInw f Will any ixw cl it d Mm T ('M i ll it I hy, lw can narmy pi n any pritctwal pmaml utility In Itim, lw w-U 11 bibi'im1 f a natKi wi . ' . . I . . .1 . 'J... an..!! y-ar a AlmaiMK a. .i'i" i' y" ii'ivc. Una tlw luik rw w w r""1 w hwC, but tliM Iktir jaipnr ta not cnrrmil, awl eaif oot I rmli-wl al Inaa amri-B ami k f tune thn by lakui)f in aciMluijj Utur UxnAa lu their own oW d,r o.itinrnl. lin-tid'., i aimjlfl lirw frmn tlw fWr-tiiry of llw 'IVit-airy to Uw Bank of tlw L'uilfl i- 1'lliTied llw tmiiaC'rof milUotia of dollar wlwrt-vi-r waulil by the JoerniiwiU. In hi vindwlivn jwr J.u.l war a nnual tlw Bank, llw l'n:ik'iit b wmmaily lhrWB awy adwiiitajrtof tin Cwili. Iv, llw wan of which i yt ararraly krgu lo lw U lt. Tlw individual ra-r ije liava iiwutiiMnil arv lil faintlv ilhwtratiireof llw e-iwral eniUrr.in-iiwiil wbii h tlw Treasury will have to riirj.iiiior Hup (toaii filly or a hundred tlMHwaml dollar to Iw waul il lo iy 'off a naliorml ahip, oillwr al Ihmiw or abroad i M lwl will llw I'unwr ik with a dinft u on a Ikiik at Natclwa, or al MoImIp, for hi ro-Hry T I llw ahip'a err w lo reiiuiin iin.il until rw can Irav d rkmn or lwUa builnJ imkn over land, and jf -t RAy" "r a hundrrxf Vw rif r)tllirfr br draft 1 and wlwii h H U li ti or Iw.. of ailvcr, how i Iw to lranort it to Norf.dk. York, or Portimnufh t Arid wh" i tn )ay tlw 4 f lla oiertttioil ! .uttonul Intrlligmcrr. BNK OP TIIK DNITKOHTATFrl Tin- f Jlitulnn. nv a New York iiiiucr, i an evlrart ol'ii litli-r I mm a senileuiaii h auliiori ly itud inforiiuili iii arc of a rliurucler i.l to I' t(IHtiolMll. Pi'iLtnri rnt. July 17th, la-ar Hi r Tlw ciir-' of tlw Jackson party pri'Hai'n in ndiitHMi lo the ru'eiil di-turmimition of tlw Bank to r xti'ii I it huiiiwi, and thi'mbv r.m-tiTd'-t a f.ir as pmctwublr, llw dritriM livc rntid' of the adiniiiUtnillon jniii-t llw I 'lrn iioy of the CHjntrv, i rharacl.-n-uic of iIum; wIkht mil v .rule il comliKl i to ylority imich a ihle llw Ibrn of half a cfciznn win, and cenmirf and con. idHwn-w-buUnr 4-k- juit approru. .Wlwn tlw. dup-Nitei were n-nioved from Iw1 vault' of tlK' Bank, and 'he orjjnn of the adiniiiistratimi tlutaiten. mj; to ui.iki- llif, iiiHtiiutimi lop payment ; nnd wlwu tun broker were hirtd by the ailiiiiiiiin ration to lOHke a run umii this Branclw of llw IiiHtitmuai Simla I to be weakeit, there was no alternative for it to adot, but gradually lo rail in it iM-aje and strengthen llw wenkrt point. The doing o, wa eiMiKidnnJ ;ikI caum of ceimuro by ihe party presn ; and from the day of tlw reimnal of llw do- for it uidiTlinj dis-rwyard of llwir HOtR ring. Tlw I.Mtiluti.ai in tlw nwan tinui ha becu imluxtrvHi ly otxuptiil ia atlling it fuial txom abroad and iin uortitiji.jf7ic, which aa noon aa it arrived, ha laipn n-.ihip(d to it ditierent bninrlw in order t . .,,. it... l" . i. . 1 . , j . , i "O ttl , 'J' 1 ui an iiiiiiiv-iimi f ari . win tiintlluII'Hl niHlA IIMTIT iu PHn lo put ut cl li,iiKt nmtii of itn oneinic.i, ami hv extending its Nhiimiks,' relwve the wantataf the Penplrr; withiml in ariv'way eiidantfer. inj; il own "ately ' TIoh it ha wa.rvd ita' wrHinrrwM to do. ami now lx-hold the whole pack of jNirty u'n.K! is iii lMr;tUWH; tf dnntK to tH4. 1(..it:eit.tti-,rw cmiiiienivi toe ui uinuia.uuM ut iiwatuca. nf ' jol'lwr of thn Kitchen (iihiiiet Wa thin evr ... v.:..l.. . ..:.:.: .s.i r - i - ' vi . A . !nv thing more iiKVonsistciif tlmn the cnur' . n . . ' ! V'" "" ffff ,h" B;",k T W,,h' " ZaZx T Z V 7 Ti 'h trwy wmnre ttw-iwnR tii r-xend hefire it had i fortifKl ilwlf by Uw iinportaiinn hCtptrit, and tlw distribution of. it amonr its Uraiichoii, and then their vain-tflonmur bnaatuig that - tlw-ii tuunsler.. lay pristrate at, the. frnt of the HecruUry of tlw Treasury, tnihl hiive renli,d. ..Bui tlutru art otlmr mHmm Cor tlwir Wrtitov t this nicaaure of the Bank. Ju the first pjuiw, it taW IVom tiieiu all prttenc Pr coiitiniiing the cry that the Institution is oppressing tlie Pmiple ; ami secondly, it will cause tbe KitiVn Cabinet and their allies to lose motwy on' llwir $t k nn'cuti tioiu. They have Ijee.n aniline li'r.'olv on lime Plrltyw.r',, here' 'm wrr", 'JHV IT"- 1 -, uro cvruimiy mat money win .lwr ,lwin-Viii nW ..r-..i'i: liu. . ..l..l. jSahjB&aUl raiia'ka tkm4mfymtmWmffil( lave sold at low pnees must be bouoht for delivery at a hemry advance ' "."' " YiM amy mail cuujuleiuly piMih Ikut the flrntk i de'erininr j lo tritnd, gradually but rtfpilarly at olltkr Brtinrhtt, ami that thin cmirne tciH he .. 1.' J V . 1 . 1 r . - x thing tmt the niid e.xriort country can reinier a change iwoesuary, and ol tins Ihore w no danger. In this city the discount of Ibe.Biiuk have bct-nexlci 4 . already, nearly .kill. OtlO Ajjlars, and, in your city upward of 100,(tyK) doltara, That they have not been further extend. ed with you,ui(Utribulablaailely tu your Ibrectorar tT balances, and to extend at their discretion. We Hjay confidently expect, to llw btisiiiess of Jb: .... i Utile tlit i due to tlw Bank for themea - uvi uiip. ciii is ouo 10 ine nana tor me wise men wires it baa takotv lo enable m t rant relief in de. fianrsVnf-llw k;MtilHy of tlw- btxttvt7iudTrh1war uanger to itst t ours tVv : .WOTjlER COLLAR OFF. Col. Jarrwa P. BylJ, for aeveral yearn Editor of! tne - predion) Beitir an early and atauuth sup porter of General Jkson, who now hoKl tlw of- ftce of Frotlionotary t Bradford County, hna re. cetjtly outounctia' the Adminialratitm. The bow ing ia au extract from hilettert -," atronly at tucliid to Gen. Jackson, and had' what Mr. Van Burea tntonght, " glory enough! ur ii'i"i I--HW.J in tier 1'ie. vnwi, wiiJl n .1 i,I I ir-r ciU '' Winwd l1it CJm. Jm km . .i i tn Jvik'ntii lk arlMimry "'I Asiio pr,.r.i.l CH,UMH,J in llw lrf, UJ I A, ,k N. 1 Vrw., pit ') '"1,,rk'- l . I.-. I.... iU!.il I ia KulMrUII. Mil in IHI1 lin ! " . ' , I,...-., Jloffllwr ikHr-ivH W cliiiriM-Mir him "-7 of tlw EwutiM p-wr damn.!! by lum, llw pm X', miiHM f4 H iU prtne ruinou to tlw It- of flu, country; tiw ygv w"1"""'" llmmltilC. lH- "7 . b . lvl ... 'tuM for w, . -. 7 . ' . . l:i.i i.. frwu tlw irra-ur, I Ow lu nun a ci.iw . a d ml fttilwr.'deleriiiinrd in 4 lo gi ' "P Lt h.. rUracwr. Tlwra at ui it a bold.w wl.M-b I till admire. Bat wlwo llw and cala-tm- i.U .rriviM. whii-h preaiwu no alwnialive lail urea Lis llw rorda of k'K clwrUlwd allai hiiwiit to an iinhvuluaj, or of advam iiix iiwaaurr w IiicU jiriniy otlii.r ti'iuk-irv than llw milirc di'- .J-I.I..HV ami (Iw tmiilJhmrnt of a dr. p.4iin over tin ciHinlry, my clmicc C4iulil iw k'U .. f lata t-taaaf Ik a (at ft . I jrave up thn man for llw innriiw my allaclt ItU'llI til fii-n. Jiirkann llw country. I may Iw mUiukon in inv oouii.Hi flwri- may bi h--i duiicfr I ...... r..l-.. ui. Cml i' rant lin n- luav !' But M h are llw unwilling C'mi i ti'i of my own jud iimoI. ami. i niiw wluit may. uo hotw or fi-ur k lhrflufrii.il dwplrttaurr or proiniH iJ reward, id.all clwn my lairiK--. I lUiall ciajiuua w ojijnr UCl Iwlietflolirtlw iiH-t ariiitrary, nVw, and dangrroua doririm-a I'lrr adviaratnd in thi n.n.iri.. not even ev;i-Miini lhiw of Ak iamk-r , - , Hamilton. J. P. 151 LL. TIIK KITt llK.N rABINKT, " w"r behind tlw thnnw, greater than the throne ite.H'." It ha Ihtii alleged from time lo liuw.by the npiaMiiiiMi, that an irn-Hjaawhle caUil, cnlkil llw Kilclwii Cabiiwt, ha dim ted tlw move, ine'iil "of the Pr.wid.-nit." Thr I ft rd" nwrr who had IwHrnypd iht ir fn..ii.l,c.rk'o'ra tlwircnililori, and oi theuiM lve. were now llw .iixe m mi nor im1 ortirp, the main aprmg .f 4lw o)-raiwoi4i Wahuii?tiN. It n alleiil thM aurh a man aa Amoa Kend.il, aftci ik,i iuiijj every kiinba aud liberality fioiii Mr ( L.i. who had Iktu imrmd in iekw, ami ai.k"il iiriri(n' by tlw pal riot of Aihlund, WiW tw. couw hi bitlertMt eiHuiiy, awl now led thn hire liiit; of Juckamiiam o the attack on hi fornwr beiNhVlor. Blair, tlw editor of llw Glolw, wn al pointud out a owe of the coterie who aw eink-d tlw grand utaircaie of the infallible. Jickw, and kiiwed hi tiw with revereuliiil . A mau who borrowod l2(l,(KMl of tlw Uuitnl Slatm Bank, and never paid it, and who, having bum iwt up in trade by a tat mi office hobk-r, now niwiaiiwd hiuMilf on tlw li ft.ru pxp'txlirure of llw Pot Dllk-e. Tlwre wd.i awHlwr wrlliy wlw moral primu- pie w'a ikH stroll" einHiyh io renjiTT C ii'uik' iiiiii i t iiiT eeu in a marble (kilucf, aiid he wua auiJ lo U loiijI to tlw ccMM-lave of llw Kitclw-n. If aiiv ibaibt could evi.it It to the imppiper in- Huem e nwn like thine exercuatfi. at Washingtmi, it wa-H tlw tkKiht of the eye thai aair, and the ear that kmrd. Two or thru) fact are at Waal worthy of iiolM-e. How conw it that while llw Cabim-t hn no nM'atedly buii hokeu up and dispersed, while wn h nwn aa Brum-h, Berrien, Ingham, IKmno, ami Ar-I,wM mrm drivHii fro .lr nlTti - Rliitr, nendall, and Lewi, remain undisturbed ? Why have not liwse unilt been brokca up on well an dwahrm i for the rua that they hv had tieiwrwl Jacksnn'a cmifidrnce, and tare Vcn the cauao of tlw roiuovai uTaldur men. We a.sk why Mr. Hitcliie, whom fieri. Juckwn prooiiuucott : Uas greaUjt .statea.attemptPd.to obtain thQ apwHijtjnentrJI m Sievyusofi a Miuiter lo Kohim), by writing let- j ler to vv m. B. Lewi ! vv uv ihd Iw not adlresa the lYetiidcnt, or llw nwrnlwr of the Cabinet 1 If li Mbu . luiportaiii aii iTait a oviui hi. Um imuumni W rc(mire.an.ti.tr mistii of llw. SohjiI.h, wfiy dbl he not wrile to thoi perm mm who weru tlw Presi. dent" reponillt! adi wer ? There 04111 be no other tbr. im: D-- r - . -. : : ., ; Uuoikq .of tiwjvilelwu Uabnwt waa greater than ! tliat of any other iwrsmia. A iu lUiiuiy, wiiv 1 tin' Uc laniu-r, Mr. Uiirrv, al- '"" ' ofikn after bia wilful violrftim. - - 211 T Other nMnihcM nf ilm (,iu.wt hvn l.i olilil in quit tijr mmI for a violation of the riaAra of llw President,' w hile the Portmaster (Jo neral,.tlw wa4 -siaring iwurpor of powr ever eoeu in mir CNintry, (alwaya excejrting the General hiiiisvlf) is always to remain in tlw situnuon be haw Hiagrar.Tjrlt""--v- .'.......... Thn ajiawer ia plain, Tiw Kitchen Cabinet have tlw power, the inclination and thn determina tion to shelter, him, if possible, from popular indio. nation, for the sake uf tlw uttt to which llwy put. his ik'artiiu;iit. Vnd .theau are th nwn that have tlw ear of tlw ! IVsi.I, , ..I'direcil Ins fury agaiivit nil who dun 10 mikT tmui lum in sentiment. These nre th Ajlmng Advertiitr THE GOLI COIN BILK The following sensible hnsiiwsa lite remarks on llw subict of the sold coin bill, are from I lie New YarlrMpTCAot ile. Wlwi a emit rast bet wn theni and the fustian and. rant of the (ikibe on. the suuw Duhjift, which have apmaa-d in that paper for the Inst month. Wlwu exchange is at pa,r,an Knglish soven'Tgn may be imported into Ihia country for f 1,4 1, addHig 9 cts. for interests, insurance, freight, iVc. making $ l.iSfl, By the law under di.scussion, a :"vepjijrn ia 'worth'.i'inaking ''clear profit dn trdpofafiWC"cScb cenL .Two rfswons will ofmrahito make exchange rise. In the first nlace it wiU l nopiiiBoH f..r ik.. I 1 FT- f Mrli ,4J' Khh will .ha,.rwcjilii.3 percent premiuni: this will alworh conunun till :gtfL jwrtioa aCthe. hilly aud ih iweavitv paying or our imporU will make a still further riae, 'which must cimfiuue, till specie will beconw the cheaiest remittaiice. Let it be renwlnbered that the factilioua increase in value which has been given u? gold, by its being emivrrted frtrnt an nm current into a current coin, will not obtain abnod. U we reiinl gUk, what w -H,.. cost, m to place a sovereign m London I In the firat plw we tiav for it here 1 61,84, add iiitereHt for one month 21 ttS!Jh' ;'ira.w 4 cents, traDsponatum iVc, bay aiid in Englend 1 cent, total 84,92 which will ely equal a bill at 11 percent. A.aoon Tt "' V,.nbi will W ihii k ilvrr b U-i-n li rd at ( .,w pus. valur, ciiiii ii(lv will Iw arid abroad U-Crari i ha ii(j! i la up llwt rain. 1 hi aul.ju t , tol4 Iw kmf matl'-r l aunu an. Me.iu 1,,,-,. buiMlaiH of arrw iu llw fJiilry, not int,m. quriwa of Un wll, but from tnt ittfira-r in our n- porta at comimrvu witn our .intpona. A we bH nairf tiwn w want, ii win ruiturallv kU nroi-'ily bu ahnaid in paynwnl dr ao im rra.j I ' 'i i.:..w ii 1-.., . .1 .... . ' lllln, ly WHlliriM. mm,mmm "Ml frCIUUlll will Iw briwhlti'd. cmaiia ((Ola arid ailvrr g toiifilwr, and Crm rijuully (rood rru.ittamia, j will prove thai I he correct rrUtive value baa Ur f.aind. Hiiaikl Hilver be the fiM to conuuMica tlw r'tngniw march, a we predict, it will r,rm that g'dd Iw Im n vahiui i nijrii. Htdo aiilicipatir any cvila, alnajld il pnrv aa wa m. Not mm dollar more or le prcwan, by tlw pu. Mjrfl of any law rr(;iilalinj il vahw, Iw 'lu-4 m ciamlry. Tlw ndntive proportHHiao' lh gi ailvrr may Iw alti nd, bul the whole quantity dj irtnnin the nnw. ":..."" ' .i.,--. Wo ru.ll on llw Arjjiw lo ripliiin wn CrtrrJ Jiu kKi liu maibj Mr. Kor)lh Sucn'lary of mi wlwn hr it ia uror uf fkt V iittd HUxttt lUk Alb. Ihti'j AttrlirrA .. Tlwit w Vi'H' ronily ilnrw. Neither (Jnrrr Juckixi, nor tiw Kitchen i'abiiM't, rarw uw atraw whiihirn ii win i fir or agaiuM the bank r aniiwl a liinff for or ).hmiM Mili rnul intprina. tupirt or for or again! any thing clwe provx!.. Iw will MiiH.n, iiiriMJgu iiiii a ana nun, wiiatevif llw Prei'WHt il.-. 11m' annw with Mr. Van Ha. n o ao l.it u an iiulividu.il w ill 0kk1 hiipra, li-iiHtoiw for llw Preiik'irv, Iw rar- for hotliiij ib'. And a ull rf ie ff-tiiid Ihut Mr. ForV. I. . .1 I I. J a I ' I i llw very uwn o no 11114, wiuu pfBiia oujue- lion rmild then' I' to loin. To how farther Imw litlh roim i WHlffirr if oji I 111,11 lum i-u looked til ill foriuiliir On liud in it Mr. l otlh and Mr. lhcken!. Tta. om- nfTriftn faror iif tlw tari.r ; Xlf olliJ-r v.wTu " Iw will "dm m lw last ilieh' in ii-ilion Iu n. It ib ;eiwrullv umk'MiNiJ ibal Mr. Frytb ba tiuuiila hulUr aliait il. Hint ia Hutdiuavd 4m4m lliiH tniw. I'tuird Stntri TrlrptMpk, i)Altl.i AITCMPT AT KUiJllKRV. The I'mled ,l.ili M ill Htajje, fn.lli Wlweliiw tn-Bttltinjorr, wn ntfrkerl rwnr thetojitif anja- lu 111, IT iiiil U'voimI CuiiilM-rlnml, 110I far lnm djsm.il phre mlied llw Hunk id' llenth,'1 00 ttaT ' nielli of ')'d.i'lay liil, al iiImkiI 10 o'rk.'k, by Iwo hli;lin men. They had nit wiiiw bruh mill thr. wu it aero lint (art of llw rmid moMtly tr. veiled, and a the htne wu n-a-enilmg the iw-inv tam, oue. of them npruog oul from llw ouibifail eix il imw of (he leader by llw bridle, and atop, ped, tlw tajre, ami told llw drivi-r to gel down, wiiiih Iw refiiil lo do, but keit whipping up hi hordes; in the inean tiuia the robbur ktjit caLLiu on bia cuiuraJu, v b wa near tbn aUgti'duur, W fi reHl "I hiT iTri v V r'x ii y i i 1 J ru dim 1 ne4' rnvta rt," al., ilmii you lire at hiui." The mldwr wIwwm behind the Ht.iT, uxkul tiw driver how u:any pa aptter htr had, tn which he -replied, hi ttarl a fntl loud. OiW of llw p.ihe.ligera, who sat on tlw front aeat, nolired thut the robbi-r then examined tlw hojlgai and liiiding an ii iiual iiumiIkt of trunk ou Ua ruck, Iw would not venture iu front of tlw atiujc ikM.r ui'l'Tw.irili ; but the oilier robber, wlwn 1m mw tinrcminew iKWHwanl, iiimrd the'r wir ti horwj' piare roii.id, u that their bead wcrurkwa the in amtaiu, an.) Ihoo of (Iw wiiet-l horae up; he tlienwrmimi the In w rniml hiaa.rm, and-bef4 tuUihiTcti' the horse." The. lriry thcO'lWuifii'. d all in atren.th, ami irork hirimncr iff 6f and hard, tint tlwv broke awav heiore tw eilil ndrol- iuuiw L'uitralUtR hi trpohe anU :WfitjlKata'varttw fULnai T bjf? mile, .mwUy got aayK iru mhlK-r who seized M. fl.rwaid horaoa' bud 00 1 gow n supjioseil to be niatk of low; liuen, tliat k lirely eoyeri'd hjin froiy. htaj lo. uorla it CiUue over hi htiai and waa tnid round the -neck !w bad a Jxdt ,uoud tlw wataiHl .Ivdee-cut hm tlw iyi ami mouth slimild be, to enable him tort aii'HjMvik. The other bad on a black mask, whir entirely fcciihitelrirjW'iaRfc' pantaloons. Taken together, it wa tlw iikI d WK atltuupU.mJ 'wfta near. ,uxeJuig, aud jduakt adimNiisli lh who I ra ycj to7ga" armed. ' TlwrB were live nwn tml orw woronn 1rf ttrc"WaFrbat nuiw o liiom aniwd.'(feri0.orr Patriot. ii-J,aV-sr GRBAT B:NK ROBSRRY. Tlw Bwt.ai Piipem, receiwed by this day' m?. CMituin the following PHriwrthrrs respiTluui n roWwry f tke Bank'taf N.irfrik, at Riixbury, wlwk wa entered last Tuesday night by iituis if fak 4U0 111 X'i ie. 1 hen: was 11, tlw vaults, Irr-wiiirk the ruga's baj free aoccas, being of the new euu. sioii, upwards of flU.IHUI wbieJi ihi-v threw ask) mid lell, InkKig only UUs of llw "id emission Perkins' stud plate, whwli had Iveii withdraws from circuliition. The lkmk has gieu public iwfirt that it wyll ifi rwkf in the htlls of tlw laftrr rmi simi. The roliberv waa'disi-ovored early this roor- OwIAlalka,'Bllr?tP11gj Uiey were wmMe lo get tlw tloori, oja-n till 12 rlickt M. A reward of t!i(i isT.R red formff iiialion leading to tlw dt4-twnot-llw rtdlwr, h4 recovery of the ruoncy. The bills taken were of tlw denomination of and IU, rorkms old plule. The imblir are rati Honed against fakitig f hem; as tlie Bi a tlie Uujik la cull' in thrjr issue, and nuM of tin-, bills have alrcadt la-en ceibwined. .They were sigtH;d by John BanN leil, President ; C; Hicklmg, tWbier. No tavsja cion yet rests on any one, nor hpa.aiy iiifonnatiflU Iwen received, by whom this extensive robbery wu s mkriUly.awonp!islM- Wr feB.i.'l.l..aSlivperiUio the perpetralors will not long remain iindoicoveitd. Arw York Eteninr Star. - a -r The Hrferend Mr. Brown. It ia known to Mr reader that Mr. O. B. Brown, who liguml so large Utlie- tMrice-tpjej -n. By a irentleinaa just froin there, we have heard anecdote repecting him, which is so gHl, wtrfan ma" refrain from giving it. A celebrated jnggkt was one day giving eirrwna of his skill in th lar room of one of the hotels, and aiiKMigst olln-r things he asserted that he could balance, on bi chin, a pole with four fifty sixes at the end of Tlw Reverend Obadiah, who win wippose, had jt stepped in to try the. Madeira; hearing tbe assertwr ?PJasLJiia duvhta on tlw subject.- IikI4 nr," snid tha juggler, h I chu bnlanee apy thing the worbl, except the Port Ortice Accounta." ..A roar; of laughter succeeded this apeh, and tbe reremi geutlenian took. hiiiuf nit " . V. 1 '. -Vir. Adrtrtiter. -V ........... . , . -1

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