"1 l : re. 'HI H . "pi e V H. ta st thr ir. i'fv n, lug tW Ifrf," M a iH tlx k if P f-o- i -uli tii r. m vn. liril bi- dv :ld m M link iui. :ski HUB lice mi1 HOT a4 an adf flrt thU w verr H. it-d. rgetr ipte I an tM Ik bii rib Kr ..A rtar " at at toui a. Shi: caroijkiaiv. V SALISBURY: fATURDAVn AUGUST 23, 1834. " 4m .! nW l Mm. fVatat ; Ab tawW W. frntUn, ead Iln-aol M. KrtlMI,(Ww M. rV-aato; JaaaiUa lla-ia, tad fjtw Wild, UantK ' B.f-JM McWJ!oJs'K.l; II R Hark. jnJ Samml SmalIwL Jtfttu.V IV. M.Unr, KtmU i D Miw, and T. J. I'm A CnMjn. -lnl J. McMJU. Krwate; &Wt lino, tod An Raclirdi, CowjiwaM. -JrMuvti--Mamar MiMf, K.-atr; RaVrt 11c- Biu-kin, and Rkf, ' Cukurrmt Klmtt, tVmte II "y m, a if I Jib Villums (; Willaa If; Vvinr, ll'i A.C McK, lA-(mmi II Ar- Klaftt. Bu mr, Hj WiT!uinM, I'M ; Mc 7. rrT7 Hwjr Bur. Hm'ilf ; Jurt MAarr. (1 Hijak S. Ik'Il, Cutnum. Cmmll Jmm Ktt. K"-tMt-; J,4a A. Bruw. inrf hiM. A. , ' m. V. Wi", "jiOMnuM. i ,.rr,!Uh.rd I). twi. Hwil; AWr lUrt in.tni Yf'Uttrk I'. ltiiB, . Frvik, CWinoaa. I.TTiMKl MrNVaU-..n.,r ' I'MwlUlUlt Jb- S-'L IU.IU.H... fJ: ,.f,W XiU A. I lf i Ka.tS . e-jUWfiai'nt ainoruj uV nmnb-ra of th miw 1 nl ('; II' iiiuiurl, 4jautfvt . V. Krwiws't. S-artKL ily. Rot acriioliainl it miut and will bo; and if UtU Urn I'UL&mmi IbaavW; WaWr. tSi ar otiwr awirit thaa nw of kmrlrwi ami OHiipwaiiiau 4,U,"',-"i,.H ,la?"V T'"i,rrU,'r.;''l"!I ,,'au -4Sor..padMaiit of Uh rrfunn, the 1? lUitUIA. III . rV lll"l , ,Tk'L l Ml, Ilk . . ., .. ,. ... ,. ' I,u.jikI U ilium II. K-.tlk',l.aiuiaaa. . I. I 1 f II--1.. C . I - I tl V (,rfi.Uatt Jl.T. vaei 4-k lUrurr. aad Vt'.ll...... I'.at.ullm J4.ii. liiaiua, t.uia-a. f.a.fl'. r-J.antaan PfUr, Sioate ; Wtw A-iiaav tad Joge lmlaayj (WaiKoaj . . . . ll.Juaj-'aSn Braurb, S.aie J R J. Pwajr!aaJ U ilium 1. l-miy. Van- T..-. - HaLfus-Tuuma ay. SeMre. Smk; rVn; WaLv ih, nMmt amtetlitea, at mice ralicuiuua and dia nI J.ip S:wKs fiiwai an. "jlp- " "f'? n-': TrRWa, lif. tV-jCU." fi W.. We hare bad tbe nl.reTw -e Ni- nlT Siite . tie- 1.JL .. .Smie CaVal. XHmU. I f7 A'.:liV.HUt . JcnuUk. lltfc. hkiiit. J,l , I'.rfla, .V.T ; hi!.'. Hit U tkUM. .Xrntlr , iaaara T.anliav ..j.lwt yrtrw-n wf nntam a eVw fwewea to carTy and j Uif into a bin? di'tail of arviuiu ot to pmiit out ?lm im an, ial Jixiili lliuMb-r. 'Hnitvxi". . prnarte a a charm aeain.4 the arirci-nea of the mini- . ccwiity uf a r"furtn, laitnnu li aa we art' w.-ll awaif ,fiM JaiieUiirinai.S-iuji'-, June Ib'Barvl, aod iwh. We ao.lrunil Umt frwn 2UlIO to ajrAlKUt that every inijiartial imliuiliial la aiaaihli uf it uufnir N itlini Viw'h; t'lamieam Vy raa be ntnick off The pronipti'u le nf tho Trea- , taiu if frmii iiutliuii; cU', I'iiiii the cimi'm-tunco lliat IsHmr Witlnni II MVr. Seoatr : IMk. rt ami Ua? M int. on thia ubjH:t, will be duly appro i lttnl-fiiUT t Vn.ie Hn mf pau mfu-inun In iti frim ju-J (ea-t;e V bitlK-ld, aiMi.a. .M MktWI ll.4e, C-!r;L W,r S-at.iT St, ' Siitr that if Clobe call the Jr-d-i com mule there V the WU..te : ; !... IW . - Vaa. rfrfr Or ft kebw to the IWIeflt, - . . . - ."Ti . . .1 , . , - . . . . . .. . firT-ilit!? tJS.A .A k E;.tf.? f.Cbt to the w . , . -tMlt U .- ' i(aaiia Willnw It Mrlwrr. . ;Atw. I lnnaooec. ami . iL HuUkiWst. t.aaaa-o; rH. . ....... j. ... ... ate: VeUarv.wll; alaawtO. K Taa-WMaaa ; Ar ttaWa6;Hqahiiiaia, Gra Ui - MmtrmC IXiwd, feate; Wdbaaw Va-ijw ortb, and Anpwa MpDuHtd, Oaomreu. ' Irrkr, rani-Krrritmd lftr!r. e ; " AraaVaifaiLUMr ft liUt ft- 4 C AaitKawl , Cramp, Cowa.. v " ' ' ' " Tnwn of AbAraai-,Wi'.'w l.ri'j v .' '. 'permit RitSr-rt Vljiho. S--! iwjrri imr, uLbuuoa M. WillMuawa. 1 1 'WIAtfrrt Atorav tamaae; LauW Albmtow, aaat J. r t. " .... - -T--t vit-iimiii, vuanoaaaa, v lbraeWr-.A. Star, BentrrZcMr BvA; tadf B. lUakma, rawaioej, -a 1 " 4 aal taaa Dm kTJ, jtawowaiev . 7 l. ti n ?-.. . i I I "am o airaft iewnia 1'aiijl.vaia wi ni Cde S. 4lcJxwa,'iWsioaia. Pcr r-R H. IVt.ro. bi. S-aate; Dai id ilanv "i i I. It Ti iif in', f' "i 'i a ' ' .V'irry W . I'.' IUmm. Senate ; lUmia M. Vau.'h. j lm 1'luMtil Ili-fLii-naai. I nnam . T-nra nf Ytlmirlm Edward R IWV-j. Yuk Samuel Whitaker, S-naie; Waa. 1L Iky - it , and Wesley W-s, f-a-aaaw. : r --jriic Jflbr1 Mtecand, Suite ; Ulna tour, and Viiham't'e'mitaurjar-'' II tmfffa"harle PbeW Scante; I'rab 8waav Rfawsirid It iiVnJ.we, VUIn. Senate; Wd!aoi Iloranti, lad lt i,)wlT Mertiw. Camaijeav Stale mC the PoK 'OHta : WdUnra, Jhajtr-4iwaB: Mrniin, fltil ; liaS'iKi i Bni!f,3oa; Cry- ..(1' Jdckaun,') 46! ' f the twenlr-rire Metnheni of AearmWr elected Vy tins an,) the oijrh!nay ooaataa. wawfera are -.ww!ly AnU-Jickwo. Rip if wakai opr Tlie Washrrtplr (Xortb Caroliwa) Whig eT : Dur third pe wdl ebiht tbr reH the Elee- t 'lfj. in ih ia rvatntw W wkfratillsle mar fctn-ts On 'm wmtif ; ncr ennrmrai caae. a4 rejc to ae far people awake lo their trae aa errata. Where are l is rrwd op by ha Mberentt mm the Wary and amd "f tiA PnKn-wrho ia erea wxrt4iiid by lbem.a a w Where, we ask, are now lb adrora'e of '-tbe "f itiim-nl r TVv are peivtrated cnrHe! ! In fUe Count iJ Prti tVr baw wk onlr been bktVavbal "iru-lr aal niti'iSt fowiaall Ibm. MusauiuU laatJ-e ewt T " Mate of tWtr. cause w, if arawttBV.Jiil! more oeape- Ftej ht rJier have' not been abl eten lo rake a a rrididate : and tW kava. alWeJ the WUIUS to Walk fovir the ii round imoeavnani ' j It ia che!rinjr to tee. at tan, tbe eiej af aCT open !" snse of what are tbev rafbtt ; and at'R aw, Wltnma tka aanrfimt. rt faj aamoa'laT' tiiavl Dtltf i,e abominauVm had arell aeb cornipteal the huti! We too could najtne aeaetal Omaliea, fir H raf , m bich tbe name of Jacket wwild, awe, - bare atood iLiiuat tbe wld."-W wber, aaato-re art few ao ( to "do hno mereoce." Wbr b Jail tt ciiftBirel Tt TMwuunjirim Sral HorKdrT-a- r r j trj, wuild fiun aacidiw it to the icaJaataW of tbe ' j J"- , .. a a. 4 , Tht Penjil tm tha mi now !-rW. . ralhrr. U ka lu prrlu- ; ,UT"Wi that b mmI b a rM bv ! and k-fatt tba Pmj4 Wf., bj ly ft.aa Lu . uVy irnmmvrrt th aataata frslarawuf de;,., goJrf tl Vail uf Jarrtawq. HTATE Of PARTIES. , &m mt an readers wdl probaldy renwmla-r, tht, during th trtung of our Huta I?Mtatur but year wt iwaukL i that pap, t!l ll0n,im i down raj Xatk Carolina, and JarUin g atag Ws. The M f lb !. (Km bare 4 yet bee beard frwaw i bat aHjq,;b baa Wm arrrtait.d to nsivutrt as liaJ wt wrra right ia Mr twrt 14 winter. Many omnia- ba-rrtufat sending mrtnbrrs ticlitauely of the WnakniM party, bait U.M r tWled imm nf TW-w ia rrtainljr rmt fiia in l( jrxtr in thfl Wkff4Li;aJL aliiMMuijk!)! 4 wmik emit. U may fulm myml, w Ul My tUl we mtrr. t Kr.x U tl wtl) be to U uc. 1'D.NSTITUThWAL nCFORM. It will a n.friin; Wr thinly ft Urifa ami roiuisn, lh.it tlm prMitxj4 i'hJ rmprfi t Burke ka (IWnl U nt of h (thy nililiiic (Linn.n) in urging tijuai Ue Suic at Urf tiw nn;MMty of RirCirm. n art cua&Wui hrr ia iui iHh'-r ri'Tsn CMauuiu.ty ta tba mkim CtMrnej that wurild hr? W-a? Jui If ta bmj. aud UJf ao patM iillv, a titU of tlm raalacaJ dtCclm ataj J noun r which w hate rodurcd sntW ettr Cooa4itutioiL It baa brthrrttt, uuirrA, bwti buror with w in-ich arar o iiuni inrrt w etrrgy rt;t 111 tin r j to thnw iaf tha ungual bunb-o. Ve tuat, bowrvcr. that tr- 11 11.1 baurrt induL-t tliia dcliuiion. Lt ...! ! .V ' , . , . . ., . , . i-rtW-l to r 4 l - ; Urf-n.tm; onlrr of Uiinea, ,0.a.!ri-l,m-r.tmiI-haB-.i,n,a.w1lu-.ll1Hlud j Wrai will rrrtamly be btauickaa. i-tof m elSirt will be mada thmnirh III moliuin ! . . 1 , ,. . 'uf the Lrrialaturv. If thai biiU. thi m-oolf ill lakn ., . ... ,. r , - ul eourar aaica Ml rernenil Mr luu irmi Uieort ol B u -1. " '("'Wtaa latuutama 1 - MORE lIUMRCtiGERY AND MAX-WORSMIP. TV JJwuij parifra fir pobluJiml iu the ai-r- I tlU CiaS.. awd tbroce into the rdrnntu of all fcw hae we bfli. ld a lav brwut-ful coin. It w de- rra-rtr to ra tnt that the Wmt 'IMf bf Me to iiut1y ' aU the pmMn? uVtuaml (r it awl that every indi- jciated by tbe pbllc.' 1 r- TT "J ' - .... , , 1 - 1,' j : 1 m aji u mre me oeaiwim were ramwn 1 an.i any 1 ... .U -kmI II . In I. ...IWrt.1 in IStf,U.1IH. a ;iuTernwrat? V . ' -4 - Tb aVW FJuvmwee ;bo beWj to.bim aawck as bit nrgroea do ctak-otly Wtab lo uiaie the I PeopJ U'beft tliat au are fccU. tjr-Tt, W kecooaa hud, aoanicioua of eve. --1 - -.. a-..-- - ' ? ... .,.. ..A ...A.f I ... hruw aaiul 1 1 VlaaW BtaBlBkaW taV X l all ? I ri l'J," 'Vr" i TUtl. i or wouw rerm-nuier iiai jacaaiai ivrjiuuii - j .: -t...t .i..,,,.' viVi.w.v. - r j " , lulu r-irariu. airruulina i and theT wnoltl natural - : v." r t ty inW tuat Jacaauw fo)d waa notbuij uiore uuin Oroaa ... A " - fcaaawaw aa afaamt!aMM aw it l lattlrmninrff r4ktint - L . kaw Tak Ilaa. Ddt . U ' " Uiai yn UJV lli til wt wiv mo n ue law? iaa i l J J L' I iBOOJaa J'BUifw iuriiu f i aa vwn ikjum;. - - V .t i r .x. fd fr"" ib.d .1 y the barlung of the ! b !' y to tS',wt ,h r i Lt-t 1 the caw- uf the diatuxbance, and waa iiqmediaU-Iy ahot Ila Tkiaa km ul ttairtm amall aluira were J m ba Kt.It by the jury railed in upon the occa- nnnt Nothing more u known of thia horrid attiir hn our intjrniant wr.e. fty A Western EdiWr complaina that the Nurlhern creJit UVy mighl acquire with their pen, by quoting lU-jartklei ftrm them, and merely saying " From a West- era caper," , . .. Thai ps in our opinion, hist ground f!r. a " protest' We ire aometinie treated in Uie same way ; aotne ifeftbw W SuuUK-tB .twiB:.ltwvlrBtpritilTill. aiw4tt rV9m cor crdumns, and tell hia reader it ia Com -a Xortb. Carolina paper," Now, are anb-mnly 'jrrnl'M " aeainet thia practice. If they don't like to be more epecinc, we would be bet ter tmt&fied that they would mil do ji a few havt dime Wtw rrtJit mi mil We should then have at leant the penato iriaWBeatioB of knowing that our poor banU bm eilmtU awaf judgment at lo Decotne Uieir auoptoa cbiku-en. C-j-- Mwajiw-V Mmi4H!.k. amRwiaTitB or ! IntTniilai isalff'i""""- W receiwd tfte brat nuinner or uie iouru raiiroo nuiv m BnMiahed.br Mr. D. K. Minor, New York. Xlua Magazine containa original and letected matter ob a great rariety of aubjecta intereating to the gene ral reader ; but it more especially interest ing to Mt cbaaica and other bthorin? me, aa it ia a very neat and cheap repository of naeful inrentjont and improve tentav at its aame indicatea, . Jt jceinbellished with neat ewgrairu to repreaent aocbT wecbankal inreD Uom aa arw deaeribed u it eolurrnm -- fTb price 1$ per aormm, in adwneet-and mbaerK beAeaa rewrririt weekly Bttinbertof 1 Pgei aaoRtbly, eompwinfcT M p?e ' '"''. . . ' We would lake okaaurt in receivuig attbacriptiofia. fKie.l, (!, oiler jjf, Jjtf.t fi rfn IV t (ll Kiblb Carul.iia, w tUh tli illt( i"li btinif ii;yi:ti, c. Mvr,Mi.R,u.i.i.D M wnt. h wrath t4 tuoi i vur atiitlmc mi U IJnitlir Kjiifa patriuta. Hr!y tnwtrr UmJUr rannul lliitil tint tMnnl 4 lu itttluJe in partruf aurb warlik rliaraciur! No, Bu ; dia iuuimi aUxw will if mX buo fnn Ut aua (iiciut nf U-U(jfiuf lo it U tnM 11a ba awrt" tu, bait any affimi JIj tiJUiwart aajjtlir yi4 we dart ay that, ' . M IVit tit tlwMi'tilt aTttaa. - H BiigM hiiiiaulf ha brm tU4ut.n I 0" Tbe WrMrin Wcrkly Rnvirw mcntiiaui, aimaij otW rrhang4 -ra laUly rw iv-J, Ti ('Mta tMB," hitli h y ia a -ry amaU a-r, doubil Ui vy amaU matua." , , If wro in of tl iJiU bu f tbt arr fVixo ita luiiwi, w aliuiU ptart it e'mW tbr rou uf that einiteiir ami U(na7i'nf ffint (be Rieliiiiond DMjuirer." - . ru the wnriraa rtaoirit. " TIIH KLRMVORS OF THE REVOLUnoX .Vr iUiln, ; J aiu rU lo art that Ih lifrora of tl h,mjmIiwi w y,., j,,,. A, , cnpan u j t.-r m Cabarrua OMinty, (Cantain Kliaa M wnhiinrr'a ' t'nipny,) on th !8hh of July, Uie Rvo!iitioiiary HiJ- '"r1, " bmroAi of tint Company, who wire nreri- uj iHiiii-i iu urai, ni'i, irrn in aiuiiimrj ami "' tnjtfnt, with band iif tan, and by thr caivli afrof thi I'wintr, v i gtm. ithen Uicy crt atalc ed ncar Unt Haf Uiat bad m Men time proudly Wated wuii t!i inarritMion of " jbtrty or U-alli." Ity tn rrjii of thf (nHivra of thf Conipenr, Col. I). M. IHrnnurr d'lir-rd an amiropriaUr atid A--hnir aiirlm on orrajm, in wlicb hm tprnaird Ue K.-arl. !l irratifitolft fill nldrliiuj . 1 1 ....... tl,Hir y.mlh haj bwn i-i,t in oiKainmir that liUrtv h-h ivjw tryoy, Ite Itoitrd that tht rrinainilrr of 1 U""" d,.v j""t in p.- that tU lat aim ,il.kT", w"jll aliil (rav- Uni "laf waving ta tiie jd...f t-,r,l.nloftM bhi-rty whb tb,,r lorrfruVr. j hid rffarly pnrrliaHl and Irft MtiUi tlioiowith tlm "'n.' g'-'Kmtioi.a. AN fcU,VITM,S.S. roa thi artanaaa tiot.iNua. STATE OP XORTII CAMHIXA-Bvkr Cm,,tf. Coiar or l'ir au UnaTwi-Su.in, July Ti-rm. KM. The Grand Jiiroi f! the Cminly aforcMiid, having nrpifd awl rjiimmii tlie pnavedinpa of a iu-'lini? of the MitnlrlU. laal linlntll! lu.1.1 III Italmirli , n.L .J..; .-......-. . .. "ry !". Hl. aw.Mi.pnuiiil by an AiWr.-muf ki( 1 ilmtintfttiahwl jfriiileim-u. rw.auimiiilin? a rliaiiee of the CwnatitutKin of th State of North Taroliua ; aral, I ,d.ply im,ire d with Hm- jfrcat imiiality to our llo' , preuUtajn, both by poiHilatiun and lawtimi, m wtj . . . . If'W orciKifjr or ro- f irui, Tm I it to bi their ihiht.iu diily U I'n-wnl to tli J rmlid Maii.lonilwai uf 1Im Cihuia Ulln Slate gi'unrally . That the prenent fiirni of our (VatHtitiitimi in imiI Iki acd Umjii tlie uriiu ilfiof iNimlily Inn- r (rnliU ait- lani ; irmi 11 yivin lu I Ik" in Mi'rrt v, thrtMi;'li tln-ir n pre-' i-, llio right' ilif'iil:il"' fir 1 afiitation In the liwlnluri' ( and tax the niajriy . We d-M-m it iinniH'1-M.iry to i-n- j Me n " ' fAz-ir m tr, ih U-lorU oi the J u 1 , r'L","- " "T" l' "hr"r' , - redrew f nevnc, wbirh were Uratrd with thu ut- -e -Uxt. ,- ... -ui 11, 111,1.1 11 a-. Ill riiT rra- M." 4f,,i.i n.-.i n.-.i.. 1 c,... .. . ""wi" iniirnn " ,l,.. i.....i, ....n ..i i,... n.....,l ' V - r. . . ,, ...... " I t T ;Cr ''i";.U.na;T .V tn'.i' I (i,Ml riri'iL'T IX. 1 fins at.. Lka uK either uniieard or indi'irnnntlv dia. ri-jjanlt-l, Sufli conduct we tLiak Fni-ofiKwti'iit with I every prir.ciilt of ttmiMimii!!, ind cluricteristic of jrrt 'K"1".! Ti "f ""l1 loa. my a auweHeJ axUoB onlias lutc.UfrA.ouiillin 1....' . . . . nJNhi:an,iH.a,jnaett.n:iorth t'i.r pne- - t" iof,'r'e will induce mur Eastern" brethren tomei-t .. um ,(, pnncipbai of conceaxion and cotniiromiae, I 1 . A . . .- .. .. . t '. ., i idu 10 r.iiantre u the C4itition, at adntreMnd in tW Ad driiei alluded to ; which chanre we conceive to be cha- ncUiriaUe of our inMlitHUina, and wrrttld jrrve a nor jtwt-rr?ht ia the- eeada.tb:StaUaainXita,Xa; umlution and taxation, and ceeiore nor exhaitdted Treaituy to more thau ila original wealth, without re count lo aa uiertaaw of huaUua. upon Uie Citiaent of i the State, J Tb ChtwJ Jntrira Teqnwit tfin .tlie Jfriiltaju! Crairt 1 caime tliia I'reeenlutPiil to ba certirled by toe Clerk,! land lftifwitlfd.tui)ia Faqclltncy UicjU)vmkVJwtb.: reuet Uiat be lay it belore tho next lA'j;ilatue ol the State, ....--.- In tetirDony whereof, we have hereunto art our handa. BERRY BI'RNETT, Fnrrman; CEORfiE HARTLEY, JOHN THOMPSON, WII.l.AIM HIGOJXS, JAMES FOX. ' HENRY-TWlor,, ISR.EL SIMMONS, -nON-rrSini 1j feliSJvA'llt 1IKXRY SMITH, J)SEP1I NOBBITT, ARNLVP 5KKRE, JOHN 'DOllSON, tJMmMM&WMkfmmmm ; RR ArTA W KE1.1.ER;" JKSSE HAKTtJ-;Y, THO M. HEMPHILL, WYANT C.IB1M, HENRY REEL, tPrJtrrd, That the foregoing be published in the S Iwbury VVentBrn Carolinian, Teat: J. J. ERWIX, Clerk. Ijmi a X ra. kMataa aiaf. mt awtaVtoa),. . .. ... . CHOLERA. In confluence of the well ascertained f ct thnt a number of midden deaths had: occurred in thia city within the last' fortnight, and also, the neces sarily excited state of the public niind, from the existence of cholera in Montreal a ny-cting of tlie tJoaVd of Health of New York was held 1 hie day, at noon, w.hen the following Report on the licalth of the city waa' officially announced by lhM body. Boigi) or Hblth. 13 o'clock. Nooyj; ) L. Xn York, Avvutt M, 1834. " i j - fi rbo itlaebaiy uf tho fcKaata and ebtM.lile duty devolving ujkwi them, and justly appreciating the great intereataVcotniiutted to I heir charge, the Board of Health hnve doomed an official communi cation to their fellow-citizene both nmper And ex pedient at the preaent time.. The tearful ravngei of the fnaliqnant diijeawft which desolated our city two years since, are too fresh in the memory of the citizens, not to render them 'excoedingly aerwitire to every indication of a return of that fearful mala dy I&rhora, however mgan and unfximW, are calculated Inevitably to excite alarm, ami to pro duce the result most atrorjgjy deprecaled by those who curubtte them. 1 o tlw end that Uie re inay be ryi uti'wvcrfiry aj'pn In niun in the puijif niiml, HI filaluai ii I ho imr'ili'iNti uf any epil'ui!r dia. !, th llnunl iaf llelltl Will, frmn lilita to lime', aa i.in iiiu(ia ia may m Irt reqiilri', fiiniliniid rate l tha iuiriiiaiiii in thi ir puaavaaiuri on 1 auljx-t of awb rksrp iijixi(iniM' In tlifl fomtminity. I hiring llie hi "I week, arima reporli wero rip rulntfl of tle iiria'iiif rhiderw in our nty. Tim ulti-tiiiiMi of Im auilKiritn-a waa in rtrrr in- tiim-ff iiiiiiK.ilini.ly direr ted W an iiivtMigiilinri d" it I'lrttt u rtan, lniwevfr, waa thnro JimiimI anirH-ii-ol r a'ti ia jtitify iiiITm ml aiHHaiiM'rntenl f thfl Mcir aiiaVig lit of tli diwaaa kitowii aa lM AUlit ClM'b'Nr" Al lhi nminiSf of tha Hoard Mi'VrHLMr, Ihn Jet int., h wm atati-d thai vur ttimr$ ao4 one Jmfl) n ovurrl, in which tlx Qiiiitnnt rn atrftny markl but iii rK itln-r iiMiiiiM'0 waa iberw any eriih'iv ji that (lie dianaatt ir1iaik of nmli;iuiiil rliaractt r. I'mlor lltcae cirrutiwtaia iHi, th" lbrj did n4 eiaianler (hat ilia ailrlic f?l would bo cunaultu4 by publication at llut ItllM. Hiiiro Ub peri'xl n-fl-rrH lo, ll altonlinn of ll lJ-trJ of ll'-allh liut Urn callJ to 1 lannlx-r ff! caca reported aa CltoiWa, id" which evi bad ter minated fatuity up lo tlx) c vtming of llw 7lb iiielant, Durini lb lat thirty-ait huurw fuflhor reala hata bci-n nreivi-d, bmI at-X'ti ib-ntlia buva iwv ur red, niakiii(fa lotiil miiiilatrof Ciurtmi death aim- the. 23d of J'lly, by a di prutwainreil bv hy aicinna to be tliolora. 'lleiaa raa witra afl, with a aiuclo eicritnHi, of an la-dnt'xl rhnraclor, and t4 trnrrable to any pnrtirulur lud cauc. : la th tx reption ntcntioiied, lbre imlividuata diod in ooe hiMir, but tb attrrnhmt rin'iimataiaTea, ihr habiu, orciiptitiMit ami oitiialion of the aulrrer, werr anrh, aa to prevent either aorprian or alarm at th mmlt. No riilenc hiia yel cones to tb know led jft of thia laaly that tho diaraae baa Umti coniinuiiH-Hted by ci mt net or aartaliNu No iolorruptiiai of ihn jfiiiTil liaalth of the reiii-ola in the alrent or iRihburuiiod.inj..v.TU',fHli in tiw;ncc of the ib-atba reti-rp-d to. The Ibaird, llifn'firi, (tn- jualifi.-d ill aa-uniiiif( Ih fuel, lliut the tyM of the diaeaati m (beat uiniiMM-m ,luUta itelllicr Ihn rH dnmie nor the nmfijfiiln cbarat'li-r which cotiatitu ted orufuuilly the i:r-t Ifrrur ofClu'lupt, The iiKal aaaiiliiaui nlli-iit i ail id tliia Ibainl will la din-clfd to every cat of dianiiat of a Munpiciooa rharartcr which rmiie to the bnowble f tlm ne'inla-ra. It i ttn.-ir doterminntim at all tmwa In ciiiiiiiioiiH'atit with llH'ir eiaitiliM'iil in tlie airit ol truth ami miNbr ; ainl wIhmm-vi r iImv ahull we cHii' to hniife llwir (iiiiiki ia lo Into public IhwIUi, Imwcvet nVt-dy tlMy "' n-grel lh oii ti'iirr of rch a inx-eHity, iIm-v will lK'VPrlheb,m unheailatiiily avow thnHu t. 1'ln'y, tlM-n f iro, ak with ciaifHh'iicu, lh.it Ihi'ir fclliiw-ciliwim will idwre flill rr-linnre uxai the olTiciul toiiiiiiimicationa of Hum ImmIv. '(V Ibaird of lli'jlth reiia(-tfollv but enrnratly rncoiniitoiel to the rit..mn, hikI all other inlinbi liilit", to eicniau pruilcncv and diMr-rvtiou in tln'ir diet and gciir-rut ciauluct ; to nUdiun front the uu uf nnlcnl ripirili, and fmin fu'n of awry kind ; to prurlici' Ititliitiinl rbntlluiewa in thir pi-rwnia ; to cltr'iiaH! lh'ir pn tuis'M1 himI rtiimir nil iiiiunii, kv a frt-uot and tri'e 11-w of the well-known dixiji lii'ling HM'iil. With iIh-m; prfciiuliiiiK, and by the bliKMing of I rofuh'tici", wo mny confident I v I'liiaH't llint our comintiiiity will ! KXirid fiom the ullliclimw which attend the jM-slib'iM'i'. I HliHAH. Hl"hal liiian or llrLTii, Auffual 11 Niimv Tbe Roard n -port, that, oui noai on Saturday, till the aautu hour yuaU'iilay. Uicrc were thrpe deafha ; and from nram reafcrday, to the aame Konr Una day, there have bva five di-allia'rcportid by Uie phyaiciajut aa bav v iti -e ixcurrwl froui Cholera." " " " "" . . , .vToejf Jkagnjl jai?ern. " Tie- -1VM vt ) lenrlfl reportr that inee"yeahrlay4 at ldo'chK-k, there haio betm reported, by PhyHiciana, four death and twelve new caae of Cholera. WiihiMday. Auruid Niam. Tbe Board f lleailth refrrt ha ainet ywterday,at l o'elock, there Imve been, reported, by pbyiMtiaiwa, aix ibaxlba auui ikoloim taaoa uf, L-Wera, . ,. . ... . .w ' J. M ORTON, TSecrt ta ry. "Tui CiioiER day, we onve the number of death that had occur red on to that dnte. - tHre lhat time there- hare been a number of new caaen, amf 1 1 deaths, inn king the entire irnmbrr of death in this placer-8.1 uiaa-wUiiu- are utklex five, yearf of g 1 w lu to pcramia 20 ; bla lu 1 3. No new caaea ol maligni ty since Sundey evening. Ilrcordert . . - a m terdirv and to-day. Col Kilzsimnna hat the ho nnrtjffeetnf firnritiia ytjafrhy hairw1iur, Jet P. (ireeo, of Iturke cramty, being that clone be hind' him. Tliis Vns as tiuht a, race as the one where the judge gnv iho wiwiiig Jtorse 1 1 inch. Mr. ureen, however, is ahead in tbe price He got IS rents, while Col, F. only got 13. Col. J. Hammond ali sent in a bale this morning whifh sola lor l- ceiiis. "Avgmnu wnjnfr. ..At.,. i ai..tijtfr i i a irii.rin una biii tins bonutiful ilample ol new AlvarsdotxHton, rat sod in Columbia county. The toed wassot planted till tlie Siiih Anril. It is ail earlv kind, it belie veil to bear toora to th acre, and though thia being tbe first op-n, may not be as hue aim ailKy, it t a Uit Mjiociioou ot our atapliw-Councr, Smiritnn Gold Coin. Persons who are not cri ticni judges of metals should lx; careful that they are imI imposed upon "in receiving coin purporting to lie gold. No nx-tul in circulation is so easily counterfeited, and everj tlte beet judges may norne times be tbeivel. These rirciMnstances, we. are told, have alrondv Wn' improved by sfiarpers. . We- were. infornMHl yeMerday by a' respectable Brriker of this city, that qunititieaof spnriiMis gold coin are in circulation. They are said to be ex tremely well executed, and cnlculati! to deceive the best judgea. t:J9enrenr'riOT:'toMr have e. jrrrtwtowtW m gold piec"es, in cotNequenoo oflhe great diuiriilty in d' tecting attempts at iitiposilion.- Phil. Gntttte.. . Twenty Dollars Re ward 7 f "riLL be given for mliaflictory proof irain the person or nemins Who fract tired the BKLL of Uie EPISCOPAL CHURCH inxthif place. An outrajre ao .malevolent, whether prompted by (bnaticiam, or by a spirit of wanton wickedness, deserves equally to be puniahed. Tbia Church has been the frequent object of malieioti mwehief for the biat two-rears fnd its friends are determined to resist tliia bv ajl the ffm in their power. : , THlt VESTRY. , , Saliabury, A.iguat 23,1534 , . ; A r ea; a, aa I m-m kltlaiaai rPlli BuWrilier, as the A!iiniii-t rntnr of IV-jry Allii, b i pun il, oilers fr sole, Twir Muir'-a Of Block in Uit lUnk of C'aj I'nr. JOHN WO IT. Puli-bory, Angu-a 23, l:il. 'i ' llrnrf.fltiartrr, I HALIsCl HV, Annual 21, 134. n a 1'"' GitnilliaaiiMN f M fl.kl KegjuvMil . I.!. Militia are hereby ich! Oflicera of the of North t'uroliiia eminaiidid to ar pear in the Town of iSoIiabury on Wed nesdaf the V4ih day 4 Seoteniber. at lOoVliak A.M., with ai.le arm, f r 4 Drill i ami on Ibe followtnir dv. at 9 o'ebek A. M.. wilb tlii ir reajav tive Cunipauies , equiiie4 as lite law dirrt f r Keview and W sja-cimri byjlie Mojor-OenrrsL . . .. , , Uy order l. R. U NN, Colf W.U. II. W, CONNER, Adjl. August t9, 19 U tdm rf PI5SOLUTION. tpiIR Firm of John II. Garner 0c Co. U ibis day diieadvad, by mutunl (UNiaetit. All pertmis ba ving cluiina againat aw id Finn, are reoueated to preaoM I mm t Jidia II, (Jarneri U U duly au-- .1.. : 1. ... .. .i . a . uioiiw u io an nro up ino onsmeat ni ine cmceio. . Dtateaville, A u gnat IS, H.i4. , awaaaaBBaav Roli't . Fonhl J. II. (.amor, HAVING entered info Co-Parloerahip, ami pur. . cluooxl the nil ire gtork iaf tiOODS. Notiw. , and Aeisaiiit. ( the) Lain Ann iaf JiJm II. Caiwi k t'-o., reactfully beg bave to infurm the tunner ruatoinera n tne tuaiar. aud llio ou die in reiieral. ihai tiwv mii'wi , k oimnue the IJii-tincf.?, ' At tbe same Stand, la SUtesrllle. - aaBawa ' Tliey have now on hand, a rood awaoHmerrt of ar-' ucH-a, compriMiig aiuiOHt every Hung uminiiy Ki-pt in this aectioo of count rr : and abort I v exnect. fVoni ' the North, ...... .. .. . ia ajniii-wituiiifFiina raioa.i74wl . tri.:..k - ii - .l . a a -a a a. a.. a...a"a""- si mt ii win itfuiuiiav: tiori liiuiit iiuu m .... NKW, HANDSOMH, FASHION ABLE. AND m:sonaiju:, . Ami their cuatomcni limy re-t aaMurcd that mal w ill b pdd at very low price. COT All kimlanf Connlrv Produce will be. re . reived, al caali prtt-a, iu exchange for good. ; rONKO V (2AIIXF.R. Ftuteio iHe, August V3, h;4. 3t Stale of North-Ciirolina; . . IREDELL COUNTY... Vourtof fc.Mry Smuo Till, 1134. Wdlkm Uuy.aud oUacm, i ... J'ctiinA luuutla aud r. diMlriuulioa of real t'- - James Guy and others. ) Ultv IT AIM'EAIUNtJ.lolrieiaiiiafMHioriofllieC.mrt, Hint James Uitv, UH harrl Hancock and hliaui- beth hia wife, and Tlioins llancm k and Jane? his wife. Hie deforciants named in tlie f till- are m it in..-.. naotutnts of this N.ite i It is flu'rrfiire UsoaRKo, ' .ui u.i.i: i i t. : - j . .1.. u n-i i ai iiuimraimR aaa- bmiihi narvna amraa. an a aa Western CandinirHi," printed in Rnlihlairy , tha t the an id dN-fondiints do arniear at the nextCmrf of Kqai. ty o e rwttd tor t no Lrfwmt y 4 lrtvlll,al tlie Court house, in S(aevilte, on the eighth londay aAer the - fmrth M.Hnlay in September next then and tliem tuaivstixratherx'tition : Qlhoti-o it will be henrd exjierte, and the prarer thermnf he granted. . .11. iu von.i a v. v ... Augwst 'l 1HI. . tn The uuMrriirrr) iiat c on liami. .rThV -Urccn- A if, nnti Goltlcii - ".' t mr J DL m t - IfTogeflier with"their"krgkAiwarTiikMtDnig,' " Mtlieiiiea. Paints. Dvo-ritiiffs. A.c. '. The following additional Articles, fcATK LY tl 1TKIVE D, viz r : Champaign Madeira OldFhory Old Port TriKCTffij. Claret, and Si.. jtiir- ,F-1'M Ih.Ilan.l (JIN,- hl Z Peach Vltrandvt .4. jamnac : r v..,., . f N. EnglamUKll!V," London rORTER ; AibunyALE; fp-i'vaal -a w, a BV 4a Cavertdjah Tobacco j Good and common do. Fpenish autoking do. Newark CIDER; Real SpahwH Titto-culdrk sv . T Common Twist do. Half do. MriittBifl-a, and atW f varirty of PERFU. i.ommon T Ml'IfV lEraxiru'i ......... Salisbury, August 1 0 1834, -4t Female Seminary, fHfrEXfRi 'IM1;b or THiiTlNHTITirTltTN-AViLfr r BE. RESUMED ON THE U of ,4XT0El;il, . - npiIE price of Tuition per session, (5 mouths,) t tlO 50 Drawing and Minting, tlQ Music, 2(1 payable in advance, - - BENJ: COTTRELL, .--fifclUtwry, Aug. 9, 1 834. Princtrml. -' MA,lili ACiDKMV. t'hcJThird Simian of the ahovt tnslitvlton- ' Wilt COM MtNCaO.T -,! "tTHE FIRST DAY. 'OF;MAY, r fVIE PurweriVrs, thatikful for past pstroiifijfe, pledge themselves to enter upon the fxtrvi of the next session with renewed al. si'.ty:::--!--"-:;,f. J. sparrow,: T. W. SPARKOU'. Salisbury, April 12, 1W34. tf - .xWlSmiN. CAROLINIAN OFlfTTrlT" Saliabury, May 17, JT3 are pf-pred to exeeHtc every Mi d of I'm ' ' - in a very superior Wtylej and our 'mrge! v, ;'! ! ... as renewable a any. (tj- Orders from' tUUui v. aTw-Byi! rtict Ue most prompt attention. . - . -I'V.

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