THE WESTERNS AM QLMI A'K i i PUBLISHED' WEEKLY: JOHN BEARD, Jr, Editor and Proprietor, A'umberfrom Ihfbcginmn;, 713: Na 13 OF T11K XV'lli VOLUME. Salisbury, Itowan Gounly,-N. C- ' SatunlayMorningrAgust 30, 18III. llrad-Qiiarfrrw, SALISBURY, August 21, 1931. fpiIR ConimUsiuiod Officers' of tha - O.'kJ Kegiment of North Carolina Militia are hereby cmiriiuMl'! to ap pear ii the Town of Salinbury on Wed. ucsday the 21th day of September, at 10 o'clock A. M., with aide arms f,,r Drill I and on the following duy, at 0 o'clock A M. with their respective Companion ruipl as the law directs for Review and In spection by the Major-Kcncral. By order: I). R. LYNN, Col.-CoHi'dt. W. CONNER, Adj't. : August 23, J34. tdm IIEAD-QUARTKUS, Coxroao "I August 1 vith, 1931 CAlT. 1IKMIY UII.EH: VOU are hereby notified to appear in Char lute on Tuesday the 9th of September, with your .SWulwros, and the Private under your command, njitippi'd according to law, for the purponu of Re-tu-waud Inspection prepared to join tbe Regi ment at 11 u'chrk A. M. JJv order of W. C. N(.i, Col.-ConiMt " tV J: HARRIS? Adjutant..... Cbrlotte, Aug. 10, 1".'51. 3l TJ t "TV 0TC32. THK Bul-serilier, aa lite AdiniiiUtrator of Peggy Allium, direased, offers for aalo, Four Shares of Stock in the Dunk of Capo Frnr. JOHN SCOTT. Salisbury, "August 23, 134. DISSOLimONT THE Firm of John II. Gamer & Co. i this day dissolved, by mutual consent. All persons ha ving claims against anid Firm, are requested to pnuent them to John II. Garner, who u duly au tlmriicd to nettle up tlie businc of the concern. Slatesville, August 13, I!34. ""Sir X7S7T FlStsT" ' Rob't W. Foard & J. 11. Garner, II A VINO entered into Co.rarinernhi, and pur chased the entire Stock of GOODS, Notes, and Accounts, of the late firm of John II. Garner At Co., respectfully bug loave to inform the former runt on ten of the hou, and the public in general, that they intend to ; Continue the Business, ' At the tame Stand, in Btatetrille. They hare now on hand, a good assortment of nr v4kk4, comprising sJnioat. every thing iwuttHy kept in this section of country; and shortly expect, from -the North'--- . XIrse Additional SloWof "" iVttickwill comprize, every thing, that is KEWtJUXlSQME FASHIONABLE, ASl) SEASONABLE, And their customers nuy rest assured that good!, . wui a "Hi t very ow prices. A h binds bTCounfrY Produce -will be ri -.HpivcA at cash price, in exchange fr goods. Statesvillo, August 23, 183 1. . 8t Thc Subscribers have on ILmd, , '. AND FOR SALE,. ' " AllhttJ- r"..., Sign, of . . : The Crccn - j - and Uolden jTogetlier with their large Assortment of Drug, Medlciiiesi TiiMa, Pye-Stuflsi &ci)' The following additional Articlea, LATELY RECEIVED, via: Champaign Madeira OldSherJ Old Port Tenerillb Holland GIN ; French i reach Brandy 5 Apple) Jamaica ?niT. TV. F.nMiinH I Hweet lK)iidon PORTER ; T ri ft 1 : Albany ALE; Newark CIDER Good and common do. Spanish smoking do. v Real Snish Half do. Medium do. and i ine-cut do. T ' Com mon Tw ist do. X FINE SOAPS, and a Pi -f variety ol PLK1 U- " million -y-P -...'MERv;- WHEELER & BURNS. SaliBlMiry, Augiwt 16, 1834. 4t Land for Sale. nHE Subscriber offera for sale a- Tract of Land of 5 0 7 A C R E 8 , lying on both sides of i rant's Creek, six tiiilcs southwest of Salisbury., v hich is excellent Meadow in good order. .There IrliH a good DWELLING-HOUSE on the i'ULiand, a Barn, and other out.hotnws, - lerms be made accommodating to any one wishing to purchase. , . , (Kr Any one desirinff to see the Property, will please call on the Subscriber, living five miles from Salisbury, on the road to Beattie s rord, MATTHEW B. LOCKE. June 21, 1834. .. - tf Job Printing, Writinfl- and Wrapping Papcrr 3-" FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, Poetio T MMh. tr I nt w, ttikw.l.i,ii aimiH , 'THE RAINBOW. fat na. ntaAwt " . i ... . . f " . ... i u ei my now in the ciouK and it iliall be lor a token of a coveuaat between uie and earth." - (Uenrhi, LX, 13. Soft falli the mild rcriviiiu aliower, From summer's cluinpvful iki, And rain-dmps bend each tremWmy fluwer, They tinge with tkher dye. Soon iliall their genial influence call ' ' A thousand bud a to dny, Which, waiting but that Ulmy la ludden beauty lay. E'en now full many a blowom' U-ll Willi rragnnce tills the uluule, And verdure clothes each gruwy Jell, " In brighter tints arrayed. But mark Jmt Arch of varied hue From I lea van to earth is bowed ! Haute", cre'lt vankh, turwe to view Tba raiitbow ia ths loud I How bright its glory! there ta.ilj The emerald's verdant rays , The tnptx blends its hue of golj With tlie deep ruby's blaze. Yet not alone to charm the sight Wss given the vision fkir; Gaxe on that arch of colored light, And reads God's mercy there! It tells us that the mighty doep, Fast by the Almighty chained, Notnore on earth's domain sliall wc-p. Awful and unrestrained. It tells that suasons. hot and cold, Fix'd by IIu wveraign will. Shall, in their course, bid man behold Seed-time and harvest still That still the flower shall deck the field, When vernal xephyrt blow ; -That still the vine its fruits shall yield, When autumn sunbeams glow.' Then, child d that Cur earth, which yet Smile with each charm endowed, . . Bless thou His name, whose mercy set The rainbow In the cloud ! - MISCELLANEOUS. TRESEST CONDITION OF THE SEVEN CllVRaiE ;------- la (wrveyMtJie pKisiifuaXtiuk nor, there u nuthing sownafkabla as that of the seretl charchea, which formed a ph)rimeoiMe. tion in the riititive-itdii f tbe-churd. They re thus-described bv their. latest and mutt abk toriani . ... . . , To EphjeftaliV sap, shnrrrof her religion ardor and lullen from her first love, tlie cxtmctlori .af.ilc light.and iidluenco f Christianity was fore told ; and the -total aUbVersioof 'fat' frSurcVhil eity followed as, Ike punislwrwrrf of her impenitence. There is now-no trace of the faith that was" once preacheoV-The candlestick shall be removed from the station where it Was placed by the apostles. Tha lraVdlc; looks down from the heights of Pri am, Corrissus, ami 'PacTysS; iirSon "a scene-of soli, tude and deetflstiorw AU is' silence, except when occasionally interrupted" by the sea-bird'a cry, and tlx jarlSiiig of ibajiiriwwm sive tones of the muezzin from the ruined towers of Aisalnk ; and the remains of the temples, church es, and palaces of Ephesus, are now buried be. neath the accumulated sands of the Caystir. The Sardinians and Laodiccans were found degenerate and hikewarmif and to milarloomof subversion thev were to be subletted. Ihere are now no Christians in cither. A tew mud nuts in oart re present the ancient splendor of Crasus, and the al nl attain MiMltrtH 4 . AiTinHMWIVillU IH II IIIH 1 liltieness of man and tho vanity of human glory. But in Laodicca tlie scene ia. fkr tnoro cheerless ahddreaiy. No human being resides among its ruins; the abandonment threatened has indeed overtaken it t and neither Christ nor Mahomed has ixiii ta im sua uvuiiiii niiin-s r Cither Iciiiulc w followers WIWH ll of Fergamoa iEuid-ThyatinL hat.1.bwnwvei but the foretold apostacies here triumphed over tlie evangelical truth, and they how groan beneath Turkish cruelty and despotism. But the fortunes of Smyrna and Philadelphia have most remarkably corresponded with the disclosures of the apocalypse. In every age that has rcvoJved,,they have experi enced an u hour of temptation." The heathen priest, -the Roman Emperor, the Turkish bandit, successively inflicted the tribulation announced; white".-notwithstanding iha .. devastations, of war, earthquakes, and "peiu1tib'iorag'jpbe: original promise, the faith has survived tn both ci ties 4heinjurie4tiaaared You w8 find, however, brethren, that little more of the Christian church exists in Smyrna and Phi ladelphia, than the form and name. .The light is extinguished, only the candlestick remains. But you will be interested br the reflection that the light which ahone upon the Wddensea, when the rest of the world was ahrou3cdui gloom, was brought from the golden candlesticks' of lesser Asia. In alter ages, when tfce seven churches wereTMif foring the righteous judgments of God, this light shone brightly jpen the watera of the R,horie, and .iniaJhe deep neighboring valleys of the Savoy. Ana in tho citiei of Smyrna and Philadelphia it Will doubtleM U re-kindlcd, as well as among tlie mouutainaoTI'iaidia, I'hrycia, ti alalia, and Cant docia, as vpon the plains of Cilicia and Pamphilia, lootus and Uytliyma, and tliose wIiicq Jook out V" WHAT CAN WOMEN Dof U . nf i t . . . n - h t esjiane-tioi is a queation Ireqnently profMpmuli d when a woman is hft. either bv thrt os or mif (rtiinea of her friends, to atrugglo for1, ncrneir. iat can she do T There are but very few avenues of business in which women are privi leged to walk. - The wages paid for female labor! is very trifling; and when alte has others besides herself to provide for, it seems almost impoawiblo inai a woman can succeed, - But thanks tffthat Being who tempera the wind to the shorn lamb' -woman has beeu endued with a patience and perseverance which, when called forth by the strong afloctions of the heart, over come all obstacles. Her strength and courage will rise in proportion to the difficulties which surround her, and, kept in intense exercise, her love seems, like tlie fire which the prophet invoked from Lea-, ven, after the water had been poured upon the sa crifice, to annihilate every obstacle in her path. ' We have seldom seen the good eflocta of iemaht enterprise better set forth than in the following sketches of Western manners and character, which we extract from tba lutUr of a Boston lady, a friend uf ours, now residing in Tennessee SIkhiW any New England woman, feeling that her lot is Kara, complainingly inquire what can a woman dot let l r he referred to the examples her sisters in the West have given, and do all ike can. Extract from the teller of Miti . I trut that the time is not far distant when li terature wilt here have its votaries ; when the ladies of the West will be as solicitous to obtain new books from the East, as they seem at present to obtain the fashions. One meets, in this section of the country, with many instances of resolution and perseverance of character, such as should give a spur to enterprise, embolden the timid, and almost incline one to believe an assertion made by Dr. Beecher (at Cincinnati) 'that emiprant$ art ike bat pdrt of a population. Such instances are to be found among our sex ; women who have come hither without means or friends, and managed to support themselves and families. The dwelling of a woman was lately pointed out to me, who, with a family of grand children, UrfL, at tlie age of sixty, her native Slate. (North Carolina,) and travelled here on foot, support inj; herself on the way by knit- ting purse, at ike walked, which she nnld to tra vellers. W hen she readied this jilace she hired a a Small lot of land, planted a garden, ami set her grandsons to work. She raised gourds, which were used here as a drinking cup ; she always kept a row, nicely tileacncd, hanging on the outsjiie oil ... a a . . . a Iter calmi, to attract parsers by..- - Alter a lime, she was enabled to purchase a cow; she then had milk (or .aalo'.,. To shortCBithe storyby Jjee.fruga.lijy and industry, she was enabled, at her death, to leave each of her crandehildren a wing farm. ro 1 ennewe under similar ctreMmsmnce nio length-of hex ; . journey, whs eight hundred, miles, which she accoinplialicd.oii foot'ln "tiifie" months. neFhiaiiy"aTv'eiifurcs "ty'ffiff"Way,'and' tho shifts sho. nuidc to support herself after . she arrived here, would" form an interesting detail. I cart igivfr only the outlines. She was a widow7 with two. little sons, having no means of raising them in her na-tive- place, .and fcarimr . lot . the . Parish Officers would tako them from her and apprentide the'rn to,' aha knew not . whom. Rather than be, sepnrated from her children, she resolved to emigrate to Tennessee. - Here her sore are now respectable men, and with their mother are in very comforta ble circumstances. ""TTi 'mfMMrLaUit fonliirn in hep h'mtnrv. ir:rncu nTTTOpimtrw tcr-tv -w-arvuisj wassvjf smim manner in which their mother proceeded to teach them to read words was this : she had an old hymn book, the.hvmns in which she knew by rote. The boys would pronounce the letters to her, and by counting the words and lines she would discover what they spelt. """ "' We are apt to priae highly what we obtain with difficulty. I am told that when these boys had ac- .caranlisljed .the arduous task of learning- to read, - . . . the greater part of the night, reading any books they could be so fortunate aa to borrow.' Ladici Magazine, MtUrimony.Th happiness of the hitahand and ife is naturally derived Iroiu each other mey parlake alike of. joy and sorrow, glory and mifivrwcaltlrTrf ijjiuk -1 u .1 n ..,.. -e . misfortune of one, is the misfortune of the othe: nothins but the crave can sever their connexion ; even the bonds which unite brother and sister, or Daren's and children, are far less endurinc. The tender youth is grown into manhood, he is now a .1- -.1.1 ! Y ,. " i .1 perhaps, contending witlt the diffiadUe.ottel" tnlor ahall.aiiirysy, or tuVSmpt to world, ami receives no lonnflw protection of a la.mcr! ?r !r"'3.'a0la , KtnP W l! I grew arowd hi am of his bosom : she, perhaps, has fled' from her .. manm- ShAm ' a a I parental roof, willing to sacrifice every thing for hissakeriindlfK3W clirigs fondly1 to htm for protei tion and support ; thus she becomes his chief do light, and by,hor tenderness and love she sweet ens his toil, and scatters sunshine in the pathway of bis. existence. .-.--;- -; Indian, Yerdictt Tha yerdict of an Indian jury over the body of John Tutson, an Indian who bad been drinking pretty freely of spirituous liquors, aMra..ooii.iifter.lindjd "That said Tutson's death Was occasioned bV the jfreczing of a large quantify of wafer in bis body, thirt had been impradently mixed with the rum he drank."''A7Tsor.z?r. . litxws ot lc 3nUeA B Vales, PASSED AT THE FIRST 8GSSION OF THE . ' ' TWENTV-THIRD CONGRESS. PL'UUcTn T7. AN ACT to regulate trade and intercourse with the ' Indian tribes, nd to preserve peace on the frontiers. JSt it EmrtrJ, Ihi XrnmH 94 Hon Rrff imtmlipfi of k I nittA Htulri nf America, in on grtu HtemtArJ, That all Uiat part of tlie United Rial wet4 of the Uuwwlppi, and iv within the Ktales of fliimouri and Usjisiana, or tlie Territory 61 Arks has, snd, also, that part of ths United Vutes eaut of tlie MuwiMippi river, and not within any Bute, to which the Indian title has not keen extinguMtud, fur the pur poses of this Act, be taken and downed to be the In uian country. S.-C. V. And b it furtkrr enacted, Tliat no persrsi shall bo permitted to trade with any of the Indians (in tlie Indian country) without a license therefor flora a superintendent of Indian affairs, or Indian agent, or sulsurnnt, Which aha II be isued for a term not exceed ing two years, for the tribes east of the MisstMippi.and not exceeding three years, lor the tribes west of tint river. And the person applying for such license shall give bond in a penal sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, with one or more sureties, to be approved by UM poraoo iMMJiiif tls Hint, cuadiUooed that suca per son will (kuhfully obnerve sll the laws and regulations made for the government of the trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and -in -no remeci- vi4sU-4he samcnd. the tupaintrndent of the district shall have power to revoke and cancel tlie same whenever the pemon 'icsnsed sliall, in his opinion, have trans- grotM'd any of the laws or regulations provided for the tfuvurutuent of trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, or tliat it would bo unprufM:r to peniJf him "to remain in the Indian country. And no trade with the vaiil tribe shall be carried on within their country, ex cept at certain convenient and suitable places, to he de ugnated, from time to time, by the ruperfnli-ndeiitii, agcotM, and subagcnta,and to be inserted in the license. And it shall be tho duty of the persons granting or ri vokm? such licenneis forthwith to report the name to tlie Commiasicor of Indian Aflkirs, for his approval or disapproval. hec. 3. And be tl further enacted, That any super intendent, or arnnt, may refuae an application for a li cense to trade, if ho ia aauafied Uiat the applicant is a permn of bad character, or that it would Im improper to permit him to reside within the Indian country, r if a licenaeprevioiwly granted to such applicant, has been J revoked, or a forfeiture ot his bond decreed. Jiut an appeal may be had from tlie agrnt or the atiperintend- cnt, (o tlie CoinuiUMioner of Indian Anairs; and the Preideot.of tho ..United States ahall be authorir.e.1. whenever in his opinion the public intercut miy require the same, to prohibit the introduction of ponds, or of any particular article, irtto the country belonging to any Indian IriLe, and to direct all licences to trade with sach tribe to be revoked, and all applications therefor to be rejected ; and no trader to any other tribe shnll, mrlonr as such prohibition may continue, trade with any Indiana of, or for, the tribe against which such pro hibition is i-Miied. Hve. 4. And he it further enacted, That any person, other t!i-m ah Indian, who shall attempt to reside-in the Indian country aa a trader, or to introduco food. or to irtMia Uiereia without sucn license, shall loneit an nt:rrhaiidiie ottered for sale to the Indians, or found in his oHKfckn, and moreover shall forfeit and pay the sum oTIIve TfuhJred' dotlarsr ; Sec. 3L;Aad be" it fyrfhfr ' enacted -Thit no license to trade with tlie Indiana ahali be granted to any per jona except citizens of Ihe United- States; Provided. Tbatilta Pemdcnt shall beauthorM o a'.Jow the em. ploymont of fixeign boatmen and interpreters, undcr suoh reirulatiorts as he may presoribe. ftec Or And belt fi&tkrr rnntfed, That Ifa er shall pn tntn r the India eowtUy. wiUiouta pa-ort I fhini the '. Department, the- superintend mt, sirsnt, or aiibarent of Indian Aflkirs, or from the officer of the Itaital titafes eommamliftif th naarest military posted the frontiers, or shall remain intentionally therein alter the expiration of aoch patopurt, he sliall ' rfoit and pay the sum of one tliousand dollars; and such passport shall express ths object of seek person, the time be is allowed to Temain, and the routs he is to traveL . Sec. 7. A-is" & it further enacted. That if any per son, other than an Indian, shall, within the Indian' coun- ry, or eookiwr s)tenail-f aho- kiad samiiioid jp oltlaiiiad by the Indiana in their intercourse with the white peo ple, or any other article of clothing, except skins or furs, be mmU forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That if shy per son, other than an Indian, shall, within the limits of nf wbe with whom the United eUstes ahall nawix-4 iatinir treaties, hunt or tran. or take and destroy, any peltries or gamerexcept for subsistence far the Indian- country, such person shall forfeit the earn or flve nun drd.dollars, V4 forfeit jll thetrsps, gtrns, and ammuni tion in hw-fM!eiton,,uw)f w procured tobe steD'Hr that ptirpoae, and the ocltriea so taken. Sec, V. And be it further enacted, That if any per son slmll drive, or otherwise convey, any stock of hor ses, mules, at cattle, to range or feed on any land be- lontrin? to snv Indian, or Indian tribe, without the con sent of such tribe, such person shall forfeit the sum of one dollar, for ssch animal or such stork. IScr -10r And be it farther emmc4d That tlie Super. WiM fjcnta.and rub- agenw, snau nave aoinonry to remove warn tan iuuiau country all persons found therein contrary to law 1 and the President of the United States is authorised to di rect the military force to be employed in such removal. Sec. 11. And bait further enacledJSt if intf per son sliall make a settlement Uri any lands belonging, secured, or granted, by treaty with the United Btates, by mtrkin tree, or otherwise, tuch ofibrulei1 tWiettl flir- foil snd bay the sum of one thousand dollars. And it . a n . . . a 1 l . 1 I ted States to take such measures, and to employ such (military force, as he may fudge necessary, to remove -rem the- kudst as aforosaidVany such parim aa afore said. .. Sec 12. And be it further enacted. That no pnr- chase, grant, leaso, or other conveyance of Iambi, or of any title or claim thereto, from any Indian nation or tribe of Indiana, shall be of any validity in law or equi ty, unless the same be made by treaty or convention en tered into pursuant to the constitution. And 11 any person, not employed under the authority of the United States, sliall attempt to negotiate such treaty or con vention, directly or indirectly to treat with any such nation or tribe of Indians, for the title or. purchase of any lands by tnem held or claimed, such person'shall forfeit and pay1 one thousand dollars r Provided, uner lhhtnL Thatu slmll be luwfol for the agent or agents of any Bute, who may be preaeut at any treaty bU with Indians, under the authority of ths United Htatea, in the presence, and with ths smirobation of ths catntnis Doner or eommiwiooeri of the United Hutea sppointed to bold tha same, to propose to, and adjust with the In diana, the compenABtioo to be mads f their claim to lands within such Bute winch shall be sxUiiguuJiod by 8oc 11' And be if artir tnacted. That if any ch tiien of older person residing within tha United State or (lie territory thereof, sliall eend any talk, speech, meiMge, or letter to any lndiaa nation, tribe, chut, or . indivJuahwith an intent 10 produce a contravention or to disturb the peace and tranquillity ot the United Btates, be sliall forfeit and pay tha sum of two UiooMnd dollars. IHec. 14 And ha it furtkrr enacted. That if any ci titen, or other person, shall carry or deliver any such , talk, uiSags, speech, or letter, to or from any Indian . nation, tribe, chief, or individual, from or to any person or persons whatsoever, residing within the Unitoi States, -or from or to any subject, citiien, or agent of any fo reign Power or State, knowing the contents thereof, ha sliall forfeit sad pa y the sum of one thousand dollars. See. l.V And ba it further tnacted. That if any ci limn, of other Mrson. mid ins or hvinff amonff the In diana, or elsewhere within the territory of the United Hutea, shall carry on a correspondence, by letter or othonrise, with any foreign ftsttca or power, wiik an -intent to induce such f veign nation or power to excite , any Indian nation, tribe, chief, or infiividaal, to war apainst ths United Stales, or to the v wist mo of any ex- Minf treaty t er-isj ease any eiUasa or ouiar person , hall alienate, or attempt to alienate, the confidence of m a .. - .a a .1 1, any Indian or Indiam from we uovernmeni unuiu ted-Htates, ke shall forfoit-tbesum of on thousand dok . Jaxv ....,, H. ia And ha it further enacted. That where, in , the commission, by a white person, of any crime, of fence, or misdemeanor, within the Indwa country, tk HiMMrf. iu'a.. IVuiaul I at I nA ft fttkm itllllMut n fti-a. WllfiaUl. VI -111, liniWII .MUNBi. aa. .amv.H ...jw....w ' .. .. m . r... IUII,CV,WHI IHJUTH.UWI WV q VUVH Wi'il' I hv i . or misdemeanor, the person so convicted shall be sen fenced to pay to such friendly Indian to whom the pro- perty may belong, or whose person may be injured, a. sum equal to twice the jum vaniew uis prnoeny so taken, injured, or destroyed. And if such otiunder shall , be unable to pay a sum st least equal to the just valu . or amount, whatever such payment shall full short of.? the Mine, shall be paid out of the Treasury of Die Uui- ' tod Static: Provided, 1 fiat no such Indian sliall been tilled to any payment, out of Treasury or the United v Sutea, for any surli property, if be, or any of the na-, tion to which be belongs, alislibave sought private re-' venr ne, or attempted to obtain Ufctioi by aay force . or violence: And provided, aUo, Thai if such launder -r-cannot: be. appruhcnd?d and brought to trial, the amount : ol such property slmll bo paid out oflho Treasury, M tTisjsw. '. dian or Indians, belonging to any tribe w amity with Sec. 17. And be it further inaetf d. That if any Iiv . . the United Btates, slian, wrthrn the Indtan romrtry, tako- r - r detmy tlie property of any person Iswfully wiUmi uch counlrr. or sliall pass from the Indian-country into ; : - any State or Territory inhabited by citizens of the Uni- - ted butes, and litere Uke, steal, or destroy, any bor horses, or other property, belonging to any ciusen or inhabitant of the United Btates, such citisen or inhala- " . tant, his representative, attorney or agent, may make application to the proper superintendent, sgent, or sub- airenL who. noon beirur. fiirnibhed with the neceiMry documents and proof, ahali, under the direction of tint - liesidenT, mase application to in nauua ur iriuc w which said Indian or Indians shall belong-, for satutfao tion ; and if such nation or tribe shsll neglect or reftwe' . to (naka satisfkction, in a reasonable time, not exceed-" ' ' tnir t-welvomontlia, it,aball be.tlw.dulr.iaucii atiwrm-: ... tefldept",- SgernYor strtssgent; tomahe'rehini of- bts do - A Uai I'maaiaalmuW Trili1a ft til Vllt, - fiirthcr steps may be taKett as shsll I be proper, in tlie ouiioa h ma I'roauient. ta-jouuun. miiiniHCtiun tur .uitt inmi-vV Btnrl in- Ilia nipin limn, in rnnnet tn tliat urn. perty so taken, stolen, or destroyed, the United Stales -3 - 1reign-fa.r4jlty th- wirtv so in Hired, an eventual indemni. fication: fmsiifer!; That, tf such mjure party,-bis re presentative, attorney, or agent, shall, in any way, vio ..... late any bf the provisions of this Act, by seekins- or at tewpfmg to obtain private jatisfaclion,' or ievence, bo T." shall forfeit all claim upon the United States for stirb ' indemnification : And provided, aUn, That unlets such claim shall be presented within three year after ths commission of the injury, the same shall be barred. . . And if the nation or tribe to which such Indian mar"-; belong, receive an annuity from the United States, such claim shall, at the next payment of the annuity, be de ducted therefrom, and paid to the party injured ; and, if jw annuity is payable to such nation or tribe, then tha .. amount of the ehum sfiaQ be paid hum the Treasury of tfiewlJnited'44ton---Pr0iiissV nThat-boUtiijg .buxuux contained shall prevent. the legal apprehension and pun ibhment of any Indians having so offended. - - Hec. W And be il further enacted. That ths stiwr- intendents, agents, and sub-agents, within their reflec tive districts, be, and are hereby, aathorixed and em fommtM tdi?poaitioni nf. wtoeasw.touchi.Ti: any depredations within the purview of the two preceding sections of this Act, and toadroiflistof aft oath to the du-. ponents. . - Sec. 19.-And he it further enacted. 'Thut it shsll be ' to endeavor to procure the arrest and trial of ail Indians accused of committing any crime, offence, or mkie meanor,and all other persons who may have committed crimes or offences within any State or Territory, and and hava fled into the Indian country, either by demand ing the same of the chieft of the proper tribe, or by such other means as the President may authorize : and tha 1 Pi.iam n,.y A,rort iha n''ti'"7 frf Tf tH. L'ni'"l Htatefl. to pe employed, tn the apprehension of snrh In- diana, and also in preventinif or terminalinif hoot.IiUt . between any of the Indian tribes. - Sec. 20. And be it further enacted. That if sny per son, shall jd,.exsiiMig&, or givefliartrs or dii ).. of," any spirituous liquor or wine to an Indian, (in the In dian country,) such person sliall forfeit and pny the sum of five hundred dollars; and if any person shall intro duce, or attempt to introduce, any spirituous liquor or wine into tlie Indian country, except such supplies as shall be necessary for the onicers of tlie Uiiitod Fmtes and troops of tlia servicej, under the direction of tlie Ws.Opartment, such person .shnll fisfeit snd jy a sura not exceeding three hundred dollars ; and il'ttr y superintendent of. Indian affairs, Indian sent, i !j ageaVor commaiidiiig officer of a military poti,jtvU r son to suspect, or is informed, tliat any white p". -- n r Indian is about to introduce, or has introduced, ary t . rituous liquor or wine into the Indian country, in i latjon of tha provisions of this section, it shall be li s ;' ! for such'siiperintetulent, Indian spent,' or sub-agent, (.i military officer, agreeably to such rrfruMions 'as r f be established by tlie President of tlie United .'hi' , to cause the boats, stores, packages, and nlnees f t"d . -sit of such person to be searched, and if e v . spiritous liquor 'or wine is fotitid, the go.;., ! packages, and peltries of such persons shnll I and delivered to the proper .iriet.r, and nlmll be ed Bfrtitist by libel in the propi-r court, and tn one-half to tlie u;?c of tlie mf.rmi-r, and the oth'-;