tain that e ,rch (" 1 ,'rm - ... p,AVta and general ewitemciit of confusion, and tfurliy, nd Wood wbea tbe edifce of civil soci. Hj u shaken to iti Ixutf, tnd crumbling Into rula .Jakes (l foundations of the grrst iWp were broken up, nd rapine, and fire, and murder,' wow iveepirig like torrent wf the land in times i.ia tliese. there wu eome palnatlotv for violence gmJ outrage, in lh tretnerslotisly eiciled Mala of j public ttinwt. uut nere were was do such pal. Liuon. The Court of Justice were open to re ceive complaint of any improper confinement, or authorized coercion., ', The civil Magistrates vera or ought to be on tU ek-rt to delect any ille. rj restraint, and bring its author to the Dtmixh. pent they deserve. But nothing of tlie kind u detected. Tlie whole matter was a cool, delihe. rate, systematiawd piece of brutality, unprovoked amk-r tlta mtt provoking circumstances totally unjustifiable--aod visiting the ciliwns of the town, and mt particularly its magistrates and civil ofli err, with indeliblo dixgracc. it is indfod a most unprecedented oreurrenre that a mob of this description should have carried its infernal purposes into rflect, without the slight cut show of opioition or resistance. The project, td attack, we are told, was ojs-nly diuHed during (be day and bow were the Muuiciisil officers en rned, that they should have neglected tlH'ir duly f Could not they hsve iouud a sufneieut number of true end just citiaon to pmtert tlte pruja;rty and (be persons of a College of Catholic women T Hit the law no means of self-euforccmcnt f I rbcre no method of quelling a mob who ike the lnw into llieir own bands, and go about at midnight, prrr-i rating tlte most struck! inituilics? Or sre authorities of Chark-wtow n so weak and iiK-om lent and the pollution no little diMsied to obe. diciK-e tliut Club Law nfiwl Molt Law must ever m the prevailing codes, and tlie ordinary process nf common law and statute proviions be dispensed' siti) u without force or rfliraey t We are. tod I tint many of the rioters were from Boston Wdthe ttljnrtfnrtown. Of this wo" know! nothing. -The more digracefid is it to tlie magi. stratr of Churlcslowu that they could not with llieir own citizens quell or'in wmut measure subdue' or internit this infamous Hroc4lur. But the hole subject, we presume, will soon Is-come the uhj'f't of judicial iiivctigstion, and if we mean- whirr? father any ncwirnorrrratinri on thr outrnrjrr; se shall duly lay it before our readers. Tl Omuce Resrwcw. A mob occupied the Convent ground from 11 o'clock last night until half part two this morning, Wednesday. There was no force, civil or military, to oppose tlieir violence, and they dent roved a great number of valuable fruit trees, tore iijv the ehoieest vines of the grapery, pulled down the fence, and mads a bonjirt, and no one resisted them ! I The Charles. town Light Infantry were on duty at Mr. Cutter's lion, but having been seri.illv posted there to guard his property, they did not fool aullHrtz)d to leave- thoir -station to go to the -proteetion of the Convent. The Clutrlestown I'halunx were on duty at (lie Catholic Church in that town. PosTcairT, 1 o'ct. .. This city has lio;n, du ring the evenjng, in state of much alurin and ex citement. From the unallayod fury of the ruffians oa Tuesday evening, and their renewed acts of outrage in burning the vines and fences attached to the Convent, without tbe interposition of either the tinier military authority spoken of by the valor. Ous Selectmen of Charlestown, apprehensusts were entertained of some seriourcolluuon with the Catho. lie. Various rumors were current, during tlie laiteod'and evening of. a "Mliirc W ihflaliiejd a still higher degree the eicited feelings of the pub lie' Many of our citisehs enrolled themselves with .Ota inayor. jnli Jor-lbe .porfuriuaniie of patrol duty. Several of the military companies . ate.. midcr. arnuvand, lhu. whole city is . now.uudor . tlie protection of a nuracroua armed watclu..: . . MEETING AT FANEUlL HALL, At an overwhelming meeting of tlie citizerisor Uostoo assembled at ranetnl Hall yesterday at I o'clock, in pursuance of an invitation of tlie Mayor, 1doriJ LymaB, Jr., tlw Mayor of tl4 cityj was called to the Chair, tind Zcbcdce Cook, Jr., was ap poiutcd Secretary After a pertinent but brior ad dress by the Chairman, explanatory of the objects oT the meeting. Resolutions were presented by Jo siah Quinoy, Jr., prelooed by some highly interest, ing and animated remarks. He was followed by Harrison Gray Otis, in his usual felicitous style, Wb the Resolutions were tjnnimoulv accepted. -itmlmti That ;m '4ne'ptninii of the citiaeosof ikwton, the Ute attack on the L nail me Convent in Chariestown, occupied only by defenceless fenvdes, was a base and cowardly act, for which the perpe Irators deserve the contempt and detestation of the community. . -fttmlted, That 1he destruction of wroperty,-and danger of life caused thereby, calls loudly on all olationof the laws. Rfinhed, That we,-the Proteatant' citizens of wiWon, do pledge ourselves collectively and indi vidually to unite with our Catholic brethren in pro tecting their persons, their property, and their civil and religious rights. Rftolped, Tttat tlie Mayor and Aldermen be re- nilCSted to tnttn nirflo enoaiipnt wtf fay Q wrry tlie foregoimj resolutions into eflect, and as ""'likens wo'teuuVx oiiir rwMHil JirVice to support the laws under tlie direction of the City Authori ties. Remitted, That the Mayor be requested to no minate a committee of 29, from the citizens at l'rge, to investigate the proceedings of, the last night, and to adopt every suitable Mode of bringing the authors and abettors of this outrage to justice. The following; resolution was offered on motion w Johnu. rark-r- ;;.::,:.. Rmieed, That the. Mayor authorized and re--qnestedtii DiTef Oerv TiberaT"re ward Tdnrlndt vidual who, in case of further excesses, writt arrest and bring to punishment a leador in such outra ges. - On motion of Mr. Geonre Bond, the committee of 29 were requested to consider the expediency of providing funds to repair too damage done to the Convent. The following persons compose tlie Committee proposed in the above resolution ; -' ' ' - - It G. Otis, John D. Will iams, James T. Austin, - Henry Lee JUroes Clark, Cyrus Algen JoJin J!h haw, Francis J. Oliver, Mark Healy, Ckarles, G. Loring, C. G. Greene, Isaac Harris, Thomas II. PekiDs, John Rayner, Henry Gassett, Doniel D, i ad, Noah Brooks, H. T. Huker, Z. C-Ji, Jf o. Unrrscott, Baiiiu ! Hul.Urd, Henry Far. nutn, llenj. F. IUIl. tt, J.,l,u K. Himm, John Colt.m, IJenjamin Hu h, Willum Bturgis, C. P. Curtis. TIIi:0IX)UE LYMAN, Jr. ZtacDKi Cooe, Jr Bec'rv. , Chairman. tUT smrna - TIIEAIIOLINIAN. SALISBUItY:. SATURDAY::::::iAUGUST 30, 1834. ' ELECTION RETURNS. BurU Ftmuel P. Csrstm, Benste ; Rsnnid Fleto. ming, snd - Perkiiw, Coniuwirw. I'lL-.-Senate : Msjority fis- Ctrwm, 101 ; Omiwrns : Perkins, KVJ ; Fleiniiung, M ; Coroeninir, 0C3 ; GraLanu !S2 : Tate. an (!mmirn Edmund J. Ihrro, Senate : Tliornas Tillet. snd imuw N. Mcl'lteraon, Cotuuxsis. Chmfint 8mnel T. Hswver. 8-mte : B. F. Welsh. and Williim Byniin, Conniusis. Town Edrnion Jonathan. A. Ifs-ghton, Duplin Jolin E. Hunsev. Senate : J. K. Hill, and O. K. Kenan, Commons. IliTtforil G. W. M'Sitfoinery, Senile; 8. Smith, and lac Cirtt-r, C'ouiioim. AVw Ainotwr Owen Holmes, Senate ; L IL llirv teller, awl Hlejdien Register, Comnxsis. OsosTlKNiias Everett, Senile : Dimtl 8. Stun- drs, and Nithuwl L Milcucll, Cummons. Pa$qwMnk Frederick Whitehursu Senate ; Jolui niatehioDl, and Thomas C. Mathews, Commons. Vryin'mrisi . Itm Wdson, 8enaw i Benjamm Mul len, snd Jijxiih I erry. Commons. Rnrkingkam-Hiinrt Mirtin, Senate i Philip Irion, and Jilakc Dfwwcll, Commons. Avars William Flint, Senate; J. F. Poindexter, snd lonrd Zighvr, Cuminons ; 8. tituoe, Hhenfll TvTTt EuLraim Maon. Sensm i CLu. AlcCleene. nl J. II Alexander, Commons. WELL DONE I We have now the satisfaction of announcing that a majority in our next legislature witf be njoW to the iJmiHlstftlM. We foresaw and fiiretold, as much as twelve months ago, that the Jackson party was on tlw wane in litis State ; wa knew that the People were awskening, and that all' honest men would be guided by reason, as soon as the strange delaibn should vs aikb : but ws really did not expect so soon to witness Ute triumph of principle. (ttr Our next Legislature Till show a majority of mt Uatl TwixTT Whigs probsble thirty. A Aw counties, in which wa expected a full Whig delegation to be elected, have partially dwppotnted us but, on the other hand, many, from which we ex petted nothing good, have returned all M tigt ! Is not Rip once' more wide awake T We think he is, and tint lie will let folks know he has .lot shaken off his letliargy finr nothing. 07 In a preceding Column will be (band an article from the Bontun Atlav giving an account of a recent outrage in an adjacent town, to which the writer sayi be H remeiubers no parallel in the course oCJ'tofy...M... It appears that one of the young ladies of the Con vent, -in a state of temporary delirium,- fled into Ute country : the circumstance became public, and buny mischievous rnrnor at once ascribed her flight to nl treatment ana crueTryttTtlie CvinCTnisoBciu7e3 early in this month i on the lift int.Unt.the Selectmen and oilier respectable indiViduob of ChwlesUnvn certi fied, In the public papon, that Uiey had examined into lite alleasuaeaof Uie.ConveTitjafl footly groundWi Uiai every Ihuig in and about it in dicated good order ; and that the young lady who was eaul to have bccn-Jnaltreated, utterly contradicted it, and exprcwd Uie greatest satisfsotioa at being m tits Convent lliat she came back voluntarily! "and was at liberty.lo depart at pleasure, . . .7; ;,,,, ,. ' Vet"'Hs'uni,TlU' ieri nigil qper tuck publication vat sWe, the infamous outrage was' perpetrated) " ' It is moat lamentable to witness such worse than Go thic barbarity in the vicinity of one of the most polish ed cities in our free, enlightened, Protestant America ! to see it take place within view of the spot doubly coueecratsdJo cwil.jrf.religJo prayers" of the Pilgrim Fathers.tlieaulves Ue exiles of intolerance, and again by the blood of their descen dants, shad upon Busxra's Hnx, in defence of their al tars and their firesides S Dut, while the heartless mob deserves, and will re- reive, nothing but execrations from every generous bo- eonr, the prompt end eaergetie and liberal conduct of , the respectable portion of the City of Boston, reflect ncWmffeiS&l Towa..,01d FaneuU Hall, .".TheXradleC tiWl'Z as it is called, was, as usual, Uie rendezvous of tlie ge nerous and tlis- resolute. . There is someUnng even in the name of Uiat venerabte" old llaltthatr sciemf Ja to tyranny and to every species of human degradation; and, while it lasts, we do not believe it possible for New England to degenerate. " May Fancnil Hall, or at least the spirit lliatis wont td glow within it, endure ttHotrf i me-shai .-A krgemeeting-ef -.tha'tiaM of Chariestown was ".fcoTiM- i -ffav ai two after the outrare. and was ad dressed by the Hon. Edward Everett, the fVv'd. Mr. Byme, a Catholic Prie and others. -The Rev. gen- Ueman's object, in addressing his fellow-citizens, was, to assure them that nothing should be omitted, on bis part, to prevent any interruption of Uie putuic peace by those with whom he was associated in his pastoral re lation. - The Aathojrities of Charleston have published proclamation in relation to the eutrage, in which they say that the princTpar pat "fif W mob werTTrom Va tb"Ttiis thr Boston editow deny,- and it ikely to create considerable ttnitposity between the citizens of th two placei The assembleq ciusens sr viiarieswwn offered a reward of 1000 for the detecuoaof the of fenders and a resolution was passed, requesting the Governor of the 8tate to offer a suitable reward fur the same purpose. s A publio meeting was also held at Cambridge, to jlrx presa tlU honot-nf inr citisensat the diabolical outrage committed on the Convent, They were addressed, in an rmpreasive manner, by Uie Hon, Judge Blory, and fosoluliosa wer adopted expressive ef their sympathy for the sufferers, sV ; ' Serious fears are entertained, in Charleston, Boston, tnd tlie surrouus.oig tinsges, lest fttcamirrs of reiatta tum should bs sntered into by Ute Roman Catltolic populations-great humbera of whum are Hid to Live ga thered la the nnigtborhond, well armed, and only drv terred from avenging Uie indignity offered to their re. ligion, by Uis exertions of Uie CstMie' Bihop of Uie Dwcess, and Uta other UinUteis of tits Church. We deprecate, as much as any one can, the enormities per. petrated by Uie first mob, but it would bs mnostrous to balance Uiera by the wild actiona of snother ; and we sincerely hope that no reUliatkm will be attempted, except through Ute sure process of Isw, feeling assured that any other course would kindle a flame that would not be easily axtinguudted even in Uus enlighU'ued age and country. 03" Really it appears that a will spirit of fury and InsubordinsuVn to Jsw has been let louse upon oar once quiet and orderly brethren of the North. Iliiladnlplua has recently been Ute scene of mob-law and outrage snd tit Uiree nights Uts New York scenes were re-enacted in tint cily, with Die exception Uiat the objects stUrkeaj were of a less respectable character in gene. rat It sppsrs, by an extract of a letter which we have seen, that an attack was made, by a gang of ne groes, on a party of young gentlemen in the southern part of tbe city, in which Uie latter were much inju red. On the next day, Uie friend and acquaintances of the young men held a meeting, and organised them selves fir the purpose of punishing Uie blacks is Ute neighborhood where Utey were first beset They accordingly commenced their work at the pro per hour, and succeeded in tearing down wo or three houses, and destroying the contents, when the Police spfieared in sufficient (sre to compel litem lo retreat, and quiet wis restored f Utat night On Uie next night, (lUtb instant,) the mob again as sembled, in much lsrger numbers, and tore down and destroyed Uie contents of shout Uiirty houses. An Afri can church in Seventh street was attacked, and all the glass broken, snd the pulpit and pews utterly destroy. L Tbe Police werejrequentlj .driven, twek irotn the ground, by superior numbers. Many individuals were severely injured, and it is said Uiat six or eight hsve died among tiiein one negro, at the hospital. About twenty of the rioters were arrested, and safely lodged in prison. On Uie night of the 13th, the mob again commenced their depredations ; but the various parts where attacks wore contemplated were so well guarded by IhffpoTiceT and the military of Uie city, that comparatively little damage wai done. The National Gazette, of Uie 10th, says : "The extent of the depredations committed on thejrpilIS Imtfitution will open, under the direction res evenings of riot and outraire, can only be judged ' . r i . l - t j i .i i j . i ta I fsr ss ascertained, this amounts to forty-four. In Se venth Street, ten houses a ad one church ; in Baker Hi. eitfht houses ; in Sbippea street, twtdve houses, and in tSmall street, thirteen. I lie quantity oi lurniture, bed ding, snd apparel, destroyed, is unknown." (Cr We point the attention of our readers lo two admirable Letters in another column of Uus paper tnf from Mr: Calhoun, snd the oUierfrom-Judge Me- Lesn of Olna When we publixhed, week before last, our remarks on The abuse heaped nprsi Jndge Mlnby Uts very AdmiiiistraUon that svide him s Judge, we had not ob served the tket Uiat this letter of his was written pre vmu to that article in the Globe. . It is no wonder the "Hickory Tree" snd all the $cxubi about it felt withering under Uie stroke of tlie " tall pale man." WIIIGISM GOING AHEAD ! In Kcntucky.the recent eleetwns for Membrrs of the Legitdsture hav given Uie Whirrs sn overt helmuijf maitfityv.'he f dnteited rest to Osigress hs been de cided, tty Uie People, to belong to Letehet; Ute Whig claimanL What a rebuke this is upon the corruption rtefrfyViviii:: CoIlaxWm-Kcii.'' , ,. , i. . , . k...t . tucky.liasfouglaiUUst htttte! - . tn Indiana, arsev Hie-cause is iuimilMit-The Whig candidste fbrthe GjnbetnntoriaK'Tisrref the Slate has succeeded by a majority computed to be 6,000 ! TriT. " aticcmplerI. ... ; It appeaq that this dreadful scourge is gradually ex tending in the. Biate of. JJew. Yorkr .At, bany -and Pougbkeepsie they hare had it, though' theTast advices from both thoee placei slate it In bo on Uie decline. In New York city, Uie Editors treat it ss a small matter ; but we see, by Uie daily reports of the Board of Health, which we give below, that it increases steadily. August 14, - !isses, and 11 deathsv August 15, 23 cases, and 9 deaths. ." : Aogfur Iff; 'liaii.mdtTitA i2rihlsist'17,.4 easea, and lgosathaw; ., August 19, . 33 cases, and 17 deaUia. August 10, - 31 cases, and 17 deaths. August UU, - - M esses, and 5 deaths. At Buffalo, N. Y., on the 16th August, 12 cases were reported by Ute Board of Health. " 03Tiee caseTof Oolcrt liav oeen"rejreaT)y tloeJUMin papers, however, say Uiat there is no cause to fear its f xtensiott ot sef ions morta-lny yti that jdaee; . 0" The following paragraph, copied from the New York Daily Advertiser of Uie 12th instant, furnishes practical illustration of the theory of Csuse end Effect: - Stnckr.A report wa spread, yesterdsy morning, that sn exoresS had asssed throwrb the cilv. with unfa vorable accounts of the health of the President This or aume nthci faogejliurma States Bank Stock, which rose immediately full 1 per cent Otte stocks teihaihed mnch the f aaiiie, "and were not afiected by the rrporta." . a as. aa. J J iAmm m sassssss saa sawBsf e" UNITED IN WEDLOCK, At Mount M ou roe. Iredell Count y, on the 14th inst by the Rev'd. Dr. MeRee, Mr. MTU. KERR to Miss IRENA EU DAILY. DEPARTED THIS LITE, . In thia County, on thenth instant, Mrs, MARY HA DEX seed twentywo yeare. w ife of Mr. Wjll iam I laden. Mrs. R had, professed a hope in Christ for about a year, but, r particular reasons, had not joined the church. Her illness was short ; she was taken un Well about sunrise on Saturday .morning, and was a corpse in less than twenty-four hours. Blie has left a disconsolate husband and two litjje daughters to mourn their Ioss.a(CDininunu'stea. 1 . ' Definition of u RioteriSTermm who title the rtrponnbtUtt), and otM:JI taw as they un derstand it." 1 - RefrinchmenT'i6n& Iteorm.The Secretary of VV ar has recently stneken oH o?b ennr per mile from the travelling allowance of the Officers of tlie Army ! r.r-igHMM ! - ' - RaLtioH. Ararat 2fl. The adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of lite Ilank of the Nate of North-Carolina, took plm e in this City, on Thursday hurt, at whieh Governor Swain preswled as Chairman, and Charles Manly, acted as Secretary. . t1i9 princifsil oltol if tlte overling, ww ttmW. stand, was to h'terinine umki the points of tr atimi for Mnwclme and Agencim, IWsitrh Hanks are to be etrfablinhed at Newbern and TarlsrMigh, and Agencies at Milton, Irakesv ille, (lis riot te, and Morgsnton. Tlie Agencies arc to be uinkr the Control of Directors, and difllr only from BraiK Ives, we believe, in this that they have iw authority to issue Notes. A resolution waa introduced lo establish H ranch Dank at BalislHiry, but was withdrawn upon its he. ing suggested that tlie amount of Cnitital paid in would uut justify an immtdiatt adottioo of lite mea sure. ' We learn that the amount of Capital required to be paid in by individuals, previous to couianuciug btisiness, (It.VI.IMM),) has not only been renliwsl, but thst a' large proportion of tlie Htorkhi4lers have anticijiated the periods of payment dosigiuUed by Isw. Wednesday, the 10th day of SeplemW ensuing, lias been determined on as the first Discount day en earlier commencement of opcratiuoa titan could have been anticipated by the. must sanguine. Tie Mail-Robbrri talttu We are pleased to learn, by a letter just received front tlie I'ostntsxter at Cumberland, (Md.) that four persons hsve been arrested for tlie recent attenijtt to rob the West em Mail, near that place otte of rnbom tlie driver says he is able to identify as one of the two who made the attuck. Tlie Postmaster adds, that it is supposed there is a gang of them scattered thro, out the same ueighborhMML Globe, Important. The whole State of Kentucky has just been bribed by the Rank of the United States and it ia highly probable that the State of Indiana has also been brilied I Louisiana waa bribed about a month ago ! There never waa such a system of bribery carried on since the world began ; and the beauty of it is, the pariy-avm" are tlie very per. sons who take tlie bribe ! kleiandrxa (mtettr. Salisbury Male Jlcadcmy; of the Suliscriber. oh Mondaw Me frtt day of . ..' r as no expects, at linn, to nave a li mited number of Pupils, and intends devoting his attention exclusively lo his School, he hopes to give the iiKwt entire Rutliductutn to all who pniroiuze him. His tonus of Tuition will be, per scimioti, as follows ; Reading, Writing, aiw) Arithmetic, $1 00 rngliHh Giaiumar and Geogruphy, 0 00 Languages and Sciences --19 00 TUOS. W. SPARROW. Aupist.no, 134. 3t Kr-A CAM. orreopondent of Uie 1 IN reply to a correopondent of the Neabern Specie tor, tl tlie 'Simi ml inst., inquiring "how Utose who pur chase Tickets " iu Uie North Carolina State lottery "are to be informed of Uie result of Uie drawing," we slate, Uiat, immediately after the drawing of Uie First Class, we had a large number of the Official Listofthc drawing buhltxlied. and mailed a coov to everv inriivi- m i . 1 1 4 - dual (XUIU nfivut irW.t hy mail ll..,li thus we furnished each of our Agents at a distance with a.aufficiont uunthur of Utose lists to enable them to do Ute same. The Editor of the Carolina Watchman, moreover, bad a mat nmttberef those- lists sent out, l as Erlra to ihat paperf ami, if any one baa been as imliinunste ss not to nave received the desired infcr- mation, it is not oar thalt if the drawing of Uie '2nd .fc- frf j hid .n ample supply gf Uie(ffivisl List struck oC and weare puriiwuSessnieeoirtUwiih asmuehdisteh purMiuur Ute same eotme with as muenewHsteh ss prsctK-abW--Any mni uttereatod iaeilW of eof liitteriir8cjin.lelilied with, sn OlTicisl Suteiiicnl dv WTiung to ute Manager si naiiKOury. STEVENSON 4t POLVTS, ' vAmtist 30th, 134. " - - r - manaftri. " " H tor t5aVc; 'T'lI&Subserilwri having dcterruined on moving to the South next winter, offers for sale Til L PLANTATION on which he lives, 1 miles west of Salisbury, on the waters of Back Creek. There are 460 JLCJP.2Q in the tract, about one-half of which ia cleared, chiefly fresh, inclu ding 20 acres of g yod meadow . . . There ia, on the premises, a comfortable Dwell ing 1 loose, with (rood cribs, stablos. bani, and other out-hotwe. new and in good repair- - -" The water ia eicelleruV-the situation healthy, and the neighborhood agreeable. . K7" ha lernis will be made easy to any person wishing to buy, and can be known by calling on the Subscriber, or by directing a loiter to him at Houston's P.ot. QffieefcRown. County., . , - - SAMUEL JETER. iCCSAT-'TIZXO Tlie Subscriber, intending to remove to the South west, WILL SELL, On Tuesday the Wkdayof Srviember next, - On the premises, unless previously disposed of, to Kin tiignrtt Mfifirr, " The Valuable Tract of feLandr OX WHICH tm RESIDES, CONTAINING AbovC 3T0 Aci-m, I Lying on the Yadkin River, on both tides of Rcedr trots, in. llavidson County, eight miles west of itextngton. About 200 acres of this Land is well timbered $ the balance Is cleared, and mostly fresh, with about 45 or 60 acres of river and creek low grounds 10 or 12 of which are first-rate meadow- land. The Plantation is Under good repair, and has on it DWELLING-HOUSE, Kitchen, and out-housos. Th whole tract isveltwatered, aftil is perbajia a healthy a aituatioa as any in this country. . . " ALSO, on the same day, I will sell, Tlie STOCK of difftrenl kinds s .- Household and Kitchen Furniture T Farming Utensils; and many other articles, too tedious to mention. CSr Anv Deraon wishinor to sea' the tind hefr the day of sale, will please call on the Subscriber, living on trio premises. , Terma made known on the day of stito. 1 " JAMES DOUTIIATT. Davidson Co., Auj. 50, 1834.' , - .Ids r t- j: ' t . A ... !i J K-vat- S"T ..JaVSa-, ForOalo, Tho Mansion Hotel, I.V the TOIVIV of HA LI Mil IKY, N.C . . NEAR. .THE COURTUOtSE, TOGETHER WITH z Jill the I1irnxlurc ' neccssar' to carry on the business: " rTMII3 Property ia so well known,' that it is un. .. , necessary to give a particular desrripfloft To an approved purchaser, a liberal credit will be given. ' ' - 05" For further Snforma'tion inquire of Mrs.M, ALLF.MONG.who win continue lo keeptha" iiotoi until it is aoid. " ii. McDonald. Salisliury, August 80, 1934. tf .' "Ilrtfrr and bttttr till I!" quota be. MlIluJrat. NORTH CAROLINA ISTATE IiOTTHBLir, FOB TUB BERKriT Of T1IE SALISBURY ACADEMY. 3d Class, for 831. . Tf rm 1 n t i n g-ri gurc Synlf in. To be Drawn tt Charlotte, N.C. : On Wednesday the 1st of October. CAPITAL pkizi: 05.(O! 0 -0 S 3 US r - Prize of 5,000 DOLLARS " of 3J0OO DOLUHS " of 2,010 DOLLARS fAof 1)00 DOIJLAR8 " of 500 DOLLARS i i i io 10 10 20 """flO CO 100 200 6,000 "6,000 6,000 is t.1,000 ; . ie&,00O i. 2,010 , iaJ0.00a.r. ia - fl.OOO. is 8.000 ia fi.OOO . ia 8,000 ia , 3,000 X " ia 4,000 is fl,40O ia Q4.000 . of of of of of of of. of of" -of 300 DOLLARS ?00 DOLLARS 100 DOLLARS 50 DOLLARS 30 DOLLARS 20 DOLLARS -15. DOLLARS 0 DOLLARS 5 DOLLARS IfOT.OOO it 21,000, Thia 6chnteiitn9ed hf-thtTmvimityiTigutt' SysUinvbaa C0,000 Tklcts, nuuibcrul Jxoin 1 lo 60,000 inclusive.- On the day of draw ing, the 60,. 000 nunilieri will be put into; one wheel, and all tho'TTT ! above thederjmiimtoVMttraKHheri -lliev will be drawn init altenialHy k first.a nunilx r ami then a prize, until all' the prizes are drawn. . The Prliea of 9,.V aod Sd AO, aralisposed id - in the billowing manner, vi i I lie 6000 Tickets ll ierimutittg-with:tbA drawu uuinber termiiiatea with, will be cutilhjd to ., 9 each, and tha 6000 Tickets terminating with the same figure that the neat number drawn from the wheel terminates with, differing ia its tormina ' lion from that of the firatrwill be entitled to $3 each, and the 6000 Ticket' tenuinating with the same figure that terminates the next number drawn - from the wheel, differing in its- termination from . the first and second, will be entitled to S3 50 each.'"" " .:-;:;";;::v: taAMPU:'-'' ' " "" Suppose 2423 to be the first number drawn from the wheel t U terminating with figure 8, will enti-" tie the 6000 tickets terminating with figure 3 lo " f 9 each. And alippose 32S07 to be the second " number drawn from the, wheel ; then the 6000 tic.-, , keta lerrninating with figure 7 will, tie entitled to .$iasdaJ,up . ber -drawn from the wheel ( then the 6000 tickets " teirihihtttmf 3 .-- 50 each. .:.'' ..-j'..;-. 7- ' iJEvery nackage of 1 0 ticketa wUl embrace all tha terminating figures from 1 to ()-w that the hold. '' er of a package of iO tickets, as pat vp by the Ma nagers, must draw one of each of the three small est denomination of - prizes and kwy . draw, tcu other prizes. . . "A packagfrof lOwhole ttcketewiU e-srt 35 0 -''Atid' must iiiierl'wW'i $7 j- "-'-' t .. - 2fJ 12 Those who prefer Bdventuring for the large prizes ordy, can in this way, for $20 12 j, get the fllana gera' Certificate for Ten Whole Tickets, entitling the holder to all the tickets may draw over 14 87, that being the amount that the package must draw of necessity eay, . - A certificate for Package of 10 Wiiohi lit Ltfs : .wiii.b,ii.j... ... e-o ij Fqt.iOj!fllfUckcts, ,..'.'. --10 M, For 10 Quarter tickets, - - a o j t 06" AH Ordort from a distance, ly mail (pot-t. paid) or by private conveyance, enclosing the ta ,h or 'prize-tickets in our previous Lotteries, will rr. ceive the moBt-nrompt-attenlion, if addressed t STEVENSON it POINTS, Salislmry and an r. coonf of the drawing w ill be fiirwarded irnrn tli;,(-. ly after its event Whole Tickets, .... $3 r,i) . Halves, , . - . .. . 17.-, Quarters,. .. . . 011 ... 7. Stevenson 6z Voh. -' Salisbury, Aug. 30, 1834. 31uTwrril.

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