73 r4 trrraTT3 tttn m SL mm mm I 1 iSriBUCDAVKCKIiV: JOHN B E A R D, J r , Editor and Proprietor, Xvmbcrfrom A beginning, 715: Na 15 OF TUB XVth VOLUME. Salisbury, Rowan County, N. C. ' Saturday, September 13, 18&L 5rW 'mm ws . 0:.- CP 'Iktter and btitcr till !!' quoth be. OUTII CAKOLINA WATti FOE TUB HK.M!'1T OF THE SALISBURY ACADEMY. 3d Class, fur 1834. Ternilnaliiijf-rijfure Myatrm. To be Drawn at Charlotte, N.C. Ob Wednesday the lt of OcTober. Poetic IZZ: Don: l I'riz of 5,(HX) PULLARM is 95,0(K) , 1 ' of 5, OOO DOLLARS is 3,000 1 - of 2,010 IMILLAKS is 210 19 - of 1,000 DOLLARS in 10,000 W- -.-. -50O DOLLARS.' is 5,(XX o of of of of of of of lf of 300 DOLLARS in 3 MX) 200 DOLLARS is 4,000 100 .DOLLARS is 5,(XR 50 DOLLARS in 3,OtX) 30 DOLLARS is ,XX 20 DOLLARS ia 4,000 13 DOLLARS in 5,41)0 9 DOLLARS I. 54,000 5 DOLLARS is 30,000 3 30 in 2i;ooo 18,b'i9IW, amounting to 9157,500 MODE OF DRAWING i This Scheme, foroied' bv tho Twminating-Figure System, bad 60,(K0 Ticket, numbered lrooi 1 to 40,1)00 inclusive. Ou the day of drawtug, the 60 000 numbers will be put into one wheel, and all the prizes ubovo the denomination ot 99 uito another : they will be drnwa nut alternately, first a number nd tliuu a prize, until all the prizes arc druvo. The Prize of 9, $5, and 3 50, are dwiiosod ol in the following manner, viz ; The bOOO Tickets WiiiiWtmc 'wUh Ihtf imme fgure that tlie first drawn oumber terminate with, will be entitled to t!) eitch, and the 6H)0 Ticket temiiimting with the same figure that the next number drawu from the wheel terminate with, differing in it termina ftjjatfreui that of the first, will lie entitled to. $5 enck, and tho'fitM.Tickcla terminating with the ime figure that terminate the next number drawu from tluj wheel, ditRiruijj tu "it terunnaltuu from tin first and second, will be entitled to 13 50 each. Suppoafl 2423. to.bttlbq.ii rot number drawn from the wheel j-it teriuinatins with figure 8. will euti- rflwWWtkkottJer W achAnd 'ip0we to be the second number drawn ruut the whool , theit tho BUOO Ik. let turiuinatiug WiUt figure ? wilHie-entitled to 5 each And pupposo 11,530 to to the third num ber draw frotn the whool ilhen the 6000 ticket rnririating with the figure d will beenutk! to 3 Every perkage of 10 tickets will embrace all the fcrimiMtinc fururci from 1 to 0 mi that the hold WWfuekib-t 19 Cka-jr,)iit up y the Ma- BugenK iuut draw one of each ol- the three wnall- ttt donomitmtioas of prize, aud- mar draw tonj 4her priiee. A pahagotlO wtatrfe.ticB0te.wm c-w uu Aud Diuat draw uett 14 61 kail mWm 4f. Tat tlralM, Po i - Whifcf mm m fr4, m M mh cluuw ft fc 14 ! re) tMiert few 4, - Aajel Mm aMAltt Cfcy 4VkKl ej ertw I ea ' THK DISTANT UpMt Once, cm a cloudlm, miauner'i eve, v I sUwd ui Suat-oeld' kUnd (teep Th lipht, winch dymg luubetiu leave,' ' . - VVm fiuli from the .wtatcrn deep The iiiouiiUim of my native land - Roue, dimly o'er the distant , Who? waterj prewrd tint molded rtraiid In wiiMet'i blue tratMjuillitjr. No Noond wai oa the brecelrn hpijrht, Have the glad voice of infunt rill, Which wander'd in the wining hgUl, Rffncmg down the pleasant hill ; Tltotijjli faint and far the day-liht burn'd, And any matt chill'd the deert air, To wtwtern kikii I fmidly turn'd My homeward gaze atill reted there. And thus, niclhcxijrht, the child of faith, When joy depart and hope decline, Seerwiiig oVt Die gulpb of death, ' Unfading Eulgdoiua brightly ahine; The clmid which veil'd the nurpm? wave, The blat ahich raied the breaker' foam, 'l'ai off, and allow, beyond the grave, Tlie gloric of hm radiant boute. THOUGHTS AT SEA. Tle pastern breewa waft no more . .TUk hiun of HtfwiHani'H from the ahorc; ' ' Now tower and town, and woody sleep, Have vanished in the awallowing deep, Like hope and jors-that nneeeeold bleva, Sink in thy gulf, f'orgctfulneaa ! Around ua rolla th eternal main, One heaving, living, boumllcaa plain ; Heaven' autre joins the uure tea, Kach aide 'ta dread mlinity : . The soul, in caaun;, aeema to shrink, A poii'd on dani'er'a desperate brink ; Vet 'tis not dread, but wonder fraught With awe, that prompt aubliioost tlmnght ; How vain man's works, hi pride and power, rtacru to the soul this bumbling hour I Her, bis grand navies' vat array, lpt winds but woep, dissolve like pray ; Here, crowns by king are vainly worn, The billow laugh their might to scorn. "AbsorVd, and knt, we sigh o'et maot .... Frailty his dower, his sphere a span ; Mind only; godlike Mind, outweighs All that the groMwr sense surveys Rounds depths, and chamles flies Far as the circling waev and kie. MISCELLA!t'EQV8. YES, AND NO. 20 1X Those who order advent uriiur for the large prizes Vly, caflf in tbia way, fa 20 12i, get the Maoa prVCertificate fojen Whole Tickets, entitling the holder to all the tickets may draw over $14 Si, tlu4 ting The amount that the package cuust draw of Doweuwtv " say, - A certificate (ot a Package of 10 Whole ticket iillbe . - . - . .r-'O I'H ForltMIa-f tickets,- "r-r-ra--Wl OCT! AH Orders fron a distance, by wufXiiimi;. pint!) or hy privata oonvcyaorc, endg:jiii the Cash or prizo-tickots in our provious Lotteries, will re ceive the most prompt attmitin, if addrosmnl to I BVnNHON dt FOlM, Sutwlairy ; and an ao WHjTit of the drawing will bo forwarded imniediate jy aller its event. ' Whole Tickets, '. ' - . . - t3 50 . Unite. - " Vi -1.73 :Uiarters, Stevenson & Pointy Salisbury, Aug. 80,1 S3 U Managrrt Commission and Forwarding AGUSaClC. WILMINGTON. rplIE Subscriber having established himself in Wilmington, for the purpose of transacting tlie abotfl basiww, repeetfullyteflb We services to the public. Goods consigned to him will be lor J warded with the ntoirwt despOchi aedU mcessrn ry particularity ohuervod. ParticuUr attention will be ptiid to the sale of Tobacco, Flour, Lum ber, Staves, dee. dtc, as well a to the purchase of Goods. He fatter himself that a knowledge of i buameas, combined with onremitting attention, will ... , . iO i. i woursj mm a snare oi mink pair-aiaso. WM a JEFFREYS. nefenettUi. P. StarS, Nott 6t Starr, Ci T. Itaighr John & Letts Jo. Eaker Yarbrmigh & Ray, W. .8. Latta, Henry UornFayetteville. Wilmington, Aag. 18. lS34-6t ?'.! the .ycatL:.j.v ypiB3''the' year,' hut it wbs withm our,Temembraute-wc Uiifcr wila. jyy ruhTfor' W hate to be-rmrtvcular i date' they tell sad tafcs of ps ofdj T)acMlors, and are Worse foe to our youthful reou(aUoot1.aoeycany hairs, for their efftcf cannot Beitktn even under a peruke but to return to-th atorv; In tlila uumentioiiable rear, lived Honff TT-r , jotws man of fortuoe, education, 'and eonsiderabk personal beairiv PJiaw, nicn ijf vcjr hi.yo any beauty J4iurfiMiiuiers were unexceptinnrimv elegant, end hu nature ar dent and loveable. "At thfltimw we speak of. lm was about to be united to (lie girl of his heart ; and Mwdedybwero qnalitios ofltenry, (Proline ricliry wSWett hiln were he ten titnes what he was. Sle was an orpban,' and thonqh her consin scribe, to be permitted once again to seek her friendship only. Regaining . her self possession, Caroline calmly told him the insult had been loo groKft me disgrace too markd and public for any show off too much. Talk of modesty, discretion, and tlie necesxity of using a great deal of violence. bhe had been for a whole" tear mocked and sculled at, as tlie u n-jocted one," aud never again should her lips be opened to him, or bis presence periuuiou, until be had subiwtted to Us) si-lf same Miblic sltaine I Not oue word more was allowed lim, and the wretched youth proposed to pass the ordeal. Once nre tlie neighbors assembled at the- Village- Churclv though with very ditlcreut oeiings. jevrs and jests tww puzxuig about Uae flies on a summer day. Ikury alooe seemed asd aud niiserable amidst this bust of mirth, and when tlie service betnot tt asamusujr to are hi statue- like sppearance, contrasted with the Isughihgsat tyrs arouna nun. ine repressed nurtb almost burst out into inlcmerate and boisterou laughter, when the question was put to ber " wilt thou have this loan to be thy wedded husband,'' but it dun ged into utter astonishment when, in tlie pause r reply, her soft sweet voice was board to wtuper, M Ycsf Let the cold hearted sneer, and the proud revL'e. Time sufliciciitly proved that Caroline was riht in -what-shw did.-la tbeunilst,.oCJfrr. luateruul luippiuess, nuuiy years after, she proudly owned she never had reason to regret that she sacrificed ber pndo, rather than lose the man of her heart. J and industry, in others, to prove that yon think of them sometimes yourself. - At . ietfc--4it to routs and parties, but avoid gonesal IbjthiglllJlreasi Ikabionably, but w it h great dt.'ccocy. Wear no fluwers in the hair, but let the Curls t displayed widely.' Laugh when others look grave, and wbon partkularly engaired In con vrrsslssi, study to airar'mcdjlaUve and abseot. It wul go br to bx an air of rwnaoc about you, and cause much talk and speculation. ucb decep tions arc harmless and admissible in the tenderer At 7icvajs--Cunsidcr. VoursoU in dancer of getting a huadisnd, and now autt your comluct to your ciraunstaoces. I alk of (be rarity js; suitable matches, and yourdi ttrwiiuationto be'circunwpect. George stood high in her regardryet Henry had long ' held tmietaitrolled ssjssssjMoa.4rfM.ltsjc-bWt George was sintngly attached ta bis pretty cousin, and though Henry did (as lovers always will,) fancy it arose from something warmer, yet truth to say, it was but what be deemed his fatherly du ty to" his orphan cox. Their wedding day was a jubilee in the place. The whola. country xound asseajUed. to sec. them ioincd. and satins and muslins to ait iinnameshle extent had been for many weexs under tne drew maker s hamls. Brides-maids and grooms-men in the tejfpiieite- umhe-rf6SjaWr4brourraJiachohjr emiilition has left us without a ladv. Cthe oracles on these- matters,) to exsjt wwfrfca ry quantity but whatever tho number might to naveTjeeiti it was-there, iwr. ail was muchly ortno dox. ' Tlie party assemldcd at the altar, the minister opened hi book, and all wa death-like silence and expectation. Smiles were on every face, but the lips were closed. Wixhw and thoughts were strugsltng m the mimls of most, but utterance was Tleniedr GcoTgO atissl close to his eisisin, and lookinW hcv 'padei faoo with eyes that beamed with affection. The mimr proceeded Wilt. thou take, and on eoncludinc, pauwM .for A reply : Henry, aroused as from a temporary trance, gazed on the cousins with a wavering eye, and after a moments- rr stniinrle, answered deliberately, No 1 Language cannot convey tlie scanes and emotion that follow ed t the faintiiiat eiil was borne away by her friends. and Henry haughtily-ret rod the aisle, and drove to .. . x f- . J . J WW his nome. un tne lonowing aay ueorge ano iien rv me.t : their "Txistals were riven them, and the signal made, but only one fire answered it. The air then received Henry's shot, and the seconds of! refused to re-load. A year passed away, when, at a ball, the lover fnex again' rtentiwr1 jhiwu ui m j;ai"iT hern, and while all else were intent upon the donee, Honry stood by the aide of the insulted girl. None but a lover can depict the kwer't pleading, so we q course omit them. He begged, prayed, entreat ed to be heard he swore, by his honor and by his God, he never contemplated the injury he had done her, tot that tmcontrollBble feeling wbenha gazed en her and her cousin, compelled him to utter that withering word No', and be would submit to eve jy humiliation in fhe gowtr of revenge to jjre.. - . ,V V1ECL. HEART. A ' There is nothing under heaven so delicious as (lie possesaiou ol puret froHh, andjiutisjtHtiie anoc tions. "The most lelicilou moment of uuiiV lite', tne most ecstatic ol all nis emotions and sympa thies, is that in which he receives su svwal of af fection from the idoj of his hcajt-tTS sprm-Tof feeling, wlicu in their youthful purity, are Miiilains of unsealed and gushing tenderness : the spell that at once draws them forth m the mystic hjrht jf futuxs yean aud undying iiieniorj. rNoihing io life is so' pure and so devoted as woman's love. It matter IK whether it be for huxband or child, sinter or brother, it is the same pure aud unquenchable flame, the same constant and immaculate glow of fueling, whose uudcniahht touchstone is tried. . - Do but give her one token of love, ons kind word or gentle look, even if it be amidsj desolation. aud deuih, the fbeling of that tinihiiil heart will gush forth a a torrent, in denpile of earthly Usid vt nerrcenury- te, - More preoioM than the. genia ol Gjlcoijdii, ia a Virgin's heart; and more devoted thai, the idolatry of Mecca, is worutan's Iwve. Thore is no sordid view to gratify self-inlerost lu tlie (eel mg. It is a piii'i i)li.' and cliaracleiisiw of ber na ture, a lacutty ut.it -ia infatuation which alworbs and concentrate ail IU4 fvrvortC ",,jr K,V',k" 1 tic depths of her busout. I". t 'woulj rstlivr Lo UwC lthrttHoneuiuffiodYnd onpractiaed heart, than the moikirch of einpircs. I would ratiier ejcs tUa. miiiiertiajt;. inr assn sied ocvouou 01 biie niitn- I sotiled and etaliusiastic firint, than tieIyciAiMiit- u; luwiinigs, 01 minions. 1 nere ia more inriuiug loli'jlcurrtcd front jul UMisSl of two niik)fs end uncontBininafcd henrts, than all the ctstquests of . Akxaudor, tne wisdom of CGciute, or the wsjtb of Crresus, would atrord. ' "The generaj world kisns nothing of tlieso things. None cau tpprciate ihe rcliiieiuoiTt ofpuro toot ingbut thoao a t,-by nature or some peculiar pioperty of the nmul, aro qulils'd ta driuk of the deptn of its gushiug and sparkling luu.riailuk '" None can know Jho ulysiuin of . possessing bearU wA ilthe know t) vs'Iua oTa "gcin sa pr;e- less until iney can iiiiuk 01 11 emooaying, as something too holy to be minglou with the grosser images of pSsjUB and huiiuiniiy uattl they at teast imn gu vs theT epint" of t "seraph has been Ctothed trtth inlpmsnablemjrtsilrty-. VV hen this wdd ilreaa muiglee with the colder and more calculating visions of life, the world msy put forth its aualueinas, misfortuue niay shower down its adversities; but ail in vain even Ine word of Israel (tlta augel of death) would scarce ly destroy the unutterable ecstacies of this Ilea- a'CT descending napptnesa t, tfe-ittrnprnt f Tlie 'following is"extrac(ed from a well written little book, entitled M Code of Manners." It should be'-ettctisiTely -circulated aid wttonUvoly ad, JUr tb beneniof the great humaa feoiily. ' .; At fyirtK&et vivacity, and line your bon net with' piiiCHf laFkwoafkimmmyuu would like tor your husband, hold your breath long enough to blush wbon he speaks to you, incline your eyes downwards in giving an answer. Be cautious at this age, to wear gowns made high in tlie neck, that your charms may be conceived the greater, A CHAPTER FROM THE NOTE BOOK OF A DfiCASD LAW VLB. At the Oxford rWiug Assise, in tlie year 1 604, Henry Turnbull, Juart.lt Hart, and Edward Wilson, were tudictvu for a burvUry in the dwelling bouse of Samuel llonson. The utibace was otW of a ve ry daring character, and the conduit of the prison er had greatly aggravated the crime. The pru etculuc was a jeweller ill extensive buHtnres, resi- dnig in High Street,' m'lOifontOu-the-ltk' of, January, in the year above mentioned, he and his Uuuly bad been disturbed, between tsw and two in the utoruutg, by beaniig a noise in the shop. ' Mr. lie, ittstMuiiy. wuut down. stairs, and ourcacb- ing the shop, docovercd two men actively employ ed-w CulhsjUug and. putting into a hag a quantity ,U valuable property, consisting of watches,' plate, sot I jewellery of various kinds. With great reso- lutiou, be rusiied upisa one ot the men, and bad nearly succeeded iu throwing hiiu upoo the ground, wbeu the other villauj muk-d a pistol from his pock et, aud, without a word bein uttered, fired it at Mr. HenaV head. Fortuisitefv. or 1 ouphl to aay, by the good prwdenc of uod, the uwrrter. ous intention f-ulod f its purpose, the ball grazed .... . v.. bis car, a part ot which it earned away, and with out dotug any further injury, lodged ta the oppo site wall. Stunned as he was by the blow, lie wss easily secured by the two ruJums, who bound his anus, while they promoVd leisurely W phmuVr tlie shop. I Ix v threatened him with usttant dealb, if be made the least noise, or attempted to rive an alarm, and the etpeneuce which ho bad both of tbetr abdtty and ncurmtroa- to carry thr threat into extcution, was suffktent edectually to silence him. While tbey were thus employed, Mr. Hen sou beard distuietly sigmus given by sotne persiai oa the outside of toe honse, whirh were answered by thesjnra from wuhun and it was ia cunsrminnce of a. signal ao given, and a voice calling loudly to them, that they l kswtb retreated aomew bat pre cipitately, carrj inj with them a targe qtnuitity of propeny. It was upwards oTan lusif befr Mr. llensxas ry step was then immediately lakes f the dio very of ihtf perpetraturi of jk darine an outrage ; but no trace could be discoreradof iheir route, imr bad they k& behif4heni a ole article whkb could assiiai n anMrdtn? acbwi to tna nultv nersrsjs. lite lime, however, during which Mr. lfcnwoa had bn bisind, was abundantly sulncient to give bun an opportunity iuf ft be ipoke with the greatest coubdence of being able to klouUfy the two who had bee m the shop ; and was not witbtMjt a belief that be could recognize the fojoeof the tivroV who had evidently been keeping watch 00 the outside. As the value oTxbe- pro perty lust was considerable, ha very wisely spa red no expeum u hi eolesVon to recover ir,w at all events to bring to 1ak offwdeni so daring. In little naure thM . twenty :fuur hours from the mo ment be was released, aa acti ve and wteuigeuTputicC officer from Loud., had arrived at Oxford, and in leas than that time after ha bad reached that place, I he threa prisoners wet in custody charged with the offence From the inquivt which be made. and the information be received, be frit assured that the roUrs wertf still lit the neighborhood under bis direction and superintendence, the officers of the .town were dispersed in various quarters. where there waa a probability of tbetr wrung; in overpowering and securiiur the three. A cart waa procured, ui winch they were deposited t and , while oue of tlie constables remained to observe the barn, the others guarded the prisoners to Oxford. Upon llieir arrival fliere, they were of coarse hv-, stoutly sulyicted, to a strict eaanuualion, and near. -ly tlie whole of the stolen property wss found apoa them. Mr. llunsuu via sent for ; and wilhoul the slightest besiutton or difficulty be identified Turn- - bull and Hart as tlie I wo men who bad rubbed hit .. shop. Upon the person of Wilson, the third pn- , soner, a considerable part of the property was h- ' covered and to add to the presumptmn at guilt, a pistol waa taken from bis person., The bail which had been discharged it Mr. llensoa on the night of the robbery bad been extracted from the wail, and was compared with Ibis pistol, which it exactly IU- ted-Tht bsrn in which tbey bad Kcreted them. sclyvjs was searclted ,' and, hthWat thal.4tom of ' a quantity of hay, was fiAind a complete set of im plements adapted f house breaking. ; , ouch waa the evidence upon which the prisoner wss committed t the. whole of which went proved . against I hem on the trial. At if In remove any particle of question as to the gnilt of Wilon, again ' whom the7 proof, though strong, was entirely rs" a circumstantial nature, aw4lr t'acl.Dhhe same in direct character, it is true, yet so cogent as scare. - ly to letve a Tnoral doubt-on tba mwd Pf any roan, was distinctly proved against him. - A- labourer," who bad been to fetch a bundle of hay from a stark V, la the direction of the barn ia which the priaoorrs had been eoncvsaled, drposirvi, that between fire and six o clock on the evening of Ibe robbery be bad two men. sittma on a. atTts war tber benv the favored one. .You may now look, wiien in con versation, in the gentleman's face 1 but be cautious that the eye-brows are kept well arched. Affect a great fondness for little Mioies, and get the credit of being a good nurse. "f At &peRead th newi of literature and fashion, and form your opinions of the follies of the day upon what you bear from others, and not upon 'what you observe and know, yourself Keep the works of Byron, Scott, James, Bulwer, and other popuTarlufliora,' tytjig on your table, to induce a belief that you have them all at your tongue's end, and that you keep, pace .with tM7ifcraOC!he age. It is pleasant to near ready discussions about the beauties aud virtues to be found in such cha racter a Flora Mclvor, Rowena, Rebecca, Julia Monnering, May Ducre, dtc etc ; Read " Cooke ry madd EasyV in secret- . h . At JGigArea Look for a bunband for yourself, and practice making baby liefen for a friend. Con demn play-going women, and talk of the happiness or retirement and domestic lite. Simper fttf-ptstmtiy, to put'your lips in a pretty shape, and kixs the children voluptuously before Mntkemen, lo act them a longing. Wear low frocks, but don't ed to pas nnqiiestiisved, ar at lr mmwked. Life in 1h"vhiliiaf a person unknown, and apparently watching poet cautiously .4cry jbtLgmui? l,i. observed by one of those who were on the lookout: bp was silently but surely followed, and after many deviation trocn tne pa til wtuca he ongmauy ap peared to bo pursuing, was seen to enter a bam about two miles distant from Oxford. Hi pursuer, with great caution, and without, being observed, At Sixtm Seem to havea bigh spirit, with" ' RsIeiieJToTKme time at thwdW.tnd he most l unbwusjed subinLssiiA to Uie opinion of tinced thai he heard voices vithin, withdrew to the high road, which was at no great distance, and from tbenre aent for further assistance to the town. Being rwiiiforoed by three other men, the w hole body placed themselves in such a lituatioa that tbey could command the door, the only mode of exit from the barn and aa they knew thai the men of whom tbey were in search were despeiale and de termined, tbey preferred waiting till the morning mould gve tbetn an opportunity of meeting Uiem opoa more equal terms, to the risk of aa encounter in tne dark with adveraarins of whose number and means of defence the; were entirely ignorant. .Tbey had not, however, occasion to wait so long. About uidoighi the door of the barn was goutly opened, and the three prisoners, after looking care fully roimd to see that they were not ohar i ved,werc prococding at a quick pace towards Ibe high road. Before they had advanced many steps, and as soon as it became evident, from no others making their appearance, thai they formed ibe whole of the par ty, the officers rushed from their hiding-place, sei sed bold of the prisoners, and, having the advaiv tage of bring- prepared fjbr the attar krwhi1 their adversaries were taken entirely off their guard, sue ceeded, though not without considoraUe resistance, Oue ef them he stated most positively to be Wilson, lo whom his attention was particularly directed. from -the rircttmstencee of bu having a pistol ia his lisisJ, the ffiist of wbkh he wn .hammering with a anile, and which on seeing the witness be " iustantly, iu a hurried manner, put into bis pocket, and turned away hi head. This, however, was not ' accomplished with sufficient quickness to prevent die witness irom having a lull and tot. urate survey -if his fure, and the wenpori which lie bad in hi band, to both of which he swore without hesitation t adding, that it was iinpowible thai he Could either, be deceived or mistaken. To the person f the si-oind mtiii lm mid he could 110I ieak with cr -tainty, his. principal attention being directed tu u iisuu ; and lie declined to give an optmoji as to whether it was cither of the other prisoners. -" , ' touch was the proof afflairirif the' mc V''in!'r''- would be difficult to find a Cane more stroni'lv tl. r lustrative of the two diUcrent sort of evidonee, tT" t" which, ia tlie early part of this chapter, I base al- - hided. Against two of them, 1 urnbuU and Hrt" " L it was dirart and pasjrrvvw Their goilt, the Cirt isr-' issue, upon which the Jury was to derHe, waa proved by the testimony s a witness who sptdge to A'- 11 trow nst own actual anowicogs ; and tbruugh tb - niedium, a it were, of bis aeo, ibe Jury jbeeanvw tbamaiditMjintiHotl 'Affainat' the . f third, the evtdfloc wa alirtguther indiroet aoAcirl.-f: .1 cumstantial 1 ao exsattva iostunony-Could ia pre-i cored to establish hisgwtlt t hnt the Jury were an4r.-i ed to presunw u trom a.vanwy of imleMMident.cir- " cutnstancesy all of tlietn iMnuiniiig to aa aimnt x uniiatibleioncIusi(S4 trnt :btf jmtat fejrjgJrrxtfirtV cause although earn singly would nave bran weak and slight, or at lbe. utnet doubtful, yet in their... .. . eondiiaalaoai: 4hey appe wua 1 no supposiiion 01 innocence. Alter most ' fair and impartial summing up by Ibe learned Judge--- -who presided, the Jury, with very little tesitatjisi, ! -fsssVMt was saiiaTuctory to every one who heard the trial. "tamtam so flsgrant, and wbem personal tU ' -Icncw to an dreadful aa extent bad been attempted, even humanity itself could scarce suggest a bono of mercy Every mm suit that mercy in thia in- stance would have been cruelty to the public TU three prisoners were executed. To the very L t, WiUm protested bis inivocence of the criiiie f r which be was about to auirer t and bis eompknK.u, ; ' coutirmed his statement but ia vain. Yet his un. testationw wwre founded w truth t is srat innmm; A very simple etplanation of the circurostanoes tn?t suffice to show the poasnbility of this j and its eer-. tainty waa afterwards estoblulied by the testimaar hnd wpersoa of eusptcioue a ppesranew was anflwtwJ of ths only poraooi who could prove it, except them woo were gone to reiwer tneir great acc.mnt. The bclaaf.tey.reJlyiteM!a bull, Hart, and , n ilson, together with Jwo other nieo of namesof Atkinson and Ross, had eorne in a party from Loo&i, having fixed on lio huosu es, one at Oxford, and one at Bicester, where they knew that a good booty was to be obtai ed, Tnra bull, Hart, and Atkinson were the threw who attack-' ed Mr.' IlensonY house nh latter being tho mat! who bad remained on the outside ; while Wilwsj ens Kosa had on lhs amine night g'-ir In- TtWitssuf'. The two latter had JmstLwith grereitance; i bad exercued a degree of violence and cruel.j greater even than had been used towards Mr. lfcn son t to that the proof of Wdsoo'e innocence ,f the crime of which be was convicted onld on'y have been obtained by involving himself and las Companion Ross in an oflence, tlie ci"mse(jenr t f which would have been equally fatal. The whole five had met by appointmeot, previously nisde, at the barn above menthmcd, where they divided thtir plunder. " la apportioolns; the ahare to each, a part of Mr. Henson' property had XiEento iLe I i. of Wilson j and the pistol which had beca seen ii his Land was one of a pair, and had been emf 1 . ed,Tf at Mr. Ilensoua house, but at the toua it Bicester. . -- ... " Can any one blame the Jury who convicted V :j- sonx no man but let bis fate be a wamii;; jurors and let them be most cautious hnr 1 find a prisoner guilty on circumstantial evil alone. , -. . : -. - -r--- eeeiM . f?T??!tiiLrn papers, h ting an account of a tornado, beads it as f T.-v Ritgrarrful Tlttndei'-ttorm F v 11 -7

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