:-"v ... - P OLITICAL. w j ; -1 nrlfftnl AHIrl.. tit t Irln fnHprU I inn Birrwtur tub statls. We, mmkr.tfiH.J, M,gaU fA HiuU$ sTig,,.,. . . Lerri,tJieIfjfiu-iJiL'ijiliIhtHtAitKi-ricv la CunifroM wmbl'sl, dsi, on the lilW-nlli day Novetnbrr, in tlie year of lAir lcd one tlfwand e hunUrud and sevt nlv- v. n, and ii Hit second yer of tii lni)fnik'nc of America, a gre to certain Arli 1 1 ConfotlwaUoa anil Perpetual Unma between the ttawe of New 11ri!Unre. Ma chuM'iui Buy, ICbotte Jataod axl fiof Mik'aca I'tauUUme. UtnnetU ut, Atvr j Imni irmfmir, ttieir own purple ai mili)-eW)d ks at lnor theirtetjimit, ahall be rurntMiM wnj irnn Vurk,New ier"T. I'eniwf Ivania, Delaware,! iryliixl, j or fnxn prohibiting the enoriatiori or iinpr.rlalKin of , cript of tlie aaid jounal, except auch parU a are above XkWiume, North Carolina, boulti Citroiji, aod OvotgH, intte word tollowmg u; e Article of CWcderalina and rprpHiuil Union trtwern tiie bUtta of Hem DauipUtire, AIncIiu IU lay, iUioUe Inland and ProvKirnec rintation;ijonmrrti. tut;- Weir York; New iemyrt'eniiiylnnii; t H ttare; Maryland, Virtfiiiiar North Carolina, HoOth AMtAta. and lirvryu: Art. 1 Tb tvle of thi eonlvdera--rhH e TheTerwrmp and lrtrrmininjr, finll, aopeel-i in all ere - l-mUrf 4mm U America, Art. IL Ctvcb Wale rvuin it euvereigniy, freedom, and mtUf 'MWnce, and ttury pimer, pirwireliun, and ihl, whh i not by Una tW.rrtioexprciiely lo '. i g tJ to the United Ktate in Corijfre amcinbloil. Art UL The aaaj Bute nereoy neverauy enier iiiuj firm leajriwof rendihip'with each oUier, (r Uii cuiuno) defence, the mrurity of d-UbefrK:aI ami Ueir urutiul and. nsner4-wtfiire ; binding lheuelv eac'i otner. aeaiust ail force o.Tered to, or at tacks md apua Iheui, or any of tle-n. on ceouot of reliriou, overeigoty, trade, or any other pretence wh ks-ver. Art IV. I I. Tlie bHlrr toeecoreaml perpHuate (nutoal friendahip aod intercourse aioooif tlieTeopIe of the diiieteut (Male in Un Liixm, tho free inhabitants of each of llxa tUus. uaupera, vaulwods, and futfi U frvta Hwto 4(pUidt shall be entitled to all prt iUye and iwmunittea of fri1 citiM.it ill Ui severui Stiles; and the puopleoif each tiute iall have free irt ftvm and eree to ami from any other uts ami shall enjoy thereio all the pmilcgi- uf trade and commerce, subject to the same duties, 'itupaiitions, and restricfSrVia, as the mlalUrrt thereof reopeeiively ; provided that tcj restnctHHM shall not exteti'l an Idr a to prevent "lis wiiWrorTiooerTf Mifiirriidliitrw-ttU.-DW other Sutof wli h the owner m an luUbttant: pnM - it7tt'tmm:'faTmuC,iii reslrirlion, stiall bv laid by any Suite on the property uf tlie LiuUxl tit ite. or either of tlten. ;:j:r.rl If awv- sewma) ssiUy iC or -clrtrwl . witlytrtau.! n, f liny, or otner iiih luieifHtimir, in jiiv St it . Jul) fl frow iiMtice. and be (siod in any of the Um-! tcl SUUm, be sliall, upon tlie demand of tho Governor strike, tue Con(re(M shall pr'ceed to iiooiinite three . ity to us iriven for thst norrswe, do. by thene prenenK : Kxerutrw fnwr of the Htate rVnm wh eft rW; I perwrns mtt -hf-rwh-Htatfj-and- thf Krrtfnry of tVm-'-in the natneant in blialf f oor respective. oortiui be delivered npadni rnov.veJ to the 3lau hnun ahall strike in behnlf nf shcIi party Hhwnt or entK, lully and entirely ratify and coiihrin each ami inrmiictton hi elfence. t refnsinv ; and the .judgment mill wiitenre of the court . every of tho savl Articles of Confederation and lVruo )3. rull faith ano cmlit snail be tfivn, in each Ol . i i i !iee State, to the records, acts, an I jii'licial proceed- ius, nf the Cxsirts and umjfitrtea of every ottier Nt ite. , : Act V. I 1. Fur tWinor eonveUM-nt Mwaninoiit of the reneral inturext of tlie Uniti-d St'jteH, deh-jrale ; tsJI Ue aanuallv unstinted, in inch manner as the le g'tuUlre otaca sajb. nau qitlxu io ineeiin uuu greson the first Monday in November in ev-ry rnr; with a power rewrved to each Suiu to.recal lUdeiu ft of any Of tlient at any'tmie withiirthe yeranrt to settd uther in tiieir sttud, fur the reuuiinier of the yT- . . . I a An State shall tie repiwiiiwt in t. isin-ox ny 4x tlwxt nor trrre tin evm inetnVr: arid no -perta shall be canaMe of hemg a dr''rate Str more fwn three yewrs in any term six years; nor shall it person, beimr a Mejrate, be raw ie nf T(0,i:ii: any ! - cmce urster the United Wales, lis- wh ch he", or any i linfihiWiiefitreci,vesiiysHlsry,ft.vs,i)rciii..!ii-i awtiU. any k'nd. .-v, j B. l!ca tluie ahkll lustQta.u iia uwu tielevale in , I u;UjH-.of Iha&a'.esaiKl wh lo .Uiay act as uwu. . " ' Wo of tiiu coauiiiuea of Ui biaUt. .. . . . . . i 4 fa detohMin.af iue-tiiiis in ilK'T'Ro.t plates ' .. ; Jil &THq$ . ji..niUI',fr liU''WMii.iMue una .koto- I A Freednm.of 0e-ch an! di Vit.' n (S.-ii're"!!! Canmrm. nvt th mpmher nf iiiirreH shtH be .ptr.l-m Jtrir,.jKow Jttm jum. Mai - .-i io,is (luring U wine tsi meir goin-' w irwriv nmi , :-illaCoow Maopt lor Otai, .&tuayv " liKUt during Ue tune of their goin'' to snj n-ijfn, ami , - fjjgttich oftha peace. - - rtr.- C fW WIIHUU UH nPIIJTUI UI 11 .iay tVajoytyfrie anyyui'smsy iwui, w enwr. rour ' ' im .,r.r.m-.' nmuwnL allumvt. ur treats, witii . - - any Ktng, f nnee, or cUHef-lsr'oa1 aef fei nowi-j . Lur an otBm tt Dtiibt or tru under toe united nutex. "a any of accept of ant present, cioolumcrit,. I wee, or title, of any amd whatever, rrora any iving, iCroagK' aaseinUad, or :-l-?t niij.'"r: "- " l Mo two or more State shall enter uttaany ttea, ""ty. confe.ltial.on, or l!iuce whatever, belwwn them, 1 T W'luUI Uie consenr CT inr tmifn ninrn iq umrn e'iibl4, pcitViiig accurately Um porpie t whw h Minrii''1' t -mtereat M ami- WW. kmg.tt .bJJ Hie ' aAt.nL ' f 1 X i'9tatriiail kjr aa'f .'InpaaU or ibjtit whiil4-- wsiy interfere with any. attpuktawa fa twsitws enUwf wtu b the United Suu in Comrreaa assembled, with an lLjiur. Pruscsv a tiutav im asirauwneeof any trr - tie already proposed by Congroai to the courU of Fnnce and Jtpiin, ; j i9 vesseui IS w.r aiinil ur r up I'J iilll--.;Wl . . . ..1 r 1. l j ... . r sesce f ui Stiter escrnt such mi r only as sliall bu due wed necessary by tha llBite4 i. lie in Cotigresfn mhle., lor the iU-reiK ol fUii a bUiti mir shall any body "eif toreea be kept up by any StateJaeerrjmnCjui 1 .;,,Trimi W ui the ' "ju I aienf of the United State in Coeres Jhjwbled, . ""i. 1 1 -.......-........'.. . i UII4 UUI'IWI UU1J1 UI uioi nr " te defence of ah State : but every Slate hsll ' alway kep op a well refolatrd and driplned m'ti tpu satBeieoUy awed and aeeentmd;-aw4 atil proride aod const fitly have re ly to useful public stores, a doe numher of 6cld-pif; twt, i4 a proper ej.rA-iiny farm. aarmtUoa audcaup4upag.--pr. 2 1 1 Mi Sato aiall emm in auv war wttlioia the. Viit ITVA LUitilJ 5ta 'Si ID lohVfcsa SshciuiiIiSI. , i!is seb State a4ct4d'jr.Bided.b '.0 shall have received certiui ?i teor rsoluti bemy tfrw4 by ome nitioa oTlndisfia yrwsdesoch State, I tut tk .United Slate in Conres assomhleJ tan be oKwulttil : nor shall any St ite irrant e'imiaission to any )np or tasel tit . war, nor letter of mirone or reprised, except it be after a declaration by Hit' n tl Sute in Con rre aieiiiUy, an 1 thtift bntj i T T'lelin? lon or tte an I the anhjectsi thereof, ajramst which war has beeft declamL and ntide mch reifula- to a aoatt.be esUhlishe4 by tho. Uo:tMUle in '.Cmmrn aasemhlfld .ftnlusa aucbtate 4s oitDted frste, in which case yessei of war ttiy b tilted wit f .r tfiat occasion, and keiH sfttoaaa tlie damrcf hsJl c itinutVot entd ftt United SUtea iaCngrasa aascow lied shall de-rraioe otherwise. , - ." ' ' . ' - Art VIL When land force are ra'nwd by kny State fir the rrnirrsm defence, all oTicer of or aitder'the fn.;ik of f!olonel artiall be appoints! by the JTisliifure sf each State respectively by wlm sucb fWs shall t e n mvd, or hi turn manner a ucb8tnte shall direct; id til vacancies ahall be fillod op by Uie State" which frst m4e the appointment ) - ArL VIII. ( l. All charge of war, and all other t xis-r.tea that shall be IncerrH Ibr the common defence Vr i -wral wdArf, knd allowed bthe United Stnte 1 1 ! esiaismbled, thT be defrayed out of acotn- t-Vrir, whkb fcLkfe be wifphea by the aeveral ;i A 'i bjwtw i b VUe nil land w ithm "j each Suite, p ranted to or survryt-d r any person, m' t mi b land and the buddmgsaist improvement thereon ' ahall he estimated, accord in? to mk li mode at the Urn- i tt-d Ma!. in ('omrr swm!lni shall from tune to ''.ill ' proputiioii shstl b tawt and leva-d by Om etttUrity end WL- w .... - , ....... L . ... r.i 1 1 .. Cil.'..,..l -ji.-i.. 1 7 Tl - P. vf f'utnl Si. 1m dull nave 1, n i iiir.-ci null amsuiiL. 1 ne utcii Uit bnvinir um Art. IX. j I. I lie Unit'd &lnte in Uin;T'fiirWin- W aojouriimtim M lor Knitfer ouraiMm mn u )v b1rd ahall have the aol and Mclimive rijflit irtd pw;r of uout!w; and tvUail puuluh the journal of Ui;ir of detifniiiniii(f on p-r;e and wr, rxc t in tlie cams proteetlm,p. uionUily, eacrpi orh parla th?r!of rela fiimtfimtHl in tlmaixth article of aomlinj nd rwei- tinj to titatiw, allmiicpu, or military operaUowsaa 10 uig ainbujMiidor eiiutrintr into trealiee and alliancoe, ' their jtidjftneul rerjuird ircrtTy ; ano the yeaa and naye uroml. d thai m trtty of .emmiierc wJualt be mil!if-4iie-iif legale of rv h Kuie oa any qutation .U hcrehv tJ.e lr)r'i)ntive Dowt of tha roocUv HtU be euU-red on the hnTmWwimt 4cwnt Vf 'nf nhnil be rtturained frmn impiwing or!i iuifxiii.anddn- any inH!eof (rood or c.H?iiniiitiee hat nuoer f '- i excepted, 10 Uy bulore the lcgujature of tlie neveral UlhiJiinff role fir deculin.u all ok, what capture Htate. no land or water aliall ho kgd, nd in what oninnr Art X I. The conimiitee of the Slate, or any triw taken ly luml or naval iorc in the ir u eof the ; nine of tlieui, tdiall be auUiril to executB, in the re 'nitel Htatii'hallrH!divid(!idnrjmmpritrwfrrant. :ce of Cont'rew. uoh of th power of Conifrei inj Irer rif mniirr' nrl"Teprfmf Th tTtn amviintinir court for tlie trial of Dirafifn and If ome rnmmitLed on the high nl erftaWuihinf eonrt of cap) ore, orovided that no memlx-r of Conirre shall be pioiiiU)d a jmljfe of any of the midcourU. - . a. I he ViuV:tl .lUiii' in UmfCtf-m iHftcnvhierr vJinii a)o bo the lnt rtxirt mi auiwal nil Jifixilon and dif - feniif.mi)r.WiM tweei. tu.ur rnoro eitale, oorinjrrnn! boimdnry, JU- - rrtr5Wi, Or ny other catM? whatever; whirh uuk- rity ahall alway he exerciw'd in the nwnnr r lilloinjf : hertever, the lefmuitive or executie au'iiority, or lawtul jrrnl ot any tate m controversy wun anoiner, I Art. ml Ail Bill of crenii enrnieo, nvmeyi. oorruw nhall prrvent a,prtilim to (nriBH. ntat irnr the inciter ed, and debt contracted, by or under me iiutliority of m qnewtifm, and pray inv f kmruiff, noticu thereof pinrewH before the iiaieiiiultnt.' of the United Stalen in hull be given by orilor of Coiimh to the legMlntive punoianfo of tlie prtneiil wwltjleratiiHi, rhall bt! Jwin or executive tulhority of the oilier Huta in controveray , etl and emiaidered an a tvttgn a'pamM tliu United Sintf awl a day atmignei! for tlie appearance of the partienhy f. payment and tifirt.on, whereof tlie id t'mu-il ttieir lawful arenU, who nhall then lie di reeled to p ' Htntea and the public filth are tiiTck ileuiuly pliil- poilit, by jMiit coiwent, coniiniwiimer ir jiilfn 10 con- gl, UiuU:a court for heaririK and dclt huiuinc the uintter: Art' XI TL Every State idiall abuh; by Uie deU-rnii-in ueritiin: but if they cannot ajree, Coritrrei nhall , nation of tlie United Slate in Conirreni asseuiblod in name three peraon out of each of the United Hlitte, all qiinNtioii which by tffifCoofederation re subniittrd ml front the lint of mich pernon e.idi party illull alter-, to tlu in. And tlie Articlt. uf tin fontederalKHi adiail niTely utrike out oiie,'.td pe'titwmer' bejfinfling, until be inviolably olworved by every Stan-, ami the Union Uie number liall be ntduo'tl to thirteen ; and from that ' aiutll be peqietiml ; nor (hall any alteration at any time number not led than seven, nor naire tlmn nine name, hereafter h msde in ny of them, nnlen uncli alfern ai Cnirre tiliall direct, hall in tlie prem-nce of Con- Um be asrreed to in Conirhiei of the United State, frrjts beitrrwn out by hjf. anit the prrwwhinKme irrnt teaft3riFrctconftruinl by the tepniltnre-of ertry 'lL(..drn !. itfi 'V'h' nlmll lie rommia - wuner or judirea, to hear and finally ih-U riniiiethe con - trovemv, mo lway a a major part of the judges who shall hear the cue shall acree injlu; .L-tiirmuiation : Land it' oitlier rartv slwll nurlect brtttlend at the day t rv.ini..i "i;'itfi ur".afCT.yr.-aaina wnirh tmiri'iiniTTnp..i'ftTn:iMif.itr1CiswTiTrfry:" shall iuJire sntfirient, or beinif preent slntll relW to ot im apis)iui"u, in me manner wiurtt prew-riiNi, niihii i . . i . . . i .i . i .t .i .i. .ii ue iwui ami ctinriumve ; anil n aiiT 01 -' nn nau uieiein coniaineii. .ni no iuriin;r )icimiij( 'ii:rn refuse to submit to the ailt'sirity of Mich roiirt, 0i to ' and .-n.' ipe th'' fnth of mir rcpectiVc cnKt'tii;ri, appiir-Mr dvfeml their clann Ciinse, the coin! shall : that they sha'l abide by the determinations nt the I'ni Hevert'e'leHS iiroceed to pron'sinei. wiilenre. or jndn- ted SUie in Conprew assemhled, in all iiei.tinns wlm-h m nt whieh hnll in Ii'? manner he final ami deemive ; (he j!t'ment or wntence and other pruceedini.n beinif . iJwl tlu sriieh lltereol' shall ts mvsdaldy otner in eit'iw es tnirwmttted tn ('onfreiw, and lorlped ved hv the States we reflectively re?reMiit, and that ariuin; tlwt. Acts ol' Osurress, for the secttrity if -tln: the Urtwm nhtcll be perpetiml.- In witnem whereof, we parties com-erned r provided tlmt every eommisssmer, i hare-henenntn net mir hamK in (Vmirress. beliire he sits in judifnieut sliall take sn onti,, Ui head-' Done at I'luladclpnit, in tlie Stat'; of IVniiKylvsniii, luiinstereal by olio of the Judges, of the Supreme or (he Oth day of July, in the year of our I 'rl 177, HuiK-rior i'ourt of the stlate where the ciie hall be 1 and in the tlnrd vear uf the Indenendeuce of Aine- tried, "si-JT tinil Irtily tii har ri7'rine 'S' mu't'T T7,'"sl'n, 'ofrnritiri'tj '' IKr ht'nf 'nf hi jvdxmrHt, trilh-wt Javnr, aJJiViim, or hnprrj rrtr rrn : provided also thai no tittle 'shaft Ke dt'jirived of territory for tllO henetit ot the dinted AUtea J 3. All controversies ronenrning ihe privste right of soil, claimed under dillereul grants ol two or nsr Sut.'d, whose mriliCUofu as tiicy nuiy res peel sucu laisls, and the iHa.ua which, puskod such, grants, are 4- jiuiua, Uto hid grants or ettlier ot tuein bonu; at Uio name Ttiiifl- daimM to have originated- anteerdent to I small oU4ohmii tfjmrtg f" f rly to tlie (JoiiirMBa of the United ntstes, be 4d;asaM either parly 'Uur a is oeiuitt orextr'iued tor Ui.'ciiling disputes res- 'mmm-Jjmim Jwwt wuuolij;;iotii M. ojbffcci: suuc4. f . ine uuiu num uivonn-a aaauuiuieu anau no vm . ....u ao ine -4e 4uJ tU&mkt iifaltwL power of re. -tgaod" -noy anu vsiimj oi h ruca oyinetr; Wil .hihuii.j -i my - . . j ... j we vniwa nwu mguuioi ui um uu iNHmtin ( all.alikirs Willi luu Lkluiiii. uuljuoiuburs oJ' any ul Ltio (nvmifu uuu u jugunauji; jm a iuj uuj . w.unii tu own nuiiui ov not iiii'iut"-i or vunaveu ks- tobUnliinff and regulatip? pnM-ritfire Vtm one 8tate to 'anotner, mrougnoui an me unnen troro, d-j exacimg forHce - ippoint;nf aU offlcersot' the land forces in the , aetvuMi i' Ue- L'aiUsl Suu. oacupinui iiymwutal ot-- j.ft"t'" appoiuting all tlie officers of tuo naval trees, nu nnn'mnHnnug bii mmi-ia nimir.ii m ,i.r.i,po : of tlie United UWs making i.ment ami regulation of tire said rule for the Govero- liiul and, naval forces, and" direetihif tiieff 6iKirHTtofMr lireetin tueir ppeTHTOifuf UiUMiUtu iuCoi . l.Ti..Uattel .altabw ittCew raaa aasaiaubled ahall . have ew fthoniytoawsiint aHiMiUt mt'in Mre-- of tonress. to te deuommaW "aeo.nm.thHi of jjtatea.' and to consist of otiff delcrtUi from each Suite and to appomt sucir other ouimdo.H-s ooJ civd orlicer v. " ; -other coniinilo.H's nod civd oihcer J as may be tfcxry ur manajfing the general nltnr s umlertneTr J.recti,-to appoint to preshle, provided that no pena In tie offioeVTreiaTuoremol .j - ik 1 t....i w.-u,..d urc uimri .t.,f one or their nomner "hi allowoa to serve vt .tl'j yniiyi uu w f f I w fc "ffj . ' j of the Unite, ame fi defraying tie public ex pc tires io borrow mo- ' i . kill...., A..vll .if il.H Jii. IranBrfiittiflir every half year to the rieeuve State. n account of Ihe stTrwof money btr.rHwnt or emit- ted 'nvbaild and eipttp a-navytowgrfe nport the mim bar of land iurcea. and to make ronsisilion from each Slate fijfwt loot, ia nroportHW tolhe-nainbor of white inhamtanU m auch State ; which rorpinntion hll he bindiair, and tliereupod the legislature of each titate sliall kusnianuerftf unentai omcers, raise uie mon, iust fhcitt in a soldicr-rike maiiner, t the expense or the vnited ?ttey tn.t Uie othcer and men clothed, armed, anderjippwl,lvU march to the idaeamMtsJ, and within iiia tinw ared on by the UuiteJ titate tu Conjcres asscmbloal : -but if tbe I'uitsd States in Conres assemblisl shall; on eonsi doralion of circumsUnce jndire proper that any Stahv slKwj.l fint raise men, or should raise a smaller namber thsii Hs qnotas, and that any-other Stale siiouM raise a ppeiiter nmnher of mm lhan the quota tliereof, each entra ntimhrtr khall be. risod.o!flcored, elothod, armisl, and eiin4Hdi't ..th.me.ouuiner a the fuote of such jtteftrttir - hnnsfat tif ictfitnw hall Jodge that micIi e-Ttra number cs.nnot ba saftdy spared out of the kauie, ta winch case they shall nii-vmier, Clotliei, arnvand eottip, aiMminy 4t ub extra auiUor aUiey jndije can be mfely apared, and the officer and men so clothed, armed and eqrirf s-n ahall march to the place appointed, and within the Vm agreed on by the United State in Cmurreae asaembled. ;'' i ' '. e ) 6. .The United State in Conjrresa aasembe,' shall never engage iti a war, nor grasft leVterao inarqu-J and reprisal in twneef peace, nor enter .inte any rrt'es,' or alliances, norVoin inmi-y. Bi tosfulste the valae thireof, nor ascertain the sums snd sxpensea necessary t th defence ad welfare ef'llie Vnrted State, or airy of thm,-rwr emit bilrs, -tiftr borrow1 money oti he, ttelit of (he IToifofj Mut", nor apppprikte moliey.inor, scree npon ihe nfiinhr-rof eswlof war to be bndt w; nnrchafodi or th hnwber if JarJ, r.aea ctrce to be riu, nor appoint comniandcr in chief o tl army or navy, unles nine Htatea assent to the mmt i nor hall a uoiwtion im any otlicr point, except for adjoura- inj from day to dsV. be deU mined, unless by the vote ui a uunoriiv ui uu: 1. u..cu uuMiuwcim""- 1 !any ,)! wiUiin Urn lmtd HtttM, Ut w JHrtud 'doIiat; and the dclepatr of a 8utc,orny of loom, f!iit ornine titate. wiall from bine lolutteunna exou- i dient to Vent tliem with ; proyidetf tfiat no power be do- levatod to llieaidcoirmiilU!i,fr the exergine of hieh, i by tlie articleeorcorifeilHratMMi, tlie voJre nf nine Site ;iu-th! Conrtwof tlie United Ste nnttinblod w r- uiiiiU. i Art Art XL Canada accedirur to tlii confederntion, ikI Sialeis lll be atlinitU'd into aod entitled to all the advntat!w of thin Union -L but no other Colony lioil be Itiiitt' iuti. tlie wine, unleM vuch admiMion he agreed to by u.ne Htiitea. . Hlnte. 1 And w herean it hath iMeawa the preal (ntvernor of the world to incline the tiinrln of tlie lA.'.'ulture we riielvt'ly reprwuent in liirnfea. t trm-e of, and to authorize us to ratify tli" "m1 Articli of Confedern- derirnd doleyite, bv v'rliin of th pnwi-r and aulhor- uiiu lunon, ami un ami siiiyiiinr inc uniiK-ni nun urns . .i. j .. . i. ...! ..i i.. hv the wwl Conlederation are iilinitt'd to t.rm ; and rica. On the irt and be'iolfof thn Stateof AVir Hnmpuhirf : .) JOSIAII I5.HTI.KIT. J. WENTWORTH. Jr. Aug. S, 17fl. Onthe pert Ji. Iiehalfof the State of Miawchuttttu Bay: JOHN HANOK'K, HAMfT.I. AHA MS. Et.ftRlfXtR (JERItr, FRANCIS DANA. JAMES lOVEM. SAMUEL 1IOUTO.V. : o ,he tlie part and b.dlf Of the State of , r. .. RlukU Maui . HENRY MARCHANT, -JOHN COI.f.INfl. . - the part M.&m-pte.i. Qmmttc RlXiFR SHERMAN. HA.MI EL HtlNTLVGTON, OLIVER NVOIi'OTT, TTTITH TTOSMER. kAVnREW; AlMM-S, w v. ati Wialf t"'i'iir 'Bttta-'ef Xrw York James dUAnr." " " - FRANCIS I.EWHS, - WILLIAM PUF.R, . XJOVEftSECR M0RR!l.;i ? psrt and Irhalf of the State of rew Jtrtrjf .' J. WTTiiERSIDON, Nov. 20, 1778. NATUAXIEL ftCL'DF.R, .da .. Oa the part and behalf of the Rtate of Ptinuyltmnui ROBERT MORRIS, DANIEL RORERDEAU, JONATHAN B WARD S.MlTIk WILLIAM I LVGA.V. - JOSEPH REEIX 5Hd July, 1774, lhfl fwt .'Whalf the Stat-of i .THOMAS M'KEAM, F IK Imnrr, t779: ' JOTI DICKINSON, 5th May, wnini 10 vtv nvi-p JOTTV niCKIN'SON, 5th May, 17711, . , , 0,1 P"rt '"1,, f "CAv b,nd . ' ' " t;,rc hbh . : IAWEfc-CARROf.1r tfa 5 iwriHJLAS-VA:: uihr:. On (he wirt nmS bht vf.xhts Sute of FinfiWa; & RiriMlVI. WPVPV It-P John bamnter. THOMAS ADAMS,! ..Jt'!.V.HARV!E, !. . . FRWtTS LIGIITFOOT LEE. On tb purt an ' behalf of the Stnte of .nrth-CnH4iua : Um PEN.V. Jutv V'tst. 177S. t;OKEIJ(?8 HHXETT, JOHN AVI LUAMlV On the part aad behalf of the Htate of af Carotin HRVRV LAPKENS, WTJITAlTTlETsltV DRAYTON, :j;j:tom .MATniEwa , -kichard ntrrsox. - - " THOMAS HEyWARTt, Jnn. -On the part and behalf ef tire Stsle of fknttfn JOHV WALTON, 21th July, 1778. EDWARD TELFAIR EDWARD LANG WORTHY. 7 Ree. Dr. 5ttcf. Tho jruligioa comiiwtiity of rhiladolphia, and the friend of religion generally, mllmlyar fiff.: the.dcat Jj. ofjbja eminent divine He expired on Saturday morniius, at Bal timore, on hi way to this city. He had spent a goodfoVtioM44 (he suinmer at the, Mineral Spring of Bodford, without receiving any essenli d benefit ousttmntion boing, in fact, tbe malady by which he was firmlly swept from lift. Dr. Bedell waa a pure, nnhle--miii(led, and highly intelWtual man. A a cleryman, he was eminently popular; as a scholar, authentic in his taste, and rich in hi at tninmeula. Ta all deeds of charity and toodnejw tjm.jmvi ...M'tilfl. jh&juttiwr C-hU well-spent lire remnhm, Iris name cannot era to be cherished with i."reveren-ajrclinn by evey lover; f pioty and talent. ComMfri-iul inieliigtncri: ' ; THE PttOCUtS OF HUM BUG. . If tnii!e (Jeirt-nd JacUou' career from ilia the prcatiit iiiouiouU'it will be unaary of but tattic contiw Mi pranwing the credulity of the peoj.le by " """IS profession, catch words, trick, nud eipeuWsj m alwirt, tint sort of game which ha beco aptly do signaled by the word kumig. lie wu aurr-mi-ed, from the br-ciniiing, by a kind of intriguers, who ought power Rr elli-di urje ahnie and ince tliey poMHesM.-d it, th7 have acted if they belie m they ''ttht'7mi3rnylair'Wrtlttmi"nrt3r if they could keep tle fjeople amu;d, or their pa, sioo so excited a to set reason and argument at defiance. Tho policy i a old at l.'at as tlie day of Muchiavel. llmiinogue, lurp;rs, and Ty rant, indeed, long' before and since Machiavof time, have alway tit-alt with nwu a if tln-y were noji-mnntiiiig animal, to be led by iihiiios,. instead of ihinjpuJt upvet wa practkid in this country until Juckiiisin reared its head among .iw, iint we CJitifes thai the maxes of the expurunetil, so liir, has egreKHMisly deceived us. We will enuiwrntu, some of the! devices, and, in ffoiiiir uloiic'. will briefly h w, from the uller ij'alseheHid id' some of them, and the truss fully of others, that there could he hut one laluiliun la their coiiception and use, and that that intention was to diiceiva -i a worJ, that tlicy evlnliit every feature and alrriltutu of the science d hiiiuisi ; for (iciier.il Jucksou has reduced it to a science. The series l:iirtii when tieucrul Juckson wu a candidate and liir the sukc of perMiiicuiiy, wft will uuihIst these huinliiis in their order ot" time. Humbug Ao. I. General Jackson' first hum bug was his promise to nut down the " Murr.a, I'ahtv," as ' unworthv of (he Chief MiisnMnite of a ga-ut Nation." That humbug took ndiinnililv for a time, and procured him iiiunicstiouuMv a lartje mmilicr of votes. Wo believe tliut it can de ceive nobody now. No. 'i. lie declared thnt if niemliers of Congress ctsitiiiund to he nisjintcd to office, corruption would be the order of the day. That humbug took too, and nndoobtedly jfitined bim rotnr,' - jVo,.,3u.JJtf-was,.t.4af4isl- tlw -prdtcirtle tlmt I he I'n-siilcut slnsild holil his office hut for out linn. Sniie mllit ami that the say that this was no huiiibujr nt ulj, i coplo had voted linn in, a bccoiid lMwVo Hne of- hit he nut "ifwrty thnt her had, through Ins private Secretary, siiuhl a linini-! nation lor a second term, from the Legislature of; 1'eniM.ylvHiiia f We kmw, however, thai tlie luck '' look cxcelleiitlv well, mid tlmt ninny voted for hnn I expressly ts'cause ho Was to serve but one term. No. 4. lie promised rtform his partisans told IIA tlml lit i.flii-i. ttf l2.iteriiliiMTil urlirfi ulpf.tiful t,k I the hps in corruptits, n...l prohWy, bikI Hint lli""'t'w ""J "".''atid uk?u. will have aa .dlicers thc.nM-lves I....I the i.mu,lcnce to interlere d" h p,r i(- or ,PJ " "P."1 tT,e st"t in 1-liviii.iui I i;-ri J,...iu.., t. -,,M ... an end to all this, and the prent humbiiir, AyVm, was iinmedmtelv in every Jacksonnmn's. .naaiih. Thl ,.-u.I.r...l tl.,. ....P... ..n,i . .1.1 .i, i... lions. V;VamV ili.isi7nk the tn.th of this lemn humlHi.r better thnn hv referring the res.ler to ihe IW Oi'.ee Ih..pt. ..ei .,wt tta. I.-...I for the ni.st approved tejimrng hf rh.slcrri profli gacy and corruption; and to the following letters from that great apostle of reform, that accomplish ed IVolessor of ilie. science of Humbug, Amos Ken. dall, the one written immediately afler Jackson came into otlne, to tlie editor -of the Baltimore Pa triot, the other just before General Jackson' se cond elecliou, inchsring pmposul tor sabsprtptiom to tbe Globe s . '- ilAaCH 24lh. 18m " The. interest of the country demands thai the 4th Auditor' oQiee.ahaJJ. be Ued with men of business, and n witlr bahbl ntr pttHltciaii.' Partisaw feelinpi shall not enUir here if 1 can keeptheni orrt. -To-other be ten? the Who- bosiiHssMif electuwaeriiwTnieaiiiir my clerks other rtuiiea are assigned. - Them I sfmll en deiiVor to t ischare in Uie spirit of h'fiirm'which ha made (ieiientl JackH Prvsideut Taiu I may be, prond I am, that the President ha .Jfi yxFi..irjR.jj.p .pppTfC.-, tnrrftv W aid Ijtin Jn priivmg tjiat reform is not to'appiy merely to a clwnie.of men. Henceforth, assii'uoiislv devoted to mftft iat doties, I'sfinTT leave my enemies ana ass 10 uieir ireeilomol peeeh sivf the prewi, rest ing my cluin to publ'C conrilenee 011 my acta. " Very respectfully, your friend. Ac - iecono Lirrrta. . M Washwotos, April 28lh, " Dkab Si ; l lake tlie iibcrty to encloso vou certai prtiposals, which iH-ak Jlif tlienisclves. Tim Popple neea rsiiy correct iiirurmation, and the propi.eI paper gives it on tlM chtpest terms. It is intended to reach every nucbborbofiri in tlie Union, snd it is iveu Utrlv desirable that it shottJd be circulated lbjuaeh.all.Kva.. tucky. It wnJ renJer esseuuai seryiee in all your He "' Wilt yoa take the imul.lejbr Uie aakcofoiif av"'.1, cauie.itf, j;aiiJi sulMcr.pUuu i yor garter, to mae a spr.-!y rei trrn ot Dames ami money T Tlio tune iot acoen ai tiand. "The President is well, and in excellent spirits. I do not dotiU tlisl the Pwple, whom lie has to hoocslly iu AuuuiuaoutiMjswinr---""--' " With jfreat respect, vonrs, truly, - "AMOS KENDALL. tmro-TOTi 1 111 nmriu, 100, was Qliloii ine proini n tiKTo wie two many ollicer liviiig upon the P'.'Ul fib, futuiiug o ib. peopK lty rrhfSi be re-luccd. This hiimbui;, also, told excellently well at the elections. - Like the rest, too, it has boon fill- filM. The officers have been iocreaaod jn every dcisiriineiit of tbe Government. - No. i fh oa.arwarpribabfy fhei Tmrwt eonspi m tins nm 01 numnngs. ueneral Jackson etSnlcviMi Hay ot 8U'im ify aiw weeeeueq 10 a ctuumr-tue I'oopla were xaspera. ted at (lie extravagance of Mr. Adams and eenno. eiy waa Joaflly Jemam1ed aa a national want. Jack smo came int j power, and under hia frtori.iiis rcijrn the exjicnsea of the government have been tmso. mited front iAirpef) million, the maximum in Mr Aonmsa nine, ta twenff-tmt nwfftbnjtbo - actual t i . . . ' ' expensf? 01 last yearl X t 7. I hm rvA vl I... .l I . ... iiuuiuiiri. 11. oraer 01 lime waa fM glPWajaaiiioifeiBwt stf- the oavtrtent nf the Public Debt, by aud through fh snip exertions, wiiom, Mid Cimninp, of General Jackson. It niaoe maniinsi luat Ueneral Jackson wm b,,m ft.. i w express purpo of rt-lrevina the People from' thia burtheTa, that none of it had been paid till he came into power, that IM limnrMinnnl . ,., ....... - - ip"iin.ui wiinii-vrr was Tireviously made for ravin ii. mA k btuwelfwM paying it off out of his oVn private tatej. Thul w&a a glorious humbug, and told well at the second election. It begins now, however, to be generally nndepflood that Genera Jackson is ihi pnyino off thia debt with hf. tlMa-tWwfe aaratera of the linking furVJ Wir ranged long bEl m tboagfy ra? few the Tre-1 sideocy. that ; the debt ts paid witH the ,t mo oei ami thai Mr. AdanAaid riff ftfti.& a;il liowJurMijjlJfouryMM.. The hun.buL' Li, ' it day. " No. 8. Tim splendid diplomatic "c1,'tt:v " the soccesHful iH-ffoiiutiiHui, of Gerierol j. 1 craiuttw-ittrjticii lii this'Kst rjhuuiu, ; Covered tiini with a "blaze of glury" Hhn time of hi luslulisction, and what wa moret,!' purNic, caiM'd him a j(d many vote, was Uie 'Went Iwliu arrau'gpinoiit, whifh cd tho currying trndo Id the Lritte,t-;lt i wu Mr. Kiv ' treaty with Krance.whichabC1 ed twenty millions ot dollar fur fet which wti. are likoly to Ume through, a apkt hte of diploWtic vanity mi, tit jwrf of the, j tiutor. There were hU gome aumll timliei't iustwl with Denmark, Braail, Nunle. Ae 1 im avj lieeil inuiilifciilly exaggeruie(J awj -, , Inch worn iettlod by Minister ajipuuitcd lj w Ailuui. Tlu'so liumbug are now worn cml,i.,Tht ':, pic imiveniiiHy began to find that tlw were 4," humbug to buy vote ; the daya'ofuaiuiteuait' f trjtkfctn.il tliieuiiciii .uji.ar.ediouu.JrajjJ' a cloftc, himI o gross uit tho deformity of JaJ. isin when divested oi itM I lx rbujuiii roliea,fim was evident some new limi.bug must be cotu, mi: wiixkj HiMLiiiiHii ji winiiu miia OIHler llMfil lions of nil aliined um injured I'eiile, SuiattLi' must bn devised tu exntn ; th r passim i bimI4 J tfie n'os-iii (if ilie i'ciiile. i tinethinir tit divert 4, j Irum 1 lie uakcu rculitica ol Jacksoiiisui. -' arose Hi Mill o No. U. The Ban a Iuastku this tin bjJ tnont iik:kj conci juiou 01 uie whole launlyikn buoM, It is worth nil the rst. It h the imircd of a whole litter of little 'humbug. . 7 J liuiik im a MoiiHter, nn Arn-tocracy, a Momj. it intcrlt'res in elcctim., brilx's printer, comi Coiigresj, suhji'ts us to (lie swny of Foreign Ca Lllists uiul Brittsh iiuLlciiion, nud threatens w? L'tiliih in its irciiii'tHliriu stoii'iich lite libortioi. whole IVo)li'! This humbug ha ituccef-JcJ d I. ...... ..I,. ..... .. inin.ul ,..,11 .....II f ' 1 1...,. 1. J"- 11 imn nilutKttrul Jackson in Inioiing down this (. Ininepi, audfcstut their ului'-Mt ilcvuuit'd liLsities from its fn. Talk of )oii (jiiix'.Mo B'id the WimlmilL li Lti uurC-floJ the. l);u&ur llcrculo and tbe Urh or my oJriR .aidiieuiu;. 1 uiul tinw nu'tuiiiiy iiisiiiinCiint do these achs. t incuts apiM-ar coiniiured vitli this'comlsit of Gii, raf J'arkMoii and tho l.nnk Minister) Happy bun, I'ULaUII.-llCMuUtW-liWrftdlmrlVlsJT? work to;elUi:r, and cii.il.le (jonernl Juckso to et ceiil the latul ftal -. !io i- uiniin at the. Coostitutsa I'lom this fruitfui.de ice Bow. a anolttcr and tLebt. Iiu'iiihu, uaiiiely : , . ., No. 10. The Gold humbug r the gulden i, ivi-d ( Vih'iuI Jnclisoii bus ri'hloreiJ i. F.wn innii's rsM lA't is to Is- lilh'd wilh Gold it it L I ''."' "r '" montiis irom tins time, aavi tUi i Ghihe.fyery 4 ! X",ml "IW," ulbnfmtiff o wn ""ora-.tiirouKii 1110 nneraie.es 01 whatitk '!:,,u' iM 'i,f" u'' fclitterveiy auUi i tiul mail a w no aim uaiihter will Irattl vpOHgM i'N(,H wh-i w-uld imi lien substantial citizen wlti a eUk purse iilicd wU ytdlww boys, or wi I Indv of sir acqtciintance would not like to be lair stantial mini s w ile or ilaughter truvclluia 00 mid V e insinuate naught arainnt our fair couitrjtoi men, Mr we believe tiieiu to be the very best cuuiv try women in the world ; latt-we have read of -th"r Eve, and of Dunne "gotdcu Show er, ind w say, that if our " wiva and ilanchtera resist w tenipatimi, and do ui tMrrrJnckson en maar s w tfl ftirever ststxl redwnied fVoin-the. imptttv tiona w hich scribbler have been pleased to btith ujion xhvuu.Z... ., - Sncfr, iri brief, hai-brrii the reign anukp7oir of ilunjbUpt under Jackson. -One huiiibor hasU- in s: rmtgic Inntcrn each l thfowo "aalde when has lost itsTiower J dupe" ho jH.-opIe--arMJ no tlio w'ojlt iii.Xrn 3 tliio IfANiT" and "the Goto hnnibngs: 'They , hare their; tiny; Jiut Uwt day "win b jhrk'f J it not Im ilmt the reign of Charliitanism t to he p jstuBru"1liisroulitirjntVepi:o fuM coripci'iusiH-M f Hi nvunVcliaDk trickytk l$!fe'Jxx. wulck. tUov lve' Jee elsl4 forgot AilmWiT tifi-'iniest amf highest inter- in n a eatsTiind when they do awnkei we may thei ht that the lesson tlicy luive boeo-taught will geew ttmf for the -pn.'sorrsTirHi aiid prnfail'iice' iJvip' haj.py iiwtiliitioiiii. ' "' -.). '.-.- iiii.-CoiTjiio. ill thia quarter, and tjc4alJy in the Third C ijrmsHional Uistnct, in consoquetice off prow . .. .I..- .. : . .1 1 .. ' U i"K" imi uie rinis (i 111c MKjMe recenliv conn te by the Post Ofnce Department. It seen) that during the rocc-id scsmoh of Cnngresa, many of It ccMistitucut of Col. John (i. WtttiiKsji'h comula W rf wJcct on- hra n-allJrgedk'i1iat1ie"'Tiewf' lorwaroed them any puhlic documents, alth? thev -liiid repcetediv WTitteii..ia.Jiinijuul .ttaLt II It' inlsjr ol I onfcrcs who did mit nav more ttco Ttio'coiifiilfnce and sojiport of tho people. Stat" Uionta to thia etiect reached tlm ear of Col "st iiKmoht wlieii he expressed hioiself with the tait surprise, and boldly alledged that he had bresf" io.u!ar!j ive tiUhewv. ituliviikiulawho mm.. piniiMHl.and had frequently lorwarded them imp taut public papers. o.till iw doenwients were ri ceivod ilis constituents became more HMlignatt1"" awl a hia-retorrr rmrnrf hr-WAs fi e( jOetiTly Wisr- re fry tnm, as they met htrtrin hirwwkS tfirwij" the rhstrict. JUe still protested his innocence the chnrw, atirj proved, in the most conclusive n . ner, that th documents had ltn forwarded frwt Washington had reached this city but had tvppretted by 'the post office here iherjieri(l a fditieal object a&knilW-oair&ii. tained. ' Nay, Jiore, it turns 'out that tlie i1 dtorneanj JJ J?SJ.fiJAlLJl.. ipev,' arid rith'er to their velope,8ealed,.anddirecte(l, have unofvned, vrrt TBI SKALS STttt fPOT THK, BEK?l SptB l! B1" DRtos Bt tiia post orru a DF.rK'rai..T, to Cue. CEaa AND OTHEBS AS WASTti FarEII ! f ' ' J; tJM . Philadelphia Cauttt-, The Editor of a 7 brO nsrier in Oliio odcr S bet of $100 that Ydn Buren will receive the ebctorJ. vor-nf New York, and 100 on each of the State. of Ohio and Pemwvlvania. and an dd 100 tlit. V- . wllU.f kflcd FriMideuU--jrijittk jXvJillflWr otter to take bacon, eggs, butler, wax, and luinbev in "pay for hi, paper, swagerinjr bet dl IM! orw timsi uringhis editorial hfel , i?rti i. til aa OJuren fame si! fiwr.m.Wi 1 nrle stitr. 1 I t J h P u 11 I I I

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