, ruT raTITU V' Villi. CAItOMIVI iV. '-rSALisn'uitY Saturday, fSrptcmJicr 13, 183 1. . m , I.1..1.., J.LJJ..JJ. Jt1 . I1 I. M J'git.'lU., Kift.'-W tt - A FREQUENT RECURRENCE jt FUN VAMENTA U I'Rl.NCJri.E.S m ABSOLUTELY NB CESSARV TO PRESERVE THE BLESSINGS or JJBKRTV." . . - " V--j ' Tlie above in tli 21st Article of tlie Declaration of Right of North Carolina. j It is i wise and salutary admonition, given under cir- ciiintnioeit well calculated kiiinake a deep anJ lasting ' jiiiprcssibii uponlhe deacendinUi of tlwse illustrious patriots who uttered' it And never, since tBu organ! tnliiMi of our Government, baa there occurred a crisis nne imperiously requiring, such a rtcurrtntt, than that which ia now at hand. " A hug course of prosperity affect nation and states a it dot individuals : it ii too Hrt Uf produce opjithy ' to rcmlcr them,, amid the eujoyineiit of pre lit blr iiiL"S (orffutful of Uie muree of iIkma bleMinis and un iruDilfnl of the mrunt of preifTimq th in, Too secure in tii"ir ImppinoMi, they become enervated, oareli-itu, ind mipiiiff ; and hxncp hieur the rule of beiiijf (jrilu ully mid uiiconwioti'jly deprived of their liberty, or of In ihk driven to the necessity of aoHerting and main Uiiiiik Uiir rihta-hy force. "A freijiient .recurrence to fundamental "principlei" would obviate both of thunc danger : and uolltiiig tint cm! ilo'U. The l'enplo of the United Stiitna Imve, under their VtiM! iiwtitutions, enjiyed unpitrulleled priieri(y ud Miirini; in the carevr of nvirnl and physical improve- . . 4im ill with a wfiixid -arwl .tuaJiiiiiwi wirriniir, tuy, -ui j - - -iHceetWdn tn -the-'pMirrof'tfieKi teiu ir;iiii plu re. For their numberless hletsings it U-chiiich them tn b.' t'ralet'iil-lo I'royidenre and to tiKiw enerflle m atrmuenU in the hu;i! of Providence, from whom they "denvod thwrilt'iiwabiirin4ieHmof'fiw4'HttWfrft" free (fi)vernmeiitd. And it ia their duty to watch over tiiiii iuheritiiuce a one which w&a given tliem, not tor ' , -tuerf Wmi ..aUwar but w Uu,a.4ar..Ucit4c:ittUiiU in.lefin.tely, and U the gul of the whole hunuiu fa- milv. - : - l o k... .i-t tlf . r-ri-i. irnl l...ul tlidt ralU imrw. ru'iisly fur vigilance. vve ttliouid be more correct, pro- bitrtv, if we were to say it i one which duummia o (itm tmtimliulc tut toil. In these tiuieji of niiBreprpsenUtion and of midcon ci ptioii.wiien many are inMed by tEe uiilueaee oTgreat imhwiS ami alill more- by a catule aupurfkial cxauii- rwl uiiN principle, wecaiinot.t-j.tooxplu-.iWui urut.. .1 lo ew-ape censure. To obviuts therefore, any mi.-un-deMHiiiling of our viewti, we will remark that, in eay injlfjijl iii liet.'CfWTJ at tliis tiiiie, we do not iiieitu the intMt reiuotely to bUt;gckt any tliuig like a ft tort violence. i We do conHcientioUHly bx-lifve lliat, tinder the ailmi n!ipit:on of Pnwirie.it Jiu-kwm, the true theory of our Government haa been rjuiiciiily perverU-d tlmt he httt "tijiCiity avowwT, and actel ujaui, principlen n pognaiit r.rts!,.Bnd-ibverBiVe the Republican and Gont'ederate "cfiaraoier of our inrtituttoii and that, by nieaiiaofhia OWprrwat lptil.HTily w plearM thiwnh the pew'er of pafroimge exertetl uram .,.::.:!'.d.6 IPC Wir wh'ch will determine the fute of ourcountry. .j-TUa uruaoMi ia alitfiuingTltil JliU UuuiLii aoAiatopcx, ",,'!, Jiea ilia rpJf ati? rmrral u rrrurrnri to fun- r Jumenlet priitcipU f .tillow e4 up by itn mediate action. tM'tueTuJejientuuirT'reiS TQiKiiijiMHit the! CtSiritry i!'Pnulgate. thci.rwfbndamchta.l prhicipleatif ourGo "Verumeirl ; let tlietu abow wbereia ouf public 'igenta fiayeilemrted f4lii. M-iMy tliBJP!co . . plu of the United Ktatea ponder tiie auinect, not aa ixie , fit Am mil and tommborf wHnh&jt&e-'ut llm moA aeriotia niagritnte and luBng inliueiice arm we iroiy yet aee bnr Constitution restored to its purity, ami the whole fabric of TOVcrnmi'mV which now exhibit g.,s of premature' d-ay, in.aW the natnre and pwcrr of ' out General and BrBtefieMthebrnTr ivriuncnt withotif at wast aaiwmg oiinuU-ly into j tlie clmricter of the old Confederaey that precetled the prtwent Union, and comparing tiie Articles 01 uml . on tl'Meration with the proviious of the precent Constitu tion. Jly such a comptrinon.tli reader will be able to judge what powers the Mates delegated to tlie old Cun neWwhetieyiaiese:Jtows' t?"d by the new Coiistitetionnd ired'bt tha new Constitutioond whether oar Unirm vu-nt, or an union of IinUywhiU &uks, and a lonje- In order that ae may not be jtirtly clurgeaKie with dereliction on tliia point,' we .shall lay before our read r the Articles of (Wlertrt'n,and the present Con vitminn, with the arnenc'merAa; - W! shall llien give the opinions and argument of dist'mgnrshed men, with ocWwnal remarks -if- our own,' axplanatory of Aich nails' ' have givew fiee to dixfHiloa. As wa shall liatf JuuenUsjwl fndto&ujCou 'serve those articles lor; without them, it will swue imes be impossible to understand the conmients that nay be made. .. ,' "';' " ' k ' ' " POIN DEXTER. Thai great enemy of abase, hqk to disclose monstrous abuses in the Land Office, Senator George Poindexteft was elected President pro irrtr. of thrttenste nwrr the tlose of tlw sessieid, such, it became ,his dtity to see thai Ihe members Wore paid uncording to fcur), and certify the accounts. The law in relation to the mileage 1 members aapli . fitlv declares tliat each member "shall be allowed eight dollars fcr every twenty miles of the estimated airtunce, the mott tmual toad, from his place of re sidence to the seat of Congress, at the commencement nd end of every auck sewiort and meeting." "f "It was, of course, Mr. Poindexter's duty to cause himself, ts well as the other Senators, to be paid eight dollars for every twentv milea from the place of theijr residence to the Scat of Government, going and retnm in?, "Ay the mo vttial toad.' These are tlie Hera tirfif fa hm, nni theif raeanhig is so ylain that tt U im(nas!b!eto mistake itr"""7-' ..r . -Well, how did the honest fro teln. lnident of tha Senate astils A. aernunt t For travel from Wil- iuwooponjr, Mi, bislace of residence, to Washr lwKe.-"lw'i, P-r .' '. ' P li itT;r fce'v - 30 ffyth I0.U)iIiceBJ,krti.,.ri.t.lU !? ?T" 7,7" ttr B3t:r usual mad' frmn Uie rnrr.t., ,t ;b on County, HWwrte, in'WaHhmeWie. Cj is miles, fbr which the lawful cnarre , . - " - charge W1 f P " . - - ' a ' . " 357 M oa wai iui pre lam. IT. M limm lf mam 11 1? Tr , , b,?,wW r1. " "unureu ana m:nv-aevi touata aafi awt eentiL" , " tfT 1T a aneHier tUrffkrt traai tiMt veratioua organ of the IVaitlenL ca!Vl AieGUha Our object, in copying it, Mto evptM fta Vawfbonl te,, at decepfon,., tleby J?L fc on their guard agamK the influence- m f-r wiiAm 1J kV ; ftwn th airmen I ahouW think it lam of decency, and uuacrupuloua it Ha -muit rf : tm DianL Wli, m mijw uf the fell we ascend auHtainiujf a bad cam. . W ISl aadl afl atukini; auuie distiiuce on the rwltr According to the Globe'a own alatewetrt. Kf ra.'"f fW-By weuui oaf way down, a the foad leraCongrrliour jvrtw.aB4wrtar elo it . liert turtMl up th Ire alToWetf i fti1TeagcVnpiwirt prewtited coming. It ia 112 milea from WoJiille Wa.Viai.ss' a" waaaff-atrrwayalueg Urn wrw-vwaa a t4)ll, lld Itla, re $himU tvjnmtr, the w 44awr"3 T vf M K,n", P ffl prent buck: added t.ether,tWke2VHaw3Ucl!?p'fci44 --TW j.proaekto 22ffl Iron. U.at aotm and t leave 13a mte- .ki'ti, c, mnL M ftw M?dlMii itw dt. that Cfmftnrtbr'iar (rat tion oh u the djfuuiee Mr. PoindrW rrm&tmr al fcfX Ipn( kill, tt'rej with oak, ce from WaWiineton, that trratWnan taa rharprM tr 15 aarf thter a bifty pine. At th point milea k, and cmjuently M receive W tWrfTT '.".T b i th. h tU Caa l, ..t;iti i1 : lw 7"v Jut, ctabrarea tint whole - JT r r ? , . - . , - tw w.:kaat tempt.oiTl waUr ia tpar.Ud The Lilitirt-a uf Hie Hlobe Irnve no0ie3 the aaxae at tWt)p If a prujertuii rurk,an4 thoa WK ia two arithmetic tltat it (Mod in the p, OfTioe,3Vjwrtraa, msOmim a&Mrt sua ttut chaana Ulow -Tlte- Wali the iiiiijulur rpsulta of winch Uv Wa alteww W lb" few i tVI ia C"nt4ed of irranita, and near, fuel that whiU they hud awrpln fimd to aa im,'m V rr""- J .'I kettrht anJ bidd an. anmmit in they were iakW the . Wb kMen ulf (- near a million of Joilitrt. But, had a m Mefir wr9a s ' ; ., of anthniHtc, their etirie of etrnm mftnrWr We fhail probably take occaKX) t rrfrwe mxtr .Tirr nut aiatauee Suva (tently and uiunler- the tricU by which the Gke k attempting to im-W j lra f i the pomt of projee. the puhhc in iU, Tr-M -E. tU, aee fArl: dTp'btrw: terl gntuitutttdj over tlie whole ami - kw f kart di.aenJio.ui, have been . , . , . ' , ., , . 1 4owta rf anl aiittt(rt. auwa to the deptha, id f .tei7ftitoft!aav lirnrfaf'Vi'aTtet a4 W :.T a aaal wfet., imrjile oftiee' bees dehaHnd !) ia ia the kmm f s jv TV pnmii aaJI, whicb ffmwt the Mia, no doubt Hinn the nKMiHtmua pervemiona of ftrt wfck tttkle ay , 'TT'"'' ller ,kmn ,he crr'k " the wrn of trie Globe infwmalit lo il iwi. . Tie") t!'!" "!!TTrtr T! Tk" I ict - lvHrt v.rff,;. rrri,, .lll,i,,rij t, Wi-aa rT .7fJj!!K CotirtliotiM-, and edited by a giwUemaa 1a aeao-aoftJ lutely one of the GeneraTa whole-bug" tte,.or1rs. I fiklitu mu fhn (. .lljiu-inir it ram tA . ...r. Ji tU w.. liTi-i-. - .:w w , ,,.riwietrt amd i n, w wnrdtlnt if we wanted to eomxt ,ur f,.m VV-vLinrrO Tub t.L. jt-. Cli." H..I ... .1... ,u,..j ,l .v-i. .... ..'memr "a mmtvmuM siaie, an.. ii;iki couceaien oy could reach froln U,uce.- ?f 21 "T'fJ? ' , . ;y.,' - , , I i fhaft SkB twrtWiw, in a urhweiit drroefcon. The Mitor of the Argua then -ne. n to s laat i awW ay a art-Jignm hiffb a-mf.in,eall- waii diHpueed, by thia, to give the Gli J- a tral, anJ CWiW. wtiU kaowa ia Indian traihtioa. -Thia lected the first article be w frnm it, . a rjnx -nri rfV'iaiHi W- iw. mf fcnn as important item where it uauaT atvle but tliat be iouuri in it m nrnra ink-, W'ty i" ennttidered. iirMiu nn.i u'limi iiitp uiiui ijihi urtraiwi in. itviw.u ' - . ..r- t JC .7. 1 . -;. :' .uu.u u. ...u. u " . . . . , , . . , Ve huve heretofore oegk1ed to trO ear reaaV -efe-tliat.i.arWnyiw'awaweH BWi!f ta j a iliicu in tlie corpe Editorial, lie kaA etab!wbe4 iuaa- lf. in I'm lluml Ma ne. aod aemlf nh, e-w-rr wiiT"" "-"P" ;"w view, .m iiguw n..U poptK, u.!drd,e titleof tllWgG.rtfe'7, ,, 1 ,, , , j . , .: tt aa tkn wttKk S eacaw-a an.1 Dndji 1U way hi I le liowa hu;lf to be Uie aasMM mlr, al T'iS.J'a r.n 1 tberutf to tBr'new:i. prnvea that hia Itigb auntlmg-a a letirr-wniw a aaeal '- --- - - - at all immured bf hw new and" no drmbt-nartr onaia-? " a- ' doruble curioua dutiea aa aa Edikr. Mel 4 meutwi tliatJiic JWa'a priBciploa are-a:lluu.ia.. , TV S- -c.n .., .1.. uauiii ilh. n. ...... ..j be aeen that evea he ca be .IIi41a:ri-lui'ClslaViriof. " S? ' HT "rt8f !Iuu1uttn2Siir Yoik; 'iteaeh ,. :W1T. Well, now I 1 fie G rneral' shotiid haven aoiirt tJOT ....if t : : l ML . J ' :u quutiHg aau r"tnjr pmiim uincnun a mrmiii j war ... tt a . . a SU hw - - a a rft.ttHtifcvaa.aa.M-jiee "nealer for flakinV-m -qinerat gat l' "U"I.1U 8- by hiin,and I W WU he KiH ad.st wf w,tM'r 4wt'4rnv lun. 4 ' " eewst-a uoim ur rtawhtrd. J'm'd5i''neni grt Into a Vial UUvm aW it. ! ." wmW& 1 -.iiJI.k I iu - ... ,f. l arrTKiei, but it was not a pitched battle wbrn things dicTnt go" right-4r V likatowliimritrto;hes grti,aif it's wearing him out. But that KitcVai Cammt h 5 the Giue era! bellire I pfi Washingtoaj thnt the luirki I iWt wwild be ffie Tuiiialion f Iniai arx! Ihe en CabitK' hull if ms if lie oldii t turn, vm ut 3.a. f"ra n.tpl was all goin ov;r flrclss. Cut they his head so completely turned, be would srcoi to know what he Was assart. fcfra ruautnittetf ..Mouse w!n. hsivw a positive ntnieand slare as tiKsigh belbuugM I or eW 1 waritUt ;'uf nrv het Put Tto ifralTlr ana now 11 sucn men a. .nr. oun " aa p .1 rawrsartr. ul at t!ieaait4inie, we are con going over, I don't see but theGmc rd will kar la w py judgment aud sound give up tlie ship.v-1, belie I mo write to lusa 'iKlttj purtysoon arid give him a iiiifc iieTiews wdtior. TV WuT drt onfy what is terard The (Jineral used to take sy ssHit n g4 tmm'imin9-4im is, ali toans wiR fee rent, and pcrhiips htU KstCR to me fcow. . re i be fwsJ n tui twpwjf taatatnwtiia if 68-day - I was a good Oeal teuclc up I JUsad XttSevri! Sir a term not Meeedin sit r. rr- , - r . . r .1 1 . wwUajjrJLSla nieetinff of voupff men t'ltlwr tiny ia Ti-TStt. and Mr. llutlinan waa t&ere, aad ne made a speech, and tiddVn, where tb KsirWai V .1 . . J 1 ;f " and sound so reasonalile, 1 lUinb 1 u puwwa - m-wjoTOTieJl'-'iwwjnyxii ewcnaraa sari. Ktote isuik, new ai iva.eja j aenu w 1 en P - r,u" ciared, )jable 00 the 8th. The Bank of Newbera Us also aWUnal dilUeai to the some amount . - . -.Mir , .4 '"Vm."! ;a"mwTOBuwi. ' -"TLL. . ,iJ.U-w EXTRACT FROM rmj JOCWALa a FSIENft Monday, AprU 21, 1334. As the ana ensa, it Jieew charming lustre over the Blue Ridg tW TaimWui, tl'!?rA, a.fs?i?S tabinet wan u-mung inc orsrrRry K,n w m fy... , , " JWrtgA, 183 .' went on at this rate every .iing was all yneng Ui i'jff.fU akyt ar we Principal, ruin, and how he could'nt in swwre g w ith Awwwara, sianae as asy to Vkmtet Devry, 'erh any loner. His spews toaaCiflrflWaaatJsw.JttojsW.awamsW-- IbQmifitr salaw rmttn4, a. . . 0 - i. - .... . . . . . . ..a . ... l .r.L. v 1 -. f .r ClarWil though fcir wa tV msf liaa answjR. " " lint to attract and induce the wntry ixfc V several tm, TraveliiBg JouiU ' ft d wj ft M acnur.er imntL ; and, if no Ar. f healths Uation would be sufficient F- rwwt thW,fra, it ha, already sWo lCv..,:. G,-.rir; m.l perhaps there w s a..,, auairted b - -- : B--rsiw iwnmri f ac'kviuii, uun msx annum ami aa taarasavLW'' Wi&ia a fcw miV of the pltwe there ar mwl tnblm and bwmtiful water-falls, high rug. r aawiafcii!. iwh tvypua, and Ui Naocmarlia - Vaei. antk tte thuMMtl aa4 mi IiUim etimatiUe-' I Mi. CmmMt m afwrtiitir on. of tl moL et!wiva I1 "- b.'Unrs firf tha ac,mi.lti.n uf r.-Mm. liini . kr th hum. ,rt , 7TTV 7T .. . . . . . satsart VSrJjm.'ut of tin cLaracter. I - Mt. X and Mr. W-, bih wntle. TL' wtt, nia wit aa ited -31!l!f l!?"': Taeimt, W llap- tVU. w !. 20 fart acnmv Wa wrn away k ia preitfat piwitioa T3 nw fr-xna lac tu also rntereatinjr and com- jimi!!. svl awimtaiaa, with elevated Uiptt, are - M - w - a.llaittallaaai.a a w " T,"'!!", . "l,M,i. ll JJ rncl.iHp it Further oo, an old T W I !i Twm it m fmw Kiniwtfwt mrttlr fhff tnnifTr-' ma paat. aat aaw'mnrrwthfcHraiHwwit s -rrMi t, p,, rf t!ie beautiful Ijmn jjeaf aawa awUmew i to aa admuerof nature, afl(rd a A, 1 WWM umio-. ttl!,f tho inrji tay -fcpftjw 'WW eornptctefy berflttiwrttt by bllhl awHiftias that th wafers of the creek could W2TLT. Of TIIE CTTV JEI JXTION. Tt k3 Be aieca; 1 the Slow inij. troiM t iie official " T . 7i " T g I vM tl IW lib, .i.. ... - l.f.li.1.J ' m t" ... w w. ft- wi Tie iitrbfst Stite Rurhl Vote of S Canv ... 3 T;,i- 1 ... . . ll-i.-.l. b r. m vr rt U .CtT"' t--. -a, -h.a a t r-r-,-,a ' - ; Cka tpocfunl-. ttiM. Jijslitulm. tommeuces its jTWe UaJi hewg lm4 upon a .kontiat capital, sjj, a fcj. 4u ,l0iW to redeem its Notes i - iiu ur with ) Bu.v be cwih red bv I . . . t ... a. ' - - i wwwexm t asiraefptivaieiii. its uiaiiagenieiit yrm aa ia cnts -.jto saea T himmZliw - 1 - -.- r .1 like themselves iiiif ajpratitHia . - . ....... . their j .! mm mm bMtVI fiiil, t ."h't'v. TTll'fnJT.Tg.;..;i;.V'.:f .J-nt:- 'Smg at a dutwee, w aubjuia the Lttm of th , ..A hrif Vr tft Lmtituri-Hi f - ' " a"" . Cr. . v inUIMH afW.kia. ..-, -fXEMENDOCS FRKSfl' We Usw kee. witod by the mmt dost roc TrewBi titol mr wnriei in ttns eertion of cmsMirry. JWIt Raia had fallen previous tftThurS- Pj.. . Vat a ttt ai2lit it rained ia ttirrent. wiiiksaat a.satKufats's iotermwioo; tq corwequence jiig mMfitnattK torn tosn nprecedeo toJJ iKiTW is araneiy ft Mill r Bridge ' aaSwg withaai tka aWaace we have heard from. CS? A to the Crop, and Stnrk ilnv h,- Ta long drought bed previously burnt up J ba gia. depewfence for bread Lm hmk- nU bl' was out uf theqnci. tion. Singes ym!l neitlier gior conte, rhtvuh the driver made vurtuim ntteinpts L force tlirir way. Wo lear that the VUhkI haa broil general, and aMHnrlr-awail ititeiligeaea. nm jIiimm aeetiotta watered by larje Streonin.i'ui4 Register, M'jiy ia Juckaoiiutni like inlemnernwn t D'ye give it up I lk-cauNO it detrov tlie Coiintitutiou. : e ', ' ( iVf m burn Sufrlutif, . VMTKU l.N WEDLOCK. .Z:, ' In the citr of Kavonnah. on Uo Gth of Aueifrt LL by the Rev. H. A.. Mely, the Rev'd. F, P. II R1IS. Crmerijf of Rowatt Countji, to Mim ANN C. UURNH, of the city of New York. ' 1 ' ' ' - In Stoka Count?, 'oh the 24fh ultimo, by ibti Rer'd, Thomaa Pfol.l, Mr. HKNJAMIN SNIDLlt, aged 24, toIu--TEAGUE, aged Nil . , In Stoke Couitly, on th 3d mxtnnt. Mr. JOHN SI MON UtiHT to Mu GRACE KlilKlUS, b.4li uf that I ounty. . In Mecklenburg ennntr, on the 21 tt ultimo, br5u. Duherty; FVoinre, Mr. JOHN RAIKD to Aii- ANE C McRAVEN. '".'' DKPARTEl THIS LIFE ' rt.''l " Tn-Oiw Count vron TueTf "tfie9trrTntfaiifrM' GEORGE MILLER,.at'ed W year -The deccaaed came from .Mar) luml early in lite, and until a ti w year tiro con itmed to reila in tliia place.' 11a aurtained Uoujjh Jifo thlfcfeU f vprighVauMi, At Benttie'a Forl. Lincoln County, on the 4th innt, Mr. JOHN F. Ut'RTON, aoa of Robert II. Burton, Eaq., in the Slat year of hit age. He ptwaeeaed talunU of a high order, great energy of character, and lolly and chivalroue aenaa of peraonal honor. lie waa jiwt entering upou tlie eamor of hfe,'undif tiie iiwwt aupi ewua fircuuwtanccB, whtm hia tbnd "parcnta and Otlirr frientbj were auddenly deprived of him by the cold band of deatlk ; i 1 1:11 ali: C A TIO.V 4 Public Kinniitintion of tho I'fnu connected with Mia, HiiiiV Fnil Schia4",'tri Liiitvdu ton, wilt coiunK'iico ou Weilneadiiy the 24lb inst., and be CMitiuued until .Thunilny eveniuj;. Th moet iuturt Miing part of the exorcince will be utt tuuuVii lo ou Tliurwluv. ' ' A LEX.A. Mil. Pf - CM hoiixe, ro(MH!tfully uiCiruia Purei-.ta atxi Guard, iuna that the Winter Session will jcotiiilience on ManiUr (b i0tr of Mofarr- -- UBjUugjOU-hfi had jU ,.o;itticirulilp mfea t.a.ILat.: Young Ludiea-oau lai accotuiuotlated bv tlw Prin cipal, on applicntitNi. A. A. II, Ltucolntou, Si'pt. 13, 1831. 2! ; to joi i:m;vii:. THF. Sultxcnber w anxiiaw to Ip-i employ a firat-rute workiimii at the Il.xrt ami Slmc. mhkinf businpiet. He will give" libcr.il wngeg to one who can come well recommended for aleady habile and pntd work i Doric othera neerl applr. -JOSEPH WELSH. WkwilMej)trl, 1V . Htatc of loith raroiiun : DAVIDSON COUNTV. - "Court qf ' Vtrnr anri fwrftrf- S'rssionx, -At iii it Tekx, 1HJ1. Eatper I lioiimwn, c. . , .. Itcira at of Francu Williams, dec. I N this cuiM!, it nppenriac, to I he wttiftictittn of 1 the Court, thutTlieophilus Willinrjis.'AloxaiNler -WiHimwv '1 hiiM Wilhanw, David Williams, Wil- lieni Grigs and Cupa hie wills, and Goorge Wag- is i an .a l-. wife Alfn, om not inhabitnrrbi of thu publication Lti limile in the Wesiern f 'nndiniiiii, f h I'm weeks' siMrceaHivelvr V-t tlte said Tlreophilus WllltH nr A Ifl an W Wfll? J)tWid WWHnWilh'ami-5gs aisl Vtipa jits wifi;, aud George Vairois'raiKl Alia tiia wife-titbe-aod apiioHr before- trw Justice of out tiCTt Cnurtof - - -v - aw - a--j-riw r-W""' rfeis aoa uuftmr iMfions tiT ticiil itirTtici.isjii. lyifCiJftJ!).aA:(H the stolid Mondnj in Novcnilwr nest Ibon and thcra to bow jeauae, if nyjiejr hawwhy; ;th. nla.in.tiffja.tbw c.ahall not Imve. juiLjnieut tur tbe said r rancM "illianis, docn which has hii to their hands by uYscrrrt. ' ' -Aet f ,8AML GUTIIER.cxx. jj.. M(W.KjftCt September 13, 134. 6t ' ' ...... , ..... jf y THrff f ft sj wsjassf ; ::f 'PIlC Subscrihof, having determined on moving to the West durjiig the ensuing full or winter, wishes to sell '' - ". ' '..; THE TK ACT Of LA1 on which he now resides, four Sjiiles west id 8ujis. 1 jr,r, a , 40 or 50 acre of which are freshly cleared. There MTK '6n inrpreBifsetf WexceTIfMIDWULU ING.llOUSE, toother with all the oecea. sary out-buiMing new Cribs, Stable, etc. The luce-is ail cxcellcul stujid for a. Douse of Enter- taiouicbC . ' ' . : .. "ALSO FOR SALE, Another Trct of Lnhd, '': 1 i v t '"" s .-- - Lying 00 but b sjtles uf "Grant's Creek, ux utile j asiniinr, ui onirtifui V a. auilhiaiA Q..II..k.. Conlaininr 507 icrcft From 160 to 200 Acre are cleared, about 29 uf which is tillet Meadw in -good oroVn There PJTk a good D W E L L I N ti-II 0 (J S E on the j,land, a Darn, and other out-huuse. Terms will be made accommodating to artjy one wishing to nHrchnsoT yO1 Any one" desiring to see th Pnipcrty, will pleuso cnll on the Subscriber, living four ti riles from Stiliabury.oatbe, rod to Peattii;' lVd. - There will 1 be Hold, at publiclanction, " ' On Tneiday, the 211 day of October, ''i -. -S OJt'tHK.aHOVI! rBRWISKS," ; v f k qiiBntky of HAY, FODDER, cVc, ; I GRAIN of U kinds; STOCK of all kinds .All my Ilantatton Utenwls? ' Together with various other articles,' loo tedious to merrtion. Tertos made linown on the day of sale., - MATTHEW B. LOCKE. GST N.B. Slionld the ike tracts of Land not 1 be disposed ofbefrre the 21st day pfOetrlier,1hey itttt uto it told on (hat dnf, to (he ighe$t bid dtp, M LOCKE. epten!bert,S3JU" ' : v tda ' " for .xii.E'EKxnnt of tiih -N, rarolmn2ElRaiI-Road ! ! - Ia O T TUtt n&VV C IV In lajtUctillr, A.c:n i yUEM: Ticketa can be had ia alnukt all the Ij't . " terieadrawa iu tlie United Sutua, either by the ingle Ticket or in Packagea put up with one of tha iiiiiiihm on each ticket cumptaiing tlie outnbera by w hich the pn-a in tlie acheine are aworUinod Uierc by inauring to the purchaser of a package a certain amount of prison, nearly equal to one-half of Hie cost of tho pnckirge, ' - ''.'"."' ' ' . VT TIIK RAILROAD WILL BE ALIOWED ., A COMMISSION on the HAIiiSof Al.l. TICKETS SOLO at THE FAYETTKVHJ.E OITM.K or ITS AGENCIES, in any lottery drawn by YATES & Mc V IN1YKK.X0 The uruwyua of lhe liitteriea in which Tickets ara d l, and Xuf others, w ill be regularly received at tliia Oflicci; (Fayetteville,) and puliUhed in the Weatcra Carolinian, and "Carolina Watchman," rtaliabiiry. " Package of Wb,de Halves, of tjuarters, will .ba a-nt by tnitiL to vrilrr. ' 'CuiJobh r wilHiiu si lfea, wTi will feiuit onfijiai the price tliereof in cah, aUU receive, ia return, a cer tified cojiy of such package, containing an exact list of the eomhiiwttioa nnuibera 1 they atiall alro receive tha arltea mftf tuatmn f 4M arawiltga, 4 e. v. 00" I'ritea id tt thai Office, or He Agenciea. h - YATHS it MclNTYRE, Minagrrt, Jnium Krnw'rllAUK.NT. ' Fayettevilie, Heptemlter JIJ, 1NJ1, i.t .v' Tliefarnhd C'onMlitl.itrd Iottrrj FOR INTilRNAI. IMPROVEMENT, 4o. , Claaa Na Revwitven, for 18S4. . TO BE DRAWN AT WASHIMU'VOX CITY, On tlx) 16th of September, Ie-34. ' .1 CAPITAL: 3 ; ' 1 iof &,m DOLLARS. DOLLARS. . " . of 1,000 lX)LLARSvi- 8 M of..50- IH)LLaRS. ' 9 JO Sic, &.C. 51 Noa.,,.,8 Dr, Bullobt Yatea ii Mclnliro, Managera, lK'kelspH Halves H Quartnre 9$, "rHcknguoflWliide 'Tickets "wiUcttT,r4T' 11- .... 4H4tabrr- r 73 -v--"- W Wtrartors m - -$Y" If s remittance of one half the corf of a Packag" ia made, a certified copy of the numbers wdl be aeut ' to order. t Addret letters to 1 ' , J AMLtf SEA W ELL, AjBot, & tfliiilr 13, IsGI. State of'Norlh Caroliiia: DAVIDSON COUNTY. Comt of riens 'nnd Quarlr.$:esshng,T Art-rsTTKBit, JdLrrr - Johii Ward, : i Juatka's Judgment levied nu rs. tho ilefmidiitila uiuliviiUl inter. Iiml, to wit,: one tract confnining 5f!5 acres, on the waters of Fyunder's fork, joining Frederick Youn, Geo. Beck, lea, jtMning the lamia of Pelef Head. ' rick, eorge SechriM, Dnvid Swing, th watorstif Hwoariuv CWb, j4,nc -' ' tlie Imids of F.benewr Smith, Jolm Dnrr, awl olbcrs.1. i' SlllV, 1 r jmiins; lotlie ahtisfiirtion of fhd rrrHT, T . that (he 1 dtiAVrKlatif B left !he (Vairrty.nf Djivjrl-- ptn, so that notice of said Iievycanii'it be served ; on hitn ; T'heafore, iL ii: Orrfcrt hy 'ihe Court...I , thia tmblicaJiun be nwds for three week sueeo- ' mTTirrni inn riCTirrn vnroiinian, inin ine neienu. ant, IJiwid tifttrrli nttpoor atihe-nett tmnnf.'tl.e.1"- -Court of i'Jeae ami Quarter Sessions in Isj lieM f ,r ' the County of ladw, ffbCMrtnVit'Jif Leai; -iiigron, on tlw sreond Monday ti 'Nnvemher next ( t tlien and tliere t idiow earm wb jrltjr? plaititUT sliall not have X juJgmeiil and an -ortier f al gmHte. t . igajuti the. iwla. afijrmid, l.LaaliMfy his 4id le - -jjp. ... The Subscriber, inleruling to remove to he South. ; ' west, WILL SEUv . -QnTictJaj the Wltf&MnthJr'M'il, ." )n Uie preniineH, unless previuutily dispriaud f, H ' . t 1 .4 ....,.. The Valuable Tract of I.mid . on which he RF.sinns4(mTAima Lying ou the Yadkin River, bo buth'sides of Reotlv t?rkr-hr DaTicW'txrntyTtf gruuuds, 10 or 12 of which are first-rate meadow. land. The Plantation t under good repair, and lias on it a DWELLING-IIOL'Si; Kilchcn, and out.houses.The whole tract j well watered, aud i perhaps a hcnJtli a -aituatioa.. any in tha country. . . , , . . .; " ' .j-;.v. ... ALSO, d tie tame jay, ! will clC llZ: ' J'hi Jille rent kinds lluuschold '.ftnjLXitchoa J:Wilurftaiiill --'-"Farniing; UWimihi? krtd niany-otliCr 'Irtii'Iea,"-; y toetedioua to mention. " -ftCT Any rsnc wishing toaee thtj Innd beforrj tin duy or side, will pleaso call on Ihe Subscriber, living oa the premises. . - Terms made known on the day of ink t JAM EH DOUTflATT. , - Davidson Ct., Aug. 30, 1634 tds - IAND,'.F0U.SALK...... 'PIIE Subsrriber oilers for ante aaluiililo Tr i 'of LAND, Villaining fil,"X Acrrm, 1m- , in ljqeoln County, on the Catawba River, about S miles below Ikattte'a Foro. "- This .Land is of an excellent quality, well ad q t ed to Ctflton arWl all kinds of Grain. A consult r able nortion of it is w ground and meathiw. i; V Tb Improvehwiits, consisting of a Dwell. i'JjtS nR "nd U necessary out-bouses, are new and cisivenientii'f ,tfcTne tenna-will lie made easy to flic pure! WIT i ld can be aertajjiei bj,Bd.reing tl(j f ar.riher, at IScattiea Ford, or the CatawU Spri,, Postinc. JAMES COXNOIL iej)tem1)fTK 1P8E- .v f i