I I ; it ; 1 - . i i I 'jr i n i 1 i.. flHE Subscriber. Laving gone to considerable expeuso thi Summer, in building Warehouses for the reception of Produce ai?iMorchandwe of ""every description, (and, we think, perfectly secure from the risk of tire,) would respectfully invite flatten Hod Country Merchants, who wish to store Cotton for a better market, to call on them. " Tlicy will also forward ellkinds of Produce lo Xjw TorkrCharleirton, or any part of Europe and will make liberal advance on Cotton left un- dor their charrc. in eit Iter cash or goods. Strict attention will bo paid to the iuferest of those who may entrust them with their property. We think it unnecessary to give any references, at the senior partner ha been doing business in Cheraw for a nniuber of year. A. dt R. MAC KEN Z IE. Front Street, Cheraw, S. C. i August 18, 1834. N. B.We expect daily, from New York and w barlcston, a large Stock ot Groceries, selected with great care, and purchased before goods advanced. The Good will, be old on libc rJ terms" lor cash or produce. Tho following comprise a part of their Stock ; rt ifhds. SUGAR 200 bags COFFEE I 1000 lbs. Loaf and Lump Sugar ; " 300 piece COTTON BAGGING 200 coil DALE ROPE; 1000 Iba. HEINE TWINE j . 18 ton Swedes and English IRON J 1000 mick SALT. - Also- TEAS of every kind. Sept. fl, 1634. 6t t A. & R. McK. NOTICE. - HHlEREAS PhtUio- Lttaker- hair erven notfc that I hold his Note, which, he soys, was given without any consideration, and that he will not pay it i I hereby five notice that the aaid note was given to me in consideration ol inv rescinding it trade with him for a negro and I will inakc him jay it, and tnre too. JOHN B. MOSS. SaUsbur y-rJUg-ustl 0,4 34. - -aS- IJocves Wanted ! I'lIE SubHcriber,iiitenHii2 t carry ou a reiilai businoM at BUTCHERING, in the Town ol Salisbury, wixhea lo buy a numU t of ood Bieve, for which the highest prices will be given, in cash. OCT His Customers are iiotifitnl that he will be ready to supply them with GOOD BEEF on Tuoilay, Thursday, and Saturday, of ech week, for the rest of the soawm, at the uxual rates. JOHN I. SHAVER. SHlitlwrv, June 28, 1834. tf VtauA tor Sac. rlMlE SuWribr, havmedeteridiiied on moving " to tfu SontU next winter, oflors fr Mile THE PLANTATION on which ho lives, lb miles west t Salisbury, ou the. waters of Back Creek. Tiiere are 460 the truct, about . one-half ot which is chwrcd, cltiotly frcit, iuclu- duig 20 acres of good mondow. X Thew in. on the premises, a comfortable Dwell- trig HHJse, with good cribs, stable, baru, ami ollior ut-hoiies, new and in good repair. - Tlte waW -is -excellent,- the- situation liGahhy, " aud the neighborhood agreenMo. " (O The terms will .be made eas- to any person f wishing in buy, and can b known by calling on tho Suhacnher, or by nirectinir a letter to bim at Z : HoaatonV Post Otnc -Rowan .inty.-- -' -It SAMUEL JETER. -Anwflo.-tM. et Cheap Bufj Und Good! Tlie Subscribers respectfully beg leaye to iuforrn the citizens .. of Stilisbury, and tho public in general, that they liave com- ineiicedi jb Jin tcJi e r In c Iliulnetm, and will hereafter be preuarod, overy MONDAY, I WEDNESDAY", and 'FRIDAY rnbrningrto fbr- rtish to their ctistona-rs and all others who are fond .of tl article, BEEF of the very bust description, hot surpassed by any in the State for the qualities that render it ao delightful an article of food. -They reaprctfiilly solicit a trial of their meat, feel . - in satisfied timt their assertion will prow correct, nd ha the moons of securing to them good sltare of public patronage. They will sell ou '.he muet fcasouabi toriaa thai ca Wai5rdw ' P. SHAVER dt CO. ; Salisbury, July 191934. tf Valuable Real Property, IS MNCOIaN COUNTY, " icdt . i'l.'tv" """ JliC 3ubcriberr.iiitcading to, remove Ja Abhoma, , . . OFFERS FUR SALE, His Residence in l.iucoln Countyj Inclurtmg, wi on body," about - ? x One Thousand Acres i 0 f Real Good F a r in i a g L and, aa - On which w a fine ZfiHmrickMuUdutgr . L.. Icotialructed of the best en f ma terial a. in hue taste, and good workman, -.il so, nil convenient Out-Howes, COTTON AND TURESIILNU MAC1IIN ES, Blrns, Stables, dec. , . .ALSO - ; Another Tract of Land, Lying on both aide of Dutchmau's Crock, coatoiiv . , . - ing about ALL FIRST RATE FOR ANY PURPOSES, - C Tho above Property will ba sold on a credit of ono. two, and three year la my absence, application may be made to my brother, J. f orttcy. . DANIEL M. FORNEY. Lincoln ConMay 17,1834. " tf ' " ' ' WESTERN CAROLINIAN OFFICE,) Salisbury. May 17, 18:54. ( XJZ are prepared to execute every kind of Stinting if mi very superior style, and our charge will be el roaaamBl at any. TV uraera iroin aiMwe mm k'.ways Bteet th awat arampl oUcaNnv . -:- a tie ad-Quartera, ' 1 SALISBURY, August 21, 1834. ' rrlIE Commissioned Officer, of the Militia are hereby commanded to ap pear in the Towtr of Salisbury on Wed nesday the 24th day of September, at 10 o'clock A. M., with aide arm, for iTDrulTSnd" on the following day," at 9 o clock A. M., with their respective Companies equipped as the law directs for Review and In apuction by the Maior-Getteral. r - lis order J D. R. LINN, uoi-uomti. IL W. CONNER, AdjV - ; August 23, 1834. Ulm Salisbury Male Jlcadcmy. 'PHIS Institution will open, under the direction of the Subscriber, on Monday the first day of September. Aa he expects, at. first, to have a li mited number of Pupils, and intends devoting hia attention exlunivety to his School, he hopes to give the rmsd entire satisfaction to all who patronize biin. Ilia terms of Tuition will be, per scuBion, as follow. : Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, $0 00 English Graihiiia'r aiid Geography, 9 DO " Lunguagea and Sciencee, . 12 00 T1IOS. W. SPARROW. Augiiat 3D, 1834. v 3t , Lincoln Cotton Factory. TTMIE Subacriber, intending to leave North Ca rolina, offer for sale his interest in this valu aljlo estidiliHhuient. lie has concluded to divide hia interest into Shares of f 100, awl has appointed JOHN litAKD, Jr. Lsqr., bis aceut at Sulixbu ry for receiving Subncriptioiis. Information in re gard to .the. FncUry ..wilt.be "furuilied on applica tion to the subscriber at Lincolntun, or, as to the tcrtns of Subscription, by Mr. Beard at Salisbury J A MLS UlVl.NUS Lincolnton, June 28, 1834. tf State Of North-Cnroliua: Courf of fytfity Spkino Tsnx, 1834. William Guy aiid others, i i Petitiou for sale and r. distribution of real cs- Jaincs Guy and others. ) tutc. IT APPEARING, totho sntisfnetion of the Court - that James Guv, Richard Hancock and EIiza both Ins wife, and Thomas Hanock and Jane his wife, tlio defendants named in the Bill, are not in habitant of this State : It is therefore Obuerko that publication be mnde, for six weeks, in " The esteru Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that the naid defc'ulniits do apneitrat the next Court of Equi ty to be hehl fjr the County of Iredell, at the Court home in Ststietville, on the eighth Monday after the fourth Monday in September next thou und thore to answer the :tition ; otherwise it will be hoard exparte, and the pmvr thereof be gnutted. " JOllN MCSIIAT, C. Ac M. E. August 23, l"3l. 6w Ki t kWITII H AwVi-DjspcUe vs. Tf PIIOSE w'U are afflietd with r HE APACHES, 1 11 EART-B URNS, and othur (list resftin; syinp- tonis ut disordered stoumch, boweu, aiul liver, may find relief in Dr. Bet kwith's Anti LH-sneptic Pills, which can be had at tola OfBce-prite fifly Kkiuh per won lite Doetor. who once resided in ihi. ,J..W l i A , . MOW hviB in W.ilfMirh Imu nilPr u Lmu .i J avUh. . . - - - ' - " T " sive practice, been enabled to. Couipoiutd a luost va. . luabio remedy for the chronic diseases of the di gcMive organs, so common iu Southern climates, especially with thoae who lead sedontary lives. It would be an easy matter to make out certifi-! ontes to prove that these Pills are A soyenaini res.', rnedy" Tor "nil the ills that flesh is heir to; . buttne Constitution. ii la ool pceiennea that they are an umvwrwu anti dote, -. .Certificates of tht rnost rpectatde.PJiysi cians and other gentlemen can be shown to sub;, stantiate their 'efficacy in the particular class of Diseases . above spoken of : and the Editorof this paper can testify that he has derived s;eedy and permanent relief, in the use of them, from a most distressing ami bmg-continued ltad-ache.., Some "of his frie idt tried them, at his suggestion, and ex perienrrid the-same beneficial cfti'Cts. Walisbury, June 14, 1934. tft , . Ten Dollars Reward. I) AN AWAY from the subscriber, on Monday ntorniii' tlie SHtli 'ult'aTMr. Larkln Stowes in Lincoln county, a NEGRO MAN, about five f't eight inches high, af a color between a black A'ldn' old ; when spoken to he has rattier a sour look ; he haa a-.reuiarkabl.,scar-;u- Itis. WU-wriatr lencth4 wise; also-one or more scar, from rifting, on his brenxt. His name is NED, and lie i well known ia LinctJn and Mecklenburg counties in this Statu, a-id m York District, S. C. Any person who will lodg him in iail, in either of the above Counties or District, so I can get hint, shall receive a reward" of Ten Dollais. . Christ ianavillo, Mecklonliurg Co, V Ausust 2nd, 1S34 8t -- 75 Dollars Reward ESCAPED from tlie Subscriber, while encamp 1 ed at the house of Col. A. Watt, iu Rocking. .win Couhty(N. C.) on the night of tho 10th of iXcffTO man. named JOIIX He is about Bt years old, about S feet 11 inches iigh ,no marks recollected J had on a homespun eans long eoat, and common thread and cotton jantaloooo. John Was purchariod from Archibald forbes, In 1 itt Couhrv, near Grtenvilla, and it probable he will endeavor to get buck to tho same lrighborhood. - The above reward of Seventy .Five Dollars will -m paid to any one who will apprehend and kdge ibe aaid Negro iu any jail, ao that the subscriber an get him again. Letter addressed to the un lerngned, at Buckingham Courthouse, (Va.) will vceivo unmediato attention. 5 . HLV I. MORRIS. oJy 4;i.i. . , ,10 . , THE XX?.Rasra"o7THiilN3TITUTI0X WILL BE RESUMED ON THE 1st of OCTOBER,. 'piIE price" of Ttiitiod per session, (5 months,) is f V- 60 Drawing and 1'auiting, iu .uuaic, 20 payable in advance. r Salisbury, Aug. 9, 1834. Principal. - Tim NAME CIIANGEp. rroposalu fbr Publinhlnj, - la the Town of Mqrgantdn,-N.C, . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, TO M PIVOTED TO PoUtlcs, Morality, Literature, -. and General Intelligence, tNDCa THI TITll or TIIE MOUNTAIN WltlG. nPHE Subscriber has concluded to alter the title nt tlm tiRtvKfinnnr nrnmwd to be nub isliod bV I 1 r I I ; . I mm in iuorganion, ana iuiiikb ii proper ii iiivuuuu i lis reason lor so aouig. a correftpsKionco uy toi-1 ter was held with intelliirent and pubhc-spinted in- dividuals in Burke County, on' the subject of the I probability ol success in tne unaertaKinir, ana tney expressed themselves so couhttently and genernlty in the amrmative, that upon their -solicitation the Subscriber was induced to ihhuo the original Pros- fiectus even before he had visited the place of his intended location. . N.tt giving much importance to name i, when he considered his principles ortho dox, he selocted " The Mountain Spout" becaune it deemed to hint to be appropriate to the hoc t ion of country in which it was proposed to locate, ns well as to Jhe very humble abilittca wl.ich, he, fc.lt would be engaged in the conduct .of the concern. The Sultseriber, however, is aware that "there t something in a imme;" and a rin-ent vinit to Mor gantoii, whero he had the pleasure of an inter change of views and sentiments with his future pa- trons, has induced him to change the name of his paper to one morajapmpmto tohjt aiid "pbTi I ical li sTopondi iiHlopondence of thoso amonz whoml it will bo established. With renrd to local and sectional questions, the People of Western North Carolina, like all other communities, are more or loss divided ; hut, in re lation to National Politics the danger' to the Con stitution from the encroacmentx of power, and the necetity of preserving unimpaired the Rights of the States, as the only safeguard of Liberty- the Subscriber hoard, among the intelligent and high- "minded Freeinen of the mountain region, but one opinion expn-ssed, viz. a determination to snpiort ttieir rohticai lnstitutinne against aggresntn, and to hiuid down to their posterity, uncorrupfod by violence, the Liberty which thoy inhoritcd from their Father- As the first inquiry, upon a proposal of this kind, generally is, " What will be the political character ol the . .puper r the Subscriber will givo au auswor withsit the least reiterve : Born and educated in Virginia, his earliest aa well as his ntntureat feelings and convictions are decidedly in favor of tlviNfl political principles cherished by his dts-tingiiiwli.-d follow-citizens who have presided over the I ... .. . . ... .i . n ii. uiTBiuraui una groat n.c niuiic. if.. k..i..i.:. .t. .Lk.i v:.-;.:. .-j v lkjr8adHM'a and. Reports of 170 and 1790, Htrh were drawn up bv those ffreaL statesmen and .nalriofat Madison and Jefferson, contain a true vxpowtion of the rights of tha States and of the relative powers of the M.-nrtai nuu oinw vjuvrruiuuuu lie uunks Uial the rarest way to avoid, coll wions woW be y adrwrnrto a tilerat eenstructton of the W-"UUW?V I , "T1 .mmK m.mtamtd I a tt if tu,iAi ahnhA it Ivn ka ai. I 1 - - - - - r""Vl niA'.UICl At. -t .WV TTrTmi nTVV7tnillUlll 't1 t '. . - . ... ..s-M.ai or by tlie States, that is not clearly delegated to the. former; or evidently reserved to tne latter, The cat. structive power, an it is called; is more to be dreaded thi.it open force, because iUt encroachov nU are ao silent and irraliial as to eicite little or no apprehension, while at Uie,ima. tune they are undermining the very foun dations' of our sytttem. ' .. rtr tnmiw mat nothuig can mstiry ao infraction of iib viHreiiiuuon. juo suirni oreacn will one a Lae wav for another." and that ibr a third. 'until ever rmtrir.iinn km its original stretHrUt. and we fareome habittinfrd .. ... . ' i to encronctiinenta. On tlus suhiect, as on mtav otitera. the admonitions of the great and good Washinirton are itidicious and salutary." Precodcnta," aaid he, in his Farewell Address, "are dangerons thinga; lei etxry outturn oj in i a) n runt ton oe reprentnaea. II defect. ive, let n do amended, out not Mtuered to M trampled vonoo, -Bpw while ll has ah existence.'' : " Corn," . "T . The Sohscnber has witnewed. witli bainful anxietv. tlie abtine of precedents, which have been made to frit ter a wty the tonstitni;oa, until, in practice at least, it scarcely nice the same instrument that came from the hands of the Convention which formed it The practice of implymg power mnst cease, or our noble tis-mot (""mraeniwiU soon be radically and peHiapa 'rrevecly changed - . N At present, the danger from this source is mtieh more threatening than ,1 ha. ever been .tiny former. perioibecaase those in power, who renort-to preeedent ssfrwhmcn popularity, (hat their pggrewiions-are nvprlnnka.1 Kt innnnii. Diiml. I .. L ..f puUk&dtility to their trusts, m forkful of' every tiling but tlio grut or theit inordinate pasions. . Enough has. boen mhI to indicate what will be the complexion of. "The MouuUin Whig" in regard to general pontics. -Aa to Btau eoneern it will adyocate speedy alter - ..:.-.. l- r :. . 1:1 r tJ . . auuuut uie vinmiuiiHHt, a-tiuentt aysiera Ol internal irwpeosenientt an enlightened enuise of Ai;fll5uIlureTl7wtn' and everr thirur else calculated to advaVww ritv and honor of the EdrtorV adopted State: " A due ptonnrtioa of the paper will 1st devoted to Re ligious, Moral, Literary, arid other shcCuI subincts,toge- ther with the passing News of tbe Day, both domestic and foreign; and rts columns shall always he ornament- ed with extracts from the Light Literature of the age, and such efforts of the Post's and the Wit's i marma- u powvra,aa win anont 10 patrons inat "Variety ' J m. mi. ..uti.iiur will ur m Kcted which m calculated to improve the andmrtand. ing or the heart, whde every thing of an OppufiLo ten dency shall be excluded (rom its coJuinna. . TERMS, eVc. 1. Tbe flrst Natif "TJw Motfflujin Whig" will be issued as soon as (the requisite number of subscribers con be obtained to warrant the making of the necesa. ry arrangements fcr that purpose ; and the andenigned would appeal to the friends of the proposed undertaking to enrol their names at aa early day. 3 h !u weeMpon a ahH mMllim with aim ton .rut m annii nanar T ,, ' vr- B r-r DolUrs per year, payable 00 tho receipt or tbe first DOtnbnr. ' S. Reaponrible persons who will take tho trouble to set as Agents, in procuring subscribers, Su will be al- lowed 10 per cent. upwUteir.transactioBa, - ' ISSUED WEEKLY-::"t:::::::.JOILN ULAi JK- sanrtjr-rrBttraTroJh - l. Tha Wamaa CikouNii"" ia published ev Monday, at Two Dollars per annum if paid m advance, M ii n:A rt. ... until tlr or Two uoiiara ana r uiy veuu u " the exoiration of three monliia, 4 No mm will be discontinued until all arrearage art paid, unlet at the daeretioa of tin Editors - - 3. No aubscription will be received for a leas timt than una tor : and a fitdltfe to BoUfV Ui bditor Of a wiab to discontinue, at least on month before the cxpi ration of a year's subscription, will be considered as a new enirajreinent. 4. Any person who will procure six unsenoers w the Carolinian, and tase tne iroun-e w cunecung traimmittinir th wiWrintion-Drioe to the Editor, shall have the paper during the continuance of their sub scription, witnout charge. TEBMf Of AOVEKTIitHO 1. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct ly inynrtMt at AO cents nor suuare for the first insertion, and 331 cents for each continuance i but where an vertisement is ordered to go in only twice, 50 Cta. wul be charged tor each insertion. 2. Merchants. Mechanics, and Professional gentle men, who may desire constantly to appear before the ' i ...i. ........ ,;!! k a puuue, in our uivcrutiiiig cuiuiiih, win ivwi.. ve4fy advertisers, and. deduction, ol 1J per ceni. Tin nude trom tne aoova cnarges. TO cobkespon dmt y Xo insure prompt attention to Utters aiMresKcd to tlie Kditor, tne poswpe snouia in an cases oe paw laron Woohcorth, " ' Vnteh and Clock Maker, BEGS leave to inform the Citizons of Salisbury, as well as those ol Rowan and the surround ing Comities, that he has , Removed his EutablUhiucnt 4J JHVtMl lit JUltJtUllUUSK, I .. .... . ...n.. .. .. . .. ... n A few doors above Mr. Win. 11. Slaugh- f ) ter'alloteLonthe MamStreot, $ Whero he still continues, as heretofore, to execute ALL KINDS OF WORK in the. line of his prolession, at short notice, And oh tiie asost reasonable terms. WATCHES At CIjOCKS REPAIRED by HIM WILL 19 ALL CASKS.JjK Warranted for 12 Months! And those disposed to patronize him, are assured that no pains will be spared to give the most general and entire satisfuctiou to them, (t5" ENGRAVING of every "deserijttion, (im eluding Tomb-Stones,) will be erecutod with neat- ness and accuracy, at short niicc. 1 Balisburj-, Jan. 27, 1834. - NEGROES W.VATCI). OHE Subscriber wishes to purchase LIKELY NEGROES, from ten to thirty years old, and 1 ;i .. ,l . i i i V. . PY most UberaJ prices iu Cash, f u-gl"H"u " Pry -jo sou would do 1 wen 10 can on mm, or nr. Jonn Jones, His Asent can be found at Mr. Slaughter'! Hotel, in Salisbury, and. Mr. Joucv at Dr. Cuyd'a Hotel, in I JJoarlOttO. ""TilTT " ' . . - 'j ,w "f7 f ,Rn any otheg penion. All Letters addressed to him, or Mr. J ones, will be puuctualry attended to. vs .:, -vr-- R0BERT IIITE. Salisbury, May 24, 1834. tf Current rtic? of Produce, Ac. AT- fifUJSBURYv.ScptiroterDr CMM. i ."121 a lMolaaoce," "T . 4t)a45l.VwJs, . ; . . CO a r -.fate. I flaee I Brandy, apple, 8110 80 a 33 73 1 - peach. . 45 a 60 I Butter, . . . iCotton, in seed, . X) :3 Rye, . . . Q .... sugar, brown, 10 a 121 I ciean, loaf, . . Id I a 20 . 10 a 19 Salt . . . -112 a 105 7100 . 30 . M0 ,1(10. Tallow,-". , , 10 I Feathers, . . JTobacoo, .. ....... a20 - 1 Flour, (scarce) Wlteat, (busltel) 80 a 1(10 VVhwker, , : 43 a 60 1 f taxseeu, Linseed OJ, per gallon! AT FA YETTE VI LLC. August 30. JWon, . . . . 12 . Kl lron, . . . . Brandy, poach. .Ma tfSssei, . luuu aw . ti'x'.iluT!?, Bw,. . nlgZS' Coffee, , . .121 a ltuj kinp ur 32 a Oil! j Corn. Ml f i.t rift a- if' ' W a BO Salt, . t . . 55 & FeatJi ' ' 33 a WwZ ' ' reauicrs, . . . daadVVooi, . . . . U a 14 . t. .. .. . j I AA vaicriAW, t,o. v. j.T.Bpptember o. BBCon J a ia Meal, (scarce,) . 87 a 100 . . 10 a Kpioiaiwes, . . . 40 a 50 1 ". J rr. : a WIS alia, --, j ci I Pfl'uo K.iuln..- . mA I ' " trv7ttut, acarce, 11 . 121 Rrte,"" . 75 a HiSalt, in sacks. Featlteta, . 'Jwajvfl "-twsliel, .100 a 12TJSugar, prima, - 1 'Tajweed, . 9.121 Flour, super, Dlle 'ron Mackerel, . axis oou common, . 9 a 10 .boOa kstf4ilump,l5a 1H .1 a fi Tallow, (scarce). 10 a 12 . 10. W. Teas. : . .'.las.iso .OOO.WKswheat,. . . .100 i 000 I . . ... . I A sLjSJU.llf. I iT.. Lj. .1 NunlAnilui. 9 Damn Brandy, pch, apple, ItZr?' ! ! Coffee,. . . orn . Cotton, , . . Flour, . . . Iron, , . . lBf . , , 10. 121 ' l5 . JMolMei 45 a 50 . 40 a 50 Mackerel,. . .600 a 700 . 15 a 1 Salt, in sacks, . 250.3 .'l?JM kf4ilump,ia20 . 10 .WTallow, . . .10.12 THfe - : : . BaolWhMdtey, . , . 40.80 o ' AT CAMDEN, (a aiJSeptember 6. In i --'vnuiucr . oacoa, , . . Brandy, peach, annnlo Reeewax Cotton. ' ' ' ' JnourN.CarayOOO a 0000 45 a 50 (Cam.mills).900 a 1000 35. 40 Iron, ... ,.t 00,00 . M a in Urd,w ia . is . ioaiTjw, M-.rr loJS m4h.:: . .3.2 , aenjfanew,. It 120 inimti tw1 Cnri 'tn its. yOUlU uuu vu"t"fcV lalf" In Salihburj, by J.H. nu-t y (T His Shop is on the Main-Street, bctweeo tl Mansion Hotel and the Western Carolinian trii iiiL'-oflke, where he witcuda to. keep on hand, fcr aulo cheap, . ' Erery description of Vehlclet, - -From a Stage-Coach down to a VVheel-Barrotk (r REPAIRING will also at all H,ne be tt tended to, and executed in a very superior nmuxt at the shortest possible notice. Charge moderate, and terms made easy, - Saliiibuiy, St'pt. 6, 1834. ly T (ttr REMOVAL. Benjamin rralfj TAILOR, informs his cuptomer and the public j j neral, that he has llrmwnl An Sknv to the buuw E joining the store of Mr. Wm. Murpdy, at the eut tit. uer ot me louruiouse, m ute cince ot Air. &Iattluen,B the Main Stree'tw here be is prepared to do even senption of work in tiie line of hi buxinem, in ylft suerior to any done in this tt'ctioH of country, w reasonable terms aa any, and on short notice. R F. regularly receive from the NorttHtn Citk the Report of the IWimsis an tliey vary ; and, u has coonUintly in hut employ a numburof workman tu are fint-ratr, he is enabled to amure Uie public tlt ,j work dono bv bim wUl be both tisliiouable and durable. Garments made by his workmen wilt in ull cutiit warranted to Jit the cwtomrr. Cutting-Out, iir persons who have their wutk audi up elsewhere, will be lainctaslly attended ta OtiWti I'rotn a distance thankfully received, both fbr cattiv out and miking up work. Cey VtoAwx received hr part pay f jr work.J ' To THr R F. respectfully informs the Ct that he is Aitcnt for tlie Inventor ot' the Pstrnt Uttk of Cutting, winch is now lmit uniterxilly utcdittbi North, and that tie will give intrnetien to anv ant b may deire to be more perfect in that branch of tUrj. for a rrammsble rotnm-iiHitioo. i ifir mavutn r rur ih'iiniih SarisOHtrv 'IfSt li R TRAiJnf, Spring Sf Sam rii cr 'W iottt von ini. HORACE II. DEAKD, Tailor, KC(S leave to inform bis friend, and the public in gwenuV that orders in his line will tlit be tluinkfully received by him, and executed kith) mobt Xcat, Fash iuua lite, and Durable mariDrr-' terms as reasonable as any ut this scctiou of coun try. II. 11. B. hopes, from his long practice is lit business, (a number of years of which tint U resided iu tho city of Thiladelphia,) and from tt geuerol aulMUtctiou he bus heretofore gmn numerous resM!ctHLle and faithiutiable cu.toineri,a merit and receive a portion of the patronage of il public iu gfjis-rul. --HthittiM'-liTinwlf;that his CITTOC'T realty aupenor to any done in this State, as n be tested by tbe ulid!sputtl eleganco of gt which attend garments oiada iu his eaUbliHhment. Id is in tbe regular recoiftt of the Reports of the shioits as they change both in the large titiM tins country and trf'Eurojo-thatCgen4iudL ina vTtelwrwFietr that thoir orders will alwiys $ extsiuted in tlie very latest style. -v...--. Ortlors frm a distance will be attended to ilk the same ounctuality and cure aa if tho ctufonn wero pwntittjtersuh. - iIZ-Il1S Snlrsbury, May 17, 11. ly J e w f aildrV Shop; intCpflCort 'pFlE Subscriber iitforma bit old customer inl 1 the public in general, that be ha REMOVED TO CONCORD, whero he has opened a Sbit winch the IAIL,UH1.U Ul SINfcSS to Hn rioubrancllca wilt be eaceutsd "m the most U ionable, neat, and durable manrr. He fUlrtrt hTnifnha( bis skill To tlio" buainesia, and dm a slant pomoual attotttton w hirestBblishmetrt.'fit eitatde utm to redrjn all pledgea' made to thor who may favor hi in with their cnsiotn. : . . fW He receives "ilto Utest FASHION8 rf larly both from New York and Philadelphia, mJ works by the most approved system. Cutting out, and Orders froua a distauce, will be prcmpi attended to 5 aud last, hut oot least, his ttrmi ai it very decommodating. - fsrior to osj done in this part of the eottnltymi ALWAYS VAKIA.1TAU TO KIT WKLL. Coonord, March 23,1834. ' tha V Travellers' Inn, SITUATED SOUTHM EST or THE C0lT HOUSE, IN THE TOWN OF 7 ; LIUACiTOA, X. AKOLL14i flMIR Subscriber takes tltiar method of inftrrsMOJ Travellers that he keeps a Houm of Kmcf lnnCnl Id" Luxiuulou. iN.d mu JJamfiUW, Southwest of tbe Courthouse. His Table will always be sunnl'ied with tkV4 fare that . plentiful neighborhood ran affri Hs House being capacious, and attended by ssmnn who are iudustrHtua and soalous to please, Tmrd" lera can always bo accommodated with U0VD D E DS in rooms with fire-places. And lsst,M not. the least important consideration, HORfcU fill olvflsi receive tuck attention, i tkt SlaNt of the Subtcribtrx that ihey. may ayo it with creasedjtbility to do tho servico of the road. An excellent Line of Accommodation 8tagei Leaves tho Uouso of tho Subscriber. FOR SA LISBURY, 00 the evening, of Afondnj, Ww oVjt, and Sattfrday, and return, to Lexingtuo si tho succeeduig eveiiiugs. X& Passenger, going from South to North, entering their name aa far as Salisbury only,!" thero .taking tho Acoommodation Lino to Leiinf ton, can have 'heir choice, t the latter place, tween tho Piedmont Line and tho one which -BP by wayf Frtderkknburg. ' john r. MABBr. LojUDgton, March 6, 1631. if - ..1 . . III 1

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