THE VV PUBLISHED WEEKLY: JOHN BEARD, Jr., Editor and Proprietor. C"l XJ Number from the begin ntngJiG : No, .10 OF THE XV'tii VOLUME. Salisbury, Rowan County, N.C. - , -feli 11 Saturday," September F IIIanli fir wait at thl Office C'oininissiou and Forwarding WILMINGTON. tpilb Subscriber having established himscll in 4- Wilmiinrton. fur tba purpose of tranwucf inir 1 4 above business, respectfully tenders his services t the wiblio. Goods consigned l him will be for- ' warded with the utmost despatch, and all necessa ry particularity observed.--Particular attention will be' "paid 'WtlJB''lJrofT6toWlii7tTiinV bur. Staves, At. 4ms., as well us to the purchase of Goods. Uttflattors himself thut a kiwwNse of ' Innings, combined with unremitting attention, will flucuro him a abaro of public pationnse. "'" " " WM. O, JEFFREYS. Rftrrnr.0. P. Stark, Nott & Starr, C. T liaigh, John C, Latfa, Jon. Baker, Yarbrough Ac Rav,W. 8. Latta, Henry Horn rayotteville,..t;. Wilmitigtou Aug. 16, 1834. Gt lI5ctlcr mid better slill!!" ijuoth he. SQKTH C lllOf IA STATE FOB THE Bl:.M;'lT V THE SALISBURY ACADEMY. Poetic 1 Til, RtfUM. I ll . ft I, Miik tLt h. tltjri Jl'lnss, for 1834, Teriniiiatiiis-FlsurJyiieiu. To be Drawn ait Charlotte, N.C. Oft Wednesday the bt of October. CAPITAL PRIZE .i. i V "10 10 " 50 23 "T,5W 1 Prize of 5,000 DOLLARS i $5,000 of ,iXKJO lXJLLAR4a- 4WiOU of 2,010 DOLLARS is 2,010 1-1,000 Dollars h iO,(Ko I CANNOT LOVE THEK! I canr,ot"hve tliee! thou bant sought in vain To wiu thin icy bosom to be thin ; Lovc'n bngUt illuHion never can jfin Hiiei im bletiuM influence on thm heart of mine. " Oiriiill inf Sol !"of KiippinpSln Htore"" Bill me not look to bright and Hiyous lioura ; My hM of blisn on earth have Wsj been o'cr-r ' A path of tborhs w mine, unmix'd with Duwers. I vaobot love the! Mwnory will not puft From hop thut liloom'd in -life's unclouded day ; Tlit'uc bndieii drt'aniH till Imng around my heart, And cloud with darknoHti all my onward way. I uaw the wreath, that should have bcon my own, Placed on another's fimdy polish VI brow ; The vow another's voire, witli silver mm'. Before the altar breathed that changeless vow. I cannot love thee ! Oh, couldnt thou but know How my. heart sickens at the very ..tbo'iht - Of tehuf aiiijit'.lii tliw.CtikjtMilJ of wne, But thougli tulse, yet ne'er, no ne'er mrgol't It may be that to think of him is wronsr tTi that the WHt I mipht at once tbrget! Would thut hi memory iiiitfht not prtssn no strong L'pon iny hoart!too much I lovu him yet. I cahhotlov?thee"m Mim thin truf; fr wnditiip thou canKt never ctnitn ; lae tune i lir it is woman s title To know but once l)v's mild delicious flume! of of of. of $ of of of .fr 500 DOLLARS is 300 IMILI.ARS is 200 HOLLAHS S lOO 1MLLARS is 2) 1HLLRS is 15 DOLLARS is 9 r.,(Xo VARIETY. THE MOTHER. "Earnestly did she strive to light up in their aouls a pure and uiidyiuu lluino of ,ve to tlx-ir Creator, whose omniscient eye discerned every action penetrated every recess of the he ut ; sin told them, (tle very soul of iiietv lerse.lf,) liow muxkliud JuvesJMe ehildm obedience. Deep and lastinji were the iimresiotis produced np-i hitnself and his tittle sisters; tltcir licurts were united by the silver Cliuiiis ot ullectiou, which have become ijMire bright with the advance f hie ; uud th'uii li hcr WWlj: impreivuai have tlided one bv one, from the tablet of the memory, THE DUTCH WAGONER AN? THE UUSH CARTER, j A Dutchman, with a Peunsvlvaiii waaoi and a strong team, yesterday met an IrUi carter 'in Nas sau street, opposite Dr. Spring chtirh, wrere the way is ho cumbered up with piles of brick an! other bmldmjr materiaLi,1hat it k impwiiTiir for fvo ve. nicies to pnsa each other, v The Dutchman being very heavily Jadcn, and hi wagon unwieldy, tho! it b)onged to the Irishman to back out; whle the latter, having " ouiily a bit of s small cart ii and wit one jungle horse foreneiwt that, was of opjnou that tho Dutchman should uive way. So there hey ...-;.- j:.:: . .i.-. trrrr- ; ------ wciu, uirvcuy bi onus. i Wal, mishter gnrtcr, said tlie wagoner, ier pe a we, shnu enough, petwixt de bricks, delim- per, and all de resht ol de jampt ruppish, vat kiin jiers up dish kreat wiltemistt of a zity." " " raith, air, and yo re right, iuid so ye wojij be u ye was hanged list j but ye re all in the wnng, intirely, to take up botu sides of the sthratewid ye're big luinbci lin wagin as ye do. Pray U af ther turnm out, will ye r "You vool yon! don't you lee, rhit an eye, plindt 01 you e, dut de roadt Uh all plockt u nut do ruppish I -" Siiejli to be.sure I do, and so might iy gin tjeman that Imd'nt an eve iu his head. But that's no ruoQ why ye anouhTiit tunTouii t-? "huw" " No raton I why, you plundefin tojr you, how gan I durn (Hit ofer all (huh taiupt brick Iwits here, so high as de top of de meetin-hoase, all put I you puck out you own zelt, ami nvt drublle inc. " Wat, Vint as you gah'iltirt, niishter garter Vor mine bart, I pe's in no lurry ; so I'll yust pate mine horshes, while you kiti retty to pack out. The Dutchman then very leisurely hung a bas ki:t of provender on the' head" uf each of his horses and, lighting his pijie with a flint and a steel, sat down to wait fur the backing ait of trie Irishman. This quite upset the philotophv of tho carter. Ilia Irish mercuriality could tot wait for the .mo ving of the Dutch phleirm ; aid his team was too weak to -venture upon running i tilt against that of bis antagonist. I be police, to, mvht presently NEW YORK POLICE- . j MISlONARY"TSlEETlN0.r--! The rieaturtsof Wedlocks This hiorning ei Seven mifcsiormrics, being alsait to emburk from well-dressed womun, calling herself ATjry t'trHhis city for Smyrna during the present week, re- gkun, applied to the .magistrate at the uiiist Police lor a warrant aguuiwt tier husnand, wnom sue accu sod of general iU-sage .an3ne!j,cj. ofliiHmarritte amies ; out as sue could not explain to the samiac tion of the Justico the extent of the ill-uigo, he refused the application. Resolved, however, on accomplishing her purpose, ho hastened to the lower police ohice, and renewed her complaint with success. A warrant was granted airaiust the hus band, a domestic in the family of a reverend gen tlenian iaB3ai tVptace $ aud Collirnr, thetitficRr, was deputed to serve it, In the mean time the magistrates having changed their stations, the par tie appeared in the afternoon at the upper office, before the Justice who fronted the process. ThoJ woman being desired to prefer her complaint, told the story of her wrongs in a, torrent of words, which flowed with a rapidity that mocks descrip tion. The nwigistrHte, who is one of the most pre cise of mortals, stared in perfect amazement, whilst the poor husband, as if in dread of consequences; gradually- retreated from his tivig rib until lie reached the farthest end of the room. the tern. peat having attai iul its height, gradually wilmided j and the liuly, concluding, her story, turtid i t RusuralisirW11i6Tu.s Isu t it all true, Juhu, lur I isut J!ui, de;tr, was ml to be coaxed, and kept at a re- pwtt'ul distance until by repeated invitations from th magistrate, lit at. lentrth uHiiiiutrufcl.rt4UJ4,MtjeHtt,tih lo tidvnnC.' Well Caflaghan, 'wild" the Juiljjejwhat have you" to aiifwer to mis cnarge i Ctilliekun Suire I've enough, and more thwn enough to answer. Me wife, that is Mrs. Cull i ghan, when the fits on her, hides me the divil's oun life. Jlfrs. C.- John, denr le nisey. Caltaghtin Do all that I can, your honor, there's no pluseing her. Mr. C (Groaiiing) Och hom. , Calhtghan We had a comfortable house and plintv to ate, but she made tlie one too hot to hould us, and the otlmr sue always Ssned in tlie cooking, these alone, wnttHi upon the heart with the sun beam of maternaJ oietv, seemed to have defied the iuageui tfnn Uo uenj;uiiul, how instructive, was her siety ! Auuer, with i lrt-uds furies. never invaded her bosom, nor did her lips ever :UMM) 4,000 5 TtOLLARS is 54,OOOj the pious rebuke, tisit sat upon her majestic brow, DOLLARS is 3fl.(HX)Utuni' and eouded, hke a scorpoin, in the heart of is 2i ,0l?' L-vfe, kuidiiess; reasnni war t'tt1 ftlf- mour ot her wartare. uut she was rarely dis 5 sJlines, by jbwj)Uj&te her cauntermice,-subdued every tntbuicnt orrrtion, tunea every cnora mm Kinuree symjminy, sou an 5 3 iSO a'trfjuntiii 16 mode of, iniAwiNCi i T'hs ArhfiiK'if rtnt iv tlie 'IVrmHmtin-l-'iirre f vswm, 'iicket'-imiiilwrert11 t'isxu 1 1" to fc-'-tt-WS i-;'..H)( iuchisive'." Ou the day of drawing the 80,- j mQl(l-- (' "j uofiibers will be pui into one wllee.l, and all the j 1 ioiXihcn a prize, until all the prizes are drawn, 'IsM'rttsvwMf -$84-aHd ?(i."6Vare disposed of termhui'iiig with the same figure that the first drown number terminates with, will be entitled to 5 en. hr ataf tturlKWO Ticket taraiinaTiiig with" tlie sHinc figure that the next number drawn from tlie s lnel terminates with, differing in its tormina rmafrorn fhat of the first, will be entitled- to $5 ich, and 4b 6UlMI.TiGket.J!e!mnatin2wtth the sum figure that terrninates the next number drawn from the wheel," diffe ring in its termination from tbrfiwtiMd wartrI, wiH beWtitted to $a 60 each. EXAMPLE7 Supposf 2443 to be the first number drawn from the wheel ; it terminating with figure 3, will enti tle the 0000 tickeuf terminating with figure 3 to ! each. And suppnee 82,507 to be the second aumbf drawn from the wht4 ? then the 600tt tic kets terminating with figure 7 will lie entitled to sy M!ih( :cd to antic inatq her w ill.. jQie, very JJiiUti! , music to the savant and ws l hnstiau t but when endowed with unlading virtues, tho ear; grandeur of pious love, moving iu the very image .t - u.l.'..r a. .1.'...- .1!V.U .Itwll through tie tortrTtrioirir s?7it h,nwpif w ttJ ,,p, a.uJ stains of hoavenly ether gush Pferd tnflntt.ty more than the other. From' 'hereof ly vMtmrtte ips a werwhen w tmw balowg-hefow, ha concliiled-U-WtuiitltejlttLffl.4)Wt she driv juflckia out. ctieapest way to back out, and leave the victory to the Dutchman. Nev York ?VaeWrf. J V An extract from Dr. Clark. v VThe single rriiifTis art atoin iri societV j ttie mnT ried man is a small community within himftclf. The former is the ceiita of his own existence, and li,... i....-.u' -i iuru-.,j abroad, mikes a much more important part of the Imdjr m in), aitd provides b. til for its furnort and cniitimiauce. The single man lives, an ' d't-s g tli'r" hiuiseir only;' the "married irinn'Ti'veg Ivdh fir himself ami the public. Both the Statw and tho church of Christ are depemlenton tlie tgiarriftdma" -4as from hiovunder God, the one hath subjects, tlie pthe menibcr,;twhile.the siji?l!: oiaina but an Individiiftt in either.-iid M-.amMrv will rrnw fnm t?jTt)aud, Muiz uo.ujtftt-rayiiiT JL to ilia fiulihc l'rever- I hi' mnrriH ma'ij-ttierefurw. far fmm rjr'i'TSr in a state tif inS:riori!v to the single man, is lievotid n.m, oat ii iic um.w 4ii co.'.ii).iuui. tie nn do all the good tho other can do, though, nrrtiaix, soirtdtiiiies in a (liuerent wnyj and ho cau Jo ten thoupnnd gotHN that the u!er cannot pw-ib t do. ceived their lut ructions on sabbath evening, in tlie . Essex-street Churclu . The house was full, and tho . aerytcea were ' veiy'-inteiiiig aitd ... iniprfasivf The instruetioiiH were read by the Rev. Mr. Wit tier, one of tho Secretaries of the American Board (if P6re!gn Misxiiais. Addresstis were 'made by ; the Rev. Mr. Wimdow, late Jlissionary to Ceylon, and Rev. Dr.' Beeclwr ; introductory prayer by the ." Rev. Dr. Jenks. Mr. Winslow's audr)ss was spe- ' ciully to the Missionaries, and was highly practi. ed and to the-point lie WW Mwm -discard . mailt ic ideas, and to expect disc:ouragemeiit and disapiNiinUiient ; cautioned them against indolence and self-coiifidence ; and inculcated the virtues of humility, unity of spirit, cheerfulness, iBiith, pa tience, and perseverance. All his;, remark were delivered in an atti-et innate maimer, and an experi once of fifteen years abundantly qualified him to point out the difficulties of missionary life. Dr. Reedier remarked. that infidels reasoned correct ly upon liunian principles, that we should not con vert the world- ly sending out a lew Missionaries, but they lull call uf. vie the Hidy Ghost, which wie-; promised by air RedeeiiK'r. The power ot' G.d whs with tlie lin'hlo arm of lbi olitury Mis-'smmrrT-r - tf Thrift--rmtrh; ttpon the-siKTts which"" hiiil crowoei! the e;utse, the n'vivnls of religion at .Missionary stations and at home, since the first fiv Missionaries were sent from this country. We' hud taKen care' of home, ts, aud had received back with TTitereWTIielileMNings wTidplwrealTj" reigri shores. :r..v.r:r..;;,.,. The Missionaries arc Rev. John R. A'dger and wife, of SHith Carr-liua ; Rev. S.nniie . Houston and yyift', of Virginia ; Rov. Loi'enzi W. Pease and w ife, of the Stole of New Turk ; and Rev. James L. Ien u k, a ivitive of Mii.-viehiisetts. Mr. Met rick is designated to the Mahomedaus of Percia ; Alxdetjij ihii Ajineiiiaiis, to reside at-Samma or (.VostH-nliuople ; Mr. Ibsistou and M r. Pease to the Greeks ; the former to le stations! on the in land of trio, the latter on the island of Cyprus They sail to-im-i roiv in tho brig J'adao", for Smyr na. lijslon tvinwrctal. the season, she was a faithful and Constant atteittt- aiU at tlie house of God: and tlie praisws of her Redeemer; add the harps of Zions were the sweeU est harmony to hey soul, it was n.,t merely the exterior that assumed the semblance of devotion; W "the workings of remiine -faith, the feD'Cflt prayer and adoration of the heart sanctiiied by di "1 love to contemplate an old clock one of those relics of by -gone time, that come down to us wrapt in veneratiou, telling their tale of simple yet touch lug Interest. 1 tow erect and pruu it stands in your corner, like some laded specimen of maiden witKinty I - It &oe busrs evMlwrt rk f beauty ot beauty decayed, but not obliterated. It is wr drawn irom the wneei ; men tne ouw ticKets jmmiitTOg"wrtk ihefigure" wHl'4eH4itled io4l 50 each. Fvervpacknge of 10 tickets will embrace all tlie temnniiting figures from 1 to 0 -so' fliat the hold er t' a package of 10 tickets, as ait up by the Ma nagers, must draw one of eifth of the three errmlU t deimuunaiioiiit of pruea,-and may dravritea Jthtr urithis. " " . ., . A puekiige of 10 whole tickets will cost $35 00 An-1 must draw nett 14 P7 " 2012J Thnp who prefer adveetnring forthe large prizes ilv, cm in this way, f r $20 1", get the Mana. i rV Certificate for" Ten Whole Tickets, entitling 'fche holder to all the tickets may draw over ill "TJ, that lieinj the' amount that the package must Iraw of necessity wy, rcrtilkate lot a Package of 10 Whole tickets viIIIh! . . . - - mO 12 J F t 10 rinlf tickers, - 10 Ofl For 1(1 Quarter tickets, - 5 03 fc!r All. Orders' from a distance, by mail (post rM) or bv private conveyance, enclosing the cash r prize-tickets in our previous Lotteries, w ill re- '"" the most orornnt attention, if addressed to STEV EN SON & POINTS, Salisbury-; and au ac. "mit of the drawing will be forwarded immediate ly after its event. Whole Tickets, - - - 50 .. ... Ifah'es, ..... .... l.W... ' Stevenson & Pointy s!ilM-.ry,. Aug. 30. 1.34, . JBanagen,. . evident is it that it was the pride and ornament of -its-day MiirUaiiwd-awupg, its iitunpiiniais - iJow many eyes have watchtd the even tenor of i's way, as it moved on m the never ending, yet Mitt KgThntng jflnriiey of tlw hoiirsr IIHlrl!aye, years have gone by, since that aged monitor of time first Haded wi its coarscsAnd: thejrwrho satewwiitl) itintha morning tOfa, whose motions were as may be called so w hich animates a clock were as Mrong-where are they f Do they yet linger in the walks of the villager ... 1 . . " M old oak tree, or at tne door oi the cottage r i we them not there : yet there Manda the old clock, clicking, blithely and patiently as ever. The voice arid footsteps are silent ol those who journeyed up with it to the full period of a good old age. A new race has. sprung up, long and fiir removed from the other j as they too watch the progress of the oldelockjheir hours are fleetly passing by, and time with them will soon be at a close, - How impressive thcti th lesson taught brihat old ttock,"aud the simple inscription on its dial plate trmjmifugit.' A Stw rarlner$Mfi.Yt announce to the pub lic in general, and to our friends in particular, (as the advertisements have it,) that . John J, Canon, one of the ehtor of this paper, entered info part' nershin. on Thursday the 17tb inst., with Mise Margaret Ifcivisrof hii place. The terms of the contract were explained by the, Rev. Morris M. Jones, arid agreed lo bythe wirtiea, in the presence of the requisite number of friends. All business relating to Ihftlf tantuat benefit; ill be hereafter eirriej on under the firm of J. J. Catwn and Wito, - pelKirP hiim.. 11a was in the habit of lisiH'ooa alxMit oie of the bar rooms, taking, every opportunity to get liquor free of expense. It was hi ftmiliar way, when a glass was mixed, and the bark of the pur chaser turned, to drain the glass, and slip slilv off. Tlie hostler had called for a ilass of brandy wheo Tip came in; - - He immediately thight-of a trick, and left bis brandy upon the bar, while he rteppod to the door. On returning he aaw-the glass emp- ty and exdaimeA IBrd kill forty men ! Who drank that pion I had pre pared V Tip was frightend i " I," stammered he, " YtHi are a dead man," seid Brush. " What shall I do "'said Tip. "Down with a pint of tamp oil," answered Brush and down went the pint of lamp Oitf nd Tip Hot duty ''' o'veilbe'isbi biI''yie tippling too. Vurutable Teltgrapk. jj, 'nuiiswiim ii ill" iii'hiwpwiiiiiiii! .w i.mmm mum;JAmlimnmm Dancing. Dancing is an amusement which was ,mi:k uwHj in vope w the present. Our granUmothers used to muke a businegs of it, although be it said, to their credit, thattmhose days the Tolnptudur waltz-was un. krtown. . In an old paper published m 1769, jve perceive a noticft of a rriaxriage kNew- London, of a Daniel Shaw, of M.arnwrongh, to Mim Grace 'BgkrlUi na;ed..lbai.lhe..yQUi t .1..1 '.I TTTi:.- . Mn. Q. Dacency, John ma Bouchcl, dacency. Calfghmpi- made " namey"''la "ifnir busTiieiis but whut's money widout comfort ; so 1 mint to service, and its even there she won't lave me alone '.tff."tVhtrr anger rising) Lave ye alone i baveu t ye left me alone and taken up with aunmr. maids and the likes of thiin ? Answer me that, you ornture. Justice Woman, recollect where you arc. CijifcitfArt'i; J jeulouky and tnuiper, your ho nor. It was only this uornijigtlmt she cainq,and smasTied the winders, and kicked un tlie devil's oun row, until I let her m ; and thin, what does she do, hut .opens ine trunk and ma bank book and tuck out twe:itv4wo dollars. Mrs. C. (fu;iousy.) AmLif I did, what's, that to you. 1 supfvisr you want it for your h'ne ladies. .. Juilsc (rapping with lus rule on the desk.)..- Si. lenee, wmm'l. - "' Mrt. C Divil bunrthtf silence I'll kapo 'till I have mc dues. Vnllaqhan (entreutingly.) BiJdy, hould your Mr. L. (Utamiug uith rage.) Not for the hke of ';aif e Wutftmrd. I II Uicbe ye ti-demane your' self v. id undactuicy to yout lawful wife. And so m i)tf Aii.'-(4diMhwM, Ktt-1 m VHknieeef- a fn y pitched tutob.mdortuwtehaibaud right, and left, puimuellui bun iu a most unmerciful manner. The ulfrightwi oiticers tied ditterent ways, gome jumped on the benches, others ran to the door. In vaui the magistrate rapped with hii ruler, exclaim. ing, oman oe quiei, nave you no respect lor this place T utneers separate them. AH this while Mrs. V. waa exercising her fists mi the carcase of her liege lord, until at reneth Uullins and anoinor.omeer piucKia up com age enough to force the" virago from her unresisting v ax 1 1 msi & - Judet Callaghan, make affidavit to this out1 rase, and I'll punish her, . . . UaUagkm wo, ir, i can I tio that r i don t wish to have her hurt. Jud m Veryrell, but she shall tiot escape so easily. ' Mr. Collins, do' you make the affidavit of I il.:.. ..ftk. uirnui -'' -J . ':f.t V- In obedience to this mandate, Collins subscribed tlie jjeceisary. jdBd&Kit .nod, the ugnafejuua. lady wai consigirca iv memeu iiupnwmmeiKt lady was as usual embellished with every qualifica tion requisite- to render a married- lift greeabte Can they be seen under the On the evening succeeding the day of the marriage, a ball waa given by tlie tether et the bridegroom at his Mansion House, in New London, at which were d resent ninetv-two of the Drincinal ladies and gentlemen of the place, who by half-past 12 o'clock, when the company broke njs had dunced ninety two' iigsT fifty two country dances, forty-five mimi' ets, and seventeen horrt piped. The belles and beaux of this degenerated age would shrink from the -t i- t r .--- . . - mea oi perionmng sucu . tuu iwjwon Aaa . Kuisian IsidUt. Tlie ladies eat and sleep so much, that they early grow out of all shape and proportion ; and among them, of course, this exces sive corpulence U thought particularly charming. The common people, on seeing such a figure wad- dliuf along, generally "exclainv In Admiration, uow iiucJK ana oeuutuui sue is i ,;, xney are au moNt all smeared and bedaubed with pamVeven among the peasantry and among the rich mer chants' jvives, jet black teeth ore tUll esteemed a particular boauty. J ",--- -L "Mrnsvrrt and Afc a." Marriednt Waslilngtoli, on the 17th instant, Mr. Jostab Peck, to Miss Au- Magic of a nnmr. What romtmtie. "hdv has not wept over the fofe of Cliarlotte and Wcrter 7 Tlu; vers name of Charlotte is replete with seuti ' ut , bin did' curiosity "ever priiifijjt 'lTie'to',ask"niev'ti'7' name ot the heroine? boctbe, who wrote i 4 Sorrows of Werter,' has revealed the se ret in the memoirs of his own lifWller nanie was Puip' Charlotte Hump ! Here is an end by'JIie. ronuiuce,. of tl, add what a" pTrppy Wertef must have been n bluw out his- brains-tor -a girl named Lharkrtrt Bump 1 Aa Var ftm Afir. A liaclielorof Woonsocket Falls, R. I., after descanting on tho evils of carry ing iudnta fo nicetin v, hich he considers all but . an-unpardonable sin, IIhib eypresa his'ahhorrenrc -of theories of thechilt. - I can stand firm aivt " fj4'c. J hurricauol.t Call brook the tc;aeU,.and lis. ' tfiu tu the roar of an earthquake, butuh I ladies de liver mc from the cry of sucklings in tha houwa of Giwi." - -vi.. , -The New York Stm Bays'. TliHtfliia"iZ lady, now in this city, who sella pejU-nutsjind fp. pk at the corner" n( the atreet, who s xutte the wifh of a wholnMle dealer in Pearl sfroet," whose' ppctywiu-iroalcd. at two. ,buji4rl.thousa;id - tera of pridewho put a false ;cstjmat.e oil tho value, of rtclies. "V '. ' ' ...' A tailor in Virgiahaiidiscovereita planof ma. king coats without the "usual team 'in' the bark," whioh are said td fit better than those having the r regular seams. . " ' ' "' "Temalq InJepeifdcnct. A young lady, named Mis Green, on tlie 4th of July last delivered an oration in Augusta, Maine. She concluded her re marks in the tidlowing spirited straint- , al i shell have Men so numiy m m gain - the annrobation of those for whose sake I 4iave so far falpaHedfronTtli preju dice nave long prescribed to our sex, I ihail be amply repaid for all the sneers of witlings and fools. Cheers. I have been only desirous of win ning Che approving smile of the nobler sex for my sentiments, not for myself; and I say unto you, lords of creation, as you call yourselves, if you doubt my sincerity-rl proclaim it here in the face of all Augusta, now assembled around tne, and you may belieyejue, of not, as you pleasehattheTe is not one among you, Tom, Ihrk, or Hnrry, that 1 would give a brass thimble to call M husband," jtr morrow r A New York paper, in speaking of the ladies' dresses ot the present f.ihion, says they are like tne Oucbman s rope, f too short at both cmls." . A GtntU 77in.A spruce young beau, galkrit- ing his intended few evenings since, was conver sing upon the late turn out, when he remarked that he "wished he was able to maintain all the factdrv girls in Lowell one six' months, h would do jt t'o prevent their rx'tum'mg to the pulls." His fair one. who hhi been a siipnl listener to bis patriotic dis course, replied with a sigh, Ah,' I wish you was able to maintain q-x of them." I.oirtll Dvlktiu. VauaAc ;aits, Uouscs, ke. 'IMIE Subscriber, having determined on moving to the West during the ensuing fall pr winter, wishes to sell ,-.- ,. . , THE TRACT OF LA?als ' m which he now resides, ftwr miles west of Pali" bury, oo the ueatlie's lord road, containing 40 or 50 acres of which are freshly cleared. There " Mw-w-jwewiees Rfl Wcelletif DWELL-ING-HOLSE, together -with all'the nece,." : sary out-bui!dings-new Cril, Stables, Ac. Tl place is an excellent stand for a House of Fuiler.' .;' tainmeuU . - " , ' ALSO FOR SALF; " " : r' ; "Another Tract of Land, ? ' tying on both sides of Grant's Creek, six mile? "southwest of Balishiiry'r" ', Containing; 507 Acrravv From 150 to 200 Acres are cleared," about 50 of which is excellent Meadow in good order." There ii good DW E L L I N G-II 0 U S E on the i!iiland, a Barn, and other outhouses. T'ernm ' , -will he made aDcomnodating to any one wishing fa) purchase. . - fcr Any one dfisiring to see the Property, will - please call on the Subcrilier, living four nuleg froin VisUiryieatlKtroadtoBeatlie'srord. 1 ' - There will also be Sold, at public auction, On Tuesday, the 2 1st day of October, ' -'. " 1 OX TH1 0V MKJIISES, '' A quantrty of HAY; FODDER, Ac , GRAIN of all kinds i STOCK of all kinds ; . All nry Plantation Utensils j. ' ." 4 Together with various other articles, ton tedious to mention. 'Terms made known on 'tho day of ' " sale." ','!.' MATTHEW It. LOCKE. Kr.?.B.. Phmilithe ahovo tracts of Land not he disposed of before the 21 t day of Oclotier.they rifl uUo lc told'on. that day, to ike higha lid. ' fa. .. . . , m. a IOCKT rVptemlier B, 153. . .. -

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