r . i ii If: ! ! jH 1 "i lm i.i 1 1 if tin nt 4, f 7 -Hi - V 1 -1- pr i - K i" i - r-- CoiutlUtion of the United States i Agrttd upon in Congnux bepUwJb&Xitk 176?. We, the people of the United States in order jto form tour perfect uuion, eetabluh justice, ensure domestic Ueuouiliity, provide for tlx common defence, promote lh general welfare, and iecure the blessings of liberty to ourselves ami oar posterity, do ordain and establish Ibis CoMtitiHioa for the United States of America. - - - At. I. tkc L AU legislative powers herein grant. which ahaU consist of a Senate and (Low of Repre sentative ' Baa L 1 1, The House of Representatives tin 11 be coui poind of members chosen ever accoiwl year by the people of tti several Hutea t and lb electors in each State shall have the qualification rwjuisfte fur electors W lite most numerous branch of too Stale U-gisJature. 2. ip person shall be a RepfesentaLirc who -hull not Btvv aUamett tint aga of twrnty-nvs yearn, and. eve years a eitisen of the UmtetJ States, and hall not, when elected, be aa inhabitant of that Stole Ul which u snau ne cnasen. 3. Representatives and direct taxi ahall be appor tioned amotur the several estate vhicn may ne mnu did witlnn thu Unit jo, according' to their respective bunibsra, which shall be determined by adding to Uie Whole number of tree persona, including three bound to , service for a term of yar, and excluding Indian not taxed, thnse.fiUi of all .ulbejr. persniis. The actual ran tumtwo ahall be made within three years alur V; fmt meatiuff of the Conjrreaa of the United Siaifs and within erery aulieiu!iit term of leu ream, in uch manner a tliey khall by law direct The uumU'rof RepreeenUtivee atll nl exceed one fur every thirty thouaand, ' ut each State shall liave at leant one R pre- eotative i ami uirtil inch enmneration wall be made, the State of !fe Hampthirt shall be entitled to chmwe three; Mwuachunetli eight; Rhndt bland and I'ro vidtnct flanUUiom one ; L'tmmctuul five ; York mx ( Neic-Jtrtty (bur ; 1'rnnnileaan eight ; Mtimttrt one Maryland six ; Virg in ton ; -JVorA-Ctovina tire; Soutkdtrolma five; and Uiitrgm three. 4. When vacancltrs hapit-n in Uie Kt'orckentatioii from any Mtate, the executive authority thereof shall Imuc writs of election U fill such vuranciea. ftw The lloaas "of RepresvhtaffvfH "sliiiTt clucwrtheir Bpeakerand older officer, aw shall have the soie pow- ft of ..lnip nffiwl. - ' - ...... Sac. I1L 1. The Semite of tlip Un'ted States shall - b pwd.of two 8iau&m.jn'AiBLs!ff. )y tne Leriluium tlicrof, Crf six ytais ; and each i&- nator tmll have one yl'. 2 ImirMfliatpIv afler thev sltall be smembloil in con- cquncr of the Brut fliwtioM, they sluill be divirled, as ccuiuly as ndV be. uito three cIhimmi I lie stHiwot the Si-nttur of the firut cUtw lall be vacated at th riii rstum of ttie sfrond yfr ; of th st'coiwl cliiMt, at die expiration of tlic fimrtb ytir : w! of the third diii,at the expiration of the sixih yoar )'liitnn"-!(iinl nny be chneen every second yi"ar. And it vscancnn Iimiv pn, by reinsrnatkm or other rine, during th riT'ii of fle liepnilatur of any riuie, tiie Executive tin'rt' Buy make temporary appointments until the next mert uifir uf Um Leirislatura, which ehall tiiun till such va- (vtiiciea. 3. Ziu Demon eliall be. a Senator who hImII not have tinteif tn tn areof tkrrtf yem a4 Vt fiMw wuri a citizen r the United stnte, ami wtio siniii noi.wnfn elected, be an iuhabiuut uf that rJtata for which he shall bu cbiMen, 4..Tha ArkivPreiiident of theUniled States Khali be Prexident uf the benate, but shall lve no vote, iuJia Xhey be equally divMbnl. 5. The Senate shall choose their other offer am) also 1 PrWtent pro tempnre m the abawM f UwVicss. I rremoYnt, or when be shU exercise the uUice ut rr- Sulpif.fliejyjtei States, . ; b The, ignite saIftveherptwTtntrfh, " impeacliftieuts. When aitting Ibr that purpose, they sliall be on oath or affirmation. When the President --V--tHe-VaiUid.-Jutea.uL.triext.thtt.CW Junttce shsll X ft&ifa t and no person shall be convicted wiUniot tlte concurrence or twu-thirdsot uie memnen preecm., 7. Judifnl aeJ of I ,r 4 furUier than to removal from office am) disqualifi- 1--W. - J. at:oa t tejd- aad aa anjt jwe of .lonurKtnuU. or profit, nmlet the United States; tMrt tue party wmvicrro shall aeverutelesa belkWe lh4 lubject to fivlictmetrt, InaUjudjfraotit, and pnnnmment; aecordin? te- law. Sac. IV. t The ttmea, pfaees, I ltd manner of bold- ...i. . tag. akbuw Ibr tienatota and ItepreaenUtivea, shall taprpwbr4ewcb8tatof the U(paJtute thereof . nut lit Confess tuajat anf time, by h.w, make or at- W0l7ri'flfajioqoaewthp y SemUHS, ' " . .'7' 71 --r--. - (I Ti ruanissa sluH sssnmhls it lnsit nrn r in eve- 4 I tf teat, and ataaa oaatiaf auaHet ea Use (list iWj m Oeeetabe unlaat tbe aliail, b; lav, appoint a dJ- furent nay.-""' "" ' &K.V. I. rVh Hooe sliall be the Utdye of the elec tions; returns, and qualifications, of rt ewa members ; and majority of each ahall aonstitute a quorum to do business i hut a smaller number may adjourn from day today, aad may be auiuoruwd to compel the attendance absent meinberarui sac awnnw aad aoder such p BattiasasaMih lLuse may orovide. i. tVh Ifouee may dettirmine tlie rulof its pro-1 CetaiiljTS, ptiuiau lU? iiieiiiucr nx uoutirc tj ami. with the euacfirreuot of two-thiris, ny expel & Kadi lloiisejhalt Jtepp ar Journal of da preeced WiwIM tiirt tirtinw aaMtstttrw-isMiixenta7 such aaits as ttiay m Ihetr iwlaiBent reqiitra secrecy J and the yeas and nays of tite mem'ners of each llntue, ! ou iyqui'um,lidlttV desire of, w;s-f:r4uftVe J T'"rPsf'n rCTtet - 1 4. Jititber House,' during the eeawa oTrjrw" tiw.;tBe4.yJto ,ttf.. - wWa Dm Iswileaaaa sJiailJstaiUjii,.;; J - Bur. VI The SetiaWe ami Repreaootativee sthalt re 1 . ceive compensation Cir thir sorviecs, to he a,trrrtain-v-- - - - ed try tnw. and paid ent of ti Treasury of lha United - rtttesr- Taejr eiiall, b-ali eases, erpt,treasptw.fclony t.ao-1 hnnch or the peace, be prtv ilrjrrd from arrest Jur r I'lij their attend inoe at the se.ina of their respective ' "T.r .inadii' iniirnr W ?r ritrn nir frnn the fame: ' '?'?,'alFf'ai,v ,iech ut debate in wJw 11mm, the; tdjall awl - rfittiar'Htlll'al 11 , 4 !j Heeator or llpreiienUiiee shal), JurmThe " time (or which he was eleoted, be appointed to any civil - ktrca hkr the anthoriy of the Umtod SUtea, which T aluill bar beea cmated, or the emoluments whereof stall Kaea been iAcreeMd, dunnf w.h time J and no per hoLjinr any oflice nnder tlie United btes, ahaU be i member ofertaej Uausejuring hie continuance in Haa VIL 1. AH wt mrimir revenue innnors. f inate io the House of Represenuuvea ; but Um Senate giny prgwasy or sjoneqr -with ameudinenU as on other 2. Every bill whieli aall kare passed the flotree of RoiireseatHtirea and lite seaia, anau,amoiB oixoms a law.be aresented to the President of Uie United Sutee; it h. annroee. e shall aimi it l but ff not be a'lall re turn h, with hie objeciioaa, to thatjllouse in whiph rt ' sliall bare oriffM&tod, who ahall enter the obteetiews at large on thnr jonmal, and proceed to recowidey it i It ailer such reonsleiulton, t woliiphi of Uiat I louse ahall ajrree ta pw tiie bill, It shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other Hoow, by wkwh it ahall like wise he reconsidered, and if approved by lo-tMrde of that Hoase, it aU boowna a law, ' But ill all eocli casea, the vote of both Houses shall be determined by rena aud Mya, aad the wimee of the paramia totinsy for jfal aiffinst the bill ahall be eutered on the Joujrnal fif each II win. respaotively. If any bill ehatt aot U re turned by the rwident withia tea days (Sundaya TJ&mSrifi- slraaaxiHtedJhirn Jnl .I..JI.U a law la like manner aa if he had auped ,ti nnlert h Conrreee by their Adjournment prereat r!-'3f bci caetj jf piaujii (pt ii. Every order, reeotutico, or vote, to wh ch L'.e con currence of Uie feenate tad JIou of Representatives iigy teTigeitiT.-rFaaytoii qmntimi of aifjournmt.nt) sJiu Jl be preienW to the Preiwfeut of tlie United SUtes; and before the nnsjshsll tnke eht-ct, shaU'be appreved by hun, or bemtf disapproved by him, sliall be repassed by two-tlnrds nt llw iS nate and House uf liepreaentv lives, according to tlie rulers and limitations preacribed Bac. VII L I. The Cotfjreee sliall have power To lay and collect taxt, outiea, imposhv and excises, to pay the debts and provMiebrihewrnnMs Mmoa g wnu WLiiare u kw vuiieo riaies; dui au uuiics, inipotttw, and exemt-a, shall be uniform throughout the. United States: U. To borrow money on the credit of tho United States: 3. Totepihita commerce with foreign natimn,aud aiHong the severnj btaten, and witli tlie Indian tribe : 4. TooiUbJtf.h an nniftrm ruleof nataralieation, and uuiforiinws on the subject of ..bankrupWioB through out Uie United Ktit-'s: ' , , , S-TecoM nMiiK. fccruliteJhe value tlicreof. and of ioreigncoih, liid1 the mu&tiLrf.iii(&U'VKi surest 6, To provide fTr the jmiiinhment of oMiiiUrfeftfn the st.-rurilie and current eom of tlie United Stales : 7. To entahlish purf oluceit and purt roadtt : H. To promote the protrrew of science and us'fhl arts, by securing, for limited tunes, to antiiors and inventor, Uie exclusive right to their respective writings and dis coveries aTo constitJita.JUihwi'Hjjif'rior tothe giipremej uonn : i n qenne ana ptmwQ piracies ami leionies coin i milled on tlie high staa, and otTooces spin.l tlie law of nations: . 10. To decJai-4 war, jfrnnt letters of marque and re psinal, and make rules coocernuuj captures on land and Water: 11. Torsiee and support armietr but no appmpna tion of money to that use shall be r a longer term than two years : Yi. To provide and maintain a navy : 13. To make rules fur Uie iroveriiiiieut and reirula- tion of the land aad naval force ; 14 To provxle ior cuIIibs forth the militia to exe cute Uie laws of the Union, suppress iusarrectioiii-.aiid repel invasions; Jo. To provide for orgnnizini, arminp, and diwipli' ilnif te iiiiTTtia," and" Cir 'iibvernlnFin'i')) "ptWtSfUmr. DUIg I mtt ...A u k ....,..!. ...ri .n fl... . ,f ,1... ' ..I mm hhj Mr rmniyTi.il III Hirr iwri UI ITU I,' l Kfft LUq, reborvui lo the Suites reejpwlvely tiie ap'poirftrnent of Uie others, and Uie author. ty of training the militia, r4 tutltedisuiphMt-prescjulHid Ly Uougread: ltt To ejiexciM! exclusive lrgislilion in all caws whatever ov. r micli diKlrict (not exceed ing ten milfn ! piii a uty ly eiwiuu ut prticuliu.Slattuv iind Uiu acceptance of Congr'-, becoine the wat of the (mvern merit uf tin iJim.i Suites, and t xrcie like autho rity over all plan fmrchased by the consent of the lo gihlalure of Uie .-4ate in which the name hnl he, for Um eruclion ot t'uru, magazines, arM'iiui, dock yurtis, uiiu otner neeut'ui i)uiluiiih's . and 17. io unite all laws wh.ch olmll lie npcfunary knd prouor fr carry mi wU tJcccuUun tlie foreuuui nuw er, and all oUter powers vested By Una Constitute n in Uie Government of the United Slates, or in any depart ment or otliccr Uiereof. Sac. IX. 1. Tlie migration or importntion of such pvjsrme as any of- the butws now wunif -nail-tawe proper to admit, slisil not be prohibited by the Congress prior to tlie year one Uiouaand eight hundreu and eight, but a Uu or duty may be imposed on such unpuruttioii, Hot exceeding ten dollars for each pcri-on. 5t The prtrih-peof Wie- wnl of hia oorfus..liaJl not be suKpeniei, unless when, in cnw jf rebellion or invaaion, lite public aafety. ruuy require it 3. No bill of aluiuder or ex uibt facto law sliall be bashed. 4. .Mo cnpilation or other direct tax shall he laid, un- ! in primrtion In Um chiijj ot i-iiiiiin-fatiuiy lieretn betbre uirectud U bs uLcil, & Sd lax or duty sliall be laid on articles exported from any State,. Ao preference sliall be tfiven, by any reirulation of commerce or reveinte, to the ports of one Stated over tiksemf anoilier ; aor siislf vewc-is bmiud u f .ftuss-i'it-iiiy 'aQigwl w eStt'dcajyur pay du - ties, in another. - ft. No money ahall be drawn from the treaaurjvbut in ooiwsoc of apptoprjtitions trtarh? J la w : ami s regular ataoement ami actouiH of Uie jecnipu ' ihif ,er pendiUirea of all pubh money sliall be puo.isiieu from time to tune.; 7. to tiUe ofiaAiiity sJilf lie granted by the Unitedj Stsie; and no ocrsou tiolaint- any otl-e el in it or trust under them, shall, wiliuiiit the' coUBPiit of Conr press, aceeot of any presut, euioiunicuu. ofjice, or Ulle id anjf" Xi'iid whwi' trMk ttxf Kiiigi VtmK M reign Slate. t'ao. X 1.-No HtateshaH enter mto any twatyral-, tiancerat Coederatioti, grenl lettets of warqUB End re: prisal; coin money; emu ouis oi creuu; mase any thinir but Sold and silver com a twxter to payuMnt ol' delits: pass any bill of attainder, ex pool Ikcto law, or kw inipau'iug Uie obligation ol couuacu, or grani any tills of notulity. : 3L to State ahall, without Uie consent of the Cun- gTs lay oy jppot.ot,Uutiea,oa .imiiorts or exports, .went what ma DC ausuiuieiy necessary wr execuimg its inspection law ; and Uie net produce ol au duties and imposts- laid by any StaU m, import or exports, l -II L.V- .1.. . e,!.. ....... l'ilaJ Ml.iaa man us 9D wiv uma in miv mwvuij v " v, and all such laws shall be subject to Uie revision and control ol tha.GmgreNoState ahall, , witlssit the Uaa-aC troo, or snips ol war, m lun peace, enter uiio any aa-raemeut or compact wita aiiother Bute, or with a furemn sower, or eiurave in war, unless actually inva ded, ur in iucb imminuut danger as will not admit of dBtljrr , , Ai.Tj1L cbc. 1. ! exocuuve power snau oe vest, d id a lresioe"nfof tho United Stales oTATliflTica. Ne sTiafT hoM awotBcw starme; the leravof W Veara, ami, logo'Uief wtlfi the Vk Prwrtent, cwsjow i the me term, bo elected as follows; 2. Each Slats shill appoint, in such manner as Uie leeislature thereof may direct, a number of clectora, equal to tlie whole number of Senators and Reprrperii Uves w wmca ine snaie uisy ue cuiumi iu uw um- gress; but no Senator or jupresx-utauve, or person ttolduif.aoy 0t"ce jf troet or protit under the Raited Stales, .lis II oWmtalaiLE!!!!1! HTnr electors snsU-meeKn Ota respecliva &afcsV aad s ota by ballot lor two persona, of whom one at host snail eel oe an iiiiianiisni ui ura muw uwc im-ut-selves. And Uiey siiail a list of all Uie pi rw voted for, and of Uie tmmi"' or yotec lor eich; whica list Uiey ahaJl Uga and certify, and transmit seaUfd, to the seal of government of -the United States, d.rected to the Prusuicnt of, Uie Senate. The Prvaulent of Uie 'BirrafrrfIrmie preesjnee or the Aratlc. and Houac of RepreeeBtaU'Viis, open all Uie certificates, and Uie votes shall Uvea be coOBted, The person having the fret test arnnbor of votus shall be the President, i(snch uumtiHr be a maioritr of Uie whole number of electors ta'l'lsLlf tfhere be more than oe who have SOCt, a mijs:iiy, ana navtran eqiiavi hhiuui vi Uia th I louse of Representatives sl,all immediately chsw by ballot one of them for President ; and if no pnrwm have a. majoruy. thea from the five bigheet oa the IK the snsJ Hou shall in like manner ehoose Uie Presskut But in chouKinji the President, Uie rotes shall be uUn by Statue, tho representation from each State havinir one ente: a aunrara for this purpose shall consist of a aieuibor or inembers from two-thirds of the Slates, and a majority of all tSs State shall be rtecee. asrv to a diobia. In ererv rase, after the ahowe of a Prr ident, he person Imving tiia reMest aanjber of rotes of the electors, shall oe we v u:a rrasmein... it there ehouUl wmaia two or more who have equal antes, the Senate ahull chmme fmra Uiem by ballot Uie Vice Prli-nt (.4ianWrd. ' re tmendmrnlir Art hit .4. The rirriwii miV aVterminefie time of clwoamg I th electors, and tlie duy op w juch tbey ahall jjive tbeir "vote; fcUAdty aiU betheeune throuiout tteUui- ted States. &:ve parsop, srpjU natural burnf itiiten; nr a ctr tixen of th UmtedMates at the time of tlie adoption of this CorwUlutiof ahall bp eligible to Uie office of President; neiUier iall any person be eligible to mat office, who shall nobave attained to the age bf thirty five years, and beq fourteen years a resident witliin lha United State. 4 " " " , ' ll . In case of thffemoval of the President from of fice, or of his deal reflation, or inability to die-i.-l.r2e U-a powersind .duties of the said office, Uie same shaU devoIve i fle Vice President nd the Con gress may, by law'provida tut Uie case of iremoval, death, reeij-nation, r inability, both of tie Presideftt and Vice l'resuienfdeclarin? .what a&cel ahall then act as President, a such officer shall act accordingly, until Uie dhabihty j rempved, Lor a President ahall be elected. . " V," .- - 7. ITie Preaideat shall at stated time receive for his servicie a eooMnsation, which shall neillier be in-H creawid rur diraaiaSed during Uie period ,for which he siutll havt been rteeted, and he ahaD riot receive witli in Uianmcd any other emolument from Uie United Sfae," Mi J them. : a Bobre he eater on the execution.of Iisat office, he hall tkle Uie'flilLrfvinff mUl or afflrTnatlon 9. "J do solemnly a wear Jot affirm) that-1 will faith fully eecute the office of President of the united States,ind will, to Uie best of my ability, prpsmert protect and. defend, the Constitution of the yniiea Stntr Six IL 1. The Presioent shall be commander in rhirfy Uie taw end navy f tlie.UnJted Sutas.and of Um militia of Uie several States, when cailea inw Uie atuaJ rervkje of the United States; he insy re quire ho opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each the executive depirtments, upon any subject relatiig to tlie duties of their rppTOive offices ; ami be shall mi ve power to grant relieves and pardon for'of fence) against UieUnited States, except m cases of im peaehnent 2. le shall have nower, by and with the advice and conseit of the Senate, to make treaties, provided twi thirds if Uie Senators oreent concur : and he shall no mmate and by and with the advice and conxcut of the Senate, shall appoint, amtmswuhirs, ouier nuniic nunin tent, aid consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officerg of the United States, whose appointment are ant hereuv- eUtttrwisa provMdJt.aiid,whicli .shall be established by But the Congress may, by law, 1 J j IT k appoihtimiit -of rochnm'Mw tTiwr as. they think proper, in tie President alone, in Uie courts ol law, or in the hrndi of department 3. The Presiilent "shsJl have power to fit! op all va esitcies that may happenidiiriug the recess of the Sen ate, by granting ccHiiiniwidiis, which shall expire at the enp of thmr nwit sessieiii - Sac. III. 1. He hull, from time to time, give to Uie Congress infonnaliotl Of Ue slate of the Union( and n coininend tu their coniration such measures as he shiill Midce necewsirv and expeilient; he may, on ex traordinary occasions, onnene both houses, or either of them, and in rase of ntaiijreement between them wim respect to he time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time sjtie shall think proper? he JtalJ receive amhasMdurs aul other public ministers; be sliall take care that the buvs be faithfully executed: and shall commisbion all tie officers of the United States. civil otlicers of tlie .. ffmjUat Stiles, "shatt be removed from ollioe on impeachment for, and conviction of, trea son, bribery, or other high erimee and misilemeanors. Aar. III. Stc I. 1. The judical power of the Uni ted Statos ahall...be. vested injMie .Suprornc Cotirt, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may. from time to time, ordain and entahliidi. The judges, both of Uie Supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their offices do ring food behavior; and shall, at stated times, reeeive for tlioir services a cowpsiwation, which shall not be di iiitinstM) uuiiimi mcii i.r. ...... te KiEcTirir Ttif jndtcml powernhatt eTtend to all casek, in law and equity, arising under ihisComtiintion, tne Ihws of Uie United . States, and treaties made, or which shall be maJo, uiuler- Ihei'aiiLliority ;. to. all ea e arleettmr amtisjeailors, other public in misters, and jeoneuis; to all eeaeeofadiuialty and maritime junav 1 pinion; to pmuwMwi iu ua.u ure vi; r"7 riction ; hall be a party; to controversies between two or more SuiAC-betwaea Aate tod iUrei s of another State, befwoew erttvwos' of 4n&nuit ilules, between citizens of the same State daiminf lanils under grants of dif ferent Siafes; and- between a States or ie citizens thwonf, and fbreien Wates, erttzene or eeojovta, S& Auwnduutnts. Art XI. 2 lo all esses alfoctinj ambassoJbrs, other public miniFtera, and cwoK and those ut which a State shall be4r)' rimlict ion. la all the other cases befcire" fiientioneit tS$fm" SupremejCourt shull .have appellate jurisdiction, both -4k.(iiotV'Witk' atiri exceptions, iwl under tVVreguTatwni, as tlie fhifTess sha) tnsklS " ""- li. .Tjie trial, of all crimes, except in casea of in peaehmect, shall be by jury; and such triala shall be beM in the State where Uie said crimes' shall have been committed ; but wben not committed within any State, Uie trial sliall be st such place or places as the Con gress mav by law-have directed. Bsc. Ill" I. Treem"agiTnst the United Slates shall consist only m leiying wartgainst them, or in adlie ring to. Okht sHomii, g.Ving them aul and oomfbrL. No person sliall be convicted of treasnn, onresson the testimony of two witnesses to Uie same overt act, or on oonltMiiun m open court -Ttw-Gmirwwe shall base power to declare the ponrshment of Crraeon; awl oe emuuder of Ueason siia4 work enmipiioM of W.d or forfeiture, exv-ept durmg the life of the person attainted. Abt. IV. Sac. L 1. Full frith and credit shall Le riven, in each State, to the public acta, records, and in- diciaT proiieetfinffB; rjf rerr tithe'H4f-.AAiae Um-4 gress msTy by geaerai taws, pr escribe Uie. manner III which such acta, reonHs, and proceedings, shall be pro ed,.ajd,iiiaellltter ' Sac. IL 1. The eitixensof each State shall He enti tled to all privileges and immunities of cilixens in Uie several States. .... 8. A persrm charged in anyitate, with treason, fu lony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice ami be found in another State, shall, on demand of the Exeeo live authority of the State from which be fled, be de livered up, to be removed to the Slate liaving jtinsdie- .BUH Ur1 tlft mm', '- , 8. no perwn held to sen ice or labour in one State, nnder the laws thereof, escapmr into another, shall, in eiwseqnence of any law or regulation therein, be dis ebarevj fnan suc.1. rrirt or lurwur; but shall be deli vered naon claim of Uie party to whom such sen ice or lahour may be dne. ' Sea IlL 1. New States may be addmirted by the Conirrese into this Union ; but no new Stste shall be Pirmrfc erected withia the innadictiott jof any other State, dot any State be formed by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without Uie consent of Uie Legislature of the States concerned, as wsll as of the Conirresa. i The Confess shall have power to dispose f, end make all needful rules and recrulationa respecting, the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so con strued as to prejudice any claima of the United Stale, or of anr partirnlar State. , . . Sea IV. 1. The United States ehall guarantee to evrry State in the Union a republican form of govern ment, and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and en applicatisa of the Lrfiblatiire, or of Uie Execu tive, (when the leg datura cannot be convened,) aga inst dnmeirfift vinlencs. ' ' AM; V-TUConirresa, whenever twnhirds of both Housea shall deam it necessary, snail prorm-e annuo menta to Uiia Cnwf itntion, or oa the application of Uie IHisUtures of twMhinh) of the several States, shall call a Conrentk for proposing amendments, wWb, in either ease, atial ae valid to all mtimw spa purposes, aa part of (hie Cjiiatitiilian," w'uya ratted ry the IgnaV tures of Uuee-fourthf ut the aeveral State or by Con- eritioii mUiifourUis"if,ajUieonp(Wtheother au.ut of raiiticition lnav bu oropuseil Ly the Congress, PrmTiied;ttiat-tte smuuiuniiil whif li ftitixM.jRlE'j, to Uie year one ahall 10 any maimer in lha ninin Met'tioa Suite, without its conseut, shall be deprived of lis equal sullraie in the Senilie, . Aar, VI, All debu contracted, and engagements en tered into, belore the adopuou ot Uiis Unistuuuon, snau be as valid against Uie UuittxL&UUee under Uiis CoiwU tution, as under the-Coufodtratiott. -14. This Constitution, and Uie laws of the United Suites which sliall be made in pursuance thereof; and all the trestles made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United Spates, siiail be Uie supreme law of Uie laud ; aud the judges in every Suite shall be hound Uiereby, any tiiuig m Uie CuiuUutiou or law of any State to Uie contrary not withstanding. 3. The Senators and Representatives before men tioned, and Uie members of Uie several State Legisla tures, and all executive and judicial officers, bothot the United States and of Uie several States, shall be bound, by oath or ailiruiation, to support Una Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever btetiuired asa mialificaUoA to any othce or public trust under Uie United atates. Aar. VIL-1. The ratification of Uie Conventions of nine Slates sliall be sufficient for Ufu establishment of Uus Constitution between Uie States so ratifying the sun ID. Done in Convention, by Uie unanimous consent of Uie Suites present, the seventeenth day of September, in tlie vear of our Lord one thousand seven hurt dred and eighty-seven, and of Uie Independence of the united Slates ol America, the twelfth. In wit ness whereof! we have . hereunto subscribed our iiiimee, GEORGE WASHINGTON, Pmident, and Drputy from Virginia. New'Jlawp$hire.... JOHN LANGDON, NICHOLAS GILMAN. .Vn-AusMi...... NATHANIEL GORHAM. ' RUFUS KING. Connecticut WILLIAM SAM'L JOHNSON, ROGER SHERMAN. .Veto Vort ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Acid Jitkh .-WILLIAM LIVINGSTON, DAVID HRKARLV, " "WTLTJ.VM "PATFRSON, ,...... JONATHAN DA VTON. I'tliiuyhiiniu......... IIKNJAM1N FRANKLIN, V " THOMAS MIFFLIN, ROIintT MORRIS, GEORGE CLVMKR, Tl 10 M AS FITZSI M M0N8, jared ingersolu james Wilson, governkur morris. Delaware GF.ORG E READ, GUNNING BEDFORD, jr. JOHN DICKINSON. RICHARD JJASSETT, ' JACOB BRCX)M. Maryland, JAME MTIENRY, DANIEL of St TIkx JENIFER, DANjEI. CARROL Virginia JOHN BUIR, v JAMES MADISON, jr. ; North Carolina...,'.. WILUAM BLOUNT, - RICHARD DOBBS SPAIGHT, HUGH WILLIAMSON. South Carolina JOHN RUTI EDGE, " ' C. COTKSWH WNCKNEY,'- CHARLES PINCKNEY, PUiRCE BUTLER. Georgia.....: WILLIAM FEW, ABRAHAM BALDWIN. '" Attest: vritiXUAAi inu . , - Oeerrtury Anntnimentt thall appear nest axrJLJ UTERARY. : PROSPECTUS .... " " " ----w - - . THE WASllINGTON INSTITUTE : Being Uie .plan for a SbiruiKlTtoatiih Wasliihj'- tofl City, t. C:, m which two hundred Student will .defray "the expense of Uieir education, board, and clo thing, by laboring ia a printlngluce. Our oonuectioii with tiie public press was acci- dental coinmeocing in Iecemher, 1623. Up to and less witfi newspapers. (ir daily obsmatioti, fii:c then, has convinced oe that there is radical disease io the press, anrl he will ba a public let- factor! who contributes to its cure. The youngest apprentice in a printing office is called the printer's devil, because he i I lie drudge, the errand boy, the menial of the establishment. Io the infancy of the art, it was difficult to obtain educated and respect biff apprentices ; and to those who reflect oa the ia fluenoe of early associations, it is matter of surprise, that so many bavo nscn above the Caste ; that so few, wiic'n they 1ihve attained hieHa eateretJiain what they were a mere printer's devil. It ia be cuue tlie avocations of a printer are intellectual, ami thul, under a proper course of instruction, the proleiiMi is calculated to liiipart wisdom, and to uiculate correct principles. J et, printers are but men, sum! tieing men, they, like other men, y ield to tho pressure of circumstances ; this is exemplified m "the history tf the party press, and inont of irJ passes ure "of that Tlirw.) - How 1 the evil to-be retired I Our plan U-iiius at the root. It elevates tlie liiora! of tlie press, bV edpciitinB tffid icwirrjnff'fwpitafi of mrmteM-riccv f "hnnit-mtL9tvtrr independent tlumu to whom it must uecessarily bo committed. . Of all the jnechanic arts, printing ie best suited to a manual labor school. We propoee to establish a school cable of giving constant employment, and thorough cFawical and scientific eduatjon, to Iwfi htmrlml bom; -. . Our plan is as No student to be ad- nutted under eleven or over fourteen years of age. ipon his introduction into the school, each ts told tlmt his coutiiauauce there dependj upon hunaelf; that bis object in coming there ia to obtain an edu cation, at tlie same time he learns a useful trade ; that he ia expected to defray the expenses of bis education, as well as lo pay tor his board and cloth, ing tliat eight hours per day will be allotted to U. bor, five hours to study, and eleven hours to re fresiinieot, rocreation, and sleep. That he will not be required to perform any menial duty ; all of which is done by survanta employed fur that pur poee -that all corporeal punishment ia forbwlden, and solitary confinement substituted (hat no one in the school, from the prim-jpal to tlie youngest student, shall at any lime use abusive language repnof anau do iu uie tone ot admonition, and aa appeal always had to the principal, He is told that these regulations are made to protect his feelings, to promote a lofty spirit of in depondenre j and by Inculcating a proper sense of bat is due to others, ta teach what is due W Jus own honor and character ; thai those who are edu cated in a tost of our public inrfitutions, ore edusa. ted and c kit lied al tlie exponsa of their parents and frierrrs rthat h h abrart tn educatr; fred, and clothe Jiuofclf; lliat be iU do moiri ibr, if be ia in- tdustrious, afV, ! first year ha can regularly",,, " fro,a 0ue to.Uura dollars tier week, beyond ,L puwe of bis educa tion, board, axultlothing ; Bd Zl all IdHBllUnuljiuk, ,B ( SB " WWS.IMIIS, r.u.. it I I li Sis A.u.Bk . M ... ,. .... as wu " opponuiuty lor a prudent iuvetniciit occurs which sum is to be repuM u suiull annual itwtulnieiiU. He i told that comne' ' tent persons will give him iiwtruction in the Ll ' guages,, arts and sciences, and. that all' he could learn' at the best oublic iiutitntion i. -,;.i- .. , ii .... . . uin ms i reach. He ta almi lohl thnt tl.o l,:..i . . T I l- . "igncai nonors which his country can bestow are epen to hi anv bition, and tliat the purpose of the institution is to'1 qualify lunj to fill then -and aa evideuce bTwbiit industry and intelligence can do, he is invited to 5 peruse tho life of rranklin. gut above all, he U enjoined to take as his guide i and counsellur the Bible a copy of winch is presented to him. ' Parents or guardians are required to receive jj provide for the miport of any atudent who may be tJismiseed from the achoot account of wrsnbordi. iiahon, mterHtartptrrbad abwto payr any extfaordinary exjienses for medical attendance. V l"ich is placed in a class, under the charge of a t monitor, who is at alt times responsible for hisaV portnicut. lie is at first set to work on printed I copy, and eacli is required to raatyrrect bi' ' own proof; if tlie first is foul, a rcvi uf taken. aad anotlier revise, until tlte errors are oorroeted y-irsr aeveral slips are first e.xuniined by the monitor, the errors counted and noted, when it ta paseed to tlie proof reader, who, in a memorandum book, credits each student with the composition and charges him I with the errors. These credits and debits are re. I gularly carritfd into a ledger, so that at the end of , his term, each student will know whut he has dona and the rrors he has made in doing it. Tais . leilger iiirnis a prrfoct merit roll, which always k sjieaks lor itself giving a wholesome stimulus ts industry, without tho envy asuuBv generated schools. T ' It will be seen thai the student is requiirj io iqierj 1 ' Well, To rM cirrrecf ly? rrid'Widemifhi"Iiafba,i" ms road. By corit:ting tho errors, whether oft ' iiellfng orramnuif, lie li-uriw ' tl "t'tli iToili v-nit"" the language, even if he were ignorant of the rules: and if is obvious" thht "lis he is nideti by rompcteof"" tenchers, his labor as a roiiiifoitor .will ffrcatls contrifmte to advance his renl:ir rtudits. Tlis inoml of wich n school is; thut hej wnofin-bi in! fancy, has fed clothed, and educated biiiiself, thl especiully if in Ins minority he has provided a c4 .-, pital wherewith to commence biisine- for himself, will necessarily liau- too much character to beconief"" a dependent upon other men. He will have the, spirit and failing. of a freemun, and will aft a W ,, conies an American citizen, uThc eud of thiswhii I is not to inciiltnte peculiar ixditical oiiuikhi. It 14 to educate ns-n, that they may have intelligenee to tkiik for tlieniselvea, and independence to art no! to the principles which, tlicir judgments mayap-; prove. What would I the condilion of tlie pulhc? mina it tne press ot the I1 tnted States wus uudei the guidance of such mr-n Ikiw ? 4 Of the MtiWy f sueb a scloJ, Uierecaa be difierence of opinion. Gun it he put into success. ful operation ? It will be successful if we can tuft' cure for it the puMic confidence. (Kir object has heen to enlist in its aul th :real interests oTsncierT rrrami to cnnno-i tt wttn ewrrt; u, xmw puvtiraUua " of a pais-r deserving ftieir continutsis suptWiiti 7fT . Tbe.Uuited. Suited Tc'egraph, which will pn'L. constant employment to about filly boys. This pa. per h fievoien to pniiticw nnrt ttew. Tlie- Met ronottian, leytte,l- to iioble literatm. J Ihe arts ami wiettret ami music, hicb wiff give aiea empl iviiiehi to ahont twenry.five bova.'-'--ltl.'l IB The Medical Register, devoted to "Medical sal i ClururicaJ sciiaiccctlited by Pr. Oraoyjneypt',4 j Psttison, of Jfiersoi Or4b, Philadelitbuv wkick' jjives employ meut to aliout tweuty-live boys. ' t j And the Jurist, devilled to Ihe" , learned proir"" sin w tne "law',' a no caifoil by. Judge vranch. VH his wm give employment to twenty -five Inore. intertHta-r KelifMi,-. Ajwtittiire, "arwl "tlie Mecljutnic-Arta. ''Yintiui! proiiosals for lliose, amTwill comtwfioco Uie punhv catiua of the .cml Claawca nm.eteljrn M'i nnve already issued hfly-two nnmliers of the rarnv er'i Register and the Mechanic Register ; bet ia consequence of the great expense of getmg up tbs other works, they have been suspended for a short time, when it is hoped that their publication will bs j jrevived under nMre favorable aiisiiicea. In adJi . uon io inese means l employ ment, we have con nected with the esfaMishmoht i bok-bindenrin stereotype Ibundery, in which other students. aiLA. be empltvcd. . ' , Tlie school, will dt peud uptsi works which pro mise permanent employment to the scholars. We have chosen Polity Literiuretf hysic, law, and Religion, for a commencement we hold Agricul ture and the Mecrmntc Arts in reserve. Thetsre Hie )ermaneiil interests of society, and each ex andf. vuhlie .iiK.reaM.of jKmutatioo and the in- citased nrotnierilv f the countrv. " ' " ." ' T B conibiniiin t'liem together, there is a savinifof" Wood, of clerk hire, and of general expense ; but the great saving is in the employment of Ihe stu dents tlicium-lves ; tho wugca (if a juurnry man are I nun nine to fifteen dollars if r week, the expeast of a student say frur dollars per week ins aa average, the relative labor is us one dollar I" sixtj" sa-asind. Iwi,lJiiitljce;:s The wyingj." eJl"a'.,t, IWOflollllfs m Ull'k, V l.irll III H M'lllS'fwt l r3aiaal dred aud filly would be three .hundred dolltrra per week, or fifteen IIkximiihI wx humlred dollars frr annum : thus constituting a fund for the cbniiicnts- litm of teachers. Our experience has dcinonstrated that the saving will be more than two dollars per we k, alcr tin) first two years. At this rate, the result to lb stu dent will bc lb.t, after paying all tho expense Of nia board, clothu,g, and education, he will nan- hia credit, when he becomes of age, ihe sum of sf ven hundred and twenty eicht dollars a sum du- cienl to ant him up in tswinrwa at an editor, a !. yer, a physician, or. if he prefers to plant hiu ns an indepeudenl fireman, to purchae and stock a farm in the rich lands of the west. DUFF GREE Washington City. 2Pth August, 1834 Om'aiosi U England. The Liverpool JournJ thinks that there will nut be a Tory Ministry, ca",),as jhe Editor though the Kmf sW wish it, the ptople do not, and tun Kl r kot orrnsc the moplic" Our King i rafb mure nnleiit " hmna l tell the neorle to Stss their business ; Aialiew iacksoo know" hat a fur tbcui. . , 1 J pit i I a i Ay, iei fa I an 'rrH ser tl OKO '.1 Jim W 'm '4a '.ps spr 'tne a i Me) Us 1-4 1 Ti,. arjj, ffs "tiucj, Is IWe Vti caadi nioi flaiu! toae ' Wllr It a r T .rtsei '"assi San i