THE CAROLINIAN. SALISBURY: Saturday, September 20, IS 31. T1IE NEXT PRESIDENCY. We rejrret, for kkti -reasons, to see some of the ,fbig JF Nirt Carolina recommending a Sute invention to nominate a anuiuaw wr uio rresiura ! la the first place, because we believe tliat iuch a Salt, mat wouIiL withdraw publie tt ntksv from ob to of great impjirtance, which can only be effected ieady and centratod to lii- HtmI Improvement, and tlie Reform of our State Cou-aitatioo. Never, since tlie fuilure of the late Judge Murphy' jeMne, haa it been practicable to produce the Mine Hue, on the former subject, Uiut exuneu pre v lous u uiui y eatastioplifc-Weae apjf(ehing, now, a healthy te of feeling iu relation to tlie mine matter ; and, ghn, we consider iti Importance, and tlie difficulty of k iaging the public mind to act on it liberally, wc feel B(Kh anxiety to avert every 'thing that can interfere ttitiiit , A majority of the People in tlie Slate have much at rt, alao, ait aniendiiielil of the State Constitution. fotie it now every reason to hope that At object may limn eUlclcd, unless retarded again, by the wterpi- sM of anoUter great. cause of popular excitement. It (Sell known tlt eleven years ego we were aa near, u now. tlie accunpludiutent of this, when tlie aluiont enamored excitement of thrthefl "peuifi ng Pf cSH'cih tal contest usurped the place of our local concern, ai fbr r wtile isuYnccd entirely tbtf cry" for CorisUlu Mnal Reform. We therefiire hope that tliewe at least who are friend- to those great Stala objects will not aid in diverting rialic attention, now, into another channel. .JLiairiie titer is already roe exWouieot, utlnw ;f bt to be, in regard to the next 1'iesidcncy i but it ia i U so all-abrtorbing aa it would be were the several juties in the Stale dtiiely arrayed under their - trd leaders. But wo think that, even in relation to the I'rCMfU n- 3l EJCtiM itself; the pntposed movement-on the part be Whig would be premature. Tliough united, as 4e tome mdteavs, in opposition to Executive en richments, the Whig are mill divided in sentiment aolhsr pouit Thi nhapy state of things, which u'jteu produced by the intemperate conduct of a few tted partiKiru, ia yielding, as we trust, to tlie neces- I. 1. II -- . ' . n , . ...m.,..,!! i iwnicn an now priceiv:, ui ipismij n. it I'ttfiiV. But we should heitate to risk tlie possibility lrl bpeuriip'lure Tii Convention ; and should prefer .exiting sisiiewtat longer the course of events, which l gradually removing the obstatka to a more uitmwte t among the Whip. re would at once produce an excitement riu the J t'n, which has so long and so uolupp'ay distracted our State. - ' . . .-. . - w "ipueeu, i can see no otijiTUm to Uiat which tias beea.practuad in uhe .Stale, and onrowB.TThe Ugialature embodying, aa the .theory of our gvem. inent would Imply, the popular will, roconimend to the people a Convention fx tlie correction, of certain apec ric del'et in the pn-aent Corwtitution. The people adoiit tlie recommendation, by electing delegates m ac cordance with i(, reserving to thcnujtdyes the ultimate right of confirming or rejecting the amendments Tro? Id by the Civetion. Will it be qoestioned, that Cooveution tlws eonriimied is not as clearly restriet- ea oy uie lerntsoi me tegwiative recommendation, sus tained by tlie solemn sanctiou of the people, as is the lgMnture itself to iU i legitimate sphere of action t To deny this position, is in effect to deny tliat the sove reignty resides in the people to affirm that tlie people are subordinate to their agents and ultimately to esta Wish the monstrous principle tliatwe have no "remedy for any defect in our system, short of actual revolution. THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE. We'soiicit public attention to the prospectus of an instjtution unilerjhe above title, to be fondin a pre- ceaing column, in mis age oi auvancement in every tiling that ennobles and adds to tlie happinens of man, it gives us pleasure to record and advocate a scheme which holds out promises of so much usefulness not only to society in general, but especially to our crafl. We i rata ; very high the utditxof MLPMfiwioiu have lamented that it lian not advanced to a higher stand in respectability, technical skill, and independ ence. We think the plan den. Green proposes will do much to obviate the difficulties with which bulb editors and printers have to contend ; and we see no reason w hy success should not. attend his efforts in so good a cause. JVxibtlcHS, tlie immediate effect of an esta blishment of the kind will be to depress the interests of journeymen printers who are dependent upon their labor for support, but we look to tlie advance of the pro fession, and ht the prospect discern fhr our brethren a rank far above that which they at present occupy. squint eyM e.b,ap you've heara nw til on beCre, and a. .rale politician, ho went fais to civ a DEPARTED Til Id Ui'E, IflLthis Towiv-ott-J'iilay.niofwiwg lash ALEXAffr ring "Ktanwl hostiky iriu old 1 .-nMPSON; aged about 20 years, an ap. i.,,1 IK J il.i k...... .Si m uio oorct? m uie nmiuia wjninan. jiu- .... uum, V, - . , ... , , t . . . , iiitijt, uuuiuy, ana imnmitem, ere uie Hruuff HMfU IK i ViW., w..ll..'..4"-K........ i---i;.i,i.. l .l. has been his deportment since he resided in Halibnry, tlvat he was much loved by all who knew him '. in the roko up, Squii reebody and his Cows, all the cattte tu the neighborhood reiir-d it.? i lie squire was a peaceable cnttc as ever vaa, and never did nothing witliout Law'io his side and his son bein now alongside on I n, as xm as they heard of this they began to muter up old deeds, and got the cumpua and au ejia chuins, and the next day there was a tcrnle to do all about Sottco, when folks began to aerihe post and raua goin up round every acre of thalconuiion, for there wara't an aci out that the iquira hailn't paio ior yearn ago. Bo arter the Semite showed 'em what hi right was, and they all bad to nock under, he let 'em pasfur their cows or the common as before but to keep 'em from takin loo mluy Kbertiee, he used to turn in a few of kis aid ritur- iau roarers jest to acep tlie rest tit aoiiw hindof order, aad so. thst all almukt have mt play. ' jrr -J r At his residenea, ia the Jrrwv Settlement, in this Coontv, on Sunday tlta ?th inula nt. Colonel CASPEK SMITH, within ) days W bem V years ulj. 1U Was a rcipec table citizen,- and had been a uieiubcf of Uie Presbyterian Church in Imjrtou nearly ixo. years, in good standings. Ill advaiiced age and declming health admonished Iiuh tliat he wsild soon be called to pay the debt of all living, of w hirh he hid several times nwken, with rreat calinnetM, as beiii near. His end was a peaceful one: aa he approached the verge of tune, his prmpocts lor eternity becanie brighter and brighter. ()n Sabbath evening his days on wtrtli were ended, and b pbrBMtled to -commence a Sabbiath tfwt ihal never end. w It me die the death of Uie right eons, and let my last end be like his!" Cowmwiii. r To the Tatroni of the Carolinian. .ii1a fts nl. ik Km tMku tts.ttiul -1 In. JsMtl oris tMil4-r Will"? W W'irVH HO W Bw V4S. IUTI, IMP U Mli T m4t l Ulj 1 ' - . ' 1 v . the source of afflicttoiL-ltb,ii.W. U. Pfulful u din i but jusUce to those we fJT We extract the following story, or fable, from the Augusta (Georgia) SiintineVa.psper -edited by Au guMtus R Lungstrect, Exq., formerly a Judge in his na tive Slate, and a gentleman of tine talents and much wit and humor : ' "No. 311. TV the litmgnamrt, alia tkf Murmnnt. When I was a boy, I had a dog, which 1 calteu Ro-xcJt-; awd -a huv mitiAt doff hr was. i often tried to coax Kov r to school with me, and usually started with a roll of bread as a slnsig argument As long as I could give Rover .a reanon from the roll, he believed the sciiool-hoiuie a pleasant place, tlie boys good feilowis a nil Uie road capiUl. But when Kover founil he had got the last crumb, he quit me for the cook and house-1 servant lto you seethe moral, Mormons! Bub SfiorJ." If we mistake not, the moral of tlie story is this. Rover, tlie dog, is designed to represent one of those Hellish politicians Who wilt not budge a feni without pay; but Will go any wAere, and be led by any body, provided ho receives. a goud large fcat--- " There are a gixid many " Rovers" in tlie U. States, who followed the Republican leaders as long as they had office to bestow, but deserted whenever the last crumb" was dispensed, and went over to the cook. ( AiiHjd Kendall,) and tlie hoaseervant,(W. R Lewis.) t has t MilKr ' wtutv-t tal f whkk profrs. nch. re. - ilijv-- MlbUilt ; rpibfe- . w mmvn .11. frtj drilled corps. In discipline they can gain nothing stow, while tbej are cauitmually decreaMDg in nu. strengtli. Xbey are well aware of thiaal- imgh they affeet to think otherwiw. Hence it Would 4 tbtserj sieve they ntowt, if the Whip should ienntorely go jato Joflveiaion, avi there disagree. Bs asittoff the Regency is, 44 Ihvide and conijtier the way, and then divide tlie jWi." While the cry of nij! Brxics us mL savetne voosmuui,.aiu tetha Upbili 6f Vfctory to"iU tVrtlfic fbiu all 4iare asbtuitA . . , . w IM good could the lus enect by going into xtwaulun lutt'latttTThRt: late "alreedjt 'auuifi half. a or aura candidate in nomination, in oppiwition Jti&!Katey'iaB t the Whips of North Carolina sliould at onte take ir stand in Cm or of one of These T WhaT W'iei'IWwii" rodirsfff 'And,1f lfbefof tfiC .'ensHF of selecting a candidate who has nut yel been aed, would that have a greater tendency to unite Whiga, to keep tlie election out of the House of ipre?entativea, and to defeat the "heir apparent!" We mv be wron?. but we entertain the opinion, and TUB CHOLERA SUBSIDING. , .? "winu uumimi, teken frnra the N. York American oT the Uth m.stMit, it WJ) w wm Uwt Cholera, whsiding in that city i " ?aWie Heultk. The whole number of IntenncnU In this citv for th wek endinenn haturdsr womlna was 49 less, and the deaths by Cholera 41 less, than du ring me previous weea. Tlie Board reports, that, during the hut 24 hours, there hare .been renort.e4,o Jm-su-..-. Iu.the. city practice .maeRByv'-v-- vAt the Duane street TiwpitaT, . At the Greenw ich street Huepitd, At Hie Rt-llcvue Hospital, - -- -Tourdeathiv": -- BRITISH WEST INDIES. We have paid but little attention to tlie flvim reports which have from time to time reached in of disturbances in the British West Indies, com quent on the going into operation of the abolition ol jsuKerv . Janv- Our own -oomun m tlie -etlecta tn this law and we are prvtty well convinced of its ciM-rectness that little or do change will U produced by it in the relations already existing1 there between nuister uiid slave; the name will bel changed nothing more: the slave will become an apprentice, but he will be in reality still a slave, and tlie British nation will pay a large aum of nio ney, in addition to.tlie h'avy burdens they already nave to endure, ior a praiseworthy but misplace! philanthropy. A law which is at variance with tht interests and feelings of a whole couiinuuity, eai never be enforced. Thev may be eontlieii to submit-trr its endCtiiientT "buf they will always find means to elude the operation of its ofteniive provi sions. We have been favored with the following lefleFfroin which hud followed the proniulf ution of the aboli tion of shivery in St. kitu. We have ik doubt they have been speedily suppressed. I: is wk in the small islands or crown colonics that 4ny danger is la be approhened from negm insurrntion, ' St. Uakts. Aucustii l&U. The Island of Kitts was, in tlie beginning gf tliis month, put in great confusion by the sew free negroes, who would not as usual iro to thsir work: savuii'.-iis tliey were free like Buckra, they Ud uotinng to do but est, drink, and sleep. By a boat arrived yesteroay trum Sandy Point, we were Uiforiued thai about 15 or '&) were killed, several flogged to death, ind a great uuiu- ber are to be sent to Bermuda or tl&llax. About a to 4UU retired to Uie mountain, and arutu be hunted like wild beasts, . rrrr" It is reported tliat Antigua and MonUcrat are under martial law. v- v? -:r:: By a eentlerosn from Martinique W were also Th- fortned that Uie uulatoes who were taken at Uie rsvuit iu December last bad been tried by the Supreme Court mlti were coudeumedti be hanged, the reniftsnrierabuut Ui to be sent to the gallies, tor mure or less tiuie. 1 can stature you, my dear air, that ui tois part of Uie world we live uuou volcanoes, slthou'h wa have but erv litlle rink in this inland. Flour. 7 to 8 ; pork, 15 to 18; beetxNu. L 8 toAft; mess, 12 to i 4 ; rye uour, 4 u , cu.m d, l ; ivd. Vt In JS V HOT ICH. VLL persons having occasion la write' to the sub scriber, Sheriff of Lincoln County, are request, ed to direct to "Mtnlai Crttk Pod OJu t, Lin coin County. "And all who write on Umr own iliusmess Tilt please toTiT f HosfiBKr" Lincoln Co., Sept, 20, 1 834. t : - if employ, and to those from whom we procure the mate rials to carry oa our business, constrains as to ma ke i n oUicx apaJ id. audi of. subscribora aa axe in ar-. rears with us. ; ,.1 ' ' A we remarked before, on a like occasion, die In come front :.i newspoper is made up of a great many small, sums. Fxich individual debt la, in HseUl a coot- .' J para live trifle ; but the aggregate is of importance to - the Editorand, if any considerable portion of it be wiihlield, the inconvenience to him is much greater Uiao what wenld-wcenie to each sobsenbettj pamnf with his pittance. -, f We Hve incurred a good deal of expense in impitK vug tlie ' pogrnjdiy of the Carolinian, and it ia our de- guT iTrptrourwill beTuncttalitainalw ether provenvnU. Eligible Situations For ranucr, fetorr, Private Itosl- drnrra. IutotHlin? to remove to the Went, 1 will dw pto of . mm wnowitig' S' n w r, iv x t , cousihuug ui 5 a -19. n :TV.rJ"rj.-T--to. felatio-4wtbr abm wonderful 'statement, tin ;"arti l-BidFtjroteeTvaiion cirticur with us, that such J . ... H "If letters are traced with tallow, anoMhe egg pla ced in vinegar, this effect will be produced. But, if these prophetic egga are natural productions, we won der how Uie hens or Westchester became acquainted with the secrets of the Union Party of NsiUi Carolina ! They are the only persons, that wa kaow -wbe-ent4-i cipals bsuig u drn to (As JM mrmt." OT Our brother Editor of the Georgia Times hss surely forgot that there was a considerable flight of ken-ptcktd cock fmm,SoUi Carolina to Pennsylvania, in 1533, or be would iiot express the wonder" Ibove. saving it" use ; l" ' the at iOian ar ? expea -upon a& to sixty i equal t idlars pf i.llsr J l he , after tl to the mi expense Of ill haw to sum , sum tor,ala ui liiuiseT and tclt UKE'- linistry,' nJ rletoi' htiH nmx wMild ikfeat Uie object of Uie Wbiga. We piracy a iiiat jf wa.hould preioaturoly attempt kcrptU candidate, and fad in doing so, ate the f.teof Wbur nrinciule would be seal- Carolina, and that we miirhl at once "irie SLH ll'PM 'ithhfr crew and cargo, tabs pleasure, fff at least eight year, by Uie Magi- f Kindrrkaak, the remainder subject to the ap ,'itaint of Uie Kitchen Cabinet W hope the Whirrs Uiroughout the State will pon- tli'mus, andaiol aU hastilv wlitre u much de Unon Uieir action. jrr 7. ...... t ......... A GOOD KICN FROM THE E.VST. "Tarborough Free PresK," of the l.'th instant, tmaa well-vr rrtten essay in favor of Constitutional This is most cheering, as if emanates from a Of Uie State that has hitherto most strenuously all change. The writer promise a series of aon-tho swlct---Tb-eret of the firatene-Htot r Uiat s Convention msv be limited, and Uius to re- n aa apprehensions of those who oppose the meet- f nch a body, lest it might destroy all Uiat is va- "'e,is well as all that is faulty, in our present Con- ksil this sign as the harbinger of success to the W Reform, and of future unanimity and good between different sections of our native Stale. contains' murh mnml iir-lrHMwll bib. " V reasoniDgi but, as we are pressed fur room. K " the doctrines inculcated m it are generally ad 1 here onr Dsoer circulate moid exteniivnlv.we -... J ConsiMtieic No I. Every intelligent uwn, wno nas watcned the progress ot pub- 7)l0n. tVtll Mltllv fk.l .1 "4tio u, the amendment of our State (VmsUtotioo Vjrtr sn origiual one. A decided maitirof the ; - mo oiaie nave, ai me polls, rendered a ver- we existing uonstitution ; and, sooner or i Convention is inevitable. It ia idle, then, in ftsent temper of Uie public mind, to waste time paling the abstract propriety of the contemplv fc, or m laauiginr pathetic eulogies epon the 'a-m uwtnimeDt whsh tt is proposed to diamanUe. (resent, fqr tmblie eonsidention. suiim of Uia fRsting pnjnu connected with this great gues- eredibler aitthurrrr. that r'nWihebriieas eVis' been f nniJ in V tutchester County, 1's.i with tlie word h'indtfoiiie charactors. written tegtMt'npon theio. - Tha letters we rsiwed- above the level of the sl:.'llv like the letters used for instruct in; Uio blind. ThoM wae have aeen the tgi! state that they must be natural productions, and Uiat there cannot be any deception It ia also affirmed that every csa containing the letters it also marked, with equal plain- iteas, "laao." I'hMadelpht Inquirer. .Lauds in Lincoln County, AND Lolr in liinrolnlon," " ' TO WIT : A; iou, ewtorniiig. 20 I A ere s, on the waters of Chirk's Creek, 8 or 9 niiles tiorth of LMtcolnton,a goixl proprrtion utidef ;.iWyHwi lIH'liiUlliK a -- DWELLING-HOrSl: X and other out -houses, a hue X&iiJ OilCilAKD.cVc. The soil of this LhihI is ut inferior to auy in thH Coontv, and is situated in a go! ueigiiliorliisjd l'rj. a Store, IIREET'IIACTM, Adjoiiiiujt the aUn (m of 200, one of 150, and the other ol 130 AUUKS; SM1&JE N.R As the " bonnie silken pnises," filled with Jackmm money, are not yet so abundant as we Were ' promised they sliould be, we will put up, for the pre- npntwith K'ni'tfances of IlfVVinunry. Milis and Land ior Sale. Tlie SuWrilier, intending to move, ollera for tale, A Good Tract of Land On Huntjng Creek, in the County of Iredell, about ' 1 H miles northf ast of rnntesvtlle. 1 lucre are About 230 Atrcs In the Tract, ajid on the preinitca are a good tog ther with a new ur "iiisln d .H 1KA.ME DvV fcLUM.lULiSli . Am auid Out-llouses. Tlio' situafliin ia Iieuflhy, and tVwi 'water excellent h'ui thei particulars, um deciucd uiuieceasary, aa it js iresiiiied tltui any one wishing tA purchase auch viilualile propei ty would wish to w e it for himself beforo trading. , "" XfcJr Tlie i ermi can be aimrtaTned Ty"3i rectirig letter U the tiubscriber, at Cotmty-Lhie Post Ol lice, ituwan uouiuy. WAttNEtt BROWN. , September 20, 1831. Sm .Urn A m. Hl,'U..U .L'B ... . .r . - f rJl - Tint irr -r w-rrt ttoita'" ti " m r.iiti iiu-uota&n,. All the above tructs have a fuio proportion of iisa dow, liottom, ami upland. They will be sold sepa rate or logctiier. AI-O About two niile fmm the above, on the vmtcrs of AllortOetliT"' tttr We have received toe first No. of a neat little paper, just commenced in Richmond, called Uie " Me thodist Sunday -School Recorder." Both U origiual and selected matter promise well. The price is $1 2.') for single copiira, in advance, or 'JO copies will be seat to a school or club for (20. U- hands, tKtif M sjct Downing is a "master hand at making Uiings piam, by hi peculiar tact at illustration by men and matters in every -day life. The de issue which designing po liticians ire endeavoring to bring about between the Bunk ml Uie People, has been hit at by the Major, in the following happy niauner: It is a plagy carious piece of, business when ooe cornel to thuak oxi't, to see bow thmgw htf"gol twisted round fight- nmg eend first on the Bunk question and to understand it, I must toll you that story about old Squire Peabody. . ' ' When the Squire first went down to Socco, he bought a considerable of a (arm, and seein it was more than he wanted to funte in at first, be let a good piece on't go out into commons, and alL the neighlvirs used to pastur their cattle on't ', but the Squire's family began to grow up, and one of his eons, who had been study in with lawyer Joslyn, he come home, and just bout that time the neighbors had called town meetin about this commons, and passed resolutions and one of those reeoIutHmi said that see in Squire Peahody'a farm by right along svta of this cornrnone, and other folks had to drive their eows over three mile to pastur them on't- Squire Peabody ought eiihor tu pay the difjereoce fir pasturin his cattle, or ought b4 be allowed to have any cattle at ill on't ; and Ezra Clewing, that WESTERN ELECTION The question of an entire Whig victory in llti- nois, nu longer remains doubtful. The Vamfalia !M kig, roceivMl yesterday morning, contatiH the Uii ia ofnowl returns from the elections. The fi.II. wing are the successful candidates and their, brtltoal.churacters Ihmcan, (Governor,) Wbjg ; Jeukiu, Lwutea ant -Governor,) Whig... , , .... ...-.'-. M-mber$ of Congrtn : Reynolds, Whig Ca sey, Bank -man ; jIay, lhuik-man. - - Duncan's rrwiority is 4,OU0 r ttmf of Jenkins is roui jiOOO.fv.twr an opinion against a Bank, or in favor of Mr. Van Huron, lost bis election. Mr. Anderson, who, u had jbMrtod, waf tto&&. tttmM&smw; and who was then claimed by Uie Globe, although a Bank-man and a W)'r haa lost his nice t ion. Will the Globe claim the other candidate now?. (.Yew Ytrk Omrin m4 Enquirtt. 0" any ooe devise, ways and nwrtrm to gen riu ot mat at minora nmo oi arwiocraey, urn united States Senate T It is a monster secsid only to the Bank. In Louisiana the rebels seem to hold their own. Porter and Waggaman, or two store iat. trrate whigs, will doubtlese be relumed. ' In Ken tucky there ia no hbpe of keeping either Clay or BiWt Mhoine. Virginia--baa tmt- H our tory friends under her Ltigk. New Jersey, ungrateful New Jersey, whose peace-loving iuhahttanU ws have in great measure, relieved from (lie noise of the tpindlt and the loom, continues to support those daring trarFarvSotithard and rVlifthuysea. In the east, we have scarcely any thing h-Q. but a. is ours : nothing but a pithltu A'oar. Worxe thas all, we fear that Mississippi will send back "old Poins Upon "us." Tf any one can suggent a pre vention lor these evils, he will confer a great fa vor m the 1 1 irate and the Best, and shall be re warded with a mail contract and rrfre bids. Let- ters addressed to Arons Kendall, Ei.'. Washuir- tohr wHI-lreeoi ve iwtiie$ai(r ttCTtk.jyr jhstar. Conta in in g 1 50. Acres. Principally well timbered with Pine, ami would he a kflirahle appeu!ug to either or all of the above htrtiinjr .Lands. " " ' . - AliSlf Wheroon I now ljve.ihout half ft tnilo from Lu CohltolWlthB Upwurili of JU0 Acres. ThW tract is beautifully aituatcd, being nearly stir- rountieo by tlie river, and. i'roin t lie nature of the snil. planlatiou trwduci wpully woll in wet or dry AComfortebleA-lDWEUJNG, Out-IIoiHes, Barna,jCriba, Stablea, Ac; 'IMPORTANT SALEr Tlie ulisoriber, intoudiiig to leave this part of the ttwulry w til sell, to tlie highest Isihler, 0 TVESDA Ythr Vh Jay of . OCTOBER next, iTlie lollowin Property, 1 51) Aflf Of fnild. well improved and LvAei aterexL.jn the ltiuJint AlUeiucuitJuliuiuin--. John Mcd nnaughey s, Mrs. Ifrindtrsons, Siuihk4 ... Milter s, and the Thiatira Church land. Thm tr " a g Ksl meadow on the lam, and tnort to ckar- r. v good P:W.eUtttt-ltoLJlfiii" "JJLoiiicr Out-I iou.'s. s " . . :. At (tJ!9mrjii.l viU laaiHr.-.W-All niy Crop, consisting of Corn, CottortlIiiy, .. Fotl.ler.'cVc ; all my UousehflJ arxl Kitrlitu FAr- nirti rti and all rhystck of Cattle, llnps, 6chct.'-- T'efiua wilt be' inade know n on the dev of enh. . Rowiin; lga r, - r- -. .a..- r -' 4r-t-t"' - "V I . - V Public ExjuninatiouKof the rffita connected .... . with Mrs- lUuu's Female cVhool, in: Lincoln; - :tr- i ton. will cwntiirncvi on Wedirwlny the 24th inst.. - in uew of .thiUaga. i-j, JhtireAi .Tbj:--' , aiid the nhiation, fhw Sirt nf the vereli will I T A hi - a ... : ... . 4 first rate Tan-Yard, &.t. "JUL -ALSO Abont GOO Acre, - On Indian Creek, nine or ten'milea from Lincoln- Inrt. on the Morgatituaroa.ViucIiiuuif arood sboul tor a aw-Mdl or other Machinery. Thia Trtm will afford large quantity of Meadow and Arable Land, and a good range for cattte, hogs, aheepc. ALSO . ' " ' A 8MALL TRACT, About one and a iudf aides estst of Lincotnton . art under cultivation, and part woodland, ar . ALSO " J, Six Lots in Lincolntony - ,H.r j...,tWTX ln'iiili .. .iht-Wi.. Lot I'o. lr Northeast jtgnare-. aWidwdly the toiuled-To iiflhTlni rx!a- A LEX. A. 11 ALL, Prinrij L Grf The Principal having procured ft cotivciii'. eot ooose. repeetttiHy buVme Pajtottftad GowmL: lane that lbs i Wtufer WssloirUJ Monday the SOth of Oct 6 Boarding can be had at reasonable rajs : few Young Ladies can be accoimiUKhttod by the Prin- -r r cipal, on application. . u , A A. II. . " . . v Liucomtoty Sept. 18 lMirflt, ----- - . - V barren Jiut .la the ws, t tree of the frnM'-1 buwneassbrtrrg in- meuiaieiy in iront ol the uourtnouse.oa tb oor- ner of Main Street and PuUio Square inc hides a DWELLING ami Out-Housea, a STORE HOUSE, several SUOVS, OFFICES, cVc 4c, wtiicn bring ra a handsome yearly rent t LOT No. 15, back of and near to the above i Lota Joul314. 15 lft, intWMM I wx cquure ail in gixxl tcuce, and noucr cul uyftiion. : . . .. The IiOndon Gaxctte coo tains a notification, from (lie Ixrd Chamberlain, tliat each person, upon ke' ing presented to the King, ia to " kneel upon die right knee, and kiss his majesty's hand; then rise, bow, and retire." If the whole nation had boon willing to follow tlie servile example of the collar boys, we showhl before thin have had some such "notification" from King Andrew iY. C.JVlig. Ibrahim Ticha Ulely cximleinnrd tlie Governor of Nazareth to work for ft year at lire fortifkalioni of Acre,' lor having had ft deficit of 601-0 piastres in his accounts. Pity it is Major Barry is cot in the hands of the Pacha I Wonder hW long Iu would have to work !(. -i ,V We met yesterday, accidentally, mas wno still sticks to the Jackson cause, and while quizzing the IVAis, a name of which we are proud, inj w hich is the true title of those opposed to usuqrttinn, our neighbour held up the idea, that, as the 'kiet are I' 1.. , . H at. i. T. ucciimng in nuniDcr, It wouia do wen n $alt OM dorn, that it might be seen hereafter wlat kind of ! I - - I 1 - . I ! . an aiiinuu a ir air was. a vye-sumacr wry coi.ily and trucly remarked, that he did not iHnk there was tult enough in the country to frtri(t ft Tory, they being so far gone as to baffle all honan inge nuity to save them from tjmUg.r-X. .X.,Cz (& By anplyinji to me. or rnv son JOHN D. HOKE, at Lincoluton, the terwa can be known they will be made easy. IJAMLL HOKE. Lineolnton, September 20, 1834. ; 8t j f FOR TOE BENEFIT OP THE N. Carolina3!iiiuiiRoaa!i PROSTECTUa , , 'Of TWft . ,. nlhf r Christian IIcraltL rpiIM pspr is published weekly, in the towa of Ce lumbia, (3. 0.) Its great ami leading object is to proowus oeieno, ana tusiaia, tne unriatisa Ketigmn. It shall eonfbrnj, in hs principles, to the Doctrines, Church Order, and EcclemsHticsl Pulicv.of the ProJw. terian Omrch particularly regarding the interests of uie unnrcn la uie BonUiern ritstea. It shall mcslcate ths hiirh and bolv standard of Uhnrfian Momlilv. . f I... " 1 u. J. r ... . ' i" wiwc w rawicr n ss extensively mmui aa poan sibla, consistent with its mam demgn, it shall approprv ate a portioa of iu eolumns to Liters 7, rVientilic, and Political aubjta but without antering Into the party Ia general ha object b to do mad to all men. kv 1 proving the mind and ths lieart; advancing the best in- terema or society, a no promoting H? glory of tiia, - TERMS. Tlie Christian Herald is published on ta imneiial sheet, tt tV pr annum; -pa vable ht edianer, or xV) 50 If not paid before the end of the year. ' Sept. StVlSJl-t" ' . 1 O TT IVUV- 0 JC V. - In rajtttctlllc, W.C- ; WHERE Tkketa can be bad in alimsa all the LtoU Wim it !- in ths T!nilM Hliha mlh. Ia t1. sinihi Ticket or in laciire3 put UD With one of the puinbers on each ticket composing tha .aumbaes. ay winca um pnsea in Uie scheme ere ascenauMo there. ' . - . WiRttrWtf bTTSi' r'rcliaier of a okurs a 'certaiu iTimotmtoT pMcaV'Soartf etiiial to oneW of the t'T' OT Ute package. .. - THK RAIIROAI VVIIi BE AI LOWED A COMMISSION on tlioSALLS of AM. TICKETS SOLD at TUB FAYETTEVILLE OKFICE or ITS It -AGKNCIE3, In aay Lottery drawn by VATES 4 ic -! LVTYRE, Jfj - -, . ,: ;. The drawinrrs of the Lotterie la which Tickets are JJ, ad-of bUhw,4S.U1 W f iw,li,rty reestff d wt th """ uiuce, r tveueviiie,) ana puuiutoea m uie " w eatcrn ' Carolinian," and "Carolina Watchman," Salisbury. Packages of Wholes, Halveaor Quarters, will be sent by mad, to trier. r A - - v. - t , - Customers wishing packages, who will remit ODo-half -the prtoa tasreof m cash,ahall reoeive, ie return, a cer- " tilied copy of such package, containing aa exact list of the combination numWrs t thry shall also receive the : . llrarhost mfbrtnatioa of the rawinga, le. Vj" rruves paid at this (mica, or its Agencies. -- ' TATES it MclNTTRE, Ma,;- Jnmtn Krawrll, AGENT. Tsyettevillo, Septcniber 13, 133L : -.J.:?.v:f : LAND FOR SALE. rpiIE Subriber offers f r sale a valuable Tract of LAND, containing 8 1.1 Arrc, lying " in Lincoln County, on tlie Catawba Kiwr, about 9 miles below Beanie's Ford. Thia Land is of an excellent quality, well adapt- . ed to Cotton and all kinds of C rain. A consider. able portion of it is low-ground and meadow. . "-V The Improvements, Consisting of a Dwell fcUilVUt tt neocasary out-hoiwcs, are new and convenient. . ' ' V , CCrThe terms will be irmiVj easy to tno purclia... N scr, and can bo asoertained by addressing the nib srriher, at Roatiio'e Ford, or the Catawtia Springe rost4nce, ' ' .JAMES C0NNOU rp!enibcr 6,1931, i tl - i L.

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