t ; -1 ...4. TO J011RTYJ1EX. m 1 . . i . i employ, first -rite workman at the Boot and Shoe umkinaf buiuess. lie sill give liberal wan to one who call come w Il reeouiti!uded..for steady habit and good work : none other need apply. JOSEPH WELSH. Moekvi!le, Sept. 13,134. . - Stale. of North Carolina : DAVIDSON COUNTY. .. " " Court of Vleat awl (luarti frSegsirins, I jrtliM Thotfinuixi. it- Y r- Heir at Law of Franc! .. Williams, due ( Hah (a. TjN thia caw, it appearing, to tlio utisf;u;lioii of " th Court, thatTheophilu V illmms, Ak-xarsler VilliartM,TbomHW'illifn, David VilIiai,Wi. liam Grig and C'ua hi rife, and George Wag p'er bikJ hi wile Alia, are out inhabitant of tins htat j It is therefore Ordered, J'', Cwirtjlmt TwofifioTHSTma six week successively, fer the auid Theophilu Williams, Alexander William,' Thoma William, . JJavid IV'illitwua, Willima Grljjaand Chpaliia. wije, and George YV a jnrorier and Alia hia wife, to be and appear before" 'the rJusficca of our nett Court of ' J tear and Quarter Session to be held tor the Coun ty of Davidson, at the Courthouse in Lexington, on the econd Monday in November next then and there to show cause, if any they have, why the plaintiff in thia cane Khali not have judgnwnt lor the amount of her debt against the real estate of the Mid Francis W ilhams, dec., which has come to their hnnd by descent. Attest SAML G AITIIER, ccc, h p.MOCK.D.c. "Septembr 13, W&l.r- 6t y, ; State of North Carolina : DAVIDSON COUNTY. , Court of ' rieak anil QMarlir-Snsionti'" AlOTST Tt!, .-John .Ward, ,1 Justice's Judgment levied on .L. A C....A.... X. T.I... ........ iii: ueiuiriuHi iiiimvidcu uncr - lattd- LcormnhrT est n 1hr fbtfmna 'IWti nf Land, to wit : one tract containing 205 4aere,ou the water of PisihorV'CrkT jotnihjr Frederick Younjj, Ge. Ileck, and other ; also, 301 acres, more or losarjomtHgtho lands of Petr Ilend. rick, George Hechrist, David (Swine, ami other ; !, 200 acre, lying on the water of Swearing Creek, joining the lands, of. Ebenezer. 8initbt John Darr, and other. 1 T srMuo, to the MtiHfuctHHi of the Cor at, """7 that the defendant ha reft the Coontyof David- on, ao that notice of mid Levy cannot be eeivc5l on him t Therefore, It i Ordered, by the. Cotrt, jha.i piUicalioiiP!jmade, Cr three eek MM-cett lively, hi the VVeten Carolinian, that the defend- nut, David Leonard, appear ai the next term of the ' Court of Floai and Quarter rJeweknw to be held tor zi - 3frty-f DavkhoKt' at theCourthmwe in Lei mgton, on the aecpmf Monday In loveinlier next j thou and tliorc to nhow cause why the plaintiff aliull - not have a judjrnMmt and an-'trdor of jsule, RCTiitd 2aiB-llhe iiuda aibrwaid; to atttiify hia auid de. - r - f ii - mmatehcmnarh THE BXERCISFJa et. taia INSTITUTION WILL 'fflirfrpm fTult1ir ciiioti; 5 rrtiitH) ii 110 M. Drawing awl Painting, $10 Musk, $20 payable in adtanr. - Vi,i;,.Uirif n 1HJ4-- Principal. I!rad-Qirten, ? PAXISiiUR V, Au51.it 21,1-534. J yi jfT!llT TVnuntiwiiw'l Oificcr of th jL'-Rfii pA.rmuinl nf NhrtK Cjlll.lmil l Militi r hHWthv riunmnruUvt In ! ia the Tua U" AJi4ufy on Wed- Jat tlm 8 ith day of September, at 10 uVluck A. M wUh aide arma, ftr Drill t aud on th Wlowinr dy- at 9 1 wjuped I rtiela 4i",tt-i.i' Review w.d la-"-rtiectKjii by the Majw-CoaeraL' ' , "r ! Ciprdor; " D. B- LYNN, Col.W.t Lincoln Cotton 1 nctory-f f fllllTBuacr.ewiling to loavVXorth Ca ' rolma, oQTura for aala hia ioterent in thai valu- waMiitawriL lie aa coochidcd tn divide h'a interest Into Share of fl 00, and hat apnoirited JOHN BEARD, Jr, lqr., It ro Knnsbu- rv ("f rmun AiWrifViou., Iniornjaiioa Id re. "awl t3TieTattorTr wi3 1)5' ftirniiril oil cpi'lics-' tiott to. the .wWnbcr at Ltncolntan, or, aa to the term of Subscription, by Mr. BejrJ at FuINhi -r -. JAMUd WVINCS. lncolnton, June 29, IS34. - " " tf ! Ten Dollars Reward.- T AN AWAY front the enbrtcriher, on Mooday ' J morni; the VSth ulu at Mr. Larkin Stoe' in Lincoln couotv.a LJK( MAN, about fire t4i(rlAciiea bjgkof ir betweiw Wack and a mulntto, atput matte, ationt thjrty.tliree year old J when jxkn W he ba rather a iuf fcmkj be Iia a ri-mnikaUe arar on hi left wrint, length wine 5 al one or more arara, from 'risings on hi breast. ' Hit name U NFI), and be i Weil known in Lincoln and Morkhilmrg cuuutie hi thi State, and in 1 ork yenct, S. I,. Any peron who will him in jail, in either f the aJiove Comitiea of Ih-4nct, o I can pi Jiim. aliall recciv a regard of Ten IVllai. . -, EDWARD KIXN. V Chninrwitle, rck!nihur Co, Ta , .y Neatly Printei at thia OlKc. '..r..-.-'JiyiNOTlCE. FpHE 6ulcrilii'ni having gone to considerable expehsfl thi AimnwT, in buihlinj Warehoo?e for the receniotl of I'roduco aiidrM nchaiH'tw of every dewitijitiori, fniwl, 'we' think, pcrf-clly secure from 'the rusk of nrs) would rtwpcclfully invite Planter and Country Merchant, who wish to store Cotton for a better market, to call on them. Tley will aim fiirward, all kind of FnKhice to New ork, Charleston, or any part of Europe an will make- liberal advances on Cotton left am der their charge, in either cash' 6t rood. Strict attetition will be paid to' the Interest of thows who may entrust theia .witfi their projicrty.' We thiuk it unnecewary to give any ren'reiice, tho aeuior KirUier ha been, doing buaineW in Chcraw ibr a number .of year. ''; v . A. IL MACKENZIE, Front Street, Cheraw, IS. C. I i s i 1 "August 18,1834"- . .-1 VT" T$i IT We eitpbcf daitv, from New York anff Chnrbttrffin. a Inrtre Stiirk of' V. IPLi '-dric;' .1ectoilw ith great care, and purcha.ied bofii'e good advanced. The Good will be sold on libe ral term for cash 6r proflucoT' ; . --The fjllowmff omprwe part tf -iimr Stockr- a ft iiiid. feucAih i ' 200 lg COFFEE, j - , 1 000 IbaTLoaf and Lump Sugar ; 300 piece COTTON BAGGING ; 200 coil BALE ROPE; 1000 lb. SEINE TWINE ; x 18 tjri9 Swedes and Englixh IHON ; 1000 Hack SALT. . . Also TEAS of every kind. & pt. bjl I34. 6t y A. dc R. McK. tplOTTffiWp' that I hold hi Note, which, lie suyii, " was given without aiiyj-.omiderutioii," ami that he will not pay it ; 1 hereby ;ive notice that the naid note a trmte with him for a negro and I will nuvke him pay it, and more too. JOHN I!. I , SaliHlrtirv. . Auaiat. 1 0: 1 31.. tf - Jieeves - VVanttMl !- 'PIIE SulMvriher, intemlinj; to carrv on a rejnilar btiHim sH at BUTCHERING, jalheToWof Sulwborv, winhe to buy a iiiiiiiIkt e!'K(d Beeves', for whicn tlie highest pjicw Hilt bt ''iveji, ?'i cosh. flt5 ITT CuxtouierH are iKtili'd limtTie will fie ready to supjily them with GOOD BEEF on Tueaday, Tliuriklay, and Saturday, f $ach week, lor the ret of the ncaaoii, at the h-miuI ratex. r-r JOHN I. SHAVER. . Sal ibunr, June 2, 1934. . -l 1 tf iani Jot ac. THE Subacriher, having determined on mov'mo to the South next winter, ollern fir ale Tlih PLANTATION on which lie live, roiks of Salisbury, on the Water of Back Creek. TUore ar,e 4:80 3?2Q " the tract, about eohalf of which ia cleared, chiefly fresh, .imcIu. di( 55 acre of good meadow. Tltere in, on the preinim, a comforfaUe Dwell ing IIeue,with good crilm.st iMeH, bsnr, and otter outhowe, new-and in gund repair., '"The water i excellent, .the ittiafion lieailrt', and the -iwighlturhood agioeaUo. . . .! (ttr The term will he made eay to any prm wiJiuig"lay,"ikl.crLc luuiwu by pailiig on rhrJtatecribrr, or-by Hirectiug'a lHtei' to- lirn at lIf)ito' Port Otfice, Rowan County. ' ..sifc. w-aAMV K6 JETER - . AocuHt 80, l"3t.- ; '; 91 Ch i'(i pJhrfi and Good I t Tnn.Hiibwnibtrs rrpectfiilrr beg leave to inform tfurcitizen of-Suliidairy, &ud the public iu general, that they luive CO 111-. mrilrrI the IlHtlifrtHff IntMnrM. Und witliieTfdW4ir-TnT7BttM,"eTrrr MON HA Y , WEDNESUAY, ami FRIj'Al.nv truing, to fur iiia)) to their cuxtonmrit and alt Othtr who aru fond of tlto article, BEEF of tlie very bn4 oWrtttimi, not urpu&r J by ay In'the Stue fur the qtiatitiea tlau teiidurit Id ikligliirar au.'ariicld"uf Cktd. Tltey resip"Ctl'ully aolicit a trial of thV ntcat, feel- Utg aHtitjiKio inai ineir ameruon will prinre correci, and IM tlie meiuiauf secuiing tn them a giKdhare of 'public patrunage. .'..Tlicy wiU ell on tlte imwt reaaotiable Icnit that can be atPinW. : 8aiiabury, July 19, 1834. tf , Valuable Real Property, iiis j jxcbiriv rwxrVf u The Stibaewberr intending mw to Abtbama, OFFERS-FOR BA LE, - His Uesldence in Lmcolu County, . Including, in one, body, about One Tlioiiwuid AcrcVj Of R ml (oo(i F n r m in g lln n tl On which ia a fine f""" 111! I .f'JjV. vi j(?ontnicted of the bt ma- tehabt, in line tunte, and good workmarwiip. Al an, all ctMivenient OuI-ILmimc, COTTON AND TURESIIING. MACniXES, Bms, 8tabHA:c. f Another Tract of Land, Lyktg M butt UIe vi Dutchiuan't Creek, contain. ALL TIRST RATE FOR ANY rURrosns. CfctrThe altove Troprrty win be aold on a credit of one, two, and three year. . ,;.(, I , ' . In my ahaence application ntay ba made to my brother, J. Forney, ' 1 " 1 - DANtFI M. FORNEY. UJUncoln Co., May 17,1634. - - tf -TiSTERN CAROIJMAN OFFJCli ' K Halitiary, Hay 17, l4. r f WE are prepared to execute every kind of Printing m a very snperior style, and our charge will be s reasmable a any. HCT Ortters ftvro t distance iri!I always meet tlm Most prowtit ittentin fc " iinicsBE mm 11 -ojoftaU iot VaTAUhhts, " Iu the T)Wn of Morgnnton, N. C A tEEKLY NEWPA PER, . : ,a '-.to M.DMWKQJQ, Tolttip, Morality, Literature, v , ancGeneral Intelligence, : tinBatiiTiTLorif , , ' -s . , 'THE FOUNTAIN WHIO. - ie fisjinquiry.upon t proposal of thi kind, generally ia, I What will he the political character of the paper "'the Subscriber .will give an aruiwer without the aat reserte s . . - - . Born and emcnted in Virginia, hia earliest a well a Km raatuiwt feeling and conviction are decidedly In ftvorof thuse political principle cherished by hia dia tinjuiIied IblUw-eitizen who have pregidod over the dextnie of tliB great Republic. Be believethat the celebrated Virginia and Kentuc ky Reaolutiuni and Report of 17JH and 1799, which wn-e draws o by those groat etoteeaien and patriot Muliaoa and Jenerwn, conUia a true exponiuon 01 me rifht of th State and of the relative powers of the Gmeral ani State Government. , lie thiab that tiie wrest way to avoid ouUwhiiw would, he hv llieriig tq.M.lUtIlU fttfiatructiuft of ihe (oontitimon, and by abxUining from the exercjae of my power, whether it be ay Uie Uenerai Uovemmeiii ir by the Sutiea, tliat. i not clearly delegited to the k'MftS)!1!e'f! .to thelatter. The et . inictive noweri a Erou1eX1t'nibre toJreait khan open ibree, beeatae it encroachment are to wleut land gradual u to excte little or no apprehenioa,wlnle at the mm umt uiey are anaormmuig uio very loun- Jatwnorurvtetu.. 1 - He' think that nothing a justify an infraction of he ttnUtition. One alight brewh will open Uic way or another, and that ft thinl, until every restriction oe it original strength, and we become habituuted o encroachinenta. On thi uubject, a on many other, le admonition of the great and trood'AVashinifton are fidiciou and aalutary. 'Precmienta," wid he, in his farewell Addrea, "are dniigeron thing; let tvery vi olation qf the Cmutitulion be ttprdicndtd. Ir'defectp iVe, let it be amend esd;- twtt not'UMtiere! to he trmj4d upon whil it has an existence." The 8ulMcTiarwiuiieiaa''witIi painful anxiety, the a bote of precedent., which have been made to frit ter way tlie Constitution, unt'd, in practice at least, it i eewrely like tJte i ute iastrumeiiUthat.caina .fhuu tiie hands f the Convention which formed) it The practice of tnplying power mutt cease, or our noble fitful of Government will mm be radically aud perhaps irrevocably (hanged. " At oroieat, the rlnnger fronrthi' mrrce i. mnrh more tlireatemng than it bos ever been at any former period, because those in power, who rennit to precedent and coiuitruction, imfiirtunntety putwess, or have poe seaHed, so mucb popularity, that their afrgretwions are overliv)ket by a pitwrou People, and who, instead ot repaying the" ronfidenre of tleir coiiMtituen by seru (miIoiib fidelity to tJieir trunU, seem Ibretfnl of every thing but the gra'ifk-tition of their unhallowed ambition or their inordinate passions. Cnutigb has bten said to indicate what will be the complexion of 'The Mountain Whig" in Tegard to jreneral politics.- As tf State iwerns, it will advortte speedy niter ation' of the Criit4itl)nri Hbcrarsyslem of Internal Improvement, in enlightened courae of Agriculture, and every thins else calculated to advance the prospe rity and honor the Fklitor' adopted State, A due iwopTrtion of the paper wiH ke levtid to Kt linious, 'Moral, Literary, and other useful subiecta, toge ther with the pacing New of the Day, both domestic and foreign ; and its columns shall always be ornament: ed with extracts from the Lrtrht !.rtrtttr of the jje, and mich vfmtr of ttie frx't nd the Wit' ima(rin tive powers, as Tl alfonl to h piniiathatTarirty which ia " the very npice of life. Nothing will be re jected which- is calrnlatwl to improve the undenitand Wot the heart, while Wert thing of an OPpofflte ten dency shall bo excluded from it column. , , . : TERMS, Ate. . - . . . ... l,-Tb first So.of TL .ttwntaia Whig 5 wu) ke issued as soon a tl.e requisite aurnbur of subscribers can he otnainel Jto warrant the making of the nccspea ry frraniemeiils Crtlial purpose; and the undweined would appeal to the friaids uf Ike proposed undertaking to enrol their names at an early day. 2. It will he printed once week, ap a sheet o niwiiiiu siie, with new tvpe and on good paper, at Two Dollara- pej year, .psaLlc oo. Ihfi .receipt of ihe first ' S. Responsible pemimi v.'bo will take the trouble to set s Airents, m procuring subscribers, Ax:, will be al lowed 10 per ctnL Opoa their trsnmctions. -Ar.-t"iW7i" Kivs. KZth MA DR A"- v lIKCKUITHf fTMIOSE who are atfliciedwith IIEaD-ACHF.S HE ART-BURNS, and other distressing symp toms of disordered stomach, bowels, and luer, may find relief ia Dr. Beck with' Anti-Ihicptic Pills, which can be had at thia Office j-ri cent per box." , " The Doctor, who once resided in this placed but now lives lii RafeighThss. aftfr ar and'eileii 4ve pn4 tii-e, been enabled to tompvumli niot va luable remedy f r tiie chronic dim sses of the di gestive organ, so common ia Southern climates, wpecially with those who lead sedentary jiyea, j It wohW be an earwatterto make out crrfifi-' cite to provt!tha'ftuese Pilfi" are a "sovereign hs medy " for H the ills that fleah is heir to;", but it la hot 'pretended tnat Ihey'ire anTimrersal infu1 ibte." teitiflrat of thrr nHJBt reajiecfable Pliyri ciana and other gentlemen rati be ahown to cult- ttantiate their efliracy tn the partiruhif clasa of diseeaea above sooken of: and the Etlitor of this paper Can testify that if be derived speedy and pernmnenl relief in Ihe te of Ihem, from j mortl of hi fnendj tnod them, at his auggestion, and ei prrienced th same beneficial elTotts. raliwbury, Jun II, IS34. tf State of North-Carolina: ' ; ' IREDELL COUNTY. CWf f Epitf-Sratxs Tea,lS3t. Wifliam Cuy and others, Petition tor sale and r. 5ditribution of roal ea- Janna Guy aw) other. ) tatav - - TT APPi;RING,tothe tttistWction of theCourt, - that Jane Guy', Richard Hancock aud Eliza beth hi irK and Tlioma Hancock aud Jam hi wife, the jefrmlanta named in the Bill, are not in habitants if thia State t It ia therefore OtnrarD, that puMi-arion be made, for six weeks, in ''The Western Carolinian, printed in Salifhury.tlmt the said detents nts do appear at the next tsirt of tiu tyto be hdd C th Ctantty of Iredell, at theCourt hmne in Satnrvilla, on theeighth Monday after the fimrth Mdiday in R'ptember nettrhen and there to answerthe petition' other wi it wilf be heard xparto, rtd the rtmrer thereof he grunted M JOHN MUf HAT, C. 4 m. E. Agw1S,ISJ..; , Jw Cr RITIOVAI--i:cnj:tinin Trale r, TAI LOU, mforra his customers and the public in ge neral, tint he has Rf mtmrd kit Jt'mft to the houm d- toininc tiie store of ilr.Wm. .Murphy, at the east cor- the Main Street wbet tid HMCptred W Wu every uo senption of work in the line of hi, burtine, in a style superior to any done in thi section of country, o s reaanable term a hy,' and f'lioii notifea. " . B. F. regularly receive, from the Northern Cities, the Report of the Faslikin a they vary ; and, a he ba constantly ia his employ a number of workmen who are Bret-rate, he is enabled to assure the public that all work done by biin will be both fashionable and durable. Garment made by hi workmen will in all cose 6e warranted to fit tht cuttomer. Cutting-OuU&r pcrsoM .wlio have their work made op ehewuere, will be punctually attended to. Order from a" distance thankfully received, both for cutting out and making tip work. (K5r Produce received in part pay for work. To Taitor. -ft F, respectfully informs the Craft, that he is Aoent for the Inventor of the Patent Mode of Cuttin(r, which now almost imiversally used at the North, and that be will give instruction to any one who may desire to be More perfect in that branch of the art, for a reasonable compensation. "'" Salisbury, 1834.- ly B. FRALEY Spring y bummer j ""nORACEItBEARD TaUor, 1) EGS leave to inform his friends, and the itilic 9 in general, that orders in his line will alway be thankfully received by him, and executed in the most Neat, Fashionable, and Durable maimer on terms m reasonable as any in this section of coun try. II. H. B. hopes, from his long practice of his business, (a mimlier of year of which time he resided in the city of Philadelphia,) and from the general satisfaction he has heretofore given to his numerous respectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive a portion of the patronage of the public, in jroiteraL , . (fT He flatters himself that his CUTTING is really superior to any done in this State, as may be tested by the undisputed elegance of fit which attend garments made in bis establishment. lid is in" Iho irjralarTeceipt of the Rsrtsof-4lio Fa sliions as they change both in the large cities oi this, country and oi Europe so that gentlemen may lie satisfied that their order will always lie executed in the very latest etyle. Orders from a distance will be attended to with the seme punctuality and care a if the customer were prewmt in person. Salisbury, May 17, 1834. ly New Tailor's Shop in Concord. rpUE Subscriber inform his old customers and V the public in general, that he ha REMOVED TO CONCORD, where he has opened a Shop, in which the TAILORING BUSINESS ia its va rious branches Wilt be executed in the most fash ionable, neat, and durable manner. He flatters himself that his (kill in the business, and his con stant personal attention in hi establishment, will enable huh to redeem all pledges made to those who may favor him with their custom. 03-He receive the latest FASHIONS regu lerly both from New York" and Philadelphia, and works mat rprvv.J r- iutiin out, and Order hum diaftnee, will be promptly attended to ; and last, but not least, ai tern will be aery u eosmoJatiag. . . - - THOMAS'S. HENDERSON. N.Bi He it deltrmmrd to do asork-i tlyU a- pmor to any dont in ma jart of tht cwiUr and aiWAT wAaaaxrao to jitwkia. liJI-i; CcoiHtrd, March 29,1 B34. . 6m TraveUersl Inn, J3. SITUATED SOUTHW EST 6ir TH iTCtJUTTrv HOUSE, IN THE TOWN OF If EXlAUTOjV , (-. C.UIOLIA A.) npHE Subscriber take thi method of informing Travellcn that he keep a House of Enter tainment in Lexington, (N.C.) on Main Street, Southwest of the Courthouse, Hia Table wiH alway be supplied with the beat fare that a plentiful neighborhood can aflbrd. Hi House being capacious, and attended by aerrant who are ioduatnou and amlua to plea-xs TraveM ler can alway be accommodated with U OO D B E D 8 in room with fire-place. And last, but not th least important consideration, HORSES rnlTiltrnfi fekttuel Viteul(miit the &allt of Ike SubtcrilMfi that they may leave it w ith in creased ability to do the service of the road. An excellent Line of tActJdtruQOdAtlQtt Blajei.' Leave the House of the Subscriber, FOR SA LISBURY', on the eyeninn of Mondai. TTturi- day, and SitHrJtt'yt and returns to Lexington cn lb succeeding evenings. fCr l'aasenger going from Sooth to North, by entering tlteir name aa far as Sulisbury only, and mere taking the Accommodation' Line to Lexing ton, can have their choice, at the latter place, be tween, the riedowut Liua.And.iha uvwfaich runs by way of Fredericksburg. - JOHN P. MAURY. Lexington, MarckJ,. 1834. , ly 1 r Coach and Carriage Mating, cVc, iu aiiminvr J.W. Maine j. Hia Shop U on the Maintrecl, between the Mansion Hotel and the Western Carolinian nrinl. ingffWe, where he intend to keep cn hand, ibr Erery deacrlptioa of VchlcleW From a Stage -Coach down to a Wheel-Barrow. r B-Ti--- " " OCT REPAIRING Will also 1 all' limns L i, tended to, and executed in a ery auperior manner, wi'ticsi pussiuie noiice, : Cljatgi moderate, and term made ray. , SalUUirj, & pU 6, lai,-.ly- vv i 3 r I SIM ISSUED WEEKLY.:::::::Et:::s::.JO:IN HEARD; 1. The " WBrraaa CABou!us,,. U n.M;ti,j . Monday, at Two Dollars per annum if paid in or Two tollawfcud Fdty Cents if Botid tlie expiration of three months. . " 1 No paper will be discontinued until 11 intm ire paid, unlet at tlie discretion of the Editor." " 3. No subscription will be received ft . Ll than one year ; and a failure to notify tlie Editor rf wish to discontinue, at least one month before the L ration of a year's subscription, will be considered T new engagement, 4. Any person who-will procure tat subscribe , the CaroliUianTMd take the trouble oT collet tins 1 transmitting the wibscription-price to the Rd,tor have tlie paper during tlie continuance of thci Hi. sCription, without charge. - , - : . , ; , t x : TMM OF ABVKBTrMlTtf.' -. ,' 1. Advertisements will be Conspicuously antf tm If inserted aTStTceiiui per aWiinrc for die first insert., and 33$ cents for each continuance j but where u t vertisenient ia ordered to go in only twice, 60 et. ifl be charged for each insertion,-.r.,,. 2. Mercltanhy Mechanic, and rVofea"l public, in our advertising columns, will be. received a jrearly advertisem, and a deduction of 13 per cetA S be made from the above charge. - , i charge. -i - JO CQBEEsTOSDJiaT 1. To msure prompt attention to Letter addrei the Rditor, the pjstsge should fn alt easel be mil ' to laron Woolicorth, i II EGS leav to HUorm the Citizens of Sliibi " us well as those of Rowan and the aurrwut ing Counties," that he ha ISetiiovett hii T:tabliihinnit TO THE SOOTH IDE or TIIE n. V A ittwlours above Mrr-Wm.- H. Slangta-Tr" ur(' ter'llotel,en tlie Maw treet,-r I'M Whiirelie still continues, as lieretoforc, to exectfi ALL KINDS OF V, ORK . in the lino of his profession, atlmort notice And on the mod rennmuble Urns, WATCHES i CLOCKS REPAIRED bv fill W ILL IM All CASK Il Warranted for 12 Months! 5 Ami those disposed to patronize him, are assimi that no paias wilt be siared to give the most general and entire satisfaction to them, ' 1 (fir ENGRWIXO of every dcurription, f uiiiii r,ib.St niK,) win U, executed withnM din! Hi':..- nml .vninit.v, at short notice. ' K-nsTMiry',-.tdii.' 27, 1 3f. "trtr T NEtJROEH, fntm ten toThirty yeawoid will my tho mos,! liberal price in Cash. - f All a ho. have. such nroocrty. to aelL would it II . II L' . Ki 'I I V i ' . . weu I" car on nun, or mr, Jonii Jones, 01 A gut , He eitn be Pnhid at Mr..Jtau'ghtrrVHotri, ?;il!nlsjiy, axid Mr, Jones at Dr. L.yd' HolfU Qharloftev--rr--.-r -- . ne'TFifiilc it prterto"tnntliV patt Mf? jw,UiM?r ai auyitber ieim,(--MW,.a-;. All L&uor addisd 1i him, or Ms. Joust,! be punctually attended to.. t! ...'.i' . ' ... . ROBERT HUH. .JSaGsbiiry. Jfay 1(..I ?Z 1 7 tf "Citfrchl i?riceii TrruceiVe. AT SALDURiSeptember 17. - Bacon, . ... l' a lS Sfolaseea, . . j i5i Brandy, pple, , 411 a 4o:.aila, . . . . M peach;;, 45aS0:Ot,V". ". Bnttcr,. . . lOal-J' Rye. .... 5 Cotjon, in seed, . 21 -Sugar, bmwav--T U & clean. 1Q I lentil " IStJ Coffee, r-19a lSlt, IKiIiS Com, . .100 Talloi leather., i . 30 frohacco, "git Flour, (scarce) ' &.10 flaxsetL . . . UN) Whikkey, . . . Linseed Od, per (allou, $1 Yi AT FAYETTIT'II.LE...Septcmber 9. Bacon, 12 a 1'2.W Braisly, petich, '',65l0'Molafises1 apple, BeeiiWx, . . WaKtlXaila, cut, 17 a llrfupar. brown, ' . W Co&e, ...-. . . Cotton,-, i ; .121 a VM . - lun.J...li- Com, . . . . 90 to'Sslt; . . .-,- FWted .lOOalKVhettW. . . .tPil .R a ff SOAVlmKev: T7ni Fbiir,; I'cat.iers, 83a8?jWoul, AT CHER.W, (S. C.)...Septemhrr it" Bacon, , . , 121 a l.'s hi, (ware,) . r7 f Beeswax, Butter, . . . lffaKiMithssca, . '. . 15 a: t)l.s ;!,--. T . Cotton, new, . Corn, . . . Feather, , , Flaxseed, . . Flmir, super,, fine, . Iron, . . , Ird, . . . Mackerel,. . .1H a 12tRire. .... .M . 75 a MjSalt, in sacks, .30 . .TJkrJ tH..lwl. . . IS 100 I'A'VSiim.r nrhn . . It .fVOf'jo wsnnion, . .ftjOa loaftlumaS"1' . -'5afflTall,(scan;cl.H'p; . 10 a IV Teas, ... J25 .6j0aftVheat,. . . .ltW AT COLUMBIA, (SC.V-Scpte mbcr . Bacon,,!w.I . . lll , lLudV.- '' Brandy, peach, , 7i Molasws, . . . apple, , 40a5(,Msikercl, . . .W Beeswaj, . . .15 OdlRaJt, in wrks, . n,.it. is . tyi "ft ...... vi, v 4.- .. IWBiri, . . rjr.u. io . i-'o . . - luii-' Corn, , . . .100 a 10(1 , MAlumfsW' Cotton,. ...... 11 a lHTallow, . ,. - J Flour,1, . .750aH(iTHus. . . . . ' Iron, . . . 6a6lSvhkey, . . - ATC.VMDEN,(aC).-rVpteniberA Bsron, 12al2;noiiriN.Csro.).000, Brandy, peach, Ibaaan.,'"1" Cotton,, i . Core, ', , - , KesUier,. , . ".45 &(t( '.(Cajn.mills)W'', h S5 a 40;lron, . . -r7t;irdr ". v 10 a 131 Tallow, 1 . ,100 a li) i 9 . SO a 60 Whiakcy, . , Wheat, aer, , ii

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