.&M jf 'riWn1"''1' ... .... rt ....... . -- - f'I:BMSIIK WEEKLY: JOHN lW.lU,.hi:,lil,,ri,nd Prnpriilor. Xumher from' the beginning, 747 : No. 17 OF THE XVft .VOLUME li f Salisbury, Rowan County, N, C. Salurdhy, ScptpinUprlSITl mi nil Sit. eta, us . j aid f romi xectfi ice, rim .asml Mat n, fi hnM itMil kt! HiM Agui iottf ll,U LU. if - SiH 75 ; 41) ll1 .30 . i25r " ti. a8.i JO if. rA. Eligible Situations OFor I'ariiu'r, Mores, Private lici- W -i til HU B Ki n Tntenduur to remove to the n catJuajuiMM-tit rhtrlbttnwimr P R TTP II U T Y , consisting ol Lands in Lincoln Count v, AND Lots in Liiicoliitoii, zx ": to-wm-" ; A Plantation, containing 204 Acres, OT the waters-of Clark's Creek, H or ! miles north if Liiicolutoii, a good proportion under cultivation; .... mciiiiiuiir a nu' i i vi! nrs-i.' fLud other out-houses, h line OKI HAKD.vVc Thf il "f 'hi I'11'"' not inferior to any in the Cmntv,aiid is situate;! in a good neighborhood tor it SlUf. a tiikiii' Titii TN, - Auj.aiiii.g fbe i!fc'jr?ViieTir2CIJ,""eTjr 159; and the-other of ) 30 ACRES; TWO OK UIIU II Il.tVK ivi t.i.ting .iioi ns. M 1 T, 1. I, I, I .1 M II W I t" 1 , ."I . J"Jjfc All the ulsno tracts have a tine proportion ol nien- i'lW.V'f'oin. aild upland". They will be, sold sepa rate or together; ALSO- - -1 on (hi; vv.it Alxmt two loiles from tlie nlwe, r- of Allen's liti k, Cont.iitrtiijf I'.ll Acres. Ptin,'tpHv well lind)erI witli Pun, nnrl would Ik I (IcMi.iole iippendiige to filiin ol u 1 1 ot iliu above fariiiiiii! IjuimN. -AISO- TIIi: l'M.NTVTJON Wh'-reon 1 no Iivp, nlvsit hilf a mile from Liti I'ltlnlon. on I in; SiHilli J'ork of Cutuwli, coiiiainni; I JTI7 rd - of '.iiWf Ac rp. Tki" trael is j,;iiiiliill Hilui'letl, in-ill!; nerly nr rminl' iJ tli'' ne., ii.td in view ol' th" v illu'. Fnuii Ike nature oi' tli : jl, uml the mIiiiiIivii, this plant;. tioii irolin-ei typi.tlU vvi II in u wet or a dry jil-usoii. il is improved with A CuiuLruUe IAVKLI.INC, ()ut-ilm!i. hun,i(L('rilte, Sliible., Aic; 2. A DistUlrry "n nn improved plan; A nue Tan-Yard, vve. r. ; . AlJiUl : . - - About 000 Acres, Do liidiin'i f'rtt'k, nin"or tn'mile from Iiineojil- tan, on th" M Tirnnton road. inrlndiii a "oodHliouJ f fir a Saw-Mill bf other JT.u hiiierv. This Trad ill alKird h hirix; nuuntitv of M -adow and Amble i&ittl; mt'a grI raiige 'lor'cattlTiVigit, sfeoj),4r. ;-g---; ....... A SMALL, TRACT, iltont ii ami n half miles cast of l.i'irolnpiti fart unJer enliivution, and jiart wiHlland. Sic Lots in Lhicoliilon, Ta-wV'-; Z7,Si ' M -io. 1, Norrtir.a'tf "Squan -Wiilediy the Lent iiiliiiition in the plnrM? for iiiiiras, tieinj; im HMlintelv in friHit of the t.JoiirtliiMe, on lh cor-iM-rof Mniii Stiwt and I'nhlir Square- includes a Dn r.LLI.NG and Oul-II .ib, a STORK II! VISE. iVcniLSHOPSr.tM'ftCia,Ac. be, which brinj; in a hundine yearly rent : LOT No. 15, hack of and near to the above ; ""O. 1.1. 10.V?h the fi.Hlth. wl Spiare- all in good fence, und under cul- tlViltilHI. 'ftr liv nnivh inir 1o hie, or mv son JOHN I. H'KK, at Liiu'olni.Ht, the lornm uan l known "''V will he maiki msv. DAMKL IIOlvT.. Imco!utui, jv4ttflrr 2H, 1-'H. :t ' -MilUitml Lnml for Sn1e: ; TjiC.iSiiWx'ihci'i.iuluwIiii U 4UOVC, Mm i'ornalo, A Good Tract of Laud, Ihi Iliiutiii Cre'k, in tli Ciwilv of Irwh II, aUmt l" mile iioiihciiM of Stiiichville. There uro AImhiI 50 Acitm In ttn Tract, arid on the premises art- a ockI lojreiher with a new nnfmi-'lied ; ' I'kamk i)vr.i,M(;.(rsn -k 4'ji and (tiit-ll-aioM. ' !i ' "itiiatioii is Iii-hIiIiv, anil the watr excellent 1 . 1 ntlit.r p.irlinilaia are de iiiimI uuneccf.sii, u it f pf'-uuicd tliq any one wi-diiug to rain-haie w(rh duahli- promrly woidd wish i aw it for hinwlf Mure tra.Iing. " ;"vr TIih ternw can lie awwrtatm'd bv directing I letter to !m .SitHcrjurr, ut County -Line I'o'a 111' I"', Rowan Couiitv, WAR Milt RR(.lVN. S.,trml.r 2(1, lZf 3lll K A UK 1)1 111 Prm a Ic Scm in a TilH r.XERClSES or tbi. IXSTITl'TION WIL1 HE RESUMED ON THE 1st of OCTOBER. price of Tuition wr sessi'vo, (." imsiths.) is M0 JV(I Drawing and Paiuimg, 1 0 Music payable in advance. BKXJ: COTTRF.EE, Salisbury, Aug. (I, 1 -3 1. l'riiirial Recess Thjr train. O foray i an 1 1 lever 4i. -- v. nur run reei,ur J(umIc charm tbc akjr ( OVr thr the t -hi an virli.rv n ' Anil tlM hiuU thy fc rfctrt wurlut i. STANZAS, bv nry. . o. pfbody. I Uivr- the nicinciry of that hour When first in youth I found thee ; For infant beauty gently threw A trmrniapr-frnshrirs round tlfeT;""' A sini'le Mar wan risin? then, .- . ' VTlih mild dikI lovely motion ; Ami scarce the zephyr's penile breath Went o'er the sleeping ocean. . I love the memory of thnt hour It w akes a pensive feclmir, A when within the wiiidinir shell The playful winds are stcultntr ; It IcIIh my lieart of tlnwe brifjlit yearn V.rp hope woit tlow n in norrovv, When nil the jov of yesterilny Were piintetl on Uvmorrovv, Wlier art thou now Thy once lnv'd flowers Their 'ljoiv leaves are tw ining', Anil bright and Im-o il iiljl again That tunple Htar is Hhininr; But where art lllou! The bonded grass A dewy Mono (Iipc loses, Ami love s bright fimtstejw print theroun.l AVh'eteT lilt 6uf peace repows. ' .Farewell ! my tears are not for tlior- "Twere w knew to fleplort thee, Or vamly mourn thine ataence here, While biii-Ih half adore thee. Tli v ilnys were few ami quickly told, 'Hiv short auii motirnfnl story I l.i Hi cndtl like the moriiinff btar, .That jiieltii in Jumper glory. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE N. Carolina Rail-Hoad!! L O T T 11 tt V 6 F 1 C H In Tay tHcvIHc, 4. C, Tickets an be had in almost all the Ixit- i.-ries drawn in the United States, either by the siiij. le Ticket or in Package put up with one of the numbers on each ticket' composing the fltiniberK by vvi. .eh the prizes in the scheme are ascertained there by HiMinnif Itt the ptireltaaer of a package a certain atmsint of pnres, nearly eqnal to one-half of the Cost of Uie packaeo. r7- TIIK RAILROAD WILL RE ALLOWF.D A COMMISSION on the HAIJlSofALL TICKETS 1 SOLI) at THE FAVETTEVIUi: OFFICE or ITS AOKNCIEH.'m any Lottery drawn by V ATEs Hi Mo LNTVRE.-C0 The drawings of tlie IHterios in which Trckets ore sot't. an.t of otheTt, Witt be recnlarly received at this liru-'e. (FnyeUi.-v die.), aud publiBht-d m the " Western f"nnSrinran.Jan'rilCar()lina 'vVatrliman'altshurv.. I'ackagea id W'IwIms, llslvee, or yuariirs, will be. sent bv amih 'ivf(frr. v - - r (:.iuwf. vvurtoftf'Wi?)-!!! mini me-tilt f IIWiM.ll.erKlBW.liaue,v,mre.Hr.r..r.-r. I.I..J ....m. ,.l a.o.l. nwL.itrn ri kill -I 1 1 1 1 n r It It !l I I I kl lit . ...-u... , y, m...., ,... . tint ri.inlMii il 1 iti tin tit tfrN ' thPV Hlillll H No ft'CUlVL' lilt' earliest intorinntion nf the rtrawmsri, A c. CCf Prtirc pid stthra Otfirc, or jls Ajrncrcs. .!ame Koawcll, AUE.N'J'. Fayi.tuviilu. Sctiu.mb..r la. lL ' A VtiHHtrTA NT SALE Th Suliscrils-r, iiitciiduig to leave this part of the country, will sell, to the highest ladder, On TI ESDA Yihtllh day of OCTQPER next, The lolrowin Property " a T 1 a . wm. u aI" I naft.l u-nll itrfTpr.t-.tl nrul - - . .,,i,.., o.i;;;:.,;.,"rfrroviwni isjiiy-are-renaneo a irrrte-cwiversation well watered, m the Tlniftini Nttlemcnt, aitjoining J , , i . i I .III .IIIli VI AMsaau. " ' r I I .. l. I.... V. l llu.,,1.. Monuifl . B... ' ! ... . . . n. I.II.t j mul tlio I hialira Church land. 1 here IS 1- r .i i l I . .,1..., rnnsl meadow oft the land, ami more to clear f- ...... 1 a C,skI HMELLINU-IIOIM,, Uaui, and .II other Out-llsisi's. A I th mtmr time, I will uw tell All mv Croii, onsistmit of Com, Cotton, Hay, Fodder, V;c. ; all my Household and Kitchen Fur- niture: anil a'l mrstocK oi x nine, noys, a; .-sms p. Tel'ins w i IT lie made koowifiai tla- day sale. tilltllltill tin;te. Rowan, S"..pi.2tV13." raosrECTUs or TMK soiilhcni ( hri-li.-iii Herald. rillllS iwis'r is miblislind weekly, ia the town of Co- luuihia. (S, C.J Its great and kadnig obj-ft. is to, i , i . -. .1 . fi i ... '...)...:. . : W iMi.Sllllllllll ail'l II.IHIM. i It siiall ('iiiitorin, Ill ll Principles, III UU I II IIMT-, I .1 Church Order, ami Krrh-.iss1irl Policy, of the Presbv - tirian X "tin r-t i particularly reeling tlie interests ot the Church in the Southern States. It shall incub ate hc hmh ami holy standard or ( lins'ian Morality. In .filer to r.Mider ,. a, extensively u-Tu die, tss.,leiii With it" nmin ilfs"!?". " np npn - . -r ,.J..mn io in. rarv. Scientitir. ami .... .i.i ...i.,.w.,h..f irnhoui enturiinr into the uartv dist-ussiona of the Hay. la general, it ohjert i tod good to all men, by im prov inn the iiiiimI and the hesrt ; advaw-iiig the lsstiii t. sts..r s.s-iety.rulpMmotmgUiegnyoi w.i. TERMS. The ChriM.an Herald is puhlish.s on an imrvenal -lieef. at n- nn,,m- or fcl .r0 if n. paid Is-Cre the end ot the year. Col.linl.ia, Sept. '.tl. KU dt VET iK-rais having occasion to write to tlie sub- scrils-r,ShenfT(f Liiicoln Canity, are request. ed to dinii l uMnlai Vrrtk 'ef.yncr, .ia roi f't.u-1' . And all wIhi write on tlvur own IsisiiMM will please to fX Ttlf r-Ttor.. THOMAS WARD. Lincoln (..,S. H.20. 13 1- 4V ll;inillill, firruUr. Vnli, t. .N.-atlv IV""'' slvs OJi-x' i MISCELLANEOUS. Fm IV sn liflul liki). HUMAN UFE, ' OR THE riKST imD LABT MINUTE. Miniitvs y'u.-Thc anxious hushiuid jiaces whtwly HChiM Inn sludv. He is a fathor, a man child 18 boru uoto linn. Min'ttf rti-i ihn child lias iieeu iiieswMi tiy a parent, whom it cannot re cogiitze, and pressed to that Ikihoiii to which in stinct alone guides for sustenance the young wifo tis has timiilv answered to a hushand's questions, uxiddLlt .hia warni k'um tm Imr frebad, - lUn,r fmjM, The low inoahing from the close ly covered cradle, tells of the first wants ol its oc cupunt. The quiet tread of tho nurse, sjieaka of siiili ring anaind her: while her glad countenance says thut the very sufli-ring which alto is trying to alleviate, is a source of joy ; and the iiaimdess arti cles, which from time to tunc she arranges mi the hearth, tell of a new cjaiiiiaiit for the courtesies and attentions of those who have progressed fur ther on the wthway of existence liny ihiuh. Visiters are thronging the chain-, bcr, and the mother, pie and interesting after her recent sickness, is receiving their congratulations, and likening .proudly to their- nraises of the little treasure w hich lies asleep "in' its' riickuig " lied 'at her feet, The seem- shifts, and the father is there w ith her'alone, as tho twilight deejieiiH iilxsit them, w hili) thej an; planning tliQ juluxe destiuy. of tlieir cinld, llYili fM The eyes of the young mother ure-kpui kling with health, and the rose blooms again on iter cheek, and the cares of pleasure and homo engage her attention, and the father is once more mingling with t lie world ; yet they find many opjMirtiuiities each dn to visit tjie young inheritor of lic;'to watch over his dreamless sluuils-r;to trace each ollier'a hsiks in his Countenance, and to snider uM)ii tho felicity of which he is the la-arer to them. Month pans. The cradle is disserted. But the chandler Hoor is strewed with play things', and there is a little one. loitering among them, whose halt-lisped word", and hearty liuigh.aud sunny coiiu. teniince, tell you that the entrance into hli: is ovur a puthvvay of flowers. The cradle is empty, hut the last prayers of the parents art- uttered over the j small crib which stands by their own bedside, and their latest nHentjHi is given to the js'iiceful brea. j things of its occupant. Kirs' nam. 'hildltood has strengthened into boyhood, ami gauilmied ahmg into manhood. ciNiucxtons are broken-parents are sleeping in their graves new intimacies are formed n new home ia about him, new cares distract. JI is abroad, struggling amid the business of life, or rt'stjngtoiii it pth those whom he has chotten from his own generation. Time Is beginning to wrinkle his fore head, and thought , has robins! his looks of (heir ga ietv, and study has limined his eves. Those whoi ts'gaii TiXlirter "KcukI grown up are fast crowd-j ing him out of it, and there are many daimmits ' iiWai1iismdusirv mid lovcTir jtrofeclioua'nd "sii'pH)rt j ing I 1 ,ltrt IWIM - I I I kl flW'll ' ' 1 1 ll 1 lT Tl li:f lU'ClllIlP I ., ... ...... nti.it itiwl tint iiMillniir linn nj 1m nkii rinittfil I hi , ... ., . 1 1 1 htuno ol his J iIIk th. IIih atvm Imvft lont thnr vihh- i i - . ij, , ,-jr .L t.i. ----- IlvnvIO llllini iia.T iivlamiiv i.iiiitii.ii iiii ill mi", UWltofMU n, tr,: wait. -II., has left the bustle which fatigued bin., lie Itsiks , I.- hii anxhsislv in em-h-day paper aoiisig the deaths I aiul then. Hinders ott-i- tho.uauu) ol an old fneiat, and tries to jsTsiiade himself that he is yfsjiiger, stronger, and has a better hold upon lite, tluui any of his contemporaries. Monihi miij. He gradually diminishes the cir cle of his activity. He dislikes to go abroad whore h finds so many new faces,-and he gnevrg to meof his forua-r coniaiiHaM after a short absi'iM-e, they seem to have crown no old" and infirm. Quiet en- ' - t i i . . i uboul old tunc whist a roli- ' it i, Mia trenhse. -a oil earlv Is'tl. tnrm lor lnm lhi r . . J . sum I null oi ills ineusiin-. . . ll.. 1. iui. Iiitirmitv beetwi turn in his rlinm. . . tt . ... . V :L ..I,, " ! Ii inn aaiu iiiiiik o is iv siiv in . tween his easy chair and his bed. His swollen Tiiu'bs art- w raps'd in RaniHds. llis sight is failing his ears refuse their iliitytaud his ..capiat but ..Lttii' fdled-f-smre-iiilM-rwise his shaking haod csrinot carry it to hrs shrunk hps, withisif spiftHig its con tents. His powers are w eukoued Ills faculties are Uuiilcd lux fclxi'ilgth is loot Dayt him. Tho old man ds.s not leave his bod his memory is failing tie talks, but cannot s uiiderstiHsl he ai-ks qnestiisis, but they relate to the transactions of a foriwr gi-wration he speak of occurrences, Is it the rccoI1cciisi of notaie i.nsind him can go aick to their sceneii he seems to pnominii '7ti roMir.i.VVM,iirUri?m-TirrrmoL ITitUiTi ' ., ... I.......I ll,..t u...I.. ,.l III,.. ail.l i.l. ll. I.. I. I.n..., ( ll in i-nnri iiiui " u , i . r, nun. ni.-. .i.i,...m, nit.v 1 covered their tonihs. your frt llie taper gnws diovoier end j i,nM.rib(1 iiwM'hinerv moves yet more and more I lw vt. BUfc, nro fewer as they measure the ' ulUul;ul 'IVova-,, of those" alKa.t him is t , , , , , i' i r i "ohe. de.1, or becomes a. vexation. Each fresh m- I nuirv after his health is a knoll. The aivriiics of ) bf can no haiger f5rce ai it wheels the "silver - 1 " i fBN nntwttsd (,a pitfher is broken at - ,1 f4MUtiaiJi.-.,d ii,M hurtbiu,t His chil- ()rn flrn IIV? Hlt ,e heeds them n4-his . frj n, ,(p ,lM, n4 ..g,,) ,1, i Tim circle is completed. The course is run, and .,..i, J;,.. ,!. Amn I.;, K .,-1... I he night of death. M inula wii.v His breathing grows softer and j lower his pulse beats fainter and .Wider. Those , a roiasl him are listening, but ooinot tell when they ceaso. me emneni are ourm oui and the tin me Hashes not ls-fore it exaresl llis M threcsonro yenrs ami tin" ore numbered. Human lifu "is finished. . ; CXr Tlie iHimher of emigrants for America. n u , ... .. ... which sailed from Uverpiwl, during the quarter ending July 1st, was ,l,t)i.T 4 GIN TEMPI JA Tho cxpensoB incurred in fitting up gin-shop bur in London ia aliuoa inersUUlf i5VKrv trying to vie with hia iwighbtair in ctaiveuicnT ifriane. nientH, pem'ral dicplav, rich curving, bma work, iinely veimnl nwhoganv, gilding, and ornamental painting. , The carving f one ornament alono in the (1 ruiies gin-idiop, old street nid, cont JtHt.; the workiTiailsho-w4yi-juaK.!f tho first carvers of wood in London. Three gin ahops iiavS"lH,endly. fitted up in Red Lion atm-t, at the expend for tho bar alone of upwards of '2U0U. Time was when giu. waa only to Iw found in ly4aiH, ami Wiivd alleys in dirty obscure holes, 'yclp'd dram slioiw; but now gii) ia la-come a giant demigod, a mighty .spirit, dwelling in gaudy gold heplaatervd tu plea, erected to his hisiour in everV street, and worsiipied by countless thiHisands who daily sa crifice at his shriuo -their health, their strength, their money, their minds, their bodies, wives, chil dren, sacred home, and liberty. Juggernaut is but a fool to him for the devotees of Juggernaut, though they put themselves into the way of being crushed to death beneath his chariot wheels, are put out of their misery at once ; but the devotees of the great spirity.gm, devote themselves to lingrrtng misery; for his sako tkry are contented to drag orm degraded," nasty TTisttnicr'M-to w l4r hU dreti pine, dwindle, and famish, to steep themselves in poverty to tho very lips, and die at last, poor, aneakiiigT beudlo-kiekodi.grtiobswohrnaupcrsi " til tlieso loinW of tlm great gin-spirit, may le seeu maiMllin, unwashed multitudes, the ancient and 111 fant tf a span long, old men and maidens, (fraud-siri-s and griindams, fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, and children, crowding, jostling, and suck ing in the portions of the spirit which the llauiiting priestesses dob- out to them 111 return for then cop. per ollciiiigs, Su uI ay 111 London. SIXOL'LAR ATTACK AND RMSCl'i:. A singular encounter was observed Intake place Is-Xween a sparrow-hawk and a vvixsl-pigeou, on Tuesday the llth instant, 111 Western I'lean-gar-den. After the hawk had struck his quarry, both birds mounted, inclose conllict, into the air, where (Im-v litid a tl-sperat stnignle for wane tune ; thfi isxir cushat's feathers living like chad' lad'ore the wind. The hawk sooiiih.I ut length to strike his talons deep into the sides of his xxr victim, for it began,. H s,crcwm. iiio.it limtilv,. and, uuul have pooil!';.' sunk imiler tin- iinetpial conllict, had not llie jCJ'il'S ol' distrtisH attracted the nltntion of 11 tlldMJ'W crows, who had Itrcii takini; their inorniii;: lligtit 111 searcn 01 iirnaklasl. rs-eiuir inal tlie pi K"oil was ill 111 ir 1 11 '! Wl1'' couiuioii eiiomy, tln v generously flew with all their nntrhl to the scene gfucjiwi, cruwuiO-aiid-cawiiM at aHlelMlml must have dismayed a loss (tauut heart than that of' our hern. He stood the onset firmly for some time, but his opponents wc.ro too numerous, and foil uvoa him mo lo-tilv. that he was sis-edilv comiM-Hed .to resign liis victim, take to his wings, ami flv away, This being an exorciso in which ihmw of fits antii; gonists could inalch Tiini, an.d in which, OMttihers gaw mem uu auramagc, no was wmhi oui h mgui, Ph'tivillif tilt) Msr nileon stieillilllflv llotlliu'' the ' . ' . r,' .. worse, except what arose from alarm, and the, hsor ' . ' " r m 11 piunmjrc; utr im' n'riii wtiu mm , . 1 . 7 r JL , .-ttivvu iiiw mtt;oiir' bubcr miu mew; ;. imu ill'- , - , , tlie VDfo. Hy way a.ntr fowanfs its favoit refn-at, in a neiblihiriiitf WimhT. With no part, however, of the conflict, was he inou jiinustMl than that which aroau from the conduct pi n parrel oT Tnatrpies, whft were attracted To the sjsit by the tnigtes and crii-aof the coiiilwftiiir. They collcctod on lite trees tsieath the scene of action, from whence they continued to pour out tlioir noisy threats in most valonsis clamor towards the com mon enemy lait, aa sometiinea wrsnM with roore noUe his-ds, their val.air. was disited in empty threats; for, IImmiIi tliey seeme'l by tlw-ir chatter to be. uujthtily plcaaod with tha gallant bliaviisjr .of the crows, tliey tk go.s'1 care not to risk a feather in the CM968terlint Journal, MATERNAL HEROISM. On the 17th of Jauuary, 17 HO, a party of In diiius killed George Mason, at Flat Creek, alssit twelve milea frmn Knoxrille, Tennessee. During lite uight he heard a noise at his the aud. atep pej oui to aacertaia lb cause, and tlie Indiana eo ming between him and the door, liilefca-pted his re. lurn. lie fkil, Isit was firetl uinsi, and wounded He reached a cave, a bait a quarter of a milq from his hoOseVout of which, alreaily weltering in blood, he was dragged and murdered. Having daie this, tliey returned to the house to desialch his wife and children. Mrs. Manui, uucotMiuaia af tlie fate of her husband, heard them talking to each other as they approached the house. At first, she waa de. I I' .1 u',l. .1 1 .1 . 1 1 ' . . T . " 'oiwr in i Trrnis'TS. nriu!-U ny i ne tiring, mm come io ner assasianre. mil per per ceiving that the conversation was neither in Eng lish nor German, the language of her neighbors, she instantly inferred that they wore savages- co ming to attack the Insise. Tba heroine ImmI,.- thai -rery rnorntnjf,- learnrd Itow the double trigger of a rifio waa set. Fortu nately, the children wore not awakened by the fi ring, and she took care not to awaken them She dixit tlie door, and barred it with bcuchen and l. Idea ; and look down tlie wcJL charged riHu of W liasUnisl. Kite placed - beraelf dirocrty ppa4le the opening which would be made by forcing the ill sir. Her Imslsiml came not, awl she was tail too well aware that he was slain. She waa alone in darkneat. Tho yelling savages were, without pres. sing upon the door. Mho took counsel from her own magnanimity, heightened by alkctiMi for her children, that were shrping uncisiscKsisly anamd tier. 'The Indiana, pushing with great violence, gradually opened the idsir sufficiently w ide to at. tempt an entrance. The' hislv of one was thrust into th opening, and jt filled it. Ho was si rug gling for admittance. Two or three, tiiore .directly befiint Imu, were proiH-lhng hull lor ward, Mir set the trigger of the rii)e, put the imu.le near the forr.t st, rvwl in such a mrcction that tli. lull, after passing through hit Jbody, would peuetrata those bchiiid. Mie nrt-d, I 1m hrst Indian Jell ( . tb mixt otwittred the ncrratn of mortal terwrr This intrepid woman saw the policy of" pmfiaind ... silence. Hie,obtMrvc it. The Indiana in conse quence were led to believe that armed men were -in tbe house. They uitliuVow from the Imkjsc, look . throe horses from the stable, and get if on firev- t r ? was afterwards ascrtaiiied, that this htghniinded j;idow had saved herself and children from' the at- " !.." tuck olTwimrydhfawailaiitaiaagto 1' i' terary Enjttvrtri ' ;' "7 A GLANCE AT THE UNITED STATES SENATE i Mr. Editor- as everyone wishes to kmur soma- thing of the Lions at Washington, I shall attempt , . to give yiai some outline of them, fortunately, I - . f am in tho llpMrter's box of the Senate, and tha ." 1 suhiet ts are all placed in the moat favorable light.": . !.' . O il . I il r. ... ?. ' f r irsi oi an, is inn narry i.iay-otu in reputation,' ' JT though not ao. in age. There he sits, afar off to -. , the right, liehind Daniel Webster, whitee "nobla" , forehead reminds one of an old Roman castle, arm- .' ed with veteran tnsips, and impregnable In all the j asmuutsoi tno eneiuv 4here he w, tall and mates- , ? 1ir--perhnfi bwwerer, I sbewb -ot bvetd trmjet - ' tic, sua e his leet are carelessly rcstfhg upon his ; ikyk. i Variaw.priiJjsi.reppriaia,ui li. Urnn.sign, I funcy, of the vahie he puts upon them. "T " Chat a lofty forehead he ban ! with the eye, the . ! 1 i ",M'. Jj. clMit'k bones, of au I wlian I'mphet. Hm '" ' hands are clasped his bfoWfixad, and, -with hii'" ? chin resting on his breast, he is ruminnting aome great national question. I likc'his mouth prtsligious- -iv in (net it i n nrodigious mouth -as xvi'do and """ f 1 as HiniMitli as a Connecticut cluni-shell j and then it 't contuina wathiii it words as mnemtb and as sliij'ryTT t asacl.iin-slioir.siiieiit. Ah ! sotiielhing has brought i 1 bun to Ins foot. .Mr, Pre-sident!" What a soft, silvery, simple utterance, he gives the word.. What a tine si foot filmed fellow ! His gestures too ho natural now lifting lliein w ith nn easy motion to his Item!, and now they meet like his conclusion, in one coiicenierotl isnnt. Hut ho is only sujrirest- itig to I1k) fs-nntc tlin4pirHtitin ficfbrott is not oim" r, of gn at inonieiit else Harry would do tlm husi: ness in quite a ditlen-nt style. If the honor, tin' reputation, the interest, of the country were at stake'-" be w-.sild -make -you "-c rvrf v atirt of "way rrotu"" the maddened hidiiriiutioii of the soul, down to the i enl"i winshinc of the heart. To ttse one-of hiT" in. -..you I... M.....1.I ... 1 l ., .. i... .in! ,k iti nioiig wiiii iue snnil like proiiress of tljo sluggish Mississippi cralts. mini, waiting n tide and wind but, superior to bith, like the noble stea hi boat, dash i,y from its pL W- everyimp"dimenf, bii wHi!d lasar down all oppi. lion. Harry fe?lay ia truly a great wan mod if w ss-ak of him as an orator, ho certainly atands at lM1e'l f Hie A mi-rtcnn "catniirue. 'VvImmi'I aav .!.. I loso ihM of hiv vierieM rVfrkit'tlfflti,' J ry That man, T grant, " spoke with a-voke- sweetet lhaaii.it in worde m 'mnv-iihtf wtnir?' M jyinvti.uu," buHhtiV weru tiio- wonU of jiberff n.r., Tr-. ,in TintiiKu nq cikhs irom ner altar could fail to have uttered them. It was cany then " to Is? a palrioi, and still easier to proclaim patriotic :2. "'Jlll'liTMll bjiLiiilhia Jay--iwH I will n-Hmrz?z:r inya'lf--enrKiiiti is il, lliut "wo liava Wh nven . " ltem:13FTr-u rPt'.i4uii-iiiiri.-r,'.'.'i.-.:'...-;r:' . . : . V . w i,.. nun a grew poillK ian, navfl. st idi-ly misiakeii mm I niean pidificiao as it is ' M.t"keir-wuh ue is usi iraiia tor such, lie attempted to act tlie 1 1 part once, fait came near lxing hissed from the ? i s1nre. If HciiK' flar litres L all viil, n.,. t . (and I do not make ilus a puaaibihty) it moat be iZ2ZZZ the first of our stulcsiiNMM.ratort 1 the man , wlHt-was 4.Mv.el hy fy, fiietHla, and h.ired-l tlmee who, (littering from him, Imro keen inipropor. . ly called his enemiea, ' ... Just before-llmrry, I hatep!aCed Ihe IIo; Pan. iel Webster. I can't nick-name him. Even hi ' wine is too cold and errible to aport wilWTheiw Is'fiolhlng of (H-rmiasHin or gentleness in hit coon, tenamre ; if you love it at all, 'tis only that lova which Uierior abilities inspire. I have said that " his head reminds one of an hl Roman castle, - If J ynu coum prmit inun them two speara dipped in ptuonaiU in Wmk flnira ef death Dlmed aliLvar they' would stMfielirmt resrfrifJe hia tiukuneU brnwa-- ansl iMruaig ey ea when provoked to combat. Then, too, is that unearthly smile of his alvravs aifrod! ing M. jarcaaiMsv, wb;lir4 an erator of thJ Mhcf nonse nas well aaul, ana like the emanation of the - spirit of the icy ocean tliey are fnaww mercury, becoming as rauatic aa red hot iron. -t If the Jllas. t soc.husetts Si-nator never warm you -(th his fam-yT he never Aiila to delight. Ilia mind ia a book if well aolectcd pirnawhichJie tmoBatntMajid.. tTTBTt,TTtftiTll tnsil'nrM i. LisiMifuf ai the vurv t'i. pitfd in which he thunders. Nature bas em l.im out, body and ami, C.r tlie forwm, and if this t-o. .v. iMirn.i, ci tHtiiT-a nun in ma proiier spliere. it :n 1 1 i . r .. . . . - . neo ot our juoictary, Uluniinating it by lua vari.sis aocuinjsiidirneiita and profotitid lu, gnl attiinmonts. - " " ' IiiMn.sJiatPy Ui f.Mrvs Welmter, on the ppposita side sT the 8.itte, aiti (ilhHin.v If y.aj notice that prruliar forehead of hia, with" the stiff grir.zly Itair which stand, up above it, you will never aHer . mm bw likeneea.7- He U llie'greali'st man in ai. xersatum yog aver listened to. Ho is jv .If w had nt such a slouch in his altouldera, bo would be at leaat sit M high. But h Wears he w.niet of Minrnri, and that, of itself, ia enough to make lnm stoojt. lo ha, (aa is alwaya hia manner) caught the eye of WeUer, and Is ky ing off his argument to him. His Im.g lim finger, bow poiuletlly it shakea-his iraaith, how it p-oaand his rye that ye, win. h every one marks as such a peculiar fi a. lirB-how it searches, aa the eagle docs tho haw k when abait to naS it of it prey. , There m w , has boon too rapid--tlie MasHachusetu man I, . loet him. Ho perceives hit fin ih ho reprnrs 1, , projasqiiiai, do you tdsxerre, air t m I right H It is -elfv.tk.nt 1 1 Again lltey are on Hk- aani--tmck. V hat cUiJ uf thought CJ1 WcleaVrV . i . t .UP!

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