'1 X i r - ..iKSMMim. brow! It N gathering slowly, only to burst likol au electric sr:o:k m tonic p-tuiied reply.R Jbut ll houn has built up his argument with too much cau tion, lie bus LiUiea" out inductors' pii al fytes fifftr "Wet I ealM upon to select lroin the Senate I he nihil best qualified to rule the nation, dixptte of 'Ji'u being nullifier, I should fboowe ClhauV lie fm just tho riglu' Md of know ledge for such an flice. ; Ffow a long participatii in the affiiirs of .government, be in intiinatcly Rctjuaintod will nil it , nmitjcatious. Kome tune ago, m hi1 native place, J beard two mechanics earnestly fiisjMjtiri whether - their Senator was the best Blacksmith or Carpen. tor. - They each claimed iim a being Cm in their trade, when firtunately a brawny Icsikhig furmer came up nod cn.leJ the diepute by swearing that Johnuy Calhoun be bad know n from a little slui yr, H be knowed him lobeth best farmer in all iiie country, and would lick any hian who, denied what he 4l to W tr- Altlwuglulhe HiriuL-r'n , " argument was the inoat " powerful," theoiherparty's was ncyertheleaa aa true for aucn ia 'the versa MiJity of Cnlhtsju's mind, that be iuniart light to 4evtrv,ubi:t upon which he axerciacs it. In wH ciity of any kind be ia mora at homo than any own with, whom I have ever met. He ha idjjhejujndiw otherwise infamous crime, miles on a present , roarpMiment tf LjNHJutulmkef.WfiTiiied into ' t!ejowWinttujrei I wish Uom my soul limi ne hud a better voice -his sto I could eusily excuse. By his, ide, you obcrvea- tally porily -fajokMg ) - fwrsjtav witfr a playful eye; 'and countenance npo with eloquence, lie ia Preston, the otlier Hcmtfor from South Carolina decidedly the first orator-iti " the Senate, ao far aa mere oratory goes. Jf you lilJ never been told ao, you may have traced hi . relationship to I'atrick llenryin the full bloodod , .veins of hia forehead. : He ia grace, all over and . that awkward hump, in the shoulder, ia ullicliitioii. But aa David Crocket would wy, " he in working ajin nature "he runnot do it. I fid you ever hoar . l'rcstou when ammiited V-ilien you recollect Inn , . joculiar power. Just likoi rttruct now ilasl), ii ig and tumbling prccipitmedy along, sweeping in ita couinc, c.trth, tree an t rs k and unw floating ) like a gentle rit r-iiin over spangled wind ; glittering Tim (rTTttc gnr5et)tw ni mWrn-of ii-ry i 11m language, Iiih jietiture, ti in Iil'Ikc, Hr! ull 'IT.;. - ne w ine Apouo im wre f n" " num hhiw. ) I have tut one n'awxi lo ure why he should change i-Magait..rcdiijjui - I(f-aW-4feet, it i 'the moat graceful aixiiiur) to hia ulmiiunee iimi. ginuble. Jltliolil Unit! In tho inont ui.nliiii.cd at ruin he ia bruising down the everel iinilcilu lions - . -t- tlio beud of -ii oroout . fediuioilruliun. i lis liiindu are jraiw il coiivuImivcK with what terrible tt-4 tby aro-brougUi twbw IiwmI -tint whole inuu ahrinka from the rap and hi whole hoilv ha.s muitted in attitude of the iruwl breathleiw Hileuce. Sow, all that wax trick trick from the beginning to the endiiiif it a pluuiMtd ami executed chietly 1 lo adjiiwt bia wig, which, in the warmth of bin r :'"-" A "gwnpnt had alipod from itn prorx-r p:mitini. TK" ' 'rn't fuult of PrextiMl ia that he tjeuks Iimi inueh. fr-aHiiettHiielimeii fritter away-tlif-iralHliliea )y Quaking it loo common. L:t him take cure. ; vl ' That amiable, thrifty looking personage to the : iVlOil of Preaton, ia Forsyth of Georgia. He bua .,J,-4Mt . itruwu tiut, jumI Naukia.paiUuIouua, woi iu ... . ... jnMje IdttudjTHlt of Cottotifloiu bia own plant.iir'n ' - :. if. ! . i i . ii uiMria.: iia anuies couniacriiiiy mtvr- inn tiow, naire ao lliau ever he haa in hia pocket mi lpij)iilni;iit to the oflice of Secretary of State. Ill hair, which ia very full,.i anllered lo prow .- laig, and hia wbiukera, which are gfy, he hilil Un4 awurwlly cut oir, if he doea uol wih to r aciiible Martin loo-much.. He apeak wll, and i t'te ableat ailiiiimwlraltoti man in the Hefmtei :...lle ( an calcb a w ink from tlie Vi;e Prei Jeiit us iniick IteliiiMl r rav tb, yar eve can I help renting upon .-.r.v-A iluinp, tobacco cbewuig, ol!y Iwknux killow mi (ii-uii'lilie a !' li .tile oT 1'f RTrijUndy ffll lh wnrfit -vr-1 not wtiHt 4o titmimmytltwl lw Yihk tlx ;. jNfore nrtitionetl article, though ono inii nituratly fifaigh venture upuu such a pretinplion, from the - rubieundit v-' of "6$r Th w w- haiet IViiT t rmidvbiTirsfrrTiJTiiTriToTtr'sr haridlrdtoiiloftiic ."T'-T-"TVlg''-Fl,i -t lHig h1 alraiht fraard olJ gentleman, with voice seldom , ajtove a whinner, but alwayi oinlible. He apfaki mi'ind tKefrtenil, but ortlw etieiney of the diiiiuiairattou : l'oindexiur ia ui luime. A war off vntMlbf. iii a aent under the rnillerv. aita r , f . . D e'n, ntHi a eeu men a mwiiar in appearam, ii- ,. I .. , , . " 1. . ... iiuauy empioyeu wim Ins pen t lie ii writing out speech, in n'ulv to some one. He tiever aia-aka eUemp..re1BU.Icania.I even make a iikti.j wilb.Mit ff4 pulting it hi par: . I liKsnti.irbiiit if thin singularity, out because be takes ajiy cunafacuMM Hand in the Senate. Ha ia lanw, and limna aa flitch tn his yc.tmja MMaOuMUX.hu poi.lieai is isaae Hill, tne man, aa iu wrocKCtt nas 11 , P what villanized the Ilaiik." Ah! I bad aliiioet firgotien Martin the man who haa iibtced u the bots'sl old Rouuui n ou a tax ilical seesaw, which goes bp and ilowii at bi plea - .w..,lk.r- iwu..iaa,idIiMMiitwtA llwU need liot xtvo,wVK.lwa"a( aK-.si.'-aasaysaa -woaaao time, when tho old man a spiriU of'behtz alwaya in tune go d-iwn, to wind them up airniiu He than take jl'"l OHLJn ll'hJW "4 .d,fn,jl).i,cnniylyniii Avenue. Hut it wwi t do the peoj can t rule Martin and the f resilient both. The outrider will at last bficrf' in hia pftaicr placw-Martin thv ir is a cnod aiwoker. au eia Hoid rresiikml uf Jiio Senate. A ilngnuititwt fNtti-Atino JxcafuuiJilLittii d"s, j jx-liMiging to tlie stage oflice io this boimigh, w ho rejoicca in the name of Barry, perfrnKd an uialor akins, a few days ago, which no 'cur of low degree w.sikl ever h ive ventured to attenit. Havinjr , Ijeen called by person at work on a ecaflbld fixed tip to tlie third, atory of a new buildintr now being creeled, ho 1 took himself to the ladder; tbe only uieans of arccm, and tuctuciled in luuuutiug up l!in pt.ilfriiu ' V aunjioct tliat if Harry had pusi. aV-J the Tai-ully of speechand W-eo acniiiteJ w iih pitry, he w.aild have excluiniod f 0 1 who can Ull how hard it is to climbf' He was bnsigbt down from bis elevation in tho rtna of one of the workiiK iu ' can assure our leaders thiU this ia no egg story j and if anr of them d.siht the fact, our wish is, that tho next tiino Ilar rir ascends the liiibh'r, u may they be there to ec." CJmhi (Pa.) Spy. , rl fltod HUitrati--Mt. Wilde, in a hte 'xl snya t Putting dtiwn cor-ruSi by em- j ioVlll i Statu Canu in place of IhQ. liantt utjne l'i.iil Sinina. Lt lika itramotinff tiMiinermnce bv es- t JduJiing five hundred grog ahotni in place ot! can . K,.I,wut ..'-' POLITICAL. TO- TflK '- Constitution of the United taleftv Firtl Gmgreu, Jit$t tih,. fifurch 4, 179. Aar. 1, Con!rretm shall make no law mpectinzan eibliiliuient of rehirion. or prolubitinir the free exer- cine tliereof ; or-ebrilijin(f tbe freeiloia of apeecli, or of tlie lire ; or the jrit'lit of the ueoiile peaceably Id a i ei.ihle, and to petition the Govefnuieni fur a rwlreai of grievance. ' ; -y AaY. 'i. A well regulated mriuia fteinf necesairy u the aecurity of a free Stale, the riyht uf the p.p;.'; t-j keep and unr arum nhall notTxi infriiigedr . A at. il So aoldier uliall, in time pi peace, be eimr- tercd in any bouw, witltout the cuniKnt of tlie o ni-r ; nor in univ oi war, put in a nwnjitr w dc iw-i 17 kw. ' -''.'' . v Aar 1. The. right of the aeotlc to He aeeiirc in dieir DPri-uliN houkoa. pauL-rx, aud- eAiU, amiuwt UureuMNta- ble ean:bea and aeixuns idiir iiit Ie viuil,"iid ffoflfari Jiurv.by Jl warruirU shall isKoe, but upon probable cn, eu bj uatn or anir-iiiuoi), anil j)inn'uuny.jWTiinjr Hit' nibice to oe aourciieu,au4 tmiienou or luinga w oe AfcT.JS-ni,ron k!l be held to anwer fijf a ca- oient or indictment of a frmid jury, except ui chw arminjf in tlie land or naval torcen, or in the imlitin, wlua m actual aervice. in time of war or puMic dan- PfTnor shall any jerton be nuhiect for the Kaincv'Oir TciTce to Tie twiiEe putjMjrdy of Tue"or Iiiiib "nor Hliull be coiijM; II('U, 111 any triuinial ciotc, 10 tie n wiiiidw yainiit hnnwlf, nor lie oepnvtxl ot lifts liberty, or pro perty, Without due proi-eM d" law; nor aha!! private lri)HTty Ui Uikcn for puUic um without yirl cotuen- Shlioll. Akt. ft. In all criminal prosrcuiions the accnued fclinll enjoy J lie rii'lit to a (mihIv mid public trial, by an iiiijurtial niry of the Stale ami district wherein the crime hIiuII have been committed, which di.slnct ahall have U'pn prtvamnly aneerhiintil by -luw, and u be in- fornied of ti e nature awl enwo ui the accuwitioll ; to be eoiitroutud with the U'ltiutiwca auaiua liiui : to have eouipuLsory procetm liir.obtainiiigi witueMc in tii Oivor; and Ui Irnve the axuikUiice ot -count?:! or Ul lick m t'. AaT. 7. In auita at coiiitimiii kw, when; tlie snloe in joiitrnveray ahull exeerd twenty dollars llin riif'it of tr.nl bv iiirv nhill Ik? ureaerved. an I no tiiot Iri' d liv a tjiir'rfiufr&; otnTta-Tf Uioii law. Art. h. F.xcestive bnil ihall not he riimired. nor r cmwivtt-liwwt-nopiod, ttut -awil au4-miujl pjinuli. metit tnmcM. 1 - I 1 lie "tfomle (siui') tlie pojHiwr party niHier tie "Aar . The t-fiiiilier.tlnti: in the Cmxtit:it:nn. of ror- firliainehl and 'ar-riitul de Rc Wai ao called, be ta in f'lits, cli.ill not Ik; eonsti ued to di ny Oi' dwjiar.ie ' caiit a wit, of the C'ncrt pirly, had auiUMiiiirly ciaupa .itbiTc r.'tunie.l by the pc.ijdo. ' tikI Uie I'itrliaiiieot to Imj.t ri nging stone-i into a crowd, Anr. 1(1. The-power ml di-U-iraO'd to llie United j and dipraiuj aa mum as you alleuipt to catch ihemj Sim hv tlie ( 'oii-tilulioii, nor prohihit"d by it to the but re-.i-woiiiouii t!io uioincnt pursuit ceiueb. Ue Rein, Sutiia, aroMure-t to tho SJtwea respectively or to the , (who well uuleraUa.d law Hu m; Utinga allect the popu afiple. Ur paiioiu; cuuried llie application of the name, be- Tlurd OxiiTCM, mrwi' rviou. Drcmthrr 'id, I71IM. cauo he knew that, exciting still more the h:ilred of Art. 11. The judicial N,wer of the Unite.) Statea j ',le "uln,4t the auihors of the ridicule, it could shall not he eoiiHtrii.-d to extend to any suit ill law or eimity, roininencc.' or prow, n'eil Hifinnst one 01 the Ullitod SIjiIph, hy r.iiixfiis of aiioljier Slate, nr by eiti-x-n or mibjiTts of jny fireign State. Ht Art. 'Al, ivr. 411, niiutf, i.j ETfJh Ctmiirrm, flr1 fxiioh, tl'fhttT 7fH " ( Ast. 12. 1. The eloctori fhall meet m thpir rM)n-c-tive .stnles, and vole by ballot for Premdent ami Vice l're-nlet, one of wh.an, at len-l, bh ill uol be an uilinhi iaut uf iiut MiKO Sum w .til ilu'iitoi'Kcs; tlivy jJjtil name 111 their ballot the pron voti-d for as President, and iu iLkUucl bulloU liiu pesuna voled foi aa Vu.c Pru sid.!l ; aikl of llie nuiiiliur of vote for eai h, which lists ihey stall sit'll and certify, and tnnHin-t wnled to the wilt of the (joVL'rmneiit of the IjiiU(aI SlateN, directod to tho I'rtiMi.k'iit of Uie. Senate ; tho Pn-s deul of the tVtialc shall, in the pmwnri of the Senate and House of Ilepreetitiitive open all the certifieates, and the 1. .tea .shall then b counted ;' the person having the iireaU'sl nundor uf vole ibr i'rcul''iit, aliall be Uio I'ro stdenti if such Diiiiibcr"be. u liMij'aity of tlie whole nuiii- ticr of electors ajtpointed ; and if no-peraon have Mieh msjonty, then fwlhe-persons- ha ving the hiirliwt iiumlim, m rxCeejimir three, on ne 11 or 5n.-voie y for a. JWaa tlw 1U rfJUprw. shall.; .:fSS ! 'V-Vr Um ..4to I Wluiir, tba vote -hall be Ukn by ! Statea, Un- repfiwiitatasi from each State hiving one j vole j a mha-uui for this purp.e shall consist of a mem-1 ber or inj-uib;ra Apin two-tburda of Uie Slajca, and a ; .IWJOUlJ VI.jau.JIW!. Sv 0'l. .irmmm,,, ,,m,m- w .V tlio Vldwuled' as Cronuio.' nud ctioier.' And tf -thetbawe-of RupruMintiiUv.es thall nut fhuo i t'ri'sSdent'UhAlieter tho'rL'ht bf thi.ic AttM devolve upon, tltetii, Wltr lite iuurth day of AlariiL next fiillowiii, then UieA'ico l'resUlent alialf act aaPmsV dent, as in the ciao ef tfie death or other constitutional aWaility if the PftuhleiiL. , -..,-.;. . ... .. . 2. TIm- rx'pon hsvinj the jrreateii nuniWnf veto" ns j p.-r,n hsvin? the jrreateii nunitv-mr veto- ns V.- lr..-..U.,.t .l.;.ll K Vi. .. lr.,.l..l ,f -,,.F. ,..:, - ' J.1 1 ' ' .e .1 . ' 7.,' "7 J .ZT ". " 1 wr 110 1 niflioiiij ui ur' ui.iiiin.-ro. vnvim - 1 nmrtnt nnrf if m. irmm r , , : ine uu ingiiest liuuiocra ! ch.ie Uie Vice Presidru I anan coiwsr or Two-imrif or ine wtkup n-imnrr n tmti - wavaawaau, ui au.iaiiuK.iiiHuiix juaa w. .I - - V P,L, ,, ..u.,.., ,u llf v..,. i-r. p, Itliilcd Statea. - S,T Art.'t, ?rr '-lf, , cvansr 3J. 1 NOTES I Thr liillowiii mtn.diiHniU Imv ! Wn jntp4l by Cmigre, hut nc4 rutitul by the Stnli: 1 1. After Uie first enumeration required by the first l,r",,1t?r ,''?it",.i,n ,'r?,M'11 TT. v - ------.'-. ... ( , u hy c tlaMisand, until ilie nuinbrr .itn.j iwii.h.1, mini miv iinhiw i temitWsitii tfosUnhsMyti Mxortiui Cungrtnts, that there siiall rvol be teas Uian one hundred repreaootaliveii, nor le tlian one ri'pftwuUiU. Sut twrny tuooiU fMmnv nn- sou tue luu Uiu aeuaie atuui 1. m,i., .i T..r. . i,,..i. .i.. - l 100 iiuiin e i nut taiiti a ui 1 ft illVUi il"ti'is q t: aiioorum Sir tlie pari.we ,..,, i,l ,r. 1. i... .:. imi til Uie number sf rewrwenlalive lial aiuaini to two hitherto beeu held, ihS merely the ewmics ol' liberty, hun tred ; after which Uie pmnnrtsjn shall be m T"guN-) but, alnvt ecpially, of humanity io If! ted by Ciirr UaU Uiere shall be m4 k-w than tvi. At la4, however, party tisneuUnl by UiC tenden-h'rr-lrrd representntrvea, r nre than on rr-eHta-! cU- of (Hir uilitical system, and dire !ly encourai:''d Uve tot every fuiy Uasuaial penuna, Ihvptm-i at the . and luaumol by Uie a.liuuusirative power uf Uie tiene Urst arssMm tksfirm CWrr. J rl Government itself has srus'ii, tA only jo urge 3. iio lav varviuif til COtniienMl the serviceji' T.-rv nrincitiUa. a Uie nroner atsl original lii of all pf ttis- ?mtnwrTm.t yfe-nrsvw .aH hV e-rt, nmtl iu flrtwanf wrprtw utaiTi --an vened. Proposed at is first f Ike first Con - 3. If any citisen of Uie I'nit.J Statra aha II accept, claim, receive, or retain any tftlt of nlity. or hots, or shall, willasit tha nauw.it of Ciattrnsai, accrpt ami retain any present, peiiMut4, ojioa, or anaulotaeut uTany kind whatever from any euipt ror, kmg. prince, or ! retL'n nuwer. sueh peraisi alail cease io be a ntin-n sf Uir I'ailed Sutt,andshall be incapable of b.d hn any nflk-e of trijsl or rufit uislcr. them or either . Uiuiu. frnpntrj ml thr mennd srssion of Ikt tlitrtt fy A terriblo buttle t.sJt place at Ghent, between twojMrtie oif women, anxanitiug to mmrly l.V), ue daya agi. The ctaitest rose from one party wishing to force tbe other into a CHiiUiiiaiesj lot ci'aso working. lunuiiK-niiiie cap aisi immiiicis were torn to rags, ai'veral rs were pulled off, tttl Uioxlflils of hair wcxe arwi flmiting away iu the breeze, ' ' , JLjhwt tnrS m long tiihjrc.. 'Milk of corn has otsji laaen irom ine inrwi ih a mrna-r in , Mm, N. measuring lifttsni Icvt and five tnclic in boieht ' erw . timmHA llUilli". HISTORY OF PARTY NAMES. We -think tliat no atruggle haa ever riaen, in mo-1 dcratiuita, IX'U cea the ti .cutu oP'pwt.x Tip mose 01 popular JTigbUt in whieii- Uie indignation of ,tiie latter, aui the. uWeuce of the former, did not mutually be itow upon each other the aa uie cantdeainatkn4 a name m v. Iim.1i the plain and downright halt of the po pular party haa uaually aoujjht merely to express the lyt uiuical and" plundering propeiuatiea of their bpprea iMjra ; while tlieae have, almost uniformly, attempted to nx.upon Uieir humbler or .leaa powerful adveraariea, atmie phranc of contempt, that maviintimatw thtiil to t a low .mnd vulgur trtm ; in whoi 'it -ia Uie height of iiiipudeitce lo ciaiw to take any part in the mystery of governing Uienmelvea; and wltostaHiia oe-exueeuuigiy fiiotaevorr in endeavuriiigywlien trampled on, to ab Uitl Uicir unaighUy and ignoble carcatwea from the tread of tlieir bettera, born to walk upon their uecka ! Tbua' the -party of the Spanish tyraniia eave to the tint reiolutKmiaU of Holland, the naiiie nf " (iyiuu beggar. It ta usually aaid, UiaLlbo-lnitcheia 1 of rar uia niiiuirniif about Jlumroflii Courtier (the Count de mis he epithet, however, finally became, by dint of the brava aim Ikineat caue to wlticn it hau been aiuiciieo, one of honor, instead of reproach ; aa has continually happen ed, in like arrogant attempt of tlie powerful lo bear down Uie wouk and oppressed, bfnajuca of contempt or nuiiulu. In Uie aame'nmnner, the sect of the Frfneh I'rotes- tanUi wa aUjjmatiised, m their JUKI but unhappy strug gle tiir religioua liberty, by tho mck-namc of " lluguo iiofi bocaurieaa the Dictiouari de Trevoux MiKeta) r-(,iition had compelled them to hide UieuiM'hea in ikiita. and caves, and lo'appear only at umtil; so that Uicy were ridiculed aa miuions .and aubjixU of K.11' litiguc or llugoa, (.llu'h the great liobgobliu of france.) . So, too, the insurrcrtion of the French Peasantry, Uurilig the wars belweuu John of Fraliee and Fdward 111, waa conteuiptiloiuily ;alltl, by the very nohlvs wlioe w anion oppremioii and rajmcily had ilrivcn I In mpulai'tt into revolt, " la Ja-iierie u tvriu of rul.iulr winch aue liave traced mutely to the homely name of ' JjjuuJs'XiroouvuUyaiwai Ihi ihouji MMple.witdii oliiurs, with greater probability, suppose tliat tlie uobkb gave it in dormant of th jiopnlnr liojie uf a redrew of tlioirtrroiiga, when "J-irijues" (John) should returi) from Inn captivity in Kiitjiaiid. 'i'lm word " Juiroiii " (!H!fripirs) uliieh now serve aiSiijiriirMraesigiwn wttj at- nrst, a potttfwclf-iniTr, jrstowj-d ttn ttre tKiinilar party, by tlie Court-party, (we believe) in the ! tunc oi loo extraotdmary overunuw oi the irovvrumeul - t iy -tbti- liliariiiau-Maaa 11 nl ln , rve lu "i l"r7 """er, m propomou angrier. In the French Revolution, the Conservative of that Juy bestowed upon U10 party liuiinjr at freedom the name of " ibiil-CulcitU-t," 111 couU-mpliious allusion to l Ull. JIIUU1U1UVH KliU UaiALU1.0a UI..I14K JUlliOl VIOVI, In ...I....I ....1 .. .1... --..I... niK.l'l IK n UB VOL Ui'Jl l! IH II-1 UllllllllllDia lu titi UlC to .-oiiielhing like niin ily of rights. 1 he mere name of " Arislocrate," however, with which the peoiile re torted, (though ca.ying with it no natural reproach) 4tmt become,-through kmg-tymtMiy of tnenubktrand vicoH, no odious ainl cuiitemplihle, tlmt it wan far inure tijan re-pay nicia fot the jest of the tilled orders. So, loo, 111 tliu sirugglu betweeu Churles I, aiiiiug at llie overthrow of l'upuiur llepreteulaliou by 1'jrl la ment, at)d his people, aiixioui. to :Xtend both their civil and religion privilege, the licentious nobles of the Court appropriated to thenim-lve ihc gallant uunie of H CavaUera ," giving al the. name time, the name C " ltoumlhoadi)" to Uie opiamlc. sur;y, whiMii dmlike of IHC pruiiialu muuiura uliiiu Lou.t liod urted into tin; contrary limit of a de.ueanuiir too auhlure and too ob- t uh,. fwirVtfittf niisrleK (tort Ml. ti tflr? ' fillf:it li Jlk.lv rutlirukli- l'ti. I i .iirl .ffi.ttl. .11 t jt u'lmriitn Wdfe c-u , u , k jeiwm aU4.ii.Btioti, is the raijiigu of liceutHHia htbiU They U.crclk; 1he j rt- fnHW; the enewilhnew trf ,(, ;u mln,sl U) v ut uml B(I t(f Cavtll,r.H hir ve im a. .Ul4k 2r,miid fi,r 1ho prrmu4x lt(,t out;i iut v, rde,t " tlf all three party drlgitinns,TJoW,evpr, ilie ineino- rr, for the greater purl, i bwxm- imijy historicul.. Even tiioM) of IIiiiMienot, Puritan, 5ie. which, as j marking a reliifinus trued. ui;yhl have been vxpuetod -I ta hecnrtiit nmnatiiniL Jil Onrii ivnw'nf h tin. MM .n n', m. ... ,., , , ,.',.., ,,..., 1 ' . .' " - M '. .. '"'""vert tlie times in wtii.h tiny ar.; ami IMnsinji j to iIm, mnm .,; - Wn rTulor tifiU-fimU ofMUx,9, mx Uie 11 . I J. 1 .1 .1. . 11. -- 1 ! n" MU u 8'' ue goxtm. These worJs are perfectly cTl undcrstuoil, in this senw, wherever the Kngludi tisiur is poken. In Un jjlaud, the name of Tory, recalls ton utronirly Uie recol lection of principles repeatedly borne dowu by tlie ge neral rfbstpproval of llie bulk uf hotuwl and aunwlde men, for any one, except the iikm! absurdly aristocratic. yoluiitArujjr to mmiuic ihc dJUctjuu Jl ia ujluUulr never rtaiwird. Hull, it is Uiere lew udious lew damn- m;,. rw.mi, Cll.il, IK ! IHIWII.n ll.lllll I in thaa Wwaintry where tlt's4iatjsri4 hally incurred it. Joined .o Uie slaviah princ:pl.s pro per to Uie name, such acta of treachery to their coun try, and ao much of rapme and murder, ttit Ihey have t ooy "tV "tHt itntlona-TH' fiA ytardin'nf rif jwpnltfT U)wirt-LtlCu Word, their meaiieaa and wretchedntnu. Ji 1 into till la.itntMim ll.df. mm tttur.i iu-Mtu4Mra it, i.nuw bavir inajonty, then tVnn; U1 , tf haart. We mean. ofcmr-e nnff-'nght agamwt g.we niiiwntst powrr but even to rmrtf 1 rate Uie memurv ami actaot' the most atna'Hsisjaie- imea of their fellow citiwns to attempt to ti'.iuatue Ilia nam of " Whig," aa always diJionorsiile ami per rnciodt to freedom and. In a word, by Uiese tlmic fcv tba imt malignant aeal (a the advanceineiil uf their ul-principlea, by the. ot uiveterale fury against Uie name anil principle of Whitrism, and by the almost open asuiiijlkin iUie name of "Tory," bxed on tbew. hy general popular aasent to claim, aa an hytiLn tbe luuii aUtlwl 4gauwiay of llns 4tUoU appWUiam. . In one of uur late Xoa. we threw together a hasty expnwtrw of one of Usise article, (which the I'nion par tv IViswa frepienOv caitam .if late) intended to justi fy Torywm, by fklaifymo IMnrv. Thisigh in the cam- try, sick, ami compelled to refer to notes, instead of books, we liave placed in another column, citations from a f'w levlinf bistorieal auUmrities, Uiat reader aufbciently ndiruksis the misunderstood or rarhled ma ages, wh'ieb are the wily aort Uial Uie Tory partj can presa into Ua ir aervice. WHKl ANI) TORY. Tlie tvartios, orieiiutllv distimruiHd by the name of Viiniljrrt ami fVoaa.j-jrWi,1 bjtjged. iiieir naiiH-a lino inoee en lora aivi u mjs, Irom the fidlowing circumstances, kind of robbers or a-osliiti, in Ialaud, w bo kept on tLemouiitains or in the tr-!;inds formed by tlie vast bogs of that country, being called Tori name tltey atill bear iudiffereutly with tliat of Rapparee-; a.. enemies .. uccii.in.uuu in wt""M"8 .t. '"r." in Ireland, wliicb bnke out atxait that time -gave kittMirtizans' tlie' liame of ToRita: and, on the other hand, the Tories, to be even with their eno mien, who were" cbwely leagued with the Scots, gave them the name of Whigs ;-wh, living in the liclda andAwooda, fed biuch on milk ; Hiigaigmfy. ing Wkfy f Tbia ia aaid, in Roea' Eiwyclojiedm; to be the common account. Riipin'a account of the mntler is as follows 1 " Upoii the prorogation of Purliaiiieut, 1679, nud il. .m-i-ival ..f the Duke of York at com t, many wklreaaea were prmeiTteiT at court, in dWiorifeiice of the fornn r i ao that two parties were l.tfWtiUreaiica the pciVioniiualiliooAorrVri ,- aiid, as the ani-m-lx-lween the two parties gradual jy increased, they liestowed upon each other nninea of reproach ; and from hence arose the so much tamed distinc tion of Whig dTor a-----Tbeji-titiua;rs, looking ujHin their adversaries as etitirely devoted to the Ctairt and the popish faction, jriue them the impic of Tories; a iwnieglveu toibe Irish nibjicj&aiiia and eiit-throiits, since called Kiippart e. I hus the mime of Tories serves now only to distinguish one of two factions, which still divide England, Tho obhorrtrt, on thoir side, considering the pt lilioners as men entirely in the principles of the piirlmineiit of 1 (i lO.nud as J'rcsbv tenuis, jmy a. tbcai lhd name f H'Ai'g or aot.r milk- formerly appropriated to the Scotch Pn'sbvterinns utiil rigid covenanter. Ratlin, vol. ti, p. 712 " hig, 11 Scottidi, and as some say, an Iribh word, liierullv sionifvinir.Wrfj. Torv is another I ii!i v..rd, siguifv ing a rofco.r or highwayman- Cn.li r the rein of Churles II, while his, brother, then iKihe uf York, was obliged to retire into Scot laud, there were two parties formed in that coun trv. Hint of the Ditke was tho strongest, perse- culed ,he other, and frequently reduced them to Jly into the moinitnins and woolly where those unlmppy lu'ilives liiu frequently no other stthsisdein.ee, fir a long time, than cow's milk. " Jleuce they called their adversaries Tories, q. 'd. rohhtri ; and the 'IWieT 4iJaMliiig-iUeju.,uitli..tlioix.. unluippiiieis, 4iH the -wilk -on which tliey 4ved, -called tbem Willi's. 1 roui Scotland, the two gimmes cuine over Willi tlie uuke 10 bugianu iucy ciojicuiti (Wmn.) "' " " ' lltirnet, in llie " History of bis own I ones, p, 41, derives the name Whig from the u-higamores of the West of Scotland. The verv nanic" suvs Ilutnc, (speaking of the " potilioners un.l " iibliorrers") " by which encb party dcnouunaled iU nutiiiro'iust!), discovers the virulence and rancour winch prevailed: tor. besides iwtilumrr unil ulhorrtr, tins enr is remnrkubl tor Is'ing the ejioch ot the well known epithets of Whin ond lory, " J hese wliv terms of re proneh," continues D'lsijudi, in citing the above from Hume, (uml D'lsracli let ii bo obsorvwl, be longs to tho high prerogative pt.rtv) "are Mill pre M.rveJ ainongkl 41s, as .if. the palUuiam of Uiiltsli liberty was guarded by these. exotic mimes (for frber are not English) which the parties so invidi ously bestow on each otlier. I hey are ludicrHis enough, iu their origiu; Jhe. friends of. tlie Couir and the advocates of liiienl succesaion were, by the republican party, branded with the title uf Tories, v hich mas the nunie of certain Irish rohlsirs ; while llie Court party, in retuni, could find no other re venge thuti Jy appropriating, to tie Covenanters and n-ptiblicnns of that cluss, tlie name of the Scotish beverage of sour milk, whose virtue they considered so expressive of their disKiaitiift, and which is called Wkig.nCurioilt'u of Litrrtiturti ie. ries, nt tin) title of" folitical 7t'K-?tvlF.s." , The above citiitkins tfre.we trustj .abundantly nitTirjenf to ahow, thnt theae ancient party nameg have, from their origin downwards, doMigimted, in England nhd in this cor.ntrv,lhis two freat, rsen--lial, and o4ilM'4l dirl4'Mm, f llns w4 f- think porer ia Ike n'gA-who hold it propr that Iht government thovld nltray$ exercie the poirert (Ld they wlwil tlx-y may) thui it deewu ereiry, or f ad t convenient andagreritbfr-w ahrys fer 'nnjjf 'mttftn'pii 'tti ehrrking ' -nimrpiiHm ; ntfll '."'..'dtofffit hlyjU tq he tejmifd, in p.ilitka hiovih mnuts, except those trko hnre the tide tight of nut ling (aw- rut has or thm toNwt'MTV : and, ou rhe other hand, of jhse irho tee talking parti cularly tacred in the abuse or violation, by those in iower, an authority 1 girra them only for the r happiness and freedom A people oa hating just as I miuntenitncrof Ike public of tluae who reiraxd the oeou e oa hacina iut as fair a right to do irrong aa King, Presidents, or any other sort of Governor ; awl at much hit urf to rxrri-itt tluti riulti. ..TKa CmI Maiki .1 times, taik in liui, round, republican phrases, about : . r "... i t . 1 " liU'rf y," " the constitution," " the jxoploa riijlils," tbe biexsing fr'a'Tree'goveriiniWit. nustortinH" j, thai any government is to them a " free government," The actual system (no mat ter vnh whitl vices it may lie rotten) is always, to litem, the only one that is truly wise and free. . Even iu admitted corruptions ami alshtea are, in their view, better and ssifrr than, rould tw any jw I P I C1rluf.t:,Il,.rt1,1 rt torefurm them, ,Thev.Brc the Candi- lies ol a iktlilica! UoIiiiihiii. that isu wava charnuMi --SI rt iv-v . . . ..1 with the exUing onler d" tiling, be it banging, or pestileiice. or bulo-du-fee,' or uiSNMacres, or earth- quukes, or w hatcver else. The ptimle around them is alwavs the happiest of human aocieties -it rulora, lite wiaeM aisl imatt ptns,ic of governors' the world, the bet of ull powible worlds,' no mat ter wliat ctMivulai.ata of nnture or criim-s of man may, at the moment, be deforming it. To them, anmnthoritT m naeewb e.e.HH -l)w.itilv ledtiinnie larce ot nil atithorttv -Ijiw. as c.um1i.iI,-.1. l.v the will of the aoriety, for ita happinesa ; hot law, 1 as abused by the perversions of diHlioiaisty or uia.lo J rbrftiiilablo by the usurpation f ivrauuv. Fort them, ins: merely the ucts, but the very wtmnm of, those in power have a aunctitv, that rises, bv re-1 pilar gradati.ai, accohtin; to the power that they I wield. The tligbtat otUoo in v eat a man with 1 many a sudden virtue. Add a freah apjsintnieii, ' and new etccnencies gntber a Is sit Ida wrn and" his mind : till, with tla last degree of power (no mailer how attained or exercised) he is, crowned with jM-rffciinns rather divine than human, such as the Tory party's adoration now lavish upon the incomistraUe Jackson, and will be eqiially ready to lavish uimmi hia auccesr. be he the illustri.ni Martin or the pure Amos; whose yirtuea, though rw.W mntalu n.i....:..l .MI .1 1 ....... " . nuiiKnKai, win iiwn uaaauuv expanu into the full blown one of Royalty t "'real, if a minister: but if a Kine, More great, more wiae, nsne js4, lyore every Uiing." me tiiiuaiAumiUMUMiVtmesM now travel- ling a the lteru aw lioo of lU Vwm, nienti.Hie, r. ,. . . 11 r r T !?m, nn-t ilh,rr.r. tea t th, bnpply ihm, and Erpt ry act flu con. m Tilsoii'biuiir. ,. Tlie tools of tlie Av,ilistrat',ou arc endeavori to makejhe ra.t of v. Gold Coin: they vainly ' ' " doc4riHP ,.f tlu bv these l'- attenipting .to child to take a nauseous drug here, .X" .wniw I lhis,'and you Bhall have these Harj Pemocratsn tlie " 1 CHOW IKVa.- BWUllOW the Pmrtmmili.rfl'f Fore Hill Probst Van Bureny and all, and! you may have (if you can give, good Bank Nolea J ior uieiu; goiu eigies ano nail, cagiea, without the Cap of Liberty, or " JS phribvt nmi.w to f,m in your jHickets, Waajlliere. ever audi Cailery 1 Jacksincm clmngrrcven Tlb reiu,tive value ui- r" f-l'i ' -www Vi UolU I . . . . ' . - If it had been compatible with the iiifallibilitv of .1.- '!.:..... ... ...I e . ' mo l uinm-i iu uxurj couih ii irom mo CXDCll0IM:e of. others they could have learned the absurdity of i J... .1 I..:... : i . uny mw o ocieioi.iH; me Teinuve value ol na'hila. Philip 1st,, of Franeel ndiiltenited the lAtrt nf i-iiarieniagno, ny mixing-witmt-wre-thTrd alloy," ajid yet culled it a Liere but the Lirre of PbiuJ would not purchase as much as that of CharkmaiJ byoiie-tliird.--A'iTd lust ' go is it with Andrei's ii ii i - . " 4ew ivagiea iney win noi purcuase as niuchw the Old Ones, by precisely so mycb, ag , they lK deficient in pure gold. And it is a great misiake to supKe that they can even lie forced into circa, lntion while the LkuiI Ilunks contume f!weapHlj notes. Yet, the cry is, Juckson Gold l' "llanj Ifcinocnits" ," Yellow Boys. Juckson hui pm down the Bank ! Jacksoiruus put into circulutim gold money. Verily, one might cimk-IihIc, fnm th great noiso mnl about Gold, that it conld be had for nothing and nil the Jackson men, at 1cm, Uai) their jSKikels lined with it ! The truth U, it isa humbug ; the lust convulsive throe of c.xjiirhig Jacksonism a desp-rntu efliirl to cover the oinji .r i. . -.i . i . ii i. . .' ' oi uie juiuimsini.ioii wiiu a RUnilJM 01 Surely the adviwutes of unlimited power iiiusl thu t the People oft ho United States are mere clitUw,. wnose aiteiuion may, ut uny time, tie drawn off from more serious subjects by showing theaf t TOY. But the scheme will not go down in Kotth fim...-luixiVufdiuifaltW tbtrlrick.nnd-nitl tlfittil witlf Hiefoirtcmjit''ii4iiai. rits. We luivc Uil little doubt, that tba oexl gisluturc of tho.Si.iie will show, too iilainly nrr)mn fir souks vUml the views ofVorlh ('aiolina ursoj t tie geiicml policy ot the present odniimslniiiuH, taytttmille OUireff, ; Fr.a (hi ftiil trlpiu. CwMMrrri.1 l.trlliracH. nisr.PtAcnruL Violence (hitra't t o f the CMee.' Blood -gliid- Holders. The cause of the oflice-lmlders exhibits a reel, less deterniiiiuti.ni to put down tht people by inci sures they care not how ileKperate. They will aut only use osn brils'ry and brazen corruptioo J tbey will not only resort to fraud and illegality j they are not content with misrepresentation and scurrili ty : Fait, to eflecf their lawe nirjMto4tlieyiloint hesitate to pi: i dtm-n I he people by force. It ism longer siti' for the freemen of the land peaccallj to iisseiniile. The ofTu e-holders and their miiiMS assiiH llM'tri With stories, clulw7and ev"6h with afiivw, There bus not been, for some time, a meelings the Whigs, which the c ll.ir-n.en have not thus at tuckint. They have indeed in anme iiuitanceidwt the most serious injury. Many have beeu oaiii ml, some, ddiiirerouslv, ami all severely. disgraceful outrage an.-, not the anereresiilti niomentn ry irri'nttm ; hitf the rnnsrilnre of I r leroattc phn adopted by tiic JacLain nico-to-ipi. vent the people from exorcising their coiiKiiluticml and unalieiinbk) rljIi iif awsiiiibliiig jhmh eiiWj to delilairate on pubfi alwiilTdieae are iacts'ffc I cantai bejWiedr Sow w jint ttHtJ the jnerttf bio -couseqiicixo. if .ibiaie. outrage, arc ..auff-'roi.' . men who are maile the instrumenta of their oppi sion, will be rendered shiver slaves witlioul rrt tlw righf l imiriiiur."7TIi K? subject oj W'illiuui the Fourth i cnioya umuuksH i wrested fH"tfs wmI WMitttJiefjj. and miidesa ves, jiut. even dc.nwd !b r,.,0trjK. assembling ami any ing that we abb slaves. ; We linvo s.'hul tlial they asiiled aa fiu knivea. it is trtie, ; Thejr frnve ev'' adMad and at tfiis moment a yonnir freenun, iwfned hi. w ot ,ne P5 '"' f leB,n froia wonmla inflicted t? '""Porter cf (Jco. Ash. Tbe circiinistaiaxf vr rniir??cr calculated to fratsc tho ycrj jl . I s character calculated to fratsc tlm TCIT jl mlUny mgo. Vouog Ash, who is a uvodr m""? d rno exeniplary citiien, c hanredM presold at the JacksiHl ineelliis ln nie aeiissttTC' where be avither uttered a word itr look any fa in tho proceedings which ciaild olk ml even tbe as Tiotrnt.- The vmcxsting,-1t "biust "be rrjnrnitrT waa held in fhllowhill street in tht enra Krrf aial no ooe ciaild puna al.Hiir w ith.sit miiiglinf ' I he crowd. One of the co!lr-uiii, a wrfUfiBk med Miller, seeing Vising Ash present, nlsN'i' wards him and laine'd hia knife in hia boaoin. T unotrcudiug youth fell, afler baling roccivcd.if; nil dreadful W(airHla,Biid waa borne ofl by Pr,?w. Pvnnwfhnhrig citrensi." Tftr'isr now at Mle pM death, and ahiaild he recover, it will isily bcby' of tfirwr rmrwlet which tne prt"sent nnTanrfas" of the medical science can occasionally acctwifW Whaf are the peaceful citizens of this cans wealth to think of this f Are we lo sutler, ttU under the missiles, (lie clubs, tlie knives of a of rufliaiHs hired by the gold of the ollice-b. or enuted by their falselHasIa, to sit Aiwnincf" ide in tlie- exerriwe of their mxliHiiseil riahlaL."' nnisHil to all Iumm-hI 'JurLui Vni."ih--cnn' tWm n i r . aanctim this T You know not how u fuot which now tramples the (ample in tbe & may crush you and sjra you cauiarf fotc" shsi tho ktiifv which drips with the blood l ' friend, may by the same arm be directed yans, Ijei every decent, peaeealde, and wishing citiaen, Ualover may have been hif pdilie, join in proetrating a facii.ai whab res' to"sii;n Cwrful nwnBuiisa, aitd "iiliSrV uSr violate our national charter, hut drive ns fnafl (aiblic haetinga by lawfes Prce, and evea ' Uood isf our citiaem m ll.a open biTtir Let the people look to it; or the tin aifl lien all law will be disreganh-d, and tlsJ r" bleed iin.b r tho furv nf iheir ee.-kbssi ivranK aheep under the reek ing twlh of the si ..If or tbf I A roodyorlaoa-sjMa.--Inc.aiversnti.ai lh day, it was remarked that if t Jen. Jacksi aitv.w.M.d tk. H -l .L. n...l brfSS -.. . . VH in- it", i in 1 1 . , v, i no ihiii-1 r - porlwf his txdiowera wmdd also hrm fsaJ advocate w measure. To be sore we w-sili r -jJk-d one, Gen. Jacksoa knows ahat'a tip e will support liiu.n

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