iillily annVa. iild to I allow I crats" f HIHVMt 11, and Nolea Mil the gingle wlery J ilue oi ility of Mice of lily of i we' of attciy,- I'bilip iticha wytre uistake- icimi. epwlt "Hard 4 put uifition "rath ltfh.ul it is aU he sinjf d I,, -i t VUian he I i Nwili a, 7 ' i . " CAT COLCI. 1 HE CAROLINIAN. SALISBUUYf Saturday, ScptnuiK-r sa i. 1- Ivi- The Western weekly ucvicw, or August xtim, volWl mucD space W some rcnianui oi our in regaru tbe $uppod defamation of Wabhington by old Col. uane in We notice the article in the Review, :-.. f.,r the mirnoM of'dblflff justice to Col; Dtiane. (At tfie tiwe mentioned, we were not in being ; of mn -we-knew-jioUiinMrm)nlly,Aif & 11L'I1V T ' - tuursc : but the charge against him, as being the revi f...t Wadhinctnn. seemed so well authenticated, even ieiw "'--16 to some who aluwy belonged to the party to which he vk attached in. "DO, that we copied it with perfect con- gjenci? in it's truth. It seems, however, tliat Uie charge a unmerited j and M. is no less our pleasure Hum pur Am thu to retract the imputation which "Wtrvri re iu- iieiifly mflTomemai m-propBiHirty, to trie Trnrrryw . . . t a n . f Col Duauo. -Tke ' UeView cays we are " wrong in suppomng. that t bailed the President s rroclamatiou as an -at-know yjgm nt of the. doctrines of the old Federal party." n'e liaihid it, mys tbe Ki'view, "as an ackuovvludg BientflC the soundest constitutional principli.' Xmw. to our uiuhsrstandintr, there is not a nhailo-of difference between what we imputed to Uie Ko- 1 ye,nd what it acknowledges. The Review admits ur, argue that the doctrines of tlie V ru;luinatioii ; i .:.,t ..i.;.k i.' l.,.i.i...... I art ll lll'IIJ w'111 lOV: oniuofc mum uir ivJ'UMii.atJ rarty uarred m 'iW, , iuid sulteueiit!y : it follows, ine-'j litably, that they are tbe "old Federal doctrines;" ht ' there were but two parties then known iu thin country, utoajsssij) Jfur the iU-view, .then, to cay tliat it "hailed the fro-j tUmtiou as. an.m;knoiiileIgea'ul of Ihe souiuW con-; jktitutipnal riC!i!au.. JRiil.U!i,l!?rjr .VJ(S. A J',,a .!! J AUhmigh difluriiitf $ the Hlipoihis frmu the EmUiW in ncJiticii. we have u!wv. since we first knew rt, ad- mired its general candor, and its ability; and we must ( j . 'sartbat' we-were .eumewhat- surprised to sm it- seeog- 4 me the dittriiios uf the Proi lumuiivn, while in the isw-mra.'aiih there is a fohitlv-imrilred denial of the ... .i I itilrrol iliicirmea, Cm it be that the Review is a little afraid oT tlw came VtiUnd ! Nauii-s are terrihle we were go-1 iiiir t.i iy (Aings, but tliey are n-K things they are suuietuiKif treat buglftirs. The oaaie SuU)cmun lias friglitimml iimny an old Democrat into the oppiwitc field, while Hill more bave been driven by it tn immnt ike frrt, and thefe -iwait the course of events before Uiey neeceiM into an unceriam arena. " As for ooriieir, wo have, peril), le regnru tor jfmt, than prude nre wiiild .justify.,., 'f .!' Iirli?ve.i efit'n.'ly.iA th? old. Fs-Hleral sonrtr.HC.Hv.il of Jbe 0ffitk.iu..w.iMa--kMoww tlteir MermuratioB n exert 1 luuon, wc snouiu nesiiaie 10 oeieiiu h, even uiiuer ui .7 u. u... k. -j r r the hundredth time, we never quest .oned ; awl why sivauli any free man shruik frotu defending any pnnci- j.. PI. ;......;. f u- . pies honestly entertuined I rimhaV u-a hnvo Ions arm rtiiftwl tsa arlv Jttul strong prejudieeav we became a -proselyte to the doc- 'IrBii of SUto'RigliU, or, in plain Engludi, A'uUra- Jioo. tbe Iteuuhlican dirtrine of We believe that munrWrwlniNLnu thrtgutbrmm between the -tteeeral -and tke-SUVa GovoxuuumiU, aud Utwby to -j-erpetuatr our Union" and Liberty. It is on ihU af rfiaafOiil, e defiuiiTiC , iii ipilc of all its imputed odi . vmmtxs, aud of the bitter proacriptiua uudcr ;vLch iu advocate bave to labor. The Review ryv If the Editorof the 7awlieMB . w... Z ....... ... .. .m ffues lor ini.rjri nd.noj ror yicfore, wo iiaii De eoevujce kiaj,Umh diircct tepjem-y ofcul - J.frcihoo is to overthrow and deiry all tki4 ivWat or tJimabla m our Republican inHtititliuoa''' ''' - V asMire Ihe rilitor of the Review, whrno ti-niyi irnd Uleuia w wpially esteem, that we argue (4- trtuk $nd sK iiry both. We believe that truit is oa our side, ..ui ... : r ;C I. .:n cunvuice oar judgment of error, we will readily sacri - 'fee our pride of opinion upon the altar of truUi Wa knpe i will divest kimttlf of tiit in. nment uf pre- J!??i ,H.irtrJl ejstl oofobtU.. Jt hup do this : let him vxorcise tbe rrd spirit of CtmaofWafioa, Uiat DiUleads him by wbi Jnnjr iu luaoar U bUlous Wurf iW,Ww, nd we shall nut despair of seeing h;m vet ahjure tit ern of his ways io politics. Situated, as the Editor of th Review ia. in the vcrv u of JavkMOHMn. and within a ust'a pilzrimare of tie SmnlrJ H.rmilagr, w are lew surprixed at hi rtialily for the presiiling divinity, than pleased with the dignified Tree.lomfroiu i-rvllity which dUtiMgutohet Jw. Su,ii Jui e JioxuTa ''"y never approximate more clotely in politics, he ... a.il aJwav oammand aur rwwcl m bmaa ka auaU- bues to kiM'ptluit erect poaitiou wh.ch we ihe more ad mire on account of its rareness with the editorial Corps ot U.o party to w hicb we are sorry beji aUacltvd, R E X UNCI ATIONS. ' Every mail, from every quarter of live country.brings 4i inlfll retire t4 the derlentn of Jnck-mii-Hi. In hmh plaees Uie tuWoence of the dineaiw is gradual i Hiliem it dippers raplly in proportion to the ' "pcraiucut and cout mJumw! vigor uf tboa ailtcted if A. Dr. Cocke, a Stat Senator fraoi AlbeinaiU County, irgitiia, ha publiahed a lung and interesting circular to bar crartrtuenbs in which be does ample justice to Jvkwn for his military son ices dwells nluch ' ;u t)w hope ajtcitoi in ki breast by th election of ' General to th Presidency but regret that tlie l'renideut ha diappoiptd those hope, and, by pursu ing a coiiim! at war" with ill Ui sound and conservative PHncipies of the Gotemuteul, tod of the Union, kas mstfrd him to abandon bj support and to oppot hi aiiure. Dudley Solden, a distiiiguudjod Jlembcr of Congrea lru, New York, ba addrewed liquUr hotter to hi sHitoenl. Mr. Seltlen was an aarlr friend of the (cnonl. rut iJr.ll kLa alivlyin ikon Uartin Van Buren and the party Dow most clamnmoa fur, were 4r cts. t),e jj m,!, M totally unfit in lemper, ta- Jents, and lnammefitarTlitrMr. rtt'tdrtrJTltrTrp Prtod Uie Ceoeral upon ki iwwrJ frmn flit aud, ce Ui, ptvaiJent bss jrwijl fmU!ea to Uasa ! f 'p.es, i,e tann as u knest na and p-jut, cos-, tmue to support Administration. ; J"6 ,re. admirable addresses, aad cannot tVA nv ' ng as they do from meg of snwfi iiJjBiiu ckmis moUve,t.produce a powerful and saluUrydE i lt fwnej-. teevpuAcTtb first Buiuber If the psrtics were thoroughly analytad, k wtwld ke' MH tat it s with tnuch ahilit, found tliat a large majurily of litoae distiuguMbed mx ' tWu isi awful ani iutrestmg niaUtr. who at first rtipported Gvn. Jackm, Live aiaakaiej TW JwmpwtiM rf ri Uanll wi3 be fcoad m oir ad Lim ; while at loam as great a propurtiaa ct htotjcmxt 3 coiuesaj, aaJ it wC aJShI u p!.-sure to re most viuk'iit rnoruies are now fiad.at bis bauds. Xhw '. n l ef subscriber, r tiiis ! There must be fiw terpvewatisi 'mmA &m but f Dr. Ely. tb Editor of the Puiladet wbere.1 K Hie party that now supports tLe'Reeido faa. was tM&m eByBrter ef Pnwideut JarUe : be consistent, Ae tna hve cteuged : if I fcas miia- Lf-fwAnl a 'smtasw iaj wlkk b stt pointedly aDi tamed Ait principiga, tlte buted reiiwJs suoA lave m Into f .Aatioa. W tbe Henof New Or deMerted ffrTlo cbulorm with doctrioes they 'trmet- lews, ,lit i fwel eil nelijr.' . . W ' ljr abuifcd. This is a matter between tbe CWaad tut tf to fa t&at else . DurHor bee become oadwei present SJlowers ; and, let tbem take whick knefibe Mie-tlMt Le- kts Ua4 t th ml rbaracter ihe dilemma they way, we think they must be kxAel j rWlnt-Hns Im ttfedRuf y, like a true Chriatian TENNESSEE., jaaitewvalos cwjofc-yBWaainiit the danger iifcon- The Convent wn of TenoesMee bave at kgti cob- , ng fef9Slw juttseisi, eivJ, ad .militirf tlrterf beriew-Coiistautioii ; aad tbeapen gBy ...?? ." 'J' . in timt .State appear to think it will be raliied U tU? nawtU I ttnr ttoe of tJie CbrMtien Herald, IVoplu. " i wtwirisi; ti's art:l fi-ra, Dr. Ely's ier, are se ap- il any radical and importao: cbanves bave beta node ri1rllJ'. 5-4t: - vuli at deny them a place in our iu the fundamental law of our siter State, and we ttiaB r' '' ;te ' " take Uie first Ctvurubk' occasion inmr W tbwn mn j J" r Ctritfini lfrM. perticululy. - I " ' 1K. KLY. . The Convention could no( srw npon a prrmtai ' W T?r C" reply Dm. Eix to a "TofUvVrimMmCbo'it to be' locatod Lt tbe 'ift.7WW!. tiM tKiururui -- : - 07" Judge White, of Teimese, has been st ted, in that Stnte, to succeed President jiwkL Some pajx-rs censure the young WeTflrTft IStar ftr too much ambition. We wish her old Mother sata' little urne of tliat quality, as she ban Vied uxh kjxe jand hiuuility long1 enough to disaner tlint, nbvtcwr may be their excellence when found in nu n, they ire neither productive of honor nor profit to Suiea. . ,.. w V .V ,. Ct!r A report has'been iu circulation fiir mtue Vm, that Chief-Justice Marshall intended hxri to reur: and another, Uml ho could not live long; bemg n v-ry fetlw.., .,w-.r e kre glad -to eee the Richmond Whig enritradkl UxU : it "y the vwieraWt- Cliirf-JtMl ire tlors- iwt ia tcmi to rugiw and i wJ.efjiyaeiit,-it , ry tfood luaililt, It is hn anawiedf to be hoped his tiaJonJ judicial hie will boUi onUaM Uie prewirf Adiudra- tiusi. lie is the only first-rate jurwt on the isuprttw- beueh i there -is- a-hew vaeanevi eeeameied fcf the - ' cent death of Judirc Johnn : and woe to trie omiwtrv I if both nlacea shouirf be !lnd bv oaisaitaeas liursalr I 7-- 4 r - - , (ability and no-rate principled! - - ' mm (KrThe last "MechaoicV MagBtine" corruinsti ; . I'roceedin.m of the New York State Cmv-etiB 4 ; Mechanics, held at Utica, in August Jast, tt. tke jwr. 0f uking into cousUeratioa tbe eflit producod um tic varMi Meclnuiical Trades by tJie picacut tjiCcts v ytute I'r.-Jii diwipline."" Ihe twivcnt.ou have published a very aide ekrs im) t .,1 f resolutions, intended to prove tlx- pt- u,Cl0Ui teudejiicy . and etlecUt of the pimm .4ucps. u,cir ener'nes Uirouffh the elective tiauciime, ! . : i ; bjc uie bi u. fiber t wie or swmt ; ana that men eujht ! 1 They lay down, and sustain with ability, the fUW ij,,. Ir m diJuied to thrth, even ihould ; u,, unsitwus, via; That -Uie 83-0 dw iiitrl! ,1 u. ' I I sufficient piwislmient, has but little tendency to aM-rrM 1 ... ..C. aV.s . ....... Mn ataul ciiotukmis tax on mechanics, a43.iiejfrdintsj! - tlunu.U;t. -r- ( - fcj-The nctorioas Wilham Cottiet.:t rweetHr British, Parliament, has written Tiie Ivfr ts Andrew Jack-on, Tre.iJent of tl.e Called KuteVial haslitorally oiLau vocidary ..fEae a43.1f f f. ,or..'35rfrTft!,t . ..ut.u . i,. a. 11 1 The bdtk has been re-poU.e.! this cwurtn- U adre the northern boHfhr. to W, wmnee-. a e4il uf prt'b'luu 'JJuie iir XVuHrUi. to Hmw,".m. iti .VVeilMiL., ZT, .;?? ,,iJr7rf frenfr; result frrm misrule, w "t-oou.Ku i crr .u,.. ... . ..... terma-ItwUbean avprvtoapjsfndAt. of the Hero, and no doubt would cuuiuaud a lare k I 1 1 i :. .. l l i i A i . ! ma, at this crisis, to write a ktory J kit fntaf $ .UfWfcr be laa the faealty serswpler'y fcrdjT- mg kts subjects, either with "glory" r gVunm, Unt ris Americia Pooplo w41 iaded be 4uQ nd tfronat i ttry are But enchanted at 0 gmd thiwg wshtw aessail W tlieir Frmn lent by tbe Englishmen woe f cajerlj traaa - ced tfie father of imiVjrmtry. I ' -m m () Tlie ChJert vau n.k ..Unt.tM. .L.. ito, K.m Ejm. cWsse , ii- pum-r. k.. W awarlr alL aai tktw aae j of their negroes while ether bate iwrws tbear T- iweiU esight Bot to hfl ap bis ' 1kkus, with all tlMr cmps unrrarra, and 1W ts tke H-" -f L,B "Tnlr' li,ruu laiills oT TM Miffiorr tx tte tairpow tf omr" U -kyattae. isfifM 1. r.niL .anJ. PnUtaxy A lew case of lie oiaease aave man aeen repwwta w lb rmMv.m, n-ia Wiieakhve- MmatTisf' Augwta, aa having occurred m tW cues ; but pears to spread eiowiy, aan w ne leas morw - ucrivr- - ... A strict quarantine of all rem-i aooa4 um, has been ori ered hy Wie p"i-r aurmrnir c one city. No case has been rrjwtod tbem " (t Mr. Blum, of Salem, has already rWfer ti - Farmers and Planters' larre Aliaaaae' Ca Wialiing to peep a "we hit" urto the f ui see, wa looked iuto une uf ibes aswbetic chnawka ti neni yet to eouie, and uod a great must nut tell what they euntsia; know, let him hoy on of tk Alaanacs icj am a cheap and useful sort of a book. (fcir tmiijtmt traW. Had k keW nattelr' of sufficient luiKTUnce to ceaiplaia of. we aaigkt. fre quenjly within th last year, bar reeaonatrated nr protestrd gainst ft error of ear autnitn. w esa ditmg our poor production to others. Our friend of Uie Fsyettev die ( Naerver. nr ear vl to ias w preaime it was, eomaittod an eemr af tk sort in bis paper uw r. - - ours cunupriiuii wi www v...-. - cle wa credited to tbe "Caroliaa Watcbsnan.'" The similarity between the name of theCamJinaa Carolina Wabrkman, nay easily kwd lb swek an M. - r hnj JaVar that ka likes tn are his otfwrinjr. wen ot the tr-al V of Ilk kudy, rallod by thwr rijrU anew .C-We -J tc-i L-j'artxIet m tlie e Eouttera Clr, ntnXTft p.; paper pubMed in Co kkk. S n ii- A ' I? f' n'-tj.,?..y r tiie kabst u rauiefef lint cry agaimit esery religious sous tM max txpntm Bt&tsraJ ptnkij( at vanance wvtli t!ir umm aurlKaW att4iuix. Nay, some bi rraiissl aws'a cruMScbiU that miaities every iuc t rb(t&jC a &rr al it. H ill Da. kill ii.tirru mturtkr Ischium' m 9 aaesnbrr vf the I'mthyte rraai CUmoritli w ana I Ve have efteii newnl it said tie sua we Inwsi scoh uvwmI authority that he i pjftutfiaK-, awad reoaMi wtth any cwtmsteocy be the ELMuir 4 aay strand ctnrrn. n e Kh to buow i siirr aidjcucc er tttjv cms qualify any one . t WnHL . I A K.'i tilitf .'X titeUrt" Prnt&siPfms J SL, bv cueans uf waWsi t beaut l' the citwek can be eiilarnl to aay etut m a t lake in any claw if perame, ..xu.l. Aitoiwii It m aay vnftit&f&i'r betlirr U i 2 t thurvb or fcot.; " " Awri Ti"a r'itfii!iTA"lBiiicn're."' TjiraifeTb pfprr siirnature asks -A,'iSTSiS "ttJL th.ca.we of the Redeem, ercaalie J ataacevl b quotation frmu such a t-ma M Ii - C'rbcLett r W arwae-. tteat ma tSr rrTtteenth of July we fmm n mirJ.c nruits a tew re. temrii4 -JkSvu C aWedl i4V.rin ll twent.-! - - - - hUJ- lm, m b.Jt nuiJuiig appropriathKis, a!Vjja arft-t-t;.: arvt approbation or dwap- Vuw. ; IIUt atrve the cause of - I i;r fciBr au or p ." ra.it-(s u ue weu ui- fct-acii aJ suftpefesel p!iite avllare or Hijnry f thi IttWis as ChriNiwn ei-j ittm V leirs) the true stale ef our puIdH! atfuin, lirx at We. Wr Crockett or Ctdibft,. Webster, CaToum tei ltr, or Furth and tJnindv. In mmat..- Lkes L i ' , , . . ' 1 ... .jTT. rt-ttwrTuViikrr whmc wi.nf. hr -e g, iuiiitna, which we bold t.u ,ji .iw- u ..tk. ,.t,, ! . . I Tk isms; aciaW eitLieaU, wouklsitck abuse j af t L.. aT I a - .ttT-kmimnS ahfta .ur raarf aa4rate mtukl to be emintenanceil , H fcg crac : ai mfh. sjrvtber abw. nor the He. r4.r,.w lwik'as-s, asr-ssy mm ef me re-r 1 tdhtWCv W the fim chapter rf? .l" TJ k k- elP, ,.W asfcuittoailQ attend to a. Uml. Tae tr ft tlirMs'mmnJir he.spinruar fomf to: . . . . . 1 - ax w aa sevwa bis own sarvanon t"; tse zrl mxj art the pvl 4 a 1iri J - - - - " . i - - ' t s. t- r - . Vn,inaTn-. tVi aa ni frunak ail fha aits-hof aiwi rt'liV. 1 G; to tike sQ. a.kuwstormtr umtkmJ, i,tct, EI.Swwtw, awl snakin mnrj bv eMni "souls, frt .-1 AW to ne nernJ in tlwlr arr awvr thrr m mo rrligvoM per tke rvwrfrj'wkkk aaediSes leas'witk (hditkra lvsu ffcXdVjkaaa ; asal yet the eIitor would .'JraawM mm sfshe ii ,if kn tkuuU tWaaav djrr f rV bar f assist rare caJrwIateti r ruin the ' Lor pfMcrta of'evr rantrf, and fee skowki Kot r snt tn arrent it rtrfrirr w ftr 1 ersahH 1 tBRjVtf anaMe onansnai Ue eierrae f wholesome 1 If rwerawaewa as kW verrvo to ahdiie mo- a;T5i asJWIied?y m the ewse, what friend of Eieenfrvw pffieef f aiWf raiaradT aki Jula" than tfiat tdf the king r m- , j ' r- , , , , j f TrnraTe.ki al thai Banrot WicWed BnaarairCenrrnl Jack will andoubt- J, U to parahn anduatrr. eonlraet aair trade, rasMftaV ajar a imrwtaTen.aaj eVpreenitetriewltote af 1 -j , a, ta tHent uf ooe-fliunh, if ,4 ; anrJ susnw a.Iemiate remedy i I sweaaied k tkeevi wksck W is kranging on n. 1 Iksr cmtt,si aikaA fitaaHv asks il ibare nU tii aad BMtaW eM;Bi an lb cats uf our divine j mm trt, arkkaaal IwkaatT in aary way oa politics T Aa ee-Tk trigmmU JasaaCkrwt, reduced to ', rrrrnrt asftaanayrj witk all the mte- many very n hot we rr rpl. p'. "L uoi putl,fJ. f a; if any one nwkes toi auail I. It wha as aa4 cwsarientinas and reii l'l.,.n.r. iKt-T ki a ' C " ka fwLjaBst a w. t k legnnfed an truly rrtji a an-y t'iaaj Moffwr, nvuiy of the to ear paps- tereive no ether periotli- rst, mad rtrrsjrarafry-wriBft tmr PktkwWpman- to gttw thena atnraaiitia ciaaccmsng our natumaj ai- tr a psA an tVu ecckiaaatHrnl nnttcn, and tke kraaTLirnl feraTans of tk day. Awl pry, reTrd cTcapfent, are yon not n rrlirwsaga aal a adaicnn akaf While the edalar tks surf VJ aaJ couU iadkntn your taaie Presairat, ween not ka political aitiee ertaUe to yasf W. kai aeeer abused tU aanrawraie af ear aata-a. w Bave anal no awe a- a ( man atrsisal kaMksdn or eiaomuniratUin to anrey kiaa ; kn in kn fuktin araursa we are a Vdy rarrwJ n aaat of anr k-Qow ciiiaeon; ad ka ak favn tiaaj, aka ka n-wato. atollren, j Me, relator, tea r-ae, peraMwl sraertv, ami i k acurv, a3 l sMke, whether kf kn cb rg jmnn or layman, las a right to ipcak, vote, And j putIih, agreral and Christianity agreeably to the intijdee of ptriotism stianity. If any are unwilling to accord tn m L tlua lilyily art; nid tiff ,ftTrK'n thcy profess thenlelTes.,, . UNITED IN WEDIXX-K, . In Ianrasier District, S. CL, on the S9th ultimo, Kir. RICHARD ACST1LL, of Surry countr, N. C, to Mus FR-NCES ANN LOVE1TT, of Lancaster DisUict " -"Vmw the UevrgiM Anew.; -A CRE.VT MAN IS FALLEN IN ISRAEL!" It is our melancholy duty to announce the death of. the Hon. WILLIAM IL CRAWFXJRD. He expired oothe momirij of the 15th, jcataut, witljin eight niilc of ElheYtoa, whither he was going to bold hw semi-an nual Coerfc- He was taken violently with the bilious clkdic, and died the day after he wa attacked. Georgia has lost her distingu ished eon- aid our coun try one of-its most prominent citizen. His Im will be deeply G it, and his death pruliiuadly regretted, Truly may we say, ., v "Iu the i oiideCof liiVwareiadealfc!- - ' . THE REV. DR. BEDEIJ. The remains of Dr IV-dell were brought to tltta city on Humlay. Ob TueU.y irtrrnono a large aiweinblage attended at his late residence.to accotntnr his remauis to "the houe sXiiited fur all living. Among them were p-.i tiik;.. e,i.r. li I and ajw M.. uf v.r.,mu . ..r .u .n.rtj m. lali of lh dernanL A Ure nomher of lite ClereTf of this Diocvse, with several frmn others, together with Ministers of other denominations, were ala present Di lilies the lung train of mourners, the street was lined with silent spectators, and KM. Andrew's Church, to which the corjwe fii borne by tbe Vestry, was filled to werf!winj. The burial service was read by the Rev. Dr. Tvnf. We have never listened to it ou an occa sion of greater interet and solemnity. May tlmee wlio have heard the living instruct ions of the servant of (Jod whone mortal remains were brought into the sanctuary on this ocraMon, reral to mind his fnithful coniweU ! and imy all who witnessed the last 4enm scene, say, from their hearts, It me die Uie death of the right eous, and M my last end be like his f From tkf Epitcopol RrrrrrArr. TrfrtmxEY coiitt. . The Uullev Comet, which fulfilled the calcula tions of Dr. Halley, by re-apering in 1751, atior a periled of 1 years, haa zai ncscrihed irsrwrhit, aixf is" vihTLTe iirniea."TIie New York Courier and Knqutrer ieniBrksiT - ' "Tut CojirT. 'lliis long hxdied lr and much dreaded eccentric has at length made its apiear awe and can be- diiuguUihed in the east near the C'-trtellation T uurv$, "At this time its (listanee fr.irn the fa.rth M flirt V- niilli.w of mikn. On the 13th !S-pleiiiIier its niance win ue iwemy-iwo imiuiHis nine-,, nuo 11 '" l," n oeronie uriiiuuii. I'll ine im oi:imrr . ! . "I, I 'II "I .1 Its uirfinnce win ue si minium nt nines, ami ii will then he war the tore fivt of lTr Mujor, and w'" bIkivw thr hnriwjn the whole twrnty-farr hisirs. (hi the Mil IMober it will lie nearest the earth, bring ili-tuiit only three and a liutf millions uf niih-. In the Wiiitiiug'c.r the venr 18.10, it will fim-rgu from Ihe sun beam, mid agiiin ho- cma at dixtniico of forty millions of """ Jrt4J- M-Marek, 4-is will Iw-within Ieiity"-lTv"eTinTTnirH7.r ihUM brilie eaiHir "If ivill then recede till it tmaiis-aM, and will wt ue visitile asaul uuiu iuc jvr ifi. nmnvn to.vci .wi ... . .1 . ,r.,.l Tl - iilCrv i.' l vited' Wadiinston . J . ... B . . . u fcroatur Wifce Mme ef Heitirlkacntttd be seen at ail Iwmr-s of Uie recess of the two bouses, skipping about 'roia uue kwrding hottae to another, dressed out in an ' 1 ,rtlKrc' prn?TdjJt in iu 1 amuivHaj iu ai iLsraaii m m aa lasm s. aaiiu wiiit,u ud i.. ,i,ai,. hV. ,,v .lrtl,e f bis M.sVs cmnmisakm. obtained ImfiaKcampaign;; be"l.nngnj aVnit ,la brfy ind lal 2UJIJV NlslHllBBWJIn. UUUIIIC1 III c.snimtU'e rooms, made nrtftscrT so much It home with every body and every thing, tkat by reneral ent, A?Jl?'l T frtMnphmtvlil llMftek UaaaM ska 4thfBUery beside (loocht RichmorsV-who was taking, noto A; Ui. Eninrer.-Aatbe speech went on, the Major tn dolped m a sortwf eaMiiM ewmwentary an the- iuila -that he was aWle to enmprehend, and tonrhmir all the reKMloe hy ,'niade free' to, propound inn'iirH1 to.he jn fimte annoyince of the reporter, who waibed his tor mentor at the devil When the jpcekt r changed me topic uf debste, be introduced a quotation rroea Virgil, cssmim mmUs SMMjea : thai was kevoad the Major's depth, but remembering that Randolph wa a descend ant uf i'ticahojita, be jogged uooch hy the rlhow what's that t Indiaa Ulk t eh 1 what does it meaa Awwd V- The sxt taker, vwt af paUiuca, looked the aid inaa sternly in lb bee, " meaa ! it means we most cane Major Paul f The all rHreatod out of tke twuavy as f real anstv ana mm sisnsi aesi anerwae that he ahray Iaae4 swpieaisly at In irgmai era. tor and b cuaa Juba. l iist Vr Prrtt. A company of riyjrM rian kalely performed at Cnnnndaigun, and among other tents, waa the ri ding off without paying list printer, -v- iPlf.l . lf frniiiriiin. &JwaJ M Sahaborr, 00 Thursday tlie 25th in- stent, n BLACK IIOR8E, about 14 band High, a small star in his (iirehend, 00 tore pm4 while. and one uf his nouf believed to bo split be ia 1) or 12 year old, ia a kntural pneer, and very geolln. Five Dollars Reward will be riven tor the deli. very of said Horse to the subarriber, living two Mrt Tan TTdlfi ffuffl Ik arila lituW. on Ihrt road loUxingtoo, FRED'K BILLINGS. " September S7, 1834. It -r.Z-HTOATT - ;. likTIU jVOlaXCYe fTlIE Buhw-riber is about to morn to Batesville, ia Arkanaaw Territory, hnd will attend to ft king purchase, selling land, and paying la tea, for nun-reaitk'iiU.' There are many Iratl of Ulililary Bounty IjuvI, nhkb, if not attend! to, will be aokl tor la tea, and kss). . Letter (post-paid) Bhlreaed to tlw fhibarrilier, at BateaviUe, Arkarunw, will he promptly alteuded to. DAVID REINHARDT, Zssfe LinrWalan, .VC. September 37, 1634. Cm , . coxier. - fTIlE Citiaen of Rowan County, residing on tbe onhtM aide of tlai laIkin River, will pre. sent n Memorial to the neat General Aawmldy nf Nosik Cnndha, nra) ing to kn awwed to tke Gen 1 ty 1 Ikiviihain. ' - j Sce4emhei?7,li3lCt ". a BISSOMTIOX. ,'mHE Copartnership herctofi.re existing I ; 1 the feuUcribvn, under the firm of C.1 hoi ween ADK & - rCRAlUL, aa dijoivgj-ea4ho first duy-'tf. Sep' (ember, by mutual consent. Tlie indebted to the , ctnicern.will make payment to Burton Craige, who is duly authorized to receipt for the same ; and all persons having demands, are' requested to'preseut them to him tor avttlcuient. . - JOHN A. CADE, CLiat)N CRAIGE Salislu, Sept. 27, IMLZZZ-Z, zZJ.ti- 1 (t5 The Notes and Accounts of the late Firm of Cade & Craige have been placed, in my ubeeuce, in Ihe hands of W. Munvoe, fuf collectioiu All (Njrsons wishing to save cost, will do well to pay him immediately. ; ' , B. CRAIG L. Jt-pleniher 37, 1S3 1. . . , ' St V .' af !! 7asaltaWvT s Vll.VliV. HCUO Qli. 'PHE WmteHVaswmrf th'ia School, taught hy j the Subscriber and his Lady, will, Divine Tro vidence permittiii, comuioDce oo the fr Mon'A uuy in iiorrworr nert. , The aessiou will be of five months, and the terma of Tuition, per session, as follows i v ' " ucmiuig, iiiiuk, ufiiiiix! wni oi iiiiiiniii., 1"'" w sewing and markinr, 9 w T ur iuc auuvu, inn luiigiisu u rauiiuar. Parsing, Dictation,. Composition, Geogra phy, II iMory, and needle-work, For ditto, with Natural, Moral, and In telli!ctual hiilosophy Astronomy, with use of the tJlobes Uhetorie, Logic, Chomis try, i the French Language, Drawing, and Painting, . " ',. :. . 8 09 10 00 Alt accounts must be closed at the end of eli seseioiu- . '." ' 1 . . . .. .. . . .. XJoarujug can tm hui in the neighbornood, mthe ' 1 (ttr The hmise of the tiuhacriher is situated close by Bethany Church, 6J miles from Statesville .ttW. Joad.leAUtug-taiUickAirl. , STEPHEN FRONTIS - Iredell Countyt8ept. 27, 1834. 4t - TcVcr BY THE GENUINE , atowHiid a Tonic Mixt'ire, THE FEVER &. AGUE HAH BEEN CURED IN 20,t00 Witliin the three years thnt it has. been in Hue and the patients restored to heullh.vior, and com fort, as tliey are rendv and anxious to testiQv. , The Bnnuiiie Mixture con be had at tha Store of JOHN .Ml'KniY, in Sulisliurv, N. C. J ."!' "'. - - - r 1 . kMII l-4l ' ' - 1 joiin u, row'asd. ti: S.ptemlier 27, 13-1. 3m Fasliioimble and Durable! The Suhscribcrs, liuvuig enlered iotoCofrsmeruhinY -lnllie Tolloriiff IltusineMUj--t- AT MOCKSVILLE. . tRfipertfvll mJirit fkr fwronagr 0 the CiHuni j vjke Village, and of tke ailjncrnl country. ' t 1 hey receive regularly, from the North, the kt. ,ert F"Hni"n"' ",h1 ca" tlio pnblie that alP , work committed to them will b,ewutod in tlw. -Nst twiat vatombJayMMt inot DuruUtt 11 lliaie tier. - --- V (tt-Thcy will ttIo CUT OUT for those U widi tohaVe clothes made by of Inir nttttdiu.fi-"? .v" .. ' . t v -" , Hiry hojf that, by atrKl Wfenlion arar puuclu- T inT" nB " " T'"n T T? "'"'MlC.-tney 1 1 a a j . . . 1 u a . - a a .1 a-. at ' iuiui-reu jaoruiy ui pwruuiga. . t""- -.f RYAN 31? . ' The Old Establishmcntll- - s Vtk'l l 4 a" aa "' " A.. ' 1- - rliilin l . Mcronvy; IWorr--: Respectfully aiimmricea to hi Cuntomera and thn --T-i-PuWkslnherin, that STILL HlNTlNUtS T( CARRY ON THE 1 . Xailorinj; IItilite, r AT HIS OLD BTAND, . .1." " In the Village of Moeksville, - ) Wkert kt riff, f til limn, bt rroJg to mtlrnd U arnjr rnrr tmtnttti to km, and to imih it cf - &3c UavintT tumJm nrmwgsniaiit toreeniee, iuar ' terly .from I'bilmk lphia, thn moat Wiiinabto sty let -of clothing in that rily, be narranied in say. ing, tkat, a ueaJofaa of fit, and faithfulmfa pf cV ei-utioo, liis work shall nor be Mirpaased by ."T dona in this part of the H art hern cisintry. " He hopes, by aashtuiais attention, and by doin giad work, to receive a csitiimance of thn patron age titrherto an liber Hy vitevmVd to him try an rn- ; htonednnd jronrrua fnbkcv imd lr wkk.l b ' " relurna hit grateful arknonkHlgment. "tCT nkruieuti'of Vcry ihmriidin' ti TH lie CtTT OUT it I hose who have I heir' cm bet naile up hy tdhera, af lit tWtest notice, and in tlie inwt u- sliHKiable Banner.- - - Pi F.kt.k Agent f Allen Ward, of Thilmkl. pkia, iorenlor t the Psteot Protraclor fcysirm id" Cutting, and will teach the art in tbe riHt faithful manner to ill ho may msLo applkatnu Uan aw 'Aaa gmnf B silmaa ai.j coral ant emplovment and good wage. MocksviHe,tWpt.27,13l. nt . LAND Foil 'T'HE Buhsc riker olfcr tor sale a Umt.! Tract t "f LAND, cuulaiuing H43 Atrt n, I) ing in Lincoln Courtly, on tlie Catania Uivt-r, about 9 mile kew Deattie'i Ford. " j. Tr (liof n exreUent quiility, well juLfd.. eJ to Coitoo and all kind of ; rain. A eonmdi r able portion of it is tow-gmund and nadow. MThe ImproTemriita, corudaiiig of a Dwell, ing and at) nerrwnry ftut-hou-a, are uge ami eoeveiueiit. 6Tk term will bt mado eato the pure lin. ser.and can be ascertaumd by alilrrHia the so!. arrikxr, at Bmttie'i Ford, or the CiawU J-pi , PwaOtHen. . JA.MI1S CONN till September 0, IS3L tl WESTERN CAR)UNTANOinf 'j;T Salintary, May 17, J - i IX rF, ir prepared toeaemtu evrry In f , irTi Very sita lyl and tt tt d r reaasialle aa any, CT Ordei froui a 4, I f meet 'He wast prramH attnite-fv o

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