V t: Ht. i 1 r 'J-jpLX'l'iCAL..' i ' . " i :I"V' imin i-i'-v"!-'!:'1' ' " Irtm tM BMa CariM. FAU E A'USATfON. Two must lite on OATMEAL ar.d POTATOES, have no tine to thiak, omaII the niis-ma!ia;'rs tf our eovcn,ineut to atl accounK but be chid to oh. e - .... . - v. . That portion of the utm-mvUM i lutea Jlitehr.IBin-fcjring. mirdveSt.TT,vet their wWit Ising friends f the tonstmLtiofk D.U 1- ,1, ,", , ..i.. r '. fHfrfi Fver since M r. Jackson declared wa r , against th innate, lor refusing to fM.iirm "t" of hi j "apiiiiluMSMtVand ' standing .up.in;ieiciice oi the Constitution and kawa, in opposiiKHi i m p.eu to txecuuve uHuruuimu, ....... t "WP t,e the people, whila they have liberty beware Whigs, are denotj.muied, by their HMwuta, the ; rf - tritkj (lf xittm ja power:" . V tiafik party, JNow, eittiougii nawy 01 mo " "ipj advocate the tecliarter ol the present rmu pi iiw ( United Stateswith modifications, still many ol dictatorial will, his pntlizatnriill eountry, I thpm areornKihed to 1hw renewal, and sou of ' 1' s . 1 ar i ...I IT'.-JL a.. ll imbued with the grmuiie spirit of coiiwdidation have raised a hue and cry agniostthis lust remnant of our confederate stem. True it in, that luany tirofoaiiijr ele'volion to the rights and sovereignty - Ot I 8ITT ATWB IS DIFFItTlT." fllC. Enq. The last Richmond Enquirer devotes a consider- 1. 1 - ..-'..... nC i M.J. itntk 4rv an vnlnnatiim tS them wish no Bank the tinted tetates at all. j ,th Mr. m and the Kitchen 1 here is,'i,r doubt, however, a large major.iy in . Q , . . h(rfe article, we find but flv.tr of Wmeiutioual Bank; but this ia Hot by any means the leading ami characterise trait of the of the States, have joined in the crusade, through j purty. , The bank, haying been the object of Gen. ignorance of the tendcMcy.iiLHicit. jHwejrfaj hu 1 JarkWa hostility awl injustice, ha been defended tha iimior nart consist of tli'ise who have no fixed principles to govern them, andho, are" ready To applaud any coune pursued by their tandem, which toey couaider odcubited to retain in the hand of theirtairtv the power ami patpmagew "V govriii. and vindicated by the Whiga, at lea o faf aa the cliiiraeOlraiust it were fu'u ail tnjurKjiM find, one remark tl4t we are willing to give much cre dence to, and K ia that which forma the heading to thin paragraph. ' , . . Th! iliirwiily of the political situation of the 'Enquirer, la linly to be amajiited' for. . If there u u un i.k.j(dtafif irkrrtKAf tint rn iwj kHtri. aa having leu created by the law, they have !, j ' . Ywf yemmM, whiAnutil clatiwidSir it en emitiofiirorn aucti ,0 IBuua m the dinlomacv of Dartier p''""- . . haa been urged again it by urn who i Imitid by r- . relati.,n of the btdlirenta. ! Who, that ha. a spark of State prijjo, or U a aia- . . ' . 1 .1 1 'r1!.... I..m t.f. Fiia' " " ' - . Vi' mat irariTU i"' ;i RDAT C4ELIH. ly mconaiatent with the ancient candor of tlut e' lamilUms. U.? J:.v , i. i:f.,..LTt-IB ' tnnp. horrevpr. " OCT The above ia tnken frutu the Vilmin( pie's Press it .ia onoecewrt to at to.iea-i woukl have lo-.ki with diH-m T'f r, will clfcoive hi, niteingeut Ius, , theCi THE CAIIOLINIAN. "SALISRUUY: Satiirdnv, October 4, 13 I. 1 IT I. sz. i. t ' -1 s . : rniMwr iwiongw, jot tne neD-marks we do I We ahdll piaa over tho exquisite it of the firit fc ine-n..'bnor marKs are ti pluinlv viniUa t. any doubt on that score. - . - Jr The nPwsjMparatlimugluMit Uie Stnte are crowd ed with edvPrtittementg of " land fiir iele:" Wit thin ia not afl-ieyery court-house and miit-w dnor aJuek all over with more economical notices of the aauia de- 'i" ' w.t I ' - - - r - r- , i - - - r - j i tiritm mull i menu . JTitn Uiciie ml, weiKira not prcrewoMtrtl-toTiiatniain-the law. iliua hir me wjuaa,--.- . , -r : T-:rxzi-ttvaTmMUote of hw .., i . ii : a .rr. . . ti - i l n ' r . r i ,'r. niujiinvgii kivj nmv u. ... i o .. ermawn u. Hii. er.itw ...u.-.. urT1WTg gijnej'BTJO Bo lirnnnr. i ne jatnria aecuiaai- "TT --harM.it.i.t LBBiff hyH for h-.r na. t'e worahipof hia fidlow man, la b-jTOrfft the Teaehtry-jjhjecr ith theifi kltf li nli aliie it 1 if oatter ot argument, and can only be cured ot ma lolly, or cirrUtion, by a positive downfall. . To the former, we wiuld otl'T a few word of coutwel, and would .a ft . . a carie-atlv solicit them tofeifrtt, lor nwwnfiiiiMp.. on the rtfjnlt to which hoatility agaitwt the Senate -may ultimately load.- "At the time of thn f nnation of the Federal Con-tit!itn-n, if i well known t hut the1, stnmg poern mrnt writ) were desir.un to do away with the Ftate tvvf4uieirtMNr and. t.Urtn. -what -tWy trwd A4.Wr.-Potte5r"the-fo Miiti'inu! ( verimM iit." Their dein waa toes-jRni, I4and, ia an old federalist. And who com tahlth jik- hil-t!id comtohdaied. empire, limkinjj j titute the M'hig party? Ltjuk at Connecticut. 8. one K" i.f tiitfeeii w-jwrale -laidieti of -y:; ' A. l'ie, the; prepni (Jowmor, wbh a thorough and i t;it r'inciiHf trie Mntw, eacn oi wnien iie (d indiiF rence j there are ther who are cippowed to it. Advocacy of the Look, or of any iWioiml Bank, cannot,,thcrefore, with any dcptje,of prjpri ety, be applied to the party. lliere ia another titlo given to the Whip, which ia aa . little appropriate j 'they are, often called Hiei g old FederatWU. 1'liii flemgnatioii might as proper- .. r e i.. i I- i . '.i. ml r : i ..l.i ttier I iy on Dppueu io ii I ont-s. mr. imivjr is in uiu mderaliat; Mr. Mc La no is an old federalirt ; and ity of the dear and -venerated rHd of varthe tlute printiiiif of- Virginia. He 4 renuw of departed frieatla, eaa ww,wJiout emotion, can talk volubly about h rights of the" -Stalea, tlieae and nmny other mdicationa of preoiature deckn- rajjraph, ami come at once to tlie logic of the The Editorjiay the Federal prty would bavt W tofore conaHlered the name of 'VVhigJjijsg. Nw, Uie Federal, pmy wiir harrlly thank hint fcr'iu rutuitoulSWon, which implies either 'tiiit tbak sotnelhhijf intritiaically duvracrfiil in Whigim ortK.! ujo rcuurm puny giorien ut Jryi, wUu;ii Wthe. relative of Wanism. We cannot tell, from hi t, aition ; but, under fither oflliuinrwuold VfI MiM-.mya3tiiiry.iur urn, raimg -mrmit q sion in Nortii Carolina 1 It is a niL-laticholy subject, and peculiarly so at this cmiii'iicV aMMrt'd ita rei-rvution of its iW-ediaii, auvureijfoty, ;md iodej'iideia-e, to inero corpora ti'i. A"ini ilim wtn-ino, tli" rifHildi-ati party iii .tt -urijio'm!iivt fijiii-ni-ii ilii.mlwia. They knew thai nU'i'ty could onU Im ni'scrvi'd within iirmiil iiirwtii-ti'.iis.mid that one ."'ncnil coin- oftnw.CiHild -"1" rt:":Ti::-';r-r -.-rT.r. ::i L.r7:rv:v.T:rr:v" lull- uiw.iiiiv r'.rini u.ri a i"i: . a iiin "i tjuiiwj Jeflervouiau deiiKM-rut. and Was one of the chief in- atruinftita in overthrowing the fidcral dynanty in that. State. He in now the Whig Oovenior i atid the leading Juckm man f (he State is a ufin of that stenieat of all fifdoralihtH, Oliver Ellsworth. The whiea mw in-Connecticut, who hare a com- pl. te ascondaiicyj, are Uie lineal heritors of the de. mocrutic away wiuc.n w;i-j exquircu in mat Maw aUiiit the year 1818.' Mr. Spiagiie, too, of Maine, wittnait inlrinmtf u'fm, indiHOu tl rights, nw-re tlnn would thrrtwn 'iwtinct c. of lnwr. adapted hiccsliSuiri iv eduTatitin antfTrraxMicc.-af t ... .."... . iiihii'iitaot-i of the difirent Hi,ilen reMiieetivelv T'i' tl'refr ri ftuni t unite in the f iro ation of ' a K.iti'rtitW'iinriat'W'aiM wevitsnty .IWalloW Wall th Stale mvi;ri:i'viitii!i ; and aa.jpti if he chief itled th.it each Snihj, w lii'iii-r "niiialT or lafp7 a'l'iuld la: entitled to an equal' representation in the Senatorial Udy. II id it not Ijen for this jirovi si. m, ttt (fovernmcnt, th'Hiuh nominally li'dcrnl, w iild have beqn virtually consolidated ; for, had the ii pnaieniatiimialhe'ijambceii proportit ned, like that of the Houae of Hupresentutive, to popu latum, the smalt Htalea would at ihica have lost their whole weight aial infliR'nce, and would have L eu wholly iiiBiguiticuiit whoa coming into conflict with tho lara ones.-: W'ha would tl SUte$ of nelawnre anrt Rhw' T'Nnd If , m rornpHri whh ivmisylvania and New-York, if they had no more power in the Senate than thW have in the House? ....La v w hat woold .eVeji JN'orlb aiid South. Carnlina, and (Jeorgia bet Mor bewertof wood and draw- rt iif warerirrthf! mrce rfatea, who WfuM tmni p4tHem ouder foot, atd rob and pillage i1h.ui at 5eaur,' .- :- .A. Aud this is the institution that Mr. Jackm and j iriiHiinr eia:avalrmyfo ifestrny. Tliis in the hody, at this iit..mnt ollhniig the only (ruaran--.-.jM4ir.4lMr arwtjmty.il lm .titiMirbyi- oiuau """ijlii'atlaeiinienl to the ii;htH.f (lie States, 1 -yaftt ani.-ao" " -MiwtitB.:liutoiad-iiitt. republican, M wa" hia father. And who stand at while he 0eiily supports le great in jector of consolidation. He omJsiil Jatrkaou's election would be a curse to the coujtry , and Jacksoii said es,n of the ' vear, when Jttie periodical decay of the of him he was the greatest fcoundrel in the United j vegetable world, now not more regular in its recurrence es. let these worthies-im hand in hand toge-1 tl;tn t1(. tid,.. of eiuiKratiuji. naturally induces a feeling in the abominations o( the day, and are now ; depression lion and lamb, lying down together on every occa- j VV are consrai'd to ask, once more, Will the State gfy'",,!.'." 2 ; 1 . -tdo-oothinff t txem)t her eitianna .fmui thovo ueces Mr. Ritchie declared N would never support ; ()f lni.rnlm , For ifl n(.M1,y. no, c11(ft that Mr. Vanuren even.Cr ice 1 rw.de. ,t, and he , g . .m break tHUnder ,. ol- the now seeks to transfer Vjfeima to the stipulated ' of ter mm success oi me curse oi up oaiioii. .. wwrci he exclaims that hia ",nitui)ion is difficult ;" he may go a little further and-ad'pt the grammar, an well aa the p)litie of hijw favorite, and say aufleringa ia intolerable!'' Alb. Dai. Advertiser. rii.liU, in W.ircli of mon comtbrtable iioinet), it may be, in the unexplored wilderness. It can be obviated, in a great measure, by an enlight ened policy. A liberal and prudent system of lutemal liiiprovoiuent would do much to check emigration : to The, United Sates .Te-kraph desires to see.! y 't alUyeriier, we admit u. be in.x,ble. -Cobaofaabuae oUciu.Washiogtourand his abuse There are a feat fact, ami pnucjpJea, ..aclirjdy qver of that true revlutiouaiy patiut, Governor Mc looked by tliuse wiw argue ditiereiuly.. Some suppow! in, of I'emisyvanjia, of Or. Kiishji Mr. "7,l''lc"v rirBeillTltTll-ar.S and Reilllhti- ! nur f..niilri... tlm .1 mir..y mi .,rmr iU v itr- lrre T 1 ' . . .." all I pltffed side ty siuo Willi nis Wiwimc gular every where. 1 lie smisurm are comparatively a r f 11 I. . l-l. ... . . -J I v t i . . i n i . . . h.a side II..W, Mwiaininv him n'-ainst the asult of! ' "-"". j rMu in Aorta U.roliiia nuw. as u.ey ever wee. proixi-1 . 1 no Mitnr ev.oently wjshca, avtueahly to the the lyeksoj, i7iyT5'inhereleralisTsaTT " .iMttorWi f Imt- Cobbet m new I Wy; but the lalul-it i. the il that lias changed It : tics of. the Van lluren srt.ool, to present a fSfeb raise, and ridiculoiia. We. shall not ston berp iA .I! the origin an'T liieaning of the words whig and lory; a our last we punished two articles suite iC-ntly clenrBa. on those sui.jecte, amt-it is uolorams, even toihoN ! never heard of thftir or ini, that Wlog haa 'always bj esteemed, in this country, by the jrienrla of popj,, riidits, a torin of enviable distinction, and Toryitm of deep reproach. But we haitf siid it' is not, true now, nor has il rm been, that the Federalists v a jHtrty considprcd name (jf. Whig a ifisgru.ee.'" It woukT iiseliMsfy ooBMMa tix much space to ineuton all the otmiruidied Feds rdliat, if we could recollect tliein, who .fought 0(kit, the Whig banker (f our Ruvolut.on, against tlieTori who played many fantastic tricks before high htm' in ftvor of the Nfime .iK trmcs-iinimely, royal prep tue, ami unhnetel stihmissinn-that now distinp tin; followers of our unallotted K.ng. The Eilitorfai hurowlf ment.oned three venerated names of Qi a-riplion ; but in connection with tliuin he huaaxftj annttier ftrt ltrrpnsnbh; to be -proven tor tli8 "Hiiiir tons, the Jays and tiie I'lckitru..-," although Uicjifn -llceoiitiitts!ittd"gtrnt4emrry surety Were (lot "1U at nttrmjilir-Treunrcmuiwn called 3V 'I ,1 nuyxnuw ufijitMM.ii.siim3, c"rriias uec niio iinpmerihtieU by coiUnut aifi un'iicruus ! He wishes to m.ike it appear that the Whigs an si hones, fruii a rtvtrrncr to hit cluiracwr, very n.i tunillv see) a k.iave in Washington, aud a deini goil in Jaclson.- ovttm-Aitai: ;krs o.n Ki.KrrioNS. There i i.tllontr nnre oWt rM live, ay8-tlie ( iiiciiumii (iii'tt-, iii the elective fmi.ciuse, thiiil 'i practice id Is'tting on the result of electjonn. 'J'he dinrt leniency of this practice is to convert the hlihcst in vileire of a free citizen, the choice Jolul, llolmeii, the veteran .democrat, the advocate 4tU WdfyHttd Wtfliaiii-Kiitf;, snd many otin'rsrf tlie Jotlersi'in w-IkniI. T M'e might extend theno remarks, and show con clusively that the Whig parly is not, with the slightest shadow of truth, identified with the fede ral party. Some of tin; old federalists are doubt lee Whigs, and many of them also are now Tonew. F.ut the old. que.' tiotis which divided men into le le ralist and deni'rata are now at rest, and the old parties are broken tip. New question have arisen, new ponies are nrn.'d, witlu ut relerei ee 1 1 lor m" rfi of tinrci itfimtfaln tun IT lirr The term federalist, then, in the signiPe'ati.ai pro. with a single vew to maintain the pr.ss-cts of a Altho,irtl, therefore, a system of utemul Improve- live s.w.-ts and pror -ativ.-s. an Uo.isng.Hfntly.jk WTlymmnl loit, w WiitWwrdr"1trtr-'J:---Ab 4hi-ia rt.mes..Ui ao,.! n,"t't. .r:,,1,i. K.,t, V tlir.scasim rt would, rt orwnt Wl.ii isiitv tlniii to the T. rv imrn ,,r ' the in.uu aeaeial obii cl is t., innke iiKHiey. The hus!ndry, by nltordm" easy and cheap means ot get- wltmTy'WMrmwv'rnir-a- wmuM 'j'ftTO surplus over a support is K tV tor market ; Wiul ", n sea-; aaumea that all who yiiiKrt the President's meaf'fri sons of drou ght, a tare suls-tst.-nue is derivei Iri.m bus- i an; Republicans, while tlsise who uppnae' tji jai ft ban lry. The coiis.'eur'nc.' is, that extraord.u'.rv tabor . derahsts But such reasuniug won't answer his pur oud mana-'onii'iit are neces-ary even to maki a .-titlj- we. A Fnlcndixl may be a good ll'At ; but it is i ciency ; and, w!ien-a I tile surplus i iinue, theexpensu ! possible for a Tory to be a true Uynbliatn. ThaF. of irettiii;' it to iMirk'-t sink the pn.h's. jderalists were in favor of a -.triiiig Gcnerd Ooyen. If the soil were, :is once 'rwns, rujttble always of nient, Willi its powers diutt liiulrd armntf Iht (iefffn- yielding soini 'h.iig for market, liirmeis would put up ' di-paraneiilM : the Republicans were iu favor nf the wiin a in,, eiau annual addition to tiie.r means, rauii-r sniue, except inai inrtt contea'ied tor a reservm J ew niiniea are i.rmeil uithiut reereire 1 i tor. uiLursi i hit o u irei i: i n mu ciio ce ; .... . , . . . w isiniPS are I'Tiuhi wihi. hi rei. 1. 1 re i i mr ( fc I b . . ; than bre..k up fnan t)Clt: CUlufurUblo Wows, fmim Uisrto.wers to tH rffffrrthlin ttle rfdemKaU t ur distinctions.' Ve therefore furl f-demlist and his law umkers aid exeeutiye ofiicers, into a - ; , . i i T. , , .. , , ... , , T?" , j , ... rp- a , , i;j ,nan ,,( i.i;n I, ;B .. ,, t lh ... Kll-4U4!i Uy .Muila-aial s.,ationsi and submit to the pn- expedient, out Me joru-s always aovoeated, in Ea !cinocraX. tuiitea, iiiw.4iiiaw.41e.T"rvmMI.--a4MlUiUn,eefl ot (aiiibhnr....ixis,.i iiut.Ke..t mijUj -,...r .-, ,. - . , - ....!- .there beneath the Whig Ml,rr lihertv and i.iw. ' - these ls-lsre nii.de in earnestness of filing, j ,!oft" ,,I,(t U'"M lnChIeftt u 'M-,Mnwt- hn' ""1 ln ,I!B h"y tension of the F.XPt nU 4heday,-if-icUa c. s jtumiiiulionxartbejhiiited. I Liliertjr ntinbt tJ'en, 'b br head, aisl fW fir re refuge to-Tuiaey, Au.riarr Russia, as better PffT-fFH(f: COPnTTIOV. The Poatniflcter of the city of Plnla hdnhia has of Cmigrea, uLth-r thtt frank of .(l. W atns.iiirh. but ucn uuz any crimuml iiilentHar, r w"' xhorCwi" eniesHy rsS'rtWw1iottlfrTn-fi tilt: r (lel"gateu . - - l .1 I .... . . il. kuI..a n . .4 K. ...K. k ' C-.ma. In.lt... ll.... .K.r .'. ' 'j VrtdH'd so lunch so, u we ieard the ai.ab ot-"'iwrnicTM-e- can ne imining teas innn to lenipi -,"?" i"""u' '"""'' 1 . pimtniijin no- - '; .iikhh-ibwis neiwecs uinsjililes. ! 'hose f he! tt eiiuae to untrtir j-K-fcmg to in- i'ielt-4 Ht sot! tfsM s flow tmporenshnl rest.v pnrtivn, we tn.nx nat lln.se Matu tt.;;iit KepubLcia sore tie winning o l!ieir iiis. I ne nesirei I pe- reu ui leriu.iy anu cuuivaiioii, oy a couu-nieu ana Use- cui me rrc'm.'ein a re .r I si, -,o iiustict tow CUiiiaiy-giMt. ai-d-.tha-aptf-dn-istat of WM-uewirY-'ftd -mwemry. ' ' Federal party, ami at f'ie s-imc time are too IrtiilfSjfc loss, sn,. re'sle all regard for the public g'ssi. We hope, at any rate, that a co-.trary opinion will no wan's tin IV.., iu. 1! i an.- lie bus gonejkr Vjf Fiidur. iH-riurv. fiilw'tiiii'j!.. di -eentiiiii in all it tu. I L ....u. mmm iU rii.i, I ,MVnn,A - (V.va f'.i'i t.. Vr-.TIJK ?,r. in'ninr Tn. n.iUfMta.k.r te4.t. U--J' Wth'rrH-dPrni8, hi eu.iiloved witlnml scniiilc An . lee- 'ert. The obi. ci is of ,ffic.m.i im-virn.-..: m Con.,ress.au.i others tht we.e'neverleJei!y to h r, ,4 ...-.-. r 4nnl r.t t i,.f I. ...... . . .' . ' ' - - , . . . 1 - -D Z -t w Z -T a T. - rw,V. "tead ol exhibiting lhe heulUilul w 4i,,k. to juM.fy an experiment. Lrt -tt be uicd: - odicrv uur to'Qmdte. ur W any otter dcasitiaesltf hit. 44!m'0 lrov Washington, mirmo 4m sewwrn-..: l-. - - n-.. -r - n . .. i . n- . r r . ' l . ..... . . .u..r(His eih.rit mr leri nrni miemi-eiH-e. m ...r it ; . .. c. l ...i. ..1. . .... ...'. ...i . n. i . hi anil, nnuniu 11 U1III4MIIIJ I'.ll, WHICH C LaillllH R7 -er- i'.itri.i. . "ii'i'in. t "!.bjildjul iwui.t.uiilqM-ndipitrt8-d -priwnr psierstum -w-tl it rtonw-Jrtnr-of -tnn -trctaiiwtfif hi RWP.-flirifwwitt Of him-1fw1iit (rtimitrf i i -.r.WM-.-iy-ti comwiatiu-oi Knowing that they were Mire imi in, rcioraiisu were rig m raim j m,.ni iittt .iri nun n,T.riii n rsti, iiius (lis- frau(J aJ mrutiM-ss. cf Vkdt'lice ami otltra'e. of a I ..........i. : .i . .1. ..L.- uti-. -J Ui ZlfZlillS Wt'&t)' to calumny nis'in'them' by iistmattn :4i If is oneil t-euTv prnosed to T'ade a srrirs ol ... . ' . , ZZ. . . e.w- . . . . . :.''-JL'. , -f - j 1 ... . ,. pwh v-111-wm- rap win rrni lew mciorti w vj5::5ui mun,.ie wJ-lflUkU these. W beta, so as lo ririitn a common ii.lerest in vsnons . ,, . . . . t.-t- , ' . - u-. I . . j-' 1 t I i - . -n . rif iirlaW.t1bW1ie1hf f " Tt TSWowiffaift to bear in mind, (smr thr Poat. I ' . I-. . tl 'Y I 1 "I . J It will me"i .TT.tfvVoCTsi.M s- Tr-l"'? -' i,,.?e"'M"itH wiFRnxmomni auppum-ura se s lOitla riucUliltViU UlU UiUUin. Vt wdl nut nreLind nM in un.Unyt.ni .!- M ! ful pruc,Min of -movers." while R.tiL.r r tKu lr.Tn,...J - k- ... r- - m "w- siav-iaisv tw mim mmi taaji. m urwv rd ' iron Wf iMhlh:iWmMiMHni and arenrv are " w ''"""T huh' Jiiis fot ifa "ubject tV everlbroW the Se-1 urieg the first two weeks sJler the Ripply "r'nn- i iveraiiy unkimwrn When tho bets are iiwiic.liieiTT i Mtn. That ..bodvLiww-ittbjVjl L rrotect ...tho. people against F.icctltive wurvution. n2 !?I'?..J!?.'i?l LlvtfM IW-MiwwgtMwIiw-Tlii-y bM'jiidiof-dorrioth, chal. Trrrnv In Torder iKat Tt iiny"apr'ar that we h 'Hiflror Ai.mlalrTvKioiiaru,''-n' T7-i-pT-TrTv,.-fi iriiT-n-i mr imii w7TiiiKrapiwtiriy wnotTiig in a common cause, are r . ' 'urns iiu to pumr with the true Jm k.n.t ib-yutitc$ to be mraJM "-ZT uc rmiiii. iiairo weu.wiMy jiuktuuicy -Matfcrffttn -JmmHyfs'ir i4tmr wwpr r r-r- -- ssi " " " by anyonP !,e IfifiXatttJ'tZSTTI ave not. remfid u WMTtVy W.siM Ivafc inh-resf, which, hot unfrrquemly, can rfy be J;MIA0An ,;,'.... ,; . , muri csif.-ss we tammt concV,vtrhat nmattf .injnird unao -hI Myrt ,4 altark. wm i'n"V "V. r .V , l . . emriea oy oet raving tne cause u.ey oatemuwy 1 , WW41j j 0ue Tbousaisl Iwisrs b. any" wrson who "ui wis rimml Ueastfl to be thf.llTwmrrartirrrrwhrrh recenttr anomred m rWH .Tr . '"rr uw support. I here is no practice in whsh our clti-. w.aild fiml a difference between the Tor.ej of ;! .Vmu,." Tre.-si Mkt 11 ! 'Tf; VSi Bl IV in n.ilatlelotiia. UttW.Mil put into the h-tttfratpjwbet,WHJ,,,w .M.gaga, (bat is ao corriipt, au deUa, Jtht W Juya of .-44 - A lady claims the revraSt; Wm r XD1 V. H.u it c..:he i rmaws eaatfa- . "7. ' lru ' "' " "lq I'l-KLi" f"JtJ:i!L ou iujBiiM KnicA-o;rale ait itoiariisisly-onat.)n( t umwi ma uiMimH:xrmTtr:- " vii:ierrutc!t ud thai i fondurat Tire UMTFD NOT A EE.! ". Tw . . ;i'"-"'"oi. 01 ine rmmtra-1 iwe w no oractM.'","1" ! ""rTfi? ZT-. PWi press-caJleu, too, Uie iWe'i 'rr- -Tn f!ie"FG.of the Intt-d Jitatrs, om c;t.en of.P-;" P" 7 amca 01 aiu inai jelww cilizena to MIcct seriously apoo U. Uj, flim.rPno, taw-en cl! s J .c'kjo. a N it- UiVtR.NUltM' IS FKUAirrmOTKCWM 'fcaslheaatwflMwa. I J M,..hh . Bv . hm.isi iir inem. i-rj-r- . luigale, and piving tiie immeof Whigti Uie feutral SlHJivCN UN' ITS JSiLN'ATfl!!! ' J IT. I'U"B,: V.T .2-"ThT' ",w ' VMr,,,,M WtogHher, and the ex. Mfl0 Hons" and go to work," said Gen. Jackson Prtr, we should uy it was veryiinle nkel. ; yt. i.ww H,,. ,rejunn k- .. CO.V3TA5 tie ofHn of lb Js- ksmi pttrty 7 01 iii'iKMs, of n ,ini -ijin roi.n . u, i, , ,f fosi master, thrwh it Ttenwtte m fhffWhiif Loiijjiji ' ' J ;iM,V,t.I.Rirf Oeoria. ftlrf .W Jerwn. M of ""V ,,c fy , word, and Ih fr,,... 1 liMliaML HI of M. ne. M of North (Warn. 9 of Kim- i l,,,,M, ""f"0.!!"?. .w e hope the admitted prac ifted at ery ttkr. m tfTtwit. mi , Ms-achiisrtta. 11 of'"", ""trie I InladeMiia Fost Gtlwe are o4 to Dw ilcta... v.-TIm tU k Liti iit hi 1 their lulsrs have lee mo. eleclii4i wlikh has since token m t.f Tr Tinens.. irtl , WsBMichusrtta, 11 of;Iir, oi ine i imaoetpiiia rosi wince are not to sir a .i a Ai - srv ll I s swi 1 j nl aa C ... . r g g it.- 1 .rsinja . i- or wnw, teans,, vaam, au. , - - T' ' ,7 ' Atweexprcled.savslhe AloaamlriaGarHlp.lle - JVewtork. -':, I ftsrsllv. What wMtkt ua lli.mlit isft, if lhe . - . , . . , TboflM.iitM.AaUon-thtl.t .reover reprint- rMu.W.C.,,cral wen. to issue ... order to- hi. b'r,I0, " 'l r abn.it oiv-Hil, ami .New Wk k-H. ll.m ow4mrth. ' . t-Mjjll. u uJm. m.Us.JuU k. "rf u"d ln ,hL Pn5ff nl.,C.-,l?ml2 tb "OiiclitrtSe HWtinitfMt;6f Th t'.llea Stales at riTr rr. " . . . , rre-ueiilJiim' Mr. McLa.a?. Is-I-Me knH. wilt be maaaksi hp toirtf niie.resiaiMia, afhUs.Ua alw MM . "'" yw---"-."v1hiBrvbnw-i . is roarssonlMt by uo!y am. TU. twmily.Csti iewalma-swwsfwl .JwRlre Watf-s. have only ZIjKXI mrmLtm Ida twotT-!sjr reientilig tha-UM t 'JiKLl'llk og nstrls mi ! tu 7 . i .l ' i ii . l i.r 1 - t b be snared, more thia Inutm, .Iim'.iU, wklalU-r, wlmu Jhey may U 4t tail by weight furwa4et u n . , n. j ,..,.1,, . .n u"tii. . ..i' i CailHiuii, Archer, VrlHiliie, aisle lwele. atu oner Wh1w im4 th rsliisler-Geferal, tsso-1 , , . ' ... , ' . - -1,;.. -.., . . -i...... V. intotWanwhofcaaoMUtodHtU,. a .JWarTs or one minion hot cisistiiu-i tj tiwn .. , . , . , . I ' . the twrnty -fUir Senator who represent the first Iwdva i -'f"r;,,n " Hi- I'.sH master s ow0 shew. ( wlte, ys thj. Ltsji i til Me on lb ttfrf, and sl tilt hslf ikat Sn.;, Iwo fv-ulofTr.sn New Tsk at.Mifl Ihivs smry f amatitwnito ttita (he twrnty-two.p'prcseulwf Uw first awi States s liova named. .. " ? aVb article Ihia are desinej Jo apjl to ln prej..liees, ut I ha morwiil. Tho Moall Sisti-s are iks-lur-.! to be yr reireiieutej, aud lite Urge --- w l-r r4M.'re rrpwweuloJf whnwsa 4h-twll Ja, that eweK Ftnte k rr;irfnitl prsy v ly tvV , iaf f fA ayrrflia ami theref re me rams he - r another aadVr, rrpreamteJv. Hut do a t Inhsi ctaM"lHiatoiMts ia disTUir, kmw that, in pursuing lias cairae, they are biting a fih Do tltey n-4 know that it ia exiKtssdy docUred, in the ih Article of the Ge4itutio," that "no Btate, wit'iout its C0wnt, h ill be deprived nf in equal 'ulfrage in the Senate," and that osTsi-uei (ly rsi aJturnaliun rsf the dswiitution, but by an unani. rissai y4e f a'l the 8tate,ran break dowo this fir pmsrryative prinriJe of mI snyerrkmry t i If thry da nw, it bi high time ILr thrai to study t!e alemeurs rf tho, iownuuenl wluVb ihey terk o destroy, and flt lvs-ate a meiumm w hirh couM ,,iwdy'ba tiariaJ iitos7J'by i fffWvftW If thai U their ii ainlal tbon'isMk enrt (ike men, r. HiVtlt, .. ...... " .....:...!.,-., ........,..' Wrfyrtt almig lttlttTPt thc cinmjeuccaiciit-of huaihtr- Jlud wLv ahumd Brain h. IWi ra il, every tl lierprvmi baa quilted lie irty - in Jt?. aiiville Journal, state that the it! tbe cas? which has actually occurred at lie j Presidcot ia about to bastea buck to Wsshiituw. K p.-rl u, tlutt tlie fause oi' Ins abruit return is irre.-Inttrihrnai.T1t welftn their ears, at least dur.if the rfut 1 I .1 IIM1..L ami N'nll.i;l.jil.M. ..... 1 ..1. L . I ; . 1'hiWdc'phia OlIWo. -.ariomiJ Ihltlltgtmtr, IJSTF.V TO Jf.FFF.RWN. Jvfry..ptte know i that mr expenses bave lra dtsjUed dunog the aHininisirdtiiai of J icksiu Fve." rr ae knows lUt JdlLLI U . SON M I I.LIO NK of The psr nunTs nsssy are every year expemW to corn.pl a si enslave tho people. Every me knows I Its! the po4 ohTirr has birroaed imnsne mm w4m4-awllusilv,asH4i-wiMsHNKK(4rFV Wore will all this end!" What will become of us if these dreadful abosca are endured!. Listeu to JeiR-rsnn Revere tho advice of the sncred shad of the sage of Mimtieelbfc- . . j ' " To preserve isir injepK!ence, we rnusj rst let onr ruler k-ad us with erynrnssi rkUf we ent make sir ekcli i Mwffa WXINOMV nod I.I-' RKRTY.or PUOFIIOV and M'RVm IlK 1 if w nm info such corrupt ifi, we Mit anon be Uiaddrmr VKAT and f.r wir I)RINK, r la bors and out amusement, and a will b 4liged to lhir 8 h sjrt in flic 21, and give jhf anniinrs of 1 5 of ihs to the g tar mirnl to y I heir PJ'.nTS .si the 16th beuij taaj licknt to ird ua, r.KI'.A I a sisile hrt-uking out of his-lihtiea bnlwe'n Mr. Pftraylh ami lhe Kitchen IVrairlmenl. - Nolhing wit the augry yoictt of the roaring lew cait buth the tviHtinf sod t!ie catorwaulinj; of lhe awiiratirf mar degree. Tvmmt ftfa. The Tennessee Convention, wh.th bus UfU a kaig time mi aesMon, fr tie (air- mmm .l-eeHMalnUuttf the-L'asiilMliia4if ilwl r4ale, bad cnnsnh-rawV ditlrully in st-liling the phraseoU y of the tlh to he taken by the ns-mhera of the I.egiiilaiure. A rreal varety of firms were ofS red by tariisi members, and among others the fiJlwing by Mr. M'Kim y. It was rejected, we believe, hut we are of optimal it conies marer tliao any other ftrm to lhe etairsp ( .Itowed by a trret many mem. lers of the lgislstive bslisi. and thai it aiight be taken with b ri-ie of vi 'lati.a. (ban the ordinary oath.-"! A. IU do solemnly swear that, as a itsm!mr of this tJeneral AasrniWy I wtfl in tie (list phee do tie hear I ma i r m Jf iu ike aaem) place, f aiv freisls ami in the third pLcf,r the tut of Teoiesce. .. i fear,- - A V- I . " sisiw uiu ileum ran t" iii s ni,u.w -lii;rrwrl parU' Aouhi oavalurcMa Oisu.sJ.ri-d. timhh. v . iHwnvMet,..i .i . ll . . t W I , I.I , I imir Hi Ok I li t tiSeUl Milk UN IM IM tie mum: uf Uig a diSifrace. U Lsuaiycoovrs(.,l ... . . . . . , . to ll. mils) a Mcobmeal r.--ard lis- U.s ule. ,u. PwUul wori3 fcfa"l be Eartoly Eulsr sotiwsr tfesi!is4ef,i with Oiemr:sinmi-irnl rusirui. nf it,.. I mor ser tnis in it luimettiate consennences a) k iW rsl Usuler. Wedouot pretemlhisiy taataroUh w!to uttered it, than the most shocking blawhs) crauc is ppi.cuie to liw t e.iMHs a prly.a; to , .mnst the esivereign of the Universe. But at l den, that we haw .awtoerata in the republican ranks, L, Un, Co,lsl luUlinuf u,. rr.,,,.1 Suu-not tkl In- h jiim iniiijr .laiHusiir-vr.tss DiMUlU uiljU ln-kn. . ( . , ,. , ... . ... V fcirrwrr etrsey; im-tnrn-Whtifitrarr.rt yrxvr jadf-ia"prWfri!Wi' i-iimmWMr-tWfy fT.le1hif.'Wf'f' ri.i rn.l liave U'liUetl ki a i-ovi'iniiitiit astre Xuilen. .1 ,u..i:.,t " If ij. 1. .... U.. lulni'.; '?rZ, 1?" "-! spoken ton ,n tk stwwusrmmw HH Uwa ot.r -prciit ystein. It is certain UMt all tie to- . , , . . . . , I nes or TJi9 MoTul.un.To a roan. atUchcd then- w 1. " " " (be Federal jwriy it n sl certain tout ail Ue advo i ln"' Ul' fom-frata, repr"irf the HvafOT "u"i ""' "uoiucsism uniNin, uavo iMUi UktiO tUil. j Ot teewnt S'JLTA.V V f Hllllfl 1 11 WMUV.n W lip ''li, . Ths lbs lesw ng fwisi il.s t" l .'lt (a mntw i'rig Ciair f llC WllliI lllylil, i,I in In y,';3 kt,1 lie present gorenios nl contained wilhib tiifihe el.- F',','fab-lv w ahum Uie above essay hII eon. meiii cr pe.,y dnwxui.iHi, w l. no us-ots cerUm. t themselves uisler mhiuto obligaluaw to Us ku. Tie wtbwauce uf its .. . racier fUs-alr.!; arm:Ued , wpecill, fur the W iragrapiH in which h I"". - ' J""" regret UeTwhickf circmnsU.ee, that in iT be spoke, ui iu S-iutU-lho J.n h,. hr.l.shJ 1 f 6 U,e " b.l eUuu to U.t lUoeof offa bwitagf-ead awwared the t,iw mt wherflrTtrnprlar' admita-ibai lie tuna Tory ems net r sff cipled ambitse w.ll ever he aide to delude tie b-mjU to Uie Federal pariy - but. unfof taiutely, sll UH oera w i..n ire pwemuent, M aiharth.sU, tad ad lh- torie ami all tt tor, h.gl,l, prtfeble. That the eJTra pi ? F6,J,,r,l "-.of eoamettlel ptrtj C.plesthey might have was'ied to adopt, were coiicwveil ' 'rd party. A ImiraUo bf Acw ia the spirit of patriotism, and chcr-ah-l by a h(. Df , to it, u" all sorts of bestbea aud inrt-ioU .W country, caunot be doubted 5 and it was their ftimfiima i with samr Ckruti cAaerA-ot Uie church aX' itt thew w a wale dillereuce ilio it wonl.l be fif1 call that c'lurch 1 society of lnlben lafiJ ' It ia sasl, by s,ime, that 0erd Jirkmm has a" w-th the Federsiista. Whether bus be true or . - " lumniuiw that others asaor.sted l!snrve with tlietK wlto iWsn rl to f aim k fiirtber ia the eitenss tv. ctpW th-n w rsMet,t wrtH rersibliesn liberty. The wid -Tory er ,sassiWe to uie Fa. iteral pariy, (ir they were never, as such, thirn of es- t..uiiur a nssiarcnr. annar oosisrfiBj iv. c .l . - Ciiwrcb and Sutej hit, ly Cr Ue aFlha , V" TJ n mis-archus am! I. . is.) .11 1. . ,'..l"f,",,',,,' " m other Pr.dm Mt tat'ed- r.sN pr.t.n' people rre mvu tufwir .'r'ty-i n ,:nr'' 'h "X of Ce fVler AdsnsiSiH it." M..- mu oe applied in henrewHit day 1 1 ' ow "" wt ail tisisa wIh wore too b-"" tHV '"" F"d"T7,tmT ,l tbiim to it. 1 Mcnfce tueir aiU.o and iish peoJeaca a, a, - - an! ate grt ""i lux, ea As Sue u , a, A I c, lal ral a;,l t ari bti C, aif. bo