WMS is pubkiit 0.VSTA5 Uer ncesw ut at i ot thai f" WSf .afwUa.H if at rh tirrfW Iwvetvir' tk reij 1! MH i kU".' .IP uaofTi t-r-aif1 aOtV tpcj e'" lra.lc it ptr'1' iW e cha.tli' ild be nt !allJek na hai jenrt' toyetl'' biadn tatu t federal' who er m"e of W ttfawiuW, jtJnym vtal 4e to ron f c ( f. tare be daownee oy i..:.ww pomun n uiew own -- Pray, then, to w'hat-deliomimtirm doe ibe Vi puv - ri i I I. . l..' t:;i .'- i fionint, or wlm i rroaiiiy, uetn- a iuue wucnea wun 111 threei.be a,y be considered an unit lui prucru. ... ie4ve the question to pdit'ca-natumlistsj and we th " to run f , 'We are etai to hear tW nr... . r .u - ""nmia. bit, n ,u the delegates from Xorti C sht and Ha hive the U iftJepm-HMc-. Ialeed th..y both seem to tkry in hnmg .01 of thrown, and ...Ill ha much uuzzftf til deride it- Juplic4 '.wckftj wiu in iletormining the gmm of i m b'in bumM tJ " MdUary CbiUUifc- In another article in this paper we have said! NEW fWEZfWVOSttk : A prospect ia has just 'baaed (Sua our prea, tur the tiattiw" principal difference between the Fierlistifbl'',aeltt t Rley h, to be nW c Stales Dun tue for-. I ' - - " r-ow ine vrm nun. ami wuj.y Aavy-Ageat uf UiCiiited Sutea at Valpa raiso: h wm support Ibe present Adraes-raUue. ... la our next we win WJih tU dwiuj .t w-w jirinetK", Ber considered expediout." ' ' It U Uue4hat in the Conveution which framed the Constitution tiiere were who were in favor of a JIunarchjf ; tlicy were incredulous ot the stability and efurity of other forms; and this small party ultimately joUd with the Fedoralirts: hnce-the tehalt Ffderul Itnm -WwiC.'rKSr P.7.7Y t.w. ;I r'.iZi. u.(t4 wit.i rou.rii noc. -m ill iven aslnuv t Sin. Imu t, , . t . ... ... . . ' 1 .. ! 'r1' f. m The. scLr. JtOuvSiowy, li ki wit'i rou'i rice, was drivea aslnw at Slav. UMIH- ' . MiM 14 11 l.ila R,. .The ' ChhJ a dram mv!mnA ... tL. .s . Iw...,.- fr-ld, a-wi wlt.un loa ytd4 f b The brig There two oi thrt the room at tMirt A.uHfr.a New-Y rk, ttr bi-h ami dry on jtl tinM, ,wIiMr7Mi-w,frlkiui14 tat liMnt biie , at iuirati,w.K and full i .rf h;,rh rrnuinU ... :.. :.. . . chh-riy. It i DHicbtobc hmpera at the table. T1m mad t.,k up the cl. If- REVIVAL OF RELIGION. .The MetWi4Cbrist!aSrtaifcI aaja tbit a Rri- U I-ikw "in ii tWTporftlk, wr7!jn? any bornVt- adjacent. jMuntiea in Virw. lad into tbuw b North ' . U..l i. ..th nil mnlln U TV ii.aina I J ,ofco.lsti" i' EliTi, 7ln attemutins W unfold fhe principle! of our rn.Hl'n.nd n pa?. ,. tc m.nLand,of our Unionrwhich e have pmnosed to do, ! " " "u'lv'CTr" -m wmmxwvy reoae go'Hk Cr the 'aiK'tantrv feared alt ih veMbiill be kwt, thiiush tlwir will be saved in a dafnad stale. The jtecSeftd hiprv4. , that tltK),(KW will not ewer the nm airi damagt auataiited by aiert-haiiU, Ate The low t piikitera, we have alretUy ajl, canoot be 4intatedV -i ; - f. ; , - ' t Our fcira fie thelafcty of ear Jand friends, were happily related by tf. Litellijence that they sulrd w4hiiw but the I rf of ane bit. The atorm seeiua in hute f dlwed the &mrmt of ibe mer ami venteJ iU rae on thk place. Hie stonu. With an evident niark 4" wtisi'octi.wi, an 1 wa in . f . . .. .. - ijw i oi jniuu tu ijs lipt, wlwu Uiw,vw. wow appeared lo pome from a whilfi't d. , an if in tlie act 4Tiiitna't hi leg.' The nai kuked and cried g-t fMit" UHt lurfilyj in the saute moirnt, ia d.4ng which, he BrtTk.wn his jptai aiuT l.k.-d tlie Ag. But no dog was to be seen, aikt thin etcitej hw surprise in an exvial tuanuer H .w. ever, he shortly cow-UhM t go ahead" arid take hia dram, Lut w tlie act of weW time tip- puiij it to his li, bow.wiw.wow" barked the wa' swx-teded by a beautiful ikybut j tajJer than l-Cri), "j-fl nn if So rm-L ' bcamituljasjiwathejje atmospaere aJugguA and aiiaoat unbrrathtabU. we shall endeavor to keep steadily in view tlie pule jtar of our courne. " .; ,-f A very ireneral opinion exists that Alexander Ilnm- ftlon was a Monarchist ; and being, if not tlie fiwt, cer citeiaeht "u various jurts of the eotry. ECrrORlAL CHANGE. " The.uAlbaim State laU-lUTrnrr - tk3r t ttinlj not 'aWonO, in point of abililytto any one .thr ..7 :h . - ,--.---- "7, ... linn, nave ln unil ik n. J ..Hu : .- -.' . , . .- . gLNGULAR I'UKXOltENOX. J -About the latter e;il of July laiUO a very rainr day, a siiegnlar eccarrefiee waa experienced in the ThermaiittieTale. kicked aimiik aiui hull.1 "pet out,fc evkkutly aUrnir-d. Ha tHen ki-kc aJMaibtioihaaaj H.d.n hw kwm, dirkiring he w.iuld n4 drink uuder wcl cireumstanres, and walked out. vki isry ,4 tfiia faact, Hferm, Ashe N. C.Jrj. Fortitite'if' . The st'itcism of a pig 'i actiivny a ciiKieraoie mountain, (a epur j '-'r. of iiwiiwr to wmcn e reenrci ine of ibe Fhodiit,) akml 5J yard from, a creek of i heaped i him, U no pruuf f it certainty, the swine name, wliick wuhea tlie fmt . the hill. ! M n' t bearirii them all -r thev are 'inflict- a diayiarge tif.vater frouv tlie elotxht etruck the ' truly his own. N creature mieitrih can make surtai ot Hie la mntuiu, aim awept every thmi federal party, bis sentrmenu have been considered the ; T'"' UB w A"! i.i.. to tlat Pirty'e political U-neU. iofthet?a . . .... I ho nAa mnae mam J. a J 1 f 1 - In order, therefore, at once to do justice to that great i ' " ' " ""w 7 -v. tae iw wmaiu, aul ttartea In a Cotihrd ma into man's principles, and to the party to which he. belM..r. lS -n or tin. of. tV Int. !1 wt.aivl tbeereek below. .A frw day after the' occurrence, by showing thnHtewe principles, IhourrrdiCr-iahj; Vw,lMt' hH ju' Edt- of the Espn ; the place was visited bynMiM acieiititlc gentlemen, inwae particulars, an we have stated, frumtlioseof the ',"r' Iu ,r,nf PW ,re ijrAl- "til adocatea, '. happened tt thatime to j.iurn here, aitd , 1-oKte party, were not inc-msi-tt witliWAii.we ! "iUl 'W,t' lk" trine f ;,te Right. j they came to the n Jwlasi- that it wna what na- ' Xthe (blkiwing letter, wntten after be had ceased I r , ' ' " I',!i ' V" ''ich wri- . . . .P ..,).,..,., ,,. . 07" H e. team, by the iMTtii; that thte It a banna aocil" pntsMtneua -tleacrtbe 4tmdinr 7 v York. WitaRaa lft. IB Ikm" ' bv "?. 0f', aSo-fiiitot 'to 6e. Lfelfi'j". ltw ctttdalt tllftearth, as well a -.tjtsfrjfc. irTt-wiil tfnd-SjwlivyTbrmT3elay :the tnckfaa' 'f ,l?yri t'i''W".'f J' fwg from the aaj. i .,,jwpriiiir vonr inmiirv .ine time snc mule, b- hu accouuta, he w is amujin.' tie sod avunle of Pitta. Uce ! tba ocean tathe ekMhla. On heariiLr the -aunelAiuldoirer jioiw w4.h-wHl-! mtwry my"tf t'rwffiTirs S'-iU"" """ ' Hl-W!!t : ...aay vwi.aiily to hnliMvaliatjt p.)et.'Cilwl Iwdi any; iHrange pwy-aTty nionlm m&m to act like t.ie water' liad -WHued rroui the boweb uf the men; wh.le wen degrade Umiuehi to the leiel of WM Ua,n' Mt -'h n ti-Jica- mmk-vn,-- ti-weefe-fioiw1 to streuglken'tuaf t licf un the "At A fit art ev r ttie "Jteo S lit m"rc rKM"e than lie d.ie toprfwiit hiiuwlf fhuu be. oe ; dhsr "lare trees and eirery rock th.jt could, be mo- J two the value f the edd proverb, It is better to v4, wat awept fruio the isoiid ruck fiutidatiou ,;fmm lnQ to cure.' "Hut when he tunl the thing w wn iii, aiHi piuieiti asyoo niinM'u. Indeed, if Job had beeu allotted to luar what a pitf beam, we oiighf be permitted todoultt hie pafieiicc. -Tlie triabi of awaie are great." ne'fureiner aith more epriylstliws than justice, .auid that M a pie was the onlv ceiitleniaa in Ijudand." If ihe ( ireutjerstiwd in the daee d ooe, he would be in- cuaed to aaer.hiajfHtfli r s!mil ' Uiinir rather tlnn w nil of respect or re'ird. now comply wit'i your rpijint. i 'F!ieh.ijhwMttl imwuitions which I tnado iMIt; Convention, wr lor a Prii1-nl, Snmtf, and JhJsh, during i!'H'l behaviour; a lbuse of hVpresentatyea; T'TTfreOTTtCTrTT .'leu'isiauv piiwr of tlie (Joneril (ioverhment, yt I ' f. hi coriteiil)ltt?i the nhoht.on of the St ite (t'lvern- is. tat jil tlie coninrv, thev were, in some pn- tic'ulnr, cinsiitueiit pirts of my pUn. "Tins plun wits, in my conruplioii, com!inn ihl wit!i the strict tli'!'ry of a (loverninent purely Ee(inlil:cau ; tiii! essentiai criterei uf which are, that the urincipil or":m.-of tlie Kc.'culive ami Le?iiilalive IK'prtineals be elided by the i'eojiln, and hold their oiiic by a re sponsible and temporary, or ilef jusihle nature. " A vole w.H tuki-ii on tlie pr.iptfeition tesjieetmtr the Executive, Kive Sutes were in favor of it? amon the mat Virginia : and thousrh, from the maimer f vot ng U - br delegations, Tnitvnuilii were hot ilitiiijuish d, it are fre f,tr th? Jbcum of !l u'w--et' of a puSi c iiiture, with one e(ceptnti. r-l.:ij- t-i.- we slial! of course aJji.l the cuoiiau!LAiuaa It pco-iueva-touuke. tviwa af llow- am jmoMjRJIowiajy, jj!yg37A!Lfrueu a ril'mgt-a-twa frji fid-. and I once had my dancing davs, as y i.u have u w uui-a never mrntt that I ctmw K-arn an much of.a wortufni real cliaracttr in the ball-room, as at e otrarv even- in.liC4liou i in tavi.r of lite nouiiim ! h,)me th hf hy the fire ai.le. We are All. a lt?M.tK.atiWH good auiuau, who nraoa ikh toe noute lo sweeten ucr. . ..- I Tiiere ia nothing w oVIilTuT, aava T1iito.'a the hearing or the speaking of truth. , For this rea m, there is no cnvertio so agwWeas that Itwmn'fjfmtegrity;wtiu1i a:iv!de sicn't'i betrav. and sucaka wiliirml anv intention to IdkH-eivtw V-. - . - ' : ' 4 .v . ' ' . t tnere ran be oo &mi1i of ine Bk-U:: Tlie cause tliat (7" To CVrmpoai-fs. A Wcwtith (".. prulin-d nch an rtJct are not Duworthy tlie re aui" is inforfne-L tint, as tft c-fiu-R M nftnis pi-r aearc.i of Natural Ffiiloanphy. t - v ' ,' No covittfi;.:litive miud car witne the scene roa rat wesrta ttioUMti ww pri,tsl at the spot without aniazetnent. Xt....uaLi ui" tu Pwt tfdtatfHer, mcks of per bap tw . t wt'i;ht, dashed promise Uiaixly Frin the rfiee f tlie hill into the creek below, while tiie trs iett standing, mi each' side of the tract uf j tit.- m wing utas show that tlie water anJ rulli."h ' pitig them Tose W the jkciht oT fronr IS r to SO f-et. .7..-' ' :77":J ... -r .. Kieiran m ywrpTjer,1 tjtveiii'.w XU : ".'3 rT " n ' artanr By ine native mountaineera that aucb civc the thanks of all w ho fei a.i .a.-rt 1:1 tie in- thmi; have several tiiiiea occurred within the last (30 or 4') years. They 11 it a jcloud .fiillinj rr'iK Anniversary f the Irecfell County ntPLC ;tety will be held at Fuuith Creek Chuch, o fr jtiM Ikkridaf in Orlobrr. The member of the &4:iety,ai:id tinse friendly to the ii.stitutioo, are respectfully imitcit to atiefX JAUDs CAMITF.LL, October 4. 1834.2 ; Kec. Secretary, JQr. hOOK AT Tills ! ! (Kr Tickets only Three DoIIara ! c Ai i THIS --TT-" ": : CAPITAIa Pill lit TM.Ej ouTirrximi ina:8tati2 1 T II E-eA LI S B U It Y ACAD E M t ' Teniilnalinf.I igurc lakiu. To be Drtwn al GreeitrwiEhrK.C., OS FRIDAY. tlW Wk t)F (KTCLLR, liZi. -H- -mw -mm d t 1 Prize . of 5,000 lK)lXAId I5.00O I of ; ,0(KJ JiOLLAKS ia 3,01)0 1 M of 2,000 DOLLARS ia 2,000 , 8 of 1,(XH) DOLLARS is 5,tW 10 of 500 DOLLARS ia 6,000 10 of 3(H) DOLLARS is S.OOO 10 of 2tK) DOLLARS ia V.OOO SU '.' of 100 DOLLARS is 2,0(;0 7 60. of 60 DOLLARS i. 3.(H)0 UWt. id" 30 TdLLARS is (I.OOO 300 ." of 10 DOLLARS i. a.OOO -e,ow " of - 6100 of- -3 dollars is is.ooo , . .'r - i - i I S,8 1 8 Prizea, i "anM.untiig to 1 1 37,000 MODE OF DRAWING A FAIR ..IN SAUSBJ-aY. BV THK P!R! Mr. E'iilor : If you w.B hate U.- is,Hilare4T'iHni,ttmt-rttl""ir.i T7 T, . . , t , u t,, psl ' hurch in our Iowa osiV-c p -i A F .R, hf.Ae ' i the vote of Virginia. Trim, ' T , . , -"'. oroae. .. on lutiar eveo'njof tjT ft e ,,h io mUH icin.sin, Mr. .Maduon u not ,. u u . t c "-."u.-- F ;at tiie Hanson iLwl, f-r .r . ,jn a.uf- i ... .. . ti. e i... i . ..e i.- v was momi.y cena, ., mnu u R,k ..iua.nm o u.e fa , y SUuvUmM Myt La,, ' wrr. they say tere a -cW tell, or here a cbud am must have cimcurreil m if I sinned auiost Republican! l ".J'.Kon ,.! ,l,,t t n..,-l :,u, Vftyofaiefaianj.ir UT, n,t,, p'.f .. .... p. ..p-. u . ... . . . . ui i Pr ui lent ' 4.iint tf life; avl thut I neither rfr" um-nendeJ nor meditated the annihilation of t lid .State uws Ukkutrv curred a eom.defible .ieh rw liir their Cburch, in-i mv- t wr"v "1TTtT;r7T ,7 , ; p.i'inc ui eaawe Wfa, 6-, in:..t-.ij M lu. I ifi'iv Bil.l Hint I . 1. rt nflk. .1 . v .. .n. L. r . 1 - " r..y , ..... . rrntleman who nsiel fSe arene alioye men -of - ... i . t. .:. " ,,- ...; j a , r. w iimiutc iut iia3, Ht,uilvVC raff e .i-e of an Or- i "rung stent a ot sulphur tarvur $ In port w , A "' r-i ej" " Givernm''nta. th Convention, neither the pmmviitiohj thrown out v.ilJo Ihe ijerHy at tEer Tie Or-in, waK4.7a.iic&i ui.ll l -by the for debate, nor even those voted fiir in tho enrlier ili4ii-mi-srj--rTv.-.v"J.V'".T:':.".".:.:it"":".:r-'. :.' r' ZZ,Z2!22?.W- " :ZV"-iMm nm wdLadl. aa iaJesrtftatti eMrm t tJe ; I i f . IS . a a - - - - T lefiiou fSsau .7,7 WR,!,,,,f",,i ev" ,e,,C, ,,f erects in Ht lake's CaarcV I a Hal the plsore .i! "p:lw" t. i1!:' eaur f v troa .. .. . -tiiirch rit.Ttiiil! inlormtlie .iT'.J' ' i 111. trwserajrho"iy'1)cyisffi - -w-xj.TIioioF iWiuf tlie K"ioq jot tne iMipj-rfir Courts tliat they iutwul u h4l r Aill, T.r xa,e ot a great variety of arttcleti inamif.ictured by fc'icww '-'-"Araoiui llie" aStortrtirnt that U iw JHiifaUi. akfc lajSM'- . ra.'. R.t iwxea, aim gtsiu sumuv-ui niceties .r uo wno r t urmrr $ in porter. . V.t i . u lire ruiuinn m iiw paiHia i na r air win be nl't mthe niee'riiT IjuiuU Ihe Mawwiwvite-ti iAca wera to be feeeivM m'Ty a iwrsettuios. ft. wn,.- --. - .Vibta-waM to be feee?vo m "W Outjja f t. t7nv..ar 'WoIentiHl. Accordingly, it is a tiet, thl mv fliwl, w.,.D . wji., t, v,, , ,l. .k-l. 'f a. ka.i ! ! i. .i,..,?l . .f . ... otw s areaoiui 17 rjnjmt y icjiin , im ewiHrwea ontlie eteniaa ucwmi. . rl l r " 11 ., " , a I JeJ !" ock i not s.kl . g at the fi,t exhibition. a mr'-i, iwiu.rji lilir.i, iriiv.iiii; wium lime ain , ... , i .,. . ir m-att hatf of tir. vriacK WKl "fcf Tiis bwS dW ". fi e rJ225!?yl I V 1 t w tearS-wh rh stclcned :an).iciL'JlAi'lbelkar wasT -r?--.-.rt ;- (X'V1 V ' WiaM''M. . 7?-. -.3-. .-rw-. persniw indebted to" tne r) ANSI OXTTO. LL, at Salisbury ,-N.C., ire hereby ri 'juesti ; This Scheme, formed by the Teruiiimt iisr-l'i."iira Hysteiii, lias 60,0tl0 Tickets, --numbered from 1 U til,0l)p iiitluiye. On the ihiy of dniwino, tl!e WvKJ numbera will bo put n.to one wheel, nod ull the .priz-.ab.iVa4l4e4i.Hiiiimtimtif-i&7 into another!" they aid be drawn out alternately, lint a munlier and then a irize, u'itil till the prizes are lrHu Ihe frizes f 7, 4, and ?U, are Hisx.i4eil of In the following mimner, viit The OIM) Tw k' i turuaiiatiuf witfe tlw rme; fluie iTiiiV -'llwlmif ctrawu Dumber terniiisuti wijajU U' ljUtulcd. tu f'hwdiTatltf'ITi'irOurii t lerminniin with the saine figure that. tlie neat minuVr .iruwo frmn the alieel termuiatea antirdilleringii its ternio a. each, and the lt Ticki-t teriaioat,, witkiha aaine figure tluif 'lernirriat.'jtbe next iiuitiiier dnwn trora the wuwul, ameriu m us ler.m.mtmaJiui tlie first and aecmid.wjjl lie lAiiliiuTui id eucL Rujipose 3423 to be th j first number drawn from llie wheelf it terminating with, ura a, will entiv tteiTireatimirciietnefiiiTr; tl.clw- AMi4Toe-"82.3(r:'t.flie tU nd'r number dtaa frou, the wheel tlmu the 6t.'t0 lie-Lctav-turniimit Hr-wrhV fitreT yetft ' lc "e'id ill"tv7 tt each. And Hionose 4I.5-I(i to be the third m.,. ?tntw, we un.WrUa;f,were rrtl to, lu prepaie Ciel '.f", ! yt.'w s'i:ntt aa at'atk vf ti.u.saarte. -..- i L --'Iewer,jrtiBr. test, hi pjfc'a'iii.nirketnic. m FiaUdi rnf-twriMWiciTrltfl ie Un of l Cojwtttattoa 'a, Ssialta .lmmmJmHWiZ . . a- " a ' v a . a i iisl. t a u rv . ajra-a wu iui V' i- w.- - , . a wiwh I com o imcate.1 to Mr M vlwn it,it t .e c.r apin'oo .Wat asain-t an Ewotive during gaqd bnrior.! tw . . k..it-w, rt tV t&a t" ?rrr5i3.l'!8tiV- ,ir!" R?..rl W : " 1 enne -rwrd. and Jiuie," My ouaiL U uiy 1 . - . ' . nis nru e w r-r nr in 1.1 :ai if . aii.. Lit nrtaa nnitai t aw rr it i rtc an i uiai; i.i t a. a. au. 1 - "l- . .lli1 '."7- ..vHMWer wea as fa "iawr f tT"r-irTT a accouniw me incrros aanx us whh ttsw. .-iaufc W m i iidfaitir:ii,.aTaMi.a. ..auy KiUetti meuioa.a -w neTrea oi wnelt aw maw ay. be trarned hnrne w.tft Itl nnNi"tiTe .!. s- patrh. w:ife 1 1 dMlfinri!U4j JwiwiJo JVIL As ' w. . -r 7 . UB0Bfiir-s. tS. t.l Sr-wtember S. I ... ... . ... ... i. j. " - .... ',.vu "Tina nian wh ore.iieat.-d i'wl f se I. l .. . .-.to..S!'''--'-''111 P"e-,w iwcm p 'rtteVtMtfal'r I Sway aHeraorn, whra.'i'Vr v ji Ui moat at- MVm!Vr '.liii.ii!'Tnir La aniVjTMa lkMr.rn-en(. '' -v "' al aat -tt cric: n' L0Cf faataasy-ksWfipntt- -.l.Tu -ia tlie r-iwtlitioa wminfawBreiabihi'n,) aett.' - All oVlrfa 'teinaiaiiL-r ummi.. auW. rhevs-Wi t iFit JT fVt kt-n ualur asjs llsa i .aa A Z. - .'. " ': . . '. i ' u uiya ii hi iw pnnriu im nip M'- i f it .twa-t- -w-.- a aX'"' --waw 14. ill IU.-IAIjI. It He rea.t.ly reeoca ted tf .of ba ae.pi.mt-!Thi, limH lM (lo b, , r Ortilicale Cr Ten Whole Tickets. eutitUoJ ll. . - . I Ba'aTM IB Ukff nniMlHCIllVl HI I l-nil ID II I IU. Dlll-rawi i m 'I s , . . . . . 1. . J I tl - .17 a - - - a tefci i? ri." 11 ,U !iw enI7!!.'.,:,-r r"-; l atea),, CB-vr and M. Pe'k,r.' Tl- lenement, . f being the amount that pkaw must draw' itself ripht tI iwoner thit the r'Mi1'! cai tl i sHtiII . T ib heal . hid bea f t una? diva pr-ia aery lve a full aul for trnL 3. Tlwt, t'ich a tr-vl, it onnrM-ive. aiii the " aeiihtr-wna" lh-jUl ihi . . .'I .1 . U. . il .. . ... ..... .k ... I t tu. . A.... . II. I . . . . wis i swiiuai ihti i m ii'Hyin"mii ,f.,ii ' Hisettll SUH TOMeed" Mowing furfsry" Trtn alt S. E. aitd ta'-a I LSea acuvt. . .'eiaiti.iuvl to taW from that auirl with i icre- I enceHr h-aw thjt K wr wwHereapri diara- i aing rtaeadrVu abal I a'ckrk P. TVtMry. rd, tiiat, Ifinsi.'U wnnl uf aufticieot attentMsv to the Ajt t it tfiur it CUi4 a. M.ji. H. U aa flea, the eperpient tf repuMicin ijovern.-nent, , with in re di!ructiv Willie a 1 vvdetire ihafi aiMamg . nrim-in m of1 thit theory Tli-se tarB-thaguiiaiiie eauw Vart nfunoa eel'ectoL t the mei,riiie eTeri Aun. and drank it kmse aa Oct-ber 4, 13. TOR $& ' I'HE Sti.Sscriber bein desirous lo remove fxoui - this efct'ou i-fc iiiUrv, tim fir salo, oa ra iiitaLIe'lerui, tiie TRAC'!' OF LAND on ahirh , be t preama reite,e.wiimireT JtfO ,fTT. t r I . 1 terminating -with thV figure 0 wTir IV entitled h J "7." j 4 eas-hi - , ,- . . - Kvery package of 1 0 lieketa wiil"embraa' "a4l"fh-i jiW'Wi iiuiea.fiMia 44Wrtriante1oUl'" rot a package of IU t Ua, a pulLtp bytae .M. s-- M rs, 'miislVrawr i fjcU of ,'tjie trjie g ju;alkl..J.14 wt-'oWwtimtBSlii' of 'p'ruea, aoj "''may draw ten 4 oilier priii-B, t, -7: . s:j5. : A. Ki":ksre of 10 whole tickets will cost tW C ; '-And mUM' i w(T- t ..CO-"., Kf- it co- Those who prefer adventurinu fur the 1nr,. ri , ,i ui uiunnv, i,.r me MiiMi-rera' LV tit oLVf re of Tly'lfoohobia, the mere M . I , . J. ' . ' . . - Uain of water threw him into instant pamsyMna, end , wm futc C.""H a tn, stable 1W LLL- lit 2. 1 Nl' 't t'esurccsaacy ait4eittwa. the pu nji ia the yard. I lib reasno. could .a b u ."I in t us cou itry, Has n been as cmnoltKe, as satis. fC'rv, an! h"elive, as ciMild b wi.hl. ."Ycry truly, dtar j, your irieed and -eemt,- -X HAMILTON. ' "Ttan.rT Pictraiai, F.j." bnCra. N4 a wh-tW eJ -i k- ea at-twre o'cl.iek, i 4be .aalanal iwdeavaf tkm-w, l ah. add aaa bm aearty water. - la ftet, ike ti de dil it f dl B-7ib,y b-f aw I oct ak. Il ia suiJ, by one of our nal re;ecubSe a.-d ofclesi ct- Sir. R e? wis aa'ujjriihtvtemperatis awl u!utxMis .and a Uuu kilnlli's rdiop. - aa. uai Rwaaawinu aa wtturrw pbptii n-efc. rreumiug luat tie aiding to buy properly of e Iike bv b;a nenrhStm and aeonaiitarirn 1I hu .i.:. i .1.1 e . j. . . .,' . i. . t i l i , . . aim wtwni nn omre 10 se u,iie mjiircririer i ,cft Mllkt bim. !adrA aaliaJeparUir-, a d . j.-.,,,.,. k.a.: M re t w II be sef u tint IUm lua ww in faror of. ti.,-tSava riven hi -Vr ix ii tV 2v-,dloi. aiihrjm tlie UUt.iti power of the lemeral Grwern- fJ J a w .jf , i durah w; men:, but at the tame tuna would lave lim!ted, to ajj hy a su.Un chaise of wind lie water was frfu.r ik-rut. tlv,n- t'ledsrrhtettnn '.r tvJ.T.l dxitetl. bockaui iiii jfca mt iu Ua i ktfre a iwawray-k Uta gaai'asaMat:li iaMafiw' !ft-ir!.fjr,ar tulh tXtyttte, iuiPiW by Joraaiv, jusaaa itiirul kwagi-i awl itvt'rA powera, IaputaKiJ io tiie !JUn L O-Krssioi.' . - lo the course of the remarks that we mteoJ ta. waks vcale!iixi2 h sjSwe-,uiiech4r-ks awl J7 bye. - iuiunU-r.--i.i-44-----J-ll o., firm niW-wirm T' r( 4'4'frW-stHati ail Vrirrh-f tlat lie was the avowed tad ahfe adrtte of Htatt, ( it l-te,keertHy cka pre-eTrH-nreab, v i , , . ... . . k 7 .r tiiv ka iwu or recoek-l t kive ttrrarTeJ m this " la"'! i eLllvi C simi I ikt niiia.fi iii.wkm a w "luce to tint subject 0- 7 "vca. 'l . I Tlua cait fca of aav rW lHat, ! aa.M.I 1 L . L. I kw at. a -I l ..t r. ...... .it 1? , eri. ' - 1 11 ' "" wittt tFjgq iUilfVT "JF i i I " rctd-i nTmTluc. atkai. to belie f ev,- lu, h,s yk, uf DOl JjJJ . i , "t j. .ui i k. WflhavesdreaJyaailawalunaaTerelaaseea. had Hamilton hved to thil crts:i, he . ' . . , ... - iat.. . i i - i IB a a ili.ua llwa aa.Mtsaaa aa aaf twal aka ami tv r JP V ftXikl a. tat otuor dwtmguihea rjdar.laU Ivocstnif me . fr,y4 oouitie o! HUte R,KhU tad Bute -ieimJiea, 1 o Uraw -. ,HJ ,h-re of a tr-a ar cWf rafl caury infurenoe, merely trora the feet that be was h,,!nVie, yj y, tVc we, ahuuH aa Juit knuwa to km of givmj mora kisUM power lo the Gene- ,tl.1i4e nltcitati wh Ut naler t?e overwkHia- ral tt.wfrninejit, woulj bo ait Qiuoasuiuhle deduction,) nt wlT.' It a-euted ukkb as if uU Cba was Bid. u cmid he gwwl, that be wa ia livor of aba., ln. Uuui uully tlie Stato Govenuuouts knd SUte Sova- rtity. H i', as wc desiira to reenr to this sibeV ta a tern- 1; wv, ,4 numbers, we shall nut axietv aur remarks fj furtluii at Uiia lime. - . ' v 1 WIMOS IN M0TIOX. We noticed, siue weeks since, tliat Convention hv bwn pn(iud in UieNewbetn Di4n,f fflhe ior ! uf nouiiiMtin? aaue indepymlont Whig to run Cir Cai-rea, hj oppa.U, to tlie prtjeut ycp!i4ia c re presentative, Mr. Jeseo Hpi'ig'it. .. . , . - Tkekut llililt.Jv.icaUs-ys: . V s ti eame aaio. T'i datm r wUi-wdt by Ihe. Rice rUmnn caa- not be eniinated ar er-a ciXlur-L . That il m ereat-ani yrery rrraLta eettaia. ' Tt-tr we camed t arewent say ; all persons acruaittej with the culture of that ftwa. arvl the late backaiH sermi, eanfina aa good aA M-a as eoy on t"y Toe Rim cwiU not h'l'e been rer wafer Itu thai iwidva kiura. T!ie 1 s in the warH.iinea tu b-n un:rereft'ttlv great, the witer havm; cv-r 1 the k.wr flTs 12 Ja IJ tocb-a, All the wlnrve,eicept iVee la'-'y repufed, aaveta'J-red) r-ma-lerable iniury. Mity bats froea t leraw, Kr., ne r nptv ad ot 'era partly M ka, wrekere, . . .i . . .C L . . . . ..I s!il uvea or n eresi tunrm "i CURTS CASK. r " The evam'tivatiow of William CUrl, who lasVei enafiaed ia the yn of Wihinton cwnty Sir Hne w-eks, auder tne ainie uf Peter I Van, charged with the awrierisf Jantb Iline, in PWmnt Valley, in Ihia ewwl f ', 'at 11, fc4 pi yra aaiea Ww 0r&. T Th f I. irt !, ca Jiuolav ast, Hon. Julia tSocitaiv- aaCkaf. ijmifeaV a-ariaf.Afyaaiav' M.nrWusA A swaber uf vary wpnctabla gemlenea, vsf llartbrd tounly. apot'aad aa aiiaai ss ar w-hatf-ef -ttteircUr sed. It was protrd, aiost clearly aa aati-Aeaady, tkrt tbs aecaad was Peter Iraa, but Wm Clark uf liarfisa cminty, that be moved to lUrt-H erxintr in ita jsutsv wjana tw wad eftsta nt'y hved lot -i or 3U yeara, waa tut lew sad aiiorl wtart-ais, np to the tine of kis eioi.TaUa to Ohio, about H aaooibsan. Dean, oa the coetrart, wu a autua of t'ua aounty, aaJ was ' ij tu aaii' Ine HJUSUmiT lb it up to toe Line ol the ataeler. Clark's cbaracter was charly aeuUmhed to be that at a peaceable, orderly, hnnet, iBdusfrtoua, aaaactoal, aaa wR-a-hare raaa. tie baa" I vJb auU Unra Uauif ia Lickay autmiy, Ohia t- - M Kb y npalby wu ricitta ia ba aebalf by the He telissmuta the (uinnutauo. And, al.-r Ins d a aWa, a swWrtptissa, amount rnjr to 130, wax ra.sed far bow, and a pu(-e hoaie hve, in the stages, kuW I Be- ' Ir. t. D. Kredy, aii whtne mHsmation Clark wis arrtrd. nia kun. S.il It aadaa t 4r, Kenlv to state, t'wt several grnl.iwa Waahinrlnn cuunty rooe ir w ith hm ia the U-l,. f tut there a a strj kine r smu'J Tice t !ween CWk and Deaa.dfva. tow(Ml) T nklikl. ; .,. , iUZTJ.f. S , 1 SiLhr Cret. Mt 14 Ml S. Yart. .JtV'T. jaiictpaxaLBaau4Uk faflaT Wr aaiaaa avaara 4.4 -f acnotinu but a kiI.I be I.i Im. i!. l prrkMis w .filing lo tmrtii-f1, ' WILLIAMSON HARRIS. lUwau Cu Oct. 4, l;i4.-e tf iJ ------ . f 1 .. ..--rwl??- uy.vu...':..K. "-xij k-y - - .. ,-7"; oi ncremitY av. A.cert,r..dte lisra ftwb;e of, 10 li.,Je" 'IwVeU" will lie . . . . .. . , oo . - F r 10 Hd'f tickets, 1 9 00 F r 10 (Ju.irter iH-kMJr ., M 74 iU - AB Priei eavble in CAM!, forte Vavs nfier t! n drawiiic, ail.e-ct to a dtxlucl ii ill of 15 tier i m I. t?T All Ordera fr.-m a diMubce, by tnail (p-nt. pi I) or by. pat am e.veiice, ancPseoptlie rault or priii'-tu kets in our previous L'tti rie, wi! re. c-ive ,e mmt promi.t atlei.tiou. if a.Ure-d i i:Vi:NONAi4WTlaalt4ai'y'm we. -'2 eHMia-ef t'he drawing -wilt tax foiwaid.1 liuiiH-oiuu. ly al'er its event," , . . --vihv.wTickas; t . t3 co -s .Stevcnyon Poiut .fUIiLury Or4v 1 f .-' -v .Vu'Au'i rr p sw VOI! are hen ly commanded to PsrweV, m the . Town of (StlinUiry, 7 airW, Ar 17 Joy ii UuOer a, at 1 .Vkk, tr Drul, equipped in the utiilnn (4 the Tn4. , . A putictu iL sUlLuJoiwa iaiiiiredt aa buineaa of imporuiaa to thoTro. p Ul be traraacted oo tbatdavi 7 By order of II. Cuts, Captain t JAMI OWLN3, O. S. SalisUiry, Oct -ber 4, NL rirftar f ar'rrrafy. The seaaai of this inati. lutK coimnenred oa Wedieadat ta.4; under aua. cea, says the CWtrtittHaiJIe Advocate, more fiut teriiig than at any other pervnL A much larger oMmberof etuleiiU had amlrirulated than was ever b-f w knowu by the firfr-day. It h) Cmdetitty he. Uevtd that the aerarnt will be the nt-iet brilliant ami winie rowdy arteoili'd session thai the institution has ever wit.ieL Stutkaita were arriving in eve. ry sta, asal it ia axpsaaad id to wCl Va &aaa 240 to ate --r -- . i --e 3inUary IVolicc. '"Iir. Sihscnla ra'totheCA. . a. 1MJE Winter Pcion of thia FxIhkJ, taueld y ' a ih Mn.K... ..J i i .. i ii i . ... . Ula uni, will, I'lVlUO yideiire permit Uug, commeoc oa the Jfrxl AW llie aesi.in a ill be uf five months, md (be torn of Tuition, per radon, asXlIowsi -,For IWuijuW ntitig, Fp llir-g;. BJd Afillimetlc . with plain hewing ami inaiku j. ....a4-tKr ""For Ihe e&.'te, with Fnelmh Orammar. Tarsinf, IhetntH-n, Cou.jNn.itkm, Geogra phy, History, and neeille-work, . . Fordiii-s with Natural, Moral, am) In tellectual Plulo-a-tihy A -J r. ft- my, ,th use oi me UK Iiew -um-loric, l-.'ic. t l-tiiia. try , the Freierh Latigiia e, Draaing, and I wiiluig, . . . . . . . All accounti n.Uot be closed at the end ,f . k . -mv ia 8 00 10 00 xi. . - VALRY COMPANY! Ikanline can be had in the rieiil,L.rl..t...l :.. .1 . about to be foroM-d ia llie Town ( nv4 reaiertalde fimihs, at fl ii pi r wei-k. U alishury ami yirioity, are! Mr The boma of ihec5uWrilKr aityiiiijMe iiJ!irittfwl thai m nwlinn i.fiK tiw rt.tl,kt r1.iw.L fit .:i... e . " - , .', I - .n,t, . HM l . LI I nilltV 1,1)111 .lltavi d Member id avid Comjany will lake place at ihe the rued hading tu R n-kfrl. . ' Mamnoo Hotel ea ftrrrfy aeTf, ( V Kifanf.I-. HTI'.PtlRN FIONTIil rBauUary, tetaW 4, laa44 - -rh lrcdr. Coaiity, Sept. ft, laaai," 4t ' 0

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