v. PUBLISHED WEEKLY: JOHN BEARD, Jr., Proprietor, 'jjg, 749: g 10 OF THE XVih VOLUME Salisburyjlowan County, N C. ; - j " 'Snturdaj, October 11, 18U .TTSOTSRII OAF.ClX2TLfi.2T. PSCED VEEKLVj::::e"v:::::::.JOIIN BEARD, JR. 1 TERMS or Fr BLIC ATIOJI, i.Tbe'"Wrre!i Cabolijuan" in published everv Jfoaday, at Two Dollars pet annum if paid in advance, To Dollar and Fifty Cent if nut paid until after the expiration ot three months. 2rXo paper will be discontinued until all arrearage; lit paid, unless at the discretion of the Editor. '" 1 No subscription will bo received for a less time ftaa one yctr,; and a failure to notify the Editor of a ftA to discontinue, at least one month before the expi istioB of year's robscitjition, will be considered as a iw engagement "aHy-pw wha-uilLpror lire six subscribers to (be Carolinian, ami tage "'C troul,le or coIh:cting"-am) huupiriitting the subbcription-price to the Editor, shall nt tlie p;iKr during the continuance of their aub- irijwh, witiiiiut rlVai'jie: TKKMS OP ADVEKTISIttJ. , j. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct hearted at oOcvnts per mpiare for the first insertion, jaJJl cent for each continuance : but where an ail Kftti,ti i orired to-go iu only twice, 50 eta. will irekrg" lor each insertion. TO CORHKiPOXUENT. L To insure promjit attention to letters addrewed to the Editor, the postage hIhiiiM in nil rases be paid 23TI2A2T"?' 1E"W tiitrrr "Scwami Tif -thhr School,- taught- by tiie Subscriber and bis Ludv, will, Divine' Pro. kIpikc rif iiiritting; commence on the frtt Mori- R 00 dat ui -turf nwr tu it, ' The session will le of five months, and the terms ef Tuition, ht wKsiHi, as follows : For Rrcadni", Writing, Spellittgand Arithmetic, ailii plum sewi.ig and marking, $4 00 F ir the above, with English Grammar, Pptiii7, Dictation, Coinpitsition, Geogra iihv, lli-toiv, K'ld nee.lie-work, For duto, with Natural, Moral, and In kll.ctiial Philosophy Astronomy, with use of tlie (ilols's Rhetoric, L"t.ic. Chemis try, the Freich Language, Drawing, and hinting, - 10 0') All accounts must be closed at the end of eui'h mi' m. Boarding can be hod in the neighborhood, in tlie just rotpcctaulu familes, l Si i.5,pt;r week. (ttr The house of tlie ulwi riU r is situated cl-xte w Bethany Church, H miles from Statesville, on de road leading to 11 -n-kPTd. Tredell Couutv, rVpt..J7, 1 UW U.- Recest . TV '' 9 rnnjrl MnJl i " MI frtl, w Mte tkai. ,kt Iky Aa4 Umm kawlK Iky k.M ia yiM A BRIDAL SCENE. Younp Beauty at the Altar! Ye may go And rifle eardi rf all i'u lovelineaa, ' And of all things created, hither bring The miiest and richest but, ala! .The world ia all too poor to rival this! Ye can summon nothing from the place of dreams, -TIaiiuu realm of fiuic that can cope, In all it pa&nofate devotednaia With -this- chaste, aHeht p'ture.7of the heart Y YouUi, bod-encircled ycirth, and purity, Yielding its blwon and fragrance up in tears! LINES TO A MOTHER. I aaw a dew-drop on a flower. At dawn of earliest d.iy ; The sunbeams came on bold and bower, ' And melted it away. Anil Urns thy smiling one was here, Till angels saw its charms ; When strait descending to our sphere, 13!rTT!H'?OOOl'i5 .i.rro . I saw a rose-bud opening fair' . IiLkauty s llictdye ;4- . A zephyr came its sweets to Dear In fragrance to the skies. And thus thy blooming cherub smiled, To earth a moment given ; Till virtue clarm'd her favorite child, And took it up to heaven. I saw a rainbow. sweetly bent O'er mountain, lull, and plsin ; It fled I knew not where it went But suon it came again. And thus shall friendship's sundered ties With joy ajrain unite ; Ami love advance, in kindlier skies, To more refined Height, , IXX.Slir. VARIETY. Valuable Ileal Proprr'ty, rSunTrtnfelSr"torT ilU Uesidence in f iincqliT Conntr; Inclmling, iu one body, about. " .. i6nc Thousand Acres : Hl Vk lin n ia a mra ir O..ll LETTER OP SIR JAME.S, MTNTOSIf 9TnarsKAtH or ti wra. had refined my youthful love into frion"'-fup; before age hn.1 dt'prived it of uiuch of its original ardor. 1 lost her, aias! (the ch..ice of my H'b"aiid the pailuer of my tmf .rtunes) .ot a uiontent when J had the pr )Oct W her hhareing my better day Thwi tny tlwrTiirrira annity- which tlie prospev nty of the world cannot rvpair. To export that any tiling on this side of thw grave can make it up, would Ihj a vain und delusive enpectHtioiu' If I had lost the aiddy and thoughtless comiwiiion of proxjie. rity, the world & ukl eaily repair the lot but 1 have Just the fimiiful and lender partner f mv nii f irtunes i"i u.id my only coiimdation i in the fc-ing Uiwh r Whyse severe but pHternRI chasliHemeiil f am chI down to lite grtHind. The philottophy which I, l I 1 I ILI i I C5 "J T ""wmmwiii w have learned .only teaches me that virtue andtof TTuj incorrigible dander, but a male eonucttelisnv whether the noirlimnm-nf TL7r1i.,tH fiinuLLin arm .utout ..fl.. ut I... f J. j i: j rJ - ' b- that (l.ieir ls is iireuuraldo. It ae?ravHte riiv ralaihity iitsTeiJ or c that ntahner riKre than wounded heart seeks another consolutioft i tfoveni ed Iiy thetjp feelings, which have, in every age .of, the world, actuated the human mind, I seek relief and 1 find it in the soothitig hope and the conaoli lury opinion that a benevolent wisdom inflict The chftstisemeiit, as well asliest'tws the enjoyments of l. . .i... .... ' j ! iiiiiiinii me, iiirti. miirrioi(;iKiinz gisioiieaa win one day enlighten the daj-knes' which surnwinds our nnlure, and bungs over oyr .prKj)etsi,.JI)iit thi dreary "and wretched life. iM uot the whole of manj Hmt an animal so 'sBgacioiie aiid provi lif .t.'and ca wblo of such proficiency in science ami virtueU tmf-iikir-fV-1)rirstrihaT- a dweling'pia!f(?jftrt-d tSrlifSSSot the" jiSV and that tin wa vs of God will yet be vindicated to fl'n-XhejutmicufA uf..x planted h my mind in my early youth, and wldch were revive ! by tlie owitil scenes which I have seen passing before mv t-yeit in the world, are, I trust, deeply to tod in my heart by this great ca Inniify. I shall not olli'iid your rational piety by savin; fruit m des and ' piuions apjieai T me lout tenf seccutd.iry iiiip-'rta..w ; Isil Tciu sincerely declare that Christianity, in its ei.uine purity and spmt, npenrs to uie the inojjt umiiihle and venera ble of all forms iu which the homage (4" man has ecr Is-en ofii red to the Author of bis h iog. These sentiment have avrveaaoniewiwt t Iran, qmihz" me dinee I have b'U iii fliif placft ;Xhii;M i at present sditurv emmgh f t the sake of my sjiirits,) ami will, 1 trust, wnmi enable me to resume mv ('Mti n.s in H'-tive lite which I owe to tin1 know but one sunrise of heautv. No woman ever becomes a systeuiafic coquetle' until the .red-hot iron of falsehood, or the fey bolt of ielect, has. nrst passed. over tier own heart, aHl seared nil it finer sympathies ; it ia fully to tullt of a fetuale who irnciKpiPtte7ty:Tiature-rdo we ever meefwitrr' tnatheniatician bv imture. or a bn liiuoiut f The' heartere it huih Mwlk'dvita iiarl in the Intmmt ofl the world, haih but one form peaks but one lan guage. Man is a -coquette by habit, by education, and above all by fashion coquetry in him is call ed by a gentler and a fonder name- usage dumonde -gallantry-Hr,at best, he! M snillod upon with in dufgent afmiraliop as " a sad fllrt, or, an itieoj-. riifible danirler. lion a 3l SmJ yet, wfidT flirt, grave geutleuian now, for- the first tirne, bocante intelligible. "I am a Dutchmau, (said he) and amleuruing your language : I find it very diliicult -lo remember the peculiarities of the vorbs, and my tutor haa- advised in, in order to" fii them in niy mind, te Cfmjugnte every Englisli verb that I hear spoken. riiis I have made it i rule- to do. I don't like to have my plana broken in upon while they are in operation, .or would have told yU thi before." The EngliMiman laughed heart, ly at this explanation, and invited the conjugntii g Dutchman to dine with theni. " I will dine, (Vud he) thou wilt dine, he will dine, we wilt dine, yAu will dine, they will dine, we will dine altogether." This they accordingly did and H waeifiilrto""" matter wins the heart of woman t Ila he to learn that his w tones and ft glancea awaken feelkigs in her breast, which a more inditlerent accent and a cokier look would have failed to create T No he is aware of at) this i and this man of gallantry ; this courtly mannerist, is a speculative mental-gin-diator a sentimental heart-fi liHi, fnun whom there is no escape, and to whose venom there is ho anti dote, . But once lot a woman CsTaulish the same cold, calculating, spirit-war, she is directly de nounced as a coquette end every man who ap PESfJlSS J)t. M BAJafuJU though he were- eased acoatofjiiail. : .wwssat. Ir is an unequal venture at the best ; fir man's love is all sunshine, but many a cloud pasMes over the-- hori -of -n wtrmrr'F- hnrrt hi r ittvn fnTiift passion is bof fry and beautiful, but inativ a serpent is hidden beneath the rose of her ideal EuVn. ' Man', love ia of man's life a thing apnrt, 'Tia woman's whole existence." To him it is the plnything of joy and youth : bull hers is a deeper, a more enduring love ; it is tfie solnce of days of sorrow, of age, ami of hopeless ness ; like the arasite which clings around the ti tiering column; it lends a heautv even-to ruin, and OMNIPOTENCE OF COD. Would we be struck with admiration and asto- . nishmetit at beholding a superior created intelli gence tossing a mountain into the wa T What strong ' emotions of reverence and awe, tlin, ought to per- . radeour minds, when we behold tlie Almighty eve ry moment producing etieefs iiifuiitoly more p wer. fulandaMonishing! Wliut would beourastonislinieut were we to behokl. from a. distance, n gl"be as largft, as the'eikirth tossed friMU the hand of Omnipotence, .. and flying at tlie rate of a thousand tniles a iiiinutR f Yet this isjJhjngnmre fhselTCnit' called us into existence. Tlie iuqHise -which was first given to the earth at its creHtnii is f ill CmliUUfi;uV.hy-.iAlmiit.a. M- saw'i-d roumh day from west to east, ahmg with its vsfviiTny j--t delnvs the utter dovnstntion which if helps so crnee- fully to hidti.t'veV'trie ivy at the rontand Its tirSnrlw'iH at, II l;, .......v'! - n' jj'iiitf aim iioui inij niet type, even m this, or the love of woman rob her of homo, of country, ol all which once mmlo the chiirm of her existence, und while one ho'ld vet link her to the ohiert of her voimu nfltv. huplfwi xhildreu of. my leuresl Charirif, ami lion, she will live on faithfully and fondly to" the which I am fully sentyble will be a truer perform- ) lust. - auce oi me sucreu ouiy which I ,me to her memo- (),, ,, ry, than vain uirrwi lainentatKHt. I ju.wUI jujI and at the same time impelled forward through the regions oi spuce at tne rate o sixty-eight th ,u-nd miles in an hour. Nor is this among thn most won. derful etTects of divine power: it is only onec'impa. ratively small spocimeit of that omiiipitfnt e'irrry which resides in the F.termil mind. When we I. ft our eyes towards the sky, we U hold bodies a thfu sand times larger than this world of outs, in,olfd with similar velocities through the mighty axpma of the universe.. We behold th nleimrv if.,lie LwheeIieg their rapid co4iisi.Und 1he rii!i, i ith mircuuiuug veHy--Me-,mets- Tetormiir 1rW their lonu excursions in the dista it regions of spae, and flying towards the re'itn of our system with a velocity of hundreds of t II'lllAflllilti uf nil TAXI Sill k.Sias The folluwinz letter js copied from the Intrsluc- tioii of Sir James Mlntush's " History of the Re volution ia Eiiiflaiid," a work recently publndied ia T.,)o.lont t wim addressed to lr. 1'iirr in jl07.-4 .' As a immuincnt of the worth and inrluence of an J ''IS' I' excellaitwnnan, of Jiis aflection for hejrjrre- sneer for her memorv, wmi as w teeiwmtt"it tne-f mifftoug. views ot a d nwinaiisheq tuttt pnupitxau writer, at the tsrvewi wlieu, U auisjars, hp Uit On the Mvttrrirt and ..Utrtinn. ' ns'til uf mywiiml in minlfiniisy fhfwe hi mr whirlryTif Ti.4i-ilil, by ' lelutiiig TJewisit trailiiT ci i neru are lu" to the ineusiry of Iter whom I have ris. ; M.,ws, which seems to be a kind tf puruhle il I hav vii (lipsitioii for a niarb'n tab'e oo winch lu-.ti :ititi h it f have lust mentioned. That great it is inv wisli to inscnlsj a humble li'stuiioninl ( ! ,c.p;,ia, it is sai.1, was called up into the mouutuiii hut I am uiiiiiH'nioil in opmi.'ii hi iinr ' ,y ,i voice ot (fsl, w'k'ii, hi a coiilerence with to;i H;ilI he m tnrrn or- nr tviiriisn;- thl' yufifT'mc ncrrrg, -he-was permtttett to-asK iirm region of space, and caary ing along with bin ill hi llMn,l.,l nlanel .mwi. lii a Wor L we Uvo jlw . of tlie ui.iverse, which are mortMiumeMus than ', Uneuaite caa exnroun are in raiwi and i Will .yuu,.tu '.dt'ar sir, aeiU iim.as!wti;kj.if. a. La.- U,iii AiMMtitw -euumnrmug ili anMtirfr'itiua tsf tiiti luAir S my allliuiioii. and I lioe. yon will not he y-ww? .pimnfntmUl i .ImrnQo the, plain tt, r''!uv to uid me iu this labor ot love. It I hx on .Brick JJuh eonsirueted of thebe ma terial, in line taste, and bikk! workmansiii iJ,- all e vvn.r )ut-Hwj;ln,lHf-ANtJ1 THRESHING M ClilNES, Barns, Stables, &c. Anotlier Jl'fact ..of.. Land l ying ou both sides uflmtch inn Creek, csitain- m 1TRS T. RXTH iOJL AML'KPOSES. - Thetihive Property will be sold en a eremt f 'hh, two, ami three years. In my abs -nee, application may be made Iu My lirotlier, J. Foruev. " DANIEL M. FORNEY. Lincoln Co., May 17, 114. tf HWxwHriewiTrgta't4rerwh the' reqies-ofsi-fcHrist- tnn.'irlwTi tirghty-mteresting tmprs - I use the first moment of composure to return mv thanks to VOu for hnvTuir thought .if mc in Hivt hitternes of 1hnt -afflicrtont tor-1 , myrtTrsrn' kiicw the grcatiiess' of my 'calamity tiil It had fatt-eft-un-m bhi nor4d L Ww 4WiioMKf.oty ...... . v. f-r-t .ril !.-...-!..... .-.t.L.k-ik-L. tii.liufe,L,jfeU Tin Iu,uii !u iiJ obvious, that 1 lnjd suiart them s wt faithful atUl tmler discharge of the du tn of a wife ami a mother, my adlictiuiis, the irre- of rternrnrmns'S Ve'sre thetipies th wiJAriM''isr''re1i W wkoW. - - 4 nntntt sujjms fny desire 4 explmle on hr woriv. at irrenter liMicth thtui may, W'rhmis. ni'ition artsmd the (hrone of the Eternal, crrvtfii forward the grand designs of infinite wisdom whicu they are destined to aeoniplish. Dr. Dick, . 11 TIIE BARBER AND TIIE SHEEP'S HEAD. A twrfMr In a hftiiitioorini T 'W'i wTiTriiappen untuciildyJu-lie4u.wiU84w!lj.'ma to tastethc tiaTfeT-breet" which (ropcaslW she"iri ihiloesi iu 'iii' HP all ' I'liil lsTfmficTFi'C'otie" hw. At hcfoot of the m'aintnin there issued Wit FVmdnv I.itrlv went to r'mrch.Vs Jio, sood. nan, ','"- ... . . ....... ........ ... ...i. ..... . ? a i - - . - . ------ ' from his horse to drink.- lk was no s..ner gtate than a little bov came to the plare, and nnihng a purse of gold which the wddior had dro)ied, Itsik own- Mr -till they -4ie tttHtrtM T1IK EXERCISES or this INSTITUTION WILL BE KE.SUMEU ON THE 1st of .OCTOBER. price A 10 .ftO Drawinii and Painting, tlO Music f.'O o-iahle ia advailce. - UKN Jf COTTRELL?-" -if'a'lTsls'l'ry," Aug. , 1 M. " Priiicisi -Mills ami Land for Sale. triaL. hat inclancholy. whicrLhaa occeede'l t'i the first vi- lent agitations of sorrow, my greatest pleasure is to look back with: gL,J','i pi"M sik'riii n the memory of my beloved wife ; ami my chiel cm. solstion is the soothing remenilnoce f her intm. Anow-uw. n twstice 1 Iter Htemury, tell v si what she was and wtm I owed hrrl was goi.tet. itt'tny shoice poly by tbe.hliod aficction rf : my youth, and might have formed t connexi m in whTChh"rt-hved pessvm wM have been f dbw. ed by repentam-e and disgust ; but I found an iutel- hgeut ciiiiianion, a tender Iriend, a pruileiil iuvnii tress ; the most faithful of wives, and as d-ar a mo ther as ever children had the misfortune to tsV. Had I married "a woman who-wiur easy nr trtddv enough to have been infected by my iinpnklenre, or who had rudely and harshly attempted to c r.- ject it I slhsild, in eiflier Cs, have been irn-tii. mbly ruinedx a f ntatie m eifher case wisiKf wnn my iHtlsts hae-Ime only shorter eut- ledes tiin. Ikit I na:t a woman who, by the lender ma nngement of my wt-nknesse,- grndiwlly corrected tlie iiiost pernicMHis of them, and rescneil me from the ihmiiiiiuws tsf m dsradini ssni smiinsis smw T.I. Tbe ttiihsrriher, intending to move, offers for sale, A Good Trct of Land. 'Hi Hunting tWk, in tlie Comity of Iro !cll, about H null northeast u Htatesville. l.bere are AImiI 250 Arrr In the Tract, and) on the preniU's are a god (Irist-.M ill, Saw-Mill, & I'otlon-li in together with a new unfimslied ft FRAME DWELLING-IIOISE r'i aid Oiit-ll Hises. The- sitimtin is healtbv. and the wnfer excellent V'urtlier narticulars are deemeil unnecessary, aa it " presumed that anv one wishing to purchase such uluaUe nrooertv would wish ro see it fr himself Is-fore tradiiio. OXr Tlie terms can be ascertained by directing hMter to thi Subscriber, at Ownly-Ltue Tost Ul- Isc, Rowan County. WARSER BROWN. fv-ptcmber 20, lb34- iV , ..3JH 1 i. t - " t reimrly: d)es, leavio bin- so.i- -mrtw-'e tfMr--. eookirer f a pot if sh'jsendhrotiulti dish of his. During his alMmce two wort Himt came - - -- into tlio hnoae on a visit . nml had rmrV m tha .H-.--lnfim mI3 man WMrv Willi .nil 1 : - .1. - - -..I . - i' -m in HHirw'i in inr jch, Ho i '-voH-n i a VI MR K ICII I ll Ml IO hff better ertitnrintd with -Its 'fmienrxv K'nwin'r'-- hiuwelf bcsMlft. the jpriiuz..TTha.uillVjr uiiuig i (he pond wrfeVta,ste in i lirpjoTj.thmpP!) his parte, reroniea to seeK" ii;-na wmanus jr oi ! which she, blithe as a Imty, volunteered tj go t"r. She became pnnlet from auction and, though of J the most pneronsnatorej she waMmiyht eionomy and tntimlttv tV fcer love lo -sa-iunng-Uie.mo-i critical penoa Ot my Hie, sne pre-ertvu onrrr i mV affairs, firoin the care ol men sne relieved me ; . - ....... ... . . n tssnlls r-elwumwl US' I who nuwiowinin , mum a j MATS AFFECTIONS, AND WOMAN'S LOVE. II w wMy dillereiK m their demwtmtKH aisj elliict are" a man's aiTectKMU. aisl a wouian's H.ve! Willi the one, pussimi is but a bright scene in the drama of exuOwice ; with- the ulbcr. it ia the plot, Ifwr inteTest, the-driima itself. L ive, eaji hTdy. French-'iuboTi r ia but an ejiside anihe history f a man's lift," sty it is that it should be so; tir it is inserrtW m wvery pane ie the heart' reconl of a woman; it is tlie spirit which pervades .. - ii'i r i i I .!..: : every line. " mm a leuiam loves, iht nmtuim is atworUng, ilevoted, ami exclusive; site " lives, and moves, and his her bein, but in ss presence : irately Iohms its charms, iasliiou's spell ceases, lo be talismanic, she has no aim, no interest, save one less than this sulliccs not to her generous, her self- sacrifirinu spirit. t rviB-ttHir.- tr wflMmit. thsseerfr ihr mnm Ms- mWh s mwH4h very eouwcxaisiHwe-f boing be loved makes hun inwnsiWy whimsical, artntrary, and vain : "he' ii hannv beside his mistress, but he is aloTiajmy"elsewlierer lie canTiiialenNura1na lsdl.ffooia.urA,uaiJiug:ficM-ud nronnexl mv weak and irresolute nature she urgdl my imkileore to an tne exeruuos inai nsvo u i.-.f.il and crediUlde to me : and she was perpetu- allv at ban! to admonish nriredlessnesa and 4m- pni-lence. I n her I owe inai i am ws ninini uttrn : to her whatever I am : to her whatever I shall be. In her solicitude lor my interest, sne nV-Vcr fr a monienT fo'rgoCmy U'cringi or my cha-rx-tAr. Even iu her occasional resentment, fir which I hut too often gave just cam (would to (i td that I could recall these moments!) she bad no sullenness or acrimony t her filines were warm and impetuous, hut she was placable, tender, and constant t she united the ro4 attentive prudence iih the moat xreneroua and ruMc nature, with a spirit that discbiin the ahadow of meanness, ..wl iik ihs kindestland nvt hotssst heart. Such wss she whom I have lost and I hare M her whwi hrT excellent natural sense wss rapidly im afler eiffhl vears of stniBgle fx' msir had bound ws fast together, and- moulded our lem perj to each other when a, know ledge of her woh the old man, who alhrms he had not seen rt, and appealo Iiea ven"totterf"W soldier nut biHievmg his pr Ko.HiaiiisH, kiiis mm. Moses fell 'Si his face with horror ami antacement, when th Divine Voice thus prevents his ffxpnntula tions i " lie n4 surprised Moses, nor ask whv tho Judge of all the earth has suffered this. Tlie child is thexecasion of the old owns death, lait know thou that the old man was -the murderer of the Mtfsthettf-N "Csrtf. i-LZTLm: TUB CONJUGATING DUTCHMAN. Two English gentlenMm once stepped into a cof fee house iu Paris, where they observed a tall, odd- lookang man, who appeared not to be a native, ait- ting, at one of the tables, and looking around him with the most fc-likegravity of eountetsxnce upon every oliject. Soon after the Englishmen en tered, one of thenf told the other that a celebrated dwarf, had arrived at Paris. . At this, the grave- 1sklHrpryntitgir ibVHN'1enrlaed, taperied'1 tw prefrrs'liicurriiigllss "rislrf spraining his ancle in the one, or breaking his neck at the other, to sncnmui11ishiHirs in gentleness and love, beside r . . . i - j - v. r . '--i r-i.ii.r r the rmen one ot nis nean. ii is mie ne lens ner, with a Wand smile and a fmd tone, that hi owes it to I lit world 14 Btloglff nonvtf met- in. a mngetHM"li. but would he admit the plea were the cas rever sed t Surelv not he would then discover that this rlincing to the world's wavs betokened coldness, indinerence, boo negiecu lie oecomes wnimstcai and fastidious in his ideas of dress, of manner, ami of sent intent j and he does ao to try how far his hhimwlll remilate the beanng of hia miMress he sees his opinions and tastes ngilly complied wil h for all -things are as air in Iks ha la oca with a woman when she loves and he necessnrtly be. comes vain of his own power. 1 tth him, love a proudlniwThe is looked up to for applausK rlunr to for sunnort with ber it is exactly the re verse . she is loved the more for her helplessness, her timidity and her weakness : in his lore there ia encouragement ; in herponmlence and admiration j and thus their feelings towards each other are a distinct aa though each were inspired by a dii&reut mssi(si. , A man mar lore, and be deceived end depart and fi-rget, and knre a cam ; but woman's heart ne ver enshnncs ts e khIs Itlie the . gnipcistus, it No oner .h$J?W..-t.l)l VW IWOvPuesU euiptied, t th pot of the sheep's head, and, with a remorse k; us . ajux-tite preceedud to devour k Aftr hsvmg - satisfled their hunger, the beth msht themselvea... how "they miht conceal ther depredatl'-n, sid see ing one if thw barber e blocks, s izpd upon it i pluneed it into the pot. . V '.--'"' Th harWs rib setwmed wTh hf Prcciou? com-.. Hnorlity. in'id ihs" water of life was spoedilyd.-ciwa- 7 d t,y the tnof the two isun then too It tle-ir le- parture, bif re the burlier cau:e from sermon. lie, worthy' siMit," arriver as nunrj1 as a hawk, and ruh. " hing his hands with glee at the thoughts oft!,'! good dinner that awaited him, took a fork, to exumino '.. what state the head was in; failing Iu fix his weapon in it at the first dab, he repeated hie stroke with more enencryT burwitfral(llllBrj iccessj iST alitOeT vest, he arrives, we ernve you arnia, they .ar rive. The Eriglishinan. whose remark eejped to have suggested this mysterious speech, stepped sjsak to mc, sir I 1 sjieak, (replied the stranger) lhKispeakest, hesjieaks, w wienk, you .speak, they speak." MIlir is thiC (said the Englishman) do y7w mean to insult "me r 'ilie otTier replied. w I insult, thou msultest, he insults, we - insult, yu liwufl, llsiy iiisull. "TTtia astounded at this phenomenon, our man of suds n ade a desperate efltrt, and succeeded in fixing the fi-rk.- But who can depict the wonder and astonishment of,.-,? rsirahaver;' When,' fttcff of Tiis I4trri'tiflhcrij,i 7XJi - 5 mouth and spoke. " I arrive, (saw he) thou arrt-4 head, one of his own blocks n-rt his new? "Scarcely the Englishman) I will have satisfaction i if you have any spirit with, your ruileness, come along with me." To this defiance the imperturbable at fanner replied, I come, ffvst corner, he comes, we come, you come, they come ; and henrapon he arose with great coolness, and followed his challen- ert In those days,, whm Cyf.ry. EfntleniiUi .woit a sword, duels were speedily oenatclietl. They went into a neighboring alley, ami lb Englishman unsheathing his weapon, an id to his antagonist, Now, air, you must fight me." " I fight," re plied the other, drawing his sword, " thou fightest, lie fights, we fight," here he made a thrust you fiirht, thev,Mand here ho disarmed his ad- renury. Well, (said the Englishman) you have the best of it, and I hope you are satisfied. - - I am satisfied," said the original, sheathing his sword, M thou art satisfied, he ia satisfied, yon are satisfied, ther are satisfied. M I am clad every one m tinfied, (said the Englishman) but pray leave ofT niMZZing me in tins strsnge manner,and tell me w hat is vour obiect, if you have any. ia doing so." The believing hi eyes, lie gwaed at the block, almost - JperiliwLat.iha mctainorphusia.--. Uis. epcsiseiipw wnom ine spirits naa uegan to snow us t-nects, was hardly JcM atotiiAhcd j. tut. fai ledm convtLdug . husband of the exchange, lie, in a paroxvsm of rage, flung.Xbe Uock at hot head .withjwch cIL iu-. tent, that had her skull ivt been of a comfortabl-i. ' , ,.-.... imcanesa, ii wouio nave pmuucea luiat consequences. However, as it was, a bump h is been raised, which s4h.Mil I He above exwlar.afi?n, wisild puzzle all the phrenohnnsta in Kilmarnock, and them are not few, to define. Fsfoa&Se Markine. -Mr. Aarmr Lazarus, of Wilmington, N. C, has in operation a pianino; ma- chine, which is capable of turning out twenty tbwH.. sand met ui noams per flay, completely planed, ' tongued and g roved 5 superior to Jlmee worked by . hand, on account of their exactness a man beinf? espnhle of laying a nwich larger quantity of ftsr- ing tlan that prepared m the ordinary manner. A'. K. F.rmif Star, j . We- have aeen nie it these machines in ojia-. tion, and of all the labor-saving inventi.Mis rJ" tho present in(nnious age, it atrilies us as one of th most valuable, and at the sam'eime one of the most simple. It mav be useful tounejior oth -r to state that a neighhrsir of ours pows.i" i ri?M of establishing a certain number of tV machine in Virginia, and would be glud (o-1 i right ou very moderate terms. JV. IiiteUigrnrr '..v.

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