-- i, JCj?- LOOK AT THIS!! .0Tit'krf.onl:.TIirfe.D9llart) AM) TUB CAPITAL J fp XOItTl 1 OA RO LIXA STATE roa the Mi cm or THE SAL IBBU UY-A CADE MY TmnliiaUiig-riziirc N")"a1rm. : To be Drawn at Greenborougb, N.C., ON FRIDAY THE 2k OF OCTOBER, 1834. 0 3 2 3' 3 I : I Prwi of 5,000 DOLLARS W.OOO 1 - of 3J00O" I MILL ARM in 8,000 1 5 10 to 10 ... 5i CO 200 200 of 2,000 HOLLARS U of I,(KX) DOLLARS in " of 5(H DOLLARS i of 30O DOLLARS is of JJOO DOLLARS te t V1(K DOLLARS is " of 50 DOLLARS in 8,000 6,(XX) a.ooo 8,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 of. 30 DOLLARS is of 2d DOLLARS is "of 10" DOLLARS li tyjOO 4,000 -or u tt M fiKlO e.ooo 0,000 of of of 7 DOLLARS i 42,000 4 DOLLARS in 24,000 3 DOLLAR i 1,000 1 H,K 1 8 Prize, amounting to 137,000 MODR Of' DRAWING : Thi ScheiiMJ. formed bv theTeriniiiK.ing-Figure j2 gyMrmv has -00,000 TieHet, tiumber"d from 1 to . .. . . . i 1 lit 00.000 inclusive. IJII me uay oi era nig, me my f"60o'numlierj'trtH fe'pnr into one whe4, and all ih4 y . ptto aliove the rionopnrianon ot 97 into another : i tUv will lw Jrawn out lttrrmtelv, lTHt a numl nod then a prize, until nil ie w.sjrc drawn. --Tb. Pr ieof -IT, Slrtdhuti&vIW in the fdbwing maimer, viz; Tim OHOO Ticket t!riniiiatin wit i the Hiirile litftire tul tti" liMl drawn miinlmr terminate" with, will bo entitled to t7 each, a.id the 0((0 00TicN ternii.iatiiig with tli ' iwnio figure that (U- next ni.u.l- r dnitvii Irom tlt wli-fll teriuiiMti with. dilpTiiu in il ti-i initia tionfrom that of the lirt, will entitled to 4 , I emih.ilini lh-ii00l nckttlM teriuuiHtui with (he, !-- u . r. ,...a torri.miila,! that nt ntllnlavr HniWH ' c f, ,.nit ,M.ri,u, in it. tenni.mtion f.oin the firet an I aeoond, will be entitled to 3 each. ' EXAMI'li: IsizTZ Suppe 2423 to be tlie first number drawn from ih wheel il.leruiiuutiug with 'figure- 3vwill jsuti. 1 tin the 0000 tickbU termiolitiiig with fignre to " 7 f eachl; And auppiwe KijMn to bh the aecond" -nnnibertlifwwn from ttw whf?rl ; then-the 0tw tic- kola temiinutihg with figure 7 will be entitled to 4i eachl' Ainf auppoHe 41vWff to be the tlu'd uuu bc( tlrawk frolii Uie wbeol ; tlieu the 11000 ticket "'"Icriiimatiiig with tlto figure 0 will be entitled to 93 , livery package of 10 ticketa will embrace all the termiimting fit8 fn'm lto (t-) that tlie hold tEjwr 'iCwagttiitJ- iick ws pttr uptiy th? ifa jjagcrt), must draw one oTearh of the three an in II , ". st denominattiMia of priaes, and" may draw ten J tbetjHttaeBV - " - II HI tmhter tiV all ttie ftckels-tnaVaW over 1 1 HO, TZSfZZZSrffi X tfc'Miia'gira'- L.i CerlUktala iur -Tott W Mok. Tivkot; itliW. U.e. " : tnit be.'in ft anvaint tbut the pack AgejiVu.stjftii. . l...4if- nun it a i ' " rfft'tfjj&-tiflf ; Package of .1 0 WIh4 ticket r T:rr '! !r,W Hair ttcaets ; ; - : w jFnf lO Qdarf fw"W"-''t-M AH Prise payable ut CASH, forty day alter ttie drawing, subject to a deduction of 15 per cent. rAll-Qrikra irunia d'uJtutce btiuuiLfpoat. tuu or hv private cotivevance, eucloaiiig tlie casli or priiio-ti'cketa iu our previous Lotteries, will.ru. ceive . the uh mt priiriibf "attention tf arldrmee;to STEVENSON 'ii POI NTS, Salisbury i and an ac. emmt of the'drawovj will 4 Awarded immediate. 1 Whole Tickets, ... $3 00 : Halves,' - - v ' 1 60 Quarters, ' 0 7ft : Cor Sale. nriE Subscriber,, having tiotermiiietlljoo jnoyia to the Sooth n?xt winteruil!rs for flale TUL sTATl07f of Sal wlAiry, on dm waters of Back Creek. I oiw-balf of which n (rioared, chtetty treati, inchi din 25 acre of good meadow. ' ' 'IVre K w the premwea, cumfortabeDwe ' i,ig Hourta, with good cribs, stables, born, and other - -,wf-hffei new d i goe4 repair. Tlie water is excellent, fli'e situation healthy, """"aTi"! iliaViiulglilairlaMtftin fCr Tlie term will be made easy to any person wishiii" to bnv and a be known hf ealimg On t So writier. or dv mreciuiK a ieiwr w nun ' llooitoti't Po4 Othoor Rowan Cowotv. - SAMUEL: JETER. August 30, 1834. 9t rnilR Rihscrilwr wishes to piircnWJLIKELY .A ROES, fron ten to thirty ear old, and w ill pay the most literal price in Cash. til ho have such protwrty to sell would do well U call on him, or Mr.' Jibn Jones, bJ Agent. He can bo found at Mn SlHURhtefa Hotel, in S di-ilMiry, aod M. Jones at Dr. Boyd's Hotel, in Ch-rl..tte. , , . " ' I!n thhiks it proper o ,say, that he is not coti- mod in btwi'Ka with Mr. James uuie, or wim other prrsort.y.. . wV.V H 1 1 V 'l Letter ailureaseq to iin,w " tiiall attended toC ROBERT Ill IE, ;iHbtuV,May2Mt; DISSOUTIO.V. fPIIC Copartnership heretofore ensting between ' (lie SulriU-r,Tjil ifl7ir fir"Mf & CRAiGE, was dissolved on the first day of N p. t'iiilf;r, by mutual ctsiscut. Those indebted to the concern, w ill wake payment to Burton Craig1, ho in duly authorized to receipt for the sans) j and nil persona having demands, are rctucsteu to present them to bin) for aettleuieut. JOHN A. CADE, . ... BURTON CRAIGE.. Salisbury, Sept. 27, 1834.- tf (&- The Note arid Accoiintk of tho lute Firm of Cadei Crai.' have ln pluced,in my aliwm'e, in the liajnUor W, Munroe, for colU-rtmn. All peraons wiidiing to aavo coat, will do well to juy him inimodialnlv' IL CRAIUL. Septemlajr 27, lai, " pt Philip F. fennicy, Tailor, Ri-Mjifctfully anjioifiK-fai to Ihm CoHii nxTK and the Puhli in -ik-nil, (hat ha STILL CONTIXI KS TO CARRY ON THE Tailoring I!iiiiiea, AT HIS CUJ) STAND, In ffie Village of Mueksville, Whrrr hr will, at all time, 6t rrady to atltiul to any vorlr rnlrvittd to htm, and to hnuh it off vilh eutneu, Durability, Sf Pf putck O'JUviiitf omU arfit;iMt mvMv,(or. terlv.froin l'bila'l(;lphia,the nMMt faahiotiable rtylea of clothing in that city, hf fiiU warruiitcd in any- iiil', Unit, (or neatnpw of fit, and aitlifulnt!H of ex ecution, bin work ahull not Ikj aurjKisMed by any done in thin part of th Kootliorn count rv. " lit! hoprH, by suhiiIikxih attciition, a ..I liv doin good work, to riM'ivo a ctHitiimunr of I lie pitroii- nv hitlMTlo liberally eMt-iflod to linn h hiii'ii hhtiMid and gpiwrmm public, and lor vlii,l be if liii'.ii, Him grateful Mrluhiwlfcliiiflits. 'T tiarmeirtsof evry description will tn-t I I tT 1ir "TT'or wli'o Ti vis "nii'Trcli it hnTa! "TfiiTiv iJttfrTo, i it lie i, nl the aborted notice, und in the unt fa- t.iiniitt!il(! inHnner, ji FM. jaAw, fhmi'itmvtrrtfl (ljll(,( ttw , iiwii .fcirAlliiu n arU 4 Jluiiiilrl all tench tin: art in the moHt I'uitMii inuiiner to ail vs In) nmy niiike niiliciili.m Oit t,r HU'fi iriMul Wiii-Uiiien u'lll receive iCOIUialll C1 vnM.it ami jf.ni.1 watV M k k.-wlle, S-,,t. 27, !" :tt li,L;4 injl J J4Jk ,, ,, A I ,, .... KhJJ - i T,,,! Hcrilmra having en.ereil into Co1Mirnerihip, 111 the Tnilorieitf luiiie, AT MOCRSVILLE, Iltnipfcl 'fully illicit ihr MlroUae of ihf Cititr of the yilldfmnl.qf ' Ihr uiljncrnl country,. - Tliey nu'eive rnuliirly, from the North, the la twit Fashions, and can nnsure the public that ali Work coininitloil to Ihi-io wHl lin pjceciiind in the Neateat, most Fusliionable, and uiohI Durable uniii- ,wr. ftriVv will aho Cl;T OFT for thnw who wind to have clothe inmlo by other hatidi. Tliey hoM- that, by atrict attrtiti:n and puwtH alitv, and bv a diwtoHition to accomnioli:4e, thev will ..be couHidered worthy of, aUberal. atlroua rm an etitigtitenect piituic. RYAN &, OZMF.NT. Moeksville, Sept. 27, l3t. 3t l IU I E JfniUawibiif .ofimf? m9 aUwt4f Trucl -of LAND. cotitaiiuiiff W 13"Alrii: IviVit' ri.iTrohTtiiiifj"oh:the H .miles. WotTo.J,m,1,, -""ThiS I:Vik1 V'nf'an excellent quality, Well adapt- ttu JolJotttko jmu all kiod of xtnwo-'-A eonrnder Labli; 'joflion yf. it if'. l-g CHtud ani nioa4o - ""'"'"T7if' IiuproveuicMitciHwiiniiii; of a Dwell and all tiecesnary out-houjiHa are w and ftoriWiUsut." ""'J' " " r- -- XUe IcJiiu will be made, eaxy to the pitrcdaw yr, aiiil can !K.a.irtie4jMAd4ruiux lbs; ,uIk ;(:r;i(i at BeaitfeV Ford, or the Catawba Soring trinim Pt4)ihAM JAMES CONNOR S-teml)er B, 1881. tl Fever ? THE FEVER 4. AfiFE HAS BEEN CURED IN 30,000 -CJASEfi Within the three years that it has been in use and the patient reMored to health, vigor, and com fort, a they are ready am) anxious to testify. - ftjPTIie genuine Mixture can be had at the Store of JOHN MURPHY, in SalUlairv, N. C. JOHN K. 'ROW AND. " Snntemljer S7T19.14; " 8in nHE ( Subscriber is about to move to Batesville, in Arkansaw Territory, ami will attend to ma kmg ptiriMse, selling land, and paying WXe. Cr non-resiitents. J here ar manv jrjcwLlUuarji. BiMin't"y"nHTwnTi if not atteitdod to, will be soli! tor taxes, anil loot. . . 4ttprs f mwt iKiid) addrpswd to the So' at Batesville, ArkansaW, will be promptly attended uT'm "T DAVID REINHARDT, Late of LinciJnUm, N.C. . MTICK. riffflE Citizetis oNlowan County, residing on the - Northeast side of tho Yadkin River will pre- seii? ii ! Memorial to tlie iMTxr Gene'rtiT Aswmblv of North Carolina, praying to be annexed to the Cou ty of Davidnoo. September 27; llt ' . k LL persons having occasion (0 write to the ub irii)erle.rihfif.lclnOaiht)-,ar requt. ed to direct to "Mountain Creek Pott- Ojfict, Lin toln Cos.' And all who write on their own busiiwcJ will ptau to. M tw jrosVew.," ' I I IU .11 A3 XVAKU. Lincoln Co., S -. 20, 1831. . 4t H.iiidhill-, irtnlam, Ciriln, Ac. T , ; .-. Neatly printed at thi QlBce..' ,i . l-NOTK'i:. 'PIIE SuWiibera having "one to considerable -A-pntwe.ihw.sHitnnRTi' in WiMif!? VtlMU!s for the MHjitiiKi of Pnelui-e and MerchuiidiHe of fvury description, (and, u think, perfectly aecure from the rink of fire,) would n-nicctfidly invite J'lantcra and Country M.'rclianlii.wlio wu.ti to atore Cotton for U tter murket, to oil on them. Tlwv will al forwwrd all km ! of Produce to New York, Charemn, or any part of nuroiie and will make JiU ral advancea mi Cotton Ml un der their chnrge, in either cah or gKl. Strict attention will be pawl to the interest of llioae who . .i ..i -i ... lir. !.:.. I. may ewrui inein wan ineir pnpeny. " o it tttineeenMiry to giye any n ference, asi tlie H' liior artiier ba iKieri doing bnninewi m t-!i raw tor a number of year A.iR. MAC KENZIE. Front Stnwt',Cberaw,S.C. ) Aiigunt 18, 134. . N. BWe expect daily, from New York and 'I. I, .n hirm Hliirl iiT W.Hkiv 4"i ' f'.WlBSVlSMl TOeectedwitb great earc, ' J K' L'imhIn advanced. The (i-khU w ill be Hold on lim:- nd terniM for cah or produce. The following cnmpriNe a part of their Slock i iltt llhds. Sl'OAR; 200 bags COFFEE ; ItHHI UK!. Loaf and Lump Hugar; tW pieces tHITl N B.0(i I NO ; 2(H) coiU BALE ROPE ; 1000 llw. SEINE TWINE ; 18 ton Swede and English IRON ; 1000 wtcks SALT. TEAS of every kind. , 1881. fit A.tVR. Mc K. TauaYAc iaus Aoscs, Sec . rHlE.Ktliauribirr haviig -d4Mrniinid -u- oioviHg , in tlie Went during tho ensuing liill or winter w.i&hea lo-iMiU -' Till) TH ( T OF LAM) mi wttffli he ttrrwTridni four miH wrrt nf Hnlu bury, oil the ReuTfie"' Foril niuiT.ciiiiliiiiiing'""' 45.") Acts, III or 00 acrt'H o w lncli are Ii-pmIiIv cleared. 1 tiere jL in the premite ntt excellent DWKLI ',y IMf-lH.JLM., together Willi -11 tilt; neces. wiirv out-lMiiI iiniiH new Cribs, Stable, tVc. The !.. i on eMielleiil tanl firt- n Hotwe of Enter tiiinirciit. A I -so FOR SALE, A no'licr Tract of Lnml, Lying 011 both sides of (i rant's Cn:e!i, six miles . Miitbwoxt of ."-nil -'wry. "ittnittitt? h? Vrr. I'roin lotl to 200 Veres Hi - i i' c d, hImiiI 0 : liich is excellent Meadow jn d .ordcj, Tli'Ji'e 'Tli a gold DW EL LIN O-llOUSE n the 'and, a Barn, and other out-houson. Tenm, vil tie made accoiumiHlatiPg to any one wLdiiii to jlllil Ikihc. (TJ n i. ue deiiring to see tlie Prop'rlv, will plenm cail -mi lii Kniwnlwr, living liur uulus from Salisbury, on the nwd to Boiittie' Ford. There will aluo be Sold, af public auction, On Tuesday, the 2It day 'of Octobe,:, OS 1'HK SHOVt; rKKHS, - A qimitltylgl GRAIN 'f all kind-; STOCK of all kind: w'AW.:l Togetier. with various other :artudH-tlMti to nieiiioQ, T:ru8.''luau.Jkjiuwa.'oa.lu,4lHv--uf (ft" N.B. Should the above tracts of Land not he disposed of t'fore"tn tMst dnv pjrMvfeiincy ' uill alto ititd m Out tin ifr-i 4k lkitfkn kid' dir. . . IX)(KK. -rVptemlier B, 188-1. - " Ids ' 'PJIE Suliecritienintertding Kt carry on a regnfar Isisiness at BUTCHERING, In t he Town of SHlisbury, wishes to buy a huiiilrr of gotsl Beeves, for which th highest prices will lie niveu, incu.sh. t& His CTiistohiers aro "nof ifi'eirtmFTie liTlf Tw ready to supply tls-m with (TOOD BEEF "on Tueilav, Tlmrsiliiy, sivl Saturday, of each, week, iiit'tie itSTut" ilia soason, at tho uil mteA. - ' . .;V JOHN. L SHAVER; Salisliurv. June 2?. 1 83 L ... , . .. .tf. Lincolii Cotton Factory. rpllE SoWriber, intending to leave North Ca- rolina, oirer for sale liis interest in this vain able establishment. He h;. concluded to diutle bis interest into Shares ol 100, and has apisiinied JOHN BEARD, Jr. Esqr., his agent at SalUbu. ry(r .rjwjyj ng. . Sjj m ft pt iens.., - liiiurmation-m au gard to the Factory, will be furnished on nni'lica- qttMiy tb- wwbsfn ler- Enif'dfnvn; "srfi rfje uTins 01 J5uoscri)iion, oy nr. iteara at nnstsirv JL-'I- i J,M.ii''-,.tt tiAiarOl t TV-rPH LimudntoivJuisi 28, 1834. if iii:cKWiTir THOSE who are afflicted with HE AD-A CUES, HEART-BURNS.sml other distressing rrmn- turns of disordered stomach,' bowels, and liver, mav find relief in Dr. Reckwith'a Ante-Dyspeptic Pills, which can be had at this Office price tirty cents per box ' "The Dirtor,' who once resided in i this place, but now lives in Raleigh, has, after a long and exten sive practice, been enabled to compound a most va luable remedy for tlie chronic disease of the di-gestire- organsi so common in Southern climates, especially -with those who lead sedentary lives. (t would lie an easy matter to make out certifi cilte to prore that these Pills are a 'sovereign re died) " fur "All the ills that flesh is heir to;" but it is not preteiHled that they are an universal anti dote. Certificate of tint most respectable Physi cinns and other gentlemen ran he shown to sub stantiate fljcir eHicaey in the particular class of diseases above spoken oft and the Editor of this paper can (estifV thai, it ha derived speedy and permanent relief; iu' (he use of them, from a most distressing arid long-continued head-ache. Some of his friends trie! themVaf hi!u'tioh,and ex. perieoced tlie same benefk'ial eflects. U JUMBLlCtS-jttf. - .--v.. ... Cheap Baj and Good I The HulMKriliers-rcepfCtfolly beg leave to inform the citizdfu of Sili4xiry, and the public in .1 u I a kat general, lluil niey ihio nw mriired the ItutcheriiiK IHiIMw, and will berealUT be "pn pared, every MU.aim i , WEDNESDAY, aud FRIDAY morning, to fur. i.ImIi to their cuntoiiiera and all other who are lomi ,S tlie article. REEF. of the very let deHcnptMHi, not nurMumed by any in the State for the quitlilica that render it bo diliglilful an article of food They.n'Hpcctfully elicit a trial of their meat, 1'l- iii( mnir,ii.'ii 1 1 mi in. ii iw"" 1 1""' w,n j-"-- and .be tlie'm'f anaof (K-curing to them, a gftotUhure of public iMilronugf). They Will. wlPon the moat roHi-imiblw term that can ue Httonieu. P. SHAVER & CO. KdiMbury, July 10, 1W4. ' tf kV a? r 1 1 .". Coach mid Cnrriajrc Making, A.' c, In Salisbury , by J. XV. Ilaiiit j. 00" His Shop in on the Main-Street, between tlie Mjuinon.. 1J.sIcJ..iuh). tlwi Nyteru Ciirolinittii jiriiil? ing-oilice, w here he iuteuih to keep on hand, lor sale cheap. Every description of Vt hides, From a Stage-Cat li d iwn to a Wheel-Burrow. (TT REPAIRING will also at all time lx; at tended to, anil executed in a very uerior mumier, at the shortest possible notice. ..... Charges moderate, aod tunns mudc easy. Salislsiry, Sept. 0, ly Travellers' Basi :z Hi ft 3il Jiijta J;.' SITUATED SOUTHWEST of J'llE COl R J - HOUSE, IN THE TOW N OF .IXAlAIT.,jiIXI.IA..-- Spring ty Summer Fashions HORACE H. UEARD, Tailor, II Et.S leave t 1 infirm his friends, hii.i !ac ; as i.t i.Mi'ni t On I iir tlml (ir iiu - in iiu lim. will alivuvs Is: tlianKtii!' v r. ceiveU bv linn, and eX'Ttt'etl in the most eat, l''iHh.oortl)l.', ami Ihrrnbt"' inii!iiiOr lenns us re.is iniihle ,n any in thi- ctio(i of i- ii a try. II. If. B. h'.ncs, fioiu kit, lun-' 01 acute of in busmw-i t" nttinbrr of yenrt 'T.f whicli 'liiiic'"lie resi,ii;ii in tli') ci'y f Philadelphia.) and from tin general satufactn 11 he ba hen?t"fre given to hU numerous re-psctable ami fushionablb custoioers, to merit and receive a portion of the patronise of tut public iii g:ueral. iT J- It l!ittl.N"liimdi.ir iKm ti.u I'l'TTIV ... , . ... j ,1 u. . r!i.'(..ipexwi to. auy dooe .ui this ute us- my ueiesteu oy the unuispotett elepnre ot ht which attend garuiouts luade in hi establishment. U ;,. ..i ..:... ,.r .1.,. iA... ..... .1 ... ... r; -; ,t " 1 1 .1 .1 ,, , IB! UIIS COUUiry ttJIU Ol CUrope ao t ut! immiV.tkln-trTmm-mHmtthnt-ynfrtw'm-ir mi rf4W 4 ilieir orders t al.Way ;l LlbA.iwnt.kUM.sUlo. OnfeTriunl'ulsTiiK will be at toml J wiih ' tbsatnr pUocluidiiy 5iJTeif 'the-rtr'tCT-ijl'i i'i--.r.. '''''-'-'-'- ' :-':r4"rit were pn-scm 111 jiersoo. r Siiliobttry Aby 17, 834-ly- -0 REMOVAL. Ileaijaiiiinrrnlcy. TAHX)R, informs his custtsners and Uie puhhc in ge neral, that he hiu' It) moved kin Slum to the house au juiainy thw store of KWnkJrw,UieHnw o& ot the Courtliouseih the Officeof Mr. Matthieuton the Main St,rpct wlif re lie Is :prpar4. to do ewry tt. wchpiiuD 6f work -in tlie line of his business, in a style suisirior tu any done ui this cUon ot' eountry, on as reaMin.iuie isrins as any, and un t-iort notice. B. F. rearnlnrly nxives,' from the .Northern Cities he-Reports of the"FaBliiulM a Uiey'faTyT"a"noVash Ima cisisianMy in hia employ a number of workmen w'v are (irst-rafo, he isttnahkd to aura the public that all work done by him will be bolhjaidi tenable ami durably -garments -fimde by bif'workttien'wtBwtsiy trmmtitrd to fit the cutlomer. . - - -f"" "-"':-'-!"- ."JUalltfJuLiur r"Ptmi x r'"'' ni eUjwLere, will oe ptinotnally aUemlld ta.t)lrj from a distance thankfully received, both for cutting out and making up work, r- I'okIucs received in port pay for work. . To -TWnrs. -B. F. respectfully inform.--.thc Craft, thnt be is Aticnt for the luventur of the TiUetit .Mole of fulling, which is now 'almost universally iised at the North, mi l that be will give instruction tu nnv one who inuy diKire to bo more ported in that branch of the.f rt, foraTPa'ble'coTippn'ioiL'''' " Suliyimy, ls;U.-ly R FRALEJLI ,Fja.-Ysiirxi;i'aVnii)1'Wstf,iY1'" k'rt7i'J--l'W:y'?r '8' State of North ('aroliiia : Court of Plm find Qua rfer Session AtT.t it T:iti, Ii. JSsUW-TlioiiiasiiHy;- V Heirs ut Law of Fraisis Williams, dec. Scj. fa. 1 N-this- cnse,-it 'tppearTrig; to the satisfaction of the Ctsirt, that TheophiluWilliams, Alexander Williams, Thomas Williams, 'David. .W'illuuiu,W'il iiuiii Grigs antl Cupa hTi wife, and George. Wag. gotsrr and his wife A I In, are not inhabitants of this State ; It is therefore Ordered, by the Court, that publication be made in the Western Cainliniun, for sir-week successively, fcf the said ThwphiluH Williams, AlexanderWilliams, Thomas Williams, David Williams, William" Grigs and Cupa bis wifb, aud George Waagoner and Alia his wife, to be and appear tiettjre the Justices of our next Court of r"leas and quarter Sessions to be held for the Coun ty of Davidson, at the Courthouse in Lexington, on the econd Monday in November next then and there to show cause, if any they hate, why the plaintiff in this ea shall not have judgment for the amount of her debt agahwl tlie real estate of tne siutt t rancis illmrrw, doc. which baa come to tneir naiws by uesceirf, Attest : SAML GaiTiier-cAo. By D. MOCK, D Septemiljer 13, larfJ4 - 6t FropoaaU lor rnMiliin? In the Town 'of Morir.-mton. X c -vb-a WEEKLY XEW?PAt ER, t suta thi title or THE MUUM'AIX YHIG. A tho first inquiry, tipsi a propowj f tvM generally is, " What will be the p.,litk4il clurari,, if tlie paper I the nubsenher will gaa aw, witlwut the least reserve s Born ami educahsl in Virginia, liii earlieg u J hi hmturest feeling and cisivktitsw are 4tu)$. favor of thosf pol',lcaI principle coeriwW. tinuished fwllow-citizen who have presidoil artlc destinies of thi grent Republin. -' He belieye that th celebrated Virginia ni ky 'Resolution and Rcpislsof 17!H and I7H9, were drawn up by thon greiit tatsmei an4 ptrH Mwliwm and Jotrersnn, eontin a true expnstUai f right of tho Bute mid of On relativt powci General anil Slate Government. -- - lie thinks that the snre way to roi4 roHis,,, would be by adhering to a Uutul' roRMtructksi f Constitution, and by abstaining from tlie eterrmf 4 any power, wncuicr 11 ne oy inf uetieru iMwnwnmf or by the States, that is not clearly delrgiSn! i, fiirtner, oi evidently -reserved to the latter. The structive power, as it is railed, is nss to l!wn tlmnofs'it fiirce, beciiist itseftrriKichiiM-Titsareiwt anil grudunl a to excite little or no !preti?vwHi, ,,,!, at the saiiW time they are uiitlerrmning tie ierj u, dat mils of our system. lie tliinks that nothing can justify an infnirtis the Constitution. One slight breech will open l1 wr.r fiir another, and tint (I a third, until everj 'wwtrjrj'ji loses its oiij;iiiitl strength, und we Tw-tius; tii'i' to enuroarliiiieiits. On tins sullied, as on nuoiv titling 1 the atliiMinitioiis of the grout and gd Wsbhiiigtua ax jumriMi anil wilutary, " Y rerclenlH, mi lie, mi Kuri'well AdtlrciW, "are dnni'erons th.ns; hi 'tun; 4lahn of ikr CoiHtitnlion lir nprik'nih-d, IfJf, we, let it be auieii'led, but nut HUliereJ 1o H trsnij ii pun wuue 11 mi an existence. - - The Hub-cribcr ha w'itiwiHl, with jiarnful tnin, . tlie ti'inse 1 precedents, wbfli hxve tH,''i nia pfef j. ter away tlie tVinrtrtntirmmT'tn pT6rs alTta, ! is scarcely like' the same n.tri'i-''nt t.Hsl.eaine fa the hands uf tli'- 'olieni o i v.h:n Cstuti j, T1 p-rrrrrp-nf ' impl,ltVLr'!wnTrnlTrT''snii-T;" lisw.ot' (juvtirauiuiiL u auuu .L,....i.t 1'. uJ) to.-ji,-irrei'ocahlv cbaned. At prpMPiit, the dim'.'cr fioin this son-rp is. jmnj iti'ire thrpatemntr tlian it hit- ever been t an Sim . .-,-Wmi hw m "ponr" w lri it-iit ttiiV!'1jiT(-,f ' in I co. ' ' r u t. 11 ifiirtiiiuite'v p ip Oo.-. or .i.ve jut si.'SmiI, so !:- i J'""'irity. tli'it t. 11 a.i-TTfv rwa tr overlnokel by h i . ,n i'm-ie. nnti wis,, p4,' r'y.ii!f th eonhib-t-T -or' 'i r nnstor-nts issT."" pulcuH riilejity to tlieir Irusia. ..1,1 fi.r-jeJfuI1 tleli.r but tlie gnitificiil.nn ot'tliP'i i: ( -i; H aji:Mtiei lor their inordinate iss 0:1s. - -Kumirh -has Iip.ii--hi4 indicate xvhat wrid -teHar' ;r.,.,,;.l .;,).! of "The Mount , ill Whig" 111 retfj )t i .: i'.,-:si politics. I As to Ststp concerns, it will ailnrate a sitenlr iltT. it 1011 ct the (.oilftltnlion, a hlieraj-evrtetii of ititnnial I liii.ir.ivemeiii: an Ante -Mere roorMP t4 K -.ro-.ttn ; anil evpry thin? else calculated to advance the mul ,j, TiTy nfid hohnr of the Mi tor s adopted State. , A due proiortion of the paper will b dpvntad to IV us- Miml. I. lerarv. ami ollwr 11 fill nhi.v-it tn,m. si, ., ' r7'.",'w' 4Uicr wan iou iM.nitf .u w.m id. 4S,t, nH rm nn ' fueiL'ii; aiul it co'umiih n1iII always lie ornament, ed v ith pvtrict.i from tlie I.icht .itpratnrt of tbpsrr, ' and sutti e;:jrts uf thp I'oet's and The Wit imanna. tive powers, wwilllbril to it put ron that M Varwaj-" which is "the very eic. of lifs." Nnthin? will hp s iectc' which in ciih iilaled to imprwe t.te awtentnasl inoSlii" benrt, w'lib r erv Vnp of an opiis!te loa- I Hency shall be txcltnie.i fnei, it cuhluuu- 4 - " " ,. T TFIIMM Ac ' '- ' ' 1 - , -pl 1. Hip r1 No of " TIip Mountain V.hiff"wiH In i Wlieo. jg..3ijiiii JiXia-jjfui-it- minus r.-nf' sulw uwii - ... . . im be. VK,tM -nee s xcwk.-npoa' ft ' t" miui wiUi'new tvie sih on 7no! t,siTr 4hr''t!cf"x;kVir1ye''oii the" 'rVsfou'f of fuie'fiti ' Currvul Pricc of I'lvduce, tf- ':::'.":ATs.mpuRYW- B'icoii, ... . . . V2 a i" ..HnlasUiM, Hntiitlyi apple, -. 4t s 45tXai!g,-". - peach, . 4 a fri'Oat, . . . ; Hum -. . . 10 a lij.Kye, . . . OftTOfl, In itftjd; . 2r iSuinir, tnwn, itil. . rfl.!?i . ' tl! cl can. It' kxif. Cotfee, . . . I a II-Salt. . v iiti- Com, . . s'M'T'' "-.r:." :Fkmr, (srarce -vXTal a W) Wheat.- .Tstsfcrf)' il FWed, ,.iW.jXkTikcv-- 4ii.. .-'..J....-A-..M- AT F.K VV'I'TEM l.lX.ScptpmbeT 3ft Iticon. . . . JJraiuly, ppscb, ojiplo, Beeswax, . . Cotloe, . Oitton, . . . Coin, Fla.?oed, . . . 15 a UV'.ron, . .' ., . o5 a ttl11 Molasses, -. 45 a tO Nails, eat,. . . 17 a 1 Sugar, brown, .121 a i:U, lump, , j l;U a tlft; kt . - W-w-7-Slt;""";" rr -. 41a ? ft j 14 ItSaW Wall .lKUtKKIW"htt,. Featliers, . . . 3:1 a 3Ti Wuil, . . . 1311 Bicon 121 a 151 Meal, (scnrcc,) Beeswax, .. 1(1 a.niMula!.-....,- ,.4tuM, Biitl.'rT""r"'7"i5a2iiN'iils. . . , . 71 ! FB$L .-. Ai a .lSjllaljLittaJXfc) Jft--,- Cotton, new, . . 14 a 14 1 Rice, . , , .4-" '"?. Corn, , . . . . 7j a SllSaity in sacks, .3" -JZ rrainrrt, Tl j Isisl, . Fta.y ed, . . .100 1 la -Wff'tRTf hugar, prune, . n)n Floor, stmer.- tine, Iron, . . . Ird, ,. ... .051) a UftXi lume.l r 5 a fSTallow. 1 r in 1 . 10 I? - 1ft a I't.'jTess, -. '-r- '""'".'rS' lr 6V50 a aits-Wheat,. , . .H5ta rMai'kerel, . . AT COLUMBIA (S. Cpfcmbei' li i Bacon, T.JI J2J.La.aL-ii. Biaiiifji, pescb, apple, Bpeswax, . . Butter, . . . CoiTbe, v J, . Corn, ... Cotton,. . , Flour, ... Iron, . . . ,"-7'V- - X.lolies, ; . 4fa 50(ATncWeI,,. . 12 J a l"8aH, in sac Irs, . IS a 2'J . feikJtel,. . . 12 a HStnrar. blown. .- 4.-.tc5-- 4J iH- 10 . GO.KKij WiJump.l'i" . 10 a 1-JTallow, . . .750 800!Tea, .... 11 . 4a S.n-hislicv, . ". . 40 1 j6 AT CAMDKN, (S. C.)...SflptembeT a Bacon, . . . . U I'.'i Brandy, peacli, . 4r .V ; ' anppl'e, . Xt a Beeswax, .. V 1 -J a 1" Cotton,. ... 10 IS. FlonriN.Car.).t00 (Cii.mui-o.a!ii!; '-on. ft.' i sci! -P- " 15 Fetheri- 30 a 5tnMieat,ew. v -. 1. i- 1; ' r -' - i '

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