6" V f .v n iTITU VT fttLCB. f nil; CAROLINIAN. ' SALIsnuuY: STATE HOVER&GNTY-Na. 3. That the queataia Ulata fVvpri-ifii'y hi one that Mnulw very import nt cooiiu e, may be intVrrd from the (VfsjuMl reference tu it in Uie tJrnrl Con rata?, ill the different 5UU) Convimtmn, tiul in se. arret CoAjfriwional debatae. In A w words, Um HUIt Simi'ig a, of ft lira under a Vtm-Malt4 (h tiMitfal. These lUruaUe wf obvuma lo tli tin dwunjunhed HtateanM-n whose authorities we liavs ewit, and bene their friijiiiiil twrtHm State (ti i.'iily, and their di-dmc of twe part of the (Wtitut urf liicu were mb-mied u proUHi Uwl Hu winty. We have klr dy citid nimierr authorities to an .but tiit 'urtriiK; those kukvrto ad.!iM-d Ut bra bie chiefly from trading members t th old VdMl bmu4i, u iie p"rty ha hrm tnrrr iwtinod bMA Uin utiur tu enlarge the pownra of Uie Ifin rl OVtirnrnent, A.r a-iuiini in of Stale Suver fntjr u mrwe rmiive rvukim- of its reality. With the pit ! !! rtv, Aor .Swr.ti iu'y In. alwiJ bn-g ir:.nit ,.iit ; ami therefore we lute d. mel it un H. -nrjf iu hi lh ) - miii'h U'KtiinHiy fio' ii tla-m. w'.ii,i, iMi.i'Vfr, h-tore we Ire.e tiiu subject, quote ifrt IjiU wi, i-f aprehrnd, ! imnl-mi irrrsmti. fc A i - ill we kimll ni'iliui- our iiKMalioiu to I lie ,.. r. .,J f!i(,l.li lo frtjf my llli-nlinn to f .- '.'i'' t'lii' M j,iri QiHt!iin hi - "r'fciiffl'MP ff. t)" nKtmmif v- .. .'!tt j .!... by OmI iiaU, it nfk iiu (m- f i.f ''i ' t'noin ri) th''n Uy niitijird, .r '' 'ii S:, tit, t inn t Member u Cwhhm nrnm i ". til l, imt iKPui'-d Ffili'mliKt, m npnuvtl . i- M.ui i4' V.iiifi into i h LiiMi iiulij t.- (jr.ili.bitnl in li-r ciii"tiUiiMi, or in llie ruin pi,', iii n 'iia-KMi. 't Mr S.'iiit K-,rli'l tlx ftrr iC "i "f t'' tttn. Il H'rtl, liMfixivt,truU ti.e C i.i' I'l'mli cm;iur. Hi' MVir- "Ti.'1 n.i!iuHHi if tlx' M.it' ii ilnt'lf t fmpti, I n ,iiini,.in it' tin" Hmtitl State rampart W ii xixluik! MaU'h; and it wnoM be difficult to tmign any (it roi.ui hIiv, upuh Um ilniMWitl of iacw Hutc Iu a rUC ft'ou ih lii privilc(fv and Iwt- lit i if jie Uiiimi, mt'ii tcima um ht not be proooxl iwt iim miM upui, a t ie cm.Tiil welarv mitit Mm to mjiiire. Aa the :iMilnii'fl, v lulrvrr it may bn, dn fw tt fciwlmj rtl'Mwy from th wnt n1 trw Htti-OM-h iU SotmrritinigM (jiulibixl Suvcrviniy enablra it to ifivr, a new Stair ia ita rmnin'tcnt a an ok) one." .-. -tt has trefty Sti remarked, act a Hate, at the moment of.-ttv fcirmaiioa, w af en tt'y $ovt riiga, and a ripnbln of nmk'tiif a binding Mitnict, aa it any future upriud. The nal (jneslion, I'TeRire, tt. whi'tW it in beytif1h! pimer of any Ante in thia UnuMi, fur any cone tl. tut ion whatever, to M itM'lf by cxnmct with anothur Sintc, or with the Piitrd Sutea, to prohibit Klavr-ry witliin it horJeni1 L aupjime o, rme to tmpnri a want tiF ftitireyi n thw, rtw h euuUi 4UiI mmm bun H p"HM mm n nr the tinititufjun. koJ iLU 1 1 u ; atSnwd.'' h j. ,1, f4), -4aj. tw thrrtrrri: tfeiitcs.liicli uuinuMMl.Jt m "(Sian rwfl fiMNWir.flJ mlepcnikiit auti, piaw '"rifn mr an um pu.'pnwa ot Jomen a ""II aa rfo ic l-jh4atin. Will respect to tue.etJttiuir Sutea, f wtty te ftnumod t tfief -w rT rh tier' f"7'"f gviirf ier kiid riirlit wliVFiw not conco- -aud-hy tbHn to the Vil Um.r T?u itTtnr n"iuT X "rTirir nr rwtPira llie UiOKtitution-fctlii y only n lnnrt what -tftny AWiire puji'i aeif,1' ' ' ' Wa woold recomineml tliii but ftiitraot toihe parti. wr coiuideritioit of liat cho of (adilieiami who de V 11 Ike Sutia ara t oacb &ivrei$n, aad t-lio" maint that tlie States 'ie eonaii-, derived their t"ti, from another aonrce hKfiierfhim thmlvee. W'mid' of Mi of the day, m one of the mo, lmpurlunt aud cxcT i"f ehatea thjt ever altatadaae. auowlry, diaCiwlly 1 teffimif Stata .Snvv-iVie.-BeWtrieermfr J Mr. Scrjfoant, the Sutra could enerciao all the Kwera of Sovereitrnty, both inhcir fjeeign aiddo- SI. "j"!. . w toey ailoptcd the UxwtitutWft, ej ijrecd, by uvai ,,mm, , . .. the" flitnrt exercbe of emne of tri.'lr' av'.vervii.Mi t'vJikti'iaV)fexpr tiie worda) m;vnion. . But it ie conten led, by two cfowea of men, that, be- tlie States cannot now exi.Tfi) all the right of yereirnty in a ample a manner Ha rheymighl before prowmt CoAiiiitittion waa adopted, tlipy cannot he avrein. J The unc cLua who thus ream are koneat 'hi: liave mit given the eubject that attention which ia tWary to HmleMnf--cerrfclly the other ntlaweie Viiku any tack Uutt -nimieee -thwH- eetevin tbew it fJtitt RijrhtsljB the tirHiJ aoctrinc of the I'Fi tiitue riirn uro tlioroiijfh r?ico, and such irtick- I'rt fur Slaie Hfivert'ignty, that thoy would make the Qcueral. lewrmrKmrw'Twtrf 6TrWiit!)n",wilK'Tci P'fer than a county court poder-siips : bnt, if the popu ""Tty w a ravontf lailer render the principle of Com i!io!jnn.wdoiiHuat in th ouhlio rerar4,tJmMaame "TU mil vtw aUit wit wl contend for the sovereignty and omnipotence of the "tithi Oovernineiit Th verv fast that the State aereed voluntarily to W tvont!tlltioii. and rnnredrd. thftrchv. tn the General "("eminent certain powers, is of itself conclusive proof ' weir aoverointy. None but sovereign could make compact j anil,3 nay thatiticif SuvCreitji Wae '7 the historical facta that we have quoted, but it "uW go to allow that there is not a sovereign nafibn i tha globe,- inasmuch aa there is Jiot one which haa n" ila own" free wilt atiuulatfltTwith other nation j uin from tbe exerciae of certain aovereign powera. I The Editor of tha Wilmington People's Preea i OiiHa t m.H . M ..1 r . . . . ll.p 1- vur vornmenu 01 me am mwani ; ouv reaiiy reiaon mo-knit I.;- I.... . Iw.il. u;,Ai;L f Ina " uld U Uie UnS" the Kickapoo In- Tke,for Pltltinla till fiJIMilniv MMnwnk Wa f"WWe krmw i. rw...T 1 a avraair Biiirxuiiiii vi tin" wviu kVPV flit iTTIF Ufa tsa Mnnnl Aariva frmn tkd aa wwjes waacwaua-v wjmm a aauaaw av e e aaa ".ir ijnfinr-.r1( Mff, i wr, ver-f tf I i'hi Ut hi t'iffm ( 'A.t lnn;ii tUt pfrrr,. u fi.t (W,V I'1"" W Ui EJit. of U. I'frw, lf. MtlKf.X, .. , U'e id tlMt it N iniM rerUia ttiat the Fi-'eraiwta trrW in ,m)f-tng U tnttrriinu n cv winnq wiinin Htrir 1-nK-rili of d ,:1jt,uiu aa an Uluntratm a lU rW Vr, a r,f, ,u luirfi,.' iwnlirt the 'fwrt art uf tr.' mrmiulit 1 a rvat and tU iiU eimmlm ,j (u ()ternment m pvinittmf trraq lo U nnJu-n i iu rVnate,' " ' Dut lh E.M of the Vtn aticka lo it that rra eaa ht HlttKKN in tbia wuntry. aa wrli aa in Turkey or Raw ! He aaya )ha it tua been !miM aa an MMkm by .(7 awrfM-t is Ih fiitM Ktataa, U thirty yara at !it,that Uuu tumidly feSI'CAK at f ACT trtttnn. ' Now, really tiiu ia ne Uma. Will th RliU be i kind aa to trp tw in what pihlio doruii-nu we may find thia politittl aHnt t ia wneuiinf mr than thirty yar antra Mr. JefTrrarm waa flrxt ehrtrd Pre-, aid.nt by tta Hepttbliua) pv"y. W then edited by the KrjniHinin forty t V wt art 0t4 f reatljr miaken, lit. niTrtm mird hi rltk and h pnjNilnt ty to wry Jtfifenl JUm ; the alien and iilrnn law of th priTcding Adm.nbtnilien aiiiiitcwj l'i a littp Uiwarda tiie eVabh4irQctt ilwM an aaiow. The rrimtn ( wxy ' i (rrune f ofli tiJinf nia jMy) wa reeoi;nie. on tlie ititote-bimknf tliet'pjtcd wtf in 171H ; but, ao ut ffien tta bmiminj aa mxitm Oirn that Iwq nmli bt ijxArn, the ery rqverie hatn'l, and an ttr-inr by tlie party in p-iwc-Mu r ttraui, by (nJlie, tlie librrty of apwii and of toe pri-a, pfViK-til a pnljicil rrvolutmci. Ilae the VaIU uf tin I'reiw ew reail an nU fi)iWn. ed inorniiirrii ca!W4lie (jnetitutnin of the V. KutnT We ak ni'-rety dr information : we do not wmh to be iinjvrtmut. Fur truly o fear that unlca Mil cIkhjI nialera make that old pditcal covenant a manual with tlwir M-tHiiari, anotW venr-ratmn wili know w little abiNit it, and care aa little, aa Mahomedane know and rare fhr the Bibk-lndeed It hal l!hdy been abrogmT led, in a freat NHMire, by the Prucleinatina and the PnaVat ; and tlMMjewla of Amenrana now kmk to 0ve Jieniimta1iiT the ywmnda of their political ftltl. with u much devuiiua aa lh followers uf Mahomet or of , .Morn evince in their biwd aJbtrra to thuir xa ajMTllV pflipfn-t. IVtxrniiiwtd thai rum of the readera of the tamli. nun ahiiold be dftitute of a cojiy of tlie CWlitutiiai, we puhlihitl it a frw werki and we now refi r all who w mh bi ktow what trrtn corwwla in, to Article III, Section 9. Tliey will there find it atated that " Tnuiaon aa.nwt the United ftlatm ahill rannxA ONI.V in Irtytnf T tgmintl thrm, or in lktm( la thrtr tnrmtt, fitinf lem iA tni rurnf'irl," Dot we are told, by a Jaclono-Van-nifen lilit.iT. that Sir "at leant thirty yeare" thia article of the Cormltlu tion haa been obaolele, and that (reaaon ran Ac tpkm that ia lo any, man may Wrer words that ought lo auhjrrt him to tlie puniahmeflt preirird t One who would take np arme and flht againet kia conntry ! ! New, if (with in thia Van Beren inm Crn alone enti tle nnn to tlie name of Rfublinan, foai may call me Federalist, Tory, or any thing ebte-aa Falt!f aaya, yon utey call rue Aorar, but 111 never eubocube lo aoeh a creed. Aftrr dilating on .bia newly-diacovered uxwm, tlie EJilor of the Preaa atatoa a aurt of i coroIUry, a 4 lowa: "And now the oueation ia, can a Government etarxl, the iiUjUneaaof wInmo- character permrU an overt let of traaeon by fitate, and alan prmiU treaaun to be aauaWa in M Vmtm 1 UV chink. -r mm mm J. -i Ii I'Uir "of llie rrolinian think on the uljir I . ... ! . , The Editor of tkerroliiia 4hmka that the rHaiiA SSl-"' ara&aervtt a SirOe. caaaef com- mUUruMUWidiJuf i or any wuere eiw, a iui xuicuiuua a uuiwu m nj 1 -1 : I ... ,. r one to entortsin who bae teayacttt ! jniderataBdtai4 f imiyieiaietice to oefend, the tamrtitutmn.- El JCTIOX XETURXA , COXXECf ICL'T-Jn JJua Stale ta offmm ean- diiRttie have iiuirced, by a amall majority. DELAWARE-!" ' UnaUte the option aw artWWJed: . PEXXSl LY AJCLi. Full ratuma Iowa out yet bee. wciwi? ,U aiiccrtajttoi that nine oppuwlioucia fvrt of Conjjreaa" have been jelecti-d, and aeenin ftvrir of the Aiiintniimtion, Twelve districts yet remain to be-riwrd-rntrn.- In -thr-Cttr-ef PmhrHrlphw, Weeper majority of more than HXX In Philadelphia County, PutherUod and A4ie the AdminietratMHj..eamIiilHU-e, auecewled overGowew and Watmoneh ; hot the friends of theVlatter exreeaa a determinatioB, to-contest jhfi kave takbn place. " Tke City of Baltimore, which has heretofore given Urge majorities for the Administra tion, has lately ejected opposition membenkJjjatjaax there were, in tlie Hou.ie of Delegatoa of tbe SiaU,47 Jackson-men, and only 83 opposition. -Now, there are 63 opposition, and only 1? Jackann-men ! And is the Senate, eonipowid of 15 members, every one it e tht n(e1fRr B0Um-3AR01i?f .W have: ilM 'rccun'erlltiT? TrrnsTbut Adnjlniatralion has proLaLTy gaineiTa GEORGIA, The Administration has gained consi. derehly ni this State : all the ne;ll-eiocUai Jklembwa orCbncfress in jckn-men. The JWembera of Con- (hia means, those who, left the Administration after ita kta outrages, have-keea beatew l tW-awlf tnajmtyi is much stronger than it was last year; they were then treated With derision oft account of Uielr woakneM,kul mm Uiey are nearly ewiaj to their bpponents, and will outnumber them before Uie next election. The elections took place on Tuesday, the 11th met., in Pennsylvania, New Jerney, and Ohio. r Both parlies consldw tha two latter States doubtful. The eonteat waa of coi irse" wirin ' and closeT . NEW YORK. The election takes place in this State on Uie first Monday ia November. Both parties roftwto be aanpuiiie of socoesa by large majntitiea We muiil say that we shall be airreeahly surprized if the Van Buren party ahotild be muted at home. We hardly allow oarselvee to hope for sucb a result ; but, if it do happen, the M Magician " will lose bis wandand kistdopted political father will find, like Macbeth, that ambition haa r s "Put barren sceptre 1n his gripe, v Thence to be wreneb'd with an unlinral hand, No son of hia succeeding." i In VIRGINIA, tbe Van Buren party are making a last desperate effort ugakut Mr. LeJgtti but it will, we think, be auavailing. f ') ril'.iJ!!'!.), e ihe i.ynfJ.afi". bkl Mutwin, wiliitMMj ft rriipnj uf tle aj-enre of J Irf ml.li Uta Utterly Uoneti prrtalrul la lU ly Untnei pr 'Nirih, and wbiib ire a d ,rt( ti uje riiijed Umho, aa Wull aa to the law wbe imeiry m un ille to pot Diem, We nan n) yrt mt-n prt ra,Ut are only aUe tn Mt-, njajly, that Rre-arme rre uard, teteral irtJi uluata kilij and bully WhuimI- d, and l leioaea burnt to the r(ind i givea u plat i re lo atal Uat the IU Rev 'a Tlif Ivca, wU waa coaiprllnl,jf't painful dtwaa, lotpefKl tlie put anmior in Pukdrlpliia, under tlie ifiinediate eaieof jVa. I'hyaic aUrria, boa iaouer ri n Ut ae to be able lo return k Hie Dmk-mmi. lie d. Inrd to Hvraiuna, dmintl Uie tSaerament, and CiaifirtnH three adulta, ia Kt likc'e Church, ia thia Iowa, oo Uat febbaih i and tu dtViato tomorrow, 0 tifith, at CUriai Church, u Una reuty. We regret to elate, that, elthuupn bai keakli at aacb knpmved, b ia till feeble, and will be prrfveotal, ry tbe eaio e lra ri-ll.e. rem tualmf the Paiaaaa4 of Kowao tba fclL It t hie Intent inn, Wevrr, to do to dnrtnj tte early part of tlie eiuuinif irin. ' ra rna wteiurtaajouMtae. Mr. F-Jtlnr I 0m of my weirlibor waa InTownlhe otli-r day, and when be ruroo boiae be tuU ae Diet be reikuU'ti the Whin bad f4 liMHcf Iknirt utUwrfa, (4 be beard oioe t ilka, who re awa loie-aai, rrjuirintf at Ihenutta fruui UeuiryUo U4J ae awa at m, for I am a VMt, and I have ret dmn tn Oewrfy, naml Ik Mart, wno at a Wbif bw, and I ahould be fUd to bartliat Cue Duort waa oa tte lung mni of Ui douLle-reet mi ftieod, WCK SHORT. In ropy to our Awmd Dick, am five tbe following qnratwn pit lo bia couNa D4k ifuv the elect tua ia Urorgf, aid hia eotunn Oub'a anawer : "Oil 14 Mr. Hub 9Uli How Jjymi feel bow that tlie el'Ttaoia trv gmnf a?aint yo ao aineifly I WhjkJ fwl aa if aa Ktircu VuLk wodafa none. bxiegia, ami the devil bad the equiy of rorlemptum. W'l finr Utia ia cuid cumf'jrt It friend Dick ; but be a ill hrn, from tSe rejoicing af fca Aemaa jeoa. iren lViifi at a Tea Hrn reeea'af of a4ofe aVeief that there am at loaat two aurta of Whige, and be may r-4w what wmW be the aatewf the foirr Right! tt'kigi if the AalmiMfcl Iifmhi-Amn a t-Sftrrm n kit 1 ehould gnt into pnwtr. iXiea Iick remeniber the etiey of tlie little h"f and the wood en t-r 1 e willu-ll Hto him. Once, ania e timr, there eu a big brawny fl-IW, but with a pt rMiaaive ton;uihm hia intereet requi red it to be an, aUndmg at a ahtp-ibair aaar a path leading to a arlfcuil-hnuKe. Ir wanted hia aie grimud. but had nobnly to turn the erimietnne. Preaeolly a mart remaat little bnyeameaVg,on bieway toarbool. " My little men," aaya tie wood-cottet, how old are ym You are a fine etmt chap, ami I'll be bound a email fl-flow." -(Here tb Ud at)npnl, evidently plpeard with the cumpliineit.) "Caut yoo. turn the fhadelone ( me f eont inury the woudutf, Oh, yea air I alwaya tutu iur aleoWy." Tbat'ea, a. boyr j . Q Tb-boTtrrnJ, and the-nan got (tit ixa proDftH. But, aa aooa aa be aaw the ele fine eoonch, hia tone grew eoarser, and aaya he, Mrnt you afraid the niaa ler Mill acute you for etayuu 60m aclioul an Ion?) Heel it, you a'triy LuU riactU, of you'll get the hicko ry T Do yon take, frnd Dtck!l4. - U.MTKI) IN WK.DIi m -r-.r Tn bieOiiTntT. on Tffef the I Ilk maUnt. bv Tk. tCWnre, liuire, Mr. JSCARLET LATHAM to' Ma . In thiaCouutvoo Ike 16th faueant, by the Rer.Wtn. TUOMASOX to Mia" ALLLNE vi i. v.i. nilialU. ASDT,agod gedtKi Tii Surry CiiiAyuJlHJ Ttlfiiwlnrrt WWniC Maf" tin, K 1, Mr. WILLIAM EDWARDS toJUiaa JktAU- In SUikes CMintv. on the 21th ajtjnarjl. GRJfV In Surrr Counlt, on tlie 2Vh idtirao, by rVmhe. Jnfre. Si r: P KN AJfA VA.NZ l:, to iiliM LUA.Wr.l It llttll..V.1, a i-R'" f,,,.,,.,.:. I iikkr . ai a : aa a. aoeawaa aearai IM CM I IT J VAJffUJt lfl r. af . ai. f 1 -1 A-S JlUIVI'Vk; to Mew POLLY M. CAMPfjELL Alao, Mr. U. P. nQ0lN0, of Surry, to Muat RLBECCA MILIAR, 1. ..QaTkirttley twimh SniitemW kit, by the Rer'd Stcplien KronUa, Uie tv p. . BISHOP, of York ilUruajLUtoMoa ADEU.wi MrKNHiHT.rlangtp wa a l di.tu..IL . .. M'tr-r T. r"""i,nn?T-IL H j v" 1 j (n Alexandria. D.C., H.m.WM. B. BIIEPHARt.r this8lteJuAJlAKlafei WW nove, Esq., of the former place. t. utmatiAi -III MerklenhureCouiiti.ba the lt inidanL MiaaCA. THARLNE WOl-n. daughter of Mrs. Marv Hona. in the 19th year of her age, alter ao Ulneea of bat sixteen daya. -7,' . . .; . f-On lhe lSth'ofBepteniS.'rtjrt, on Roaring River, v imea tounty, in tlie 77tn year of hit aire, Cupuun SAMUEL JOHNSON. ' ' v A sound understanding and stmnjr sensibility give a virtnoas energy to the character of Cant Johnson, that uuturcd him the eel-atr rrr-bWnicoiiMn II.M..L Li. ..1.1: ' ' j t - iiuuiizn iik-. 1 im uiiiiif auiuui OI. irmmimnu. man. Mm were positive duties: hisjfcnevukjucc waa4ha result of- Sr. Mm?M9i,M fatdormaid bis duties aa a citjxcq, as the sacrod iujituctiuoaof pa. Tlik enmmfaamnl -C ll n...l..i: . . t I nTin' a"reeiient f Wilkes county, and ka waa one of Uie aevotea cnampioaa 0t liberty that resolved to be free or the depredations ot the Tories, or tlie approach of tha fritisk-ajawaavaair ward'cap dependence. The lofty atriotiaat and the deep enthu sisam for freMlom, tnspind by the events of Uia Revo, lution, survived with hire Hbis latest dayCom. f Vom i iAe Jfafra RrgiiHr, qjf October 2L " Cholera in U'laAwf on. -Rumors reached thia City last week, that the Cholkia hud nmde iu ap- lrpc.c.At raging with grvat malignity.: Private letters con. firm the rumyr, but add the grntifyinjr intelligence that Ihe fucker" proirreaa of the dweaae haa been arrested jby tl1 fortunate occurrenca of frastv V Tim whole number of death dots not exceed ten, hmst of w hom were colored persona. Thb disease waa most fatal whDe it continued, nearly every individual attacked having fill fen a victim to ita ravages, for a few daya, tke greatest conster nation prevailed, Imt now tke alarm las almost en tirely subsided. The Physicians of the place, we i . . i i- .1 . . 0 .I .. ... unoersiana, uiu inoir auty roaruuiiy. i From the CJurate Qaztttri, of ttctdlter 16. " Cotton is now cominir in freely, and readily dis poned of. Tho best Iota commanded 14) a few Idnye aire Uit tii.re the i.n, I.iur-J ( thorn tun J lute of . to d.) thajnm I bom Ui 13. a l .( ri Mi'i;' Y.Arui la Wy ar. Umn ,orih Cirulii.a fimifl will brinj from IV lo 13 cenla. 1'bnir ieiaarcf, am iii giHl oVnutixl al C to 7 J. Ux-J iu brink ib inaiul, al II i t S3 pt r U.ml. PrtkaiNtio, (Vtolier lfl. f)trr io Mr, itl. TUe Lhnrn r aiven U Mr Irith jeatenlay waa i.uinennuly athimk-d by llie iJriiKK racy of llie town and a lj'Hiiing tounlira. ll wae iil-ed a proud day (r PrtfriiUi rg" Hurt drtxla of lite rmiat rvbeetaUe cilixene of imr luwn, with t large coontime of P temla irir nrtoua part f lltfl Htate, united M pay tug iMMnare to tlm pti- vatD tiiUra aial Ike dietmpiolied errvH-e of iha aide atid eloquent d Cixb-r of Um ( Wiilutism. a hae act tuna, lo-diy, lo ruler Inlo a detail of (Ha jinawliiiLm. II j h of Mft Iigh waa manly vuxlxati m ut hm cotirwa I mm I lie a raulu LU h have ben ao unit wilt nunle utxei bia. Bmtivew atal hi buUie t'MmL He waa Mitied lo a ilk Ike oWutwt atleiaion, and tlm beta continu ed pralaoT aptaoea with wlm h it waa reeetved. rntiet have be gratifttngaaaurarre, in ine atue arid etii'e-iil arieaker, that the nil ItepublirM Mt$milli Kilr'ma atill awireeiata Ihe etrticeetif a aiibfid public eervaid, bo darca lo do kit ou'y to bia ujuiituru'j a-ai ta bia fouiiiry. ...... Goe. Tyler, and our (uftnrf Keprvemilntive, WouiLAixhar, Eao in yly to lua-ta (wel4 re 1 Iheir meidurt in Iha National CajtKili', rally areoanl llie c-xniamy m aa ebMiueul and 1 ' . . . . , 1 iiircawva BuuinerIVrWii mrr. ea'i rf 4Vea Oreaaev lke New OrWna IW, of Ike I2ib oltim,aayt "Hincw tbe year II0, we have Aral kad more healthy aoaam llvao (lie preeent, and wa anw reaaiatauly eiprct lo aw raa the epidemic liring Iha hoe' fna oaa, we beard a-mia little talk of yellow fcttHvlwL. uwal airttrinquiry, Wa mt Uo ,aoU o.fia ip a aingle caaa.' The wratker, for tka Uat fi w day, and atone the bite Heavy raimv hu been qiiita cxd and asnwalile rrtnet fvoral4e, with c0im0 pru dence, tn kealth. Of cholera, we kave tvd heard a ain? raw; and ahotild we. laailMaml.Bfah. m etmliiwaiioe of the like h' alil,we riMj tpev (hal boaineea will begin al an early aeaeoa. Ertfuirf Robber. Tka New York Commrr- cial Advertiaer aayai " Mr. Wo. C. ratteraoo, of rHokna oooniy, Nortk Carolina, lau ly ki kia pm ket kookciNilaiiiinf; llrtyira 6100 hi lie, ami one rw btH.uf thtr Bank nf the I'nited Statea end ita kranrkea, fill frmn llio kreaat pocket of bia ct, in ihe crowd levinr Iha Park Tkcntre. Uh had no cortaciouHmma of hia low till bia arrival af kia bidiHitira. fOramre Courrtv Hotel) in Courtland al., whera kia attenlimi waa directed to the. cnodilionof kia nal bv the harkeeuer. He oiF-ra a reward of fiOOO for Ike recovcty of ike liwuey." The New York Courier and Enquirer aaya: Muhkiatjh impoMyr, now io hriemi waiting hiaTriat, ta dullratlemW ojfa youu"g'ariUl,.wki la bnnily enpnpil taking kia portrait, "which ia lo U engraved (or ptiblieatKm. wa were yeetomejr uiliinmid of a circuuwtauca in relation to kia kuai nr, wkk;h uatQaiienndify tietrm vanity of thin knavish luimttc. Wbcm tlie painter fW la u km Uak-U-ily-i..lno,U akalrkuiM -portnut .1 ltl 0,fl. tMlt : thia MattHin would not , permit. mt iiawwra rna? ine amar enoum nraw nm nire ir fiill liMitbrrokoJ ItT hIspMitiiWn"& j which was accordingly mine. ; Tlw? pivtura repreicntt him in hli ,fl;w euibriJcrcoTd'iil "aluJioJ wUk ii, .auJ a Jflrw enn'raolMiiwia tfiT brew-di the eword of 1 1 l , . 1 .1 1 , 1 ! uirjerin by tu aioe, me mng nnc hir rneaauniig Parwliae tn hts right hiiinl.Riu a large coclied lmi, aViterod 'Wifh a varinly f atrniur? devicea, anJua hoed., i kir iiifoniianl fu ri her staled, t hut Mutt hias placed nimaelf 1n Tsrtrtr uf poeirionr, brfora 1w coold " dntcrrrufte nn 000 a Inch alnui4 show toe uuraiHi to inoat ailvantace Alas, poor fluioan tia- ;P-Yoaa, October Oth, VOb Tn tae F.JHr p Ih Cooirtef ni Enquirer: r Dear Sir i Ia afrnveranur with some friemle upon tlm . .na-feia ti subieea rfwadestliaa feU, 1 SUWd that in Kn(fW lea miUt had Mea dona by a mm oa loot within tka bout. Thia aaaertion was deemed a little too near of km to the Juarvaloua far a ent lumen toa'a alUw,avea with tka - ak .1 1. juiatngA in jio record, or in the dietniiee,or tn the time, j After a deal of breath had keen exnemVd, and tke aso. Qli'JLfif fameiwat, mj (ViHrrdevnr , u conviuc ur ooponenU al toe irata ol oar st.tement, sod tha auaMtuirt . of a like prrfrroenoe in thia eoua V!U tlie dvtiMO andn4 wborraoet diacmanonaDf tb8 aurt do eod m a let. - I am aabKAed that Ibis diaUnca has been accomplished by a aw m KotUnL and I am equally satisfied that what ia possible Uirro (ao ht w pederfriaulsra ia coacemed) ia enuaHy rwiblc hea 1 havehr-h'fbre wagered, Uiat, beftae. Uie, first day of may nexi, i wui pnnuce one or more men, in Mis aw. 'ryi (he may be wuMe, red, black, or of any tnuruioiU aie coiorj who anau go, on haa, ten miles to, one b"ir. I know of no likelier chance of finding such a num. tliaa by advertising, in. your wkley-extcnded iouraaJ, tliai tuck inane it mannL- Will von do ma tiefavor waHtVlsf-a1eTaBii ilontlnmi'ldilcl- tpme tKirnnae, tbat I will t-ive bVmio to the fimL bMIOU wjh'e!-iWfc hirn1 irhniTliiVd; iri aocompttaniog- tfeliarrcr, (ten miles Jd the hour,) oil tha day selectad for the triai.li' bulona akoukl atari. Milwir"be eautled to the wMa flJUlO, provided ne aooa n wiuiin uie . oour. jo onier tiiat tttoke at a distance may kave time to .prepare,, fur, luck apuibr. niaiicd,'! nave selecVvd the last tea dnvs of Am-iinexL or aomt one of which, to rna he the trial. :.. ",mJmim., a mm rrwiy, iii m .ii. B itYXlSX F.S. 1 do n Tmow if it would be askmir too much. but I won Id esteem it a favor if the gentlemen of the Press generally would, at such time and in such way aa may best suit their eonreiiimice, insert this notice. It may help a townsman, or perhaps a hardy backwoods man,, lo earn $1,000, and at the same time help me to Uie proof of my assertion that, as it has keen done in England, it can be done here, ,1V, J. C. ft , , Pick faclrta.-A youoet merchant In MarWatreet,' walking np uiat street, between Second and Third St, on Tbarsdsy last, near noon, observed two men before him, one of whom abstracted something from Uie noc kolof a gonUeman paaiiiijrUrmn with a travelliiijr bag ja his hand. The young man unmediately collared tlie thief, and the companion, after having vainly endeavored to extricate hie comrade, sprung over into tbe market, and 'escaped. Tke young man dragged kia prisoner along till be overtook the gentleman whose pocket had been robbed, who carwfally ascertained the aafety of his purse, and declared he had lost nothing. Of tonrae the thief waa liberated, but scarcely staid long erwnph to vent a hasty malediction, when he took to kia W is and made kia escape. Tha next mornin? the traveller, who said ke was a clergyman, called en the young roan who had arrested the pitfk"pocket,to y that he bad actually forgotten aTimef, bwmd Up like a nonN oo, which ke kad in kit coat pocket, and which he" did not discover tbe lues of, till soma time after the oc- no . i,t. la '., hiwdiKt tiiv Utur I rfi i'ui'r plinf Ilia riti nn i,( tua prirn, u ,,y f'.V pin t.'i' i uiaUm ui U k.id ha baa ever u 1 'S-rUki !i. wli,' llif ariil erme tiiat even l mlmtadia- miwi by tr'i t earrctana, Uia dtuw of U.ia Wf.rld uair iiiniKvltrlv tlie iJij' (1 uf Care and etUttliuU, tiMia the K'.t. iWwwt'i ('AW.) Aearfirr, (Ma im I iii i axaaw ana. The tjll"Win ailvertianurnt waa amied in (14i, W Captaia Pultiam, uf the U g Mabub, It waa afw rr-ji Uanalated and buUiabctJ in Uie Ltiinrae langut ve. u a tujcrt It aa a cur ty alwwmg the aiilinrpnce bntwevtt ' Iha ('hllii-ae eivl rjit'liah liom I Abaiia-!!, but iiilU frma the Auieriraa brig a bub, K.iini.'l llolliif, Ih f,.k, aad John Kiniili, the etc ard, taking wl.b litem 4.V) Ppenuh eVJlara brbaigmg lo Uie ftAaur ami rrt 1 rnw-r who r a rvwaia uf liny doilare r4 apji hi rvdng aaid eonk aud atiward, and aaf curing tlx. to, tuulbwr with the dultara. -u. v. rv .va, , Maatcr of Wig Nabob, at Wkampom Tlie Cliioeee V-r ia aa (ilbmri! an llie eviming of the third 6ij of the fik jo, two aerk trig eW, one tiie U'lrr, tha other theenrik,of tlie veaael 'atom.t twaAl Whanipi-,aa, raped from her by eteejth, with Jurug facid awmea, than W rvunJt ia tl ir pna aa.m, tlie property of liieapUta atei maie and the place of Iheir coo eealment at ankwwn. Hlwmld any nmrrmr ate know ofthmr 'mnu,and will aeeure and Mcb thrn lo Ih veaarl I'uilum at Whamnm, it ie flearlt ander- alual that oa tlie few ir e k'-k Jttilt being ra cogniand, be will be thaakd i bia tmuMe, with oaa fft4 rra awiwy.t fify ftMl rVtinuarTrmf Ikcaa wotda " are true, aad will not be eaten I Thia W it kneted frmn I'mlum'i ahip al tiKhor at Whampoa. The Chinee cell all t-eignere black and hiie dei ile, ia eontradietiocta to Uieu owa people. ) Tbey deeignata the veaael by (he name of the Cafj- tain. . (Gobi raw. AKRIVK!) AT rAVEITEViLLK: October 17. Hteanvr John Walker, with 0.nda,Ae., to t J. & W. Leak, ieeee lleruduw, i. Murphy, Wur. phy 4 Taybv, Williaia Murptir, M. Puikon. J. C. iMcLeuriA, Browir at Ti., i. I. at C lliUWr, uha IL (Jamer &. Coruard I Garner, J.LR. 81au, D. K. Cre i. E Trry, 8emmd Harfrare, Andrew Lmdaey, 111 Ijndaer. FanaffeV McNcdL Wain M. Ibdt, i. W. Bleckwael. Rufka Raid, Uundrieli k Week, T. J. Boa hanaa, R. eV R. Faweett, N. Uarah 4 Co, C W. Og. born, J. M. 4 J. AIU, D. CI llly, Dyer 4 Wad, worth, M. Btiaan, W. Kirklaad 4 &, of tha kib rear. October K Steamer Henrii-tta, with Kofrar, Coffee, Acrt to R rilev, K. M. II .It, l'nJ 4 McNeill, Evana, ll.iriie 4 Co, Xn-n 4 KeoJall, E Hargrava, R. 4 B Faweett, D. McR ie, of Ihe intrrr. 1 5Jaf . . L- piIK 8uh-cribt:r will at! at PuUic Auction, al, Cmigfl, ia tke TW f tialmkury, - On Monday lb 17th of Noyember, (llwt Uei.ij the hint day of Kowan County Court,) CorHisting of a variety of f -rr. - ni XTa7 t ttAI ,MJLlL -Vi Z'' "" "ALSO," A NEW SET OF BLACTCSMrTlT3 TOOTiJ : . . . (coinpkoej -a -yh6i lieAy tb I Blli, At the Slore of lhu rlub-crilier, ten nulva weal of- ... , .PhJisbijry, he will tell t consisiiiig im a grio aaon nient ot ai'. ve.-vi.- C irrr,r t,t m'f.tinii'.! ; (M l,.i rii-tid ti, nil. niit cjf tl, ll, m f, Z (0Teriu wuT Va" tnadV known on i the Odj't'oV' aalo, and auloa vtaitinwed until all ia sdL - - - - Ea-. sit-CGXjv a rc iu: Y. ' " - October 25; 1834. ; ' 3l in imltii mi. I, - - it -,- e-. L. -:r- :- a: -aa- aaraaWaVaBBBT BT SJB WfJ CONCORD, (N. a) I - J Jk'PMlfuily jiurinahi cuattuiera and the public Id f'-oenil, thai he baa m . -eetv tita- lallaiMUVfnfrr FROM NE,W.Y0RK ; , And, haying iu kia employ thrwj or fiair workmen i4" J ,. first Tate ability", Tie ja pre Spared t do wmk in the. most fushionahle atyle, in I Hurulle maimer, and at Bike shortest notice. .7 ' V ' ,,tET-Ta good, woflimoa in 4ke ekove ljtisinea" ;- -a re wanted, and caa have cqtistant tms&av wdtli ki . L. .' , . &mtjt6 winter,' if early 'ppli(tttrorr I rrnidiC s ILonoordTlic4.-80."i'3t , L3SqiakW'jrlaiawaatiT'aw!ilnS1aa1 - " T f t A Jonrnryman Tin rialc Worl.rr t i 4NEwho ie acqnained with Mttchinea, and tie. eotned-t vrorkirtr bf tlie "rfiJtce Ultl t" willhear' of a aituutioo by 'applying to the atibscjW pW..i0SCPir"HERVEY. - tTieTalv7a.ToT?r57I53ir 3t r OCT Inlcmtinar lt llarbcrh! rTUIE Citisens of Salmhnry in pneral. and (lie bna." A new portion in particular, are very oVmroui that a BARIIKR siimild take up hi residence, and exercise ' bis calling, amongst them. ; To one.who has a perfect knowledge of 4oat, and can combine attention to bu- sine with morality and gent.hty of dcpurtrntuiL the fifeU'oriciiirig hi faiilmry prew-nts, probably, one of the best kicatioiis in the State,. The travdlirv tbrouirh tbe town is very great, and iu citizens tiieiiwvea aia a giat decreed inpiwod to submit to Um qicfution of a profi.Hor ot the UmBorial art, rather than exercise on their own part so dilicaia a mk: as a proof of Uie LW ral patronage extended to i Barber by this commun't, 4c, we are autWized to-state that, during bis sliort residence here say a period of about eijrljt monthH. tbe earnmiia of the praon who hn ju4 left here, (ud whose absence is not chimm! by y waiUof pntroim amounted to upwards of ji'rtXK , ' , . ' . The proprietors of the Mansion Hot-!, who. hotie is situated at tbe northeant corner of the hun Umt in ' the very centre of bnaincss would he glJ u actlsimw, date a Barker with, an eleuant rnn tW inn:aw' which will be ty on rewvmble terms, aw! b,- it.fr,' Jin attendftiit iu the dining nMn talccn id pir-t .1KV -,( . agreeable to him. MANSION' li TKL Salisbury, Outober 19, 1S3L ' tf , ' Y7 ) X! f