A- i - i V - V.: fit wrtit ri .tfaa g teeth Of lk fknj, "J mkrt it k ".Job, Ami Wiirr i h I 0' hy In Je, '!- evi ry wfil b r t4 to Umdj oVf tiKi nil'-; wnd'nrif Wlw fa, aw; la, ia ft WmiU wnd j w Tll J "in beloved be mark Mi itKif TUm wif admired aoioUa Ji1 m f T!k rs bsvrly m twd, And Jrt u (if wit wbrre It lit I Jio, ao, the radinc it 4 Jim, . TUta to rild hi I,,"? Tbt pUtin tint wert ier lo biruj Are iw lo Lb and aatur atdh ,. 81 Una hou ttautaafcirj ,; " ."r" ' ArgktrJ tiiti4 his rardt be , The lilw dfonp tud widwr thet e. And tfft to abbp, "wlaw it Uf lilt Wat lb tamp, the CruW'lwl Mil, But wber all tltit proud dply f U rich, boffin, praurra, al - () tumid fritmwfM, tn-re t r tlx 1 1 And be, m tun UJI rmk tint tnus I'M ted by U ainf fcurrvunded ty admiring band, "hf Htfd prowdly trrmgon, a her It b IV tuurctyard hwr tn ti!iJ om, Tm lr!t ahow a c:it tliiir; f Mift adrwt dwell ind f . An S if i til diply hit bacner there. 1 lit l.fu it gone, U bretth Iwi flrnl. , Ad tiit liw btn, di muff ahal! he ; TU w-H-k. f(jrwi be tktiUM WW vi ... i i . . J,l. I VARIETY. A KE1IALE UWVKR. Wy 1t the wim jf JJrarViATUlMu rf m t-ar, bjT.1 prculuiM cbuiM fcr U4 m the wh- birfMKuJi'f ItKi, .New ork,ithi keal ai wnirn n.ve w., her It.e aiiHralKKi oT th dir . - u. Hint i ui i uu ,n .1 iv in hit iiine-r'v io diwiite ... -tn , , ' i i liklniint in riglil of I u iliMLr o : - - - -d-'- f r-- l. i ritiii.iui w uu tit hi UTHirr vraiiiiB iriMii iiu nrn. prnUry 8oerniitJ Tbe I IuC,"iut'u5rara many M t IkJB in. lta..4 CI 'l ii and ar-miid I be pluco above uameii. For luuny year, aha and ber daughter occupied a but on i. ui the wild laialt oomprited io the grault . if br ramfruiber, With iew of retuining twir lepil nei'ii. While tliua aitunted tlieir aulS-r. vtb jCrOal, at In ivihbora, in order to rij llipii,irlwt of Mkh iiiiwekiime reaiilerjla, refuarnl i' v!! them even tr omitMin iieeeteanoa of life. "l-wW-tr a auTiTihiiir 'irvea wer frentvntlv threat.' aji'1 wore thuri onca the humble itomiril w tim with I ha akiMLof loualwiaf rfernrlir." i the iitmnat etm-milv, tlrtT nrtewt b crtnpro. bar entire daim for 3fl,(K)0: the prorxatiiion ,u" mi it jerfd, tbi perered, ami bcnj t.m juJj. ut-auuiui eerr To rriip. 'V coUie!7 the precuted hr auit h'rwlf, areuiuv dry law poiMt bi-f.ire eourta and juiiwrUb a, mgmmly mluvU euutpd ad niraTPm aiMTM J.xi.lutk -IKk Tfe allie bavr been twCeftirrii'f iniw n.:nK thprw K ttwnn tav oRrfr! a ' w"j"rii w jinmi re- f"Ti urh larrer H.p. in the wV ff Coti1pr.'ijUjhbUii!l"c,.,:,n .B? ,MmpMin.U frl-rmed, Mhw Tis.1 W'ifniiy' rrcW j 'iSt he ia turn bat tt,T51Iw.fJpK, -fbTa 7tf lac eaim tkilt in too hm to tweertt ir."Vi-i iri'lfiie hetJiaNtt. Keaianee to whnt h cimcrtTed fl he jtwttfhef "fli8Ttli owrnin if ; ,-.f,nwrt(j vhtthid her property tlin her, aiiil 0a i 1 . -J.. (id-Miiitableeotiraenf a wmrwn'a heart, hiV(t Inade 1 1"rir!i?y : i 'wccwW ofto'ir,- hit I prw . " . J-T. ttj.rjWf-pitf lawyer; and jal pV'ef. ,"Ttie pJeAd. . Tr: --.Imii inlno anSna ca irt m'i W i.be drawn up I ;. He firalinacieji.if. (to njoat difficult art.- - Tr; nJrtire iTropertvdaimed by ber it aaid Io be : . " ZZ. .1 Li!l iury avUa be artajejej tlmt them are W ! .: ... 1 way of pwiiii4 a familv ( 4l ffrt it byJlheV.. ; ---pffirn4inr1i ; i - T eocrtiid by the power of niild:f to w hk h en ... ..--B-tjrflntb iritt rif. -M)nejrho p');er of ttie Infv ; . ' " band fa wire ahool.t neier employ ay Imi alina JoJjiir we iikcl"fl link iry thing" thtrt ia wmiuHte froin wnnw:i. , Whoever. in olU oonlia dieted foeh inntblv an avtniiiiH for the person Wli,tiJio,-wmer (raitia Mrfrtfrtll 1y imo, ajidf whatomr bn bi good qualitita, i m4 aily -A'iWieA'-,OTTT'" " ' ' Oucu'pv vourwtf 'only with liojih'M jlijjii f"rJa2,S ttfr3r1tr& 'tri'V'Hl th'f- of a "nr """"""' . Krrer take upon yottrtelf, $ U . wof . f your huehtfuri ftwwiv tur, iota imiuw wo h i y ;ir prenching .fctAXH?'liMW!II tce virtae yuuratm. ui n. i 1 1. . . . . . 1, E,tiA m,.in r 1 .LJtB,naWiy!;MUOTvwiu tiv-.. himlJrjo o!.t;ii i wcl -u)par always fiittered by ttie lit- tie he d,-i forjr w, whitt: wu excite fp,..bi--lMryi'-.W4.' nrepariiui m fiir .form tire x . 1 " r.., - ":';; All nwn arc. yaw oqyor win mm iui, ""even in the m- trilling Hurtsnco , A. wife may have nt tre w:ise than her Jalw"!i Wtahehould ever eu.n ta know it. ;TT ' ;"i ? f ';t ' ' Wheii a nwa ive wrong counsel Wiverrfnake hint M hii Ire h dKie WiV bai o. by dcreea toVoat.W rotkawl, with inildneaa and eetitlene! when he i.nvinced, Wave hint ail the merit of Wing (lwtwt,it hal waa jual and rcft'ialle. r " . , ' ' When a hu.nl "w out of temper, behave nidi gingly 'Un"i f h9 " flIHi ,M,yor rel(rt ' Itevef prevail over him to bumble himself. lMKe well viair female fneiKl ; have but few, 'and be fidjf Mowing tiktimU Cherwh iwathew willit lutiiry.iind pleasure witVYfl feeaa;di1Ht) with. taste, aw particulairy . j i,i f, nrl i rA" r. It ihafig" '.. il rIU pinning r'-i.ll.lu4 ii l;..i iimv liwif Iriibii,., M Cm atvl I'. Ml III laifUi O Until M llliltlMIK tj .1 t..l u., f f tlx fii iU tin tut iffiiu-bf. Le ti ' ( He Ilk) iiHtMJnink Ji miy nut,, Uu ,X K IlK -) Ml UMM.lh. M il Kll u imr, Im ii .te a p cUiUiiy iwirlinj( li tl JiuIh- ) iijiii It.rM.u puir if M ldit, iltik ami drrani; ,' b4 lw M) UlU.iln U fea, M Iiam Ii I Ui V Ut tl 'tt u ii Hi, , Ainl '! Iiwn jf'j di tumiiit iMt jj J M like U TUI l, if iriiirt lut. Uil t4 o tniH ijMtr, wt mil 'lute Ut (n'd Wi, WH 4Mllli. yr Writ, Mai.ks ! ' tirfry lo yMi JAirtlt Nut pMire , JikI, (Inn I am k bt lu tuijx:l of yuur aurrow Wj'f-tt by m it (luU ixi will to IVuctty f ,l in lujiir f f . . - - . - Maul It"oild U mce itamitlW C ym ' ra to tk Ly lnjuof ii v frtjiiftillj grt uto nie . JtdgrVi'hy, it it acarri-ljr k mim u Ut IkhhI lor your l-Mit-r U-lnvK-or. Mak Vtrjr I rue j but aignml inanv IxkmI lire ll-n. Itt-aiik a, boMt if all kiixlt arMiw bl a great (iiaetMiit, awl it's tlM"f f.ra ! trmch lo e 4tt Ibal umc thuuld Ui at par., Cilt I am tiow uimW UxkU inf -trvtLiurut io a uuuf Wv, 1m will camel Lor toi.littl iTalw Ih-artuf Iki atrtne. .Ji'f Well, bare yy any ukuic) to pat your n - - - no r Mmktln flue, JikIj;', I hao not. Jt.di, 'Ihta I iiiUkI be uiaJer tlie inful lie r vMiy of ciHiiiinitiii)( you, ' m Muikt I am miry tUt you Im uM be put to any pain on n, y accajiit, tixJ trr(in hofie tliat iw will i. 4 invent my bankrupt Uly in ( a4u1ii yiu' Miiarellanextia ttoi-k, far he la tlie nx4 uu I JvdxrKw my you are without fiiial, and yet iyLVvjjtureJu atavulula ia (U leinda f jynirn. 1 ibut miurk of a iiiiiuxniwr If ..I. Ii- . w; f-. u; v J ,K.r I nr, to innrk, iM doui o,Ua w.wark. '.Mi. M-rk it lb mit of tW jUbn la.l u, whom ' u ini) ' ( Well, Ml bi ym, ,hi. ti, .t if ' ..., .. . i . . i. . ... . I . i. . ,iai4 Lihf, yiiU be ery 4 to thoi4 oer lit; . i 1 " "" in hip im aa yiHj were laxf i'l-hl. vmrn im i i. v . . i t . . . m - iiiarii. iiuw. t?iu imi (hi hi mi rmi nir ,i viaiir tMtitR ini 4f Cn,hmiorililP IHV rntrA HruAa uiktan tl.A mil. fM.ilI. l.f I, J ,, n.n 1 . J" .,,-i,.f ,!. .: ! . . . .-a-- ,. . . . i tll'jrlll, Mrrht I hud the mi.Prtune tj ree-ive a cla c educatiui, air, arid my old prejudice! till cling io me, "Thtt billow drautrliU inUwirrfo th bntn, But dniikiHr largely ivb-'n u kptm." T.ut at wa are not likely fi agree njvm tfila dit Vtitt poii'.r; welt agrite todiiB-r, and lU eat aiion the eotitnvery by cutting my atitk. . laiikit, (hIhi wiu) mat -tewpeerabli' bft;ker' in Wall at.) lb a politery bowed to the Slai4rae, walked out i the nflf je, and walked into (be fir nun hole he Mw.Arw York Trwucript, ANBTDOTROFAW INDIAN WOMAN. I'l 'W wwl, W myt. l vMtvt T U Mi.l..- tnernKea"Upfinnbinum'rrpiiC of their hunbamla. Mn ' 1 wrmw,.tj.er...weiJl the tteTTinrriinrr HBJlhe jjh p earuciit Cutnmiiea begged, to be alloweU tu throw pertej ..jnttbe ftBtWTtie'uiijiItraVe would, not couauJ l lne rerjnrtrU .,TJiC. la lUwoyrwa' ui:io- be da. mixwd e.ih3y . f,e teiteniled, Vr . wUreaiew, wfi'ii, toj tlirew berauu'at tba leetof the inflexible gnTnofrlItr tuoaT paiUkio. artfuiiietiW werenf no yarr vitHepfryrvmian thttl t am Itxclwn ej'khe, in acceuta oC lhci,dwieal grief, "why hirve my mother, my aunt, nriJ.rny .'ai-xteru pri!hrJ.ou ;ttieiiiritii l.t"Awy''am yartq.iic.xv"iar; the nonora cue to my et- v r ., . . bHHtor prjeat, wa present t (hi interview. U O Wera. umeiMia liwl upon the widow, and Joint'tttiK tunad expriivlyJowiu!t!a the u. aentorr Hhtrried1o TepJTiffctr IjwTWurj?? ' Tha a.iverno at b-nath nerwived hiuu ' Mun- dfelH tried he, r it ii yitfwW-fca ixjttre4 hT w:h llui- fmliili wiJf oa maortcow ner witn . t i j- .. I In) piie.rviiiftreenaibio to rar, remaiueu. llo a. wd tlie goveriHir tbut he knew not tlie woman, a id that tie had not spoken to her t but he confe e4 IhU lie httd UhH Uoentiai in iihWini smarid oiliora to nerforui t! ceremimy. lie aaid thai tlie wuaieaainx tBrwnid.wfHed hi wliff- tattoo thut the government thould connt to its coiiuilHUiCe with m . request. , lefljct, woman, Upon. thd.reoinpwu. .Yoti will rejoin your hut baini in another wori.1 j you will be MjiHj.o ,hina SCCOlia UIIR, aim iwii imiiw 10m m mure. . . - . . . . jM y!l 4tr jhe.'auiJWwnrtSt-iiniefl ira.youlv Wbatrwrawwedahe. tlia b,m,Ut ;t tnK;tli mwt my , huboi J io bea vei ! - tat I The the cere. I aamy. did not 'mention, tin w me-; .Tltey Tliey re ton web aware htiw my bumosikI treated nie while he lived. tSiuce it i bonlioned shej tnrntfig to the governor, airtoe Bratna h only awuitmg me la roatore rue to my huiiband, f jeitou xe nhtnit regret -bih hlta and his religion. LlP,,,,!S,fttl -tO iwiiiiitft TiiS; nWyoftrirf And yjprieat,' wneayou again Mm my husTtuid, tell him that I mourn nil our br ken hlliuiicti t and tlu-.t I am livino. iweant anNton.i t Huhnnt .vuin tv t'ne rule of a jca'oim lyruut, who waa bolh a draukard and a yilUniu ' .X'COL'RT&IIIP IN PUNA . A certain Mr. Parr, being' wtntten with the clmrrrm of a certain Miss. Anrt 51arr, a orovincial belle whom he met at HarrhWatV was exceed yiely p;rpletel tn contrive list he should open his heart to Wr. At length he met her, and it waa for ihe la time (hat eeson, at jullic brenkfeet; t and, In tUi dfil of bilig ber !'r frf, lie. 'htul en lli'li l iaka a o ! ilf I-:, 'lllii i' tin II tuilill I lie qiwai4 furiUiM) lutumj n,n ailnli. i'IitihhJ HtitiiiMMtL' llm tf ntM nun tli-tt i p!il of 1'aff tliin-n, jukI bear H. "! tr)fiiit.tj of u.uimi.1.'. M Uti ) Ju ln III Ini'! u miryi (, a lilli I'urr, ii "I Llil, A I Buid liifkiei wuli 1 lull o iM'tii and liMiiiiig l.iaWnd toward the liH'w 11 luW, M'pli' Uiia (ltd I, Willi atJihita iba rf- tf lie dim'at, d)i,g al the turn June V 0 rryaiat, " tu tlifl or im y are IukI U jur, W. WAI4 all IJwk in atuiticel rv (miiumI Jle eurJ urtil jouiiw Tito otaTt rr uiulually aeeetitd tli1 unoeiatoou at pied of icnaiiial titat hii4t by Im iiane-a, ailli.ititU imIm- dy alae empieitjiled tle ripiiMpie, or dtn-ute-cd toy thing m tba tannartiiMi but CoiniiKiu rlvilny I ha treaty Ihu oia-d, wa ratilntl, aiaf Mi Ami Marr at nr-at with the title i f Mr. I'trr. A P-liow wtavUieiy bnii'.bt up in ll"n for inl, ciiargod a Mi tteahng bandkerrlia U fnnii the a kHt of way 4nm): lie wa wiwd, WlM'u Ibat ntg biinartf liki-i) lu be overtiken, he threw tlie haiaikerrlnef taty wba bad rtued hit arrM) but i n finally tif urjg bmv a anbiidid Vila- (in liu own language) liirely a-rlunil, Wat ' him, wbwh be bad tto o-irjt hi4 witiidiiwn friti tlie norket of an eunit U lcUlit bi-ilire the court, having fitx-ly rolibrd Iim )ea, putting 00 ha pilmme a laoa aa poaaitiie, ne leVuii f.olmi, , anU then in the tangnae if the bark il y eouniK iaed. y uur yoriiip tlut tm lumuclietntr wa ivin nt aeiH-r Cnb-wott WVS taWan.I)-inioa lauaL I opea i'r vonlup vil- k t me vo (hi viif , I'm tlie only niprl of my p.i,r ufd U'iuil nyttlirr, and my imln-r wott n A a womin k t;, and even Im Ipb-aa babea, and ttwy cU-jeiMli upmi um foralllne wtlllna they ft. rinding llo, Imil ihi elR-ct, ho imiuedalely (buni;od In l,ne; any I vanta lo api ak I tlie U ak MaiJntii) af re be rommita me va am I go'in to U- e.'innitied for, I at agam, 1 tore tint no ebarge am me. Tbe lady eint here we; kw me pick Uu the gi-uik-umn's f!l SyJi'tl'JMf- aetd.ine fng-tna FiaiMtWnJt nd 'lieu a nwn'a rarectrt u at t jkr, it ia tlie duty of nrerv la ly lu h rw ber f.u , aiel hee-aMH witTm-krl Tt' jury ttrenrmrt me nn, or cite a own a haiea enrput aii4 of 00 ui al all, thnta al, 4V Y.ktar. . Rjlrnordinarw lhjrmif-'Yh third numlier 4 the lliiltnniire JlMhod ainl Surreal JiHinialffm. am an engravtgr wturli reup nit a miiguUr k foriiuty (n a yt; wauaii, now twenty year of a?T, bviiig in .leiili N. C Hie km born com. plrtfly nViititute of boh ami and b't, llw titua ti"n of which ia iuerv iiaJndMi by nmil niuml pnipTtioiui, l!iu bemgiu l'ui:l a mere Iminau trunk, urtnMjutr-d by a Im aI flie poaaeawa, bnauver, a remerknble p-iwcr of locomotion, and enn tnina. port herself over the fVnT with eaw, by tnhiuittiog lier budv to a kind Mary iir'lloa ailtrjutuly fi'ini rltit to lefl, and jontrary. ISyonfim ig tin' handle of a broom bc-Ueen her dim and ih4ililrr, Jo raavaweep the tl'r with considrruble denleri ty. Sfti) can - ml ect, lean back, or nek ber. elf m 1 a jr.bdl. a, wel-a any-other pennn, and wiien any thing i givti ber, tha oiaket a tign for it to be phuwd oa her hxilder. If it be any to lid anicio of food, h eeta it from thit tituntion. Stw i of t dill and pUinp healthy, and poa aeaae a reiiwirkaUv kvely diapoaitioii. Tlie above atHteuietit ia trie in every particular, M we C11U well alteal, hatuur aeeu ber aavwrai I,..m. ... Ami akU,L k.. U. ,1 ...... & IllUva, w.wwHnnTWRiijii.jAuiiuyyn, f A Mitlakt.A anon u tLe nominatkin of Mr. Se ward aa the Wing Ciuiwate-JW Uaor' New York, wan tTi.'e kuown to a lilaga renrrjiabk (ucttia M. i,,iiift1L-;-.u,rti,rr.; . "If!: ' ' . 1 . vu...t purvifim vx 110 l':Utrius Mt'Y UPltTinilirU 10 baa lejMCtug no tla ocion, arat tunJiw.th ijo.nl ly ailed eaaoon wieawn tbrth, chArwl, diaciiarrfeJ no., recairgw u -raaieny.-ivrw every ueinon - r-traiion of j ry ; Ihc w uh!nta of mnj honsea were xtao iiiuininion. in .ne UllUgl 01 illl Jul location Martm vn.-. i-,.nu.rt ...i i..f i SfirtTy 'aflerwar.U . frjemi calM on the Vise freaVr tkaitt.fcia-ina eaTtTMiaA ri.A i...,.t -"Tf'w tepmr,.f t tlaTiinWuuori were o' er, Mr. t Uur:n proceeded to cxpri-H In leeliag: " I am etellT pnmed." ami; lie. " tlml our fneruLt WioiJil have twoiiftit it Arf UrakWapria rfwnnraitrtfaiif of fi-clmj; oft my arrival, lint they hoo!d bva ilnti ed my poor tervice worthy of tuch a xcwaHL. . , . srTneihPBd tt ilneaaj ir Bw'eban.Jl ftflie m'owf and towed 'aa gfCHrny Circuiiitanci would pennit: meantimf- JlM,c:aniii)u wm poppiug ia relty -rf1,"f ""V't Hint aft much alaiukl he ilnne on thrr 01 nrriva, ,, mls udotcwi. me." 4Miaww-inri oeneva, air, you way ciine tonne r with rHfi.r..iip. to tlie cnuiia ot' Ihe ryiiaji.uaua. tba-vJ-af tho num uu thai tiii (liiplnj of Feline u called ftirtlrhy the'n. n:Ttiojunn tbe aukaClke ef itn thetr tandirtate Ibr Goviirtwr'U tl 5, Oatcttty"'- -eeeirtr FoWi A few years ago, a Very wor thy hifxying mail, in tlu town, who had been ao Uirf irtuiiatu- to cotire a huhit of drinking npirits, becoming convinced of it ruinous tendency, hid Mrcngth of mind autrrcient to f rm an efll turd re totntion of rulnre pVliiienceT At the time", he Had a wooden hot marie, with a hok? in the Jidj.naDor btletrt,Rlfirr ijU(rwTiK every dy dropped an naicli imiey at be had been in tin Imbit of tut very recently. wneo tia. ciMiiUin4iHrm i was finmd'W imritliit to iioT- tnan out hundred and eighty dollurt, with a part of which he pur, chased a good bouse lot, and the renuiimlorwilgo luKatfilaiNiUiat'iieWa upon it. 8iierf euniea'are atovo all praise. IJSukuMatettf, - r It it known to all, who unacquainted with the early "history of Kentucky, that the brat einigrautt settled in small wnuds, kkn the find aettlement in : I. '.l .'J J ' ' i.- "!.....! J. 1 . Nil Oiner;iroiHrer cuuwrroa, r imumihi (Hiinre. The order was, whoever an alaNn was given, all were to run to that place. . EaTlyrone morning the shouts and cries f a female were heard all ran uMhe Bpot. . Wkin they arrived ey saw a beer ania wan engasdiB tm1)atr"Ttw and thigh, op auf down, over and unutr, and the mauawite stamflng bv and hallootng "wir play ftiir play I" Tlie comny ran up and insisted on parting. The woman said, "No no let them 6gtit I Cr it is the first figltt I ever saw that I did not care which whipped. A pretij cmsidrrttble Headache. A jolly arm of IWchusy who wean aTiowr like a handful of strawberries, ind resklcs within a hundred miles ofi Mutlork Bath, after Wvinr tecrificed at the ehnne of the rwv god, thus described tlie sensi aoir, oa the ensuing moping ',-vMTalk of had 1 My h-'l trH.- ! o'"t, f "ffl cr to my thin I Tery l.a.r n'niy Im d m hf I ail (lailliog im u,ir a b.fn) I I1- l"' , I L I I .1 1.. I I liiie 1 'lii lil in iny uaiw. Wit Vv ll Pillow M.g tnnn a New Catle (I'.ng- WmI) (ip' r reretrl data 1 ,ViNA'or (Tirrtaiaaarr IM wei k tna?el (e. male, (t wikv ) wlei rMHi at itlb alnrkl. ap plied t ll oflkfra of hi. John'a n4t IW Hief. Awl aoiue duubtt kwij euleHained repeaiug hf r claim, an itivetiga.n.i lA plare, wlien it wat clearly aarfrtained llart her la-4 terviea an in tlml ' . , . mm . I J ttVI .1 ..... nth. tn llta familt of nr. tiwarq tf na.au-ji thirty )irt , and that alia ia actually airrr ( tit rrUbrutid ("iff Hataiarrow. fir rmar tlorit auadi It ia uuiHeary lo ald that rebel waa tmtrte itatrlv Briiitcd.'' . Planter'fl Hotel, Tn;viiXK,(.vc.) fMlE HoWriler bat ofieurU a llwa or tlie re. cepti'in Traveller and Boarder, known by (lie nan of THE PLANTIllftf IKflT.land linta a part of public, pjtroii, llw llua be ing Urge, and in llw) inoat th valed plwca iu the Tiwn, and ilm loa large Cmniain of pi ire Ppr'tig W'nUr. Ifi etulilihaitiit hall al way be furuinli. d with e-ry iancury that the country BlP-rfla. MICHAKL JUiAKV Fay tteville, October 1 1, 1 134. l IJIackMuilh NVuntwL rt)S'KTANTemili.yuHnt and gtl wtgea will Ui given, bv tlie Hnlnenlier, lo 4 !lrkiriith a ho can coma weirreeoinmeiKk-d for rapncity, in i'nry, and moral chamcleri reine laher tn'd aji- ply. JOHN W. KAINr.V , H.iliUirj, ih t. H, Co4 h-Muker, ce. Adininivtrntorti Hale. SkHUSuWriln-r hiving tukeu' out Hperiul Ixl M t'r ii Ad11.11 ulrai4 on lire Mate i4 Ao- Jrew (Jrillm, rtec., lute f Rowati .Cit.lytwiJ .ifr P r Pr wl1, i T"r' thr HUlk ff Urluhrr it Hani, al the lutr dan!lnig-h"Ui of ll oV-ceawd, tl fallowing I'rojn rtk.ya; J , A lare ipinntity f t"OUN, Fodler, fifty, AiC. ll- , M-l i'mHto, tl'i' t, Hhri p, 1 ItiAiLWuguuv I Cany.A!l,anJ I Cart,' I'ariuiii l li'imilii 1 if all kliiiU, lliitehi'ld hikI Kilcle-n Funiititre, A t of Itlackaimlh'a Tu'U, ' A lurge ipmiitity of Leulk-r, (upper, aoal, bar le-iie, Ar.) Readv-mnik- Sjulilka, Dridlet, Collar, Harney, And vari-u oilier arlicl, too leJiooa to perify. The eale will be C'Niliiiiid rnu day to day until every thing ivdiHp'iaod of. A blieral rrudil will he all wed to purchaaera. Other trtirular niaile known on the day of wile. - JOHN i'LEMKNT, October II, 1434. St Aduiiuiatrator. Mills niul LnnJ lor Sule. The Snbncriber, interxbng to move, offi-r for tale, A Good Tract of Land, On Huniing Creek, in the County "of IrcoVtU abait 18 nulet Donheaat of Suteavtlle. There are About 250 Arrr In the Tract, aojhe.preiuiaee are t gooi Z KaUltlMi -- togellier with a new unfiiuahe IRAME DWBtLIN'MIOU: and Out-Hjuaefc-: - S.'l tlm - . -- .iv-i- , . - 1 V.JI wtuatton 1 bcalthv, and the water AcallooL Further wiiteulara'ar deemed HnnecPSHnVv. a it I ? J,rB'"?4 1!'8' uy ooo-wiabing te purchaw tuch Tyluubli! properly would wul to aoe it flr bimevU 1 v iluutiiii proiierly 1 befV tradin 1 iVt- TU i7...,a W.' ' 1. a a- i- - .Kr.lne.l-rnan t arertatncd hy direclmc - i ! ' 1 ' &1'l" i iivtT. ivuKiiii uuuniva . . WARN EH BROWN. Suptemter 80, 11, -7- 3m iarvA for Sae, on mevmf "'f'Ttlie'Sni'tli next winter, oflcra Cnr tale THE PLANTATION on winch he livet, 1 milet west of Salisbury, on (lie wnier of Buck Creek. There are 443 A33.3fl iu lha trvi.ihiiii hhVfJClZlZiZZLI "I ' vuui.y iiirln din; 25 acres of Pood meaibiw. -Tue wf-tn the prerm'sej." a eomlWaWe Dwell. ing !iswf rali good trijijrtalfc Wm, iff l.fvMHt.X-i -vtx-V' wffTVHflV and the neijhbxejood ajroeaWe UT 1 he ternui will be made eaay to any penmn witliing io buy,' and can be known by culling on the Subscriber, or bv directing a letter to him at Iloustona Host O lice, Rowan County. . SAMUEL JrlTER. August 30, 1834. 9t VuliiablrrReal Property, The Subsicriber, intending to remove to Alabama. OFFERS FORJjALE IIis Resuleitee iir Lincoln Count) leahMtoaitytMie wdyfatoiti ; Ono-TlioiisahdVcros Of Real Good Frin1ng Lantl. " On which is a fine ff?F. iM Iirirk limhlln " tZ. a ,yji const rue ted of the best ma- teiiiili, ui two taste, ami good Workrmins 'u. .vi- so, all ennvetueut Out-tluUKea, CJOllON AM) THRESHING MACIUNEBaStablesA : ALSO Another Tract of Land, Lying on both eidet of Dntcliman't Creek, contain ing abait' ALL FIRST RvVTE FOR ANY PURIXXSES OrThe above Property will W told on a eredit, of one, two, "Hnd three years. In my absence, applicatioa mky be made to my brother, J. forney. DANIEL FORNEY. lincobi Co., May 17, 1834, tf r. rrilKKi blAr KnWfil-r i alxKit tn move 1,. 1 ,., ttttwaw 1 rrritiirt tnd 'Nn, ilia taifi llll purcliiiaea, a. II,i,g UlA, and paying T i4i-re'eiiit, 1 in r aie nnv trn. a . it ill m . " 11 inamty iiKia, won n, 11 not attrnikd in Id fur late, and lot. 1 ,1b lytlert (Nt i,H) nMrtwd to it,. p,,i ., al lUUavilW, Aikaiwew, will I imam! .., ' ?' io. DAVID KriMhlM.-e'' fhemlfrg7tl34. ... C ifTtiTiviTiiN TIIOHC who art alTicted with IIRAD AH iiKART.nrnt a.j .-.... t.-. : ' ' " -,-"" f MimirmilJ torn of disordered etoniach, ln-wi'l. and h A. find relw-f iu Dr. IWkwith'a Airt.KafiieW which eta b had at thli Cff.ct-ir cent per but. IV irli.r. who onee reiM in Ihi !(, kj now live lo rtiilfitfh, ha, kfler a tmig aral.J ive praotire, Un enabled lo entnpiruod 1 bwlile remedy Ur the rhrotitc dieaet of rht 4 getive irrgmi, ao rmiiriHiii in Houtliem rriw epyinl!y with Ihoae who lead aeikniary Lit, It would b" an eaty natter lo makt m 4 rate to Drove thnt ihte Fill era a "toverei me-ly " fur "all the ill that fleh j heir toi" J, it t ia4 ptftxnded that tlw-y are an universal ,i,le. Certilrato of the rixt reaTib! It rian and i4her gentlemen can le tbown la l inniiiiie tlieir enVary in the artiru!ar rkuw 4 diwm aW xkeri of; iik) the Ilditnf J jj4 uper ran U-tify that Ar hat derived u lieriiiaoent relief, in the tie of them, from , ,lii.treiing and loiiL'-coriliiMM'd hi-ad-ach. tn of hi frie jdn tritl t'tem, al hi "25tioii,ta!;j. !riei(wd the aame benefleml e!ecta.' : HalUhuiv, Jo.rw 14, 1H. if ' " ' Travcllero'tna. h 1 u.vi F.i koi'thw r?t eirnrrrrir.i ti IIOUiK, IN '1 IIK TUUN up i.i:.nTo,(..cA 1 ni4 Spring y SuMuurlathLn HORACE II. BkLXKI), TaJor, II K(jS leave to inf.11 ui bu ii e-nda, aiAl the (ml a' iu guia ral, that oidvr to hit line will aiwayi be tuaiikfuily recoiveti by inm, a,i;l executni ia tta unati N eat, Faaluonaukt aud iiurnbie manner-t term aa reasonable aa any in this aectiofl of ta lryr II. H. fl h )e-i, rrt'iin hi long practice afk buaineae, (a numlier of year of winch time redded ia tie oily -rf I'hilaOcrpliia,) liaTTrujii & general antir4rtctim he tuw beretufore given lo bit uuiuerou renfree.iaukt and faahmimble cufton)en,k merit and rvmvu a potUnnJ (he paironagerrli public in general, j OCT U Uail. r himself that hit CUTTING;. really uieri..r lo any dme in tin htale, u pii u4auid by the wiispmed 'ctegiiiceld fit A awFgarTiemsiaite liim H iw iie? regular receipt of tli.KMprta ul UJ i M ,,'',JLiil'!tf? . r- t n Jul I ifl Jntgt-iiU.'w at ihci cuntrv a nl ot Europe w) tliat wi 1 miT if aw'tftib'd' TlWt tlt-ir of-Ti-r wilt alwr i executed m the wry .-tultf jtj tZr. lit: , " Orfe'r frViui a ilTitaiico Will liuttenfeif. the-aaiW! pfi lMiiiTily an'J care'aii if lfi6 cu were; pramr ,fittajilXtZZrJ A1L0IL wiwliiHr awtftbe iarH ttff npml ll.iil lip h.'i It. ffinb. tl Lis Nhim to the tkk mmm tba reer-;-iar. yVTa;;Miifi;"lire'Mri ner of tite-Courttiou, -n ute.ctncr w Jir.a.wir" the Mtnn Ktrtrt whrre he rrpn-p.irvi to de eiTj ,tff.flwavaf wwrk w tillafia1.Wi;llart superior, to aay oa;aa-s,ee wwrrr n-n.-ioii.iule terms aa any, anJ on ihrtiea.-- BrF. pi;ul.irly wnnfi, ftn-n tfir N'nrtheroCrW ihe. Report (if tin- Fashion ti.ey vnry ! wkfj ha eonnUntly in h emnk-y niiniii-ref workinr?' sitr flnt-me.'tip 'r ennhle ;Mn wucllht nabliC (W orl Oone hy linn Will ne noui ntlnonioie ana rment"niaJc hy ha workmen indl c1' wjtranjed ro'MAfgf Jraw werl np'wfM'rv. writ He ntihcltialtjf attenn.-d to.' Or rrerrr-w itrrtnee tenfcirry-Tererveif, tiotlr ibr-wiJ yt.lml. .w, .fc.. PCT Produce received in part pay For work. r Tn Tuilnrn Tl F. respectfully inGirms the f rA t'nt he' i Auenf for ihe Inventor of Uie IVlcnt l of Cuttih';. vlilrh'iH now slntoet un'veriil!y uted at !i North, ami that In will give mrtrnctmn To ny ow nwy ileire to he nmre perfect in thai branch of tl,rti for nr.CTiaatuibk jiwieartiowi------ " Salisbury, ly B. FRAIXi Court of Pleat and QiiarttrScssionti Esther TTioiuas 111, ti. Heirs ot Law of Francis rct. 157 ' Wllllatiis, deoT IN this crwe, it appearinir, to tlie satirac tlie Cairt. that Thomiluliia WilKnhrS. Al?B' WTil1iams,Thomaa,WilIiaine, DhvhI William, linm (iriis and riiou tiiu u, ifn. and Georee V f goher and his witVAIbi, are not inhabitants rfjjj rtate : It is theref rt Onttred. by the Court, i purmcation ix maite in thtvWMnhi T j sit weeks sneceivelv, (Lr the said Thr11' WiBamiCAteliIrtrrfI David Williams. William (JriirS and Cupa bi1, and George WasrsjotieT and Alia his wif", to bf " ,l. 1 rvm appewr ueiore me ranccs 01 our nri - Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held t tn ty of Davidson, at the Courthouse in Lexin?" the second Mondav in Noyoniber next plaintiff in this ease ahsll not have judgment ine amount 01 ner net against jne rcai the said Francis WiHiahis, dee., whkh hat cof to their hamls by descent, r ' . Attest ? SAM'L GArTUEK." Bv D. MOCK,' , fcoytcmber 13,, 1884. 6t C?i!l.n

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